Subject: Petition 4-784
From: Monica Volodarsky

May. 13, 2022



I would like to make my support known for Petition 4-784, which would require US public companies to disclose their business with/within Russia and Belarus. This proposal would provide critical information for investors, who may prefer to distance themselves from the financing of war crimes entirely, and also evaluate the risks of further sanctions, boycotts, reputational/ESG risks, and increased costs stemming from continued operation in Russia. 

I ask you to please consider accepting this proposal. As an American, both as a consumer and as a potential investor, I would like to be fully informed of the business dealings that public corporations have with Russia and Belarus. I and other Americans should be aware of what kind of activity our dollars support and whether or not we are directly/indirectly contributing to the war. 

Thank you, 
Monica Volodarsky