From: Benjamin J. Harvey
Sent: July 9, 2007
Subject: File No. 4-538

Dear Ms Morris:

I am a registered representative with Northwestern Mutual, and as such sell mutual funds to my clients. I am troubled by the prospect of eliminating 12b-1 fees from the distribution of certain mutual funds. We provide on going service to our clients and for that receive a modest trail commission to offset our ongoing expenses. Our clients deserve service beyond just the initial set up and many would be unable to pay an actual fee per anum, so having an added compensation to brokers seems legitimate and in the best interest of our clients.

I do certainly appreciate the need for full disclosure and have always tried to be forthright while communicating concepts and expenses to our mutual fund clients. I encourage you to consider not only the nuts and bolts cost to our clients, but the true cost to our clients; most people have neither the time nor inclination to buy mutual funds on their own and prefer to have a qualified individuals analyze their holdings on an ongoing basis. When the ongoing compensation is stripped out from mutual funds the inherent motivation to provide quality service goes away, just like a mechanic will not simply change your oil for free because you had your engine overhauled with her 2 years ago. The true cost to our clients is a smattering of mutual funds that receive little or no service for an investment that needs fine-tuning to last many, many years into the future.

Very Respectfully,

Benjamin J Harvey

Benjamin J. Harvey
Field Director
2 N Cascade Ave Ste 900 Colorado Springs, CO, 80903