Subject: File No. 4-606
From: William C Hahn, Jr
Affiliation: CFP, Financial Advisor

August 17, 2010

The CFP board is pushing for a stringent fiduciary standard when it comes to providing investment and financial advice to clients. I believe this is a mistake that will make it difficult for the average investor to get good advice as part of the brokerage serivces they receive as a standard part of their broker - client relationship. I believe that the CFP board would like to put a lock on the financial advice business, making it difficult for most investors to get the help they need without having to engage in tedious and expensive financial planning contracts. For decades brokers have been able to provide clients with financial advice in tandem with investment advice in a manner that is beneficial to clients. The CFP Board would make it nearly impossible for clients to obtain reasonable, simple, common sense financial advice unless they sign a contract for planning services. The added expense and time commitment would force most investors to forgo asking for the advice and information that they need for basic financial decisions.