Washington, D.C. 20549 
Investment Company Act file number: (811- 07626)   
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter: Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust 
Address of principal executive offices: One Post Office Square, Boston, Massachusetts 02109 
Name and address of agent for service:  Beth S. Mazor, Vice President 
  One Post Office Square 
  Boston, Massachusetts 02109 
Copy to:  John W. Gerstmayr, Esq. 
  Ropes & Gray LLP 
  One International Place 
  Boston, Massachusetts 02110 
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:  (617) 292-1000 
Date of fiscal year end: April 30, 2009     
Date of reporting period: May 1, 2008 - April 30, 2009 

Item 1. Report to Stockholders:

The following is a copy of the report transmitted to stockholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940:

Since 1937, when George Putnam created a prudent mix of stocks and bonds in a single, professionally managed portfolio, we have championed the wisdom of the balanced approach. Today, we offer a world of equity, fixed-income, multi-asset, and absolute-return portfolios so investors can pursue a range of financial goals. Our seasoned portfolio managers seek superior results over time, backed by original, fundamental research on a global scale. We believe in service excellence, in the value of experienced financial advice, and in putting clients first in everything we do.

In 1830, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justice Samuel Putnam established The Prudent Man Rule, a legal foundation for responsible money management.


All that can be required of a trustee to invest is that he shall conduct himself faithfully and exercise a sound discretion. He is to observe how men of prudence, discretion, and intelligence manage their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income, as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested.

Putnam Municipal

Annual Report


Message from the Trustees  1 

About the fund  4 

Performance and portfolio snapshots  6 

Interview with your fund’s Portfolio Manager  7 

Performance in depth  11 

Your fund’s management  12 

Terms and definitions  13 

Trustee approval of management contract  13 

Other information for shareholders  16 

Financial statements  17 

Federal tax information  35 

Shareholder meeting results  35 

About the Trustees  36 

Officers  40 

Message from the Trustees

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

Since the fourth quarter of 2007, investors have endured one of the most difficult downturns in decades, but there now seem to be early signs that the storm clouds may be starting to clear in the stock market. Although this downturn is far from over and we remain cautious, we are encouraged by a number of developments.

Before its climb was interrupted by profit taking in early May, the stock market experienced a two-month run-up from its March lows. Although many analysts agree that the stock market is in the process of bottoming out, they are careful to note that the market is fairly valued today and that it will require positive corporate earnings growth to continue its climb.

The outlook for the fixed-income market is less clear. Hundreds of billions of dollars in economic stimulus spending have increased the U.S. deficit, which may weaken demand for Treasuries. Corporate and municipal debt may fare slightly better.

Under President and CEO Robert L. Reynolds, Putnam Investments has instituted several changes in order to position Putnam mutual funds for a market recovery. In April, Walter C. Donovan, a 25-year investment industry veteran, joined Putnam as Chief Investment Officer. Mr. Donovan will lead a reinvigorated investment organization strengthened by the arrival during the past few months of several well-regarded senior portfolio managers, research analysts, and equity traders.

We also are pleased to announce that Ravi Akhoury has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Putnam Funds and W. Thomas Stephens has rejoined the Board. From 1992 to 2007, Mr. Akhoury was Chairman and CEO of MacKay Shields, a multi-product investment management firm with over $40 billion in assets under management. He serves as advisor to New York Life Insurance Company, and previously was a member of its Executive Management Committee.

Mr. Stephens retired in December 2008 as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Boise Cascade, L.L.C., a paper, forest products, and timberland assets company. He is a Director of TransCanada Pipelines, Ltd., an energy infrastructure company. From 1997 to 2008, Mr. Stephens served on the Board of Trustees of the Putnam Funds. Until 2004, he also was a Director of Xcel Energy Incorporated, Qwest Communications, and Norske Canada, Inc.

An update on the proposed merger of your fund

In early January 2009, Putnam Investments and the Board of Trustees announced that the previously announced merger of Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (the “Fund”) into Putnam Tax Exempt Income Fund, an open-end fund, would be delayed in light of current unsettled market conditions. We would like to take the opportunity of this annual report to update Fund shareholders on the status of the merger transaction.


As a result of preferred share remarketing failures that began in February 2008, the Fund’s preferred shareholders have faced significant liquidity issues, and the Fund’s common shareholders have been paying preferred shareholders so-called “maximum dividend rates” required by the terms of the preferred shares. As a result, we have devoted considerable efforts since then to addressing the situation in a manner that takes into account the interests of both common and preferred shareholders.

Our efforts have resulted in several actions to date. In July 2008, we announced the use of tender option bonds as a substitute form of financial leverage that would permit the redemption of 15% of the Fund’s outstanding preferred shares. In September 2008, we announced a preliminary plan to merge the Fund into the comparable open-end Putnam fund noted above.

In approving the proposed merger, the Board of Trustees considered, among other factors, marketplace developments for leveraged closed-end funds, the risks and costs to the Fund’s common shareholders of maintaining the current preferred share leverage over time, the cost and availability of alternative leverage financing sources for the Fund, the level of discount then prevailing in the trading price of the Fund’s shares as compared with net asset value, and general conditions in the municipal bond market. A plan of merger was formally approved and announced in October 2008. We noted at the time that completion of the merger would be subject to a number of conditions and other factors and that the expected dates for submission to shareholders and merger completion could be delayed in light of changing market conditions.

Because the open-end fund into which the Fund would merge is not legally permitted to issue preferred shares, the Board of Trustees authorized the Fund to redeem all of its preferred shares through a series of partial redemptions in anticipation of shareholder approval and completion of the merger. In light of unsettled market conditions at the time, the Board granted Putnam Investments discretion with respect to the amount and timing of such redemptions. From November 2008 through January 2009, Putnam Investments carried out preferred share redemptions that significantly reduced the Fund’s preferred share leverage, though the Fund today remains leveraged in a manner reasonably comparable to its industry peers.

The market events that followed the bankruptcy filing by Lehman Brothers in September 2008 represent the proverbial 100-year flood. Although the Fund’s portfolio was well positioned to commence preferred share redemptions, liquidity in all major markets declined significantly during this period. As a result, in January 2009 Putnam Investments advised the Board of Trustees that prevailing market conditions made it inadvisable to implement additional redemptions of the preferred shares. In particular, certain credit quality segments (e.g., securities rated BBB and below) of the municipal bond market represented in the Fund’s portfolio were facing, and continue to face at this time, liquidity challenges.


In recent months we have continued to monitor prospects for completing the proposed merger in light of evolving market conditions. While liquidity conditions in all markets have generally improved, Putnam Investments has advised the Board of Trustees that prevailing market conditions continue to make it inadvisable to implement the remaining redemptions of the preferred shares. In addition, improved liquidity conditions will be necessary for the open-end fund’s portfolio managers to be well positioned to respond to potential post-merger redemptions from former Fund common shareholders. At the same time, as a result of recent Federal Reserve actions, which have reduced short-term borrowing costs to historical lows, the current cost of maintaining the Fund’s preferred share leverage continues to be highly favorable to the common shareholders.

All in all, because of continued liquidity challenges in certain credit quality segments of the municipal bond market, as well as the continuing benefits of preferred share leverage to the Fund’s common shareholders, Putnam Investments has advised the Trustees that implementation of the merger in the near future would not be in the best interests of the Fund’s common shareholders. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees has authorized Putnam Investments to suspend further efforts to implement the merger at this time.

We continue to believe that the proposed merger may well represent the best long-term option for the Fund’s common shareholders, but it is not certain when, or if, conditions may emerge that would make it advisable to renew efforts to complete the merger. We will continue to monitor market conditions in light of the interests of both common and preferred shareholders, and will communicate with the Fund’s shareholders on a periodic basis regarding these matters.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome new shareholders to the fund and to thank all of our investors for your continued confidence in Putnam.


About the fund

Potential for high current income exempt from federal income tax

Taxes on income are a significant challenge of fixed-income investing. Investing in municipal bonds through a fund such as Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust can help address this challenge. While the stated yields on municipal bonds are usually lower than those of taxable bonds, the income most of these bonds pay has the advantage of being exempt from federal tax.

Municipal bonds are typically issued by states and local municipalities to raise funds for building and maintaining public facilities. The bonds are backed by either the issuing city or town, by revenues collected from usage fees, or by state tax revenues. Depending on the type of backing, the bonds will have varying degrees of credit risk, which is the risk that the issuer will not be able to repay the bond.

Many municipal bonds are not rated by independent rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. This is primarily because many issuers decide not to pursue a rating that might be below investment grade.

As a result, portfolio managers must do additional research to determine whether these bonds are prudent investments.

Evaluating a bond’s credit risk is one area in which Putnam has expertise. Putnam’s research team analyzes each issue in depth and assigns non-rated bonds an agency-equivalent Putnam rating. This analysis helps the team identify bonds with attractive risk/return profiles among bonds not rated by agencies.

Once the fund has invested in a bond, the portfolio managers continue to monitor developments that affect the overall bond market, the sector, and the issuer of the bond. Typically, higher-risk, lower-rated bonds are reviewed more frequently because of their greater potential risk.

The goal of research and active management is to stay a step ahead of the industry and pinpoint opportunities to adjust holdings for the benefit of the fund’s shareholders.

Lower-rated bonds may offer higher yields in return for more risk. Capital gains, if any, are taxable for federal and, in most cases, state purposes. For some investors, investment income may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax. Income from federally exempt funds may be subject to state and local taxes. Please consult with your tax advisor for more information. Mutual funds that invest in bonds are subject to certain risks, including interest-rate risk, credit risk, and inflation risk. As interest rates rise, the prices of bonds fall. Long-term bonds are more exposed to interest-rate risk than short-term bonds. Unlike bonds, bond funds have ongoing fees and expenses. The fund uses leverage, which involves risk and may increase the volatility of the fund’s net asset value. The fund’s shares trade on a stock exchange at market prices, which may be higher or lower than the fund’s net asset value.

How do closed-end funds differ from open-end funds?

More assets at work While open-end funds need to maintain a cash position to meet redemptions, closed-end funds are not subject to redemptions and can keep more of their assets invested in the market.

Traded like stocks Closed-end fund shares are traded on stock exchanges, and their market prices fluctuate in response to supply and demand, among other factors.

Net asset value vs. market price

Like an open-end fund’s net asset value (NAV) per share, the NAV of a closed-end fund share is equal to the current value of the fund’s assets, minus its liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. However, when buying or selling closed-end fund shares, the price you pay or receive is the market price. Market price reflects current market supply and demand and may be higher or lower than the NAV.

4    5

Performance and portfolio snapshots

Average annual total return (%) comparison as of 4/30/09

Data is historical. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return and net asset value will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. Performance assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes. Fund returns in the bar chart are at NAV. See pages 7 and 11–12 for additional performance information, including fund returns at market price. Index and Lipper results should be compared to fund performance at NAV. Lipper calculates performance differently than the closed-end funds it ranks, due to varying methods for determining a fund’s monthly reinvestment NAV.

“With the announcement of more well-defined
government initiatives in 2009...there are signs
that a degree of confidence is returning to the
capital markets.”

Thalia Meehan, Portfolio Manager, Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust

Credit qualities shown as a percentage of portfolio value as of 4/30/09. A bond rated Baa or higher (MIG3/VMIG3 or higher, for short-term debt) is considered investment grade. The chart reflects Moody’s ratings; percentages may include bonds not rated by Moody’s but considered by Putnam Management to be of comparable quality. Ratings will vary over time.


Interview with your
fund’s Portfolio Manager

Thalia Meehan

Thalia, it has been a difficult year for the fixed-income markets. How did the volatility affect the municipal bond market?

Market conditions in the municipal bond market remained quite unsettled for much of the reporting period. The fourth quarter of 2008 was particularly challenging, given the extreme turmoil in credit markets following the collapse of Lehman Brothers last September. In addition, forced selling by hedge funds and investment banks that needed to raise capital and cover losses put pressure on municipal bonds. All of this added up to an environment in which all investment-grade asset classes, including municipal bonds, underperformed U.S. Treasuries.

The U.S. Federal Reserve [the Fed] and the U.S. Treasury implemented several wide-ranging measures to restore market stability and investor confidence, joining policymakers around the globe in efforts to shore up bank balance sheets and re-establish the flow of credit. But the U.S. economy continued to struggle into 2009, extending the recession that took hold in 2008. Financial markets, though improved from the fourth quarter, remained in disarray, as consumer confidence was weak, housing prices continued to retreat, and unemployment rose to levels not seen in decades. However, strong coupon reinvestment in January and February bolstered the performance of high-grade municipal bonds. Consequently, municipal bonds posted their best quarterly performance since 2004 in the first quarter of 2009 — a trend that continued through the close of the fiscal year on April 30, 2009.

How did the fund perform for the fiscal year?

Despite the positive momentum in the final months of the reporting period, municipal bonds still posted negative returns for the 12 months ended April 30, 2009. The fund fell 9.59% at net asset value, trailing its Lipper class, General Municipal Debt Funds [leveraged closed-end], which declined 9.02%. This result was due to the fund’s slightly higher concentration of municipal bonds in the lower end of the investment-grade spectrum than many of its peers. The fund also lagged its benchmark, the Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index, which returned 3.11%. Unlike the fund, this national benchmark invests only in investment-grade municipal bonds.

Broad market index and fund performance

This comparison shows your fund’s performance in the context of broad market indexes for the 12 months ended 4/30/09. See the previous page and pages 11–12 for additional fund performance information. Index descriptions can be found on page 13.


How was the supply of municipal bonds affected by market conditions?

During the fourth quarter, dealer liquidity became more constrained with the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the exit of UBS from the institutional market, and Bank of America’s purchase of Merrill Lynch.

We saw a temporary lack of primary market supply, as municipal bond issuers delayed new issuance due to market conditions. Because new issues typically help provide price discovery in the marketplace, as dealers delayed pricing new issues, secondary market liquidity was hurt. These factors put downward pressure on municipal bond prices, hurting asset class performance further. Yields widened to unprecedented levels in mid-December before partially recovering as the primary market reopened and fund flows turned positive. The municipal market remained bifurcated as investors flocked to short-maturity bonds rated AA or above, while shunning issues with a credit rating below AA.

While overall issuance was down during the period, investors saw the introduction of a new type of debt — Build America Bonds [BABs], which were authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009. BABs are a new form of debt that was unveiled as part of the stimulus bill. Designed to provide more affordable access to capital for cash-strapped state and local governments, BABs are issued as taxable securities, with local and state governments receiving a 35% subsidy of the interest direct from the Treasury. The new taxable debt issuance by traditionally tax-exempt issuers created concerns about the future of the tax-exempt bond supply, and thus helped fuel the municipal bond rally into April.

How did you position the portfolio in response to these factors?

During the period, the fund’s overall credit quality remained high, although we did add to the portfolio’s investments in municipal bonds rated A and BBB [the lower range of the investment-grade sector], as credit spreads widened and their prices became very attractive.

The portfolio’s underweight position in the long end of the yield curve and its overweight exposure to 15- to 25-year maturities aided relative performance. From a sector perspective, an overweight position in tobacco bonds constrained results, though an overweight to defensive sectors such as utilities, health care, and higher public education industries proved beneficial. An underweight position in the land-secured and airline tax-exempt bonds, whose prospects are tied to economic growth, also helped performance.

What holdings had the most impact on performance?

Any high-quality, short-maturity bonds benefited as investors sought out quality during the period. As the yield curve steepened and shorter-maturity issues outperformed their longer-maturity counterparts, this fund’s positions in these types of bonds outperformed on a relative basis. Bonds with high coupon rates also helped performance. Prerefunded bonds fit this description because they’re generally shorter maturities and they’re almost always backed by bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury or other government agencies. In addition, many prerefunded bonds carry higher coupon rates because they are older bonds. Badger Tobacco Settlement Asset Securitization Corp. revenue bonds is an example of a holding in our fund that fell into this category.

Composition by state

This table shows the fund’s top 10 state allocations and the percentage of the fund’s net assets that each state represented as of 4/30/09. Holdings will vary over time.


Texas  16.1% 
California  16.0 
Massachusetts  11.2 
Nevada  10.2 
Ohio  7.2 
New York  6.5 
Florida  5.4 
Illinois  4.9 
Wisconsin  4.9 
Pennsylvania  4.6 

As for holdings that hurt performance, any bond with a long maturity or lower credit quality suffered as the yield curve steepened and lower-rated instruments were punished when investors fled from perceived risk. The fund’s investments in Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority revenue bonds have longer maturities and carry lower investment-grade credit ratings. Tobacco settlement bonds are secured by the income stream from tobacco companies’ lawsuit settlement obligations to individual states, and generally offer higher yields than bonds of comparable quality. Because the market for tobacco bonds is large and relatively liquid, investors who wanted to trim credit exposure sold these


liquid bonds first, which put pressure on the sector as a whole. Similarly, The Internext Group revenue bonds were also avoided by investors due to their lower investment-grade quality, and their price fell accordingly.

What is your near-term outlook for the municipal bond market?

Investors saw their patience rewarded in the final months of Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust’s fiscal year. With the announcement of more extensive government initiatives, including the U.S. Treasury’s plan to handle toxic mortgage assets and the administration’s foray into the automotive industry, there are signs that a degree of confidence is returning to the capital markets.

Concerns remain about state budgets, the future of bond insurers, and the potential for regulatory changes, though market sentiment has improved due to the strong response to BABs and the emergence of new buyers of state and local debt.

In this environment, we see two notable reasons why municipal bond funds remain particularly attractive. The first is the likelihood of higher future tax rates, with income tax rates likely to rise when the Bush tax cuts are scheduled to sunset at the end of 2010. This has the potential to make municipal bonds an even more attractive asset class relative to taxable fixed income. Second, the overall credit quality of the municipal asset class is strong. As I mentioned in the last report, we believe that many areas of the municipal bond market have been oversold, creating the chance for us to add bonds with attractive yields to the portfolio.

Thank you, Thalia, for your time and insights today.


The Obama administration estimates a record $1.84 trillion budget deficit for 2009. The combination of higher government debt and stimulus spending has cooled investors’ attitudes toward Treasury bonds, whose prices have fallen more than 20% since the start of 2009, despite their safe-haven status. Historically, Treasury bonds have been among the investments most vulnerable to fears of rising inflation, which can result from increased government spending. Massive government stimulus often leads to higher prices for consumer goods because the Federal Reserve, in effect, prints more money to pay for the additional spending. This, in turn, can diminish the purchasing power of the dollar. Higher interest rates will push down Treasury prices because when interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and vice versa.

The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of Putnam Management. They are not meant as investment advice.

Please note that the holdings discussed in this report may not have been held by the fund for the entire period. Portfolio composition is subject to review in accordance with the fund’s investment strategy and may vary in the future. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk.

Comparison of top sector weightings

This chart shows how the fund’s top weightings have changed over the past six months. Weightings are shown as a percentage of net assets. Holdings will vary over time. Sector concentrations listed after the portfolio schedule in the Financial Statements section of this shareholder report are exclusive of insured or prerefunded status and may differ from the summary information below.


Of special interest

In 2008, and consistent with the experience of other closed-end funds with preferred shares outstanding, the fund experienced unsuccessful remarketing of its preferred shares. The remarketing failures appeared to have been driven by broad-based liquidity issues that were impacting credit markets in general and did not affect the credit rating of the fund’s preferred shares or its ability to pay dividends to its preferred shareholders. The fund’s preferred shareholders continued to receive dividends at the “maximum dividend rate,” determined by reference to a market rate (such as commercial paper) pursuant to the fund’s by-laws. Typically, the difference between the rates paid to holders of preferred shares and the rates earned by the fund augment the flow of income to holders of common shares. However, given market conditions, we were paying higher rates to holders of preferred shares and holding a higher percentage of cash to redeem preferr ed shares. Consequently, the fund’s dividend rate for common shareholders decreased from $0.0605 to $0.0566 per share in November 2008.

Since the decrease in the distribution rate last November, the credit markets have begun to stabilize, and we have seen a decrease in short-term rates paid to preferred shareholders. In addition, the fund reinvested cash in long municipal bonds, which contributed to an increase in income distributable to common shareholders. Consequently, the fund’s monthly dividend increased to $0.0628 per share effective with the April 2009 distribution.


Your fund’s performance

This section shows your fund’s performance for periods ended April 30, 2009, the end of its most recent fiscal year. In accordance with regulatory requirements for mutual funds, we also include performance as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. Performance should always be considered in light of a fund’s investment strategy. Data represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return, net asset value, and market price will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares.

Fund performance Total return for periods ended 4/30/09

        Lipper General 
        Municipal Debt Funds 
      Barclays Capital  (leveraged closed-end) 
  NAV  Market price  Municipal Bond Index  category average* 

Annual average         
Life of fund (since 5/28/93)  4.91%  4.01%  5.44%  4.92% 

10 years  42.32  26.51  59.47  44.29 
Annual average  3.59  2.38  4.78  3.70 

5 years  10.65  4.89  22.34  8.89 
Annual average  2.04  0.96  4.11  1.64 

3 years  –3.65  –1.49  12.11  –5.68 
Annual average  –1.23  –0.50  3.88  –2.04 

1 year  –9.59  –6.32  3.11  –9.02 

Performance assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes.

Index and Lipper results should be compared to fund performance at net asset value. Lipper calculates performance differently than the closed-end funds it ranks, due to varying methods for determining a fund’s monthly reinvestment NAV.

* Over the 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year, and life-of-fund periods ended 4/30/09, there were 59, 59, 58, 41, and 33 funds, respectively, in this Lipper category.

Fund price and distribution information For the 12-month period ended 4/30/09

Distributions from common shares       

Number    12   

Income 1    $0.6836   

Capital gains 2       

Total    $0.6836   

Distributions — preferred shares*  Series A  Series B  Series C 

Income 1  $483.09  $626.90  $635.98 

Capital gains 2       

Total  $483.09  $626.90  $635.98 

Share value  NAV  Market price   

4/30/08  $12.41  $11.13   

4/30/09  10.47  9.73   

Current yield (end of period)  NAV  Market price   

Current dividend rate 3  7.20%  7.75%   

Taxable equivalent 4  11.08  11.92   

The classification of distributions, if any, is an estimate. Final distribution information will appear on your year-end tax forms.

* For further information on the preferred shares outstanding during the period, please refer to Note 4: Preferred shares on page 33.

1 For some investors, investment income may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax. Income from federally exempt funds may be subject to state and local taxes.

2 Capital gains, if any, are taxable for federal and, in most cases, state purposes.

3 Most recent distribution, excluding capital gains, annualized and divided by NAV or market price at end of period.

4 Assumes maximum 35% federal tax rate for 2009. Results for investors subject to lower tax rates would not be as advantageous.


Fund performance as of most recent calendar quarter Total return for periods ended 3/31/09

  NAV  Market price 

Annual average     
Life of fund (since 5/28/93)  4.69%  3.74% 

10 years  37.39  20.01 
Annual average  3.23  1.84 

5 years  3.20  –8.10 
Annual average  0.63  –1.68 

3 years  –7.32  –6.03 
Annual average  –2.50  –2.05 

1 year  –11.40  –8.93 

Your fund’s management

In addition to Thalia Meehan, your fund’s Portfolio Managers are Paul Drury, Brad Libby, and Susan McCormack.

Trustee and Putnam employee fund ownership

As of April 30, 2009, 12 of the 14 Trustees of the Putnam funds owned fund shares. The following table shows the approximate value of investments in the fund and all Putnam funds as of that date by the Trustees and Putnam employees. These amounts include investments by the Trustees’ and employees’ immediate family members and investments through retirement and deferred compensation plans.

  Assets in  Total assets in 
  the fund  all Putnam funds 

Trustees  $125,000  $32,000,000 

Putnam employees  $8,000  $339,000,000 

Other Putnam funds managed by the Portfolio Managers

Thalia Meehan, Paul Drury, Brad Libby, and Susan McCormack are Portfolio Managers of Putnam’s open-end tax-exempt funds for the following states: Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The same group also manages Putnam Tax Exempt Income Fund, Putnam Tax-Free High Yield Fund, Putnam AMT-Free Municipal Fund*, Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust, and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust.

Thalia Meehan, Paul Drury, Brad Libby, and Susan McCormack may also manage other accounts and variable trust funds advised by Putnam Management or an affiliate.

*Prior to November 30, 2008, the fund was known as Putnam AMT-Free Insured Municipal Fund.

Portfolio management fund ownership

The following table shows how much the fund’s current Portfolio Managers have invested in the fund and in all Putnam mutual funds (in dollar ranges). Information shown is as of April 30, 2009 and April 30, 2008.


Terms and definitions

Important terms

Total return shows how the value of the fund’s shares changed over time, assuming you held the shares through the entire period and reinvested all distributions in the fund.

Net asset value (NAV) is the value of all your fund’s assets, minus any liabilities and the net assets allocated to any outstanding preferred shares, divided by the number of outstanding common shares.

Market price is the current trading price of one share of the fund. Market prices are set by transactions between buyers and sellers on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange.

Current yield is the annual rate of return earned from dividends or interest of an investment. Current yield is expressed as a percentage of the price of a security, fund share, or principal investment.

Comparative indexes

Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S. investment-grade fixed-income securities.

Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index of long-term fixed-rate investment-grade tax-exempt bonds.

Merrill Lynch U.S. 3-Month Treasury Bill Index is an unmanaged index that seeks to measure the performance of U.S. Treasury bills available in the marketplace.

S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of common stock performance.

Indexes assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not account for fees. Securities and performance of a fund and an index will differ. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Lipper is a third-party industry-ranking entity that ranks mutual funds. Its rankings do not reflect sales charges. Lipper rankings are based on total return at net asset value relative to other funds that have similar current investment styles or objectives as determined by Lipper. Lipper may change a fund’s category assignment at its discretion. Lipper category averages reflect performance trends for funds within a category.

Trustee approval of management contract

General conclusions

The Board of Trustees of the Putnam funds oversees the management of each fund and, as required by law, determines annually whether to approve the continuance of your fund’s management contract with Putnam Investment Management (“Putnam Management”). In this regard, the Board of Trustees, with the assistance of its Contract Committee consisting solely of Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) of the Putnam funds (the “Independent Trustees”), requests and evaluates all information it deems reasonably necessary under the circumstances. Over the course of several months ending in June 2008, the Contract Committee met several times to consider the information provided by Putnam Management and other information developed with the assistance of the Board’s independent counsel and independent staff. The Contract Committee reviewed and discussed key aspects of this information with all of the Independent Trustees. The Contract Committee recommended, and the Independent Trustees approved, the continuance of your fund’s management contract, effective July 1, 2008.

The Independent Trustees’ approval was based on the following conclusions:

That the fee schedule in effect for your fund represented reasonable compensation in light of the nature and quality of the services being provided to the fund, the fees paid by competitive funds and the costs incurred by Putnam Management in providing such services, and

That this fee schedule represented an appropriate sharing between fund shareholders and Putnam Management of such economies of scale as may exist in the management of the fund at current asset levels.

These conclusions were based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees, were subject to the continued application of certain expense reductions and waivers and other considerations noted below, and were not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations and how the Trustees considered these factors are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently, giving different weights to various factors. It is also important to recognize that the fee arrangements for your fund and the other Putnam funds are the result of many years of review and discussion between the Independent Trustees and Putnam Management, that certain aspects of such arrangements may receive greater scrutiny in some years than others, and that the Trustees’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their conside ration of these same arrangements in prior years.

Management fee schedules and categories; total expenses

The Trustees reviewed the management fee schedules in effect for all Putnam funds, including fee levels and breakpoints, and the assignment of funds to particular fee categories. In reviewing fees and expenses, the Trustees generally focused their attention on material changes in circumstances — for example, changes in a fund’s size or investment style, changes in Putnam Management’s operating costs or responsibilities, or changes in competitive practices in the mutual fund industry — that suggest that consideration of fee changes might be warranted. The Trustees concluded that the circumstances did not warrant changes to the management


fee structure of your fund, which had been carefully developed over the years, re-examined on many occasions and adjusted where appropriate. In this regard, the Trustees also noted that shareholders of your fund voted in 2007 to approve new management contracts containing an identical fee structure. The Trustees focused on two areas of particular interest, as discussed further below:

Competitiveness. The Trustees reviewed comparative fee and expense information for competitive funds, which indicated that, in a custom peer group of competitive funds selected by Lipper Inc., your fund ranked in the 60th percentile in management fees and in the 73rd percentile in total expenses as of December 31, 2007 (the first percentile being the least expensive funds and the 100th percentile being the most expensive funds). The Trustees expressed their intention to monitor this information closely to ensure that fees and expenses of your fund continue to meet evolving competitive standards.

Economies of scale. The Trustees considered that most Putnam funds currently have the benefit of breakpoints in their management fees that provide shareholders with significant economies of scale, which means that the effective management fee rate of a fund (as a percentage of fund assets) declines as a fund grows in size and crosses specified asset thresholds. Conversely, as a fund shrinks in size — as has been the case for many Putnam funds in recent years —these breakpoints result in increasing fee levels. In recent years, the Trustees have examined the operation of the existing breakpoint structure during periods of both growth and decline in asset levels. The Trustees concluded that the fee schedules in effect for the funds represented an appropriate sharing of economies of scale at current asset levels.

In connection with their review of the management fees and total expenses of the Putnam funds, the Trustees also reviewed the costs of the services to be provided and profits to be realized by Putnam Management and its affiliates from the relationship with the funds. This information included trends in revenues, expenses and profitability of Putnam Management and its affiliates relating to the investment management and distribution services provided to the funds. In this regard, the Trustees also reviewed an analysis of Putnam Management’s revenues, expenses and profitability with respect to the funds’ management contracts, allocated on a fund-by-fund basis.

Investment performance

The quality of the investment process provided by Putnam Management represented a major factor in the Trustees’ evaluation of the quality of services provided by Putnam Management under your fund’s management contract. The Trustees were assisted in their review of the Putnam funds’ investment process and performance by the work of the Investment Oversight Coordinating Committee of the Trustees and the Investment Oversight Committees of the Trustees, which had met on a regular monthly basis with the funds’ portfolio teams throughout the year. The Trustees concluded that Putnam Management generally provides a high-quality investment process — as measured by the experience and skills of the individuals assigned to the management of fund portfolios, the resources made available to such personnel, and in general the ability of Putnam Management to attract and retain high-quality personnel — but also recognized that this does not guarantee fa vorable investment results for every fund in every time period. The Trustees considered the investment performance of each fund over multiple time periods and considered information comparing each fund’s performance with various benchmarks and with the performance of competitive funds.

While the Trustees noted the satisfactory investment performance of certain Putnam funds, they considered the disappointing investment performance of many funds in recent periods, particularly over periods in 2007 and 2008. They discussed with senior management of Putnam Management the factors contributing to such underperfor-mance and actions being taken to improve performance. The Trustees recognized that, in recent years, Putnam Management has taken steps to strengthen its investment personnel and processes to address areas of underperformance, including recent efforts to further centralize Putnam Management’s equity research function. In this regard, the Trustees took into consideration efforts by Putnam Management to improve its ability to assess and mitigate investment risk in individual funds, across asset classes, and across the complex as a whole. The Trustees indicated their intention to continue to monitor performance trends to assess the effectivene ss of these efforts and to evaluate whether additional changes to address areas of underperformance are warranted.

In the case of your fund, the Trustees considered that your fund’s common share cumulative total return performance at net asset value was in the following percentiles of its Lipper Inc. peer group (Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds (leveraged closed-end) (compared using tax-adjusted performance to recognize the different federal income tax treatment for capital gains distributions and exempt-interest distributions) for the one-year, three-year and five-year periods ended December 31, 2007 (the first percentile being the best-


performing funds and the 100th percentile being the worst-performing funds):

One-year period  51st 

Three-year period  62nd 

Five-year period  52nd 

(Because of the passage of time, these performance results may differ from the performance results for more recent periods shown elsewhere in this report.) Over the one-year, three-year and five-year periods ended December 31, 2007, there were 55, 55, and 54 funds, respectively, in your fund’s Lipper peer group.* Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

As a general matter, the Trustees believe that cooperative efforts between the Trustees and Putnam Management represent the most effective way to address investment performance problems. The Trustees noted that investors in the Putnam funds have, in effect, placed their trust in the Putnam organization, under the oversight of the funds’ Trustees, to make appropriate decisions regarding the management of the funds. Based on the responsiveness of Putnam Management in the recent past to Trustee concerns about investment performance, the Trustees concluded that it is preferable to seek change within Putnam Management to address performance shortcomings. In the Trustees’ view, the alternative of engaging a new investment adviser for an underperforming fund would entail significant disruptions and would not provide any greater assurance of improved investment performance.

Brokerage and soft-dollar allocations; other benefits

The Trustees considered various potential benefits that Putnam Management may receive in connection with the services it provides under the management contract with your fund. These include benefits related to brokerage and soft-dollar allocations, whereby a portion of the commissions paid by a fund for brokerage may be used to acquire research services that may be useful to Putnam Management in managing the assets of the fund and of other clients. The Trustees considered changes made in 2008, at Putnam Management’s request, to the Putnam funds’ brokerage allocation policy, which expanded the permitted categories of brokerage and research services payable with soft dollars and increased the permitted soft dollar allocation to third-party services over what had been authorized in previous years. The Trustees indicated their continued intent to monitor the potential benefits associated with the allocation of fund brokerage and trends in industry practice to ensure that the principle of seeking “best price and execution” remains paramount in the portfolio trading process.

The Trustees’ annual review of your fund’s management contract arrangements also included the review of your fund’s investor servicing agreement with Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company (“PFTC”), which provides benefits to affiliates of Putnam Management. In the case of the investor servicing agreement, the Trustees considered that certain shareholder servicing functions were shifted to a third-party service provider by PFTC in 2007.

Comparison of retail and institutional fee schedules

The information examined by the Trustees as part of their annual contract review has included for many years information regarding fees charged by Putnam Management and its affiliates to institutional clients such as defined benefit pension plans, college endowments, etc. This information included comparisons of such fees with fees charged to the funds, as well as a detailed assessment of the differences in the services provided to these two types of clients. The Trustees observed, in this regard, that the differences in fee rates between institutional clients and mutual funds are by no means uniform when examined by individual asset sectors, suggesting that differences in the pricing of investment management services to these types of clients reflect to a substantial degree historical competitive forces operating in separate market places. The Trustees considered the fact that fee rates across different asset classes are typically higher on average for mutual funds than for institutional clients, as well as the differences between the services that Putnam Management provides to the Putnam funds and those that it provides to institutional clients of the firm, but did not rely on such comparisons to any significant extent in concluding that the management fees paid by your fund are reasonable.

* The percentile rankings for your fund’s common share annualized total return performance in the Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds (leveraged closed-end) category for the one-year, five-year, and ten-year periods ended March 31, 2009, were 64%, 62%, and 65%, respectively. Over the one-year, five-year, and ten-year periods ended March 31, 2009, your fund ranked 38th out of 59, 36th out of 58, and 27th out of 41 funds, respectively. Unlike the information above, these rankings reflect performance before taxes. Note that this more recent information was not available when the Trustees approved the continuance of your fund’s management contract.


Other information for shareholders

Important notice regarding share repurchase program

In September 2008, the Trustees of your fund approved the renewal of a share repurchase program that had been in effect since 2005. This renewal will allow your fund to repurchase, in the 12 months beginning October 8, 2008, up to 10% of the fund’s common shares outstanding as of October 7, 2008.

Putnam’s policy on confidentiality

In order to conduct business with our shareholders, we must obtain certain personal information such as account holders’ addresses, telephone numbers, Social Security numbers, and the names of their financial representatives. We use this information to assign an account number and to help us maintain accurate records of transactions and account balances. It is our policy to protect the confidentiality of your information, whether or not you currently own shares of our funds, and, in particular, not to sell information about you or your accounts to outside marketing firms. We have safeguards in place designed to prevent unauthorized access to our computer systems and procedures to protect personal information from unauthorized use. Under certain circumstances, we share this information with outside vendors who provide services to us, such as mailing and proxy solicitation. In those cases, the service providers enter into confi dentiality agreements with us, and we provide only the information necessary to process transactions and perform other services related to your account. We may also share this information with our Putnam affiliates to service your account or provide you with information about other Putnam products or services. It is also our policy to share account information with your financial representative, if you’ve listed one on your Putnam account. If you would like clarification about our confidentiality policies or have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-800-225-1581, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., or Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Proxy voting

Putnam is committed to managing our mutual funds in the best interests of our shareholders. The Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures, as well as information regarding how your fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the 12-month period ended June 30, 2008, are available in the Individual Investors section of putnam.com, and on the SEC’s Web site, www.sec.gov. If you have questions about finding forms on the SEC’s Web site, you may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain the Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures at no charge by calling Putnam’s Shareholder Services at 1-800-225-1581.

Fund portfolio holdings

The fund will file a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Shareholders may obtain the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s Web site at www.sec.gov. In addition, the fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. You may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for information about the SEC’s Web site or the operation of the Public Reference Room.


Financial statements

These sections of the report, as well as the accompanying Notes, preceded by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, constitute the fund’s financial statements.

The fund’s portfolio lists all the fund’s investments and their values as of the last day of the reporting period. Holdings are organized by asset type and industry sector, country, or state to show areas of concentration and diversification.

Statement of assets and liabilities shows how the fund’s net assets and share price are determined. All investment and noninvestment assets are added together. Any unpaid expenses and other liabilities are subtracted from this total. The result is divided by the number of shares to determine the net asset value per share. (For funds with preferred shares, the amount subtracted from total assets includes the liquidation preference of preferred shares.)

Statement of operations shows the fund’s net investment gain or loss. This is done by first adding up all the fund’s earnings —from dividends and interest income — and subtracting its operating expenses to determine net investment income (or loss). Then, any net gain or loss the fund realized on the sales of its holdings — as well as any unrealized gains or losses over the period — is added to or subtracted from the net investment result to determine the fund’s net gain or loss for the fiscal year.

Statement of changes in net assets shows how the fund’s net assets were affected by the fund’s net investment gain or loss, by distributions to shareholders, and by changes in the number of the fund’s shares. It lists distributions and their sources (net investment income or realized capital gains) over the current reporting period and the most recent fiscal year-end. The distributions listed here may not match the sources listed in the Statement of operations because the distributions are determined on a tax basis and may be paid in a different period from the one in which they were earned.

Financial highlights provide an overview of the fund’s investment results, per-share distributions, expense ratios, net investment income ratios, and portfolio turnover in one summary table, reflecting the five most recent reporting periods. In a semiannual report, the highlight table also includes the current reporting period.


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Trustees and Shareholders of
Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust:

In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the portfolio, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (the “fund”) at April 30, 2009, and the results of its operations, the changes in its net assets and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as “financial statements”) are the responsibility of the fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Tho se standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of investments owned at April 30, 2009 by correspondence with the custodian and broker, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
June 11, 2009

The fund’s portfolio 4/30/09

Key to abbreviations

AGO Assured Guaranty, Ltd.  FSA Financial Security Assurance 
AMBAC AMBAC Indemnity Corporation  GNMA Coll. Government National Mortgage Association Collateralized 
COP Certificate of Participation  G.O. Bonds General Obligation Bonds 
FGIC Financial Guaranty Insurance Company  NATL National Public Finance Guarantee Corp. 
FHA Insd. Federal Housing Administration Insured  Radian Insd. Radian Group Insured 
FHLMC Coll. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Collateralized  U.S. Govt. Coll. U.S. Government Collateralized 
FNMA Coll. Federal National Mortgage Association Collateralized  VRDN Variable Rate Demand Notes 
FRB Floating Rate Bonds  XLCA XL Capital Assurance 
FRN Floating Rate Notes   

MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)*  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Alabama (0.9%)       
Courtland, Indl. Dev. Board Env. Impt. Rev. Bonds (Intl. Paper Co.), Ser. A, 5s, 11/1/13  BBB  $3,000,000  $2,902,890 

Sylacauga, Hlth. Care Auth. Rev. Bonds (Coosa Valley Med. Ctr.), Ser. A, 6s, 8/1/25  B/P  1,200,000  919,104 

Alaska (0.2%)      3,821,994 
Northern Tobacco Securitization Corp. Rev. Bonds, 5 1/2s, 6/1/29 (Prerefunded)  Aaa  750,000  815,318 

Arizona (3.5%)      815,318 
AZ Hlth. Fac. Auth. Hosp. Syst. Rev. Bonds (John C. Lincoln Hlth. Network), 6 3/8s, 12/1/37       
(Prerefunded)  BBB  1,250,000  1,456,338 

Casa Grande, Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Casa Grande Regl. Med. Ctr.), Ser. A, 7 5/8s, 12/1/29  B+/P  3,300,000  2,744,840 

Cochise Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Sierra Vista Cmnty. Hosp.), Ser. A, 6 3/4s, 12/1/26  BBB–/P  435,000  404,193 

Glendale, Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Midwestern U.), 5s, 5/15/26  A–  800,000  778,528 

Marana, Impt. Dist. Special Assmt. Bonds (Tangerine Farms Road), 4.6s, 1/1/26  Baa1  2,051,000  1,525,247 

Maricopa Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Hlth. Fac. Rev. Bonds (Catholic Hlth. Care West), Ser. A, 5 1/4s,       
7/1/32  A2  1,000,000  889,420 

Maricopa Cnty., Poll. Control Rev. Bonds       
(El Paso Elec. Co.), Ser. A, 7 1/4s, 2/1/40  Baa2  2,400,000  2,528,040 
(Public Service Co. of NM), Ser. A, 6.3s, 12/1/26  Baa3  3,200,000  2,894,560 

Pima Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Horizon Cmnty. Learning Ctr.), 5.05s, 6/1/25  BBB  1,550,000  1,110,467 

Scottsdale, Indl. Dev. Auth. Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Scottsdale Hlth. Care), Class A, 5 1/4s, 9/1/30  A3  1,500,000  1,302,780 

Arkansas (1.1%)      15,634,413 
Independence Cnty., Poll. Control Rev. Bonds (Entergy AR, Inc.), 5s, 1/1/21  A–  2,100,000  1,981,014 

Little Rock G.O. Bonds (Cap. Impt.), FSA, 3.95s, 4/1/19  AAA  45,000  45,171 

Springdale, Sales & Use Tax Rev. Bonds, FSA, 4.05s, 7/1/26  AAA  1,500,000  1,383,240 

Washington Cnty., Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Regl. Med. Ctr.), Ser. B, 5s, 2/1/25  Baa1  1,750,000  1,502,813 

California (16.0%)      4,912,238 
ABC Unified School Dist. G.O. Bonds, Ser. B, FGIC, zero %, 8/1/20  AA–  1,500,000  869,625 

Burbank, Unified School Dist. G.O. Bonds (Election of 1997), Ser. C, FGIC, zero %, 8/1/23  AA–  1,000,000  482,780 

CA Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(U. of the Pacific), 5s, 11/1/21  A2  1,500,000  1,493,100 
(Loyola-Marymount U.), NATL, zero %, 10/1/21  A2  1,300,000  696,007 
CA Hlth. Fac. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Sutter Hlth.), Ser. A, NATL, 5 3/8s, 8/15/30  Aa3  2,500,000  2,436,400 
AMBAC, 5.293s, 7/1/17  A2  2,400,000  2,389,944 

CA Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. Bonds (Home Mtge.)       
Ser. E, 4.8s, 8/1/37  Aa2  5,000,000  3,774,200 
Ser. K, 4 5/8s, 8/1/26  Aa2  10,000,000  8,035,000 

CA Poll. Control Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Pacific Gas & Electric Corp.), Class D, FGIC,       
4 3/4s, 12/1/23  A3  2,500,000  2,304,175 

CA Poll. Control Fin. Auth. Solid Waste Disp. FRB (Waste Management, Inc.), Ser. C,       
5 1/8s, 11/1/23  BBB  850,000  743,529 

CA State G.O. Bonds, 6 1/2s, 4/1/33  A2  12,000,000  12,915,840 

CA Statewide Cmnty. Dev. Auth. COP (The Internext Group), 5 3/8s, 4/1/30  BBB  5,250,000  3,611,737 

Cathedral City, Impt. Board Act of 1915 Special Assmt. Bonds (Cove Impt. Dist.), Ser. 04-02,       
5.05s, 9/2/35  BB+/P  775,000  543,368 


MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

California cont.       
Chula Vista COP, NATL, 5s, 8/1/32  AA–  $4,000,000  $3,491,080 

Chula Vista, Indl. Dev. Rev. Bonds (San Diego Gas), Ser. B, 5s, 12/1/27  A1  1,915,000  1,511,835 

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp. Rev. Bonds       
Ser. 03 A-1, 6 1/4s, 6/1/33 (Prerefunded)  Aaa  1,025,000  1,129,981 
Ser. A-1, 5s, 6/1/33  BBB  1,050,000  670,058 

Metro. Wtr. Dist. Rev. Bonds (Southern CA Wtr. Wks.), 5 3/4s, 8/10/18  Aa2  6,000,000  6,580,680 

Orange Cnty., Cmnty. Fac. Dist. Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Ladera Ranch No. 02-1), Ser. A,       
5.55s, 8/15/33  BBB/P  900,000  678,420 

Redwood City, Elementary School Dist. G.O. Bonds, FGIC, zero %, 8/1/21  AA–  1,990,000  1,114,937 

Rocklin, Unified School Dist. G.O. Bonds, FGIC, zero %, 8/1/27  AA–  2,000,000  669,640 

Sacramento, Special Tax Rev. Bonds (North Natomas Cmnty. Fac.), Ser. 97-01       
5s, 9/1/20  BB/P  1,195,000  945,508 
5s, 9/1/29  BB/P  1,180,000  796,240 
5s, 9/1/18  BB/P  1,030,000  885,491 

Sacramento, Muni. Util. Dist. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Cosumnes), NATL, 5s, 7/1/19  AA–  1,760,000  1,708,924 

San Bernardino Cnty., COP (Med. Ctr. Fin.), Ser. A, NATL, 6 1/2s, 8/1/17  AA–  5,000,000  5,329,600 

San Diego Cnty., COP, AMBAC, 5 5/8s, 9/1/12  A  4,400,000  4,590,960 

San Juan, Unified School Dist. G.O. Bonds, FSA, zero %, 8/1/19  AAA  1,000,000  637,220 

Silicon Valley, Tobacco Securitization Auth. Rev. Bonds (Santa Clara), Ser. A, zero %, 6/1/36  BBB+/F  2,700,000  174,555 

Sunnyvale, Cmnty. Fac. Dist. Special Tax Rev. Bonds, 7.65s, 8/1/21  BB–/P  685,000  616,110 

Colorado (3.8%)      71,826,944 
CO Hlth. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Christian Living Cmntys.), Ser. A, 5 3/4s, 1/1/26  BB–/P  325,000  232,489 
(Evangelical Lutheran), 5 1/4s, 6/1/21  A3  1,375,000  1,237,816 
(Evangelical Lutheran), 5s, 6/1/29  A3  850,000  655,265 

CO Hsg. & Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mtge.), Ser. A-3, Class III, 5 1/4s, 5/1/33  A1  5,040,000  5,030,575 

CO Pub. Hwy. Auth. Rev. Bonds (E-470 Pub. Hwy.)       
Ser. C1, NATL, 5 1/2s, 9/1/24  AA  1,250,000  1,102,762 
Ser. B, zero %, 9/1/35 (Prerefunded)  Aaa  27,000,000  4,027,860 

CO Springs, Hosp. Rev. Bonds, 6 3/8s, 12/15/30  A3  3,280,000  3,070,310 

CO State Hsg. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Single Fam.), Ser. B-2 , 7s, 5/1/26  Aaa  5,000  5,102 

Denver, City & Cnty. Arpt. Rev. Bonds, Ser. D, AMBAC, 7 3/4s, 11/15/13  A1  1,525,000  1,670,012 

Delaware (0.4%)      17,032,191 
DE State Hsg. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mtge.), Ser. B, zero %, 1/1/40  A3  12,890,000  1,321,354 

New Castle Cnty., Rev. Bonds (Newark Charter School, Inc.), 5s, 9/1/30  BBB+  700,000  466,109 

District of Columbia (1.2%)      1,787,463 
DC Wtr. & Swr. Auth. Pub. Util. Rev. Bonds, FGIC, 5s, 10/1/28  AA–  5,550,000  5,522,472 

Florida (5.4%)      5,522,472 
Escambia Cnty., Env. Impt. Rev. Bonds (Intl. Paper Co.), Ser. A, 5s, 8/1/26  BBB  2,500,000  1,673,000 

Escambia Cnty., Hlth. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Baptist Hosp. & Baptist Manor), 5 1/8s, 10/1/19  Baa1  3,395,000  2,902,860 

FL Hsg. Fin. Corp. Rev. Bonds (Homeowner Mtge.), Ser. 5, 5s, 7/1/34  Aa1  440,000  438,341 

FL State Muni. Pwr. Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 5s, 10/1/31  A1  1,700,000  1,572,653 

Halifax, Hosp. Med. Ctr. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 5 3/8s, 6/1/46  A–  4,200,000  3,203,886 

Hillsborough Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Poll. Control Mandatory Put Bonds       
(Tampa Elec. Co.), Ser. B, 5.15s, 9/1/13  Baa2  475,000  476,644 
AMBAC, 5s, 3/15/12  A  625,000  627,438 

Jacksonville, Hlth. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Brooks Hlth. Syst.), 5s, 11/1/27  A  1,500,000  1,238,745 

Lakeland, Retirement Cmnty. Rev. Bonds (1st Mtge. — Carpenters), 6 3/8s, 1/1/43  BBB–/F  340,000  243,494 

Lee Cnty., Rev. Bonds, XLCA, 5s, 10/1/25  Aa3  2,500,000  2,529,200 

Miami Beach, Hlth. Fac. Auth. Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Mount Sinai Med. Ctr.)       
Ser. A, 6.8s, 11/15/31  Ba2  1,000,000  646,540 
5 3/8s, 11/15/28  BB  2,000,000  1,108,640 

Okeechobee Cnty., Solid Waste Mandatory Put Bonds (Waste Mgt./Landfill), Ser. A, 4.2s, 7/1/09  BBB  750,000  747,563 

Orange Cnty., Hlth. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Hosp. Hlth. Care), Ser. E       
6s, 10/1/26  A2  2,940,000  2,811,493 
6s, 10/1/26 (Prerefunded)  A2  60,000  61,909 


MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Florida cont.       
Reunion West, Cmnty. Dev. Dist. Special Assmt. Bonds, 6 1/4s, 5/1/36  BB–/P  $1,915,000  $941,395 

South Bay, Cmnty. Dev. Dist. Rev. Bonds, Ser. B-1, 5 1/8s, 11/1/09 (In default) †  BB–/P  2,025,000  708,750 

South Broward, Hosp. Dist. Rev. Bonds, NATL, 4 3/4s, 5/1/28  Aa3  1,500,000  1,295,354 

Split Pine, Cmnty. Dev. Dist. Special Assmt. Bonds, Ser. A, 5 1/4s, 5/1/39  BB–/P  1,500,000  748,200 

Tolomato, Cmnty. Dev. Dist. Special Assmt. Bonds, 5.4s, 5/1/37  BB–/P  485,000  274,733 

Georgia (1.8%)      24,250,838 
Burke Cnty., Poll. Control Dev. Auth. Mandatory Put Bonds (Oglethorpe Pwr. Corp.), Ser. C-2,       
AMBAC, 4 5/8s, 4/1/10  A  5,500,000  5,498,570 

Effingham Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Georgia Pacific Corp.), 6 1/2s, 6/1/31  B2  900,000  631,692 

Main St. Natural Gas, Inc. Rev. Bonds (GA Gas), Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 9/15/23  A2  1,000,000  785,330 

Marietta, Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (U. Fac. — Life U., Inc.), 7s, 6/15/39  Ba3  1,400,000  1,057,168 

Hawaii (0.1%)      7,972,760 
HI State Hsg. Fin. & Dev. Corp. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, FNMA Coll., 5 3/4s, 7/1/30  AAA  280,000  279,770 

Idaho (0.3%)      279,770 
ID Hsg. & Fin. Assn. Rev. Bonds (Single Fam. Mtge.), Ser. C-2, FHA Insd., 5.15s, 7/1/29  Aaa  1,400,000  1,358,560 

Illinois (4.9%)      1,358,560 
Chicago, Single Fam. Mtge. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, GNMA Coll., FNMA Coll., FHLMC Coll.,       
5 1/2s, 10/1/20  Aaa  1,075,000  1,094,565 

Chicago, Waste Wtr. Transmission Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, NATL, zero %, 1/1/24  AA–  1,600,000  759,424 

IL Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Elmhurst Memorial), Ser. A, 5 5/8s, 1/1/37  Baa1  3,000,000  2,210,790 
(Silver Cross Hosp. & Med.), 5 1/2s, 8/15/30  A  4,000,000  3,388,520 
(Alexian), Ser. A, FSA, 5 1/4s, 1/1/22  Aa3  3,775,000  3,908,333 
(Kishhealth Syst.), 5 3/4s, 10/1/35  A–  1,550,000  1,369,270 

Kendall & Kane Cntys., Cmnty. United School Dist. G.O. Bonds (No. 115 Yorkville), FGIC,       
zero %, 1/1/21  A2  1,075,000  647,290 

Lake Cnty., Cmnty. Construction School Dist. G.O. Bonds (No. 073 Hawthorn), Ser. 02, FGIC,       
zero %, 12/1/20  AA+  1,650,000  1,002,788 
zero %, 12/1/21  AA+  1,950,000  1,110,330 

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Auth. Dedicated State Tax Rev. Bonds (McCormack Place),       
Ser. A, NATL       
zero %, 12/15/22  AA–  2,500,000  1,221,800 
5s, 12/15/28  AAA  1,770,000  1,777,735 

Montgomery, Special Assmt. Bonds (Lakewood Creek), Radian Insd., 4.7s, 3/1/30  BBB–  1,919,000  1,204,518 

Southern IL U. Rev. Bonds (Hsg. & Auxiliary), Ser. A, NATL       
zero %, 4/1/25  AA–  1,870,000  860,499 
zero %, 4/1/21  AA–  2,230,000  1,334,410 

Indiana (3.2%)      21,890,272 
Anderson, Econ. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Anderson U.), 5s, 10/1/24  BBB–/F  390,000  276,023 

IN Bk. Special Program Gas Rev. Bonds, Ser. A       
5 1/4s, 10/15/21  Aa3  180,000  156,618 
5 1/4s, 10/15/18  Aa3  2,000,000  1,827,820 

IN Hlth. Fac. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Cmnty. Hosp.), Ser. A, AMBAC, 5s, 5/1/24  A  2,695,000  2,162,279 

IN State Dev. Fin. Auth. Env. Impt. Rev. Bonds (USX Corp.), 5.6s, 12/1/32  Baa1  4,700,000  3,907,814 

Indianapolis, Arpt. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Federal Express Corp.), 5.1s, 1/15/17  Baa2  2,500,000  2,193,675 

Jasper Cnty., Indl. Poll. Control Rev. Bonds       
AMBAC, 5.7s, 7/1/17  AA  1,375,000  1,371,343 
NATL, 5.6s, 11/1/16  AA  1,550,000  1,565,082 

U. Southern IN Rev. Bonds (Student Fee), Ser. J, AGO, 5 3/4s, 10/1/28  AAA  1,000,000  1,069,430 

Iowa (1.2%)      14,530,084 
IA Fin. Auth. Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Care Initiatives), 9 1/4s, 7/1/25 (Prerefunded)  AAA  3,680,000  4,364,811 

IA State Higher Ed. Loan Auth. Rev. Bonds       
5s, 10/1/22  BBB–/F  605,000  543,593 
(Wartburg), Ser. A, 5s, 10/1/21  BBB–/F  605,000  552,069 



MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Kentucky (0.5%)       
KY Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth. Hlth. Syst. Rev. Bonds (Norton Hlth. Care), Ser. A       
6 5/8s, 10/1/28 (Prerefunded)  AAA/P  $1,470,000  $1,596,773 
6 5/8s, 10/1/28  Baa1  405,000  396,965 

Louisville/Jefferson Cnty., Metro. Govt. College Rev. Bonds (Bellarmine U.), Ser. A, 6s, 5/1/38  Baa2  290,000  250,696 

Louisiana (2.5%)      2,244,434 
LA Local Govt. Env. Fac. Cmnty. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (St. James Place), Ser. A, 7s, 11/1/20       
(Prerefunded)  AAA/P  690,000  724,403 

LA State Office Fac. Corp. Lease Rev. Bonds (Capitol Complex), Ser. A, NATL       
5 1/2s, 3/1/13  AA–  2,000,000  2,017,440 
5 1/2s, 3/1/12  AA–  3,440,000  3,474,365 

Rapides, Fin. Auth. Mandatory Put Bonds (Cleco Pwr.), 5 1/4s, 3/1/13  Baa1  5,250,000  4,956,000 

Maine (0.4%)      11,172,208 
ME State Hsg. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. D-2-AMT, 5s, 11/15/27  Aa1  705,000  700,418 

Rumford, Solid Waste Disp. Rev. Bonds (Boise Cascade Corp.), 6 7/8s, 10/1/26  B2  1,950,000  990,776 

Maryland (0.4%)      1,691,194 
MD Econ. Dev. Corp. Poll. Control Rev. Bonds (Potomac), 6.2s, 9/1/22  Baa1  650,000  693,264 

MD State Hlth. & Higher Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (WA Cnty. Hosp.), 5 3/4s, 1/1/38  BBB–  550,000  435,562 

MD State Indl. Dev. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Synagro-Baltimore), Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 12/1/15  BBB+/F  500,000  459,220 

Massachusetts (11.2%)      1,588,046 
MA State Dev. Fin. Agcy. Rev. Bonds       
(MA Biomedical Research), Ser. C, 6 3/8s, 8/1/17  Aa3  2,785,000  2,914,697 
(MA Biomedical Research), Ser. C, 6 1/4s, 8/1/20  Aa3  2,850,000  2,956,847 
(Linden Ponds, Inc.), Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 11/15/22  BB/P  1,360,000  915,239 

MA State Hlth. & Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Civic Investments/HPHC), Ser. A, 9s, 12/15/15 (Prerefunded)  AAA/P  1,985,000  2,376,204 
(Jordan Hosp.), Ser. E, 6 3/4s, 10/1/33  BB–  1,500,000  1,055,325 
(Med. Ctr. of Central MA), AMBAC, 6.55s, 6/23/22  A  27,100,000  26,083,207 
(UMass Memorial), Ser. C, 6 1/2s, 7/1/21  Baa2  1,875,000  1,810,744 
(Berkshire Hlth. Syst.), Ser. E, 6 1/4s, 10/1/31  BBB+  1,300,000  1,133,691 
(Quincy Med. Ctr.), Ser. A, 6 1/4s, 1/15/28  BB–/P  2,095,000  1,501,507 
(Hlth. Care Syst.-Covenant Hlth.), 6s, 7/1/31  A  3,790,000  3,585,719 
(Care Group), Ser. B-2, NATL, 5 3/8s, 2/1/26  AA–  700,000  639,618 
(Care Group), Ser. B-2, NATL, 5s, 2/1/25  AA–  800,000  708,728 
(Milford Regl. Med.), Ser. E, 5s, 7/15/22  Baa3  1,800,000  1,340,622 

MA State Hlth. & Edl. Fac. Auth. VRDN (Harvard U.), Ser. R, 0.3s, 11/1/49  VMIG1  400,000  400,000 

MA State Port Auth. Rev. Bonds, U.S. Govt. Coll., 13s, 7/1/13 (Prerefunded)  AAA  2,370,000  2,986,793 

Michigan (3.8%)      50,408,941 
Detroit, G.O. Bonds       
Ser. A-1, AMBAC, 5 1/4s, 4/1/24  A  1,435,000  1,125,284 
Ser. A, FGIC, 5s, 7/1/30  AA–  4,505,000  3,854,928 
(Cap. Impt.), Ser. A-1, 5s, 4/1/15  BB  1,300,000  1,076,179 

Detroit, City School Dist. G.O. Bonds, Ser. A, FSA, 6s, 5/1/29  AAA  1,000,000  1,064,500 

Detroit, Wtr. Supply Syst. Rev. Bonds, Ser. B, FSA, 6 1/4s, 7/1/36  AAA  1,425,000  1,466,951 

Flint, Hosp. Bldg. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Hurley Med. Ctr.), 6s, 7/1/20  Ba1  150,000  129,707 

MI Higher Ed. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Kalamazoo College), 5 1/2s, 12/1/18  A1  500,000  520,160 

MI State Hosp. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Oakwood Hosp.), Ser. A, 5 3/4s, 4/1/32  A2  3,000,000  2,443,950 

MI State Hsg. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 3.9s, 6/1/30  AA+  2,210,000  2,175,987 

MI State Strategic Fund, Ltd. Mandatory Put Bonds (Dow Chemical), 5 1/2s, 6/1/13  Baa3  500,000  494,780 

MI State Strategic Fund, Ltd. Rev. Bonds (Worthington Armstrong Venture), U.S. Govt. Coll.,       
5 3/4s, 10/1/22 (Prerefunded)  AAA/P  1,650,000  1,854,071 

MI Tobacco Settlement Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 6s, 6/1/34  BBB  575,000  371,542 

Monroe Cnty., Hosp. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Mercy Memorial Hosp. Corp.), 5 3/8s, 6/1/26  Baa3  750,000  532,365 

Minnesota (0.6%)      17,110,404 
MN State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. Bonds       
(Single Fam. Mtge.), 6.05s, 7/1/31  Aa1  350,000  351,750 
(Res. Hsg.), Ser. M, 5 3/4s, 1/1/37  Aa1  975,000  971,022 


MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Minnesota cont.       
North Oaks, Sr. Hsg. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes), 6 1/8s, 10/1/39  BB/P  $995,000  $764,996 

St. Paul, Hsg. & Redev. Auth. Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Healtheast), 6s, 11/15/35  Ba1  1,150,000  839,523 

Mississippi (1.8%)      2,927,291 
MS Bus. Fin. Corp. Poll. Control Rev. Bonds (Syst. Energy Resources, Inc.)       
5.9s, 5/1/22  BBB  3,000,000  2,612,670 
5 7/8s, 4/1/22  BBB  2,330,000  2,025,399 

MS Home Corp. Rev. Bonds (Single Fam. Mtge.)       
Ser. B-2, GNMA Coll., FNMA Coll., 6.45s, 12/1/33  Aaa  1,150,000  1,177,152 
Ser. B, GNMA Coll., FNMA Coll., 5 1/2s, 6/1/36  Aaa  315,000  313,016 

Warren Cnty., Gulf Opportunity Zone (Intl. Paper Co.), Ser. A, 6 1/2s, 9/1/32  BBB  2,000,000  1,772,580 

Missouri (3.1%)      7,900,817 
Cape Girardeau Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (St. Francis Med. Ctr.), Ser. A,       
5 1/2s, 6/1/16  A+  2,550,000  2,637,107 

MO Hsg. Dev. Comm. Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership), Ser. B, GNMA Coll., FNMA Coll., 4.4s, 3/1/14  AAA  175,000  174,914 

MO State Hlth. & Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds Ser. 2003A (St. Luke’s Health), 5 1/2s, 11/15/28 T  AAA  10,000,000  10,444,957 

MO State Hsg. Dev. Comm. Mtge. Rev. Bonds (Single Fam. Homeowner Loan), Ser. C-1, GNMA Coll.,       
FNMA Coll., 7.15s, 3/1/32  AAA  435,000  467,086 

Nebraska (0.6%)      13,724,064 
Central Plains, Energy Project Rev. Bonds (NE Gas No. 1), Ser. A, 5 1/4s, 12/1/18  A  3,000,000  2,580,510 

Nevada (10.2%)      2,580,510 
Clark Cnty., Ltd. Tax Bond, 5s, 6/1/33 T  AA+  32,285,000  30,073,781 

Clark Cnty., Arpt. Rev. Bonds       
Ser. A-2, FGIC, 5 1/8s, 7/1/26  Aa3  5,105,000  5,044,403 
Ser. A-1, AMBAC, 5s, 7/1/24  Aa3  2,600,000  2,295,124 

Clark Cnty., Impt. Dist. Special Assmt. Bonds (Summerlin No. 151), 5s, 8/1/25  BB/P  2,100,000  1,178,877 

Clark Cnty., Indl. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Southwest Gas Corp.), Ser. A, AMBAC       
6.1s, 12/1/38  A  3,000,000  2,500,200 
5 1/4s, 7/1/34  A  3,000,000  2,249,040 

Henderson G.O. Bonds (Ltd. Tax -Swr.), FGIC, 5s, 6/1/29  AA+  1,000,000  967,960 

Henderson, Local Impt. Dist. Special Assmt. Bonds       
(No. T-16), 5 1/8s, 3/1/25  BB/P  1,160,000  526,095 
(No. T-16), 5.1s, 3/1/21  BB/P  1,275,000  579,652 
(No. T-17), 5s, 9/1/25  BB/P  610,000  367,623 

New Hampshire (0.3%)      45,782,755 
NH Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Southern NH Med. Ctr.), Ser. A, 5 1/4s, 10/1/28  A–  1,315,000  1,148,942 

New Jersey (3.2%)      1,148,942 
NJ Econ. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Cedar Crest Village, Inc.), Ser. A, U.S. Govt. Coll., 7 1/4s, 11/15/31 (Prerefunded)  AAA/F  1,300,000  1,497,951 
(First Mtge. Presbyterian Home), Ser. A, 6 3/8s, 11/1/31  BB/P  1,000,000  707,620 
(Cigarette Tax), 5 3/4s, 6/15/29  Baa2  5,000,000  3,654,000 
(Cigarette Tax), 5 1/2s, 6/15/24  Baa2  2,800,000  2,156,252 

NJ Hlth. Care Fac. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(St. Joseph Hlth. Care Syst.), 6 5/8s, 7/1/38  BBB–  2,750,000  2,136,723 
(St. Peter’s U. Hosp.), 5 1/4s, 7/1/21  Baa2  2,325,000  1,973,321 

NJ State Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Fairleigh Dickinson), Ser. C, 6s, 7/1/20  BBB–/F  1,500,000  1,414,890 

Tobacco Settlement Fin. Corp. Rev. Bonds, Ser. 1A, 5s, 6/1/29  BBB  1,350,000  876,474 

New Mexico (0.1%)      14,417,231 
NM Mtge. Fin. Auth. FRN (Single Fam. Mtge.), Ser. C, GNMA Coll., FNMA Coll., FHLMC Coll.,       
5.82s, 9/1/33  AAA  500,000  499,475 

New York (6.5%)      499,475 
Broome Cnty., Indl. Dev. Agcy. Continuing Care Retirement Rev. Bonds (Good Shepherd Village),       
Ser. A, 6 7/8s, 7/1/40  B/P  320,000  233,763 

Buffalo, G.O. Bonds, Ser. D, FGIC, 5 1/2s, 12/15/13  AA–  1,000,000  1,084,330 

Niagara Cnty., Indl. Dev. Agcy. Mandatory Put Bonds (Solid Waste Disp.), Ser. C, 5 5/8s, 11/15/14  Baa2  2,000,000  1,853,200 

NY City, Hsg. Dev. Corp. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, FGIC, NATL, 5s, 7/1/25  AA+  1,500,000  1,496,610 


MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

New York cont.       
NY City, Indl. Dev. Agcy. Rev. Bonds       
(Liberty-7 World Trade Ctr.), Ser. A, 6 1/4s, 3/1/15  BB/P  $1,400,000  $1,197,588 
(Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogen. Partners), 6.2s, 10/1/22  BB+  770,000  606,991 
(Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogen. Partners), Ser. G, 5 3/4s, 10/1/36  BB+  2,000,000  1,261,740 

NY City, Indl. Dev. Agcy. Special Fac. Rev. Bonds       
(Airis JFK I, LLC), Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 7/1/28  BBB–  2,100,000  1,394,820 
(JFK Intl. Arpt.), Ser. A, 8s, 8/1/12  B–  2,000,000  1,819,540 
(British Airways PLC), 5 1/4s, 12/1/32  Ba1  700,000  348,621 

NY Cntys., Tobacco Trust III Rev. Bonds (Tobacco Settlement), 6s, 6/1/43  BBB  1,500,000  1,083,405 

NY State Dorm. Auth. Non-State Supported Debt Rev. Bonds (Orange Regl. Med. Ctr.), 6 1/4s,       
12/1/37  Ba1  800,000  599,040 

NY State Energy Research & Dev. Auth. Gas Fac. Rev. Bonds (Brooklyn Union Gas), 6.952s, 7/1/26  A+  6,000,000  5,998,680 

Port Auth. NY & NJ Special Oblig. Rev. Bonds (JFK Intl. Air Term. — 6), NATL, 5.9s, 12/1/17  AA–  9,000,000  8,365,410 

Seneca Cnty., Indl. Dev. Agcy. Solid Waste Disp. Mandatory Put Bonds (Seneca Meadows, Inc.),       
3.33s, 10/1/13  B+  670,000  587,878 

Suffolk Cnty., Indl. Dev. Agcy. Cont. Care Retirement Rev. Bonds (Peconic Landing), Ser. A, 8s,       
10/1/30  BB–/P  1,300,000  1,177,319 

North Carolina (3.5%)      29,108,935 
NC Eastern Muni. Pwr. Agcy. Syst. Rev. Bonds       
Ser. D, 6 3/4s, 1/1/26  Baa1  1,000,000  1,017,300 
Ser. C, 6 3/4s, 1/1/24  Baa1  1,000,000  1,100,450 
Ser. A, 5 3/4s, 1/1/26  Baa1  3,000,000  3,010,050 
Ser. B, 5.65s, 1/1/16  Baa1  1,000,000  1,014,570 

NC Med. Care Cmnty. Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. Bonds       
(Deerfield), Ser. A, 6s, 11/1/33  BBB+/F  805,000  654,449 
(First Mtge. — Presbyterian Homes), 5 3/8s, 10/1/22  BB/P  1,000,000  810,520 

NC State Muni. Pwr. Agcy. Rev. Bonds (No. 1, Catawba Elec.), Ser. B, 6 1/2s, 1/1/20  A2  8,000,000  8,234,080 

North Dakota (1.6%)      15,841,419 
Grand Forks, Hlth. Care Syst. Rev. Bonds (Altru Hlth. Syst. Oblig. Group), 7 1/8s, 8/15/24       
(Prerefunded)  AAA/P  2,000,000  2,179,440 

ND State Board of Higher Ed. Rev. Bonds (U. of ND Hsg. & Auxiliary Fac.), FSA, 5s, 4/1/19  AAA  500,000  546,925 

ND State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. Bonds (Hsg. Fin.), Ser. B, 4.8s, 7/1/37  Aa1  5,560,000  4,649,494 

Ohio (7.2%)      7,375,859 
American Muni. Pwr. — Ohio, Inc. Rev. Bonds, 5 1/4s, 2/15/33 T  AAA  10,000,000  9,959,676 

Buckeye, Tobacco Settlement Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A-2       
5 3/4s, 6/1/34  BBB  14,300,000  8,501,922 
5 1/8s, 6/1/24  BBB  2,220,000  1,752,690 

Coshocton Cnty., Env. 144A Rev. Bonds (Smurfit-Stone Container Corp.), 5 1/8s, 8/1/13       
(In default) †  D  1,700,000  289,000 

Hickory Chase, Cmnty. Auth. Infrastructure Impt. Rev. Bonds (Hickory Chase), 7s, 12/1/38  BB–/P  700,000  503,636 

Lake Cnty., Hosp. Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lake Hosp. Syst.), Ser. C, 6s, 8/15/43  Baa1  3,100,000  2,613,300 

Montgomery Cnty., Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Kettering Med. Ctr.), 6 3/4s, 4/1/22 (Prerefunded)  A2  1,000,000  1,065,110 

OH State Higher Ed. Fac. Comm. Rev. Bonds       
(John Carroll U.), 5 1/4s, 11/15/33  A2  500,000  485,890 
(U. Hosp. Hlth. Syst.), Ser. 09-A, 6 3/4s, 1/15/39  A2  3,000,000  3,014,520 

Scioto Cnty., Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Southern Med. Ctr.), 5 1/2s, 2/15/28  A2  4,660,000  4,247,171 

Oklahoma (1.1%)      32,432,915 
Durant, Cmnty. Facs. Auth. G.O. Bonds, XLCA, 5 3/4s, 11/1/24  A  1,730,000  1,836,724 

OK State Tpk. Auth. VRDN, Ser. F, 0.45s, 1/1/28  VMIG1  3,000,000  3,000,000 

Oregon (0.9%)      4,836,724 
Keizer, Special Assmt. Bonds (Keizer Station), Ser. A, 5.2s, 6/1/31  A3  2,500,000  2,442,175 

Multnomah Cnty., Hosp. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Terwilliger Plaza), Ser. A, 5 1/4s, 12/1/26  BB–/P  1,040,000  730,704 

OR State Hsg. & Cmnty. Svcs. Dept. Rev. Bonds (Single Family Mtge.), Ser. K, 5 5/8s, 7/1/29  Aa2  815,000  817,201 



MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Pennsylvania (4.6%)       
Allegheny Cnty., Hosp. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Hlth. Syst.-West PA), Ser. A, 5 3/8s, 11/15/40  BB  $1,500,000  $789,045 

Bucks Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (USX Corp.), 5.6s, 3/1/33  Baa1  2,025,000  1,680,143 

Bucks Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Retirement Cmnty. Rev. Bonds (Ann’s Choice, Inc.), Ser. A       
5.4s, 1/1/15  BB/P  1,060,000  906,183 
5.3s, 1/1/14  BB/P  710,000  622,798 

Carbon Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Panther Creek Partners), 6.65s, 5/1/10  BBB–  865,000  865,450 

Cumberland Cnty., Muni. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes), Ser. A, 5s, 1/1/17  BBB+  1,320,000  1,141,391 

Delaware Cnty., College Auth. Rev. Bonds (Neumann College)       
6s, 10/1/30  BBB  675,000  565,981 
6s, 10/1/25  BBB  75,000  65,822 

Erie, Higher Ed. Bldg. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Mercyhurst College), 5 1/2s, 3/15/38  BBB  725,000  587,112 

Lancaster, Higher Ed. Auth. College Rev. Bonds (Franklin & Marshall College), 5s, 4/15/29  A1  1,000,000  977,750 

New Morgan, Indl. Dev. Auth. Solid Waste Disp. Rev. Bonds (New Morgan Landfill Co., Inc.),       
6 1/2s, 4/1/19  BBB  1,000,000  1,000,720 

Northampton Cnty., Hosp. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Saint Luke’s Hosp.), Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 8/15/40  Baa1  1,250,000  1,019,838 

PA State Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth. Resource Recvy. Rev. Bonds (Northampton Generating), Ser. A       
6.6s, 1/1/19  B–  1,850,000  1,218,225 
6 1/2s, 1/1/13  B–  1,000,000  682,050 

PA State Higher Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Widener U.), 5 3/8s, 7/15/29  BBB+  750,000  641,535 
(Philadelphia U.), 5s, 6/1/30  Baa2  2,250,000  1,623,308 
(Philadelphia U.), 5s, 6/1/22  Baa2  860,000  695,129 

Philadelphia, Hosp. & Higher Ed. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Hosp.-Graduate Hlth. Sys.), Ser. A, 6 1/4s,       
7/1/13 (In default) †  D/P  1,462,206  439 

Sayre, Hlth. Care Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Guthrie Hlth.), Ser. A, 5 7/8s, 12/1/31  A  580,000  543,211 

Scranton, G.O. Bonds, Ser. C, 7.1s, 9/1/31 (Prerefunded)  AAA/P  3,000,000  3,413,010 

Susquehanna, Area Regl. Arpt. Syst. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 6 1/2s, 1/1/38  Baa3  550,000  387,580 

West Cornwall, Tpk. Muni. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Elizabethtown College), 6s, 12/15/27 (Prerefunded)  BBB+  1,000,000  1,124,940 

Puerto Rico (2.3%)      20,551,660 
Cmnwlth. of PR, G.O. Bonds, Ser. A, 5s, 7/1/16  Baa3  5,000,000  4,819,000 

Cmnwlth. of PR, Aqueduct & Swr. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 6s, 7/1/38  Baa3  4,125,000  3,892,309 

Cmnwlth. of PR, Pub. Bldg. Auth. Mandatory Put Bonds (Govt. Fac.), Ser. M-2, 5 3/4s, 7/1/17  Baa3  1,750,000  1,708,753 

Rhode Island (—%)      10,420,062 
Tobacco Settlement Fin. Corp. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 6 1/4s, 6/1/42  BBB  200,000  147,810 

South Carolina (2.8%)      147,810 
Georgetown Cnty., Env. Impt. Rev. Bonds (Intl. Paper Co.), Ser. A, 5.7s, 4/1/14  BBB  1,000,000  978,390 

Orangeburg Cnty., Solid Waste Disp. Fac. Rev. Bonds (SC Elec. & Gas), AMBAC, 5.7s, 11/1/24  A  2,500,000  2,311,125 

SC Hosp. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Med. U.), Ser. A, 6 1/2s, 8/15/32 (Prerefunded)  AAA  2,000,000  2,316,540 

SC Jobs Econ. Dev. Auth. Hosp. Fac. Rev. Bonds (Palmetto Hlth.)       
Ser. A, 7 3/8s, 12/15/21 (Prerefunded)  AAA/P  1,300,000  1,446,926 
Ser. C, 6s, 8/1/20 (Prerefunded)  Baa1  2,445,000  2,832,948 
Ser. C, 6s, 8/1/20 (Prerefunded)  Baa1  305,000  353,394 

SC Trans. Infrastructure Bk. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, AMBAC, 5s, 10/1/27  A1  2,460,000  2,465,658 

South Dakota (0.8%)      12,704,981 
SD Edl. Enhancement Funding Corp. SD Tobacco Rev. Bonds, Ser. B, 6 1/2s, 6/1/32  BBB  2,450,000  1,832,135 

SD Hsg. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Home Ownership), Ser. C, 5 3/8s, 5/1/18  AAA  1,455,000  1,462,421 
(Home Ownership), Ser. J, 4 1/2s, 5/1/17  AAA  500,000  508,410 

Tennessee (1.1%)      3,802,966 
Johnson City, Hlth. & Edl. Fac. Board Hosp. Rev. Bonds (First Mtge. Mountain States Hlth.), Ser. A,       
7 1/2s, 7/1/25 (Prerefunded)  Baa1  2,000,000  2,279,000 

Sullivan Cnty., Hlth. Edl. & Hsg. Hosp. Fac. Board Rev. Bonds (Wellmont Hlth. Syst.), Ser. C       
5s, 9/1/22  BBB+  2,100,000  1,420,440 
5s, 9/1/19  BBB+  1,460,000  1,069,275 



MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Texas (16.1%)       
Abilene, Hlth. Fac. Dev. Corp. Retirement Fac. (Sears Methodist Retirement), 6s, 11/15/29  B+/P  $1,050,000  $678,825 

Alliance, Arpt. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Federal Express Corp.), 4.85s, 4/1/21  Baa2  3,250,000  2,542,573 

Brazoria Cnty., Brazos River Harbor Naval Dist. (Dow Chemical Co.), Ser. A-3, 5 1/8s, 5/15/33  BBB–  390,000  281,795 

Brazos River, Auth. Poll. Control Rev. Bonds       
Ser. D-1, 8 1/4s, 5/1/33  Caa2  500,000  226,075 
(TXU Energy Co., LLC), 5s, 3/1/41  Caa2  500,000  186,160 

Brazos, Harbor Indl. Dev. Corp. Env. Fac. Mandatory Put Bonds (Dow Chemical), 5.9s, 5/1/28  BBB–  2,850,000  2,392,176 

Dallas Cnty., Util. & Reclamation Dist. G.O. Bonds, Ser. B, AMBAC, 5 3/8s, 2/15/29  A  4,000,000  3,629,560 

Dallas, Area Rapid Transit Rev. Bonds Sr. Lien, 5s, 12/1/33 T  AAA  20,000,000  20,288,000 

Denton, Indpt. School Dist. VRDN, Ser. 05-A, 0.55s, 8/1/35  A-1  2,250,000  2,250,000 

Gateway, Pub. Fac. Corp. Mandatory Put Bonds (Stonegate Villas Apt.), FNMA Coll., 4.55s, 7/1/14  Aaa  1,500,000  1,545,210 

Gulf Coast, Waste Disp. Auth. Rev. Bonds       
(Valero Energy Corp.), 6.65s, 4/1/32  Baa2  1,000,000  890,640 
Ser. A, 6.1s, 8/1/24  BBB  550,000  446,650 

Harris Cnty., Cultural Ed. Fac. Fin. Corp. VRDN (Texas Med. Ctr.), Ser. B-1, 0.45s, 9/1/31  VMIG1  775,000  775,000 

Harris Cnty., Houston Sports Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. H, NATL, zero %, 11/15/25  AA–  11,000,000  3,766,950 

Lower CO River Auth. Rev. Bonds, 5 3/4s, 5/15/37  A1  2,400,000  2,441,448 

Matagorda Cnty., Poll. Control Rev. Bonds (Dist. No. 1), Ser. A, AMBAC, 4.4s, 5/1/30  A  1,500,000  1,121,595 

Mission, Econ. Dev. Corp. Solid Waste Disp. Rev. Bonds (Allied Waste N.A. Inc.), Ser. A, 5.2s,       
4/1/18  BBB  1,200,000  1,120,308 

North TX Thruway Auth. Rev. Bonds       
Ser. D, AGO, zero %, 1/1/28  AAA  7,800,000  2,641,080 
Ser. A, 6s, 1/1/25  A2  1,300,000  1,380,951 
(Toll 2nd Tier), Ser. F, 5 3/4s, 1/1/38  A3  2,000,000  1,862,220 

North TX, Thruway Auth. stepped-coupon Rev. Bonds, zero %, (6.5s, 1/1/15) 2043 ††  A2  4,000,000  2,609,800 

Port Corpus Christi Indl. Dev. Corp. Rev. Bonds (Valero), Ser. C, 5.4s, 4/1/18  Baa2  1,535,000  1,397,863 

Sam Rayburn Muni. Pwr. Agcy. Rev. Bonds, 6s, 10/1/21  Baa2  2,350,000  2,166,230 

San Antonio Wtr. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, FSA, 5s, 5/15/32  AAA  2,000,000  2,020,100 

Tarrant Cnty., Cultural Ed. Fac. Fin. Corp. Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Buckner Retirement       
Svcs., Inc.), 5 1/4s, 11/15/37  A–  1,100,000  869,231 

Tomball, Hosp. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Tomball Regl. Hosp.)       
6s, 7/1/29  Baa3  2,000,000  1,424,620 
6s, 7/1/19  Baa3  1,700,000  1,421,591 

TX Muni. Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. I Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 5s, 12/15/15  A2  3,000,000  2,540,010 

TX State Tpk. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Central Texas Tpk. Syst.), Ser. A, AMBAC, 5 1/2s, 8/15/39  A  8,000,000  7,560,880 

Utah (2.8%)      72,477,541 
Intermountain Pwr. Agcy. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, NATL, U.S. Govt. Coll., 6.15s, 7/1/14 (Prerefunded)  AA–  8,165,000  8,166,224 

Murray City, Hosp. Rev. VRDN (IHC Hlth. Svcs., Inc.), Ser. B, 0.45s, 5/15/37  VMIG1  2,500,000  2,500,000 

Salt Lake City, Hosp. Rev. Bonds, AMBAC, 6 3/4s, 5/15/20 (Prerefunded)  A  2,000,000  2,002,700 

Vermont (0.2%)      12,668,924 
VT Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. Bonds       
(Single Fam.), Ser. 23, FSA, 5s, 5/1/34  AAA  170,000  168,890 
Ser. 19A, FSA, 4.62s, 5/1/29  AAA  675,000  666,556 

Virginia (2.3%)      835,446 
Fredericksburg, Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Medicorp Hlth. Syst.), Ser. B, 5 1/8s, 6/15/33  A3  500,000  432,405 

Henrico Cnty., Econ. Dev. Auth. Res. Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (United Methodist), Ser. A       
6.7s, 6/1/27  BB+/P  735,000  619,215 
6.7s, 6/1/27 (Prerefunded)  BB+/P  265,000  304,236 

Prince William Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Potomac Hosp. Corp.), 5.35s, 10/1/36  Baa1  2,500,000  1,925,600 

VA State Hsg. Dev. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. A-5, 4.2s, 7/1/14  Aaa  4,890,000  4,871,857 

WA Cnty., Indl. Dev. Auth. Hosp. Fac. Rev. Bonds (Mountain States Hlth. Alliance), Ser. C,       
7 3/4s, 7/1/38  Baa1  2,100,000  2,151,219 



MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (145.9%)* cont.  Rating**  Principal amount  Value 

Washington (2.8%)       
Chelan Cnty. Dev. Corp. Rev. Bonds (Alcoa), 5.85s, 12/1/31  Baa3  $4,000,000  $3,152,799 

Everett, Pub. Fac. Dist. Ltd. Sales Tax & Interlocal Rev. Bonds, Ser. A       
5s, 12/1/22  A  940,000  971,067 
5s, 12/1/21  A  940,000  979,884 

Port of Seattle Rev. Bonds, Ser. B, NATL, 5.8s, 2/1/20  Aa2  1,000,000  1,007,020 

Tobacco Settlement Auth. of WA Rev. Bonds       
6 5/8s, 6/1/32  BBB  900,000  682,731 
6 1/2s, 6/1/26  BBB  5,400,000  5,117,688 
WA State Hlth. Care Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Ser. C, Radian Insd., 5 3/8s, 8/15/28  Baa2  900,000  685,557 

West Virginia (1.3%)      12,596,746 
Harrison Cnty., Cmnty. Solid Waste Disp. Rev. Bonds (Allegheny Energy), Ser. D, 5 1/2s, 10/15/37  Baa2  3,450,000  2,772,178 

Mason Cnty., Poll. Control Rev. Bonds (Appalachian Pwr. Co. Project), Ser. L, 5 1/2s, 10/1/11  BBB  750,000  713,760 

Princeton, Hosp. Rev. Bonds (Cmnty. Hosp. Assn., Inc.), 6.1s, 5/1/29  BB–  2,025,000  1,431,594 

WV State Hosp. Fin. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Thomas Hlth. Syst.), 6 3/4s, 10/1/43  B/P  935,000  726,719 

Wisconsin (4.9%)      5,644,251 
Badger, Tobacco Settlement Asset Securitization Corp. Rev. Bonds       
7s, 6/1/28 (Prerefunded)  AAA  7,000,000  7,992,740 
6 3/8s, 6/1/32 (Prerefunded)  AAA  8,600,000  9,660,810 

WI State Rev. Bonds, Ser. A, 6s, 5/1/27  AA–  2,500,000  2,670,350 

WI State Hlth. & Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Prohealth Care, Inc.), 6 5/8s, 2/15/39  A1  1,500,000  1,497,150 

Wyoming (0.4%)      21,821,050 
WY Muni. Pwr. Agcy. Rev. Bonds (Pwr. Supply),       
Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 1/1/33  A2  950,000  930,240 
Ser. A, 5 1/2s, 1/1/28  A2  1,000,000  1,008,140 



Total investments (cost $709,060,941)      $654,561,098 

* Percentages indicated are based on net assets applicable to common shares of $448,681,229.

** The Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s or Fitch ratings indicated are believed to be the most recent ratings available at April 30, 2009 for the securities listed. Ratings are generally ascribed to securities at the time of issuance. While the agencies may from time to time revise such ratings, they undertake no obligation to do so, and the ratings do not necessarily represent what the agencies would ascribe to these securities at April 30, 2009. Securities rated by Putnam are indicated by “/P.” Securities rated by Fitch are indicated by “/F.” The rating of an insured security represents what is believed to be the most recent rating of the insurer’s claims-paying ability available at April 30, 2009 and does not reflect any subsequent changes. Ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.

† Non-income-producing security.

The interest rate and date shown parenthetically represent the new interest rate to be paid and the date the fund will begin accruing interest at this rate.

T Underlying security in a tender option bond transaction. The security has been segregated as collateral for financing transactions.

Debt obligations are considered secured unless otherwise indicated.

144A after the name of an issuer represents securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

The rates shown on VRDN, Mandatory Put Bonds, FRB and FRN are the current interest rates at April 30, 2009.

The dates shown on Mandatory Put Bonds are the next mandatory put dates.

The dates shown on debt obligations other than Mandatory Put Bonds are the original maturity dates.

The fund had the following sector concentrations greater than 10% at April 30, 2009 (as a percentage of net assets):

Health care  33.5% 
Utilities  24.2 
Prerefunded  15.2 
Local government  11.8 
Transportation  10.5 

The fund had the following insurance concentrations greater than 10% at April 30, 2009 (as a percentage of net assets):

AMBAC  16.0% 
NATL  11.9 


In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, Fair Value Measurements (” SFAS 157” ). SFAS 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years. While the adoption of SFAS 157 does not have a material effect on the fund’s net asset value, it does require additional disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS 157 establishes a three-level hierarchy for disclosure of fair value measurements. The valuation hierarchy is based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of the fund’s investments. The three levels are defined as follows:

Level 1 – Valuations based on quoted prices for identical securities in active markets.

Level 2 – Valuations based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3 – Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement.

The following is a summary of the inputs used to value the fund’s net assets as of April 30, 2009:

Valuation inputs  Investments in securities  Other financial instruments 

Level 1  $—  $— 

Level 2  654,561,098   

Level 3     

Total  $654,561,098  $— 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of assets and liabilities 4/30/09


Investment in securities, at value(Note 1):   
Unaffiliated issuers (identified cost $709,060,941)  $654,561,098 

Cash  186,075 

Interest and other receivables  11,068,600 

Receivable for investments sold  1,910,518 

Total assets  667,726,291 

Distributions payable to shareholders  2,690,155 

Distributions payable to preferred shareholders (Note 1)  31,725 

Payable for compensation of Manager (Note 2)  943,355 

Payable for investor servicing fees (Note 2)  18,099 

Payable for custodian fees (Note 2)  3,255 

Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)  181,388 

Payable for administrative services (Note 2)  2,049 

Payable for floating rate notes issued (Note 1)  36,141,333 

Other accrued expenses  183,703 

Total liabilities  40,195,062 

Series B remarketed preferred shares: (3,417 shares   
authorized and issued at $25,000 per share) (Note 4)  85,425,000 

Series C remarketed preferred shares: (3,737 shares   
authorized and issued at $25,000 per share) (Note 4)  93,425,000 

Net assets  $448,681,229 


Paid-in capital — common shares (Unlimited shares   
authorized) (Notes 1 and 5)  $562,496,734 

Undistributed net investment income (Note 1)  867,328 

Accumulated net realized loss on investments (Note 1)  (60,182,990) 

Net unrealized depreciation of investments  (54,499,843) 

Total — Representing net assets applicable to   
common shares outstanding  $448,681,229 

Net asset value per common share   
($448,681,229 divided by 42,871,374 shares)  $10.47 

Statement of operations Year ended 4/30/09

INTEREST INCOME  $44,133,146 


Compensation of Manager (Note 2)  $4,209,566 

Investor servicing fees (Note 2)  234,230 

Custodian fees (Note 2)  16,684 

Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)  40,953 

Administrative services (Note 2)  28,237 

Preferred share remarketing agent fees  748,855 

Interest and fee expense (Note 1)  632,597 

Other  744,693 

Fees waived and reimbursed by Manager (Note 2)  (170,359) 

Total expenses  6,485,456 
Expense reduction (Note 2)  (66,796) 

Net expenses  6,418,660 
Net investment income  37,714,486 

Net realized loss on investments (Notes 1 and 3)  (15,878,844) 

Net realized loss on futures contracts (Note 1)  (622,399) 

Net unrealized depreciation of investments during the year  (67,589,013) 

Net loss on investments  (84,090,256) 

Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations  $(46,375,770) 


From ordinary income   
Taxable net investment income  (45,666) 
From tax exempt net investment income  (8,057,144) 

Net decrease in net assets resulting from   
operations (applicable to common shareholders)  $(54,478,580) 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of changes in net assets   
  Year ended  Year ended 
  4/30/09  4/30/08 


Net investment income  $37,714,486  $18,117,735 

Net realized loss on investments  (16,501,243)  (1,738,260) 

Net unrealized depreciation of investments  (67,589,013)  (14,806,638) 

Net increase (decrease) in net assets     
resulting from operations  (46,375,770)  1,572,837 

From ordinary income     

Taxable net investment income  (45,666)  (3,110) 

From tax exempt net investment income  (8,057,144)  (6,433,786) 

Net decrease in net assets resulting     
from operations (applicable to     
common shareholders)  (54,478,580)  (4,864,059) 

From ordinary income     

Taxable net investment income  (83,926)  (6,759) 

From tax exempt net investment income  (29,260,125)  (10,801,015) 

Increase from issuance of common shares in     
connection with the merger of Putnam     
Municipal Bond Fund (Note 6)    193,245,081 

Increase from issuance of common shares     
in connection with the merger of Putnam     
Investment Grade Municipal Trust (Note 6)    186,555,544 

Decrease from capital shares repurchased     
(Note 5)  (4,924,517)  (26,876,245) 

Total increase (decrease) in net assets  (88,747,148)  337,252,547 

Beginning of year  537,428,377  200,175,830 

End of year (including undistributed     
net investment income of $867,328 and     
$671,052, respectively)  $448,681,229  $537,428,377 

  Year ended  Year ended 
  4/30/09  4/30/08 

Common shares outstanding at     
beginning of year  43,318,703  15,172,510 

Shares repurchased (Note 5)  (447,329)  (2,219,661) 

Shares issued in connection with the merger     
of Putnan Municipal Bond Fund (Note 6)    15,451,020 

Shares issued in connection with the merger     
of Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust     
(Note 6)    14,916,168 

Retirement of shares held by the fund    (1,334) 

Common shares outstanding at end of year  42,871,374  43,318,703 

Remarketed preferred shares outstanding at     
beginning of year  15,760  4,040 

Preferred shares issued in connection with the     
merger of Putnam Municipal Bond Fund (Note 6)    5,320 

Preferred shares issued in connection with the     
merger of Putnam Investment Grade Municipal     
Trust (Note 6)    5,600 

Preferred shares issued — Series A (Note 4)    800 

Preferred shares redeemed — Series A (Note 4)  (4,520)   

Preferred shares redeemed — Series B (Note 4)  (603)   

Preferred shares redeemed — Series C (Note 4)  (3,483)   

Remarketed preferred shares outstanding     
at end of year  7,154  15,760 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Financial highlights (For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

  4/30/09  4/30/08  4/30/07  4/30/06  4/30/05 

Net asset value, beginning of period (common shares)  $12.41  $13.19  $12.85  $13.15  $12.72 
Investment operations:           

Net investment income a  .88 e  .93 e  .89  .86  .91 

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments  (1.96)  (.88)  .23  (.30)  .51 

Total from investment operations  (1.08)  .05  1.12  .56  1.42 
Distributions to preferred shareholders:           

From net investment income  (.19)  (.33)  (.28)  (.21)  (.12) 

Total from investment operations           
(applicable to common shareholders)  (1.27)  (.28)  .84  .35  1.30 
Distributions to common shareholders:           

From net investment income  (.68)  (.57)  (.57)  (.68)  (.87) 

Total distributions  (.68)  (.57)  (.57)  (.68)  (.87) 
Increase from shares repurchased  .01  .07  .07  .03   

Net asset value, end of period (common shares)  $10.47  $12.41  $13.19  $12.85  $13.15 

Market price, end of period (common shares)  $9.73  $11.13  $12.20  $11.68  $11.72 

Total return at market price (%) (common shares) b  (6.32)  (4.09)  9.64  5.61  .82 

Net assets, end of period (common shares) (in thousands)  $448,681  $537,428  $200,176  $203,548  $212,505 

Ratio of expenses to average net assets (%) c,d  1.38 e,f  1.44 e  1.28  1.37  1.40 

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets (%) d  6.31 e  4.86 e  4.61  4.92  6.15 

Portfolio turnover (%)  31.32  44.85  12.60  10.74  29.51 

a Per share net investment income has been determined on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

b Total return assumes dividend reinvestment.

c Includes amounts paid through expense offset arrangements (Note 2).

d Ratios reflect net assets available to common shares only: net investment income ratio also reflects reduction for dividend payments to preferred shareholders.

e Reflects waiver of certain fund expenses in connection with the fund’s remarketed preferred shares during the period. As a result of such waivers, the expenses of the fund for the period ended April 30, 2009 and April 30, 2008 reflect a reduction of 0.03% and less than 0.01% of average net assets, respectively (Note 2).

f Includes interest and fee expense associated with borrowings which amounted to 0.13% of average net assets for the period ended April 30, 2009 (Note 1).

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Notes to financial statements 4/30/09

Note 1: Significant accounting policies

Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (the “fund”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The fund’s investment objective is to seek as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax as Putnam Investment Management, LLC (“Putnam Management”), the fund’s manager, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Putnam Investments, LLC believes is consistent with the preservation of capital. The fund intends to achieve its objective by investing in a portfolio of investment grade and some below investment-grade municipal bonds selected by Putnam Management.

In the normal course of business, the fund enters into contracts that may include agreements to indemnify another party under given circumstances. The fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be, but have not yet been, made against the fund. However, the fund’s management team expects the risk of material loss to be remote.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the fund in the preparation of its financial statements. The preparation of financial statements is in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

A) Security valuation Tax-exempt bonds and notes are generally valued on the basis of valuations provided by an independent pricing service approved by the Trustees. Such services use information with respect to transactions in bonds, quotations from bond dealers, market transactions in comparable securities and various relationships between securities in determining value. Certain investments, including certain restricted and illiquid securities and derivatives, are also valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees. Such valuations and procedures are reviewed periodically by the Trustees. The fair value of securities is generally determined as the amount that the fund could reasonably expect to realize from an orderly disposition of such securities over a reasonable period of time. By its nature, a fair value price is a good faith estimate of the value of a security at a given point in time and does n ot reflect an actual market price, which may be different by a material amount.

B) Security transactions and related investment income Security transactions are recorded on the trade date (the date the order to buy or sell is executed). Gains or losses on securities sold are determined on the identified cost basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. All premiums/discounts are amortized/accreted on a yield-to-maturity basis. The premium in excess of the call price, if any, is amortized to the call date; thereafter, any remaining premium is amortized to maturity.

C) Futures and options contracts The fund may use futures and options contracts to hedge against changes in the values of securities the fund owns, owned or expects to purchase, or for other investment purposes. The fund may also write options on swaps or securities it owns or in which it may invest to increase its current returns.

The potential risk to the fund is that the change in value of futures and options contracts may not correspond to the change in value of the hedged instruments. In addition, losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments, if there is an illiquid secondary market for the contracts, interest or exchange rates moving unexpectedly or if the counterparty to the contract is unable to perform. Risks may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. When the contract is closed, the fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. Realized gains and losses on purchased options are included in realized gains and losses on investment securities. If a written call option is exercised, the premium originally received is recorded as an addition to sales proceeds. If a written put opti on is exercised, the premium originally received is recorded as a reduction to the cost of investments.

Futures contracts are valued at the quoted daily settlement prices established by the exchange on which they trade. The fund and the broker agree to exchange an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in the value of the futures contract. Such receipts or payments are known as “variation margin.” Exchange traded options are valued at the last sale price or, if no sales are reported, the last bid price for purchased options and the last ask price for written options. Options traded over-the-counter are valued using prices supplied by dealers. Futures and written option contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

D) Tender option bond transactions The fund may participate in transactions whereby a fixed-rate bond is transferred to a tender option bond trust (“TOB trust”) sponsored by a broker. The TOB trust funds the purchase of the fixed rate bonds by issuing floating-rate bonds to third parties and allowing the fund to retain the residual interest in the TOB trust’s assets and cash flows, which are in the form of inverse floating rate bonds. The inverse floating rate bonds held by the fund give the fund the right to (1) cause the holders of the floating rate bonds to tender their notes at par, and (2) to have the fixed-rate bond held by the TOB trust transferred to the fund, causing the TOB trust to collapse. The fund accounts for the transfer of the fixed-rate bond to the TOB trust as a secured borrowing by including the fixed-rate bond in the fund’s portfolio and including the floating rate bond as a liabilit y in the Statement of assets and liabilities. At April 30, 2009, the fund’s investments with a value of $70,766,414 were held by the TOB trust and served as collateral for $36,141,333 in floating-rate bonds outstanding. During the period ended April 30, 2009, the fund incurred interest expense of $505,461 for these investments based on an average interest rate of 1.85%.

E) Federal taxes It is the policy of the fund to distribute all of its income within the prescribed time and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), applicable to regulated investment companies. It is also the intention of the fund to distribute an amount sufficient to avoid imposition of any excise tax under Section 4982 of the Code. The fund is subject to the provisions of FASB Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainties in Income Taxes (“FIN 48”). FIN 48 sets forth a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefit of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. The fund did not have any unrecognized tax benefits in the accompanying financial statements. No provision has been made for federal taxes on income, capital gains or unrealized appreciation on securities held nor for excise tax on income a nd capital gains. Each of the fund’s federal tax returns for the prior three fiscal years remains subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue.

At April 30, 2009 the fund had a capital loss carryover of $57,480,962 available to the extent allowed by the Code to offset future net capital gain, if any. The amounts of the carryovers and the expiration dates are:

Loss Carryover  Expiration 

$15,740,029  April 30, 2010 

10,138,476  April 30, 2011 

9,779,755  April 30, 2012 

2,388,286  April 30, 2013 

897,370  April 30, 2014 

1,545,945  April 30, 2015 

884,324  April 30, 2016 

16,106,777  April 30, 2017 

Pursuant to federal income tax regulations applicable to regulated investment companies, the fund has elected to defer to its fiscal year ending April 30, 2009 $2,964,132 of losses recognized during the period


November 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009 a portion of which could be limited by Section 381 of the Code.

F) Distributions to shareholders Distributions to common and preferred shareholders from net investment income are recorded by the fund on the ex-dividend date. Distributions from capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date and paid at least annually. Dividends on remarketed preferred shares become payable when, as and if declared by the Trustees. Each dividend period for the remarketed preferred shares is generally a 7-day period for Series B and Series C . The applicable dividend rate for the remarketed preferred shares on April 30, 2009 was 0.79% for Series B, and 0.79% for Series C.

From February 2008 through April 30, 2009, the fund has experienced unsuccessful remarketings of its remarketed preferred shares. As a result, the dividends paid on the remarketed preferred shares has been at the “maximum dividend rate”, pursuant to the fund’s by-laws, which, based on the current credit quality of remarketed preferred shares, equals 110% of the higher of the 30-day “AA” composite commercial paper rate and the taxable equivalent of the short-term municipal bond rate.

The amount and character of income and gains to be distributed are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. These differences include temporary and/or permanent differences of post-October loss deferrals, the expiration of capital loss carryover, dividends payable, defaulted bond interest, and market discount. Reclassifications are made to the fund’s capital accounts to reflect income and gains available for distribution (or available capital loss carryovers) under income tax regulations. For the year ended April 30, 2009, the fund reclassified $71,349 to decrease undistributed net investment income and $4,989,338 to decrease paid-in-capital, with a decrease to accumulated net realized losses of $5,060,687.

The tax basis components of distributable earnings as of April 30, 2009 were as follows:

Unrealized appreciation  $13,980,537 
Unrealized depreciation  (68,535,075) 

Net unrealized depreciation  (54,554,538) 
Undistributed tax-exempt income  3,603,396 
Undistributed ordinary income  214,156 
Capital loss carryforward  (57,480,962) 

Post-October loss  (2,964,132) 
Cost for federal income tax purposes  $709,115,636 

G) Determination of net asset value Net asset value of the common shares is determined by dividing the value of all assets of the fund, less all liabilities and the liquidation preference of any outstanding remarketed preferred shares, by the total number of common shares outstanding as of period end.

Note 2: Management fee, administrative services and other transactions

The fund pays Putnam Management for management and investment advisory services quarterly based on the average net assets of the fund, including assets attributable to preferred shares. Such fee is based on the lesser of (i) an annual rate of 0.55% of the average weekly net assets attributable to common and preferred shares outstanding or (ii) the following annual rates expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average weekly net assets attributable to common and preferred shares outstanding: 0.65% of the first $500 million and 0.55% of the next $500 million, with additional breakpoints at higher asset levels.

If dividends payable on remarketed preferred shares during any dividend payment period plus any expenses attributable to remarketed preferred shares for that period exceed the fund’s gross income attributable to the proceeds of the remarketed preferred shares during that period, then the fee payable to Putnam Management for that period will be reduced by the amount of the excess (but not more than the effective management and administrative service fees rate under the contracts multiplied by the liquidation preference of the remarketed preferred shares outstanding during the period). For the period ended April 30, 2009, Putnam Management reimbursed $170,359, to the fund.

The fund reimburses Putnam Management an allocated amount for the compensation and related expenses of certain officers of the fund and their staff who provide administrative services to the fund. The aggregate amount of all such reimbursements is determined annually by the Trustees.

Custodial functions for the fund’s assets are provided by State Street Bank and Trust Company (“State Street”). Custody fees are based on the fund’s asset level, the number of its security holdings and transaction volumes.

Putnam Investor Services, a division of Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company (“PFTC”), which is an affiliate of Putnam Management, provided investor servicing agent functions to the fund. Putnam Investor Services was paid a monthly fee for investor servicing at an annual rate of 0.05% of the fund’s average net assets. The amounts incurred for investor servicing agent functions provided by PFTC during the year ended April 30, 2009 are included in Investor servicing fees in the Statement of operations.

The fund has entered into expense offset arrangements with PFTC and State Street whereby PFTC’s and State Street’s fees are reduced by credits allowed on cash balances. For the year ended April 30, 2009, the fund’s expenses were reduced by $66,796 under the expense offset arrangements.

Each independent Trustee of the fund receives an annual Trustee fee, of which $478, as a quarterly retainer, has been allocated to the fund, and an additional fee for each Trustees meeting attended. Trustees receive additional fees for attendance at certain committee meetings and industry seminars and for certain compliance-related matters. Trustees also are reimbursed for expenses they incur relating to their services as Trustees.

The fund has adopted a Trustee Fee Deferral Plan (the “Deferral Plan”) which allows the Trustees to defer the receipt of all or a portion of Trustees fees payable on or after July 1, 1995. The deferred fees remain invested in certain Putnam funds until distribution in accordance with the Deferral Plan.

The fund has adopted an unfunded noncontributory defined benefit pension plan (the “Pension Plan”) covering all Trustees of the fund who have served as a Trustee for at least five years and were first elected prior to 2004. Benefits under the Pension Plan are equal to 50% of the Trustee’s average annual attendance and retainer fees for the three years ended December 31, 2005. The retirement benefit is payable during a Trustee’s lifetime, beginning the year following retirement, for the number of years of service through December 31, 2006. Pension expense for the fund is included in Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of operations. Accrued pension liability is included in Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of assets and liabilities. The Trustees have terminated the Pension Plan with respect to any Trustee first elected after 2003.

Note 3: Purchases and sales of securities

During the year ended April 30, 2009, cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities other than short-term investments aggregated $225,997,488 and $447,045,126, respectively. There were no purchases or sales of U.S. government securities.

Note 4: Preferred shares

On February 25, 2008, each of Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust and Putnam Municipal Bond Fund merged with and into Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust. A related two-for-one stock split of Series A remarketed preferred shares of Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust, which reduced the liquidation preference of these shares from $50,000 per share to $25,000 per share, took effect on February 22, 2008. The stock split was necessary to accommodate the different per-share liquidation preference


of preferred shares of the merging series, and did not affect the aggregate liquidation preference of preferred shares held by any shareholder.

The Series A, Series B and Series C Remarketed Preferred shares are redeemable at the option of the fund on any dividend payment date at a redemption price of $25,000 per share, plus an amount equal to any dividends accumulated on a daily basis but unpaid through the redemption date (whether or not such dividends have been declared) and, in certain circumstances, a call premium.

It is anticipated that dividends paid to holders of remarketed preferred shares will be considered tax-exempt dividends under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. To the extent that the fund earns taxable income and capital gains by the conclusion of a fiscal year, it may be required to apportion to the holders of the remarketed preferred shares throughout that year additional dividends as necessary to result in an after-tax equivalent to the applicable dividend rate for the period.

Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, the fund is required to maintain asset coverage of at least 200% with respect to the remarketed preferred shares. Additionally, the fund’s bylaws impose more stringent asset coverage requirements and restrictions relating to the rating of the remarketed preferred shares by the shares’ rating agencies. Should these requirements not be met, or should dividends accrued on the remarketed preferred shares not be paid, the fund may be restricted in its ability to declare dividends to common shareholders or may be required to redeem certain of the remarketed preferred shares. At April 30, 2009, no such restrictions have been placed on the fund.

In August 2008, the fund redeemed 678 Series A, 603 Series B and 1,083 Series C Remarketed Preferred shares. The redemption price was equal to the liquidation preference per share ($25,000) of each series of preferred shares, plus accumulated but unpaid dividends as of the following redemption dates: August 18, 2008 for Series A, August 19, 2008 for Series B and August 22, 2008 for Series C Remarketed Preferred shares. The August 2008 preferred share redemptions represented 15.0% of the fund’s $394,000,000 in outstanding preferred shares at that date.

On November 21, 2008, the fund redeemed an additional 800 Series C Remarketed Preferred shares; this redemption represented approximately 6.0% of the fund’s $334,900,000 (following the previous redemptions) in outstanding preferred shares at that date.

On December 8, 2008 the fund redeemed the remaining 3,842 Series A Remarketed Preferred shares; this redemption represented approximately 30.5% of the fund’s $314,900,000 (following the previous redemptions) in outstanding preferred shares at that date.

On January 16, 2009, the fund redeemed an additional 1,600 Series C Remarketed Preferred shares; this redemption represented approximately 18.3% of the fund’s $218,850,000 (following the previous redemptions) in outstanding preferred shares at that date.

Following the January 2009 redemption the fund’s outstanding preferred shares amounted to $178,850,000.

Note 5: Share repurchase program

In September 2008, the Trustees approved the renewal of the repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12 month period ending October 7, 2009 (based on shares outstanding as of October 7, 2008). Prior to this renewal, the Trustees had approved a repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12 month period ending October 7, 2008 (based on shares outstanding as of October 5, 2007). Repurchases are made when the fund’s shares are trading at less than net asset value and in accordance with procedures approved by the fund’s Trustees.

For the year ended April 30, 2009, the fund repurchased 447,329 common shares for an aggregate purchase price of $4,924,517, which reflects a weighted-average discount from net asset value per share of 10.17%.

Note 6: Acquisition of Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust and Putnam Municipal Bond Fund

On February 25, 2008, the fund issued 15,451,020 common shares in exchange for 14,811,985 common shares of Putnam Municipal Bond Fund to acquire that fund’s net assets in a tax-free exchange approved by the shareholders. The common net assets of the fund and Putnam Municipal Bond Fund on February 22, 2008, were $166,915,403 and $193,245,081, respectively. On February 22, 2008, Putnam Municipal Bond Fund had distributions in excess of net investment income of $718,301, accumulated net realized loss of $15,283,441 and unrealized appreciation of $5,964,062.

On February 25, 2008, the fund also issued 2,920 Series A remarketed preferred shares in exchange for 2,920 Series A auction rate municipal preferred shares of Putnam Municipal Bond Fund and issued 2,400 Series B remarketed preferred shares in exchange for 2,400 Series B auction rate municipal preferred shares of Putnam Municipal Bond Fund. The liquidation preference of these shares was valued at $133,000,000.

On February 25, 2008, the fund issued 14,916,168 common shares in exchange for 17,829,274 common shares of Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust to acquire that fund’s common net assets in a tax-free exchange approved by the shareholders. The common net assets of the fund and Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust on February 22, 2008, were $166,915,403 and $186,555,544, respectively. On February 22, 2008, Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust had distributions in excess of net investment income of $33,508, accumulated net realized loss of $15,757,303 and unrealized appreciation of $6,669,652.

On February 25, 2008, the fund issued 5,600 Series C remarketed preferred shares in exchange for 1,400 Series A remarketed preferred shares of Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust. The liquidation preference of these shares was valued at $140,000,000.

The aggregate common net assets of the fund immediately following the acquisition of both funds were $546,716,028. Following the acquisition of both funds the liquidation preference of preferred shares was $394,000,000.

Information presented in the Statement of changes in net assets reflects only the operations of Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust.

Note 7: Regulatory matters and litigation

In late 2003 and 2004, Putnam Management settled charges brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and the Massachusetts Securities Division in connection with excessive short-term trading in Putnam funds. Distribution of payments from Putnam Management to certain open-end Putnam funds and their shareholders is expected to be completed in the next several months. These allegations and related matters have served as the general basis for certain lawsuits, including purported class action lawsuits against Putnam Management and, in a limited number of cases, some Putnam funds. Putnam Management believes that these lawsuits will have no material adverse effect on the funds or on Putnam Management’s ability to provide investment management services. In addition, Putnam Management has agreed to bear any costs incurred by the Putnam funds as a result of these matters.

Note 8: New accounting pronouncements

In March 2008, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 161, Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (“SFAS 161”) — an amendment of FASB Statement No. 133, was issued and is effective for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after November 15, 2008. SFAS 161 requires enhanced disclosures about how and why an entity uses derivative instruments and how derivative instruments affect an entity’s


financial position. Putnam Management is currently evaluating the impact the adoption of SFAS 161 will have on the fund’s financial statement disclosures.

In April 2009, FASB issued a new FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 157-4 which amends FASB Statement No. 157, Fair Value Measurements, and is effective for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009. FSP FAS 157-4 provides additional guidance when the volume and level of activity for the asset or liability measured at fair value has significantly decreased. Additionally, FSP FAS 157-4 expands disclosure by reporting entities with respect to categories of assets and liabilities carried at fair value. Putnam Management believes applying the provisions of FSP FAS 157-4 will not have a material impact on the fund’s financial statements.

Note 9: Actions by Trustees

In September and October 2008, the Board of Trustees approved a plan to merge the fund into Putnam Tax Exempt Income Fund, an open-end fund, subject to a number of conditions including shareholder approval. In June 2009, following significant changes in market conditions, the Trustees authorized Putnam Investments to suspend further efforts to implement the merger. The Trustees and Putnam Investments announced that it is not certain when, or if, conditions may emerge that would make it advisable to renew efforts to complete the merger.

Note 10: Market conditions

In the normal course of business, the fund trades financial instruments and enters into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk) or failure of the contracting party to the transaction to perform (credit risk). The fund may be exposed to additional credit risk that an institution or other entity with which the fund has unsettled or open transactions will default.

Federal tax information and compliance certifications (unaudited)

Federal tax information

The fund has designated 99.65% of dividends paid from net investment income during the fiscal year as tax exempt for Federal income tax purposes.

The Form 1099 you receive in January 2010 will show the tax status of all distributions paid to your account in calendar 2009.

Compliance certifications

On June 4, 2008, your fund submitted a CEO annual certification to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) on which the fund’s principal executive officer certified that he was not aware, as of that date, of any violation by the fund of the NYSE’s Corporate Governance listing standards. In addition, as required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and related SEC rules, the fund’s principal executive and principal financial officers have made quarterly certifications, included in filings with the SEC on Forms N-CSR and N-Q, relating to, among other things, the fund’s disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting.

Shareholder meeting results (unaudited)

May 8, 2008 annual meeting

At the meeting, each of the nominees for Trustees was elected, as follows:

Common shares  Votes for  Votes withheld  Abstentions  Broker non votes 

Jameson A. Baxter  36,406,224  3,236,302  11,368   

Charles B. Curtis  36,414,538  3,227,988  11,368   

Robert J. Darretta  36,436,198  3,206,328  11,368   

Myra R. Drucker  36,425,056  3,217,470  11,368   

Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.  36,428,458  3,214,068  11,368   

Paul L. Joskow  36,431,319  3,211,207  11,368   

Elizabeth T. Kennan  36,400,792  3,241,734  11,368   

Kenneth R. Leibler  36,433,737  3,208,789  11,368   

George Putnam, III  36,414,481  3,228,045  11,368   

Richard B. Worley  36,427,595  3,214,931  11,368   
Preferred shares  Votes for  Votes withheld  Abstentions  Broker non votes 

John A. Hill  13,932  1,409     

Robert E. Patterson  13,933  1,404     

All tabulations are rounded to the nearest whole number.       


About the Trustees

Ravi Akhoury

Born 1947, Trustee since 2009

Mr. Akhoury serves as Advisor to New York Life Insurance Company, and previously was a Member of its Executive Management Committee. He is also a Director of Jacob Ballas Capital India (a non-banking finance company focused on private equity advisory services) and serves as a Trustee of American India Foundation and of the Rubin Museum, serving on its Investment Committee.

Previously, Mr. Akhoury was a Director and on the Compensation Committee of MaxIndia/New York Life Insurance Company in India. He was also Vice President and Investment Policy Committee Member of Fischer, Francis, Trees and Watts (a fixed-income portfolio management firm). He has also served on the Board of Bharti Telecom (an Indian telecommunications company), serving as a member of its Audit and Compensation committees, and as a member of the Audit Committee on the Board of Thompson Press (a publishing company). From 1992 to 2007, he was Chairman and CEO of MacKay Shields, a multi-product investment management firm with over $40 billion in assets under management.

Jameson A. Baxter

Born 1943, Trustee since 1994,
Vice Chairman since 2005

Ms. Baxter is the President of Baxter Associates, Inc., a private investment firm.

Ms. Baxter serves as a Director of ASHTA Chemicals, Inc., and the Mutual Fund Directors Forum. Until 2007, she was a Director of Banta Corporation (a printing and supply chain management company), Ryerson, Inc. (a metals service corporation), and Advocate Health Care. Until 2004, she was a Director of BoardSource (formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards); and until 2002, she was a Director of Intermatic Corporation (a manufacturer of energy control products). She is Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees, Mount Holyoke College, having served as Chairman for five years.

Ms. Baxter has held various positions in investment banking and corporate finance, including Vice President of and Consultant to First Boston Corporation and Vice President and Principal of the Regency Group. She is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College.

Charles B. Curtis

Born 1940, Trustee since 2001

Mr. Curtis is President and Chief Operating Officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (a private foundation dealing with national security issues), and serves as Senior Advisor to the United Nations Foundation.

Mr. Curtis is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves as Director of Edison International and Southern California Edison. Until 2006, Mr. Curtis served as a member of the Trustee Advisory Council of the Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University. Until 2003, Mr. Curtis was a member of the Electric Power Research Institute Advisory Council and the University of Chicago Board of Governors for Argonne National Laboratory. Prior to 2002, Mr. Curtis was a member of the Board of Directors of the Gas Technology Institute and the Board of Directors of the Environment and Natural Resources Program Steering Committee, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Until 2001, Mr. Curtis was a member of the Department of Defense Policy Board and Director of EG&G Technical Services, Inc. (a fossil energy research and development support company).

From August 1997 to December 1999, Mr. Curtis was a Partner at Hogan & Hartson LLP, an international law firm headquartered in Washington, D.C. Prior to May 1997, Mr. Curtis was Deputy Secretary of Energy and Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy. He served as Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from 1977 to 1981 and has held positions on the staff of the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Treasury Department, and the SEC.

Robert J. Darretta

Born 1946, Trustee since 2007

Mr. Darretta serves as Director of United Health Group, a diversified health-care company.

Until April 2007, Mr. Darretta was Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Johnson & Johnson, one of the world’s largest and most broadly based health-care companies. Prior to 2007, he had responsibility for Johnson & Johnson’s finance, investor relations, information technology, and procurement function. He served as Johnson & Johnson Chief Financial Officer for a decade, prior to which he spent two years as Treasurer of the corporation and over ten years leading various Johnson & Johnson operating companies.

Mr. Darretta received a B.S. in Economics from Villanova University.

Myra R. Drucker

Born 1948, Trustee since 2004

Ms. Drucker is Chair of the Board of Trustees of Commonfund (a not-for-profit firm specializing in managing assets for educational endowments and foundations), Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Sarah Lawrence College, and a member of the Investment Committee of the Kresge Foundation (a charitable trust). She is also a Director of Interactive Data Corporation (a provider of financial market data and analytics to financial institutions and investors).

Ms. Drucker is an ex-officio member of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Pension Managers Advisory Committee, having served as Chair for seven years. She serves as an advisor to RCM Capital Management (an investment management firm) and to the Employee Benefits Investment Committee of The Boeing Company (an aerospace firm).

From November 2001 until August 2004, Ms. Drucker was Managing Director and a member of the Board of Directors of General Motors Asset Management


and Chief Investment Officer of General Motors Trust Bank. From December 1992 to November 2001, Ms. Drucker served as Chief Investment Officer of Xerox Corporation (a document company). Prior to December 1992, Ms. Drucker was Staff Vice President and Director of Trust Investments for International Paper (a paper and packaging company).

Ms. Drucker received a B.A. degree in Literature and Psychology from Sarah Lawrence College and pursued graduate studies in economics, statistics, and portfolio theory at Temple University.

Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.*

Born 1948, Trustee since 2004 and
President of the Funds since 2007

Mr. Haldeman is Chairman of Putnam Investment Management, LLC and President of the Putnam Funds. Prior to July 2008, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam, LLC (“Putnam Investments”). Prior to November 2003, Mr. Haldeman served as Co-Head of Putnam Investments’ Investment Division.

Prior to joining Putnam in 2002, he held executive positions in the investment management industry. He previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Delaware Investments and President and Chief Operating Officer of United Asset Management. Mr. Haldeman was also a Partner and Director of Cooke & Bieler, Inc. (an investment management firm).

Mr. Haldeman currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Investment Company Institute and as Chair of the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College. He also serves on the Partners HealthCare Investment Committee, the Tuck School of Business Overseers, and the Harvard Business School Board of Dean’s Advisors. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Business School. Mr. Haldeman is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.

John A. Hill

Born 1942, Trustee since 1985 and
Chairman since 2000

Mr. Hill is founder and Vice-Chairman of First Reserve Corporation, the leading private equity buyout firm specializing in the worldwide energy industry, with offices in Greenwich, Connecticut; Houston, Texas; London, England; and Shanghai, China. The firm’s investments on behalf of some of the nation’s largest pension and endowment funds are currently concentrated in 26 companies with annual revenues in excess of $13 billion, which employ over 100,000 people in 23 countries.

Mr. Hill is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Putnam Mutual Funds, a Director of Devon Energy Corporation and various private companies owned by First Reserve, and serves as a Trustee of Sarah Lawrence College where he chairs the Investment Committee.

Prior to forming First Reserve in 1983, Mr. Hill served as President of F. Eberstadt and Company, an investment banking and investment management firm. Between 1969 and 1976, Mr. Hill held various senior positions in Washington, D.C. with the federal government, including Deputy Associate Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Deputy Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration during the Ford Administration.

Born and raised in Midland, Texas, he received his B.A. in Economics from Southern Methodist University and pursued graduate studies as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow.

Paul L. Joskow

Born 1947, Trustee since 1997

Dr. Joskow is an economist and President of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (a philanthropic institution focused primarily on research and education on issues related to science, technology, and economic performance). He is on leave from his position as the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics and Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he has been on the faculty since 1972. Dr. Joskow was the Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research at MIT from 1999 through 2007.

Dr. Joskow serves as a Trustee of Yale University, as a Director of TransCanada Corporation (an energy company focused on natural gas transmission and power services) and of Exelon Corporation (an energy company focused on power services), and as a member of the Board of Overseers of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Prior to August 2007, he served as a Director of National Grid (a UK-based holding company with interests in electric and gas transmission and distribution and telecommunications infrastructure). Prior to July 2006, he served as President of the Yale University Council. Prior to February 2005, he served on the board of the White-head Institute for Biomedical Research (a non-profit research institution). Prior to February 2002, he was a Director of State Farm Indemnity Company (an automobile insurance company), and prior to March 2000, he was a Director of New England Electric System (a public utility holding company).

Dr. Joskow has published six books and numerous articles on industrial organization, government regulation of industry, and competition policy. He is active in industry restructuring, environmental, energy, competition, and privatization policies —serving as an advisor to governments and corporations worldwide. Dr. Joskow holds a Ph.D. and MPhil from Yale University and a B.A. from Cornell University.

Elizabeth T. Kennan

Born 1938, Trustee since 1992

Dr. Kennan is a Partner of Cambus-Kenneth Farm (thoroughbred horse and cattle breeding). She is President Emeritus of Mount Holyoke College.


Dr. Kennan served as Chairman and is now Lead Director of Northeast Utilities. She is a Trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, of Centre College, and of Midway College in Midway, Kentucky. Until 2006, she was a member of The Trustees of Reservations. Prior to 2001, Dr. Kennan served on the oversight committee of the Folger Shakespeare Library. Prior to June 2005, she was a Director of Talbots, Inc., and she has served as Director on a number of other boards, including Bell Atlantic, Chastain Real Estate, Shawmut Bank, Berkshire Life Insurance, and Kentucky Home Life Insurance. Dr. Kennan has also served as President of Five Colleges Incorporated and as a Trustee of Notre Dame University, and is active in various educational and civic associations.

As a member of the faculty of Catholic University for twelve years, until 1978, Dr. Kennan directed the post-doctoral program in Patristic and Medieval Studies, taught history, and published numerous articles and two books. Dr. Kennan holds a Ph.D. from the University of Washington in Seattle, an M.S. from St. Hilda’s College at Oxford University, and an A.B. from Mount Holyoke College. She holds several honorary doctorates.

Kenneth R. Leibler

Born 1949, Trustee since 2006

Mr. Leibler is a founder and former Chairman of the Boston Options Exchange, an electronic marketplace for the trading of derivative securities.

Mr. Leibler currently serves as a Trustee of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston. He is also Lead Director of Ruder Finn Group, a global communications and advertising firm, and a Director of Northeast Utilities, which operates New England’s largest energy delivery system. Prior to December 2006, he served as a Director of the Optimum Funds group. Prior to October 2006, he served as a Director of ISO New England, the organization responsible for the operation of the electric generation system in the New England states. Prior to 2000, Mr. Leibler was a Director of the Investment Company Institute in Washington, D.C.

Prior to January 2005, Mr. Leibler served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Boston Stock Exchange. Prior to January 2000, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Financial Companies, a publicly traded diversified asset management organization. Prior to June 1990, Mr. Leibler served as President and Chief Operating Officer of the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and at the time was the youngest person in AMEX history to hold the title of President. Prior to serving as AMEX President, he held the position of Chief Financial Officer, and headed its management and marketing operations. Mr. Leibler graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Economics from Syracuse University, where he was elected Phi Beta Kappa.

Robert E. Patterson

Born 1945, Trustee since 1984

Mr. Patterson is Senior Partner of Cabot Properties, LP and Chairman of Cabot Properties, Inc. (a private equity firm investing in commercial real estate).

Mr. Patterson serves as Chairman Emeritus and Trustee of the Joslin Diabetes Center. Prior to June 2003, he was a Trustee of Sea Education Association. Prior to December 2001, Mr. Patterson was President and Trustee of Cabot Industrial Trust (a publicly traded real estate investment trust). Prior to February 1998, he was Executive Vice President and Director of Acquisitions of Cabot Partners Limited Partnership (a registered investment adviser involved in institutional real estate investments). Prior to 1990, he served as Executive Vice President of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Realty Advisors, Inc. (the predecessor company of Cabot Partners).

Mr. Patterson practiced law and held various positions in state government, and was the founding Executive Director of the Massachusetts Industrial Finance Agency. Mr. Patterson is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.

George Putnam, III

Born 1951, Trustee since 1984

Mr. Putnam is Chairman of New Generation Research, Inc. (a publisher of financial advisory and other research services), and President of New Generation Advisers, Inc. (a registered investment adviser to private funds). Mr. Putnam founded the New Generation companies in 1986.

Mr. Putnam is a Director of The Boston Family Office, LLC (a registered investment adviser). He is a Trustee of St. Mark’s School and a Trustee of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Until 2006, he was a Trustee of Shore Country Day School, and until 2002, was a Trustee of the Sea Education Association.

Mr. Putnam previously worked as an attorney with the law firm of Dechert LLP (formerly known as Dechert Price & Rhoads) in Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Law School.

Robert L. Reynolds*

Born 1952, Trustee since 2008

Mr. Reynolds is President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments, and a member of Putnam Investments’ Executive Board of Directors. He has more than 30 years of investment and financial services experience.

Prior to joining Putnam Investments in 2008, Mr. Reynolds was Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Fidelity Investments from 2000 to 2007. During this time, he served on the Board of Directors for FMR Corporation, Fidelity Investments Insurance Ltd., Fidelity Investments Canada Ltd., and Fidelity Management Trust Company. He was also a Trustee of the Fidelity Family of Funds. From 1984 to 2000, Mr. Reynolds served in a number of increasingly responsible leadership roles at Fidelity.

Mr. Reynolds serves on several not-for-profit boards, including those of the West Virginia University Foundation, Concord Museum, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Lahey Clinic,


and Initiative for a Competitive Inner City in Boston. He is a member of the Chief Executives Club of Boston, the National Innovation Initiative, and the Council on Competitiveness.

Mr. Reynolds received a B.S. in Business Administration/Finance from West Virginia University.

W. Thomas Stephens

Born 1942, Trustee since 2009

Mr. Stephens is a Director of TransCanada Pipelines, Ltd. (an energy infrastructure company). From 1997 to 2008, Mr. Stephens served as a Trustee on the Board of the Putnam Funds, which he rejoined as a Trustee in 2009.

Mr. Stephens retired as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Boise Cascade, L.L.C. (a paper, forest products, and timberland assets company) in December 2008. Until 2004, Mr. Stephens was a Director of Xcel Energy Incorporated (a public utility company), Qwest Communications, and Norske Canada, Inc. (a paper manufacturer). Until 2003, Mr. Stephens was a Director of Mail-Well, Inc. (a diversified printing company). He served as Chairman of Mail-Well until 2001 and as CEO of MacMillan Bloedel, Ltd. (a forest products company) until 1999. Prior to 1996, Mr. Stephens was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Johns Manville Corporation.

He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Arkansas.

Richard B. Worley

Born 1945, Trustee since 2004

Mr. Worley is Managing Partner of Permit Capital LLC, an investment management firm.

Mr. Worley serves as a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (a philanthropic organization devoted to health-care issues), and the National Constitution Center. He is also a Director of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (a historical preservation organization), and the Philadelphia Orchestra Association. Mr. Worley also serves on the investment committees of Mount Holyoke College and World Wildlife Fund (a wildlife conservation organization).

Prior to joining Permit Capital LLC in 2002, Mr. Worley served as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Investment Officer of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management and as a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley, a financial services firm. Mr. Worley also was the Chairman of Miller Anderson & Sherrerd, an investment management firm that was acquired by Morgan Stanley in 1996.

Mr. Worley holds a B.S. degree from the University of Tennessee and pursued graduate studies in economics at the University of Texas.

The address of each Trustee is One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109.

As of April 30, 2009, there were 100 Putnam funds. All Trustees serve as Trustees of all Putnam funds.

Each Trustee serves for an indefinite term, until his or her resignation, retirement at age 72, death, or removal.

* Trustee who is an “interested person” (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) of the fund, Putnam Management, and/or Putnam Retail Management. Mr. Reynolds is President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments. Mr. Haldeman is the President of your fund and each of the other Putnam funds and Chairman of Putnam Investment Management, LLC, and prior to July 2008 was President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments.



In addition to Charles E. Haldeman, Jr., the other officers of the fund are shown below:

Charles E. Porter(Born 1938)  James P. Pappas (Born 1953)  Wanda M. McManus (Born 1947) 
Executive Vice President, Principal  Vice President  Vice President, Senior Associate 
Executive Officer, Associate Treasurer,  Since 2004  Treasurer and Assistant Clerk 
and Compliance Liaison  Managing Director, Putnam Investments  Since 2005 
Since 1989  and Putnam Management. During 2002,  Senior Associate Treasurer/Assistant Clerk 
Chief Operating Officer, Atalanta/Sosnoff  of Funds 
Jonathan S. Horwitz (Born 1955)  Management Corporation   
Senior Vice President and Treasurer    Nancy E. Florek (Born 1957) 
Since 2004  Francis J. McNamara, III (Born 1955)  Vice President, Assistant Clerk, 
Prior to 2004, Managing Director,  Vice President and Chief Legal Officer  Assistant Treasurer and Proxy Manager 
Putnam Investments  Since 2004  Since 2005 
Senior Managing Director, Putnam  Manager, Mutual Fund Proxy Voting 
Steven D. Krichmar (Born 1958)  Investments, Putnam Management and 
Vice President and  Putnam Retail Management. Prior to 2004,   
Principal Financial Officer  General Counsel, State Street Research &   
Since 2002  Management Company   
Senior Managing Director,   
Putnam Investments  Robert R. Leveille (Born 1969) 
Vice President and   
Janet C. Smith (Born 1965)  Chief Compliance Officer   
Vice President, Principal Accounting  Since 2007   
Officer and Assistant Treasurer  Managing Director, Putnam Investments,   
Since 2007  Putnam Management, and Putnam Retail   
Managing Director, Putnam Investments  Management. Prior to 2004, member of   
and Putnam Management  Bell Boyd & Lloyd LLC. Prior to 2003,   
  Vice President and Senior Counsel,   
Susan G. Malloy (Born 1957)  Liberty Funds Group LLC   
Vice President and Assistant Treasurer   
Since 2007  Mark C. Trenchard (Born 1962)   
Managing Director, Putnam Investments  Vice President and   
  BSA Compliance Officer   
Beth S. Mazor (Born 1958)  Since 2002   
Vice President  Managing Director, Putnam Investments   
Since 2002   
Managing Director, Putnam Investments  Judith Cohen (Born 1945)   
  Vice President,   
  Clerk and Assistant Treasurer   
  Since 1993   

The address of each Officer is One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109.


Fund information

Founded over 70 years ago, Putnam Investments was built around the concept that a balance between risk and reward is the hallmark of a well-rounded financial program. We manage over 100 mutual funds across income, value, blend, growth, asset allocation, absolute return, and global sector categories.

Investment Manager  Officers  Judith Cohen 
Putnam Investment  Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.  Vice President, Clerk and 
Management, LLC  President  Assistant Treasurer 
One Post Office Square     
Boston, MA 02109  Charles E. Porter  Wanda M. McManus 
Executive Vice President, Principal  Vice President, Senior Associate Treasurer 
Marketing Services  Executive Officer, Associate Treasurer  and Assistant Clerk 
Putnam Retail Management  and Compliance Liaison 
One Post Office Square  Nancy E. Florek 
Boston, MA 02109  Jonathan S. Horwitz  Vice President, Assistant Clerk, Assistant 
Senior Vice President and Treasurer  Treasurer and Proxy Manager 
State Street Bank and Trust Company  Steven D. Krichmar   
  Vice President and Principal 
Legal Counsel  Financial Officer   
Ropes & Gray LLP   
Janet C. Smith   
Independent Registered Public  Vice President, Principal Accounting   
Accounting Firm  Officer and Assistant Treasurer   
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP     
  Susan G. Malloy   
Trustees  Vice President and Assistant Treasurer   
John A. Hill, Chairman   
Jameson A. Baxter, Vice Chairman  Beth S. Mazor   
Ravi Akhoury  Vice President   
Charles B. Curtis   
Robert J. Darretta  James P. Pappas   
Myra R. Drucker  Vice President   
Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.     
Paul L. Joskow  Francis J. McNamara, III   
Elizabeth T. Kennan  Vice President and Chief Legal Officer   
Kenneth R. Leibler   
Robert E. Patterson  Robert R. Leveille   
George Putnam, III  Vice President and Chief   
Robert L. Reynolds  Compliance Officer   
W. Thomas Stephens   
Richard B. Worley  Mark C. Trenchard   
Vice President and BSA Compliance Officer   

Call 1-800-225-1581 weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. or on Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or visit our Web site (putnam.com) anytime for up-to-date information about the fund’s NAV.

Item 2. Code of Ethics:

(a) The Fund’s principal executive, financial and accounting officers are employees of Putnam Investment Management, LLC, the Fund's investment manager. As such they are subject to a comprehensive Code of Ethics adopted and administered by Putnam Investments which is designed to protect the interests of the firm and its clients. The Fund has adopted a Code of Ethics which incorporates the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments with respect to all of its officers and Trustees who are employees of Putnam Investment Management, LLC. For this reason, the Fund has not adopted a separate code of ethics governing its principal executive, financial and accounting officers.

(c) In May 2008, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investment Management, LLC was updated in its entirety to include the amendments adopted in August 2007 as well as a several additional technical, administrative and non-substantive changes. In May of 2009, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investment Management, LLC was amended to reflect that all employees will now be subject to a 90-day blackout restriction on holding Putnam open-end funds, except for portfolio managers and their supervisors (and each of their immediate family members), who will be subject to a one-year blackout restriction on the funds that they manage or supervise.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert:

The Funds' Audit and Compliance Committee is comprised solely of Trustees who are "independent" (as such term has been defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") in regulations implementing Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (the "Regulations")). The Trustees believe that each of the members of the Audit and Compliance Committee also possess a combination of knowledge and experience with respect to financial accounting matters, as well as other attributes, that qualify them for service on the Committee. In addition, the Trustees have determined that each of Mr. Patterson, Mr. Leibler, Mr. Hill, Mr. Darretta and Mr. Stephens qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert" (as such term has been defined by the Regulations) based on their review of his pertinent experience and education. The SEC has stated that the designation or identification of a person as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to this Item 3 of Form N-CSR does not impose on such person any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than the duties, obligations and liability imposed on such person as a member of the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Board of Trustees in the absence of such designation or identification.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services:

The following table presents fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to the fund by the fund’s independent auditor:

Fiscal    Audit-     
year  Audit  Related  Tax  All Other 
ended  Fees  Fees  Fees  Fees 
April 30, 2009  $82,323  $31,622  $7,350  $- 

April 30, 2008  $63,394  $37,282*  $7,011  $- 

*Includes fees billed to the fund for services relating to a fund mergers of $12,210.

For the fiscal years ended April 30, 2009 and April 30, 2008, the fund’s independent auditor billed aggregate non-audit fees in the amounts of $520,797 and $91,355 respectively, to the fund,

Putnam Management and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with Putnam Management that provides ongoing services to the fund.

Audit Fees represent fees billed for the fund's last two fiscal years relating to the audit and review of the financial statements included in annual reports and registration statements, and other services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

Audit-Related Fees represent fees billed in the fund’s last two fiscal years for services traditionally performed by the fund’s auditor, including accounting consultation for proposed transactions or concerning financial accounting and reporting standards and other audit or attest services not required by statute or regulation.

Tax Fees represent fees billed in the fund’s last two fiscal years for tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice services. Tax planning and tax advice services include assistance with tax audits, employee benefit plans and requests for rulings or technical advice from taxing authorities.

Pre-Approval Policies of the Audit and Compliance Committee. The Audit and Compliance Committee of the Putnam funds has determined that, as a matter of policy, all work performed for the funds by the funds’ independent auditors will be pre-approved by the Committee itself and thus will generally not be subject to pre-approval procedures.

The Audit and Compliance Committee also has adopted a policy to pre-approve the engagement by Putnam Management and certain of its affiliates of the funds’ independent auditors, even in circumstances where pre-approval is not required by applicable law. Any such requests by Putnam Management or certain of its affiliates are typically submitted in writing to the Committee and explain, among other things, the nature of the proposed engagement, the estimated fees, and why this work should be performed by that particular audit firm as opposed to another one. In reviewing such requests, the Committee considers, among other things, whether the provision of such services by the audit firm are compatible with the independence of the audit firm.

The following table presents fees billed by the fund’s independent auditor for services required to be approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

Fiscal  Audit-    All  Total 
year  Related  Tax  Other  Non-Audit 
ended  Fees  Fees  Fees  Fees 
April 30, 2009  $ -  $ 415,341  $ -  $ - 

April 30, 2008  $ -  $ 15,000  $ -  $ - 

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

(a) The fund has a separately-designated Audit and Compliance Committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Audit and Compliance Committee of the fund's Board of Trustees is composed of the following persons:

Robert E. Patterson (Chairperson)
Robert J. Darretta

Myra R. Drucker
John A. Hill
Kenneth R. Leibler
W. Thomas Stephens

(b) Not applicable

Item 6. Schedule of Investments:

The registrant’s schedule of investments in unaffiliated issuers is included in the report to shareholders in Item 1 above.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures For Closed-End Management Investment Companies:

Proxy voting guidelines of the Putnam funds

The proxy voting guidelines below summarize the funds’ positions on various issues of concern to investors, and give a general indication of how fund portfolio securities will be voted on proposals dealing with particular issues. The funds’ proxy voting service is instructed to vote all proxies relating to fund portfolio securities in accordance with these guidelines, except as otherwise instructed by the Proxy Manager, a member of the Office of the Trustees who is appointed to assist in the coordination and voting of the funds’ proxies.

The proxy voting guidelines are just that – guidelines. The guidelines are not exhaustive and do not address all potential voting issues. Because the circumstances of individual companies are so varied, there may be instances when the funds do not vote in strict adherence to these guidelines. For example, the proxy voting service is expected to bring to the Proxy Manager’s attention proxy questions that are company-specific and of a non-routine nature and that, even if covered by the guidelines, may be more appropriately handled on a case-by-case basis.

Similarly, Putnam Management’s investment professionals, as part of their ongoing review and analysis of all fund portfolio holdings, are responsible for monitoring significant corporate developments, including proxy proposals submitted to shareholders, and notifying the Proxy Manager of circumstances where the interests of fund shareholders may warrant a vote contrary to these guidelines. In such instances, the investment professionals submit a written recommendation to the Proxy Manager and the person or persons designated by Putnam Management’s Legal and Compliance Department to assist in processing referral items under the funds’ “Proxy Voting Procedures.” The Proxy Manager, in consultation with the funds’ Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President, and/or the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee, as appropriate, will determine how the funds’ proxies will be voted. When indicated, the Chair of the Board Policy and N ominating Committee may consult with other members of the Committee or the full Board of Trustees.

The following guidelines are grouped according to the types of proposals generally presented to shareholders. Part I deals with proposals submitted by management and approved and recommended by a company’s board of directors. Part II deals with

proposals submitted by shareholders. Part III addresses unique considerations pertaining to non-U.S. issuers.

The Trustees of the Putnam funds are committed to promoting strong corporate governance practices and encouraging corporate actions that enhance shareholder value through the judicious voting of the funds’ proxies. It is the funds’ policy to vote their proxies at all shareholder meetings where it is practicable to do so. In furtherance of this, the funds’ have requested that their securities lending agent recall each domestic issuer’s voting securities that are on loan, in advance of the record date for the issuer’s shareholder meetings, so that the funds may vote at the meetings.

The Putnam funds will disclose their proxy votes not later than August 31 of each year for the most recent 12-month period ended June 30, in accordance with the timetable established by SEC rules.


The vast majority of matters presented to shareholders for a vote involve proposals made by a company itself (sometimes referred to as “management proposals”), which have been approved and recommended by its board of directors. In view of the enhanced corporate governance practices currently being implemented in public companies and of the funds’ intent to hold corporate boards accountable for their actions in promoting shareholder interests, the funds’ proxies generally will be voted for the decisions reached by majority independent boards of directors, except as otherwise indicated in these guidelines. Accordingly, the funds’ proxies will be voted for board-approved proposals, except as follows:

Matters relating to the Board of Directors

Uncontested Election of Directors

The funds’ proxies will be voted for the election of a company’s nominees for the board of directors, except as follows:

The funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have a majority of independent directors,

the board has not established independent nominating, audit, and compensation committees,

the board has more than 19 members or fewer than five members, absent special circumstances,

the board has not acted to implement a policy requested in a shareholder proposal that received the support of a majority of the shares of the company cast at its previous two annual meetings, or

the board has adopted or renewed a shareholder rights plan (commonly referred to as a “poison pill”) without shareholder approval during the current or prior calendar year.

The funds will on a case-by-case basis withhold votes from the entire board of directors, or from particular directors as may be appropriate, if the board has approved compensation arrangements for one or more company executives that the funds determine are unreasonably excessive relative to the company’s performance or has otherwise failed to observe good corporate governance practices.

The funds will withhold votes from any nominee for director:

who is considered an independent director by the company and who has received compensation within the last three years from the company other than for service as a director (e.g., investment banking, consulting, legal, or financial advisory fees),

who attends less than 75% of board and committee meetings without valid reasons for the absences (e.g., illness, personal emergency, etc.),

of a public company (Company A) who is employed as a senior executive of another company (Company B), if a director of Company B serves as a senior executive of Company A (commonly referred to as an “interlocking directorate”), or

who serves on more than five unaffiliated public company boards (for the purpose of this guideline, boards of affiliated registered investment companies will count as one board).


Board independence: Unless otherwise indicated, for the purposes of determining whether a board has a majority of independent directors and independent nominating, audit, and compensation committees, an “independent director” is a director who (1) meets all requirements to serve as an independent director of a company under the NYSE Corporate Governance Rules (e.g., no material business relationships with the company and no present or recent employment relationship with the company including employment of an immediate family member as an executive officer), and (2) has not within the last three years accepted directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory, or other compensatory fee from the company other than in his or her capacity as a member of the board of directors or any board committee. The funds’ Trustees believe that the recent (i.e., within the last three years) receipt of any amount of compensation for services other than service as a director raises significant independence issues.

Board size: The funds’ Trustees believe that the size of the board of directors can have a direct impact on the ability of the board to govern effectively. Boards that have too many members can be unwieldy and ultimately inhibit their ability to oversee management

performance. Boards that have too few members can stifle innovation and lead to excessive influence by management.

Time commitment: Being a director of a company requires a significant time commitment to adequately prepare for and attend the company’s board and committee meetings. Directors must be able to commit the time and attention necessary to perform their fiduciary duties in proper fashion, particularly in times of crisis. The funds’ Trustees are concerned about over-committed directors. In some cases, directors may serve on too many boards to make a meaningful contribution. This may be particularly true for senior executives of public companies (or other directors with substantially full-time employment) who serve on more than a few outside boards. The funds may withhold votes from such directors on a case-by-case basis where it appears that they may be unable to discharge their duties properly because of excessive commitments.

Interlocking directorships: The funds’ Trustees believe that interlocking directorships are inconsistent with the degree of independence required for outside directors of public companies.

Corporate governance practices: Board independence depends not only on its members’ individual relationships, but also on the board’s overall attitude toward management. Independent boards are committed to good corporate governance practices and, by providing objective independent judgment, enhancing shareholder value. The funds may withhold votes on a case-by-case basis from some or all directors who, through their lack of independence or otherwise, have failed to observe good corporate governance practices or, through specific corporate action, have demonstrated a disregard for the interests of shareholders. Such instances may include cases where a board of directors has approved compensation arrangements for one or more members of management that, in the judgment of the funds’ Trustees, are excessive by reasonable corporate standards relative to the company’s record of performance.

Contested Elections of Directors

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis in contested elections of directors.

Classified Boards

The funds will vote against proposals to classify a board, absent special circumstances indicating that shareholder interests would be better served by this structure.

Commentary: Under a typical classified board structure, the directors are divided into three classes, with each class serving a three-year term. The classified board structure results in directors serving staggered terms, with usually only a third of the directors up for re-election at any given annual meeting. The funds’ Trustees generally believe that it is appropriate for directors to stand for election each year, but recognize that, in special circumstances, shareholder interests may be better served under a classified board structure.

Other Board-Related Proposals

The funds will generally vote for proposals that have been approved by a majority independent board, and on a case-by-case basis on proposals that have been approved by a board that fails to meet the guidelines’ basic independence standards (i.e., majority of independent directors and independent nominating, audit, and compensation committees).

Executive Compensation

The funds generally favor compensation programs that relate executive compensation to a company’s long-term performance. The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals relating to executive compensation, except as follows:

Except where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors, the funds will vote for stock option and restricted stock plans that will result in an average annual dilution of 1.67% or less (based on the disclosed term of the plan and including all equity-based plans).

The funds will vote against stock option and restricted stock plans that will result in an average annual dilution of greater than 1.67% (based on the disclosed term of the plan and including all equity-based plans).

The funds will vote against any stock option or restricted stock plan where the company’s actual grants of stock options and restricted stock under all equity-based compensation plans during the prior three (3) fiscal years have resulted in an average annual dilution of greater than 1.67%.

The funds will vote against stock option plans that permit the replacing or repricing of underwater options (and against any proposal to authorize a replacement or repricing of underwater options).

The funds will vote against stock option plans that permit issuance of options with an exercise price below the stock’s current market price.

Except where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors, the funds will vote for an employee stock purchase plan that has the following features: (1) the shares purchased under the plan are acquired for no less than 85% of their market value; (2) the offering period under the plan is 27 months or less; and (3) dilution is 10% or less.

Commentary: Companies should have compensation programs that are reasonable and that align shareholder and management interests over the longer term. Further, disclosure of compensation programs should provide absolute transparency to shareholders regarding the sources and amounts of, and the factors influencing, executive compensation. Appropriately designed equity-based compensation plans can be an effective way to align the interests of long-term shareholders with the interests of management. However, the funds may vote against these or other executive compensation proposals on a case-by-case basis where compensation is excessive by

reasonable corporate standards or where a company fails to provide transparent disclosure of executive compensation. (Examples of excessive executive compensation may include, but are not limited to, equity incentive plans that exceed the dilution criteria noted above, excessive perquisites, performance-based compensation programs that do not properly correlate reward and performance, “golden parachutes” or other severance arrangements that present conflicts between management’s interests and the interests of shareholders, and “golden coffins” or unearned death benefits.) In voting on a proposal relating to executive compensation, the funds will consider whether the proposal has been approved by an independent compensation committee of the board.


Many proxy proposals involve changes in a company’s capitalization, including the authorization of additional stock, the issuance of stock, the repurchase of outstanding stock, or the approval of a stock split. The management of a company’s capital structure involves a number of important issues, including cash flow, financing needs, and market conditions that are unique to the circumstances of the company. As a result, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals involving changes to a company’s capitalization, except that where the funds are not otherwise withholding votes from the entire board of directors:

The funds will vote for proposals relating to the authorization and issuance of additional common stock (except where such proposals relate to a specific transaction).

The funds will vote for proposals to effect stock splits (excluding reverse stock splits).

The funds will vote for proposals authorizing share repurchase programs.

Commentary: A company may decide to authorize additional shares of common stock for reasons relating to executive compensation or for routine business purposes. For the most part, these decisions are best left to the board of directors and senior management. The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis, however, on other proposals to change a company’s capitalization, including the authorization of common stock with special voting rights, the authorization or issuance of common stock in connection with a specific transaction (e.g., an acquisition, merger or reorganization), or the authorization or issuance of preferred stock. Actions such as these involve a number of considerations that may affect a shareholder’s investment and that warrant a case-by-case determination.

Acquisitions, Mergers, Reincorporations, Reorganizations and Other Transactions

Shareholders may be confronted with a number of different types of transactions, including acquisitions, mergers, reorganizations involving business combinations, liquidations, and the sale of all or substantially all of a company’s assets, which may require their consent. Voting on such proposals involves considerations unique to each

transaction. As a result, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals to effect these types of transactions, except as follows:

The funds will vote for mergers and reorganizations involving business combinations designed solely to reincorporate a company in Delaware.

Commentary: A company may reincorporate into another state through a merger or reorganization by setting up a “shell” company in a different state and then merging the company into the new company. While reincorporation into states with extensive and established corporate laws – notably Delaware – provides companies and shareholders with a more well-defined legal framework, shareholders must carefully consider the reasons for a reincorporation into another jurisdiction, including especially an offshore jurisdiction.

Anti-Takeover Measures

Some proxy proposals involve efforts by management to make it more difficult for an outside party to take control of the company without the approval of the company’s board of directors. These include the adoption of a shareholder rights plan, requiring supermajority voting on particular issues, the adoption of fair price provisions, the issuance of blank check preferred stock, and the creation of a separate class of stock with disparate voting rights. Such proposals may adversely affect shareholder rights, lead to management entrenchment, or create conflicts of interest. As a result, the funds will vote against board-approved proposals to adopt such anti-takeover measures, except as follows:

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to ratify or approve shareholder rights plans; and

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to adopt fair price provisions.

Commentary: The funds’ Trustees recognize that poison pills and fair price provisions may enhance or protect shareholder value under certain circumstances. For instance, where a company has incurred significant operating losses, a shareholder rights plan may be appropriately tailored to protect shareholder value by preserving a company’s net operating losses. Thus, the funds will consider proposals to approve such matters on a case-by-case basis.

Other Business Matters

Many proxies involve approval of routine business matters, such as changing a company’s name, ratifying the appointment of auditors, and procedural matters relating to the shareholder meeting. For the most part, these routine matters do not materially affect shareholder interests and are best left to the board of directors and senior management of the company. The funds will vote for board-approved proposals approving such matters, except as follows:

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to amend a company’s charter or bylaws (except for charter amendments necessary to effect stock splits, to change a company’s name or to authorize additional shares of common stock).

The funds will vote against authorization to transact other unidentified, substantive business at the meeting.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to ratify the selection of independent auditors if there is evidence that the audit firm’s independence or the integrity of an audit is compromised.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on other business matters where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors.

Commentary: Charter and bylaw amendments and the transaction of other unidentified, substantive business at a shareholder meeting may directly affect shareholder rights and have a significant impact on shareholder value. As a result, the funds do not view these items as routine business matters. Putnam Management’s investment professionals and the funds’ proxy voting service may also bring to the Proxy Manager’s attention company-specific items that they believe to be non-routine and warranting special consideration. Under these circumstances, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis.

The fund’s proxy voting service may identify circumstances that call into question an audit firm’s independence or the integrity of an audit. These circumstances may include recent material restatements of financials, unusual audit fees, egregious contractual relationships, and aggressive accounting policies. The funds will consider proposals to ratify the selection of auditors in these circumstances on a case-by-case basis. In all other cases, given the existence of rules that enhance the independence of audit committees and auditors by, for example, prohibiting auditors from performing a range of non-audit services for audit clients, the funds will vote for the ratification of independent auditors.


SEC regulations permit shareholders to submit proposals for inclusion in a company’s proxy statement. These proposals generally seek to change some aspect of the company’s corporate governance structure or to change some aspect of its business operations. The funds generally will vote in accordance with the recommendation of the company’s board of directors on all shareholder proposals, except as follows:

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals asking that director nominees receive support from holders of a majority of votes cast or a majority of shares outstanding in order to be (re)elected.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals to declassify a board, absent special circumstances which would indicate that shareholder interests are better served by a classified board structure.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals to require shareholder approval of shareholder rights plans.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals requiring companies to make cash payments under management severance agreements only if both of the following conditions are met:

the company undergoes a change in control, and

the change in control results in the termination of employment for the person receiving the severance payment.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals requiring companies to accelerate vesting of equity awards under management severance agreements only if both of the following conditions are met:

the company undergoes a change in control, and

the change in control results in the termination of employment for the person receiving the severance payment.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals to limit a company’s ability to make excise tax gross-up payments under management severance agreements.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals requesting that the board adopt a policy to recoup, in the event of a significant restatement of financial results or significant extraordinary write-off, to the fullest extent practicable, for the benefit of the company, all performance-based bonuses or awards that were paid to senior executives based on the company having met or exceeded specific performance targets to the extent that the specific performance targets were not, in fact, met.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals requiring a company to report on its executive retirement benefits (e.g., deferred compensation, split-dollar life insurance, SERPs and pension benefits).

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals requiring a company to disclose its relationships with executive compensation consultants (e.g., whether the company, the board or the compensation committee retained the consultant, the types of services provided by the consultant over the past five years, and a list of the consultant’s clients on which any of the company’s executives serve as a director).

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals that are consistent with the funds’ proxy voting guidelines for board-approved proposals.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on other shareholder proposals where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors.

Commentary: In light of the substantial reforms in corporate governance that are currently underway, the funds’ Trustees believe that effective corporate reforms should be promoted by holding boards of directors – and in particular their independent directors – accountable for their actions, rather than by imposing additional legal restrictions on board governance through piecemeal proposals. Generally speaking, shareholder proposals relating to business operations are often motivated primarily by political or social concerns, rather than the interests of shareholders as investors in an economic enterprise. As stated above, the funds’ Trustees believe that boards of directors and management are responsible for ensuring that their businesses are operating in accordance with high legal and ethical standards and should be held accountable for resulting corporate behavior. Accordingly, the funds will generally support the recommendations of boards that meet the basic independence and governance standards established in these guidelines. Where boards fail to meet these standards, the funds will generally evaluate shareholder proposals on a case-by-case basis.

However, the funds generally support shareholder proposals to implement majority voting for directors, observing that majority voting is an emerging standard intended to encourage directors to be attentive to shareholders’ interests. The funds also generally support shareholder proposals to declassify a board or to require shareholder approval of shareholder rights plans. The funds’ Trustees believe that these shareholder proposals further the goals of reducing management entrenchment and conflicts of interest, and aligning management’s interests with shareholders’ interests in evaluating proposed acquisitions of the company. The Trustees also believe that shareholder proposals to limit severance payments may further these goals in some instances. In general, the funds favor arrangements in which severance payments are made to an executive only when there is a change in control and the executive loses his or her job as a result. Arrangements in which an executive receives a payment upon a change of control even if the executive retains employment introduce potential conflicts of interest and may distract management focus from the long term success of the company.

In evaluating shareholder proposals that address severance payments, the funds distinguish between cash and equity payments. The funds generally do not favor cash payments to executives upon a change in control transaction if the executive retains employment. However, the funds recognize that accelerated vesting of equity incentives, even without termination of employment, may help to align management and shareholder interests in some instances, and will evaluate shareholder proposals addressing accelerated vesting of equity incentive payments on a case-by-case basis.

When severance payments exceed a certain amount based on the executive’s previous compensation, the payments may be subject to an excise tax. Some compensation arrangements provide for full excise tax gross-ups, which means that the company pays the executive sufficient additional amounts to cover the cost of the excise tax. The funds are concerned that the benefits of providing full excise tax gross-ups to executives may be outweighed by the cost to the company of the gross-up payments. Accordingly, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals to curtail excise tax gross-up payments. The funds generally favor arrangements in which severance

payments do not trigger an excise tax or in which the company’s obligations with respect to gross-up payments are limited in a reasonable manner.

The funds’ Trustees believe that performance-based compensation can be an effective tool for aligning management and shareholder interests. However, to fulfill its purpose, performance compensation should only be paid to executives if the performance targets are actually met. A significant restatement of financial results or a significant extraordinary write-off may reveal that executives who were previously paid performance compensation did not actually deliver the required business performance to earn that compensation. In these circumstances, it may be appropriate for the company to recoup this performance compensation. The funds will consider on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals requesting that the board adopt a policy to recoup, in the event of a significant restatement of financial results or significant extraordinary write-off, performance-based bonuses or awards paid to senior executives based on the company having met or exceeded specific performance targets to the extent that the specific performance targets were not, in fact, met. The funds do not believe that such a policy should necessarily disadvantage a company in recruiting executives, as executives should understand that they are only entitled to performance compensation based on the actual performance they deliver.

The funds’ Trustees will also consider whether a company’s severance payment and performance-based compensation arrangements, taking all of the pertinent circumstances into account, constitute excessive compensation or otherwise reflect poorly on the corporate governance practices of the company. In addition, as the Trustees evaluate these matters, they will be mindful of evolving practices and legislation relevant to executive compensation and corporate governance.

The funds’ Trustees also believe that shareholder proposals that are intended to increase transparency, particularly with respect to executive compensation, without establishing rigid restrictions upon a company’s ability to attract and motivate talented executives, are generally beneficial to sound corporate governance without imposing undue burdens. The funds will generally support shareholder proposals calling for reasonable disclosure.


Many of the Putnam funds invest on a global basis, and, as a result, they may hold, and have an opportunity to vote, shares in non-U.S. issuers – i.e., issuers that are incorporated under the laws of foreign jurisdictions and whose shares are not listed on a U.S. securities exchange or the NASDAQ stock market.

In many non-U.S. markets, shareholders who vote proxies of a non-U.S. issuer are not able to trade in that company’s stock on or around the shareholder meeting date. This practice is known as “share blocking.” In countries where share blocking is practiced, the funds will vote proxies only with direction from Putnam Management’s investment professionals.

In addition, some non-U.S. markets require that a company’s shares be re-registered out of the name of the local custodian or nominee into the name of the shareholder for the shareholder to be able to vote at the meeting. This practice is known as “share reregistration.” As a result, shareholders, including the funds, are not able to trade in that company’s stock until the shares are re-registered back in the name of the local custodian or nominee following the meeting. In countries where share re-registration is practiced, the funds will generally not vote proxies.

Protection for shareholders of non-U.S. issuers may vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Laws governing non-U.S. issuers may, in some cases, provide substantially less protection for shareholders than do U.S. laws. As a result, the guidelines applicable to U.S. issuers, which are premised on the existence of a sound corporate governance and disclosure framework, may not be appropriate under some circumstances for non-U.S. issuers. However, the funds will vote proxies of non-U.S. issuers in accordance with the guidelines applicable to U.S. issuers, except as follows:

Uncontested Election of Directors


For companies subject to “co-determination,” the funds will vote on a case by-case basis for the election of nominees to the supervisory board.

The funds will withhold votes for the election of a former member of the company’s managerial board to chair of the supervisory board.

Commentary: German corporate governance is characterized by a two-tier board system—a managerial board composed of the company’s executive officers, and a supervisory board. The supervisory board appoints the members of the managerial board. Shareholders elect members of the supervisory board, except that in the case of companies with more than 2,000 employees, company employees are allowed to elect half of the supervisory board members. This “co-determination” practice may increase the chances that the supervisory board of a large German company does not contain a majority of independent members. In this situation, under the Fund’s proxy voting guidelines applicable to U.S. issuers, the funds would vote against all nominees. However, in the case of companies subject to “co-determination,” the Funds will vote for supervisory board members on a case-by-case basis, so that the funds can support independen t nominees.

Consistent with the funds’ belief that the interests of shareholders are best protected by boards with strong, independent leadership, the funds will withhold votes for the election of former chairs of the managerial board to chair of the supervisory board.


For companies that have established a U.S.-style corporate governance structure, the funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have a majority of outside directors,

the board has not established nominating and compensation committees composed of a majority of outside directors, or

the board has not established an audit committee composed of a majority of independent directors.

The funds will withhold votes for the appointment of members of a company’s board of statutory auditors if a majority of the members of the board of statutory auditors is not independent.


Board structure: Recent amendments to the Japanese Commercial Code give companies the option to adopt a U.S.-style corporate governance structure (i.e., a board of directors and audit, nominating, and compensation committees). The funds will vote for proposals to amend a company’s articles of incorporation to adopt the U.S.-style corporate structure.

Definition of outside director and independent director: Corporate governance principles in Japan focus on the distinction between outside directors and independent directors. Under these principles, an outside director is a director who is not and has never been a director, executive, or employee of the company or its parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates. An outside director is “independent” if that person can make decisions completely independent from the managers of the company, its parent, subsidiaries, or affiliates and does not have a material relationship with the company (i.e., major client, trading partner, or other business relationship; familial relationship with current director or executive; etc.). The guidelines have incorporated these definitions in applying the board independence standards above.


The funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have a majority of outside directors,

the board has not established a nominating committee composed of at least a majority of outside directors, or

the board has not established an audit committee composed of at least three members and in which at least two-thirds of its members are outside directors.

Commentary: For purposes of these guidelines, an “outside director” is a director that is independent from the management or controlling shareholders of the company, and holds no interests that might impair performing his or her duties impartially from the company, management or controlling shareholder. In determining whether a director is an outside

director, the funds will also apply the standards included in Article 415-2(2) of the Korean Commercial Code (i.e., no employment relationship with the company for a period of two years before serving on the committee, no director or employment relationship with the company’s largest shareholder, etc.) and may consider other business relationships that would affect the independence of an outside director.


The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis for the election of nominees to the board of directors.

Commentary: In Russia, director elections are typically handled through a cumulative voting process. Cumulative voting allows shareholders to cast all of their votes for a single nominee for the board of directors, or to allocate their votes among nominees in any other way. In contrast, in “regular” voting, shareholders may not give more than one vote per share to any single nominee. Cumulative voting can help to strengthen the ability of minority shareholders to elect a director.

In Russia, as in some other emerging markets, standards of corporate governance are usually behind those in developed markets. Rather than vote against the entire board of directors, as the funds generally would in the case of a company whose board fails to meet the funds’ standards for independence, the funds may, on a case by case basis, cast all of their votes for one or more independent director nominees. The funds believe that it is important to increase the number of independent directors on the boards of Russian companies to mitigate the risks associated with dominant shareholders.

United Kingdom

The funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have at least a majority of independent non-executive directors,

the board has not established a nomination committee composed of a majority of independent non-executive directors, or

the board has not established compensation and audit committees composed of (1) at least three directors (in the case of smaller companies, two directors) and (2) solely independent non-executive directors.

The funds will withhold votes from any nominee for director who is considered an independent director by the company and who has received compensation within the last three years from the company other than for service as a director, such as investment banking, consulting, legal, or financial advisory fees.

The funds will vote for proposals to amend a company’s articles of association to authorize boards to approve situations that might be interpreted to present potential conflicts of interest affecting a director.


Application of guidelines: Although the United Kingdom’s Combined Code on Corporate Governance (“Combined Code”) has adopted the “comply and explain” approach to corporate governance, the funds’ Trustees believe that the guidelines discussed above with respect to board independence standards are integral to the protection of investors in U.K. companies. As a result, these guidelines will generally be applied in a prescriptive manner.

Definition of independence: For the purposes of these guidelines, a non-executive director shall be considered independent if the director meets the independence standards in section A.3.1 of the Combined Code (i.e., no material business or employment relationships with the company, no remuneration from the company for non-board services, no close family ties with senior employees or directors of the company, etc.), except that the funds do not view service on the board for more than nine years as affecting a director’s independence.

Smaller companies: A smaller company is one that is below the FTSE 350 throughout the year immediately prior to the reporting year.

Conflicts of interest: The Companies Act 2006 requires a director to avoid a situation in which he or she has, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the company. This broadly written requirement could be construed to prevent a director from becoming a trustee or director of another organization. Provided there are reasonable safeguards, such as the exclusion of the relevant director from deliberations, the funds believe that the board may approve this type of potential conflict of interest in its discretion.

Other Matters

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals calling for a majority of a company’s directors to be independent of management.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals seeking to increase the independence of board nominating, audit, and compensation committees.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals that implement corporate governance standards similar to those established under U.S. federal law and the listing

requirements of U.S. stock exchanges, and that do not otherwise violate the laws of the jurisdiction under which the company is incorporated.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals relating to (1) the issuance of common stock in excess of 20% of the company’s outstanding common stock where shareholders do not have preemptive rights, or (2) the issuance of common stock in excess of 100% of the company’s outstanding common stock where shareholders have preemptive rights.

The funds will vote for proposals permitting companies to deliver reports and other materials electronically (e.g., via website posting).

The funds will vote for proposals permitting companies to issue regulatory reports in English.

The funds will vote: against remuneration reports that indicate that awards under a long term incentive plan are not linked to performance targets; and on a case-by-case basis on other remuneration reports, giving consideration to whether the report indicates a correlation between compensation and performance that is consistent with the funds’ high standards for compensation practices.

As adopted March 6, 2009

Proxy Voting Procedures of the Putnam Funds

The proxy voting procedures below explain the role of the funds’ Trustees, the proxy voting service and the Proxy Coordinator, as well as how the process will work when a proxy question needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis, or when there may be a conflict of interest.

The role of the funds’ Trustees

The Trustees of the Putnam funds exercise control of the voting of proxies through their Board Policy and Nominating Committee, which is composed entirely of independent Trustees. The Board Policy and Nominating Committee oversees the proxy voting process and participates, as needed, in the resolution of issues that need to be handled on a case-by-case basis. The Committee annually reviews and recommends, for Trustee approval, guidelines governing the funds’ proxy votes, including how the funds vote on specific proposals and which matters are to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Trustees are assisted in this process by their independent administrative staff (“Office of the Trustees”), independent legal counsel, and an independent proxy voting service. The Trustees also receive assistance from Putnam Investment Management, LLC (“Putnam Management”), the funds’ investment advisor, on matters involving investment judgments. In all cases, the ultimate decision on voting proxies rests with the Trustees, acting as fiduciaries on behalf of the shareholders of the funds.

The role of the proxy voting service

The funds have engaged an independent proxy voting service to assist in the voting of proxies. The proxy voting service is responsible for coordinating with the funds’ custodians to ensure that all proxy materials received by the custodians relating to the funds’ portfolio securities are processed in a timely fashion. To the extent applicable, the proxy voting service votes all proxies in accordance with the proxy voting guidelines established by the Trustees. The proxy voting service will refer proxy questions to the Proxy Coordinator (described below) for instructions under circumstances where: (1) the application of the proxy voting guidelines is unclear; (2) a particular proxy question is not covered by the guidelines; or (3) the guidelines call for specific instructions on a case-by-case basis. The proxy voting service is also requested to call to the Proxy Coordinator’s attention specific proxy questions that, while governed by a guideline, appe ar to involve unusual or controversial issues. The funds also utilize research services relating to proxy questions provided by the proxy voting service and by other firms.

The role of the Proxy Coordinator

Each year, a member of the Office of the Trustees is appointed Proxy Coordinator to assist in the coordination and voting of the funds’ proxies. The Proxy Coordinator will deal directly with the proxy voting service and, in the case of proxy questions referred by the proxy voting service, will solicit voting recommendations and instructions from the Office of the Trustees, the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee, and Putnam Management’s investment professionals, as appropriate. The Proxy Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that these questions and referrals are responded to in a timely fashion and for transmitting appropriate voting instructions to the proxy voting service.

Voting procedures for referral items

As discussed above, the proxy voting service will refer proxy questions to the Proxy Coordinator under certain circumstances. When the application of the proxy voting guidelines is unclear or a particular proxy question is not covered by the guidelines (and does not involve investment considerations), the Proxy Coordinator will assist in interpreting the guidelines and, as appropriate, consult with one of more senior staff members of the Office of the Trustees and the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee on how the funds’ shares will be voted.

For proxy questions that require a case-by-case analysis pursuant to the guidelines or that are not covered by the guidelines but involve investment considerations, the Proxy Coordinator will refer such questions, through a written request, to Putnam Management’s investment professionals for a voting recommendation. Such referrals will be made in cooperation with the person or persons designated by Putnam Management’s Legal and Compliance Department to assist in processing such referral items. In connection with each such referral item, the Legal and Compliance Department will conduct a conflicts of interest review, as described below under “Conflicts of Interest,” and provide a conflicts of interest report (the “Conflicts Report”) to the Proxy Coordinator describing the results of such review. After receiving a referral item from the Proxy Coordinator, Putnam Management’s investment professionals will provide a written recommendat ion to the Proxy Coordinator and the person or persons designated by the Legal and Compliance Department to assist in processing referral items. Such recommendation will set forth (1) how the proxies should be voted; (2) the basis and rationale for such recommendation; and (3) any contacts the investment professionals have had with respect to the referral item with non-investment personnel of Putnam Management or with outside parties (except for routine communications from proxy solicitors). The Proxy Coordinator will then review the investment professionals’ recommendation and the Conflicts Report with one of more senior staff members of the Office of the Trustees in determining how to vote the funds’ proxies. The Proxy Coordinator will maintain a record of all proxy questions that have been referred to Putnam Management’s investment professionals, the voting recommendation, and the Conflicts Report.

In some situations, the Proxy Coordinator and/or one of more senior staff members of the Office of the Trustees may determine that a particular proxy question raises policy issues requiring

consultation with the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee, who, in turn, may decide to bring the particular proxy question to the Committee or the full Board of Trustees for consideration.

Conflicts of interest

Occasions may arise where a person or organization involved in the proxy voting process may have a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if Putnam Management has a business relationship with (or is actively soliciting business from) either the company soliciting the proxy or a third party that has a material interest in the outcome of a proxy vote or that is actively lobbying for a particular outcome of a proxy vote. Any individual with knowledge of a personal conflict of interest (e.g., familial relationship with company management) relating to a particular referral item shall disclose that conflict to the Proxy Coordinator and the Legal and Compliance Department and otherwise remove himself or herself from the proxy voting process. The Legal and Compliance Department will review each item referred to Putnam Management’s investment professionals to determine if a conflict of interest exists and will provide the Proxy Coordinator with a Conflicts Report for each referral item that (1) describes any conflict of interest; (2) discusses the procedures used to address such conflict of interest; and (3) discloses any contacts from parties outside Putnam Management (other than routine communications from proxy solicitors) with respect to the referral item not otherwise reported in an investment professional’s recommendation. The Conflicts Report will also include written confirmation that any recommendation from an investment professional provided under circumstances where a conflict of interest exists was made solely on the investment merits and without regard to any other consideration.

As adopted March 11, 2005

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

(a)(1) Portfolio Managers. The officers of Putnam Management identified below are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund’s portfolio .

Portfolio  Joined     
Managers  Fund  Employer  Positions Over Past Five Years 

Thalia Meehan  2006  Putnam  Team Leader, Tax Exempt Fixed Income Team 
    Management  Previously, Director, Tax Exempt Research 
    1989 – Present   

Paul Drury  2002  Putnam  Tax Exempt Specialist 
    Management  Previously, Portfolio Manager; Senior Trader 
    1989 – Present   

Brad Libby  2006  Putnam  Tax Exempt Specialist. 
    Management  Previously, Analyst. 
    2001 – Present   

Susan  2002  Putnam  Tax Exempt Specialist 
McCormack    Management  Previously, Portfolio Manager 
    1994 – Present   

(a)(2) Other Accounts Managed by the Fund’s Portfolio Managers.

The following table shows the number and approximate assets of other investment accounts (or portions of investment accounts) that the fund’s Portfolio Managers managed as of the fund’s most recent fiscal year-end. Unless noted, none of the other accounts pays a fee based on the account’s performance.

      Other accounts (including 
  separate accounts, managed 
Other accounts that pool  account programs and single- 
 Portfolio Leader  Other SEC-registered open-end  assets from more than one  sponsor defined contribution 
or Member  and closed-end funds  client  plan offerings) 

  Number  Assets  Number  Assets  Number  Assets 
  of    of    of   
  accounts    accounts    accounts   

Thalia Meehan  13  $6,485,200,000  3  $300,000  2  $211,600,000 

Susan McCormack  13  $6,485,200,000  3  $300,000  2  $211,100,000 

Paul Drury  13  $6,485,200,000  3  $300,000  1  $209,800,000 

Brad Libby  13  $6,485,200,000  3  $300,000  2  $209,900,000 

Potential conflicts of interest in managing multiple accounts. Like other investment professionals with multiple clients, the fund’s Portfolio Managers may face certain potential conflicts of interest in connection with managing both the fund and the other accounts listed under “Other Accounts Managed by the Fund’s Portfolio Managers” at the same time. The paragraphs below describe some of these potential conflicts, which Putnam Management believes are faced by investment professionals at most major financial firms. As described below, Putnam Management and the Trustees of the Putnam funds have adopted compliance policies and procedures that attempt to address certain of these potential conflicts.

The management of accounts with different advisory fee rates and/or fee structures, including accounts that pay advisory fees based on account performance (“performance fee accounts”), may raise potential conflicts of interest by creating an incentive to favor higher-fee accounts. These potential conflicts may include, among others:

• The most attractive investments could be allocated to higher-fee accounts or performance fee accounts.

• The trading of higher-fee accounts could be favored as to timing and/or execution price. For example, higher-fee accounts could be permitted to sell securities earlier than other accounts when a prompt sale is desirable or to buy securities at an earlier and more opportune time.

• The trading of other accounts could be used to benefit higher-fee accounts (front- running).

• The investment management team could focus their time and efforts primarily on higher-fee accounts due to a personal stake in compensation.

Putnam Management attempts to address these potential conflicts of interest relating to higher-fee accounts through various compliance policies that are generally intended to place all accounts, regardless of fee structure, on the same footing for investment management purposes. For example, under Putnam Management’s policies:

• Performance fee accounts must be included in all standard trading and allocation procedures with all other accounts.

• All accounts must be allocated to a specific category of account and trade in parallel with allocations of similar accounts based on the procedures generally applicable to all accounts in those groups (e.g., based on relative risk budgets of accounts).

• All trading must be effected through Putnam’s trading desks and normal queues and procedures must be followed (i.e., no special treatment is permitted for performance fee accounts or higher-fee accounts based on account fee structure).

• Front running is strictly prohibited.

• The fund’s Portfolio Manager(s) may not be guaranteed or specifically allocated any portion of a performance fee.

As part of these policies, Putnam Management has also implemented trade oversight and review procedures in order to monitor whether particular accounts (including higher-fee accounts or performance fee accounts) are being favored over time.

Potential conflicts of interest may also arise when the Portfolio Manager(s) have personal investments in other accounts that may create an incentive to favor those accounts. As a general matter and subject to limited exceptions, Putnam Management’s investment professionals do not have the opportunity to invest in client accounts, other than the Putnam funds. However, in the ordinary course of business, Putnam Management or related persons may from time to time establish “pilot” or “incubator” funds for the purpose of testing proposed investment strategies and products prior to offering them to clients. These pilot accounts may be in the form of registered investment companies, private funds such as partnerships or separate accounts established by Putnam Management or an affiliate. Putnam Management or an affiliate supplies the funding for these accounts. Putnam employees, including the fund’s Portfolio Manager(s), may also invest in certain p ilot accounts. Putnam Management, and to the extent applicable, the Portfolio Manager(s) will benefit from the favorable investment performance of those funds and accounts. Pilot funds and accounts may, and frequently do, invest in the same securities as the client accounts. Putnam Management’s policy is to treat pilot accounts in the same manner as client accounts for purposes of trading allocation – neither favoring nor disfavoring them except as is legally required. For example, pilot accounts are normally included in Putnam Management’s daily block trades to the same extent as client accounts (except that pilot accounts do not participate in initial public offerings).

A potential conflict of interest may arise when the fund and other accounts purchase or sell the same securities. On occasions when the Portfolio Manager(s) consider the purchase or sale of a security to be in the best interests of the fund as well as other accounts, Putnam Management’s trading desk may, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, aggregate the securities to be sold or purchased in order to seek to obtain the best execution and lower brokerage commissions, if any. Aggregation of trades may create the potential for unfairness to the fund or another account if one account is favored over another in allocating the securities purchased or sold – for example, by allocating a disproportionate amount of a security that is likely to increase in value to a favored account. Putnam Management’s trade allocation policies generally provide that each day’s transactions in securities that are purchased or sold by multiple accounts are, insofar as possible, averaged as to price and allocated between such accounts (including the fund) in a manner which in Putnam Management’s opinion is equitable to each account and in accordance with the amount being purchased or sold by each account. Certain exceptions exist for specialty, regional or sector accounts. Trade allocations are reviewed on a periodic basis as part of Putnam Management’s trade oversight procedures in an attempt to ensure fairness over time across accounts.

“Cross trades,” in which one Putnam account sells a particular security to another account (potentially saving transaction costs for both accounts), may also pose a potential conflict of interest. Cross trades may be seen to involve a potential conflict of interest if, for example, one account is permitted to sell a security to another account at a higher price than an independent third party would pay. Putnam Management and the fund’s Trustees have adopted compliance procedures that provide that any transactions between the fund and another Putnam-advised account are to be made at an independent current market price, as required by law.

Another potential conflict of interest may arise based on the different investment objectives and strategies of the fund and other accounts. For example, another account may have a shorter-term investment horizon or different investment objectives, policies or restrictions than the fund. Depending on another account’s objectives or other factors, the Portfolio Manager(s) may give advice and make decisions that may differ from advice given, or the timing or nature of decisions made, with respect to the fund. In addition, investment decisions are the product of many factors in addition to basic suitability for the particular account involved. Thus, a particular security may be bought or sold for certain accounts even though it could have been bought or sold for other accounts at the same time. More rarely, a particular security may be bought for one or more accounts managed by the Portfolio Manager(s) when one or more other accounts are selling the security (including s hort sales). There may be circumstances when purchases or sales of portfolio securities for one or more accounts may have an adverse effect on other accounts. As noted above, Putnam Management has implemented trade oversight and review procedures to monitor whether any account is systematically favored over time.

The fund’s Portfolio Manager(s) may also face other potential conflicts of interest in managing the fund, and the description above is not a complete description of every conflict that could be deemed to exist in managing both the fund and other accounts.

(a)(3) Compensation of portfolio managers. Putnam’s goal for our products and investors is to deliver top quartile or better performance over a rolling 3-year period versus peers on a pre-tax basis. For this fund, the peer group Putnam compares fund performance against is its broad investment category as determined by Lipper Inc. and identified in the shareholder report included in Item 1. Each portfolio manager is assigned an industry competitive incentive compensation target for achieving this goal. The target is based in part on the type and amount of assets the individual manages. The target increases or decreases depending on whether the portfolio manager’s performance is higher or lower than the top quartile, subject to a maximum increase of 50%, for a portfolio manager who outperforms at least 90% of his or her peer group, and a maximum decrease of 100%, for a portfolio manager who outperform s less than 25% of his or her peer group. For example, the target of a portfolio manager who outperforms 50% of his or her peer group would decrease 50%. Investment performance of a portfolio manager is asset-weighted across the products he or she manages.

Portfolio manager incentive compensation targets are also adjusted for company performance/economics. Actual incentive compensation may be greater or less than a portfolio manager’s target, as it takes into consideration team/group performance and qualitative performance factors. Incentive compensation includes a cash bonus and may also include grants of restricted stock or options. In addition to incentive compensation, portfolio managers receive fixed annual salaries typically based on level of responsibility and experience.

(a)(4) Fund ownership. The following table shows the dollar ranges of shares of the fund owned by the professionals listed above at the end of the fund’s last two fiscal years, including investments by their immediate family members and amounts invested through retirement and deferred compensation plans.

(b) Not applicable

Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers:

Registrant Purchase of Equity Securities  
      Total Number  Number (or 
      of Shares  Approximate 
      Purchased  Dollar Value ) 
      as Part  of Shares 
      of Publicly  that May Yet Be 
  Total Number  Average  Announced  Purchased 
  of Shares  Price Paid  Plans or  under the Plans 
Period  Purchased  per Share  Programs*  or Programs** 
May 1 -         
May 31, 2008  146,916  $11.23  146,916  3,075,238 
June 1 -         
June 30, 2008  33,231  $11.00  33,231  3,042,007 
July 1 -         
July 31, 2008  267,182  $10.89  267,182  2,774,825 
August 1 -         
August 31, 2008  -  -  -  2,774,825 
September 1 -         
September 30, 2008  -  -  -  2,774,825 
October 1 -         
October 7, 2008  -  -  -  2,774,825 
October 8 -         
October 31, 2008  -  -  -  4,287,137 
November 1 -         
November 30, 2008  -  -  -  4,287,137 
December 1 -         
December 31, 2008  -  -  -  4,287,137 
January 1 -         
January 31, 2009  -  -  -  4,287,137 
February 1 -         
February 28, 2009  -  -  -  4,287,137 
March 1 -         
March 31, 2009  -  -  -  4,287,137 
April 1 -         
April 30, 2009  -  -  -  4,287,137 

*The Board of Trustees announced a repurchase plan on October 7, 2005 for which 807,855 shares were approved for repurchase by the fund. The repurchase plan was approved through October 6, 2006. On March 10, 2006, the Trustees announced that the repurchase program was increased to allow repurchases of up to a total of 1,615,709 shares over the original term of the program. On September 15, 2006, the Trustees voted to extend the term of the repurchase program through October 6, 2007. In September 2007, the Trustees announced that the repurchase program was increased to allow repurchases up to a total 1,360,966 shares through October 7, 2008. In September 2008, the Trustees announced that the repurchase program was increased to allow repurchases up to a total 4,287,137 shares through October 7, 2009.

**Information prior to October 7, 2008 is based on the total number of shares eligible for repurchase under the program, as amended through September 2007. Information from October 8, 2008 forward is based on the total number of shares eligible for repurchase under the program, as amended through September 2008.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders:

Not applicable

Item 11. Controls and Procedures:

(a) The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report, that the design and operation of such procedures are generally effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by the registrant in this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission's rules and forms.

(b) Changes in internal control over financial reporting: Not applicable

Item 12. Exhibits:

(a)(1) The Code of Ethics of The Putnam Funds, which incorporates the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments, is filed herewith.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.

(b) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust

By (Signature and Title):

/s/Janet C. Smith
Janet C. Smith
Principal Accounting Officer

Date: June 29, 2009

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title):

/s/Charles E. Porter
Charles E. Porter
Principal Executive Officer

Date: June 29, 2009

By (Signature and Title):

/s/Steven D. Krichmar
Steven D. Krichmar
Principal Financial Officer

Date: June 29, 2009

EX-99.CERT 2 b_cert582.htm EX-99.CERT b_cert582.htm


I, Charles E. Porter, the Principal Executive Officer of the funds listed on Attachment A, certify that:

1. I have reviewed each report on Form N-CSR of the funds listed on Attachment A:

2. Based on my knowledge, each report does not contain any untrue statements of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by each report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in each report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in each report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which each report is being prepared;

b) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

c) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of each report based on such evaluation; and

d) disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed to each registrant's auditors and the audit committee of each registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect each registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in each registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date: June 25, 2009

/s/ Charles E. Porter
Charles E. Porter
Principal Executive Officer


I, Steven D. Krichmar, the Principal Financial Officer of the funds listed on Attachment A, certify that:

1. I have reviewed each report on Form N-CSR of the funds listed on Attachment A:

2. Based on my knowledge, each report does not contain any untrue statements of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by each report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in each report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in each report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which each report is being prepared;

b) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

c) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of each report based on such evaluation; and

d) disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed to each registrant's auditors and the audit committee of each registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect each registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in each registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date: June 25, 2009

/s/ Steven D. Krichmar
Steven D. Krichmar
Principal Financial Officer

Attachment A
Period (s) ended April 30, 2009

Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust 
Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust 
Putnam Mid Cap Value Fund 
The Putnam Fund for Growth and Income 
Putnam Capital Opportunities Fund 
Putnam Global Utilities Fund 
Putnam Income Fund 
Putnam Global Income Trust 
Putnam Global Equity Fund 
Putnam Convertible Income-Growth Trust 
Putnam Absolute Return 100 Fund 
Putnam Absolute Return 300 Fund 
Putnam Absolute Return 500 Fund 
Putnam Absolute Return 700 Fund 

EX-99.906 CERT 3 c_certnos582.htm EX-99.906 CERT c_certnos582.htm

Section 906 Certifications

I, Charles E. Porter, the Principal Executive Officer of the Funds listed on Attachment A, certify that, to my knowledge:

1. The form N-CSR of the Funds listed on Attachment A for the period ended April 30, 2009 fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

2. The information contained in the Form N-CSR of the Funds listed on Attachment A for the period ended April 30, 2009 fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Funds listed on Attachment A.

Date: June 25, 2009

/s/ Charles E. Porter
Charles E. Porter
Principal Executive Officer

Section 906 Certifications

I, Steven D. Krichmar, the Principal Financial Officer of the Funds listed on Attachment A, certify that, to my knowledge:

1. The form N-CSR of the Funds listed on Attachment A for the period ended April 30, 2009 fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

2. The information contained in the Form N-CSR of the Funds listed on Attachment A for the period ended April 30, 2009 fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Funds listed on Attachment A.

Date: June 25, 2009

/s/ Steven D. Krichmar
Steven D. Krichmar
Principal Financial Officer

Attachment A
Period (s) ended April 30, 2009

Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust 
Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust 
Putnam Mid Cap Value Fund 
The Putnam Fund for Growth and Income 
Putnam Capital Opportunities Fund 
Putnam Global Utilities Fund 
Putnam Income Fund 
Putnam Global Income Trust 
Putnam Global Equity Fund 
Putnam Convertible Income-Growth Trust 
Putnam Absolute Return 100 Fund 
Putnam Absolute Return 300 Fund 
Putnam Absolute Return 500 Fund 
Putnam Absolute Return 700 Fund 

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Amendments to Putnam’s Code of Ethics – May 5, 2009
The following sections of the Code are rewritten to read in their entirety as follows:

Code of Ethics Overview

Putnam mutual funds (page 2)

All employees and certain family members are subject to a minimum 90-day holding period for shares in Putnam’s open-end mutual funds. This restriction does not apply to Putnam’s Stable Value or money market funds. Except in limited circumstances, all employees must hold Putnam open-end fund shares in accounts at Putnam.

Employees who have sole or shared supervisory or portfolio management responsibility for a Putnam open-end mutual fund are subject to a minimum one-year holding period for shares of such fund.

Section I – Personal Securities Rules for All Employees

B. Prohibited Transactions

Rule 7: Putnam Mutual Fund Employee Restrictions (page 15)

(a) Employees (defined in Rule 6) may not, within a 90-calendar day period, make a purchase followed by a sale or a sale followed by a purchase of shares of the same open-end Putnam mutual fund, even if the transactions occur in different accounts.

(b) Employees who have sole or shared supervisory or portfolio management responsibility for a Putnam open-end mutual fund or a U.S. registered mutual fund to which Putnam acts as advisor or sub-advisor may not, within a one-year period, make a purchase followed by a sale or a sale followed by a purchase of shares of such fund, even if the transactions occur in different accounts.

(c) All employees are required to link their immediate family members’ accounts holding Putnam mutual funds to comply with the disclosure requirements. These accounts are also subject to the 90-day and one-year rules. To link these accounts, log on to Putnam’s intranet home page at http://intranet, and select Employee Essentials/Linked Mutual Fund Accounts. You are required to confirm the information and will be prompted to add any accounts that you or your family members have that should be linked, or delink accounts that you or your family members have closed.


· Example: If an employee buys shares of a Putnam fund on Day 1 for a retail account and then sells (by exchange) shares of the same fund for his or her 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan accounts on Day 85, the employee has violated the rule.

· Similarly, an employee who sells shares of an open-end Putnam mutual fund may not buy any shares of the same mutual fund until 90 calendar days have passed, or one year for employees who have sole or shared supervisory or portfolio management responsibility for such fund.

· Example: If an employee manages Putnam Voyager Fund, but does not manage Putnam High Yield Trust, that employee would be subject to the one-year blackout restriction in shares of Putnam Voyager Fund and a 90-day blackout restriction in shares of Putnam High Yield Trust.

· The purpose of these blackout period restrictions is to prevent any market timing or the appearance of any market timing activity.

· This Rule applies to transactions by a Putnam employee and his or her family members as defined in the Code in any type of account including retail, IRA, variable annuity, variable insurance, and 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan, as well as any deferred compensation accounts.

· The minimum sanction for an initial violation of the blackout period will be disgorgement of any profit made on the transaction. Additional sanctions may apply, including termination of employment.


A. The restrictions do not apply to Putnam’s money market funds and Putnam Stable Value Fund.

B. 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan Contributions and Payroll Deductions: The 90-day or one year restriction is not triggered by the initial allocation of regular employee or employer contributions or forfeitures to an employee’s account under the terms of Putnam employee benefit plans or a Putnam payroll-deduction direct-investment program; later exchanges of these contributions will be subject to either the 90-day or one-year blackout period.

C. Systematic Programs: The restrictions do not apply with respect to shares sold or acquired as a result of participation in a systematic program for contributions, withdrawals, or exchanges, provided that an election to participate in any such program and the participation dates of the program are not changed more often than quarterly after the program is elected by the employee. Access Persons may elect a quarterly or semiannual rebalancing program although it may only be changed on an annual basis.

D. Employee Benefit Plan Withdrawals and Distributions: No restriction applies with respect to shares sold for withdrawals, loans, or distributions under the terms of Putnam employee benefit plans.

E. Dividends, Distributions, Mergers, and Share Class Conversions: No restriction applies with respect to the acquisition of shares as a result of reinvestment of dividends, distributions, mergers, conversions of share classes, or other similar actions. Subsequent transactions with respect to the shares will be covered.

F. College Savings Program: Redemptions from an employee’s college savings 529 plan to pay for qualified educational expenses for the beneficiary of the account (and redemptions due to death or disability) are exempt from the 90-day and one-year restrictions applicable to Putnam mutual funds. Qualified redemptions include:

·  Tuition 
·  School fees 
·  Books 
·  Supplies and equipment required for enrollment 
·  Room and board 
·  Death 
·  Disability 

G. Special Situations: In special situations as determined from time to time by Putnam’s Code of Ethics Oversight Committee, exceptions may by granted to the blackout periods as a result of death, disability, or special circumstances (such as personal hardship). Employees may request an exception by submitting a written request to the Code of Ethics Officer.

EX-99.CODE ETH 17 a_nf69mod5.htm a_nf69mod5.htm

Exhibit A


Code of Ethics

Each of The Putnam Funds (the “Funds”) has determined to adopt this Code of Ethics with respect to certain types of personal securities transactions by officers and Trustees of the Funds which might be deemed to create possible conflicts of interest and to establish reporting requirements and enforcement procedures with respect to such transactions.

I. Rules Applicable to Officers and Trustees Affiliated with Putnam Investments Trust or Its Subsidiaries

A. Incorporation of Adviser’s Code of Ethics. The provisions of the Code of Ethics for employees of Putnam Investments Trust and its subsidiaries (the “Putnam Investments Code of Ethics”), which is attached as Appendix A hereto, are hereby incorporated herein as the Funds’ Code of Ethics applicable to officers and Trustees of the Funds who are employees of the Funds or officers, directors or employees of Putnam Investments Trust or its subsidiaries. A violation of the Putnam Investments’ Code of Ethics shall constitute a violation of the Funds’ Code.

B. Reports. Officers and Trustees of each of the Funds who are made subject to the Putnam Investments’ Code of Ethics pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall file the reports required by the Putnam Investments’ Code of Ethics with the Code of Ethics Officer designated therein. A report filed with the Code of Ethics Officer shall be deemed to be filed with each of the Funds of which the reporting individual is an officer or Trustee.

C. Review and Reporting.

(1) The Code of Ethics Officer shall cause the reported personal securities transactions to be compared with completed and contemplated portfolio transactions of each of the Funds to determine whether a violation of this Code may have occurred. Before making any determination that a violation has been committed by any person, the Code of Ethics Officer shall give such person an opportunity to supply additional explanatory material.

(2) If the Code of Ethics Officer determines that a violation of any provision of this Code has or may have occurred, he shall submit his written determination, together with any additional explanatory material, to the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Funds at its next meeting when Code of Ethics matters are discussed.

D. Sanctions. In addition to reporting violations of this Code to the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Funds as provided in Section I-C(2), the Code of Ethics Officer shall also report to such Committee any sanctions imposed with

Exhibit A

respect to such violations. The Committee reserves the right to impose such additional sanctions as it deems appropriate.

II. Rules Applicable to Unaffiliated Trustees

A. Definitions.

(1) “Beneficial ownership” shall be interpreted in the same manner as it would be in determining whether a person is subject to the provisions of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder.

(2) “Control” means the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a company, unless such power is solely the result of an official position with such company.

(3) “Interested Trustee” means a Trustee of a Fund who is an “interested person” of the Fund within the meaning of the Investment Company Act.

(4) “Purchase or sale of a security” includes, among other things, the writing of an option to purchase or sell a security.

(5) “Security” shall have the same meaning as that set forth in Section 2(a)(36) of the Investment Company Act (in effect, all securities) except that it shall not include securities issued by the Government of the United States or an agency thereof, bankers’ acceptances, bank certificates of deposit, commercial paper and high-quality short-term debt investments, including repurchase agreements, and shares of registered open-end investment companies, but shall include any security convertible into or exchangeable for a security.

(6) “Unaffiliated Trustee” means a Trustee who is not made subject to the Putnam Investments Code of Ethics pursuant to Part I hereof.

B. Prohibited Purchases and Sales. No Unaffiliated Trustee of any of the Funds shall purchase or sell, directly or indirectly, any security in which he has, or by reason of such transaction acquires, any direct or indirect beneficial ownership and which to his actual knowledge at the time of such purchase or sale:

(1) is being considered for purchase or sale by the Fund;

(2) is being purchased or sold by the Fund; or

(3) was purchased or sold by the Fund within the most recent five days if such person participated in the recommendation to, or the decision by, Putnam Investment Management to purchase or sell such security for the Fund.

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Exhibit A

C. Exempted Transactions. The prohibitions of Section II-B of this Code shall not apply to:

(1) purchases or sales of securities effected in any account over which the Unaffiliated Trustee has no direct or indirect influence or control;

(2) purchases or sales of securities which are non-volitional on the part of either the Unaffiliated Trustee or the Fund;

(3) purchases of securities which are part of an automatic dividend reinvestment plan;

(4) purchases of securities effected upon the exercise of rights issued by an issuer pro rata to all holders of a class of its securities, to the extent such rights were acquired from such issuer, and sales of such rights so acquired;

(5) purchases or sales of securities other than those exempted in (1) through (4) above which do not cause the Unaffiliated Trustee to gain improperly a personal benefit through his relationship with the Fund and are only remotely potentially harmful to a Fund because they would be very unlikely to affect a highly institutional market, and are previously approved by the Compliance Liaison of the Funds, in consultation with the Code of Ethics Officer, which approval shall be confirmed in writing.

D. Reporting.

(1) Whether or not one of the exemptions listed in Section II-C applies, every Unaffiliated Trustee of a Fund shall file with the Funds’ Compliance Liaison a report containing the information described in Section II-D(2) of this Code with respect to purchases or sales of any security in which such Unaffiliated Trustee has, or by reason of such transaction acquires, any direct or indirect beneficial ownership, if such Trustee, at the time of that transaction, knew or, in the ordinary course of fulfilling his official duties as a Trustee of the Fund, should have known that, during the 15-day period immediately preceding or after the date of the transaction by the Trustee:

(a) such security was or is to be purchased or sold by the Fund or

(b) such security was or is being considered for purchase or sale by the Fund;

provided, however, that an Unaffiliated Trustee shall not be required to make a report with respect to transactions effected for any account over which such person does not have any direct or indirect influence or control.

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Exhibit A

(2) Every report shall be made not later than 10 days after the end of the calendar quarter in which the transaction to which the report relates was effected, and shall contain the following information:

(a) The date of the transaction, the title, the number of shares, the interest rate and maturity date (if applicable) and the principal amount of each security involved;

(b) The nature of the transaction (i.e., purchase, sale or any other type of acquisition or disposition);

(c) The price at which the transaction was effected;

(d) The name of the broker, dealer or bank with or through whom the transaction was effected; and

(e) the date that the report is submitted by each Unaffiliated Trustee.

(3) Every report concerning a purchase or sale prohibited under Section II-B hereof with respect to which the reporting person relies upon one of the exemptions provided in Section II-C shall contain a brief statement of the exemption relied upon and the circumstances of the transaction.

(4) Any such report may contain a statement that the report shall not be construed as an admission by the person making such report that he has any direct or indirect beneficial ownership in the security to which the report relates.

(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, an Unaffiliated Trustee who is an “interested person” of the Funds shall file the reports required by Rule 17j-1(d)(1) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 with the Code of Ethics Officer of Putnam Investments. Such reports shall be reviewed by such Officer as provided in Section I-C(1) and any related violations shall be reported by him to the Audit and Compliance Committee as provided in Section I-C(2). The Committee may impose such additional sanctions as it deems appropriate.

E. Review and Reporting.

(1) The Compliance Liaison of the Funds, in consultation with the Code of Ethics Officer of Putnam Investments, shall cause the reported personal securities transactions that he receives pursuant to Section II-D(1) to be compared with completed and contemplated portfolio transactions of the Funds to determine whether any transaction (“Reviewable Transactions”) listed in Section II-B (disregarding exemptions provided by Section II-C(1) through (5)) may have occurred.

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Exhibit A

(2) If the Compliance Liaison determines that a Reviewable Transaction may have occurred, he shall then determine whether a violation of this Code may have occurred, taking into account all the exemptions provided under Section II-C. Before making any determination that a violation has occurred, the Compliance Liaison shall give the person involved an opportunity to supply additional information regarding the transaction in question.

F. Sanctions. If the Compliance Liaison determines that a violation of this Code has occurred, he shall so advise the Funds’ Audit and Compliance Committee, and provide the Committee with a report of the matter, including any additional information supplied by such person. The Committee may impose such sanctions as it deems appropriate.

III. Miscellaneous

A. Amendments to the Putnam Investments’ Code of Ethics. Any amendment to the Putnam Investments’ Code of Ethics shall be deemed an amendment to Section I-A of this Code effective 30 days after written notice of such amendment shall have been received by the Chairman of the Funds, unless the Trustees of the Funds expressly determine that such amendment shall become effective at an earlier or later date or shall not be adopted.

B. Records. The Funds shall maintain records in the manner and to the extent set forth below, which records may be maintained on microfilm under the conditions described in Rule 31a-2(f)(1) under the Investment Company Act and shall be available for examination by representatives of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(1) A copy of this Code and any other code which is, or at any time within the past five years has been, in effect shall be preserved in an easily accessible place;

(2) A record of any violation of this Code and of any action taken as a result of such violation shall be preserved in an easily accessible place for a period of not less than five years following the end of the fiscal year in which the violation occurs;

(3) A copy of each report made by an officer or Trustee pursuant to this Code shall be preserved for a period of not less than five years from the end of the fiscal year in which it is made, the first two years in an easily accessible place; and

(4) A list of all persons who are, or within the past five years have been, required to make reports pursuant to this Code shall be maintained in an easily accessible place.

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Exhibit A

To the extent any record required to be kept by this section is also required to be kept by Putnam Investments pursuant to the Putnam Investments’ Code of Ethics, Putnam Investments shall maintain such record on behalf of the Funds as well.

C. Confidentiality. All reports of securities transactions and any other information filed with any Fund pursuant to this Code shall be treated as confidential, but are subject to review as provided herein and by personnel of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

D. Interpretation of Provisions. The Trustees may from time to time adopt such interpretations of this Code as they deem appropriate.

E. Delegation by Chairman. The Chairman of the Funds may from time to time delegate any or all of his responsibilities under this Code, either generally or as to specific instances, to such officer or Trustee of the Funds as he may designate.

As revised
[July 13, 2007]

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EX-99.CODE ETH 18 a_nf68mod8.htm a_nf68mod8.htm
working@PUTNAM MAY  2008 

Code of Ethics

Graphic Omitted: Portrait of Justice Samuel Putnam

Dear Putnam Employee,

Putnam’s Code of Ethics is an essential component of the “fiduciary mindset” and of our commitment to the maintenance of the highest professional standards. Taking care of other people’s money is a serious responsibility, and we need to ensure that our clients’ interests come first. Firms with a strong fiduciary culture are attractive to clients who are looking for superior money management, and Putnam’s Code is designed to ensure that Putnam preserves that trust.

The rules reflected in the Code are good business practices and were not created simply to meet regulatory standards. If, from time to time, the rules seem burdensome, I ask you to put yourself in the place of our shareholders and clients, who have entrusted us to manage their assets so that they may pursue the goals of saving for retirement or funding their children’s education.

If you have any questions or concerns at any time, however, I encourage you to contact one of the members of our Code of Ethics staff in the Legal and Compliance Department.

Graphic Omitted: Signature of Ed Haldeman

Ed Haldeman
President and Chief Executive Officer

Table of Contents  
Code of Ethics Overview 1
Putnam’s Code of Ethics 4
Definitions 5
Section I — Personal Securities Rules for All Employees 8
A. Pre-clearance 8
Rule 1: Pre-clearance Requirements 8
Rule 2: Personal Trading Assistant (PTA) System and Restricted List 8
Rule 3: Marsh & McLennan (MMC) securities 11
B. Prohibited Transactions 12
Rule 1: Short-Selling Prohibition 12
Rule 2: Initial Public Offerings Prohibition 12
Rule 3: Private Placement Pre-approval Requirements 13
Rule 4: Trading with Material Non-public Information 13
Rule 5: No Personal Trading with Client Portfolios 13
Rule 6: Holding Putnam Mutual Fund Shares 14
Rule 7: Putnam Mutual Fund Employee Restrictions 15
Rule 8: Special Orders 16
Rule 9: Excessive Trading 16
Rule 10: Spread Betting 17
C. Discouraged Transaction 17
Rule 1: Naked Options 17
D. Exempted Transactions 17
Rule 1: Involuntary Transactions 17
Rule 2: Special Exemptions 18
Section II — Additional Special Rules for Personal Securities Transactions 19
A. Access Persons and Certain Investment Professionals 19
Rule 1: 90-Day Short-Term Rule 19
B. Certain Investment Professionals 19
Rule 2: 7-Day Rule 19
Rule 3: Blackout Rule 20
Rule 4: Contra-Trading Rule 21
Rule 5: No Personal Benefit 21
Section III — General Rules for All Employees 23
Rule 1: Compliance with All Laws, Regulations, and Policies 23
Rule 2: Conflicts of Interest 23
Rule 3: Gifts and Entertainment Policy 23
Rule 4: Anti-bribery/Kickback Policy 25
Rule 5: Political Activities, Contributions, Solicitations, and Lobbying Policy 26
Rule 6: Confidentiality of Putnam Business Information 27
Rule 7: Positions Outside Putnam 27
Rule 8: Role as Trustee or Fiduciary Outside of Putnam Investments 28
Rule 9: Investment Clubs 28
Rule 10: Business Negotiations for Putnam Investments 28
Rule 11: Accurate Records 29
Rule 12: Family Members’ Conflict Policy 29
Rule 13: Affiliated Entities 29

Rule 14: Computer Systems and Network Use Policy 30
Rule 15: CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 31
Rule 16: Privacy Policy 31
Rule 17: Anti- money Laundering Policy 32
Rule 18: Record Retention 32
Section IV — Reporting Requirements 33
Reporting of Personal Securities Transactions 33
Rule 1: Broker Confirmations and Statements 33
Rule 2: Access Person — Quarterly Transaction Report 34
Rule 3: Access Person — Initial/Annual Holdings Report 34
Rule 4: Certifications 34
Rule 5: Positions Outside Putnam 34
Rule 6: Business Ethics 34
Rule 7: Ombudsman 35
Section V — Education Requirements 36
Rule 1: Distribution of Code 36
Rule 2: Annual Training Requirement 36
Section VI — Compliance and Appeal Procedures 37
Section VII — Sanctions 39
Appendix A — Insider Trading Prohibitions Policy Statement 40
Appendix A — Definitions: Insider Trading 41
Appendix A — Section I: Rules Concerning Inside Information 42
Rule 1: Inside Information 42
Rule 2: Material Non-public Information 42
Rule 3: Reporting of Material Non-public Information 42
Appendix A — Section II: Overview of Insider Trading 44
Appendix B — Policy Statement Regarding Employee Trades in Shares of Putnam Closed-End  
Funds 48
Appendix C — Contra- Trading Rule Clearance Form 49
Appendix D — CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 50
Appendix E — Inducement Policy for Putnam Investments Limited (PIL) Employees 54

Code of Ethics Overview

This overview of Putnam’s Code of Ethics is not intended to substitute for a careful reading of the complete document. As a condition of continued employment, every Putnam employee is required to read, understand, and comply with all of the provisions of the Code of Ethics. Additionally, employees are expected to comply with the policies and procedures contained within the Putnam Employee Handbook, which is available online via Putnam’s intranet home page at http://intranet .

It is the personal responsibility of every Putnam employee to avoid any conduct that could create a conflict, or even the appearance of a conflict, with our fund shareholders or other clients, or do anything that could damage or erode the trust our clients place in Putnam and its employees. This is the spirit of the Code of Ethics. In accepting employment at Putnam, every employee accepts the absolute obligation to comply with the letter and the spirit of the Code of Ethics. Failure to comply with the spirit of the Code of Ethics is just as much a violation of the Code as failure to comply with the written rules of the Code.

The rules of the Code cover activities, including personal securities transactions, of Putnam employees, certain family members of employees, and entities (such as corporations, trusts, or partnerships) that employees may be deemed to control or influence.

Sanctions will be imposed for violations of the Code of Ethics. Sanctions may include monetary fines, bans on personal trading, reductions in salary increases or bonuses, disgorgement of trading profits, suspension of employment, and termination of employment. The proceeds resulting from monetary sanctions will be given to a charity chosen by the Code of Ethics Officer.

Insider trading

Putnam employees are forbidden to buy or sell any security while either Putnam or the employee is in possession of material non-public information (inside information) concerning the security or the issuer. A violation of Putnam’s insider trading policies may result in criminal and civil penalties, including imprisonment, disgorgement of profits, and substantial fines. An employee aware of or in possession of inside information must report it immediately to the Code of Ethics Officer. (See Appendix A: Insider Trading Prohibitions Policy Statement.)

Conflicts of interest

The Code of Ethics imposes limits on activities of Putnam employees where the activity may conflict with the interests of Putnam or its clients. These include limits on the receipt and solicitation of gifts and on service as a fiduciary for a person or entity outside of Putnam. For example, Putnam employees generally may not accept gifts over $100 in total value in a calendar year from any entity, or any supplier of goods or services to Putnam. In addition, a Putnam employee may not serve as a director of any corporation or other entity without prior approval of the Code of Ethics Officer.


Information about Putnam clients and Putnam investment activity and research is proprietary and confidential and may not be disclosed or used by any Putnam employee outside Putnam without a valid business purpose.


Putnam mutual funds

All employees and certain family members are subject to a minimum 90-day holding period for shares in Putnam’s open-end mutual funds. This restriction does not apply to Putnam’s Stable Value or money market funds. Except in limited circumstances, all employees must hold Putnam open-end fund shares in accounts at Putnam.

Portfolio managers and others with access to investment information (“Access Persons”) are subject to a minimum one-year holding period for holding Putnam open-end fund shares.

Personal securities trading

Putnam employees may not buy or sell any security for their own account without clearing the proposed transaction in advance. Clearance is facilitated through the Personal Trading Assistant (PTA), the online pre-clearance system for equity securities, and directly with the Code of Ethics Administrator for fixed-income securities and transactions in Putnam closed-end funds. Certain securities are exempted from this pre-clearance requirement (e.g., shares of open-end (not closed-end) mutual funds).

Putnam employees may not buy any securities in an initial public offering or in a private placement, except in limited circumstances when prior written authorization is obtained.

Clearance must be obtained in advance, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on the day of the trade. A clearance is valid only for the day it is obtained. Putnam employees are strongly discouraged from engaging in excessive trading for their personal accounts. Employees are prohibited from making more than 10 trades in individual securities each calendar quarter.

Short selling

Putnam employees are prohibited from short selling any security, whether or not it is held in a Putnam client portfolio, although short selling against broad market indexes and “against the box” is permitted. Note, however, that short selling “against the box” or otherwise hedging an investment in shares of Power Corporation of Canada, Power Financial Corporation, and Great-West Lifeco Inc. stock is prohibited.

Confirmations of trading and periodic account statements

All Putnam employees must have their brokers send copies of confirmations and statements of personal securities transactions to the Code of Ethics Administrator. This also applies to members of the immediate family who share the same household as the employee or for whom the employee has investment discretion. Employees must contact the Code of Ethics Administrator to (a) obtain an authorization [407] letter, (b) provide instructions to the broker in establishing a personal brokerage account, and (c) enter a broker account profile into PTA.

Quarterly and annual reporting

Employees will be notified if the following requirements apply. Upon commencement of employment and thereafter on an annual basis, Access Persons must disclose in the PTA system all personal securities holdings (even those to which pre-clearance may not apply). On a quarterly basis, Access Persons must disclose all their securities transactions in Personal Trading Assistant (PTA) within 15 days after the end of the quarter.


Personal securities transactions by Access Persons and certain investment professionals

The Code imposes several special restrictions on personal securities transactions by Access Persons and certain investment professionals, which are summarized as follows. (Refer to Section II for details):

90-Day Short-Term Rule. No Access Person shall purchase and then sell at a profit, or sell and then repurchase at a lower price, any security or related derivative security, for example, options, within 90 calendar days.

7-Day Rule. Before a portfolio manager places an order to buy a security for any portfolio he manages, he must sell from his personal account any such security or related derivative security purchased within the preceding seven calendar days, and disgorge any profit from the sale.

Blackout Rule. No portfolio manager may sell any security or related derivative security for her personal account until seven calendar days after the most recent purchase of that security or related derivative security for any portfolio she manages. No portfolio manager may buy any security or related derivative security for her personal account until seven calendar days after the most recent sale of that security or related derivative security by any portfolio she manages.

Analysts are also subject to the 7-Day and Blackout rules in connection with a recommendation to buy/outperform or sell/underperform a security.

Contra-Trading Rule. No portfolio manager may sell out of her personal account any security or related derivative security that is held in any portfolio she manages unless she has received the written approval of an appropriate CIO and the Code of Ethics Officer.

• No portfolio manager may cause a Putnam client to take action for the manager’s personal benefit.


Putnam’s Code of Ethics

Putnam Investments is required by law to adopt a Code of Ethics. The purposes of the law are to ensure that companies and their employees comply with all applicable laws and to prevent abuses in the investment advisory business that can arise when conflicts of interest exist between the employees of an investment advisor and its clients. By adopting and enforcing a Code of Ethics, we strengthen the trust and confidence reposed in us by demonstrating that at Putnam, client interests come first.

The Code that follows represents a balancing of important interests. On the one hand, as a registered investment advisor, Putnam owes a duty of undivided loyalty to its clients, and must avoid even the appearance of a conflict that might be perceived as abusing the trust they have placed in Putnam. On the other hand, Putnam does not want to prevent conscientious professionals from investing for their own account where conflicts do not exist or that are immaterial to investment decisions affecting Putnam clients.

When conflicting interests cannot be reconciled, the Code makes clear that, first and foremost, Putnam employees owe a fiduciary duty to Putnam clients. In most cases, this means that the affected employee will be required to forego conflicting personal securities transactions. In some cases, personal investments will be permitted, but only in a manner, which, because of the circumstances and applicable controls, cannot reasonably be perceived as adversely affecting Putnam client portfolios or taking unfair advantage of the relationship Putnam employees have to Putnam clients.

The Code contains specific rules prohibiting defined types of conflicts. Because every potential conflict cannot be anticipated, the Code also contains general provisions prohibiting conflict situations. In view of these general provisions, it is critical that any individual who is in doubt about the applicability of the Code in a given situation seeks a determination from the Code of Ethics Officer about the propriety of the conduct in advance. The procedures for obtaining such a determination are described in Section VI of the Code.

It is critical that the Code be strictly observed. Not only will adherence to the Code ensure that Putnam renders the best possible service to its clients, it will help to ensure that no individual is liable for violations of law.

It should be emphasized that adherence to this policy is a fundamental condition of employment at Putnam. Every employee is expected to adhere to the requirements of this Code of Ethics despite any inconvenience that may be involved. Any employee failing to do so may be subject to disciplinary action, including financial penalties and termination of employment, as determined by the Code of Ethics Officer, the Code of Ethics Oversight Committee, or the Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments.



The words below are defined specifically for the purpose of Putnam’s Code of Ethics.

Access Persons

Each employee will be informed if he or she is considered an Access Person. The Code of Ethics Officer maintains a list of all Access Persons, categorized as follows:

• All employees of Putnam’s Investment Management Division

• Employees of the Operations and Administration Division within the following specific groups and departments:

o Fund Administration Group

o Global Operations Strategy Group

o Fund Accounting Oversight Group

o Custody Oversight Group

o Alternative Investments Department (in the Global Client Operations & Services Group)

• All employees in the Market Data Services Group

• Senior Managing Directors and Managing Directors in:

o Mutual Fund Shareholder Services Group

o Fund Accounting Oversight & Control Group

o Global Client Operations, Services & Custody Group

o Global Distribution and Marketing Division

o Corporate Development & Global Distribution Services Division

• All members of Putnam’s Executive Board

• All directors and employees of Putnam Investments Limited (PIL) and those based in Europe

• All directors and officers of a registered investment advisor affiliate, e.g., Putnam Investment Management, LLC (PIM), or The Putnam Advisory Company, LLC (PAC)

• All employees who have access to My Putnam (unless access is limited to the Wall Street Journal via Factiva )

• Employees who have systems access to non-public information about any client’s purchase or sale of securities or to information regarding recommendations with respect to such purchases or sales

• Employees who have access to non-public information regarding the portfolio holdings of any Putnam-advised or sub-advised mutual fund

• Others as defined by the Legal and Compliance Department

Closed-end fund A fund with a fixed number of shares outstanding, and that does not redeem shares the way a typical mutual fund does. Closed-end funds typically trade like stocks on exchange.


Code of Ethics Administrator The individual designated by the Code of Ethics Officer to assume responsibility for day-to-day, nondiscretionary administration of this Code. The current Code of Ethics Administrator is Laura Rose, who can be reached at extension 11104.

Code of Ethics Officer The Putnam officer who has been assigned the responsibility of enforcing and interpreting this Code. The Code of Ethics Officer shall be the Chief Compliance Officer or such other person as is designated by the Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments. If the Code of Ethics Officer is unavailable, the Deputy Code of Ethics Officer shall act in his stead. The Code of Ethics Officer is Bob Leveille. The Deputy Code of Ethics Officer is Kathleen Griffin.

Code of Ethics Oversight Committee Has oversight responsibility for administering the Code of Ethics. Members include the Code of Ethics Officer and other members of Putnam’s senior management approved by the Chief Executive Officer of Putnam.

Discretionary Account An account for which the holder gives his/her broker or investment advisor (but not an immediate family member) complete authority to make management decisions to buy and sell securities (also called controlled account or managed account).

Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) A fund that tracks an index, but can be traded like a stock. ETFs always bundle together the securities that are in an index. Examples include (but are not limited to): SPDRs, WEBs, QQQQs, iShares, and HLDRs.


Excluded from pre-clearance but not from reporting requirements are: exchange-traded index funds (ETFs) containing a portfolio of securities of 25 or more issuers (e.g., SPDRs, WEBs, QQQQs, iShares, and HLDRs), and any option on a broad-based market index or an exchange-traded futures contract or option. Country funds, as well as other funds that are not tied to an index, are considered closed-end funds and are subject to pre-clearance and reporting requirements. (See Section I.A, Rule 1: Pre-clearance Requirements for more information.)

Immediate family Spouse, domestic partner, minor children, or other relatives living in the same household as the Putnam employee. All pre-clearance and reporting rules apply to “immediate family members.”

Narrow-based derivative A future, swap, put or call option, or similar derivative instrument whose return is determined by reference to fewer than 25 underlying issuers. Single stock futures and ETFs based on less than 25 issuers are included.

Personal Trading Assistant (PTA) The Personal Trading Assistant (PTA) is an Internet application designed for employees to manage personal trading activities, such as pre-clearance, reporting, and certifications, in accordance with regulatory requirements and Putnam’s Code of Ethics.

Policy statements The Insider Trading Prohibitions Policy Statement is attached to the Code as Appendix A and the Policy Statement Regarding Employee Trades in Shares of Putnam Closed-End Funds is attached to the Code as Appendix B.

Private placement Any offering of a security not offered to the public and not requiring registration with the relevant securities authorities.

Purchase or sale of a security Any acquisition or transfer of any interest in the security for direct or indirect consideration; this includes the writing of an option. This definition includes any transfer of a security by an employee as a gift to an individual or a charity.

Putnam Any or all of Putnam Investments, LLC and its subsidiaries, any one of which shall be a Putnam company.

Putnam client Any of the Putnam mutual funds, or any advisor, trust, or other client for whom Putnam manages money.


Putnam employee (or employee) Any employee of Putnam.

Restricted list The list established in accordance with Rule 1 of Section I.A.

Security The following instruments are defined as “securities” and require pre-clearance:

• Any type or class of equity or debt security, e.g., corporate or municipal bonds

• Any rights relating to a security, such as warrants and convertible securities

• Closed-end funds

• Any narrow-based derivative, e.g., a put or call option on a single security

Pre-clearance and reporting is not required (unless otherwise noted) for:

• Open-end mutual funds

• Currencies, Treasuries (T-bills), and direct and indirect obligations of the U.S. government and its agencies

• Direct and indirect obligations of any member country in the Organization for Economic CoOperation and Development (OECD), commercial paper, certificates of deposit (CDs), repurchase agreements, bankers’ acceptances, and other money market instruments

Short selling The sale of a security that the investor does not own in order to take advantage of an anticipated decline in the price of the security. In order to sell short, the investor must borrow the security from his broker in order to make delivery to the buyer.

Short selling against the box A short sale where the investor owns the security, but does not want to use the shares for delivery, so he borrows them from the brokerage firm.

Transaction for a personal account Securities transactions: (a) for the personal account of any employee; (b) for the account of a member of the immediate family of any employee; (c) for the account of a partnership in which a Putnam employee or immediate family member is a general partner or a partner with investment discretion; (d) for the account of a trust in which a Putnam employee or immediate family member is a trustee with investment discretion; (e) for the account of a closely held corporation in which a Putnam employee or immediate family member holds shares and for which he has investment discretion; and (f ) for any account other than a Putnam client account, which receives investment advice of any sort from the employee or immediate family member, or as to which the employee or immediate family member has investment discretion.

Rule of construction regarding time periods Unless the context indicates otherwise, time periods used in the Code of Ethics shall be measured inclusively, i.e., beginning on the date from which the measurement is made.


Unless the context indicates otherwise, there will be no exceptions to the rules.


Section I — Personal Securities Rules for All Employees

A. Pre-clearance

Rule 1: Pre-clearance Requirements

Pre-clearance is required for the following securities:

• Any type or class of equity or debt security, including corporate and municipal bonds

• Stock of Power Corporation of Canada, Power Financial Corporation, and Great-West Lifeco Inc.

• Any rights relating to a security, such as warrants and convertible securities

• Closed-end funds – including Putnam closed-end funds. Country funds, as well as other funds that are not tied to an index, are considered closed-end funds and are subject to pre-clearance and reporting requirements, e.g., India Fund (IFN), Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific Fund (APF), and Central Europe and Russia Fund (CEE). Certain closed-end funds that sometimes are referred to as closed-end ETFs, such as Western Asset Emerging (ESD) or Eaton Vance Muni Trust (EVN), are also subject to pre-clearance and reporting requirements.

• Any narrow-based derivative, e.g., a put or call option on a single security

• Any security donated as a gift to an individual or a charity

• Marsh & McLennan (MMC) securities

Pre-clearance is not required for:

• Open-end mutual funds

• Currencies, Treasuries (T-bills), and direct and indirect obligations of the U.S. government and its agencies

• Direct and indirect obligations of any member of the country of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), commercial paper, certificates of deposit (CDs), repurchase agreements, bankers’ acceptances, and other money market instruments

• Application for a loan and/or withdrawals of MMC stock from your 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan

The following are excluded from pre-clearance but not from reporting requirements:

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) containing a portfolio of securities of 25 or more issuers (e.g., SPDRs, WEBs, QQQQs, iShares, and HLDRs), and any option on a broad-based market index or an exchange-traded futures contract or option thereon.

Rule 2: Personal Trading Assistant (PTA) System and Restricted List

No Putnam employee shall purchase or sell for his personal account any security requiring pre-clearance under Rule 1 without prior clearance obtained through procedures set forth by the Code of Ethics Officer. Equity securities are pre-cleared through the PTA pre-clearance system (on Putnam’s intranet home page at http://intranet ). Fixed-income securities must be pre-cleared by calling the Code of Ethics Administrator. There are special rules for trading in Putnam closed-end funds. (See Appendix B.) Subject to the limited exceptions below, no clearance will be granted for securities appearing on the Restricted List. Securities will be placed on the Restricted List in the following circumstances:


(a) When orders to purchase or sell such security have been entered for any Putnam client or the security is being actively considered for purchase for any Putnam client, unless the security is a non-convertible investment-grade (rated at least BBB by S&P or Baa by Moody’s) fixed-income investment;

(b) When such a security is a voting security of a corporation in the banking, savings and loan, insurance, communications, public utilities, or gaming (i.e., casinos) industries, if holdings of Putnam clients in that corporation exceed 7%;

(c) When, in the judgment of the Code of Ethics Officer, other circumstances warrant restricting personal transactions of Putnam employees in a particular security; and

(d) When required under the Policy Statement Concerning Insider Trading Prohibitions. (See Appendix A.)


An employee wishing to trade any equity securities for his personal account shall first obtain clearance through the Personal Trading Assistant (PTA) system. The system may be accessed online via Putnam’s intranet home page at http://intranet . Employees may pre-clear securities between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET. Requests to make personal securities transactions may not be made using the system or presented to the Code of Ethics Administrator before 9:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. ET.

Pre-clearance must be made by calling the Code of Ethics Administrator for a fixed-income investment (municipal and corporate bonds, including non-convertible investment-grade bonds rated BBB by S&P or Baa by Moody’s).

The PTA system will inform the employee whether the security may be traded and whether trading in the security is only eligible up to the limits under the “Large-/Mid-Cap Exemption.” The response of the pre-clearance system as to whether a security appears on the Restricted List and, if so, whether it is eligible for the exceptions set forth after this Rule shall be final, unless the employee appeals to the Code of Ethics Officer, using the procedure described in Section VI, regarding the request to trade a particular security.

A clearance is only valid for trading on the day it is obtained. Trades in any security by employees in Asian or European offices of Putnam or trades by any employee in securities listed on Asian or European stock exchanges, however, may be executed within one business day after pre-clearance is obtained.

If a security is not on the Restricted List, other classes of securities of the same issuer (e.g., preferred or convertible preferred stock) may be on the Restricted List. It is the employee’s responsibility to identify with particularity the class of securities for which permission is being sought for a personal investment.

If the PTA system does not recognize a security, or if an employee is unable to use the system or has any questions with respect to the system or pre-clearance, the employee may consult the Code of Ethics Administrator. The Code of Ethics Administrator shall not have authority to answer any questions about a security other than whether trading is permitted. The response of the Code of Ethics Administrator as to whether a security appears on the Restricted List and, if so, whether it is eligible for any applicable exceptions set forth after this Rule shall be final, unless the employee appeals to the Code of Ethics Officer, using the procedure described in Section VI, regarding the request to trade a particular security.


A. Large-/Mid-Cap Exemption. If a security appearing on the Restricted List is an equity security for which the issuer has a market capitalization (defined as outstanding shares multiplied by current price per share) of over $2 billion, then upon clearance approval, the Putnam employee may not trade more than 1,000 shares of the security for the day.


B. Pre-clearing Transactions Effected by Share Subscription. Trades of securities made by subscription rather than on an exchange are limited to issuers having a market capitalization of $2 billion or more and are subject to the 1,000 share limit. The following are procedures to comply with Rules 1 and 2 when effecting a purchase or sale of shares by subscription:

• The Putnam employee must pre-clear the trade on the day he or she submits a subscription to the issuer rather than on the actual day of the trade since the actual day of the trade typically will not be known to the employee who submits the subscription. The employee must contact the Code of Ethics Administrator at the time of pre-clearance and will be told whether the purchase is permitted (in the case of a corporation having a market capitalization of $2 billion or more) or not permitted (in the case of a smaller capitalization issuer).

• The subscription for any purchase or sale of shares must be reported on the Access Person’s quarterly personal securities transaction report, noting the trade was accomplished by subscription.

• Because no brokers are involved in the transaction, the confirmation requirement will be waived for these transactions, although the Putnam employee must provide the Legal and Compliance Department with any transaction summaries or statements sent by the issuer.

C. Trades in Approved Discretionary Brokerage Accounts. A transaction does not need to be pre-cleared if it takes place in an account that the Code of Ethics Officer has approved in writing as exempt from the pre-clearance requirement prior to establishing the account. In the sole discretion of the Code of Ethics Officer, accounts that will be considered for exclusion from the pre-clearance requirement are only those for which an employee’s securities broker or investment advisor has complete discretion (a discretionary account).

Employees wishing to seek such an exemption must send a written request to the Code of Ethics Administrator and meet the following conditions: (i) the employee certifies annually in writing that the employee has no influence over the transactions in the discretionary account and is not aware of the transactions in the discretionary account prior to their execution; (ii) the broker or investment advisor certifies annually in writing that the employee has no influence over the transactions in the discretionary account and is not aware of the transactions in the discretionary account prior to their execution; and (iii) each calendar quarter, the broker or investment advisor sends Putnam’s Code of Ethics Administrator copies of each quarterly statement for the discretionary account.


Pre-clearance. Subpart (a) of Rule 2 is designed to avoid the conflict of interest that might occur when an employee trades for his personal account a security that currently is being traded or is likely to be traded for a Putnam client. Such conflicts arise, for example, when the trades of an employee might have an impact on the price or availability of a particular security, or when the trades of the client might have an impact on price to the benefit of the employee. Thus, exceptions involve situations where the trade of a Putnam employee is unlikely to have an impact on the market.

Regulatory Limits. Owing to a variety of federal statutes and regulations in the banking, savings and loan, insurance, communications, public utilities, and gaming industries, it is critical that accounts of Putnam clients do not hold more than 7% of the voting securities of any issuer in those industries. Subpart (b) of this rule limits employees’ personal trades to sales of shares in these areas because of the risk that the personal holdings of Putnam employees may be aggregated with Putnam holdings. Putnam’s so-called 7% rule will allow the regulatory limits to be observed.

Options. For the purposes of this Code, options are treated like the underlying security. Thus, an employee may not purchase, sell, or “write” option contracts for a security that is on the


Restricted List. The automatic exercise or assignment of an options contract (the purchase or writing of which was previously pre-cleared) does not have to be pre-cleared. Note, however, that the purchase or sale of securities obtained through the exercise of options must be pre-cleared.

Involuntary Transactions. Involuntary personal securities transactions are exempted from the Code. Special attention should be paid to this exemption. (See Section I.D.)

Tender Offers. This Rule does not prohibit an employee from tendering securities from his personal account in response to any and all tender offers, even if Putnam clients are also tendering securities. If tendering a security in response to a “partial tender offer,” an employee must pre-clear the trade on the day she submits instructions to her broker, and she will be prohibited from trading if Putnam clients are also tendering the same security.

Gifts of Securities. Pre-clearance is required for securities donated as a gift to a charitable organization or to an individual. Employees are required to provide a gift transfer certificate of the transaction (if produced) to the Code of Ethics Administrator along with an account statement reflecting the gift transaction. Employees who receive a security gift must report the gift to the Code of Ethics Administrator who will make the necessary adjustments in PTA. Access Persons must enter the gift as a security holding in PTA and report in their Annual Holdings Report.

Rule 3: Marsh & McLennan (MMC) securities

All employees trading MMC securities must pre-clear the trades in the PTA system. MMC securities include stock, options, and any other securities such as debt. Sales out of the MMC Employee Stock Purchase Plan and transactions in all Putnam and MMC employee benefit and bonus plans, i.e., rebalancing or exchanging out of the 401(k)/Profit Sharing/Bonus Plan, are included in this requirement.

Pre-clearance of MMC is required when, for example, you:

• Sell MMC out of the Stock Purchase Plan

• Exchange MMC shares out of your 401(k)/Profit Sharing/Bonus Plan

• Rebalance your Putnam fund choices, which results in a sale of MMC from your 401(k)/Profit Sharing/Bonus Plan

• Trade in MMC securities in other accounts held outside Putnam Investments

Pre-clearance is not required when you apply for a loan and/or make withdrawals of the stock from your 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan.


All transactions of MMC require pre-clearance in PTA before you contact Citi Smith Barney to sell shares out of your Stock Purchase Plan. Also, if MMC is one of your choices in the 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan, all exchanges must be cleared. Even though clearance is not required for Putnam mutual funds, if you do not wish to include MMC shares when rebalancing any of your fund choices, which will result in an automatic exchange of your MMC shares, you must remember to exclude MMC shares prior to submitting your changes. If you are investing online, check the box to exclude MMC; or if you are investing by telephone with a Putnam representative, ask to exclude MMC before rebalancing the funds.

Additional MMC-related policies:


• Transactions in MMC securities that are held in Putnam’s internal plans are not subject to the 90-Day Short-Term Rule (applicable to Access Persons only) or to the holding periods that apply to Putnam mutual funds.

B. Prohibited Transactions

Rule 1: Short-Selling Prohibition

Putnam employees are prohibited from short selling any security in their own account, whether or not the security is held in a Putnam client portfolio. Employees are prohibited from hedging investments made in securities of Power Corporation of Canada, Power Financial Corporation, and Great-West Lifeco Inc.


Short selling against broad market indexes (such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the NASDAQ Index, and the S&P 100 and 500 indexes) and short selling against the box are permitted (except that short selling shares of Power Corporation of Canada, Power Financial Corporation, and Great-West Lifeco Inc. against the box is not permitted).

Rule 2: Initial Public Offerings Prohibition

No Putnam employee shall purchase any security for her personal account in an initial public offering. Employees are also restricted from participating in Initial Public Offerings via a Discretionary Account.


Pre-existing Status Exception. A Putnam employee shall not be barred by this Rule or by Rule 2(a) of Section I.A. from purchasing securities for her personal account in connection with an initial public offering of securities by a bank or insurance company when the employee’s status as a policyholder or depositor entitles her to purchase securities on terms more favorable than those available to the general public, in connection with the bank’s conversion from mutual or cooperative form to stock form, or the insurance company’s conversion from mutual to stock form, provided that the employee has had the status entitling her to purchase on favorable terms for at least two years. This exception is only available with respect to the value of bank deposits or insurance policies that an employee owns before the announcement of the initial public offering. This exception does not apply, however, if the security app ears on the Restricted List in the circumstances set forth in subparts (b), (c), or (d) of Section I.A., Rule 2.


• The purpose of this Rule is twofold. First, it is designed to prevent a conflict of interest between Putnam employees and Putnam clients who might be in competition for the same securities in a limited public offering. Second, the Rule is designed to prevent Putnam employees from being subject to undue influence as a result of receiving favors in the form of special allocations of securities in a public offering from broker-dealers who seek to do business with Putnam.

• Purchases of securities in the immediate after-market of an initial public offering are not prohibited, provided they do not constitute violations of other provisions of the Code of Ethics. For example, participation in the immediate after-market as a result of a special allocation from an underwriting group would be prohibited by Section III, Rule 3, concerning gifts and other favors.

• Public offerings subsequent to initial public offerings are not deemed to create the same potential for competition between Putnam employees and Putnam clients because of the pre-existence of a market for the securities.


Rule 3: Private Placement Pre-approval Requirements

No Putnam employee shall purchase any security for his personal account in a limited private offering or private placement without prior approval of the Code of Ethics Officer. Privately placed limited partnerships and funds such as private equity or hedge funds are specifically included in this Rule.


• The purpose of this Rule is to prevent a Putnam employee from investing in securities for his own account pursuant to a limited private offering that could compete with or disadvantage Putnam clients, and to eliminate any incentives Putnam employees might have to favor those who can affect access to limited offerings.

• Exemptions to the prohibition will generally not be granted where the proposed investment relates directly or indirectly to investments by a Putnam client, or where individuals involved in the offering (including the issuers, broker, underwriter, placement agent, promoter, fellow investors, and affiliates of the foregoing) have any prior or existing business relationship with Putnam or a Putnam employee, or where the Putnam employee believes that such individuals may expect to have a future business relationship with Putnam or a Putnam employee.

• An exemption may be granted, subject to reviewing all the facts and circumstances, for investments in:

(a) Pooled investment funds, including hedge funds, subject to the condition that an employee investing in a pooled investment fund would have no involvement in the activities or decision-making process of the fund except for financial reports made in the ordinary course of the fund’s business, and subject to the condition that the hedge fund does not invest significantly in registered investment companies.

(b) Private placements where the investment cannot relate, or be expected to relate, directly or indirectly to Putnam or investments by a Putnam client.

• Employees who apply for an exemption will be expected to disclose to the Code of Ethics Officer in writing all facts and relationships relating to the proposed investment.

• Applications to invest in private placements will be reviewed by the Code of Ethics Oversight Committee. This review will take into account, among other factors, the considerations described in the preceding comments.

Rule 4: Trading with Material Non-public Information

No Putnam employee shall purchase or sell any security for her personal account or for any Putnam client account while in possession of material non-public information concerning the security or the issuer. Please read Appendix A, Policy Statement Concerning Insider Trading Prohibitions.

Rule 5: No Personal Trading with Client Portfolios

No Putnam employee shall purchase from or sell to a Putnam client any securities or other property for his personal account, nor engage in any personal transaction to which a Putnam client is known to be a party, or in which the transaction may have a significant relationship to any action taken by a Putnam client.


It is the responsibility of every Putnam employee to make inquiry prior to any personal transaction in order to satisfy himself that the requirements of this Rule have been met.



This Rule is required by federal law. It does not prohibit a Putnam employee from purchasing any shares of an open-end Putnam fund. The policy with respect to employee trading in Putnam closed-end funds is attached as Appendix B.

Rule 6: Holding Putnam Mutual Fund Shares

Putnam employees may not hold shares of Putnam open-end U.S. mutual funds other than through accounts maintained at Putnam. Employees placing purchase orders in shares of Putnam open-end funds must place such orders through Putnam and not through an outside broker or other intermediary. Employees redeeming or exchanging shares of Putnam open-end funds must place those orders through Putnam and not through an outside broker or other intermediary. For transfer instructions, contact a Putnam Preferred Client Services (PCS) representative at 1-800-634-1590.


For purposes of this Rule, “employee” includes:

• Members of the immediate family of a Putnam employee who share the same household as the employee or for whom the Putnam employee has investment discretion (family member);

• Any trust in which a Putnam employee or family member is a trustee with investment discretion and in which such Putnam employee or any family members are collectively beneficiaries;

• Any closely held entity (such as a partnership, limited liability company, or corporation) in which a Putnam employee and his or her family members hold a controlling interest and with respect to which they have investment discretion; and

• Any account (including any retirement, pension, deferred compensation, or similar account) in which a Putnam employee or family member has a substantial economic interest and over which the Putnam employee or family member exercises investment discretion.


These requirements also apply to:

• Self-directed IRA accounts holding Putnam fund shares;

• Variable annuities and variable insurance contracts, such as Putnam/Hartford Manager, that invest in Putnam Variable Trusts. Employees must designate Putnam Retail Management as the broker of record for all such accounts.


Employees are required to seek permission from the Code of Ethics Officer to hold Putnam funds in variable trusts outside of Putnam.


Retirement, pension, deferred compensation, and similar accounts that cannot be legally transferred to Putnam are not subject to the requirement. For example, a spouse of a Putnam employee may have a 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan with her employer that invests in Putnam funds. Employees may also hold Putnam money market funds at Mercer Securities. Any employee who continues to hold shares in open-end Putnam funds outside of Putnam must notify the Code of Ethics Officer in writing of the account information, provide the reason why the account cannot be transferred to Putnam, and arrange for a quarterly statement of transactions in such account to be sent to the Code of Ethics Administrator.


Rule 7: Putnam Mutual Fund Employee Restrictions

(a) Employees (defined in Rule 6) may not, within a 90-calendar day period, make a purchase followed by a sale or a sale followed by a purchase of shares of the same open-end Putnam mutual fund, even if the transactions occur in different accounts.

(b) Employees who are Access Persons may not, within a one-year period, make a purchase followed by a sale or a sale followed by a purchase of shares of the same open-end Putnam mutual fund or of shares of any U.S. registered mutual fund to which Putnam acts as advisor or sub-advisor, even if the transactions occur in different accounts.

(c) All employees are required to link their immediate family members’ accounts holding Putnam mutual funds to comply with the disclosure requirements. These accounts are also subject to the 90-day and one-year rules. To link these accounts, log on to Putnam’s intranet home page at http://intranet , and select Employee Essentials/Linked Mutual Fund Accounts. You are required to confirm the information and will be prompted to add any accounts that you or your family members have that should be linked, or delink accounts that you or your family members have closed.


This Rule applies to transactions by a Putnam employee and family members as defined in the Code in any type of account including retail, IRA, variable annuity, and 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan, as well as any deferred compensation accounts, and the restrictions apply across all accounts maintained by an employee and family members:

• An employee who buys shares of an open-end Putnam mutual fund may not sell any shares of the same mutual fund until 90 calendar days have passed, or one year for Access Persons.

• Example: If an employee buys shares of a Putnam fund on Day 1 for a retail account and then sells (by exchange) shares of the same fund for his or her 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan accounts on Day 85, the employee has violated the rule.

• Similarly, an employee who sells shares of an open-end Putnam mutual fund may not buy any shares of the same mutual fund until 90 calendar days have passed, or one year for Access Persons.

• The purpose of these blackout period restrictions is to prevent any market timing or the appearance of any market timing activity.

• This Rule applies to transactions by a Putnam employee and his or her family members as defined in the Code in any type of account including retail, IRA, variable annuity, variable insurance, and 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan, as well as any deferred compensation accounts.

• The minimum sanction for an initial violation of the blackout period will be disgorgement of any profit made on the transaction. Additional sanctions may apply, including termination of employment.


A. The restrictions do not apply to Putnam’s money market funds and Putnam Stable Value Fund.

B. 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan Contributions and Payroll Deductions: The 90-day or one year restriction is not triggered by the initial allocation of regular employee or employer contributions or forfeitures to an employee’s account under the terms of Putnam employee benefit plans or a Putnam payroll-deduction direct-investment program; later exchanges of these contributions will be subject to either the 90-day or one-year blackout period.


C. Systematic Programs: The restrictions do not apply with respect to shares sold or acquired as a result of participation in a systematic program for contributions, withdrawals, or exchanges, provided that an election to participate in any such program and the participation dates of the program are not changed more often than quarterly after the program is elected by the employee. Access Persons may elect a quarterly or semiannual rebalancing program although it may only be changed on an annual basis.

D. Employee Benefit Plan Withdrawals and Distributions: No restriction applies with respect to shares sold for withdrawals, loans, or distributions under the terms of Putnam employee benefit plans.

E. Dividends, Distributions, Mergers, and Share Class Conversions: No restriction applies with respect to the acquisition of shares as a result of reinvestment of dividends, distributions, mergers, conversions of share classes, or other similar actions. Subsequent transactions with respect to the shares will be covered.

F. College Savings Program: Redemptions from an employee’s college savings 529 plan to pay for qualified educational expenses for the beneficiary of the account (and redemptions due to death or disability) are exempt from the 90-day and one-year restrictions applicable to Putnam mutual funds. Qualified redemptions include:

• Tuition

• School fees

• Books

• Supplies and equipment required for enrollment

• Room and board

• Death

• Disability

G. Special Situations: In special situations as determined from time to time by Putnam’s Code of Ethics Oversight Committee, exceptions may by granted to the blackout periods as a result of death, disability, or special circumstances (such as personal hardship). Employees may request an exception by submitting a written request to the Code of Ethics Officer.

Rule 8: Special Orders

Good Until Canceled (GTC) Limit Orders are prohibited.

Any order not executed on the day of pre-clearance must be resubmitted for pre-clearance before being executed on a subsequent day. “Good until canceled limit” orders are prohibited because of the potential failure to pre-clear.


Same-day limit orders are permitted.

Rule 9: Excessive Trading

Putnam employees are strongly discouraged from engaging in excessive trading for their personal accounts. Employees are prohibited from making more than 10 trades in individual securities in any given quarter. For the purpose of this rule, an employee is prohibited from engaging in more than a total of 10 trades in all accounts the employee may hold (including those accounts held by his immediate family members), not 10 trades per individual account.



For the purpose of calculating the number of trades in any quarter, trading the same security in the same direction (buy or sell) over a period of five business days will be counted as one transaction.

Trades in ETFs containing 25 or more issuers and trades of MMC stock in Putnam internal plans are not counted towards the 10-trade limit.


Although a Putnam employee’s excessive trading may not itself constitute a conflict of interest with Putnam clients, Putnam believes that its clients’ confidence in Putnam will be enhanced and that the likelihood of Putnam achieving better investment skills results for its clients over the long term will be increased if Putnam employees rely on their investment skills, as opposed to their trading skills in transactions for their own account. Moreover, excessive trading by a Putnam employee for his or her own account diverts an employee’s attention from the responsibility of servicing Putnam clients, and increases the possibilities for transactions that are in actual or apparent conflict with Putnam client transactions. Short-term trading is strongly discouraged, and employees are encouraged to take a long-term view.

Rule 10: Spread Betting

PIL employees may not enter into any spread betting contracts on financial instruments.


Spread betting provides exposure to the movement of an index or security price without holding any form of certificate.

This Rule guards against the danger that a Putnam employee may be in violation of the Code of Ethics by virtue of his spread betting transactions. Please note that this restriction also applies to the spouse of a Putnam employee and any relatives of a Putnam employee living in the same household as the employee, as their transactions are covered by the Code of Ethics. (See page 6.)

C. Discouraged Transaction Rule 1: Naked Options

Putnam employees are strongly discouraged from engaging in writing (selling) naked options for their personal accounts.

Naked option transactions are particularly dangerous, because a Putnam employee may be prevented by the restrictions in this Code of Ethics from covering the naked option at the appropriate time. All employees should keep in mind the limitations on their personal securities trading imposed by this Code when contemplating such an investment strategy. Engaging in naked options transactions on the basis of material non-public information is prohibited. (See Appendix A, Policy Statement Concerning Insider Trading Prohibitions.)

D. Exempted Transactions Rule 1: Involuntary Transactions

Transactions that are involuntary on the part of a Putnam employee are exempt from the prohibitions set forth in Sections I.A., I.B., and I.C.


This exemption is based on categories of conduct that the Securities and Exchange Commission does not consider “abusive.”

• Examples of involuntary personal securities transactions include:


(a) Sales out of the brokerage account of a Putnam employee as a result of a bona fide margin call, provided that withdrawal of collateral by the Putnam employee within the ten days previous to the margin call was not a contributing factor to the margin call;

(b) Purchases arising out of an automatic dividend reinvestment program of an issuer of a publicly traded security.

• Transactions by a trust in which the Putnam employee (or a member of his immediate family) holds a beneficial interest, but for which the employee has no direct or indirect influence or control with respect to the selection of investments, are involuntary transactions. In addition, these transactions do not fall within the definition of “personal securities transactions.” (See Definitions.)

• A good-faith belief on the part of the employee that a transaction was involuntary will not be a defense to a violation of the Code of Ethics. In the event of confusion as to whether a particular transaction is involuntary, the burden is on the employee to seek a prior written determination of the applicability of this exemption. The procedures for obtaining such a determination appear in Section VI.

Rule 2: Special Exemptions

Transactions that have been determined, in writing by the Code of Ethics Officer before the transaction occurs, to be no more than remotely harmful to Putnam clients because the transaction would be very unlikely to affect a highly institutional market, or because the transaction is clearly not related economically to the securities to be purchased, sold, or held by a Putnam client, are exempt from the prohibitions set forth in Sections I.A., I.B., and I.C.


An employee may seek an ad hoc exemption under this Rule by following the procedures in Section VI.


• This exemption is also based upon categories of conduct that the Securities and Exchange Commission does not consider “abusive.”

• The burden is on the employee to seek a prior written determination that the proposed transaction meets the standards for an ad hoc exemption set forth in this Rule.


Section II — Additional Special Rules for Personal Securities Transactions

A. Access Persons and Certain Investment Professionals

Access Persons include all investment professionals and other employees as defined on page 1.

Rule 1: 90-Day Short-Term Rule

Access Persons may not sell a security at a profit within 90 days of purchase or buy a security at a price below which he or she sold it within the past 90 days.


None, unless prior written approval from the Code of Ethics Officer is obtained. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis when no abuse is involved and the equities of the situation support an exemption. For example, although an Access Person may buy a stock as a long-term investment, that stock may have to be sold involuntarily due to unforeseen activity such as a merger.


A. The 90-Day Short-Term Rule applies to all Access Persons, as defined in the Definitions section of the Code.

B. Calculation of whether there has been a profit is based upon the market prices of the securities. The calculation includes commissions and other sales charges.

C. As an example, an Access Person would not be permitted to sell a security at $12 that he purchased within the prior 90 days for $10. Similarly, an Access Person would not be permitted to purchase a security at $10 that she had sold within the prior 90 days for $12.


• The prohibition against short-term trading profits by Access Persons is designed to minimize the possibility that they will capitalize inappropriately on the market impact of trades involving a client portfolio about which they might possibly have information.

• Although Chief Investment Officers, portfolio managers, and analysts may sell securities at a profit within 90 days of purchase in order to comply with the requirements of the 7-Day Rule applicable to them (described below), the profit will have to be disgorged to charity under the terms of the 7-Day Rule.

B. Certain Investment Professionals Rule 2: 7-Day Rule

(a) Portfolio Managers: Before a portfolio manager (including a Chief Investment Officer with respect to an account he manages) places an order to buy a security for any Putnam client portfolio that he manages, he must sell that security or related derivative security if he has purchased it in his personal account within the preceding seven calendar days.

(b) Analysts: Before an analyst makes a purchase or an outperform recommendation for a security (including designation of a security for inclusion in the portfolio of Putnam Research Fund), he must sell that security or related derivative security if he has purchased it in his personal account within the preceding seven calendar days.



• This Rule applies to portfolio managers (including Chief Investment Officers with respect to accounts they manage) in connection with any purchase, no matter how small, in any client account managed by that portfolio manager or CIO (even so-called “clone accounts”). In particular, it should be noted that the requirements of this Rule also apply with respect to purchases in client accounts, including “clone accounts,” resulting from “cash flows.” To comply with the requirements of this Rule, it is the responsibility of each portfolio manager or CIO to be aware of the placement of all orders for purchases of a security by client accounts that he or she manages for seven days following the purchase of that security for his or her personal account.

• An investment professional who must sell securities to be in compliance with the 7-Day Rule must absorb any loss and disgorge to charity any profit resulting from the sale. The recipient charity will be chosen by the Code of Ethics Officer.

• This Rule is designed to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest between an investment professional and a Putnam client. A greater burden is placed on these professionals given their positions in the organization. Transactions executed for the employee’s personal account must be conducted in a manner consistent with the Code of Ethics and in such a manner as to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest or any abuse of the employee’s position of trust and responsibility.

• “Portfolio manager” is used in this Section as a functional label, and is intended to cover any employee with authority to authorize a trade on behalf of a Putnam client, whether or not such employee bears the title “portfolio manager.” “Analyst” is also used in this Section as a functional label, and is intended to cover any employee who is not a portfolio manager but who may make recommendations regarding investments for Putnam clients.

Rule 3: Blackout Rule

(a) Portfolio Managers: No portfolio manager (including Chief Investment Officers with respect to accounts they manage) shall: (i) sell any security or related derivative security for her personal account until seven calendar days have elapsed since the most recent purchase of that security or related derivative security by any Putnam client portfolio she manages or co-manages; or (ii) purchase any security or related derivative security for her personal account until seven calendar days have elapsed since the most recent sale of that security or related derivative security from any Putnam client portfolio that she manages or co-manages.

(b) Analysts: No analyst shall: (i) sell any security or related derivative security for his personal account until seven calendar days have elapsed since his most recent buy or outperform recommendation for that security or related derivative security (including designation of a security for inclusion in the portfolio of Putnam Research Fund); or (ii) purchase any security or related derivative security for his personal account until seven calendar days have elapsed since his most recent sell or underperform recommendation for that security or related derivative security (including the removal of a security from the portfolio of Putnam Research Fund).


• This Rule applies to portfolio managers (including Chief Investment Officers with respect to accounts they manage) in connection with any purchase, no matter how small, in any client account managed by that portfolio manager or CIO (even clone accounts). In particular, it should be noted that the requirements of this rule also apply with respect to transactions in client accounts, including clone accounts, resulting from cash flows. In order to comply with the requirements of this Rule, it is the responsibility of each portfolio manager and CIO to be aware of all transactions in a security by client accounts that he or she manages that took place within the seven days preceding a transaction in that security for his or her personal account.


• This Rule is designed to prevent a Putnam portfolio manager or analyst from engaging in personal investment conduct that appears to be counter to the investment strategy she is pursuing or recommending on behalf of a Putnam client.

Rule 4: Contra-Trading Rule

(a)Portfolio Managers: No portfolio manager shall, without prior clearance and written approval, sell out of his personal account securities or related derivative securities held in any Putnam client portfolio that he manages or co-manages.

(b)Chief Investment Officers: No Chief Investment Officer shall, without prior clearance and written approval, sell out of his personal account securities or related derivative securities held in any Putnam client portfolio managed in his investment group.


A. Individuals Authorized to Give Approval. Prior to engaging in any such sale, a portfolio manager shall seek written approval of the proposed sale. In the case of a portfolio manager, prior written approval of the proposed sale shall be obtained from a Chief Investment Officer to whom he reports or, in his absence, another Chief Investment Officer. In the case of a Chief Investment Officer, prior written approval of the proposed sale shall be obtained from another Chief Investment Officer. In addition to the foregoing, prior written approval must also be obtained from the Code of Ethics Officer.

B. Contents of Written Approval. In every instance, use either the attached form of written approval known as “Appendix C” in this Booklet or such other form as the Code of Ethics Officer shall designate. The written approval should be signed by the Chief Investment Officer giving approval and dated when such approval was given, and shall state, briefly, the reasons why the trade was allowed and why the investment conduct pursued by the portfolio manager or Chief Investment Officer was deemed inappropriate for the Putnam client account controlled by the individual seeking to engage in the transaction for his personal account. Such written approval shall be sent by the Chief Investment Officer approving the transaction to the Code of Ethics Officer, for her approval, within 24 hours or as promptly as circumstances permit. Approvals obtained after a transaction has been completed, or while it is in process, will not satisfy the requirements of this Rule.


This Rule, like Rule 3 of this section, is designed to prevent a Putnam portfolio manager from engaging in personal investment conduct that appears to be counter to the investment strategy that he is pursuing on behalf of a Putnam client.

Rule 5: No Personal Benefit

No portfolio manager shall cause, and no analyst shall recommend, a Putnam client to take action for the portfolio manager’s or analyst’s own personal benefit.


• A portfolio manager who trades in, or an analyst who recommends, particular securities for a Putnam client account in order to support the price of securities in his personal account, or who “front runs” a Putnam client order is in violation of this Rule. Portfolio managers and analysts should be aware that this Rule is not limited to personal transactions in securities (as that word is defined in the Definitions section). Thus, a portfolio manager or analyst who front runs a Putnam client purchase or sale of obligations of the U.S. government is in violation of this Rule. U.S. government obligations are excluded from the definition of security.

• This Rule is not limited to instances when a portfolio manager or analyst has malicious intent. It also prohibits conduct that creates an appearance of impropriety. Portfolio managers and


analysts who have questions about whether proposed conduct creates an appearance of impropriety should seek a prior written determination from the Code of Ethics Officer, using the procedures described in Section VI.


Section III — General Rules for All Employees

Rule 1: Compliance with All Laws, Regulations, and Policies

All employees must comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as company policies. This includes tax, anti-trust, political contribution, and international boycott laws. In addition, no employee at Putnam may engage in fraudulent conduct of any kind.


• Putnam may report to the appropriate legal authorities conduct by Putnam employees that violates this Rule.

• It should also be noted that the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it a criminal offense to make a payment or offer of payment to any non-U.S. governmental official, political party, or candidate to induce that person to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist Putnam’s obtaining or retaining business.

Rule 2: Conflicts of Interest

No Putnam employee shall conduct herself in a manner that is contrary to the interests of, or in competition with, Putnam or a Putnam client, or that creates an actual or apparent conflict of interest with a Putnam client.


• This Rule is designed to recognize the fundamental principle that Putnam employees owe their chief duty and loyalty to Putnam and Putnam clients.

• It is expected that a Putnam employee who becomes aware of an investment opportunity that she believes is suitable for a Putnam client whom she services will present it to the appropriate portfolio manager prior to taking advantage of the opportunity herself.

Rule 3: Gifts and Entertainment Policy

No Putnam employee shall accept anything of material value from any broker-dealer, financial institution, corporation, or other entity; any existing or prospective supplier of goods or services with a business relationship to Putnam; or any company or other entity whose securities are held in or are being considered as investments for the Putnam funds, or any other client account. Included are gifts, favors, preferential treatment, special arrangements, or access to special events.


This Rule is intended to permit the acceptance of only proper types of customary and limited business amenities.

A Putnam employee may not, under any circumstances, accept anything that could create the appearance of a conflict of interest. For example, acceptance of any consideration is prohibited if it would create the appearance of a reward or inducement for conducting Putnam business either with the person providing the gift or his employer.


A. Gifts. An employee may not accept gifts with an aggregate value of more than $100 in any year from any one source, i.e., entity or firm. Any Putnam employee who is offered or receives an item exceeding $100 in value must report the details to the Code of Ethics Officer and surrender or return the gift. Any entertainment event provided to an employee where the host is not in attendance is treated as a gift and is subject to the $100 per year per source limit.


B. Entertainment. Putnam’s rules are designed to permit reasonable, ordinary business entertainment, but prohibit any events that may be perceived as extravagant or that involve lavish expenditures.

1. Occasional lunches, dinners, cocktail parties, or comparable gatherings conducted for business purposes are permitted.

For example, occasional attendance at group functions sponsored by sell-side firms is permitted where the function relates to investments or other business activity. Occasional attendance at these functions is not required to be counted against the limits described in section (B)(2) below.

2. Other entertainment events, such as sporting events, theater, movies, concerts, or other forms of entertainment conducted for business purposes, are permitted only under the following conditions: (i) The host must be present for the event.

(ii) The location of the event must be in the metropolitan area in which the office of the employee is located. For wholesalers, the wholesaler’s entire territory is considered to be his or her metropolitan area.

(iii)Spouses or other family members of the employee may not attend the entertainment event or any meals before or after the entertainment event.

(iv)The value of the entertainment event provided to the employee may not exceed $200, not including the value of any meals that may be provided to the employee before or after the event.

Acceptance of entertainment events that have a market value materially exceeding the face value of the entertainment, which includes, for example, attendance at sporting event playoff games, is prohibited. This prohibition applies even if the face value of tickets to the events is $200 or less or if the Putnam employee offers to pay for the tickets. If there is any ambiguity about whether to accept an entertainment event in these circumstances, please consult the Code of Ethics Officer.

(v) The employee may not accept entertainment events under this provision in section (B)(2) more than six times a year and not more than two times in any year from any single source.

(vi)The Code of Ethics Officer may grant exceptions to these rules. For example, it may be appropriate for an employee attending a legitimate conference in a location away from the office to attend a business entertainment event in that location. All exceptions must be approved in advance by written request to the Code of Ethics Officer.

3. Any employee participating in meals or entertainment under the provisions in sections (B)(1) or (B)(2) above must report the meal or event in PTA within 20 business days (events are subject to the limits of section (B)(2) above). However, the reporting rules do not apply if meals or events are part of the regular program at an investment conference, i.e., open to all participants.

Planned absences, i.e., vacations, leaves (other than certain medical leaves) or business trips, are not valid excuses for providing late reports. Failure to meet the deadline violates the Code’s rule, and sanctions may be imposed.


C. The following items are prohibited:

1. Any entertainment event attendance that would reflect badly on Putnam as a firm of the highest fiduciary and ethical standards. For example, events involving adult entertainment or gambling must be avoided.

2. Entertainment involving travel away from the metropolitan area in which the employee is located. Even if an exception is granted as discussed in section (B)(2)(vi) above, payment by a third party of the cost of transportation to a location outside the employee’s metropolitan area, lodging while in another location, and any meals not specifically approved by the Code of Ethics officer are prohibited.

3. Personal loans to a Putnam employee on terms more favorable than those generally available for comparable credit standing and collateral.

4. Preferential brokerage or underwriting commissions or spreads or allocations of shares or interests in an investment for the personal account of a Putnam employee.

D. As with any of the provisions of the Code of Ethics, a sincere belief by the employee that he was acting in accordance with the requirements of this Rule will not satisfy his obligations under the Rule. Therefore, an employee who is in doubt concerning the propriety of any gift or favor should seek a prior written determination from the Code of Ethics Officer, as provided in Section VI.C.

E. No Putnam employee may solicit any gift or entertainment from any person, even if the gift or entertainment, if unsolicited, would be permitted.

F. The Rule does not prohibit employees on business travel from using local transportation and arrangements customarily supplied by brokers or similar entities. For example, it is customary for brokers in developing markets to make local transportation arrangements. These arrangements are permitted so long as the expenses of lodging and air travel are paid by Putnam.

G. Putnam Retail Management (PRM) employees are subject to additional Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rules on gifts and entertainment, which can be found in the PRM Compliance Manual.

Rule 4: Anti-bribery/Kickback Policy

No Putnam employee shall pay, offer, or commit to pay any amount of consideration that might be, or appear to be, a bribe or kickback in connection with Putnam’s business.


Although the Rule does not specifically address political contributions (described in Rule 5), Putnam employees should be aware that it is against corporate policy to use company assets to fund political contributions of any sort, even where such contributions may be legal. No Putnam employee should offer or agree to make any political contributions (including political dinners and similar fundraisers) on behalf of Putnam, and no employee will be reimbursed by Putnam for such contributions made by the employee personally.


Rule 5: Political Activities, Contributions, Solicitations, and Lobbying Policy

A. Corporate Contributions. Political activities of corporations such as Putnam are highly regulated, and corporate political contributions are prohibited. No corporate assets, funds, facilities, or personnel may be used to benefit any candidate, campaign, political party, or political committee, including contributions made in connection with fundraisers.

1. If employees anticipate that any corporate funds or assets (such as corporate facilities or personnel) may be used in connection with any political volunteer activity, they must obtain pre-approval from the Chief Compliance Officer.

2. Employees should not seek or approve reimbursement from Putnam for any political contribution expenses. Any contributions for which employees seek reimbursement from Putnam are considered contributions by Putnam and are subject to the corporate political contribution requirements.

B. Personal Contributions. Employees have the right to make personal contributions. However, if employees choose to participate in the political process, they must do so as individuals, not as representatives of Putnam.

In certain limited circumstances, individual contributions may raise issues under applicable laws regulating political contributions to public officials, or candidates for official positions, who could be in a position to hire Putnam. As a result, the following rules apply to individual contributions by employees.

1. Prior to making any political contribution to a person or entity with whom Putnam has a current or proposed business relationship, or who can make or influence decisions to engage Putnam to provide services, employees must pre-clear the proposed contribution with the Chief Compliance Officer.

2. Employees may not make contributions to candidates or elected officials for the following offices without prior written approval from the Chief Compliance Officer:

• State or local offices in California, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia, or Pennsylvania

• State Treasurer in Connecticut or Vermont

• Any public office in the City of Houston

• Contributions by certain PRM employees to Ohio officials and candidates are also subject to Putnam’s Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Political Contribution Policy.

C. Government Official. Employees must obtain pre-approval from the Code of Ethics Officer or the Deputy Code of Ethics Officer prior to providing any gift (including meals, entertainment, transportation, or lodging) to any government official or employee.

D. Lobbying. Federal and state law imposes limits and registration requirements on efforts by individuals and companies to influence the passage of legislation or to obtain business from governments. Accordingly, Putnam employees should not engage in any lobbying activities without approval from the Legal and Compliance Department. Lobbying does not include solicitation of investment management business through the ordinary course of business, such as responding to a Request For Proposal (RFP).

For additional detail on entertainment and lobbying of elected officials, please refer to the State Regulation Governing Meals, Entertainment, Gifts — Lobbying Policy found on the Chief Compliance Officer’s Compliance site via Putnam’s intranet home page at http://intranet or contact the Legal and Compliance Department.



• Putnam has established a political action committee (PAC) that contributes to worthy candidates for political office. Any request received by a Putnam employee for a political contribution must be directed to Putnam’s Legal and Compliance Department.

• This Rule prohibits solicitation on personal letterhead by Putnam employees except as approved by the Code of Ethics Officer.

• Certain officers and employees of Putnam Retail Management (PRM) and other employees involved in Putnam’s College Advantage Section 529 Plan with Ohio Tuition Trust Authority are subject to special rules on political contributions. For questions on these requirements, please call the Director of Compliance for PRM.

Rule 6: Confidentiality of Putnam Business Information

No unauthorized disclosure may be made by any employee or former employee of any trade secrets or proprietary information of Putnam or of any confidential information. No information regarding any Putnam client portfolio, actual or proposed securities trading activities of any Putnam client, or Putnam research shall be disclosed outside the Putnam organization unless doing so has a valid business purpose and is in accord with relevant procedures established by Putnam relating to such disclosures.


All information about Putnam and Putnam clients is strictly confidential. Putnam research information should not be disclosed without proper approval and never for personal gain.

Rule 7: Positions Outside Putnam

No Putnam employee shall serve as employee, officer, director, trustee, or general partner of a corporation or entity other than Putnam, without prior written approval of the Code of Ethics Officer. Requests for a role at a publicly traded company are especially disfavored and are closely reviewed. Permission will be granted only in extenuating circumstances. (See also Section IV, Rule 5.)


A. All employees must provide a written request seeking approval from the Code of Ethics Officer if they wish to serve as an employee, officer, director, trustee, or general partner of a corporation or entity other than Putnam. The details of the position outside Putnam must be disclosed in PTA. Click on Certifications/Disclosures/Positions Outside Putnam/start/complete each question/click Submit. A determination will be sent via e-mail.

B. FINRA-licensed employees under PRM also have an obligation to disclose outside positions, new or terminated, in PTA as well.

C. Upon hire, all employees who also hold an outside position must complete a disclosure request in PTA to continue to hold the position.


Charitable or Non-profit Exception. Putnam employees may serve as an officer, director, or trustee of a charitable or not-for-profit institution, provided that the employee abides by the Code of Ethics and the Policy Statements with respect to any investment activity for which she has any discretion or input as officer, director, or trustee. The pre-clearance and reporting requirements of the Code of Ethics do not apply to the trading activities of such charitable or not-for-profit institutions for which an employee serves as an officer, director, or trustee unless the employee is responsible for day-to-day portfolio management of the account.



• This Rule is designed to ensure that Putnam cannot be deemed an affiliate of any issuer of securities by virtue of service by one of its officers or employees as director or trustee.

• Positions with public companies are especially problematic and will normally not be approved.

• Certain charitable or not-for-profit institutions have assets (such as endowment funds or employee benefit plans) that require prudent investment. To the extent that a Putnam employee (because of her position as officer, director, or trustee of an outside entity) is charged with responsibility to invest such assets prudently, she may not be able to discharge that duty while simultaneously abiding by the spirit of the Code of Ethics and the Policy Statements. Employees are cautioned that they should not accept service as an officer, director, or trustee of an outside charitable or not-for-profit entity where such investment responsibility is involved, without seriously considering their ability to discharge their fiduciary duties with respect to such investments.

Rule 8: Role as Trustee or Fiduciary Outside of Putnam Investments

No Putnam employee shall serve as a trustee, an executor, a custodian, or any other fiduciary, or as an investment advisor or counselor for any account outside Putnam.


A. Charitable or Religious Exception. Putnam employees may serve as a fiduciary with respect to a religious or charitable trust or foundation, so long as the employee abides by the spirit of the Code of Ethics and the Policy Statements with respect to any investment activity over which he has any discretion or input. The pre-clearance and reporting requirements of the Code of Ethics do not apply to the trading activities of such a religious or charitable trust or foundation unless the employee is responsible for day-to-day portfolio management of the account.

B. Family Trust or Estate Exception. Putnam employees may serve as a fiduciary with respect to a family trust or estate, as long as the employee abides by all of the Rules of the Code of Ethics with respect to any investment activity over which he has any discretion.


The roles permissible under this Rule may carry with them the obligation to invest assets prudently. Once again, Putnam employees are cautioned that they may not be able to fulfill their duties in that respect while abiding by the Code of Ethics and the Policy Statements.

Rule 9: Investment Clubs

No Putnam employee may be a member of any investment club.


This Rule guards against the danger that a Putnam employee may be in violation of the Code of Ethics and the Policy Statements by virtue of his personal securities transactions in or through an entity that is not bound by the restrictions imposed by this Code of Ethics and the Policy Statements. Please note that this restriction also applies to the spouse of a Putnam employee and any relatives of a Putnam employee living in the same household as the employee, as their transactions are covered by the Code of Ethics. (See pages 1 and 6.)

Rule 10: Business Negotiations for Putnam Investments

No Putnam employee may become involved in a personal capacity in consultations or negotiations for corporate financing, acquisitions, or other transactions for outside companies (whether or not held by any Putnam client), nor negotiate nor accept a fee in connection with these activities


without obtaining the prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments.

Rule 11: Accurate Records

No employee may create, alter, or destroy (or participate in the creation, alteration, or destruction of) any record that is intended to mislead anyone or to conceal anything that is, or is reasonably believed to be, improper. In addition, all employees responsible for the preparation, filing, or distribution of any regulatory filings or public communications must ensure that such filings or communications are timely, complete, fair, accurate, and understandable.


• In many cases, this is not only a matter of company policy and ethical behavior but also required by law. Our books and records must accurately reflect the transactions represented and their true nature. For example, records must be accurate as to the recipient of all payments; expense items, including personal expense reports, must accurately reflect the true nature of the expense. No unrecorded fund or asset shall be established or maintained for any reason.

• All financial books and records must be prepared and maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and Putnam’s existing accounting controls, to the extent applicable.

Rule 12: Family Members’ Conflict Policy

No employee or member of an employee’s immediate family shall have any direct or indirect personal financial interests in companies that do business with Putnam, unless such interest is disclosed and approved by the Code of Ethics Officer. Investment holdings in public companies that are not material to the employee are excluded from this prohibition. The Code also provides more detailed supplemental rules to address potential conflicts of interests that may arise if members of employees’ families are closely involved in doing business with Putnam.

Corporate Purchase of Goods and Services — Putnam will not acquire goods and services from any firm in which a member of an employee’s immediate family serves as the sales representative in a senior management capacity or has an ownership interest with the supplier firm (excluding normal investment holdings in public companies) without permission from the Director of Procurement and the Code of Ethics Officer. Any employee who is aware of a proposal to purchase goods and services from a firm at which a member of the employee’s immediate family meets one of the previously mentioned conditions must notify the Director of Procurement and the Code of Ethics Officer.

Portfolio Trading — Putnam will not allocate any trades for a portfolio to any firm that employs a member of an employee’s immediate family as a sales representative to Putnam (in a primary, secondary, or backup role). Any Putnam employee who is aware that an immediate family member serves as a broker-dealer’s sales representative to Putnam should inform the Code of Ethics Officer.

Definition of Immediate Family (specific to Rule 12) — “Immediate family” of an employee means (1) spouse or domestic partner of the employee, (2) any child, sibling, or parent of an employee and any person married to a child, sibling, or parent of an employee, and (3) any other person who lives in the same household as the employee.

Rule 13: Affiliated Entities

Non-Putnam affiliates (NPAs), listed below in the last comment, provide investment advisory services. No employee shall:

(a)Directly or indirectly seek to influence the purchase, retention or disposition of, or exercise of voting consent, approval, or similar rights with respect to any portfolio security in any account or fund advised by the NPA and not by Putnam;


(b)Transmit any information regarding the purchase, retention or disposition of, or exercise of voting, consent, approval, or similar rights with respect to any portfolio security held in a Putnam or NPA client account to any personnel of the NPA;

(c)Transmit any trade secrets, proprietary information, or confidential information of Putnam to the NPA unless doing so has a valid business purpose and is in accord with any relevant procedures established by Putnam relating to such disclosures;

(d)Use confidential information or trade secrets of the NPA for the benefit of the employee, Putnam, or any other NPA; or

(e)Breach any duty of loyalty to the NPA derived from the employee’s service as a director or officer of the NPA.


• Sections (a) and (b) of the Rule are designed to help ensure that the portfolio holdings of Putnam clients and clients of the NPA need not be aggregated for purposes of determining beneficial ownership under Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act or applicable regulatory or contractual investment restrictions that incorporate such definition of beneficial ownership. Persons who serve as directors or officers of both Putnam and an NPA should take care to avoid even inadvertent violations of Section (b). Section (a) does not prohibit a Putnam employee who serves as a director or officer of the NPA from seeking to influence the modification or termination of a particular investment product or strategy in a manner that is not directed at any specific securities. Sections (a) and (b) do not apply when a Putnam affiliate serves as an advisor or sub-advisor to the NPA or one of its products, in which case normal Putnam aggregation rules apply.

• As a separate entity, any NPA may have trade secrets or confidential information that it would not choose to share with Putnam. This choice must be respected.

• When Putnam employees serve as directors or officers of an NPA, they are subject to common law duties of loyalty to the NPA, despite their Putnam employment. In general, this means that when performing their duties as NPA directors or officers, they must act in the best interest of the NPA and its shareholders. Putnam’s Legal and Compliance Department will assist any Putnam employee who is a director or officer of an NPA and has questions about the scope of his or her responsibilities to the NPA.

• Entities that are currently non-Putnam affiliates within the scope of this Rule are: Nissay Asset Management Co., Ltd., LP and PanAgora Asset Management, Inc. (“PanAgora”).

• Putnam and PanAgora also maintain an information barrier between the investment professionals of each organization regarding investment and trading information.

Rule 14: Computer Systems and Network Use Policy

No employee shall use computers, the Internet, e-mail, instant messaging, phones, fax machines and/or the mail service in a manner that is inconsistent with their use as set forth in Putnam’s Employee Handbook. No employee shall introduce a computer virus or computer code that may result in damage to Putnam’s information or computer systems.

All Putnam business must be conducted on Putnam e-mail and instant messaging accounts in order to comply with regulatory and record-retention requirements. Conducting Putnam-related business through personal accounts such as Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, etc., is prohibited.


Putnam’s policy statements relating to these matters are contained in the Computer System and Network Responsibilities section within the Employee Handbook. The online Employee Handbook is also available directly on Putnam’s intranet site at: http://intranet/employee _ handbook .


Rule 15: CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

All employees must follow and abide by the spirit of the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Professional Conduct of the CFA Institute. The text of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct are set forth in Appendix D.

Rule 16: Privacy Policy

Except as provided below, no employee may disclose to any outside organization or person any non-public personal information about any individual who is a current or former shareholder of any Putnam retail or institutional fund, or current or former client of a Putnam company. All employees shall follow the security procedures as established from time to time by a Putnam company to protect the confidentiality of all shareholder and client account information.

Except as Putnam’s Legal and Compliance Department may expressly authorize, no employee shall collect any non-public personal information about a prospective or current shareholder of a Putnam fund or prospective or current client of a Putnam company, other than through an account application (or corresponding information provided by the shareholder’s financial representative) or in connection with executing shareholder or client transactions, nor shall any information be collected other than the following: name, address, telephone number, date of birth, Social Security number, and investment, broker, and transaction information.


A. Putnam Employees. Non-public personal information may be disclosed to a Putnam employee in connection with processing transactions or maintaining accounts for shareholders of a Putnam fund and clients of a Putnam company, to the extent that access to such information is necessary to the performance of that employee’s job functions.

B. Shareholder Consent Exception. Non-public personal information about a shareholder’s or client’s account may be provided to a non-Putnam organization at the specific request of the shareholder or client or with the shareholder’s or client’s prior written consent.

C. Broker or Advisor Exception. Non-public personal information about a shareholder’s or client’s account may be provided to the shareholder’s or client’s broker of record.

D. Third-Party Service Provider Exception. Non-public personal information may be disclosed to a service provider that is not affiliated with a Putnam fund or Putnam company only when such disclosure is necessary for the service provider to perform the specific services contracted for, and only (a) if the service provider executes Putnam’s standard confidentiality agreement, or (b) pursuant to an agreement containing a confidentiality provision that has been approved by the Legal and Compliance Department. Examples of such service providers include proxy solicitors and proxy vote tabulators, mail services, and providers of other administrative services, and Information Services Division consultants who have access to non-public personal information.


• Non-public personal information is any information that personally identifies a shareholder of a Putnam fund or client of a Putnam company and is not derived from publicly available sources. This privacy policy applies to shareholders or clients who are individuals, not institutions. However, as a general matter, all information that we receive about a shareholder of a Putnam fund or client of a Putnam company shall be treated as confidential. No employee may sell or otherwise provide shareholder or client lists or any other information relating to a shareholder or client to any marketing organization.

• All Putnam employees with access to shareholder or client account information must be trained in and follow Putnam’s security procedures designed to safeguard that information from unauthorized use. For example, a telephone representative must be trained in and follow Putnam’s security procedures to verify the identity of a caller requesting account information.


• Any questions regarding this privacy policy should be directed to Putnam’s Legal and Compliance Department. A violation of this policy will be subject to the sanctions imposed for violations of Putnam’s Code of Ethics.

• Employees must report any violation of this policy or any possible breach of the confidentiality of client information, whether intentional or accidental, to the managing director in charge of the employee’s business unit. Managing directors who are notified of such a violation or possible breach must immediately report it in writing to Putnam’s Chief Compliance Officer and, in the event of a breach of computerized data, Putnam’s Chief Technology Officer.

Rule 17: Anti-money Laundering Policy

No employee may engage in any money laundering activity or facilitate any money laundering activity through the use of any Putnam account or client account. Any situations giving rise to a suspicion that attempted money laundering may be occurring in any account must be reported immediately to the managing director in charge of the employee’s business unit. Managing directors who are notified of such a suspicion of money laundering activity must immediately report it in writing to Putnam’s Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

Rule 18: Record Retention

All employees must comply with the record retention requirements applicable to the business unit. Employees should check with their managers or the Chief Administrative Officer of their division to determine what record retention requirements apply to their business unit.

For PIL employees, the Code of Ethics incorporates any relevant requirements of the U.K. regulator, the Financial Services Authority (FSA), and will be amended from time to time to reflect any U.K. regulatory changes as required.


Section IV — Reporting Requirements

Reporting of Personal Securities Transactions

Rule 1: Broker Confirmations and Statements

Each Putnam employee shall ensure that copies of all confirmations for securities transactions for personal brokerage accounts, and brokerage account statements are sent to the Legal and Compliance Department Code of Ethics Administrator. (For the purpose of this Rule, securities shall also include ETFs, futures, and other derivatives on broad-based market indexes excluded from the pre-clearance requirement.) Statements and confirmations are required for Putnam funds not held at Putnam or in a Putnam retirement plan, as well as for U.S. mutual funds sub-advised by Putnam.

Putnam employees must disclose their brokerage accounts in the PTA system and complete all required information, which will facilitate the instructions to the broker.


A. Putnam employees should contact the Code of Ethics Administrator for a 407 letter instructing the broker to mail copies of confirmations and statements directly to Putnam. It is the employees’ responsibility to follow up with the broker on a reasonable basis to ensure that instructions are being followed.

B. Upon hire and within a designated time frame, Putnam employees are required to establish their broker profiles in PTA.

C. Specific procedures apply to employees of PIL. Employees of PIL should contact the London Code of Ethics Administrator.

D. Failure of a broker-dealer to comply with the instructions of a Putnam employee to send confirmations and statements shall be a violation by the Putnam employee of this Rule. Similarly, failure by an employee to report the existence of a personal account and, if the account is opened after joining Putnam, failure to obtain proper authorization to establish the account shall be a violation of this Rule.

E. Statements and confirmations must also be sent for members of an employee’s immediate family, including statements from a family member’s 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan at another employer.

F. Employees are not required to provide broker confirmations and statements for MMC transactions in Putnam’s 401(k)/Profit Sharing and Stock Purchase Plan accounts because we rely on internal reporting.


• Transactions for personal accounts are defined broadly to include more than transactions in accounts under an employee’s own name. (See Definitions.)

• Statements and confirmations are required for all personal securities transactions, whether or not exempted or excepted by this Code.

• To the extent that a Putnam employee has investment authority over securities transactions of a family trust or estate, confirmations of those transactions must also be made, unless the employee has received a prior written exception from the Code of Ethics Officer.


Rule 2: Access Person — Quarterly Transaction Report

Every Access Person shall file a quarterly report within fifteen calendar days of the end of each quarter, recording all purchases and sales of securities for personal accounts as defined in the Definitions section. (For the purpose of this Rule, reportable “securities” also include exchange-traded funds (ETFs), futures, and any option on a security or securities index, including broad-based market indexes excluded from the pre-clearance requirement, and transactions in Putnam open-end funds if the account for the Putnam funds is not held at Putnam or in a Putnam retirement plan and for transactions in U.S. mutual funds sub-advised by Putnam.)


It is mandatory that all Access Persons file a quarterly transaction report in the PTA online system. The form shall contain a representation that employees have complied fully with all provisions of the Code of Ethics.

The date for each transaction required to be disclosed in the quarterly report is the trade date for the transaction, not the settlement date.

Planned absences, i.e., vacations, leaves (other than certain medical leaves), or business trips, are not valid excuses for providing late reports. Failure to meet the deadline violates the Code’s rules and sanctions may be imposed.


If the requirement to file a quarterly report applies to you and you fail to report within the required 15-day period, monetary fines or harsher sanctions will be imposed. It is the responsibility of the employee to request an early report if he has knowledge of a planned absence, i.e., vacation, business trip, or leave.

Rule 3: Access Person — Initial/Annual Holdings Report

Access Persons must disclose their personal securities holdings in the Code of Ethics monitoring system, PTA, upon commencement of employment (within ten days of hire) and thereafter on an annual basis. These SEC requirements are mandatory and designed to facilitate the monitoring of personal securities transactions. Putnam’s Code of Ethics Administrator provides Access Persons with instructions regarding their submissions and certifications of these reports in PTA.

Non - Access Persons must disclose their brokerage accounts within 30 days of hire.

Rule 4: Certifications

All employees are required to submit a certification in PTA annually attesting to compliance with all of the conditions of the Code of Ethics.

Rule 5: Positions Outside Putnam

The details of a position outside Putnam must be disclosed in PTA under Certifications/Disclosures/Positions Outside Putnam. (See Section III, Rule 7.)

Rule 6: Business Ethics

If a Putnam employee suspects that fraudulent, illegal, or other irregular activity (including violations of the Code of Ethics) might be occurring at Putnam, the activity should be reported immediately to the managing director in charge of that employee’s business unit. Managing directors who are notified of any such activity must immediately report it in writing to Putnam’s Chief Financial Officer and Putnam’s Chief Compliance Officer.

An employee who does not feel comfortable reporting this activity to the managing director may instead contact the Chief Compliance Officer, the Putnam Ethics hotline at 1-808-475-4210, or Putnam’s Ombudsman.


Rule 7: Ombudsman

Putnam has established the office of the corporate ombudsman as a resource to help employees address legal or ethical issues in the workplace and to allow employees to voice concerns or seek clarity on issues. The Ombudsman provides a confidential, independent, and impartial source to employees to discuss potential violations of law or of company standards without fear of retribution, and serves as a neutral party with no vested interest in a particular outcome. The Ombudsman is available on an anonymous basis by calling 1-866-ombuds7 (866-662-8377) or by calling 1-617-760-8897.


Section V — Education Requirements

Every Putnam employee has an obligation to fully understand the rules and requirements of the Code of Ethics.

Rule 1: Distribution of Code

A copy of the Code of Ethics will be distributed to every Putnam employee at least annually. All Access Persons will be required to certify annually that they have read, understood, and will comply with the provisions of the Code of Ethics, including the Code’s Policy Statement Concerning Insider Trading Prohibitions.

Rule 2: Annual Training Requirement

Every employee will be required to complete training on Putnam’s Code of Ethics on an annual basis.


Section VI — Compliance and Appeal Procedures

A. Restricted List

No employee may engage in a personal securities transaction without prior clearance.

B. Consultation of Restricted List

It is the responsibility of each employee to pre-clear through PTA or consult with the Code of Ethics Administrator, prior to engaging in a personal securities transaction, to determine if the security he proposes to trade is on the Restricted List and, if so, whether it is subject to the Large-/Mid-Cap Exemption.

C. Request for Determination

An employee who has a question concerning the applicability of the Code of Ethics to a particular situation shall request a determination from the Code of Ethics Officer before engaging in the conduct or personal securities transaction about which he has a question.

If the question pertains to a personal securities transaction, the request shall state for whose account the transaction is proposed, the relationship of that account to the employee, the security proposed to be traded, the proposed price and quantity, the entity with whom the transaction will take place (if known), and any other information or circumstances of the trade that could have a bearing on the Code of Ethics Officer’s determination. If the question pertains to other conduct, the request for determination shall give sufficient information about the proposed conduct to assist the Code of Ethics Officer in ascertaining the applicability of the Code. In every instance, the Code of Ethics Officer may request additional information, and may decline to render a determination if the information provided is insufficient.

The Code of Ethics Officer shall make every effort to render a determination promptly.

No perceived ambiguity in the Code of Ethics shall excuse any violation. Any person who believes the Code to be ambiguous in a particular situation should request a determination from the Code of Ethics Officer.

D. Request for Ad Hoc Exemption

Any employee who wishes to obtain an ad hoc exemption under Section I.D., Rule 2, should request from the Code of Ethics Officer an exemption in writing in advance of the conduct or transaction sought to be exempted. In the case of a personal securities transaction, the request for an ad hoc exemption shall give the same information about the transaction required in a request for determination under Section VI.C., and should state why the proposed personal securities transaction would be unlikely to affect a highly institutional market, or is unrelated economically to securities to be purchased, sold, or held by any Putnam client. In the case of other conduct, the request shall give information sufficient for the Code of Ethics Officer to ascertain whether the conduct raises questions of propriety or conflict of interest, real or apparent.

The Code of Ethics Officer shall make reasonable efforts to promptly render a written determination concerning the request for an ad hoc exemption.

E. Appeal to Code of Ethics Officer with Respect to Restricted List

If an employee ascertains that a security that he wishes to trade for his personal account appears on the Restricted List, and thus the transaction is prohibited, he may appeal the prohibition to the Code of Ethics Officer by submitting a written memorandum containing the same information as


would be required in a request for a determination. The Code of Ethics Officer shall make every effort to respond to the appeal promptly.

F. Information Concerning Identity of Compliance Personnel

The names of Code of Ethics personnel are available by contacting the Legal and Compliance Department and will be published on Putnam’s intranet site.


Section VII — Sanctions

Sanction Guidelines

The Code of Ethics Oversight Committee is responsible for setting sanctions policies for violating the Code. The Committee has adopted the following minimum monetary sanctions for violations of the Code. These sanctions apply even if the exception results from inadvertence rather than intentional misbehavior. The Code of Ethics Officer is authorized to impose the minimum sanction on employees without further Committee action. However, the sanctions noted below are only minimums and the Committee reserves the right to impose additional sanctions such as higher monetary sanctions, trading bans, suspension, or termination of employment as it determines to be appropriate.

A. The minimum sanction per violation of the following Rules is disgorgement of any profits or payment of avoided losses and the following payments:

Section I.A., Rule 1 (Pre-clearance and Restricted List) Section I.B., Rule 1 (Short selling) Section I.B., Rule 2 (IPOs) Section I.B., Rule 3 (Private Placements) Section I.B., Rule 4 (Trading with Inside Information) Section I.B., Rules 6-8 (Holding and Trading of Putnam Funds) Section II, Rule 2 (7-Day Rule) Section II, Rule 3 (Blackout Rule) Section II, Rule 4 (Contra-Trading Rule) Section II, Rule 5 (Trading for Personal Benefit)

Officer Level SMD/MD SVP/VP AVP/non-officer

1st violation $500 $250 $50

2nd violation $1,000 $500 $100

3rd violation Minimum monetary sanction as above with ban on all new personal
  individual investments.  

B. The minimum sanction for violations of all other Rules in the Code is as follows:

Officer Level SMD/MD SVP/VP AVP/non-officer

1st violation $100 $50 $ 25

Subsequent violation $200 $100 $ 50

The reference period for determining whether a violation is initial or subsequent will be five years.


The Committee’s belief that an employee has violated the Code of Ethics intentionally will result in more severe sanctions than outlined in the guidelines above. The Code of Ethics Oversight Committee retains the right to increase or decrease the sanctions for a particular violation in light of the circumstances.


Appendix A — Insider Trading Prohibitions Policy Statement

Putnam has always forbidden trading by its employees on material non-public information (inside information). Tough federal laws make it important for Putnam to state that prohibition in the strongest possible terms, and to establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures to prevent the use of material non-public information.

Unlawful trading while in possession of inside information can be a crime. Federal law provides that an individual convicted of trading on inside information may go to jail for a period of time. There is also significant monetary liability for an inside trader; the Securities and Exchange Commission can seek a court order requiring a violator to pay back profits, as well as penalties substantially greater than those profits. In addition private plaintiffs can seek recovery for harm suffered by them. The inside trader is not the only subject to liability. In certain cases, controlling persons of inside traders, including supervisors of inside traders or Putnam itself, can be liable for large penalties.

Section I. of this Policy Statement contains rules concerning inside information. Section II. contains a discussion of what constitutes unlawful insider trading.

Neither material non-public information nor unlawful insider trading is easy to define. Section II. of this Policy Statement gives a general overview of the law in this area. However, the legal issues are complex and must be resolved by the Code of Ethics Officer. If an employee has any doubt as to whether she has received material non-public information, she must consult with the Code of Ethics Officer prior to using that information in connection with the purchase or sale of a security for his own account or the account of any Putnam client, or communicating the information to others. A simple rule of thumb is if you think the information is not available to the public at large, do not disclose it to others and do not trade securities to which the inside information relates.

An employee aware of, or in possession of, inside information must report it immediately to the Code of Ethics Officer. If an employee has failed to consult the Code of Ethics Officer, Putnam will not excuse employee misuse of inside information on the grounds that the employee claims to have been confused about this Policy Statement or the nature of the information in his possession.

If Putnam determines, in its sole discretion, that an employee has failed to abide by this Policy Statement, or has engaged in conduct that raises a significant question concerning insider trading, he will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

There are no exceptions to this policy statement, and no one is exempt.


Appendix A — Definitions: Insider Trading

Code of Ethics Administrator The individual designated by the Code of Ethics Officer to assume responsibility for day-to-day, nondiscretionary administration of this Policy Statement. The Code of Ethics Administrator is Laura Rose.

Code of Ethics Officer The Putnam officer who has been assigned the responsibility of enforcing and interpreting this Code. The Code of Ethics Officer shall be the Chief Compliance Officer or such other person as is designated by the Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments. If the Code of Ethics Officer is unavailable, the Deputy Code of Ethics Officer shall act in his stead. The Code of Ethics Officer is Bob Leveille. The Deputy Code of Ethics Officer is Kathleen Griffin.

Immediate family Spouse, domestic partner, minor children, or other relatives living in the same household as the Putnam employee.

Purchase or sale of a security Any acquisition or transfer of any interest in the security for direct or indirect consideration, including the writing of an option.

Putnam Any or all of Putnam Investments Trust, and its subsidiaries, any one of which shall be a Putnam company.

Putnam client Any client of the Putnam mutual funds, or any advisory, trust, or other client for whom Putnam manages money.

Putnam employee (or employee) Any employee of Putnam.

Security Anything defined as a security under federal law. The term includes any type of equity or debt security, any interest in a business trust or partnership, and any rights relating to a security, such as put and call options, warrants, convertible securities, and securities indexes. (Note: The definition of security in this Insider Trading Prohibitions Policy Statement varies significantly from that in the Code of Ethics. For example, the definition in this Policy Statement specifically includes all securities of any type.)

Transaction for a personal account (or personal securities transaction) Securities transactions: (a) for the personal account of any employee; (b) for the account of a member of the immediate family of any employee; (c) for the account of a partnership in which a Putnam employee or immediate family member is a domestic partner with investment discretion; (d) for the account of a trust in which a Putnam employee or immediate family member is a trustee with investment discretion; (e) for the account of a closely held corporation in which a Putnam employee or immediate family member holds shares and for which he has investment discretion; and (f ) for any account other than a Putnam client account that receives investment advice of any sort from the employee or immediate family member, or as to which the employee or immediate family member has investment discretion. Officers and employees of PIL must also consult the relevant procedures on compliance with U.K. insider dealing legislation set forth in PIL’s Compliance Manual.


Appendix A — Section I: Rules Concerning Inside Information

Rule 1: Inside Information

No Putnam employee shall purchase or sell any security listed on the Inside Information List (the Red List) either for his personal account or for a Putnam client.


When an employee seeks clearance in the PTA system for a personal security transaction that is on the Red List, the request will be denied via a message in the PTA system.


This Rule is designed to prohibit any employee from trading a security while Putnam may have inside information concerning that security or the issuer. Every trade, whether for a personal account or for a Putnam client, is subject to this Rule.

Rule 2: Material Non-public Information

No Putnam employee shall purchase or sell any security, either for a personal account or for the account of a Putnam client, while in possession of material non-public information concerning that security or the issuer, without the prior written approval of the Code of Ethics Officer.


In order to obtain prior written approval of the Code of Ethics Officer, a Putnam employee should follow the reporting steps prescribed in Rule 3.


• Rule 1 concerns the conduct of an employee when Putnam possesses material non-public information. Rule 2 concerns the conduct of an employee who herself possesses material non-public information about a security that is not yet on the Red List.

• If an employee has any question as to whether information she possesses is material and/or non-public information, she must contact the Code of Ethics Officer immediately in accordance with Rule 3 prior to purchasing or selling any security related to the information or communicating the information to others. The Code of Ethics Officer shall have the sole authority to determine what constitutes material non-public information for the purposes of this Policy Statement.

Rule 3: Reporting of Material Non-public Information

Any Putnam employee who believes he is aware of or has received material non-public information concerning a security or an issuer shall immediately report the information to the Code of Ethics Officer, the Deputy Code of Ethics Officer or, in his or her absence, a lawyer in the Putnam Legal and Compliance Department and to no one else. After reporting the information, the Putnam employee shall comply strictly with Rule 2 by not trading in the security without the prior written approval of the Code of Ethics Officer and shall (a) take precautions to ensure the continued confidentiality of the information and (b) refrain from communicating the information in question to any person.


A. An employee must communicate any potential material non-public information to the Code of Ethics Officer in a way designed to prevent the spread of such information and must do so prior to purchasing or selling a security or communicating the information to others. Once the employee has reported potential material non-public information to the Code of Ethics Officer, the Code of


Ethics Officer will evaluate whether such information constitutes material non-public information, and whether a duty exists that makes use of such information improper. If the Code of Ethics Officer determines either (a) that the information is not material or is public or (b) that use of the information is proper, he will issue a written approval to the employee specifically authorizing trading while in possession of the information, if the employee so requests. If the Code of Ethics Officer determines (a) that the information may be non-public and material and (b) that use of such information may be improper, he will place the security that is the subject of such information on the Red List.

B. An employee who reports potential inside information to the Code of Ethics Officer should expect that the Code of Ethics Officer will need significant information, and time to gather such information, to make the evaluation, including information about (a) the manner in which the employee acquired the information and (b) the identity of individuals to whom the employee has revealed the information, or who have otherwise learned the information. In appropriate situations, the Code of Ethics Officer will normally place the affected security or securities on the Red List pending the completion of his evaluation.

C. If an employee possesses documents, disks, or other materials containing potential inside information, the employee must take precautions to ensure the confidentiality of the information in question. Those precautions include (a) putting documents containing such information out of the view of a casual observer, and (b) securing files containing such documents or ensuring that computer files reflecting such information are secure from viewing by others.

D. The PTA system will automatically reject requests to pre-clear a purchase or sale of securities of any of the following Putnam affiliates: Great-West Lifeco Inc., Power Financial Corporation, Power Corporation of Canada, and IGM Financial Inc. Any employee wishing to place a trade in one of these companies’ securities must contact the Code of Ethics Officer or the Deputy Code of Ethics Officer to request manual approval of the pre-clearance request. An employee requesting such approval must certify that he or she is not in possession of any material non-public information regarding the company in which he or she is seeking to place a trade. The decision whether or not to grant the pre-clearance request is in the sole discretion of the Code of Ethics Officer and the Deputy Code of Ethics Officer. The Code of Ethics Officer and Deputy Code of Ethics Officer will reject any such request for pre-clearance made by members of Putnam’s Executive Board and cert ain members of the Chief Financial Officer’s staff from the end of each calendar quarter to the date of announcement of Great-West Lifeco Inc.’s earnings for such quarter.


Appendix A — Section II: Overview of Insider Trading


This section of the Policy Statement provides guidelines for employees as to what may constitute inside information. It is possible that in the course of her employment, an employee may receive inside information. No employee should misuse that information, either by trading for her own account or by communicating the information to others.

What constitutes unlawful insider trading?

The basic definition of unlawful insider trading is trading on material non-public information (also called inside information) by an individual who has a duty not to take advantage of the information. The following sections help explain the definition.

What is material information?

Trading on inside information is not a basis for liability unless the information is material. Information is material if a reasonable person would attach importance to the information in determining his course of action with respect to a security. Information that is reasonably likely to affect the price of a company’s securities is material, but effect on price is not the sole criterion for determining materiality. Information that employees should consider material includes, but is not limited to, dividend changes, earnings estimates, changes in previously released earnings estimates, reorganization, recapitalization, asset sales, plans to commence a tender offer, merger or acquisition proposals or agreements, major litigation, liquidity problems, significant contracts, and extraordinary management developments.

Material information does not have to relate to a company’s business. For example, a court considered as material certain information about the contents of a forthcoming newspaper column that was expected to affect the market price of a security. In that case, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal was found criminally liable for disclosing to others the dates that reports on various companies would appear in the Journal’s “Heard on the Street” column and whether those reports would be favorable or not.

What is non-public information?

Information is non-public until it has been effectively communicated to, and sufficient opportunity has existed for it to be absorbed by, the marketplace. One must be able to point to some fact to show that the information is generally public. For example, information found in a report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or appearing in Dow Jones, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal , or other publications of general circulation would be considered public.

Who has a duty not to “take advantage” of inside information?

Unlawful insider trading occurs only if there is a duty not to take advantage of material non-public information. When there is no such duty, it is permissible to trade while in possession of such information. Questions as to whether a duty exists are complex, are fact-specific, and must be answered by a lawyer. If you have any doubt, err on the side of caution.

Insiders and Temporary Insiders Corporate insiders have a duty not to take advantage of inside information. The concept of insider is broad. It includes officers, directors, and employees of a corporation. In addition, a person can be a temporary insider if she enters into a special confidential relationship with a corporation and, as a result, is given access to information concerning the corporation’s affairs. A temporary insider can include, among others, accounting firms, consulting


firms, law firms, banks, and the employees of such organizations. Putnam would generally be a temporary insider of a corporation it advises or for which it performs other services, because typically Putnam clients expect Putnam to keep any information disclosed to it confidential.


An investment advisor to the pension fund of a large publicly traded corporation, Acme, Inc., learns from an Acme employee that Acme will not be making the minimum required annual contribution to the pension fund because of a serious downturn in Acme’s financial situation. The information conveyed is material and non-public.


Neither the investment advisor, its employees, nor its clients can trade on the basis of that information, because the investment advisor and its employees could be considered temporary insiders of Acme.

Misappropriators Certain people who are not insiders (or temporary insiders) also have a duty not to deceptively take advantage of inside information. Included in this category is an individual who misappropriates (or takes for his own use) material non-public information in violation of a duty owed either to the corporation that is the subject of inside information or some other entity. Such a misappropriator can be held liable if he trades while in possession of that material non-public information.


The Chief Investment Officer of Acme, Inc., is aware of Acme’s plans to engage in a hostile takeover of Profit, Inc. The proposed hostile takeover is material and non-public.


The Chief Investment Officer of Acme cannot trade in Profit, Inc.’s stock for his own account. Even though he owes no duty to Profit, Inc., or its shareholders, he owes a duty to Acme not to take advantage of the information about the proposed hostile takeover by using it for his personal benefit.

Tippers and Tippees A person (the tippee) who receives material non-public information from an insider or misappropriator (the tipper) has a duty not to trade while in possession of that information if he knew, or should have known, that the information was provided by the tipper for an improper purpose and in breach of a duty owed by the tipper. In this context, it is an improper purpose for a person to provide such information for personal benefit.


The Chief Executive Officer of Acme, Inc., tells his daughter that negotiations concerning a previously announced acquisition of Acme have been terminated. This news is material and, at the time the father tells his daughter, non-public. The daughter sells her shares of Acme.


The father is a tipper because he has a duty to Acme and its shareholders not to take advantage of the information concerning the breakdown of negotiations, and he has conveyed the information for an improper purpose. The daughter is a tippee and is liable for trading on inside information because she knew, or should have known, that her father was conveying the information to her for his personal benefit, and that her father had a duty not to take advantage of Acme information. A person can be a tippee even if he did not learn the information directly from the tipper, but learned it from a previous tippee.



An employee of a law firm that works on mergers and acquisitions learns at work about impending acquisitions. She tells her friend and her friend’s stockbroker about the upcoming acquisitions on a regular basis. The stockbroker tells the brother of a client on a regular basis, who in turn tells two friends, A and B. A and B buy shares of the companies being acquired before the public announcement of the acquisition, and regularly profit from such purchases. A and B do not know the employee of the law firm. They do not, however, ask about the source of the information.


A and B, although they have never heard of the tipper, are tippees because they did not ask about the source of the information, even though they were experienced investors, and were aware that the “tips” they received from this particular source were accurate.

Who can be liable for insider trading?

The categories of individuals discussed above (insiders, temporary insiders, misappropriators, or tippees) can be liable if they trade while in possession of material non-public information.

In addition, individuals other than those who actually trade on inside information can be liable for trades of others. A tipper can be liable if (a) he provided the information in exchange for a personal benefit in breach of a duty, and (b) the recipient of the information (the tippee) traded while in possession of the information.

Most importantly, a controlling person can be liable if the controlling person knew or recklessly disregarded the fact that the controlled person was likely to engage in misuse of inside information and failed to take appropriate steps to prevent it. Putnam is a controlling person of its employees. In addition, certain supervisors may be controlling persons of those employees they supervise.


A supervisor of an analyst learns that the analyst has, over a long period of time, secretly received material inside information from Acme, Inc.’s Chief Investment Officer. The supervisor learns that the analyst has engaged in a number of trades for his personal account on the basis of the inside information. The supervisor takes no action.


Even if he is not liable to a private plaintiff, the supervisor can be liable to the Securities and Exchange Commission for a civil penalty of up to three times the amount of the analyst’s profit.

Penalties for insider trading

Penalties for misuse of inside information are severe, both for individuals involved in such unlawful conduct and their employers. A person who violates the insider trading laws can be subject to some or all of the types of penalties below, even if he does not personally benefit from the violation. Penalties include:

• Jail sentences, criminal monetary penalties

• Injunctions permanently preventing an individual from working in the securities industry

• Injunctions ordering an individual to disgorge profits obtained from unlawful insider trading

• Civil penalties substantially greater than the profit gained or loss avoided by the trader, even if the individual paying the penalty did not trade or did not benefit personally

• Civil penalties for the employer or other controlling person


• Damages in the amount of actual losses suffered by other participants in the market for the security at issue Regardless of whether penalties or money damages are sought by others, Putnam will take whatever action it deems appropriate, including dismissal, if Putnam determines, in its sole discretion, that an employee appears to have committed any violation of this Policy Statement, or to have engaged in any conduct that raises significant questions about whether an insider trading violation has occurred.


Appendix B — Policy Statement Regarding Employee Trades in Shares of Putnam Closed-End Funds


Any purchase or sale of Putnam closed-end fund shares by a Putnam employee must be pre-cleared. A list of the closed-end funds can be obtained from the Code of Ethics Administrator.


Employees must direct their brokers to provide to the Code of Ethics Administrator duplicate confirmations and statements of all purchases and sales. If you are an access person required to file a quarterly report of all personal securities transactions, you must include all purchases and sales of closed-end fund shares.

Special Rules Applicable to Managing Directors of Putnam Investment Management, LLC, Executive Board, and officers of the Putnam Funds

Please be aware that managing directors of Putnam Investment Management, LLC, Executive Board, the investment manager of the Putnam mutual funds, Putnam Executive Board members, and officers of the Putnam Funds will not receive clearance to engage in any combination of purchase and sale, or sale and purchase, of the shares of a given closed-end fund within six months of each other. Therefore, purchases should be made only if you intend to hold the shares more than six months; no sales of fund shares should be made if you intend to purchase additional shares of that same fund within six months.

Certain forms are also required to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with purchases and sales of Putnam closed-end funds. You will be notified by the Code of Ethics Administrator if this applies to you. Please contact the Code of Ethics Officer Administrator for further information.


Appendix C — Contra- Trading Rule Clearance Form
To: Code of Ethics Officer  


Re: Sale of Personal Security  

This serves as prior written approval to sell the following personal security:
Name of portfolio manager contemplating personal sale:  

Security to be sold:  

Number of shares to be sold:  

Fund(s) holding security:  

Number of shares held by fund:  

Reason for the personal sale:  

Specify the reason why the sale is inappropriate for fund:  

(Please attach additional sheets if necessary. )  
CIO approval: Date:

Code of Ethics Officer/  
Deputy Code of Ethics Officer approval: Date:


Appendix D — CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

The CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (Code and Standards) are fundamental to CFA Institute’s values and essential to achieving its mission to lead the investment profession globally by setting high standards of education, integrity, and professional excellence. High ethical standards are critical to maintaining the public’s trust in financial markets and in the investment profession.

Since their creation in the 1960s, the Code and Standards have promoted the integrity of CFA Institute members and served as a model for measuring the ethics of investment professionals globally, regardless of job function, cultural differences, or local laws and regulations. All CFA Institute members (including holders of the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation) and CFA candidates must abide by the Code and Standards and are encouraged to notify their employer of this responsibility. Violations may result in disciplinary sanctions by CFA Institute. Sanctions can include revocation of membership, candidacy in the CFA Program, and the right to use the CFA designation.

The Code of Ethics

Members of CFA Institute (including Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) charterholders) and candidates for the CFA designation (“Members and Candidates”) must:

• Act with integrity, competence, diligence, and respect, and in an ethical manner with the public, clients, prospective clients, employers, employees, colleagues in the investment profession, and other participants in the global capital markets.

• Place the integrity of the investment profession and the interests of clients above their own personal interests.

• Use reasonable care and exercise independent professional judgment when conducting investment analysis, making investment recommendations, taking investment actions, and engaging in other professional activities.

• Practice and encourage others to practice in a professional and ethical manner that will reflect credit on themselves and the profession.

• Promote the integrity of, and uphold the rules governing, capital markets.

• Maintain and improve their professional competence and strive to maintain and improve the competence of other investment professionals.

Standards of Professional Conduct


A. Knowledge of the Law. Members and Candidates must understand and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations (including the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct) of any government, regulatory organization, licensing agency, or professional association governing their professional activities. In the event of conflict, Members and Candidates must comply with the more strict law, rule, or regulation. Members and Candidates must not knowingly participate or assist in and must dissociate from any violation of such laws, rules, or regulations.

B. Independence and Objectivity. Members and Candidates must use reasonable care and judgment to achieve and maintain independence and objectivity in their professional activities.


Members and Candidates must not offer, solicit, or accept any gift, benefit, compensation, or consideration that reasonably could be expected to compromise their own or another’s independence and objectivity.

C. Misrepresentation. Members and Candidates must not knowingly make any misrepresentations relating to investment analysis, recommendations, actions, or other professional activities.

D. Misconduct. Members and Candidates must not engage in any professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit, or commit any act that reflects adversely on their professional reputation, integrity, or competence.


A. Material Non-public Information. Members and Candidates who possess material non-public information that could affect the value of an investment must not act or cause others to act on the information.

B. Market Manipulation. Members and Candidates must not engage in practices that distort prices or artificially inflate trading volume with the intent to mislead market participants.


A. Loyalty, Prudence, and Care. Members and Candidates have a duty of loyalty to their clients and must act with reasonable care and exercise prudent judgment. Members and Candidates must act for the benefit of their clients and place their clients’ interests before their employer’s or their own interests. In relationships with clients, Members and Candidates must determine applicable fiduciary duty and must comply with such duty to persons and interests to whom it is owed.

B. Fair Dealing. Members and Candidates must deal fairly and objectively with all clients when providing investment analysis, making investment recommendations, taking investment action, or engaging in other professional activities.

C. Suitability.

1. When Members and Candidates are in an advisory relationship with a client, they must:

a) Make a reasonable inquiry into a client’s or prospective clients’ investment experience, risk and return objectives, and financial constraints prior to making any investment recommendation or taking investment action, and must reassess and update this information regularly.

b) Determine that an investment is suitable to the client’s financial situation and consistent with the client’s written objectives, mandates, and constraints before making an investment recommendation or taking investment action.

c) Judge the suitability of investments in the context of the client’s total portfolio.

2. When Members and Candidates are responsible for managing a portfolio to a specific mandate, strategy, or style, they must only make investment recommendations or take investment actions that are consistent with the stated objectives and constraints of the portfolio.

D. Performance Presentation. When communicating investment performance information, Members or Candidates must make reasonable efforts to ensure that it is fair, accurate, and complete.

E. Preservation of Confidentiality. Members and Candidates must keep information about current, former, and prospective clients confidential unless:

1. The information concerns illegal activities on the part of the client or prospective client.

2. Disclosure is required by law.

3. The client or prospective client permits disclosure of the information.



A. Loyalty. In matters related to their employment, Members and Candidates must act for the benefit of their employer and not deprive their employer of the advantage of their skills and abilities, divulge confidential information, or otherwise cause harm to their employer.

B. Additional Compensation Arrangements. Members and Candidates must not accept gifts, benefits, compensation, or consideration that competes with, or might reasonably be expected to create a conflict of interest with, their employer’s interest unless they obtain written consent from all parties involved.

C. Responsibilities of Supervisors. Members and Candidates must make reasonable efforts to detect and prevent violations of applicable laws, rules, regulations, and the Code and Standards by anyone subject to their supervision or authority.


A. Diligence and Reasonable Basis. Members and Candidates must:

1. Exercise diligence, independence, and thoroughness in analyzing investments, making investment recommendations, and taking investment actions.

2. Have a reasonable and adequate basis, supported by appropriate research and investigation, for any investment analysis, recommendation, or action.

B. Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients. Members and Candidates must:

1. Disclose to clients and prospective clients the basic format and general principles of the investment processes used to analyze investments, select securities, and construct portfolios, and must promptly disclose any changes that might materially affect those processes.

2. Use reasonable judgment in identifying which factors are important to their investment analysis, recommendations, or actions and include those factors in communications with clients and prospective clients.

3. Distinguish between fact and opinion in the presentation of investment analysis and recommendations.

C. Record Retention. Members and Candidates must develop and maintain appropriate records to support their investment analysis, recommendations, actions, and other investment-related communications with clients and prospective clients.


A. Disclosure of Conflicts. Members and Candidates must make full and fair disclosure of all matters that could reasonably be expected to impair their independence and objectivity or interfere with respective duties to their clients, prospective clients, and employer. Members and Candidates must ensure that such disclosures are prominent, are delivered in plain language, and communicate the relevant information effectively.

B. Priority of Transactions. Investment transactions for clients and employers must have priority over investment transactions in which a Member or Candidate is the beneficial owner.

C. Referral Fees. Members and Candidates must disclose to their employer, clients, and prospective clients, as appropriate, any compensation, consideration, or benefit received by, or paid to, others for the recommendation of products or services.


A. Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program. Members and Candidates must not engage in any conduct that compromises the reputation or integrity of the CFA Institute or the CFA designation or the integrity, validity, or security of the CFA examinations.

B. Reference to the CFA Institute, the CFA designation, and the CFA Program. When referring to the CFA Institute, CFA Institute membership, the CFA designation, or candidacy in the


CFA Program, Members and Candidates must not misrepresent or exaggerate the meaning or implications of membership in the CFA Institute, holding the CFA designation, or candidacy in the CFA Program.


Appendix E — Inducement Policy for Putnam Investments Limited (PIL) Employees


Putnam Investments Limited has adopted the following procedures to enable it to comply with, and demonstrate compliance with, the requirements in this area:

Gifts, business meals, or entertainment events that are given or received (“inducements”) and that exceed a value of £25 (40 euros or equivalent) must be reported through the PTA system within 20 business days.

PIL’s policy limits gifts to a value of £100 (150 euros or equivalent) per item.

No limit is applied to meals provided such meals are for business purposes, reasonable, and not lavish.

Entertainment provided to, or received from, suppliers (including brokers) is limited to a value of £150 (225 euros or equivalent). When receiving or providing entertainment to clients or potential clients, the limit of £150 (225 euros or equivalent) may be exceeded provided that such event is for business purposes, reasonable, and not lavish. Pre-clearance must be obtained from the PIL Compliance Officer.

Inducements exceeding these limits should be politely declined, explaining that PIL’s internal policies will not permit their acceptance.

There may be rare occasions where you are unexpectedly offered a gift or are entertained where the value exceeds the limits and it would be very discourteous to decline, or difficult to pay part of the bill yourself (such as in a members’ dining club). In these circumstances the gift should be handed in to the PIL Compliance Officer, who will arrange to give it to charity, or the entertainment reported immediately to the PIL Compliance Officer with an explanation of the circumstances.

Where the gift is below £100 (150 euros or equivalent) or the entertainment is below £150 (225 euros or equivalent) for any individual, no pre-clearance is necessary. Above these levels, pre-clearance is required from the PIL Compliance Officer. If you are in doubt as to whether limits might be exceeded, please err on the side of caution and seek pre-clearance.

Employees must disclose inducements in PTA where the value is above £25 (40 euros or equivalent).

Inducements below £25 (40 euros or equivalent), e.g., an umbrella, a casual drink, or a snack, need not be reported.

No more than six entertainment events per year, and no more than two events may be accepted from a single source. Meals are not included in this limit.

Where breaches of the inducement policy occur, sanctions may apply.

Employees are required to make an annual declaration that they have reported all reportable inducements given and received, or that they have not given or received any inducements during the course of the year.

Further detailed guidance on PIL’s Inducement Policy is available in the PIL Compliance Manual.


407 Letter 2, 33 Employees  
7-Day Rule 3, 19, 20 general rules for 23
90-Day Short-Term Rule 12, 19 personal political contributions 26
Access Person   Entertainment Policy 23
definition 5 Excessive trading (over 10 trades) prohibited 16
reporting requirements for 33 Exchange-traded index funds (ETFs)  6, 8, 17, 33, 34
reporting transactions/holdings 33 Exempted transactions 17
Ad Hoc Exemption 37 Family member accounts 15
Affiliated Entities 29 Family Members’ Conflict Policy 29
Analysts   Fiduciary 28
special rules 19, 20, 21 Gifts and Entertainment Policy 23
Annual Holdings Report 11, 34 Gifts donated as securities 11
Anti-bribery/Kickback Policy 25 Good Until Canceled (GTC) Limit orders 16
Anti-money Laundering Policy 32 Goods and services, purchasing 29
Anti-trust and other laws 23 Great-West Lifeco Inc. 2, 8, 12, 43
Appeal Procedures 38 Initial holdings report 34
Blackout Rule      
trading by portfolio managers,   Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) 12
analysts, and CIOs 3, 20 Inside Information 1, 43, 44
Boycott laws 23 material, non-public information 13, 42
    policy statement 40
Bribes 25 sanctions for 39, 46
Broker accounts 2, 33 Inside Information List (Red List) 42
Business ethics 34 Insider Trading  
CFA Institute Code of Ethics 31 definitions 41
CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of explanations of 44
Professional Conduct 50 liability for 46
    penalties for 46
Chief Investment Officer   policy statement 40
special rules on trading 19    
Closed-end fund 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 48 Investment clubs 28
Code of Ethics Administrator 6 Involuntary transactions 11, 17
Code of Ethics Officer 6 Kickback Policy 25
Deputy Code of Ethics Officer 6 Large-/Mid-Cap Exemption 9
Code of Ethics Oversight Committee    6, 13, 16, 39 Limit Orders 16
Compliance and Appeal Procedures 37 Linked accounts 15
Computer and Network Use Policy 30 Lobbying Policy 26
Confidentiality 1, 27 Market timing prohibition 15
Confirmations and broker statements 2, 33 Marsh & McLennan (MMC) securities   8, 11, 17, 33
Conflicts of interest 1, 4, 23 Material information 1, 13, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46
Contra-Trading Rule 3, 21 Naked Options 17
Clearance Form 49 Negotiations prohibition 28
Corporate purchase of goods and services 29 Non-public information 1, 13, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46
Corporate/political contributions. 26 Non-Putnam affiliates (NPAs) 29
Currencies 7 Officer, prohibited to serve for another entity 27
Director, prohibited to serve for another entity 27 Ombudsman 35
Discretionary account 6, 10, 12 Options  
Dividend reinvestment program 18 defined as securities 10
Education Requirements 36 naked 17


Partner, prohibited to serve for another entity   27 90-Day Rule 15
Partnerships, covered in personal securities   One-Year Rule 15
transactions 7, 41 Putnam Variable Trusts 14
Personal securities transactions 3 Quarterly Report of Securities Transactions 2, 33
Personal Trading Assistant (PTA)   Records  
2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 33, 34 accuracy records policy 29
Political activities, contributions, lobbying 26 retention policy 32
Portfolio managers, special rules on trading 19-22 Red List 42, 43
Portfolio Trading 21, 29 Reporting Requirements 33
Postiions outside Putnam 27, 34 Restricted List 7-9, 12, 37, 38
Power Corporation of Canada 2, 8, 12, 43 Sanctions 39
Power Financial Corporation 2, 8, 12, 43 Shares by subscription, pre-clearance 10
Pre-clearance 2, 6-12 Special rules for investment professionals 3, 19-22
sanctions for failure to pre-clear properly 39 Spread betting 17
Privacy Policy 31 Tender Offers 11
Private offerings and private placement   Trustee 7, 14, 27, 28, 41
pre-approval 13 Trusts 1, 7, 14, 41
Prohibited transactions 12-18 U. S. government obligations 7
Putnam mutual fund restrictions 2, 14, 15 Warrants 7, 8, 41


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