Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Sharon Herrick
Affiliation: Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

August 16, 2010

I am deeply concerned about the current proposals to add yet another layer of regulations onto those we in the insurance industry are constrained to work under. As a representative of Northwestern Mutual, I know I am held to the highest standards of ethical behavior and to doing the right thing for my clients. Their needs always come before mine or the Company. I do not believe that adding another set of restrictions and regulations will prevent the misuse of public trust nor prevent unethical behavior on the part of insurance professionals. I am further concerned with the concept of "best interest." What is that and how will further regulations monitor that I am working in the "best interest" of my clients? Furthermore, I am concerned that this could lead to a myriad of legal actions that are frivolous and unnessary. Please do not further complicate the industry with more regulations. Perhaps the solution is to put in place more educational requirements for insurance agents and brokers.I beleive much of the abuses come from lack of information and understanding on the part of the agent or broker.