Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Fran Kutoff

December 19, 2010

At the beginning of 2010 I spoke/met with 4 different so-called independent financial planners. I was looking for a fee-based consultant to assist me in rebalancing my portfolio. 3 of the 4 told me on the phone they were fee-based but when I met with them I discovered they expected me to move my portfolio to their company and allow them to control my investments. The 4th person I met with was the only "real" fee-based consultant but I chose not to use his services since our philosophies did not match up.

This was a frustrating experience and I would like to have more choices of fiduciary-type people and not have to waste my time meeting with switch and bait "professionals".

I don't mind paying for advisor services through my bank if that's what I choose but when I want an independent's guidance, I'd like to have more choices and be informed upfront.

thank you