U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

SEC's International Institutes

The Securities and Exchange Commission conducted its 16th annual international Institute for Securities Market Development beginning April 17, 2006. The two-week, senior-level program is the SEC's flagship global training program. It provided a wide ranging group of participants from countries with emerging markets an opportunity to discuss the core principles of securities regulation and features lectures, panels, and workshops that focus on the development, operation, and regulation of securities markets. The Institute's faculty included senior SEC officials as well as representatives of other governmental agencies, securities exchanges and other key securities industry participants. This year, the Institute audience totaled 148 senior securities officials from 68 emerging market countries. Prior Institutes have provided training for nearly 1,400 officials from five continents. The 2007 Spring Institute will take place April 16 - 26.



Modified: 10/24/2006