Subject: File No. 4-622
From: Julia Mikulla, MBA
Affiliation: Concerned US Citizen

January 11, 2011

Credit rating models should be standardized and publicly available. This would allow a variety of economists, from universities, government, and international or other sources, to study the standards and make recommendations as economic conditions change. Increased transparency will improve oversight and would be bipartisan-friendly. If the models are transparent to economists, regulators, and the general public, the probability of a recurrent economic collapse would certainly be less but would not lead to a "government-owned" market. Promotion of transparency is critical to a functioning and legal capitalistic society. Shaping laws with consideration to current market conditions would create laws that are fair to ALL U.S. citizens and not just those with secret knowledge. The ill effects felt from the economic collapse are manifesting in the lives of the majority of Americans in the form of unemployment, lost pensions, and real estate devaluations, and were based on decisions made behind closed doors by a select few multimillionaires. Doesnt the constitution state by the people, for the people?