Subject: File No. 4-606
From: bryan shilcutt, CLU, ChFC
Affiliation: Registered Representative assoicated with Allstate Financial Services, LLC

July 30, 2010

As individuals and as an industry, we are regulated MORE than enough. More compliance/regulation will mean more cost to our clients, and won't do any more to weed out those very few unethical people in our industry.
I have held my securities license since 1992, and I am personally examined by our firm's auditors at least twice annually. That is plenty.
And, moving to a fee-only model will not result in better, unbiased advice. In fact, it is my opinion that a lot of clients will just stick their "heads in the sand" and not seek any advice if the only avenue is fee-based.
Please leave things as they are and do not burden hard working producers like me with additional, unproductive regulation.
Thank you.