April 28, 2012

Subject: Comment on File Number 4-637

Dear members of the Securities and Exchange Commission:

Perhaps the law canconstitutionally build a firewall shielding business owners and partners' personal wealth by limiting the tort legal liability of corporations by treating them as fictional persons who can have a duty of reasonible care toward others-an economic duty-but it was a serious constitutional misconstruction of the economic dimension of "fictional personhood" o grant such a persons the freedom of political speech. Why do you think the Supreme Court did not extend this 1ft amendment right to the vote, but did extend it by shattering limits on political contributions in force since 1907.
We the American electorate respectfullly request a FEC rule to reinstate money contributions limits OR PUBLICITY. Such a rule should be posted promptly on the SEC's web site.

Thanks for this opportunity to have my concerns considered.


d. kaiser