Subject: File No. 3-18527
From: karin c van sloten

April 11, 2020

Please note that Karin van Sloten's transfer amount into the QROPS was made in two tranches, due to an error made by Bradley Hamilton at de Vere. The total amount transferred was $635,135 in 2013.

Bradley Hamilton and Ben Alderson were both advisors to my QROPS account and both failed to disclose the true distribution of the establishment fee. They also deliberately misled me regarding the possible tax implications of the pension transfer, despite being asked directly if there were any tax consequences to the transaction or the QROPS itself. They also advised that there was no need for disclosing the QROPS to the IRS, because STM filed all the paperwork needed to be compliant. After finding out (from reading about the SEC filings against de Vere and speaking with Martin Byrne at de Vere) that I should have declared my QROPS to the IRS and reported it annually in my tax return, I was forced to retro-actively file an addendum to my tax returns for 2013-2018 to declare the QROPS and I am currently still waiting to find out if these filings are acceptable to the IRS, or whether the IRS will regard the transfer as a taxable event.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. I can be contacted on xxx xxx xxx or In the interest of transparency, I should inform you that I have been called to be a witness for the SEC in the cases of SEC vs Alderson and Hamilton.