U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

International Institute for Securities Enforcement and Market Oversight

The SEC offers a one-week International Institute for Securities Enforcement and Market Oversight (the "Enforcement Institute") each fall at the SEC's headquarters. The Enforcement Institute is intended for countries with developed markets or later stage emerging markets. Speakers are drawn primarily from the SEC's senior enforcement and inspections staff, stock exchanges and other self-regulatory organizations. The program focuses on practical techniques for conducting investigations, market surveillance, inspections of broker-dealers, mutual funds, investment advisers, and auditor oversight. Approximately 1345 securities regulators from over 65 countries have participated in prior Enforcement Institutes.

The 2006 Enforcement Institute took place October 30 - November 3 at the SEC headquarters. One hundred forty-five delegates from 56 countries and territories attended. One hundred and forty-seven delegates from 60 countries attended the 2005 Enforcement Institute on November 14-18, 2005.



Modified: 11/22/2006