Subject: File Number 4-631
From: Rax Nahali

Nov. 27, 2023

This rule allowing FINRA and the various exchanges to collude to hold
prices where "they" want them is the fraud that so many people are
talking about.  Volatility is part of the market and this "rule" is
saying they are allowing fraud and price manipulation.
Let the tickers run where they will, as per the "lit" exchanges, not
your dark pools or alternate trading platforms.
If the markets are as fair and free as the SEC suggests they are,
there is no need for this rule to be in place.
FINRA is not looking out for household investors, and puts more power
into the hands of Wall Street who have already shown themselves to be
untrustworthy with the "buy button" being turned off in January of

It's not the games we play that show our humanity, it's the way we play them.