From: Kenneth A. Hahn
Sent: August 1, 2007
Subject: File No. 4-538

Please keep 12b-1 fees. Without these fees I would need to charge my clients an extra fee in order to provide them with the service that they are used to recieving. My clients have never complained about 12b-1 fees. They are interested in achieving their goals and do not mind paying to achieve their goals. They do not work for free and we shouldn't have to either. The 12b-1 fees allow us to service our clients needs and not have to spend as much time looking for another sale and then having to neglect our new "client" for the sake of a new commission.

Please keep the 12b-1 one fees since they are vital to the success of our clients goals as well as the success of investment advisors.

Kenneth A Hahn, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF
2405 N Main
East Peoria, IL