Subject: Please Immediate Return My Money - "GTV Media Group" Case
From: Troy Lam

Apr. 15, 2022

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To all SEC senior management,
I am an investor of GTV Media Group and Voice of Guo Media from Canada. 
Given the outcome of verdict on the three media companies, GTVMedia Group Inc., and Saraca Media Group Inc., and Phoenix, Arizona-based Voiceof Guo Media Inc., a fair fund is established to return money to injured investors in accordance with the SEC’s order. However, according to the SEC, your agency will not issue the return of money of injured investors, including me, until around the Christmas of 2022, and only 50% of the total amount will be returned “as a first batch payment”.
This is absolutely unacceptable, and your agency is violating the law of the United States by withholding money from injured investors without providing reasonable grounds with credible evidence. It is important for me to reiterate that I am using my own money to invest in companies that turned out to be a fraudulent group, and it is completely reasonable that I am asking my own money to be returned to me immediately. 
Therefore, here I kindly but firmly request your agency to immediately return my money in full (as well as to return money belonging to all other injured investors in this case).
I have a total amount of USD $XXX,XXX that is currently being frozen, which is from 2 separate banks ($X,XXX from Scotiabank, this account has been closed a year ago; and another amount, $XXX,XXX from Bank of Montreal). For your convenience on the processing, I have attached proofs of the 2 wire transfers.
I, and I believe all other investors of the three media companies will really appreciate it when our refunds are processed as early as possible. Otherwise, if your agency insists on unreasonably withholding our funds, I and all other injured investors will have no choice but to file a lawsuit against the American SEC over this matter. 
Kind Regards,
Wai Yeung Lam