Subject: Comments for petition 4-785
From: Craig Harrison

Jun. 7, 2022


I would like to submit comments for the petition 4-785 as listed on the website. 

As an investor who has been trading regularly for the last 15 years, I would like to submit full agreement with the request to invoke rule 304(a)(4) to remove GME across all ATS dark pools. Although the petition is asking for 14 days, I would argue that it should be removed for at least 60 days. 

Over the last several years I have seen many tickers be manipulated by irregular pricing and odd values throughout the trading day. But over the last year it has become more apparent that the level of impact our purchases or sales has on price discovery is severely affected by ATS (Dark Pool) trading that is done by Market Makers. 

The Stock Market is supposed to be about equal footing. The regulations are supposed to insure that no entity has an unfair advantage, or that an individual can utilize insider knowledge to guide their trading. But isnt this exactly what ATS trading bypasses? How can there ever be equality in trading if each and every trade is not sent to LIT markets? 

We see this in other markets across the globe and most have made rules to get rid of darkpool trading. It is for this reason that many retail folks are now contributing to more overseas markets where the playing field is more level. Not taking action on this manipulation is destroying what little confidence the world has in US markets. 

Removing GME from darkpools will allow for actual price discovery and put each trade back on even ground. By doing this for 60 days, we will allow the market to level set and it will show if dark pools are indeed suppressing pricing. 

Please take action immediately 

Craig Harrison