Subject: File No. 4-784, Letter of Support for Rulemaking Petition: Russia & Belarus Business Disclosure
From: Annette Grisley

Mar. 8, 2023

Securities Exchange Commission:
I’m commenting on this petition on behalf of my religious community. We believe that stockholders should be able to easily access critical information related to our investments and any relationship they might have with Russian and Belarussian interests. Through our investments we do NOT want in any way to support the criminal Russian invasion into the sovereign country of Ukraine. 
The Ukrainians are fighting for their democracy and also fighting for democracy here in the United States and throughout the whole world. We cannot give Russia or their ally, Belarus, any advantage or material support in this struggle. We do not want to invest in a company that is associated in the least way with Russian imperialist goals. 
Therefore, we urge the SEC to require more consistent and comparable disclosures related to Russia and also to Belarus. We want the SEC to call for enhanced and consistent disclosures related to Russia’s invasion. We hope you will take strong action in this matter. This is not just a matter concerning money. Nor is it just a matter concerning the Ukrainian people but democracy in the United States and throughout the whole world.
Thank you!
Sister Annette 
Sister Annette Grisley, OSF
Leadership Team - Councilor
Sisters of St. Francis