Subject: Petition 4-784 Russia Disclosure
From: Kristina Pikunas

May. 14, 2022


I ask you to please consider adopting petition 4-784 “Russia Disclosure”. 

I support this rule because investors would be provided critically information to assist in making decisions related to risk, ethical and reputation based investment choices. 

Investors unknowingly investing in businesses that continue operating in Russia face more than reputational risk - there is also the ongoing risk of further escalatory regulations, sanctions and nationalization of any foreign business assets operating in Russia. 

In addition to the significant ethical considerations, the added risk should be disclosed to investors allowing them to make a more informed decision. 

I hope you will consider this petition for the benefit of all investors. 

Thank you, 

Aloha ~ Kristina Pikunas PhD LLC 
Psychologist Private Practice 
Assistant Clinical Professor 
University of Hawaii 
John A. Burns School of Medicine