Subject: File No. 4-673
From: Dave Parsonage
Affiliation: CEO, MitoSystems, Inc

April 3, 2014

I watched the entire March 26th Roundtable on Cybersecurity and the potentially devastating effect it could have on our critical infrastructure. It was a compelling, fascinating and insightful exchange between a truly impressive cast of characters and I thank you for the experience.

I am the CEO of a small software company in Santa Monica that has developed a very advanced intelligence architecture designed to deal with large problems such as this and would like to offer our help. Please see a video demonstration of our technology applied to cybersecurity at:

The problem we face today is too much information on too many potentially interconnected subjects to make sense of in too short a time.
Sir Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Churchill certainly understood the problem all to well when, in 1944, he spoke the simple, profound yet prophetic words quoted above but, with the exponential explosion of data since the dawning of the Information Age, the problem has become literally unmanageable. Cybersecurity presents our greatest weakness in this environment.

We have some unparalleled technical capabilities that will undoubtedly enhance all the security protocols government and private sector organizations are implementing right now. We have been developing them for over a quarter of a century now and I believe you owe it to yourselves and this great country to at least take a look at what we are capable of. We have tried to penetrate the boundaries to entry erected by the US Government for some time now and have found the bureaucracy insurmountable.

Please review the demo through the link provided above and contact me at:
[email and phone number redacted]

Thank you.
