Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Kathryn I Duclo, LUTCF
Affiliation: Financial Planner

July 30, 2010

Please use discretion when implementing new regulations. The more time an advisor has to spend doing unnecessary repetative compliance items, the less time they have to spend with the clients. I am a 13 year vetern in the industry and I am licsensed with a 63 and 65 so I often hold the fudicuary standard when representing clients. Over the years the increased paperwork has left me with less time to service my clients. We are only creating more unnecessary bureacratic levels of reveiw that do not result in the client obtaining a more proficient service.

If the result you are looking for is better protection for the clients this will not grant you the results you desire.

Participation in affilations like NAFIA and MDRT will creat a more desirous outcome, due to the professionalism modled there.