Subject: File No. 4-537: Shareholder Resolutions

July 23, 2007

Dear Chairman Cox: As a financial planner and concerned investor, I am appalled that the SEC is considering a proposal to restrict or eliminate one of the most important shareholder tools. I ask that you drop the suggested proposal curtailing investors' right to file advisory resolutions under Rule 14a-8. Advisory resolutions are very important and I believe both companies and shareholders benefit. Resolutions promote improved corporate governance, greater accountability, and more meaningful disclosure. They are a source of important new ideas, and often serve as the starting point for productive dialogue with companies. This is far superior to simply selling stock -- a process which can hurt companies and shareholders. Restricting or eliminating advisory shareholder resolutions would be a disastrous step backwards in a market that is the global standard. Thank you. Kathleen Hartman, CFA, CFP