Subject: File Number: 4-785
From: Rehman Chaudhry

Jun. 7, 2022


I definitely support this petition. The corruption in the markets is very apparent. It’s very obvious that many stocks, including GME, are processed in a very unfair way.. where sells hit the open/lit market and buys often go through dark pools in order to control the price.

Dark pools shouldn't just be banned for 14 days… they should be eliminated altogether.

How is this a “free and fair market” if a stock can be manipulated in this (and other) way(s)? It can’t be.

I’m sure they’ve made a lot of money and had a great time manipulating markets in this manner… but it should be coming to an end since awareness is not only being raised for this matter, but all matters of manipulation (including swaps… which the CFTC seems complicit in… why else would they hide swap data?).

Please approve this rule and look further into DECREASING the manipulation of GME and the overall market.

(As a note, I don’t think the whole auction thing that was recently proposed by the SEC is very good. The intention may be good, but I think it will allow for manipulation by unsavory characters in a different way. If it is done, rebates should be eliminated, otherwise they’ll just do whatever they can to skirt around the rules).

Please support the common citizens of the USA and world… not the rich and wealthy people, such as Ken Griffen and Steve Cohen. If not… our country will continue to suffer and only get worse.


Dr. Rehman Chaudhry