Subject: File No. 4-711
From: Comment re: Rulemaking Petition – File No. 4-711

January 9, 2018

William Hinman
Director, Division of Corporate Finance
Brent J. Fields, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

Dear Mr. Hinman:

The notice below identifies a document that could serve as a basis for a standard for organizations to report human capital information to their internal and external stakeholders.

ISO DIS 30414 Human resource management — Guidelines for human capital reporting for internal and external stakeholders has been balloted as a Draft International Standard (DIS).  This means that the document is now available for the member countries to review and vote on.  Each country must provide their vote to ISO by 2 April 2018.   The US representative body to ISO, the US TAG, must respond with its vote by April 2 as well.

It is the US TAG’s practice to make DIS documents available for the general American public to review and to make comments.  The TAG may then consider this feedback in its response to ISO.  The link for public comments is below.  The public comment period began 8 January 2018 and continues through 23 March 2018.  You are encouraged to share this link as widely as possible to any materially affected stakeholders. I have attached an English version of this document to this email.  This document is also available for download at the link below.

Public URL for Commenting on this document:

On behalf of the US TAG for ISO TC 260, we appreciate you willingness to comment on and share this draft standard to those willing to contribute to this effort.

“Permission is granted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to electronically reproduce this draft International Standard for purpose of review and comment related to the preparation of the U.S. position, provided this notice is included. All other right are reserved.”



Lee S. Webster
Director, Standards Development
Secretary, ISO Technical Committee 260 Human Resource Management
Secretary, ISO Technical Committee 304 Healthcare Organization Management
Secretary, US TAG for TC 260, TC 304, and American National Standards in Healthcare Administration
Healthcare Management Institute (HMI)
University of Texas Medical Branch
Shearn - Moody Plaza, #7157
Galveston, TX 77554