Subject: File No. 4-637
From: K. Dean

April 1, 2014


I am deeply concerned about the influence of corporate money on our electoral process.

In particular, I am appalled that, because of the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, publicly traded corporations can spend investors' money in secret.

I am writing to urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue a rule requiring publicly traded corporations to publicly disclose all their political spending.

Both shareholders and the public must be fully informed as to how much the corporation spends on politics and which candidates are being promoted or attacked. Disclosures should be posted promptly on the SEC's web site.
all need to get a life that is not destroying and polluting the world to unsurvivability. All phrases coined patriotic by you are just word manipulations to allow wholesale extraction of any earth commodity, such as bauxite, oil,gasses, wood, coal, with no legal ramifications.
To allow self unregulated investor profit driven businesses, like tapko fukushima, transatlantic tar sands. It is obvious ,one object ,GREED through vampirism and extortion of the society where you have come to roost. You could not exist or have ever formed without this society you predicate on so cavalierly. All pollution must stop within 2 1/2 years or we will pas the ecological point of no return, with no plankton left in the world and oceans of industrial effluent, oil and plastic all unsurvivabley radiated. The aluminum spraying of north america to drop the temperatures enough to confuse the lowest mentality populace, of north america that has ever been, long enough to destroy the epa in congress. claiming industrial pollution is not damaging the environment, its not, its already destroyed. With the illusion to make vast sums of profit for the ashkenazi, fake jew, rothschild money laundering cartel from frankfurt germany. You can still turn around care for and embrace this garden planet, pursue truth and comprehension the real purpose of life, in a joyous wonder. Stop agenda 21 now or face agenda 22

Thank you for considering my comment.


K. Dean