Subject: File No. 3-20537
From: VOG victims

March 2, 2022


Dear SEC and Refund Fair Fund Managers.

Thank you for all your work and hard work on behalf of the victims of the GTV stock investment scam

I have the following comments and suggestions regarding the pending refund program you have just released.
In accordance with the procedures described above with respect to GTV Media Group Inc., Saraca Media Inc. and Voice of Guo Media, Inc. I would like to refer to the plan overview set forth in paragraph 2, noting that the plan is intended to compensate for investments purchased between April and July 2020
. In this regard, I would like to inquire about.

1. When I invested in VOG, because wengui guo said that I could also ask for bank account number remittance from Lao Jiang in Canada and An Hong in Australia, so I remitted to their account number. If not, I would like to include this in the refund program as well, since it coincides with the time and is indeed with VOG.

2. Since the VOG investment application requires a donation certificate from Rule of Law Foundation, I transferred a total of to Rule of Law Foundation several times from May 16, 2020 to May 28, 2020 to fulfill the conditions of the VOG investment application.

3. What will happen to the investment in GCOIN GDOLLAR version 2.0, HCN HDO HEX, etc. after July 2020.

4. In addition to the April-July 2020 investment, I transferred to Rule of Law Foundation on February 26, 2021 to increase the HCN pre-purchase amount as wenggui guo said that the first GCOIN investment failed and to wait for the farm's notification for the second GCOIN investment. I transferred to Rule of Law Foundation on Feb 26, 2021 to increase the HCN pre-purchase limit as suggested in the voice message by the tanner to increase the HCN pre-purchase limit and transferred to account on Mar 19, 2021 - Mar 22, 2021 to pre-purchase Himalaya Dollar (HDO). I contacted the tanner and Cao Yanhong for a refund but no reply. I would be grateful if sec could make an announcement about the investment in Himalaya Dollar(HDO), Himalaya Coin(HCN) and Himalaya Exchange.

5. Regarding the provision of Article 68 that the scammed investor will get 50% of the initial investment back, I think 50% of the allocation or more is fine, and it would be better if more money can be accumulated in the interest-bearing account and finally get the full amount with interest and compensation.

6. I hope that the sooner the refund is made after submitting personal information, the better. I have no money to make ends meet because of my investment. I have no money for food, and I rely on others to help me. I invested most of my money because I was worried about the loss of value of the RMB. Many investors are also strapped for cash and are struggling to make ends meet.

Thank you for your work
VOG victims