From: Pam McNelly
Sent: July 18, 2007
Subject: File No. 4-538

A am a licensed financial representative with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network and I am writing to express my concern on the elimination of the 12b-1 fees. As someone who provides service for our accounts, I believe the trail compensation is necessary and a vital part of giving our client the best and most affordable service. The amount that financial planners and/or advisors charge for servicing a client's account far outnumbers the 12b-1 fees. In my opinion, this is the most economical way for a client to have service on their accounts.

Our clients are informed from the first discussion of investing in mutual funds about how we get paid and trail commissions and it is also stated in the prospectus that accompanies any fund they are looking at to invest money. Because of this information we provide, I believe they understand that the 12b-1 fees help us to maintain an experienced level of service and professionalism. We are available basically 24/7 to our clients. We have been contacted at home, the office, on vacation, etc. and that is ok. Our clients know that there is always someone to handle their account and that alone is worth the 12b-1 fees to remain as they are currently.

We have guidelines set down by the regulators on when and how to present the fees on our accounts. We strive in this office to explain until they understand. I am requesting that you reject any proposal to eliminate or restrict the 12b-1 fees. Our clients like service as it is.

Pam McNelly
Pamela S. McNelly
Associate Financial Representative with Donald K. Kirk, CLU, ChFC #51685
311 W. Washington; Pittsfield, IL 62363