Subject: File No. 265-25
From: Charles M Thompson

July 10, 2009

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please be advised that I have been practicing law for 35 years in Alabama and have had the occasion to represent clients in other parts of the country. My primary specialty is representing Claimants who have lost money in investments due to malfeasance of stockbrokers and brokerage firms. I heartily endorse the right that Claimants should have to either go into court or choose arbitration. It is a proven fact that arbitration is an industry sponsored program and it is administered by the financial industry. Truly, it is like the fox guarding the hen house.
Investors should have the right to go into court like any other individuals who have been damaged. To deny a persons right to court is inequitable and in my judgment unconstitutional. In light of the populist movement that has come across America that is dictating a progressive approach to consumer protection and the rights of individual, I cannot promote any stronger the right of a Claimant who has been injured to go to court as well as to arbitration. It is called freedom of choice with a constitutional right to court access.

Very Truly Yours,

Charles M. Thompson