Subject: File Number 4-631
From: Joe Edwards

Nov. 27, 2023

To whom it may concern, 

I have learned recently that there is a rule that FINRA/SEC are proposing that would allow institutions (Hedge Funds, Brokers/Dealers) to trade during trading halts in order to control Volatility. As a retail investor I am 100% against any rule that permits any person or institution to control organic price discovery. This rule goes against the ideals of a free and fair market. If an institution or trading entity is on the bad side of a bet, they should not be able to control the price of a stock that they are on the losing side of in order to not be margin called. If you made a bad bet, especially against a so called Meme stock, then you should pay it and not create rules to allow you to get out of said bad bet. If you lose, pay up. 

From a concerned "Retail Investor" 

Joe Edwards