Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Michael C Bergquist
Affiliation: Financial Professional

August 26, 2010

Our industry is highly regulated now imposing more regulation will not protect our clients any more because most of the incidents that occure today are done by unscrupulous individuals. Every transaction I do goes through our compliance department. I have a compliance interveiw and office inspection on an annual basis where every facit of the business I write is looked at to make sure it's done properly according to the SEC regulation, as well as Prudential's compliance regulations, which are some of the toughest in the industry in my opinion.

These regulations you want to impose will drive HONEST financial professionals out of the business. The crooks will still be here regardless of what you impose.

It is very time consuming right now to do business with my clients, ie, compliance regulations. These other regulations will only complicate the procedure making it harder to serve my clients.

My errors and omission premium will increase, the costs will increase for clients, will it protect them more?

Do the right thing, think this through and do not add more regulation to the current robust and heavily inforced standard already in place.

Mike Bergquist, LUTCF, CLTC