Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Chad S Tredway
Affiliation: NAIFA

August 1, 2010

I am a Farmers Insurance district manager who has 15 RR's in my district. They do not do a ton of business but do help many of their property and casualty clients start 529 plans and save for retirement. Increasing regulation and putting a bigger fiduciary responsibility on RR will only hurt the consumer. I guarantee half my RR's will drop their securities license and just do auto, home, and life. The losers if that happens is the clients as these clients have a tough time getting advice and help setting up $200 a month plans that the high dollar RR's will not ever touch. Sometimes things sound good in theory but the collateral damage is pretty much dismissed. We need more Americans saving for retirement and college and not less. If the laws were not as strict as they currently are on RR's then I would have at least another 5 or 6 RR's that would be able to help people save for tomorrow but they don't like all the regulations and paperwork and refuse to be a part of it.
Chad Tredway