Subject: Comment on File Number 4-637

January 28, 2013

Securities and Exchange Comm.

Dear Securities and Exchange Comm.,

I’m writing to urge the commission’s prompt approval of rules requiring public disclosure of political spending by publicly-held companies. Disclosure is vital to the SEC’s responsibility to ensure that investors have the information they need to make sound decisions about when and where to put their money. Shareholders also have a right to know how companies in their investment portfolios are investing that money, particularly when the spending falls outside the company’s normal business activity.
From wcom,enron,hlsh,madoff, high frequency trading and on and on, the public is realizing wallstreet is crooked and corrupted. Just look at the daily volume - people are looking for alternate ways to invest their nestegg. Shapiro et al, have done NOTHING for the public. I find myself increasingly investing with european companies because of their better honesty. this industry needs robust, effective, and hard punishment to gain back the public trust.
Thank you for considering my comment.


john lee