Subject: comment on Administrative Proceeding File No 3-20537
From: CH Zhung

Feb. 27, 2022


To whom it may concern,
Just few comments for you to take into consideration:
First of all, I am wondering if you can increase the percentage of refund distribution. Maybe a way that is similar to the taxes bracket, for the victim investor who invests more, they can have a little bit higher return percentage of their money.
Second, we all know that it has taken a while to make this case moving forward. Most of the victims have been suffering from what they have lost. Maybe you can try to refund as early as possible, as efficiently as possible for the victim investor who can cooperate as much as possible.
Third, the victim investors who have been assisting this case to make good progress should be prioritized to be refunded, such as people who make proper comments, provide evidence, etc.
The last but not at least, maybe bringing down the eligible prioritization from 450k to 100k, and prioritize the investors who are resident aliens and Americans  
Hank, US resident