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                                             CLASS A,C,& P SHARES


Table of Contents
Letter from the President 1
Economic & Financial Market Review 3
Blue Chip Fund 4
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund 6
Diversified Real Asset Fund 8
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund 10
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 12
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund 14
Global Opportunities Fund 16
International Small Company Fund 18
Opportunistic Municipal Fund 20
Origin Emerging Markets Fund 22
Preferred Securities Fund 24
Real Estate Allocation Fund 26
Real Estate Debt Income Fund 28
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund 30
Financial Statements 32
Notes to Financial Statements 57
Schedules of Investments 89
Financial Highlights (Includes performance information) 180
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 192
Shareholder Expense Example 193
Supplemental Information 195





Mike Beer
President, Principal Funds

Dear Shareholder,

For the first time since 2007—a nine-year period where at least one part of the world was in a recession or a steep downturn—we have reached a point where economic growth has synchronized, with most global economies becoming stable or improving.

The real U.S. expansion may be ready to begin, as the economy has essentially been in recovery the entire seven years since the recession.1 In August, The Conference Board consumer confidence index rebounded to its highest level in a year, nearly the best since the recession. Average hourly earnings have gained 2.6 percent and are rising over last year, with household spending following the trend of higher income. Ultra-low mortgage rates are lighting a fire under house prices and activity, boosting household confidence at the same time.

The ritual of “will they or won’t they” regarding the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates is tiring some investors. However, volatility has been low in U.S. Treasury bonds as well as in stocks, maybe from months of commentary suggesting that higher rates are just ahead, but somehow never materializing.

The U.S. alone is not driving the global upturn, as recent Eurozone and U.K. economic data has also been quite resilient. Business and consumer confidence softened and lending weakened, but not to the extent feared. Eurozone data similarly has little evidence of contagion, even with negotiation uncertainties about Brexit. Loan demand is picking up as lending standards ease, and capital spending is rising. Joblessness is flat, but at a high of 10.1 percent. So far, the ubiquitous forecasts of recession or slump in Europe are proving way off base. Data from China still shows a mild rebound after several years of deteriorating growth. Sentiment is better; business surveys edged higher in August with the official gauge the best in almost two years. The synchronized upturn’s rising tide is lifting developing countries too. As oil prices firm and political crises ease, Brazil and Russia can exit their recessions.

Because markets tend to fluctuate, we believe the most prudent approach for investing is to select a portfolio allocation that is broadly diversified both across and within asset classes. We encourage you to work closely with your financial professional to select and monitor those investments best suited to helping you work toward and realize your financial goals.2

Our focus at Principal Funds has always been on consistent, long-term performance for our investors. Our investment strategies cover a wide range of asset classes to help you diversify your portfolio as you save for the future—whether you are investing for goals that are years down the road or closer at hand.


*All data cited from August 2016 Principal Economic Insights by Robert Baur, Ph.D. Chief Global Economist, available at principalfunds.com/commentary.

1A recession is the end of a business cycle and the beginning of the next cycle is a recovery, which in a typical cycle eventually turn into a sustainable expansion.

2Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. Past performance does not guarantee future results.



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Economic & Financial Market Review

Central Bank policies have remained a key focus in the markets, as investors continued to anticipate the Federal Reserve’s (the Fed’s) rate normalization timeline. The possibility of an interest rate hike grew throughout August as U.S. data points indicated a solid outlook. The Bank of England implemented easing policies over the summer, stressing that further cuts are likely and that rates will remain low indefinitely.

If the circle of improved wages, confidence, demand, profits, capital spending, and expansion continues as it appears it might in the U.S., the economic upcycle will last a while longer, extended by the drop in interest rates after the U.K. vote in June. We look for a U.S. growth rebound, boosted by strong consumer spending, rising investment, and higher inventories. For 2016, real GDP gains likely will be weak, given the sluggish first half. We believe growth in 2017 should be well over 2% even with a Fed rate hike or two.

The United Kingdom and the Eurozone are proving more resilient to the Brexit (British exit of the European Union) aftermath than forecasters believed. China’s modest bounce continues. That plus improving U.S. demand benefits the developing world.

Late summer brought flat prices for broad equity indices. Defensive sectors, such as health care and utilities, had been winners for years because the marginal buyer of stocks (those whose willingness to pay is equal to the market price), has been yield-hungry fixed income investors looking for better returns than in U.S. treasury bonds. They were buying growth companies with solid earnings, low volatility, and good dividends. In August, those U.S. defensive sectors took a tumble: health care, off 3.5%; utilities, down 6.1%; and telecom services lost 5.7%, as measured by their respective indexes. The small rise in yields of sovereign bonds hurt safe haven-centered portfolios. Long-dated U.S. treasury bonds fell and U.S. global bonds also lost ground. But, the optimism expressed above about global growth was positive for both developed and developing-country corporate bonds. Credit spreads narrowed and returns for August were at least a small positive.

*All data cited from August 2016 Principal Economic Insights by Robert Baur, Ph.D. Chief Global Economist, available at principalfunds.com/commentary.



Blue Chip Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. The fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of companies with large market capitalizations at the time of each purchase. It invests in foreign securities. The fund invests in growth equity securities; growth orientation emphasizes buying equity securities of companies whose potential for growth of capital and earnings is expected to be above average.

Amazon, an e-commerce company, contributed. Alphabet (previously Google), Microsoft and Facebook were contributors. American Tower, which owns over 100,000 cell phone towers globally and leases antenna space on these towers to wireless service providers, contributed. Valeant Pharmaceuticals, a unique pharmaceutical company with significant franchises in eye care, dermatology, and branded generics, detracted. Liberty Global, a large cable company with operations primarily in Europe, detracted. QUALCOMM, a leader in communications chip technology, detracted. American Express, a services company that provides charge and credit payment cards, as well as travel-related services, to consumers and businesses around the world, detracted. Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* June 14, 2012 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A, C, and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date Performance
              Inception Date
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 10.77 % 14.45 % 9/30/13 6/14/12
  Including Sales Charge 4.70 % 12.93 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge 9.93 % 13.60 % 9/30/13 6/14/12
  Including Sales Charge 8.93 % 13.60 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 11.21 % 14.96 % 9/30/13 6/14/12


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus        
Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 1.39 % 1.35 %
Class C Shares 2.33 % 2.10 %
Class P Shares 1.41 % 0.89 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: -2.87% (1-year); 11.80% (since inception)        
Class C Shares: 0.95% (1-year); 12.51% (since inception)        
Class P Shares****: 3.20% (1-year); 13.87% (since inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 5/31/12 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks to achieve long-term returns, comprised of income and capital appreciation, with an emphasis on managing volatility. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in a diversified portfolio of credit-related instruments, represented by bonds and derivatives. A derivative is a financial arrangement, the value of which is derived from, or based on, a traditional security, asset, or market index.

Security selection within investment-grade corporate bonds contributed. Security selection within U.S. Treasury securities contributed to performance. Security selection within emerging market debt contributed. The portfolio underperformed the Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate index over the year driven mainly by a short duration position as rates fell. An out-of-index allocation to below investment-grade corporate bonds detracted. An out-of-index allocation to U.S. Treasury securities detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* September 10, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date  
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 4.51 % 0.68 % 9/10/14  
  Including Sales Charge 0.64 % -1.26 %    
Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus            
  Gross Expense Ratio       Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares   1.39 %     1.10 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:          
Class A Shares: -3.61% (1-Year); -2.44% (since inception)            


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 8/31/14 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.



Diversified Real Asset Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation


BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.; Brookfield Investment Management, Inc.; Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC; Fischer Francis Trees & Watts, Inc.;

Macquarie Capital Investment Management, LLC; Pictet Asset Management SA; Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC; Symphony Asset Management, LLC; Tortoise Capital Advisors, LLC.

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks a long-term total return in excess of inflation. The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in investments related to real assets and real asset companies. The fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by allocating its assets among general investment categories related to real assets and real asset companies (which include tangible assets and investments that are expected to perform well in periods of high inflation).

Allocation to real estate investment trusts (REITs) (sub-advised by Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC) contributed as their allocation to retail, office, and industrial stocks contributed the most to absolute returns, while manager security selection contributed the most in diversified and self-storage stocks. Allocation to treasury inflation protected securities (TIPs) (sub-advised by BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.) contributed to absolute returns. The sub-advisor underperformed on a relative basis as long U.S. breakeven positioning was the main detractor due to narrowing inflation expectations, as nominal rates were better bid due to the risk off market sentiment that unfolded surrounding geo-political uncertainties. Allocation to floating rate debt (sub-advised by Symphony Asset Management, LLC) contributed to absolute returns. The sub-advisor underperformed on a relative basis as security selection in consumer discretionary and information technology detracted. Allocation to master limited partnerships (MLPs) (sub-advised by Tortoise Capital Advisors, LLC) detracted as relative underperformance was driven by an overweight position in the underperforming crude oil pipelines and refined product pipelines subsector. Negative security selection within the gathering and processing and natural gas pipelines subsectors also detracted. Allocation to timber stocks in global timber (sub-advised by Pictet Asset Management SA) detracted driven by an overweight position to pulp, and out-of-benchmark allocation to homebuilders and negative performance in containerboard. Manager selection in containerboard and homebuilders also weighed on performance. Underweight to metals & mining stocks within the natural resource allocations detracted as those stocks saw a significant rally. Allocation to commodities (sub-advised by Credit Suisse Asset Management LLC), which was implemented through derivatives including commodities future contracts, detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* March 16, 2010 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A, C, and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016                
    1-Year   5-Year    Since    Inception  Performance
            Inception   Date Inception
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge -0.85 % 0.64 % 3.22 % 3/16/10 -
  Including Sales Charge -4.59 % -0.12 % 2.61 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge -1.55 % -0.10 % 2.47 % 3/16/10 -
  Including Sales Charge -2.53 % -0.10 % 2.47 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge -0.60 % 0.90 % 3.49 % 9/27/10 3/16/10


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus      
  Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 1.25 % 1.25 %
Class C Shares 2.04 % 2.00 %
Class P Shares 1.06 % 1.01 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: -10.64% (1-year); -0.32% (5-year); 2.57% (since inception)      
Class C Shares: -8.81% (1-year); -0.31% (5-year); 2.43% (since inception)      
Class P Shares****: -6.88% (1-year); 0.70% (5-year); 3.46% (since inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 3/31/10 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index. Diversified Real Asset Blended Index is composed of 35% Barclays U.S. Treasury TIPS Index, 20% S&P Global Infrastructure Index, 20% S&P Global Natural Resources Index, 15% Bloomberg Commodity Index, and 10% FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Markets Index

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks to provide a high level of current income with an emphasis on managing volatility. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in U.S. and non-U.S. below investment grade securities (sometimes called "high yield" or "junk") which are rated at the time of purchase Ba1 or lower by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") and BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor's Rating Service ("S&P").

Issue specific impacts from Caraustar Industries, AZ Chem, and EP Energy LLC contributed. Issue impacts from Halcon Resources, Whiting Petroleum, and Continental Resources contributed. Security selection within bank loans and bonds detracted. Within bank loans, Newpage Corporation, Seadrill Partners LLC, and Drillships Financing Holding detracted the most. Bonds that detracted the most were EP Energy LLC, Eletson Holdings, and Bi-Lo LLC.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* September 10, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date  
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 2.51 % 0.23 % 9/10/14  
  Including Sales Charge -1.37 % -1.69 %    
Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus            
  Gross Expense Ratio       Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares   1.69 %     1.10 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:          
Class A Shares: -5.95% (1-Year); -3.48% (since inception)            


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 8/31/14 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.



Global Multi-Strategy Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation


     AQR Capital Management, LLC; Cliffwater, LLC; CNH Partners, LLC; Finisterre Capital, LLP; Graham Capital Management, LP; KLS Diversified Asset Management, LLP; Loomis, Sayles & Company, LP; Los Angeles Capital Management and Equity Research, Inc.; Sound Point Capital Management, LP; Wellington Management Company, LLP; York Registered Holdings, LP.

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation with an emphasis on positive total returns and managing volatility. The fund's investment adviser allocates the fund's assets among one or more of the investment strategies, which are executed by one or more of the fund's sub-advisors. It invests in a broad range of instruments including, but not limited to, equities, bonds, currencies, convertible securities and derivatives such as futures, options, swaps and forwards. The fund can invest a higher percentage of assets in securities of individual issuers than a diversified fund. It is non-diversified.

The emerging markets credit sleeve (sub-advised by Finisterre Capital, LLP) contributed as gains were driven by energy-related credits, partially offset by losses on crude oil and interest rate hedges. The equity long/short sleeve (sub-advised by LA Capital Management and Equity Research, Inc.) contributed as the main contributors were overweight to quality and dividend-yield factors, and underweight to risky factors (volatility and financial risk) and momentum. The fixed-income market neutral sleeve (sub-advised by KLS Diversified Asset Management, LLP) contributed as gains were led by the credit portfolio which benefitted from high yield spread tightening, and curve trades within the rates portfolio. The equity long/short sleeve (sub-advised by Wellington Management Company, LLP) was a drag on performance as the U.S. futures and options hedge strategy was the main detractor, but the portfolio was also hurt by higher-than-average market exposure during the early part of 2016. All of the aforementioned positions are achieved through the use of derivatives, including currency forward and interest rate and equity market futures. The event driven sleeve (sub-advised by York Registered Holdings LP) detracted as losses were led by special situation equities, largely attributable to the sell-off in value stocks in the third quarter of 2015 and hedge fund deleveraging during first quarter of 2016. The global macro sleeve (sub-advised by Graham Capital Management LP) detracted due to losses in equity index trading, as many equity markets suffered from several sharp reversals.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* October 24, 2011 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A, C, and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date Performance
              Inception Date
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 1.41 % 3.02 % 10/24/11 -
  Including Sales Charge -2.43 % 2.21 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge 0.61 % 2.27 % 6/14/12 10/24/11
  Including Sales Charge -0.38 % 2.27 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 1.74 % 3.27 % 10/24/11 -


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus        
Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 2.39 % 2.39 %
Class C Shares 3.21 % 3.19 %
Class P Shares 2.16 % 2.16 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: -4.88% (1-year); 1.99% (since inception)        
Class C Shares: -2.96% (1-year); 2.07% (since inception)        
Class P Shares****: -1.03% (1-year); 3.04% (since inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 10/31/11 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks long-term growth of capital with lower volatility than the global equity markets. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities and derivatives on equity securities, at the time of each purchase. It will invest in foreign, including emerging market, securities, of at least three countries and at least 30% of its net assets in foreign securities. The fund will also invest in U.S. securities.

Adidas, the second largest sporting goods company globally, contributed. Qualicorp, a Brazil-based company primarily active in the health care insurance sector, contributed. NetEase, a Chinese gaming and internet media platform, contributed. ConocoPhillips, an independent exploration and production company, detracted. Leidos, which provides scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services to the U.S. government and certain private sector end markets, detracted. Boeing, the world's largest aerospace and defense company by sales, detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* September 22, 2015 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016        
    Since Inception   Inception Date  
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge -8.68 % 9/22/15  
  Including Sales Charge -13.68 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge -8.48 % 9/22/15  
Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus      
    Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares   2.16 % 1.55 %
Class P Shares   1.69 % 1.30 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: -12.08% (since inception)        
Class P Shares****: -6.78% (since inception)        


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 9/30/15 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index. Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Blended Index is composed of 70% BofA Merrill Lynch USD LIBOR 1 month and 30% MSCI All Country World Index

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Global Opportunities Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. Under normal market circumstances, the fund invests in equity securities, and the fund invests in foreign, including emerging market, securities of at least three countries and at least 30% of its net assets in foreign securities. It also invests in U.S. securities.

Adidas, the second largest sporting goods company globally, contributed. Qualicorp, a Brazil-based company primarily active in the health care insurance sector, contributed. NetEase, a Chinese gaming and internet media platform, contributed. ConocoPhillips, an independent exploration and production company, detracted. Leidos, which provides scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services to the U.S. government and certain private sector end markets, detracted. Boeing, the world's largest aerospace and defense company by sales, detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* December 28, 2012 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A, C, and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date Performance
              Inception Date
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 2.50 % 7.24 % 9/30/13 12/28/12
  Including Sales Charge -3.13 % 5.61 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge 1.79 % 6.47 % 9/30/13 12/28/12
  Including Sales Charge 0.79 % 6.47 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 2.97 % 7.76 % 9/30/13 12/28/12


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus        
Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 2.16 % 1.50 %
Class C Shares 3.51 % 2.25 %
Class P Shares 3.55 % 1.03 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: -9.45% (1-year); 5.28% (since inception)        
Class C Shares: -5.86% (1-year); 6.20% (since inception)        
Class P Shares****: -3.72% (1-year); 7.51% (since inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 12/31/12 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



International Small Company Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of companies with small market capitalizations at the time of each purchase. It invests primarily in foreign equity securities. The fund has no limitation on the percentage of assets that is invested in any one country or denominated in any one currency, but it typically invests in foreign securities of more than 10 countries.

European markets outside of the UK and Asia, excluding Japan, produced the best results. Within the Asia Pacific region, Australia and Hong Kong produced the strongest results. Within Europe, Italy, Spain, and France were the biggest contributors. The energy and industrials sectors contributed the most. Treasury Wine Estates (Australia), Bluescope Steel Limited (Australian steel producer), and Lion Corporation (Japanese household products manufacturer) were the biggest individual contributors to relative performance. Negative stock selection in Japan and in the UK, the two largest countries in the international small cap universe, detracted. The consumer discretionary and information technology sectors were the biggest detractors. Swiss financial services company Leonteq, Aldermore (UK property lender), and Concordia International (Canadian pharmaceutical company) were the biggest individual detractors from relative performance.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* June 11, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date  
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 3.47 % -0.11 % 6/11/14  
  Including Sales Charge -2.24 % -2.61 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 3.04 % -0.11 % 6/11/14  
Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus            
  Gross Expense Ratio       Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares   2.70 %     1.60 %
Class P Shares   2.35 %     1.25 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:          
Class A Shares: -9.81% (1-year); -4.93% (since inception)            
Class P Shares****: -5.04% (1-year); -2.34% (since inception)          


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 5/31/14 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Opportunistic Municipal Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Global Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks to provide a high level of income that is exempt from federal income tax while protecting investors' capital. The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in municipal obligations. It invests in other debt obligations, including (but not limited to) taxable municipal obligations, U.S. Treasury securities, obligations of the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities ("Agency Securities") and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to gain exposure to the municipal market.

Allocation to Golden State Tobacco, Mohegan Tribal Finance Authority, and Tender Option Bond Trust contributed. Allocation to Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, and Iowa Finance Authority detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* June 14, 2012 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A, C, and P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date Performance
              Inception Date
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 11.94 % 6.53 % 6/14/12 -
  Including Sales Charge 7.72 % 5.57 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge 11.01 % 5.72 % 6/14/12 -
  Including Sales Charge 10.01 % 5.72 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 12.35 % 6.68 % 12/30/13 6/14/12


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus        
Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 1.10 % 0.96 %
Class C Shares 1.96 % 1.71 %
Class P Shares 1.05 % 0.76 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: 7.93% (1-year); 5.69% (since inception)        
Class C Shares: 10.33% (1-year); 5.91% (since inception)        
Class P Shares****: 12.56% (1-year); 6.85% (since inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Class A shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 5/31/12 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Origin Emerging Markets Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Origin Asset Management, LLP

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of emerging market companies at the time of each purchase. Emerging market companies are companies with their principal place of business or principal office in emerging market countries or companies whose principal securities trading market is an emerging market country.

The information technology sector was the strongest contributor to relative performance, with Asian internet and mobile device hardware companies especially strong. The telecommunications and consumer staples sectors also contributed. From a geographical perspective, stock selection within China/Hong Kong was especially strong. The violent technical reversal, with previously weak stocks outperforming at the expense of prior winners, was a detractor from performance due to the Fund's emphasis on trend following, so long as those trends are justified by company fundamentals. For the most part, the change in leadership does not appear to be supported by any major change in underlying company fundamental performance. From a geographical perspective, Taiwan and South Korea were the biggest detractors as previously strongly performing financial companies markedly underperformed. Stock selection within Brazil, Turkey, India, and South Africa detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* January 23, 2015 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016              
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date   Performance
                Inception Date
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 7.03 % -5.38 % 1/23/2015   -
  Including Sales Charge 1.12 % -8.65 %      
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 7.41 % -6.20 % 3/29/2016   1/23/2015
Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus for Class A; 3/29/16 for Class P        
    Gross Expense Ratio       Net Expense Ratio
Class A Shares   8.96 %     1.75 %  
Class P Shares   1.39 %     1.39 %  
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:            
Class A Shares: -20.60% (1-year); -13.42% (since inception)            
Class P Shares****: -15.61% (1-year); -10.86% (since inception)            


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 1/31/15 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Preferred Securities Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Spectrum Asset Management, Inc.

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks to provide current income. The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in preferred securities at the time of purchase. It concentrates its investments (invests more than 25% of its net assets) in securities in the U.S. and non-U.S. financial services (i.e., banking, insurance and commercial finance,) industry. The fund also regularly invests in the real estate investment trust (i.e. REIT) and utility industries.

The hybrid market performed well during the year against the backdrop of declining interest rates and central bank policy support. The negotiated exchange by GE for its preferred stock of GECC benefited performance. Security selection in domestic securities contributed, particularly in industrials. Contingent capital (CoCo) securities, especially European bank AT1's, performed poorly in February due to the fear of coupon skips by European banks. Certain insurance names declined due to continued structural concerns of term extension rather than being called at par. Being underweight to DRD (dividend received deduction)-eligible preferred securities, which outperformed the overall index, detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* August 31, 2006 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016                
    1-Year   5-Year   10-Year    Inception  Performance
                Date Inception
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 6.89 % 7.75 % 6.41 % 6/28/05 5/1/02
  Including Sales Charge 2.87 % 6.93 % 6.00 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge 6.11 % 6.96 % 5.62 % 1/16/07 5/1/02
  Including Sales Charge 5.11 % 6.96 % 5.62 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 7.21 % 8.01 % 6.59 % 9/27/10 5/1/02


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus      
  Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 1.07 % 1.07 %
Class C Shares 1.82 % 1.82 %
Class P Shares 0.83 % 0.83 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: 1.03% (1-year); 5.79% (5-year); 6.17% (10-year)      
Class C Shares: 3.21% (1-year); 5.82% (5-year); 5.78% (10-year)      
Class P Shares****: 5.25% (1-year); 6.86% (5-year); 6.75% (10-year)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index. Preferreds Blended Index is composed of 50% BofA Merrill Lynch Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index and 50% BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Capital Securities Index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Real Estate Allocation Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks total return with income. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in mutual funds that invest in the real estate industry at the time of purchase. The underlying funds invest in equity and debt real estate securities of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers and are both concentrated in the real estate industry; therefore, the Real Estate Allocation Fund is considered concentrated in the real estate industry as well. The fund allocates its investments between the underlying funds, 25% to 75% in each underlying fund, based on qualitative and quantitative analysis.

An average overweight to global real estate securities vs. real estate debt contributed to overall relative performance. Within the Real Estate Debt Income Fund (sub-advised by Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC), overweight to out-of-index legacy bonds as well as being overweight duration at the 10-year portion of the interest rate curve during a period when the yield curve flattened contributed. Within the Global Real Estate Securities Fund (sub-advised by Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC), positive attribution came from an overweight to U.S. industrial and self-storage, as well as German residential companies.

Both of the underlying funds posted negative excess returns vs. their respective benchmarks. Overweight to London office in the global real estate securities sleeve detracted. Within the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) sleeve, overweight to BBB-rated bonds relative to the benchmark during a period where the credit curve steepened materially between those bonds and AAA-rated bonds detracted.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* December 31, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date  
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 10.34 % 4.10 % 12/31/14  
  Including Sales Charge 4.27 % 0.63 %    
Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus            
  Gross Expense Ratio       Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares   31.38 %     0.50 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:          
Class A Shares: 0.96%(1-Year); -0.67% (Since Inception)            


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index. Real Estate Allocation Blended Index is composed of 50% FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Index NR and 50% Barclays CMBS ERISA ELIGIBLE Index.



Real Estate Debt Income Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks current income. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in debt securities of U.S. companies principally engaged in the real estate industry at the time of purchase. A real estate company has at least 50% of its assets, income or profits derived from products or services related to the real estate industry. The fund is non-diversified.

Being overweight to out-of-index legacy bonds that benefitted from a higher percentage of maturing loans paying off than was expected at the beginning of the period contributed. Being overweight the index exposure to 2014-2016 vintage AA and A-rated bonds during a period where the credit curve flattened between those bonds and AAA-rated bonds contributed. Being overweight to the 10-year part of the Treasury curve and underweight the 5-year part of the curve during a period where the yield curve flattened contributed. Being overweight BBB-rated bonds relative to the benchmark during a period where the credit curve steepened materially between those bonds and AAA-rated bonds detracted. One detractor was exposure to out-of-index interest only (IO) securities during a period when IO spreads widened relative to index spreads.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* December 31, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 3.75%; Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Where gross and net expenses differ, Principal Management Corporation has contractually agreed to limit the investment option’s expenses.

Expense limits apply through 12/30/16 for Class A; 12/30/2016 for Class P. Returns displayed are based on net total investment expense.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016            
    1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date Performance
              Inception Date
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 5.27 % 2.89 % 12/31/14 -
  Including Sales Charge 1.32 % 0.56 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 4.59 % 2.51 % 6/15/15 12/31/14


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus        
Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 1.14 % 1.00 %
Class P Shares 0.89 % 0.75 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: -0.21% (1-Year); -0.48% (Since Inception)        
Class P Shares****: 2.97% (1-Year); 1.64% (Since Inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund

Investment Advisor:
Principal Management Corporation

Edge Asset Management, Inc.

What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?*

The investment seeks to provide current income and long-term growth of income and capital. The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in dividend-paying equity securities of companies with small to medium market capitalizations at the time of each purchase. It invests in the securities of foreign issuers, real estate investment trusts, preferred securities, convertible securities, master limited partnerships, and royalty trusts.

New Flyer Industries (NFI) contributed due to outperformance on strong top and bottom line growth. Its acquisition of Motor Coach Industries was a positive development as the combined company dominates the metropolitan bus and motor coach markets in North America. Digital Realty Trust (DLR) contributed as it outperformed on top and bottom-line growth. DLR made an accretive acquisition of TelX, which diversified its portfolio by expanding into the colocation and interconnection businesses. Additionally, DLR grew its footprint overseas by acquiring eight facilities in Europe. EPR Properties (EPR) contributed as the specialty real estate investment trust (REIT) had strong financial results, continued to invest for future growth, and also likely benefitted from the low interest rate environment and corresponding investor interest in the higher-yielding sector. HollyFrontier (HFC) detracted from as tighter refining margins weighed on profitability. Colony Capital (CLNY) traded down following the announcement of its planned tri-merger with NorthStar Asset Management and NorthStar Realty Finance. Alliance Resource Partners underperformed as the price of coal grew pressured and the price differential between its contract rates and the current market rate weighed on the stock.

* Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



Value of a $10,000 Investment* June 6, 2011 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

A sales charge may apply as follows: Class A shares: maximum up-front sales charge of 5.50%; Class C shares: contingent deferred sales charge of 1% on redemptions made during the first 12 months. Class P Shares do not have a sales charge. See the prospectus for details. Performance listed with sales charge reflects the maximum sales charge.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016                
    1-Year   5-Year    Since    Inception  Performance
            Inception   Date Inception
Class A Shares Excluding Sales Charge 22.61 % 14.42 % 12.12 % 6/6/11 -
  Including Sales Charge 15.87 % 13.14 % 10.92 %    
Class C Shares Excluding Sales Charge 21.57 % 13.49 % 11.19 % 6/14/12 6/6/11
  Including Sales Charge 20.57 % 13.49 % 11.19 %    
Class P Shares Excluding Sales Charge 22.98 % 14.76 % 12.66 % 6/6/11 -


Total Investment Expense as shown in the 12/31/15 prospectus      
  Gross Expense Ratio   Net Expense Ratio  
Class A Shares 1.18 % 1.18 %
Class C Shares 1.97 % 1.97 %
Class P Shares 0.90 % 0.90 %
Average annual total returns* including sales charge as of 6/30/16:      
Class A Shares: 1.56% (1-year); 9.71% (5-year); 9.78% (since inception)      
Class C Shares: 5.63% (1-year); 10.04% (5-year); 10.09% (since inception)      
Class P Shares****: 7.85% (1-year); 11.49% (5-year); 11.55% (since inception)      


* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Extended performance is calculated based on the historical performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares, adjusted for the fees and expenses of the share class shown. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Net asset value is not adjusted for sales charge.

*** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 5/31/11 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

**** Class P Shares do not have a sales charge.



PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                  
August 31, 2016                    
            Opportunities     Diversified Real  
Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts   Blue Chip Fund     Explorer Fund     Asset Fund(a)  
Investment in securities--at cost   $ 1,157,009   $ 19,544   $ 3,665,518  
Foreign currency--at cost   $   $   $ 29,195  
Investment in securities--at value   $ 1,332,876   $ 19,710   $ 3,757,312  
Foreign currency--at value             29,173  
Cash             23,793  
Deposits with counterparty         264     2,387  
Dividends and interest     1,516     100     6,495  
Expense reimbursement from Manager         3     66  
Foreign currency contracts             4,940  
Fund shares sold     578         2,413  
Investment securities sold     1,318     5,875     7,531  
OTC swap agreements--at value (premiums paid $0, $0 and $0)         4     259  
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments         4     4,622  
Prepaid expenses         3      
Total Assets     1,336,288     25,963     3,838,991  
Accrued management and investment advisory fees     770     10     2,492  
Accrued distribution fees     26     2     55  
Accrued transfer agent fees     20     1     479  
Accrued directors' expenses     4     2     6  
Accrued professional fees     22     26     88  
Accrued other expenses     20         86  
Cash overdraft         95      
Dividends payable         15      
Foreign currency contracts             6,321  
Fund shares redeemed     840         1,789  
Investment securities purchased     1,514     6,432     105,513  
Options and swaptions contracts written (premiums received $0, $0 and $1,672)             1,109  
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments         4     4,865  
Total Liabilities     3,216     6,587     122,803  
Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares   $ 1,333,072   $ 19,376   $ 3,716,188  
Net Assets Consist of:                    
Capital shares and additional paid-in-capital   $ 1,155,183   $ 20,337   $ 4,018,935  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)     2,173     64     93,211  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net realized gain (loss)     (151 )   (1,151 )   (486,867 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments     175,867     126     92,323  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of assets and liabilities in foreign                    
currency             (1,414 )
Total Net Assets   $ 1,333,072   $ 19,376   $ 3,716,188  
Capital Stock (par value: $.01 per share):                    
Shares authorized     950,000     200,000     1,725,000  
Net Asset Value Per Share:                    
Class A: Net Assets $   36,575   $ 9,669   $ 210,864  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     2,171     1,018     19,056  
Net Asset Value per share $   16.85   $ 9.50   $ 11.07  
Maximum Offering Price $   17.83   $ 9.87   $ 11.50  
Class C: Net Assets $   21,705     N/A   $ 31,350  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     1,314           2,902  
Net Asset Value per share $   16.52 (b)       $ 10.80 (b)
Class P: Net Assets $   17,494     N/A   $ 149,921  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     1,031           13,566  
Net Asset Value per share $   16.97         $ 11.05  
Institutional: Net Assets $   1,257,265   $ 9,707   $ 3,294,419  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     73,939     1,019     297,253  
Net Asset Value per share $   17.00   $ 9.52   $ 11.08  
R-3: Net Assets $   11     N/A   $ 11  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     1           1  
Net Asset Value per share $   16.96         $ 11.06  
R-4: Net Assets $   11     N/A   $ 11  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     1           1  
Net Asset Value per share $   16.98         $ 11.07  
R-5: Net Assets $   11     N/A   $ 11  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     1           1  
Net Asset Value per share $   16.99         $ 11.08  
R-6: Net Assets     N/A     N/A   $ 29,601  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 2,671  
Net Asset Value per share               $ 11.08  


(a)      Consolidated financial statement, see "Basis for Consolidation" in Notes to Financial Statements.
(b)      Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

See accompanying notes.



PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                  
August 31, 2016                    
  Dynamic High Yield     Global Multi-       Equity Hedged  
Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts Explorer Fund     Strategy Fund       Fund  
Investment in securities--at cost $ 15,662   $ 3,159,743     $ 6,564  
Foreign currency--at cost $   $ 17,747     $ 5  
Investment in securities--at value $ 15,632   $ 3,241,562     $ 6,858  
Foreign currency--at value       17,702       5  
Cash   3     22,943        
Deposits with counterparty       466,787       18  
Dividends and interest   106     11,759       14  
Expense reimbursement from Manager   4     4       13  
Foreign currency contracts       24,086        
Fund shares sold   2     3,999        
Investment securities sold   44     73,589       322  
OTC swap agreements--at value (premiums paid $0, $3,776 and $0)       12,167        
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments       1,315       18  
Prepaid expenses   4           7  
Total Assets   15,795     3,875,913       7,255  
Accrued management and investment advisory fees   8     3,588       6  
Accrued distribution fees   1     79       1  
Accrued transfer agent fees   1     162       1  
Accrued directors' expenses   2     5       2  
Accrued professional fees   35     143       24  
Accrued other expenses       3,125        
Cash overdraft             19  
Dividends payable   57            
Foreign currency contracts       21,217        
Fund shares redeemed       2,943        
Investment securities purchased   1,525     103,015       286  
Options and swaptions contracts written (premiums received $0, $5,941 and $0)       3,327        
Reverse repurchase agreements       257,667        
Short sales (proceeds received $0, $689,197 and $0)       720,668        
OTC swap agreements--at value (premiums received $0, $2,619 and $0)       3,816        
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments       2,130        
Total Liabilities   1,629     1,121,885       339  
Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares $ 14,166   $ 2,754,028     $ 6,916  
Net Assets Consist of:                    
Capital shares and additional paid-in-capital $ 15,467   $ 2,750,641     $ 7,571  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   (10 )   (2,623 )     49  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net realized gain (loss)   (1,261 )   (45,912 )     (677 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   (30 )   49,069       (27 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of assets and liabilities in foreign                    
currency       2,853        
Total Net Assets $ 14,166   $ 2,754,028     $ 6,916  
Capital Stock (par value: $.01 per share):                    
Shares authorized   200,000     1,450,000       300,000  
Net Asset Value Per Share:                    
Class A: Net Assets $ 7,267   $ 145,370   $   2,345  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   795     13,495       257  
Net Asset Value per share $ 9.14   $ 10.77   $   9.12  
Maximum Offering Price $ 9.50   $ 11.19   $   9.65  
Class C: Net Assets   N/A   $ 56,557       N/A  
Shares Issued and Outstanding         5,354          
Net Asset Value per share       $ 10.56 (a)        
Class P: Net Assets   N/A   $ 286,895   $   2,285  
Shares Issued and Outstanding         26,527       250  
Net Asset Value per share       $ 10.82   $   9.14  
Institutional: Net Assets $ 6,899   $ 2,265,206   $   2,286  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   752     208,536       250  
Net Asset Value per share $ 9.17   $ 10.86   $   9.14  


(a)      Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

See accompanying notes.



PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                
August 31, 2016                  
    Global     International Small     Equity Long/Short  
Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts Opportunities Fund     Company Fund     Fund  
Investment in securities--at cost $ 1,250,184   $ 167,753   $ 331,044  
Foreign currency--at cost $   $ 2   $ 427  
Investment in securities--at value $ 1,313,565   $ 170,706   $ 337,068  
Foreign currency--at value       3     429  
Deposits with counterparty           121,285  
Dividends and interest   3,929     296     527  
Expense reimbursement from Manager   6         14  
Foreign currency contracts           261  
Fund shares sold   170     2      
Investment securities sold   38,892     816     5,942  
OTC swap agreements--at value (premiums paid $0, $0 and $0)           499  
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments           153  
Total Assets   1,356,562     171,823     466,178  
Accrued management and investment advisory fees   945     153     435  
Accrued distribution fees   2     1      
Accrued transfer agent fees   5     3     2  
Accrued custodian fees       24      
Accrued directors' expenses   3     2     1  
Accrued professional fees   34     24     26  
Accrued other expenses   40     17     221  
Cash overdraft           10,333  
Foreign currency contracts           175  
Fund shares redeemed   479          
Investment securities purchased   27,455     630     7,967  
Short sales (proceeds received $0, $0 and $120,213)           120,823  
OTC swap agreements--at value (premiums received $0, $0 and $0)           84  
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments           49  
Total Liabilities   28,963     854     140,116  
Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares $ 1,327,599   $ 170,969   $ 326,062  
Net Assets Consist of:                  
Capital shares and additional paid-in-capital $ 1,262,823   $ 170,995   $ 324,242  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   18,782     406     881  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net realized gain (loss)   (17,297 )   (3,385 )   (3,960 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   63,381     2,953     4,879  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of assets and liabilities in foreign                  
currency   (90 )       20  
Total Net Assets $ 1,327,599   $ 170,969   $ 326,062  
Capital Stock (par value: $.01 per share):                  
Shares authorized   650,000     300,000     400,000  
Net Asset Value Per Share:                  
Class A: Net Assets $ 4,940   $ 2,026   $ 55  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   431     207     6  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.45   $ 9.80   $ 9.97  
Maximum Offering Price $ 12.12   $ 10.37   $ 10.55  
Class C: Net Assets $ 1,595     N/A     N/A  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   141              
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.34 (a)            
Class P: Net Assets $ 164   $ 157   $ 10  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   14     16     1  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.53   $ 9.80   $ 9.98  
Institutional: Net Assets $ 1,320,900   $ 168,786   $ 10  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   114,207     17,108     1  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.57   $ 9.87   $ 9.99  
R-6: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $ 325,987  
Shares Issued and Outstanding               32,619  
Net Asset Value per share             $ 9.99  


(a)      Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

See accompanying notes.



PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                  
August 31, 2016                    
  Opportunistic     Origin Emerging       Preferred  
Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts Municipal Fund     Markets Fund       Securities Fund  
Investment in securities--at cost $ 136,413   $ 709,072     $ 5,318,657  
Investments in affiliated securities--at cost $   $     $ 121,899  
Investment in securities--at value $ 144,558   $ 777,161     $ 5,638,640  
Investment in affiliated securities--at value             121,028  
Cash   5,002     119        
Deposits with counterparty       1,600        
Dividends and interest   1,574     1,334       69,917  
Expense reimbursement from Manager   7     7        
Expense reimbursement from Distributor             1  
Fund shares sold   675     218       33,348  
Investment securities sold   3,791           3,493  
Total Assets   155,607     780,439       5,866,427  
Accrued management and investment advisory fees   59     789       3,440  
Accrued administrative service fees             1  
Accrued distribution fees   24           919  
Accrued service fees             3  
Accrued transfer agent fees   9     4       794  
Accrued directors' expenses   3     4       11  
Accrued professional fees   26     26       35  
Accrued other expenses   15     87       201  
Dividends payable   356           20,510  
Fund shares redeemed   169     518       10,614  
Interest expense and fees payable   13            
Investment securities purchased   9,064           195  
Options and swaptions contracts written (premiums received $0, $0 and $4,386)             2,034  
Variation margin on financial derivative instruments       366        
Floating rate notes issued   5,565            
Total Liabilities   15,303     1,794       38,757  
Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares $ 140,304   $ 778,645     $ 5,827,670  
Net Assets Consist of:                    
Capital shares and additional paid-in-capital $ 133,393   $ 905,456     $ 5,445,948  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   206     5,349       23,900  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net realized gain (loss)   (1,440 )   (200,116 )     36,358  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   8,145     67,950       321,464  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of assets and liabilities in foreign                    
currency       6        
Total Net Assets $ 140,304   $ 778,645     $ 5,827,670  
Capital Stock (par value: $.01 per share):                    
Shares authorized   450,000     425,000       2,200,000  
Net Asset Value Per Share:                    
Class A: Net Assets $ 49,208   $ 401   $   883,381  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   4,461     44       85,235  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.03   $ 9.07   $   10.36  
Maximum Offering Price $ 11.46   $ 9.60   $   10.76  
Class C: Net Assets $ 16,455     N/A   $   859,055  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   1,492             82,987  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.03 (a)       $   10.35 (a)
Class J: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $   50,135  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 4,957  
Net Asset Value per share             $   10.11 (a)
Class P: Net Assets $ 71,035   $ 11   $   1,578,548  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   6,431     1       153,408  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.05   $ 8.97   $   10.29  
Institutional: Net Assets $ 3,606   $ 778,143   $   2,444,823  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   327     86,740       237,368  
Net Asset Value per share $ 11.03   $ 8.97   $   10.30  
R-1: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $   1,572  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 153  
Net Asset Value per share             $   10.25  
R-2: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $   1,234  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 121  
Net Asset Value per share             $   10.20  
R-3: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $   3,311  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 324  
Net Asset Value per share             $   10.23  
R-4: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $   1,395  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 137  
Net Asset Value per share             $   10.21  
R-5: Net Assets   N/A     N/A   $   4,216  
Shares Issued and Outstanding                 411  
Net Asset Value per share             $   10.26  
R-6: Net Assets   N/A   $ 90       N/A  
Shares Issued and Outstanding         10          
Net Asset Value per share       $ 8.97          


(a)      Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

See accompanying notes.



PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.              
August 31, 2016                
    Real Estate   Real Estate Debt     Dividend  
Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts and Real Estate Allocation Fund Allocation Fund   Income Fund     Income Fund  
Investment in securities--at cost $ $ 151,973   $ 1,978,440  
Investment in affiliated Funds--at cost $ 902,354 $   $  
Foreign currency--at cost $ $   $ 327  
Investment in securities--at value $ $ 154,020   $ 2,283,882  
Investment in affiliated Funds--at value   930,678        
Foreign currency--at value         327  
Dividends and interest   1,286   879     4,602  
Expense reimbursement from Manager   8,529   4      
Fund shares sold   4,945   444     10,912  
Other assets   2        
Total Assets   945,440   155,347     2,299,723  
Accrued management and investment advisory fees     71     1,454  
Accrued distribution fees   148       179  
Accrued transfer agent fees   1,329   1     212  
Accrued directors' expenses   2,282   3     5  
Accrued professional fees   14,822   27     25  
Accrued registration fees   2,188        
Accrued other expenses   177   9     76  
Dividends payable     425      
Fund shares redeemed     28     1,877  
Investment securities purchased   6,232       4,695  
Total Liabilities   27,178   564     8,523  
Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares $ 918,262 $ 154,783   $ 2,291,200  
Net Assets Consist of:                
Capital shares and additional paid-in-capital $ 883,720 $ 152,700   $ 1,993,907  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   1,742   33     44,586  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net realized gain (loss)   4,476   3     (52,733 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   28,324   2,047     305,442  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of assets and liabilities in foreign                
currency         (2 )
Total Net Assets $ 918,262 $ 154,783   $ 2,291,200  
Capital Stock (par value: $.01 per share):                
Shares authorized   200,000,000   300,000     1,700,000  
Net Asset Value Per Share:                
Class A: Net Assets $ 729,997 $ 831 $   207,431  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   70,513   83     13,877  
Net Asset Value per share $ 10.35 $ 9.97 $   14.95  
Maximum Offering Price $ 10.95 $ 10.36 $   15.82  
Class C: Net Assets   N/A   N/A $   165,335  
Shares Issued and Outstanding             11,139  
Net Asset Value per share         $   14.84 (a)
Class P: Net Assets   N/A $ 136 $   775,969  
Shares Issued and Outstanding       14     51,200  
Net Asset Value per share     $ 9.87 $   15.16  
Institutional: Net Assets $ 188,265 $ 153,816 $   1,142,465  
Shares Issued and Outstanding   18,071   15,583     76,102  
Net Asset Value per share $ 10.42 $ 9.87 $   15.01  


(a)      Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

See accompanying notes.



Year Ended August 31, 2016

          Credit Opportunities     Diversified Real  
Amounts in thousands Blue Chip Fund(a)     Explorer Fund     Asset Fund(a),(b)  
Net Investment Income (Loss)                  
Dividends $ 13,324   $   $ 68,085  
Withholding tax   (460 )       (1,973 )
Interest   5     799     38,647  
Total Income   12,869     799     104,759  
Management and investment advisory fees   8,675     112     29,316  
Distribution fees - Class A   73     23     241  
Distribution fees - Class C   165     N/A     359  
Registration fees - Class A   22     20     15  
Registration fees - Class C   18     N/A     15  
Registration fees - Class P   14     N/A     47  
Registration fees - Institutional   2     19     44  
Registration fees - R-6   N/A     N/A     18  
Shareholder reports - Class A   18         55  
Shareholder reports - Class C   8     N/A     24  
Shareholder reports - Class P   2     N/A     167  
Shareholder reports - Institutional           297  
Shareholder reports - R-6   N/A     N/A     1  
Transfer agent fees - Class A   58     9     129  
Transfer agent fees - Class C   38     N/A     67  
Transfer agent fees - Class P   8     N/A     761  
Transfer agent fees - Institutional   1         1,181  
Custodian fees   3     4     178  
Directors' expenses   26     3     73  
Professional fees   27     30     197  
Other expenses   12     1     33  
Total Gross Expenses   9,170     221     33,218  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class A       25     28  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class C       N/A     43  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class P       N/A     394  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Institutional       29      
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - R-6   N/A     N/A     14  
Total Net Expenses   9,170     167     32,739  
Net Investment Income (Loss)   3,699     632     72,020  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                  
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements                  
Net realized gain (loss) from:                  
Investment transactions   14,125     (375 )   (353,416 )
Foreign currency transactions       (4 )   (6,572 )
Futures contracts       (204 )   6,910  
Options and swaptions           3,760  
Swap agreements       (77 )   (2,260 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of:                  
Investments   121,600     957     248,869  
Futures contracts       8     (67 )
Options and swaptions           387  
Swap agreements       (56 )   696  
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies           (3,180 )
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                  
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements   135,725     249     (104,873 )
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 139,424   $ 881   $ (32,853 )


(a)      R-3, R-4 and R-5 shares commenced operations on March 29, 2016.
(b)      Consolidated financial statement, see "Basis for Consolidation" in Notes to Financial Statements.

See accompanying notes.



Year Ended August 31, 2016

                Global Opportunities  
  Dynamic High Yield     Global Multi-     Equity Hedged  
Amounts in thousands Explorer Fund     Strategy Fund     Fund(a)  
Net Investment Income (Loss)                  
Dividends $   $ 24,593   $ 171  
Withholding tax       (587 )   (12 )
Interest   825     52,243      
Total Income   825     76,249     159  
Management and investment advisory fees   90     46,936     75  
Distribution fees - Class A   18     403     6  
Distribution fees - Class C   N/A     606     N/A  
Registration fees - Class A   20     42     22  
Registration fees - Class C   N/A     21     N/A  
Registration fees - Class P   N/A     51     23  
Registration fees - Institutional   20     19     22  
Shareholder reports - Class A   1     27      
Shareholder reports - Class C   N/A     11     N/A  
Shareholder reports - Class P   N/A     38      
Shareholder reports - Institutional       91      
Transfer agent fees - Class A   10     102     9  
Transfer agent fees - Class C   N/A     74     N/A  
Transfer agent fees - Class P   N/A     275      
Transfer agent fees - Institutional       361      
Custodian fees   1     403     23  
Directors' expenses   3     61     2  
Dividends and interest on securities sold short       12,537      
Professional fees   39     243     29  
Short sale fees       805      
Other expenses   2     32     2  
Reverse repurchase agreement interest expense       800      
Total Gross Expenses   204     63,938     213  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class A   40         46  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class C   N/A     9     N/A  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class P   N/A         37  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Institutional   35         38  
Total Net Expenses   129     63,929     92  
Net Investment Income (Loss)   696     12,320     67  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                  
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements                  
Net realized gain (loss) from:                  
Investment transactions   (906 )   (18,701 )   (81 )
Foreign currency transactions       (3,294 )   (9 )
Futures contracts       (1,779 )   (595 )
Options and swaptions       8,424      
Short sales       2,765      
Swap agreements       10,069      
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of:                  
Investments   582     110,059     294  
Futures contracts       (19,760 )   (321 )
Options and swaptions       8,340      
Short sales       (47,199 )    
Swap agreements       (7,637 )    
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies       (7,569 )    
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                  
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements   (324 )   33,718     (712 )
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 372   $ 46,038   $ (645 )


(a)      Period from September 22, 2015, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016.

See accompanying notes.



Year Ended August 31, 2016

    Global     International Small     Equity  
Amounts in thousands Opportunities Fund     Company Fund     Long/Short Fund(a)  
Net Investment Income (Loss)                  
Dividends $ 32,206   $ 1,135   $ 1,402  
Withholding tax   (1,805 )   (99 )   (71 )
Interest   61     3     55  
Total Income   30,462     1,039     1,386  
Management and investment advisory fees   10,671     532     1,494  
Distribution fees - Class A   11     12      
Distribution fees - Class C   17     N/A     N/A  
Registration fees - Class A   13     11     19  
Registration fees - Class C   13     N/A     N/A  
Registration fees - Class P   13     11     20  
Registration fees - Institutional   19     26     19  
Registration fees - R-6   N/A     N/A     19  
Shareholder reports - Class A   4     1      
Shareholder reports - Class C   1     N/A     N/A  
Transfer agent fees - Class A   19     15     5  
Transfer agent fees - Class C   13     N/A     N/A  
Transfer agent fees - Class P   1     1      
Transfer agent fees - Institutional   1     3      
Custodian fees   78     60     28  
Directors' expenses   28     3     2  
Dividends and interest on securities sold short           590  
Professional fees   120     29     28  
Short sale fees           157  
Other expenses   8     2     19  
Total Gross Expenses   11,030     706     2,400  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class A   19     42     25  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class C   21     N/A     N/A  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class P   13     24     20  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Institutional       11     20  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - R-6   N/A     N/A     65  
Total Net Expenses   10,977     629     2,270  
Net Investment Income (Loss)   19,485     410     (884 )
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                  
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements                  
Net realized gain (loss) from:                  
Investment transactions   (14,828 )   (2,646 )   785  
Foreign currency transactions   (675 )   28     513  
Futures contracts           (1,489 )
Net increase from payments by affiliates           126  
Options and swaptions           (43 )
Short sales           (3,170 )
Swap agreements           1,083  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of:                  
Investments   37,011     2,898     6,024  
Futures contracts           (950 )
Short sales           (610 )
Swap agreements           415  
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies   (33 )       20  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                  
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements   21,475     280     2,704  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 40,960   $ 690   $ 1,820  


(a)      Period from March 31, 2016, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016.

See accompanying notes.



Year Ended August 31, 2016

  Opportunistic   Origin Emerging     Preferred  
Amounts in thousands Municipal Fund   Markets Fund(a)     Securities Fund  
Net Investment Income (Loss)                
Dividends from affiliated securities $ $   $ 9,081  
Dividends   40   18,627     104,767  
Withholding tax     (2,295 )   (89 )
Interest   4,261   42     193,033  
Total Income   4,301   16,374     306,792  
Management and investment advisory fees   483   9,346     36,344  
Distribution fees - Class A   92   1     2,017  
Distribution fees - Class C   133   N/A     8,104  
Distribution fees - Class J   N/A   N/A     87  
Distribution fees - R-1   N/A   N/A     6  
Distribution fees - R-2   N/A   N/A     5  
Distribution fees - R-3   N/A   N/A     9  
Distribution fees - R-4   N/A   N/A     1  
Administrative service fees - R-1   N/A   N/A     5  
Administrative service fees - R-2   N/A   N/A     3  
Administrative service fees - R-3   N/A   N/A     3  
Registration fees - Class A   26   16     79  
Registration fees - Class C   16   N/A     35  
Registration fees - Class J   N/A   N/A     17  
Registration fees - Class P   23   18     123  
Registration fees - Institutional   18   2     190  
Registration fees - R-6   N/A   20     N/A  
Service fees - R-1   N/A   N/A     4  
Service fees - R-2   N/A   N/A     4  
Service fees - R-3   N/A   N/A     9  
Service fees - R-4   N/A   N/A     3  
Service fees - R-5   N/A   N/A     10  
Shareholder reports - Class A   1   1     76  
Shareholder reports - Class C   1   N/A     50  
Shareholder reports - Class J   N/A   N/A     8  
Shareholder reports - Class P   1       56  
Shareholder reports - Institutional         139  
Transfer agent fees - Class A   19   9     780  
Transfer agent fees - Class C   13   N/A     764  
Transfer agent fees - Class J   N/A   N/A     77  
Transfer agent fees - Class P   13       1,396  
Transfer agent fees - Institutional     9     970  
Custodian fees   1   269     22  
Directors' expenses   5   15     109  
Interest expense and fees   46        
Professional fees   30   33     43  
Other expenses   3   8     58  
Total Gross Expenses   924   9,747     51,606  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class A   7   26      
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class C   16   N/A      
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class P     19      
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Institutional   18        
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - R-6   N/A   20     N/A  
Less: Reimbursement from Distributor - Class J   N/A   N/A     19  
Total Net Expenses   883   9,682     51,587  
Net Investment Income (Loss)   3,418   6,692     255,205  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements                
Net realized gain (loss) from:                
Investment transactions   111   (128,603 )   (46,201 )
Foreign currency transactions     (1,341 )    
Futures contracts     (2,662 )   50,888  
Options and swaptions         48,325  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of:                
Investments   7,099   175,536     53,290  
Investment in affiliated securities         (3,182 )
Futures contracts     2,825      
Options and swaptions         1,474  
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     43      
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,                
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements   7,210   45,798     104,594  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 10,628 $ 52,490   $ 359,799  
(a) Class P shares commenced operations on March 29, 2016.                


See accompanying notes.



Year Ended August 31, 2016

  Real Estate   Real Estate Debt   Dividend  
Amounts in thousands, except Real Estate Allocation Fund Allocation Fund   Income Fund   Income Fund  
Net Investment Income (Loss)              
Dividends from affiliated Funds $ 15,383 $ $  
Dividends     1   67,742  
Withholding tax       (272 )
Interest     2,926   80  
Securities lending - net       200  
Total Income   15,383   2,927   67,750  
Management and investment advisory fees   N/A   413   14,083  
Distribution fees - Class A   1,260   40   414  
Distribution fees - Class C   N/A   N/A   1,378  
Registration fees - Class A   17,059   15   21  
Registration fees - Class C   N/A   N/A   21  
Registration fees - Class P   N/A   16   28  
Registration fees - Institutional   16,668   21   27  
Shareholder reports - Class A   821   1   28  
Shareholder reports - Class C   N/A   N/A   17  
Shareholder reports - Class P   N/A     30  
Shareholder reports - Institutional   7     37  
Transfer agent fees - Class A   10,778   10   190  
Transfer agent fees - Class C   N/A   N/A   185  
Transfer agent fees - Class P   N/A     500  
Transfer agent fees - Institutional   158     346  
Custodian fees     1   6  
Directors' expenses   2,214   4   38  
Professional fees   16,190   30   30  
Other expenses   1,206   3   18  
Total Gross Expenses   66,361   554   17,397  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class A   44,225   6    
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class P   N/A   17    
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Institutional   19,488      
Total Net Expenses   2,648   531   17,397  
Net Investment Income (Loss)   12,735   2,396   50,353  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,              
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements              
Net realized gain (loss) from:              
Investment transactions     4   (30,781 )
Investment transactions in affiliated Funds   703      
Foreign currency transactions       (4 )
Capital gain distribution received from affiliated Funds   3,841      
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of:              
Investments     2,979   368,562  
Investments in affiliated Funds   46,748      
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies       (4 )
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Foreign currencies,              
Futures, Options and Swaptions, Short sales, and Swap agreements   51,292   2,983   337,773  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 64,027 $ 5,379 $ 388,126  


See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                                     Blue Chip Fund    
                                      Year Ended   Year Ended  
                                      August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                                   $ 3,699   $ 4,998  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,                          
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements                             14,125     16,220  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,                
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies                 121,600     1,171  
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 139,424     22,389  
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                                          
From net investment income                                     (5,301 )   (3,203 )
From net realized gain on investments                                 (24,809 )   (13,610 )
                        Total Dividends and Distributions (30,110 )   (16,813 )
Capital Share Transactions                                              
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions                             (41,971 )   824,418  
                    Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 67,343     829,994  
Net Assets                                              
Beginning of period                                     1,265,729     435,735  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)               $ 1,333,072   $ 1,265,729  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)                       $ 2,173   $ 3,777  
    Class A     Class C        Class P    Institutional     R-3    R-4   R-5          
Capital Share Transactions:                                              
Year Ended August 31, 2016(a)                                              
Sold $ 19,421 $ 12,276   $   17,498 $ 45,737 $ 10 $   10 $   10          
Reinvested   524   288       364   28,919                    
Redeemed   (6,850 ) (4,435 )     (8,204 ) (147,539 )                  
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 13,095 $ 8,129   $   9,658 $ (72,883 ) $ 10 $   10 $   10          
Sold   1,248   803       1,109   2,959   1     1     1          
Reinvested   34   19       23   1,852                    
Redeemed   (440 ) (290 )     (543 ) (9,322 )                  
Net Increase (Decrease)   842   532       589   (4,511 ) 1     1     1          
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                              
Sold $ 15,335 $ 9,519   $   6,302   $ 959,697  N/A     N/A     N/A          
Reinvested   258   119       41   16,383   N/A     N/A     N/A          
Redeemed   (3,723 ) (897 )     (1,426 ) (177,190 ) N/A     N/A     N/A          
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 11,870 $ 8,741   $   4,917   $ 798,890  N/A     N/A     N/A          
Sold   982   610       390   60,682   N/A     N/A     N/A          
Reinvested   17   8       3   1,094   N/A     N/A     N/A          
Redeemed   (243 ) (58 )     (95 ) (11,172 ) N/A     N/A     N/A          
Net Increase (Decrease)   756   560       298   50,604   N/A     N/A     N/A          
Year Ended August 31, 2016(a)                                              
From net investment income $ (11 ) $   $   (59 ) $ (5,231 ) $ – $     – $              
From net realized gain on                                              
investments   (518 ) (288 )     (305 ) (23,698 )                  
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (529 ) $ (288)     $ (364 ) $ (28,929 ) $ – $     – $              
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                              
From net investment income $ (17 ) $   $   (5 ) $ (3,181 ) N/A     N/A     N/A          
From net realized gain on                                              
investments   (253 ) (119 )     (36 ) (13,202 ) N/A     N/A     N/A          
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (270 ) $ (119)     $ (41 ) $ (16,383 ) N/A     N/A     N/A          


(a)      Period from March 29, 2016, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016 for R-3, R-4 and R-5 shares.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands               Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund  
                Year Ended   Period Ended  
                August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015(a)  
Net investment income (loss)             $ 632   $ 747  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements     (660 )   (521 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     909     (783 )
          Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     881     (557 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                  
From net investment income               (570 )   (720 )
          Total Dividends and Distributions     (570 )   (720 )
Capital Share Transactions                        
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions     238     20,104  
          Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     549     18,827  
Net Assets                        
Beginning of period               18,827      
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 19,376   $ 18,827  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   $ 64   $ 26  
      Class A   Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                        
Year Ended August 31, 2016                        
Sold   $ 67 $ 174              
Reinvested     3   2              
Redeemed     (7 ) (1 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   $ 63 $ 175              
Sold     7   19              
Reinvested     1                
Redeemed     (1 )              
Net Increase (Decrease)     7   19              
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                        
Sold $ 10,102 $ 10,000              
Reinvested     2                
Net Increase (Decrease)   $ 10,104 $ 10,000              
Sold     1,011   1,000              
Net Increase (Decrease)     1,011   1,000              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                        
From net investment income$ (271 ) $ (299 )            
From net realized gain on                        
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (271 ) $ (299 )            
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                        
From net investment income$ (347 ) $ (373 )            
From net realized gain on                        
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (347 ) $ (373 )            


(a)      Period from September 10, 2014, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                                       Diversified Real Asset Fund(a)  
                                        Year Ended   Year Ended  
                                        August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                                       $   72,020   $ 52,011  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,                                  
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements                                 (351,578 )   (126,427 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,                        
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies                         246,705     (410,687 )
          Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations       (32,853 )   (485,103 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                                              
From net investment income                                           (36,288 )   (33,105 )
From net realized gain on investments                                         (35,325 )
                      Total Dividends and Distributions       (36,288 )   (68,430 )
Capital Share Transactions                                                    
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions                                 91,017     1,265,798  
                  Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets       21,876     712,265  
Net Assets                                                    
Beginning of period                                           3,694,312     2,982,047  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)                     $   3,716,188   $ 3,694,312  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)                         $   93,211   $ 76,371  
      Class A     Class C    Class P    Institutional     R-3    R-4   R-5   R-6            
Capital Share Transactions:                                                    
Year Ended August 31, 2016(b)                                                    
Sold $ 165,599 $ 3,159   $ 110,867    $ 1,235,726    $ 10 $   10 $   10 $   53,784            
Reinvested     451     2,773   31,461               18            
Redeemed     (60,549 ) (16,070 ) (342,462)   (1,067,664)                (26,106 )          
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 105,501   $ (12,911)    $ (228,822)    $ 199,523 $ 10 $   10 $   10 $   27,696            
Sold     14,973   305   10,380   116,270   1     1     1     4,976            
Reinvested     43     266   3,011               2            
Redeemed     (5,733 ) (1,547 ) (32,473 ) (101,291 )             (2,379 )          
Net Increase (Decrease)     9,283   (1,242 ) (21,827 ) 17,990   1     1     1     2,599            
Year Ended August 31, 2015(c)                                                    
Sold   $ 54,362 $ 10,722   $ 207,460     $ 1,894,082  N/A     N/A     N/A $   872            
Reinvested     2,068   494   6,441   55,907   N/A     N/A     N/A                
Redeemed     (54,238 ) (13,074 ) (71,914 ) (827,347 ) N/A     N/A     N/A     (37 )          
Net Increase (Decrease)   $ 2,192 $ (1,858)   $ 141,987     $ 1,122,642    N/A     N/A     N/A $   835            
Sold     4,438   890   16,987   154,829   N/A     N/A     N/A     75            
Reinvested     171   42   534   4,623   N/A     N/A     N/A                
Redeemed     (4,475 ) (1,106 ) (5,991 ) (68,376 ) N/A     N/A     N/A     (3 )          
Net Increase (Decrease)     134   (174 ) 11,530   91,076   N/A     N/A     N/A     72            
Year Ended August 31, 2016(b)                                                    
From net investment income $ (471 ) $ – $   (2,999 ) $ (32,800 ) $ – $     $   $   (18 )          
From net realized gain on                                                    
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (471 ) $ – $   (2,999 ) $ (32,800 ) $ – $     $   $   (18 )          
Year Ended August 31, 2015(c)                                                    
From net investment income $ (862 ) $ – $   (3,198 ) $ (29,045 ) N/A     N/A     N/A $              
From net realized gain on                                                    
investments     (1,366 ) (594 ) (3,762 ) (29,603 ) N/A     N/A     N/A                
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (2,228 ) $ (594 ) $ (6,960 ) $ (58,648 ) N/A     N/A     N/A $              


(a)      Consolidated financial statement, see "Basis for Consolidation" in Notes to Financial Statements.
(b)      Period from March 29, 2016, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016 for R-3, R-4 and R-5 shares.
(c)      Period from December 31, 2014, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015 for R-6 shares.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands             Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund  
              Year Ended   Period Ended  
              August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015(a)  
Net investment income (loss)           $ 696   $ 639  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements     (906 )   (320 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     582     (612 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     372     (293 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                  
From net investment income             (751 )   (634 )
        Total Dividends and Distributions     (751 )   (634 )
Capital Share Transactions                      
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions         (277 )   15,749  
        Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     (656 )   14,822  
Net Assets                      
Beginning of period             14,822      
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 14,166   $ 14,822  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   $ (10 ) $ 15  
    Class A   Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                      
Year Ended August 31, 2016                      
Sold $ 118 $ 15              
Reinvested   18   1              
Redeemed   (422 ) (7 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ (286 ) $ 9              
Sold   13   2              
Reinvested   2                
Redeemed   (45 ) (1 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   (30 ) 1              
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                      
Sold $ 8,329 $ 7,514              
Reinvested   16                
Redeemed   (109 ) (1 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 8,236 $ 7,513              
Sold   835   751              
Reinvested   2                
Redeemed   (12 )              
Net Increase (Decrease)   825   751              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                      
From net investment income$ (380 ) $ (371 )            
From net realized gain on                      
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (380 ) $ (371 )            
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                      
From net investment income$ (318 ) $ (316 )            
From net realized gain on                      
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (318 ) $ (316 )            


(a)      Period from September 10, 2014, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                       Global Multi-Strategy Fund  
                        Year Ended   Year Ended  
                        August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                     $ 12,320   $ (7,367 )
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements             (2,516 )   82,470  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     36,234     (59,881 )
          Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     46,038     15,222  
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                          
From net investment income                       (24,184 )   (19,599 )
From net realized gain on investments                 (64,579 )   (34,303 )
                  Total Dividends and Distributions     (88,763 )   (53,902 )
Capital Share Transactions                                
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions             (408,924 )   1,372,288  
                  Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     (451,649 )   1,333,608  
Net Assets                                
Beginning of period                       3,205,677     1,872,069  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 2,754,028   $ 3,205,677  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)       $ (2,623 ) $ 7,487  
      Class A   Class C   Class P   Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                                
Year Ended August 31, 2016                                
Sold   $ 71,294 $ 16,274   $ 168,441   $722,819              
Reinvested     4,173   1,208   6,741   63,629              
Redeemed     (111,180 ) (20,162 ) (166,821)    (1,165,340)               
Net Increase (Decrease) $ (35,713 ) $ (2,680 ) $ 8,361   $ (378,892)             
Sold     6,722   1,550   15,780   67,670              
Reinvested     395   116   635   5,972              
Redeemed     (10,450 ) (1,934 ) (15,732 ) (108,839 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     (3,333 ) (268 ) 683   (35,197 )            
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                
Sold $ 149,603 $ 29,624   $ 198,204     $ 1,386,946             
Reinvested     2,092   636   3,427   39,324              
Redeemed     (59,728 ) (11,724 ) (126,442 ) (239,674 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   $ 91,967 $ 18,536 $ 75,189   $ 1,186,596             
Sold     13,524   2,713   17,847   124,779              
Reinvested     192   59   313   3,576              
Redeemed     (5,390 ) (1,076 ) (11,368 ) (21,477 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     8,326   1,696   6,792   106,878              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                                
From net investment income $ (889 ) $ – $   (2,416 ) $ (20,879 )            
From net realized gain on                                
investments     (3,482 ) (1,372 ) (6,513 ) (53,212 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (4,371 ) $ (1,372 ) $ (8,929 ) $ (74,091 )            
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                
From net investment income $ (553 ) $ – $   (1,512 ) $ (17,534 )            
From net realized gain on                                
investments     (1,640 ) (714 ) (2,801 ) (29,148 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (2,193 ) $ (714 ) $ (4,313 ) $ (46,682 )            


See accompanying notes.



            PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.        
                  Equity Hedged  
Amounts in thousands                 Fund  
                  Period Ended  
                  August 31, 2016(a)  
Net investment income (loss)               $ 67  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,        
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements         (685 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,        
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     (27 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     (645 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                
From net investment income                 (10 )
            Total Dividends and Distributions     (10 )
Capital Share Transactions                    
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions         7,571  
            Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     6,916  
Net Assets                    
Beginning of period                  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 6,916  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)       $ 49  
    Class A   Class P   Institutional         
Capital Share Transactions:                    
Period Ended August 31, 2016(a)                    
Sold $ 2,622 $ 2,500 $ 2,500        
Redeemed   (51 )          
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 2,571 $ 2,500 $ 2,500        
Sold   262   250   250        
Redeemed   (5 )          
Net Increase (Decrease)   257   250   250        
Period Ended August 31, 2016(a)                    
From net investment income $ (4 ) $ (3 ) $ (3 )      
From net realized gain on                    
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (4 ) $ (3 ) $ (3 )      


(a)      Period from September 22, 2015, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                       Global Opportunities Fund  
                        Year Ended   Year Ended  
                        August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                     $ 19,485   $ 19,155  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements               (15,503 )   9,487  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     36,978     (79,815 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     40,960     (51,173 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                            
From net investment income                       (17,170 )   (13,001 )
From net realized gain on investments                   (11,153 )   (121,684 )
                  Total Dividends and Distributions     (28,323 )   (134,685 )
Capital Share Transactions                                
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions               52,905     39,902  
                  Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     65,542     (145,956 )
Net Assets                                
Beginning of period                       1,262,057     1,408,013  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 1,327,599   $ 1,262,057  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)             $ 18,782   $ 17,150  
    Class A   Class C     Class P   Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                                
Year Ended August 31, 2016                                
Sold $ 1,942 $ 645 $   237   $ 293,433             
Reinvested   70   17     11   28,218              
Redeemed   (1,179 ) (614 )   (879 ) (268,996 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 833 $ 48 $   (631 ) $ 52,655              
Sold   172   57     21   26,081              
Reinvested   6   1     1   2,433              
Redeemed   (104 ) (55 )   (78 ) (23,864 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   74   3     (56 ) 4,650              
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                
Sold $ 2,442 $ 767 $   959   $ 223,063             
Reinvested   261   192     51   134,179              
Redeemed   (724 ) (1,155 )   (149 ) (319,984 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 1,979 $ (196 ) $   861 $ 37,258              
Sold   202   63     77   17,613              
Reinvested   23   17     4   11,557              
Redeemed   (60 ) (97 )   (12 ) (25,293 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   165   (17 )   69   3,877              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                                
From net investment income $ (35 ) $ (2 ) $   (7 ) $ (17,126 )            
From net realized gain on                                
investments   (38 ) (16 )   (5 ) (11,094 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (73 ) $ (18 ) $   (12 ) $ (28,220 )            
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                
From net investment income $ (14 ) $ – $     (5 ) $ (12,982 )            
From net realized gain on                                
investments   (248 ) (193 )   (46 ) (121,197 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (262 ) $ (193 ) $ (51) $   (134,179  )            


See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                   International Small Company Fund  
                    Year Ended   Year Ended  
                    August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                 $ 410   $ 77  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements         (2,618 )   (586 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     2,898     114  
          Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     690     (395 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                        
From net investment income                   (181 )   (37 )
              Total Dividends and Distributions     (181 )   (37 )
Capital Share Transactions                            
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions         157,298     6,086  
              Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     157,807     5,654  
Net Assets                            
Beginning of period                   13,162     7,508  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 170,969   $ 13,162  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)       $ 406   $ 86  
    Class A     Class P   Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                            
Year Ended August 31, 2016                            
Sold $ 1,165 $ – $   167,975               
Reinvested   26       64              
Redeemed   (4,764 )   (4,232 ) (2,936 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ (3,573 ) $   (4,232 ) $ 165,103              
Sold   123       17,079              
Reinvested   3       7              
Redeemed   (489 )   (432 ) (329 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   (363 )   (432 ) 16,757              
Year Ended August 31, 2015(a)                            
Sold $ 2,038 $   1,463 $ 3,580              
Reinvested   1                    
Redeemed   (471 )   (462 ) (63 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 1,568 $   1,001 $ 3,517              
Sold   207     144   357              
Redeemed   (48 )   (46 ) (6 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   159     98   351              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                            
From net investment income $ (74 ) $   (43 ) $ (64 )            
From net realized gain on                            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (74 ) $   (43 ) $ (64 )            
Year Ended August 31, 2015(a)                            
From net investment income $ (20 ) $   (17 ) $              
From net realized gain on                            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (20 ) $   (17 ) $              


(a)      Period from December 31, 2014, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015 for Institutional shares.

See accompanying notes.



            PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.        
Amounts in thousands                       Fund  
                        Period Ended  
                        August 31, 2016(a)  
Net investment income (loss)                     $ (884 )
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,        
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements               (2,195 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,        
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     4,899  
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     1,820  
Capital Share Transactions                          
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions                 324,242  
                  Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     326,062  
Net Assets                          
Beginning of period                        
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 326,062  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)           $ 881  
    Class A    Class P Institutional   R-6         
Capital Share Transactions:                          
Period Ended August 31, 2016(a)                          
Sold $ 55 $ 10 $ 10     $ 324,461       
Redeemed           (294    
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 55 $ 10 $ 10 $324,167        
Sold   6   1   1     32,648        
Redeemed           (29)      
Net Increase (Decrease)   6   1   1     32,619        
Period Ended August 31, 2016(a)                          
From net investment income $ $ $   $        
From net realized gain on                          
Total Dividends and Distributions $ $ $   $        


(a)      Period from March 31, 2016, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                     Opportunistic Municipal Fund  
                      Year Ended   Year Ended  
                      August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                   $ 3,418   $ 1,211  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements             111     153  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     7,099     (19 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     10,628     1,345  
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                          
From net investment income                     (3,302 )   (1,171 )
                Total Dividends and Distributions     (3,302 )   (1,171 )
Capital Share Transactions                              
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions             84,228     23,023  
                Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     91,554     23,197  
Net Assets                              
Beginning of period                     48,750     25,553  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 140,304   $ 48,750  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)           $ 206   $ 94  
    Class A   Class C    Class P    Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                              
Sold $ 34,745 $ 6,664 $ 60,056 $ 3,504              
Reinvested   952   145   1,663   35              
Redeemed   (11,821 ) (1,261 ) (10,429 ) (25 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 23,876 $ 5,548 $ 51,290 $ 3,514              
Sold   3,260   629   5,653   325              
Reinvested   89   13   155   3              
Redeemed   (1,100 ) (118 ) (973 ) (2 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   2,249   524   4,835   326              
Year Ended August 31, 2015(a)                              
Sold $ 10,767 $ 1,310 $ 16,215 $ 10              
Reinvested   381   54   120                
Redeemed   (5,022 ) (691 ) (121 )              
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 6,126 $ 673 $ 16,214 $ 10              
Sold   1,051   129   1,581   1              
Reinvested   37   5   12                
Redeemed   (492 ) (68 ) (12 )              
Net Increase (Decrease)   596   66   1,581   1              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                              
From net investment income $ (1,245 ) $ (358 ) $ (1,664 ) $ (35 )            
From net realized gain on                              
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (1,245 ) $ (358 ) $ (1,664 ) $ (35 )            
Year Ended August 31, 2015(a)                              
From net investment income $ (746 ) $ (305 ) $ (120 ) $              
From net realized gain on                              
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (746 ) $ (305 ) $ (120 ) $              


(a)      Period from March 10, 2015, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015 for Institutional shares.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                             Origin Emerging Markets Fund  
                              Year Ended   Period Ended  
                              August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015(a)  
Net investment income (loss)                           $ 6,692   $ 8,483  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements                     (132,606 )   (69,773 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     178,404     (110,448 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     52,490     (171,738 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                                  
From net investment income                             (7,563 )    
                        Total Dividends and Distributions     (7,563 )    
Capital Share Transactions                                      
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions                         (82,612 )   988,068  
                        Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     (37,685 )   816,330  
Net Assets                                      
Beginning of period                             816,330      
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 778,645   $ 816,330  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)               $ 5,349   $ 7,562  
    Class A    Class P Institutional         R-6               
Capital Share Transactions:                                      
Year Ended August 31, 2016(b)                                      
Sold $ 270 $ 10 $ 209,412   $                
Reinvested   2         7,559                    
Redeemed   (102 )       (299,763 )                  
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 170 $ 10 $ (82,792)     $              
Sold   32   1       26,073                    
Reinvested           914                    
Redeemed   (13 )       (37,173 )                  
Net Increase (Decrease)   19   1       (10,186 )                  
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                                      
Sold $ 4,285   N/A $ 1,011,795     $ 3,000              
Redeemed   (3,965 ) N/A       (24,197 )     (2,850 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 320   N/A   $   987,598   $   150              
Sold   428   N/A       99,465       300              
Redeemed   (403 ) N/A       (2,539 )     (290 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   25   N/A       96,926       10              
Year Ended August 31, 2016(b)                                      
From net investment income $ (3 ) $   $   (7,559)     $ (1 )            
From net realized gain on                                      
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (3 ) $   $   (7,559)     $ (1 )            
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                                      
From net investment income $   N/A   $     $                
From net realized gain on                                      
investments     N/A                          
Total Dividends and Distributions $   N/A   $     $                


(a)      Period from January 23, 2015, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015.
(b)      Period from March 29, 2016, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2016 for Class P shares.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                                 Preferred Securities Fund  
                                  Year Ended     Year Ended  
                                  August 31, 2016     August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)                                 $   255,205     $   236,958  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,                                          
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements                                   53,012         49,548  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,                                  
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies                             51,582         (106,620 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations         359,799         179,886  
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                                                    
From net investment income                                     (246,710 )       (243,775 )
From net realized gain on investments                                       (42,753 )       (83,916 )
                  Total Dividends and Distributions         (289,463 )       (327,691 )
Capital Share Transactions                                                        
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions                             939,469         257,382  
              Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets         1,009,805         109,577  
Net Assets                                                        
Beginning of period                                     4,817,865         4,708,288  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)                   $   5,827,670     $   4,817,865  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)                         $         23,900     $   4,902  
    Class A     Class C      Class J  Class P     Institutional     R-1    R-2   R-3       R-4   R-5      
Capital Share Transactions:                                                        
Year Ended August 31, 2016                                                        
Sold $ 475,347   $ 173,69  5 $   14,119 $ 821,293     $ 1,295,88  8 $ 669 $   473 $   926     $   1,765 $   1,163      
Reinvested   37,931   26,703     2,686 48,835    67,652   81     75     196         76     220      
Redeemed   (354,083 ) (124,635 )   (10,649) (662,446)    (872,625 ) (535 )   (890 )   (1,597 )       (1,986 )   (878 )    
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 159,195 $ 75,763 $   6,156 $ 207,682   $ 490,915 $ 215 $   (342)  $   (475)     $   (145 ) $   505      
Sold   46,776   17,121     1,417 81,437    128,129   67     47     92         175     115      
Reinvested   3,737   2,634     271 4,843    6,701   8     8     20         8     22      
Redeemed   (34,858 ) (12,283 )   (1,075) (65,989)    (86,387 ) (53 )   (88 )   (159 )       (199 )   (87 )    
Net Increase (Decrease)   15,655   7,472     613 20,291    48,443   22     (33 )   (47 )       (16 )   50      
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                                        
Sold $ 340,004 $ 93,132 $   13,048 $ 880,203    $ 1,019,963    $ 682 $   870 $   1,263     $   1,874 $   2,807      
Reinvested   46,336   31,325     2,786 46,933    77,941   93     85     259         108     248      
Redeemed   (497,001 ) (134,618 )   (10,586)  (504,449)    (1,148,639)    (1,151 )   (203 )   (1,714 )       (1,595 )   (2,622 )    
Net Increase (Decrease) $ (110,661) $   $ (10,161)       5,248 $ 422,687   $ (50,735 ) $ (376 ) $   752 $   (192)     $   387 $   433      
Sold   32,612   8,966     1,283 85,020    98,395   66     85     123         182     273      
Reinvested   4,476   3,031     275 4,564    7,567   9     8     25         11     24      
Redeemed   (47,650 ) (12,948 )   (1,040)  (48,878)    (110,633 ) (112 )   (20 )   (167 )       (157 )   (256 )    
Net Increase (Decrease)   (10,562 ) (951 )   518 40,706    (4,671 ) (37 )   73     (19 )       36     41      
Year Ended August 31, 2016                                                        
From net investment income  $ (37,554)    $ (31,583) $     (2,287)  $ (67,845)    $ (106,888) $    (69 ) $   (69)  $   (164)     $   (65)  $   (186)    
From net realized gain on                                                        
investments   (6,571 ) (6,863 ) (421) (11,569  ) (17,224 ) (14 )   (13 )   (33 )       (11 )   (34 )    
Total Dividends and Distributions   $ (44,125)    $ (38,446) $     (2,708)  $ (79,414)    $ (124,112) $    (83 ) $   (82)  $   (197)      $   (76)  $   (220)    
Year Ended August 31, 2015                                                        
From net investment income    $ (39,030)    $ (32,829) $     (2,087)  $ (63,214)    $ (106,028) $    (67 ) $   (64)  $   (187)     $   (83)  $   (186)    
From net realized gain on                                                        
investments   (14,424 ) (13,694 ) (723) (20,040  ) (34,826 ) (26 )   (24 )   (72 )       (25 )   (62 )    
Total Dividends and Distributions  $ (53,454)    $ (46,523) $     (2,810)  $ (83,254)    $ (140,854) $    (93 ) $   (88)  $   (259)     $   (108)  $   (248)    


See accompanying notes.




Amounts in dollars                   Real Estate Allocation Fund  
                    Year Ended   Period Ended  
                    August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015(a)  
Net investment income (loss)                 $ 12,735   $ 2,941  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements     4,544     (12 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     46,748     (18,424 )
              Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     64,027     (15,495 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                  
From net investment income                   (12,382 )   (1,552 )
From net realized gain on investments             (56 )    
              Total Dividends and Distributions     (12,438 )   (1,552 )
Capital Share Transactions                            
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions     546,289     337,431  
              Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     597,878     320,384  
Net Assets                            
Beginning of period                   320,384      
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 918,262   $ 320,384  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   $ 1,742   $ 1,453  
    Class A   Institutional              
Capital Share Transactions:                            
Year Ended August 31, 2016                            
Sold $ 429,545   $   186,306              
Reinvested     11,434       1,004              
Redeemed   (64,022 )     (17,978 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 376,957   $   169,332              
Sold     43,511       18,712              
Reinvested     1,161       99              
Redeemed     (6,450 )     (1,747 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     38,222       17,064              
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                            
Sold $ 339,860   $   10,000              
Reinvested     1,479       73              
Redeemed   (13,981 )                  
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 327,358   $   10,073              
Sold     33,529       1,000              
Reinvested     148       7              
Redeemed     (1,386 )                  
Net Increase (Decrease)     32,291       1,007              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                            
From net investment income$  (11,379) $       (1,003 )            
From net realized gain on                            
investments     (55 )     (1 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions$   (11,434) $       (1,004 )            
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a)                            
From net investment income$ (1,479)      $ (73 )            
From net realized gain on                            
Total Dividends and Distributions$ (1,479)      $ (73 )            


(a)      Period from December 31, 2014, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                   Real Estate Debt Income Fund  
                    Year Ended   Period Ended  
                    August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015(a)  
Net investment income (loss)                 $ 2,396   $ 926  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements         4     (1 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     2,979     (932 )
          Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     5,379     (7 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                      
From net investment income                   (2,379 )   (937 )
              Total Dividends and Distributions     (2,379 )   (937 )
Capital Share Transactions                            
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions         107,225     45,502  
              Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     110,225     44,558  
Net Assets                            
Beginning of period                   44,558      
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 154,783   $ 44,558  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)       $ 33   $ (1 )
      Class A   Class P   Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                            
Year Ended August 31, 2016                            
Sold   $ 907 $ 484   $ 149,596             
Reinvested     11   7   1,324              
Redeemed     (21,924 ) (469 ) (22,711 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ (21,006 ) $ 22 $ 128,209              
Sold     94   50   15,509              
Reinvested     1   1   135              
Redeemed     (2,275 ) (49 ) (2,354 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     (2,180 ) 2   13,290              
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a),(b)                        
Sold   $ 22,658 $ 113 $ 22,857              
Reinvested     1   1   6              
Redeemed     (114 )   (20 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   $ 22,545 $ 114 $ 22,843              
Sold     2,275   12   2,294              
Reinvested         1              
Redeemed     (12 )   (2 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     2,263   12   2,293              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                            
From net investment income $ (509 ) $ (7 ) $ (1,863 )            
From net realized gain on                            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (509 ) $ (7 ) $ (1,863 )            
Period Ended August 31, 2015(a),(b)                        
From net investment income $ (447 ) $ (1 ) $ (489 )            
From net realized gain on                            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (447 ) $ (1 ) $ (489 )            


(a)      Period from December 31, 2014, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015.
(b)      Period from June 15, 2015, date operations commenced, through August 31, 2015 for Class P shares.

See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands                 Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund  
                  Year Ended     Year Ended  
                  August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)               $ 50,353   $ 47,582  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions, futures,              
options and swaptions, short sales, and swap agreements         (30,785 )   45,159  
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments, futures, options and swaptions, short sales,              
swap agreements, and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies     368,558     (219,893 )
        Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     388,126     (127,152 )
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders                      
From net investment income                 (44,005 )   (37,522 )
From net realized gain on investments             (33,793 )   (35,479 )
            Total Dividends and Distributions     (77,798 )   (73,001 )
Capital Share Transactions                          
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions         261,732     596,664  
            Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     572,060     396,511  
Net Assets                          
Beginning of period                 1,719,140     1,322,629  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 2,291,200   $ 1,719,140  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)       $ 44,586   $ 25,863  
    Class A   Class C  Class P  Institutional               
Capital Share Transactions:                          
Year Ended August 31, 2016                          
Sold $ 73,239 $ 38,847 $ 304,443 $243,297              
Reinvested   6,089   4,141  23,657 40,737              
Redeemed   (67,249 ) (33,902)  (218,874) (152,693 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 12,079 $ 9,086 $ 109,226 $131,341              
Sold   5,304   2,882  22,025 17,861              
Reinvested   477   328  1,824 3,168              
Redeemed   (5,097 ) (2,631)  (16,658) (11,405 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   684   579  7,191 9,624              
Year Ended August 31, 2015                          
Sold $ 84,482 $ 67,856 $ 324,713 $447,792              
Reinvested   6,909   3,627  23,766 34,344              
Redeemed   (77,993 ) (22,421)  (205,921) (90,490 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 13,398 $ 49,062 $ 142,558 $391,646              
Sold   6,099   4,924  23,172 32,084              
Reinvested   507   268  1,720 2,507              
Redeemed   (5,663 ) (1,650)  (14,775) (6,610 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   943   3,542  10,117 27,981              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                          
From net investment income $ (3,698 ) $ (2,062)   $(14,473) $(23,772 )            
From net realized gain on                          
investments   (3,134 ) (2,665)  (10,927) (17,067 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (6,832 ) $ (4,727)   $(25,400) $(40,839 )            
Year Ended August 31, 2015                          
From net investment income $ (3,795 ) $ (1,706)   $(13,745) $(18,276 )            
From net realized gain on                          
investments   (4,107 ) (2,536)  (12,056) (16,780 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (7,902 ) $ (4,242)  $(25,801) $(35,056 )            


See accompanying notes.



August 31, 2016

1. Organization

Principal Funds, Inc. (the "Fund") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company and operates as a series fund in the mutual fund industry. The financial statements for Blue Chip Fund, Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund, Global Multi-Strategy Fund, Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund, Global Opportunities Fund, International Small Company Fund, Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund, Opportunistic Municipal Fund, Origin Emerging Markets Fund, Preferred Securities Fund, Real Estate Allocation Fund, Real Estate Debt Income Fund and Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund (known as the "Funds") are presented herein. The Funds may offer up to eleven classes of shares: Class A, Class C, Class J, Class P, Institutional, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 and R-6. Information presented in these financial statements pertains to Class A, Class C, and Class P shares. Certain detailed financial information for Class J, Institutional, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 and R-6 classes of shares is provided separately.

Each of the Funds is an investment company and applies specialized accounting and reporting under Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946, Financial Services - Investment Companies. Each of the Funds was an investment company at all times during the year. The Funds have not provided financial support, and are not contractually required to provide financial support to any investee.

Effective September 10, 2014, the initial purchases of $10,000,000 of Class A and Institutional shares of Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund were made by Principal Financial Services, Inc.

Effective September 10, 2014, the initial purchases of $7,500,000 of Class A and Institutional shares of Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund were made by Principal Financial Services, Inc.

Effective December 31, 2014, the initial purchase of $10,000 of R-6 shares of Diversified Real Asset Fund was made by Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”).

Effective December 31, 2014, the initial purchase of $10,000 of Institutional shares of International Small Company Fund was made by the Manager.

Effective December 31, 2014, the initial purchases of $10,000 of Class A and Institutional shares of Real Estate Allocation Fund were made by the Manager.

Effective December 31, 2014, the initial purchases of $10,000,000 of Class A and Institutional shares of Real Estate Debt Income Fund were made by Principal Financial Services, Inc. On February 6, 2015, February 13, 2015, and February 20, 2015, additional purchases totaling $12,500,000 of Class A and Institutional shares were made by Principal Financial Services, Inc.

Effective January 23, 2015, the initial purchases of $4,000,000, $3,000,000 and $3,000,000 of Class A, Institutional and R-6 shares, respectively, of Origin Emerging Markets Fund were made by Principal Financial Services, Inc.

Effective March 10, 2015, the initial purchase of $10,000 of Institutional Class of Opportunistic Municipal Fund was made by the Manager.

Effective June 15, 2015, the initial purchase of $10,000 of Class P shares of Real Estate Debt Income Fund was made by the Manager.

Effective September 22, 2015, the initial purchases of $2,500,000 of Class A shares, Class P shares and Institutional shares of Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund were made by Principal Financial Services, Inc.

Effective March 29, 2016, the initial purchases of $10,000 of R-3, R-4 and R-5 shares of Blue Chip Fund and Diversified Real Asset Fund were made by the Manager.

Effective March 29, 2016, the initial purchase of $10,000 of Class P shares of Origin Emerging Markets Fund was made by the Manager.

Effective March 31, 2016, the initial purchases of $10,000 of Class A, Class P, Institutional and R-6 shares of Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund were made by the Manager.

All classes of shares for each of the Funds represent interests in the same portfolio of investments, and will vote together as a single class except where otherwise required by law or as determined by the Fund’s Board of Directors. In addition, the Board of Directors declares separate dividends on each class of shares.



August 31, 2016

2. Significant Accounting Policies

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the Fund:

Security Valuation. Real Estate Allocation Fund invests in Institutional Class shares of other series of Principal Funds, Inc. (the "Underlying Funds"). Investments in the Underlying Funds are valued at the closing net asset value per share of each Underlying Fund on the day of valuation.

The Funds (with the exception of Real Estate Allocation Fund) value securities for which market quotations are readily available at fair value, which is determined using the last reported sale price. If no sales are reported, as is regularly the case for some securities traded over-the-counter, securities are valued using the last reported bid price or an evaluated bid price provided by a pricing service. Pricing services use modeling techniques that incorporate security characteristics such as current quotations by broker/dealers, coupon, maturity, quality, type of issue, trading characteristics, other yield and risk factors, and other market conditions to determine an evaluated bid price or, in the case of certain credit default swaps, a mean price provided by a pricing service. When reliable market quotations are not considered to be readily available, which may be the case, for example, with respect to restricted securities, certain debt securities, preferred stocks, and foreign securities, the investments are valued at their fair value as determined in good faith by the Manager under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Fund’s Board of Directors.

The value of foreign securities used in computing the net asset value per share is generally determined as of the close of the foreign exchange where the security is principally traded. Events that occur after the close of the applicable foreign market or exchange but prior to the calculation of the Funds’ net asset values are reflected in the Funds’ net asset values and these securities are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Manager under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Fund’s Board of Directors. Many factors, provided by independent pricing services, are reviewed in the course of making a good faith determination of a security’s fair value, including, but not limited to, price movements in ADRs, futures contracts, industry indices, general indices, and foreign currencies.

To the extent the Funds invest in foreign securities listed on foreign exchanges which trade on days on which the Funds do not determine net asset values, for example weekends and other customary national U.S. holidays, the Funds’ net asset values could be significantly affected on days when shareholders cannot purchase or redeem shares.

Certain securities issued by companies in emerging market countries may have more than one quoted valuation at any given point in time, sometimes referred to as a “local” price and a “premium” price. The premium price is often a negotiated price, which may not consistently represent a price at which a specific transaction can be effected. It is the policy of the Funds to value such securities at prices at which it is expected those shares may be sold, and the Manager or any sub-advisor is authorized to make such determinations subject to such oversight by the Fund’s Board of Directors as may occasionally be necessary.

Currency Translation. Foreign holdings are translated to U.S. dollars using the exchange rate at the daily close of the New York Stock Exchange. The identified cost of the Funds’ holdings is translated at approximate rates prevailing when acquired. Income and expense amounts are translated at approximate rates prevailing when received or paid, with daily accruals of such amounts reported at approximate rates prevailing at the date of valuation. Since the carrying amount of the foreign securities is determined based on the exchange rate and market values at the close of the period, it is not practicable to isolate that portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of securities during the period.

Net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between trade and settlement dates on security transactions, and the difference between the amount of dividends and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies arise from changes in the exchange rate relating to assets and liabilities, other than investments in securities, purchased and held in non-U.S. denominated currencies.



August 31, 2016

2. Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

The following funds held securities denominated in foreign currencies that exceeded 5% of net assets of the fund:

Diversified     Global     Global Opportunities     Global    
Real Asset Fund     Multi- Strategy Fund     Equity Hedged Fund     Opportunities    
Euro 5.3 % Euro 5.2 % Euro 13.5 % Euro 13.9 %
            Japanese Yen 8.6   British Pound 8.8  
            British Pound 8.6   Japanese Yen 8.5  
International     Multi-Manager Equity     Origin Emerging          
Small Company Fund     Long/Short Fund     Markets Fund          
Japanese Yen 28.5 % Euro 12.4 % Hong Kong Dollar 29.0 %      
Euro 24.6         South Korean Won 17.8        
British Pound 15.7         New Taiwan Dollar 9.6        
Canadian Dollar 10.7                    
Australian Dollar 5.3                    


Income and Investment Transactions. The Funds record investment transactions on a trade date basis. Trade date for senior floating rate interests purchased in the primary market is considered the date on which the loan allocations are determined. Trade date for senior floating rate interests purchased in the secondary market is the date on which the transaction is entered into. The identified cost basis has been used in determining the net realized gain or loss from investment transactions and unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments. The Funds record dividend income on the ex-dividend date, except dividend income from foreign securities whereby the ex-dividend date has passed; such dividends are recorded as soon as the Funds are informed of the ex-dividend date. Interest income is recognized on an accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on securities are accreted/amortized, respectively, on the level yield method over the lives of the respective securities. The Funds allocate daily all income and realized and unrealized gains or losses to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of the value of shares outstanding of each class.

Expenses. Expenses directly attributed to a particular fund are charged to that fund. Other expenses not directly attributed to a particular fund are apportioned among the registered investment companies managed by the Manager.

Management fees are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of the value of shares outstanding of each class. Expenses specifically attributable to a particular class are charged directly to such class and are included separately in the statements of operations.

In addition to the expenses that the Real Estate Allocation Fund bears directly, the Real Estate Allocation Fund indirectly bears a pro rata share of the fees and expenses of the Underlying Funds in which it invests. Expenses included in the statement of operations of Real Estate Allocation Fund reflect the expenses of Real Estate Allocation Fund and do not include any expenses associated with the Underlying Funds.

Distributions to Shareholders. With respect to Opportunistic Municipal Fund, net investment income is declared as dividends daily to settled shares of record as of that day, and all distributions of realized gains from investment transactions are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Dividends and distributions to shareholders of the other Funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Dividends and distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gain from investments and foreign currency transactions are determined in accordance with federal tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. These differences are primarily due to differing treatments for net operating losses, foreign currency transactions, options and futures contracts, certain defaulted securities, sales of Passive Foreign Investment Companies, losses deferred due to wash sales, tax straddles, mortgage-backed securities, certain preferred securities, swap agreements, short sales, partnership investments, REITs, utilization of earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on redemption of shares, and limitations imposed by Sections 381-384 of the Internal Revenue Code. Permanent book and tax basis differences are reclassified within the capital accounts based on federal tax-basis treatment; temporary differences do not require reclassification. To the extent dividends and distributions exceed current and accumulated earnings and profits for federal income tax purposes, they are reported as return of capital distributions.

Federal Income Taxes. No provision for federal income taxes is considered necessary because each of the Funds intends to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code and intends to distribute each year substantially all of its net investment income and realized capital gains to shareholders.



August 31, 2016

2. Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Management evaluates tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the Funds’ tax returns to determine whether it is “more likely than not” that each tax position would be sustained upon examination by a taxing authority based on the technical merits of the position. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more likely than not threshold would be recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. During the year ended August 31, 2016, the Funds did not record any such tax benefit or expense in the accompanying financial statements. The statute of limitations remains open for the, shorter of the fiscal years from 2013-2015 or commencement of the fund’s operations to 2015. No examinations are in progress at this time.

Foreign Taxes. Certain of the Funds are subject to foreign income taxes imposed by certain countries in which they invest. Foreign income taxes are accrued by the Funds as a reduction of income. These amounts are shown as withholding tax on foreign dividends on the statements of operations. In consideration of recent decisions rendered by European courts, certain of the Funds have filed additional tax reclaims for taxes withheld in prior years. Due to the uncertainty and timing of these reclaims, a corresponding receivable will only be recorded when both the amount is known and there are no significant uncertainties regarding collectability.

Basis for Consolidation. The Diversified Real Asset Fund (the “Consolidated Fund”) may invest up to 25% of its total assets in its wholly-owned subsidiary DRA Cayman Corporation (a “Cayman Subsidiary”) organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands. Diversified Real Asset Fund is the sole shareholder of the Cayman Subsidiary, and shares of the Cayman Subsidiary will not be sold or offered to other investors. To the extent that Diversified Real Asset Fund invests in its Cayman Subsidiary, it will be subject to the particular risks associated with the Cayman Subsidiary’s investments, which are discussed in the applicable Prospectus and SAI. The principal purpose of investing in the Cayman Subsidiary is to allow Diversified Real Asset Fund to gain exposure to the commodity markets within the limitations of federal tax laws applicable to regulated investment companies. Diversified Real Asset Fund’s investment portfolio has been consolidated and includes the portfolio holdings of Diversified Real Asset Fund and its Cayman Subsidiary. The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Diversified Real Asset Fund and its Cayman Subsidiary. All intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated in consolidation. At August 31, 2016, the net assets of the Cayman Subsidiary were $347,869,000 or 9.4% of the Consolidated Fund’s net assets.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements. In August 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-15 Presentation of Financial Statements – Going Concern requiring management to evaluate whether there are conditions or events, considered in aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. The ASU is effective prospectively for annual periods ending after December 15, 2016, and interim periods thereafter. At this time, management is evaluating the implications of these changes on the financial statements.

3. Operating Policies

Borrowings. Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Funds and other registered investment companies managed by the Manager may participate in an interfund lending facility (“Facility”). The Facility allows the Funds to borrow money from or loan money to the other participants. Loans under the Facility are made to handle unusual and/or unanticipated short-term cash requirements. Interest paid and received on borrowings is the average of the current repurchase agreement rate and the bank loan rate (the higher of (i) the Federal Funds Rate or (ii) the One Month LIBOR rate plus 1.00%). Blue Chip Fund, Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, Global Multi-Strategy Fund, Global Opportunities Fund, International Small Company Fund, Origin Emerging Markets Fund, Preferred Securities Fund, Real Estate Debt Income Fund, and Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund each loaned to the Facility. The interest income received is included in interest income on the statements of operations.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

During the period ended August 31, 2016, funds borrowing from the Facility were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Average Weighted Average  
    Outstanding Balance Interest Rate  
Blue Chip Fund $ 471 .89 %
Diversified Real Asset Fund   1 .92  
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   86 .67  
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   5 .61  
Global Opportunities Fund   22 .66  
International Small Company Fund   10 .82  
Preferred Securities Fund   161 .87  
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   18 .73  


The interest expense associated with these borrowings is included in other expenses on the statements of operations.

In addition, certain of the Funds participate with other registered investment companies managed by the Manager in an unsecured joint line of credit with a bank which allows the participants to borrow up to $75 million, collectively. Borrowings are made solely to facilitate the handling of unusual and/or unanticipated short-term cash requirements. Interest is charged to each participant, based on its borrowings, at a rate equal to the higher of the Federal Funds Rate or the One Month LIBOR rate plus 1.00%. Additionally, a commitment fee is charged at an annual rate of .15% on the amount of the line of credit. During the year ended August 31, 2016, Origin Emerging Markets Fund borrowed against the line of credit. The average outstanding balance for the liability during the year ended August 31, 2016 was $9,000 at a weighted average interest rate of 1.86%. The interest expense associated with those borrowings is included in other expenses on the statements of operations.

Commodity Linked Notes. Diversified Real Asset Fund invests in structured notes whose market values are primarily derived from changes in the value of various commodity indices and other factors. Valuations on these securities may be volatile as the payment features on certain notes may contain attributes that multiply the effects of changes in the values of the underlying indices. Structured notes may entail a greater degree of market risk than other types of debt securities. Structured notes may also be more volatile, less liquid, and more difficult to accurately price than less complex securities or more traditional debt securities. Fluctuations in the fair value of the structured notes are recorded as unrealized gains and losses in the accompanying financial statements. Interest income is accrued daily. These notes are subject to prepayment, credit, and interest rate risks. At maturity, or when a note is sold, the fund records a realized gain or loss.

Counterparties. The Funds may be exposed to counterparty risk, or the risk that another party with which the Funds have unsettled or open transactions will fail to perform on their commitment. To the extent that unpaid amounts owed to the Funds exceed a predetermined threshold agreed to with the counterparty, such counterparty shall advance collateral to the Funds in the form of cash or cash equivalents equal in value to the unpaid amount owed to the Funds. If the unpaid amount owed to the Funds subsequently decreases, the Funds would be required to return all or a portion of the collateral.

Master Netting Agreements may also help limit counterparty risk by specifying collateral posting arrangements at pre-arranged exposure levels. Under the Master Netting Agreements, collateral is routinely transferred if the total net exposure to certain transactions governed under the relevant master netting agreement with a counterparty exceeds a specified threshold.

Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, Global Multi-Strategy Fund and Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund have financial instruments that are subject to Master Netting Agreements or similar agreements.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

As of August 31, 2016, financial assets and liabilities subject to Master Netting Agreements or similar agreements were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Fund: Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund                                                                          
Financial Derivative Instruments: Over the Counter Summary                                                        
                Barclays Bank PLC                                                        
Total Return Swaps                   $ 4                                                              
Total OTC                   $ 4                                                              
Total Return Swaps                   $                                                              
Total OTC                   $                                                              
Net Market Value of OTC Derivatives         $ 4                                                              
Collateral (Received)/Pledged                                                                              
Net Exposure                   $ 4                                                              
Fund: Diversified Real Asset Fund                                                                          
Financial Derivative Instruments: Over the Counter Summary                                                        
    BOA     BARC       BNP       CITI      CS     DB     GOLD       HSBC      JPM     MS     RBC     RBS     SCB     UBS    Total  
Foreign Currency                                                                                    
Contracts $   $ 608   $   $   $   $ 503   $   $ 73   $ 3,689   $ 14   $   $ 9 $ $ 44 $ 4,940  
Interest Rate Swaps       126                 133                               259  
Purchased Interest                                                                                    
Rate Swaptions       223                 955                               1,178  
Purchased Options       860     62             99             534                 77   1,632  
Total OTC $   $ 1,817   $ 62   $   $   $ 1,690   $   $ 73   $ 4,223   $ 14   $   $ 9 $ $ 121 $ 8,009  
Foreign Currency                                                                                    
Contracts $ (77 ) $ (705 ) $   $ (5 ) $ (39 ) $ (576 ) $ (5 ) $ (15 ) $ (4,513 ) $ (155 ) $ (14 ) $ (42)   $(175)  $ $ (6,321 )
Written Interest Rate                                                                                    
Swaptions       (19 )               (219 )                             (238 )
Written Options       (651 )   (33 )                                         (684 )
Total OTC $ (77 ) $ (1,375 ) $ (33 ) $ (5 ) $ (39 ) $ (795 ) $ (5 ) $ (15 ) $ (4,513 ) $ (155 ) $ (14 ) $ (42)   $(175)  $ $ (7,243 )
Net Market Value of                                                                                    
OTC Derivatives $ (77 ) $ 442   $ 29   $ (5 ) $ (39 ) $ 895   $ (5 ) $ 58   $ (290 ) $ (141 ) $ (14 ) $ (33)   $(175)  $ 121 $ 766  
(Received)/Pledged                       (693 )^           250 **                 (443 )^
Net Exposure $ (77 ) $ 442   $ 29   $ (5 ) $ (39 ) $ 202   $ (5 ) $ 58   $ (40 ) $ (141 ) $ (14 ) $ (33)   $(175)  $ 121 $ 323  




August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)                                                                        
Fund: Global Multi-Strategy Fund                                                                              
Financial Derivative Instruments: Over the Counter Summary                                                            
    BOA     BARC     BNYM      CITI     CBA      CS     DB     HSBC       JPM       ML      MS     SCB     SN   Total  
Credit Default Swaps $   $ 1,177   $   $ 1,342   $   $ 26   $ 505   $ 531   $   $   $ 10   $   $ $ 3,591  
Equity Basket Swaps   50                         1,636                 6,044           7,730  
Foreign Currency                                                                                  
Contracts   12,023     1,192     1,748     7,550     496     50     66     70     107     253     325         206   24,086  
Interest Rate Swaps   34     162                     7         48     9               260  
Purchased Interest                                                                                  
Rate Swaptions   29     91                     82                           202  
Purchased Options       228                                 109               337  
Synthetic Futures   458                                         104           562  
Total Return Swaps                                           24           24  
Total OTC $ 12,594   $ 2,850   $ 1,748   $ 8,892   $ 496   $ 76   $ 2,296   $ 601   $ 155   $ 371   $ 6,507   $   $ 206 $ 36,792  
Credit Default Swaps $   $ (1,599 ) $   $   $   $ (128 ) $     $(794)    $   $   $   $   $ $ (2,521 )
Equity Basket Swaps                           (292 )               (726 )         (1,018 )
Foreign Currency                                                                                  
Contracts   (11,334 )   (959 )   (1,040 )   (4,167 )   (60 )               (2,651 )   (198 )   (708 )   (100 )     (21,217 )
Interest Rate Swaps   (40 )   (6 )                   (13 )           (12 )             (71 )
Synthetic Futures   (65 )                                       (96 )         (161 )
Total Return Swaps                                           (45 )         (45 )
Written Interest Rate                                                                                  
Swaptions   (4 )   (33 )                                             (37 )
Written Options       (270 )                                             (270 )
Total OTC $ (11,443 ) $ (2,867)      $(1,040)      $(4,167)    $ (60 ) $ (128 ) $ (305)       $(794)      $(2,651)      $(210)    $ (1,575 ) $ (100 ) $ $ (25,340 )
Net Market Value of                                                                                  
OTC Derivatives $ 1,151   $ (17 ) $ 708   $ 4,725   $ 436   $ (52 ) $ 1,991     $(193)       $(2,496)  $ 161   $ 4,932   $ (100 ) $ 206 $ 11,452  
(Received)/Pledged       17 **     (1,410)^          (50)^     193  **                     (1,250 )^
Net Exposure $ 1,151   $   $ 708   $ 3,315   $ 436   $ (52 ) $ 1,941   $     $(2,496)    $ 161   $ 4,932   $ (100 ) $ 206 $ 10,202  
Fund: Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund                                                                        
Financial Derivative Instruments: Over the Counter Summary                                                            

          Goldman Sachs     Morgan Stanley           Total                              
Equity Basket Swaps             $ 225               $ 274         $ 499                              
Foreign Currency Contracts           93                 168                 261                              
Total OTC             $ 318               $ 442         $ 760                              
Equity Basket Swaps             $ (6 )             $ (78 )       $ (84 )                            
Foreign Currency Contracts           (47 )               (128 )         (175 )                            
Total OTC             $ (53 )       $(206 )       $ (259 )                            
Net Market Value of OTC Derivatives         $ 265               $ 236         $ 501                              
Collateral (Received)/Pledged                                                                        
Net Exposure             $ 265               $ 236         $ 501                              


*      Represents amount of offsetting derivative assets or liabilities that are subject to an enforceable master netting agreement or similar agreement that are not netted against the gross derivative assets or liabilities for presentation on the statements of assets and liabilities.

**The fund has pledged securities or cash to the counterparty as collateral which may be in excess of the amount owed to the counterparty.

^ The counterparty has pledged cash or securities to the fund as collateral in a segregated account which is not included in the assets of the fund.

Counterparty Abbreviations used:    
BOA Bank of America HSBC HSBC Securities
BARC Barclays Bank PLC JPM JP Morgan Chase
BNP BNP Paribas ML Merrill Lynch
BNYM Bank of New York Mellon MS Morgan Stanley
CITI Citigroup Inc RBC RBC Dominion Securities
CBA Commonwealth Bank of Australia RBS Royal Bank of Scotland
CS Credit Suisse SCB Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong
DB Deutsche Bank AG SN Stifel, Nicolaus & Co
GOLD Goldman Sachs UBS UBS AG




        PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.          
        August 31, 2016          
3. Operating Policies (Continued)                    
              Total Borrowings and          
    Repurchase Agreement   Payable for Reverse     Other Financing   Collateral      
Counterparty   Proceeds to be Received   Repurchase Agreements     Transactions   (Received)/Pledged     Net Exposure
Barclays Bank PLC $ 30,203 $ (23,458 ) $ 6,745 $ (2,066 ) $ 4,679
Merrill Lynch   352,398   (234,209 )   118,189   (122,186 )  


Collateral information relating to securities on loan is included in the securities lending note to financial statements.

The financial instruments that are subject to Master Netting Agreements or similar agreements may include right of setoff provisions. Derivative instruments include provisions to setoff positions covered under the agreements with the same counterparties and provisions to setoff positions outside of the agreements with the same counterparties in the event of default by one of the parties. Derivative instruments also include collateral provisions. Collateral received and pledged are generally settled daily with each counterparty.

Floating Rate Notes Issued in Conjunction with Securities Held. Opportunistic Municipal Fund has entered into transactions in which a fund transfers fixed rate bonds to trusts in exchange for cash and residual interests in the trusts’ assets and cash flows, which are in the form of inverse floating rate securities. The trusts finance the purchases of the fixed rate bonds by issuing floating rate notes to third parties. The fund enters into shortfall and forbearance agreements with the trusts, which commit the fund to pay the trusts, in certain circumstances, the difference between the liquidation value of the fixed rate bonds held by the trusts and the liquidation value of the floating rate notes held by third parties, as well as any shortfalls in interest cash flows. The residual interests held by the fund (inverse floating rate securities) include the right of the fund (1) to cause the holders of the floating rate notes to tender their notes at par at the next interest rate reset date, and (2) to transfer the fixed rate bond from the trusts to the fund, thereby collapsing the trusts. The fund accounts for the transfer of bonds to the trusts as secured borrowings, with the securities transferred remaining in the fund’s investment assets, and the related floating rate notes reflected as fund liabilities under the caption “floating rate notes issued” in the statement of assets and liabilities. The balance of the floating rate notes issued as of August 31, 2016 was $5,565,000. The average outstanding balance for the liability during the year ended August 31, 2016 was $4,411,000 at a weighted average interest rate of 1.05%. The notes issued by the trusts have interest rates that reset weekly, and the floating rate note holders have the option to tender their notes to the trusts for redemption at par at each reset date.

Foreign Currency Contracts. Certain of the Funds may be subject to foreign currency exchange rate risk in the normal course of pursuing such Funds’ investment objectives. The Funds may use foreign currency contracts to gain exposure to, or hedge against changes in the value of foreign currencies. Certain of the Funds enter into forward contracts to purchase and sell foreign currencies at a specified future date at a fixed exchange rate. Forward foreign currency contracts are valued at the forward rate, and are marked-to-market daily. The change in fair value is recorded by the Funds as an unrealized gain or loss. When the contract is closed, the Funds record a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed.

The use of forward foreign currency contracts does not eliminate the fluctuations in underlying prices of the Funds’ portfolio securities, but it does establish a rate of exchange that can be achieved in the future. Although forward foreign currency contracts limit the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of the hedged currency, they also limit any potential gain that might result should the value of the currency increase. In addition, the Funds could be exposed to risks if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the terms of their contracts or if the value of the currency changes unfavorably to the U.S. dollar.

Futures Contracts. The Funds are subject to equity price risk, interest rate risk, and foreign currency exchange rate risk in the normal course of pursuing their investment objectives. The Funds (with the exception of Real Estate Allocation Fund) may enter into futures contracts to hedge against changes in or to gain exposure to, change in the value of equities, interest rates and foreign currencies. Initial margin deposits are made by cash deposits or segregation of specific securities as may be required by the exchange on which the transaction was conducted. Pursuant to the contracts, a fund agrees to receive from or pay to the broker, an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in the value of the contract. Such receipts or payments are known as “variation margin” and are recorded by the fund as a variation margin receivable or payable on financial derivative instruments. Future contracts are marked to market daily at the closing settlement price or in the absence of such a price, the most recent quoted bid price. If there are no quotations available, the security is valued at the last available closing settlement price. During the period the futures contracts are open, daily changes in the fair value of the contracts are recognized as unrealized gains or losses. These unrealized gains or losses are included as a component of net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments on the statements of assets and liabilities. When the contracts are closed, the fund recognizes a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the proceeds from, or cost of, the closing transaction and the fund’s cost basis in the contract. There is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Funds because futures are exchange traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

Illiquid Securities. Illiquid securities generally cannot be sold or disposed of in the ordinary course of business (within seven calendar days) at approximately the value at which each of the Funds has valued the investments. This may have an adverse effect on each of the Funds’ ability to dispose of particular illiquid securities at fair value and may limit each of the Funds’ ability to obtain accurate market quotations for purposes of valuing the securities.

Indemnification. Under the Fund’s by-laws, present and past officers, directors and employees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties. In addition, in the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into a variety of contracts that may contain representations and warranties which provide general indemnifications. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund.

Inflation-Indexed Bonds. Certain of the Funds may invest in inflation-indexed bonds. Inflation-indexed bonds are fixed-income securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted to the rate of inflation. The interest rate on these bonds is generally fixed at issuance at a rate lower than typical bonds. Over the life of an inflation-indexed bond, however, interest will be paid based on a principal value, which is adjusted for inflation. Any increase or decrease in the principal amount of an inflation-indexed bond will be included as interest income on the statements of operations, even though the Funds would not receive the principal until maturity.

Options Contracts. During the period Global Multi-Strategy Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund, and Preferred Securities Fund wrote call and put options on swaps, securities, indices and currencies they own or in which they may invest for both hedging and non-hedging purposes. Writing put options tends to increase a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. Writing call options tends to decrease a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. When a fund writes a call or put option, an amount equal to the premium received is recorded as a liability and subsequently marked to market to reflect the current value of the option written. These liabilities are reflected as options contracts written on the statements of assets and liabilities. Premiums received from writing options which expire are treated as realized gains. Premiums received from writing options which are exercised or closed are added to the proceeds or offset against amounts paid on the underlying swap, security, index or currency transaction to determine the realized gain or loss. A fund, as a writer of an option, has no control over whether the underlying swap, security, index or currency may be sold (call) or purchased (put) and as a result bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the swap, security, index or currency underlying the written option. There is the risk a fund may not be able to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid market. A fund may also purchase put and call options. Purchasing call options tends to increase a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. Purchasing put options tends to decrease a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument. A fund pays a premium which is included on the fund’s statements of assets and liabilities as an investment and subsequently marked to market to reflect the current value of the option. Premiums paid for purchasing options which expire are treated as realized losses. The risk associated with purchasing put and call options is limited to the premium paid. Premiums paid for purchasing options which are exercised or closed are added to the amounts paid or offset against the proceeds on the underlying swap, security, index or currency transaction to determine the realized gain or loss. Details of options contracts open at year end are included in the Funds' schedules of investments. Transactions in options written during the year ended August 31, 2016, were as follows:

      Notional Amount        
Diversified Real Asset Fund Number of Contracts   (thousands)     Premium (thousands)  
Beginning of period 98,056,121   79,520   $ 2,542  
Options written 490,683,117   127,475     5,326  
Options expired (79,185,322 ) (2,800 )   (734 )
Options closed (364,642,185 ) (87,970 )   (4,335 )
Options exercised (68,360,000 ) (25,160 )   (1,127 )
Balance at end of period 76,551,731   91,065   $ 1,672  
      Notional Amount        
Global Multi-Strategy Fund Number of Contracts   (thousands)     Premium (thousands)  
Beginning of period 20,103,785   495,000   $ 8,097  
Options written 109,072,803   771,400     40,334  
Options expired (16,963,273 )     (4,766 )
Options closed (86,371,264 ) (606,300 )   (37,569 )
Options exercised (5,800,263 )     (155 )
Balance at end of period 20,041,788   660,100   $ 5,941  




  August 31, 2016          
3. Operating Policies (Continued)            
      Notional Amount      
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund Number of Contracts   (thousands)   Premium (thousands)  
Beginning of period   $  
Options written 400     32  
Options expired      
Options closed (400 )   (32 )
Options exercised      
Balance at end of period   $  
      Notional Amount      
Preferred Securities Fund Number of Contracts   (thousands)   Premium (thousands)  
Beginning of period 21,492   $ 12,743  
Options written 233,655     103,516  
Options expired (104,069 )   (33,412 )
Options closed (140,250 )   (76,865 )
Options exercised (4,628 )   (1,596 )
Balance at end of period 6,200   $ 4,386  


Rebates. Subject to best execution, the Funds may direct certain portfolio transactions to brokerage firms that, in turn, have agreed to rebate a portion of the related brokerage commission to the Funds in cash. Commission rebates are included as a component of realized gain from investment transactions in the statements of operations.

Repurchase Agreements. The Funds may invest in repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized, typically by U.S. government or U.S. government agency securities. It is the Funds’ policy that the counterparties’ custodian takes possession of the underlying collateral securities. The fair value of the collateral is at all times at least equal to the total amount of the repurchase obligation. In the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Funds have the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event the seller of a repurchase agreement defaults, the Funds could experience delays in the realization of the collateral.

In addition, Global Multi-Strategy Fund may enter into repurchase agreements with certain counterparties that are collateralized by assets other than U.S. government or U.S. government agency securities. The collateral pledged by the counterparty under these repurchase agreements is maintained in a segregated account at the counterparty’s custodian. After entering into the repurchase agreement, the fund may sell short the security pledged by the counterparty as collateral in anticipation of a decline in market value. Upon the settlement of the short sale, the fund will unwind the repurchase agreement.

Although the repurchase agreements are typically open-ended through the maturity date of the collateral, the fund has a right to terminate the repurchase agreement at any time with two days’ notice. During periods of high demand for the collateral security, the fund may also pay the counterparty a fee and the amount is recorded as interest expense on the statement of operations.

Global Master Repurchase Agreements govern the repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions between the fund and the counterparty. Collateral requirements for certain counterparties may be determined on a total exposure basis, rather than on an individual repurchase agreement or reverse repurchase agreement basis in order to determine the collateral to be received or pledged.

Restricted Securities. Certain of the Funds may invest in securities that are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. These securities generally may be resold in transactions exempt from registration or to the public if the securities are registered. Disposal of these securities may involve time-consuming negotiations and expense, and prompt sale at an acceptable price may be difficult.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

Reverse Repurchase Agreements. Global Multi-Strategy Fund has entered into reverse repurchase agreements. Under a reverse repurchase agreement, a fund sells securities and agrees to repurchase them at a specified date and price. Reverse repurchase agreements are considered to be borrowings by the fund, and are subject to the fund’s restrictions on borrowing. Reverse repurchase agreements may increase the volatility of a fund and involve the risk that interest costs on money borrowed may exceed the return on securities purchased with the borrowed money. While a reverse repurchase agreement is outstanding, the Fund will maintain cash or appropriate liquid assets to cover its obligation under the agreement. The Fund will enter into reverse repurchase agreements only with parties that the Sub-Advisor deems creditworthy. The fund must segregate assets in an amount equal to the amount the fund owes pursuant to the terms of the reverse repurchase agreements. Reverse repurchase agreements are shown as a separate line item on the statements of assets and liabilities. Interest payments made are shown as reverse repurchase agreement interest expense on the statements of operations. The average amount of borrowings outstanding during the year ended August 31, 2016 was $156,897,881 at a weighted average interest rate of 0.51%. The following table shows a breakdown of the obligations owed by fund, security type sold and remaining maturity for the reverse repurchase agreements.

    Remaining   Payable for Reverse
Fund Security Type Contractual Tenor   Repurchase Agreement
Global Multi Strategy Fund U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities Overnight and Continuous $ 234,209
Global Multi Strategy Fund Foreign Corporate Bond Greater than 90 Days   23,458
  Gross amount of recognized liabilities for reverse repurchase agreements $ 257,667


Securities Lending. To earn additional income, certain of the Funds may lend portfolio securities to approved brokerage firms. The Funds receive collateral, in the form of cash, against the loaned securities. During the period of the loan, the borrower must maintain collateral in an amount not less than 102% of the market value of the loaned securities. The market value of the loaned securities is determined at the close of business of the Funds and any additional required collateral is delivered to the Funds on the next business day. The cash collateral received is usually invested in an SEC-registered money market mutual fund and the Funds could realize a loss on such investments. Further, the Funds could experience a delay in recovering its securities and possible loss of income or value if the borrower fails to return them. Security lending income represents the income earned on investing cash collateral, less rebates paid to borrowers and any lending agent fees associated with the loan, plus any premium received for lending certain types of securities. Security lending income is shown in each fund’s statement of operations. As of August 31, 2016, the Funds had no securities on loan.

Senior Floating Rate Interests. The Funds may invest in senior floating rate interests (bank loans). Senior floating rate interests hold the most senior position in the capital structure of a business entity (the “Borrower”), are typically secured by specific collateral and have a claim on the assets and/or stock of the Borrower that is senior to that held by subordinated debtholders and stockholders of the Borrower. Senior floating rate interests are typically structured and administered by a financial institution that acts as the agent of the lenders participating in the senior floating rate interest. Senior floating rate interests are typically rated below-investment-grade, which means they are more likely to default than investment-grade loans. A default could lead to non-payment of income which would result in a reduction of income to the fund and there can be no assurance that the liquidation of any collateral would satisfy the Borrower’s obligation in the event of non-payment of scheduled interest or principal payments, or that such collateral could be readily liquidated.

Senior floating rate interests pay interest at rates which are periodically reset by reference to a base lending rate plus a spread. These base lending rates are generally the prime rate offered by a designated U.S. bank or the London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR).

Senior floating rate interests generally are subject to mandatory and/or optional prepayment. Because of these mandatory prepayment conditions and because there may be significant economic incentives for the Borrower to repay, prepayments of senior floating rate interests may occur. As a result, the actual remaining maturity of senior floating rate interests may be substantially less than stated maturities shown in the schedules of investments.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

In connection with the senior floating rate interests, the Funds may also enter into unfunded loan commitments (“commitments”). All or a portion of the commitments may be unfunded. The Funds are obligated to fund these commitments at the borrower’s discretion. Therefore, the Funds must have funds sufficient to cover its contractual obligation. Unfunded loan commitments are marked to market daily and the unrealized gain or loss is shown as a separate line item called unrealized gain or loss on unfunded loan commitments on the statements of assets and liabilities. As of August 31, 2016, the unfunded loan commitments were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Unfunded Loan Commitment Unrealized gain/loss
Global Multi-Strategy Fund $ 192 $ —


Short Sales. Global Multi-Strategy Fund and Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund entered into short sales transactions during the period. A short sale is a transaction in which a fund sells a security it does not own as a hedge against some of its long positions and/or in anticipation of a decline in the market price of the security. The fund must borrow the security sold short and deliver it to the broker dealer which made the short sale. A security sold in a short sale transaction and the interest or dividend payable on the security if any, is reflected as a liability on the statement of assets and liabilities. The fund is obligated to pay any interest or dividends received on the borrowed securities. Interest accrued and dividends declared on short positions are recorded as an expense and appear as dividends and interest on shorts on the statement of operations. A fund is obligated to deliver the security at the market price at the time the short position is closed. Possible losses from short sales may be unlimited.

The fund is required to pledge cash or securities to the broker as collateral for securities sold short. Collateral requirements are calculated daily based on the current market value of the short positions. Cash deposited with the broker for collateral is included in deposits with counterparty on the statement of assets and liabilities and securities segregated as collateral are footnoted in the schedule of investments. The fund may pay broker’s fees on the borrowed securities and may also pay a financing charge for the difference in the market value of the short position and cash collateral deposited with the broker. These fees are included as short sale fees on the statement of operations.

Swap Agreements. Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, Global Multi-Strategy Fund, and Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund invested in swap agreements during the period. Swap agreements are privately negotiated agreements between a fund and a counterparty to exchange a series of cash flows at specified intervals based upon, or calculated by reference to, changes in specified prices or rates for a specified amount of an underlying asset. A fund may enter into credit default, interest rate, or total return swap agreements to manage its exposure to credit, interest rate, or market risk. In connection with these agreements, securities may be identified as collateral in accordance with the terms of the respective swap agreements to provide assets of value and recourse in the event of default or bankruptcy/insolvency.

Swap agreements are valued through a pricing service or using procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Fund’s Board of Directors; changes in value are recorded as unrealized gain or loss. These unrealized gains or losses are included as a component of net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments on the statements of assets and liabilities.

Upon termination of swap agreements, the Funds recognize a realized gain or loss. Net periodic payments to be received or paid are accrued daily and are recorded in the statements of operations as realized gains or losses.

Payments received or made at the beginning of the measurement period are reflected as such on the statements of assets and liabilities and represent payments made or received upon entering into the swap agreement to compensate for differences between the stated terms of the swap agreement and prevailing market conditions (credit spreads, interest rates, and other relevant factors). These upfront payments are amortized daily over the term of the swap agreement as realized gains or losses on the statements of operations.

Notional principal amounts are used to express the extent of involvement in these agreements. Risks may exceed amounts shown on the statements of assets and liabilities. These risks include changes in the returns of the underlying instruments, unfavorable interest rate fluctuation, that the counterparty to the agreements may default on its obligation to perform or disagree as to the meaning of contractual terms in the agreements, and the possible lack of liquidity with respect to the swap agreements.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

The Funds and any counterparty are required to maintain an agreement that requires the Funds and that counterparty to monitor the net fair value of all derivative transactions entered into pursuant to the contract between the Funds and such counterparty. If the net fair value of such derivatives transactions between the Funds and that counterparty exceeds a certain threshold (as defined in the agreement), the Funds or the counterparty are required to post cash and/or securities as collateral. Fair values of derivatives transactions presented in the financial statements are not netted with the fair values of other derivatives transactions or with any collateral amounts posted by the Funds or any counterparty.

Credit default swaps involve commitments to pay a fixed rate at a predetermined frequency in exchange for a lump sum payment if a “credit event”, as defined in the agreement, affecting a third party occurs. Credit events may include a failure to pay interest, bankruptcy, restructuring, or other event as defined in the agreement. A “buyer” of credit protection agrees to pay a counterparty to assume the credit risk of an issuer upon the occurrence of a credit event. The “seller” of the protection receives periodic payments and agrees to assume the credit risk of an issuer upon the occurrence of a credit event. As the seller of credit protection, a Fund would add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, a Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional amount of the swap.

If a fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation, other deliverable obligations or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index. If a Fund is a buyer of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, a Fund will either (i) receive from the seller of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and deliver the referenced obligation, other deliverable obligations or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) receive a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.

Credit default swap agreements on credit indices involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a write-down, principal shortfall, interest shortfall or default of all or part of the referenced entities comprising the credit index. A credit index is a basket of credit instruments or exposures designed to be representative of some part of the credit market as a whole. These indices are made up of reference credits that are judged by a poll of dealers to be the most liquid entities in the credit default swap market based on the sector of the index. Components of the indices may include, but are not limited to, investment grade securities, high yield securities, asset backed securities, emerging markets, and/or various credit ratings within each sector. Credit indices are traded using credit default swaps with standardized terms including a fixed spread and standard maturity dates. An index credit default swap references all the names in the index, and if there is a default, the credit event is settled based on that name’s weight in the index. The composition of the indices changes periodically, usually every six months, and for most indices, each name has an equal weight in the index. A Fund may use credit default swaps on credit indices to hedge a portfolio of credit default swaps or bonds with a credit default swap on indices which is less expensive than it would be to buy many credit default swaps to achieve a similar effect. Credit-default swap on indices are benchmarks for protecting investors owning bonds against default, and traders use them to speculate on changes in credit quality.

Credit default swap agreements on corporate issues or sovereign issues involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a default or other credit event. If a credit event occurs and cash settlement is not elected, a variety of other deliverable obligations may be delivered in lieu of the specific referenced obligation. The ability to deliver other obligations may result in a cheapest-to-deliver option (the buyer of protection’s right to choose the deliverable obligation with the lowest value following a credit event). The Funds may use credit default swaps on corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging country to provide a measure of protection against defaults of the issuers (i.e., to reduce risk where the Funds own or has exposure to the referenced obligation).



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

For credit default swap agreements on asset-backed securities and credit indices, the quoted market prices and resulting values serve as the indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk. Wider credit spreads and increasing values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.

The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that a Fund as a seller of protection could be required to make under a credit default swap agreement would be an amount equal to the notional amount of the agreement. Notional amounts of all credit default swap agreements outstanding as of August 31, 2016 for which a Fund is the seller of protection are disclosed in the footnotes to the schedules of investments. These potential amounts would be partially offset by any recovery values of the respective referenced obligations, upfront payments received upon entering into the agreement, or net amounts received from the settlement of buy protection credit default swap agreements entered into by a Fund for the same referenced entity or entities.

Synthetic futures, which are total return swaps on futures contracts, along with equity basket swaps generally involve the commitment to receive positive returns or pay negative returns on a specified reference security, basket of securities, security index or index component, without actually owning the underlying position.

Interest rate swaps involve the commitment to exchange cash flows based on changes in the value of a specific reference security or a basket of securities.

As of August 31, 2016, counterparties had pledged collateral for swap agreements of $620,000 and $2,118,497 for the Diversified Real Asset Fund and Global Multi-Strategy Fund, respectively. The collateral is maintained in a segregated account and is not recorded in the books and records of the funds. Certain collateral amounts relate to exchange cleared swaps which are not subject to master netting agreements with counterparties.

To Be Announced Securities. The Funds may trade portfolio securities on a “to-be-announced” (“TBA”) or when-issued basis. In a TBA or when-issued transaction, the Funds commit to purchase or sell securities for which all specific information is not known at the time of the trade. Securities purchased on a TBA or when-issued basis are not settled until they are delivered to the Funds, normally 15 to 30 days later. These transactions are subject to market fluctuations and their current value is determined in the same manner as for other portfolio securities.

Underlying Funds. The performance and risks of Real Estate Allocation Fund, (singly, “a fund of funds”) directly correspond to the performance and risks of the underlying funds in which the fund of funds invest. By investing in many underlying funds, the fund of funds have partial exposure to the risks of many different areas of the market. The more a fund of funds allocates to stock funds, the greater the expected risk.

An underlying fund to a fund of funds may experience relatively large redemptions or purchases as the fund of funds periodically reallocates or rebalances its assets. These transactions may accelerate the realization of taxable income if sales of portfolio securities result in gains and could increase transaction costs. In addition, when a fund of funds reallocates or redeems significant assets away from an underlying fund, the loss of assets to the underlying fund could result in increased expense ratios for that fund.

The Manager is the advisor to the Principal LifeTime Funds, Principal LifeTime Hybrid Funds, PVC Principal LifeTime Accounts, SAM Portfolios, PVC SAM Portfolios, PVC Diversified Balanced Account, PVC Diversified Balanced Managed Volatility Account, PVC Diversified Growth Account, PVC Diversified Growth Managed Volatility Account, PVC Diversified Income Account, Real Estate Allocation Fund, and each of the underlying funds. Principal Global Investors, LLC ("PGI") is Sub-Advisor to the Principal LifeTime Funds, Principal LifeTime Hybrid Funds, PVC Principal LifeTime Accounts, PVC Diversified Balanced Account, PVC Diversified Balanced Managed Volatility Account, PVC Diversified Growth Account, PVC Diversified Growth Managed Volatility Account, and PVC Diversified Income Account. Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, (“Principal-REI”) is Sub-advisor to Real Estate Allocation Fund and Edge Asset Management, Inc. ("Edge") is the Sub-Advisor to the SAM Portfolios and PVC SAM Portfolios. Either PGI, Principal REI, or Edge also serves as Sub-Advisor to some or all of the underlying funds. The Manager, PGI, Principal-REI and Edge are committed to minimizing the potential impact of underlying fund risk on underlying funds to the extent consistent with pursuing the investment objectives of the fund of funds which it manages. Each may face conflicts of interest in fulfilling its responsibilities to all such funds.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

As of August 31, 2016, the SAM Portfolios, Principal LifeTime Funds, Principal LifeTime Hybrid Funds, PVC SAM Portfolios, PVC Principal LifeTime Accounts, PVC Diversified Balanced Account, PVC Diversified Balanced Managed Volatility Account, PVC Diversified Growth Account, PVC Diversified Growth Managed Volatility Account, PVC Diversified Income Account, PVC Multi-Asset Income Account, and Real Estate Allocation Fund owned the following percentages, in the aggregate, of the outstanding shares of the underlying funds listed below:

Fund Total Percentage of Outstanding Shares Owned  
Blue Chip Fund 93.49 %
Diversified Real Asset Fund 20.54  
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 50.03  
Global Opportunities Fund 98.77  
International Small Company Fund 98.26  
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund 42.73  
Origin Emerging Markets Fund 70.45  
Preferred Securities Fund 4.05  
Real Estate Debt Income Fund 98.62  
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund 31.24  


U.S. Government Agencies or Government-Sponsored Enterprises. Certain of the Funds may invest in U.S. Government agencies or government-sponsored enterprises. U.S. Government securities are obligations of, and in certain cases, guaranteed by, the U.S. Government or its agencies. The U.S. Government does not guarantee the net asset value of the Funds’ shares. Some U.S. Government securities such as treasury bills, notes and bonds, and securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association (“GNMA”) are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Other securities, such as those of the Federal Home Loan Bank are supported by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Still other securities, such as those of the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) are supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency’s obligations.

Government related guarantors (those not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government) include FNMA and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC”). FNMA is a government sponsored corporation, the common stock of which is owned entirely by private stockholders. FNMA purchases conventional residential mortgages from a list of approved seller/servicers which include state and federally chartered savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, commercial banks, credit unions, and mortgage bankers. Pass-through securities issued by FNMA are guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by FNMA, but are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. FHLMC issues Participation Certificates which are pass-through securities, each representing an undivided interest in a pool of residential mortgages. FHLMC guarantees the timely payment of interest and ultimate collection of principal, but Participation Certificates are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.



August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)

Derivatives. The following tables provide information about where in the statements of assets and liabilities and statements of operations information about derivatives can be found (amounts in thousands):

Derivatives not accounted for  Asset Derivatives August 31, 2016   Fair  Liability Derivatives August 31, 2016   Fair  
as hedging instruments Statement of Assets and Liabilities Location Value Statement of Assets and Liabilities Location   Value  
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund            
Credit contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 53 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Equity contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 4 Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $  
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Interest rate contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 11* Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 2 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
    Total$ 15   $ 55  
Diversified Real Asset Fund              
Commodity contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 10,792* Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 10,918 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Foreign exchange contracts Receivables $ 6,572  Payables $ 7,005  
Interest rate contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 2,072* Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 950 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
    Total$ 19,436   $ 18,873  
Global Multi-Strategy Fund              
Credit contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 3,596* Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 2,643 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Equity contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 16,425 Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 17,834  
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Foreign exchange contracts Receivables $ 24,423  Payables $ 21,487  
Interest rate contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 5,075* Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 3,374 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
    Total$ 49,519   $ 45,338  
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund            
Equity contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 321 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund            
Equity contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 728* Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 1,066 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Foreign exchange contracts Receivables $ 261 Payables  $ 175  
    Total$ 989   $ 1,241  
Origin Emerging Markets Fund            
Equity contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 139 *
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
Preferred Securities Fund              
Interest rate contracts Receivables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized $ 7,169 Payables, Net Assets Consist of Net unrealized  $ 2,034  
  appreciation (depreciation) of investments     appreciation (depreciation) of investments      


*Includes cumulative unrealized appreciation/depreciation of futures, and certain synthetic futures contracts as shown in the schedules of investments. Only the portion of the unrealized appreciation/depreciation not yet cash settled is shown in the statements of assets and liabilities as variation margin.

          Change in Unrealized  
          Appreciation/(Depreciation) of  
Derivatives not accounted for Location of Gain or (Loss) on Derivatives   Realized Gain or (Loss) on Derivatives   Derivatives Recognized in Statement  
as hedging instruments Recognized in Statement of Operations   Recognized in Statement of Operations   of Operations  
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund            
Credit contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Swap $ (96 ) $ (53 )
  agreements/Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Swap            
Equity contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Futures $ (19 ) $ (3 )
  contracts and Swap agreements/Change in            
  unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of            
  Swap agreements            
Interest rate contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Futures $ (166 ) $ 8  
  contracts/Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Futures            
  Total $ (281 ) $ (48 )




August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)            
            Change in Unrealized  
            Appreciation/(Depreciation) of  
Derivatives not accounted for Location of Gain or (Loss) on Derivatives Realized Gain or (Loss) on Derivatives     Derivatives Recognized in Statement  
as hedging instruments Recognized in Statement of Operations Recognized in Statement of Operations     of Operations  
Diversified Real Asset Fund              
Commodity contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Futures $ 9,054   $ (126 )
  contracts/Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Futures            
Foreign exchange contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (16,329 ) $ (3,656 )
  transactions, Foreign currency transactions,            
  and Options and swaptions/Change in            
  unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of            
  Investments, Options and swaptions, and            
  Translation of assets and liabilities in            
  foreign currencies            
Interest rate contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (5,893 ) $ 980  
  transactions, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements/Change in            
  unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of            
  Investments, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements            
  Total $ (13,168 ) $ (2,802 )
Global Multi-Strategy Fund              
Credit contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Swap $ 1,892   $ (3,103 )
  agreements/Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Swap            
Equity contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (4,243 ) $ (36,361 )
  transactions, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements/Change in            
  unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of            
  Investments, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements            
Foreign exchange contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (1,121 ) $ (8,422 )
  transactions, Foreign currency transactions,            
  Futures contracts, and Options and            
  swaptions/Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Investments,            
  Options and swaptions, and Translation of            
  assets and liabilities in foreign currencies            
Interest rate contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (2,136 ) $ 489  
  transactions, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements/Change in            
  unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of            
  Investments, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements            
  Total $ (5,608 ) $ (47,397 )
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund            
Equity contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Futures $ (595 ) $ (321 )
  contracts/Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Futures            
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund            
Equity contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (441 ) $ (664 )
  transactions, Futures contracts, Options and            
  swaptions, and Swap agreements/Change in            
  unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of            
  Investments, Futures contracts, and Swap            
Foreign exchange contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Foreign $ 582   $ 86  
  currency transactions /Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Translation of            
  assets and liabilities in foreign currencies            
  Total $ 141   $ (578 )
Origin Emerging Markets Fund            
Equity contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Futures $ (2,662 ) $ 2,825  
  contracts /Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Futures            




August 31, 2016

3. Operating Policies (Continued)            
            Change in Unrealized  
            Appreciation/(Depreciation) of  
Derivatives not accounted for Location of Gain or (Loss) on Derivatives Realized Gain or (Loss) on Derivatives     Derivatives Recognized in Statement  
as hedging instruments Recognized in Statement of Operations Recognized in Statement of Operations     of Operations  
Preferred Securities Fund              
Interest rate contracts Net realized gain (loss) from Investment $ (21,676 ) $ (2,072 )
  transactions, Futures contracts, and Options            
  and swaptions /Change in unrealized            
  appreciation/(depreciation) of Investments            
  and Options and swaptions            


Long equity futures contracts are used to obtain market exposure for the cash balances that are maintained by certain of the Funds and the notional values of the futures contracts will vary in accordance with changing cash balances. Long and short U.S. Treasury futures contracts are used to obtain interest rate exposure in order to manage duration of Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, and Global Multi-Strategy Fund. The Preferred Securities Fund uses long and short U.S. Treasury futures contracts to mitigate interest rate volatility. The notional values of the futures contracts will vary in accordance with changing duration of these funds.

The following table includes a summary of the average quarterly outstanding volume by derivative instrument type for the year ended August 31, 2016:

      Average Notional
      Or Number of
Contract Type Derivative Type   Contracts
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund      
Credit Contracts Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps - Buy Protection $ 1,420,750
Equity Contracts Total Return Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 200,000
Interest Rate Contracts Futures – Long $ 4,068,998
  Futures – Short $ 8,419,903
Diversified Real Asset Fund      
Commodity Contracts Futures – Long $ 291,692,369
  Futures – Short $ 11,325,014
Foreign Exchange Contracts Foreign Currency Contracts - Contracts to Accept $ 731,752,566
  Foreign Currency Contracts - Contracts to Deliver $ 896,911,323
  Purchased Options   172,240,000
  Written Options   78,321,250
Interest Rate Contracts Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps - Pay Floating Rate $ 9,700,000
  Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 22,944,750
  Futures – Long $ 73,466,936
  Futures – Short $ 97,505,000
  Interest Rate Swaps - Pay Floating Rate $ 9,406,140
  Interest Rate Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 13,386,140
  Purchased Capped Options   16,410,000
  Purchased Interest Rate Swaptions $ 16,090,000
  Purchased Options   837
  Written Interest Rate Swaptions $ 57,482,915
  Written Options   960




  August 31, 2016    
3. Operating Policies (Continued)      
Global Multi-Strategy Fund      
Credit Contracts Credit Default Swaps - Buy Protection $ 110,574,675
  Credit Default Swaps - Sell Protection $ 30,368,686
  Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps - Buy Protection $ 6,933,333
  Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps - Sell Protection $ 1,791,667
Equity Contracts Futures – Long $ 146,396,729
  Futures – Short $ 307,584,726
  Purchased Options   10,420
  Synthetic Futures - Long $ 5,856,693
  Synthetic Futures - Short $ 13,254,544
  Total Return Equity Basket Swaps - Long $ 299,099,620
  Total Return Equity Basket Swaps - Short $ 278,140,922
  Total Return Swaps - Pay Floating Rate $ 2,777,649
  Total Return Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 36,331
  Written Options   2,706
Foreign Exchange Contracts Foreign Currency Contracts - Contracts to Accept $ 927,362,384
  Foreign Currency Contracts - Contracts to Deliver $ 1,258,155,488
  Futures – Short $ 2,484,923
  Purchased Options   53,313,375
  Written Options   18,531,063
Interest Rate Contracts Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps - Pay Floating Rate $ 78,984,165
  Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 61,539,472
  Futures – Long $ 2,011,577,994
  Futures – Short $ 962,539,626
  Interest Rate Swaps - Pay Floating Rate $ 22,475,385
  Interest Rate Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 20,940,623
  Purchased Interest Rate Swaptions $ 122,499,424
  Purchased Options   9,970
  Synthetic Futures - Long $ 69,306,820
  Synthetic Futures - Short $ 15,329,008
  Total Return Swaps - Pay Floating Rate $ 23,112,023
  Total Return Swaps - Receive Floating Rate $ 15,553,240
  Written Interest Rate Swaptions $ 74,699,979
  Written Options   3,965
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund      
Equity Contracts Futures – Short $ 5,310,789
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund      
Equity Contracts Futures – Short $ 27,713,594
  Purchased Options   881
  Total Return Equity Basket Swaps - Long $ 29,345,858
  Total Return Equity Basket Swaps - Short $ 773,125
Foreign Exchange Contracts Foreign Currency Contracts - Contracts to Accept $ 3,758,708
  Foreign Currency Contracts - Contracts to Deliver $ 43,825,516
Origin Emerging Markets Fund      
Equity Contracts Futures – Long $ 32,164,505
Preferred Securities Fund      
Equity Contracts Purchased Options   16,975
  Written Options   16,975
Interest Rate Contracts Purchased Options   9,331
  Written Options   9,331




August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation

Fair value is defined as the price that the Funds would receive upon selling a security in a timely transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market of the security at the measurement date. In determining fair value, the Funds use various valuation approaches, including market, income and/or cost approaches. A hierarchy for inputs is used in measuring fair value that maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs by requiring that the most observable inputs be used when available.

Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the Funds. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the Funds own estimates about the estimates market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.

The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarized in the three broad levels listed below.

Level 1 – Quoted prices are available in active markets for identical securities as of the reporting date. The type of securities included in Level 1 includes listed equities and listed derivatives.

Level 2 – Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayments speeds, credit risk, etc.). Investments which are generally included in this category include corporate bonds, senior floating rate interests, and municipal bonds.

Level 3 – Significant unobservable inputs (including the Funds’ assumptions in determining the fair value of investments). Investments which are generally included in this category include certain corporate bonds and certain mortgage backed securities.

The availability of observable inputs can vary from security to security and is affected by a wide variety of factors, including, for example, the type of security, whether the security is new and not yet established in the market place, and other characteristics particular to the transaction. To the extent that valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised by the Funds in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3.

In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement in its entirety falls is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.

Fair value is a market based measure considered from the perspective of a market participant who holds the asset rather than an entity specific measure. Therefore, even when market assumptions are not readily available, the Fund’s own assumptions are set to reflect those that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date. The Funds use prices and inputs that are current as of the measurement date.

Investments which are generally included in the Level 3 category are primarily valued using quoted prices from brokers and dealers participating in the market for these investments. These investments are classified as Level 3 investments due to the lack of market transparency and market corroboration to support these quoted prices. Valuation models may be used as the pricing source for other investments classified as Level 3. Valuation models rely on one or more significant unobservable inputs such as prepayment rates, probability of default, or loss severity in the event of default. Significant increases in any of those inputs in isolation would result in a significantly lower fair value measurement.

The fair values of these entities are dependent on economic, political and other considerations. The values of the investments may be affected by significant changes in the economic conditions, changes in government policies, and other factors (e.g., natural disasters, accidents, conflicts, etc.).



August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)

Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Fund’s Board of Directors. The Manager has established a Valuation Committee of senior officers and employees, with the responsibility of overseeing the pricing and valuation of all securities, including securities where market quotations are not readily available. The Valuation Committee meets monthly and reports directly to the Board of Directors. The Pricing Group who reports to the Valuation Committee relies on the established Pricing Policies to determine fair valuation. Included in the Pricing Policies is an overview of the approved valuation technique established for each asset class. The Pricing Group will consider all appropriate information when determining fair valuation.

The Pricing Group relies on externally provided valuation inputs to determine the value of Level 3 securities. Security values are updated as new information becomes available. Valuation data and changes in valuation amounts are reviewed on a daily basis based on specified criteria for the security, asset class, and other factors. In addition, valuation data is periodically compared to actual transactions executed by the Funds (i.e., purchases/sales) and differences between transaction prices and prior period valuation data are investigated based on specified tolerances.

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those instruments.

The beginning of the period timing recognition has been adopted for the significant transfers between levels of each Fund’s assets and liabilities. There were no significant purchases, sales, or transfers into or out of Level 3. The table below includes transfers from Level 1 to Level 2 at August 31, 2016 due to lack of exchange traded valuation data:

Global Multi-Strategy Fund $ 1,140,361
Preferred Securities Fund   40,015,808


In addition, $12,026,355 was transferred from Level 1 to Level 2 on the Diversified Real Asset Fund to reflect events that occurred after the close of a certain foreign market or exchange but prior to the calculation of the Fund’s net asset value.

Below are transfers from Level 2 to Level 1 at August 31, 2016 due to the resumption of trading for previous thinly traded securities:

Global Multi-Strategy Fund $ 1,881,946
Preferred Securities Fund   8,372,979


The following is a summary of the inputs used as of August 31, 2016 in valuing the Funds' securities carried at value (amounts shown in thousands):

          Level 2 - Other            
    Level 1 - Quoted     Significant Observable     Level 3 - Significant      
Fund   Prices     Inputs     Unobservable Inputs    Totals (Level 1,2,3))  
Blue Chip Fund                      
Common Stocks* $ 1,332,005   $   $ $ 1,332,005  
Investment Companies*   871           871  
  Total investments in securities $ 1,332,876   $   $ $ 1,332,876  
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund                    
Bonds* $   $ 12,644   $ $ 12,644  
Common Stocks*   5           5  
Investment Companies*   2,016           2,016  
Senior Floating Rate Interests*       51       51  
U.S. Government & Government Agency Obligations*     4,994       4,994  
  Total investments in securities $ 2,021   $ 17,689   $ $ 19,710  
Equity Contracts**                      
Total Return Swaps $   $ 4   $ $ 4  
Interest Rate Contracts**                      
Futures $ 11   $   $ $ 11  
Credit Contracts**                      
Credit Default Swaps $   $ (53 ) $ $ (53 )
Interest Rate Contracts**                      
Futures $ (2 ) $   $ $ (2 )




August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)                      
        Level 2 - Other            
    Level 1 - Quoted   Significant Observable     Level 3 - Significant      
Fund   Prices     Inputs     Unobservable Inputs   Totals (Level 1,2,3)   
Diversified Real Asset Fund $   $ 297,912   $ $ 297,912  
Commodity Indexed Structured Notes*       37,676       37,676  
Common Stocks                      
Basic Materials   125,908     99,606       225,514  
Communications   1,353     7,356       8,709  
Consumer, Cyclical   32,240     8,745       40,985  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   51,818     90,734       142,552  
Diversified       11,936       11,936  
Energy   529,260     11,535       540,795  
Financial   325,298     168,551       493,849  
Industrial   94,582     88,617       183,199  
Utilities   100,701     67,472       168,173  
Convertible Bonds*       123       123  
Investment Companies*   314,430           314,430  
Senior Floating Rate Interests*       592,133       592,133  
U.S. Government & Government Agency Obligations*       696,239       696,239  
Purchased Interest Rate Swaptions       1,178       1,178  
Purchased Capped Options              
Purchased Options   277     1,632       1,909  
Total investments in securities $ 1,575,867   $ 2,181,445   $ $ 3,757,312  
Commodity Contracts**                      
Futures $ 10,792   $   $ $ 10,792  
Foreign Exchange Contracts**                      
Foreign Currency Contracts $   $ 4,940   $ $ 4,940  
Interest Rate Contracts**                      
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps $   $ 84   $ $ 84  
Futures   274           274  
Interest Rate Swaps       259       259  
Commodity Contracts**                      
Futures $ (10,918 ) $   $ $ (10,918 )
Foreign Exchange Contracts**                      
Foreign Currency Contracts $   $ (6,321 ) $ $ (6,321 )
Written Options       (684 )     (684 )
Interest Rate Contracts**                      
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps $   $ (41 ) $ $ (41 )
Futures   (484 )         (484 )
Interest Rate Swaptions       (238 )     (238 )
Options   (187 )         (187 )
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund                      
Bonds* $   $ 3,110   $ $ 3,110  
Common Stocks*   17           17  
Investment Companies*   2,379           2,379  
Senior Floating Rate Interests*       10,126       10,126  
Total investments in securities $ 2,396   $ 13,236   $ $ 15,632  
Global Multi-Strategy Fund                      
Bonds* $   $ 723,648   $ 12,150 $ 735,798  
Common Stocks                      
Basic Materials   39,591     23,578       63,169  
Communications   97,360     10,913       108,273  
Consumer, Cyclical   106,899     23,257     19   130,175  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   232,250     25,959       258,209  
Diversified   1,875           1,875  
Energy   44,364     2,112       46,476  
Financial   141,903     25,627     2,814   170,344  
Industrial   99,318     38,109       137,427  
Technology   113,948     9,330       123,278  
Utilities   22,450     3,122       25,572  
Convertible Bonds*       60,474       60,474  
Convertible Preferred Stocks                      
Communications   2,600         267   2,867  
Consumer, Cyclical       498     41   539  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   7,591     116       7,707  
Financial   4,438     2,248       6,686  
Industrial   208           208  
Technology           64   64  
Utilities   949           949  
Investment Companies*   596,359     477       596,836  




August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)                        
          Level 2 - Other              
    Level 1 - Quoted   Significant Observable     Level 3 - Significant        
Fund   Prices     Inputs     Unobservable Inputs   Totals (Level 1,2,3)   
 Global Multi-Strategy Fund (Continued)                        
Preferred Stocks                        
Communications $   $ 107   $ 2,045   $ 2,152  
Financial           785     785  
Industrial           149     149  
Technology           315     315  
Repurchase Agreements*       382,601         382,601  
Senior Floating Rate Interests*       73,832         73,832  
U.S. Government & Government Agency Obligations*       297,880         297,880  
Purchased Interest Rate Swaptions       202         202  
Purchased Options   6,383     337         6,720  
Total investments in securities $ 1,518,486   $ 1,704,427   $ 18,649   $ 3,241,562  
Short Sales                        
Bonds $   $ (49,659 ) $   $ (49,659 )
Common Stocks                        
Basic Materials   (7,381 )   (1,593 )       (8,974 )
Communications   (19,602 )   (4,019 )   (24 )   (23,645 )
Consumer, Cyclical   (49,851 )   (4,150 )       (54,001 )
Consumer, Non-cyclical   (67,976 )   (4,378 )       (72,354 )
Energy   (11,846 )   (1,276 )       (13,122 )
Financial   (62,218 )   (4,243 )       (66,461 )
Industrial   (31,271 )   (4,067 )       (35,338 )
Technology   (52,184 )   (1,278 )       (53,462 )
Utilities   (13,295 )   (365 )       (13,660 )
Preferred Stocks                        
Basic Materials       (321 )       (321 )
Consumer, Cyclical       (516 )       (516 )
Consumer, Non-cyclical       (73 )       (73 )
Industrial       (67 )       (67 )
U.S. Government & Government Agency Obligations       (329,015 )       (329,015 )
Total Short Sales $ (315,624 ) $ (405,020 ) $ (24 ) $ (720,668 )
Credit Contracts**                        
Credit Default Swaps $   $ 3,591   $   $ 3,591  
Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps       5         5  
Equity Contracts**                        
Futures $ 3,277   $   $   $ 3,277  
Synthetic Futures       122         122  
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps       7,730         7,730  
Foreign Exchange Contracts**                        
Foreign Currency Contracts $   $ 24,086   $   $ 24,086  
Interest Rate Contracts**                        
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps $   $ 749   $   $ 749  
Futures   2,313             2,313  
Interest Rate Swaps       260         260  
Synthetic Futures       440         440  
Total Return Swaps       24         24  
Credit Contracts**                        
Credit Default Swaps $   $ (2,521 ) $   $ (2,521 )
Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps       (122 )       (122 )
Equity Contracts**                        
Futures $ (14,255 ) $   $   $ (14,255 )
Options   (2,417 )           (2,417 )
Synthetic Futures       (99 )       (99 )
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps       (1,018 )       (1,018 )
Foreign Exchange Contracts**                        
Foreign Currency Contracts $   $ (21,217 ) $   $ (21,217 )
Options       (270 )       (270 )
Interest Rate Contracts**                        
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps $   $ (943 ) $   $ (943 )
Futures   (1,658 )           (1,658 )
Interest Rate Swaps       (71 )       (71 )
Interest Rate Swaptions       (37 )       (37 )
Options   (603 )           (603 )
Synthetic Futures       (62 )       (62 )
Total Return Swaps       (45 )       (45 )




August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)                  
        Level 2 - Other          
    Level 1 - Quoted   Significant Observable   Level 3 - Significant      
  Prices     Inputs   Unobservable Inputs    Totals (Level 1,2,3)  
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund                  
Common Stocks                    
Basic Materials $ 75   $ 50 $ $ 125  
Communications   615     281     896  
Consumer, Cyclical   131     210     341  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   1,398     587     1,985  
Diversified       42     42  
Energy   183         183  
Financial   719     558     1,277  
Industrial   285     522     807  
Technology   420     237     657  
Utilities   107     294     401  
Investment Companies*   144         144  
  Total investments in securities $ 4,077   $ 2,781 $ $ 6,858  
Equity Contracts**                    
Futures $ (321 ) $ $ $ (321 )
Global Opportunities Fund                    
Common Stocks                    
Basic Materials $ 14,621   $ 9,777 $ $ 24,398  
Communications   116,519     54,196     170,715  
Consumer, Cyclical   27,931     40,117     68,048  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   272,325     116,354     388,679  
Diversified       8,605     8,605  
Energy   40,375         40,375  
Financial   136,813     107,010     243,823  
Industrial   54,709     102,043     156,752  
Technology   79,157     45,169     124,326  
Utilities   22,110     59,356     81,466  
Investment Companies*   6,378         6,378  
  Total investments in securities $ 770,938   $ 542,627 $ $ 1,313,565  
International Small Company Fund                  
Common Stocks                    
Basic Materials $ 3,895   $ 10,588 $ $ 14,483  
Communications   1,005     7,532     8,537  
Consumer, Cyclical   2,216     25,200     27,416  
Consumer, Non-cyclical       28,944     28,944  
Energy   5,268     2,748     8,016  
Financial   2,989     33,787     36,776  
Industrial   2,055     25,079     27,134  
Technology   2,534     8,537     11,071  
Utilities       3,347     3,347  
Investment Companies*   2,523         2,523  
Preferred Stocks                    
Industrial       2,459     2,459  
  Total investments in securities $ 22,485   $ 148,221 $ $ 170,706  
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund                  
Common Stocks                    
Basic Materials $ 11,060   $ 3,954 $ $ 15,014  
Communications   35,208     14,915     50,123  
Consumer, Cyclical   23,556     5,581     29,137  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   56,725     11,314     68,039  
Energy   6,108     821     6,929  
Financial   27,805     13,838     41,643  
Industrial   18,226     14,365     32,591  
Technology   32,498     6,091     38,589  
Utilities   5,831         5,831  
Investment Companies*   48,975         48,975  
Purchased Options   197         197  
  Total investments in securities $ 266,189   $ 70,879 $ $ 337,068  




August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)                    
        Level 2 - Other            
    Level 1 - Quoted   Significant Observable     Level 3 - Significant      
Fund   Prices     Inputs     Unobservable Inputs Totals (Level 1,2,3)  
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund (Continued)                    
Short Sales                      
Common Stocks                      
Basic Materials $ (3,301 ) $ (1,103 ) $ $ (4,404 )
Communications   (4,098 )         (4,098 )
Consumer, Cyclical   (14,866 )   (2,381 )     (17,247 )
Consumer, Non-cyclical   (18,918 )   (2,305 )     (21,223 )
Diversified   (77 )         (77 )
Energy   (8,344 )   (2,505 )     (10,849 )
Financial   (6,789 )   (3,772 )     (10,561 )
Industrial   (9,295 )   (3,189 )     (12,484 )
Technology   (7,745 )   (1,158 )     (8,903 )
Utilities   (4,767 )         (4,767 )
Investment Companies   (16,919 )   (9,291 )     (26,210 )
  Total Short Sales $ (95,119 ) $ (25,704 ) $ $ (120,823 )
Equity Contracts**                      
Futures $ 32   $   $ $ 32  
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps     499       499  
Foreign Exchange Contracts**                      
Foreign Currency Contracts $   $ 261   $ $ 261  
Equity Contracts**                      
Futures $ (982 ) $   $ $ (982 )
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps     (84 )     (84 )
Foreign Exchange Contracts**                      
Foreign Currency Contracts $   $ (175 ) $ $ (175 )
Opportunistic Municipal Fund                      
Bonds* $   $ 515   $ $ 515  
Investment Companies*   1,087           1,087  
Municipal Bonds*       142,956       142,956  
  Total investments in securities $ 1,087   $ 143,471   $ $ 144,558  
Origin Emerging Markets Fund                      
Common Stocks                      
Basic Materials $   $ 41,473   $ $ 41,473  
Communications   23,362     103,030       126,392  
Consumer, Cyclical   16,113     78,573       94,686  
Consumer, Non-cyclical   36,485     77,990       114,475  
Diversified       15,173       15,173  
Energy       10,606       10,606  
Financial   8,544     64,161       72,705  
Industrial   21,817     56,652       78,469  
Technology   118,610     25,491       144,101  
Utilities   8,599     42,118       50,717  
Investment Companies*   28,364           28,364  
  Total investments in securities $ 261,894   $ 515,267   $ $ 777,161  
Equity Contracts**                      
Futures $ (139 ) $   $ $ (139 )
Preferred Securities Fund                      
Bonds* $   $ 3,742,191   $ $ 3,742,191  
Convertible Bonds*       25,464       25,464  
Convertible Preferred Stocks                      
Financial   82,478           82,478  
Investment Companies*   167,452           167,452  
Preferred Stocks                      
Communications   152,618     143,636       296,254  
Consumer, Non-cyclical       25,235       25,235  
Financial   1,054,074     153,192       1,207,266  
Government       27,614       27,614  
Industrial   39,077           39,077  
Utilities   115,430     24,038       139,468  
Purchased Options   7,169           7,169  
  Total investments in securities $ 1,618,298   $ 4,141,370   $ $ 5,759,668  
Interest Rate Contracts**                      
Options $ (2,034 ) $   $ $ (2,034 )



August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)              
      Level 2 - Other        
    Level 1 - Quoted Significant Observable   Level 3 - Significant    
Fund   Prices   Inputs   Unobservable Inputs    Totals (Level 1,2,3)
Real Estate Allocation Fund                
Investment Companies* $ 931 $ $ $ 931
  Total investments in securities $ 931 $ $ $ 931
Real Estate Debt Income Fund                
Bonds* $ $ 152,289 $ $ 152,289
Investment Companies*   1,731       1,731
  Total investments in securities $ 1,731 $ 152,289 $ $ 154,020
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund              
Common Stocks* $ 2,227,663 $ $ $ 2,227,663
Investment Companies*   56,219       56,219
  Total investments in securities $ 2,283,882 $ $ $ 2,283,882
SystematEx International Fund                
Common Stocks                
Basic Materials $ $ 4,606 $ $ 4,606
Communications     4,659     4,659
Consumer, Cyclical     8,470     8,470
Consumer, Non-cyclical     15,025     15,025
Diversified   12   608     620
Energy     4,613     4,613
Financial     12,825     12,825
Industrial     7,584     7,584
Technology     2,483     2,483
Utilities     2,014     2,014
Investment Companies*   12       12
Preferred Stocks                
Basic Materials     6     6
Consumer, Cyclical     34     34
Consumer, Non-cyclical     191     191
  Total investments in securities $ 24 $ 63,118 $ $ 63,142
SystematEx Large Value Fund                
Common Stocks* $ 8,494 $ $ $ 8,494
Investment Companies*   7       7
  Total investments in securities $ 8,501 $ $ $ 8,501


*      For additional detail regarding sector classifications, please see the Schedules of Investments.
**      Exchange Cleared Swaps, Futures, Foreign Currency Contracts, and Synthetic Futures are valued at the unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of the instrument.

At the end of the period, there were no Funds which had a significant Level 3 balance. During the period, there were no significant purchases, sales, or transfers into or out of Level 3.



August 31, 2016

5. Management Agreement and Transactions with Affiliates

Management Services. The Funds have agreed to pay investment advisory and management fees to the Manager (wholly owned by Principal Financial Services, Inc.) computed at an annual percentage rate of each of the Funds’ average daily net assets. A portion of the management fee is paid by the Manager to the sub-advisor of each of the Funds, some of which are affiliates of the Manager. The annual rates used in this calculation for the Funds are as follows:

      Net Assets of Fund      
  First $500   Next $500   Next $500   Over $1.5  
  million   million   million   billion  
Blue Chip Fund .70 % .68 % .66 % .65 %
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund .60   .58   .56   .55  
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund .65   .63   .61   .60  
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund 1.10   1.08   1.06   1.05  
Global Opportunities Fund .85   .83   .81   .80  
International Small Company Fund 1.05   1.03   1.01   1.00  
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund 1.57   1.55   1.53   1.52  
Opportunistic Municipal Fund .50   .48   .46   .45  
Origin Emerging Markets Fund 1.20   1.18   1.16   1.15  
Real Estate Debt Income Fund .55   .53   .51   .50  


          Net Assets of Fund          
  First $500   Next $500   Next $500   Next $500   Next $1   Over $3  
  million   million   million   million   billion   billion  
Diversified Real Asset Fund .85 % .83 % .81 % .80 % .79 % .78 %
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 1.60   1.58   1.56   1.55   1.54   1.53  
Preferred Securities Fund .75   .73   .71   .70   .69   .68  
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund .80   .78   .76   .75   .74   .73  
      All Net Assets              
Real Estate Allocation Fund     .00 %                


In addition to the management fee, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-5 classes of shares of the Funds pay the Manager a service fee and an administrative service fee computed at an annual percentage rate of each class’s average daily net assets. The annual rates for the service fee are .25%, .25%, .25%, .25%, and .25% and the annual rates for the administrative service fee are .28%, .20%, .07%, .03%, and .01% for R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-5, respectively. Class A, Class C, Class P, and Institutional shares of the Funds reimburse Principal Shareholder Services, Inc. (the “Transfer Agent”) (wholly owned by the Manager) for transfer agent services. Class J shares pays Principal Shareholder Services, Inc. a fee for the services provided in an amount that includes a profit.

The Manager has contractually agreed to limit the expenses (excluding interest expense, expenses related to fund investments, acquired fund fees and expenses, and other extraordinary expenses) for certain classes of shares of certain of the Funds. The reductions and reimbursements are in amounts that maintain total operating expenses at or below certain limits. The limits are expressed as a percentage of average daily net assets attributable to each class of shares on an annualized basis during the reporting period. The operating expense limits are as follows:

      Period from September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016    
  Class A   Class C   Institutional   R-6   Expiration
Blue Chip Fund 1.35 % 2.10 % .75 %   N/A   December 30, 2016
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund 1.10   N/A   .70     N/A   December 30, 2016
Diversified Real Asset Fund 1.25   2.00   .88     .88 % December 30, 2016
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund 1.10   N/A   .75     N/A   December 30, 2016
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 2.00   2.75   1.65     N/A   December 30, 2016
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund 1.55 * N/A   1.25 *   N/A   December 30, 2016
Global Opportunities Fund 1.50   2.25   N/A     N/A   December 30, 2016
International Small Company Fund 1.60   N/A   1.20     N/A   December 30, 2016
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund 2.02 ** N/A   1.67 **   1.60 ** December 30, 2017
Opportunistic Municipal Fund .90   1.65   .65     N/A   December 30, 2016
Origin Emerging Markets Fund 1.75   N/A   1.25     1.26   December 30, 2016
Real Estate Allocation Fund .50   N/A   .15     N/A   December 30, 2016
Real Estate Debt Income Fund 1.00   N/A   .70     N/A   December 30, 2016
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund N/A   2.15   .88     N/A   December 30, 2016


*      Period from September 22, 2015 to August 31, 2016.
**      Period from March 31, 2016 to August 31, 2016.



August 31, 2016

5. Management Agreement and Transactions with Affiliates (Continued)

In addition, the Manager has contractually agreed to limit Class P expenses other than management and investment advisory fees and distribution fees and, if necessary, pay expenses normally payable by the fund, excluding interest expense, expenses related to fund investments, acquired fund fees and expenses, and other extraordinary expenses. The limits are expressed as a percentage of average daily net assets attributable to Class P shares on an annualized basis during the reporting period. The limits are as follows:

  Period from September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016
  Class P   Expiration
Blue Chip Fund .20 % December 30, 2016
Diversified Real Asset Fund .20   December 30, 2016
Global Multi-Strategy Fund .20   December 30, 2016
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund .20 * December 30, 2016
Global Opportunities Fund .20   December 30, 2016
International Small Company Fund .20   December 30, 2016
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund .20 ** December 30, 2017
Opportunistic Municipal Fund .20   December 30, 2016
Origin Emerging Markets .20 *** December 30, 2017
Preferred Securities Fund .20   December 30, 2016
Real Estate Debt Income Fund .20   December 30, 2016
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund .20   December 30, 2016


*      Period from September 22, 2015 to August 31, 2016.
**      Period from March 31, 2016 to August 31, 2016.
***      Period from March 29, 2016 to August 31, 2016.

Amounts owed to the Funds under the terms of the expense limitation agreements are reflected in the statement of assets and liabilities as expense reimbursement from Manager and are settled monthly.

Distribution Fees. The Class A, Class C, Class J, R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 shares of the Funds bear distribution fees. The fee is computed at an annual rate of the average daily net assets attributable to each class of each of the Funds. Distribution fees are paid to Principal Funds Distributor, Inc. (“the Distributor”), the principal distributor of the Funds. A portion of the distribution fees may be paid to other selling dealers for providing certain services. The annual rates are .25%, 1.00%, .15%, .35%, .30%, .25%, and .10% for Class A, Class C, Class J, R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 classes of shares, respectively.

The Distributor has voluntarily agreed to limit the distribution fees (expressed as a percent of average net assets on an annualized basis) attributable to Class J shares. The limit will maintain the level of distribution fees not to exceed .132% for Class J shares. The voluntary expense limit may be terminated at any time.

Amounts owed to the Funds under the terms of the expense limitation agreements are reflected in the statement of assets and liabilities as expense reimbursement from Distributor and are settled monthly.



August 31, 2016

5. Management Agreement and Transactions with Affiliates (Continued)

Sales Charges. The Distributor receives proceeds of any CDSC on certain Class A, Class C, and Class J share redemptions. The charge for Class A shares is 1.00% of the lesser of current market value or the cost of shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase that were originally sold without a sales charge. The charge for Class C shares is 1.00% of the lesser of current market value or the cost of shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. The charge for Class J shares is 1.00% of the lesser of current market value or the cost of shares redeemed within 18 months of purchase. The Distributor also retains sales charges on sales of Class A shares based on declining rates which begin at 3.75% for Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund, Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund, Global Multi-Strategy Fund, Opportunistic Municipal Fund, Preferred Securities Fund, and Real Estate Debt Income Fund and 5.50% for Blue Chip Fund, Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund, Global Opportunities Fund, International Small Company Fund, Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund, Origin Emerging Markets Fund, Real Estate Allocation Fund, and Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund. The aggregate amounts of these charges retained by the Distributor for the period ended August 31, 2016, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Class A   Class C Class J
Blue Chip Fund $ 151 $ 9 N/A
Diversified Real Asset Fund   20   6 N/A
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   1   N/A N/A
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   34   15 N/A
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   1   N/A N/A
Global Opportunities Fund   11   N/A
International Small Company Fund   7   N/A N/A
Opportunistic Municipal Fund   17   N/A
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   4   N/A N/A
Preferred Securities Fund   461   64 $6
Real Estate Allocation Fund   7   N/A N/A
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   3   N/A N/A
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   202   32 N/A


Affiliated Ownership. At August 31, 2016, Principal Life Insurance Company (an affiliate of the Managerthe Manager, Principal Securities, Inc., Collective Investment Trusts sponsored by Principal Trust Company, benefit plans and separate accounts sponsored on behalf of Principal Life Insurance Company, and other affiliated entities owned shares of the Funds as follows (amounts in thousands):

  Class A   Class C  Class P  Institutional   R-3  R-4 R-5 R-6
Blue Chip Fund 454 1   1   1   N/A
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund 1,000 N/A N/A 1,018 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Diversified Real Asset Fund 30,499 1   1   1  
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund 750 N/A N/A 750 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 16,914 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund 250 N/A 250 250 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Global Opportunities Fund 742 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
International Small Company Fund N/A 16 43 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund 1 N/A 1 1 N/A   N/A   N/A   16,294
Opportunistic Municipal Fund 517 703 14 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Origin Emerging Markets Fund N/A 1 21,760 N/A   N/A   N/A   10
Preferred Securities Fund 9,226       N/A
Real Estate Debt Income Fund N/A 1 44 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund 133 N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A


Affiliated Brokerage Commissions. With respect to Preferred Securities Fund, $113,000 of brokerage commission was paid to Spectrum Asset Management, Inc., a member of the Principal Financial Group. The other Funds did not pay brokerage commissions to any member of the Principal Financial Group during the year ended August 31, 2016.



August 31, 2016

6. Investment Transactions

For the year ended August 31, 2016, the cost of investment securities purchased and proceeds from investment securities sold (not including short-term investments and U.S. government securities) by the Funds were as follows (amounts in thousands):

            Covers on    
            Securities   Securities
    Purchases   Sales   Sold Short   Sold Short
Blue Chip Fund $ 463,905 $ 521,944 $ $
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund   71,721   76,299    
Diversified Real Asset Fund   2,125,025   2,008,814    
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   15,014   15,402    
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   3,952,643   4,372,572   854,902   726,881
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   17,540   11,039    
Global Opportunities Fund   1,856,182   1,817,609    
International Small Company Fund   181,713   26,810    
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund   546,455   265,477   85,444   202,487
Opportunistic Municipal Fund   132,731   48,420    
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   521,459   592,079    
Preferred Securities Fund   1,484,473   690,965    
Real Estate Allocation Fund   1,011   449    
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   123,451   14,908    
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   659,614   463,204    


For the year ended August 31, 2016, the cost of U.S. government securities purchased and proceeds from U.S. government securities sold (not including short-term investments) by the Funds were as follows (amounts in thousands):

            Covers on    
            Securities   Securities
    Purchases   Sales   Sold Short   Sold Short
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund $ 31,791 $ 26,804 $ $
Diversified Real Asset Fund   679,102   395,694    
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   1,451,718   1,204,115   1,015,095   1,334,048
7. Federal Tax Information                


Distributions to Shareholders. The federal income tax character of distributions paid for the periods ended August 31, 2016, and August 31, 2015 were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Ordinary Income #        Tax-Exempt Income^ Capital Gain *, #
    2016   2015   2016 2015 2016   2015
Blue Chip Fund $ 6,074 $ 13,424 $ — $ — $ 24,036 $ 3,389
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund   570   720    
Diversified Real Asset Fund   36,288   50,807     17,623
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   751   634    
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   26,530   25,856   62,233   28,046
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   10      
Global Opportunities Fund   17,178   91,280   11,145   43,405
International Small Company Fund   181   37    
Opportunistic Municipal Fund       3,302 1,171  
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   7,563      
Preferred Securities Fund   246,710   239,040   42,753   88,651
Real Estate Allocation Fund   12   2    
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   2,379   937    
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   44,005   40,671   33,793   32,330


# Certain Funds may also utilize earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on redemptions of shares as part of the dividends paid deduction. ^ The Funds designate these distributions as exempt interest per IRC Sec. 852(b)(5).

*The Funds designate these distributions as long-term capital gain dividends per IRC Sec. 852 (b)(3)(C) in the 20-percent group (which may be taxed at a 20-percent rate, a 15-percent rate or a 0-percent rate, depending on the shareholder’s taxable income).

For U.S. federal income tax purposes, short-term capital gain distributions are considered ordinary income distributions.



August 31, 2016

7. Federal Tax Information (Continued)

Distributable Earnings. As of August 31, 2016, the components of distributable earnings/(deficit) on a federal tax basis were as

follows (amounts in thousands):                                    
    Undistributed   Undistributed     Undistributed          Net Unrealized     Other     Accumulated  
    Ordinary   Tax-Exempt    Long-Term    Accumulated       Appreciation       Temporary      Earnings  
    Income   Income   Capital Gains   Losses     (Depreciation)     Differences*      (Deficit)  
Blue Chip Fund $ 2,111 $ $ 356 $ (329 ) $ 175,751   $   $ 177,889  
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund   23       (1,110 )   156     (30 )   (961 )
Diversified Real Asset Fund   82,414       (381,863 )   (3,254 )   (44 )   (302,747 )
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   9       (1,261 )   (49 )       (1,301 )
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   1,206       (20,690 )   33,837     (10,966 )   3,387  
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   65       (974 )   254         (655 )
Global Opportunities Fund   21,811       (13,424 )   56,389         64,776  
International Small Company Fund   1,339       (2,553 )   1,188         (26 )
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund   1,037       (2,729 )   3,948     (436 )   1,820  
Opportunistic Municipal Fund     17     (1,440 )   8,334         6,911  
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   5,349       (198,575 )   66,415         (126,811 )
Preferred Securities Fund   1,957     34,796       321,516     23,453     381,722  
Real Estate Allocation Fund   2     4       28         34  
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   33     3       2,047         2,083  
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   38,448       (46,951 )   305,796         297,293  


*Represents book-to-tax accounting differences related to straddle loss deferrals, constructive sale gain recognition, and defaulted securities.

Capital Loss Carryforwards. For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards are losses that can be used to offset future capital gains of the Funds. At August 31, 2016, the Funds had approximate net capital loss carryforwards as follows (amounts in

    No Expiration:    
  Short- Long-    
    Term   Term   Total
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund $ 364 $ 746 $ 1,110
Diversified Real Asset Fund   286,974   94,889   381,863
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   476   785   1,261
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   20,690     20,690
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   427   547   974
Global Opportunities Fund   13,424     13,424
International Small Company Fund   2,553     2,553
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund   1,827   902   2,729
Opportunistic Municipal Fund   888   552   1,440
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   188,349   10,226   198,575
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   21,824   25,127   46,951


Capital losses generated in taxable years beginning after the enactment date of the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, December 22, 2010, will be carried forward with no expiration and with the character of the loss retained.

As of August 31, 2016, the following funds utilized capital loss carryforwards as follows (amounts in thousands):

Opportunistic Municipal Fund $ 425
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   1


Late-Year Losses. A regulated investment company may elect to treat any portion of any qualified late-year loss as arising on the first day of the next taxable year. Qualified late-year losses are certain capital and ordinary losses which occur during the portion of the Fund’s taxable year subsequent to October 31 and December 31, respectively. At August 31, 2016, Blue Chip Fund had an approximate late-year loss of $329,000.



August 31, 2016

7. Federal Tax Information (Continued)

Reclassification of Capital Accounts. The Funds may record reclassifications in their capital accounts. These reclassifications have no impact on the total net assets of the Funds. The reclassifications are a result of permanent differences between GAAP and tax accounting. Adjustments are made to reflect the impact these items have on current and future distributions to shareholders. Therefore, the source of the Funds’ distributions may be shown in the accompanying Statement of Changes in Net Assets as from net investment income, from net realized gains on investments or from capital depending on the type of book and tax differences that exist. For the year ended August 31, 2016, the Funds recorded reclassifications as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Accumulated     Accumulated        
    Undistributed Net     Net Realized Gain        
    Investment Income     on Investments     Paid in Capital  
Blue Chip Fund $ (2 ) $ (4,266 ) $ 4,268  
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund   (24 )   23     1  
Diversified Real Asset Fund   (18,892 )   14,320     4,572  
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   30     (30 )    
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   1,754     (3,515 )   1,761  
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   (8 )   8      
Global Opportunities Fund   (683 )   683      
International Small Company Fund   91     (91 )    
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund   1,765     (1,765 )    
Opportunistic Municipal Fund   (4 )   4      
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   (1,342 )   1,341     1  
Preferred Securities Fund   10,503     (10,502 )   (1 )
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   17         (17 )
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   12,375     (19,822 )   7,447  


Federal Income Tax Basis. At August 31, 2016, the net federal income tax unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and federal tax cost of investments held by the Funds were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Unrealized   Unrealized     Net Unrealized     Cost for Federal
    Appreciation   (Depreciation)     Appreciation (Depreciation)     Income Tax Purposes
Blue Chip Fund $ 200,563 $ (24,812 ) $ 175,751   $ 1,157,125
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund   308   (152 )   156     19,554
Diversified Real Asset Fund   106,090   (110,262 )   (4,172 )   3,784,933
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund   261   (310 )   (49 )   15,681
Global Multi-Strategy Fund   104,842   (56,770 )   48,072     3,193,490
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund   439   (185 )   254     6,604
Global Opportunities Fund   91,482   (35,003 )   56,479     1,257,086
International Small Company Fund   7,737   (6,550 )   1,187     169,519
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund   10,529   (6,349 )   4,180     332,888
Opportunistic Municipal Fund*   8,550   (217 )   8,333     130,659
Origin Emerging Markets Fund   95,855   (29,445 )   66,410     710,751
Preferred Securities Fund   376,241   (61,840 )   314,401     5,442,272
Real Estate Allocation Fund   30   (2 )   28     903
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   3,523   (1,476 )   2,047     151,973
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund   378,420   (72,622 )   305,798     1,978,084


*The fund holds floating rate securities which are accounted for differently for GAAP vs. federal income tax purposes. This causes a difference in cost basis and fair market value of investments for tax and GAAP purposes.

8. Subsequent Events

Management has evaluated events and transactions that have occurred through the date the financial statements were issued that would merit recognition or disclosure in the financial statements. There were no items requiring adjustment of the financial statements or additional disclosure.



Schedule of Investments Blue Chip Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 99.92% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held Value(000 's)
Aerospace & Defense - 3.32%           Retail - 12.10%        
TransDigm Group Inc (a) 155,276 $   44,283   AutoZone Inc (a) 15,580 $ 11,557  
            CarMax Inc (a) 574,199   33,849  
Banks - 4.02%           Dollar Tree Inc (a) 195,855   16,197  
Wells Fargo & Co 1,055,210     53,605   Starbucks Corp 762,084   42,852  
            TJX Cos Inc/The 257,661   19,953  
Beverages - 1.83%           Yum! Brands Inc 407,284   36,945  
Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV ADR 196,376     24,357       $ 161,353  
            Software - 3.44%        
Chemicals - 2.52%           CommerceHub Inc - Series C (a) 11,121   164  
Air Products & Chemicals Inc 162,899     25,350   Microsoft Corp 796,027   45,740  
Monsanto Co 77,219     8,224       $ 45,904  
    $   33,574   TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $ 1,332,005  
Commercial Services - 5.27%           INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 0.07% Shares Held Value(000 's)
Brookfield Business Partners LP 36,604     845   Money Market Funds - 0.07%        
Moody's Corp 346,403     37,651   Goldman Sachs Financial Square Funds - 871,001   871  
PayPal Holdings Inc (a) 853,733     31,716   Government Fund        
    $   70,212            
Diversified Financial Services - 10.90%           TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES   $ 871  
BlackRock Inc 32,688     12,186   Total Investments   $ 1,332,876  
Charles Schwab Corp/The 573,722     18,049   Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.01%   $ 196  
FNF Group 285,791     10,772   TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $ 1,333,072  
MasterCard Inc 572,094     55,281            
Visa Inc 605,545     48,989            
    $   145,277   (a) Non-Income Producing Security        
Electric - 0.37%                    
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 101,509     4,866            
Electronics - 0.42%           Portfolio Summary (unaudited)      
Fortive Corp 107,367     5,655   Sector     Percent  
            Financial     34.86 %
Engineering & Construction - 1.81%           Communications     25.05 %
SBA Communications Corp (a) 211,698     24,165   Consumer, Non-cyclical     13.77 %
            Consumer, Cyclical     12.10 %
Food - 2.16%           Industrial     6.38 %
Mondelez International Inc 439,121     19,769   Technology     3.44 %
Nestle SA ADR 113,986     9,062   Basic Materials     2.52 %
    $   28,831   Energy     1.43 %
Healthcare - Products - 1.84%           Utilities     0.37 %
Danaher Corp 300,669     24,477   Investment Companies     0.07 %
            Other Assets and Liabilities     0.01 %
Insurance - 10.04%           TOTAL NET ASSETS     100.00 %
Aon PLC 325,934     36,293            
Berkshire Hathaway Inc - Class B (a) 444,193     66,847            
Markel Corp (a) 32,949     30,679            
    $   133,819            
Internet - 19.18%                    
Alphabet Inc - A Shares (a) 7,787     6,151            
Alphabet Inc - C Shares (a) 124,040     95,145            
Amazon.com Inc (a) 122,331     94,092            
Facebook Inc (a) 408,523     51,523            
Liberty Ventures (a) 227,380     8,763            
    $   255,674            
Media - 5.87%                    
Liberty Broadband Corp - C Shares (a) 375,865     25,758            
Liberty Global PLC - C Shares (a) 1,703,926     52,532            
    $   78,290            
Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.83%                    
Colfax Corp (a) 370,357     10,992            
Pharmaceuticals - 2.67%                    
Zoetis Inc 697,506     35,643            
Pipelines - 1.43%                    
Kinder Morgan Inc/DE 873,868     19,094            
Real Estate - 4.77%                    
Brookfield Asset Management Inc 1,888,510     63,624            
REITS - 5.13%                    
American Tower Corp 488,349     55,369            
Equinix Inc 35,104     12,941            
    $   68,310            


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund
August 31, 2016

  COMMON STOCKS - 0.03%   Shares Held Value(000 's)         Principal    
  Forest Products & Paper - 0.03%                   BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's) Value (000's)
  Verso Corp (a)     796   $   5     Diversified Financial Services (continued)          
                      Springleaf Finance Corp          
  TOTAL COMMON STOCKS         $   5     5.25%, 12/15/2019   $ 40 $ 41
  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 10.40%   Shares Held Value(000 's)         $   119
  Money Market Funds - 10.40%                   Electronics - 2.68%          
  BlackRock Liquidity Funds FedFund Portfolio     2,015,543       2,016     Keysight Technologies Inc          
                      4.55%, 10/30/2024     500   520
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES         $   2,016                
      Principal             Entertainment - 1.12%          
BONDS- 65.26 % Amount (000's) Value(000 's)   CCM Merger Inc          
                      9.13%, 05/01/2019(d)     75   79
Banks- 13.83 %                            
  Bank of Montreal                   Eldorado Resorts Inc          
  1.62%, 08/27/2021(b)   $ 750     $ 751     7.00%, 08/01/2023     55   58
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia                   GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc          
  0.00%, 09/06/2021(a),(b),(c),(d)     700       701     5.38%, 04/15/2026     20   22
  JPMorgan Chase & Co                   WMG Acquisition Corp          
  5.00%, 12/29/2049(b),(e)     70       70     6.75%, 04/15/2022(d)     55   58
  Popular Inc                         $   217
  7.00%, 07/01/2019     50       52   Food- 0.41 %        
  Svenska Handelsbanken AB                   BI-LO LLC / BI-LO Finance Corp          
  1.88%, 09/07/2021(c)     600       598     9.25%, 02/15/2019(d)     50   43
  Toronto-Dominion Bank/The                   JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Finance Inc          
  1.66%, 04/07/2021(b)     500       507     5.88%, 07/15/2024(d)     35   36
            $   2,679           $   79
  Beverages - 8.13%                   Healthcare - Products - 0.25%          
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc                   Universal Hospital Services Inc          
  3.65%, 02/01/2026     296       316     7.63%, 08/15/2020     50   48
  Coca-Cola Co/The                              
  2.25%, 09/01/2026(c)     550       550     Healthcare - Services - 0.44%          
  Molson Coors Brewing Co                   Centene Corp          
  3.00%, 07/15/2026     700       709     5.63%, 02/15/2021     10   11
            $   1,575     6.13%, 02/15/2024     15   16
  Building Materials - 1.80%                   MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC          
                      7.13%, 06/01/2024(d)     55   59
  Owens Corning                              
  3.40%, 08/15/2026     350       349           $   86
                      Home Builders - 0.24%          
  Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities - 5.92%               WCI Communities Inc          
  CD 2007-CD4 Commercial Mortgage Trust                   6.88%, 08/15/2021     45   47
  5.37%, 12/11/2049     200       202                
  COMM 2013-CCRE6 Mortgage Trust                   Insurance - 9.36%          
  4.31%, 03/10/2046(b),(d)     100       89     Jackson National Life Global Funding          
                      3.05%, 04/29/2026(d)     600   611
  Commercial Mortgage Pass Through                              
  Certificates                   MetLife Inc          
  4.93%, 10/15/2045(b),(d)     100       103     10.75%, 08/01/2069     500   805
                    New York Life Global Funding          
   JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage                   2.35%, 07/14/2026(d)     350   348
  Securities Trust 2007-C1                              
  6.19%, 02/15/2051(b)     200       202     Voya Financial Inc          
                      5.65%, 05/15/2053(b)     50   50
  JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities                              
  Trust 2014-C24                         $   1,814
  1.22%, 11/15/2047(b),(f)     2,701       147     Iron & Steel - 0.29%          
  4.57%, 11/15/2047(b)     225       240     Signode Industrial Group Lux SA/Signode          
  Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill                   Industrial Group US Inc          
  Lynch Trust 2015-C25                   6.38%, 05/01/2022(d)     55   56
  3.64%, 10/15/2048     150       164                
            $   1,147   Media- 1.86 %        
  Computers - 4.04%                   CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital          
  Apple Inc                    5.88%, 04/01/2024(d)     55   59
  4.65%, 02/23/2046     250       293                
  Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co                   Charter Communications Operating LLC /          
  6.35%, 10/15/2045(d)     250       258     Charter Communications Operating Capital          
                      6.83%, 10/23/2055(d)     200   249
  Seagate HDD Cayman                              
  4.75%, 01/01/2025     250       231     WideOpenWest Finance LLC /          
            $   782     WideOpenWest Capital Corp          
                      10.25%, 07/15/2019 (g)     50   53
  Diversified Financial Services - 0.62%                              
  Ally Financial Inc                         $   361
  5.75%, 11/20/2025     35       37     Metal Fabrication & Hardware - 0.02%          
  Credit Acceptance Corp                   Wise Metals Intermediate Holdings LLC/Wise          
  7.38%, 03/15/2023     20       21     Holdings Finance Corp          
                      9.75%, PIK 10.50%, 06/15/2019 (d),(h)     5   4
  Navient Corp                              
  5.00%, 10/26/2020     5       5                
  5.88%, 03/25/2021     15       15                


See accompanying notes.



     Schedule of Investments Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund August 31, 2016

    Principal               Principal          
BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)    Value (000's)   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
Mining - 0.11%           Transportation (continued)                  
Teck Resources Ltd           Navios Maritime Acquisition Corp / Navios                  
3.75%, 02/01/2023 $ 25 $ 21   Acquisition Finance US Inc                  
              8.13%, 11/15/2021(d)     $ 120 $ 91  
Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 3.38%                         $   142  
Bombardier Inc           TOTAL BONDS           $   12,644  
4.75%, 04/15/2019(d)   50   50       Principal          
General Electric Co           SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS -0.26 % Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
1.65%, 03/15/2023(b)   600   604                        
            Oil & Gas - 0.21%                  
    $   654   Chesapeake Energy Corp, Term Loan                  
Mortgage Backed Securities - 3.53%             0.00%, 08/17/2021(b),(i)   $   40   $   41  
Fannie Mae REMICS                                
5.48%, 07/25/2046(b),(f)   183   49 REITS- 0.05 %                
5.53%, 01/25/2044(b),(f)   274   50   iStar Inc, Term Loan B                  
5.63%, 11/25/2042(b),(f)   174   44     5.50%, 07/01/2020(b)       9       10  
Ginnie Mae                                
5.09%, 02/20/2045(b),(f)   218   44   TOTAL SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS     $   51  
5.54%, 11/20/2040(b),(f)   229   47                        
5.54%, 05/20/2046(b),(f)   199   45   U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT   Principal          
            AGENCY OBLIGATIONS - 25.77%   Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
5.59%, 11/20/2041(b),(f)   217   46                        
            U.S. Treasury - 25.77%                  
5.59%, 07/16/2043(b),(f)   203   34                        
              1.13%, 08/31/2021   $   3,335   $   3,326  
5.59%, 02/20/2046(b),(f)   196   53                        
              1.38%, 01/31/2021       350       353  
5.59%, 06/20/2046(b),(f)   179   42                        
              1.50%, 08/15/2026       1,005       999  
5.69%, 11/20/2045(b),(f)   207   44                        
              1.75%, 01/31/2023       175       179  
5.69%, 01/20/2046(b),(f)   195   47                        
              2.50%, 05/15/2046       130       137  
6.09%, 04/16/2040(b),(f)   193   45                        
                          $   4,994  
6.14%, 12/20/2040(b),(f)   241   48                        
6.14%, 04/16/2042(b),(f)   207   46   TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT AGENCY          
            OBLIGATIONS           $   4,994  
    $   684   Total Investments           $   19,710  
Oil & Gas - 0.83%           Other Assets and Liabilities - (1.72)%           $   (334 )
Continental Resources Inc/OK           TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%           $   19,376  
4.50%, 04/15/2023   25   24                        
5.00%, 09/15/2022   15   14                        
EP Energy LLC / Everest Acquisition Finance           (a) Non-Income Producing Security                  
Inc           (b) Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.          
7.75%, 09/01/2022   40   22   (c) Security purchased on a when-issued basis.              
9.38%, 05/01/2020   35   23   (d) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of  
Halcon Resources Corp             1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from      
8.63%, 02/01/2020(d)   40   38     registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the          
              period, the value of these securities totaled $3,228 or 16.66% of net assets.  
Whiting Petroleum Corp              
5.00%, 03/15/2019   10   9   (e) Perpetual security. Perpetual securities pay an indefinite stream of  
5.75%, 03/15/2021   35   31     interest, but they may be called by the issuer at an earlier date.      
    $   161   (f) Security is an Interest Only Strip.                  
Pharmaceuticals - 2.73%           (g) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities  
Baxalta Inc             totaled $53 or 0.27% of net assets.                  
5.25%, 06/23/2045   450   529   (h) Payment in kind; the issuer has the option of paying additional securities  
              in lieu of cash.                  
Pipelines - 0.22%           (i) This Senior Floating Rate Note will settle after August 31, 2016, at which  
Tesoro Logistics LP / Tesoro Logistics             time the interest rate will be determined.                  
Finance Corp                                
6.13%, 10/15/2021   25   26                        
6.38%, 05/01/2024   15   16                        
    $   42     Portfolio Summary (unaudited)          
Retail - 0.87%           Sector               Percent  
BMC Stock Holdings Inc           Government               25.77 %
9.00%, 09/15/2018(d)   45   47   Financial               23.85 %
Landry's Holdings II Inc           Consumer, Non-cyclical               11.96 %
10.25%, 01/01/2018 (d)   120   122   Investment Companies               10.40 %
    $   169   Mortgage Securities               9.45 %
Software - 0.39%           Industrial               8.61 %
Activision Blizzard Inc           Technology               4.44 %
6.13%, 09/15/2023(d)   70   76   Communications               3.32 %
            Consumer, Cyclical               2.23 %
Telecommunications - 1.46%           Energy               1.26 %
Frontier Communications Corp           Basic Materials               0.43 %
11.00%, 09/15/2025   20   21   Other Assets and Liabilities               (1.72 )%
10.50%, 09/15/2022   10   11   TOTAL NET ASSETS               100.00 %
Verizon Communications Inc                                
4.13%, 08/15/2046   250   251                        
    $   283                        
Transportation - 0.73%                                
Eletson Holdings Inc                                
9.63%, 01/15/2022(d)   70   51                        


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund
August 31, 2016
Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps

Buy Protection                              
    Credit Spread (Pay)/           Upfront   Unrealized        
    as of August Receive    Expiration  Notional   Premiums   Appreciation/        
  Reference Entity 31, 2016 (a) Fixed Rate  Date Amount   Paid/(Received)     (Depreciation)      Fair Value  
  CDX.NA.HY.25 N/A (5.00 )% 12/20/2020 $ 198 $ — $   (10 ) $ (10 )
  CDX.NA.HY.25 N/A (5.00 )% 12/20/2020   198   5   (15 )   (10 )
  CDX.NA.HY.26 N/A (5.00 )% 06/20/2021   500   (7 ) (15 )   (22 )
  CDX.NA.HY.26 N/A (5.00 )% 06/20/2021   500   (8 ) (13 )   (21 )
Total             $   (10 ) $ (53 ) $ (63 )


Amounts in thousands

(a) Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, used in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate issues or sovereign issues as of period end serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments requiredtobe made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity's credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.

      Futures Contracts                    
Type   Long/Short Contracts Notional Value   Fair Value Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Euro Bund 10 Year Bund; December 2016 Long   5 $ 918   $   918 $      
Euro-Bobl 5 Year; December 2016 Long   6   881       881        
UK 10 Year Gilt; December 2016 Long   6   1,034       1,036       2  
US 10 Year Note; December 2016 Short   38   4,983       4,975       8  
US 10 Year Ultra Note; December 2016 Short   8   1,155       1,155        
US 2 Year Note; December 2016 Short   3   656       655       1  
US 5 Year Note; December 2016 Long   4   486       485       (1 )
US Long Bond; December 2016 Long   2   341       341        
US Ultra Bond; December 2016 Short   5   936       937       (1 )
Total                   $       9  
Amounts in thousands except contracts                            
Total Return Swaps

        Pay/Receive Financing    Expiration       Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer) Reference Entity   Shares Positive Return Rate   Date  Notional Amount    Asset    Liability  
Barclays Bank PLC Price return based on Principal Global N/A Receive 0.80 % 09/09/2016 $ 100 $ 2 $  
  Dynamic VIX Alpha Excess Return Strategy                          
Barclays Bank PLC Price return based on S&P 500 Dynamic VIX N/A Receive 1.40 % 09/09/2016   100   2    
  Futures Index                            
Total                   $   4 $  
Amounts in thousands except contracts                            


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments Diversified Real Asset Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 48.86% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Agriculture - 0.10%           Engineering & Construction (continued)          
Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 87,105 $   3,812   Eiffage SA 27,600 $   2,164  
            Enav SpA (a),(c) 1,861,884     7,726  
Automobile Manufacturers - 0.08%           Ferrovial SA 174,439     3,440  
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 137,293     2,970   Flughafen Zuerich AG 46,887     8,679  
            Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services 34,716     1,935  
Building Materials - 0.35%           Worldwide          
Boise Cascade Co (a) 127,562     3,347   Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de 287,551     1,770  
Builders FirstSource Inc (a) 212,855     2,924   CV          
Norbord Inc (b) 278,421     6,688   Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV 55,100     548  
    $   12,959   Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Ltd 3,794,000     2,209  
Chemicals - 1.76%           Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd 39,800     1,572  
            SBA Communications Corp (a) 88,687     10,124  
Agrium Inc 23,867     2,300              
CF Industries Holdings Inc 153,093     3,980   Sydney Airport 484,688     2,649  
Givaudan SA 2,664     5,510   Vinci SA 34,783     2,643  
Ingevity Corp (a) 15,969     709       $   54,959  
Koninklijke DSM NV 56,191     3,922   Environmental Control - 0.08%          
Monsanto Co 49,046     5,223   Tomra Systems ASA (b) 277,475     3,095  
Mosaic Co/The 245,020     7,368              
Novozymes A/S 66,098     2,867   Food - 1.55%          
OCI NV (a) 128,642     2,258   Ajinomoto Co Inc 222,600     4,724  
Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc 65,638     1,189   Ariake Japan Co Ltd 38,300     1,812  
Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc 269,095     4,871   Aryzta AG (a) 25,700     1,025  
Symrise AG 40,574     2,985   BRF SA 187,100     3,118  
Syngenta AG 33,406     14,584   Cal-Maine Foods Inc 34,511     1,585  
Tessenderlo Chemie NV (a) 105,315     3,352   China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd 1,000,000     1,891  
Yara International ASA 122,720     4,346   Chr Hansen Holding A/S 40,718     2,471  
    $   65,464   Emmi AG (a) 4,621     3,083  
Commercial Services - 1.25%           Flowers Foods Inc 88,612     1,321  
Abertis Infraestructuras SA 710,453     11,006   Fuji Oil Holdings Inc 179,100     3,482  
Atlantia SpA 176,876     4,551   Hormel Foods Corp 56,180     2,149  
Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc (a) 11,792     295   Iwatsuka Confectionery Co Ltd (b) 5,300     178  
            Kato Sangyo Co Ltd (b) 66,400     1,455  
COSCO SHIPPING Ports Ltd 4,028,000     4,357              
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG 97,382     1,566   Leroy Seafood Group ASA 51,936     2,328  
Hutchison Port Holdings Trust 10,542,952     4,529   McCormick & Co Inc/MD 47,517     4,845  
Macquarie Atlas Roads Group 134,935     561   Salmar ASA 56,743     1,570  
OHL Mexico SAB de CV (a) 2,480,000     3,502   Sanderson Farms Inc 20,271     1,951  
Transurban Group 1,862,128     16,019   Sao Martinho SA 78,400     1,212  
    $   46,386   Saputo Inc 103,349     3,436  
Consumer Products - 0.15%           Sysco Corp 124,125     6,437  
Kimberly-Clark Corp 42,474     5,439   Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 68,900     2,826  
            Tyson Foods Inc 37,971     2,869  
            United Natural Foods Inc (a) 40,234     1,835  
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 0.70%                      
Kao Corp 105,400     5,481       $   57,603  
Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA 416,135     12,790   Forest Products & Paper - 4.31%          
            Acadian Timber Corp (b) 142,091     1,973  
Unicharm Corp 311,000     7,558              
    $   25,829   BillerudKorsnas AB 132,651     2,262  
            Canfor Corp (a) 545,094     6,330  
Electric - 2.07%           Clearwater Paper Corp (a) 39,262     2,437  
Ameren Corp 66,000     3,262   Deltic Timber Corp (b) 151,946     10,778  
American Electric Power Co Inc 34,400     2,221              
Dominion Resources Inc/VA 46,000     3,411   DS Smith PLC 505,867     2,715  
DONG Energy A/S (a),(c) 26,400     1,047   Empresas CMPC SA 2,168,453     4,313  
Duke Energy Corp 113,300     9,025   Ence Energia y Celulosa SA 80,202     203  
Edison International 62,255     4,527   Fibria Celulose SA ADR 1,463,386     10,039  
Enel SpA 1,002,388     4,430   Holmen AB 150,919     5,272  
            Interfor Corp (a) 624,708     7,422  
Engie SA 78,232     1,250              
Eversource Energy 70,255     3,792   International Paper Co 177,191     8,592  
Huadian Fuxin Energy Corp Ltd 9,024,000     2,321   Klabin SA 3,137,300     16,487  
Hydro One Ltd (c) 23,853     477   Metsa Board OYJ 304,733     1,797  
Iberdrola SA 1,148,476     7,565   Mondi PLC 537,886     10,945  
            Pope Resources a Delaware LP (b) 70,006     4,447  
Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV 613,200     2,367              
NextEra Energy Inc 100,600     12,167   Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 391,266     9,657  
Origin Energy Ltd 125,900     496   Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 27,633     684  
PG&E Corp 300,752     18,628   Stora Enso OYJ 607,593     5,363  
    $   76,986   Sumitomo Forestry Co Ltd 415,100     5,619  
            Suzano Papel e Celulose SA 3,357,900     10,534  
Electronics - 0.17%           TFS Corp Ltd (b) 3,175,625     3,745  
Trimble Navigation Ltd (a) 225,833     6,188              
            UPM-Kymmene OYJ 358,565     7,207  
            West Fraser Timber Co Ltd 495,733     16,690  
Energy - Alternate Sources - 0.06%                      
            Western Forest Products Inc 2,807,777     4,539  
China Longyuan Power Group Corp Ltd 2,639,000     2,212              
                $   160,050  
Engineering & Construction - 1.48%           Gas - 1.95%          
Aena SA (c) 51,631     7,298   Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd 203,000     1,162  
Auckland International Airport Ltd 404,900     2,202   CenterPoint Energy Inc 97,114     2,182  


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments Diversified Real Asset Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Gas (continued)           Pipelines (continued)          
China Gas Holdings Ltd 1,481,134 $   2,514   Buckeye Partners LP 362,467 $   25,467  
Enagas SA 83,747     2,461   Columbia Pipeline Partners LP 146,477     1,988  
ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 664,951     3,718   Enbridge Energy Management LLC (a) 204,007     4,643  
Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 1,781,169     3,393   Enbridge Inc 558,509     22,027  
National Grid PLC 1,302,908     17,931   Energy Transfer Equity LP 945,898     16,932  
NiSource Inc 134,817     3,228   Energy Transfer Partners LP 495,366     19,785  
ONE Gas Inc 33,143     2,029   Enterprise Products Partners LP 1,415,578     37,371  
Sempra Energy 161,911     16,940   EQT Midstream Partners LP (b) 335,564     26,379  
Snam SpA 1,290,559     7,163   Genesis Energy LP 316,270     11,319  
Southcross Holdings Borrower LP (a),(b) 37     12   Kinder Morgan Inc/DE 965,100     21,087  
Southwest Gas Corp 77,474     5,409   Koninklijke Vopak NV 68,877     3,501  
Spire Inc 33,100     2,142   Magellan Midstream Partners LP 523,508     36,818  
Western Gas Equity Partners LP 59,604     2,198   MPLX LP 783,079     25,943  
    $   72,482   ONEOK Partners LP 552,210     21,398  
Healthcare - Services - 0.00%           Pembina Pipeline Corp 68,506     2,061  
Millennium Health LLC (a),(b) 33,861     26   Pembina Pipeline Corp 159,572     4,813  
Millennium Health LLC (a),(b),(d) 20,580       Phillips 66 Partners LP 352,851     17,456  
Millennium Health LLC (a),(b),(d) 19,318       Plains All American Pipeline LP 1,162,384     32,617  
    $   26   Shell Midstream Partners LP 397,823     12,122  
Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.32%           Spectra Energy Corp 162,362     5,784  
China Merchants Port Holdings Co Ltd 3,195,376     9,082   Spectra Energy Partners LP 287,351     13,112  
Empresas COPEC SA 325,843     2,854   Sunoco Logistics Partners LP 812,060     24,037  
    $   11,936   Tallgrass Energy Partners LP 184,189     8,487  
Home Builders - 0.41%           Tesoro Logistics LP 397,815     19,079  
Lennar Corp - A Shares 128,056     6,057   TransCanada Corp 522,198     23,681  
Toll Brothers Inc (a) 293,085     9,112   Veresen Inc 508,960     5,014  
            Western Gas Partners LP (b) 388,280     19,538  
    $   15,169              
            Williams Cos Inc/The 1,168,445     32,646  
Home Furnishings - 0.08%                      
Rational AG 6,070     2,979   Williams Partners LP 178,332     6,794  
                $   507,721  
Housewares - 0.06%           Real Estate - 1.59%          
            ADO Properties SA (c) 159,149     6,968  
Scotts Miracle-Gro Co/The 25,267     2,092              
            Aeon Mall Co Ltd 384,400     5,418  
Lodging - 0.10%           Deutsche Wohnen AG 430,573     16,164  
City Developments Ltd 600,100     3,731   Fabege AB 415,259     7,697  
            Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd 546,000     11,790  
Machinery - Diversified - 0.87%           New World Development Co Ltd 5,434,000     6,795  
AGCO Corp 76,384     3,708   UNITE Group PLC/The 503,858     4,147  
Alamo Group Inc 29,148     1,889       $   58,979  
ANDRITZ AG 67,334     3,439   REITS - 11.70%          
Bucher Industries AG 12,838     3,253   Agree Realty Corp 92,162     4,423  
Deere & Co 95,243     8,053   Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 89,008     9,799  
Krones AG 16,895     1,615   American Homes 4 Rent 242,050     5,294  
Kubota Corp 172,700     2,539   American Tower Corp 209,574     23,762  
Middleby Corp/The (a) 28,718     3,680   Apartment Investment & Management Co 102,441     4,628  
Valmet OYJ 322,873     4,310   Assura PLC 3,885,804     2,985  
    $   32,486   AvalonBay Communities Inc 71,081     12,440  
Oil & Gas - 0.73%           Boston Properties Inc 58,494     8,197  
            CatchMark Timber Trust Inc (b) 387,023     4,528  
Antero Midstream Partners LP 343,306     9,462              
Cheniere Energy Inc (a) 112,800     4,839   Crown Castle International Corp 202,861     19,224  
EQT GP Holdings LP 85,787     2,152   CubeSmart 286,544     7,889  
Valero Energy Partners LP (b) 253,229     10,608   DDR Corp 234,464     4,434  
Vantage Drilling International (a),(d) 1,554       Dexus Property Group 836,490     6,102  
    $   27,061   Digital Realty Trust Inc 67,699     6,708  
            Duke Realty Corp 395,196     11,113  
Oil & Gas Services - 0.10%                      
Targa Resources Corp 87,230     3,801   EPR Properties 86,790     6,797  
            Equinix Inc 28,412     10,474  
            Equity One Inc 247,730     7,690  
Packaging & Containers - 1.35%                      
Ball Corp 69,416     5,497   Equity Residential 76,332     4,952  
FP Corp 58,800     3,103   Essex Property Trust Inc 38,369     8,714  
Graphic Packaging Holding Co 502,588     7,208   Federal Realty Investment Trust 28,836     4,585  
            Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust 2,802,000     3,581  
Huhtamaki OYJ 60,222     2,621   Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust (a) 8,302,356     5,941  
KapStone Paper and Packaging Corp 542,373     9,497              
Mayr Melnhof Karton AG (b) 6,896     777   Gecina SA 52,480     8,225  
Multi-Color Corp 33,424     2,234   General Growth Properties Inc 269,771     7,861  
Packaging Corp of America 122,258     9,613   Goodman Group 2,009,319     11,441  
WestRock Co 201,924     9,672   Great Portland Estates PLC 309,810     2,757  
            Hoshino Resorts REIT Inc 157     1,872  
    $   50,222              
            Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment 471     2,346  
Pharmaceuticals - 0.09%           Corp          
Zoetis Inc 67,661     3,457              
            Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corp 6,009     5,168  
            Japan Logistics Fund Inc 1,689     3,851  
Pipelines - 13.66%           Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp 2,830     6,363  
APA Group 839,702     5,822              
            Klepierre 150,453     7,066  


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments Diversified Real Asset Fund August 31, 2016

  COMMON STOCKS (continued)     Shares Held Value(000 's)       Principal          
  REITS (continued)                   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
  Link REIT     1,322,000   $   9,603     Federal & Federally Sponsored Credit (continued)            
  Mirvac Group     2,615,430       4,552     Federal Farm Credit Banks (continued)                
  NewRiver REIT PLC     294,732       1,235     0.98%, 12/14/2017   $ 10,000     $ 9,988  
  Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc     4,260       7,034               $   85,694  
  Orix JREIT Inc     3,264       5,709     Finance - Mortgage Loan/Banker - 4.96%                
  Physicians Realty Trust     450,552       9,646     Fannie Mae                
  Potlatch Corp     268,251       10,159     0.53%, 07/20/2017(e)     13,175       13,177  
  Prologis Inc     190,643       10,125     0.60%, 12/20/2017(e)     20,000       20,016  
  Public Storage     27,582       6,177     Fannie Mae Discount Notes                
  Rayonier Inc (b)     564,031       15,528     0.41%, 01/17/2017(f)     3,000       2,995  
  Regency Centers Corp     50,489       4,066     Federal Home Loan Banks                
  Rexford Industrial Realty Inc     245,214       5,476     0.53%, 04/25/2017(e)     7,000       7,001  
  Senior Housing Properties Trust     253,386       5,661     0.57%, 12/07/2017(e)     8,500       8,504  
  Simon Property Group Inc     135,883       29,279     0.57%, 12/07/2017(e)     10,000       10,004  
  SL Green Realty Corp     47,344       5,573     0.60%, 01/04/2018(e)     2,000       2,004  
  STORE Capital Corp     177,267       5,252     0.61%, 06/16/2017(e)     10,000       10,017  
  Sun Communities Inc     80,037       6,124     0.64%, 09/11/2017(e)     15,000       15,033  
  Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc     203,583       2,828     0.64%, 10/25/2017(e)     6,200       6,209  
  Unibail-Rodamco SE     13,159       3,621     0.66%, 09/07/2017(e)     28,000       28,062  
  Viva Energy REIT (a)     1,200,886       2,292     0.66%, 10/27/2017(e)     5,800       5,809  
  Welltower Inc     70,005       5,373     0.66%, 03/08/2018(e)     10,000       10,023  
  Westfield Corp     1,020,583       7,828     Freddie Mac                
  Weyerhaeuser Co     958,213       30,519     0.75%, 02/26/2018(e)     7,670       7,672  
            $   434,870     1.00%, 03/08/2017     15,218       15,250  
  Retail - 0.06%                   1.00%, 05/11/2018     5,955       5,949  
  Tractor Supply Co     25,886       2,173     1.05%, 02/26/2018     1,600       1,601  
                      1.05%, 05/25/2018     10,000       10,001  
  Storage & Warehousing - 0.06%                   Freddie Mac Discount Notes                
  Safestore Holdings PLC     415,985       2,035     0.41%, 12/23/2016(f)     5,000       4,995  
                                $   184,322  
  Telecommunications - 0.23%                 Media- 0.01 %              
  Cellnex Telecom SA (c)     196,900       3,438     iHeartCommunications Inc                
  Eutelsat Communications SA     201,100       3,918     9.00%, 12/15/2019     523       423  
  Intelsat SA (a)     501,183       1,353                      
            $   8,709     Sovereign - 0.74%                
  Textiles - 0.26%                   Deutsche Bundesrepublik Inflation Linked                
  Mohawk Industries Inc (a)     46,225       9,836     Bond                
                      0.10%, 04/15/2023   EUR 2,860       3,442  
  Transportation - 0.63%                   Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro                
  East Japan Railway Co     61,736       5,302     1.25%, 09/15/2032(c)     576       706  
  Groupe Eurotunnel SE     1,346,548       14,831     2.10%, 09/15/2016     11       12  
  Prumo Logistica SA (a)     897,274       1,942     2.35%, 09/15/2024(c)     3,169       4,127  
  West Japan Railway Co     21,200       1,215     2.55%, 09/15/2041     1,397       2,128  
            $   23,290     2.60%, 09/15/2023     315       416  
Water- 0.50 %                 Japanese Government CPI Linked Bond                
  American Water Works Co Inc     75,405       5,579     0.10%, 09/10/2024   JPY 886,042       9,005  
  Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao     122,100       1,105     0.10%, 03/10/2025     302,993       3,085  
  Paulo ADR                   0.10%, 03/10/2026     67,230       687  
  Pennon Group PLC     775,166       8,939     New Zealand Government Bond                
  United Utilities Group PLC     241,304       3,082     2.52%, 09/20/2035(e)   NZD 2,959       2,495  
            $   18,705     3.07%, 09/20/2030(e)     1,546       1,370  
  TOTAL COMMON STOCKS         $   1,815,712               $   27,473  
  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 8.46%     Shares Held Value(000 's)   TOTAL BONDS         $   297,912  
  Money Market Funds - 8.46%                   COMMODITY INDEXED STRUCTURED   Principal          
  BlackRock Liquidity Funds FedFund Portfolio     7,906,309       7,906   NOTES- 1.01 % Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
  Cash Account Trust - Government & Agency     157,200,689       157,201   Banks- 0.36 %              
  Portfolio - Government Cash Managed                   Royal Bank of Canada; Dow Jones - UBS                
  Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds -     149,323,074       149,323     Commodity Index Linked Note                
  Government Portfolio                   0.36%, 01/11/2017(c),(e)   $ 3,900       4,238  
            $   314,430     0.36%, 02/13/2017(c),(e)     7,600       9,161  
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES         $   314,430               $   13,399  
        Principal             Supranational Bank - 0.65%                
BONDS- 8.02 %   Amount (000's) Value(000 's)   International Bank for Reconstruction &                
  Federal & Federally Sponsored Credit - 2.31%             Development; Dow Jones - UBS Commodity                
  Federal Farm Credit Banks                   Index Linked Note                
  0.52%, 10/13/2017(e)   $ 18,000     $ 17,995     0.99%, 01/19/2017(e)     24,000       24,277  
  0.54%, 11/22/2017(e)     5,000       4,999                      
  0.54%, 03/22/2018(e)     10,000       9,997     TOTAL COMMODITY INDEXED STRUCTURED NOTES   $   37,676  
  0.58%, 12/14/2016(e)     20,000       20,008                      
  0.63%, 08/01/2018(e)     10,000       9,999                      
  0.65%, 04/05/2018(e)     4,700       4,701                      
  0.66%, 01/25/2018(e)     8,000       8,007                      


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016

      Principal           SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS   Principal        
CONVERTIBLE BONDS - 0.00%     Amount (000's) Value(000 's) (continued)   Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)
Oil & Gas - 0.00%                 Commercial Services (continued)            
Vantage Drilling International                 Allied Universal Holdco LLC, Term Loan            
1.00%, PIK 1.00%, 12/31/2030(b),(d),(e),(g)   $ 269     $ 123   4.75%, 07/27/2022(e) $ 1,493 $   1,463  
                  Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services Inc,            
TOTAL CONVERTIBLE BONDS         $   123   Term Loan B            
SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS -     Principal           4.75%, 11/20/2020(e)   907     896  
15.94 %   Amount (000's) Value(000 's) Ceridian HCM Holding Inc, Term Loan B2            
Advertising - 0.13%                 4.50%, 09/15/2020(e)   1,054     1,017  
Advantage Sales & Marketing Inc, Term                 Global Payments Inc, Term Loan B            
Loan                 4.02%, 03/24/2023(e)   750     755  
7.50%, 07/21/2022(e)   $ 1,000   $   951   KAR Auction Services Inc, Term Loan B3            
Advantage Sales & Marketing Inc, Term Loan                 4.25%, 03/04/2023(e)   998     1,009  
B                 Laureate Education Inc, Term Loan B            
4.25%, 07/21/2021(e)     2,015       1,999   5.00%, 06/16/2018(e)   122     121  
Checkout Holding Corp, Term Loan B                 Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC,            
4.50%, 04/03/2021(e)     1,715       1,518   Term Loan B            
Getty Images Inc, Term Loan B                 4.25%, 08/05/2022(e)   4,364     4,376  
0.00%, 10/03/2019(e),(h)     630       533   ServiceMaster Co LLC/The, Term Loan B            
                  4.25%, 06/25/2021(e)   6,687     6,727  
          $   5,001                
Aerospace & Defense - 0.18%                 Syniverse Holdings Inc, Term Loan B            
                  4.00%, 04/23/2019(e)   1,172     1,039  
Sequa Corp, Term Loan B                              
5.25%, 05/29/2017(e)     2,829       2,431   4.00%, 04/23/2019(e)   2,207     1,960  
TransDigm Inc, Term Loan D                 WEX Inc, Term Loan B            
3.75%, 05/21/2021(e)     4,167       4,156   4.25%, 06/24/2023(e)   1,000     1,007  
          $   6,587         $   21,649  
Airlines - 0.30%                 Computers - 0.44%            
American Airlines Inc, Term Loan B                 CSRA Inc, Term Loan B            
3.25%, 06/27/2020(e)     3,404       3,402   3.75%, 10/06/2022(e)   1,961     1,969  
3.50%, 10/10/2021(b),(e)     2,772       2,773   Harland Clarke Holdings Corp, Term Loan            
American Airlines Inc, Term Loan B1                 B3            
3.50%, 05/23/2019(e)     2,185       2,184   7.00%, 04/26/2018(e)   1,988     1,954  
Delta Air Lines Inc, Term Loan B1                 Harland Clarke Holdings Corp, Term Loan            
3.25%, 10/18/2018(e)     2,659       2,664   B4            
                  6.99%, 08/30/2019(e)   938     916  
          $   11,023                
Automobile Manufacturers - 0.07%                 iQor US Inc, Term Loan B            
                  6.00%, 02/19/2021(b),(e)   2,727     2,318  
FCA US LLC, Term Loan B                              
3.25%, 12/05/2018(e)     2,497       2,499   Riverbed Technology Inc, Term Loan B            
                  5.00%, 04/25/2022(e)   1,951     1,962  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.05%                 Western Digital Corp, Term Loan B            
                  4.50%, 04/29/2023(e)   7,200     7,237  
Allison Transmission Inc, Term Loan B3                              
3.50%, 09/23/2019(e)     1,975       1,979         $   16,356  
                  Consumer Products - 0.51%            
Beverages - 0.16%                 Dell International LLC, Term Loan            
                  0.00%, 05/31/2019(e),(h)   3,000     2,943  
Jacobs Douwe Egberts BV, Term Loan B                              
4.25%, 07/02/2021(e)     3,692       3,713   0.00%, 06/02/2021(e),(h)   2,000     1,934  
Keurig Green Mountain Inc, Term Loan B                 Dell International LLC, Term Loan B2            
5.25%, 01/21/2023(e)     2,367       2,388   4.00%, 04/29/2020(e)   10,591     10,623  
          $   6,101   Dell International LLC, Term Loan C            
                  3.75%, 09/24/2018(e)   1,371     1,369  
Biotechnology - 0.11%                              
 Concordia International Corp, Term Loan B                 Prestige Brands Inc, Term Loan B3            
5.25%, 10/21/2021(e)     4,489       4,244   4.12%, 09/03/2021(e)   588     590  
                  Spectrum Brands Inc, Term Loan            
                  3.51%, 06/16/2022(e)   1,521     1,527  
Building Materials - 0.21%                              
Headwaters Inc, Term Loan B1                       $   18,986  
4.00%, 03/24/2022(e)     4,975       4,975   Cosmetics & Personal Care - 0.05%            
Quikrete Holdings Inc, Term Loan B                 Revlon Consumer Products Corp, Term Loan            
4.00%, 09/18/2020(e)     945       948   0.00%, 07/21/2023(e),(h)   2,000     1,997  
Safway Group Holding LLC, Term Loan                              
5.75%, 08/04/2023(e)     2,000       2,000   Distribution & Wholesale - 0.15%            
          $   7,923   HD Supply Inc, Term Loan            
                  3.75%, 08/06/2021(e)   1,816     1,825  
Chemicals - 0.09%                              
                Univar USA Inc, Term Loan B            
 Axalta Coating Systems US Holdings Inc,                 4.25%, 06/24/2022(e)   3,624     3,617  
Term Loan B                              
3.75%, 02/01/2020(e)     422       424         $   5,442  
Duke Finance LLC, Term Loan                 Diversified Financial Services - 0.19%            
0.00%, 10/28/2021(e),(h)     1,500       1,474   AlixPartners LLP, Term Loan B            
                  4.50%, 07/22/2022(e)   1,241     1,247  
Minerals Technologies Inc, Term Loan B2                              
4.75%, 05/09/2021(e)     1,305       1,312   Delos Finance Sarl, Term Loan B            
                  3.50%, 02/26/2021(e)   1,250     1,253  
          $   3,210                
Commercial Services - 0.58%                 Walter Investment Management Corp, Term            
Acosta Holdco Inc, Term Loan B                 Loan            
                  4.75%, 12/11/2020(e)   5,110     4,676  
4.25%, 09/26/2021(e)     1,316       1,279                
                        $   7,176  


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016

  (continued)     Amount (000's)    Value (000's) (continued)   Amount (000's)    Value (000's)
  Electric - 0.63%           Healthcare - Products (continued)        
  Calpine Corp, Term Loan B7           Carestream Health Inc, Term Loan        
  3.64%, 05/05/2023(e)   $ 2,500 $ 2,508 9.50%, 12/15/2019(e) $ 729 $ 686
  Dayton Power & Light Co/The, Term Loan B           Carestream Health Inc, Term Loan B        
  0.00%, 08/19/2022(e),(h)     2,250   2,266 5.00%, 06/05/2019(e)   4,551   4,321
  Dynegy Inc, Term Loan C           ConvaTec Inc, Term Loan B        
  5.00%, 06/22/2023(e)     2,000   2,000 4.25%, 12/22/2016(e)   6,873   6,888
  Energy Future Intermediate Holding Co LLC,           DJO Finance LLC, Term Loan B        
  DIP Term Loan           4.25%, 06/24/2020(e)   1,733   1,669
  4.25%, 12/19/2016(e)     5,500   5,521 Kinetic Concepts Inc, Term Loan F1        
  Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co LLC,           5.00%, 11/04/2020(e)   12,114   12,160
  Term Loan           Sterigenics-Nordion Holdings LLC, Term        
  7.08%, 07/27/2023(e)     8,957   8,977 Loan B        
  7.08%, 07/27/2023(e)     2,043   2,048 4.25%, 05/06/2022(e)   2,360   2,353
        $   23,320     $   28,324
  Electronics - 0.07%           Healthcare - Services - 0.87%        
  TTM Technologies Inc, Term Loan B           Ardent Legacy Acquisitions Inc, Term Loan        
  6.00%, 05/07/2021(e)     2,490   2,493 B        
              6.50%, 07/30/2021(e)   246   245
  Engineering & Construction - 0.07%           CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, Term        
  AECOM, Term Loan B           Loan F        
  3.75%, 09/17/2021(e)     946   952 4.09%, 01/25/2018(e)   28   28
  Engility Corp, Term Loan           CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, Term        
  5.75%, 08/04/2023(e)     1,456   1,466 Loan G        
        $   2,418 3.75%, 12/13/2019(e)   2,813   2,700
  Entertainment - 0.66%           CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, Term        
  CCM Merger Inc, Term Loan B           Loan H        
  4.50%, 07/30/2021(e)     1,468   1,476 4.00%, 01/14/2021(e)   5,627   5,392
  Delta 2 Lux Sarl, Term Loan B           DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc, Term Loan        
  7.75%, 07/29/2022(e)     2,250   2,227 B        
  Delta 2 Lux Sarl, Term Loan B3           3.50%, 06/24/2021(e)   1,683   1,691
  4.75%, 07/30/2021(e)     5,368   5,337 Drumm Investors LLC, Term Loan        
  SGMS Escrow Corp, Term Loan B2           9.50%, 05/04/2018(e)   1,940   1,901
  6.00%, 09/17/2021(e)     12,154   12,145 HCA Inc, Term Loan        
  William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC,           3.57%, 02/05/2024(e)   3,000   3,027
  Term Loan B           3.77%, 03/01/2023(e)   3,226   3,263
  5.25%, 05/06/2021(e)     2,207   2,209 Heartland Dental LLC, Term Loan        
  WMG Acquisition Corp, Term Loan B           5.50%, 12/21/2018(e)   2,914   2,894
  3.75%, 07/07/2020(e)     992   988 IASIS Healthcare LLC, Term Loan B2        
        $   24,382 4.50%, 05/03/2018(e)   4,127   4,077
  Environmental Control - 0.24%           MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC, Term Loan        
   Advanced Disposal Services Inc, Term Loan           5.00%, 05/25/2023(e)   1,750   1,768
  3.75%, 10/09/2019(e)     6,702   6,692 Quorum Health Corp, Term Loan        
  Tervita Corp, Term Loan B           6.75%, 04/29/2022(e)   4,498   4,301
  6.25%, 05/14/2018(e)     2,211   2,157 Select Medical Corp, Term Loan F        
              6.00%, 03/03/2021(e)   964   970
        $   8,849          
Food- 0.91 %             $   32,257
  AdvancePierre Foods Inc, Term Loan B           Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.28%        
  4.50%, 05/26/2023(e)     2,106   2,120 Emerald Expositions Holding Inc, Term Loan        
  Albertsons LLC, Term Loan B4           B        
  4.50%, 08/25/2021(e)     10,763   10,804 4.75%, 06/17/2020(e)   2,868   2,870
  Albertsons LLC, Term Loan B6           MGOC Inc, Term Loan B        
  4.75%, 06/01/2023(e)     8,019   8,062 4.00%, 07/30/2020(e)   2,986   2,986
  Pinnacle Foods Finance LLC, Term Loan G           Travelport Finance Luxembourg Sarl, Term        
  3.25%, 04/29/2020(e)     2,425   2,431 Loan B        
              5.00%, 09/02/2021(e)   4,426   4,429
  Pinnacle Foods Finance LLC, Term Loan H                    
  3.25%, 04/29/2020(e)     486   487     $   10,285
  SUPERVALU Inc, Term Loan           Insurance - 0.11%        
  5.50%, 03/21/2019(e)     3,569   3,570 Alliant Holdings Intermediate LLC, Term        
  US Foods Inc, Term Loan B           Loan B        
  4.00%, 06/15/2023(e)     5,534   5,558 4.50%, 07/27/2022(e)   1,995   1,987
  Wilton Brands LLC, Term Loan           HUB International Ltd, Term Loan B        
  8.50%, 08/22/2018(b),(e)     1,056   871 4.00%, 09/17/2020(e)   2,209   2,200
        $   33,903     $   4,187
Gas- 0.00 %         Internet - 0.30%        
  Southcross Holdings Borrower LP, Term Loan           EIG Investors Corp, Term Loan B        
  B           6.48%, 11/09/2019(e)   2,077   1,956
  4.50%, PIK 5.50%, 04/13/2023(b),(e),(g)     33   28 TIBCO Software Inc, Term Loan B        
              6.50%, 11/25/2020(e)   4,597   4,480
  Healthcare - Products - 0.76%           Uber Technologies Inc, Term Loan B        
  Alere Inc, Term Loan B           5.00%, 07/07/2023(e)   4,250   4,253
  4.50%, 06/10/2022(e)     251   247          


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016

  (continued)     Amount (000's)    Value (000's)   (continued)   Amount (000's)    Value (000's)
  Internet (continued)             Media (continued)        
  VFH Parent LLC, Term Loan B             iHeartCommunications Inc, Term Loan D-        
  5.25%, 11/05/2019(e)   $ 304 $ 304   EXT        
  Zayo Group LLC, Term Loan B             7.27%, 01/22/2019(e) $ 21,205 $ 16,254
  3.75%, 05/06/2021(e)     135   135   iHeartCommunications Inc, Term Loan E        
        $   11,128   8.02%, 07/30/2019(e)   2,986   2,282
  Investment Companies - 0.01%             McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings        
  New Millennium Holdco Inc, Term Loan             LLC, Term Loan        
  7.50%, 12/21/2020(b),(e)     1,153   548   5.00%, 05/02/2022(e)   2,500   2,511
                Mediacom Illinois LLC, Delay-Draw Term        
  Leisure Products & Services - 0.11%           Loan G-DD        
  Equinox Holdings Inc, Term Loan B             3.50%, 06/18/2021(e)   491   492
  5.00%, 01/31/2020(e)     1,210   1,214   MTL Publishing LLC, Term Loan B3        
  Life Time Fitness Inc, Term Loan B             4.00%, 08/12/2022(e)   2,920   2,920
  4.25%, 06/03/2022(e)     1,980   1,981   Springer Science+Business Media GmbH,        
  Sabre GLBL Inc, Term Loan B2             Term Loan B9        
  4.50%, 02/19/2019(e)     807   809   4.75%, 08/14/2020(e)   1,629   1,576
        $   4,004   Tribune Media Co, Term Loan B        
                3.75%, 12/27/2020(e)   4,137   4,145
  Leisure Time - 0.04%                      
  Planet Fitness, Term Loan             Virgin Media Investment Holdings Ltd, Term        
  4.50%, 03/26/2021(e)     1,237   1,244   Loan F        
                3.65%, 06/07/2023(e)   904   904
  Sabre GLBL Inc, Term Loan C                      
  4.00%, 02/15/2018(e)     180   180   WideOpenWest Finance LLC, Term Loan        
                0.00%, 08/18/2023(e),(h)   2,453   2,440
        $   1,424            
  Lodging - 0.32%             Ziggo BV, Delay-Draw Term Loan B3-DD        
                3.70%, 01/15/2022(e)   2,210   2,199
  Boyd Gaming Corp, Term Loan                      
  0.00%, 08/16/2023(e),(h)     1,830   1,837   Ziggo BV, Term Loan B1        
                3.65%, 01/15/2022(e)   2,099   2,088
  Boyd Gaming Corp, Term Loan B                      
  4.00%, 08/07/2020(e)     1,830   1,834   Ziggo BV, Term Loan B2        
                3.66%, 01/15/2022(e)   1,441   1,434
  CityCenter Holdings LLC, Term Loan B                      
  4.25%, 10/09/2020(e)     1,826   1,836       $   61,805
  Extended Stay America Inc, Term Loan             Mining - 0.15%        
  0.00%, 08/17/2023(e),(h)     2,500   2,505   Fairmount Santrol Inc, Term Loan B2        
                0.00%, 09/05/2019(e),(h)   2,500   2,163
  Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC, Term Loan                      
  B1             FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd, Term        
  3.50%, 09/23/2020(e)     268   269   Loan B        
                3.75%, 06/30/2019(e)   3,285   3,265
  Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC, Term Loan                      
  B2                 $   5,428
  2.74%, 10/26/2023(e)     2,743   2,755   Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.05%        
  Intrawest Operations Group LLC, Term Loan             Gates Global LLC, Term Loan B        
  B             4.25%, 06/11/2021(e)   2,027   1,994
  5.00%, 11/26/2020(e)     1,039   1,043            
        $   12,079   Oil & Gas - 0.24%        
  Machinery - Construction & Mining - 0.02%             Drillships Financing Holding Inc, Term Loan        
  North American Lifting Holdings Inc, Term             B1        
  Loan             6.00%, 02/02/2021(e)   2,209   1,012
  5.50%, 11/26/2020(e)     1,034   788   EP Energy LLC, Term Loan        
                0.00%, 06/30/2021(e),(h)   160   157
  Machinery - Diversified - 0.25%             EP Energy LLC, Term Loan B2        
                0.00%, 04/30/2019(e),(h)   1,200   1,170
  Gardner Denver Inc, Term Loan                      
  4.25%, 07/23/2020(e)     3,747   3,553   EP Energy LLC, Term Loan B3        
  RBS Global Inc, Term Loan B             0.00%, 05/24/2018(e),(h)   1,500   1,466
  4.00%, 05/14/2020(e)     2,319   2,318   Fieldwood Energy LLC, Term Loan        
                8.00%, 08/31/2020(e)   1,346   1,117
  Zebra Technologies Corp, Term Loan B                      
  4.00%, 10/27/2021(e)     3,325   3,356   8.37%, 09/17/2020(e)   2,514   1,678
                8.38%, 09/20/2020(e)   914   329
        $   9,227            
Media- 1.66 %           Fieldwood Energy LLC, Term Loan B        
                3.88%, 09/28/2018(e)   1,664   1,418
  Altice US Finance I Corp, Term Loan B                      
  4.25%, 12/14/2022(e)     6,115   6,138   Seadrill Operating LP, Term Loan B        
                4.00%, 02/12/2021(e)   1,065   511
  Charter Communications Operating LLC,                      
  Term Loan F                 $   8,858
  3.00%, 01/19/2021(e)     2,992   2,994   Oil & Gas Services - 0.03%        
              Seventy Seven Operating LLC, Term Loan B        
   Charter Communications Operating LLC,             3.75%, 06/17/2021(e)   1,188   1,034
  Term Loan I                      
  3.50%, 01/24/2023(e)     4,988   5,012            
  Cumulus Media Holdings Inc, Term Loan B             Packaging & Containers - 0.28%        
  4.25%, 12/18/2020(e)     8,436   5,856   BWAY Holding Co, Term Loan B        
  Gray Television Inc, Term Loan B             5.50%, 08/07/2020(e)   3,083   3,093
  3.94%, 06/10/2021(e)     594   596   Reynolds Group Holdings Inc, Term Loan        
                0.00%, 01/20/2023(e),(h)   7,000   7,007
  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers Inc,                      
  Term Loan B                      
  4.00%, 05/11/2021(e)     1,980   1,964            


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016

  (continued)     Amount (000's)   Value (000's) (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
  Packaging & Containers (continued)           Retail (continued)        
  SIG Combibloc PurchaseCo Sarl, Term Loan           Rite Aid Corp, Term Loan 2        
  B           4.88%, 06/11/2021(e) $ 2,750 $ 2,754
  4.25%, 02/03/2022(e)   $ 247 $ 247 Serta Simmons Bedding LLC, Term Loan B        
        $   10,347 4.25%, 10/01/2019(e)   664   666
  Pharmaceuticals - 0.51%               $   44,815
  Catalent Pharma Solutions Inc, Term Loan B           Semiconductors - 0.53%        
  4.25%, 05/07/2021(e)     4,780   4,804 Avago Technologies Cayman Finance Ltd,        
  DPx Holdings BV, Term Loan B           Term Loan B3        
  4.25%, 01/22/2021(e)     2,207   2,197 3.51%, 02/01/2023(e)   7,620   7,685
  Grifols Worldwide Operations USA Inc, Term           Cavium Inc, Term Loan        
  Loan B           3.75%, 08/10/2022(e)   3,000   3,008
  3.44%, 03/05/2021(e)     816   822 Microsemi Corp, Term Loan B        
  PRA Holdings Inc, Term Loan           3.75%, 12/17/2022(e)   1,305   1,313
  4.50%, 09/18/2020(e)     4,361   4,380 NXP BV, Term Loan B        
  Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc,           3.75%, 11/05/2020(e)   1,600   1,608
  Term Loan BD2           NXP BV, Term Loan D        
  5.00%, 02/13/2019(e)     242   242 3.25%, 01/10/2020(e)   3,123   3,131
  Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc,           ON Semiconductor Corp, Term Loan B        
  Term Loan BE1           5.25%, 03/31/2023(e)   2,750   2,784
  5.25%, 06/26/2020(e)     4,415   4,407     $   19,529
  Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc,           Software - 1.41%        
  Term Loan BF1           Blackboard Inc, Term Loan B3        
  5.50%, 03/11/2022(e)     1,251   1,253 4.75%, 10/04/2018(e)   3,478   3,425
  Vizient Inc, Term Loan B           BMC Software Finance Inc, Term Loan B        
  6.25%, 02/09/2023(e)     748   756 5.00%, 08/07/2020(e)   5,491   5,235
        $   18,861 Cengage Learning Inc, Term Loan B        
  Real Estate - 0.11%           5.25%, 06/07/2023(e)   3,922   3,915
  Capital Automotive LP, Term Loan           Change Healthcare Holdings Inc, Term Loan        
  6.00%, 04/18/2020(e)     1,861   1,869 B2        
  Capital Automotive LP, Term Loan B           3.75%, 11/02/2018(e)   3,117   3,114
  4.00%, 04/05/2019(e)     765   767 Compuware Corp, Term Loan B2        
  Realogy Group LLC, Term Loan B           6.25%, 12/10/2021(e)   4,891   4,751
  3.75%, 07/14/2022(e)     1,514   1,522 First Data Corp, Term Loan B        
        $   4,158 4.52%, 03/24/2021(e)   12,928   12,988
REITS- 0.22 %         Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories        
  Communications Sales & Leasing Inc, Term           Inc, Term Loan        
  Loan B           4.50%, 11/04/2020(e)   1,950   1,945
  5.00%, 10/14/2022(e)     7,414   7,414 Infor US Inc, Term Loan B5        
  Starwood Property Trust Inc, Term Loan B           3.75%, 06/03/2020(e)   3,126   3,090
  3.50%, 04/17/2020(e)     717   716 Informatica LLC, Term Loan B        
        $   8,130 4.50%, 06/03/2022(e)   993   958
  Retail - 1.21%           MA FinanceCo LLC, Term Loan B2        
              4.50%, 11/20/2021(e)   348   348
  1011778 BC ULC, Term Loan B2                    
  3.75%, 12/10/2021(e)     10,195   10,233 MA FinanceCo LLC, Term Loan C        
  Academy Ltd, Term Loan B           4.50%, 10/07/2021(e)   525   526
  5.00%, 06/16/2022(e)     1,429   1,394 Magic Newco LLC, Term Loan B        
              5.00%, 12/02/2018(e)   2,181   2,188
  Bass Pro Group LLC, Term Loan B                    
  4.00%, 06/05/2020(e)     988   982 Sophia LP, Term Loan B        
              4.75%, 09/22/2016(e)   5,091   5,093
  Belk Inc, Term Loan B                    
  5.75%, 11/18/2022(e)     1,990   1,739 SS&C European Holdings SARL, Term Loan        
  BJ's Wholesale Club Inc, Term Loan           B2        
  8.50%, 03/21/2020(e)     249   249 4.00%, 06/29/2022(e)   534   537
  BJ's Wholesale Club Inc, Term Loan B           SS&C Technologies Inc, Term Loan B1        
  4.50%, 09/26/2019(e)     3,430   3,426 4.00%, 06/29/2022(e)   4,193   4,219
  Dollar Tree Inc, Term Loan B1               $   52,332
  3.50%, 05/26/2022(e)     3,546   3,552 Telecommunications - 0.53%        
  Dollar Tree Inc, Term Loan B2           Avaya Inc, Term Loan B3        
  4.18%, 05/26/2022(e)     1,300   1,316 5.24%, 10/26/2017(e)   2,259   1,811
  Gymboree Corp/The, Term Loan           Avaya Inc, Term Loan B6        
  0.00%, 02/23/2018(e),(h)     2,250   1,759 6.50%, 03/31/2018(e)   2,621   2,049
  Hudson's Bay Co, Term Loan B           Avaya Inc, Term Loan B7        
  4.75%, 08/12/2022(e)     1,152   1,154 6.25%, 04/30/2020(e)   246   184
  Jo-Ann Stores LLC, Term Loan           Cincinnati Bell Inc, Term Loan B        
  4.00%, 03/19/2018(e)     1,846   1,844 4.00%, 08/20/2020(e)   973   973
  Michaels Stores Inc, Term Loan B           CommScope Inc, Term Loan B        
  3.75%, 01/24/2020(e)     1,032   1,036 3.75%, 12/29/2022(e)   615   617
  Petco Animal Supplies Inc, Term Loan B1           FairPoint Communications Inc, Term Loan B        
  5.00%, 01/15/2023(e)     3,783   3,814 7.50%, 02/14/2019(e)   3,872   3,868
  PetSmart Inc, Term Loan B           Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA, Term Loan B2        
  4.25%, 03/10/2022(e)     5,382   5,389 3.75%, 06/30/2019(e)   2,603   2,469
  Rite Aid Corp, Term Loan 1           T-Mobile USA Inc, Term Loan B        
  5.75%, 07/07/2020(e)     3,500   3,508 3.50%, 11/03/2022(e)   1,791   1,802


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments Diversified Real Asset Fund August 31, 2016

SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS     Principal                
(continued)     Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)        
                (a) Non-Income Producing Security    
Telecommunications (continued)                      
                (b) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities  
UPC Financing Partnership, Term Loan AN                  totaled $116,416 or 3.13% of net assets.    
4.08%, 07/29/2024(e)   $ 6,000 $   5,978        
        $   19,751    (c)  Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of    
                  1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from    
Transportation - 0.14%                 registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the  
CEVA Group PLC, SYNTH LOC                 period, the value of these securities totaled $45,186 or 1.22% of net assets.  
6.50%, 03/19/2021(e)     371     296          
                (d) Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager  
CEVA Group PLC, Term Loan                 under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Board of  
6.50%, 03/12/2021(e)     528     421      Directors. At the end of the period, the fair value of these securities totaled    
6.50%, 03/19/2021(e)     66     52     $123 or 0.00% of net assets.  
CEVA Intercompany BV, Term Loan               (e) Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.    
6.50%, 03/19/2021(e)     383     305          
                (f) Rate shown is the discount rate of the original purchase.    
Commercial Barge Line Co, Term Loan B               (g) Payment in kind; the issuer has the option of paying additional securities  
9.75%, 11/06/2020(e)     988     943      in lieu of cash.    
HGIM Corp, Term Loan B               (h) This Senior Floating Rate Note will settle after August 31, 2016, at which  
5.50%, 06/12/2020(e)     2,188     1,258      time the interest rate will be determined.    
XPO Logistics Inc, Term Loan B                  
5.50%, 10/27/2021(e)     1,990     1,999    (i)  Security or a portion of the security was pledged to cover margin    
                  requirements for futures contracts. At the end of the period, the value of  
        $   5,274     these securities totaled $20,043 or 0.54% of net assets.    
U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT     Principal                
AGENCY OBLIGATIONS - 18.74%     Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)        
U.S. Treasury - 2.44%                 Portfolio Summary (unaudited)    
0.50%, 10/31/2017(e)   $ 10,000 $   10,014   Sector   Percent  
0.53%, 04/30/2018(e)     20,000     20,021   Government 27.40 %
0.61%, 01/31/2018(e),(i)     21,000     21,045   Energy 14.82 %
0.63%, 11/15/2016     8,000     8,005   Financial 14.29 %
0.88%, 01/31/2017     31,400     31,459   Investment Companies 8.46 %
        $   90,544   Consumer, Non-cyclical 8.30 %
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Indexed Obligations - 16.30%         Industrial 6.44 %
0.13%, 04/15/2018     1,460     1,467   Basic Materials 6.31 %
0.13%, 04/15/2019     48,271     48,699   Utilities 5.15 %
0.13%, 04/15/2020     44,854     45,294   Consumer, Cyclical 4.02 %
0.13%, 04/15/2021     34,674     35,031   Communications 2.86 %
0.13%, 01/15/2022     14,070     14,200   Technology 2.38 %
0.13%, 07/15/2022     20,532     20,763   Diversified 0.60 %
0.13%, 01/15/2023     30,423     30,608   Purchased Options 0.05 %
0.13%, 07/15/2024     40,104     40,281   Purchased Interest Rate Swaptions 0.03 %
0.13%, 07/15/2026     16,577     16,615   Purchased Capped Options 0.00 %
0.25%, 01/15/2025     19,499     19,683   Other Assets and Liabilities (1.11 )%
0.38%, 07/15/2023     21,630     22,191   TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00 %
0.38%, 07/15/2025     18,450     18,878          
0.63%, 07/15/2021     25,253     26,225          
0.63%, 01/15/2024     24,058     25,016          
0.63%, 01/15/2026     38,726     40,402          
0.63%, 02/15/2043     12,395     12,499          
0.75%, 02/15/2042     13,602     14,086          
0.75%, 02/15/2045     9,171     9,533          
1.00%, 02/15/2046     5,483     6,113          
1.13%, 01/15/2021     16,633     17,533          
1.25%, 07/15/2020     4,864     5,152          
1.38%, 01/15/2020     7,203     7,589          
1.38%, 02/15/2044     12,772     15,246          
1.75%, 01/15/2028     7,859     9,151          
2.00%, 01/15/2026     5,463     6,364          
2.13%, 02/15/2040     5,684     7,604          
2.13%, 02/15/2041     19,282     26,033          
2.38%, 01/15/2025     8,869     10,496          
2.38%, 01/15/2027     7,151     8,699          
2.50%, 01/15/2029     7,668     9,700          
3.38%, 04/15/2032     5,478     8,015          
3.63%, 04/15/2028     11,211     15,436          
3.88%, 04/15/2029     7,723     11,093          
        $   605,695          
      $   696,239          
TOTAL PURCHASED OPTIONS - 0.05%       $   1,909          
0.03 %     $   1,178          
Total Investments       $   3,757,312          
Other Assets and Liabilities - (1.11)%       $   (41,124 )        
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%       $   3,716,188          


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016
Foreign Currency Contracts

                  Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Accept   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 AUD 8,517,105 $ 6,461 $ 6,391 $ $ (70 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 CHF 6,656,733   6,978   6,793     (185 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 CLP 2,173,112,600   3,242   3,181     (61 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 GBP 4,706,000   6,212   6,186     (26 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 JPY 1,378,821,040   13,600   13,360     (240 )
Credit Suisse 09/06/2016 EUR 1,900,000   2,159   2,120     (39 )
Deutsche Bank AG 09/02/2016 JPY 123,857,452   1,215   1,197     (18 )
Deutsche Bank AG 09/06/2016 NZD 1,000,000   729   725     (4 )
Deutsche Bank AG 09/09/2016 JPY 246,492,204   2,408   2,383     (25 )
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 BRL 52,306,463   15,940   15,940   71   (71 )
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 EUR 24,233,000   26,982   27,090   115   (7 )
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 JPY 1,392,303,235   13,326   13,491   165    
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 NOK 56,039,752   6,800   6,729     (71 )
Goldman Sachs & Co 09/06/2016 EUR 2,000,000   2,236   2,231     (5 )
HSBC Securities Inc 09/26/2016 JPY 104,651,564   1,017   1,013     (4 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 AUD 3,402   3   3      
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 CAD 8,540,000   6,556   6,515     (41 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 CHF 25,683,970   26,502   26,208     (294 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 CLP 8,955,802,500   13,506   13,110     (396 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 COP 15,895,680,000   5,440   5,296     (144 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 EUR 96,775,000   107,974   108,185   486   (275 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 GBP 12,509,000   16,712   16,443     (269 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 JPY 6,330,195,355   60,805   61,338   776   (243 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 KRW 22,622,720,400   20,296   20,277   100   (119 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 MXN 192,729,250   10,300   10,197   13   (116 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 NOK 113,247,698   13,607   13,600   91   (98 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 NZD 9,070,000   6,582   6,564     (18 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 RUB 2,142,345,331   32,180   32,344   271   (107 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 SEK 116,341,482   13,693   13,632     (61 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 TRY 16,156,327   5,440   5,400     (40 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 ZAR 81,208,500   6,000   5,469     (531 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/06/2016 EUR 6,130,000   6,910   6,839     (71 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/26/2016 EUR 915,000   1,019   1,022   3    
Royal Bank of Scotland PLC 09/06/2016 NZD 4,450,000   3,219   3,228   9    
Total               $ 2,100 $ (3,649 )
                  Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Deliver   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Bank of America NA 09/06/2016 JPY 743,059,000 $ 7,106 $ 7,183 $ $ (77 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/05/2016 JPY 601,187,500   5,829   5,820   9    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 CHF 6,665,856   6,920   6,802   118    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 EUR 38,802,000   43,504   43,377   186   (59 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 GBP 5,073,000   6,707   6,668   39    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 JPY 2,091,791,237   20,409   20,268   205   (64 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/26/2016 MXN 63,282,922   3,399   3,348   51    
Citigroup Inc 09/06/2016 EUR 25,000   28   28      
Citigroup Inc 10/05/2016 NZD 5,009,000   3,623   3,628     (5 )
Credit Suisse 09/06/2016 EUR 40,000   45   45      
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 BRL 35,296,204   10,662   10,756   34   (128 )
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 EUR 3,242,000   3,601   3,624     (23 )
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 JPY 1,049,326,872   9,939   10,168     (229 )
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 KRW 15,090,560,000   13,600   13,526   74    
Deutsche Bank AG 10/26/2016 MXN 63,427,024   3,400   3,356   44    
HSBC Securities Inc 09/09/2016 JPY 306,865,504   3,040   2,967   73    
HSBC Securities Inc 09/26/2016 EUR 920,000   1,016   1,027     (11 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 AUD 8,570,000   6,485   6,431   54    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 BRL 11,451,231   3,399   3,490     (91 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 CAD 8,512,393   6,538   6,494   44    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 CHF 25,653,323   26,271   26,177   94    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 CLP 11,215,952,872   16,998   16,419   579    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 EUR 84,833,546   94,481   94,836   27   (382 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 GBP 22,391,385   29,523   29,433   244   (154 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 JPY 6,700,349,009   64,766   64,925   352   (511 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 KRW 7,568,223,160   6,594   6,784     (190 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 MXN 65,738,402   3,586   3,478   108    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 NOK 113,294,782   13,600   13,605   8   (13 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 NZD 18,005,000   12,800   13,030     (230 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 RUB 2,147,829,109   32,421   32,427   184   (190 )
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 SEK 57,873,705   6,800   6,781   19    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 TRY 16,129,256   5,430   5,391   39    
JPMorgan Chase 10/26/2016 ZAR 83,747,041   5,840   5,640   200    
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/06/2016 JPY 743,059,000   7,099   7,183     (84 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/26/2016 JPY 104,212,424   1,019   1,008   11    


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016
Foreign Currency Contracts (continued)

              Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Deliver   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
RBC Dominion Securities 10/05/2016 EUR 9,730,000 $ 10,854 $ 10,868 $ — $   (14 )
Royal Bank of Scotland PLC 09/06/2016 EUR 19,736,000   21,976   22,018     (42 )
Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong 09/06/2016 NZD 11,029,000   7,826   8,001     (175 )
UBS AG 10/05/2016 JPY 601,187,500   5,864   5,820   44    
Total             $   2,840 $ (2,672 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                        
Futures Contracts

Type Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value     Fair Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
90 Day Eurodollar; December 2017   Long 252 $ 62,392   $   62,294 $ (98 )
90 Day Eurodollar; December 2018   Short 252   62,313       62,216   97  
Brent Crude; December 2016   Long 305   14,000       14,417   417  
Brent Crude; March 2017   Long 246   12,728       11,934   (794 )
Brent Crude; November 2016   Long 63   3,011       2,954   (57 )
Coffee 'C'; December 2016   Long 143   7,637       7,886   249  
Copper; December 2016   Long 413   22,565       21,450   (1,115 )
Corn; December 2016   Long 1,177   20,519       18,567   (1,952 )
Cotton No.2; December 2016   Long 134   4,324       4,394   70  
Cotton No.2; July 2017   Long 2   76       66   (10 )
Euro Bund 10 Year Bund; September 2016   Short 50   9,218       9,335   (117 )
Euro-Bobl 5 Year; September 2016   Short 3   444       447   (3 )
Euro-BTP; September 2016   Short 63   9,996       10,225   (229 )
Gasoline RBOB; December 2016   Long 22   1,177       1,213   36  
Gasoline RBOB; November 2016   Long 188   10,738       10,443   (295 )
Gold 100 oz; December 2016   Long 294   37,127       38,555   1,428  
Japan 10 Year Bond TSE; September 2016   Short 11   16,201       16,097   104  
KC HRW Wheat; December 2016   Long 141   3,075       2,802   (273 )
Lean Hogs; December 2016   Long 50   1,257       1,151   (106 )
Lean Hogs; October 2016   Long 188   5,207       4,726   (481 )
Live Cattle; December 2016   Long 19   915       824   (91 )
Live Cattle; June 2017   Long 23   967       932   (35 )
Live Cattle; October 2016   Long 143   6,479       6,096   (383 )
LME Nickel; December 2016   Long 128   6,873       7,507   634  
LME PRI Alum; December 2016   Long 353   13,776       14,268   492  
LME Zinc; December 2016   Long 137   6,096       7,928   1,832  
LME Zinc; December 2017   Long 47   2,645       2,706   61  
Natural Gas; January 2017   Long 209   6,863       6,951   88  
Natural Gas; November 2016   Long 834   24,425       25,045   620  
NY Harb ULSD; November 2016   Long 235   13,830       14,261   431  
Silver; December 2016   Long 169   13,745       15,807   2,062  
Soybean Meal; December 2016   Long 244   8,585       7,484   (1,101 )
Soybean Meal; March 2017   Long 53   1,968       1,610   (358 )
Soybean Oil; December 2016   Long 446   8,750       8,796   46  
Soybean; November 2016   Long 373   19,499       17,587   (1,912 )
Sugar #11; July 2017   Long 107   2,324       2,335   11  
Sugar #11; October 2016   Long 528   10,827       11,863   1,036  
US 10 Year Note; December 2016   Long 97   12,687       12,700   13  
US 10 Year Ultra Note; December 2016   Short 51   7,362       7,363   (1 )
US 2 Year Note; December 2016   Short 249   54,370       54,360   10  
US 5 Year Note; December 2016   Long 361   43,721       43,771   50  
US Long Bond; December 2016   Short 98   16,674       16,697   (23 )
US Ultra Bond; December 2016   Short 31   5,798       5,811   (13 )
Wheat; December 2016   Long 403   8,779       7,823   (956 )
WTI Crude; December 2016   Short 284   14,054       13,038   1,016  
WTI Crude; June 2017   Long 284   14,784       13,785   (999 )
WTI Crude; November 2016   Long 600   26,923       27,186   263  
Total                 $   (336 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                        


See accompanying notes.



Consolidated Schedule of Investments
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016
Interest Rate Swaps

    Receive               Upfront                        
    Floating Fixed     Expiration Notional   Premiums     Unrealized     Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer) Floating Rate Index Rate Rate   Date Amount      Paid/(Received)      Appreciation/(Depreciation)     Asset     Liability   
Barclays Bank PLC US CPI Urban Receive 2.07 % 03/10/2018 $ 7,960 $   $       126   $ 126 $  
Deutsche Bank AG Eurostat Eurozone Pay 1.04 % 01/18/2026 EUR 1,100                    
  HICP Ex Tobacco                                          
  Unrevised Series                                          
Deutsche Bank AG Eurostat Eurozone Receive 0.76 % 01/18/2021   3,137                    
  HICP Ex Tobacco                                          
  Unrevised Series                                          
Deutsche Bank AG Eurostat Eurozone Receive 0.77 % 01/18/2021   1,100             3     3    
  HICP Ex Tobacco                                          
  Unrevised Series                                          
Deutsche Bank AG Eurostat Eurozone Pay 1.18 % 01/18/2026   3,137             64     64    
  HICP Ex Tobacco                                          
  Unrevised Series                                          
Deutsche Bank AG Eurostat Eurozone Receive 0.74 % 01/18/2021   3,137             3     3    
  HICP Ex Tobacco                                          
  Unrevised Series                                          
Deutsche Bank AG Eurostat Eurozone Pay 1.18 % 01/18/2026   3,137             63     63    
  HICP Ex Tobacco                                          
  Unrevised Series                                          
Total               $     $       259   $ 259 $  
Amounts in thousands                                            
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps

    Receive               Upfront                        
    Floating Fixed     Expiration Notional   Premiums     Unrealized            
  Floating Rate Index Rate Rate   Date Amount     Paid/(Received)      Appreciation/(Depreciation)     Fair Value  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.80 % 08/19/2046 $ 2,083 $   $       (39 ) $     (39 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.13 % 02/28/2021 21,300   1           72         73  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.73 % 08/31/2046   2,500             (2 )       (2 )
  US Federal Funds Receive 0.78 % 02/28/2021   6,930             12            
  Effective Rate                                          
  (continuous series)                                       12  
Total               $   1   $       43   $     44  
Amounts in thousands                                            
Interest Rate Swaptions

      Receive             Upfront                    
Purchased Swaptions   Floating Rate  Floating      Exercise  Expiration Notional   Premiums     Fair     Unrealized  
Outstanding Counterparty (Issuer) Index Rate   Rate Date   Amount      Paid/(Received)      Value         Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - 30 Year Interest  Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month Pay     2.68%        01/13/2021 $   665 $ 135 $   180 $         45  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                        
Call - 30 Year Interest  Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month Pay     2.68%         01/13/2021   2,900   352     781           429  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                        
Put - 30 Year Interest Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month Receive 4.00%          11/22/2017   3,100   141     3           (138 )
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                        
Put - 30 Year Interest Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month Receive 2.68%         01/13/2021   665   61     40           (21 )
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                        
Put - 30 Year Interest Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month Receive 2.68%         01/13/2021   2,900   388     174           (214 )
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                        
Total                   $   1,077 $   1,178 $         101  
      Receive             Upfront                  
Written Swaptions   Floating Rate  Floating      Exercise  Expiration Notional   Premiums    Fair   Unrealized  
Outstanding Counterparty (Issuer) Index Rate   Rate Date   Amount      Paid/(Received)     Value       Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - 2 Year Interest Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month Receive 0.90% 06/08/2018       $2,500 $ (13 ) $ (11 ) $       2  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                        
See accompanying notes.         103                                



            Consolidated Schedule of Investments                              
Diversified Real Asset Fund
August 31, 2016
Interest Rate Swaptions (continued)

            Receive                   Upfront                  
Written Swaptions   Floating Rate   Floating     Exercise Expiration        Notional Premiums   Fair       Unrealized  
Outstanding Counterparty (Issuer) Index   Rate      Rate Date        Amount Paid/(Received)   Value       Appreciation/(Depreciation)   
Call - 2 Year Interest Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month Receive   0.90%    06/08/2018 $       30,200 $   (150 ) $ (130)      $ 20  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                                
Put - 2 Year Interest Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month   Pay   1.90%    06/08/2018       2,500     (8 )     (6 )     2  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                                
Put - 2 Year Interest Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month   Pay   1.90%    06/08/2018       30,200     (128 )     (79 )     49  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                                
Put - 5 Year Interest Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month   Pay   2.10%    01/13/2017       4,275     (5 )     (2 )     3  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                                
Put - 5 Year Interest Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month   Pay   2.10%    01/13/2017       18,600     (174 )     (9 )     165  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                                
Put - 5 Year Interest Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month   Pay   2.10%    01/13/2017       2,790     (20 )     (1 )     19  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                                                
Total                                 $     (498 ) $ (238 ) $ 260  
Amounts in thousands                                                          

                          Upfront Premiums                     Unrealized  
Purchased Options Outstanding Exercise Price Expiration Date Contracts     Paid/(Received)     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - EUR versus GBP EUR       0.94 10/10/2016 793,000   $       90   $       $       (90 )
Call - EUR versus USD EUR       1.15 03/09/2017 29,800,000           1,064     498           (566 )
Call - USD versus CAD $       1.32 11/04/2016 13,290,000           224     175           (49 )
Call - USD versus CAD $       1.42 11/04/2016 13,290,000           58         10           (48 )
Call - USD versus MXN $       19.87 11/04/2016 13,290,000           165     100           (65 )
Call - USD versus MXN $       18.29 11/04/2016 13,290,000           431     575           144  
Call - USD versus ZAR $       15.38 09/05/2016 802,000           76         18           (58 )
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; September 2017 $       98.25 09/19/2016   535           30         4           (26 )
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; September 2017 $       98.75 09/19/2016   535           103         14           (89 )
Put - CHF versus NOK CHF       8.20 02/20/2017 5,890,000           49         52           3  
Put - CHF versus NOK CHF       8.00 02/15/2017 5,890,000           43         25           (18 )
Put - EUR versus GBP Digital Knockout EUR       0.73 10/27/2016 500,000           68                   (68 )
Put - EUR versus GBP Digital Knockout EUR       0.73 10/27/2016 2,397,000           325         1           (324 )
Put - EUR versus USD   EUR       1.09 11/04/2016 11,700,000           196         58           (138 )
Put - EUR versus USD   EUR       1.02 11/04/2016 11,700,000           44         4           (40 )
Put - GBP versus USD Digital Knockout $       1.18 11/01/2016 1,087,000           95         14           (81 )
Put - US 10 Year Note Future; December 2016 $     128.50 11/28/2016   434           215     203           (12 )
Put - US Long Bond Future; December 2016 $     168.00 09/26/2016   65           67         56           (11 )
Put - USD versus JPY   $       96.00 02/01/2017 810,000           91         83           (8 )
Put - USD versus MXN $       17.10 11/01/2016 785,000           78         17           (61 )
Put - USD versus NOK $       7.70 11/01/2016 810,000           78         2           (76 )
Put - USD versus SEK   $       7.92 11/04/2016 810,000           72                   (72 )
Total                         $       3,662   $ 1,909   $       (1,753 )
                          Upfront Premiums                     Unrealized  
Written Options Outstanding Exercise Price Expiration Date Contracts     Paid/(Received)     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - USD versus CAD $       1.37 11/04/2016 26,575,000   $       (229 ) $     (89 ) $       140  
Call - USD versus MXN $       19.00 11/04/2016 26,575,000           (544 )   (562 )         (18 )
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; September 2016 $       98.88 09/19/2016   628           (93 )   (180 )         (87 )
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; September 2017 $       98.50 09/19/2016   1,103           (94 )       (7 )         87  
Put - EUR versus USD   EUR       1.06 11/04/2016 23,400,000           (214 )       (33 )         181  
Total                         $   (1,174 ) $ (871 ) $       303  
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                                        
Purchased Capped Options

  Counterparty Strike             Expiration       Notional   Premiums                 Unrealized  
Description (Issuer) Rate       Floating Rate   Date Amount     Paid/(Received)       Fair Value        Appreciation/(Depreciation)   
Cap - US CPI Urban Deutsche Bank AG 2.00 % Max(0, USCPIU-   11/07/2016 $   11,715 $     11 $         $   (11 )
Consumers NAS             2 %)                                          
Cap - US CPI Urban Deutsche Bank AG 2.00 % Max(0, USCPIU-   11/11/2016     4,695       5               (5 )
Consumers NAS             2 %)                                          
Total                             $       16 $         $   (16 )
Amounts in thousands                                                          


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund
August 31, 2016

  COMMON STOCKS - 0.12%     Shares Held Value(000's)         Principal          
  Forest Products & Paper - 0.12%                   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value(000's)
  Verso Corp (a)     2,657   $   17     Transportation - 1.55%                
                      Eletson Holdings Inc                
  TOTAL COMMON STOCKS         $   17     9.63%, 01/15/2022(b)   $ 300     $ 219  
  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 16.79%     Shares Held Value(000's)                    
  Money Market Funds - 14.33%                   TOTAL BONDS         $   3,110  
  BlackRock Liquidity Funds FedFund Portfolio     2,030,364       2,030     SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS -     Principal          
                      71.48% Amount (000's) Value(000's)
  Exchange Traded Funds - 2.46%                   Aerospace & Defense - 1.62%                
  PowerShares Senior Loan Portfolio     15,000       349     B/E Aerospace Inc, Term Loan B                
                      3.75%, 12/16/2021(c)   $ 228   $   230  
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES         $   2,379                      
        Principal             Automobile Manufacturers - 0.69%                
BONDS- 21.96 %   Amount (000's) Value(000's)   Navistar Inc, Term Loan B                
                      6.50%, 08/06/2020(c)     104       98  
Banks- 0.95 %                                  
  Popular Inc                                    
  7.00%, 07/01/2019   $ 130     $ 134     Chemicals - 5.77%                
                      A Schulman Inc, Term Loan B                
                      4.19%, 05/11/2022(c)     133       133  
  Chemicals - 0.95%                                    
  Consolidated Energy Finance SA                   Aruba Investments Inc, Term Loan B                
  6.75%, 10/15/2019(b)     140       135     4.50%, 02/02/2022(c)     69       69  
                      Emerald Performance Materials LLC, Term                
  Diversified Financial Services - 0.90%                   Loan                
                      7.75%, 07/22/2022(c)     265       259  
  Navient Corp                                    
  5.88%, 03/25/2021     125       127     Ineos US Finance LLC, Term Loan B                
                      3.75%, 12/15/2020(c)     210       210  
                    Methanol Holdings Trinidad Ltd, Term Loan                
  Healthcare - Products - 0.78%                   B                
   Universal Hospital Services Inc                   4.25%, 06/16/2022(c)     149       146  
  7.63%, 08/15/2020     115       110                      
                                $   817  
  Insurance - 1.52%                   Consumer Products - 1.45%                
  Voya Financial Inc                   Dell International LLC, Term Loan B                
  5.65%, 05/15/2053(c)     215       215     0.00%, 06/02/2023(c),(f)     205       206  
Media- 1.08 %                 Diversified Financial Services - 1.91%                
  WideOpenWest Finance LLC /                   Delos Finance Sarl, Term Loan B                
  WideOpenWest Capital Corp                   3.50%, 02/26/2021(c)     270       271  
  10.25%, 07/15/2019 (d)     145       153                      
                      Electric - 1.16%                
  Metal Fabrication & Hardware - 2.22%                   Dynegy Inc, Term Loan C                
  Wise Metals Intermediate Holdings LLC/Wise                   5.00%, 06/22/2023(c)     165       165  
  Holdings Finance Corp                                    
  9.75%, PIK 10.50%, 06/15/2019 (b),(e)     379       315     Entertainment - 5.44%                
                      CCM Merger Inc, Term Loan B                
                      4.50%, 07/30/2021(c)     190       191  
  Mining - 1.09%                                    
  Teck Resources Ltd                   Eldorado Resorts Inc, Term Loan B                
  3.75%, 02/01/2023     180       154     4.25%, 07/15/2022(c)     202       202  
                      Lions Gate Entertainment Corp, Term Loan                
  Oil & Gas - 4.91%                   B                
  Continental Resources Inc/OK                   5.00%, 03/11/2022(c)     270       274  
  4.50%, 04/15/2023     180       170     WMG Acquisition Corp, Term Loan B                
  Halcon Resources Corp                   3.75%, 07/07/2020(c)     104       104  
  8.63%, 02/01/2020(b)     255       242               $   771  
  QEP Resources Inc                 Food- 4.19%              
  6.80%, 04/01/2018     95       96     B&G Foods Inc, Term Loan B                
  Whiting Petroleum Corp                   3.75%, 10/21/2022(c)     303       304  
  5.75%, 03/15/2021     210       188     JBS USA LLC, Term Loan B                
            $   696     4.00%, 08/18/2022(c)     139       139  
  Pipelines - 0.26%                   Pinnacle Foods Finance LLC, Term Loan I                
  Tesoro Logistics LP / Tesoro Logistics                   3.27%, 01/13/2023(c)     149       150  
  Finance Corp                             $   593  
  6.38%, 05/01/2024     35       37     Forest Products & Paper - 1.48%                
                      Caraustar Industries Inc, Term Loan B                
  Retail - 0.93%                   8.00%, 05/01/2019(c)     208       209  
  Landry's Holdings II Inc                                    
  10.25%, 01/01/2018 (b)     130       132     Healthcare - Products - 3.09%                
                      Kinetic Concepts Inc, Term Loan F1                
  Telecommunications - 4.82%                   5.00%, 11/04/2020(c)     208       209  
  Frontier Communications Corp                   Mallinckrodt International Finance SA, Term                
  11.00%, 09/15/2025     165       178     Loan B                
  Wind Acquisition Finance SA                   3.25%, 03/19/2021(c)     228       228  
  4.75%, 07/15/2020(b)     295       299               $   437  
  7.38%, 04/23/2021(b)     200       206                      
            $   683                      


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund
August 31, 2016

  (continued)     Amount (000's)    Value (000's) (continued) Amount (000's) Value (000's)   
  Healthcare - Services - 6.14%           Pharmaceuticals (continued)          
  Acadia Healthcare Co Inc, Term Loan B2           Endo Luxembourg Finance Co I Sarl, Term          
  4.50%, 02/04/2023(c)   $ 294 $ 295 Loan B          
  Lantheus Medical Imaging Inc, Term Loan B             3.75%, 06/24/2022(c) $ 134 $ 133  
  0.00%, 06/24/2022(c),(f)     187   178 Grifols Worldwide Operations USA Inc, Term          
  MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC, Term Loan           Loan B          
  B             3.44%, 03/05/2021(c)   171   173  
  5.00%, 05/25/2023(c)     280   283 Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc,          
  Radnet Management Inc, Term Loan B           Term Loan BD2          
  4.77%, 06/30/2023(c)     115   114   5.00%, 02/13/2019(c)   194   194  
        $   870 Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc,          
  Insurance - 2.32%           Term Loan BF1          
  Asurion LLC, Term Loan             5.50%, 04/01/2022(c)   95   95  
  8.50%, 02/19/2021(c)     85   85         $ 741  
  Lonestar Intermediate Super Holdings LLC,           REITS - 2.89%          
  PIK Term Loan           iStar Inc, Term Loan B          
  0.00%, PIK 0.75%, 08/10/2021(c),(e),(f)     245   244   5.50%, 07/01/2020(c)   266   268  
        $   329 MGM Growth Properties Operating          
  Internet - 0.99%           Partnership LP, Term Loan B          
  Zayo Group LLC, Term Loan B             4.00%, 04/07/2023(c)   140   141  
  0.00%, 05/06/2021(c),(f)     140   140         $ 409  
              Retail - 7.43%          
  Investment Companies - 1.33%           Academy Ltd, Term Loan B          
  Frank Russell Co, Term Loan B             5.00%, 06/16/2022(c)   105   103  
  6.75%, 05/10/2023(c)     200   188 Dollar Tree Inc, Term Loan B2          
                4.18%, 07/06/2022(c)   205   207  
  Lodging - 0.92%           JC Penney Corp Inc, Term Loan B          
  Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC, Term Loan             5.25%, 06/09/2023(c)   160   161  
  B1           KFC Holding Co, Term Loan B          
  3.50%, 09/23/2020(c)     12   12   3.26%, 06/02/2023(c)   205   206  
  Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC, Term Loan           Michaels Stores Inc, Term Loan B2          
  B2             4.00%, 01/20/2028(c)   132   133  
  3.10%, 10/25/2023(c)     118   119 PetSmart Inc, Term Loan B          
        $   131   4.25%, 03/11/2022(c)   243   243  
Media- 2.24 %                 $ 1,053  
  SFR Group SA, Term Loan B           Semiconductors - 3.23%          
  5.00%, 01/08/2024(c)     170   170 Avago Technologies Cayman Finance Ltd,          
  Univision Communications Inc, Term Loan           Term Loan B3          
  C4             3.51%, 02/01/2023(c)   279   282  
  4.00%, 03/01/2020(c)     147   147 NXP BV, Term Loan B          
        $   317   3.75%, 11/05/2020(c)   174   175  
  Mining - 2.26%                   $ 457  
  FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd, Term           Software - 0.67%          
  Loan B           Evergreen Skills Lux Sarl, Term Loan          
  3.75%, 06/30/2019(c)     322   320   3.75%, 04/08/2021(c)   95   95  
  Oil & Gas - 4.06%           TOTAL SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS $ 10,126  
  California Resources Corp, Term Loan           Total Investments     $ 15,632  
  0.00%, 12/31/2021(c),(f)     30   31 Other Assets and Liabilities - (10.35)%     $ (1,466 )
  Chesapeake Energy Corp, Term Loan           TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%     $ 14,166  
  0.00%, 08/17/2021(c),(f)     310   320              
  Drillships Financing Holding Inc, Term Loan           (a) Non-Income Producing Security          
  B1           (b) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of  
  6.00%, 03/31/2021(c)     111   51   1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from    
  EP Energy LLC             registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the  
  9.75%, 06/30/2021(c)     135   133   period, the value of these securities totaled $1,548 or 10.93% of net assets.  
  Seadrill Operating LP, Term Loan B           (c) Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.      
  4.00%, 02/12/2021(c)     83   40 (d) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities  
                totaled $153 or 1.08% of net assets.          
        $   575              
              (e) Payment in kind; the issuer has the option of paying additional securities  
  Oil & Gas Services - 2.44%             in lieu of cash.          
   Navios Maritime Midstream Partners LP,           (f) This Senior Floating Rate Note will settle after August 31, 2016, at which  
  Term Loan B              time the interest rate will be determined.          
  5.50%, 06/15/2020(c)     356   346            
  Packaging & Containers - 2.53%                        
  Berry Plastics Group Inc, Term Loan H                        
  3.75%, 10/01/2022(c)     193   193              
  Coveris Holdings SA, Term Loan B                        
  0.00%, 05/08/2019(c),(f)     165   165              
        $   358              
  Pharmaceuticals - 5.23%                        
  DPx Holdings BV, Term Loan B                        
  4.25%, 01/22/2021(c)     147   146              


See accompanying notes.



  Schedule of Investments  
  Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund  
  August 31, 2016  
Portfolio Summary (unaudited)    
Sector Percent  
Consumer, Non-cyclical 20.87 %
Consumer, Cyclical 15.43 %
Investment Companies 14.33 %
Financial 11.81 %
Energy 11.68 %
Basic Materials 11.67 %
Communications 9.13 %
Industrial 7.92 %
Technology 3.89 %
Exchange Traded Funds 2.46 %
Utilities 1.16 %
Other Assets and Liabilities (10.35 )%


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 38.66% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.04%           Automobile Parts & Equipment (continued)          
Gendai Agency Inc 6,600 $   37   Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 21,800 $   503  
Interpublic Group of Cos Inc/The (a) 35,825     829   Toyota Industries Corp 2,965     142  
Relia Inc 11,300     107       $   13,699  
    $   973   Banks - 1.83%          
Aerospace & Defense - 0.37%           ABN AMRO Group NV (c) 8,541     176  
AAR Corp (a) 21,210     522   Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA (b) 311,057     84  
Cobham PLC 583,785     1,239   Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 5,668     35  
General Dynamics Corp (a) 10,420     1,586   Banco Popolare SC 22,375     56  
Harris Corp (a) 4,870     453   Banco Santander SA 11,728     53  
IHI Corp 193,630     593   Bank of America Corp 258,274     4,169  
Jamco Corp 5,700     106   Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The (a) 46,080     1,920  
Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA (b) 104,446     1,192   Bankinter SA 29,371     216  
Lockheed Martin Corp 6,513     1,583   BNP Paribas SA 22,869     1,168  
MTU Aero Engines AG 813     83   Cardinal Financial Corp 2,562     69  
Rockwell Collins Inc (a) 6,978     584   Citigroup Inc 120,358     5,746  
Saab AB 2,337     80   Commerzbank AG 44,658     313  
TransDigm Group Inc (b) 3,202     913   Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc 3,035     221  
Triumph Group Inc (a) 10,920     348   Danske Bank A/S 8,833     259  
Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC 35,609     790   Eighteenth Bank Ltd/The 16,000     49  
    $   10,072   Eurobank Ergasias SA (b) 143,963     86  
            Fifth Third Bancorp (a) 115,020     2,319  
Agriculture - 0.19%                      
Altria Group Inc (a) 14,940     987   First Citizens BancShares Inc/NC 2,032     579  
            First Midwest Bancorp Inc/IL (a) 46,011     900  
Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 20,660     904              
            First NBC Bank Holding Co (b) 7,828     102  
Japan Tobacco Inc 3,750     145              
Philip Morris International Inc (a) 26,450     2,643   First Republic Bank/CA 15,968     1,229  
Swedish Match AB 16,748     597   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The 20,261     3,433  
            Hope Bancorp Inc (a) 100,766     1,733  
    $   5,276              
            Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH (a) 1,897     19  
Airlines - 0.11%                      
American Airlines Group Inc (a) 17,473     634   Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 69,252     165  
Delta Air Lines Inc 12,442     457   Jyske Bank A/S 1,057     51  
SkyWest Inc (a) 14,773     417   KBC Group NV 1,611     96  
Spirit Airlines Inc (b) 22,759     910   M&T Bank Corp 28,469     3,369  
United Continental Holdings Inc (b) 7,094     358   Mediobanca SpA 48,415     360  
Virgin America Inc (b) 5,429     303   Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 334,458     1,842  
    $   3,079   Mizuho Financial Group Inc 484,200     844  
            Morgan Stanley 90,707     2,908  
Apparel - 0.16%           OFG Bancorp (a) 44,909     490  
Adidas AG 450     75              
            Oita Bank Ltd/The 35,000     114  
Moncler SpA 4,534     75   PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The (a) 62,852     5,663  
NIKE Inc 55,952     3,225              
Ralph Lauren Corp (a) 9,888     1,025   PrivateBancorp Inc 13,216     607  
            Prosperity Bancshares Inc (a) 7,440     413  
Sanyo Shokai Ltd 81,000     128   Regions Financial Corp (a) 47,480     473  
    $   4,528              
            Shinsei Bank Ltd 163,000     260  
Automobile Manufacturers - 0.33%           State Street Corp (a) 20,190     1,418  
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 72,455     501              
Ford Motor Co (a) 189,930     2,393   Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 30,200     1,056  
            Synovus Financial Corp (a) 22,960     760  
General Motors Co (a) 54,060     1,726              
            Talmer Bancorp Inc 23,323     542  
Hino Motors Ltd 40,430     449   TCF Financial Corp (a) 39,990     586  
Honda Motor Co Ltd 40,000     1,232   Texas Capital Bancshares Inc (a),(b) 14,930     784  
Isuzu Motors Ltd 10,310     119   Tochigi Bank Ltd/The 26,000     104  
Mitsubishi Motors Corp 70,800     324   Tokyo TY Financial Group Inc 8,023     236  
Nissan Motor Co Ltd 31,600     310   UBS Group AG 78,403     1,136  
PACCAR Inc 28,393     1,699   US Bancorp (a) 8,610     380  
Suzuki Motor Corp 6,250     208   Wells Fargo & Co (a) 6,183     314  
    $   8,961   Yadkin Financial Corp 14,229     371  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.50%           Yamanashi Chuo Bank Ltd/The 28,000     118  
Aisan Industry Co Ltd 25,400     197       $   50,394  
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc 55,325     1,535              
            Beverages - 0.75%          
Daikyonishikawa Corp 30,080     323   Carlsberg A/S 2,042     192  
Delphi Automotive PLC 34,324     2,425   Coca-Cola Co/The (a) 133,923     5,816  
Exedy Corp 14,500     360   Coca-Cola European Partners PLC 29,181     1,122  
Georg Fischer AG 150     121   Davide Campari-Milano SpA 4,400     48  
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 5,161     209   Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc (a) 9,042     847  
Keihin Corp 27,000     415              
Mobileye NV (b) 38,111     1,863   Heineken NV 64,170     5,747  
Motorcar Parts of America Inc (a),(b) 13,510     384   Molson Coors Brewing Co 8,404     860  
            Monster Beverage Corp (b) 23,147     3,562  
NGK Insulators Ltd 13,340     290   PepsiCo Inc (a) 24,064     2,569  
NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd 34,580     649              
                $   20,763  
Nissin Kogyo Co Ltd 24,100     351              
            Biotechnology - 0.93%          
NOK Corp 24,900     507   Alder Biopharmaceuticals Inc (b) 9,859     325  
Rheinmetall AG 19,341     1,396   Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc (b) 3,220     405  
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 20,300     302   Amgen Inc (a) 5,260     895  
Tokai Rika Co Ltd 30,200     599   Biogen Inc (b),(d) 5,730     1,751  
Toyo Tire & Rubber Co Ltd 79,830     1,128              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Biotechnology (continued)           Commercial Services (continued)          
Coherus Biosciences Inc (b) 15,219 $   453   Aramark 13,105 $   497  
Genmab A/S (b) 69     11   Atlantia SpA 2,913     75  
Medivation Inc (b) 232,924     18,764   Automatic Data Processing Inc 17,417     1,564  
Novavax Inc (b) 23,200     159   Benefit One Inc 3,187     93  
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc (b) 4,348     1,707   Benesse Holdings Inc 13,900     321  
Senseonics Holdings Inc (b) 107,369     429   CDI Corp (a) 9,595     55  
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc (a),(b) 8,590     812   Cintas Corp 9,236     1,085  
    $   25,711   CoStar Group Inc (b) 15,572     3,227  
Building Materials - 0.70%           Equifax Inc (a) 6,460     852  
BRAAS Monier Building Group SA 44,968     1,062   FreakOut Inc (b) 400     13  
Builders FirstSource Inc (b) 23,625     325   Gartner Inc (a),(b) 10,250     933  
Cie de Saint-Gobain 35,527     1,559   Global Payments Inc 10,515     799  
CRH PLC 54,427     1,829   H&R Block Inc 27,050     586  
Headwaters Inc (b) 39,597     718   HealthEquity Inc (a),(b) 26,720     870  
HeidelbergCement AG (a) 1,332     124   Hertz Global Holdings Inc (b) 68,455     3,372  
Ibstock PLC (c) 317,688     762   IHS Markit Ltd (b) 74,289     2,772  
Italcementi SpA (b) 77,050     909   ISS A/S 7,615     308  
LafargeHolcim Ltd (b) 27,595     1,465   Kyoritsu Maintenance Co Ltd 4,050     264  
Lennox International Inc 18,848     3,036   LifeLock Inc (b) 16,790     279  
Louisiana-Pacific Corp (b) 143,757     2,800   Macquarie Infrastructure Corp 44,648     3,569  
Nibe Industrier AB 1,430     13   MarketAxess Holdings Inc 3,131     528  
Norbord Inc (e) 113,441     2,725   Moody's Corp 5,107     555  
Sanwa Holdings Corp 27,100     241   Nielsen Holdings PLC (a) 35,110     1,871  
Sika AG 87     415   Outsourcing Inc 1,200     45  
Taiheiyo Cement Corp 64,000     194   Prosegur Cia de Seguridad SA 12,388     83  
Wienerberger AG 75,422     1,199   QinetiQ Group PLC 202,203     613  
    $   19,376   Randstad Holding NV 3,906     185  
Chemicals - 2.05%           Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 5,100     194  
Air Products & Chemicals Inc 53,382     8,307   Robert Half International Inc 14,590     559  
Akzo Nobel NV (a) 51,639     3,481   S&P Global Inc (d) 7,790     962  
Ashland Inc (a) 14,723     1,724   Service Corp International/US (a) 74,920     1,981  
Brenntag AG (a) 3,934     214   TechnoPro Holdings Inc 17,274     562  
CF Industries Holdings Inc 178,334     4,636   Temp Holdings Co Ltd 12,500     200  
Clariant AG (b) 4,355     76   Total System Services Inc (a) 29,460     1,451  
Covestro AG (c) 3,806     198   Western Union Co/The 132,730     2,856  
Denka Co Ltd 20,000     85       $   34,757  
Dow Chemical Co/The 32,645     1,751   Computers - 1.65%          
Eastman Chemical Co (a) 9,930     674   Accenture PLC - Class A 17,243     1,983  
Evonik Industries AG 5,045     169   Apple Inc 34,910     3,704  
Fujimi Inc 6,100     81   Bell System24 Holdings Inc 16,800     137  
Givaudan SA 73     151   Cadence Design Systems Inc (b) 30,002     763  
Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 16,400     354   Computer Sciences Corp 14,630     688  
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc (a) 8,670     1,201   CSRA Inc (a) 47,928     1,217  
JSR Corp 52,800     773   Diebold Inc 5,691     160  
Koninklijke DSM NV 883     62   EMC Corp (a) 692,411     20,073  
LANXESS AG 3,230     172   Ferrotec Corp 24,700     326  
Linde AG 44     7   Fleetmatics Group PLC (b) 9,542     571  
Lonza Group AG (b) 4,418     838   Fujitsu Ltd 334,495     1,703  
Mitsui Chemicals Inc 84,417     405   Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co (a) 119,087     2,558  
Monsanto Co 56,362     6,003   International Business Machines Corp (a) 23,633     3,755  
Mosaic Co/The 66,170     1,990   Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp 9,400     230  
Nippon Shokubai Co Ltd 4,360     268   Japan Digital Laboratory Co Ltd 10,500     149  
Nissan Chemical Industries Ltd 4,577     141   Lexmark International Inc 11,968     429  
Nitto Denko Corp 5,300     362   Lumentum Holdings Inc (a),(b) 29,084     1,021  
Platform Specialty Products Corp (b) 165,268     1,496   Melco Holdings Inc 10,500     251  
PPG Industries Inc (a) 8,840     936   NET One Systems Co Ltd 47,500     323  
Praxair Inc (a),(d) 24,837     3,031   NetApp Inc (a) 38,960     1,348  
RPM International Inc (a) 22,180     1,209   Obic Co Ltd 950     49  
Sherwin-Williams Co/The (a) 8,490     2,409   Otsuka Corp 8,242     350  
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 3,299     242   Pure Storage Inc (b) 1,056     12  
Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd 58,720     292   Qualys Inc (a),(b) 12,690     436  
Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 25,000     115   SCSK Corp 18,040     664  
Syngenta AG (b) 3,438     1,498   Seagate Technology PLC 43,330     1,462  
Syngenta AG 19,823     8,654   Teradata Corp (b) 33,490     1,063  
Teijin Ltd 30,000     112       $   45,425  
Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co Ltd 5,700     180   Consumer Products - 0.25%          
Umicore SA 2,905     172   Avery Dennison Corp (a) 8,840     684  
Valspar Corp/The 16,288     1,717   Church & Dwight Co Inc (a) 15,577     1,549  
Yara International ASA 6,288     223   Clorox Co/The (a) 15,710     2,058  
    $   56,409   Kimberly-Clark Corp (a) 18,950     2,427  
Commercial Services - 1.26%           Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 2,006     194  
Adecco Group AG 3,066     177       $   6,912  
Apollo Education Group Inc (b) 45,204     401              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 0.32%           Electric (continued)          
Ci:z Holdings Co Ltd 7,800 $   199   Westar Energy Inc (a) 25,764 $   1,415  
Colgate-Palmolive Co (a) 68,727     5,109       $   17,704  
Estee Lauder Cos Inc/The 4,361     389   Electrical Components & Equipment - 0.28%          
Kao Corp 3,420     178   AMETEK Inc (a) 20,030     977  
Kose Corp 1,210     109   Funai Electric Co Ltd 28,800     227  
Lion Corp 14,463     202   Gamesa Corp Tecnologica SA 20,727     476  
Procter & Gamble Co/The (a) 23,589     2,059   Generac Holdings Inc (b) 59,578     2,222  
Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA 13,521     416   Legrand SA 15,761     947  
Unicharm Corp 4,550     111   Nissin Electric Co Ltd 11,942     186  
    $   8,772   OSRAM Licht AG 9,672     505  
Distribution & Wholesale - 0.08%           Prysmian SpA 11,206     277  
Fastenal Co 22,923     988   Schneider Electric SE 13,400     914  
Ingram Micro Inc 10,205     357   SunPower Corp (b) 46,626     464  
ITOCHU Corp 11,900     141   Ushio Inc 23,400     261  
Nippon Gas Co Ltd 3,442     96   W-Scope Corp 11,200     175  
Trusco Nakayama Corp 8,100     372   Zumtobel Group AG 4,475     73  
Yondoshi Holdings Inc 7,900     168       $   7,704  
    $   2,122   Electronics - 0.70%          
Diversified Financial Services - 0.76%           Agilent Technologies Inc 8,320     391  
Alliance Data Systems Corp (a),(b) 6,759     1,382   Allegion PLC (a) 36,302     2,585  
American Express Co 43,960     2,883   Alps Electric Co Ltd 24,700     559  
Blackhawk Network Holdings Inc (b) 10,096     346   Brady Corp 18,730     627  
BlackRock Inc 5,319     1,983   Coherent Inc (b) 2,685     282  
CME Group Inc (a) 7,500     813   Corning Inc 16,030     364  
Element Comm Aviation (b),(e),(f) 280     2,765   FEI Co 6,192     659  
Franklin Resources Inc 11,480     419   Fortive Corp (a) 10,525     554  
GAM Holding AG (b) 13,054     127   Gentex Corp (a) 88,535     1,575  
Greenhill & Co Inc 44,310     1,016   Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 5,350     198  
Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Stock Exchange 137,894     668   Honeywell International Inc 19,671     2,296  
SA           Horiba Ltd 2,600     121  
Ichigo Inc 46,800     191   Hosiden Corp 39,200     294  
Japan Exchange Group Inc 25,400     398   Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd 9,715     151  
Julius Baer Group Ltd (b) 22,481     943   Keyence Corp 502     352  
Kenedix Inc 68,900     317   Keysight Technologies Inc (b) 15,660     477  
Legg Mason Inc (a) 27,860     964   Koninklijke Philips NV 1,581     46  
LendingClub Corp (b) 53,560     290   Kuroda Electric Co Ltd 16,600     312  
Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd 19,400     91   Kyocera Corp 3,630     173  
NorthStar Asset Management Group Inc 18,144     225   Minebea Co Ltd 22,100     225  
Partners Group Holding AG 378     173   Mitsumi Electric Co Ltd (b) 13,800     86  
Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc (b) 3,822     48   Nichicon Corp 43,100     351  
SEI Investments Co (a),(d) 19,960     920   Nippon Ceramic Co Ltd 10,900     205  
Synchrony Financial 14,109     393   Rofin-Sinar Technologies Inc (b) 14,066     450  
Virtus Investment Partners Inc (a) 4,350     397   SCREEN Holdings Co Ltd 11,000     143  
Visa Inc 32,278     2,611   Siix Corp 2,377     90  
Zenkoku Hosho Co Ltd 11,780     463   TokyoSeimitsuCoLtd 18,400     490  
    $   20,826   Trimble Navigation Ltd (a),(b) 40,521     1,110  
Electric - 0.64%           Tyco International Plc 57,382     2,506  
A2A SpA 324,473     431   Waters Corp (a),(b) 10,820     1,702  
AES Corp/VA 24,240     292       $   19,374  
Ameren Corp (a) 7,000     346   Energy - Alternate Sources - 0.04%          
American Electric Power Co Inc (a) 9,848     636   First Solar Inc (b) 17,918     678  
Avangrid Inc 16,622     691   Pattern Energy Group Inc 5,711     136  
Calpine Corp (b) 34,829     435   Vestas Wind Systems A/S 3,764     312  
DTE Energy Co (a) 17,590     1,634       $   1,126  
Duke Energy Corp (a) 14,790     1,178   Engineering & Construction - 0.28%          
Empire District Electric Co/The 19,801     670   Abengoa SA (b) 410,719     91  
Endesa SA (a) 16,390     334   ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios 7,943     225  
Enel SpA 123,496     546   SA (a)          
Entergy Corp (a) 20,003     1,564   Balfour Beatty PLC (b) 199,405     740  
eRex Co Ltd 3,400     86   Boskalis Westminster 4,094     147  
FirstEnergy Corp (a) 23,870     781   Ferrovial SA (a) 3,508     69  
Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc (a) 18,864     566   Flughafen Zuerich AG 2,585     478  
Hera SpA 17,737     49   Fluor Corp (a) 23,120     1,200  
Iberdrola SA 14,520     96   HOCHTIEF AG 2,329     313  
ITC Holdings Corp (a) 30,935     1,399   KBR Inc (a) 41,850     614  
NRG Energy Inc 48,610     589   Kyudenko Corp 26,413     835  
PG&E Corp (a) 8,810     546   NCC AB 6,383     159  
PPL Corp 16,610     578   Nippon Densetsu Kogyo Co Ltd 9,700     183  
Red Electrica Corp SA 8,712     188   Skanska AB 17,401     381  
Southern Co/The (a) 44,090     2,263   Taisei Corp 17,738     133  
Talen Energy Corp (b) 22,538     311   Tecnicas Reunidas SA 2,280     82  
Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 15,408     80   Tokyu Construction Co Ltd 17,600     172  
            Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corp 16,300     256  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Engineering & Construction (continued)           Hand & Machine Tools - 0.16%          
Toyo Engineering Corp 113,000 $   349   Disco Corp 2,330 $   263  
Vinci SA 15,839     1,203   DMG Mori Co Ltd 8,200     91  
    $   7,630   KUKA AG (b) 5,811     689  
Entertainment - 0.06%           Makita Corp 2,459     177  
Avex Group Holdings Inc 12,900     167   Schindler Holding AG 78     15  
Carmike Cinemas Inc (b) 9,523     306   Snap-on Inc (a) 3,840     588  
OPAP SA 87,243     732   Stanley Black & Decker Inc (a) 19,918     2,465  
Sankyo Co Ltd 1,900     66       $   4,288  
Sega Sammy Holdings Inc 10,177     139   Healthcare - Products - 1.22%          
Whistler Blackcomb Holdings Inc 11,369     325   Abbott Laboratories (a) 42,540     1,788  
    $   1,735   ABIOMED Inc (b) 6,500     767  
Environmental Control - 0.23%           Alere Inc (b) 23,806     931  
Clean Harbors Inc (b) 46,707     2,233   Align Technology Inc (b) 26,237     2,437  
Daiseki Co Ltd 3,500     61   Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 6,627     295  
METAWATER Co Ltd 3,100     88   Baxter International Inc (a) 33,958     1,587  
Republic Services Inc (a) 24,938     1,260   Becton Dickinson and Co (a) 21,613     3,830  
Waste Connections Inc 3,225     246   Boston Scientific Corp (b) 15,376     366  
Waste Management Inc (a) 38,750     2,478   Danaher Corp (a) 19,810     1,613  
    $   6,366   Edwards Lifesciences Corp (b) 6,065     698  
Food - 1.18%           Elekta AB 4,551     39  
Ariake Japan Co Ltd 3,234     153   Getinge AB 4,037     79  
Aryzta AG (b) 119     5   Hologic Inc (a),(b) 120,834     4,642  
            Intuitive Surgical Inc (a),(b) 5,695     3,909  
Belc Co Ltd 4,417     165              
Campbell Soup Co (a) 18,339     1,114   Medtronic PLC (a) 45,031     3,919  
ConAgra Foods Inc 28,014     1,306   Nipro Corp 6,642     83  
Ebro Foods SA 12,216     273   Olympus Corp 9,710     318  
            ResMed Inc (a) 8,660     578  
Ezaki Glico Co Ltd 1,130     57              
General Mills Inc (a) 43,710     3,096   St Jude Medical Inc 21,266     1,657  
Greencore Group PLC 44,279     204   Straumann Holding AG 504     196  
Hershey Co/The (a) 52,851     5,279   Stryker Corp (a) 13,150     1,521  
Ingredion Inc (a) 3,000     411   Sysmex Corp 1,432     92  
Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc (b) 46,600     441   Terumo Corp 2,166     84  
            Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (a) 6,910     1,052  
Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 1,174     19              
Kellogg Co (a) 39,579     3,254   Varian Medical Systems Inc (a),(b) 11,071     1,064  
Kesko OYJ 12,053     524       $   33,545  
Kikkoman Corp 2,810     88   Healthcare - Services - 0.58%          
Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV (b) 8,346     200   Acadia Healthcare Co Inc (b) 14,052     719  
Megmilk Snow Brand Co Ltd 2,789     86   Ain Holdings Inc 4,850     276  
MEIJI Holdings Co Ltd 2,412     217   BioMerieux 1,690     258  
METRO AG 5,563     165   Cigna Corp (a) 16,354     2,098  
Mondelez International Inc 35,219     1,586   CMIC Holdings Co Ltd 10,200     148  
Morinaga & Co Ltd/Japan 54,777     442   DaVita Inc (a),(b) 17,980     1,162  
Nomad Foods Ltd (b) 63,798     746   Envision Healthcare Holdings Inc (b) 53,723     1,153  
Orkla ASA 31,593     289   EPS Holdings Inc 9,000     113  
Post Holdings Inc (b) 7,620     646   Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 682     60  
Safeway, Inc. - CVR - Casa Ley (b),(e),(f) 11,050       Humana Inc (a) 22,607     4,040  
Safeway, Inc. - CVR - Property Development 11,050       Laboratory Corp of America Holdings (b) 13,009     1,781  
Centers (b),(e),(f)           MEDNAX Inc (a),(b) 17,830     1,173  
Seven & i Holdings Co Ltd 10,940     460   PeptiDream Inc (b) 1,426     61  
Sonae SGPS SA 5,811     5   Quorum Health Corp (b) 18,373     113  
Suedzucker AG 23,993     626   RHOEN-KLINIKUM AG 6,634     196  
Sysco Corp (a) 25,800     1,338   UnitedHealth Group Inc 20,183     2,746  
United Super Markets Holdings Inc 11,100     101       $   16,097  
WhiteWave Foods Co/The (b) 133,015     7,373   Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.07%          
Whole Foods Market Inc (a) 59,666     1,813   Leucadia National Corp 97,930     1,875  
Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 3,927     89              
    $   32,571   Home Builders - 0.42%          
Forest Products & Paper - 0.05%           Cairn Homes PLC (b) 1,684,309     1,999  
BillerudKorsnas AB 2,981     51   Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd 13,537     254  
Holmen AB 333     12   NVR Inc (a),(b) 3,651     6,159  
Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 38,495     950   PulteGroup Inc (d) 81,710     1,746  
UPM-Kymmene OYJ 11,788     237   Toll Brothers Inc (a),(b) 43,790     1,361  
    $   1,250       $   11,519  
Gas - 0.19%           Home Furnishings - 0.16%          
CenterPoint Energy Inc (a) 75,680     1,701   Alpine Electronics Inc 48,700     587  
Enagas SA (a) 11,274     331   Electrolux AB 34,304     894  
Piedmont Natural Gas Co Inc 16,336     982   Leggett & Platt Inc (a) 29,370     1,541  
Questar Corp 38,916     973   Panasonic Corp 27,900     287  
Snam SpA 7,949     44   Pioneer Corp (b) 207,200     455  
Toho Gas Co Ltd 12,953     110   TiVo Inc (b) 50,962     541  
UGI Corp 24,458     1,113       $   4,305  
    $   5,254              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Global Multi-Strategy Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Housewares - 0.04%         Internet (continued)          
Tupperware Brands Corp (a) 15,280 $ 1,001   Priceline Group Inc/The (b) 2,120 $   3,003  
          Proto Corp 4,500     51  
Insurance - 1.96%         Quotient Technology Inc (b) 54,224     703  
Ageas 7,920   275   Rakuten Inc 27,000     341  
Alleghany Corp (b),(d) 1,688   905   SMS Co Ltd 11,495     245  
Allianz SE 287   43   Stamps.com Inc (a),(b) 11,160     1,079  
American Equity Investment Life Holding Co 52,072   917   Start Today Co Ltd 2,616     121  
(a)         Tencent Holdings Ltd 13,680     354  
American Financial Group Inc/OH (a) 27,794   2,089   TripAdvisor Inc (b) 4,723     288  
American International Group Inc (d) 70,058   4,192   VeriSign Inc (a),(b) 10,136     755  
Arthur J Gallagher & Co (a) 65,405   3,232   Wayfair Inc (b) 36,406     1,402  
Assicurazioni Generali SpA 2,697   34   WebMD Health Corp (b) 11,490     593  
Assured Guaranty Ltd 17,095   475   Yahoo! Inc (b) 63,908     2,732  
Baloise Holding AG 1,956   233       $   61,038  
Berkshire Hathaway Inc - Class B (b) 12,007   1,807   Investment Companies - 0.01%          
Brown & Brown Inc (a) 36,087   1,352   American Capital Ltd (b) 19,643     332  
Chubb Ltd (a) 43,047   5,464              
Cincinnati Financial Corp (a) 23,160   1,786   Iron & Steel - 0.12%          
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co Ltd/The 41,200   575   Aichi Steel Corp 9,000     48  
Delta Lloyd NV 45,948   187   Chubu Steel Plate Co Ltd 12,600     62  
Everest Re Group Ltd (a) 5,980   1,156   Hitachi Metals Ltd 26,270     319  
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 3,201   1,812   Japan Steel Works Ltd/The 102,000     476  
Genworth Financial Inc (a),(b) 259,380   1,227   Kobe Steel Ltd 39,000     36  
Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 5,045   86   Kyoei Steel Ltd 19,200     373  
Hannover Rueck SE 2,208   226   Outokumpu OYJ (b) 4,415     24  
Helvetia Holding AG 239   120   Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co 9,660     696  
Lincoln National Corp 18,259   877   Salzgitter AG 5,253     160  
Markel Corp (b) 4,127   3,843   SSAB AB (b) 5,833     17  
Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 33,662   2,277   Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd 61,900     436  
MetLife Inc 114,610   4,974   Yamato Kogyo Co Ltd 14,500     444  
MGIC Investment Corp (b) 37,379   302   Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd 4,800     126  
Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft 474   86       $   3,217  
AG in Muenchen         Leisure Products & Services - 0.10%          
NN Group NV 16,218   484   Amer Sports Oyj 3,198     96  
Poste Italiane SpA (c) 43,438   303   Harley-Davidson Inc 27,857     1,468  
Progressive Corp/The (a) 29,711   967              
          HIS Co Ltd 6,020     152  
Prudential Financial Inc 21,310   1,692   TUI AG 62,391     870  
Reinsurance Group of America Inc 17,318   1,859   Yamaha Corp 3,046     99  
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd (a) 4,935   591              
              $   2,685  
Saga PLC 301,357   872   Lodging - 0.30%          
Swiss Life Holding AG(b) 3,654   916   Diamond Resorts International Inc (b) 28,468     860  
Swiss Re AG 1,970   166   Las Vegas Sands Corp 4,620     232  
T&D Holdings Inc 78,600   899   Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc (a) 81,916     6,345  
Talanx AG 5,777   169   Wyndham Worldwide Corp (a) 12,136     859  
Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 15,064   593       $   8,296  
Torchmark Corp (a) 7,025   454              
Travelers Cos Inc/The (a) 5,720   679   Machinery - Construction & Mining - 0.11%          
          Caterpillar Inc (a) 28,130     2,306  
Unipol Gruppo Finanziario SpA 35,353   98   Joy Global Inc 12,687     346  
White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd 1,501   1,237              
Willis Towers Watson PLC (a) 10,586   1,313   Mitsubishi Electric Corp 26,535     347  
Zurich Insurance Group AG (b) 275   70       $   2,999  
          Machinery - Diversified - 0.47%          
    $ 53,914   Alstom SA (b) 32,487     861  
Internet - 2.22%         Cummins Inc 3,760     472  
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd ADR(b) 28,251   2,746              
Alphabet Inc - C Shares (a),(b) 7,140   5,477   Daifuku Co Ltd 9,700     168  
Amazon.com Inc (a),(b) 8,205   6,311   Deere & Co 7,280     616  
AVG Technologies NV (b) 23,023   572   Flowserve Corp 12,440     602  
Blucora Inc (a),(b) 28,980   300   FLSmidth & Co A/S 318     12  
comScore Inc (b) 32,202   993   GEA Group AG 4,697     251  
Corindus Vascular Robotics Inc (b) 418,756   490   Hisaka Works Ltd 14,100     108  
          Husqvarna AB 58,983     509  
CyberAgent Inc 5,850   317   IDEX Corp (a) 36,733     3,432  
Dip Corp 7,174   207              
eBay Inc (a),(b) 69,260   2,227   KION Group AG 4,630     263  
          MAN SE 2,429     253  
en-japan Inc 14,680   276   Metso OYJ 1,468     41  
Expedia Inc 20,853   2,275   Middleby Corp/The (b) 25,210     3,231  
Facebook Inc (b) 35,067   4,423              
GoDaddy Inc (b) 29,306   949   Miura Co Ltd 4,681     88  
          OC Oerlikon Corp AG (b) 20,859     201  
Gree Inc 71,800   365              
Itokuro Inc (b) 3,000   83   Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 145,500     716  
Klarna Holding AB (b),(e),(f),(g) 808   91   Toshiba Machine Co Ltd 82,000     270  
          Xylem Inc/NY (a) 13,700     697  
LinkedIn Corp (b) 82,780   15,956              
Liquidity Services Inc (a),(b) 42,360   424   Zuiko Corp 2,930     120  
              $   12,911  
M3 Inc 6,002   180              
Netflix Inc (a),(b) 48,317   4,709              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Media - 0.92%           Oil & Gas (continued)          
CBS Corp (a) 16,610 $   848   Memorial Resource Development Corp (b) 34,449 $   496  
Comcast Corp - Class A 64,226     4,191   Murphy Oil Corp 24,910     666  
DISH Network Corp (b) 103,559     5,201   Neste Oyj 1,277     53  
EW Scripps Co/The (b) 58,067     987   Newfield Exploration Co (b) 49,714     2,156  
FactSet Research Systems Inc (a) 22,049     3,925   Noble Energy Inc 27,070     933  
Gray Television Inc (b) 150,229     1,687   Occidental Petroleum Corp 55,580     4,271  
Media General Inc (b) 23,078     408   OGX Petroleo e Gas SA ADR(b) 26,974     22  
Mediaset Espana Comunicacion SA 5,524     67   Pioneer Natural Resources Co 34,312     6,144  
Mediaset SpA 131,507     416   Repsol SA (a) 13,017     175  
Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc 11,621     613   Suncor Energy Inc 16,743     454  
Nippon Television Holdings Inc 40,750     659   Whiting Petroleum Corp (b) 91,640     668  
NOS SGPS SA 20,890     142       $   37,361  
Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc 18,502     527   Oil & Gas Services - 0.22%          
Starz (b) 4,746     148   Baker Hughes Inc 38,327     1,883  
Tribune Media Co 55,012     2,095   FMC Technologies Inc (a),(b) 50,067     1,412  
TV Asahi Holdings Corp 8,100     130   Fugro NV (b) 3,210     51  
Twenty-First Century Fox Inc - A Shares (a) 24,500     601   Halliburton Co 38,963     1,676  
Viacom Inc - B Shares 27,770     1,120   Schlumberger Ltd (a) 9,860     779  
Wolters Kluwer NV 38,389     1,615   Subsea 7 SA (b) 19,531     211  
    $   25,380       $   6,012  
Metal Fabrication & Hardware - 0.02%           Packaging & Containers - 0.11%          
Aurubis AG 8,237     434   Ball Corp 15,491     1,227  
Neturen Co Ltd 18,500     129   Huhtamaki OYJ 1,526     66  
SKF AB 745     12   KapStone Paper and Packaging Corp (a) 21,142     370  
Tsubaki Nakashima Co Ltd 7,900     113   Packaging Corp of America (a) 5,450     429  
    $   688   Silgan Holdings Inc (d) 17,773     855  
Mining - 0.08%               $   2,947  
Boliden AB 12,775     270   Pharmaceuticals - 2.55%          
Constellium NV (b) 130,165     974   Actelion Ltd (b) 235     39  
Franco-Nevada Corp 2,676     187   Allergan plc (b) 61,747     14,482  
Freeport-McMoRan Inc 63,140     650   Almirall SA 25,256     385  
Pacific Metals Co Ltd 76,000     212   AstraZeneca PLC 26,776     1,728  
    $   2,293   AstraZeneca PLC ADR 22,888     751  
Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.65%           Bayer AG 832     89  
3M Co (a) 6,705     1,202   Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (a) 158,997     9,125  
Carlisle Cos Inc (a) 17,920     1,879   Cardinal Health Inc (a) 51,382     4,094  
Eaton Corp PLC (a) 14,740     981   DexCom Inc (b) 28,357     2,583  
EnPro Industries Inc 39,050     2,105   Eisai Co Ltd 25,880     1,510  
FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 11,540     434   Eli Lilly & Co (a) 19,790     1,539  
General Electric Co (a) 142,389     4,448   Endo International PLC (b) 42,600     882  
Harsco Corp (a) 78,630     782   Galenica AG 145     168  
Illinois Tool Works Inc (a) 28,163     3,347   Grifols SA 3,000     64  
Ingersoll-Rand PLC (a) 22,790     1,550   H Lundbeck A/S (b) 10,224     409  
Nikon Corp 37,700     554   Herbalife Ltd (b) 1,772     108  
Siemens AG 2,700     322   Johnson & Johnson (a) 34,340     4,098  
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd 24,200     226   Mallinckrodt PLC (a),(b) 14,075     1,049  
Tenma Corp 7,600     117   McKesson Corp 8,473     1,564  
Trelleborg AB 1,442     28   Mead Johnson Nutrition Co (a) 8,424     717  
    $   17,975   Merck & Co Inc (a) 96,159     6,038  
Office & Business Equipment - 0.06%           Mylan NV (b) 33,004     1,398  
Canon Inc 25,000     717   Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 12,560     583  
Xerox Corp 89,260     879   Novo Nordisk A/S 1,901     89  
    $   1,596   Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 16,014     417  
Oil & Gas - 1.36%           Orion Oyj 429     16  
Anadarko Petroleum Corp (a) 48,458     2,591   Perrigo Co PLC 18,990     1,728  
Apache Corp 13,290     661   Pfizer Inc (a) 88,990     3,097  
            Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc (b) 20,129     410  
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 32,750     807              
Chevron Corp (a) 19,570     1,968   Quintiles Transnational Holdings Inc (b) 12,442     962  
Cimarex Energy Co 2,750     364   Recordati SpA 7,249     219  
Cobalt International Energy Inc (b) 85,785     103   Relypsa Inc (b) 19,613     627  
ConocoPhillips 21,350     876   Shire PLC ADR 13,140     2,460  
Devon Energy Corp (a) 9,210     399   Sosei Group Corp (b) 1,488     240  
EOG Resources Inc 20,178     1,785   STADA Arzneimittel AG 8,292     445  
Exxon Mobil Corp (a) 51,136     4,456   Suzuken Co Ltd/Aichi Japan 1,700     49  
Galp Energia SGPS SA 8,076     118   Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (b) 7,868     93  
Hess Corp 44,192     2,399   Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 25,430     1,121  
HollyFrontier Corp (a) 23,720     614   TherapeuticsMD Inc (b) 472,561     3,251  
Imperial Oil Ltd 66,878     2,037   TherapeuticsMD Inc (b),(e),(f) 15,388     106  
            Zoetis Inc (a) 30,960     1,582  
Inpex Corp 75,500     654              
InterOil Corp (b) 632     31       $   70,315  
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd 17,100     376   Pipelines - 0.07%          
Karoon Gas Australia Ltd (b) 163,694     162   Williams Cos Inc/The 70,740     1,977  
Marathon Oil Corp 61,404     922              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Private Equity - 0.03%           Retail (continued)          
Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc 42,178 $   930   Joyful Honda Co Ltd 3,749 $   91  
            Kate Spade & Co (b) 12,222     228  
Real Estate - 0.12%           Kohl's Corp 23,200     1,030  
Deutsche Wohnen AG 22,359     839   L Brands Inc (a) 13,810     1,053  
GEK Terna Holding Real Estate Construction 102,547     216   Lowe's Cos Inc (a) 48,766     3,733  
SA (b)           Macy's Inc 27,021     978  
Hulic Co Ltd 25,900     246   Mattress Firm Holding Corp (b) 6,735     431  
LEG Immobilien AG (b) 7,969     777   McDonald's Corp (a) 29,149     3,371  
Leopalace21 Corp 84,690     562   MSC Industrial Direct Co Inc 19,806     1,447  
Relo Group Inc 1,230     174   Nishimatsuya Chain Co Ltd 5,900     81  
Sumitomo Real Estate Sales Co Ltd 10,500     198   Nitori Holdings Co Ltd 1,742     176  
Takara Leben Co Ltd 57,100     373   Nordstrom Inc 7,847     396  
WeWork Cos Inc (b),(e),(f),(g) 979     49   Outerwall Inc 3,299     171  
    $   3,434   PAL GROUP Holdings Co Ltd 7,800     163  
REITS - 1.25%           Panera Bread Co (a),(b) 19,147     4,158  
American Campus Communities Inc 25,760     1,291   Restoration Hardware Holdings Inc (b) 7,082     239  
American Tower Corp 27,626     3,132   Rite Aid Corp (a),(b) 196,298     1,478  
Annaly Capital Management Inc 1,410     15   Seria Co Ltd 1,911     126  
AvalonBay Communities Inc (a) 1,910     334   Signet Jewelers Ltd 12,419     1,018  
Boston Properties Inc (a) 7,830     1,097   Staples Inc (a) 107,790     923  
Camden Property Trust (a) 39,226     3,443   Sundrug Co Ltd 4,571     331  
Care Capital Properties Inc (a) 25,250     757   Tailored Brands Inc (a) 47,650     628  
Corrections Corp of America 41,630     663   Target Corp (a) 12,220     858  
Crown Castle International Corp (a) 6,240     591   Tiffany & Co 13,960     996  
Equinix Inc 3,732     1,376   TJX Cos Inc/The (a) 39,573     3,065  
Equity Residential 8,230     534   Tsuruha Holdings Inc 2,819     276  
Federal Realty Investment Trust (a) 11,466     1,823   Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 21,160     1,708  
General Growth Properties Inc (a) 16,157     471   Wal-Mart Stores Inc 22,450     1,604  
Grivalia Properties REIC AE 92,689     723   Welcia Holdings Co Ltd 5,296     311  
Hibernia REIT plc 772,514     1,205   Williams-Sonoma Inc 22,940     1,208  
Hoshino Resorts REIT Inc 8     95   World Fuel Services Corp 29,673     1,323  
Irish Residential Properties REIT Plc 1,176,121     1,536   Xebio Holdings Co Ltd 16,000     243  
Iron Mountain Inc (a) 43,340     1,665   Yum! Brands Inc (a) 18,160     1,647  
Lamar Advertising Co (a) 38,276     2,386       $   63,361  
LibertyPropertyTrust (a) 49,940     2,059   Savings & Loans - 0.22%          
National Retail Properties Inc (a) 48,030     2,406   Astoria Financial Corp (a) 47,178     722  
NorthStar Realty Finance Corp 14,768     197   Dime Community Bancshares Inc (a) 10,977     194  
Parkway Properties Inc/Md 12,974     234   EverBank Financial Corp 24,098     462  
Post Properties Inc 6,654     441   New York Community Bancorp Inc 108,338     1,637  
Prologis Inc (a) 19,927     1,058   People's United Financial Inc (a) 96,740     1,572  
Regency Centers Corp (a) 21,670     1,745   Washington Federal Inc (a) 58,710     1,556  
Taubman Centers Inc (a) 12,930     1,004       $   6,143  
UDR Inc (a) 33,230     1,202   Semiconductors - 1.37%          
Vornado Realty Trust (a) 8,590     888   Analog Devices Inc (a) 9,380     587  
    $   34,371   Applied Materials Inc (a) 24,120     720  
Retail - 2.30%           ASM International NV 3,309     126  
Abercrombie & Fitch Co (a) 70,370     1,248   Broadcom Ltd 12,503     2,206  
Advance Auto Parts Inc (d) 22,573     3,553   Cypress Semiconductor Corp 8,211     98  
Autogrill SpA (a) 25,406     218   Dialog Semiconductor PLC (b) 1,744     61  
AutoZone Inc (a),(b) 576     427   Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc (a),(b) 27,607     549  
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc 30,930     1,434   Infineon Technologies AG 10,811     181  
BJ's Restaurants Inc (a),(b) 26,670     1,059   Integrated Device Technology Inc (a),(b) 13,301     267  
Bob Evans Farms Inc/DE (a) 12,700     521   Intel Corp (a) 80,690     2,896  
CarMax Inc (b) 10,508     619   KLA-Tencor Corp (a) 31,612     2,189  
Cash America International Inc 4,245     185   Lam Research Corp 15,032     1,403  
Cawachi Ltd 7,900     175   Linear Technology Corp (a) 46,808     2,726  
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc (b) 2,344     970   Mellanox Technologies Ltd (b) 28,110     1,232  
Citizen Holdings Co Ltd 42,500     235   Microchip Technology Inc 5,043     312  
Coach Inc (a) 61,167     2,335   Micron Technology Inc (b) 282,189     4,654  
cocokara fine Inc 3,750     127   Mimasu Semiconductor Industry Co Ltd 11,100     124  
Costco Wholesale Corp 44,314     7,183   Miraial Co Ltd 9,800     68  
Create SD Holdings Co Ltd 5,212     114   MKS Instruments Inc (a) 14,250     695  
CST Brands Inc 28,398     1,358   Nippon Chemi-Con Corp 88,000     153  
Darden Restaurants Inc (a) 18,400     1,134   NXP Semiconductors NV (b) 31,141     2,741  
Francesca's Holdings Corp (a),(b) 37,789     516   Qorvo Inc (b) 49,369     2,835  
Gap Inc/The 45,631     1,135   QUALCOMM Inc (a) 34,640     2,185  
Genuine Parts Co (a) 7,250     745   Rohm Co Ltd 13,950     699  
H2O Retailing Corp 6,900     94   Shinkawa Ltd (b) 23,900     148  
Home Depot Inc/The (a) 10,043     1,347   Shinko Electric Industries Co Ltd 59,400     330  
Honeys Co Ltd 15,580     188   Silicon Laboratories Inc (a),(b) 8,870     508  
Hornbach Holding AG & Co KGaA 10,732     744   Skyworks Solutions Inc 44,193     3,308  
IDOM Inc 27,500     164   STMicroelectronics NV 5,782     43  
Industria de Diseno Textil SA 717     25   Sumco Corp 85,165     746  
Jand Inc (b),(e),(f),(g) 1,693     19   Texas Instruments Inc (a) 9,720     676  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)   COMMON STOCKS (continued)   Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Semiconductors (continued)             Toys, Games & Hobbies (continued)            
Tokyo Electron Ltd 3,068 $   283     Nintendo Co Ltd   4,024 $   888  
Ultratech Inc (b) 10,390     260           $   3,702  
Xilinx Inc (a) 30,738     1,666     Transportation - 0.87%            
    $   37,675     AP Moeller - Maersk A/S - B shares   18     27  
Software - 1.53%             bpost SA   18,944     482  
Adobe Systems Inc (b) 7,968     815     Canadian National Railway Co   53,008     3,406  
Alpha Systems Inc 2,400     36     Cargotec Oyj   3,817     171  
ANSYS Inc (a),(b) 12,943     1,231     CH Robinson Worldwide Inc   24,510     1,701  
athenahealth Inc (b) 10,230     1,252     Deutsche Post AG   1,678     53  
Autodesk Inc (b) 23,224     1,565     DSV A/S   4,688     233  
CA Inc (a) 23,489     797     East Japan Railway Co   3,550     305  
CareView Communications Inc (b) 1,057,333     174     Expeditors International of Washington Inc (a)   9,310     472  
Cerner Corp (a),(b) 8,600     555     FedEx Corp   7,489     1,235  
Citrix Systems Inc (a),(b) 9,120     795     Genesee & Wyoming Inc (b)   37,750     2,567  
CommVault Systems Inc (b) 15,000     773     Golar LNG Ltd   52,379     1,091  
Cvent Inc (b) 20,826     681     Groupe Eurotunnel SE   54,832     604  
DeNA Co Ltd 32,897     978     Irish Continental Group PLC   132,630     699  
Digi International Inc (a),(b) 27,402     314     Kansas City Southern (a)   12,380     1,197  
Dun & Bradstreet Corp/The 2,158     297     Knight Transportation Inc   32,944     926  
Envestnet Inc (b) 13,730     542     Landstar System Inc   12,448     862  
Fidelity National Information Services Inc (a) 7,619     604     Union Pacific Corp   25,945     2,479  
Fiserv Inc (a),(b) 7,042     726     United Parcel Service Inc (a),(d)   42,203     4,609  
inContact Inc (b) 25,713     357     XPO Logistics Inc (b)   26,801     959  
Interactive Intelligence Group Inc (b) 939     56           $   24,078  
Intuit Inc (a) 22,540     2,512     Trucking & Leasing - 0.04%            
Jack Henry & Associates Inc (a) 27,500     2,400     AMERCO   2,966     1,019  
Konami Holdings Corp 2,528     89                  
Microsoft Corp (a),(d) 120,829     6,943   Water- 0.09 %          
MSCI Inc (a) 19,377     1,746     Aqua America Inc (a)   58,770     1,787  
NetSuite Inc (b) 4,403     480     Veolia Environnement SA   38,817     827  
Paychex Inc (a) 57,520     3,490           $   2,614  
Press Ganey Holdings Inc (b) 2,883     116                  
              TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     $   1,064,798  
Rackspace Hosting Inc (a),(b) 68,513     2,155                  
              INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 21.67%   Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Red Hat Inc (a),(b) 27,486     2,006                  
              Exchange Traded Funds - 0.02%            
ServiceNow Inc (b) 12,311     895                  
              TOPIX Exchange Traded Fund   36,570     477  
Software AG 9,203     366                  
SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 84,118     2,772     Money Market Funds - 21.65%            
Workday Inc (b) 41,918     3,554                  
              BlackRock Liquidity Funds FedFund Portfolio   4,879,992     4,880  
    $   42,072     Wells Fargo Advantage Government Money   591,478,524     591,479  
Telecommunications - 0.76%             Market Fund (h)            
ARRIS International PLC (a),(b) 16,504     463                  
                    $   596,359  
AT&T Inc (a) 55,083     2,252                  
              TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES     $   596,836  
CalAmp Corp (a),(b) 31,259     456                  
CenturyLink Inc (a) 39,540     1,099     CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS -            
              0.69 % Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Cisco Systems Inc 11,200     352                  
              Agriculture - 0.02%            
Comtech Telecommunications Corp 24,420     315     Bunge Ltd 4.88%(i)   4,480 $   440  
Elisa OYJ 449     16                  
Gogo Inc (b) 38,248     468                  
              Automobile Manufacturers - 0.02%            
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization 69,388     657     Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 7.88%   7,500     498  
Loral Space & Communications Inc (b) 46,587     1,698                  
              Electric - 0.04%            
Manitoba Telecom Services Inc 32,331     940                  
Motorola Solutions Inc (a) 56,955     4,385     Black Hills Corp 7.75%   10,000     658  
              Dominion Resources Inc/VA 6.75%   2,375     121  
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 14,846     653     Dynegy Inc 7.00%   1,975     170  
NTT DOCOMO Inc 25,664     647                  
ParkerVision Inc (b) 54,806     260           $   949  
Polycom Inc (b) 44,505     554     Electrical Components & Equipment - 0.01%            
              Belden Inc 6.75%   1,950     208  
Proximus SADP 16,107     493                  
Sunrise Communications Group AG (b),(c) 2,859     195                  
            Food- 0.00 %          
Swisscom AG 4,008     1,917     Post Holdings Inc 2.50%(i)   725     116  
TDC A/S 84,748     469                  
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 4,521     32                  
Telia Co AB 6,748     30     Healthcare - Services - 0.07%            
T-Mobile US Inc (b) 38,630     1,790     Anthem Inc 5.25%   45,500     1,953  
Verizon Communications Inc (a) 14,152     741                  
    $   20,882     Internet - 0.01%            
              Airbnb, Inc(b),(e),(f),(g)   1,685     177  
Textiles - 0.04%                        
              DraftKings Inc(b),(e),(f),(g)   29,108     56  
G&K Services Inc 2,716     264                
              Dropbox Inc(b),(e),(f),(g)   2,671     34  
UniFirst Corp/MA 7,146     918                  
                    $   267  
    $   1,182                  
              Investment Companies - 0.08%            
Toys, Games & Hobbies - 0.13%             Mandatory Exchangeable Trust 5.75%(c)   18,658     2,248  
Mattel Inc (a) 84,933     2,814                  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

  CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS                       Principal    
  (continued)   Shares Held Value(000 's)   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
  Pharmaceuticals - 0.19%                   Automobile Asset Backed Securities (continued)      
  Allergan plc 5.50%     4,220   $   3,514     AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust          
  Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 7.00%     1,958       1,684     2016-2          
            $   5,198     3.65%, 05/09/2022(j)   $ 80 $ 83
REITS- 0.16 %                 CPS Auto Receivables Trust 2016-B          
  Crown Castle International Corp 4.50%(a)     11,450       1,291     8.14%, 05/15/2023(c),(j)     855   901
  Welltower Inc 6.50%(a),(i)     45,600       3,147     DT Auto Owner Trust 2014-3          
            $   4,438     4.47%, 11/15/2021(c),(j)     175   178
  Retail - 0.00%                   DT Auto Owner Trust 2016-1          
                    4.66%, 12/15/2022(c),(j)     1,335   1,338
  Jand Inc(b),(e),(f),(g)     3,781       41                
                      DT Auto Owner Trust 2016-2          
                      5.43%, 11/15/2022(c),(j)     820   840
  Software - 0.00%                              
  Cloudera Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     3,756       64     First Investors Auto Owner Trust 2014-1          
                      3.28%, 04/15/2021(c),(j)     70   69
                    First Investors Auto Owner Trust 2014-2          
   Telecommunications - 0.09%                   3.47%, 02/15/2021(c),(j)     120   118
T-Mobile US Inc 5.50%     33,825       2,600                
                      First Investors Auto Owner Trust 2015-1          
                      3.59%, 01/18/2022(c),(j)     100   98
  TOTAL CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS     $   19,020                
  PREFERRED STOCKS - 0.12%   Shares Held Value(000 's)   First Investors Auto Owner Trust 2015-2          
                      4.22%, 12/15/2021(c),(j)     565   553
  Advertising - 0.00%                              
  Trade Desk Preferred (b),(e),(f),(g)     17,091       116     Flagship Credit Auto Trust 2015-1          
                      3.76%, 06/15/2021(c)     165   165
  Electronics - 0.01%                            
                      Flagship Credit Auto Trust 2015-2          
  Veracode Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     6,031       149     5.98%, 08/15/2022(c)     710   710
                      Flagship Credit Auto Trust 2015-3          
                      7.12%, 11/15/2022(c)     960   988
  Internet - 0.07%                              
  Forescout Tech Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     9,157       112              
                      Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-B          
  General Assembly Space, Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     2,184       107     1.16%, 11/15/2019(j)     550   550
  Lithium Technologies Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     59,552       325                
  Pinterest Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     87,425       570              
                      Nissan Auto Receivables 2016-C Owner Trust          
  Uber Technologies Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     15,196       741     1.18%, 01/15/2021(j)     200   199
                    Prestige Auto Receivables Trust 2016-1          
  Zuora Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     40,988       181     5.15%, 11/15/2021(c)     815   821
            $   2,036                
  Private Equity - 0.01%                              
                    Toyota Auto Receivables 2014-C Owner          
  Forward Venture Services LLC (b),(e),(f),(g)     5,465       239      Trust          
                      0.93%, 07/16/2018     252   252
                      Toyota Auto Receivables 2016-C          
  Real Estate - 0.02%                   1.14%, 08/17/2020(j)     165   164
  Redfin Corp (b),(e),(f),(g)     29,409       110                
                    USAA Auto Owner Trust 2015-1          
  WeWork Cos Inc Series D-1 (b),(e),(f),(g)     4,867       244     1.20%, 06/17/2019(j)     1,200   1,201
  WeWork Cos Inc Series D-2 (b),(e),(f),(g)     3,824       192                
                            $   9,424
            $   546                
                      Automobile Manufacturers - 0.12%          
  Software - 0.01%                              
                    Ford Motor Credit Co LLC          
  Birst Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     21,065       115     1.46%, 01/17/2017(j)     625   626
  Marklogic Corp (b),(e),(f),(g)     14,832       155                
  Nutanix Inc (b),(e),(f),(g)     3,575       45      General Motors Financial Co Inc          
                      3.70%, 05/09/2023     245   250
            $   315                
                      4.00%, 01/15/2025     915   932
  TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS         $   3,401     Hyundai Capital Services Inc          
      Principal             1.45%, 03/18/2017(c),(j)     950   950
BONDS- 26.72 % Amount (000's) Value(000 's)   Volkswagen International Finance NV          
  Aerospace & Defense - 0.17%                   1.24%, 11/18/2016(c),(j)     450   450
  Embraer Netherlands Finance BV                         $   3,208
  5.05%, 06/15/2025   $ 310 $ 312   Banks- 1.66 %        
  Embraer Overseas Ltd                            
  5.70%, 09/16/2023(c)     320       340      Bank of America Corp          
                      4.20%, 08/26/2024     1,390   1,475
  Meccanica Holdings USA Inc                   6.00%, 09/01/2017     1,100   1,148
  6.25%, 01/15/2040(c)     1,685       1,685                
                      Bank of America NA          
  Rockwell Collins Inc                   0.95%, 06/15/2017(j)     250   250
  1.00%, 12/15/2016(j)     115       115                
  StandardAero Aviation Holdings Inc                   Banque Centrale de Tunisie International          
  10.00%, 07/15/2023 (c)     2,000       2,100      Bond          
                      5.75%, 01/30/2025     9,340   9,202
            $   4,552     Barclays PLC          
  Airlines - 0.12%                   5.20%, 05/12/2026     200   208
  Air Canada 2015-2 Class B Pass Through                   Citigroup Inc          
  Trust                   1.53%, 11/24/2017(j)     945   947
  5.00%, 06/15/2025(c)     2,020       2,020                
                    Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial SA          
  Latam Airlines 2015-1 Pass Through Trust B                    Findeter          
  4.50%, 08/15/2025(c)     1,203       1,158     7.88%, 08/12/2024(c)   COP 3,380,000   1,020
            $   3,178     Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The          
  Automobile Asset Backed Securities - 0.34%                   1.31%, 06/04/2017(j)   $ 1,205   1,207
  AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables 2015-4                   HSBC Holdings PLC          
  3.72%, 12/08/2021     189       196     4.30%, 03/08/2026     1,225   1,318
                      1.00%, 07/15/2019     867   863


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

  Principal         Principal    
BONDS (continued) Amount (000's)          Value (000's) BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)     Value (000's)
Banks (continued)         Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)    
KFW (continued)         CGBAM Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-          
1.50%, 04/20/2020 $ 1,980 $ 1,998 HD          
1.50%, 06/15/2021   2,025   2,033 2.11%, 02/15/2031(c),(j)   $ 610 $ 596
Letras del Banco Central de la Republica         Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-          
Argentina         GC19          
0.00%, 01/04/2017(b) ARS 50,000   3,079 5.06%, 03/10/2047(c),(j)     2,000   1,695
Lloyds Banking Group PLC         COBALT CMBS Commercial Mortgage Trust          
4.65%, 03/24/2026 $ 400   415 2007 -C2        
Morgan Stanley         5.62%, 04/15/2047     5,000   4,850
4.35%, 09/08/2026   1,345   1,441 COMM 2014-SAVA Mortgage Trust          
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC         1.66%, 06/15/2034(c),(j)     79   79
5.13%, 05/28/2024   200   203 2.26%, 06/15/2034(c),(j)     145   144
6.00%, 12/19/2023   360   381 2.91%, 06/15/2034(c),(j)     290   287
Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB         Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-GG5          
Capital SA         5.71%, 04/10/2037(j)     1,825   1,477
5.10%, 07/25/2018   6,375   6,557 Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-GG11          
Santander Holdings USA Inc         6.33%, 12/10/2049(j)     1,500   1,470
4.50%, 07/17/2025   2,550   2,671 Extended Stay America Trust 2013-ESH          
Santander Issuances SAU         4.17%, 12/05/2031(c),(j)     857   858
5.18%, 11/19/2025   200   208 Ginnie Mae          
Santander UK Group Holdings PLC         0.69%, 01/16/2053(j),(k)     7,645   356
4.75%, 09/15/2025(c)   1,000   1,005 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2007-GG10          
Standard Chartered PLC         5.99%, 08/10/2045(j)     1,745   1,685
4.30%, 02/19/2027(c)   800   807 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT          
TC Ziraat Bankasi AS         3.71%, 11/05/2030(c),(j)     275   276
4.75%, 04/29/2021(c)   7,000   6,988 4.41%, 11/05/2030(c),(j)     190   191
Wells Fargo & Co         5.61%, 11/05/2030(c),(j)     215   216
0.99%, 06/02/2017(j)   275   275 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage          
    $   45,699 Securities Trust 2007-LDP10          
Biotechnology - 0.13%         5.46%, 01/15/2049     250   243
Concordia International Corp         JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage          
9.50%, 10/21/2022(c)   4,287   3,526 Securities Trust 2015-SGP          
          5.01%, 07/15/2036(c),(j)     785   785
Building Materials - 0.09%         Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-HQ12          
Builders FirstSource Inc         5.90%, 04/12/2049(j)     279   280
5.63%, 09/01/2024(c)   586   596 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2011-C2          
Cemex SAB de CV         5.65%, 06/15/2044(c),(j)     475   501
6.13%, 05/05/2025(c)   1,140   1,201 Motel 6 Trust 2015-M6MZ          
Owens Corning         8.23%, 02/05/2020(c),(e),(f),(j)     2,814   2,843
3.40%, 08/15/2026   200   200 SCG Trust 2013-SRP1          
4.20%, 12/01/2024   405   432 3.01%, 11/15/2026(c),(j)     365   352
    $   2,429 3.76%, 11/15/2026(c),(j)     400   387
          3.85%, 11/15/2026(c),(j)     850   803
Chemicals - 0.29%                    
Albemarle Corp         Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
4.15%, 12/01/2024   405   437 Series 2005-C22          
Hercules Inc         5.76%, 12/15/2044(j)     26   26
6.50%, 06/30/2029   330   291 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
OCP SA         Series 2006-C25          
4.50%, 10/22/2025   2,850   2,914 6.01%, 05/15/2043(c),(j)     2,300   1,429
6.88%, 04/25/2044   2,856   3,357 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
Solvay Finance America LLC         Series 2007-C31          
4.45%, 12/03/2025(c)   500   542 5.84%, 04/15/2047(j)     5,500   5,252
Westlake Chemical Corp         WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-          
3.60%, 08/15/2026(c)   490   490 C6          
          5.77%, 04/15/2045(c),(j)     500   516
    $   8,031            
Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities - 1.33%             $   36,518
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust         Commercial Services - 0.34%          
2006-1         Cenveo Corp          
5.88%, 09/10/2045(c),(j)   5,536   5,343 6.00%, 08/01/2019(c)     1,800   1,593
BLCP Hotel Trust         Constellis Holdings LLC / Constellis Finance          
3.01%, 08/15/2029(c),(j)   300   294 Corp          
4.18%, 08/15/2029(c),(j)   300   288 9.75%, 05/15/2020(c)     1,042   1,003
BXHTL Mezzanine Trust         Corporate Risk Holdings LLC          
8.67%, 05/15/2020(e),(f),(j)   1,100   1,068 9.50%, 07/01/2019(c)     415   392
        Team Health Inc          
 CCRESG Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-         7.25%, 12/15/2023(c)     2,467   2,689
5.67%, 04/10/2029(c),(j)   255   257 United Rentals North America Inc          
CDGJ Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-         4.63%, 07/15/2023     2,000   2,046
BXCH         Verisk Analytics Inc          
2.36%, 12/15/2027(c),(j)   800   799 5.50%, 06/15/2045     1,490   1,619
3.01%, 12/15/2027(c),(j)   880   872       $   9,342


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

    Principal           Principal    
BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)    Value (000's)   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
Computers - 0.10%           Engineering & Construction - 0.01%          
Diamond 1 Finance Corp / Diamond 2 Finance           Engility Corp          
Corp           8.88%, 09/01/2024(c)   $ 275 $ 280
5.88%, 06/15/2021(c) $ 135 $ 143              
6.02%, 06/15/2026(c)   2,310   2,472   Entertainment - 0.24%          
7.13%, 06/15/2024(c)   210   227   Codere Finance 2 Luxembourg SA          
    $   2,842   9.00%, PIK 9.00%, 06/30/2021(l)     4,500   4,635
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 0.02%           9.00%, PIK 9.00%, 06/30/2021(c),(l)     2,000   2,060
Procter & Gamble Co/The                 $   6,695
0.85%, 11/04/2016(j)   445   445   Finance - Mortgage Loan/Banker - 1.03%          
            Fannie Mae          
Credit Card Asset Backed Securities - 0.23%           0.88%, 08/02/2019     5,779   5,748
American Express Credit Account Master           1.25%, 08/17/2021     1,718   1,710
Trust           2.13%, 04/24/2026     3,151   3,219
0.98%, 05/15/2019(j)   265   265   Federal Home Loan Banks          
American Express Credit Account Secured           0.88%, 08/05/2019     5,155   5,132
Note Trust 2012-4           1.13%, 07/14/2021     2,890   2,863
0.75%, 05/15/2020(j)   835   836   Freddie Mac          
American Express Issuance Trust II           0.88%, 07/19/2019     5,779   5,750
0.94%, 08/15/2019(j)   570   572   1.13%, 08/12/2021     4,009   3,967
BA Credit Card Trust                 $   28,389
0.84%, 06/15/2020(j)   1,205   1,208 Food- 0.41 %        
Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust           Albertsons Cos LLC / Safeway Inc / New          
0.59%, 12/16/2019(j)   1,205   1,205   Albertson's Inc / Albertson's LLC          
Chase Issuance Trust           5.75%, 03/15/2025(c)     595   616
0.56%, 08/15/2019(j)   680   679   BRF SA          
1.27%, 07/15/2021(j)   600   599   7.75%, 05/22/2018(c)   BRL 1,500   423
Discover Card Execution Note Trust           Cosan Luxembourg SA          
0.81%, 08/17/2020(j)   495   495   7.00%, 01/20/2027(c)   $ 4,625   4,874
0.86%, 08/17/2020(j)   205   205   Fresh Market Inc/The          
World Financial Network Credit Card Master           9.75%, 05/01/2023(c)     4,167   3,896
Trust           JBS Investments GmbH          
0.99%, 02/15/2022(j)   165   165   7.25%, 04/03/2024(c)     200   212
    $   6,229   JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Finance Inc          
Diversified Financial Services - 0.47%           5.75%, 06/15/2025(c)     600   609
Air Lease Corp           7.25%, 06/01/2021(c)     40   41
4.25%, 09/15/2024   1,570   1,651   Marfrig Holdings Europe BV          
Ally Financial Inc           8.00%, 06/08/2023(c)     710   737
2.75%, 01/30/2017   100   100         $   11,408
3.25%, 09/29/2017   550   556 Gas- 0.03 %        
4.25%, 04/15/2021   315   324   NGL Energy Partners LP / NGL Energy          
4.75%, 09/10/2018   1,300   1,350   Finance Corp          
5.50%, 02/15/2017   1,100   1,119   5.13%, 07/15/2019     725   680
5.75%, 11/20/2025   870   926   6.88%, 10/15/2021     130   121
Dragon Aviation Finance Luxembourg SA                 $   801
4.00%, 11/28/2022(f)   4,940   5,108              
            Healthcare - Products - 0.04%          
Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP /           Becton Dickinson and Co          
Ladder Capital Finance Corp           1.75%, 11/08/2016     1,205   1,206
5.88%, 08/01/2021(c)   665   628              
Quicken Loans Inc           Healthcare - Services - 0.04%          
5.75%, 05/01/2025(c)   1,210   1,207              
            Quorum Health Corp          
    $   12,969   11.63%, 04/15/2023 (c)     1,321   1,120
Electric - 0.24%                      
Duke Energy Progress LLC           Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.27%          
0.88%, 03/06/2017(j)   220   220   Alfa SAB de CV          
Enel SpA           6.88%, 03/25/2044(c)     400   445
8.75%, 09/24/2073(c),(j)   2,170   2,534   Dubai Holding Commercial Operations MTN          
Listrindo Capital BV           Ltd          
6.95%, 02/21/2019   3,820   3,954   6.00%, 02/01/2017   GBP 5,300   7,047
    $   6,708         $   7,492
Electronics - 0.27%           Home Builders - 0.02%          
Avnet Inc           PulteGroup Inc          
4.63%, 04/15/2026   340   353   5.00%, 01/15/2027   $ 600   613
Flextronics International Ltd                      
4.75%, 06/15/2025   790   839   Insurance - 0.11%          
Keysight Technologies Inc           American International Group Inc          
4.55%, 10/30/2024   2,385   2,481   3.90%, 04/01/2026     1,290   1,355
Real Alloy Holding Inc           Old Republic International Corp          
10.00%, 01/15/2019 (c),(e)   3,650   3,696   3.88%, 08/26/2026     525   529
    $   7,369   4.88%, 10/01/2024     1,130   1,219
                  $   3,103


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

      Principal           Principal    
  BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)                Value (000's) BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's) Value (000's)
  Internet - 0.00%           Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)          
  DraftKings Inc Term Notes           Alternative Loan Trust 2004-28CB          
  5.00%, 12/23/2016(e),(f),(g)   $ 27 $ 27 5.75%, 01/25/2035   $ 80 $ 80
              Alternative Loan Trust 2004-J10          
  Leisure Products & Services - 0.13%           6.00%, 09/25/2034     321   331
  LTF Merger Sub Inc           Alternative Loan Trust 2004-J3          
  8.50%, 06/15/2023(c)     3,588   3,615 5.50%, 04/25/2034     111   113
              Alternative Loan Trust 2005-14          
  Lodging - 0.25%           0.73%, 05/25/2035(j)     515   400
  Dakota Merger Sub Inc           Alternative Loan Trust 2005-J1          
  7.75%, 09/01/2023(c)     2,438   2,472 5.50%, 02/25/2025     213   217
  10.75%, 09/01/2024 (c)     3,194   3,138 American Home Mortgage Investment Trust          
  Wyndham Worldwide Corp           2005-2          
  5.10%, 10/01/2025     1,105   1,219 0.82%, 09/25/2045(j)     226   186
        $   6,829 Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust 2003-          
  Machinery - Construction & Mining - 0.06%           8          
  Caterpillar Financial Services Corp           5.50%, 10/25/2033     137   140
  0.91%, 03/03/2017(j)     530   530 Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust 2004-          
  1.52%, 02/23/2018(j)     1,200   1,210 6          
        $   1,740 6.00%, 07/25/2034     666   697
  Machinery - Diversified - 0.06%           Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust 2005-          
  Cloud Crane LLC           6          
  10.13%, 08/01/2024 (c)     1,240   1,287 5.25%, 07/25/2035(j)     192   175
  Xerium Technologies Inc           Banc of America Funding 2004-B Trust          
  9.50%, 08/15/2021(c)     243   249 2.80%, 11/20/2034(j)     225   209
        $   1,536 Banc of America Funding 2005-5 Trust          
Media- 0.43 %         5.50%, 09/25/2035     78   81
  Cablevision SA/Argentina           Banc of America Funding 2005-7 Trust          
  6.50%, 06/15/2021(c)     365   381 5.75%, 11/25/2035(j)     151   155
  Cox Communications Inc           Banc of America Funding 2007-4 Trust          
  4.50%, 06/30/2043(c)     765   688 5.50%, 11/25/2034     226   224
  4.70%, 12/15/2042(c)     380   352 Banc of America Mortgage 2005-A Trust          
              2.96%, 02/25/2035(j)     63   62
  DISH DBS Corp                      
  5.88%, 11/15/2024     615   607 BCAP LLC Trust 2007-AA2          
  Globo Comunicacao e Participacoes SA           6.00%, 03/25/2022     315   311
  4.84%, 06/08/2025(j)     5,363   5,537 Bear Stearns ARM Trust 2004-6          
              5.14%, 09/25/2034(j)     863   791
  Grupo Televisa SAB                      
  7.25%, 05/14/2043   MXN 4,370   202 Bear Stearns ARM Trust 2005-12          
              2.89%, 02/25/2036(j)     383   297
  NBCUniversal Enterprise Inc                      
  5.25%, 12/19/2049(c),(i)   $ 1,205   1,277 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2004-12          
              3.35%, 08/25/2034(j)     134   115
  Time Warner Cable Inc                      
  4.50%, 09/15/2042     645   624 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2004-          
   WideOpenWest Finance LLC /           3.08%, 09/20/2034(j)     66   63
  WideOpenWest Capital Corp                      
  10.25%, 07/15/2019 (e)     1,950   2,052 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2004-          
        $   11,720 HYB8          
              3.13%, 01/20/2035(j)     110   105
  Metal Fabrication & Hardware - 0.12%                      
              CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005-11          
  Wise Metals Group LLC / Wise Alloys           0.79%, 04/25/2035(j)     120   94
  Finance Corp                      
  8.75%, 12/15/2018(c)     2,658   2,738 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005-21          
              5.50%, 10/25/2035(j)     158   143
  Zekelman Industries Inc                      
  9.88%, 06/15/2023(c)     655   701 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-3          
              2.99%, 08/25/2035(j)     883   818
        $   3,439            
              Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust 2014-11          
  Mining - 0.19%           0.63%, 08/25/2036(c),(j)     948   826
   AngloGold Ashanti Holdings PLC           Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust 2015-2          
  5.13%, 08/01/2022     2,000   2,080 0.69%, 06/25/2047(c),(j)     841   725
  5.38%, 04/15/2020     3,000   3,152            
              Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc          
        $   5,232 2.96%, 05/25/2035(j)     114   106
  Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.09%           CitiMortgage Alternative Loan Trust Series          
  GE Accounts Receivable Funding Master           2006 -A4        
  6.99%, 08/24/2017(e),(f),(j)     2,400   2,400            
              6.00%, 09/25/2036     280   250
              Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities          
  Mortgage Backed Securities - 1.58%           Corp          
            2.84%, 11/25/2033(j)     102   98
  Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust 2004-4                      
  3.02%, 03/25/2035(j)     108   104 2.89%, 12/25/2033(j)     72   71
  Alliance Bancorp Trust 2007-OA1           5.25%, 11/25/2020     571   561
  0.76%, 07/25/2037(j)     1,188   860            
              5.50%, 11/25/2035     182   164
  Alternative Loan Trust 2003-20CB           5.75%, 11/25/2033     62   64
  5.75%, 10/25/2033     108   112 CSFB Mortgage-Backed Trust Series 2004-          
  Alternative Loan Trust 2003-9T1                      
  5.50%, 07/25/2033(j)     93   92 3.00%, 05/25/2034(j)     275   258
  Alternative Loan Trust 2004-14T2                      
  5.50%, 08/25/2034     105   109            


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

    Principal           Principal    
BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)            Value (000's)   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)             Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)          
Deutsche Alt-A Securities Inc Mortgage Loan             MASTR Alternative Loan Trust 2004-8          
Trust Series 2005-5             6.00%, 09/25/2034   $ 494 $ 510
5.50%, 11/25/2035   $ 112 $ 105   Merrill Lynch Alternative Note Asset Trust          
Deutsche Alt-A Securities Inc Mortgage Loan             Series 2007-F1          
Trust Series 2005-6             6.00%, 03/25/2037     151   118
5.50%, 12/25/2035(j)     125   109   Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust Series          
DSLA Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR5             MLCC 2006-1          
0.84%, 09/19/2045(j)     227   164   2.97%, 02/25/2036(j)     1,034   948
Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities             Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust Series          
6.07%, 04/25/2028(j)     5,000   5,386   MLCC 2006-2          
6.52%, 09/25/2028(j)     750   821   2.58%, 05/25/2036(j)     58   56
Fannie Mae Interest Strip             Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust Series          
4.00%, 11/25/2040(k)     19,546   2,768   MLCC 2007-1          
Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk             2.96%, 01/25/2037(j)     133   124
Debt Notes             National City Mortgage Capital Trust          
2.17%, 04/25/2024(j)     500   504   6.00%, 03/25/2038(j)     647   672
2.37%, 10/25/2027(j)     550   557   Newgate Funding 2007-3          
2.72%, 02/25/2024(j)     500   513   0.34%, 12/15/2050(j)   EUR 170   179
4.77%, 11/25/2023(j)     250   261   RALI Series 2006-QO4 Trust          
9.32%, 03/25/2028(j)     7,000   6,720   0.71%, 04/25/2046(j)   $ 244   197
9.87%, 04/25/2028(j)     1,000   1,000   RALI Series 2006-QO7 Trust          
GMACM Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR4             0.73%, 09/25/2046(j)     114   84
3.56%, 07/19/2035(j)     119   108   RALI Series 2007-QO4 Trust          
GSR Mortgage Loan Trust 2004-14             0.71%, 05/25/2047(j)     185   145
2.93%, 12/25/2034(j)     154   153   Residential Asset Securitization Trust 2005-          
GSR Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-4F             A8 CB        
6.50%, 02/25/2035     140   140   5.38%, 07/25/2035     376   333
Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust             RFMSI Series 2006-S1 Trust          
0.88%, 10/19/2033(j)     1,033   964   5.75%, 01/25/2036     137   136
HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-10             Rmac 2005-Ns3 PLC          
0.69%, 11/19/2036(j)     406   335   0.10%, 06/12/2043(j)   EUR 57   59
HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-7             RMAC Securities No 1 PLC          
0.71%, 09/19/2046(j)     111   81   0.00%, 06/12/2044(b),(j)     110   112
IndyMac INDX Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-             Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan          
AR11             Trust          
2.94%, 08/25/2035(j)     954   786   0.83%, 07/25/2035(j)   $ 857   636
IndyMac INDX Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-             3.17%, 09/25/2034(j)     397   394
AR16 IP           Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan          
1.16%, 07/25/2045(j)     274   224   Trust Series 2004-6          
JP Morgan Alternative Loan Trust             2.86%, 06/25/2034(j)     176   173
2.77%, 03/25/2036(j)     789   653   Structured Asset Securities Corp Mortgage          
2.85%, 03/25/2036(j)     25   18 Pass-Through Certificates Series 2004-20          
JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2005-A2             5.75%, 11/25/2034     127   129
2.76%, 04/25/2035(j)     228   219   Structured Asset Securities Corp Trust 2005-          
JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2005-S3             1          
6.00%, 01/25/2036(j)     290   248   5.50%, 02/25/2035     177   180
JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2006-A1             WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates          
2.89%, 02/25/2036(j)     199   175   Series 2004-CB2 Trust          
JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2006-A7             5.50%, 07/25/2034     64   66
2.82%, 01/25/2037(j)     354   314   WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates          
JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2007-S1             Series 2006-AR19 Trust          
5.75%, 03/25/2037     268   220   1.94%, 01/25/2047(j)     858   767
Lehman XS Trust Series 2005-7N             WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates          
0.80%, 12/25/2035(j)     101   76   Series 2007-HY5 Trust          
Lehman XS Trust Series 2006-4N             2.29%, 05/25/2037(j)     653   540
0.74%, 04/25/2046(j)     945   755   Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through          
Ludgate Funding PLC             Certificates WMALT Series 2006-2 Trust          
0.00%, 01/01/2061(b),(j)   EUR 118   120   6.00%, 03/25/2036(j)     138   127
MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust             Wedgewood Real Estate Trust 2016-1          
2004-7             5.00%, 07/15/2046(c)     185   184
2.86%, 07/25/2034(j)   $ 259   250   Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities          
MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust             2003-M Trust          
2005-2             2.79%, 12/25/2033(j)     288   289
3.02%, 03/25/2035(j)     737   572   Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities          
MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust             2005-11 Trust          
2006-2             5.50%, 11/25/2035     40   41
3.06%, 04/25/2036(j)     176   160   Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities          
MASTR Alternative Loan Trust 2003-9             2005-16 Trust          
5.25%, 11/25/2033     90   92   6.00%, 01/25/2036(j)     165   163
MASTR Alternative Loan Trust 2004-5             Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities          
5.50%, 06/25/2034     92   94   2005-AR10 Trust          
6.00%, 06/25/2034     110   113   2.93%, 05/01/2035(j)     93   97


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

    Principal         Principal    
BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's) BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)         Oil & Gas (continued)          
Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities         Parsley Energy LLC / Parsley Finance          
Trust         Corp (continued)          
2.99%, 08/25/2034(j) $ 131 $ 133 7.50%, 02/15/2022(c)   $ 105 $ 111
    $   43,577 Petrobras Global Finance BV          
Municipals - 0.15%         3.75%, 01/14/2021   EUR 3,290   3,505
Provincia de Mendoza Argentina         5.38%, 01/27/2021   $ 2,015   1,942
8.38%, 05/19/2024(c)   3,990   4,199 6.25%, 12/14/2026   GBP 1,000   1,195
          8.38%, 05/23/2021(m)   $ 11,700   12,589
Oil & Gas - 2.14%         8.75%, 05/23/2026     425   466
Anadarko Petroleum Corp         Petroleos de Venezuela SA          
4.50%, 07/15/2044   35   32 6.00%, 11/15/2026     5,500   1,994
Antero Resources Corp         Petroleos Mexicanos          
5.13%, 12/01/2022   495   489 7.65%, 11/24/2021(c),(j)   MXN 6,500   336
5.38%, 11/01/2021   65   65 RSP Permian Inc          
Baytex Energy Corp         6.63%, 10/01/2022   $ 1,665   1,732
5.13%, 06/01/2021(c)   35   29 Sabine Oil & Gas Corp          
5.63%, 06/01/2024(c)   205   166 0.00%, 06/15/2019(b)     300   1
Bonanza Creek Energy Inc         Shell International Finance BV          
0.00%, 04/15/2021(b)   55   25 1.03%, 11/15/2016(j)     455   455
0.00%, 02/01/2023(b)   210   90 SM Energy Co          
BP Capital Markets PLC         5.00%, 01/15/2024     385   352
1.21%, 11/07/2016(j)   385   385 6.13%, 11/15/2022     425   413
1.24%, 02/13/2018(j)   255   255 Tengizchevroil Finance Co International Ltd          
California Resources Corp         4.00%, 08/15/2026(c)     2,500   2,492
5.50%, 09/15/2021   18   9 Transocean Inc          
6.00%, 11/15/2024   89   43 9.00%, 07/15/2023(c)     1,139   1,096
8.00%, 12/15/2022(c)   265   179 Western Refining Logistics LP / WNRL          
Chesapeake Energy Corp         Finance Corp          
4.88%, 04/15/2022   635   486 7.50%, 02/15/2023     395   405
6.13%, 02/15/2021   35   29 Whiting Petroleum Corp          
6.63%, 08/15/2020   25   22 5.00%, 03/15/2019     90   83
Concho Resources Inc         YPF SA          
5.50%, 04/01/2023   985   1,017 31.35%, 07/07/2020 (c),(j)     410   453
ConocoPhillips         Zhaikmunai LLP          
6.50%, 02/01/2039   220   289 6.38%, 02/14/2019     6,421   5,973
Continental Resources Inc/OK               $   59,031
3.80%, 06/01/2024   280   253 Other Asset Backed Securities - 1.43%          
4.50%, 04/15/2023   135   127 AIM Aviation Finance Ltd          
5.00%, 09/15/2022   2,890   2,796 5.07%, 02/15/2040(c),(j)     1,325   1,279
Delek & Avner Tamar Bond Ltd         Ajax Mortgage Loan Trust 2016-B          
5.41%, 12/30/2025(c)   5,200   5,642 4.00%, 09/25/2065(c)     425   424
Devon Energy Corp         American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR1          
5.00%, 06/15/2045   350   336 3.01%, 06/17/2031(c),(j)     645   632
Genel Energy Finance PLC         American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR2 Trust          
7.50%, 05/14/2019(c)   4,400   3,476 5.15%, 10/17/2036(c),(j)     280   307
Halcon Resources Corp         6.23%, 10/17/2036(c),(j)     695   761
8.63%, 02/01/2020(c)   380   361 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR3 Trust          
Matador Resources Co         6.42%, 12/17/2036(c),(j)     900   999
6.88%, 04/15/2023   957   988 American Homes 4 Rent 2015-SFR1          
MEG Energy Corp         5.64%, 04/17/2052(c),(j)     1,045   1,101
6.38%, 01/30/2023(c)   295   230 AMMC CLO 17 Ltd          
6.50%, 03/15/2021(c)   40   33 7.57%, 11/15/2027(c),(e),(j)     2,500   2,357
7.00%, 03/31/2024(c)   485   390 AMMC CLO 18 Ltd          
Midstates Petroleum Co Inc / Midstates         7.34%, 05/26/2028(c),(e),(j)     1,750   1,634
Petroleum Co LLC         Apidos CLO XXII          
0.00%, 06/01/2020(b)   1,471   986 6.70%, 10/20/2027(c),(e),(j)     750   698
Noble Energy Inc         Avery Point VII CLO Ltd          
5.05%, 11/15/2044   225   225 7.28%, 01/15/2028(c),(e),(j)     1,400   1,318
Noble Holding International Ltd         8.68%, 01/15/2028(c),(e),(j)     1,050   840
5.25%, 03/15/2042   835   493 Bayview Opportunity Master Fund IIa Trust          
Oasis Petroleum Inc         2016-RP L3        
6.88%, 03/15/2022   300   279 3.47%, 07/28/2031(c),(j)     200   200
Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd         BlueMountain CLO 2013-4 Ltd          
6.75%, 10/01/2023(c)   2,169   325 6.33%, 04/15/2025(c),(e),(j)     3,000   2,074
6.75%, 10/01/2023   12,360   1,854 Bowman Park CLO Ltd          
OGX Austria GmbH         6.22%, 11/23/2025(c),(e),(j)     1,000   908
0.00%, 06/01/2018(b),(c),(e)   600   CAM Mortgage LLC 2015-1          
0.00%, 04/01/2022(b),(c),(e)   1,100   3.50%, 07/15/2064(c)     376   376
Pacific Exploration and Production Corp         CAM Mortgage Trust 2016-1          
0.00%, 01/26/2019(b),(c)   690   121 4.00%, 01/15/2056(c),(j)     232   230
0.00%, 03/28/2023(b),(c)   2,270   397 5.00%, 01/15/2056(c),(j)     545   527
Parsley Energy LLC / Parsley Finance Corp         CLI Funding V LLC          
6.25%, 06/01/2024(c)   500   516 3.38%, 10/18/2029(c)     571   553


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

      Principal           Principal    
BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's) Value (000's)   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
Other Asset Backed Securities (continued)             Other Asset Backed Securities (continued)          
Colony American Finance 2015-1 Ltd             VOLT XXXIV LLC          
5.65%, 10/15/2047(c)   $ 550 $ 555   3.25%, 02/25/2055(c)   $ 75 $ 75
Colony American Finance 2016-1 Ltd                   $   39,292
4.64%, 06/15/2048(c),(j)     260   264   Pharmaceuticals - 0.53%          
Colony American Homes 2014-1             Actavis Funding SCS          
2.36%, 05/17/2031(c),(j)     290   288   1.55%, 09/01/2016(j)     1,035   1,035
Colony American Homes 2014-2             Endo Ltd / Endo Finance LLC / Endo Finco          
3.72%, 07/17/2031(c),(j)     1,000   968   Inc          
Cronos Containers Program I Ltd             6.50%, 02/01/2025(c),(j)     2,000   1,775
3.27%, 11/18/2029(c)     834   803   Express Scripts Holding Co          
GCA2014 Holdings Ltd - Class C             4.50%, 02/25/2026     1,320   1,459
6.00%, 01/05/2030(c),(e),(f),(j)     580   446   Johnson & Johnson          
GCA2014 Holdings Ltd - Class D             0.90%, 11/28/2016(j)     430   430
7.50%, 01/05/2030(c),(e),(f),(j)     227   141   Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III          
GCA2014 Holdings Ltd - Class E             BV          
0.00%, 01/05/2030(b),(c),(e),(f),(j)     1,030   144   3.15%, 10/01/2026     500   503
Global Container Assets Ltd             Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc          
4.50%, 02/05/2030(c),(j)     368   352   4.50%, 05/15/2023(c)   EUR 1,340   1,241
Invitation Homes 2014-SFR1 Trust             5.50%, 03/01/2023(c)   $ 770   672
2.01%, 06/17/2031(c),(j)     895   893   5.63%, 12/01/2021(c)     275   248
Invitation Homes 2015-SFR1 Trust             5.88%, 05/15/2023(c)     3,300   2,904
4.71%, 03/17/2032(c),(j)     280   283   6.13%, 04/15/2025(c)     5,000   4,394
Kabbage Funding 2014-1 Resecuritization                   $   14,661
Trust             Pipelines - 0.40%          
10.51%, 03/08/2018 (c),(e),(f),(j)     4,786   4,450              
              Crestwood Midstream Partners LP /          
Magnetite IX Ltd             Crestwood Midstream Finance Corp          
6.46%, 07/25/2026(c),(e),(j)     1,750   1,242              
              6.13%, 03/01/2022     485   472
NYMT Residential 2016-RP1             Energy Transfer Partners LP          
4.00%, 03/25/2021(c),(j)     270   270   5.15%, 03/15/2045     100   96
Oak Hill Advisors Residential Loan Trust             6.13%, 12/15/2045     1,275   1,369
2015-NP L2           EnLink Midstream Partners LP          
3.72%, 07/25/2055(c),(j)     491   487   5.05%, 04/01/2045     340   295
OneMain Financial Issuance Trust 2014-2             5.60%, 04/01/2044     200   185
2.47%, 09/18/2024(c)     117   117            
3.02%, 09/18/2024(c),(j)     130   130    Enterprise Products Operating LLC          
              3.70%, 02/15/2026     160   167
5.31%, 09/18/2024(c),(j)     1,210   1,192              
              Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP          
OneMain Financial Issuance Trust 2015-1             3.45%, 02/15/2023     140   139
3.19%, 03/18/2026(c),(j)     220   222              
              3.50%, 09/01/2023     200   198
OneMain Financial Issuance Trust 2015-3             4.70%, 11/01/2042     285   263
4.16%, 11/20/2028(c),(j)     790   774   5.00%, 08/15/2042     710   687
OneMain Financial Issuance Trust 2016-2             5.00%, 03/01/2043     60   58
5.94%, 03/20/2028(c)     720   749              
              5.63%, 09/01/2041     440   450
RCO Depositor II LLC             MPLX LP          
4.50%, 11/25/2045(c),(j)     509   508              
              4.00%, 02/15/2025     115   112
5.00%, 11/25/2045(c)     800   764   4.50%, 07/15/2023(c)     190   192
Rise Ltd             4.88%, 12/01/2024(c)     1,080   1,105
4.75%, 02/15/2039(e),(j)     422   417              
              Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA          
Shenton Aircraft Investment I Ltd             Finance Corp          
4.75%, 10/15/2042(c)     1,175   1,158   4.90%, 02/15/2045     745   686
Sierra Timeshare 2012-1 Receivables Funding             Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC          
LLC             5.63%, 03/01/2025     1,030   1,089
2.84%, 11/20/2028(c)     20   20   Targa Resources Partners LP / Targa          
Sierra Timeshare 2013-1 Receivables Funding             Resources Partners Finance Corp          
LLC             4.25%, 11/15/2023     35   34
1.59%, 11/20/2029(c),(j)     93   92   5.25%, 05/01/2023     135   137
Sierra Timeshare 2013-3 Receivables Funding             6.38%, 08/01/2022     210   217
LLC             6.75%, 03/15/2024(c)     1,190   1,264
2.20%, 10/20/2030(c),(j)     210   210   Williams Partners LP          
TAL Advantage V LLC             3.90%, 01/15/2025     240   239
3.55%, 11/20/2038(c),(j)     381   374              
              4.00%, 09/15/2025     925   926
THL Credit Wind River 2014-3 CLO Ltd             5.10%, 09/15/2045     250   245
6.30%, 01/22/2027(c),(e),(j)     3,000   2,697              
              6.30%, 04/15/2040     470   513
US Residential Opportunity Fund III Trust                   $   11,138
2016-1             Real Estate - 0.49%          
3.47%, 07/27/2036(c)     195   195              
              MAF Global Securities Ltd          
VOLT XL LLC             7.13%, 10/29/2049(i),(j)     10,500   11,222
4.88%, 11/27/2045(c)     320   305              
              Rialto Holdings LLC / Rialto Corp          
VOLT XLVIII LLC             7.00%, 12/01/2018(c)     2,238   2,271
3.50%, 07/25/2046(c)     195   195              
                    $   13,493
VOLT XXXI LLC                        
3.38%, 02/25/2055(c),(j)     294   294 REITS- 0.35 %        
              Brixmor Operating Partnership LP          
              3.85%, 02/01/2025     1,000   1,020


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

  Principal       Principal    
BONDS (continued) Amount (000's)    Value (000's) BONDS (continued) Amount (000's) Value (000's)
REITS (continued)         Sovereign (continued)        
Brixmor Operating Partnership         Serbia International Bond        
LP (continued)         4.88%, 02/25/2020 $ 11,150 $ 11,596
4.13%, 06/15/2026 $ 235 $ 244 5.25%, 11/21/2017(c)   3,950   4,082
Communications Sales & Leasing Inc / CSL         Slovenia Government International Bond        
Capital LLC         5.50%, 10/26/2022   20,487   23,672
8.25%, 10/15/2023   4,000   4,170 Spain Letras del Tesoro        
Healthcare Realty Trust Inc         0.00%, 10/14/2016(b) EUR 5,260   5,870
3.88%, 05/01/2025   690   708 0.00%, 11/18/2016(b)   6,400   7,144
Host Hotels & Resorts LP         Venezuela Government International Bond        
5.25%, 03/15/2022   265   292 7.65%, 04/21/2025 $ 5,000   2,140
Trust F/1401             $   217,075
5.25%, 01/30/2026(c)   2,900   3,096 Student Loan Asset Backed Securities - 0.06%      
    $   9,530 SoFi Professional Loan Program 2014-B        
Savings & Loans - 0.02%         LLC        
Flagstar Bancorp Inc         1.77%, 08/25/2032(c),(j)   80   80
6.13%, 07/15/2021(c)   677   691 SoFi Professional Loan Program 2015-A        
Software - 0.12%         1.72%, 03/25/2033(c),(j)   506   506
Cengage Learning Inc         SoFi Professional Loan Program 2015-C        
9.50%, 06/15/2024(c)   750   767 LLC        
Open Text Corp         3.58%, 08/25/2036(c),(j)   150   151
5.88%, 06/01/2026(c)   1,290   1,351 Sofi Professional Loan Program 2016-A LLC        
Oracle Corp         3.57%, 01/26/2038(c),(j)   810   813
0.86%, 07/07/2017(j)   1,075   1,077     $   1,550
    $   3,195 Supranational Bank - 1.06%        
Sovereign - 7.88%         African Export-Import Bank        
1MDB Global Investments Ltd         3.88%, 06/04/2018(m)   10,000   10,229
4.40%, 03/09/2023   13,200   11,221 Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpement        
Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento         5.50%, 05/06/2021(c)   8,530   8,999
Economico e Social         5.50%, 05/06/2021(m)   2,000   2,110
3.63%, 01/21/2019 EUR 5,000   5,706 Black Sea Trade & Development Bank        
Brazil Minas SPE via State of Minas Gerais         4.88%, 05/06/2021(c),(m)   6,400   6,809
5.33%, 02/15/2028(j) $ 13,800   13,317 International Bank for Reconstruction &        
Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F         Development        
10.00%, 01/01/2025 BRL 32,000   8,937 1.38%, 05/24/2021   1,035   1,034
10.00%, 01/01/2017   8,000   2,447     $   29,181
Costa Rica Government International Bond         Telecommunications - 1.00%        
4.38%, 04/30/2025(c) $ 4,671   4,589 Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc        
Croatia Government International Bond         6.45%, 03/15/2029   915   995
3.00%, 03/11/2025 EUR 7,542   8,404 6.50%, 01/15/2028   385   414
Gabon Government International Bond         Digicel Group Ltd        
6.38%, 12/12/2024 $ 3,750   3,477 7.13%, 04/01/2022   4,700   3,807
6.95%, 06/16/2025   2,900   2,712 Digicel Ltd        
Ghana Government International Bond         6.00%, 04/15/2021   9,800   8,955
7.88%, 08/07/2023(c)   2,887   2,660 Goodman Networks Inc        
8.13%, 01/18/2026(c)   400   368 12.13%, 07/01/2018   1,807   894
Honduras Government International Bond         GTH Finance BV        
8.75%, 12/16/2020   3,780   4,375 6.25%, 04/26/2020(c)   8,250   8,663
Hungary Government International Bond         Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA        
5.75%, 11/22/2023   12,900   15,036 8.00%, 02/15/2024(c)   2,420   2,429
Indonesia Treasury Bond         Oi SA        
7.88%, 04/15/2019 IDR 71,500,000   5,541 0.00%, 09/15/2016(b),(c) BRL 1,475   85
Iraq International Bond         Verizon Communications Inc        
5.80%, 01/15/2028(e) $ 8,800   7,117 2.41%, 09/14/2018(j) $ 1,170   1,203
Italy Buoni Ordinari del Tesoro BOT             $   27,445
0.00%, 10/14/2016(b) EUR 5,260   5,870          
          Textiles - 0.06%        
KazAgro National Management Holding JSC         Springs Industries Inc        
3.26%, 05/22/2019   6,650   7,269 6.25%, 06/01/2021(e)   1,562   1,626
4.63%, 05/24/2023 $ 3,350   3,199          
Kenya Government International Bond         TOTAL BONDS   $   735,798
6.88%, 06/24/2024   5,500   5,370   Principal    
Malaysia Government Bond         CONVERTIBLE BONDS - 2.20% Amount (000's) Value (000's)
4.25%, 05/31/2035 MYR 50,000   12,522 Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.02%        
Montenegro Government International Bond                
3.88%, 03/18/2020(c) EUR 11,775   12,941  Meritor Inc        
          7.88%, 03/01/2026   325   440
Poland Government Bond                  
4.75%, 04/25/2017 PLN 9,125   2,383 Biotechnology - 0.07%        
Portugal Treasury Bill                
         Acorda Therapeutics Inc        
0.00%, 09/23/2016(b) EUR 5,260   5,868 1.75%, 06/15/2021(a)   875   740
0.00%, 11/18/2016(b)   6,400   7,140          
          Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc        
Romanian Government International Bond         1.00%, 11/15/2021   785   677
6.13%, 01/22/2044 $ 3,050   4,102          


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

      Principal             Principal    
  CONVERTIBLE BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)      Value (000's)   CONVERTIBLE BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's)  Value (000's)
  Biotechnology (continued)             Oil & Gas (continued)          
  Medicines Co/The             Chesapeake Energy Corp          
  2.50%, 01/15/2022   $ 425 $ 562   2.50%, 05/15/2037   $ 490 $ 487
        $   1,979   Cobalt International Energy Inc          
Coal- 0.00 %           2.63%, 12/01/2019     1,000   456
  Alpha Natural Resources Inc             Whiting Petroleum Corp          
  0.00%, 12/15/2020(b)     100   1   1.25%, 06/05/2020     221   190
                1.25%, 06/05/2020     1,986   1,706
  Diversified Financial Services - 0.02%                   $   3,302
  Element Financial Corp             Pharmaceuticals - 0.03%          
  5.13%, 06/30/2019(c)   CAD 725   608   Herbalife Ltd          
                2.00%, 08/15/2019     900   893
  Electric - 0.03%                        
  NRG Yield Inc           REITS- 0.11 %        
  3.25%, 06/01/2020(c)   $ 225   220   Colony Capital Inc          
  3.50%, 02/01/2019(c)     650   652   3.88%, 01/15/2021     625   613
        $   872   Redwood Trust Inc          
  Electrical Components & Equipment - 0.02%         4.63%, 04/15/2018     85   85
  General Cable Corp             Spirit Realty Capital Inc          
  4.50%, 11/15/2029(a),(j)     75   53   2.88%, 05/15/2019     825   911
  SunPower Corp             3.75%, 05/15/2021     150   170
  0.75%, 06/01/2018     575   520   Starwood Property Trust Inc          
        $   573   3.75%, 10/15/2017     225   232
  Electronics - 0.04%             4.55%, 03/01/2018     875   962
  TTM Technologies Inc                   $   2,973
  1.75%, 12/15/2020     550   687   Semiconductors - 1.04%          
  Vishay Intertechnology Inc             Cypress Semiconductor Corp          
  2.25%, 11/15/2040     300   335   4.50%, 01/15/2022(c)     195   217
        $   1,022   Intel Corp          
  Energy - Alternate Sources - 0.01%             3.25%, 08/01/2039     3,501   6,123
  SunEdison Inc             Microchip Technology Inc          
  0.00%, 10/01/2018(b)     400   26   2.13%, 12/15/2037     600   1,546
  0.00%, 01/15/2020(b),(c)     1,425   93   Micron Technology Inc          
  0.00%, 01/01/2021(b)     725   47   3.13%, 05/01/2032     300   535
        $   166   Novellus Systems Inc          
  Healthcare - Services - 0.17%             2.63%, 05/15/2041     3,708   10,183
  Anthem Inc             NVIDIA Corp          
  2.75%, 10/15/2042(a)     2,450   4,281   1.00%, 12/01/2018     3,225   9,810
  Brookdale Senior Living Inc             ON Semiconductor Corp          
  2.75%, 06/15/2018     310   310   2.63%, 12/15/2026     300   328
        $   4,591         $   28,742
  Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.01%             Telecommunications - 0.09%          
  RWT Holdings Inc             CalAmp Corp          
  5.63%, 11/15/2019     185   188   1.63%, 05/15/2020     10   9
                Ciena Corp          
                3.75%, 10/15/2018(c)     475   596
  Home Builders - 0.01%                        
  CalAtlantic Group Inc             Palo Alto Networks Inc          
                0.00%, 07/01/2019(b)     1,225   1,640
  0.25%, 06/01/2019     205   191              
                Viavi Solutions Inc          
  Internet - 0.13%             0.63%, 08/15/2033     330   331
  LinkedIn Corp                   $   2,576
  0.50%, 11/01/2019     665   660   Transportation - 0.02%          
  VeriSign Inc             Ship Finance International Ltd          
  4.48%, 08/15/2037(j)     1,325   2,882   3.25%, 02/01/2018     600   642
        $   3,542              
  Investment Companies - 0.15%             TOTAL CONVERTIBLE BONDS     $   60,474
  Aabar Investments PJSC             SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS -     Principal    
  1.00%, 03/27/2022   EUR 5,500   4,181   2.68 %   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
                Advertising - 0.15%          
Media- 0.10 %           Affinion Group Inc, Term Loan B          
  DISH Network Corp             6.75%, 04/30/2018(j)   $ 2,636 $ 2,538
  3.38%, 08/15/2026(c)   $ 2,575   2,686   Polyconcept North America Holdings Inc,          
  Liberty Media Corp             Term Loan B          
  2.25%, 09/30/2046(c)     180   185   6.25%, 08/10/2023(j)     1,500   1,500
        $   2,871         $   4,038
  Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.01%             Aerospace & Defense - 0.04%          
  Trinity Industries Inc             CAMP International Holding Co, Term Loan          
  3.88%, 06/01/2036     100   121   0.00%, 08/11/2023(j),(n)     1,000   993
  Oil & Gas - 0.12%             Agriculture - 0.01%          
  Cheniere Energy Inc             Pinnacle Operating Corp, Term Loan B          
  4.25%, 03/15/2045     750   463   4.75%, 11/14/2018(j)     164   151


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

  (continued)     Amount (000's)    Value (000's)   (continued)   Amount (000's)  Value (000's)
  Automobile Manufacturers - 0.05%             Environmental Control - 0.05%          
  CH Hold Corp, Term Loan             USS Parent Holding Corp, Term Loan          
  6.25%, 11/20/2019(j)   $ 1,496 $ 1,489   5.50%, 08/10/2023(j)   $ 1,308 $ 1,307
  Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.05%           Food- 0.15 %        
  Inteva Products LLC             Amplify Snack Brands Inc, Term Loan          
  0.00%, 08/31/2021(j),(n)     1,500   1,485   0.00%, 08/24/2023(j),(n)     1,500   1,487
                ASP MSG Acquisition Co Inc, Term Loan          
  Building Materials - 0.02%             0.00%, 08/04/2023(j),(n)     1,000   1,001
  Headwaters Inc, Term Loan B1             US Foods Inc, Term Loan B          
  4.00%, 03/24/2022(j)     445   445   4.00%, 06/15/2023(j)     1,500   1,507
                      $   3,995
  Chemicals - 0.04%             Forest Products & Paper - 0.04%          
  Vantage Specialties Inc, Term Loan B             Verso Paper Holdings LLC, Term Loan          
  5.50%, 02/10/2019(j)     1,000   993   EXIT          
                12.00%, 09/24/2021 (j)     1,000   970
Coal- 0.05 %                      
  Gulf Finance LLC, Term Loan             Healthcare - Services - 0.02%          
  0.00%, 08/17/2023(j),(n)     1,500   1,453   21st Century Oncology Inc, Term Loan B          
                0.00%, 04/30/2022(j),(n)     495   470
  Commercial Services - 0.23%                        
  Allied Universal Holdco LLC, Term Loan             Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.05%          
  4.75%, 07/27/2022(j)     960   941   Travelport Finance Luxembourg Sarl, Term          
  Corporate Risk Holdings LLC, Term Loan B             Loan B          
  8.25%, 07/01/2019(j)     4,142   3,873   5.00%, 09/02/2021(j)     1,496   1,497
  Oasis Outsourcing Holdings Inc, Term Loan                        
  5.75%, 12/21/2027(j)     1,500   1,504   Insurance - 0.13%          
        $   6,318   Alliant Holdings Intermediate LLC, Term          
  Computers - 0.08%             Loan B2          
  Everi Payments Inc, Term Loan B             5.00%, 08/14/2022(j)     223   223
  0.00%, 12/18/2020(j),(n)     255   242   Asurion LLC, Term Loan          
  Sybil Software LLC, Term Loan B             0.00%, 08/10/2021(j),(n)     2,500   2,487
  0.00%, 08/03/2022(j),(n)     1,500   1,502   0.00%, 08/10/2021(j),(n)     615   612
  Western Digital Corp, Term Loan B             Cunningham Lindsey US Inc, Term Loan B          
  4.50%, 04/29/2023(j)     577   580   5.00%, 10/18/2019(j)     489   393
        $   2,324         $   3,715
  Distribution & Wholesale - 0.05%             Internet - 0.05%          
  ABB Con-Cise Optical Group LLC, Term             ProQuest LLC, Term Loan B          
  Loan B             5.75%, 09/24/2021(j)     1,496   1,481
  6.00%, 06/01/2023(j)     1,500   1,505              
                Leisure Products & Services - 0.01%          
  Diversified Financial Services - 0.01%             SRAM LLC, Term Loan B          
  IG Investments Holdings LLC, Term Loan B             4.04%, 06/07/2018(j)     294   281
  0.00%, 10/31/2021(j),(n)     400   401              
                Leisure Time - 0.11%          
  Electric - 0.09%             AMF Bowling Centers Inc, Term Loan          
  Primeline Utility Services LLC, Term Loan             0.00%, 08/17/2023(j),(n)     1,500   1,488
  B             0.00%, 02/16/2024(j),(n)     1,500   1,470
  6.50%, 11/14/2022(j)     1,000   999         $   2,958
  Star West Generation LLC, Term Loan B             Lodging - 0.06%          
  5.75%, 03/13/2020(j)     805   543   Boyd Gaming Corp, Term Loan          
  Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co LLC,             0.00%, 08/16/2023(j),(n)     153   154
  Term Loan             Diamond Resorts International Inc, Term          
  7.08%, 07/27/2023(j)     814   816   Loan          
  7.08%, 07/27/2023(j)     186   186   0.00%, 08/17/2023(j),(n)     1,500   1,478
        $   2,544         $   1,632
  Electronics - 0.05%             Metal Fabrication & Hardware - 0.05%          
  Aclara Technologies LLC, Term Loan             Eco-Bat Technologies Ltd, PIK Term Loan          
  0.00%, 08/17/2023(j),(n)     1,500   1,489   0.00%, PIK 11.00%, 03/31/2017 (j),(l),(n)   EUR 5,310   1,436
  Engineering & Construction - 0.01%             Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.02%          
  Engility Corp, Term Loan             Gates Global LLC, Term Loan B          
  5.75%, 08/04/2023(j)     256   257   4.25%, 06/11/2021(j)   $ 624   613
  Entertainment - 0.16%             Office & Business Equipment - 0.07%          
  NEP/NCP Holdco Inc, Term Loan B2             Eastman Kodak Co, Term Loan EXIT          
  4.25%, 01/22/2020(j)     1,496   1,488   7.25%, 09/03/2019(j)     1,968   1,951
  Scientific Games International Inc, Term Loan                        
  B1             Oil & Gas - 0.05%          
  6.00%, 05/22/2020(j)     1,496   1,496   California Resources Corp, Term Loan          
  VGD Merger Sub LLC, Term Loan B             0.00%, 12/31/2021(j),(n)     695   728
  5.00%, 07/22/2023(j)     1,500   1,503              
        $   4,487              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

(continued)   Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)   AGENCY OBLIGATIONS (continued)     Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
Oil & Gas (continued)               U.S. Treasury (continued)            
Chesapeake Energy Corp, Term Loan               3.75%, 08/15/2041(m)   $ 308 $ 404  
0.00%, 08/17/2021(j),(n) $ 546 $   563     3.75%, 11/15/2043(m)     85,619   113,706  
      $   1,291             $ 268,644  
Oil & Gas Services - 0.06%               U.S. Treasury Bill - 0.03%            
CGG Holding US Inc, Term Loan               0.39%, 01/12/2017(q)     850   849  
6.50%, 05/15/2019(j)   1,995     1,689                  
                U.S. Treasury Strip - 0.20%            
Pharmaceuticals - 0.06%               0.00%, 02/15/2044(b),(j),(r)     10,356   5,559  
Vizient Inc, Term Loan B                            
6.25%, 02/09/2023(j)   1,496     1,512     TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT AGENCY      
                OBLIGATIONS       $ 297,880  
Pipelines - 0.03%                     Maturity      
Energy Transfer Equity LP, Term Loan               REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS - 13.89%     Amount (000's) Value(000 's)
3.29%, 11/15/2019(j)   593     582   Banks- 13.89 %          
Southcross Energy Partners LP, Term Loan B               Barclays Bank PLC Repurchase Agreement   $ 5,049 $ 5,050  
5.25%, 07/29/2021(j)   291     234     (0.50)% dated 08/25/2016 (collateralized            
      $   816     by Angolan Government International            
Retail - 0.12%               Bond; $5,156,319; 9.50%; dated            
Harbor Freight Tools USA Inc, Term Loan               11/12/25 )(s)          
4.00%, 08/16/2023(j),(n)   1,227     1,229     Barclays Bank PLC Repurchase Agreement on     14,280   14,281  
4.00%, 08/16/2023(j)   280     281     securities sold short; (0.75)% dated            
Leslie's Poolmart Inc, Term Loan               08/25/2016 (collateralized by Saudi            
0.00%, 08/09/2023(j),(n)   1,500     1,509     Electricity Global Sukuk Co 2;            
Talbots Inc/The, Term Loan B               $14,543,137; 3.47%; dated 04/08/23)(s)          
5.50%, 03/13/2020(j)   287     280     Barclays Bank PLC Repurchase Agreement on     5,163   5,163  
      $   3,299     securities sold short; (0.80)% dated            
Semiconductors - 0.01%               08/25/2016 (collateralized by Oman            
Cavium Inc, Term Loan               Government International Bond;            
3.75%, 08/10/2022(j)   175     175     $5,220,919; 4.75%; dated 06/15/26)(s)          
                Barclays Bank PLC Repurchase Agreement on     5,655   5,709  
Software - 0.11%               securities sold short; (1.60)% dated            
Cengage Learning Inc, Term Loan B               01/20/2016 (collateralized by Rio Tinto            
5.25%, 06/07/2023(j)   1,500     1,497     Finance PLC; $6,789,968; 2.88%; dated            
SolarWinds Holdings Inc, Term Loan B               12/11/24)(s)          
5.50%, 02/03/2023(j)   1,500     1,505     Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     3,028   3,028  
      $   3,002     securities sold short; (0.22)% dated            
Telecommunications - 0.23%               08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016            
Global Tel*Link Corp, Term Loan               (collateralized by United States Treasury            
0.00%, 05/23/2020(j),(n)   784     747     Note/Bond; $3,025,734; 1.50%; dated            
Integra Telecom Holdings Inc, Term Loan B               08/15/26 )          
5.25%, 08/14/2020(j)   1,136     1,124     Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     94,705   94,704  
Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA, Term Loan B2               securities sold short; 0.25% dated            
3.75%, 06/30/2019(j)   4,656     4,416     08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016            
      $   6,287     (collateralized by United States Treasury            
Transportation - 0.11%               Note/Bond; $94,664,613; 2.50%; dated            
OSG Bulk Ships Inc, Term Loan B-EXIT               05/15/46 )          
5.25%, 07/22/2019(j)   178     176     Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     611   611  
SIRVA Worldwide Inc, Term Loan               securities sold short; (0.25)% dated            
0.00%, 03/22/2019(e),(j),(n)   2,000     1,967     08/22/2016 (collateralized by Colombia            
YRC Worldwide Inc, Term Loan               Government International Bond; $608,434;            
8.00%, 02/13/2019(j)   1,000     940     5.00%; dated 06/15/45)(s)            
      $   3,083     Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     47,720   47,709  
TOTAL SENIOR FLOATING RATE INTERESTS $   73,832     securities sold short; 0.27% dated            
                08/03/2016 maturing 09/30/2016            
U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT              (collateralized by United States Treasury            
     Principal           Note/Bond; $46,945,043; 4.50%; dated            
AGENCY OBLIGATIONS - 10.82%   Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)    02/15/36)            
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) - 0.83%                        
3.00%, 09/01/2045(o) $ 22,000 $   22,828              
                Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     10,366   10,366  
                securities sold short; 0.28% dated            
U.S. Treasury - 9.76%                            
0.75%, 04/30/2018(p)   1,000     999     08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016            
0.75%, 08/15/2019(m)   10,590     10,542     (collateralized by United States Treasury            
0.88%, 05/15/2019(m)   5,586     5,585     Note/Bond; $10,356,897; 5.38%; dated            
1.13%, 06/30/2021(m)   2,580     2,572     02/15/31 )          
1.25%, 03/31/2021(m)   2,475     2,483     Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     16,729   16,729  
1.38%, 04/30/2021(m)   3,895     3,929     securities sold short; 0.35% dated            
1.38%, 05/31/2021(m)   4,762     4,805     08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016            
1.63%, 02/15/2026(m)   5,379     5,401     (collateralized by United States Treasury            
2.25%, 11/15/2025(m)   32,790     34,699     Note/Bond; $16,714,033; 0.75%; dated            
2.25%, 08/15/2046(m)   28,123     28,232     07/15/19 )          
2.50%, 02/15/2046   500     528                  
3.38%, 05/15/2044   14,921     18,582                  
3.63%, 02/15/2044(m)   27,843     36,177                  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Global Multi-Strategy Fund August 31, 2016

(continued)     Amount (000's)    Value (000's) (continued)   Amount (000's)   Value (000's)   
Banks (continued)           Banks (continued)            
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on   $ 1,222 $ 1,222 Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement; 0.54% $ 3,540 $ 3,540  
securities sold short; (0.40)% dated             dated 08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016            
08/22/2016 (collateralized by South Africa             (collateralized by United States Treasury        
Government International Bond;             Note/Bond; $3,540,329; 1.38%; dated            
$1,176,051; 4.88%; dated 04/14/26)(s)           04/30/21)          
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     11,151   11,150 Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     44   44  
securities sold short; 0.37% dated             securities sold short; (0.50)% dated            
08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016             08/03/2016 (collateralized by Turkey            
(collateralized by United States Treasury             Government International Bond; $43,495;        
Note/Bond; $11,135,999; 6.25%; dated             7.38%; dated 02/05/25)(s)            
05/15/30 )         Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     1,211   1,211  
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     66,440   66,439   securities sold short; (0.50)% dated            
securities sold short; 0.43% dated             08/09/2016 (collateralized by Turkey            
08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016             Government International Bond;            
(collateralized by United States Treasury             $1,229,936; 7.38%; dated 02/05/25)(s)          
Note/Bond; $66,346,860; 1.63%; dated           Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     1,195   1,197  
05/15/26 )           securities sold short; (0.65)% dated            
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement; 0.45%     2,890   2,890   06/30/2016 (collateralized by Colombia        
dated 08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016             Government International Bond;            
(collateralized by United States Treasury             $1,213,120; 4.00%; dated 02/26/24)(s)          
Note/Bond; $2,886,501; 1.13%; dated           Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     440   440  
06/30/21 )           securities sold short; (0.65)% dated            
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     61,011   61,010   08/03/2016 (collateralized by Colombia        
securities sold short; 0.45% dated             Government International Bond; $440,177;        
08/31/2016 maturing 09/30/2016             4.00%; dated 02/26/24)(s)            
(collateralized by United States Treasury           Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     2,813   2,816  
Note/Bond; $60,974,317; 3.13%; dated             securities sold short; (0.75)% dated            
11/15/41 )           07/18/2016 (collateralized by South Africa        
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     186   186   Government International Bond;            
securities sold short; (0.45)% dated             $2,734,240; 4.88%; dated 04/14/26)(s)          
08/08/2016 (collateralized by Turkey           Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     1,175   1,182  
Government International Bond; $189,686;             securities sold short; (0.80)% dated            
7.38%; dated 02/05/25)(s)             12/18/2015 (collateralized by Kazakhstan        
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     983   983   Government International Bond;            
securities sold short; (0.45)% dated             $1,355,633; 5.13%; dated 07/21/25)(s)          
08/12/2016 (collateralized by Turkey           Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     1,429   1,429  
Government International Bond; $985,882;             securities sold short; (0.80)% dated            
7.38%; dated 02/05/25)(s)             08/22/2016 (collateralized by Kazakhstan        
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     1,233   1,233   Government International Bond;            
securities sold short; 0.46% dated             $1,429,063; 5.13%; dated 07/21/25)(s)          
08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016                   $   382,601  
(collateralized by United States Treasury           TOTAL REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS     $   382,601  
Note/Bond; $1,232,382; 0.88%; dated           TOTAL PURCHASED OPTIONS - 0.24% $   6,720  
06/15/19 )              
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     668   668 TOTAL PURCHASED INTEREST RATE SWAPTIONS -0.01 %   $   202  
securities sold short; 0.49% dated           Total Investments     $   3,241,562  
08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016           Other Assets and Liabilities - (17.70)%     $   (487,534 )
(collateralized by United States Treasury           TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%     $   2,754,028  
Note/Bond; $667,780; 1.38%; dated                          
01/31/21 )                        
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     15,648   15,648 (a) Security or a portion of the security was pledged as collateral for short  
securities sold short; 0.49% dated             sales. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled  
08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016             $104,928 or 3.81% of net assets.            
(collateralized by United States Treasury           (b) Non-Income Producing Security            
Note/Bond; $15,637,326; 3.00%; dated           (c) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of  
11/15/45 )           1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from  
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     5,720   5,720   registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the  
securities sold short; (0.49)% dated             period, the value of these securities totaled $245,710 or 8.92% of net  
08/31/2016 maturing 09/01/2016             assets.            
(collateralized by United States Treasury           (d) Security or a portion of the security was pledged to cover margin  
Note/Bond; $5,713,812; 1.13%; dated             requirements for options contracts. At the end of the period, the value of  
07/31/21 )           these securities totaled $10,219 or 0.37% of net assets.      
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     152   152 (e) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities  
securities sold short; (0.50)% dated             totaled $51,690 or 1.88% of net assets.        
04/29/2016 (collateralized by Colombia           (f) Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager  
Government International Bond; $157,958;             under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Board of  
4.00%; dated 02/26/24)(s)              Directors. At the end of the period, the fair value of these securities totaled            
              $23,430 or 0.85% of net assets.  
Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement on     91   91              
securities sold short; (0.50)% dated           (g) Restricted Security. Please see Restricted Security Sub-Schedule for more  
04/29/2016 (collateralized by Colombia             information.            
Government International Bond; $94,775;           (h) Security or a portion of the security was pledged to cover margin  
4.00%; dated 02/26/24)(s)              requirements for swap and/or swaption contracts. At the end of the period,            
              the value of these securities totaled $25,654 or 0.93% of net assets.  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

(i)      Perpetual security. Perpetual securities pay an indefinite stream of interest, but they may be called by the issuer at an earlier date.
(j)      Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.
(k)      Security is an Interest Only Strip.
(l)      Payment in kind; the issuer has the option of paying additional securities in lieu of cash.
(m)      Security or portion of the security was pledged as collateral for reverse repurchase agreements. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $252,265 or 9.16% of net assets.
(n)      This Senior Floating Rate Note will settle after August 31, 2016, at which time the interest rate will be determined.
(o)      Security was purchased in a "to-be-announced" ("TBA") transaction. See Notes to Financial Statements for additional information.
(p)      Security or a portion of the security was pledged to cover margin requirements for futures contracts. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $750 or 0.03% of net assets.
(q)      Rate shown is the discount rate of the original purchase.
(r)      Security is a Principal Only Strip.
(s)      Although the maturity date of the repurchase agreement is open-ended through the maturity date of the collateral, the Fund has a right to terminate the repurchase agreement and demand repayment from the counterparty at any time with two days' notice or less. During periods of high demand for the collateral security, the fund may also pay the counterparty a fee.
Portfolio Summary (unaudited)                  
Sector Percent                
Financial 23.86 %              
Investment Companies 21.67 %              
Government 20.11 %              
Consumer, Non-cyclical 11.89 %              
Consumer, Cyclical 6.33 %              
Industrial 6.32 %              
Communications 6.29 %              
Technology 6.02 %              
Energy 4.55 %              
Mortgage Securities 3.74 %              
Basic Materials 2.86 %              
Asset Backed Securities 2.06 %              
Utilities 1.35 %              
Diversified 0.40 %              
Purchased Options 0.24 %              
Purchased Interest Rate Swaptions 0.01 %              
Investments Sold Short (26.17 )%              
Other Assets and Liabilities 8.47 %              
TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00 %              
Restricted Securities

Security Name Trade Date     Cost   Value Percent of Net Assets  
Airbnb, Inc 06/24/2015   $   157 $ 177 0.01 %
Birst Inc 03/03/2015       123   115 0.00 %
Cloudera Inc 02/05/2014       55   64 0.00 %
DraftKings Inc 12/04/2014       52   56 0.00 %
DraftKings Inc Term Notes 12/22/2015       27   27 0.00 %
Dropbox Inc 01/28/2014       51   34 0.00 %
Forescout Tech Inc 11/24/2015       109   112 0.00 %
Forward Venture Services LLC 11/20/2014       170   239 0.01 %
General Assembly Space, Inc 07/31/2015       107   107 0.00 %
Jand Inc 04/23/2015       19   19 0.00 %
Jand Inc 04/23/2015       43   41 0.00 %
Klarna Holding AB 08/07/2015       89   91 0.00 %
Lithium Technologies Inc 04/16/2015       290   325 0.01 %
Marklogic Corp 04/27/2015       172   155 0.01 %
Nutanix Inc 08/25/2014       48   45 0.00 %
Pinterest Inc 03/16/2015       627   570 0.02 %
Redfin Corp 12/15/2014       97   110 0.00 %
Trade Desk Preferred 02/09/2016       89   116 0.00 %
Uber Technologies Inc 06/05/2014       236   741 0.03 %
Veracode Inc 08/26/2014       112   149 0.01 %
WeWork Cos Inc 12/08/2014       16   49 0.00 %
WeWork Cos Inc Series D-1 12/08/2014       81   244 0.01 %
WeWork Cos Inc Series D-2 12/08/2014       64   192 0.01 %
Zuora Inc 01/15/2015       156   181 0.01 %


Amounts in thousands  
See accompanying notes. 128



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Credit Default Swaps

Buy Protection                                      
    Credit Spread   (Pay)/           Upfront     Unrealized            
    as of August   Receive    Expiration Notional   Premiums     Appreciation/     Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer) Reference Entity 31, 2016 (a) Fixed Rate   Date Amount    Paid/(Received)     (Depreciation)      Asset   Liability   
Barclays Bank PLC AngloGold Ashanti 3.44 % (1.00 )% 09/21/2020 $ 10,000 $ 962   $ (76 ) $ 886 $  
  Holdings PLC                                    
Barclays Bank PLC Deutsche Bank AG 2.15 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021 EUR 200   9     3     12    
Barclays Bank PLC Deutsche Bank AG 2.15 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   175   9     1     10    
Barclays Bank PLC Emirate of Dubai 1.63 % (5.00 )% 06/20/2021 $ 10,000   (1,119 )   (422 )     (1,541 )
  International Bonds                                    
Barclays Bank PLC ITRAXX.ASIA N/A   (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   1,110   21     (15 )   6    
Barclays Bank PLC Mexico Government 1.38 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   15,000   431     (168 )   263    
  International Bond                                    
Citigroup Inc Colombia 1.71 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   20,000   637     7     644    
  International Bond                                    
Citigroup Inc Russian Agricultural 2.48 % (1.00 )% 03/20/2019   5,000   196     (14 )   182    
  Bank OJSC Via                                    
  RSHB Capital SA                                    
Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank AG 2.15 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021 EUR 375   15     7     22    
Deutsche Bank AG China Government 0.99 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021 $ 1,200   6     (6 )      
  International Bond                                    
Deutsche Bank AG Indonesia 1.44 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   25,000   459     46     505    
  International Bond                                    
HSBC Securities Inc Russian Foreign 2.18 % (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   10,000   494     37     531    
  Bond - Eurobond                                    
Morgan Stanley & Co ITRAXX.ASIA N/A   (1.00 )% 06/20/2021   2,260   43     (33 )   10    
Total               $   2,163   $ (633 ) $ 3,071     $ (1,541)
Sell Protection                                      
    Credit Spread   (Pay)/           Upfront     Unrealized            
    as of August   Receive    Expiration Notional   Premiums     Appreciation/     Fair Value (c)  
Counterparty (Issuer) Reference Entity 31, 2016 (a) Fixed Rate   Date Amount (b)      Paid/(Received)      (Depreciation)      Asset   Liability   
Barclays Bank PLC Deutsche Bank AG 4.17 % 1.00 % 06/20/2021 EUR 200 $ (27 ) $ (4 ) $ — $   (31 )
Barclays Bank PLC Deutsche Bank AG 4.17 % 1.00 % 06/20/2021   175   (26 )   (1 )     (27 )
Citigroup Inc Argentine Republic 3.81 % 5.00 % 06/20/2021 $ 10,000   504     12     516    
  International Bond                                    
Credit Suisse China Government 0.99 % 1.00 % 06/20/2021   12,500   (4 )   8     4    
  International Bond                                    
Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank AG 4.17 % 1.00 % 06/20/2021 EUR 375   (49 )   (9 )     (58 )
Credit Suisse ITRAXX.ASIA N/A   1.00 % 06/20/2021 $ 12,500   (67 )   (3 )     (70 )
HSBC Securities Inc Croatia Government 2.04 % 1.00 % 12/20/2020   10,000   (718 )   292       (426 )
  International Bond                                    
HSBC Securities Inc Croatia Government 1.95 % 1.00 % 09/20/2020   10,000   (619 )   251       (368 )
  International Bond                                    
Total               $   (1,006 ) $ 546   $ 520 $ (980 )
Amounts in thousands                                      
Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps

Buy Protection                                      
    Credit Spread   (Pay)/           Upfront     Unrealized            
    as of August   Receive    Expiration Notional   Premiums     Appreciation/            
  Reference Entity 31, 2016 (a) Fixed Rate   Date Amount   Paid/(Received)      (Depreciation)      Fair Value  
  CDX.NA.HY.26 N/A   (5.00 )% 06/20/2021 $ 7,400 $ (206 ) $ (122 ) $     (328 )
  CDX.NA.HY.26 N/A   (5.00 )% 06/20/2021   2,550   (116 )   5         (111 )
Total               $   (322 ) $ (117 ) $     (439 )
Sell Protection                                      
    Credit Spread   (Pay)/           Upfront     Unrealized            
    as of August   Receive    Expiration Notional   Premiums     Appreciation/            
  Reference Entity 31, 2016 (a) Fixed Rate   Date Amount (b)    Paid/(Received)     (Depreciation)     Fair Value (c)  
  CDX.HY.26 N/A   5.00 % 06/20/2021 $ 75 $ 3   $   $     3  
Total               $   3   $   $     3  


Amounts in thousands  
See accompanying notes. 129



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016

Exchange Cleared Credit Default Swaps (continued)

(a) Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, used in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate issues or sovereign issues as of period end serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity's credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.

(b) The maximum potential payment amount that the seller of credit protection could be required to make if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement is $55,075 and 750 EUR .

(c) The market price and resulting market value for credit default swap agreements on credit indices serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit default swap as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms, when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the referenced entity's credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.

Foreign Currency Contracts

                  Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Accept   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Bank of America NA 09/21/2016 GBP 483,000 $ 642 $ 635 $ 1 $ (8 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 AUD 114,411,000   86,008   85,927   303   (384 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 CAD 115,704,000   89,916   88,249   12   (1,679 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 CHF 48,414,000   50,128   49,302   4   (830 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 EUR 131,994,000   148,659   147,356   93   (1,396 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 GBP 50,371,000   70,349   66,172   52   (4,229 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 JPY 10,644,628,000   101,992   102,995   1,708   (705 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 MXN 93,103,000   4,976   4,942   14   (48 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 NZD 39,465,000   28,053   28,604   556   (5 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/01/2016 CHF 152,300   155   155      
Bank of New York Mellon 09/02/2016 CHF 161,000   164   164      
Bank of New York Mellon 09/09/2016 EUR 14,735,481   16,671   16,441   5   (235 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/09/2016 GBP 959,090   1,252   1,260   8    
Bank of New York Mellon 09/21/2016 EUR 475,000   531   530     (1 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/21/2016 GBP 665,000   881   874     (7 )
Bank of New York Mellon 10/03/2016 EUR 2,002,595   2,156   2,237   81    
Bank of New York Mellon 10/12/2016 ZAR 10,784,620   769   728     (41 )
Bank of New York Mellon 12/05/2016 EUR 9,269,700   10,474   10,381   8   (101 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/01/2016 AUD 9,350   7   7      
Barclays Bank PLC 09/01/2016 ZAR 15,561,799   1,093   1,058     (35 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 CAD 4,587,522   3,553   3,499     (54 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 EUR 5,738,250   6,458   6,401     (57 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 GBP 2,186,000   2,872   2,870   3   (5 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 JPY 640,234,800   6,261   6,188     (73 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 MXN 69,862,944   3,775   3,715     (60 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 NOK 10,134,314   1,232   1,216     (16 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 SEK 20,749,632   2,468   2,424     (44 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 ZAR 8,548,556   580   581   1    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/12/2016 CNY 2,995,650   450   448     (2 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/14/2016 CNY 64,036,243   9,681   9,581   1   (101 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/14/2016 MXN 12,344,144   664   656     (8 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/16/2016 BRL 2,197,074   657   678   21    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/16/2016 TRY 655,796   219   221   2    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/19/2016 MXN 51,425,625   2,782   2,731     (51 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/23/2016 CAD 1,108,073   857   845     (12 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 JPY 755,312,346   7,325   7,310     (15 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 MXN 21,334,662   1,148   1,132     (16 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 NZD 5,947,000   4,332   4,310     (22 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 SEK 24,568,506   2,917   2,874     (43 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/30/2016 CNY 6,025,140   900   900      
Barclays Bank PLC 09/30/2016 ZAR 3,025,619   218   205     (13 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/03/2016 ZAR 8,104,095   547   548   1    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/11/2016 MXN 45,591,566   2,461   2,416   1   (46 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/11/2016 TRY 2,326,725   762   780   18    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/11/2016 ZAR 5,237,294   383   354     (29 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 CNY 7,005,915   1,050   1,046     (4 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 HUF 149,515,500   526   539   13    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 MXN 17,795,657   950   943   1   (8 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 PLN 2,282,936   570   584   14    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 ZAR 6,217,260   420   420      
Barclays Bank PLC 11/07/2016 ZAR 5,240,398   383   352     (31 )
Barclays Bank PLC 11/30/2016 CNY 9,167,652   1,365   1,365      


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Foreign Currency Contracts (continued)

                  Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Accept   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Barclays Bank PLC 01/04/2017 CNY 14,771,188 $ 2,188 $ 2,194 $ 6 $  
Barclays Bank PLC 02/16/2017 CNY 63,265,739   9,434   9,371   3   (66 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/25/2017 EUR 952,625   1,085   1,082     (3 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/25/2017 GBP 775,615   1,022   1,027   5    
Barclays Bank PLC 11/03/2017 EUR 1,454,910   1,653   1,656   3    
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 AUD 25,044,000   18,620   18,810   288   (98 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 BRL 12,848,001   3,717   3,957   240    
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CAD 20,359,691   15,719   15,528   1   (192 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CHF 7,532,353   7,722   7,670   17   (69 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CLP 3,737,409,000   5,591   5,485   6   (112 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 COP 1,291,914,000   438   433   1   (6 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CZK 46,100,000   1,913   1,905     (8 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 DKK 1,510,000   228   226     (2 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 EUR 11,735,075   13,182   13,100   22   (104 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 GBP 14,222,998   19,442   18,684   51   (809 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 HUF 685,333,307   2,468   2,470   14   (12 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 IDR 12,952,663,000   947   973   26    
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 ILS 1,860,000   490   493   3    
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 INR 118,227,000   1,732   1,761   29    
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 JPY 8,014,362,003   75,682   77,537   1,981   (126 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 KRW 16,511,405,000   14,502   14,811   361   (52 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 MXN 175,192,262   9,428   9,300   23   (151 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 MYR 9,742,000   2,378   2,388   19   (9 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 NOK 36,328,000   4,412   4,361   6   (57 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 NZD 25,721,997   17,639   18,645   1,012   (6 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 PHP 45,995,000   980   986   7   (1 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 PLN 27,972,000   7,236   7,158   23   (101 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 SEK 23,804,832   2,860   2,784     (76 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 SGD 7,901,251   5,796   5,800   25   (21 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 TRY 39,317,000   13,055   13,238   194   (11 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 TWD 69,712,000   2,206   2,200   8   (14 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 ZAR 54,880,998   3,592   3,720   139   (11 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 AUD 6,021,602   4,540   4,513     (27 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 BRL 11,065,844   3,300   3,317   19   (2 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 CAD 1,445,187   1,109   1,103     (6 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 COP 312,368,006   104   103     (1 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 GBP 44,000   58   58      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 IDR 7,466,923,622   554   554      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 ILS 266,000   70   70      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 INR 42,462,614   622   624   2    
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 JPY 641,801,133   6,344   6,235     (109 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 KRW 75,419,439   68   68      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 MXN 15,571,000   830   820     (10 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 MYR 1,039,000   256   253     (3 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 NOK 6,669,000   803   801   1   (3 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 NZD 5,338,701   3,854   3,856   5   (3 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 PHP 11,845,441   254   253     (1 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 PLN 2,905,055   746   742     (4 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 SEK 852,000   102   100     (2 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 TRY 3,971,084   1,316   1,312     (4 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 TWD 42,700,997   1,356   1,353     (3 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 ZAR 8,535,464   578   569     (9 )
Citigroup Inc 04/05/2017 EUR 1,500   2   2      
Deutsche Bank AG 09/30/2016 EUR 555,000   619   620   1    
HSBC Securities Inc 09/21/2016 JPY 788,224,000   7,556   7,626   70    
Merrill Lynch 09/06/2016 EUR 1,300,000   1,454   1,450     (4 )
Merrill Lynch 09/06/2016 HUF 1,449,000,000   5,203   5,220   17    
Merrill Lynch 09/13/2016 KRW 1,475,000,000   1,261   1,323   62    
Merrill Lynch 09/19/2016 CNY 19,200,000   2,867   2,872   5    
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/12/2016 SEK 30,900,000   3,656   3,612     (44 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/13/2016 CLP 3,400,000,000   5,009   4,992     (17 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/22/2016 MXN 95,600,000   5,273   5,074     (199 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/30/2016 NOK 53,500,000   6,272   6,424   152    
Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong 09/21/2016 JPY 1,108,129,000   10,821   10,721     (100 )
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company 09/09/2016 RUB 500,000,000   7,544   7,634   90    
Total             $   7,858 $ (13,082 )
                  Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Deliver   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Bank of America NA 09/21/2016 CHF 47,000 $ 49 $ 48 $ 1 $  
Bank of America NA 09/21/2016 GBP 2,111,000   2,967   2,773   194    
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 AUD 79,449,000   59,406   59,669   205   (468 )


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Foreign Currency Contracts (continued)

                  Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Deliver   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 CAD 92,706,000 $ 71,090 $ 70,709 $ 449 $ (68 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 CHF 77,206,000   79,605   78,622   997   (14 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 EUR 144,288,000   161,098   161,082   743   (727 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 GBP 78,885,000   109,193   103,629   5,732   (168 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 JPY 7,069,763,000   68,479   68,406   554   (481 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 MXN 343,940,000   18,640   18,254   391   (5 )
Bank of America NA 09/23/2016 NZD 11,126,000   7,959   8,064   14   (119 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/09/2016 EUR 33,127,872   36,619   36,963   3   (347 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/09/2016 GBP 6,488,858   8,517   8,522   10   (15 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/21/2016 CHF 3,900,000   4,073   3,971   102    
Bank of New York Mellon 09/21/2016 EUR 13,000,000   14,876   14,512   364    
Bank of New York Mellon 09/21/2016 GBP 3,220,000   4,514   4,230   284    
Bank of New York Mellon 09/23/2016 EUR 5,259,750   6,026   5,872   154    
Bank of New York Mellon 10/03/2016 EUR 5,000,005   5,693   5,584   109    
Bank of New York Mellon 10/12/2016 ZAR 10,784,620   770   728   42    
Bank of New York Mellon 10/14/2016 EUR 15,440,680   17,592   17,253   339    
Bank of New York Mellon 11/18/2016 EUR 12,801,088   14,441   14,324   117    
Bank of New York Mellon 12/05/2016 EUR 19,654,225   21,846   22,010   122   (286 )
Bank of New York Mellon 09/25/2017 GBP 930,815   1,225   1,232     (7 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/01/2016 ZAR 15,561,799   1,112   1,059   53    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 AUD 4,645,250   3,515   3,492   23    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 CAD 5,303,517   4,099   4,044   55    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 EUR 7,924,250   8,901   8,839   66   (4 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 GBP 3,008,250   3,961   3,950   11    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 JPY 636,063,683   6,277   6,147   130    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 MXN 35,400,701   1,912   1,882   30    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 NOK 10,132,705   1,233   1,216   17    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/02/2016 ZAR 8,538,920   581   581      
Barclays Bank PLC 09/12/2016 CNY 3,085,200   450   462     (12 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/14/2016 AUD 877,500   664   659   5    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/14/2016 CNY 64,960,520   9,680   9,719   63   (102 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/16/2016 TRY 655,275   219   221     (2 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/19/2016 CAD 976,000   756   744   12    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/19/2016 MXN 37,378,395   2,026   1,985   41    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/23/2016 CAD 9,139,369   6,963   6,971   1   (9 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 AUD 2,339,000   1,760   1,756   4    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 JPY 451,834,096   4,498   4,373   125    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 NOK 15,155,407   1,830   1,820   11   (1 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 NZD 2,019,000   1,471   1,464   7    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/26/2016 TRY 3,412,277   1,148   1,148      
Barclays Bank PLC 09/30/2016 CNY 6,028,245   900   901     (1 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/30/2016 ZAR 3,098,863   218   210   8    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/03/2016 ZAR 7,945,895   548   538   10    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/11/2016 MXN 50,436,763   2,734   2,672   62    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/11/2016 TRY 6,455,477   2,186   2,164   22    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/11/2016 ZAR 5,213,013   383   352   31    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 CNY 7,005,915   1,050   1,046   4    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 HUF 41,360,525   145   149     (4 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 MXN 4,467,874   240   237   3    
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 PLN 951,378   237   243     (6 )
Barclays Bank PLC 10/12/2016 ZAR 5,995,542   420   405   15    
Barclays Bank PLC 11/07/2016 ZAR 5,251,734   383   353   30    
Barclays Bank PLC 01/04/2017 CNY 7,290,963   1,094   1,083   11    
Barclays Bank PLC 02/16/2017 CNY 50,529,214   7,549   7,483   67   (1 )
Barclays Bank PLC 09/25/2017 EUR 952,625   1,091   1,083   8    
Barclays Bank PLC 09/25/2017 GBP 775,615   1,201   1,027   174    
Barclays Bank PLC 11/03/2017 EUR 1,454,910   1,654   1,657     (3 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 AUD 17,369,602   12,835   13,047   57   (269 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 BRL 5,717,844   1,695   1,761     (66 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CAD 15,640,292   11,981   11,929   77   (25 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CHF 21,968,000   22,345   22,368   29   (52 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CLP 3,737,409,000   5,441   5,485   51   (95 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 COP 764,300,006   250   256   1   (7 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 CZK 38,000,000   1,573   1,570   5   (2 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 DKK 1,549,000   232   232   1   (1 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 EUR 25,665,799   28,796   28,651   192   (47 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 GBP 14,222,998   20,384   18,684   1,713   (13 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 HKD 1,483,000   192   192      
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 HUF 1,050,900,002   3,741   3,788     (47 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 IDR 11,243,270,622   826   845     (19 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 ILS 15,508,000   4,047   4,108     (61 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 INR 68,990,614   1,017   1,028     (11 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 JPY 2,140,005,133   20,810   20,704   214   (108 )


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Foreign Currency Contracts (continued)

              Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty Delivery Date Contracts to Deliver   In Exchange For   Fair Value   Asset     Liability  
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 MYR 9,742,000 $ 2,399 $ 2,388 $ 18   $ (7 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 KRW 16,413,610,438   14,034   14,723   7     (696 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 MXN 185,198,002   9,863   9,831   46     (14 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 NOK 41,825,998   4,989   5,022   7     (40 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 NZD 13,357,701   9,599   9,683   1     (85 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 PHP 35,225,441   750   755   1     (6 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 PLN 15,670,054   3,967   4,010   6     (49 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 SEK 127,576,835   15,297   14,920   390     (13 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 SGD 11,076,000   8,220   8,131   91     (2 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 TRY 18,328,084   6,125   6,171   25     (71 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 TWD 69,712,000   2,183   2,200   3     (20 )
Citigroup Inc 09/21/2016 ZAR 30,313,464   1,997   2,055   25     (83 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 AUD 1,090,000   818   817   1      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 CAD 467,000   356   356        
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 CHF 583,353   600   598   2      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 CLP 1,894,227,000   2,789   2,759   30      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 CZK 7,000,000   290   291       (1 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 DKK 917,000   138   138        
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 EUR 4,243,728   4,765   4,756   9      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 GBP 5,634,998   7,402   7,415       (13 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 HKD 8,000   1   1        
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 HUF 177,865,307   643   642   1      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 ILS 77,000   20   20        
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 INR 819,000   12   12        
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 JPY 205,958,000   2,010   2,001   9      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 KRW 575,277,000   513   516       (3 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 MXN 11,882,262   626   625   1      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 NZD 1,358,000   976   981       (5 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 PLN 1,871,000   477   478       (1 )
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 SEK 14,110,000   1,659   1,658   1      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 SGD 3,078,251   2,264   2,260   4      
Citigroup Inc 12/21/2016 ZAR 4,615,000   316   307   9      
Citigroup Inc 04/05/2017 EUR 1,500   2   2        
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 09/09/2016 NZD 5,500,000   3,929   3,989       (60 )
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 09/21/2016 EUR 25,850,000   29,352   28,856   496      
Credit Suisse 09/26/2016 COP 3,330,000,000   1,146   1,115   31      
Credit Suisse 09/26/2016 IDR 33,300,000,000   2,517   2,498   19      
Deutsche Bank AG 09/30/2016 EUR 1,690,000   1,910   1,887   23      
Deutsche Bank AG 11/16/2016 EUR 412,000   464   461   3      
Deutsche Bank AG 04/28/2017 PLN 9,350,000   2,427   2,388   39      
JPMorgan Chase 09/21/2016 GBP 793,000   1,149   1,042   107      
JPMorgan Chase 09/21/2016 JPY 10,599,029,000   99,892   102,543       (2,651 )
Merrill Lynch 09/06/2016 EUR 4,570,000   5,111   5,098   13      
Merrill Lynch 09/06/2016 HUF 425,000,000   1,530   1,531       (1 )
Merrill Lynch 09/12/2016 BRL 3,500,000   1,097   1,081   16      
Merrill Lynch 09/12/2016 MXN 10,000,000   546   531   15      
Merrill Lynch 09/13/2016 KRW 6,000,000,000   5,189   5,382       (193 )
Merrill Lynch 09/19/2016 CNY 61,300,000   9,293   9,168   125      
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/13/2016 CLP 3,400,000,000   5,013   4,992   21      
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/21/2016 JPY 1,812,444,000   17,097   17,535       (438 )
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/22/2016 CAD 6,600,000   5,164   5,034   130      
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/30/2016 CAD 8,235,000   6,298   6,281   17      
Morgan Stanley & Co 09/30/2016 MXN 3,597,635   196   191   5      
Morgan Stanley & Co 01/05/2017 BRL 7,900,000   2,348   2,358       (10 )
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company 09/09/2016 MYR 25,000,000   6,260   6,151   109      
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company 09/09/2016 RUB 500,000,000   7,641   7,634   7      
Total             $   16,228   $ (8,135 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                          
Futures Contracts

Type Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value     Fair Value Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
3 Month Euro Swiss; December 2016   Short 3 $ 769   $   769 $    
3 Month Euro Swiss; June 2017   Short 1   256       256      
3 Month Euro Swiss; March 2017   Short 1   256       256      
90 Day Eurodollar; December 2016   Short 141   34,944       34,915     29  
90 Day Eurodollar; December 2017   Long 872   215,705       215,558     (147 )
90 Day Eurodollar; December 2017   Long 14   3,465       3,461     (4 )
90 Day Eurodollar; December 2018   Short 484   119,664       119,494     170  


See accompanying notes.



    Schedule of Investments            
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Futures Contracts (continued)

Type Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value   Fair Value Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
90 Day Eurodollar; June 2017 Long 484 $ 119,882 $   119,748 $ (134 )
90 Day Eurodollar; June 2017 Short 121   29,966     29,937   29  
90 Day Eurodollar; June 2018 Long 16   3,957     3,953   (4 )
90 Day Eurodollar; March 2017 Short 131   32,452     32,426   26  
90 Day Eurodollar; March 2017 Short 77   19,065     19,059   6  
90 Day Eurodollar; March 2018 Long 15   3,711     3,707   (4 )
90 Day Eurodollar; September 2016 Short 323   80,151     80,035   116  
90 Day Eurodollar; September 2017 Long 12   2,970     2,968   (2 )
90 Day Eurodollar; September 2017 Long 78   19,318     19,290   (28 )
90 Day Short Sterling; December 2016 Long 137   22,420     22,420    
90 Day Short Sterling; December 2017 Long 32   5,227     5,239   12  
90 Day Short Sterling; December 2017 Long 1,297   212,190     212,340   150  
90 Day Short Sterling; June 2017 Long 129   21,105     21,117   12  
90 Day Short Sterling; June 2018 Long 28   4,574     4,584   10  
90 Day Short Sterling; March 2017 Long 135   22,089     22,097   8  
90 Day Short Sterling; March 2018 Long 30   4,898     4,911   13  
90 Day Short Sterling; September 2017 Long 35   5,719     5,730   11  
90 Day Short Sterling; September 2017 Short 156   25,536     25,540   (4 )
AEX Index; September 2016 Short 2   202     203   (1 )
ASX 90 Day Bank Bill; September 2017 Short 114   85,324     85,351   (27 )
Australia 10 Year Bond; September 2016 Short 35   3,551     3,627   (76 )
Australia 10 Year Bond; September 2016 Long 37   3,834     3,834    
Australia 10 Year Bond; September 2016 Long 355   35,994     36,790   796  
Australia 3 Year Bond; September 2016 Long 68   5,781     5,802   21  
BIST 30 Index; October 2016 Long 27   87     86   (1 )
CAC40 Index; September 2016 Long 162   7,993     8,020   27  
CAC40 Index; September 2016 Long 3   149     148   (1 )
Canada 10 Year Bond; December 2016 Short 19   2,126     2,126    
Canada 10 Year Bond; December 2016 Long 311   34,782     34,807   25  
Canadian Bank Acceptance; December 2016 Short 18   3,400     3,400    
Canadian Bank Acceptance; June 2017 Short 4   756     756    
Canadian Bank Acceptance; March 2017 Short 13   2,455     2,455    
Canadian Bank Acceptance; September 2017 Short 152   28,714     28,710   4  
DAX Index; September 2016 Long 24   6,986     7,101   115  
DAX Index; September 2016 Long 30   8,806     8,877   71  
DJ Euro Stoxx 50; September 2016 Short 807   25,305     27,275   (1,970 )
DJ Euro Stoxx 50; September 2016 Long 23   772     777   5  
DJ Euro Stoxx 50; September 2016 Short 155   5,169     5,239   (70 )
E-Mini DJIA Index; September 2016 Long 21   1,930     1,931   1  
E-Mini DJIA Index; September 2016 Long 338   30,367     31,088   721  
eMini MSCI EAFE; September 2016 Long 3   254     253   (1 )
eMini MSCI Emerging Markets; September 2016 Long 35   1,553     1,554   1  
Euribor; December 2016 Long 87   24,334     24,340   6  
Euribor; December 2017 Long 33   9,234     9,235   1  
Euribor; December 2017 Long 1,672   467,815     467,913   98  
Euribor; June 2017 Long 93   26,027     26,024   (3 )
Euribor; June 2018 Long 22   6,156     6,156    
Euribor; March 2017 Long 87   24,337     24,342   5  
Euribor; March 2018 Long 34   9,510     9,515   5  
Euribor; September 2017 Short 28   7,835     7,835    
Euribor; September 2017 Long 26   7,278     7,276   (2 )
Euro Bund 10 Year Bund; September 2016 Long 199   37,188     37,154   (34 )
Euro Bund 10 Year Bund; September 2016 Short 91   16,740     16,990   (250 )
Euro-Bobl 5 Year; September 2016 Short 57   8,409     8,494   (85 )
FTSE China A50 Index; September 2016 Long 19   187     187    
FTSE KLCI Index; September 2016 Long 7   145     145    
FTSE/JSE Top 40; September 2016 Short 44   1,377     1,385   (8 )
FTSE/MIB Index; September 2016 Short 17   1,524     1,606   (82 )
FTSE100 Index; September 2016 Long 78   6,830     6,951   121  
FTSE100 Index; September 2016 Long 189   16,998     16,842   (156 )


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Futures Contracts (continued)

Type     Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
FTSE100 Index; September 2016   Short   100 $   7,708   $   8,911 $ (1,203 )
Hang Seng Index; September 2016   Long   2     295       296       1  
Hang Seng Index; September 2016   Long   176     25,849       26,010       161  
HSCEI China Index; September 2016   Long   9     555       554       (1 )
IBEX 35 Index; September 2016   Long   4     385       389       4  
Japan 10 Year Bond TSE; September 2016   Long   25     36,605       36,585       (20 )
Japan 10 Year Bond TSE; September 2016   Short   7     10,269       10,244       25  
Japan Topix Index; September 2016   Short   448     57,443       57,610       (167 )
Japan Topix Index; September 2016   Short   101     12,518       12,988       (470 )
Japan Topix Index; September 2016   Long   9     1,142       1,157       15  
KOSPI 200 Index; September 2016   Long   3     324       345       21  
Mex Bolsa Index; September 2016   Short   1     25       25        
Mini Japan 10 Year Bond; September 2016   Long   10     1,464       1,464        
Mini Japan 10 Year Bond; September 2016   Short   80     11,715       11,709       6  
MSCI Singapore Index; September 2016   Short   21     489       478       11  
MSCI Taiwan Index; September 2016   Long   12     405       402       (3 )
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini; September 2016   Long   446     42,464       42,582       118  
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini; September 2016   Long   28     2,612       2,673       61  
Nikkei 225 OSE; September 2016   Short   5     788       816       (28 )
Nikkei 225 OSE; September 2016   Short   30     4,812       4,897       (85 )
OMXS30 Index; September 2016   Long   10     165       166       1  
Russell 2000 Mini; September 2016   Short   813     92,762       100,714   (7,952 )
Russell 2000 Mini; September 2016   Short   19     2,181       2,354       (173 )
Russell 2000 Mini; September 2016   Long   253     30,267       31,342   1,075  
S&P 500 Emini; September 2016   Short   306     31,671       33,193   (1,522 )
S&P 500 Emini; September 2016   Long   439     46,944       47,621       677  
S&P 500 Emini; September 2016   Long   64     6,972       6,942       (30 )
S&P 500 Emini; September 2016   Short   48     4,882       5,207       (325 )
S&P Mid 400 Emini; September 2016   Long   5     759       782       23  
S&P/TSX 60 Index; September 2016   Long   9     1,147       1,167       20  
SET50 Index; September 2016   Long   53     282       300       18  
SGX CNX Nifty Index; September 2016   Short   17     295       301       (6 )
SPI 200 Index; September 2016   Long   11     1,109       1,118       9  
UK 10 Year Gilt; December 2016   Short   27     4,663       4,663        
UK 10 Year Gilt; December 2016   Long   24     4,140       4,145       5  
US 10 Year Note; December 2016   Long   666     87,455       87,194       (261 )
US 10 Year Note; December 2016   Long   125     16,353       16,365       12  
US 10 Year Note; December 2016   Short   188     24,667       24,613       54  
US 10 Year Ultra Note; December 2016   Long   52     7,505       7,507       2  
US 10 Year Ultra Note; September 2016   Long   249     35,960       36,058       98  
US 2 Year Note; December 2016   Short   49     10,703       10,697       6  
US 5 Year Note; December 2016   Short   55     6,665       6,669       (4 )
US 5 Year Note; December 2016   Long   274     33,306       33,222       (84 )
US Long Bond; December 2016   Long   172     29,367       29,304       (63 )
US Long Bond; December 2016   Long   344     58,431       58,609       178  
US Ultra Bond; December 2016   Short   485     90,500       90,922       (422 )
US Ultra Bond; September 2016   Long   339     63,411       63,785       374  
Total                       $   (10,323 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                
Interest Rate Swaps

    Receive           Upfront              
    Floating Fixed  Expiration Notional Premiums Unrealized   Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer)   Floating Rate Index  Rate Rate Date   Amount     Paid/(Received) Appreciation/(Depreciation) Asset     Liability   
Bank of America NA 3 Month JIBAR Receive 7.95% 05/08/2025 ZAR   12,600 $ $ 23 $ 23 $  
Bank of America NA 6 Month CZK Receive 0.35% 08/03/2021 CZK   177,000     (7 )   (7 )


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Interest Rate Swaps (continued)

    Receive             Upfront                
    Floating Fixed    Expiration Notional   Premiums   Unrealized     Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer) Floating Rate Index  Rate Rate   Date Amount      Paid/(Received)    Appreciation/(Depreciation)      Asset     Liability   
Bank of America NA 6 Month CZK Pay 0.30 % 08/03/2018 CZK 587,800 $ $ (3 ) $ — $   (3 )
Bank of America NA 6 Month CZK Pay 0.31 % 08/04/2018   70,500            
Bank of America NA 6 Month CZK Receive 0.36 % 08/04/2021   29,300     (1 )     (1 )
Bank of America NA Brazil Cetip Pay 12.06 % 01/02/2020 BRL 2,445     2     2    
  Interbank Deposit                                
Bank of America NA Brazil Cetip Pay 12.08 % 01/02/2020   6,444     5     5    
  Interbank Deposit                                
Bank of America NA CFETS China Pay 2.57 % 07/07/2021 CNY 8,820     (10 )     (10 )
  Fixing Repo Rates                                
  7 Day                                
Bank of America NA CFETS China Pay 2.60 % 07/21/2021   13,000     (11 )     (11 )
  Fixing Repo Rates                                
  7 Day                                
Bank of America NA CFETS China Pay 2.64 % 06/29/2021   8,287     (5 )     (5 )
  Fixing Repo Rates                                
  7 Day                                
Bank of America NA CFETS China Pay 2.73 % 08/25/2021   8,000     (1 )     (1 )
  Fixing Repo Rates                                
  7 Day                                
Bank of America NA FBIL - Overnight Receive 6.39 % 07/16/2021 INR 140,000     4     4    
Bank of America NA FBIL - Overnight Receive 6.45 % 07/21/2021   147,000     (2 )     (2 )
Barclays Bank PLC 3 Month JIBAR Receive 7.95 % 05/05/2025 ZAR 94,000     162     162    
Barclays Bank PLC Brazil Cetip Pay 11.84 % 01/02/2020 BRL 5,556     (6 )     (6 )
  Interbank Deposit                                
Deutsche Bank AG 6 Month CZK Receive 0.38 % 07/29/2021 CZK 137,000     (13 )     (13 )
Deutsche Bank AG 6 Month CZK Pay 0.33 % 07/30/2018   350,000     5     5    
Deutsche Bank AG MXN TIIE Pay 6.14 % 07/06/2026 MXN 21,250     2     2    
JP Morgan Chase 3 Month JIBAR Receive 7.72 % 04/17/2025 ZAR 18,020     48     48    
Merrill Lynch 6 Month CZK Pay 0.32 % 07/30/2018 CZK 355,000     4     4    
Merrill Lynch 6 Month CZK Receive 0.37 % 07/29/2021   142,000     (12 )     (12 )
Merrill Lynch MXN TIIE Pay 6.13 % 07/06/2026 MXN 67,585     5     5    
Total             $   $ 189   $ 260 $ (71 )
Amounts in thousands                                  
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps

    Receive             Upfront                
    Floating Fixed    Expiration Notional   Premiums   Unrealized            
  Floating Rate Index  Rate Rate   Date  Amount    Paid/(Received)    Appreciation/(Depreciation)     Fair Value  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.08 % 07/18/2021 $ 26,950 $ $ 165   $     165  
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 0.86 % 07/18/2018   71,500     (229 )       (229 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.41 % 07/18/2026   3,924     16         16  
  6MonthGBP Pay 0.53 % 07/23/2018 GBP 14,250     27            
  LIBOR                             27  
  6MonthGBP Pay 0.50 % 07/23/2018   14,250     18            
  LIBOR                             18  
  6MonthGBP Receive 0.59 % 07/22/2021   4,750     (36 )          
  LIBOR                             (36 )
  6MonthGBP Receive 0.62 % 07/21/2021   4,750     (44 )          
  LIBOR                             (44 )
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 1.03 % 10/01/2018 $ 10,591   1   (11 )       (10 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.23 % 04/20/2020   1,964     (7 )       (7 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.21 % 04/22/2021   2,415     (4 )       (4 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.35 % 06/03/2021   4,698     (34 )       (34 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.10 % 07/21/2021   5,382     24         24  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.18 % 07/29/2021   5,393   1   2         3  
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 0.95 % 08/17/2018   12,930   1   (25 )       (24 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 0.96 % 08/17/2018   12,930     22         22  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Exchange Cleared Interest Rate Swaps (continued)

    Receive             Upfront            
    Floating Fixed    Expiration   Notional   Premiums   Unrealized        
  Floating Rate Index  Rate Rate   Date   Amount   Paid/(Received)    Appreciation/(Depreciation)      Fair Value  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.32 % 04/29/2021 $ 2,436 $ $ (15 ) $ (15 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.19 % 08/11/2021   6,434   1   3     4  
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 0.92 % 09/21/2017   27,100     (14 )   (14 )
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 2.30 % 09/21/2025   5,900     462     462  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.65 % 09/21/2020   22,200     (443 )   (443 )
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 1.14 % 08/12/2021   5,371   1   (15 )   (14 )
  3 Month LIBOR Pay 0.96 % 08/15/2018   13,004     (21 )   (21 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.00 % 08/20/2018   12,878   1   10     11  
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.19 % 03/16/2020   2,466     (5 )   (5 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.22 % 06/15/2020   1,769     (5 )   (5 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.33 % 05/23/2021   2,397     (16 )   (16 )
  3 Month LIBOR Receive 1.35 % 05/24/2021   2,397   1   (19 )   (18 )
Total             $   7 $ (194 ) $ (187 )


Amounts in thousands                                
Interest Rate Swaptions

        Receive           Upfront          
Purchased Swaptions   Floating Rate    Floating  Exercise  Expiration Notional   Premiums   Fair   Unrealized  
Outstanding Counterparty (Issuer) Index   Rate Rate Date Amount     Paid/(Received)    Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - 1 Year Interest              Deutsche Bank AG 3 Month   Pay 8.48%  01/10/2017    ZAR166,300 $ 70 $ 82 $ 12  
Rate Swap   JIBAR                          
Put - 10 Year Interest             Bank of America NA ICE LIBOR Receive    1.70%   09/09/2016    GBP7,500   97     (97 )
Rate Swap   GBP 6 Month                          
Put - 10 Year Interest             Merrill Lynch 3 Month Receive    2.57%   09/20/2016    $33,600   1,035     (1,035 )
Rate Swap   LIBOR                          
Put - 20 Year Interest             Bank of America NA ICE LIBOR  Receive 0.70%  11/21/2016    JPY600,000   87   29   (58 )
Rate Swap   JPY 6 Month                          
Put - 20 Year Interest             Barclays Bank PLC ICE LIBOR Receive    0.50%  01/31/2017    556,500   86   91   5  
Rate Swap   JPY 6 Month                          
Total                 $   1,375 $ 202 $ (1,173 )
        Receive            Upfront          
Written Swaptions   Floating Rate    Floating  Exercise  Expiration Notional   Premiums   Fair   Unrealized  
Outstanding Counterparty (Issuer) Index   Rate Rate Date  Amount    Paid/(Received)    Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Put - 10 Year Interest              Merrill Lynch 3 Month  Receive   3.07%   09/20/2016   $33,600 $ (460 ) $ — $   460  
Rate Swap   LIBOR                          
Put - 2 Year Interest Bank of America NA 3 Month AUD  Receive    1.90%  11/18/2016   AUD40,000   (75 ) (4 ) 71  
Rate Swap   BBR BBSW                          
Put - 2 Year Interest Bank of America NA ICE LIBOR  Receive    1.00%  12/09/2016   GBP30,000   (106 )   106  
Rate Swap   GBP 6 Month                          
Put - 20 Year Interest             Barclays Bank PLC ICE LIBOR  Receive 0.90%  01/31/2017   JPY556,500   (40 ) (33 ) 7  
Rate Swap   JPY 6 Month                          
Total                 $   (681 ) $ (37 ) $ 644  
Amounts in thousands                                

                 Upfront Premiums           Unrealized  
Purchased Options Outstanding Exercise Price Expiration Date Contracts   Paid/(Received)        Fair Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; December 2016$ 99.25 12/20/2016 1,977 $ 246   $   74 $ (172 )
Call - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; December 2016$ 99.38 12/20/2016 4,509   474       56   (418 )
Call - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; March 2017 $ 99.25 03/14/2017 7,844   1,715   637   (1,078 )
Call - Allergan PLC   $ 325.00 09/19/2016 237   254         (254 )
Call - Allergan PLC   $ 310.00 09/19/2016 102   111         (111 )
Call - DISH Network Corp $ 50.00 01/23/2017 396   211   189   (22 )
Call - MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index JPY 17,500.00 09/12/2016 51   200       12   (188 )
Call - MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index JPY 17,500.00 10/17/2016 58   125   110   (15 )
Call - S&P 500 Emini Future; September 2016 $ 2,170.00 09/19/2016 48   78       42   (36 )
Call - US 2 Year Note Future; December 2016 $ 109.25 09/26/2016 375   67       71   4  
Call - US Long Bond Future; December 2016 $ 175.00 09/26/2016 104   142       25   (117 )
Call - USD versus BRL $ 3.35 09/15/2016 657,000   3       3    
Call - USD versus CAD $ 1.32 10/18/2016 5,465,000   29       54   25  
Call - USD versus CNH $ 6.50 09/13/2016 2,200,000   57       63   6  
Call - USD versus CNY $ 6.75 09/30/2016 4,000,000   34       11   (23 )


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Options (continued)

                  Upfront Premiums               Unrealized  
Purchased Options Outstanding   Exercise Price Expiration Date Contracts   Paid/(Received)     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - USD versus CNY     $ 6.75 10/11/2016 4,918,500 $ 15   $ 18   $       3  
Call - USD versus TRY     $ 3.05 11/14/2016 1,093,000   24     16           (8 )
Call - USD versus TRY     $ 3.05 11/14/2016 1,093,000   17     15           (2 )
Call - USD versus TRY     $ 3.05 11/14/2016 1,093,000   18     16           (2 )
Call - USD versus TWD     $ 31.78 01/18/2017 8,175,000   151     109           (42 )
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; December 2017 $ 98.75 10/17/2016 106   11     12           1  
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; December 2018 $ 98.63 10/17/2016 400   62     62            
Put - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; September 2017 $ 98.88 09/19/2016 1,852   202     174           (28 )
Put - Icahn Enterprises LP     $ 50.00 09/19/2016 128   17     13           (4 )
Put - iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate $ 85.00 09/19/2016 400   37     7           (30 )
Bond ETF                                      
Put - iShares Russell 2000 ETF $ 115.00 10/03/2016 900   111     52           (59 )
Put - S&P 500 Index     $ 2,150.00 09/19/2016 56   95     71           (24 )
Put - S&P 500 Index     $ 1,875.00 12/19/2016 650   5,585     895         (4,690 )
Put - S&P 500 Index     $ 1,875.00 06/19/2017 454   3,806     2,375         (1,431 )
Put - S&P 500 Index     $ 1,875.00 03/20/2017 454   2,934     1,499         (1,435 )
Put - SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF $ 35.00 09/19/2016 2,000   46     7           (39 )
Put - USD versus CNH     $ 6.53 09/23/2016 1,701,000   10               (10 )
Put - USD versus CNY     $ 6.56 09/23/2016 2,732,500   4     1           (3 )
Put - USD versus CNY     $ 6.56 09/23/2016 5,465,000   8     2           (6 )
Put - USD versus MXN     $ 18.40 10/10/2016 1,094,000   13     7           (6 )
Put - USD versus MXN     $ 18.15 09/15/2016 657,000   8     1           (7 )
Put - USD versus MXN     $ 18.55 10/07/2016 1,639,500   16     14           (2 )
Put - USD versus MXN     $ 18.10 10/20/2016 1,641,000   17     7           (10 )
Total               $ 16,953   $ 6,720   $     (10,233 )
                  Upfront Premiums               Unrealized  
Written Options Outstanding   Exercise Price Expiration Date Contracts   Paid/(Received)     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Call - 90 Day Eurodollar Future; March 2020 $ 98.75 03/13/2017 1,441 $ (584 ) $ (603 ) $       (19 )
Call - Carmike Cinemas Inc $ 30.00 09/19/2016 15   (2 )   (3 )         (1 )
Call - GBP versus USD     $ 1.53 09/29/2016 675,000   (14 )             14  
Call - Halliburton Co     $ 49.00 10/24/2016 101   (5 )   (2 )         3  
Call - MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index JPY 18,500.00 10/17/2016 58   (35 )   (24 )         11  
Call - Monsanto Co     $ 115.00 01/23/2017 10   (4 )   (4 )          
Call - Monsanto Co     $ 115.00 10/24/2016 42   (12 )   (9 )         3  
Call - Relypsa Inc     $ 32.00 09/19/2016 45   (2 )             2  
Call - USD versus BRL     $ 3.45 11/04/2016 1,094,000   (15 )   (13 )         2  
Call - USD versus BRL     $ 3.45 11/04/2016 783,000   (8 )   (10 )         (2 )
Call - USD versus BRL     $ 3.85 09/14/2016 900,000   (13 )             13  
Call - USD versus BRL     $ 3.48 12/12/2016 819,750   (16 )   (17 )         (1 )
Call - USD versus BRL     $ 3.40 11/04/2016 1,094,000   (15 )   (18 )         (3 )
Call - USD versus MXN     $ 19.10 11/24/2016 2,732,500   (41 )   (69 )         (28 )
Call - USD versus TRY     $ 3.20 11/14/2016 1,093,000   (8 )   (6 )         2  
Call - USD versus TRY     $ 3.20 11/14/2016 1,093,000   (11 )   (6 )         5  
Call - USD versus TRY     $ 3.20 11/14/2016 1,093,000   (7 )   (6 )         1  
Call - USD versus ZAR     $ 15.80 12/12/2016 2,188,000   (56 )   (55 )         1  
Call - Whiting Petroleum Corp $ 10.00 10/24/2016 458   (10 )   (7 )         3  
Call - Whiting Petroleum Corp $ 9.00 09/19/2016 412   (6 )   (3 )         3  
Put - S&P 500 Emini Future; September 2016 $ 2,100.00 09/19/2016 48   (66 )   (11 )         55  
Put - S&P 500 Index     $ 1,725.00 06/19/2017 454   (2,468 )   (1,488 )         980  
Put - S&P 500 Index     $ 1,725.00 03/20/2017 454   (1,787 )   (866 )         921  
Put - USD versus BRL     $ 3.20 10/07/2016 783,000   (8 )   (10 )         (2 )
Put - USD versus BRL     $ 3.35 09/15/2016 657,000   (9 )   (24 )         (15 )
Put - USD versus BRL     $ 3.22 09/15/2016 657,000   (6 )   (7 )         (1 )
Put - USD versus BRL     $ 3.10 11/04/2016 1,094,000   (12 )   (7 )         5  
Put - USD versus BRL     $ 3.20 10/07/2016 1,094,000   (13 )   (13 )          
Put - USD versus ZAR     $ 13.75 11/04/2016 1,094,000   (14 )   (6 )         8  
Put - USD versus ZAR     $ 13.65 10/07/2016 1,094,000   (13 )   (3 )         10  
Total               $ (5,260 ) $ (3,290 ) $     1,970  
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                  
Synthetic Futures

                        Unrealized     Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer)   Reference Entity       Expiration Date   Notional Value      Appreciation/(Depreciation)     Asset   Liability   
Bank of America NA   Canada 10 Year Bond Future; December 2016 12/30/2016 $ (17,714 ) $     (19 ) $ — $ (19 )
Bank of America NA   Euro Bund 10 Year Bund Future; September 09/12/2016   17,301         219     219  
Bank of America NA   Euro Buxl 30 Year Bond Future; September 09/12/2016   392         37     37  
Bank of America NA Euro-Bobl 5 Year Future; September 2016 09/12/2016   9,296         75     75  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Synthetic Futures (continued)

            Unrealized     Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer) Reference Entity     Expiration Date Notional Value        Appreciation/(Depreciation)      Asset     Liability   
Bank of America NA Euro-BTP Future; September 2016     09/12/2016 $ 3,180 $   53   $ 53 $  
Bank of America NA Euro-OAT Future; September 2016     09/12/2016   1,925     49     49    
Bank of America NA Euro-Schatz 2 Year Future; September 2016   09/12/2016 10,601     7     7    
Bank of America NA FTSE China A50 Index Future; September   09/29/2016   293     1     1    
Bank of America NA Hang Seng Index Future; September 2016   09/30/2016   147     1     1    
Bank of America NA HSCEI China Index Future; September 2016 09/30/2016   184            
Bank of America NA MSCI Taiwan Index Future; September 2016 09/30/2016   237     (3 )     (3 )
Bank of America NA Tel Aviv 25 Index Future; September 2016   09/30/2016   (508 )   10     10    
Bank of America NA UK 10 Year Gilt Future; December 2016   12/30/2016 (6,605 )   (5 )     (5 )
Bank of America NA US 10 Year Note Future; December 2016   12/30/2016   8,402     (23 )     (23 )
Bank of America NA US 2 Year Note Future; December 2016   01/05/2017   656     (1 )     (1 )
Bank of America NA US 5 Year Note Future; December 2016   01/05/2017   4,859     (9 )     (9 )
Bank of America NA US Long Bond Future; December 2016   12/30/2016   1,707     (3 )     (3 )
Bank of America NA US Ultra Bond Future; December 2016   12/30/2016   1,502     (2 )     (2 )
Bank of America NA WIG 20 Index Future; September 2016   09/16/2016   158     6     6    
Morgan Stanley & Co BIST 30 Index Future; October 2016     10/31/2016   197     (2 )     (2 )
Morgan Stanley & Co Bovespa Index Future; October 2016     10/14/2016   458     (4 )     (4 )
Morgan Stanley & Co FTSE China A50 Index Future; September   09/29/2016   147     1     1    
Morgan Stanley & Co Hang Seng Index Future; September 2016   09/30/2016   589     3     3    
Morgan Stanley & Co HSCEI China Index Future; September 2016 09/30/2016   1,291     2     2    
Morgan Stanley & Co KOSPI 200 Index Future; September 2016   09/09/2016   3,669     98     98    
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Singapore Index Future; September   09/30/2016   24     (1 )     (1 )
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Taiwan Index Future; September 2016 09/30/2016   543     (6 )     (6 )
Morgan Stanley & Co SGX CNX Nifty Index Future; September   09/29/2016 (1,042 )   (19 )     (19 )
Morgan Stanley & Co Swiss Market Index Future; September 2016 09/16/2016 (10,340 )   (500 )     (47 )
Morgan Stanley & Co Taiwan TAIEX Index Future; September 2016 09/21/2016   2,197     (17 )     (17 )
Total           $     (52 ) $ 562 $ (161 )
Amounts in thousands                              
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps

                  Notional     Fair Value  
Counterparty Fund Pays     Fund Receives   Expiration Date     Value     Asset   Liability   
Bank of America NA Floating rate based on the Federal Funds Total return on a custom basket of long and    08/12/2019   $ (493 ) $   50 $  
  Rate plus/less spread   short securities traded in USD                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    11/28/2016-     (465 )     (144 )
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in USD 03/19/2021                  
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    12/21/2016-     202     83    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in TWD 03/20/2017                  
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 week LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and 03/20/2017     97     16    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in IDR                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 28 day Mexico Total return on a custom basket of long and 03/22/2017     65     92    
  Interbank TIIE Rate plus/less spread   short securities traded in MXN                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    06/15/2017     46     4    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in CLP                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    03/22/2017     592     16    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in BRL                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    03/20/2017     9     32    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in MYR                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 week ICE Total return on a custom basket of long and 09/20/2017     1,344     109    
  LIBOR CHF plus/less spread   short securities traded in CHF                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 week EUR Total return on a custom basket of long and 08/21/2017     255     303    
  LIBOR plus/less spread   short securities traded in EUR                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 week LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and 01/19/2017-     3,494     646    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in GBP 05/19/2017                  
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 week HIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and 03/20/2017     176     335    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in HKD                    
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    03/20/2017-     106       (7 )
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in KRW 03/28/2017                  
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on the 1 month South Total return on a custom basket of long and    03/24/2017     (67 )     (93 )
  Africa Johannesburg Interbank Agreed   short securities traded in ZAR                    
  Rate plus/less spread                            
Deutsche Bank AG Floating rate based on the Poland Total return on a custom basket of long and 03/21/2017     19       (48 )
  Warsaw Interbank Offer/Bid Spot Week   short securities traded in PLN                    
  Rate plus/less spread                            
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on 1 month Euribor Total return on a custom basket of long and    11/22/2017-     (2,463 )   88    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in EUR 05/08/2018                  
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR Total return on a custom basket of long and    02/28/2017     31,384     894    
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in GBP                    


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps (continued)

                Notional     Fair Value  
Counterparty Fund Pays   Fund Receives Expiration Date   Value     Asset   Liability   
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on 1 month LIBOR     Total return on a custom basket of long and    08/22/2017 - $ 5,036 $   — $   (726 )
  plus/less spread   short securities traded in USD   10/11/2017                
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on the Bank of Japan     Total return on a custom basket of long and    08/23/2018   373     158    
  Estimate Unsecured Overnight Call Rate short securities traded in JPY                    
  plus/less spread                          
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on the Federal Funds     Total return on a custom basket of long and    09/14/2016   6,176     4,904    
  Rate plus/less spread short securities traded in USD                    
Total           $   45,886 $ 7,730 $ (1,018 )
The expiration dates are measured from the commencement of investment in each underlying swap position.                  
Amounts in thousands                            
Total Return Swaps

      Pay/Receive Financing       Notional   Fair Value  
Counterparty (Issuer) Reference Entity Contracts  Positive Return Rate   Expiration Date   Amount   Asset   Liability   
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Netherlands Net 193,108 Pay Euribor 1 Month minus .15% 09/21/2016   EUR 1 $ — $   (4 )
  Return EUR Index                          
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Italy Net Return EUR 287,705 Pay Euribor 1 Month minus .25% 09/21/2016     4     (9 )
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Italy Net Return EUR 126,915 Pay Euribor 1 Month minus .25% 09/21/2016     2     (4 )
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Italy Net Return EUR 99,459 Pay Euribor 1 Month minus .25% 09/21/2016     1     (3 )
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Italy Net Return EUR 133,257 Pay Euribor 1 Month minus .25% 09/21/2016     2     (4 )
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Italy Net Return EUR 636,586 Pay Euribor 1 Month minus .25% 09/21/2016     8     (20 )
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI Turkey Net Return 88 Receive 1 Month TRLIBOR plus .55% 09/21/2016   TRY 84     (1 )
  TRY Index                          
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 1,393,185 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016   ZAR 2   2    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 3,553,364 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016     4   5    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 1,569,186 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016     2   2    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 3,729,364 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016     4   6    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 2,451,043 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016     3   3    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 1,348,843 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016     1   2    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Morgan Stanley & Co MSCI South Africa Net 2,569,726 Pay SAFE South Africa   09/21/2016     3   4    
  Return ZAR Index     Johannesburg Interbank Agreed                
        Rate 1 Month minus .80%                  
Total                 $   24 $ (45 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                          


See accompanying notes.



      Schedule of Investments        
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Reverse Repurchase Agreements

Counterparty Coupon Rate   Maturity Date Principal Amount   Payable for Reverse Repurchase Agreements  
Barclays Bank PLC (1.25 %) Open Ended $4,680 $(4,680 )
Barclays Bank PLC (1.50 %) Open Ended 1,823   (1,824 )
Barclays Bank PLC (1.30 %) Open Ended 8,728   (8,729 )
Barclays Bank PLC (1.25 %) Open Ended 8,225   (8,225 )
Merrill Lynch (0.58 %) 09/01/2016 114,622   (114,624 )
Merrill Lynch (0.59 %) 09/01/2016 11,507   (11,507 )
Merrill Lynch (0.58 %) 09/01/2016 404   (404 )
Merrill Lynch (0.59 %) 09/01/2016 34,962   (34,963 )
Merrill Lynch (0.52 %) 09/01/2016 5,413   (5,413 )
Merrill Lynch (0.55 %) 09/01/2016 2,500   (2,500 )
Merrill Lynch (0.54 %) 09/01/2016 7,489   (7,489 )
Merrill Lynch (0.33 %) 09/01/2016 5,600   (5,600 )
Merrill Lynch (0.57 %) 09/01/2016 4,820   (4,821 )
Merrill Lynch (0.57 %) 09/01/2016 7   (7 )
Merrill Lynch (0.45 %) 09/01/2016 5,470   (5,470 )
Merrill Lynch (0.35 %) 09/01/2016 349   (349 )
Merrill Lynch (0.49 %) 09/01/2016 2,248   (2,248 )
Merrill Lynch (0.51 %) 09/01/2016 28,264   (28,264 )
Merrill Lynch (0.54 %) 09/01/2016 10,550   (10,550 )
Total         $ (257,667 )
Amounts in thousands              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS - (12.38)% Shares Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.00%             Banks (continued)            
DKSH Holding AG 1,119 $ 78   Swedbank AB 3,787 $ 87  
              UniCredit SpA 120,128   309  
              Unione di Banche Italiane SpA 72,494   195  
Aerospace & Defense - (0.23)%             United Bankshares Inc/WV 1,815   71  
Boeing Co/The 4,010   519   Zions Bancorporation 22,378   685  
Kaman Corp 6,950   312         $   14,159  
Northrop Grumman Corp 8,920   1,892                
Orbital ATK Inc 6,610   499   Beverages - (0.21)%            
TransDigm Group Inc (a) 8,510   2,427   Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 3,514   436  
United Technologies Corp 4,830   514   Brown-Forman Corp - B Shares 7,960   386  
      $   6,163   Constellation Brands Inc 14,050   2,305  
              Molson Coors Brewing Co 10,980   1,124  
Agriculture - (0.11)%             Monster Beverage Corp (a) 8,140   1,253  
Reynolds American Inc 61,237   3,036         $   5,504  
              Biotechnology - (0.14)%            
Airlines - (0.22)%             Acorda Therapeutics Inc (a) 9,560   230  
Alaska Air Group Inc 23,328   1,575   Biogen Inc (a) 2,130   651  
Delta Air Lines Inc 30,741   1,130   Celgene Corp (a) 5,740   613  
Deutsche Lufthansa AG 903   10   Illumina Inc (a) 3,840   646  
JetBlue Airways Corp (a) 71,150   1,135                
              Medicines Co/The (a) 23,030   902  
Southwest Airlines Co 59,790   2,205   Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc (a) 1,000   393  
      $   6,055   United Therapeutics Corp (a) 2,210   270  
Apparel - (0.28)%                   $   3,705  
Hanesbrands Inc 136,342   3,619                
              Building Materials - (0.08)%            
NIKE Inc 45,460   2,620                
              Buzzi Unicem SpA 2,509   53  
VF Corp 20,940   1,299                
              Geberit AG 295   129  
      $   7,538   LafargeHolcim Ltd (a) 6,534   347  
Automobile Manufacturers - (0.11)%             Martin Marietta Materials Inc 3,170   580  
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 6,071   527   Vulcan Materials Co 8,140   927  
Daimler AG 10,069   697         $   2,036  
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 49,791   343                
              Chemicals - (0.24)%            
PACCAR Inc 17,110   1,024                
              Air Products & Chemicals Inc 20,390   3,173  
Volvo AB - B Shares 26,387   283                
              Albemarle Corp 6,413   513  
      $   2,874   BASF SE 1,028   83  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - (0.19)%             EI du Pont de Nemours & Co 25,421   1,769  
Continental AG 444   93   EMS-Chemie Holding AG 110   59  
Delphi Automotive PLC 38,630   2,730   K+S AG 7,355   154  
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co/The 39,000   1,145   Novozymes A/S 5,146   223  
Johnson Controls Inc 19,922   874   OCI NV (a) 14,010   246  
Meritor Inc (a) 20,854   232   Solvay SA  840   92  
Nokian Renkaat OYJ 4,637   167   Stepan Co 5,806   408  
      $   5,241   Symrise AG 236   17  
              Wacker Chemie AG 1,738   162  
Banks - (0.51)%                   $   6,899  
Banca Generali SpA 10,618   213                
Banca Mediolanum SpA 10,755   75   Commercial Services - (0.30)%            
Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna SC 6,921   27   Abertis Infraestructuras SA 4,801   74  
Banco de Sabadell SA 102,958   140   Career Education Corp (a) 73,200   479  
Banco Popular Espanol SA 211,761   286   Global Payments Inc 22,200   1,686  
Bank of America Corp 28,190   455   Live Nation Entertainment Inc (a) 26,300   702  
Bankia SA 65,818   55   ManpowerGroup Inc 5,239   374  
CaixaBank SA 118,595   320   RELX NV 11,827   210  
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce/Canada 4,825   383   S&P Global Inc 23,790   2,939  
Capital One Financial Corp 16,002   1,146   Securitas AB 2,707   47  
Chemical Financial Corp 11,007   509   SGS SA 105   231  
Citizens Financial Group Inc 29,850   739   Sotheby's 16,290   646  
Credit Suisse Group AG (a) 40,183   524   United Rentals Inc (a) 7,495   617  
Deutsche Bank AG (a) 5,539   81   Verisk Analytics Inc (a) 7,857   653  
DNB ASA 56   1   Wirecard AG 1,008   50  
FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 9,440   57         $   8,708  
FNB Corp/PA 30,732   384                
              Computers - (0.09)%            
Hope Bancorp Inc 496   8   CACI International Inc (a) 3,090   307  
KeyCorp 48,898   614   Dell Technologies Inc (a) 195   9  
M&T Bank Corp 22,050   2,609                
              Diebold Inc 5,699   160  
Nordea Bank AB 3,771   37                
Signature Bank/New York NY (a) 22,800   2,782   DST Systems Inc 3,427   416  
              Fortinet Inc (a) 31,320   1,132  
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 19,491   190                
SVB Financial Group (a) 9,480   1,053   Gemalto NV 2,275   159  
              Western Digital Corp 1    
Svenska Handelsbanken AB 9,587   124                
                    $   2,183  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares    Value(000 's)    COMMON STOCKS (continued)      Shares    Value(000 's)    
Cosmetics & Personal Care - (0.04)%             Food - (0.62)%            
Beiersdorf AG     129 $ 12   Axfood AB 5,172 $ 92  
Estee Lauder Cos Inc/The 11,642   1,039   B&G Foods Inc 22,040   1,046  
Unilever NV 2,569   118   Barry Callebaut AG (a)     305   392  
      $   1,169   Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG     49   284  
              Chr Hansen Holding A/S 3,819   232  
Diversified Financial Services - (0.47)%             Colruyt SA 3,048   168  
Affiliated Managers Group Inc (a) 6,360   904                
              Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentacion 37,830   231  
Azimut Holding SpA 25,939   398   SA            
Charles Schwab Corp/The 67,568   2,126   Hormel Foods Corp 57,200   2,188  
Discover Financial Services 19,210   1,152   JM Smucker Co/The 3,750   532  
E*TRADE Financial Corp (a) 78,630   2,074                
              Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV (a)     587   14  
Element Financial Corp 14,216   148   Kraft Heinz Co/The 26,610   2,381  
Interactive Brokers Group Inc - A Shares 28,949   1,039   Kroger Co/The 80,310   2,569  
Julius Baer Group Ltd (a) 2,085   87                
              Marine Harvest ASA (a) 7,313   113  
MasterCard Inc 5,040   487   Mondelez International Inc 71,580   3,223  
Nasdaq Inc 12,060   859   Nestle SA     780   62  
Raymond James Financial Inc 10,830   630   Post Holdings Inc (a) 1,253   106  
Synchrony Financial 61,860   1,721   Tyson Foods Inc 45,805   3,462  
Visa Inc 17,400   1,408         $   17,095  
      $   13,033                
              Forest Products & Paper - 0.00%            
Electric - (0.24)%             Stora Enso OYJ     337   3  
Avista Corp 13,830   562                
Black Hills Corp 8,944   523                
Consolidated Edison Inc 5,870   442   Gas - (0.20)%            
Dynegy Inc (a) 10,040   127   Atmos Energy Corp 4,200   309  
E.ON SE 1,099   10   Gas Natural SDG SA 5,148   106  
EDP - Energias de Portugal SA 9,094   31   NiSource Inc 39,360   942  
Fortis Inc/Canada 23,300   733   Sempra Energy 7,750   811  
Fortum OYJ 5,265   81   South Jersey Industries Inc 10,214   303  
Great Plains Energy Inc 5,679   154   Southwest Gas Corp 4,550   318  
MDU Resources Group Inc 72,180   1,701   Spire Inc 17,000   1,100  
NorthWestern Corp 5,380   311   UGI Corp 34,381   1,564  
NRG Yield Inc - A Shares 10,509   169         $   5,453  
NRG Yield Inc - C Shares 2,680   45                
              Hand & Machine Tools - (0.05)%            
OGE Energy Corp 11,530   359                
              Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc 16,036   1,019  
PNM Resources Inc 14,300   455                
RWE AG (a) 8,386   137   Sandvik AB 30,577   332  
SCANA Corp 11,820   835         $   1,351  
      $   6,675   Healthcare - Products - (0.46)%            
              Abbott Laboratories 18,739   787  
Electrical Components & Equipment - (0.05)%             ABIOMED Inc (a) 6,450   761  
Acuity Brands Inc 5,370   1,477   Align Technology Inc (a) 18,130   1,684  
General Cable Corp 1,901   31   Boston Scientific Corp (a) 102,440   2,440  
SunPower Corp (a) 6,685   67                
              Coloplast A/S 1,282   97  
      $   1,575   Cooper Cos Inc/The 2,974   553  
Electronics - (0.13)%             Edwards Lifesciences Corp (a) 26,103   3,006  
Arrow Electronics Inc (a) 25,860   1,702   Henry Schein Inc (a) 6,280   1,029  
Electro Scientific Industries Inc (a) 19,738   110   QIAGEN NV (a) 12,812   339  
Itron Inc (a) 10,810   515   Sonova Holding AG     332   46  
TTM Technologies Inc (a) 47,082   505   Teleflex Inc 5,590   1,023  
Vishay Intertechnology Inc 19,695   279   William Demant Holding A/S (a) 8,616   180  
Woodward Inc 9,510   596   Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 4,735   614  
      $   3,707         $   12,559  
Energy - Alternate Sources - (0.05)%             Healthcare - Services - (0.51)%            
REX American Resources Corp (a) 18,000   1,448   Aetna Inc 37,632   4,408  
              Amsurg Corp (a) 17,946   1,165  
              Anthem Inc 47,095   5,890  
Engineering & Construction - (0.06)%             Centene Corp (a) 15,260   1,042  
Acciona SA 1,680   120   HCA Holdings Inc (a) 13,040   985  
Aena SA 1,340   189   UnitedHealth Group Inc 4,520   615  
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services 2,634   147                
                    $   14,105  
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc (a) 21,493   1,132   Home Builders - (0.19)%            
      $   1,588   DR Horton Inc 63,970   2,051  
              Lennar Corp - A Shares 64,630   3,057  
Entertainment - (0.01)%                   $   5,108  
AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc 2,136   65                
Lions Gate Entertainment Corp 3,220   68   Home Furnishings - (0.02)%            
Vail Resorts Inc 1,110   176   Harman International Industries Inc 7,640   647  
      $   309                


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000  's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000  's)
Housewares - (0.04)%             Media (continued)            
Newell Brands Inc 22,640 $ 1,202   Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc 2,882 $ 152  
              ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE 1,533   66  
              Schibsted ASA - A Shares 12,734   404  
Insurance - (0.72)%                          
              Schibsted ASA - B Shares     533   15  
Aegon NV 25,349   104                
              Scripps Networks Interactive Inc 29,740   1,884  
Aflac Inc 20,510   1,522   Telenet Group Holding NV (a) 4,730   222  
Allstate Corp/The 31,150   2,148                
              Time Inc 22,840   322  
Assurant Inc 28,970   2,594                
Berkshire Hathaway Inc - Class B (a) 8,060   1,213   Time Warner Inc 5,910   464  
              Walt Disney Co/The 11,320   1,069  
Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd 16,670   1,098                
First American Financial Corp 19,440   838         $   5,411  
Loews Corp 17,610   737   Metal Fabrication & Hardware - (0.03)%            
Mapfre SA 17,154   47   Assa Abloy AB 10,445   211  
Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 27,750   1,877   Tenaris SA 45,606   628  
Old Republic International Corp 52,520   1,010         $   839  
Primerica Inc 64,681   3,682                
Sampo Oyj 5,173   222   Mining - (0.06)%            
Stewart Information Services Corp 7,320   335   Alcoa Inc 150,570   1,518  
Topdanmark A/S (a) 6,844   183   Norsk Hydro ASA 1,458   6  
Tryg A/S 18,796   376         $   1,524  
UnipolSai SpA 62,894   105   Miscellaneous Manufacturers - (0.13)%            
Unum Group 34,340   1,223   Alfa Laval AB 20,020   311  
XL Group Ltd 16,785   574   Donaldson Co Inc 11,560   434  
      $   19,888   Hexpol AB 9,186   84  
Internet - (0.32)%             Textron Inc 27,370   1,118  
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd ADR(a) 19,464   1,892   Trinity Industries Inc 59,225   1,446  
Expedia Inc 16,230   1,771   Wartsila OYJ Abp     949   39  
Facebook Inc (a) 5,380   678         $   3,432  
New Media Investment Group Inc 56,297   900              
Priceline Group Inc/The (a)     445   630    Office & Business Equipment - (0.02)%            
              Pitney Bowes Inc 34,570   649  
United Internet AG     939   38                
VeriSign Inc (a) 37,589   2,798                
      $   8,707   Oil & Gas - (0.23)%            
              Cheniere Energy Inc (a) 3,387   145  
Investment Companies - (0.01)%             Concho Resources Inc (a) 3,510   454  
Ares Capital Corp 9,501   153   Eni SpA 5,658   86  
              Newfield Exploration Co (a) 14,100   611  
Iron & Steel - (0.02)%             Patterson-UTI Energy Inc 48,500   945  
Acerinox SA 3,296   41   Range Resources Corp 12,547   484  
APERAM SA 2,664   110   Statoil ASA 6,066   95  
ArcelorMittal (a) 57,744   343   Tesoro Corp 18,520   1,397  
              Transocean Ltd (a) 3,403   33  
thyssenkrupp AG 2,337   54                
      $   548   Valero Energy Corp 12,250   678  
              Western Refining Inc 48,380   1,217  
Leisure Products & Services - (0.04)%             Whiting Petroleum Corp (a) 5,847   43  
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 15,270   1,086         $   6,188  
              Oil & Gas Services - (0.15)%            
Lodging - (0.05)%             Dril-Quip Inc (a) 31,118   1,729  
Marriott International Inc/MD 18,270   1,303   Halliburton Co 6,480   279  
              Saipem SpA (a) 72,924   33  
Machinery - Construction & Mining - (0.01)%             SBM Offshore NV 37,740   554  
              SEACOR Holdings Inc (a) 18,000   1,058  
Atlas Copco AB - A Shares 11,726   332                
              Technip SA 3,135   186  
              TETRA Technologies Inc (a) 48,260   292  
Machinery - Diversified - (0.11)%             TGS Nopec Geophysical Co ASA 2,480   43  
AGCO Corp 6,860   333         $   4,174  
CNH Industrial NV 29,431   215                
Duerr AG 1,008   85   Packaging & Containers - (0.16)%            
Hexagon AB 8,408   342   Ball Corp 56,490   4,473  
Kone OYJ 4,112   207                
Nordson Corp 14,540   1,436   Pharmaceuticals - (0.24)%            
Wabtec Corp/DE 5,110   392   Allergan plc (a) 11,036   2,589  
Zardoya Otis SA 14,993   141   Depomed Inc (a) 19,620   398  
      $   3,151   McKesson Corp 6,320   1,167  
Media - (0.20)%             Merck KGaA 6,354   668  
Altice NV - A Shares (a) 26,645   445   Mylan NV (a) 13,639   578  
Atresmedia Corp de Medios de Comunicacion 16,259   192   Novartis AG 1,576   124  
SA             Roche Holding AG     385   94  
Axel Springer SE     464   24   Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd ADR 15,708   791  
Modern Times Group MTG AB 6,035   152                


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Multi-Strategy Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000  's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000  's)
Pharmaceuticals (continued)             Semiconductors (continued)            
UCB SA     783 $ 64   ASML Holding NV     373 $ 40  
      $   6,473   Broadcom Ltd 14,400   2,540  
              Cavium Inc (a)     1    
Pipelines - (0.05)%             Intel Corp 133,869   4,805  
Koninklijke Vopak NV 5,486   279   Lam Research Corp 156,929   14,644  
ONEOK Inc 22,030   1,033   Microchip Technology Inc 24,764   1,533  
      $   1,312   Micron Technology Inc (a) 27,349   451  
Private Equity - 0.00%             NVIDIA Corp 173,217   10,625  
              ON Semiconductor Corp (a) 17,714   191  
Icahn Enterprises LP 1,979   103                
              Rambus Inc (a) 40,150   555  
              Rovi Corp (a) 18,176   372  
REITS - (0.62)%             Skyworks Solutions Inc 12,970   971  
Colony Capital Inc 31,884   589         $   37,407  
Cousins Properties Inc 21,749   240                
Crown Castle International Corp 11,680   1,107   Shipbuilding - (0.04)%            
Equinix Inc 4,553   1,678   Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 7,100   1,173  
Healthcare Realty Trust Inc 51,807   1,816                
LTC Properties Inc 17,060   886   Software - (0.48)%            
Medical Properties Trust Inc 70,610   1,078   Activision Blizzard Inc 61,250   2,534  
Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 4,723   444   Akamai Technologies Inc (a) 30,720   1,686  
Spirit Realty Capital Inc 37,972   503   Amadeus IT Group SA 6,550   301  
Starwood Property Trust Inc 28,066   643   Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 9,405   652  
Summit Hotel Properties Inc 137,630   1,968   Electronic Arts Inc (a) 63,110   5,126  
Ventas Inc 34,040   2,474   IMS Health Holdings Inc (a) 32,584   972  
Welltower Inc 46,517   3,570   SAP SE 5,020   441  
      $   16,996   Take-Two Interactive Software Inc (a) 23,850   1,037  
              Tyler Technologies Inc (a) 2,890   474  
Retail - (0.78)%                          
Advance Auto Parts Inc 23,110   3,637         $   13,223  
AutoNation Inc (a) 15,560   737                
              Telecommunications - (0.34)%            
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc 2,937   136   BCE Inc 12,115   566  
Best Buy Co Inc 47,535   1,829   Cellnex Telecom SA 18,063   315  
Cie Financiere Richemont SA 6,237   359   Ciena Corp (a) 16,959   364  
CVS Health Corp 5,980   559   Deutsche Telekom AG 7,992   133  
Dick's Sporting Goods Inc 14,189   832   Freenet AG 1,495   43  
Dillard's Inc 2,141   129   General Communication Inc (a) 17,560   244  
DineEquity Inc 5,470   427   GN Store Nord A/S 4,759   102  
Dollar Tree Inc (a) 23,291   1,926                
              Koninklijke KPN NV 46,590   152  
Domino's Pizza Inc 9,590   1,434   Leap Wireless International Inc - Rights (a),(b),(c) 7,565   24  
Dufry AG (a)     918   107                
              Level 3 Communications Inc (a) 46,732   2,319  
First Cash Financial Services Inc 3,617   187   Millicom International Cellular SA 1,507   77  
Foot Locker Inc 18,887   1,240   Nokia OYJ 63,877   360  
GameStop Corp 4,833   137   Palo Alto Networks Inc (a) 8,664   1,154  
Gap Inc/The 5,824   145   SES SA 14,290   329  
GNC Holdings Inc 5,243   110   Tele2 AB 56,560   470  
Hennes & Mauritz AB 12,024   366   Telecom Italia SpA/Milano (a) 238,674   217  
HUGO BOSS AG 3,132   191   Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 25,779   106  
JC Penney Co Inc (a) 170,011   1,603                
              Telefonica SA 6,456   65  
Kohl's Corp 3,382   150   Telenor ASA     770   14  
L Brands Inc 1,867   142   T-Mobile US Inc (a) 51,685   2,395  
Luxottica Group SpA 8,115   392                
                    $   9,449  
Macy's Inc 3,787   137                
Nordstrom Inc 3,326   168   Textiles - (0.03)%            
Pandora A/S     722   90   Mohawk Industries Inc (a) 4,130   879  
Salvatore Ferragamo SpA 19,853   453                
Starbucks Corp 19,730   1,109                
              Transportation - (0.20)%            
Swatch Group AG/The 1,571   405                
Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc (a) 3,200   791   FedEx Corp 7,860   1,296  
              Heartland Express Inc 26,850   511  
Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 7,960   642                
              Kuehne + Nagel International AG 1,107   155  
Williams-Sonoma Inc 2,465   130   Old Dominion Freight Line Inc (a) 20,390   1,450  
World Fuel Services Corp 23,525   1,049                
Zalando SE (a)     262   10   Ship Finance International Ltd 23,869   360  
              Union Pacific Corp 16,220   1,550  
      $   21,759   YRC Worldwide Inc (a) 16,895   196  
Savings & Loans - (0.08)%                   $   5,518  
BofI Holding Inc (a) 65,847   1,416                
New York Community Bancorp Inc 47,194   713    Water - (0.06)%            
              American Water Works Co Inc 7,260   537  
      $   2,129   California Water Service Group 32,610   995  
Semiconductors - (1.35)%                   $   1,532  
ams AG 9,930   337   TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (proceeds $311,576)     $   341,017  
Analog Devices Inc 5,482   343                


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Global Multi-Strategy Fund August 31, 2016

Short Sales Outstanding

  PREFERRED STOCKS - (0.04)%     Shares Value(000 's)       Principal    
                    BONDS (continued) Amount (000's) Value (000's) 
  Automobile Manufacturers - (0.02)%                            
  Volkswagen AG 0.17%     3,539 $ 490   Sovereign (continued)        
                    Turkey Government International Bond        
                      7.38%, 02/05/2025 $ 2,027 $ 2,438
  Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.00%                            
  Schaeffler AG 0.35%     1,700   26         $   16,729
                    TOTAL BONDS (proceeds $47,831)   $   49,659
                    U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT   Principal    
  Chemicals - (0.01)%                 AGENCY OBLIGATIONS - (11.95)% Amount (000's)    Value (000's)
  FUCHS PETROLUB SE 0.82%     7,067   321              
                    U.S. Treasury - (11.95)%        
                      0.75%, 07/15/2019 $ 16,421 $ 16,349
  Consumer Products - (0.01)%                   0.88%, 06/15/2019   1,231   1,230
  Henkel AG & Co KGaA 1.47%      554     73     1.13%, 07/31/2021   3,476   3,465
                      1.38%, 01/31/2021   661   667
  Electronics - 0.00%                   1.50%, 08/15/2026   3,043   3,024
  Sartorius AG 0.38%      848     67     1.63%, 05/15/2026   65,781   66,030
                      2.50%, 05/15/2046   88,820   94,007
  TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS (proceeds $884)     $   977     3.00%, 11/15/2045   13,317   15,519
      Principal         3.13%, 11/15/2041   50,948   60,503
BONDS- (1.80 )% Amount (000's)            Value (000's)     4.50%, 02/15/2036   32,790   46,877
                      5.38%, 02/15/2031   7,034   10,339
  Chemicals - (0.03)%                   6.25%, 05/15/2030   7,074   11,005
  Chemours Co/The                       $   329,015
  6.63%, 05/15/2023   $     750 $ 720   TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT & GOVERNMENT AGENCY $   329,015
                    OBLIGATIONS (proceeds $328,906)        
  Commercial Services - (0.07)%                 TOTAL SHORT SALES (proceeds $689,197)   $   720,668
  United Rentals North America Inc                            
  5.75%, 11/15/2024     1,969   2,058              
                    (a) Non-Income Producing Security        
  Diversified Financial Services - (0.06)%                 (b) Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager
  International Lease Finance Corp                   under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Board of
  5.88%, 08/15/2022     1,436   1,621     Directors. At the end of the period, the fair value of these securities totaled
                      $24 or 0.85% of net assets.        
                    (c) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities
  Electric - (0.48)%                    totaled $24 or 0.85% of net assets.        
  Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co 2                            
  3.47%, 04/08/2023     13,000   13,325              
  Lodging - (0.04)%                            
  Wynn Las Vegas LLC / Wynn Las Vegas                            
  Capital Corp                            
  5.50%, 03/01/2025     1,000   1,010              
  Mining - (0.24)%                            
  Rio Tinto Finance PLC                            
  2.88%, 12/11/2024   EUR 5,000   6,674              
  Pharmaceuticals - (0.24)%                            
  Endo Finance LLC                            
  5.75%, 01/15/2022   $ 2,000   1,864              
  Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc                            
  5.38%, 03/15/2020     5,000   4,712              
            $   6,576              
  Retail - (0.03)%                            
  Macy's Retail Holdings Inc                            
  4.50%, 12/15/2034     1,000   946              
  Sovereign - (0.61)%                            
  Colombia Government International Bond                            
  4.00%, 02/26/2024     1,810   1,905              
  5.00%, 06/15/2045         556   602              
  Kazakhstan Government International Bond                            
  5.13%, 07/21/2025     2,465   2,771              
  Oman Government International Bond                            
  4.75%, 06/15/2026     5,000   5,171              
  South Africa Government International Bond                            
  4.88%, 04/14/2026     3,694   3,842              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 97.08% Shares Held Value (000's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.90%       Engineering & Construction (continued)          
Interpublic Group of Cos Inc/The 2,676 $ 62 Obayashi Corp 6,000 $   56  
        Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura 3,100     37  
Agriculture - 5.70%       SAB de CV          
British American Tobacco PLC 2,314   144 Vinci SA 1,385     105  
Imperial Brands PLC 1,341   70     $   307  
KT&G Corp 657   69 Environmental Control - 0.71%          
Philip Morris International Inc 1,115   111 Waste Management Inc 765     49  
    $ 394            
Apparel - 0.52%       Food - 1.81%          
Adidas AG 219   36 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV (b) 2,289     55  
        Kroger Co/The 2,187     70  
Automobile Manufacturers - 0.55%           $   125  
Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 28,000   38 Food Service - 1.07%          
        Compass Group PLC 3,933     74  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.90%                  
Toyota Industries Corp 1,300   62 Gas - 1.06%          
        National Grid PLC 5,299     73  
Banks - 8.69%                  
77 Bank Ltd/The 10,000   42 Healthcare - Services - 2.79%          
Bank of Nova Scotia/The 1,100   59 Anthem Inc 632     79  
BNP Paribas SA 1,303   66 Centene Corp (b) 1,668     114  
JPMorgan Chase & Co 2,758   186     $   193  
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 10,100   56 Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.61%          
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 1,100   38 Wharf Holdings Ltd/The 6,000     42  
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 26,000   93            
SunTrust Banks Inc 1,375   61 Insurance - 5.57%          
    $ 601 Everest Re Group Ltd 274     53  
Beverages - 0.74%       NN Group NV 1,959     58  
Diageo PLC 1,853   51 Prudential Financial Inc 679     54  
        SCOR SE 2,114     62  
Biotechnology - 7.49%       Swiss Re AG 624     53  
Amgen Inc (a) 1,140   194 Travelers Cos Inc/The 589     70  
Charles River Laboratories International Inc 765   64 Unum Group 982     35  
(b)           $   385  
Genmab A/S (b) 192   31 Internet - 4.99%          
Gilead Sciences Inc (a) 2,927   229 Alphabet Inc - A Shares (b) 202     160  
    $ 518 Auto Trader Group PLC (c) 6,294     31  
Chemicals - 0.72%       Facebook Inc (b) 532     67  
Lonza Group AG (b) 264   50 Symantec Corp 1,921     46  
        Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,600     41  
Commercial Services - 3.08%           $   345  
AMN Healthcare Services Inc (b) 1,195   43 Machinery - Construction & Mining - 1.45%          
Aramark 1,781   68 ABB Ltd (b) 2,381     52  
Qualicorp SA 5,200   36 Hitachi Ltd 10,000     48  
Total System Services Inc 1,331   66     $   100  
    $ 213 Machinery - Diversified - 0.82%          
Computers - 4.73%       Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 13,000     57  
Accenture PLC - Class A 1,196   138            
Capgemini SA 1,004   98 Media - 0.88%          
Synopsys Inc (b) 1,538   91 CBS Corp 1,193     61  
    $ 327            
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 1.01%       Mining - 1.08%          
Unilever NV 1,530   70 Barrick Gold Corp 2,013     34  
        Kinross Gold Corp (b) 10,200     41  
Distribution & Wholesale - 0.55%           $   75  
HD Supply Holdings Inc (b) 1,054   38 Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 1.85%          
        Siemens AG 1,074     128  
Diversified Financial Services - 0.52%                  
ORIX Corp 2,500   36 Oil & Gas - 1.79%          
        Exxon Mobil Corp 409     36  
Electric - 3.08%       Lukoil PJSC ADR 941     42  
Exelon Corp 1,640   56 Seven Generations Energy Ltd (b) 2,000     46  
Iberdrola SA 9,307   61     $   124  
Korea Electric Power Corp 1,138   59 Packaging & Containers - 0.69%          
Tenaga Nasional BHD 10,000   37 Packaging Corp of America 615     48  
    $ 213            
Electronics - 0.85%       Pharmaceuticals - 6.09%          
Honeywell International Inc 506   59 AbbVie Inc 1,912     123  
        Pfizer Inc 3,826     133  
Engineering & Construction - 4.44%       Shire PLC 1,555     97  
Aena SA (c) 267   38 VCA Inc (b) 957     68  
Eiffage SA 487   38     $   421  
EMCOR Group Inc 573   33            


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments

Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) Portfolio Summary (unaudited)    
Pipelines - 0.85%           Country Percent  
TransCanada Corp 1,300 $   59   United States 49.15 %
            Japan 8.61 %
Private Equity - 0.78%           United Kingdom 8.22 %
3i Group PLC 6,724     54   France 7.01 %
            Canada 5.09 %
Real Estate - 1.13%           China 2.73 %
Brookfield Asset Management Inc 2,300     78   Korea, Republic Of 2.63 %
            Germany 2.38 %
REITS - 1.78%           Switzerland 2.23 %
Digital Realty Trust Inc 400     40   Ireland 1.99 %
Extra Space Storage Inc 554     45   Netherlands 1.65 %
Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 409     38   Spain 1.44 %
    $   123   Brazil 1.27 %
Retail - 1.34%           Bermuda 0.77 %
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc 700     36   Indonesia 0.71 %
CVS Health Corp 614     57   Hong Kong 0.61 %
    $   93   Russian Federation 0.61 %
Semiconductors - 2.01%           Taiwan, Province Of China 0.56 %
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 37     54   Mexico 0.54 %
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 7,000     39   Malaysia 0.52 %
Tokyo Electron Ltd 500     46   Denmark 0.44 %
    $   139   Other Assets and Liabilities 0.84 %
Shipbuilding - 0.85%           TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00 %
Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 355     59        
Software - 2.76%                
Microsoft Corp (a) 2,240     129        
NetEase Inc ADR 293     62        
    $   191        
Telecommunications - 6.19%                
AT&T Inc 847     35        
China Telecom Corp Ltd 90,000     46        
Cisco Systems Inc 5,863     184        
NTT DOCOMO Inc 2,500     63        
Orange SA 3,351     51        
Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 154,400     49        
    $   428        
Water - 1.66%                
Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao 5,700     51        
Veolia Environnement SA 2,986     64        
    $   115        
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $   6,714        
INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 2.08% Shares Held   Value(000 's)      
Money Market Funds - 2.08%                
Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds - 143,870     144        
Government Portfolio                
Total Investments   $   6,858        
Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.84%   $   58        
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $   6,916        


(a)      Security or a portion of the security was pledged to cover margin requirements for futures contracts. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $493 or 7.13% of net assets.
(b)      Non-Income Producing Security
(c)      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $69 or 1.00% of net assets.
    Futures Contracts            
Type Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value   Fair Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
eMini MSCI EAFE; September 2016 Short 30 $ 2,385 $   2,531 $ (146 )
eMini MSCI Emerging Markets; September 2016 Short 6   242     266   (24 )


See accompanying notes.



    Schedule of Investments            
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund
August 31, 2016
Futures Contracts (continued)

Type Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value   Fair Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
S&P 500 Emini; September 2016 Short 33 $ 3,429 $   3,580 $ (151 )
Total             $   (321 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                    


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Global Opportunities Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 98.46% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.86%           Engineering & Construction (continued)          
Interpublic Group of Cos Inc/The 493,350 $   11,416   Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura 538,265 $   6,454  
            SAB de CV          
Agriculture - 6.01%           Vinci SA 264,339     20,084  
British American Tobacco PLC 468,651     29,076       $   60,541  
Imperial Brands PLC 275,785     14,466   Environmental Control - 0.77%          
KT&G Corp 137,331     14,398   Waste Management Inc 160,655     10,272  
Philip Morris International Inc 218,759     21,860              
    $   79,800   Food - 1.73%          
Apparel - 0.58%           Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV (a) 418,627     10,050  
Adidas AG 46,005     7,646   Kroger Co/The 403,197     12,898  
                $   22,948  
Automobile Manufacturers - 0.50%           Food Service - 1.13%          
Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 4,856,000     6,675   Compass Group PLC 790,058     14,954  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.82%           Gas - 1.17%          
Toyota Industries Corp 226,000     10,842   National Grid PLC 1,130,785     15,562  
Banks - 8.55%           Healthcare - Services - 2.56%          
Bank of Nova Scotia/The 231,600     12,329   Anthem Inc 102,807     12,859  
BNP Paribas SA 270,926     13,836   Centene Corp (a) 309,794     21,156  
JPMorgan Chase & Co 508,687     34,336       $   34,015  
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2,121,100     11,684   Holding Companies - Diversified - 0.65%          
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 275,300     9,631   Wharf Holdings Ltd/The 1,221,000     8,605  
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 5,491,000     19,703              
SunTrust Banks Inc 272,944     12,029   Insurance - 5.75%          
    $   113,548   Everest Re Group Ltd 49,701     9,611  
Beverages - 0.74%           NN Group NV 411,154     12,276  
Diageo PLC 352,938     9,782   Prudential Financial Inc 128,196     10,176  
            SCOR SE 438,991     12,953  
Biotechnology - 7.76%           Swiss Re AG 113,257     9,571  
Amgen Inc 234,575     39,892   Travelers Cos Inc/The 120,884     14,350  
Charles River Laboratories International Inc 133,643     11,120   Unum Group 206,970     7,370  
(a)               $   76,307  
Genmab A/S (a) 36,761     5,872   Internet - 5.08%          
Gilead Sciences Inc 589,298     46,189   Alphabet Inc - A Shares (a) 38,227     30,194  
    $   103,073   Auto Trader Group PLC (b) 1,166,975     5,717  
Chemicals - 0.74%           Facebook Inc (a) 107,798     13,595  
Lonza Group AG (a) 51,530     9,777   Symantec Corp 399,645     9,643  
            Tencent Holdings Ltd 322,600     8,360  
Commercial Services - 3.23%               $   67,509  
AMN Healthcare Services Inc (a) 252,310     9,141   Machinery - Construction & Mining - 1.42%          
Aramark 340,589     12,918   ABB Ltd (a) 431,114     9,352  
Qualicorp SA 1,058,100     7,386   Hitachi Ltd 1,964,000     9,441  
Total System Services Inc 272,850     13,438       $   18,793  
    $   42,883   Machinery - Diversified - 0.88%          
Computers - 4.45%           Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 2,680,000     11,693  
Accenture PLC - Class A 216,921     24,946              
Capgemini SA 177,887     17,381   Media - 0.88%          
Synopsys Inc (a) 281,924     16,715   CBS Corp 229,832     11,728  
    $   59,042              
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 1.14%           Mining - 1.10%          
Unilever NV 330,137     15,190   Barrick Gold Corp 429,106     7,299  
            Kinross Gold Corp (a) 1,832,400     7,322  
Distribution & Wholesale - 0.60%               $   14,621  
HD Supply Holdings Inc (a) 219,278     7,918   Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 1.79%          
            Siemens AG 198,798     23,716  
Diversified Financial Services - 0.53%                      
ORIX Corp 486,300     7,008   Oil & Gas - 2.14%          
            Antero Resources Corp (a) 155,017     3,962  
Electric - 3.18%           Exxon Mobil Corp 87,053     7,586  
Exelon Corp 343,455     11,678   Lukoil PJSC ADR 170,554     7,643  
Iberdrola SA 1,912,589     12,598   Seven Generations Energy Ltd (a) 400,400     9,221  
Korea Electric Power Corp 218,018     11,324       $   28,412  
Tenaga Nasional BHD 1,833,300     6,659   Packaging & Containers - 0.70%          
    $   42,259   Packaging Corp of America 118,573     9,323  
Electronics - 0.82%                      
Honeywell International Inc 93,277     10,886   Pharmaceuticals - 6.10%          
            AbbVie Inc 342,142     21,931  
Engineering & Construction - 4.56%           Pfizer Inc 781,583     27,199  
Aena SA (b) 56,024     7,919   Shire PLC 280,536     17,520  
Eiffage SA 101,853     7,987   VCA Inc (a) 202,485     14,338  
EMCOR Group Inc 109,085     6,246       $   80,988  
Obayashi Corp 1,282,900     11,851              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Global Opportunities Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) Portfolio Summary (unaudited)    
Pipelines - 0.90%           Country Percent  
TransCanada Corp 263,800 $   11,963   United States 48.23 %
            United Kingdom 8.67 %
Private Equity - 0.78%           Japan 8.46 %
3i Group PLC 1,282,079     10,348   France 7.21 %
            Canada 5.29 %
Real Estate - 1.07%           Korea, Republic Of 2.77 %
Brookfield Asset Management Inc 420,024     14,173   China 2.63 %
            Germany 2.37 %
REITS - 1.69%           Switzerland 2.17 %
Digital Realty Trust Inc 77,819     7,711   Ireland 1.88 %
Extra Space Storage Inc 92,384     7,442   Netherlands 1.68 %
Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 77,519     7,286   Spain 1.55 %
    $   22,439   Brazil 1.35 %
Retail - 1.51%           Indonesia 0.74 %
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc 153,716     7,927   Bermuda 0.72 %
CVS Health Corp 129,393     12,086   Hong Kong 0.65 %
    $   20,013   Russian Federation 0.58 %
Semiconductors - 2.09%           Taiwan, Province Of China 0.56 %
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 7,716     11,192   Malaysia 0.50 %
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 1,329,000     7,380   Mexico 0.49 %
Tokyo Electron Ltd 100,100     9,216   Denmark 0.44 %
    $   27,788   Other Assets and Liabilities 1.06 %
Shipbuilding - 0.87%           TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00 %
Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 69,795     11,528        
Software - 2.82%                
Microsoft Corp 452,709     26,013        
NetEase Inc ADR 54,172     11,483        
    $   37,496        
Telecommunications - 6.03%                
AT&T Inc 166,958     6,825        
China Telecom Corp Ltd 16,590,000     8,548        
Cisco Systems Inc 1,053,351     33,118        
NTT DOCOMO Inc 451,600     11,389        
Orange SA 678,914     10,349        
Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 31,116,400     9,833        
    $   80,062        
Water - 1.78%                
Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao 1,152,500     10,432        
Veolia Environnement SA 620,048     13,213        
    $   23,645        
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $   1,307,187        
INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 0.48% Shares Held   Value(000 's)      
Money Market Funds - 0.48%                
Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds - 6,378,186     6,378        
Government Portfolio                
Total Investments   $   1,313,565        
Other Assets and Liabilities - 1.06%   $   14,034        
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $   1,327,599        


(a)      Non-Income Producing Security
(b)      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $13,636 or 1.03% of net assets.

See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
International Small Company Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 96.93% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.20%           Diversified Financial Services (continued)          
Stroeer SE & Co KGaA 7,381 $   341   Century Tokyo Leasing Corp 28,300 $   1,064  
            Euronext NV (b) 15,486     654  
Apparel - 0.76%           Ichigo Inc 248,700     1,013  
Gunze Ltd 141,000     416   Intermediate Capital Group PLC 143,040     1,119  
Moncler SpA 53,149     882   Worldpay Group PLC (a),(b) 186,033     730  
    $   1,298   Zenkoku Hosho Co Ltd 23,900     939  
Automobile Manufacturers - 0.83%               $   6,337  
New Flyer Industries Inc 43,900     1,414   Electric - 1.03%          
            Hera SpA 358,260     993  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 3.95%           Iren SpA 465,011     766  
Calsonic Kansei Corp 73,000     575       $   1,759  
Georg Fischer AG 1,710     1,376   Electrical Components & Equipment - 1.59%          
Plastic Omnium SA 23,980     767   Fujikura Ltd 199,000     1,119  
Rheinmetall AG 18,753     1,353   Gamesa Corp Tecnologica SA 69,696     1,600  
TS Tech Co Ltd 45,700     1,063       $   2,719  
Unipres Corp 50,890     910   Electronics - 2.63%          
Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd (a) 822,000     707   Alps Electric Co Ltd 27,700     627  
    $   6,751   dorma+kaba Holding AG 1,825     1,433  
Banks - 3.29%           Mycronic AB 42,316     502  
77 Bank Ltd/The 249,000     1,039   Orbotech Ltd (a) 36,895     1,055  
Aareal Bank AG 36,375     1,223   Osaki Electric Co Ltd 97,000     889  
Israel Discount Bank Ltd (a) 536,588     969       $   4,506  
Joyo Bank Ltd/The 213,000     847   Engineering & Construction - 3.99%          
OneSavings Bank PLC 92,239     324   Aecon Group Inc 28,100     393  
Suruga Bank Ltd 51,300     1,222   Eiffage SA 16,852     1,322  
    $   5,624   Keller Group PLC 42,655     509  
Beverages - 2.10%           Kinden Corp 96,800     1,060  
Britvic PLC 86,774     733   Kyudenko Corp 35,300     1,115  
Fevertree Drinks PLC 43,495     561   Maeda Corp 107,000     893  
Royal Unibrew A/S 23,923     1,180   Toda Corp 167,000     851  
Treasury Wine Estates Ltd 132,458     1,115   Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp 60,700     673  
    $   3,589       $   6,816  
Biotechnology - 0.43%           Entertainment - 0.34%          
Genmab A/S (a) 4,598     734   Evolution Gaming Group AB (b) 19,334     582  
Building Materials - 1.12%           Food - 2.82%          
Buzzi Unicem SpA 57,341     1,220   Bellamy's Australia Ltd 77,413     767  
Nichiha Corp 38,000     703   Ebro Foods SA 47,298     1,059  
    $   1,923   Ezaki Glico Co Ltd 15,800     792  
Chemicals - 3.19%           Greencore Group PLC 143,361     661  
Covestro AG (b) 15,234     792   Megmilk Snow Brand Co Ltd 25,800     795  
Denka Co Ltd 203,000     858   Sonae SGPS SA 892,238     746  
DIC Corp 47,600     1,450       $   4,820  
Lenzing AG 7,773     921   Forest Products & Paper - 1.08%          
Sanyo Chemical Industries Ltd 89,000     751   BillerudKorsnas AB 58,553     998  
Tosoh Corp 110,000     679   Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 34,177     844  
    $   5,451       $   1,842  
Commercial Services - 3.39%           Gas - 0.93%          
Kanamoto Co Ltd 41,600     879   Rubis SCA 19,421     1,588  
Loomis AB 42,325     1,212              
Northgate PLC 92,457     512   Healthcare - Products - 1.57%          
QinetiQ Group PLC 326,704     989   Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 15,814     575  
Rentokil Initial PLC 554,678     1,558   DiaSorin SpA 11,110     718  
Societa Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi SpA 67,062     651   Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd 144,711     1,015  
    $   5,801   Ypsomed Holding AG (a) 2,011     372  
Computers - 2.64%               $   2,680  
Bechtle AG 5,003     558   Healthcare - Services - 1.94%          
DTS Corp 29,100     599   Eurofins Scientific SE 3,135     1,272  
NS Solutions Corp 39,400     683   Orpea 13,929     1,212  
Teleperformance 16,913     1,755   UDG Healthcare PLC 104,153     838  
Tieto OYJ 30,974     924       $   3,322  
    $   4,519   Home Builders - 1.63%          
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 1.87%           Bellway PLC 26,423     809  
Lion Corp 97,000     1,358   Galliford Try PLC 33,580     501  
Oriflame Holding AG (a) 27,025     832   Haseko Corp 107,300     1,017  
Pola Orbis Holdings Inc 12,700     1,014   Redrow PLC 95,806     467  
    $   3,204       $   2,794  
Distribution & Wholesale - 0.93%           Home Furnishings - 0.48%          
Inchcape PLC 117,932     1,087   Zojirushi Corp 52,300     819  
Trusco Nakayama Corp 11,100     510              
    $   1,597   Insurance - 2.38%          
Diversified Financial Services - 3.71%           Beazley PLC 200,921     1,029  
BOC Aviation Ltd (a),(b) 157,500     818   Challenger Ltd/Australia 185,348     1,278  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
International Small Company Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Insurance (continued)           Pharmaceuticals (continued)          
Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 100,554 $   488   Recordati SpA 45,006 $   1,362  
Hiscox Ltd 82,314     1,129       $   4,794  
SCOR SE 4,836     143   Private Equity - 1.89%          
    $   4,067   3i Group PLC 178,923     1,444  
Internet - 1.77%           Alaris Royalty Corp 28,191     494  
ASOS PLC (a) 11,821     703   AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co 14,402     812  
Just Eat PLC (a) 152,647     1,085   KGaA          
Rightmove PLC 22,865     1,231   SVG Capital PLC (a) 65,126     477  
    $   3,019       $   3,227  
Iron & Steel - 0.58%           Real Estate - 5.56%          
BlueScope Steel Ltd 152,033     991   BUWOG AG (a) 40,632     1,057  
            Castellum AB 104,498     1,580  
Leisure Products & Services - 0.38%           Conwert Immobilien Invest SE (a) 47,712     838  
Daiichikosho Co Ltd 16,900     655   Grand City Properties SA 52,084     1,142  
            Hemfosa Fastigheter AB 107,926     1,194  
Lodging - 0.89%           Sponda OYJ 103,076     538  
Star Entertainment Grp Ltd/The 343,832     1,522   Starts Corp Inc 18,000     309  
            TLG Immobilien AG 31,527     713  
Machinery - Diversified - 2.04%           UNITE Group PLC/The 100,912     831  
Daihen Corp 8,000     42   UOL Group Ltd 219,700     895  
Ebara Corp 202,000     1,040   Wheelock & Co Ltd 72,000     411  
KION Group AG 25,912     1,475       $   9,508  
Tsubakimoto Chain Co 123,000     930   REITS - 4.69%          
    $   3,487   Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 23,959     673  
Media - 1.48%           Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI SA 30,210     389  
Corus Entertainment Inc 107,200     1,005   Hibernia REIT plc 453,833     708  
Informa PLC 143,589     1,336   Hulic Reit Inc 440     776  
Sanoma OYJ 20,083     185   Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corp 1,175     1,011  
    $   2,526   Mapletree Commercial Trust 559,058     640  
Mining - 3.63%           MCUBS MidCity Investment Corp 204     687  
Detour Gold Corp (a) 46,890     1,058   Milestone Apartments Real Estate Investment 43,800     658  
HudBay Minerals Inc 158,066     641   Trust          
Independence Group NL 216,311     597   Orix JREIT Inc 747     1,307  
Kirkland Lake Gold Inc (a) 70,200     572   Pure Industrial Real Estate Trust 91,200     382  
Lundin Mining Corp (a) 223,864     847   Smart Real Estate Investment Trust 28,954     782  
Northern Star Resources Ltd 200,509     614       $   8,013  
OceanaGold Corp 246,773     777   Retail - 5.73%          
Sandfire Resources NL 108,154     445   Dollarama Inc 10,860     802  
St Barbara Ltd (a) 302,668     648   Domino's Pizza Group PLC 184,508     870  
    $   6,199   Izumi Co Ltd 12,900     507  
Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.90%           JD Sports Fashion PLC 41,954     711  
Aalberts Industries NV 36,458     1,225   K's Holdings Corp 58,000     916  
Hill & Smith Holdings PLC 20,201     310   Man Wah Holdings Ltd 1,113,600     756  
    $   1,535   Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co Ltd 12,900     569  
Office Furnishings - 0.11%           Shimamura Co Ltd 5,700     660  
Okamura Corp 20,900     192   Toridoll.corp 19,700     414  
            Tsuruha Holdings Inc 7,100     696  
Oil & Gas - 4.21%           Valor Holdings Co Ltd 44,400     1,199  
Birchcliff Energy Ltd (a) 72,886     505   Valora Holding AG 3,223     878  
Cardinal Energy Ltd 54,710     358   Yamada Denki Co Ltd 174,100     814  
DCC PLC 13,984     1,273       $   9,792  
Det Norske Oljeselskap ASA (a) 47,873     650   Semiconductors - 1.60%          
Ensign Energy Services Inc 55,100     324   BE Semiconductor Industries NV 42,759     1,343  
Parex Resources Inc (a) 79,767     944   Tower Semiconductor Ltd (a) 34,843     546  
Raging River Exploration Inc (a) 114,689     930   Ulvac Inc 29,900     843  
Seven Generations Energy Ltd (a) 39,000     898       $   2,732  
Spartan Energy Corp (a) 157,158     404   Software - 2.23%          
Whitecap Resources Inc 119,319     905   Kinaxis Inc (a) 23,100     1,095  
    $   7,191   NetEnt AB (a) 68,796     569  
Oil & Gas Services - 0.48%           Nexon Co Ltd 41,900     575  
Technip SA 13,926     825   Open Text Corp 14,200     893  
            TIS Inc 29,000     688  
Packaging & Containers - 1.73%               $   3,820  
CCL Industries Inc 3,182     607   Telecommunications - 1.55%          
Orora Ltd 449,684     1,046   ADVA Optical Networking SE (a) 71,501     610  
RPC Group PLC 114,855     1,311   Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc 44,200     785  
    $   2,964   Spark New Zealand Ltd 455,370     1,256  
Pharmaceuticals - 2.80%               $   2,651  
Amplifon SpA 135,009     1,420   Transportation - 1.86%          
Indivior PLC 56,589     234   National Express Group PLC 229,550     1,066  
Kaken Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 18,000     1,017   Sankyu Inc 221,000     1,260  
Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 16,400     761              


See accompanying notes.



        Schedule of Investments  
        International Small Company Fund  
        August 31, 2016  
COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Transportation (continued)          
Seino Holdings Co Ltd 81,800 $   858  
    $   3,184  
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $   165,724  
INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 1.48% Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Money Market Funds - 1.48%          
Goldman Sachs Financial Square Funds - 2,523,414     2,523  
Government Fund          
PREFERRED STOCKS - 1.44% Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Electronics - 0.71%          
Sartorius AG 0.38%(c) 15,289 $   1,208  
Machinery - Diversified - 0.73%          
Jungheinrich AG 0.40%(c) 39,840     1,251  
Total Investments   $   170,706  
Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.15%   $   263  
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $   170,969  


(a)      Non-Income Producing Security
(b)      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $3,576 or 2.09% of net assets.
(c)      Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.
Portfolio Summary (unaudited)

Country Percent  
Japan 28.48 %
United Kingdom 13.48 %
Canada 9.91 %
Germany 6.39 %
Australia 5.73 %
Italy 4.69 %
France 4.44 %
Sweden 3.88 %
Switzerland 2.87 %
Ireland 2.52 %
Netherlands 1.89 %
United States 1.87 %
Spain 1.79 %
Austria 1.65 %
Israel 1.50 %
Luxembourg 1.41 %
Singapore 1.38 %
New Zealand 1.32 %
Denmark 1.12 %
Hong Kong 1.09 %
Finland 0.96 %
Bermuda 0.66 %
Portugal 0.44 %
Norway 0.38 %
Other Assets and Liabilities 0.15 %


See accompanying notes.



     Schedule of Investments Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 88.31% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.90%           Banks (continued)          
JCDecaux SA 71,789 $   2,473   Nordea Bank AB 122,968 $   1,201  
Omnicom Group Inc (a) 5,171     446   Northern Trust Corp 484     34  
    $   2,919   PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The 1,049     95  
Aerospace & Defense - 1.48%           Regions Financial Corp 39,115     390  
            Signature Bank/New York NY (b) 2,156     263  
Airbus Group SE 3,315     194              
Boeing Co/The 6,390     827   State Street Corp 833     59  
General Dynamics Corp 1,265     193   SunTrust Banks Inc 2,586     114  
Harris Corp (a) 2,714     252   US Bancorp 3,675     162  
L-3 Communications Holdings Inc (a) 1,683     251   Wells Fargo & Co 19,069     968  
Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA (b) 60,000     685   Western Alliance Bancorp (a),(b) 40,983     1,566  
Lockheed Martin Corp (a) 9,125     2,217   Zions Bancorporation (a) 4,484     137  
Northrop Grumman Corp 382     81       $   22,226  
United Technologies Corp 1,196     127   Beverages - 3.07%          
    $   4,827   Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 3,000     372  
Agriculture - 1.69%           Brown-Forman Corp - B Shares 846     41  
            Coca-Cola Co/The (a) 7,931     345  
Altria Group Inc 13,634     901              
            Constellation Brands Inc (a) 35,860     5,883  
British American Tobacco PLC 48,774     3,026              
Philip Morris International Inc (a) 781     78   Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc (a) 2,714     254  
            Molson Coors Brewing Co (a) 27,378     2,801  
Reynolds American Inc 13,426     666              
Swedish Match AB 24,108     858   PepsiCo Inc 3,081     329  
    $   5,529       $   10,025  
Airlines - 0.52%           Biotechnology - 2.94%          
Alaska Air Group Inc (a) 2,691     182   Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc (b) 5,869     410  
American Airlines Group Inc 1,143     41   Amgen Inc 7,029     1,195  
Delta Air Lines Inc (a) 16,374     602   Biogen Inc (a),(b) 6,570     2,008  
Southwest Airlines Co (a) 13,561     500   Celgene Corp (b) 5,218     557  
United Continental Holdings Inc (a),(b) 7,061     356   Gilead Sciences Inc (a) 48,133     3,773  
            Incyte Corp (b) 4,429     359  
    $   1,681              
            Intrexon Corp (b) 35,000     884  
Apparel - 0.53%           Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc (b) 4,119     389  
Adidas AG 500     83              
Michael Kors Holdings Ltd (a),(b) 3,928     192       $   9,575  
Moncler SpA 65,000     1,079   Building Materials - 0.60%          
NIKE Inc 3,597     207   HeidelbergCement AG 6,814     632  
Ralph Lauren Corp (a) 1,816     188   LafargeHolcim Ltd (b) 24,233     1,287  
    $   1,749   Masco Corp 658     23  
Automobile Manufacturers - 1.38%               $   1,942  
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 15,893     1,381   Chemicals - 2.33%          
Daimler AG 12,491     865   Air Products & Chemicals Inc 760     118  
Ferrari NV 11,807     569   Akzo Nobel NV 7,273     490  
            Albemarle Corp (a) 16,122     1,290  
Ford Motor Co 8,489     107              
General Motors Co (a) 34,982     1,117   Eastman Chemical Co (a) 3,232     220  
PACCAR Inc (a) 7,663     458   FMC Corp (a) 2,927     137  
    $   4,497   International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 161     22  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.43%           Koninklijke DSM NV 8,333     582  
BorgWarner Inc (a) 4,684     161   LANXESS AG 5,500     293  
Delphi Automotive PLC (a) 5,963     421   LyondellBasell Industries NV (a) 9,182     724  
            Mosaic Co/The (a) 7,650     230  
Johnson Controls Inc 1,385     61              
Rheinmetall AG 10,615     766   PPG Industries Inc 5,790     613  
    $   1,409   Praxair Inc 601     73  
            Sherwin-Williams Co/The (a) 9,843     2,793  
Banks - 6.82%                      
ABN AMRO Group NV (c) 56,616     1,164       $   7,585  
Alinma Bank - Warrants (b),(d),(e) 568,166     1,887   Commercial Services - 1.19%          
            Automatic Data Processing Inc (a) 9,964     895  
Banco Popolare SC 185,000     462              
Bank of America Corp (a) 262,502     4,237   Cintas Corp 1,479     174  
Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The 2,283     95   Ecolab Inc 643     79  
Bank of the Ozarks Inc (a) 37,923     1,486   H&R Block Inc 468     10  
            Moody's Corp (a) 4,204     457  
BB&T Corp 1,741     67   Robert Half International Inc (a) 2,855     110  
Capital One Financial Corp 1,390     100   S&P Global Inc (a) 5,782     714  
Citigroup Inc 6,213     297              
Citizens Financial Group Inc 1,131     28   Securitas AB 53,605     931  
            United Rentals Inc (a),(b) 1,897     156  
Comerica Inc 1,376     65   Verisk Analytics Inc (b) 1,263     105  
Danske Bank A/S 74,815     2,196   Western Union Co/The (a) 10,670     230  
Erste Group Bank AG 26,802     753              
Fifth Third Bancorp 22,432     452       $   3,861  
Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The 904     153   Computers - 3.43%          
Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH 1,709     17   Accenture PLC - Class A 9,086     1,045  
            Apple Inc (a) 26,329     2,793  
ING Groep NV 114,350     1,431              
            Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (b) 1,298     75  
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 225,000     535              
            CSRA Inc (a) 28,242     717  
JPMorgan Chase & Co 7,724     521              
KBC Group NV 11,367     674   EMC Corp 3,882     112  
            Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co (a) 37,692     810  
KeyCorp 34,814     438              
            HP Inc (a) 37,409     538  
M&T Bank Corp 404     48              
Morgan Stanley 4,100     131   International Business Machines Corp 2,116     336  


See accompanying notes.



     Schedule of Investments Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Computers (continued)           Environmental Control - 0.01%          
NetApp Inc (a) 81,392 $   2,815   Republic Services Inc 732 $   37  
Teradata Corp (a),(b) 2,832     90              
Western Digital Corp (a) 39,386     1,838   Food - 1.90%          
    $   11,169   Campbell Soup Co (a) 6,756     410  
Consumer Products - 0.31%           ConAgra Foods Inc (a) 9,578     446  
Avery Dennison Corp (a) 1,983     154   Hormel Foods Corp 1,132     43  
Church & Dwight Co Inc 275     27   JM Smucker Co/The 3,375     479  
Clorox Co/The 2,377     312   Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV (b) 33,250     798  
Kimberly-Clark Corp (a) 4,132     529   Kraft Heinz Co/The 2,603     233  
    $   1,022   Mondelez International Inc (a) 2,236     101  
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 0.40%           Nestle SA 30,009     2,392  
Estee Lauder Cos Inc/The 1,271     113   Suedzucker AG 22,000     574  
            Sysco Corp (a) 12,320     639  
Procter & Gamble Co/The 5,705     498              
Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA 22,512     692   Tyson Foods Inc 786     59  
    $   1,303   Whole Foods Market Inc 681     21  
Distribution & Wholesale - 0.07%               $   6,195  
WW Grainger Inc 1,030     238   Gas - 1.22%          
            CenterPoint Energy Inc 2,726     61  
            Sempra Energy (a) 37,328     3,906  
Diversified Financial Services - 4.05%                      
Affiliated Managers Group Inc (a),(b) 25,556     3,630       $   3,967  
Ameriprise Financial Inc 346     35   Hand & Machine Tools - 0.47%          
Anima Holding SpA (c) 130,000     630   Sandvik AB 123,911     1,344  
BlackRock Inc (a) 3,542     1,320   Snap-on Inc (a) 1,270     195  
Charles Schwab Corp/The 14,316     450       $   1,539  
CME Group Inc (a) 7,376     799   Healthcare - Products - 0.69%          
Discover Financial Services 869     52   Becton Dickinson and Co (a) 8,589     1,522  
E*TRADE Financial Corp (b) 1,177     31   Danaher Corp (a) 6,757     550  
Franklin Resources Inc (a) 12,611     460   Patterson Cos Inc (a) 2,167     100  
Hoist Finance AB (c) 17,591     164   Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 427     55  
Intercontinental Exchange Inc (a) 4,902     1,382       $   2,227  
Invesco Ltd (a) 9,159     286   Healthcare - Services - 2.92%          
Legg Mason Inc (a) 2,265     78   Acadia Healthcare Co Inc (b) 14,552     745  
MasterCard Inc 5,380     520   Aetna Inc (a) 7,668     898  
Nasdaq Inc (a) 3,618     258   Anthem Inc (a) 5,754     720  
Navient Corp 677     10   Centene Corp (a),(b) 3,732     255  
OM Asset Management PLC 50,229     678   Cigna Corp (a) 5,610     719  
Synchrony Financial 1,783     50   Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 7,004     510  
T Rowe Price Group Inc (a) 5,434     378   HCA Holdings Inc (a),(b) 21,354     1,613  
Visa Inc (a) 24,615     1,992   Humana Inc (a) 3,260     583  
    $   13,203   Laboratory Corp of America Holdings (b) 640     88  
Electric - 0.56%           Quest Diagnostics Inc (a) 3,040     252  
AES Corp/VA 1,410     17   UnitedHealth Group Inc (a) 11,351     1,544  
American Electric Power Co Inc 1,051     68   Universal Health Services Inc (a) 13,150     1,585  
CMS Energy Corp (a) 6,089     256       $   9,512  
Consolidated Edison Inc (a) 3,497     263   Home Builders - 0.05%          
DTE Energy Co (a) 3,913     364   DR Horton Inc (a) 4,794     154  
Duke Energy Corp 1,465     117   Lennar Corp - A Shares 468     22  
FirstEnergy Corp 6,023     197       $   176  
NRG Energy Inc (a) 6,887     83              
            Home Furnishings - 0.17%          
PPL Corp 1,440     50   Harman International Industries Inc (a) 1,556     132  
WEC Energy Group Inc (a) 6,900     413   Leggett & Platt Inc 2,330     122  
    $   1,828   Whirlpool Corp (a) 1,640     293  
Electrical Components & Equipment - 0.54%               $   547  
AMETEK Inc (a) 5,081     248              
            Insurance - 1.14%          
Emerson Electric Co (a) 14,067     741   Aflac Inc 872     65  
Prysmian SpA 30,006     741   American International Group Inc 639     38  
    $   1,730   Arthur J Gallagher & Co 378     19  
Electronics - 2.23%           Berkshire Hathaway Inc - Class B (b) 5,252     790  
Agilent Technologies Inc (a) 6,792     319   Chubb Ltd 994     126  
Flextronics International Ltd (b) 63,714     843   Cincinnati Financial Corp 347     27  
FLIR Systems Inc 961     30   Hartford Financial Services Group Inc/The 825     34  
Fortive Corp (a) 384     20   Lincoln National Corp 497     24  
Garmin Ltd (a) 4,129     203   MetLife Inc 2,337     101  
Koninklijke Philips NV 51,662     1,498   NN Group NV 23,000     687  
TE Connectivity Ltd (a) 7,793     495   Progressive Corp/The 1,238     40  
Tyco International Plc 87,681     3,830   Prudential Financial Inc 1,282     102  
Waters Corp (b) 172     27   Sampo Oyj 12,367     532  
    $   7,265   Torchmark Corp 256     17  
Engineering & Construction - 0.04%           Unum Group 502     18  
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc (a),(b) 2,661     140   Zurich Insurance Group AG (b) 4,247     1,087  
                $   3,707  
            Internet - 4.93%          
            Alibaba Group Holding Ltd ADR(b) 24,222     2,354  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held Value (000's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value (000 's)
Internet (continued)       Miscellaneous Manufacturers (continued)          
Alphabet Inc - A Shares (b) 610 $ 482 Siemens AG 11,949 $   1,425  
Amazon.com Inc (a),(b) 4,695   3,611     $   2,293  
eBay Inc (a),(b) 24,750   796 Office & Business Equipment - 0.02%          
F5 Networks Inc (a),(b) 1,447   177 Pitney Bowes Inc (a) 4,127     77  
Facebook Inc (a),(b) 9,671   1,220            
Symantec Corp 1,316   32 Oil & Gas - 1.49%          
Tencent Holdings Ltd 83,099   2,153 Africa Oil Corp (b) 535,000     821  
United Internet AG 11,027   453 Anadarko Petroleum Corp 919     49  
VeriSign Inc (a),(b) 3,138   234 Chesapeake Energy Corp (b) 1,271     8  
Yahoo! Inc (a),(b) 64,808   2,771 Concho Resources Inc (a),(b) 15,376     1,987  
Yoox Net-A-Porter Group SpA (b) 57,170   1,792 Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc (a) 2,571     48  
    $ 16,075 Helmerich & Payne Inc 1,525     92  
Iron & Steel - 0.74%       Marathon Oil Corp (a) 18,523     278  
APERAM SA 13,103   542 Marathon Petroleum Corp (a) 11,543     491  
ArcelorMittal (b) 90,000   534 Murphy Oil Corp (a) 3,765     101  
Nucor Corp (a) 6,983   339 Noble Energy Inc (a) 9,466     326  
Outokumpu OYJ (b) 70,000   383 Transocean Ltd (a),(b) 7,988     77  
SSAB AB (b) 208,898   621 Valero Energy Corp (a) 10,221     566  
    $ 2,419     $   4,844  
Leisure Products & Services - 0.06%       Oil & Gas Services - 0.53%          
Harley-Davidson Inc (a) 3,948   208 Baker Hughes Inc (a) 7,487     368  
        FMC Technologies Inc (b) 4,904     138  
Lodging - 0.26%       Halliburton Co 1,839     79  
Marriott International Inc/MD (a) 5,559   397 National Oilwell Varco Inc (a) 8,245     276  
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc (a) 3,707   287 Schlumberger Ltd (a) 10,861     858  
Wyndham Worldwide Corp (a) 2,446   173     $   1,719  
    $ 857 Packaging & Containers - 0.08%          
Machinery - Construction & Mining - 0.66%       WestRock Co (a) 5,510     264  
ABB Ltd (b) 55,760   1,209            
Atlas Copco AB - A Shares 33,267   943 Pharmaceuticals - 5.76%          
    $ 2,152 AbbVie Inc 16,832     1,079  
Machinery - Diversified - 0.69%       Actelion Ltd (b) 3,793     632  
Cummins Inc (a) 3,674   461 Allergan plc (a),(b) 29,368     6,888  
Deere & Co 672   57 AmerisourceBergen Corp (a) 4,667     406  
Kone OYJ 14,150   711 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 41,362     2,374  
Metso OYJ 24,609   689 Cardinal Health Inc (a) 7,065     563  
Rockwell Automation Inc (a) 2,830   328 Express Scripts Holding Co (a),(b) 14,061     1,022  
    $ 2,246 Johnson & Johnson 6,244     745  
        Mallinckrodt PLC (b) 1,853     138  
Media - 5.67%                  
Altice NV - A Shares (b) 54,106   904 McKesson Corp 4,514     833  
CBS Corp (a) 9,752   498 Merck KGaA 5,031     529  
Charter Communications Inc (a),(b) 10,207   2,625 Pfizer Inc (a) 102,884     3,581  
Comcast Corp - Class A 11,523   752     $   18,790  
Discovery Communications Inc - A Shares 48,874   1,247 Pipelines - 0.11%          
(a),(b)       Kinder Morgan Inc/DE 4,767     104  
DISH Network Corp (a),(b) 37,555   1,887 ONEOK Inc 4,569     215  
Liberty Global PLC - C Shares (b) 77,459   2,388 Williams Cos Inc/The 1,690     47  
News Corp - A Shares (a) 12,683   178     $   366  
Schibsted ASA - A Shares 25,286   801 Real Estate - 0.14%          
Scripps Networks Interactive Inc (a) 2,821   179 CBRE Group Inc (b) 718     21  
TEGNA Inc (a) 4,734   96 Patrizia Immobilien AG (b) 18,245     435  
Time Warner Inc (a) 48,826   3,828     $   456  
Twenty-First Century Fox Inc - A Shares (a) 40,885   1,003 REITS - 0.63%          
Viacom Inc - B Shares 8,627   348 AvalonBay Communities Inc 292     51  
Walt Disney Co/The (a) 18,403   1,738 Crown Castle International Corp 8,236     781  
    $ 18,472 Digital Realty Trust Inc 313     31  
Metal Fabrication & Hardware - 0.33%       Essex Property Trust Inc (a) 140     32  
Assa Abloy AB 32,271   653 Extra Space Storage Inc 267     22  
Tenaris SA 32,478   447 Federal Realty Investment Trust 106     17  
    $ 1,100 General Growth Properties Inc (a) 926     27  
Mining - 1.54%       HCP Inc 993     39  
AngloGold Ashanti Ltd ADR(a),(b) 47,060   757 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 1,584     28  
Freeport-McMoRan Inc (a) 64,597   664 Kimco Realty Corp 898     27  
Newmont Mining Corp (a) 31,579   1,208 National Retail Properties Inc (a) 16,814     842  
Norsk Hydro ASA 119,870   509 Prologis Inc 1,125     60  
Silver Wheaton Corp 73,903   1,872 SL Green Realty Corp 214     25  
    $ 5,010 Welltower Inc 761     58  
Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.70%           $   2,040  
3M Co 1,286   231 Retail - 5.45%          
Dover Corp 331   24 AutoNation Inc (a),(b) 2,232     106  
Illinois Tool Works Inc 1,922   228 AutoZone Inc (b) 243     180  
Parker-Hannifin Corp (a) 2,939   360 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc (a) 3,378     157  
Pentair PLC 387   25 Best Buy Co Inc (a) 7,084     272  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held Value (000's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held Value (000's)
Retail (continued)       Telecommunications (continued)        
CarMax Inc (b) 3,378 $ 199 Deutsche Telekom AG 52,228 $ 871  
Coach Inc 1,772   68 Juniper Networks Inc (a) 8,370   193  
CVS Health Corp 17,868   1,669 Level 3 Communications Inc (b) 474   24  
Darden Restaurants Inc (a) 2,738   169 Nokia OYJ 135,000   761  
Dollar General Corp (a) 6,224   457 Sunrise Communications Group AG (b),(c) 13,412   913  
Dollar Tree Inc (a),(b) 14,361   1,187 Swisscom AG 912   436  
Foot Locker Inc (a) 2,974   195 Telecom Italia SpA/Milano (b) 1,300,000   1,180  
Gap Inc/The (a) 8,702   216 Verizon Communications Inc 38,639   2,022  
Genuine Parts Co (a) 3,255   335       $ 12,657  
Home Depot Inc/The (a) 14,356   1,925 Transportation - 2.16%        
HUGO BOSS AG 8,351   509 Avance Gas Holding Ltd (c) 150,000   301  
Kohl's Corp (a) 4,025   179 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 305   21  
Lowe's Cos Inc (a) 19,209   1,471 CSX Corp 9,571   271  
Macy's Inc (a) 6,765   245 Expeditors International of Washington Inc (a) 3,954   200  
McDonald's Corp (a) 17,947   2,076 FedEx Corp (a) 15,757   2,599  
O'Reilly Automotive Inc (b) 202   56 Hoegh LNG Holdings Ltd 70,820   733  
PVH Corp (a) 1,771   191 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc (a) 2,463   196  
Ross Stores Inc (a) 8,735   544 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 6,246   873  
Signet Jewelers Ltd (a) 1,715   141 Norfolk Southern Corp 1,069   100  
Staples Inc 1,390   12 Union Pacific Corp 3,573   341  
Target Corp (a) 12,975   911 United Parcel Service Inc (a) 13,010   1,421  
Tiffany & Co 266   19       $ 7,056  
TJX Cos Inc/The 2,882   223 Water - 0.01%        
Tractor Supply Co (a) 285   24 American Water Works Co Inc 484   36  
Urban Outfitters Inc (a),(b) 2,561   92            
Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc (a) 21,943   1,771            
        TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $ 287,896  
Wal-Mart Stores Inc (a) 21,243   1,518            
Yum! Brands Inc (a) 3,632   329 INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 15.02% Shares Held Value (000's)  
Zalando SE (b),(c) 8,620   329 Money Market Funds - 15.02%        
        Wells Fargo Advantage Government Money 48,973,677   48,975  
    $ 17,775 Market Fund (f)        
Savings & Loans - 0.00%                  
People's United Financial Inc 649   11 TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES   $ 48,975  
        TOTAL PURCHASED OPTIONS - 0.06%   $ 197  
Semiconductors - 4.01%                  
        Total Investments   $ 337,068  
ams AG 20,000   678            
Analog Devices Inc (a) 5,590   350 Other Assets and Liabilities - (3.38)%   $ (11,006 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $ 326,062  
Applied Materials Inc 23,613   705            
ASML Holding NV - NY Reg Shares 14,580   1,553            
Dialog Semiconductor PLC (b) 35,497   1,244            
        (a) Security or a portion of the security was pledged as collateral for short  
Infineon Technologies AG 84,924   1,425   sales. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $88,515  
Intel Corp 10,053   361   or 27.15% of net assets.        
KLA-Tencor Corp (a) 3,410   236            
Lam Research Corp (a) 3,950   369 (b) Non-Income Producing Security        
        (c) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of  
Linear Technology Corp 1,934   113   1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from  
Marvell Technology Group Ltd 170,025   2,108   registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the  
QUALCOMM Inc (a) 28,753   1,813   period, the value of these securities totaled $4,481 or 1.37% of net assets.  
STMicroelectronics NV 183,011   1,372 (d) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities  
Synaptics Inc (b) 7,583   432    totaled $1,887 or 0.58% of net assets.        
Xilinx Inc (a) 5,542   300          
        (e) Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager  
    $ 13,059   under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Board of  
Software - 4.38%         Directors. At the end of the period, the fair value of these securities totaled  
Akamai Technologies Inc (a),(b) 3,828   210    $1,887 or 0.58% of net assets.        
CA Inc (a) 9,055   307            
        (f) Security or a portion of the security was pledged to cover margin  
Citrix Systems Inc (b) 1,961   171   requirements for swap and/or swaption contracts. At the end of the period,  
          the value of these securities totaled $10,313 or 3.16% of net assets.  
CommVault Systems Inc (b) 5,472   282      
Electronic Arts Inc (a),(b) 6,581   535            
Fidelity National Information Services Inc (a) 2,399   190            
Fiserv Inc (b) 471   48   Portfolio Summary (unaudited)      
Intuit Inc (a) 5,931   661 Sector       Percent  
Microsoft Corp (a) 46,133   2,651 Consumer, Non-cyclical     20.87 %
Oracle Corp (a) 90,039   3,712 Communications     15.37 %
PTC Inc (a),(b) 35,256   1,504 Investment Companies     15.02 %
Radware Ltd (b) 34,320   465 Financial     12.78 %
SAP SE 15,624   1,372 Technology     11.84 %
Verint Systems Inc (a),(b) 25,957   886 Industrial     9.99 %
VMware Inc (a),(b) 17,591   1,290 Consumer, Cyclical     8.92 %
    $ 14,284 Basic Materials     4.61 %
Telecommunications - 3.88%       Energy     2.13 %
AT&T Inc (a) 43,090   1,762 Utilities     1.79 %
Cellnex Telecom SA (c) 56,157   980 Purchased Options     0.06 %
CenturyLink Inc (a) 11,936   332 Investments Sold Short     (37.06 )%
China Mobile Ltd 97,216   1,198 Other Assets and Liabilities     33.68 %
Cisco Systems Inc (a) 63,126   1,985 TOTAL NET ASSETS     100.00 %


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016
Foreign Currency Contracts

                      Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty   Delivery Date Contracts to Accept   In Exchange For Fair Value   Asset   Liability  
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 DKK 2,900,000 $   433 $ 435 $   2   $    
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 NOK 4,300,000     506   516     10        
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 SEK 2,500,000     297   292           (5 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 DKK 5,986,000     898   898            
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 GBP 256,000     337   336           (1 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 NOK 1,536,000     186   184           (2 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 SEK 10,886,000     1,303 1,273           (30 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   11/17/2016 EUR 289,000     322   324     3       (1 )
Total                     $   15   $   (39 )
                      Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Counterparty   Delivery Date Contracts to Deliver   In Exchange For Fair Value     Asset   Liability  
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 CHF 700,000 $   726 $ 712 $   14   $    
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 DKK 7,187,392     1,083 1,078     5        
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 EUR 9,817,965     10,939 10,953     17       (31 )
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 NOK 18,418,160     2,201 2,210     2       (11 )
Goldman Sachs & Co   09/06/2016 SEK 12,922,569     1,553 1,510     43        
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 CHF 5,389,000     5,536 5,487     49        
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 DKK 15,459,000     2,313 2,319           (6 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 EUR 21,412,000     23,942 23,903     80       (41 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 GBP 256,000     330   336           (6 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 NOK 12,500,000     1,487 1,501           (14 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   09/21/2016 SEK 71,305,000     8,372 8,339     33        
Morgan Stanley & Co   11/17/2016 CHF 938,000     956   958     1       (3 )
Morgan Stanley & Co   11/17/2016 EUR 3,612,000     4,020 4,042     2       (24 )
Total                     $   246   $   (136 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                  
Futures Contracts

Type     Long/Short Contracts    Notional Value     Fair Value Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
AEX Index; September 2016     Short 23 $   2,330 $       2,331 $     (1 )
CAC40 Index; September 2016     Short 125     6,220         6,188       32  
DAX Index; September 2016     Short 6     1,762         1,775       (13 )
DJ Euro Stoxx 50; September 2016     Short 412     13,054         13,925       (871 )
DJ Euro Stoxx 50; September 2016     Short 30     1,001         1,014       (13 )
FTSE/MIB Index; September 2016     Short 30     2,817         2,834       (17 )
FTSE100 Index; September 2016     Short 60     5,292         5,347       (55 )
OMXS30 Index; September 2016     Short 166     2,737         2,749       (12 )
Total                         $       (950 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                  

                Upfront Premiums         Unrealized  
Purchased Options Outstanding Exercise Price Expiration Date     Contracts   Paid/(Received) Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Put - EURO STOXX 50 Price EUR EUR 2,900.00 09/19/2016   300 $ 65 $     37 $     (28 )
Put - Powershares QQQ Trust Series 1 $ 111.00 10/24/2016   897   161       97       (64 )
Put - SPDR S&P500 ETF Trust $ 211.00 10/24/2016   289   100       63       (37 )
Total               $ 326 $     197 $     (129 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                  
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps

                          Notional   Fair Value  
Counterparty  Fund Pays     Fund Receives   Expiration Date   Value   Asset   Liability  
Goldman Sachs Floating rate based on 1 month GBP Total return on a custom basket of long and        04/18/2017 - $ 3,515 $ 218 $  
  LIBOR plus/less spread     short securities traded in GBP 09/01/2017              
Goldman Sachs Floating rate based on 1 month PRIBOR  Total return on a custom basket of long and       05/24/2017       (6 )
  plus/less spread     short securities traded in CZK                    
Goldman Sachs Floating rate based on 1 month Euribor  Total return on a custom basket of long and       04/18/2017 -   5,892   7    
  plus/less spread     short securities traded in EUR 08/31/2017              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016
Total Return Equity Basket Swaps (continued)

          Notional   Fair Value  
Counterparty Fund Pays Fund Receives Expiration Date   Value   Asset   Liability  
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on 1 day SONIA Total return on a custom basket of long and 04/06/2018 $ 9,632 $ 85 $  
  plus/less spread short securities traded in GBP                
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on 1 day EONIA Total return on a custom basket of long and 04/06/2018   13,351   189    
  plus/less spread short securities traded in EUR                
Morgan Stanley & Co Floating rate based on the Federal Funds Total return on a custom basket of long and  06/05/2018   (773 )   (78 )
  Rate plus/less spread short securities traded in EUR                
Total       $ 31,617 $ 499 $ (84 )
The expiration dates are measured from the commencement of investment in each underlying swap position.                
Amounts in thousands                    


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS - (29.02)% Shares   Value(000  's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000  's)
Advertising - (0.05)%             Commercial Services (continued)            
Interpublic Group of Cos Inc/The 7,038 $ 163   Total System Services Inc 3,229 $ 159  
                    $   1,321  
Aerospace & Defense - (0.78)%             Computers - (0.09)%            
Boeing Co/The 7,535   975   Seagate Technology PLC 1,998   67  
MTU Aero Engines AG 5,500   559   Western Digital Corp 4,970   232  
Raytheon Co 5,181   726         $   299  
Rockwell Collins Inc 2,276   191                
TransDigm Group Inc (a)     296   84   Cosmetics & Personal Care - (0.03)%            
              Colgate-Palmolive Co 1,301   97  
      $   2,535                
 Agriculture - (0.14)%             Distribution & Wholesale - (0.61)%            
Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 10,239   448                
              Fastenal Co 22,798   983  
              LKQ Corp (a) 5,387   194  
Apparel - (0.50)%             WW Grainger Inc 3,462   799  
Hanesbrands Inc 6,634   176         $   1,976  
NIKE Inc 12,000   692                
Under Armour Inc - Class A (a) 7,679   304   Diversified Financial Services - (0.08)%            
              Alliance Data Systems Corp (a) 1,032   211  
VF Corp 7,294   453                
              American Express Co     715   47  
      $   1,625                
                    $   258  
Automobile Manufacturers - (0.48)%                          
Ford Motor Co 125,174   1,577   Electric - (1.33)%            
              Alliant Energy Corp 3,991   151  
              Ameren Corp 2,258   111  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - (0.31)%             Consolidated Edison Inc 9,979   751  
Delphi Automotive PLC 12,568   888   Dominion Resources Inc/VA 4,166   309  
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co/The 4,601   135   Edison International 1,463   106  
      $   1,023   Entergy Corp 3,141   246  
              Eversource Energy 1,220   66  
Banks - (1.36)%                          
              Exelon Corp 14,514   493  
DBS Group Holdings Ltd 66,049   726                
Deutsche Bank AG (a) 58,668   863   NextEra Energy Inc 2,985   361  
              PG&E Corp 8,699   539  
DNB ASA 44,000   533                
              Pinnacle West Capital Corp 1,955   147  
Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The 3,971   673                
              Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 8,564   366  
Societe Generale SA 11,703   427                
              SCANA Corp 2,509   177  
Svenska Handelsbanken AB 60,000   773                
              Southern Co/The 9,133   469  
UniCredit SpA 175,000   450                
              Xcel Energy Inc 1,541   64  
      $   4,445                
                    $   4,356  
Beverages - (0.47)%                          
              Electrical Components & Equipment - (0.06)%            
Constellation Brands Inc 3,522   578                
              Acuity Brands Inc     765   211  
Molson Coors Brewing Co 3,773   386                
Monster Beverage Corp (a) 3,546   546                
      $   1,510   Electronics - (0.62)%            
              Allegion PLC 1,701   121  
Biotechnology - (0.63)%             Amphenol Corp 5,420   338  
Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc (a) 3,937   496                
            Corning Inc 18,213   413  
Illumina Inc(a) 2,574   433   Fingerprint Cards AB (a) 35,000   445  
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc (a) 1,826   717                
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc (a) 4,464   422   Honeywell International Inc 2,322   271  
              PerkinElmer Inc 1,930   103  
      $   2,068   Tyco International Plc 7,482   327  
Building Materials - (0.19)%                   $   2,018  
Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 2,701   172   Energy - Alternate Sources - (0.10)%            
Martin Marietta Materials Inc 1,115   204   First Solar Inc (a) 1,797   68  
Vulcan Materials Co 2,102   239   Vestas Wind Systems A/S 3,000   249  
      $   615         $   317  
Chemicals - (1.21)%             Engineering & Construction - (0.31)%            
CF Industries Holdings Inc 4,094   107   Fluor Corp 2,445   127  
Dow Chemical Co/The 19,789   1,061   JM AB 35,000   888  
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co 15,353   1,069         $   1,015  
Monsanto Co 7,684   818                
Wacker Chemie AG 9,500   882   Environmental Control - (0.09)%            
      $   3,937   Stericycle Inc (a) 1,258   108  
              Waste Management Inc 2,840   182  
Commercial Services - (0.40)%                   $   290  
Equifax Inc 1,800   237                
Global Payments Inc 2,712   206   Food - (1.53)%            
Nielsen Holdings PLC 6,275   334   Colruyt SA 7,500   412  
PayPal Holdings Inc (a) 8,682   323   General Mills Inc 10,482   742  
Quanta Services Inc (a) 2,385   62   Hershey Co/The 3,543   354  
              ICA Gruppen AB 32,000   1,094  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000's) 
Food (continued)             Leisure Products & Services (continued)            
Kellogg Co     758 $ 62   Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 3,780 $ 269  
Kroger Co/The 16,523   529         $   894  
McCormick & Co Inc/MD 2,224   227                
Whole Foods Market Inc 24,570   746   Lodging - (0.05)%            
Woolworths Ltd 44,939   799   Wynn Resorts Ltd 1,787   160  
      $   4,965                
Forest Products & Paper - (0.07)%              Machinery - Construction & Mining - (0.50)%            
              Caterpillar Inc 19,985   1,638  
International Paper Co     312   15                
Stora Enso OYJ 25,000   221                
      $   236   Machinery - Diversified - (0.48)%            
              Flowserve Corp 2,278   110  
Gas - (0.13)%             Kone OYJ 13,000   653  
NiSource Inc     626   15   Metso OYJ 23,000   644  
Sempra Energy 3,783   396   Roper Technologies Inc     99   17  
      $   411   Xylem Inc/NY 3,147   160  
Hand & Machine Tools - (0.02)%                   $   1,584  
Stanley Black & Decker Inc     447   55   Media - (0.23)%            
              Walt Disney Co/The 8,042   760  
Healthcare - Products - (1.83)%                          
Abbott Laboratories 15,223   640   Mining - (0.07)%            
Baxter International Inc 3,863   180   Alcoa Inc 22,972   231  
Becton Dickinson and Co 3,740   663                
Boston Scientific Corp (a) 22,862   545                
CR Bard Inc 1,291   285   Miscellaneous Manufacturers - (0.25)%            
DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 4,092   251   Eaton Corp PLC 4,839   322  
Edwards Lifesciences Corp (a) 3,734   430   Ingersoll-Rand PLC 4,532   308  
Henry Schein Inc (a) 1,436   235   Textron Inc 4,720   193  
Hologic Inc (a) 3,910   150         $   823  
Intuitive Surgical Inc (a)     677   465                
              Office & Business Equipment - (0.05)%            
Medtronic PLC 7,553   657                
              Xerox Corp 17,796   175  
St Jude Medical Inc 1,315   102                
Stryker Corp 6,569   760                
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 3,194   486   Oil & Gas - (2.69)%            
Varian Medical Systems Inc (a) 1,655   159   Apache Corp 5,813   289  
      $   6,008   Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 8,167   201  
              Chevron Corp 9,630   968  
Holding Companies - Diversified - (0.02)%             Cimarex Energy Co 1,668   221  
Leucadia National Corp 4,008   77   Concho Resources Inc (a) 2,314   299  
              ConocoPhillips 21,630   888  
Home Builders - (0.29)%             Devon Energy Corp 9,202   399  
Lennar Corp - A Shares 17,066   807   EOG Resources Inc 7,588   671  
PulteGroup Inc 6,039   129   EQT Corp 3,025   216  
      $   936   Exxon Mobil Corp     542   47  
              Hess Corp 5,562   302  
Housewares - (0.14)%             Neste Oyj 18,000   750  
Newell Brands Inc 8,468   449   Newfield Exploration Co (a) 3,478   151  
              Occidental Petroleum Corp 11,311   869  
Insurance - (0.57)%             Phillips 66 9,017   707  
Allstate Corp/The 1,138   78   Pioneer Natural Resources Co 2,306   413  
Aon PLC 4,643   517   Range Resources Corp 2,977   115  
Assurant Inc 1,065   95   Southwestern Energy Co (a) 6,893   96  
Loews Corp 3,242   136   Statoil ASA 65,000   1,020  
Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 8,956   606   Tesoro Corp 2,083   157  
Travelers Cos Inc/The     233   28         $   8,779  
Willis Towers Watson PLC 2,430   301   Oil & Gas Services - (0.40)%            
XL Group Ltd 1,915   65   Schlumberger Ltd 10,477   828  
      $   1,826   Subsea 7 SA (a) 45,000   486  
Internet - (0.81)%                   $   1,314  
Amazon.com Inc (a) 1,079   830                
              Packaging & Containers - (0.14)%            
Expedia Inc 2,712   296   Ball Corp 2,968   235  
Facebook Inc (a) 3,312   418                
              Owens-Illinois Inc (a) 2,845   51  
Netflix Inc (a) 7,516   732                
Priceline Group Inc/The (a)     126   178   Sealed Air Corp 3,428   162  
TripAdvisor Inc (a) 2,558   156         $   448  
      $   2,610   Pharmaceuticals - (1.45)%            
              Allergan plc (a) 5,794   1,359  
Leisure Products & Services - (0.27)%             Bristol-Myers Squibb Co     65   4  
Carnival Corp 13,083   625   Eli Lilly & Co 17,887   1,391  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund
August 31, 2016
Short Sales Outstanding

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Value(000 's)
Pharmaceuticals (continued)             Telecommunications (continued)            
Endo International PLC (a) 3,890 $ 80   Frontier Communications Corp 20,601 $ 95  
Mead Johnson Nutrition Co 3,244   276   Motorola Solutions Inc 3,048       235  
Merck & Co Inc 8,930   561         $   565  
Mylan NV (a) 8,926   378                
Perrigo Co PLC 2,515   229   Textiles - (0.02)%            
              Mohawk Industries Inc (a) 358       76  
Zoetis Inc 8,701   444                
      $   4,722                
              Toys, Games & Hobbies - (0.06)%            
Pipelines - (0.14)%                          
              Mattel Inc 5,981       198  
Spectra Energy Corp 12,313   439                
              Transportation - (0.39)%            
REITS - (1.23)%                          
              Kansas City Southern 1,896       183  
American Tower Corp 7,462   846                
              Ryder System Inc 939       61  
Apartment Investment & Management Co 1,209   55                
              United Parcel Service Inc 9,226       1,008  
Boston Properties Inc     107   15                
Crown Castle International Corp 5,928   562         $   1,252  
Equinix Inc 1,235   455   TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (proceeds $95,050)     $   94,613  
Equity Residential 5,272   342   INVESTMENT COMPANIES - (8.04)% Shares Value(000 's)
Iron Mountain Inc 4,320   166   Exchange Traded Funds - (8.04)%            
Macerich Co/The 2,541   208   Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR 17,909       1,443  
Public Storage 3,041   681   Fund            
Realty Income Corp 1,511   99   Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund 8,994       654  
Simon Property Group Inc     462   100   Industrial Select Sector SPDR Fund 28,403       1,664  
UDR Inc     6     Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund 17,357       844  
Ventas Inc     497   36   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised 2,500       922  
Vornado Realty Trust     432   45   Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF            
Weyerhaeuser Co 13,244   422   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Banks 25,000       1,613  
      $   4,032   UCITS ETF            
Retail - (2.56)%             Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Basic 5,750       1,329  
Advance Auto Parts Inc 1,293   204   Resources UCITS ETF            
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc (a) 1,924   796   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Food & 5,000       1,993  
Cie Financiere Richemont SA 29,297   1,689   Beverage UCITS ETF            
Costco Wholesale Corp 7,351   1,192   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised 4,500       930  
Darden Restaurants Inc 9,736   600   Industrial Goods & Services UCITS ETF            
L Brands Inc     348   27   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Oil & 3,800       637  
Nordstrom Inc 3,027   153   Gas UCITS ETF            
Starbucks Corp 9,298   523   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Retail 6,500       1,116  
Swatch Group AG/The 2,688   692   UCITS ETF            
Target Corp 16,902   1,186   Source STOXX Europe 600 Optimised 11,000       751  
Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc (a) 1,089   269   Technology UCITS ETF            
Wal-Mart Stores Inc 14,031   1,002   SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF 29,606       1,274  
      $   8,333   SPDR S&P500 ETF Trust 37,251       8,100  
              Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund 62,565       2,940  
Semiconductors - (1.18)%                   $   26,210  
ASML Holding NV 6,500   694   TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES (proceeds $25,163)   $   26,210  
Broadcom Ltd 6,933   1,223   TOTAL SHORT SALES (proceeds $120,213)     $   120,823  
Microchip Technology Inc 3,776   234                
Micron Technology Inc (a) 18,194   300                
NVIDIA Corp 9,375   575                
Qorvo Inc (a) 2,238   128   (a) Non-Income Producing Security            
REC Silicon ASA (a) 3,226,254   464                
Skyworks Solutions Inc 2,166   162                
Texas Instruments Inc 1,245   87                
      $   3,867                
Software - (1.44)%                          
Activision Blizzard Inc 4,281   177                
Adobe Systems Inc (a) 7,449   762                
Autodesk Inc (a) 3,945   266                
Cerner Corp (a) 6,191   400                
Dun & Bradstreet Corp/The     526   73                
Microsoft Corp 3,681   212                
Oracle Corp 14,604   602                
Paychex Inc 1,387   84                
Red Hat Inc (a) 3,180   232                
salesforce.com Inc (a) 11,898   945                
Workday Inc (a) 10,536   893                
      $   4,646                
Telecommunications - (0.17)%                          
AT&T Inc 5,759   235                


See accompanying notes.



     Schedule of Investments Opportunistic Municipal Fund August 31, 2016

  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 0.78%     Shares Held Value(000 's)         Principal        
  Exchange Traded Funds - 0.78%                   MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)
  SPDR Nuveen S&P High Yield Municipal     3,040   $   181     Connecticut - 3.06%              
  Bond ETF                   Connecticut State Health & Educational              
  VanEck Vectors High-Yield Municipal Index     17,000       551     Facility Authority              
  ETF                   5.00%, 09/01/2046(b)   $ 1,500 $   1,663  
  VanEck Vectors Short High-Yield Municipal     14,000       355     Mohegan Tribal Finance Authority              
  Index ETF                   7.00%, 02/01/2045(b)     2,500     2,623  
            $   1,087             $   4,286  
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES         $   1,087     Florida - 1.10%              
        Principal             Orange County Housing Finance Authority              
BONDS- 0.37 %   Amount (000's) Value(000 's)   7.00%, 10/01/2025     485     492  
  U.S. Municipals - 0.37%                   Orange County Industrial Development              
  Oglala Sioux Tribe                   Authority/FL              
  5.75%, 10/01/2025(a),(b)   $ 500     $ 515     8.00%, 07/01/2036(b)     1,000     1,059  
                              $   1,551  
  TOTAL BONDS         $   515     Georgia - 0.40%              
        Principal             City of Atlanta GA              
  MUNICIPAL BONDS - 101.89%     Amount (000's) Value(000 's)   7.38%, 01/01/2031     500     564  
  Alabama - 2.30%                                  
  Lower Alabama Gas District/The                   Illinois - 13.01%              
  5.00%, 09/01/2034   $ 2,500   $   3,224     Chicago O'Hare International Airport              
                      5.00%, 01/01/2033     1,250     1,499  
  Arizona - 4.89%                   City of Chicago IL              
  Navajo Nation                   5.50%, 01/01/2033     1,000     1,059  
  5.50%, 12/01/2030(b)     2,500       2,854     5.50%, 01/01/2042     300     314  
  Salt Verde Financial Corp                   7.46%, 02/15/2026     1,953     1,390  
  5.00%, 12/01/2032     3,205       4,006     City of Chicago IL Wastewater Transmission              
            $   6,860     Revenue              
  California - 14.62%                   5.00%, 01/01/2031     760     888  
  Abag Finance Authority for Nonprofit Corps                   5.00%, 01/01/2039     1,200     1,381  
  5.00%, 08/01/2043     500       594     City of Chicago IL Waterworks Revenue              
  California Educational Facilities Authority                   5.00%, 11/01/2025     500     603  
  5.00%, 12/29/2015(c)     1,730       1,905     Illinois Finance Authority              
  5.00%, 10/01/2038(c)     900       978     5.00%, 02/15/2041     850     970  
                    Illinois State Toll Highway Authority              
   California Pollution Control Financing                   5.00%, 01/01/2040(c)     5,000     6,012  
  4.30%, 07/01/2040     1,000       1,083     Metropolitan Pier & Exposition              
                    Authority (credit support from NATL)              
   California Statewide Communities                   5.50%, 06/15/2029(c)     1,000     1,263  
  Development Authority (credit support from                                  
  GNMA COLL)                   Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of              
  4.90%, 07/20/2039(c)     500       540     Greater Chicago              
  California Statewide Financing Authority                   5.00%, 12/01/2045     1,000     1,204  
  6.00%, 05/01/2043     1,000       1,017     State of Illinois              
  Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp                   4.00%, 06/01/2037     350     348  
  5.75%, 06/01/2047     4,260       4,354     5.50%, 07/01/2027     1,150     1,326  
  La Verne Public Financing Authority                           $   18,257  
  7.25%, 09/01/2026     700       702     Indiana - 0.51%              
  Morongo Band of Mission Indians/The                   Indiana Finance Authority              
  6.50%, 03/01/2028(b)     825       886     5.00%, 10/01/2044     300     344  
  Oakland Unified School District/Alameda                   Town of Shoals IN              
  County                   7.25%, 11/01/2043     300     363  
  5.00%, 08/01/2035     1,225       1,501             $   707  
  Sacramento Area Flood Control                 Iowa- 0.83 %            
  Agency (credit support from BAM)                   Xenia Rural Water District              
  5.00%, 10/01/2039(c)     500       598     5.00%, 12/01/2041(c)     1,000     1,170  
  San Diego Community College District                                  
  5.25%, 08/01/2033(c)     1,050       1,189     Louisiana - 3.03%              
  University of California                   Juban Crossing Economic Development              
  5.00%, 05/15/2033     2,750       3,472     District              
  5.25%, 05/15/2039(c)     1,257       1,413     7.00%, 09/15/2044(b)     1,000     1,081  
  5.25%, 05/15/2039(c)     243       273     7.00%, 09/15/2044(b)     500     540  
            $   20,505     Louisiana Public Facilities Authority              
  Colorado - 4.11%                   8.38%, 07/01/2039     400     231  
  Colorado Health Facilities Authority                   Parish of St John the Baptist LA              
  5.00%, 05/15/2040     1,000       1,182     5.13%, 06/01/2037     2,350     2,405  
  5.00%, 05/15/2045     1,000       1,179             $   4,257  
  Green Gables Metropolitan District No 1                 Maine- 0.42 %            
  5.30%, 12/01/2046     1,250       1,284     Maine Health & Higher Educational Facilities              
  Promenade Castle Rock Metropolitan District                   Authority              
  No 1                   5.00%, 07/01/2046     500     582  
  5.75%, 12/01/2039     1,000       1,061                    
  Sierra Ridge Metropolitan District No 2                   Maryland - 1.65%              
  5.50%, 12/01/2046     1,000       1,058     City of Westminster MD              
            $   5,764     6.25%, 07/01/2044     600     687  


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Opportunistic Municipal Fund
August 31, 2016

    Principal                 Principal        
MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)   MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's)   Value(000 's)
Maryland (continued)               North Carolina - 1.32%              
Maryland Economic Development Corp               North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power              
5.00%, 03/31/2041 $ 1,000 $   1,195     Agency              
5.38%, 06/01/2025   390     437     5.25%, 01/01/2020   $ 750 $   796  
      $   2,319     North Carolina Medical Care Commission              
Michigan - 1.68%               5.25%, 10/01/2035     1,000     1,056  
Michigan Finance Authority                       $   1,852  
5.00%, 07/01/2035   1,000     1,174   Ohio- 1.22 %            
Wayne County Airport Authority               Ohio Air Quality Development Authority              
5.00%, 12/01/2045   1,000     1,178     3.75%, 12/01/2023     1,000     993  
      $   2,352     Ohio Water Development Authority              
Minnesota - 0.86%               4.00%, 01/01/2034     750     722  
Housing & Redevelopment Authority of The                       $   1,715  
City of St Paul Minnesota               Oklahoma - 0.25%              
5.00%, 11/15/2030   1,000     1,208     Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust              
                5.00%, 06/01/2035(f)     300     349  
Missouri - 1.39%                              
City of St Louis MO Airport Revenue (credit               Oregon - 0.40%              
support from NATL)               Warm Springs Reservation Confederated              
5.50%, 07/01/2028(c)   400     522     Tribe              
Health & Educational Facilities Authority of               6.38%, 11/01/2033     500     556  
the State of Missouri                              
5.00%, 02/01/2036   290     339     Pennsylvania - 4.56%              
Kansas City Industrial Development               Allegheny County Industrial Development              
Authority               Authority              
5.00%, 04/01/2046(b)   1,100     1,098     6.00%, 07/15/2038     400     435  
      $   1,959     Chester County Health & Education Facilities              
Nevada - 0.84%               Authority              
Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency               5.25%, 12/01/2045     1,000     1,053  
5.00%, 06/15/2045   1,000     1,178     City of Scranton PA              
                5.00%, 11/15/2032     1,500     1,630  
New Jersey - 9.01%               8.50%, 09/01/2022(a)     200     224  
Casino Reinvestment Development Authority               Lancaster County Hospital Authority/PA              
5.25%, 11/01/2039   250     265     5.00%, 07/01/2045     1,250     1,429  
Essex County Improvement Authority               Pennsylvania Economic Development              
5.25%, 07/01/2045(b)   1,300     1,359     Financing Authority              
New Jersey Economic Development               5.50%, 11/01/2044     1,000     1,124  
Authority               6.00%, 06/01/2031     500     500  
5.25%, 06/15/2040   1,000     1,155             $   6,395  
5.63%, 11/15/2030   1,000     1,162     South Carolina - 0.86%              
5.75%, 09/15/2027   500     573     South Carolina Public Service Authority              
New Jersey Educational Facilities               5.25%, 12/01/2055     1,000     1,206  
Authority (credit support from AGM)                              
5.00%, 07/01/2034(c)   1,000     1,198     Tennessee - 3.04%              
5.00%, 07/01/2035(c)   500     603     Chattanooga Health Educational & Housing              
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing               Facility Board              
Authority (credit support from AGM)               5.00%, 10/01/2028     1,050     1,272  
5.00%, 07/01/2046(c)   1,900     2,232     5.00%, 10/01/2035     500     589  
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund               Metropolitan Government Nashville &              
Authority               Davidson County Health & Educational Facs              
5.25%, 06/15/2032   2,000     2,317     Bd              
Newark Housing Authority (credit support               5.00%, 07/01/2046     2,000     2,397  
from AGM MUN GOVT GTD)                       $   4,258  
5.00%, 12/01/2038(c)   1,500     1,776   Texas- 9.06 %            
      $   12,640     Arlington Higher Education Finance Corp              
New York - 11.15%               5.00%, 12/01/2046     1,100     1,273  
Brooklyn Arena Local Development Corp               City of Dallas TX              
5.00%, 07/15/2042(c)   2,000     2,424     5.00%, 02/15/2027     1,000     1,260  
6.25%, 07/15/2040   480     567     City of Houston TX Airport System Revenue              
Build NYC Resource Corp               4.50%, 07/01/2020     1,000     1,085  
5.00%, 07/01/2035   1,500     1,786     Harris County Cultural Education Facilities              
5.50%, 09/01/2045(b)   1,000     1,199     Finance Corp              
Metropolitan Transportation Authority               6.00%, 10/01/2043     1,575     1,874  
5.00%, 11/15/2034   1,000     1,230     Mission Economic Development Corp              
New York Liberty Development Corp               5.75%, 10/01/2031(b)     2,000     2,134  
5.25%, 10/01/2035   1,280     1,757     New Hope Cultural Education Facilities              
New York State Thruway Authority               Finance Corp              
5.25%, 01/01/2056   1,000     1,237     5.00%, 07/01/2030     500     578  
New York Transportation Development Corp               5.00%, 07/01/2047     1,500     1,679  
5.00%, 08/01/2021   1,500     1,688     North Texas Tollway Authority              
5.00%, 01/01/2023   560     675     5.00%, 01/01/2045     615     733  
5.25%, 01/01/2050   2,650     3,100     Port Beaumont Navigation District              
      $   15,663     7.25%, 02/01/2036(b)     1,000     1,069  


See accompanying notes.



     Schedule of Investments Opportunistic Municipal Fund August 31, 2016

    Principal           Portfolio Summary (unaudited)    
MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)     Value(000 's) Sector Percent  
Texas (continued)               Revenue Bonds 82.27 %
Texas Private Activity Bond Surface               General Obligation Unlimited 6.27 %
Transportation Corp               Insured 6.23 %
6.88%, 12/31/2039 $ 550   $   650   General Obligation Limited 3.33 %
7.00%, 12/31/2038   300       379   Prerefunded 1.56 %
        $   12,714   Tax Allocation 1.24 %
Virginia - 1.86%               Certificate Participation 0.99 %
County of Botetourt VA               Investment Companies 0.78 %
6.00%, 07/01/2044   1,000       1,078   Government 0.37 %
Fairfax County Economic Development               Liability For Floating Rate Notes Issued (3.97 )%
Authority               Other Assets and Liabilities 0.93 %
5.00%, 10/01/2042(c)   1,000       1,177   TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00 %
Fairfax County Industrial Development                    
5.00%, 05/15/2035(c)   300       353        
        $   2,608        
Washington - 0.19%                    
Port of Seattle Industrial Development Corp                    
5.00%, 04/01/2030   250       271        
West Virginia - 0.72%                    
West Virginia Economic Development                    
2.88%, 12/15/2026   1,000       1,007        
Wisconsin - 3.55%                    
Public Finance Authority                    
4.00%, 08/01/2035   500       514        
4.00%, 12/01/2036   2,000       2,023        
5.00%, 12/01/2025   1,500       1,770        
5.25%, 04/01/2030   600       672        
        $   4,979        
TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS       $   142,956        
Total Investments       $   144,558        
Liability for Floating Rate Notes Issued in Conjunction with                
Securities Held - (3.97)%                    
Notes with interest rates of 0.59% - 0.64% at $ (5,565 ) $   (5,565 )      
August 31, 2016 and contractual maturity of                    
collateral from 2017-2024.(g)                    
Total Net Investments       $   138,993        
Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.93%       $   1,311        
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%       $   140,304        


(a)      Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $739 or 0.53% of net assets.
(b)      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $18,080 or 12.89% of net assets.
(c)      Security or portion of underlying security related to Inverse Floaters entered into by the Fund. See Notes to Financial Statements for additional information.
(c)      Credit support indicates investments that benefit from credit enhancement or liquidity support provided by a third party bank, institution, or government agency.
(c)      Security purchased on a when-issued basis.
(f)      Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.
(g)      Floating rate securities. The interest rate(s) shown reflect the rates in effect at August 31, 2016.

See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Origin Emerging Markets Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 96.17% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Advertising - 0.56%           Forest Products & Paper - 0.98%          
Smiles SA 278,379 $   4,322   Mondi PLC 376,654 $   7,664  
Aerospace & Defense - 0.63%           Hand & Machine Tools - 0.45%          
Hanwha Techwin Co Ltd 89,000     4,913   Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 857,000     3,471  
Agriculture - 3.15%           Healthcare - Products - 1.08%          
KT&G Corp 234,006     24,533   China Medical System Holdings Ltd 2,500,000     4,179  
            St Shine Optical Co Ltd 170,000     4,192  
Automobile Manufacturers - 3.37%               $   8,371  
Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 21,103,400     16,882   Holding Companies - Diversified - 1.95%          
Tata Motors Ltd ADR 230,000     9,377   KOC Holding AS 678,600     2,946  
    $   26,259   Siam Cement PCL/The 798,900     12,227  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 1.65%               $   15,173  
Hankook Tire Co Ltd 85,066     4,254   Home Furnishings - 3.41%          
Hanon Systems 455,499     4,768   Coway Co Ltd 41,466     3,097  
Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd (a) 4,406,000     3,788   Skyworth Digital Holdings Ltd 8,190,900     6,053  
    $   12,810   Steinhoff International Holdings NV 2,903,806     17,433  
Banks - 1.30%               $   26,583  
China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd 5,103,793     3,360   Insurance - 2.67%          
China Construction Bank Corp 9,045,528     6,764   China Life Insurance Co Ltd/Taiwan 6,554,080     5,793  
    $   10,124   PICC Property & Casualty Co Ltd 4,799,727     7,899  
Beverages - 0.78%           Samsung Life Insurance Co Ltd 40,044     3,695  
Ambev SA 1,020,700     6,037   Sul America SA 679,400     3,431  
                $   20,818  
Chemicals - 3.87%           Internet - 10.66%          
LG Chem Ltd 46,978     11,355   Alibaba Group Holding Ltd ADR(a) 195,900     19,040  
Lotte Chemical Corp 27,772     6,654   Com2uSCorp (a) 81,123     7,506  
PTT Global Chemical PCL (b) 4,770,100     8,385   NAVER Corp 22,800     17,253  
Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd 7,302,000     3,765   Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,511,305     39,165  
    $   30,159       $   82,964  
Commercial Services - 3.25%           Lodging - 1.21%          
Kroton Educacional SA 1,047,400     4,457   Kangwon Land Inc 266,475     9,422  
Localiza Rent a Car SA 285,000     3,565              
New Oriental Education & Technology Group 348,600     13,763   Machinery - Diversified - 0.74%          
Inc ADR           Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd (a) 270,810     5,766  
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ltd 3,123,700     3,479              
    $   25,264   Mining - 0.47%          
Computers - 2.12%           Korea Zinc Co Ltd 8,521     3,650  
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (a) 139,200     7,996              
Infosys Ltd ADR 278,800     4,422   Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 3.82%          
Lite-On Technology Corp 2,720,510     4,110   Largan Precision Co Ltd 33,000     3,690  
    $   16,528   Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd 3,099,525     16,528  
Cosmetics & Personal Care - 1.01%           Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co Ltd 1,800,000     9,548  
LG Household & Health Care Ltd 9,256     7,887       $   29,766  
            Oil & Gas - 0.89%          
Diversified Financial Services - 3.02%           SK Innovation Co Ltd 53,266     6,914  
E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd 9,340,760     5,248              
Mega Financial Holding Co Ltd 9,062,000     6,162   Pharmaceuticals - 2.95%          
Noah Holdings Ltd ADR(a) 194,400     5,113   Richter Gedeon Nyrt 402,732     8,262  
Taishin Financial Holding Co Ltd 18,409,301     6,954   Sinopharm Group Co Ltd 2,879,900     14,718  
    $   23,477       $   22,980  
Electric - 2.92%           Real Estate - 2.35%          
Korea Electric Power Corp 437,873     22,743   China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 3,347,900     11,027  
            China Vanke Co Ltd 2,838,200     7,259  
Electronics - 3.26%               $   18,286  
AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 1,624,518     18,502   Retail - 2.52%          
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd 1,261,758     6,874   ANTA Sports Products Ltd 2,724,000     7,356  
    $   25,376   Raia Drogasil SA 365,900     6,736  
Energy - Alternate Sources - 0.47%           Truworths International Ltd 1,065,070     5,520  
Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd (a) 9,000,000     3,692       $   19,612  
            Semiconductors - 12.76%          
Engineering & Construction - 1.18%           Phison Electronics Corp 645,600     4,660  
Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de 920,100     5,664   Powertech Technology Inc 1,433,000     3,736  
CV           Realtek Semiconductor Corp 1,287,000     5,141  
Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura 292,975     3,513   Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 53,377     38,625  
SAB de CV           Silicon Motion Technology Corp ADR 121,400     6,128  
    $   9,177   Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 1,309,217     37,627  
Food - 2.49%           ADR          
BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS 176,403     3,023   Win Semiconductors Corp 1,720,000     3,453  
SPAR Group Ltd/The 590,616     7,717       $   99,370  
X5 Retail Group NV (a) 328,000     8,663   Software - 3.62%          
    $   19,403   NetEase Inc ADR 112,335     23,812  


See accompanying notes.



        Schedule of Investments            
Origin Emerging Markets Fund
August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held Value (000's)                
Software (continued)                      
TravelSky Technology Ltd 2,021,000 $ 4,391                
      $ 28,203                
Telecommunications - 5.02%                      
China Mobile Ltd 1,176,443   14,493                
Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 5,929,400   21,287                
Vodacom Group Ltd 319,597   3,326                
      $ 39,106                
Water - 3.59%                      
Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao 950,000   8,599                
Guangdong Investment Ltd 12,547,064   19,375                
      $ 27,974                
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $ 748,797                
INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 3.64% Shares Held Value (000's)                
Money Market Funds - 3.64%                      
First American Government Obligations Fund 28,364,471   28,364                
TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES   $ 28,364                
Total Investments   $ 777,161                
Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.19%   $ 1,484                
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $ 778,645                
(a) Non-Income Producing Security                      
(b) Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager                
  under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Board of                
  Directors. At the end of the period, the fair value of these securities totaled                
  $8,385 or 1.08% of net assets.                      
  Portfolio Summary (unaudited)                    
Country     Percent                
China       30.19 %              
Korea, Republic Of     22.76 %              
Taiwan, Province Of China     16.05 %              
Hong Kong     7.48 %              
South Africa     5.35 %              
Brazil       4.78 %              
United States     4.66 %              
Thailand     2.65 %              
India       1.77 %              
Mexico     1.18 %              
Russian Federation     1.11 %              
Hungary     1.06 %              
Turkey     0.77 %              
Other Assets and Liabilities     0.19 %              
TOTAL NET ASSETS     100.00 %              
Futures Contracts

Type   Long/Short Contracts   Notional Value   Fair Value    Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
eMini MSCI Emerging Markets; September 2016 Long 685 $ 30,550 $   30,411 $ (139 )
Total                 $   (139 )
Amounts in thousands except contracts                      


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Preferred Securities Fund August 31, 2016

  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 2.87% Shares Held Value(000 's)   PREFERRED STOCKS (continued)       Shares Held   Value(000 's)
  Money Market Funds - 2.87%           Electric (continued)                          
  Goldman Sachs Financial Square Funds - 167,452,081 $ 167,452     Entergy New Orleans Inc 5.00 %     3,299 $   85  
     Government Fund           Entergy New Orleans Inc 5.50 %     20,000     541  
                  Entergy Texas Inc 5.63%         15,618     428  
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES   $ 167,452     Georgia Power Co 6.50%(a)         97,900     10,305  
                  Gulf Power Co 6.00%(a)           60,914     6,078  
  CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS -1.42%                                          
                  Gulf Power Co 6.45%(a)           9,400     981  
    Shares Held Value(000 's)                                  
                  Integrys Holding Inc 6.00%(b)       87,600     2,404  
Banks- 1.42 %                                            
  Wells Fargo & Co 7.50%(a) 60,982 $ 82,478     Interstate Power & Light Co 5.10 %(a)     485,100     13,335  
                  NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc   5.00 % 491,093     12,631  
  TOTAL CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS $ 82,478     NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc   5.13 % 662,215     17,006  
  PREFERRED STOCKS - 29.77% Shares Held Value(000 's)   NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc   5.63 % 170,585     4,442  
                  NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc   5.70 % 322,465     8,258  
Banks- 9.04 %                                            
  AgriBank FCB 6.88%(a),(b) 61,700   6,637     PPL Capital Funding Inc 5.90%       735     20  
  Bank of America Corp 6.38%(a) 17,626   457                             $   139,468  
  Bank of America Corp 6.50%(a) 490   13   Food- 0.43 %                            
  Bank of America Corp 6.63%(a) 201,813   5,427     Dairy Farmers of America Inc 7.88%(a),(c)   12,000     1,273  
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The 5.20%(a) 139,534   3,659     Dairy Farmers of America Inc 7.88%(a),(c)   232,500     23,962  
  Barclays Bank PLC 7.10%(a) 1,011,767   26,093                             $   25,235  
  Barclays Bank PLC 8.13%(a) 249,031   6,520     Hand & Machine Tools - 0.50%                
  BB&T Corp 5.63%(a) 150,000   4,044     Stanley Black & Decker Inc 5.75%       1,104,374     29,012  
  Capital One Financial Corp 6.00%(a) 533,401   13,842                                    
  Citigroup Inc 6.88%(a) 9,618   267     Insurance - 7.04%                          
  Citigroup Inc 6.88%(a),(b) 493,542   14,604     Aegon NV 4.00%(a),(b)             66,900     1,650  
  CoBank ACB 6.13%(a) 8,000   799     Aegon NV 6.38%(a)                 975,042     25,078  
  CoBank ACB 6.20%(a),(b) 65,000   6,817     Aegon NV 6.50%(a)                 243,544     6,361  
  CoBank ACB 6.25%(a),(b) 296,500   31,512     Aegon NV 8.00%                 63,317     1,698  
  Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc 5.38%(a) 276,081   7,584     Aflac Inc 5.50%                 1,084,662     28,830  
                  Allstate Corp/The 5.10%(b)         540,300     15,107  
  Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital Trust II 1,089,334   27,408                                    
  6.55%(a)           Allstate Corp/The 6.25%(a)         181,500     5,129  
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The 5.50%(a),(b) 774,944   20,962     Allstate Corp/The 6.63%(a)         380,000     10,655  
  HSBC Holdings PLC 6.20%(a) 1,028,013   26,790     American Financial Group Inc/OH 5.75%   441,277     11,381  
  HSBC Holdings PLC 8.00%(a) 348,226   9,179     American Financial Group Inc/OH 6.25%   250,786     6,944  
  Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH 5.88%(a) 326,087   8,514     Arch Capital Group Ltd 6.75%(a)       699,190     18,410  
  Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH 6.25%(a) 1,050,000   29,169     Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd 5.95%(a),(b),(d)   450,449     13,464  
  ING Groep NV 6.13%(a) 55,705   1,437     Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd 7.25%(a)   45,141     1,196  
  ING Groep NV 6.38%(a) 829,730   21,324     Axis Capital Holdings Ltd 5.50%(a)       155,098     4,140  
  ING Groep NV 7.05%(a) 1,017,959   25,429     Axis Capital Holdings Ltd 6.88%(a)       2,072,850     54,018  
  ING Groep NV 7.20%(a) 163,000   4,271     Delphi Financial Group Inc 7.38%(b)       527,604     11,739  
  KeyCorp 8.63%(a),(b) 368,904   9,665     Hartford Financial Services Group Inc/The   1,040,014     32,688  
  M&T Bank Corp 6.38%(a),(b) 5,400   5,726     7.88%(b)                    
  M&T Bank Corp 6.38%(a),(b) 7,150   7,581     Protective Life Corp 6.00%         10,311     271  
  Merrill Lynch Capital Trust I 6.45%(b) 315,326   8,151     Protective Life Corp 6.25%         336,151     8,753  
  Morgan Stanley 7.13%(a),(b) 24,282   742     Prudential PLC 6.50%(a)           92,849     2,532  
                  Prudential PLC 6.75%(a)           174,600     4,681  
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The 1,730,132   52,250                                    
  6.13%(a),(b)           Reinsurance Group of America Inc 6.20%(b)   577,300     17,689  
  Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC 5.75%(a) 396,429   10,188     RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 5.38 %(a)     654,975     17,363  
  State Street Corp 5.25%(a) 1,425,192   36,855     RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 6.08%(a)       178,371     4,520  
  State Street Corp 5.90%(a),(b) 241,300   6,867     Torchmark Corp 5.88%           468,309     12,274  
  State Street Corp 6.00%(a) 349,700   9,659     WR Berkley Corp 5.63%         1,262,728     32,389  
  TCF Financial Corp 7.50%(a) 229,278   6,005     WR Berkley Corp 5.75%         65,930     1,719  
  US Bancorp 6.00% (a),(b) 2,082,309   54,265     XLIT Ltd 3.80%(a),(b),(d)           76,419     59,607  
  Valley National Bancorp 6.25%(a),(b) 172,200   5,088                             $   410,286  
  Wells Fargo & Co 5.85%(a),(b) 125,027   3,498   Media- 0.22 %                            
  Wells Fargo & Co 6.63%(a),(b) 236,676   7,254     Comcast Corp 5.00%             480,893     12,830  
          $ 526,552                                    
  Diversified Financial Services - 0.08%           Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 0.17%            
  Affiliated Managers Group Inc 6.38% 15,188   404     General Electric Co 4.88%         299,666     7,971  
  Charles Schwab Corp/The 6.00%(a) 12,535   328     General Electric Co 4.88%         80,187     2,094  
  Charles Schwab Corp/The 6.00%(a) 143,663   3,938                             $   10,065  
          $ 4,670   REITS- 4.51 %                        
                  Boston Properties Inc 5.25 %(a)     7,284     190  
  Electric - 2.39%                                              
  Alabama Power Co 6.45%(a) 89,000   2,373     Digital Realty Trust Inc 5.88%(a)       97,818     2,553  
                  Digital Realty Trust Inc 6.35 %(a)     202,498     5,599  
  Dominion Resources Inc/VA 5.25% 892,421   22,890                                    
                  Digital Realty Trust Inc 6.63 %(a)     3,856     101  
  DTE Energy Co 5.25% 313,300   8,118                                    
                  Digital Realty Trust Inc 7.00 %(a)     544,076     13,787  
  Duke Energy Corp 5.13% 362,408   9,571                                    
                  Digital Realty Trust Inc 7.38 %(a)     239,911     6,938  
  Entergy Arkansas Inc 4.88% 10,000   250                                    
                  Hospitality Properties Trust 7.13%(a)       411,113     10,607  
  Entergy Arkansas Inc 4.90% 241,096   6,088                                    
                  Kimco Realty Corp   5.50%(a)         590,922     15,275  
  Entergy Arkansas Inc 5.75% 35,363   890                                    
                  Kimco Realty Corp   6.00%(a)         667,508     17,328  
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 4.70% 165,100   4,185                                    
                  National Retail Properties Inc 6.63 %(a) 455,621     11,728  
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 4.88% 25,000   625                                    
                  Prologis Inc 8.54%(a)             167,700     11,776  
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 5.25% 236,055   6,114                                    
                  PS Business Parks Inc 5.70 %(a)     377,419     9,956  
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 5.88% 1,981   50                                    
                  PS Business Parks Inc 5.75 %(a)     520,724     13,482  
  Entergy Mississippi Inc 6.00% 70,689   1,800                                    


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Preferred Securities Fund
August 31, 2016

  PREFERRED STOCKS (continued)     Shares Held Value(000 's)     Principal    
  REITS (continued)                       BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)            Value (000's)
  PS Business Parks Inc 6.00%(a)       188,128   $   4,957   Banks (continued)        
  PS Business Parks Inc 6.45%(a)       132,228       3,421   BNP Paribas SA (continued)        
  Public Storage 5.20%(a)       70,407       1,849   7.37%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c) $ 100 $ 102
  Public Storage 5.75%(a)       222,900       5,791   7.63%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   46,600   49,000
  Public Storage 5.88%(a)       237,401       6,695   7.63%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   4,000   4,206
  Public Storage 5.90%(a)       55,600       1,431   BPCE SA        
  Public Storage 6.00%(a)       580,214       16,606   5.70%, 10/22/2023(c)   6,000   6,567
  Public Storage 6.38%(a)       131,181       3,790   Chase Capital III        
  Realty Income Corp 6.63%(a)       776,752       20,320   1.22%, 03/01/2027(b)   3,000   2,625
  Regency Centers Corp   6.00%(a)       441,029       10,998   Citigroup Capital III        
  Regency Centers Corp 6.63%(a)       230,854       5,979   7.63%, 12/01/2036   2,700   3,473
  Senior Housing Properties Trust 5.63%   113,931       2,960   Citigroup Inc        
  Senior Housing Properties Trust 6.25%     150,000       3,946   5.90%, 12/29/2049(a)   200   208
  Ventas Realty LP / Ventas Capital Corp     198,708       5,409   5.95%, 12/29/2049(a)   24,100   25,064
  5.45 %                     6.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   47,300   49,353
  Vornado Realty Trust 5.40%(a)       190,622       4,924   6.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   53,200   57,456
  Vornado Realty Trust   5.70%(a)       830,753       21,583   Citizens Financial Group Inc        
  Vornado Realty Trust 6.63%(a)       90,192       2,331   5.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   7,500   7,425
  Vornado Realty Trust 6.88%(a)       173,159       4,379   CoBank ACB        
  Welltower Inc 6.50%(a)       617,148       16,200   6.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   12,900   13,981
                  $   262,889   Commerzbank AG        
  Savings & Loans - 0.05%                   8.13%, 09/19/2023(c)   20,300   23,698
  Astoria Financial Corp   6.50%(a)       106,851       2,869   Cooperatieve Rabobank UA        
                          11.00%, 12/29/2049 (a),(b)   7,750   9,460
  Sovereign - 0.48%                       11.00%, 12/29/2049 (a),(b),(c)   69,657   85,025
  Farm Credit Bank of Texas 6.75%(a),(b)     258,000       27,614   Corestates Capital III        
                          1.39%, 02/15/2027(b),(c)   10,200   8,996
  Telecommunications - 4.86%                   Countrywide Capital III        
  Centaur Funding Corp 0.00%(b),(c),(e)     26,500       22,608   8.05%, 06/15/2027   6,312   8,043
  Centaur Funding Corp 9.08%(c),(f)     102,566       121,028   Credit Agricole SA        
  Qwest Corp 6.13%           885,400       22,489   7.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(c)   8,000   8,190
  Qwest Corp 6.88%           258,100       6,871   8.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   5,000   5,366
  Qwest Corp 7.00%           253,178       6,573   8.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   11,050   11,858
  Qwest Corp 7.00%           520,255       13,610   8.38%, 12/31/2049(a),(b),(c)   42,909   48,496
  Qwest Corp 7.50%           949,111       24,240   Credit Suisse AG        
  Telephone & Data Systems Inc 6.63 %   224,067       6,023   6.50%, 08/08/2023(c)   28,300   30,968
  Telephone & Data Systems Inc 6.88 %   2,595       66   Credit Suisse Group AG        
  Telephone & Data Systems Inc 7.00 %   1,208,015       30,949   6.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   39,100   38,269
  United States Cellular Corp 6.95%     110,817       2,869   6.25%, 12/29/2049(a)   475   465
  Verizon Communications Inc 5.90%     942,517       26,098   7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   3,000   3,162
                  $   283,424   7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   34,040   35,878
  TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS           $   1,734,914   Dresdner Funding Trust I        
                          8.15%, 06/30/2031(c)   26,715   31,744
BONDS- 64.21 %         Amount (000's) Value(000 's) 8.15%, 06/30/2031   3,200   3,808
Banks- 36.66 %                     Fifth Third Bancorp        
                          5.10%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   5,100   5,049
  ABN AMRO Bank NV                            
  4.80%, 04/18/2026(c)     $ 7,000 $ 7,463   First Chicago NBD Institutional Capital I        
  6.25%, 09/13/2022(b)       10,000       10,450   1.31%, 02/01/2027(b)   2,300   2,024
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group                 First Union Capital II        
  Ltd/United Kingdom                   7.95%, 11/15/2029   3,700   4,824
  6.75%, 12/29/2049(a),(c)       4,000       4,496   Fleet Capital Trust V        
                          1.65%, 12/18/2028(b)   2,500   2,178
  BAC Capital Trust XIII                            
  4.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)       33,564       27,220   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The        
                          5.70%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   39,795   40,651
  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA                          
  9.00%, 05/29/2049(a)       27,800       29,051   HBOS Capital Funding LP        
                          6.85%, 03/29/2049(a)   7,000   7,097
  Banco Santander SA                                
  6.38%, 05/29/2049(a),(b)       5,000       4,618   HSBC Capital Funding Dollar1 LP        
                          10.18%, 12/29/2049 (a),(b),(c)   32,900   49,811
  Bank of America Corp                                
  6.30%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)       18,500       20,211   HSBC Holdings PLC        
  6.50%, 10/29/2049(a),(b)       50,000       54,505   6.87%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   29,600   30,969
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The                 JPMorgan Chase & Co        
  4.62%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)       13,300       13,317   5.30%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   9,800   10,002
  4.95%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)       75,100       76,696   6.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   22,000   23,554
                          6.75%, 01/29/2049(a),(b)   137,707   155,294
  Barclays Bank PLC                                
  7.63%, 11/21/2022           8,000       8,984   JPMorgan Chase Capital XXI        
  7.75%, 04/10/2023(b)       24,200       25,652   1.71%, 02/02/2037(b)   13,251   10,717
  10.18%, 06/12/2021       3,000       3,845   KeyCorp Capital III        
  10.18%, 06/12/2021 (c)       3,460       4,434   7.75%, 07/15/2029   3,500   4,164
  Barclays PLC                       Lloyds Banking Group PLC        
  6.63%, 06/29/2049(a),(b)       34,178       32,512   6.27%, 11/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   3,000   2,873
  8.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)       63,158       64,696   6.27%, 11/29/2049(a),(b)   3,150   3,016
                          6.41%, 01/29/2049(a),(c)   39,174   43,287
  BNP Paribas SA                                
  7.20%, 06/29/2049(a),(c)       13,800       15,525   6.66%, 01/29/2049(a),(c)   60,185   66,805
                          7.50%, 04/30/2049(a),(b)   49,888   50,699


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Preferred Securities Fund August 31, 2016

    Principal         Principal    
BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)     Value (000's) BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's)
Banks (continued)         Electric (continued)        
M&T Bank Corp         PPL Capital Funding Inc        
6.45%, 12/29/2049(a),(b) $ 6,615 $ 7,376 6.70%, 03/30/2067(b) $ 15,375 $ 13,280
6.88%, 12/29/2049(a)   37,800   38,036     $   98,630
Morgan Stanley         Hand & Machine Tools - 0.23%        
5.55%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   11,100   11,377 Stanley Black & Decker Inc        
Nordea Bank AB         5.75%, 12/15/2053   12,250   13,126
5.50%, 09/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   6,000   6,007          
5.50%, 09/29/2049(a),(b)   1,200   1,201 Insurance - 19.12%        
6.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   1,800   1,791 ACE Capital Trust II        
6.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   32,831   32,667 9.70%, 04/01/2030   18,970   28,740
Northern Trust Corp         Aegon NV        
4.60%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   4,400   4,493 1.43%, 07/29/2049(a),(b)   11,889   7,643
PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The         AIG Life Holdings Inc        
6.75%, 07/29/2049(a),(b)   44,035   49,705 8.50%, 07/01/2030   30,200   38,279
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC         Allstate Corp/The        
4.80%, 04/05/2026   7,500   7,854 5.75%, 08/15/2053(b)   7,600   8,208
7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   45,281   42,904 6.50%, 05/15/2067   12,505   14,443
7.64%, 03/29/2049(a),(b)   1,900   1,869 American International Group Inc        
7.65%, 08/29/2049(a),(b)   34,315   41,178 8.18%, 05/15/2068   1,500   1,965
8.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   9,825   9,508 Aon Corp        
8.62%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   3,000   3,056 8.21%, 01/01/2027   4,500   5,974
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB         AXA SA        
5.75%, 11/29/2049(a),(b)   13,800   13,801 1.43%, 08/29/2049(b)   9,295   6,516
Societe Generale SA         6.38%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   27,793   30,294
1.40%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   5,750   5,477 8.60%, 12/15/2030   13,565   19,045
7.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   3,000   2,982 Catlin Insurance Co Ltd        
7.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   15,000   14,910 7.25%, 07/29/2049(a),(c)   52,586   40,491
8.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   16,800   17,115 Chubb Corp/The        
8.25%, 09/29/2049(a),(b)   64,750   66,612 6.38%, 03/29/2067(b)   44,690   41,757
Standard Chartered PLC         Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co Ltd/The        
7.01%, 07/29/2049(a),(c)   14,300   15,694 5.10%, 10/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   12,300   13,530
7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   12,700   12,687 7.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(c)   13,250   15,801
SunTrust Capital I         Demeter Investments BV for Swiss Re Ltd        
1.49%, 05/15/2027(b)   20,900   17,243 5.63%, 08/15/2052   16,800   17,984
Svenska Handelsbanken AB         Everest Reinsurance Holdings Inc        
5.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   22,500   22,388 6.60%, 05/01/2067(b)   34,120   27,722
Swedbank AB         Glen Meadow Pass-Through Trust        
5.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   5,200   5,330 6.51%, 02/12/2067(b),(c)   10,885   8,218
UBS AG/Stamford CT         Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Capital        
7.63%, 08/17/2022   10,000   11,716 LP        
UBS Group AG         6.63%, 11/15/2034(c)   7,000   8,306
6.87%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   18,078   18,236 Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Capital        
6.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   13,100   13,017 LP II        
7.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   12,000   12,795 3.36%, 05/16/2046(b),(c)   8,750   7,481
7.13%, 12/29/2049(a)   1,757   1,807 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc/The        
US Bancorp         8.13%, 06/15/2068(b)   11,772   12,861
5.12%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   21,400   22,738 Liberty Mutual Group Inc        
Wells Fargo & Co         7.00%, 03/07/2067(b),(c)   17,738   14,811
5.87%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   47,800   52,793 7.80%, 03/07/2087(c)   61,373   71,193
7.98%, 12/31/2049(a),(b)   57,100   60,383 Liberty Mutual Insurance Co        
    $   2,136,321 7.70%, 10/15/2097(c)   20,025   26,724
Diversified Financial Services - 1.03%         Lincoln National Corp        
Charles Schwab Corp/The         3.16%, 05/17/2066(b)   13,109   10,192
7.00%, 02/28/2049(a),(b)   27,158   31,367 6.05%, 04/20/2067(b)   54,947   42,045
Depository Trust & Clearing Corp/The         Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co        
4.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(c)   4,000   4,090 5.20%, 10/20/2045(b),(c)   10,000   11,400
MBNA Capital B         MetLife Capital Trust IV        
1.56%, 02/01/2027(b)   2,500   2,178 7.88%, 12/15/2067(c)   19,020   23,870
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance         MetLife Capital Trust X        
Corp         9.25%, 04/08/2068(c)   41,075   58,720
5.25%, 04/20/2046(b)   21,300   22,486 MetLife Inc        
    $   60,121 5.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   17,200   17,297
Electric - 1.69%         6.40%, 12/15/2066(b)   11,400   12,802
Emera Inc         10.75%, 08/01/2069   28,223   45,439
6.75%, 06/15/2076(b)   33,400   36,114 Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co Ltd        
Integrys Holding Inc         7.00%, 03/15/2072(c)   10,700   12,947
6.11%, 12/01/2066(b)   13,082   10,973 MMI Capital Trust I        
NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc         7.63%, 12/15/2027   1,073   1,377
6.35%, 10/01/2066(b)   23,474   18,955 Nationwide Financial Services Inc        
6.65%, 06/15/2067(b)   2,000   1,670 6.75%, 05/15/2087   71,215   75,132
7.30%, 09/01/2067(b)   17,750   17,638 Nippon Life Insurance Co        
          4.70%, 01/20/2046(b),(c)   5,000   5,488
          5.10%, 10/16/2044(b),(c)   14,900   16,613


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments Preferred Securities Fund August 31, 2016

        Principal     Portfolio Summary (unaudited)    
  BONDS (continued)     Amount (000's)   Value (000's) Sector Percent  
  Insurance (continued)           Financial 79.39 %
  Provident Financing Trust I           Communications 5.20 %
  7.41%, 03/15/2038   $ 37,750 $ 42,199 Industrial 4.76 %
  Prudential Financial Inc           Utilities 4.08 %
  5.63%, 06/15/2043(b)     66,965   71,820 Investment Companies 2.87 %
  5.88%, 09/15/2042(b)     11,675   12,930 Energy 1.50 %
  Prudential PLC           Government 0.48 %
  7.75%, 01/29/2049(a)     4,800   4,903 Consumer, Non-cyclical 0.43 %
  Reinsurance Group of America Inc           Purchased Options 0.12 %
  3.32%, 12/15/2065(b)     26,423   19,949 Other Assets and Liabilities 1.17 %
  Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc           TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00 %
  5.33%, 03/28/2073(b),(c)     60,300   67,838      
  Sumitomo Life Insurance Co                
  6.50%, 09/20/2073(b),(c)     15,500   18,561      
  Voya Financial Inc                
  5.65%, 05/15/2053(b)     64,126   64,126      
  XLIT Ltd                
  6.50%, 12/31/2049(a),(b)     14,350   10,741      
        $   1,114,375      
  Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 3.10%                
  General Electric Co                
  5.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     168,649   180,876      
  Pipelines - 1.50%                
  Enterprise Products Operating LLC                
  7.03%, 01/15/2068(b)     55,775   59,337      
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd                
  6.35%, 05/15/2067(b)     8,461   6,769      
  Transcanada Trust                
  5.63%, 05/20/2075(b)     3,800   3,771      
  5.87%, 08/15/2076(b)     16,200   17,263      
        $   87,140      
  Telecommunications - 0.12%                
  Koninklijke KPN NV                
  7.00%, 03/28/2073(b),(c)     6,550   7,213      
  Transportation - 0.76%                
  BNSF Funding Trust I                
  6.61%, 12/15/2055(b)     38,509   44,389      
  TOTAL BONDS     $   3,742,191      
  CONVERTIBLE BONDS - 0.44%     Amount (000's)   Value (000's)      
Banks- 0.44 %              
  ING Groep NV                
  6.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     26,000   25,464      
  TOTAL CONVERTIBLE BONDS     $   25,464      
  TOTAL PURCHASED OPTIONS - 0.12%     $   7,169      
  Total Investments     $   5,759,668      
  Other Assets and Liabilities - 1.17%     $   68,002      
  TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%     $   5,827,670      


(a)      Perpetual security. Perpetual securities pay an indefinite stream of interest, but they may be called by the issuer at an earlier date.
(b)      Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.
(c)      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $1,298,574 or 22.28% of net assets.
(d)      Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $73,071 or 1.25% of net assets.
(e)      Non-Income Producing Security
(f)      Affiliated Security. Please see Affiliated Sub-Schedule for transactional information.

See accompanying notes.



          Schedule of Investments                    
Preferred Securities Fund
August 31, 2016
August 31,   August 31,                       August 31,   August 31,  
Affiliated Securities 2015   2015     Purchases     Purchases Sales     Sales   2016   2016  
Shares   Cost     Shares     Cost Shares     Proceeds   Shares   Cost  
Centaur Funding Corp 9.08% 71,576 $ 85,034   30,990   $ 36,865   $   102,566 $ 121,899  
  $   85,034       $ 36,865     $   $   121,899  
                  Realized Gain/Loss         Realized Gain from  
      Income       on Investments     Capital Gain Distributions  
Centaur Funding Corp 9.08% $     9,081 $           $        
  $     9,081 $             $        
Amounts in thousands except shares                                      

                    Upfront Premiums         Unrealized  
Purchased Options Outstanding Exercise Price Expiration Date   Contracts Paid/(Received)     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Put - US Long Bond Future; December 2016 $   169.00   09/26/2016     6,200 $ 12,423   $ 7,169   $   (5,254 )
Total                   $ 12,423   $ 7,169   $   (5,254 )
                    Upfront Premiums         Unrealized  
Written Options Outstanding Exercise Price Expiration Date   Contracts Paid/(Received)     Fair Value   Appreciation/(Depreciation)  
Put - US Long Bond Future; December 2016 $   165.00   09/26/2016     6,200 $ (4,386 ) $ (2,034 ) $   2,352  
Total                   $ (4,386 ) $ (2,034 ) $   2,352  
Amounts in thousands except contracts                                      


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Real Estate Allocation Fund
August 31, 2016

INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 101.35% Shares Held   Value                  
Principal Funds, Inc. Institutional Class - 101.35%                          
Global Real Estate Securities Fund (a)   47,961 $ 460,422                  
Real Estate Debt Income Fund (a)   47,645   470,256                  
      $   930,678                  
TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES     $   930,678                  
Total Investments     $   930,678                  
Other Assets and Liabilities - (1.35)%     $   (12,416 )                
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%     $   918,262                  
(a) Affiliated Security. Please see Affiliated Sub-Schedule for transactional                  
Portfolio Summary (unaudited)                        
Fund Type         Percent                  
Fixed Income Funds         51.21 %                
International Equity Funds         50.14 %                
Other Assets and Liabilities         (1.35 )%                
TOTAL NET ASSETS         100.00 %                
August 31, August 31,                 August 31,   August 31,
Affiliated Securities 2015   2015   Purchases     Purchases Sales   Sales 2016   2016
Shares   Cost   Shares     Cost Shares   Proceeds Shares   Cost
Global Real Estate Securities Fund 20,381 $ 193,364   54,122   $ 490,184 26,542 $ 245,539 47,961 $ 438,790
Real Estate Debt Income Fund 14,683   146,149   54,032     521,092 21,070   203,599 47,645   463,564
    $ 339,513       $ 1,011,276   $ 449,138   $ 902,354


        Realized Gain/Loss     Realized Gain from
  Income   on Investments     Capital Gain Distributions
Global Real Estate Securities Fund $ 5,772 $   781   $ 3,841
Real Estate Debt Income Fund   9,611     (78 )  
  $ 15,383 $   703   $ 3,841
Amounts shown are in dollars and not rounded to the thousands.              


See accompanying notes.



Schedule of Investments
Real Estate Debt Income Fund
August 31, 2016

  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 1.12%   Shares Held Value(000 's)       Principal    
  Money Market Funds - 1.12%                   BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)        Value (000's)
  First American Government Obligations Fund     1,731,291   $   1,731     Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)    
                      GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC34          
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES         $   1,731     3.51%, 10/10/2048(a)   $ 5,000 $ 5,424
      Principal             4.47%, 10/10/2048     2,000   2,242
BONDS- 98.39 % Amount (000's) Value(000 's)   GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2016-GS2          
  Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities - 93.03%             3.76%, 05/10/2049     2,500   2,732
  Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust                   JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage          
  2008-1                   Securities Trust 2010-C1          
  6.48%, 02/10/2051(a)   $ 1,800     $ 1,787     5.95%, 06/15/2043(b)     1,500   1,628
  6.48%, 02/10/2051(a),(b)     1,000       934     JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage          
                    Securities Trust 2011-C5          
   Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust                   5.51%, 08/15/2046(a),(b)     1,200   1,325
  2015-UB S7                            
  4.51%, 09/15/2048(a)     1,080       1,217     JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage          
  Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust                   Securities Trust 2016-JP2          
  2016-UBS10                   3.46%, 08/15/2049     1,000   1,053
  2.18%, 06/15/2049(a),(c)     9,089       1,167     JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities          
  5.08%, 06/15/2049(a)     3,500       3,738     Trust 2013-C12          
                      4.22%, 07/15/2045(a)     460   411
  CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-                              
  C2                   JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities          
  1.92%, 12/15/2047(a),(b),(c)     12,924       413     Trust 2014-C21          
                      1.26%, 08/15/2047(a),(c)     25,616   1,626
  Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-                              
  GC15                   JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities          
  5.27%, 09/10/2046(a),(b)     2,010       1,875     Trust 2014-C24          
                      4.07%, 11/15/2047(a),(b)     1,000   791
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-                   4.12%, 11/15/2047(a)     2,500   2,754
  3.14%, 02/10/2048(a)     2,000       2,108     LB Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C3          
                      6.11%, 07/15/2044(a)     2,000   1,969
  Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-                              
  C1                 ML -CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-          
  2.12%, 05/10/2049(a),(c)     28,938       4,036     3          
                      5.48%, 07/12/2046(a)     1,290   1,279
  3.51%, 05/10/2049     2,500       2,647                
  4.12%, 05/10/2049     2,500       2,746     Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
                    Lynch Trust 2013-C13          
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-                   5.05%, 11/15/2046(a)     4,000   4,420
  3.62%, 02/10/2049     5,000       5,485     Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
                    Lynch Trust 2013-C9          
   COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust                   4.29%, 05/15/2046(a),(b)     3,000   2,841
  5.38%, 12/10/2046     2,000       1,938                
  COMM 2012-CCRE4 Mortgage Trust                   Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
  3.25%, 10/15/2045     3,000       3,167     Lynch Trust 2014-C14          
                      1.42%, 02/15/2047(a),(c)     20,844   1,073
  COMM 2013-CCRE11 Mortgage Trust                              
  1.20%, 10/10/2046(a),(c)     26,060       1,493     Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
  COMM 2013-CCRE6 Mortgage Trust                   Lynch Trust 2014-C15          
  1.62%, 03/10/2046(a),(c)     14,807       633     5.06%, 04/15/2047(a)     1,000   1,087
  COMM 2014-CCRE17 Mortgage Trust                   Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
  4.96%, 05/10/2047(a),(b)     1,000       927     Lynch Trust 2015-C20          
                      4.16%, 02/15/2048(a)     1,000   1,073
  Comm 2014-UBS2 Mortgage Trust                              
  4.20%, 03/10/2047     1,000       1,099     Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
  COMM 2014-UBS3 Mortgage Trust                   Lynch Trust 2015-C25          
  4.94%, 06/10/2047(a)     1,000       1,019     1.30%, 10/15/2048(a),(c)     29,871   2,253
  COMM 2015-LC19 Mortgage Trust                   Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
  2.87%, 02/10/2048(a),(b)     1,000       781     Lynch Trust 2015-C26          
  COMM 2015-LC23 Mortgage Trust                   3.53%, 10/15/2048     1,000   1,091
  4.80%, 10/10/2053(a)     1,000       1,054     Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill          
  COMM 2016-DC2 Mortgage Trust                   Lynch Trust 2016-C28          
  3.77%, 02/10/2049     6,000       6,635     3.95%, 01/15/2049     6,000   6,602
  Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-GG9                   Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2016-UBS9          
  5.51%, 03/10/2039     3,000       2,768     4.70%, 03/15/2049     500   529
  Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust                   UBS-Barclays Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  Series 2007-C1                   2012 -C4        
                      1.92%, 12/10/2045(a),(b),(c)     9,382   729
  5.42%, 02/15/2040     3,000       2,982                
                      4.65%, 12/10/2045(a),(b)     1,000   990
  FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through                              
  Certificates                   Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  1.29%, 01/25/2021(a),(c)     20,172       836     Series 2006-C29          
  3.01%, 07/25/2025     5,000       5,383     5.37%, 11/15/2048     2,000   1,991
  3.15%, 11/25/2025(a)     1,500       1,633     Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  3.28%, 06/25/2025(a)     5,000       5,488     Series 2007-C30          
  3.33%, 08/25/2025(a)     4,000       4,411     5.41%, 12/15/2043(a)     4,000   4,008
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2010-C1                   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  1.58%, 08/10/2043(a),(b),(c)     25,702       1,180     2015 -C31        
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2011-GC3                   3.70%, 11/15/2048     2,000   2,200
  0.84%, 03/10/2044(a),(b),(c)     24,312       596     Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14                   2015-NX S1        
  4.93%, 08/10/2046(a),(b)     1,500       1,375     4.24%, 05/15/2048(a)     3,180   2,629
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC22                              
  4.80%, 06/10/2047(a)     3,110       3,334                
  See accompanying notes.                   175          



            Schedule of Investments
            Real Estate Debt Income Fund
            August 31, 2016
  BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)    Value (000's)
  Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (continued)    
  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  2016 -C34        
  2.36%, 06/15/2049(a),(c)   $ 7,984 $ 1,148
  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust          
  2016-NX S5        
  5.01%, 01/15/2059(a)     1,750   2,023
  WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-          
  1.59%, 03/15/2045(a),(b),(c)     16,360   840
  WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-          
  1.53%, 03/15/2048(a),(b),(c)     38,208   2,287
  WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-          
  1.70%, 12/15/2046(a),(c)     34,687   2,155
  WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-          
  3.99%, 05/15/2047(a),(b)     2,500   1,906
        $   143,994
  Real Estate - 1.71%          
  Prologis LP          
  3.35%, 02/01/2021     2,500   2,642
REITS- 3.65 %        
  HCP Inc          
  2.63%, 02/01/2020     2,500   2,537
  Hospitality Properties Trust          
  5.00%, 08/15/2022     1,000   1,085
  Select Income REIT          
  3.60%, 02/01/2020     2,000   2,031
        $   5,653
  TOTAL BONDS     $   152,289
  Total Investments     $   154,020
  Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.49%     $   763
  TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%     $   154,783


(a)      Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.
(b)      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the period, the value of these securities totaled $21,418 or 13.84% of net assets.
(c)      Security is an Interest Only Strip.
Portfolio Summary (unaudited)

Sector Percent  
Mortgage Securities 93.03 %
Financial 5.36 %
Investment Companies 1.12 %
Other Assets and Liabilities 0.49 %


See accompanying notes.



     Schedule of Investments Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund August 31, 2016

COMMON STOCKS - 97.23% Shares Held   Value(000 's) COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Aerospace & Defense - 1.24%           Housewares - 0.76%          
Harris Corp 305,935 $   28,446   Tupperware Brands Corp 265,785 $   17,417  
Airlines - 1.18%           Insurance - 6.15%          
Alaska Air Group Inc 400,498     27,046   Allied World Assurance Co Holdings AG 574,007     23,282  
            AmTrust Financial Services Inc 2,026,483     53,681  
Automobile Manufacturers - 1.63%           Arthur J Gallagher & Co 446,826     22,078  
New Flyer Industries Inc 1,162,265     37,445   Validus Holdings Ltd 824,217     41,862  
                $   140,903  
Automobile Parts & Equipment - 0.89%           Investment Companies - 3.02%          
Autoliv Inc 191,477     20,331   Ares Capital Corp 2,604,759     42,093  
            Oaktree Capital Group LLC 613,904     26,993  
Banks - 8.87%               $   69,086  
Bank of the Ozarks Inc 1,090,090     42,710   Machinery - Diversified - 4.60%          
BOK Financial Corp 324,304     22,399   Applied Industrial Technologies Inc 670,246     31,850  
Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc 607,861     44,313   Flowserve Corp 459,701     22,236  
PacWest Bancorp 1,171,714     50,747   IDEX Corp 259,644     24,261  
Umpqua Holdings Corp 1,199,090     19,689   Nordson Corp 273,234     26,976  
Washington Trust Bancorp Inc 554,964     23,392       $   105,323  
    $   203,250   Media - 2.17%          
Chemicals - 4.06%           Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc 1,745,881     49,723  
Albemarle Corp 359,974     28,787              
Cabot Corp 206,990     10,321   Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 2.13%          
Huntsman Corp 2,083,689     36,027   Crane Co 553,538     35,604  
RPM International Inc 326,040     17,779   Donaldson Co Inc 354,330     13,305  
    $   92,914       $   48,909  
Coal - 1.13%           Oil & Gas - 2.64%          
Alliance Resource Partners LP 1,269,976     25,895   Helmerich & Payne Inc 113,951     6,889  
            HollyFrontier Corp 1,134,524     29,362  
Computers - 1.08%           Vermilion Energy Inc 669,984     24,211  
Leidos Holdings Inc 608,339     24,644       $   60,462  
            Oil & Gas Services - 1.34%          
Diversified Financial Services - 1.85%           Targa Resources Corp 703,671     30,666  
BGC Partners Inc 2,100,528     18,422              
FNF Group 637,546     24,029   Packaging & Containers - 1.04%          
    $   42,451   Packaging Corp of America 303,177     23,839  
Electric - 5.67%                      
ALLETE Inc 465,108     27,581   Pipelines - 1.69%          
Alliant Energy Corp 920,114     34,918   EnLink Midstream Partners LP 2,199,582     38,823  
Great Plains Energy Inc 944,362     25,649              
ITC Holdings Corp 585,254     26,465   Private Equity - 0.91%          
PNM Resources Inc 479,836     15,254   Hercules Capital Inc 1,526,193     20,848  
    $   129,867              
Electrical Components & Equipment - 1.87%           REITS - 17.08%          
Hubbell Inc 157,813     17,093   Agree Realty Corp 375,540     18,022  
Littelfuse Inc 202,825     25,718   Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 236,719     26,060  
    $   42,811   Colony Capital Inc 3,004,578     55,495  
Electronics - 2.20%           CYS Investments Inc 395,503     3,484  
Avnet Inc 822,323     34,275   EastGroup Properties Inc 325,316     23,872  
Garmin Ltd 326,760     16,037   EPR Properties 623,769     48,854  
    $   50,312   GEO Group Inc/The 815,111     16,335  
Environmental Control - 1.34%           Gramercy Property Trust 4,289,352     41,521  
MSA Safety Inc 528,126     30,763   LaSalle Hotel Properties 932,361     26,162  
            Medical Properties Trust Inc 3,040,287     46,425  
Food - 2.55%           Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 1,420,507     51,422  
B&G Foods Inc 834,036     39,600   Pebblebrook Hotel Trust 1,121,926     33,703  
Ingredion Inc 137,613     18,847       $   391,355  
    $   58,447   Retail - 1.09%          
Gas - 0.97%           Nordstrom Inc 494,978     24,977  
Vectren Corp 455,884     22,297              
            Semiconductors - 2.60%          
Hand & Machine Tools - 2.06%           Maxim Integrated Products Inc 505,548     20,586  
Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc 358,905     22,812   Microchip Technology Inc 628,617     38,918  
Snap-on Inc 159,369     24,430       $   59,504  
    $   47,242   Software - 2.63%          
Healthcare - Products - 2.62%           Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 321,162     22,256  
STERIS PLC 481,466     34,030   j2 Global Inc 557,776     38,024  
Teleflex Inc 141,714     25,946       $   60,280  
    $   59,976   Supranational Bank - 1.82%          
Home Furnishings - 2.27%           Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior 1,446,712     41,795  
Harman International Industries Inc 614,693     52,058   SA          


See accompanying notes.



        Schedule of Investments  
        Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund  
        August 31, 2016  
COMMON STOCKS (continued) Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Telecommunications - 0.51%          
Consolidated Communications Holdings Inc 483,669 $   11,632  
Toys, Games & Hobbies - 1.57%          
Hasbro Inc 439,518     35,926  
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS   $   2,227,663  
INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 2.45% Shares Held   Value(000 's)
Money Market Funds - 2.45%          
Goldman Sachs Financial Square Funds - 56,219,459     56,219  
Government Fund          
Total Investments   $   2,283,882  
Other Assets and Liabilities - 0.32%   $   7,318  
TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $   2,291,200  
Portfolio Summary (unaudited)        
Sector       Percent  
Financial       37.88 %
Industrial       16.48 %
Consumer, Cyclical       9.39 %
Energy       6.80 %
Utilities       6.64 %
Technology       6.31 %
Consumer, Non-cyclical       5.17 %
Basic Materials       4.06 %
Communications       2.68 %
Investment Companies       2.45 %
Government       1.82 %
Other Assets and Liabilities       0.32 %
TOTAL NET ASSETS       100.00 %


See accompanying notes.



Glossary to the Schedule of Investments
August 31, 2016

Currency Abbreviations


































Argentine Peso

Australian Dollar

Brazilian Real

Canadian Dollar

Swiss Franc

Chilean Peso

Chinese Renminbi

Colombian Peso

Czech Koruna

Danish Krone


British Pound Sterling

Hong Kong Dollar

Hungarian Forint

Indonesian Rupiah

Israeli New Shekel

Indian Rupee

Japanese Yen

South Korean Won

Mexican Peso

Malaysian Ringgit

Norwegian Krone

New Zealand Dollar

Philippine Peso

Polish Zloty

Russian Rouble

Swedish Krona

Singapore Dollar

Turkish Lira

New Taiwan Dollar

United States Dollar

South African Rand


See accompanying notes.



                FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                        
                PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                        
Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):            
      Net Asset   Net     Net Realized           Dividends     Distributions       Total       
      Value,   Investment         and Unrealized      Total From      from Net      from     Dividends      Net Asset 
      Beginning   Income       Gain (Loss) on       Investment       Investment       Realized      and     Value, End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)      Investments       Operations       Income      Gains     Distributions       of Period 
BLUE CHIP FUND                                              
Class A shares                                              
2016   $ 15.52 ($0.04 ) $ 1.69   $ 1.65   ($0.01 ) ($0.31 ) ($0.32 ) $ 16.85
2015     15.07   (0.01 )   0.86     0.85     (0.02 )   (0.38 )   (0.40 )   15.52
2014 (d)   12.93   0.03     2.14     2.17     (0.03 )       (0.03 )   15.07
Class C shares                                              
2016     15.33   (0.16 )   1.66     1.50         (0.31 )   (0.31 )   16.52
2015     14.97   (0.12 )   0.86     0.74         (0.38 )   (0.38 )   15.33
2014 (d)   12.93   (0.07 )   2.13     2.06     (0.02 )       (0.02 )   14.97
Class P shares                                              
2016     15.62   0.02     1.70     1.72     (0.06 )   (0.31 )   (0.37 )   16.97
2015     15.13   0.08     0.85     0.93     (0.06 )   (0.38 )   (0.44 )   15.62
2014 (d)   12.93   0.10     2.14     2.24     (0.04 )       (0.04 )   15.13
CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES EXPLORER FUND                                        
Class A shares                                              
2016     9.36   0.29     0.12     0.41     (0.27 )       (0.27 )   9.50
2015 (g)   10.00   0.35     (0.65 )   (0.30 )   (0.34 )       (0.34 )   9.36
DIVERSIFIED REAL ASSET FUND                                              
Class A shares                                              
2016     11.22   0.17     (0.27 )   (0.10 )   (0.05 )       (0.05 )   11.07
2015     13.18   0.13     (1.88 )   (1.75 )   (0.08 )   (0.13 )   (0.21 )   11.22
2014     11.72   0.16     1.45     1.61     (0.04 )   (0.11 )   (0.15 )   13.18
2013     11.91   0.15     0.07     0.22     (0.11 )   (0.30 )   (0.41 )   11.72
2012     11.82   0.10     0.30     0.40     (0.03 )   (0.28 )   (0.31 )   11.91
Class C shares                                              
2016     10.98   0.09     (0.27 )   (0.18 )               10.80
2015     12.91   0.04     (1.84 )   (1.80 )       (0.13 )   (0.13 )   10.98
2014     11.55   0.07     1.42     1.49     (0.02 )   (0.11 )   (0.13 )   12.91
2013     11.75   0.06     0.07     0.13     (0.03 )   (0.30 )   (0.33 )   11.55
2012     11.72   0.01     0.30     0.31         (0.28 )   (0.28 )   11.75
Class P shares                                              
2016     11.21   0.19     (0.26 )   (0.07 )   (0.09 )       (0.09 )   11.05
2015     13.16   0.16     (1.87 )   (1.71 )   (0.11 )   (0.13 )   (0.24 )   11.21
2014     11.78   0.20     1.44     1.64     (0.15 )   (0.11 )   (0.26 )   13.16
2013     11.96   0.18     0.07     0.25     (0.13 )   (0.30 )   (0.43 )   11.78
2012     11.85   0.12     0.31     0.43     (0.04 )   (0.28 )   (0.32 )   11.96


See accompanying notes.



            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Continued)      
            PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.      
        Ratio of       Ratio of Net      
        Expenses to   Ratio of Gross   Investment Income      
      Net Assets, End of Average Net   Expenses to Average   to Average Net   Portfolio  
Total Return(b)     Period (in thousands) Assets   Net Assets   Assets   Turnover Rate  
10.77 % $ 36,575 1.28 % 1.28 %(c) (0.26 )% 36.4 %
5.78     20,629 1.35   1.39 (c) (0.04 ) 26.2  
16.83 (e)   8,637 1.35 (f) 1.95 (c) ,(f) 0.25 (f) 34.4 (f)
9.93     21,705 2.08   2.08 (c) (1.06 ) 36.4  
5.04     11,985 2.10   2.33 (c) (0.77 ) 26.2  
15.99 (e)   3,321 2.10 (f) 4.22 (c) ,(f) (0.51 ) (f) 34.4 (f)
11.21     17,494 0.87   0.87 (c) 0.15   36.4  
6.25     6,905 0.89   1.41 (c) 0.53   26.2  
17.36 (e)   2,176 0.90 (f) 3.24 (c) ,(f) 0.75 (f) 34.4 (f)
4.51     9,669 1.10   1.37 (c) 3.20   618.9  
(3.03 ) (e)   9,459 1.10 (f) 1.39 (c) ,(f) 3.72 (f) 406.0 (f)
(0.85 )   210,864 1.25   1.28 (c) 1.59   77.6  
(13.33 )   109,677 1.25   1.25 (c) 1.06   66.4  
13.91     127,019 1.25   1.27 (c) 1.31   67.3  
1.89     281,607 1.25   1.47 (c) 1.25   78.7  
3.53     246,133 1.25   1.44 (c) 0.86   107.3  
(1.55 ) (h)   31,350 2.00   2.12 (c) 0.86   77.6  
(13.98 )   45,514 2.00   2.04 (c) 0.30   66.4  
13.07     55,741 2.00   2.04 (c) 0.57   67.3  
1.10     49,372 2.00   2.04 (c) 0.51   78.7  
2.80     42,133 2.00   2.13 (c) 0.07   107.3  
(0.60 )   149,921 1.01   1.14 (c) 1.78   77.6  
(13.08 )   396,768 1.01   1.06 (c) 1.36   66.4  
14.20     314,063 1.02   1.13 (c) 1.59   67.3  
2.14     60,294 0.99   0.99 (c) 1.51   78.7  
3.78     39,474 1.04   1.13 (c) 1.05   107.3  


(a)      Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
(b)      Total return is calculated without the front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c)      Excludes expense reimbursement from Manager.
(d)      Period from September 30, 2013, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2014.
(e)      Total return amounts have not been annualized.
(f)      Computed on an annualized basis.
(g)      Period from September 10, 2014, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2015.
(h)      Total return is calculated using the traded net asset value which may differ from the reported net asset value. The traded net asset value is the net asset value which a shareholder would have paid or received from a subscription or redemption.

See accompanying notes.




Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):

      Net Asset   Net     Net Realized           Dividends   Distributions       Total      
      Value,   Investment         and Unrealized      Total From      from Net    from     Dividends     Net Asset 
      Beginning    Income      Gain (Loss) on      Investment      Investment    Realized     and     Value, End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)      Investments      Operations      Income   Gains     Distributions       of Period 
DYNAMIC HIGH YIELD EXPLORER FUND                                      
Class A shares                                            
2016   $ 9.39 $ 0.44   ($0.21 ) $ 0.23   ($0.48 ) $–   ($0.48 ) $ 9.14
2015 (e)   10.00   0.40     (0.61 )   (0.21 )   (0.40 )     (0.40 )   9.39
GLOBAL MULTI-STRATEGY FUND                                            
Class A shares                                            
2016     10.91   0.01     0.14     0.15     (0.06 ) (0.23 )   (0.29 )   10.77
2015     11.04   (0.06 )   0.16     0.10     (0.06 ) (0.17 )   (0.23 )   10.91
2014     10.47   (0.04 )   0.70     0.66     (0.01 ) (0.08 )   (0.09 )   11.04
2013     10.32       0.29     0.29       (0.14 )   (0.14 )   10.47
2012 (i)   10.00   (0.04 )   0.36     0.32               10.32
Class C shares                                            
2016     10.73   (0.07 )   0.13     0.06       (0.23 )   (0.23 )   10.56
2015     10.90   (0.15 )   0.15           (0.17 )   (0.17 )   10.73
2014     10.40   (0.12 )   0.70     0.58       (0.08 )   (0.08 )   10.90
2013     10.33   (0.08 )   0.29     0.21       (0.14 )   (0.14 )   10.40
2012 (j)   10.18   (0.02 )   0.17     0.15               10.33
Class P shares                                            
2016     10.95   0.04     0.14     0.18     (0.08 ) (0.23 )   (0.31 )   10.82
2015     11.09   (0.04 )   0.16     0.12     (0.09 ) (0.17 )   (0.26 )   10.95
2014     10.51   (0.01 )   0.70     0.69     (0.03 ) (0.08 )   (0.11 )   11.09
2013     10.34   0.02     0.29     0.31       (0.14 )   (0.14 )   10.51
2012 (i)   10.00   (0.02 )   0.36     0.34               10.34


See accompanying notes.




Ratio of Expenses to
            Average Net Assets              
            Dividends and              
            Interest Expense on              
        Ratio of   Short Sales, Short       Ratio of Net      
        Expenses to   Sale Fees and   Ratio of Gross   Investment Income      
      Net Assets, End of Average Net   Reverse Repurchase   Expenses to Average   to Average Net   Portfolio  
Total Return(b)     Period (in thousands) Assets   Agreement Expense)   Net Assets   Assets   Turnover Rate  
2.51 %(c) $ 7,267 1.10 % N/A   1.67 %(d) 4.88 % 112.8 %
(2.00) (c),(f)     7,752 1.10 (g) N/A   1.69 (d) ,(g) 4.24 (g) 94.0 (g)
1.41     145,370 2.41   1.94 % (h) 2.41 (d) 0.11   233.9  
0.93     183,527 2.39   1.95 (h) 2.39 (d) (0.55 ) 142.5  
6.37     93,900 2.54   2.00 (h) 2.57 (d) (0.36 ) 166.4  
2.85     100,180 2.61   2.00 (h) 2.74 (d) (0.07 ) 135.6  
3.20 (f)   8,465 2.70 (g) 2.00 (g) ,(h) 3.62 (d) ,(g) (0.45 ) (g) 196.0 (g)
0.61     56,557 3.22   2.75 (h) 3.24 (d) (0.68 ) 233.9  
0.05     60,317 3.19   2.75 (h) 3.21 (d) (1.37 ) 142.5  
5.64     42,783 3.29   2.75 (h) 3.38 (d) (1.11 ) 166.4  
2.07     21,035 3.36   2.75 (h) 3.65 (d) (0.82 ) 135.6  
1.47 (f)   1,529 3.30 (g) 2.75 (g) ,(h) 30.56 (d) ,(g) (0.83 ) (g) 196.0 (g)
1.74     286,895 2.18   1.71 (h) 2.18 (d) 0.37   233.9  
1.15     282,957 2.16   1.72 (h) 2.16 (d) (0.33 ) 142.5  
6.62     211,335 2.30   1.76 (h) 2.30 (d) (0.12 ) 166.4  
3.04     66,419 2.40   1.79 (h) 2.49 (d) 0.08   135.6  
3.40 (f)   707 2.50 (g) 1.80 (g) ,(h) 12.80 (d) ,(g) (0.19 ) (g) 196.0 (g)


(a)      Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
(b)      Total return is calculated without the front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c)      Total return is calculated using the traded net asset value which may differ from the reported net asset value. The traded net asset value is the net asset value which a shareholder would have paid or received from a subscription or redemption.
(d)      Excludes expense reimbursement from Manager.
(e)      Period from September 10, 2014, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2015.
(f)      Total return amounts have not been annualized.
(g)      Computed on an annualized basis.
(h)      Excludes dividends and interest expense on short sales and short sale fees and reverse repurchase agreement expense. See "Operating Policies" in notes to financial statements.
(i)      Period from October 24, 2011, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2012.
(j)      Period from June 14, 2012, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2012.

See accompanying notes.




Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):

      Net Asset   Net     Net Realized           Dividends   Distributions       Total       
      Value,   Investment         and Unrealized      Total From      from Net    from     Dividends     Net Asset 
      Beginning   Income        Gain (Loss) on      Investment       Investment     Realized      and     Value, End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)      Investments       Operations       Income    Gains     Distributions       of Period 
GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES EQUITY HEDGED FUND                                  
Class A shares                                            
2016 (c) $ 10.00 $ 0.07   ($0.94 ) ($0.87 ) ($0.01 ) $–   ($0.01 ) $ 9.12
Class P shares                                            
2016 (c)   10.00   0.09     (0.94 )   (0.85 )   (0.01 )     (0.01 )   9.14
GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND                                            
Class A shares                                            
2016     11.36   0.10     0.18     0.28     (0.09 ) (0.10 )   (0.19 )   11.45
2015     13.20   0.10     (0.67 )   (0.57 )   (0.06 ) (1.21 )   (1.27 )   11.36
2014 (g)   11.45   0.07     1.74     1.81     (0.06 )     (0.06 )   13.20
Class C shares                                            
2016     11.25   0.02     0.18     0.20     (0.01 ) (0.10 )   (0.11 )   11.34
2015     13.12       (0.66 )   (0.66 )     (1.21 )   (1.21 )   11.25
2014 (g)   11.45   (0.01 )   1.74     1.73     (0.06 )     (0.06 )   13.12
Class P shares                                            
2016     11.42   0.12     0.22     0.34     (0.13 ) (0.10 )   (0.23 )   11.53
2015     13.25   0.17     (0.67 )   (0.50 )   (0.12 ) (1.21 )   (1.33 )   11.42
2014 (g)   11.45   0.11     1.76     1.87     (0.07 )     (0.07 )   13.25
INTERNATIONAL SMALL COMPANY FUND                                      
Class A shares                                            
2016     9.59   0.06     0.27     0.33     (0.12 )     (0.12 )   9.80
2015     9.86   0.06     (0.28 )   (0.22 )   (0.05 )     (0.05 )   9.59
2014 (h)   10.00   (0.01 )   (0.13 )   (0.14 )             9.86
Class P shares                                            
2016     9.63   0.09     0.20     0.29     (0.12 )     (0.12 )   9.80
2015     9.87   0.09     (0.28 )   (0.19 )   (0.05 )     (0.05 )   9.63
2014 (h)   10.00       (0.13 )   (0.13 )             9.87


See accompanying notes.



            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Continued)      
            PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.      
        Ratio of       Ratio of Net      
        Expenses to   Ratio of Gross   Investment Income      
      Net Assets, End of Average Net   Expenses to Average   to Average Net   Portfolio  
Total Return(b)     Period (in thousands) Assets   Net Assets   Assets   Turnover Rate  
(8.68 )%(d) $ 2,345 1.55 %(e) 3.55%(e),(f)   0.80 %(e) 172.1 %(e)
(8.48 ) (d)   2,285 1.30 (e) 2.93 (e) ,(f) 1.05 (e) 172.1 (e)
2.50     4,940 1.50   1.92 (f) 0.90   145.3  
(4.36 )   4,054 1.50   2.16 (f) 0.82   138.7  
15.86 (d)   2,540 1.50 (e) 3.95 (e) ,(f) 0.61 (e) 128.4 (e)
1.79     1,595 2.25   3.49 (f) 0.16   145.3  
(5.11 )   1,552 2.25   3.51 (f) (0.01 ) 138.7  
15.14 (d)   2,039 2.25 (e) 4.62 (e) ,(f) (0.09 ) (e) 128.4 (e)
2.97     164 1.03   4.50 (f) 1.01   145.3  
(3.83 )   801 1.03   3.55 (f) 1.44   138.7  
16.34 (d)   12 1.03 (e) 284.81 (e) ,(f) 0.93 (e) 128.4 (e)
3.47     2,026 1.60   2.48 (f) 0.61   49.9  
(2.23 )   5,469 1.60   2.70 (f) 0.63   62.8  
(1.40 ) (d)   4,054 1.60 (e) 6.49 (e) ,(f) (0.25 ) (e) 49.2 (e)
3.04 (i)   157 1.25   2.21 (f) 0.99   49.9  
(1.92 )   4,319 1.25   2.35 (f) 0.95   62.8  
(1.30 ) (d)   3,454 1.25 (e) 6.33 (e) ,(f) 0.10 (e) 49.2 (e)


(a)      Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
(b)      Total return is calculated without the front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c)      Period from September 22, 2015, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2016.
(d)      Total return amounts have not been annualized.
(e)      Computed on an annualized basis.
(f)      Excludes expense reimbursement from Manager.
(g)      Period from September 30, 2013, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2014.
(h)      Period from June 11, 2014, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2014.
(i)      During 2016, the Class experienced a significant withdrawal of monies by an affiliate. As the remaining shareholders held relatively small positions, the total return amounts expressed herein are less than those that would have been experienced without the withdrawal.

See accompanying notes.



                FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                  
                PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                  
Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):          
      Net Asset   Net     Net Realized         Dividends   Distributions     Total       
      Value,   Investment      and Unrealized      Total From    from Net    from   Dividends     Net Asset 
      Beginning   Income      Gain (Loss) on      Investment     Investment     Realized    and     Value, End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)      Investments       Operations     Income    Gains   Distributions       of Period 
MULTI-MANAGER EQUITY LONG/SHORT FUND                              
Class A shares                                        
2016 (c) $ 10.00 ($0.05 ) $ 0.02   ($0.03 ) $–   $–   $–   $ 9.97
Class P shares                                        
2016 (c)   10.00   (0.05 )   0.03     (0.02 )         9.98
OPPORTUNISTIC MUNICIPAL FUND                                  
Class A shares                                        
2016     10.20   0.38     0.82     1.20   (0.37 )   (0.37 )   11.03
2015     10.09   0.42     0.10     0.52   (0.41 )   (0.41 )   10.20
2014     9.12   0.44     0.96     1.40   (0.43 )   (0.43 )   10.09
2013     10.29   0.43     (1.16 )   (0.73 ) (0.41 ) (0.03 ) (0.44 )   9.12
2012 (i)   10.00   0.08     0.28     0.36   (0.07 )   (0.07 )   10.29
Class C shares                                        
2016     10.20   0.30     0.82     1.12   (0.29 )   (0.29 )   11.03
2015     10.09   0.34     0.10     0.44   (0.33 )   (0.33 )   10.20
2014     9.12   0.37     0.96     1.33   (0.36 )   (0.36 )   10.09
2013     10.29   0.36     (1.17 )   (0.81 ) (0.33 ) (0.03 ) (0.36 )   9.12
2012 (i)   10.00   0.07     0.28     0.35   (0.06 )   (0.06 )   10.29
Class P shares                                        
2016     10.21   0.40     0.84     1.24   (0.40 )   (0.40 )   11.05
2015     10.09   0.42     0.13     0.55   (0.43 )   (0.43 )   10.21
2014 (k)   9.22   0.29     0.88     1.17   (0.30 )   (0.30 )   10.09
ORIGIN EMERGING MARKETS FUND                                  
Class A shares                                        
2016     8.55   0.04     0.56     0.60   (0.08 )   (0.08 )   9.07
2015 (l)   10.00   (0.03 )   (1.42 )   (1.45 )         8.55
Class P shares                                        
2016 (n)   8.08   0.07     0.82     0.89           8.97


See accompanying notes.




            Ratio of Expenses to                
            Average Net Assets                
        Ratio of   Dividends and Ratio of Expenses to       Ratio of Net      
      Net Assets, End of Expenses to   Interest Expense on Average Net Assets   Ratio of Gross   Investment Income      
      Period (in Average Net   Short Sales and (Excluding Interest   Expenses to Average   to Average Net   Portfolio  
Total Return(b)     thousands) Assets   Short Sale Fees) Expense and Fees)   Net Assets   Assets   Turnover Rate  
(0.30)% (d) $ 55 2.80% (e) 2.02%(e),(f) N/A   219.49%(e),(g)   (1.24)% (e) 412.4% (e)
(0.20)  (d)   10 2.57 (e) 1.79 (e),(f) N/A   494.87 (e) ,(g) (1.11)  (e) 412.4 (e)
11.94     49,208 0.95   N/A 0.90%  (h) 0.97 (g) 3.52   53.5  
5.17     22,568 0.96   N/A 0.90 (h) 1.10 (g) 4.06   54.9  
15.71     16,305 1.01   N/A 0.90 (h) 1.21 (g) 4.57   78.4  
(7.53 )   13,962 1.03   N/A 0.90 (h) 1.21 (g) 4.21   103.4  
3.62 (d)   7,860 1.13 (e) N/A 0.90 (e) ,(h) 3.23 (e) ,(g) 3.78 (e) 93.8 (e)
11.01 (j)   16,455 1.70   N/A 1.65 (h) 1.82 (g) 2.79   53.5  
4.39     9,869 1.71   N/A 1.65 (h) 1.96 (g) 3.32   54.9  
14.86     9,101 1.76   N/A 1.65 (h) 2.08 (g) 3.83   78.4  
(8.22 )   7,835 1.78   N/A 1.65 (h) 2.03 (g) 3.47   103.4  
3.48 (d)   7,745 1.88 (e) N/A 1.65 (e) ,(h) 3.93 (e) ,(g) 3.03 (e) 93.8 (e)
12.35     71,035 0.67   N/A 0.62 (h) 0.67 (g) 3.77   53.5  
5.48     16,303 0.76   N/A 0.70 (h) 1.05 (g) 4.10   54.9  
12.81 (d)   147 0.81 (e) N/A 0.70 (e) ,(h) 61.41 (e) ,(g) 4.32 (e) 78.4 (e)
7.03     401 1.75   N/A N/A   9.54 (g) 0.47   69.0  
(14.50) (d),(m)     210 1.75 (e) N/A N/A   8.96 (e) ,(g) (0.50 ) (e) 86.6 (e)
11.01 (d)   11 1.39 (e) N/A N/A   423.63 (e) ,(g) 1.95 (e) 69.0 (e)


(a) Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.

(b) Total return is calculated without the front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable. (c) Period from March 31, 2016, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2016.

(d) Total return amounts have not been annualized. (e) Computed on an annualized basis.

(f) Excludes dividends and interest expense on short sales and short sale fees and reverse repurchase agreement expense. See "Operating Policies" in notes to financial statements.

(g) Excludes expense reimbursement from Manager.

(h) Excludes interest expense and fees paid through inverse floater agreements. See "Operating Policies" in notes to financial statements. (i) Period from June 14, 2012, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2012.

(j) Total return is calculated using the traded net asset value which may differ from the reported net asset value. The traded net asset value is the net asset value which a shareholder would have paid or received from a subscription or redemption.

(k) Period from December 30, 2013, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2014. (l) Period from January 23, 2015, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2015.

(m)During 2015, the Class experienced a significant withdrawal of monies by an affiliate. As the remaining shareholders held relatively small positions, the total return amounts expressed herein are greater than those that would have been experienced without the withdrawal.

(n) Period from March 29, 2016, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2016.

See accompanying notes.




Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):

      Net Asset   Net   Net Realized           Dividends     Distributions       Total       
      Value,   Investment      and Unrealized       Total From      from Net      from     Dividends     Net Asset 
      Beginning   Income     Gain (Loss) on       Investment       Investment       Realized      and     Value, End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)    Investments       Operations       Income      Gains     Distributions       of Period 
PREFERRED SECURITIES FUND                                            
Class A shares                                            
2016   $ 10.24 $ 0.49 $ 0.19   $ 0.68   ($ 0.47 ) ($ 0.09 ) ($ 0.56 ) $ 10.36
2015     10.56   0.50   (0.13 )   0.37     (0.51 )   (0.18 )   (0.69 )   10.24
2014     10.17   0.53   0.66     1.19     (0.53 )   (0.27 )   (0.80 )   10.56
2013     10.36   0.54   (0.12 )   0.42     (0.55 )   (0.06 )   (0.61 )   10.17
2012     9.82   0.59   0.55     1.14     (0.57 )   (0.03 )   (0.60 )   10.36
Class C shares                                            
2016     10.23   0.42   0.19     0.61     (0.40 )   (0.09 )   (0.49 )   10.35
2015     10.55   0.42   (0.13 )   0.29     (0.43 )   (0.18 )   (0.61 )   10.23
2014     10.16   0.45   0.66     1.11     (0.45 )   (0.27 )   (0.72 )   10.55
2013     10.35   0.46   (0.12 )   0.34     (0.47 )   (0.06 )   (0.53 )   10.16
2012     9.81   0.51   0.56     1.07     (0.50 )   (0.03 )   (0.53 )   10.35
Class P shares                                            
2016     10.17   0.51   0.20     0.71     (0.50 )   (0.09 )   (0.59 )   10.29
2015     10.50   0.52   (0.13 )   0.39     (0.54 )   (0.18 )   (0.72 )   10.17
2014     10.11   0.55   0.66     1.21     (0.55 )   (0.27 )   (0.82 )   10.50
2013     10.30   0.56   (0.12 )   0.44     (0.57 )   (0.06 )   (0.63 )   10.11
2012     9.77   0.60   0.55     1.15     (0.59 )   (0.03 )   (0.62 )   10.30
REAL ESTATE ALLOCATION FUND                                      
Class A shares                                            
2016     9.62   0.22   0.76     0.98     (0.25 )       (0.25 )   10.35
2015 (e)   10.00   0.13   (0.44 )   (0.31 )   (0.07 )       (0.07 )   9.62
REAL ESTATE DEBT INCOME FUND                                      
Class A shares                                            
2016     9.75   0.33   0.17     0.50     (0.28 )       (0.28 )   9.97
2015 (e)   10.00   0.22   (0.26 )   (0.04 )   (0.21 )       (0.21 )   9.75
Class P shares                                            
2016     9.76   0.34   0.09     0.43     (0.32 )       (0.32 )   9.87
2015 (j)   9.87   0.07   (0.07 )       (0.11 )       (0.11 )   9.76


See accompanying notes.



            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Continued)      
            PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.      
        Ratio of       Ratio of Net      
        Expenses to   Ratio of Gross   Investment Income      
      Net Assets, End of Average Net   Expenses to Average   to Average Net   Portfolio  
Total Return(b)     Period (in thousands) Assets   Net Assets   Assets   Turnover Rate  
6.89 % $ 883,381 1.07 % –%   4.83 % 13.9 %
3.67     712,591 1.07     4.79   16.9  
12.35     846,597 1.05     5.18   20.1  
3.96     1,108,540 1.07   1.07   5.11   31.5  
12.20     1,139,496 1.06   1.06   5.94   22.9  
6.11     859,055 1.81     4.09   13.9  
2.90     772,501 1.82     4.05   16.9  
11.52     806,937 1.81     4.43   20.1  
3.21     911,340 1.81   1.81   4.37   31.5  
11.38     887,524 1.82   1.82   5.18   22.9  
7.21     1,578,548 0.82   0.82 (c) 5.08   13.9  
3.85     1,353,984 0.83   0.83 (c) 5.03   16.9  
12.69     970,004 0.83   0.83 (c) 5.43   20.1  
4.22     824,389 0.85   0.85 (c) 5.34   31.5  
12.41     734,855 0.85   0.85 (c) 6.14   22.9  
10.34     730 0.50 (d) 9.28 (c) ,(d) 2.21   76.4  
(3.10 ) (f)   310 0.50 (d) ,(g) 31.38 (c) ,(d),(g) 2.01 (g) 33.5 (g)
5.27 (h)   831 1.00   1.04 (c) 3.48   20.1  
(0.39 ) (f)   22,075 1.00 (g) 1.14 (c) ,(g) 3.29 (g) 42.2 (g)
4.59 (i)   136 0.75   9.40 (c) 3.50   20.1  
(0.12) (f),(i)     112 0.75 (g) 205.06 (c) ,(g) 3.56 (g) 42.2 (g)


(a)      Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
(b)      Total return is calculated without the front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c)      Excludes expense reimbursement from Manager.
(d)      Does not include expenses of the investment companies in which the Fund invests.
(e)      Period from December 31, 2014, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2015.
(f)      Total return amounts have not been annualized.
(g)      Computed on an annualized basis.
(h)      During 2016, the Class experienced a significant withdrawal of monies by an affiliate. As the remaining shareholders held relatively small positions, the total return amounts expressed herein are greater than those that would have been experienced without the withdrawal.
(i)      Total return is calculated using the traded net asset value which may differ from the reported net asset value. The traded net asset value is the net asset value which a shareholder would have paid or received from a subscription or redemption.
(j)      Period from June 15, 2015, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2015.

See accompanying notes.




Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):

      Net Asset   Net   Net Realized           Dividends     Distributions       Total       
      Value,   Investment    and Unrealized       Total From      from Net      from     Dividends     Net Asset 
      Beginning   Income    Gain (Loss) on      Investment       Investment       Realized      and     Value, End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)    Investments       Operations         Income     Gains     Distributions       of Period 
SMALL-MIDCAP DIVIDEND INCOME FUND                                      
Class A shares                                            
2016   $ 12.73 $ 0.34 $ 2.44   $ 2.78   ($0.30 ) ($0.26 ) ($0.56 ) $ 14.95
2015     14.34   0.37   (1.39 )   (1.02 )   (0.28 )   (0.31 )   (0.59 )   12.73
2014     12.25   0.37   2.24     2.61     (0.26 )   (0.26 )   (0.52 )   14.34
2013     10.46   0.34   1.80     2.14     (0.32 )   (0.03 )   (0.35 )   12.25
2012     9.28   0.34   1.22     1.56     (0.38 )       (0.38 )   10.46
Class C shares                                            
2016     12.65   0.24   2.41     2.65     (0.20 )   (0.26 )   (0.46 )   14.84
2015     14.26   0.26   (1.37 )   (1.11 )   (0.19 )   (0.31 )   (0.50 )   12.65
2014     12.21   0.25   2.24     2.49     (0.18 )   (0.26 )   (0.44 )   14.26
2013     10.48   0.23   1.81     2.04     (0.28 )   (0.03 )   (0.31 )   12.21
2012 (d)   9.87   0.05   0.63     0.68     (0.07 )       (0.07 )   10.48
Class P shares                                            
2016     12.90   0.38   2.48     2.86     (0.34 )   (0.26 )   (0.60 )   15.16
2015     14.53   0.41   (1.40 )   (0.99 )   (0.33 )   (0.31 )   (0.64 )   12.90
2014     12.40   0.41   2.27     2.68     (0.29 )   (0.26 )   (0.55 )   14.53
2013     10.58   0.38   1.82     2.20     (0.35 )   (0.03 )   (0.38 )   12.40
2012     9.38   0.38   1.23     1.61     (0.41 )       (0.41 )   10.58


See accompanying notes.



            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Continued)      
            PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.      
        Ratio of       Ratio of Net      
        Expenses to   Ratio of Gross   Investment Income      
      Net Assets, End of Average Net   Expenses to Average   to Average Net   Portfolio  
Total Return(b)     Period (in thousands) Assets   Net Assets   Assets   Turnover Rate  
22.61 % $ 207,431 1.17 % –%   2.56 % 25.8 %
(7.28 )   167,966 1.18   1.18 (c) 2.69   29.3  
21.70     175,636 1.20   1.20 (c) 2.70   18.2  
20.85     109,770 1.26   1.26 (c) 2.89   18.5  
17.30     16,660 1.40   1.60 (c) 3.42   19.1  
21.57     165,335 1.94   1.94 (c) 1.79   25.8  
(7.95 )   133,541 1.97   1.97 (c) 1.90   29.3  
20.71     100,066 2.01   2.01 (c) 1.86   18.2  
19.75     20,427 2.15   2.27 (c) 1.88   18.5  
6.89 (e)   192 2.15 (f) 179.47 (c) ,(f) 2.34 (f) 19.1 (f)
22.98     775,969 0.87   0.87 (c) 2.86   25.8  
(6.99 )   567,704 0.90   0.90 (c) 2.97   29.3  
22.01     492,384 0.94   0.94 (c) 2.91   18.2  
21.17     32,430 1.00   1.11 (c) 3.17   18.5  
17.70     5,288 1.00   1.97 (c) 3.69   19.1  


(a)      Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
(b)      Total return is calculated without the front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c)      Excludes expense reimbursement from Manager.
(d)      Period from June 14, 2012, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2012.
(e)      Total return amounts have not been annualized.
(f)      Computed on an annualized basis.

See accompanying notes.




The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Principal Funds, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the schedules of investments, of Blue Chip Fund, Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund, Diversified Real Asset Fund (consolidated), Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund, Global Multi-Strategy Fund, Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund, Global Opportunities Fund, International Small Company Fund, Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund, Opportunistic Municipal Fund, Origin Emerging Markets Fund, Preferred Securities Fund, Real Estate Allocation Fund, Real Estate Debt Income Fund, and Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund, (15 of the portfolios constituting the Principal Funds, Inc. (collectively the “Funds”)) as of August 31, 2016, and the related statements of operations, the statements of changes in net assets, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. We were not engaged to perform an audit of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of August 31, 2016, by correspondence with the custodian, agent banks, and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from brokers or agent banks were not received. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds listed above constituting the portfolios within Principal Funds, Inc. at August 31, 2016, and the results of their operations, the changes in their net assets and their financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Minneapolis, Minnesota
October 17, 2016



August 31, 2016 (unaudited)

As a shareholder of Principal Funds, Inc., you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges on purchase payments and contingent deferred sales charges; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution fees; and other fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in Principal Funds, Inc. and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. As a shareholder of Real Estate Allocation Fund, the fund will indirectly bear its pro rata share of expenses incurred by the investment companies in which the fund invests. These expenses are not included in the fund’s annualized expense ratio used to calculate the expenses paid in this example. If they were, the expenses would be higher.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (March 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016), unless otherwise noted.

Actual Expenses

The first section of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this section, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period. These fees are not included in the table below. If they were, the estimate of expenses you paid during the period would be higher, and your ending account value lower, by this amount.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second section of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in Principal Funds, Inc. and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs, such as contingent deferred sales charges, redemption fees or exchange fees. Therefore, the second section of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

        Actual             Hypothetical          
            Expenses Paid             Expenses Paid      
    Beginning   Ending   During Period     Beginning   Ending   During Period      
    Account   Account Value   March 1,     Account   Account Value   March 1,   Annualized  
    Value March 1,   August 31,   2016 to August     Value March   August 31,   2016 to August   Expense  
    2016   2016   31, 2016 (a)   1, 2016   2016   31, 2016 (a) Ratio  
Blue Chip Fund                                
Class A $ 1,000.00 $ 1,154.90 $ 7.15   $ 1,000.00 $ 1,018.50 $ 6.70   1.32 %
Class C   1,000.00   1,150.42   11.24     1,000.00   1,014.68   10.53   2.08  
Class P   1,000.00   1,156.78   4.83     1,000.00   1,020.66   4.52   0.89  
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund                                
Class A   1,000.00   1,087.78   5.77     1,000.00   1,019.61   5.58   1.10  
Diversified Real Asset Fund                                
Class A   1,000.00   1,100.40   6.60     1,000.00   1,018.85   6.34   1.25  
Class C   1,000.00   1,096.35   10.54     1,000.00   1,015.08   10.13   2.00  
Class P   1,000.00   1,102.79   5.34     1,000.00   1,020.06   5.13   1.01  
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund                                
Class A   1,000.00   1,102.45   5.81     1,000.00   1,019.61   5.58   1.10  
Global Multi-Strategy Fund                                
Class A   1,000.00   1,038.57   12.45     1,000.00   1,012.92   12.30   2.43  
Class C   1,000.00   1,034.28   16.57     1,000.00   1,008.85   16.36   3.24  
Class P   1,000.00   1,040.38   11.39     1,000.00   1,013.98   11.24   2.22  




August 31, 2016 (unaudited)

    Actual       Hypothetical      
      Expenses Paid       Expenses Paid    
  Beginning Ending During Period   Beginning Ending During Period    
  Account Account Value March 1,   Account Account Value March 1,   Annualized
Value March 1, August 31, 2016 to August   Value March August 31, 2016 to August   Expense
  2016 2016 31, 2016 (a) 1, 2016 2016 31, 2016 (a) Ratio
Global Multi-Strategy Fund(Excluding Dividends and                
Interest Expense on Short Sales, Short Sale Fees and                
Reverse Repurchase Agreement Expense)                
Class A 1,000.00 1,038.60 9.69   1,000.00 1,015.52 9.62   1.89
Class C 1,000.00 1,034.30 13.81   1,000.00 1,011.39 13.74   2.70
Class P 1,000.00 1,040.40 8.62   1,000.00 1,016.58 8.55   1.68
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 954.97 7.62   1,000.00 1,017.34 7.86   1.55
Class P 1,000.00 956.07 6.39   1,000.00 1,018.60 6.60   1.30
Global Opportunities Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,077.14 7.83   1,000.00 1,017.60 7.61   1.50
Class C 1,000.00 1,073.86 11.68   1,000.00 1,013.88 11.34   2.24
Class P 1,000.00 1,080.60 5.39   1,000.00 1,019.96 5.23   1.03
International Small Company Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,106.09 8.47   1,000.00 1,017.09 8.11   1.60
Class P 1,000.00 1,099.89 6.55   1,000.00 1,018.90 6.29   1.24
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 997.00 11.69 (b) 1,000.00 1,011.06 14.15   2.80
Class P 1,000.00 998.00 10.73 (b) 1,000.00 1,012.22 13.00   2.57
Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund(Excluding Dividends              
and Interest Expense on Short Sales and Short Sale Fees)                
Class A 1,000.00 997.00 8.43 (b) 1,000.00 1,014.91 10.23   2.02
Class P 1,000.00 998.00 7.48 (b) 1,000.00 1,016.07 9.06   1.79
Opportunistic Municipal Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,068.13 4.94   1,000.00 1,020.36 4.82   0.95
Class C 1,000.00 1,064.18 8.82   1,000.00 1,016.59 8.62   1.70
Class P 1,000.00 1,070.52 3.49   1,000.00 1,021.77 3.40   0.67
Opportunistic Municipal Fund (Excluding                  
Interest Expense and Fees)                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,068.10 4.68   1,000.00 1,020.56 4.58   0.90
Class C 1,000.00 1,064.20 8.56   1,000.00 1,016.74 8.40   1.65
Class P 1,000.00 1,070.50 3.23   1,000.00 1,021.98 3.16   0.62
Origin Emerging Markets Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,215.82 9.75   1,000.00 1,016.34 8.87   1.75
Class P 1,000.00 1,110.15 6.26 (c) 1,000.00 1,018.10 7.10   1.40
Preferred Securities Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,070.65 5.52   1,000.00 1,019.81 5.38   1.06
Class C 1,000.00 1,066.72 9.35   1,000.00 1,016.09 9.12   1.80
Class P 1,000.00 1,072.55 4.17   1,000.00 1,021.11 4.06   0.80
Real Estate Allocation Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,112.38 2.65   1,000.00 1,022.62 2.54   0.50
Real Estate Debt Income Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,076.47 5.22   1,000.00 1,020.11 5.08   1.00
Class P 1,000.00 1,068.24 3.90   1,000.00 1,021.37 3.81   0.75
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund                  
Class A 1,000.00 1,240.31 6.36   1,000.00 1,019.46 5.74   1.13
Class C 1,000.00 1,234.77 10.73   1,000.00 1,015.53 9.68   1.91
Class P 1,000.00 1,242.00 4.79   1,000.00 1,020.86 4.32   0.85


(a) Expenses are equal to a fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

(b) Expenses are equal to a fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period (March 31, 2016, to August 31, 2016), multiplied by 153/366 (to reflect the period since inception).

(c) Expenses are equal to a fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period (March 29, 2016, to August 31, 2016), multiplied by 155/366 (to reflect the period since inception).




Under Maryland law, a Board of Directors oversees the Fund. The Directors have financial or other relevant experience and meet several times during the year to review contracts, Fund activities and the quality of services provided to the Fund. Each director also has the same position with Principal Variable Contracts Funds, Inc. and Principal Exchange-Traded Funds which are also sponsored by Principal Life Insurance Company. Each director holds office for an indefinite term or until reaching age 72. Directors considered to be “interested persons” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as shown below are considered to be interested because of an affiliation with the Manager and Principal Life Insurance Company.

The following directors are considered not to be “interested persons” as defined in the 1940 Act

Name,   Number of Portfolios Directorships
Position Held with the Fund, Principal Occupation(s) in Fund Complex Held by Director
Year of Birth During past 5 years Overseen by Director During Past 5 Years
Elizabeth Ballantine Principal, EBA Associates 126 Durango Herald, Inc;
Director since 2004     McClatchy
Member, Nominating and Governance     Newspapers, Inc.
Leroy T. Barnes, Jr. Retired. 126 McClatchy
Director since March 2012     Newspapers, Inc.;
Member, Audit Committee     Herbalife Ltd.; Frontier
1951     Communications, Inc.
Craig Damos President, The Damos Company 126 Hardin Construction
Director since 2008     Company
Member, Audit Committee      
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Mark A. Grimmett Formerly, Executive Vice 126 None
Director since 2004 President and CFO, Merle    
Member, Nominating and Governance Norman Cosmetics, Inc.    
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Member, Executive Committee      
Fritz S. Hirsch CEO, MAM USA 126 Focus Products Group
Director since 2005      
Member, Operations Committee      
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Tao Huang Formerly, Chief Operating 126 Armstrong World
Director since March 2012 Officer, Morningstar, Inc.   Industries, Inc.
Member, Operations Committee      
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Drew E. Lawton Formerly, Senior Managing 126 None
Director since March 2016 Director and CEO, New York    
Member, Nominating and Governance Life Investment Management    
Committee (New York Life Insurance    
1959 Company)    
Karen (“Karrie”) McMillan Managing Director, Patomak 126 None
Director since 2014 Global Partners, LLC.    
Member, Operations Committee Formerly, General Counsel,    
1961 Investment Company Institute    
Elizabeth A. Nickels Formerly, Executive Director, 126 Charlotte Russe; Follet
Director since September 2015 Herman Miller Foundation;   Corporation; Herman
Member, Audit Committee Formerly President, Herman   Miller, Inc.; PetSmart;
1962 Miller Healthcare   SpartanNash; Spectrum
      Health Systems




Name,   Number of Portfolios Directorships
Position Held with the Fund, Principal Occupation(s) in Fund Complex Held by Director
Year of Birth During past 5 years Overseen by Director During Past 5 Years
Daniel Pavelich Retired. 126 None
Director since 2007      
Member, Audit Committee      


The following directors are considered to be “interested persons” as defined in the 1940 Act, because of an affiliation with the Manager and Principal Life.

    Number of Directorships
    Portfolios in Held by
Name,   Fund Complex Director
Position Held with the Fund, Principal Occupation(s) Overseen During Past 5
Year of Birth During past 5 years by Director Years
Michael J. Beer Chief Executive Officer, Principal Funds 126 None
Director since 2012 Distributor, Inc. (“PFD”) since 2015    
President, Chief Executive Officer Director, PFD since 2015    
Member, Executive Committee Vice President/Mutual Funds and Broker    
1961 Dealer, Principal Life Insurance    
  Company (“PLIC”) (2001-2014)    
  Vice President/Chief Operating Officer,    
  Principal Funds, PLIC (2014-2015)    
  Executive Director, Principal Funds &    
  Trust, PLIC since 2015    
  Director, Principal Management    
  Corporation, (the “Manager”) (2006-2015)    
  President & Chief Executive Officer,    
  the Manager since 2015    
  Executive Vice President/Chief Operating    
  Officer, the Manager (2008-2015)    
  Chair, the Manager since 2015    
Director, Principal Securities, Inc. (“PSI”) (2005-
  President, PSI (2005-2015)    
  Director, Principal Shareholder    
  Services (“PSS”) (2007-2015)    
  Chairman, PSS since 2015    
  President, PSS (2007-2015)    
  Executive Vice President, PSS since 2015    
Nora M. Everett Director, Edge Asset Management, 126 None
Director since 2008 Inc. (“Edge”) (2008-2011)    
Chair Director, Finisterre Capital LLP since 2011    
Member, Executive Committee Director, Origin Asset Management    
1959 LLP since 2011    
  Chairman, Principal Financial    
  Advisors, Inc. (“PFA”) (2010-2015)    
  Chairman, PFD (2011-2015)    
  Director, PFD (2008-2011)    
  Senior Vice President/Retirement and    
  Investor Services, PLIC (2008-2015)    
  President/Retirement and Investor    
  Services, PLIC since 2015    
  Chairman, the Manager (2011-2015)    
  President, the Manager (2008-2015)    
  Director, the Manager (2008-2011)    
  Director, PSI (2008-2011, and since 2015)    
  Chairman, PSI (2011-2015)    
  Chief Executive Officer, PSI (2009-2015)    
  Chairman, PSS (2011-2015)    
  Director, PSS (2008-2011)    


Correspondence intended for each Director who is other than an Interested Director may be sent to 655 9th Street, Des Moines, IA




The following table presents officers of the Funds.

Name, Position Held with the Fund, Address, and Year of Birth

Randy L. Bergstrom

Assistant Tax Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Jennifer A. Block

Assistant Counsel and Assistant Secretary

Des Moines, IA 50392


Tracy Bollin

Chief Financial Officer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Principal Occupation(s) During past 5 years

Counsel, Principal Global Investors, LLC (“PGI”)

Counsel, PLIC



Counsel, PFD (2009-2013)

Counsel, PLIC

Counsel, the Manager (2009-2013, 2014 - present)

Counsel, PSI (2009-2013) Counsel, PSS (2009-2013)

Chief Financial Officer, PFA (2010-2015) Senior Vice President, PFD since 2015

Chief Financial Officer, PFD since 2010 Senior Vice President, the Manager since 2015

Chief Financial Officer, the Manager (2010-2015) Director, the Manager since 2015

Chief Financial Officer, PSI (2010-2015) Director, PSS since 2015 President, PSS since 2015 Chief Financial Officer, PSS (2010-2015)


David J. Brown

Chief Compliance Officer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Senior Vice President, PFD

Chief Compliance Officer-Funds, PLIC since 2016

Vice President/Compliance, PLIC Senior Vice President, the Manager

Senior Vice President, PSI Senior Vice President, PSS


Gina L. Graham


Des Moines, IA 50392


Vice President/Treasurer, PFA since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, PFD since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, PGI since 2016

Vice President/Treasurer, PLIC since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, the Manager since 2016

Vice President/Treasurer, Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC since 2016

Vice President/Treasurer, PSI since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, PSS since 2016

Carolyn F. Kolks

Assistant Tax Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Layne A. Rasmussen

Vice President and Controller

Des Moines, IA 50392


Greg Reymann

Assistant Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Counsel, PGI

Counsel, PLIC



Vice President/Controller – Principal Funds, the Manager




Assistant General Counsel, PLIC since 2014 Assistant General Counsel, the Manager since 2015

VP, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Risk Officer, Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (“TAM”) (2010-2012)

Assistant General Counsel, Transamerica Asset Management Group (2013-2014)

Vice President/CFTC Principal, TAM (2013-2014)




Name, Position Held with the Fund,

Address, and Year of Birth

Teri R. Root

Deputy Chief Compliance

Officer Des Moines, IA 50392


Britney L. Schnathorst

Assistant Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Adam U. Shaikh

Assistant Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Principal Occupation(s) During past 5 years


Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, the Manager since 2015

Compliance Officer, the Manager (2010-2013)

Vice President, PSS since 2015


Counsel, PLIC since 2013

Prior thereto, Attorney in Private Practice



Counsel, PFD (2006-2013)

Counsel, PLIC

Counsel, the Manager (2007-2013, 2014 - present)

Counsel, PSI (2007-2013) Counsel, PSS (2007-2013)


Dan Westholm

Assistant Treasurer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PFA since 2013 Director – Treasury, PFA (2011-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PFD since 2013

Director – Treasury, PFD (2011-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PLIC since 2014 Director – Treasury, PLIC (2007-2014)

Director – Treasury, the Manager (2003-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, the Manager since 2013 Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PSI since 2013

Director – Treasury, PSI (2008-2009, 2011-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PSS since 2013 Director – Treasury, PSS (2007-2013)


Beth Wilson

Vice President and Secretary

Des Moines, IA 50392


Clint Woods

Vice President and Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Director and Secretary – Funds, PLIC

Vice President, the Manager (2007-2013)



Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Governance Officer, and

Assistant Corporate Secretary, PLIC since 2015

Assistant General Counsel, Assistant Corporate Secretary, and Governance Officer, PLIC (2013-2015)

Associate General Counsel, AEGON (2003 - 2012)


The 15(c) Committee assists the Board in performing the annual review of the Fund’s advisory and sub-advisory agreements pursuant to Section 15(c) of the 1940 Act.

The Audit Committee selects the independent auditors for the Fund and oversees the activities of the independent auditors as well as the internal auditors. The committee also receives reports about accounting and financial matters affecting the Fund.

The Executive Committee is selected by the Board. It may exercise all the powers of the Board, with certain exceptions, when the Board is not in session. The Committee must report its actions to the Board.

The Nominating and Governance Committee selects and nominates all candidates who are not “interested persons” of the Fund for election to the Board. The committee also oversees the structure and efficiency of the Board of Directors and the committees the Board establishes.

The Operations Committee oversees the provision of administrative and distribution services to the Funds, communications with the Funds’ shareholders, and provides review and oversight of the Funds’ operations.

Additional information about the Fund is available in the Prospectus dated December 31, 2015, and the Statement of Additional Information dated December 31, 2015. These documents may be obtained free of charge by writing Principal Funds, Inc., P.O. Box 8024, Boston, MA 02266-8024 or telephoning 1-800-222-5852. The prospectus may be viewed at www.PrincipalFunds.com/prospectuses.




A description of the policies and procedures the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and the results of the proxy votes for the most recent twelve months ended June 30 may be obtained free of charge by telephoning 1-800-222-5852, or on the SEC website at www.sec.gov.


The Fund files complete schedules of investments with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of May 31 and November 30 of each year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-Q can be reviewed and copied at the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. or on the Commission’s website at www.sec.gov. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330.




During the period covered by this report, the Board of Directors of Principal Funds, Inc. (“PFI”) approved: (1) a Subadvisory agreement with Columbus Circle Investors, a Subadvisory agreement with Passport Capital, LLC, a Subadvisory agreement with Sirios Capital Management, L.P., a Subadvisory agreement with Three Bridges Capital, LP, and an amended and restated management agreement with Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) related to the addition of the Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund; (2) a Subadvisory agreement with Gotham Asset Management, LLC related to the Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund; (3) a Subadvisory agreement with Sound Point Capital Management, LP related to the Global-Multi Strategy Fund; and (4) amended Subadvisory agreements with Cliffwater, LLC and York Registered Holdings L. P. related to the Global-Multi Strategy Fund.

Multi Manager Equity Long/Short Fund Advisory Agreements

On December 15, 2015, the Board met to consider, on behalf of the newly established Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund (the “Fund”), the approval of: (1) an amended and restated management agreement (“Management Agreement”) between PFI, for the Fund, and the Manager and (2) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Passport Capital, LLC (“Passport” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Passport Subadvisory Agreement”); (3) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Sirios Capital Management, L.P. (“Sirios” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Sirios Subadvisory Agreement”); (4) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Three Bridges Capital, LP (“Three Bridges” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Three Bridges Subadvisory Agreement”); and (5) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Columbus Circle Investors (“CCI” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “CCI Agreement”). (The Passport Subadvisory Agreement, the Sirios Subadvisory Agreement, the Three Bridges Subadvisory Agreement and the CCI Subadvisory Agreement are together referred to as the “Subadvisory Agreements,” and the Management Agreement and the Subadvisory Agreements are together referred to as the “Advisory Agreements.”)

Based upon its review, the Board concluded that it was in the best interests of the Fund to approve the Advisory Agreements. In reaching this conclusion, no single factor was determinative in the Board’s analysis, but rather the Board considered a variety of factors.

With respect to the Management Agreement, the Board considered, among other factors, that the Manager has had a long-term relationship with the PFI funds and has demonstrated a commitment to support the PFI funds. The Board concluded that a long-term relationship with a capable, conscientious advisor is in the best interests of the Fund. The Board considered various factors, including the following, and made certain findings and conclusions with regard thereto, in approving the Advisory Agreements.

Nature, Quality and Extent of Services

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided under the Management Agreement, including administrative services. The Board noted that, in connection with the 2015 annual renewal of the management agreements for the other PFI funds and series of Principal Variable Contracts Funds, Inc. (“PVC”) and Principal Exchange-Traded Funds (“PETF” and together with PFI and PVC, the “Principal Funds”), the Board had: (1) reviewed the services provided by the Manager to the other series of Principal Funds under the management agreements; (2) considered the experience and skills of senior management leading fund operations, the experience and skills of the personnel performing the functions under the management agreements and the resources made available to such personnel, the ability of the Manager to attract and retain high-quality personnel, and the organizational depth and stability of the Manager and concluded that appropriate resources were provided under the management agreements for the Principal Funds; (3) considered the due diligence process developed by the Manager for purposes of selecting highly qualified unaffiliated subadvisors and for monitoring and replacing unaffiliated subadvisors and concluded that this due diligence process was working well; and (4) considered the compliance program established by the Manager for the Principal Funds and their respective series and the level of compliance attained by the Principal Funds. Based upon all relevant factors, the Board concluded that the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided by the Manager to the Fund under the Management Agreement are expected to be satisfactory.

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided under each of the Subadvisory Agreements. For each Subadvisory Agreement, the Board considered the reputation, qualifications and background of the Subadvisor, the investment approach of the Subadvisor, the experience and skills of the Subadvisor’s investment personnel who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund, and the resources made available to such personnel. The Board noted that CCI currently provides subadvisory services for other series of PFI and PVC, and that the Board had reviewed and had approved for renewal those subadvisory agreements at its September 2015 Board meeting. In addition, the Board considered the Manager’s program for recommending, monitoring and replacing subadvisors and that the Manager recommended each Subadvisor based upon that program. Based upon all relevant factors, the Board concluded that the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided by each Subadvisor to the Fund under the applicable Subadvisory Agreement are expected to be satisfactory.



Investment Performance

As the Fund is a newly created series, the Board did not review performance of the Fund since no track record was available. The Board reviewed the historical and back-tested performance of each Subadvisor as follows:

1)      With respect to Passport, the Board reviewed (i) the historical one-year and since inception (January 1, 2014) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in a composite with an investment strategy similar to the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund and (ii) the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, each as compared to a relevant benchmark index for Passport’s investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category;
2)      With respect to Sirios, the Board reviewed (i) the historical one-year and since inception (April 1, 2014) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in a composite with an investment strategy similar to the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund and (ii) the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, each as compared to a relevant benchmark index for Sirios’ investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category;
3)      With respect to Three Bridges, the Board reviewed (i) the historical since inception (November 1, 2014) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in a composite with an investment strategy similar to the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund and (ii) the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, each as compared to a relevant benchmark index for Three Bridges’ investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category; and
4)      With respect to CCI, the Board reviewed the back-tested one-year and since inception (October 1, 2013) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, as compared to a relevant benchmark index for CCI’s investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category.

The Board also reviewed the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Fund, as compared to a relevant benchmark index and a relevant Morningstar category. The Board concluded, based on the information provided, that each Subadvisor is well qualified.

Fees, Economies of Scale and Profitability

The Board considered the Fund’s proposed management and subadvisory fees, taking into consideration the complexities of the investment strategy and the objective of the Fund. With respect to the proposed management fee, the Board considered the fees proposed to be paid to each Subadvisor. The Board also received information from the Manager, based on data supplied by Broadridge, comparing the proposed management fee to advisory fees of funds in the same asset category. The Board also considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the services to be provided to the Fund under the Management Agreement. The Board noted that the proposed management fee schedule includes breakpoints, and concluded that the proposed management fee schedule reflects an appropriate recognition of economies of scale at currently anticipated asset levels.

With respect to the subadvisory fee proposed to be paid to each Subadvisor, the Board noted that the Manager compensates each Subadvisor from its own management fee so that shareholders pay only the management fee. The Board considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the subadvisory services to be provided under each Subadvisory Agreement. The Board noted that the proposed subadvisory fee schedules for two Subadvisors include breakpoints and that the proposed subadvisory fee schedules for the other two Subadvisors do not include breakpoints. The Board concluded that the subadvisory fee schedule for each Subadvisor reflects an appropriate recognition of economies of scale at currently anticipated asset levels. The Board considered the Manager’s statement that it found the proposed subadvisory fee schedules to be competitive.

In addition, in evaluating the management and subadvisory fees, the Board considered the estimated profitability of the Fund to the Manager. The Board reviewed the anticipated expense ratio of each class of the Fund and considered that the Manager proposed to cap the total expense ratios for the classes at certain levels through December 30, 2017. On the basis of the information provided, the Board concluded that the proposed management and subadvisory fees were reasonable.

Other Benefits

The Board also considered the character and amount of other incidental benefits to be received by the Manager and each Subadvisor. The Board noted that Passport, Sirios and CCI may use soft dollars and that each such Subadvisor’s policy is to use soft dollars within the Section 28(e) safe harbor, and that Three Bridges did not intend to use soft dollars. The Board concluded that taking into account these potential benefits, the proposed management and subadvisory fees were reasonable.



Overall Conclusions

Based upon all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board determined that the terms of each Advisory Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of each of the Advisory Agreements is in the best interests of the Fund.

Gotham Asset Management, LLC SubAdvisory Agreements

On June 14, 2016, the Board considered for the Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund (the “Fund”), the approval of a subadvisory agreement between Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) and Gotham Asset Management, LLC (the “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Subadvisory Agreement”)

Nature, Quality and Extent of Services

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services expected to be provided under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board considered the reputation, qualifications and background of the Subadvisor, the investment approach of the Subadvisor, the experience and skills of the Subadvisor’s investment personnel who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund, and the resources made available to such personnel. In addition, the Board considered the Manager’s program for recommending, monitoring and replacing subadvisors and that the Manager recommended the Subadvisor based upon that program.

Investment Performance

The Board reviewed the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of March 31, 2016 (gross and net of proposed fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund (which included historical performance returns of the Subadvisor in the same strategy as the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund for the period January 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016), as compared to a relevant benchmark index for the Subadvisor’s investment sleeve, to a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and to a relevant Morningstar category. The Board also reviewed the back-tested three-year and five-year standard deviations and Sharpe ratios as of March 31, 2016 (gross and net of proposed fees) for the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund (the calculation of which considered historical performance returns of the Subadvisor in the same strategy as the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund for the period January 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016), as compared to those of the relevant benchmark index for the Subadvisor’s investment sleeve, the relevant benchmark index for the Fund and the Morningstar category for each of the periods referenced above. The Board concluded, based upon the information provided, that the Subadvisor is well qualified.

Fees, Economies of Scale and Profitability

The Board considered the proposed subadvisory fee, noting that the Manager compensates subadvisors from its own management fee so that shareholders pay only the management fee. The Board considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the subadvisory services to be provided to the Fund under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board concluded that, although the proposed subadvisory fee schedule does not include breakpoints, the Subadvisor’s fee schedule is appropriate at currently anticipated asset levels. The Board considered the Manager’s statement that it found the proposed subadvisory fee schedule to be competitive. On the basis of the information provided, the Board concluded that the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Other Benefits

The Board also considered the character and amount of other incidental benefits to be received by the Subadvisor. The Board noted that the Subadvisor did not intend to use soft dollars. The Board concluded that, on the basis of the information provided, the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Overall Conclusions

Based upon all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board determined that the terms of the Subadvisory Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of the Subadvisory Agreement is in the best interests of the Fund.

Sound Point Capital Management, LP SubAdvisory Agreement

On June 14, 2016, the Board considered for the Global Multi-Strategy Fund (the “Fund”) the approval of a subadvisory agreement between Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) and Sound Point Capital Management, LP (the “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Subadvisory Agreement”).

Nature, Quality and Extent of Services.

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services expected to be provided under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board considered the reputation, qualifications and background of the Subadvisor, the investment approach of the Subadvisor, the experience and skills of the Subadvisor’s investment personnel who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund, and the resources made available to such personnel. In addition, the Board considered the Manager’s program for recommending, monitoring and replacing subadvisors and that the Manager recommended the Subadvisor based upon that program.



Investment Performance.

The Board reviewed the historical one-year, three-year and since-inception (October 1, 2011) performance returns as of December 31, 2015 (gross and net of proposed fees) of the Subadvisor in an account with an investment strategy similar to the proposed strategy for the credit long/short investment sleeve of the Fund, as compared to the historical performance returns (gross and net of fees) of the two current and continuing subadvisors to the investment sleeve of the Fund and to two relevant benchmark indices for the investment sleeve, and the annual performance of the Subadvisor in the same account for each of the last four calendar years (gross and net of proposed fees), as compared to the historical performance (gross and net of fees) of the two current and continuing subadvisors and to the relevant benchmark indices. The Board also reviewed the quartile rankings of the performance of the Subadvisor’s account (net of proposed fees) and the two current and continuing subadvisors to the investment sleeve (net of fees) in a relevant Morningstar category for each of the periods and years referenced above. The Board concluded, based upon the information provided, that the historical investment performance record of the Subadvisor was satisfactory.

Fees, Economies of Scale and Profitability.

The Board considered the proposed subadvisory fee, noting that the Manager compensates subadvisors from its own management fee so that shareholders pay only the management fee. The Board considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the subadvisory services to be provided to the Fund under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board noted that the proposed subadvisory fee schedule includes breakpoints and concluded that the subadvisory fee schedule reflects an appropriate recognition of economies of scale at currently anticipated asset levels. The Board considered the Manager’s statement that it found the proposed subadvisory fee schedule to be competitive. On the basis of the information provided, the Board concluded that the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Other Benefits.

The Board also considered the character and amount of other incidental benefits to be received by the Subadvisor. The Board noted that the Subadvisor does not use soft dollars. The Board concluded that, on the basis of the information provided, the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Overall Conclusions.

Based upon all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board determined that the terms of the Subadvisory Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of the Subadvisory Agreement is in the best interests of the Fund.

Cliffwater, LLC and York Registered Holdings, L.P. Amended Fee Schedules

On June 14, 2016, the Board considered for PFI Global Multi-Strategy Fund (the “Fund”) the approval of (1) an amended fee schedule under the subadvisory agreement between Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) and Cliffwater, LLC (“Cliffwater” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the alternative investment strategy consulting services it provides to the Fund (the “Cliffwater Subadvisory Agreement”) in connection with a proposal to reduce Cliffwater’s fee; and (2) an amended fee schedule under the subadvisory agreement between the Manager and York Registered Holdings, L.P. (“York” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the event driven investment sleeve of the Fund (the “York Subadvisory Agreement”) in connection with a proposal to reduce York’s fee. (The Cliffwater Subadvisory Agreement and the York Subadvisory Agreement are referred to as the “Subadvisory Agreements.”)

The Board reviewed materials received from the Manager regarding the proposed subadvisory fee reductions. The Board considered the Manager’s representation that the subadvisory fee reductions would not impact the quality or quantity of the services the Subadvisors provide to the Fund and that each Subadvisor’s obligations under the applicable Subadvisory Agreement will remain the same in all material respects. The Board also considered that the Manager was not proposing any material changes to the terms of the Subadvisory Agreements other than to the fee schedules.

The Board considered that they had last approved the Subadvisory Agreements for the Fund during the annual contract renewal process that concluded at the Board of Directors’ September 2015 meeting. They noted that during the annual contract renewal process, they had considered the nature, quality and extent of the services provided by each Subadvisor under the applicable Subadvisory Agreement and had concluded, based upon the information provided, that the terms of each Subadvisory Agreement were reasonable and that approval of each Subadvisory Agreement was in the best interests of the Fund.

Based upon all of the information considered, the Board concluded that it was in the best interests of the Fund to approve the reduced subadvisory fees.



August 31, 2016 (unaudited)

Long-Term Capital Gain Dividends. Certain Funds distributed long-term capital gain dividends during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2016. Details of designated long-term capital gain dividends for federal income tax purposes are shown in the notes to financial statements. To the extent necessary to distribute such capital gains, certain Funds may also utilize, and hereby designate, earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on redemptions of shares as part of the dividends paid deduction.

Dividends Received Deduction. For corporate shareholders, the percentage of ordinary income distributions (dividend income and short-term gains, if any) for the year ended August 31, 2016, that qualify for the dividends received deduction are as follows:

Blue Chip Fund 100.00 %
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund 5.83 %
Diversified Real Asset Fund 32.76 %
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund 0.07 %
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 31.36 %
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund 82.21 %
Global Opportunities Fund 61.83 %
Origin Emerging Markets Fund 0.03 %
Preferred Securities Fund 33.40 %
Real Estate Allocation Fund 0.12 %
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund 46.42 %


Qualified Dividend Income. Certain dividends paid by the Funds may be subject to a maximum tax rate of 15%, as provided for by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. The percentages of ordinary income distributions for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2016, taxed at a maximum rate of 15% are as follows:

Blue Chip Fund 100.00 %
Credit Opportunities Explorer Fund 7.33 %
Diversified Real Asset Fund 66.23 %
Dynamic High Yield Explorer Fund 2.43 %
Global Multi-Strategy Fund 44.39 %
Global Opportunities Equity Hedged Fund 100.00 %
Global Opportunities Fund 100.00 %
International Small Company Fund 71.46 %
Origin Emerging Markets Fund 62.27 %
Preferred Securities Fund 50.04 %
Real Estate Allocation Fund 6.47 %
Small-MidCap Dividend Income Fund 56.07 %


Foreign Taxes Paid. The following Funds elect under the Internal Revenue Code Section 853 to pass through foreigntaxes paid to their shareholders.

The total amounts of foreign taxes passed through to shareholders on a per share basis for the year ended August 31, 2016, are as follows:

    Foreign Taxes
    Per Share
International Small Company Fund $ 0.0054
Origin Emerging Markets Fund $ 0.0264


This information is given to meet certain requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and should not be used by shareholders for preparing their income tax returns. For tax return preparation purposes, please refer to the information supplied with the 1099-DIV form you will receive from the Fund’s transfer agent.



Principal Funds Distributor, Inc.
711 High Street
Des Moines, IA 50392-6370

Do not use this address for business correspondence.

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.

This annual report is published as general information for the shareholders of Principal Funds. This material is not authorized

for distribution unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus that includes more information regarding the risk

factors, expenses, policies, and objectives of the funds. Investors should read the prospectus carefully before investing.  To

obtain an additional prospectus, please contact your financial professional or call  800-222-5852

Principal Funds are distributed by Principal Funds Distributor, Inc.

FV689-06 | © 2016 Principal Financial Services, Inc. | 08/2016 | q9c00000c0

                            Class S Shares


Table of Contents

Economic & Financial Market Review 1
Capital Securities Fund 2
Financial Statements 3
Notes to Financial Statements 6
Schedules of Investments 11
Financial Highlights (Includes performance information) 14
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 16
Shareholder Expense Example 17
Supplemental Information 18



Economic & Financial Market Review

Central Bank policies have remained a key focus in the markets, as investors continued to anticipate the Federal Reserve’s (the Fed’s) rate normalization timeline. The possibility of an interest rate hike grew throughout August as U.S. data points indicated a solid outlook. The Bank of England implemented easing policies over the summer, stressing that further cuts are likely and that rates will remain low indefinitely.

If the circle of improved wages, confidence, demand, profits, capital spending, and expansion continues as it appears it might in the U.S., the economic upcycle will last a while longer, extended by the drop in interest rates after the U.K. vote in June. We look for a U.S. growth rebound, boosted by strong consumer spending, rising investment, and higher inventories. For 2016, real GDP gains likely will be weak, given the sluggish first half. We believe growth in 2017 should be well over 2% even with a Fed rate hike or two.

The United Kingdom and the Eurozone are proving more resilient to the Brexit (British exit of the European Union) aftermath than forecasters believed. China’s modest bounce continues. That plus improving U.S. demand benefits the developing world.

Late summer brought flat prices for broad equity indices. Defensive sectors, such as health care and utilities, had been winners for years because the marginal buyer of stocks (those whose willingness to pay is equal to the market price), has been yield-hungry fixed income investors looking for better returns than in U.S. treasury bonds. They were buying growth companies with solid earnings, low volatility, and good dividends. In August, those U.S. defensive sectors took a tumble: health care, off 3.5%; utilities, down 6.1%; and telecom services lost 5.7%, as measured by their respective indexes. The small rise in yields of sovereign bonds hurt safe haven-centered portfolios. Long-dated U.S. treasury bonds fell and U.S. global bonds also lost ground. But, the optimism expressed above about global growth was positive for both developed and developing-country corporate bonds. Credit spreads narrowed and returns for August were at least a small positive.

*All data cited from August 2016 Principal Economic Insights by Robert Baur, Ph.D. Chief Global Economist, available at principalfunds.com/commentary.



Capital Securities Fund

Investment Advisor: Principal Management Corporation
Sub-Advisor: Spectrum Asset Management, Inc.

Value of a $10,000 Investment* March 14, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Investment results shown represent historical performance and do not guarantee future results. Your investment’s returns and principal values will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and other market conditions so the value, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original costs. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance shown. For more information, including the most recent month-end performance, visit principalfunds.com, call your financial professional, or call 800-222-5852.

Average Annual Total Returns* as of August 31, 2016        
  1-Year   Since Inception   Inception Date
Class S Shares 6.77 % 5.38 % 3/14/14


What contributed to or detracted from Fund performance during the fiscal year?***

The Fund seeks to provide current income. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in preferred securities at the time of purchase. In particular, the Fund focuses on “capital securities,” which include securities issued by U.S. and non-U.S. financial institutions (including, but not limited to, banks and insurance companies) for purposes of satisfying their regulatory capital requirements.

The hybrid market performed well during the year against the backdrop of declining interest rates and central bank policy support. A small allocation to preferred stocks was a contributor as they outperformed capital securities. Security selection was positive in countries such as France and industries such as non-U.S. banking. Contingent capital (CoCo) securities, especially European bank AT1's, performed poorly in February due to the fear of coupon skips by European banks. Certain insurance names declined due to continued structural concerns of term extension rather than being called at par. Being underweight to Japanese securities detracted as they outperformed the index over the year.

* Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains. Performance does not reflect the impact of federal, state, or municipal taxes. If it did, performance would be lower.

** Performance shown for the benchmark is calculated from 02/28/2014 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Indices are unmanaged, and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

*** Securities described in the fund commentary may no longer be held in the fund



  August 31, 2016      
Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts   Securities Fund  
Investment in securities--at cost   $ 292,814  
Investment in securities--at value   $ 295,018  
Dividends and interest     3,541  
Expense reimbursement from Manager     29  
Fund shares sold     1,965  
  Total Assets   300,553  
Accrued transfer agent fees     7  
Accrued directors' expenses     3  
Accrued professional fees     27  
Accrued other expenses     13  
Dividends payable     957  
Fund shares redeemed     481  
Investment securities purchased     857  
  Total Liabilities   2,345  
Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares   $ 298,208  
Net Assets Consist of:        
Capital shares and additional paid-in-capital   $ 295,299  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   1,391  
Accumulated undistributed (overdistributed) net realized gain (loss)   (686 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments     2,204  
  Total Net Assets $ 298,208  
Capital Stock (par value: $.01 per share):        
Shares authorized     500,000  
Net Asset Value Per Share:        
Class S: Net Assets $   298,208  
Shares Issued and Outstanding     29,881  
Net Asset Value per share $   9.98  


See accompanying notes.



Year Ended August 31, 2016    
Amounts in thousands Securities Fund  
Net Investment Income (Loss)      
Dividends $ 1,470  
Interest   10,410  
Total Income   11,880  
Registration fees - Class S   64  
Shareholder reports - Class S   6  
Transfer agent fees - Class S   37  
Custodian fees   4  
Directors' expenses   7  
Professional fees   30  
Other expenses   2  
Total Gross Expenses   150  
Less: Reimbursement from Manager - Class S   150  
Total Net Expenses    
Net Investment Income (Loss)   11,880  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments,      
Net realized gain (loss) from:      
Investment transactions   (437 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of:      
Investments   4,589  
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments   4,152  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 16,032  


See accompanying notes.




Amounts in thousands           Capital Securities Fund  
            Year Ended     Year Ended  
            August 31, 2016   August 31, 2015  
Net investment income (loss)         $ 11,880   $ 5,184  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments     (437 )   (213 )
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments     4,589     (2,658 )
      Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations     16,032     2,313  
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders              
From net investment income           (11,030 )   (4,983 )
From net realized gain on investments           (35 )
From tax return of capital           (92 )   (256 )
      Total Dividends and Distributions     (11,122 )   (5,274 )
Capital Share Transactions                    
Net increase (decrease) in capital share transactions     159,918     68,943  
      Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets     164,828     65,982  
Net Assets                    
Beginning of period           133,380     67,398  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income as set forth below)   $ 298,208   $ 133,380  
Undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income (loss)   $ 1,391   $ 275  
    Class S              
Capital Share Transactions:                    
Year Ended August 31, 2016                    
Sold $ 180,767              
Reinvested     9,449              
Redeemed   (30,298 )            
Net Increase (Decrease) $ 159,918              
Sold     18,504              
Reinvested     973              
Redeemed     (3,116 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     16,361              
Year Ended August 31, 2015                    
Sold   $ 81,091              
Reinvested     4,792              
Redeemed   (16,940 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)   $ 68,943              
Sold     8,071              
Reinvested     479              
Redeemed     (1,691 )            
Net Increase (Decrease)     6,859              
Year Ended August 31, 2016                    
From net investment income      $ (11,030)               
From net realized gain on                    
investments     N/A              
From tax return of capital     (92 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions  $ (11,122)              
Year Ended August 31, 2015                    
From net investment income $ (4,935 )            
From net realized gain on                    
investments     (35 )            
From tax return of capital     (304 )            
Total Dividends and Distributions $ (5,274 )            


See accompanying notes.



August 31, 2016

1. Organization

Principal Funds, Inc. (the "Fund") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company and operates as a series fund in the mutual fund industry. The financial statements for Capital Securities Fund (the “fund”) are presented herein.

Capital Securities Fund is an investment company and applies specialized accounting and reporting under Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946, Financial Services - Investment Companies. The fund was an investment company at all times during the year. The fund has not provided financial support, and is not contractually required to provide financial support to any investee.

2. Significant Accounting Policies

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the Fund:

Security Valuation. Capital Securities Fund values securities for which market quotations are readily available at market value, which is determined using the last reported sale price. If no sales are reported, as is regularly the case for some securities traded over-the-counter, securities are valued using the last reported bid price or an evaluated bid price provided by a pricing service. Pricing services use modeling techniques that incorporate security characteristics, such as current quotations by broker/dealers, coupon, maturity, quality, type of issue, trading characteristics, other yield and risk factors, and other market conditions to determine an evaluated bid price. When reliable market quotations are not considered to be readily available, which may be the case, for example, with respect to restricted securities, certain debt securities, preferred stocks, and foreign securities, the investments are valued at their fair value as determined in good faith by the Manager under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Fund’s Board of Directors.

Income and Investment Transactions. The fund records investment transactions on a trade date basis. The identified cost basis has been used in determining the net realized gain or loss from investment transactions and unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments. The fund records dividend income on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is recognized on an accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on securities are accreted/amortized, respectively, on the level yield method over the lives of the respective securities.

Expenses. Expenses directly attributed to the fund are charged to the fund. Other Fund expenses not directly attributed to the fund are apportioned among the registered investment companies managed by the Manager.

Distributions to Shareholders. Dividends and distributions to shareholders of Capital Securities Fund are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Dividends and distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gain from investments are determined in accordance with federal tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. These differences are primarily due to differing treatments for losses deferred due to wash sales and certain preferred securities, and utilization of earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on redemption of shares. Permanent book and tax basis differences are reclassified within the capital accounts based on federal tax-basis treatment; temporary differences do not require reclassification. To the extent dividends and distributions exceed current and accumulated earnings and profits for federal income tax purposes, they are reported as return of capital distributions.

Federal Income Taxes. No provision for federal income taxes is considered necessary because Capital Securities Fund intends to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code and intends to distribute each year substantially all of its net investment income and realized capital gains to shareholders.

Management evaluates tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the fund’s tax returns to determine whether it is “more likely than not” that each tax position would be sustained upon examination by a taxing authority based on the technical merits of the position. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more likely than not threshold would be recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. During the year ended August 31, 2016, Capital Securities Fund did not record any such tax benefit or expense in the accompanying financial statements. The statute of limitations remains open for the fiscal years 2013 – 2015.  No examinations are in progress at this time.



August 31, 2016

2. Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Foreign Taxes. The fund is subject to foreign income taxes imposed by certain countries in which it invests. Foreign income taxes are accrued by the fund as a reduction of income. This amount is shown as withholding tax on foreign dividends on the statement of operations.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements. In August 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-15 Presentation of Financial Statements – Going Concern requiring management to evaluate whether there are conditions or events, considered in aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. The ASU is effective prospectively for annual periods ending after December 15, 2016, and interim periods thereafter. At this time, management is evaluating the implications of these changes on the financial statements.

3. Operating Policies

Borrowings. Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Capital Securities Fund and other registered investment companies managed by the Manager may participate in an interfund lending facility (“Facility”). The Facility allows the funds to borrow money from or loan money to the other participants. Loans under the Facility are made to handle unusual and/or unanticipated short-term cash requirements. Interest paid and received on borrowings is the average of the current repurchase agreement rate and the bank loan rate (the higher of (i) the Federal Funds Rate or (ii) the One Month LIBOR rate plus 1.00%). During the period ended August 31, 2016, Capital Securities Fund did not borrow from the Facility. Capital Securities Fund loaned to the Facility. The interest income received is included in interest income on the statement of operations.

In addition, the fund participates with other registered investment companies managed by the Manager in an unsecured joint line of credit with a bank which allows the participants to borrow up to $75 million, collectively. Borrowings are made solely to facilitate the handling of unusual and/or unanticipated short-term cash requirements. Interest is charged to each participant, based on its borrowings, at a rate equal to the higher of the Federal Funds Rate or the One Month LIBOR rate plus 1.00%. Additionally, a commitment fee is charged at an annual rate of 0.15% on the amount of the line of credit. Capital Securities Fund did not borrow against the line of credit during the year ended August 31, 2016.

Indemnification. Under the Fund’s by-laws, present and past officers, directors and employees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties. In addition, in the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into a variety of contracts that may contain representations and warranties which provide general indemnifications. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund.

4. Fair Valuation

Fair value is defined as the price that the fund would receive upon selling a security in a timely transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market of the security at the measurement date. In determining fair value, the fund uses various valuation approaches, including market, income and/or cost approaches. A hierarchy for inputs is used in measuring fair value that maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs by requiring that the most observable inputs be used when available.

Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the fund. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the fund’s own estimates about the estimates market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.




August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)

The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarized in the three broad levels listed below.

Level 1 – Quoted prices are available in active markets for identical securities as of the reporting date. The type of securities included in Level 1 includes listed equities and listed derivatives.

Level 2 – Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayments speeds, credit risk, etc.). Investments which are generally included in this category include corporate bonds, senior floating rate interests, and municipal bonds.

Level 3 – Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s assumptions in determining the fair value of investments). Investments which are generally included in this category include certain corporate bonds and certain mortgage backed securities.

The availability of observable inputs can vary from security to security and is affected by a wide variety of factors, including, for example, the type of security, whether the security is new and not yet established in the market place, and other characteristics particular to the transaction. To the extent that valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised by the fund in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3.

In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement in its entirety falls is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.

Fair value is a market based measure considered from the perspective of a market participant who holds the asset rather than an entity specific measure. Therefore, even when market assumptions are not readily available, the fund’s own assumptions are set to reflect those that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date. The fund uses prices and inputs that are current as of the measurement date.

Investments which are generally included in the Level 3 category are primarily valued using quoted prices from brokers and dealers participating in the market for these investments. These investments are classified as Level 3 investments due to the lack of market transparency and market corroboration to support these quoted prices. Valuation models may be used as the pricing source for other investments classified as Level 3. Valuation models rely on one or more significant unobservable inputs such as prepayment rates, probability of default, or loss severity in the event of default. Significant increases in any of those inputs in isolation would result in a significantly lower fair value measurement.

The fair values of these entities are dependent on economic, political and other considerations. The values of the investments may be affected by significant changes in the economic conditions, changes in government policies, and other factors (e.g., natural disasters, accidents, conflicts, etc.).

Fair value of these investments is determined in good faith by the Manager under procedures established and periodically reviewed by the Board of Directors of the Fund. The Manager has established a Valuation Committee of senior officers and employees, with the responsibility of overseeing the pricing and valuation of all securities, including securities where market quotations are not readily available. The Valuation Committee meets monthly and reports directly to the Board of Directors. The Pricing Group who reports to the Valuation Committee relies on the established Pricing Policies to determine fair valuation. Included in the Pricing Policies is an overview of the approved valuation technique established for each asset class. The Pricing Group will consider all appropriate information when determining fair valuation.

The Pricing Group relies on externally provided valuation inputs to determine the value of Level 3 securities. Security values are updated as new information becomes available. Valuation data and changes in valuation amounts are reviewed on a daily basis based on specified criteria for the security, asset class, and other factors. In addition, valuation data is periodically compared to actual transactions executed by the fund (i.e., purchases/sales) and differences between transaction prices and prior period valuation data are investigated based on specified tolerances.

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those instruments.



August 31, 2016

4. Fair Valuation (Continued)

The beginning of the period timing recognition has been adopted for the significant transfers between levels of the fund’s assets and liabilities. During the year, there were no purchases, sales, or transfers into or out of Level 3. The table below includes transfers from Level 1 to Level 2 at August 31, 2016 due to lack of exchange traded valuation data:

Capital Securities Fund   $ 1,605,313

The following is a summary of the inputs used as of August 31, 2016 in valuing the fund's securities carried at value (amounts shown in thousands):

        Level 2 - Other        
    Level 1 - Quoted   Significant Observable   Level 3 - Significant    
Fund   Prices   Inputs   Unobservable Inputs   Totals (Level 1,2,3)
Capital Securities Fund                
Bonds* $ $ 234,062 $ $ 234,062
Convertible Bonds*     490     490
Investment Companies*   29,031       29,031
Preferred Stocks                
Communications     8,648     8,648
Financial   7,416   8,596     16,012
Utilities     6,775     6,775
  Total investments in securities $ 36,447 $ 258,571 $ $ 295,018


*For additional detail regarding sector classifications, please see the Schedule of Investments.

5. Management Agreement and Transactions with Affiliates

The Manager has contractually agreed to limit the expenses (excluding interest expense, expenses related to fund investments, acquired fund fees and expenses, and other extraordinary expenses) for the fund. The reductions and reimbursements are in amounts that maintain total operating expenses at 0.00%. The limit is expressed as a percentage of average daily net assets on an annualized basis during the reporting period. It is expected that the expense limit will continue permanently.

The fund is an integral part of “wrap-fee” programs, including those sponsored by registered investment advisors and broker-dealers unaffiliated with the fund. Participants in these programs pay a “wrap” fee to the wrap-fee program’s sponsor.

Amounts owed to Capital Securities Fund under the terms of the expense limitation agreements are reflected in the statement of assets and liabilities as an expense reimbursement from Manager and are settled monthly.

6. Investment Transactions

For the year ended August 31, 2016, the cost of investment securities purchased and proceeds from investment securities sold (not including short-term investments and U.S. government securities) by the fund was as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Purchases   Sales
Capital Securities Fund $ 148,182 $ 16,547


7. Federal Tax Information

Distributions to Shareholders. The federal income tax character of distributions paid for the years ended August 31, 2016 and August 31, 2016 were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Ordinary Income     Tax Return of Capital
    2016   2015   2016   2015
Capital Securities Fund $ 11,030 $ 5,018 $ 92 $ 256


For U.S. federal income tax purposes, short-term capital gain distributions are considered ordinary income distributions.



August 31, 2016

7. Federal Tax Information (Continued)

Distributable Earnings. As of August 31, 2016, the components of distributable earnings/(deficit) on a federal tax basis were as follows (amounts in thousands):

          Net Unrealized   Other   Accumulated
    Accumulated     Appreciation   Temporary   Earnings
    Losses     (Depreciation)   Differences*   (Deficit)
Capital Securities Fund $ (685) $ 2,148 $ 1,446 $ 2,909
*Represents book-to-tax accounting differences.                  


Capital Loss Carryforwards. For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards are losses that can be used to offset future capital gains of the fund. At August 31, 2016, the fund had approximate net capital loss carryforwards as follows (amounts in thousands):

Capital Securities Fund $ 685


Capital losses will be carried forward with no expiration and with the character of the loss retained.

Reclassification of Capital Accounts. The fund may record reclassifications in its capital accounts. These reclassifications have no impact on the total net assets of the fund. The reclassifications are a result of permanent differences between GAAP and tax accounting. Adjustments are made to reflect the impact these items have on current and future distributions to shareholders. Therefore, the source of the fund’s distributions may be shown in the accompanying statement of changes in net assets as from net investment income, from net realized gains on investments or from capital depending on the type of book and tax differences that exist. For the year ended August 31, 2016, the fund recorded reclassifications as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Accumulated   Accumulated        
    Undistributed Net   Net Realized Gain        
    Investment Income   on Investments     Paid in Capital  
Capital Securities Fund $ 266 $ (36) $ (230)


Federal Income Tax Basis. At August 31, 2016, the net federal income tax unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and federal tax cost of investments held by the fund were as follows (amounts in thousands):

    Unrealized   Unrealized     Net Unrealized   Cost for Federal
    Appreciation   (Depreciation)     Appreciation (Depreciation)   Income Tax Purposes
Capital Securities Fund $ 6,735 $ (4,587 ) $ 2,148 $ 292,870


8. Subsequent Events. Management has evaluated events and transactions that have occurred through the date the financial statements were issued, that would merit recognition or disclosure in the financial statements. There were no items requiring adjustment of the financial statements or additional disclosure.



Schedule of Investments Capital Securities Fund August 31, 2016

  INVESTMENT COMPANIES - 9.74%     Shares Held Value(000 's)     Principal    
  Money Market Funds - 9.74%                 BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's)      Value (000's)
  Goldman Sachs Financial Square Funds -     29,031,382   $   29,031   Banks (continued)        
  Government Fund                 Dresdner Funding Trust I        
                    8.15%, 06/30/2031(d) $ 400 $ 475
  TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES         $   29,031   8.15%, 06/30/2031   1,100   1,309
  PREFERRED STOCKS - 10.54%     Shares Held Value(000 's) Goldman Sachs Capital III        
                    4.00%, 09/29/2049(a),(b)   169   139
Banks- 5.11 %                        
  CoBank ACB 6.13%(a)     6,000   $   599   HBOS Capital Funding LP        
  CoBank ACB 6.20%(a),(b)     10,000       1,049   6.85%, 03/29/2049(a)   2,300   2,332
  CoBank ACB 6.25%(a),(b)     38,800       4,124   HSBC Capital Funding Dollar1 LP        
  Fifth Third Bancorp 6.63%(a),(b)     123,534       4,011   10.18%, 12/29/2049 (a),(b)   3,400   5,148
  Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH 6.25%(a)     80,000       2,223   10.18%, 12/29/2049 (a),(b),(d)   700   1,060
  M&T Bank Corp 6.38%(a),(b)     1,928       2,044   HSBC Holdings PLC        
  Valley National Bancorp 6.25%(a),(b)     40,000       1,182   6.87%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   2,000   2,092
            $   15,232   JPMorgan Chase & Co        
                    6.75%, 01/29/2049(a),(b)   2,000   2,255
  Electric - 2.27%                          
  Georgia Power Co 6.50%(a)     10,000       1,053   KeyCorp Capital I        
                    1.39%, 07/01/2028(b)   2,000   1,642
  Gulf Power Co 6.45%(a)     54,830       5,722            
            $   6,775    KeyCorp Capital III        
                    7.75%, 07/15/2029   1,500   1,784
  Insurance - 0.26%                          
  XLIT Ltd 3.80%(a),(b),(c)     1,000       780   Lloyds Banking Group PLC        
                    6.41%, 01/29/2049(a),(d)   1,700   1,878
                    7.50%, 04/30/2049(a),(b)   4,300   4,370
  Telecommunications - 2.90%                          
  Centaur Funding Corp 9.08%(d)     7,329       8,648   M&T Bank Corp        
                    6.45%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   1,300   1,449
                    Morgan Stanley        
  TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS         $   31,435   5.55%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   1,500   1,537
        Principal           National Australia Bank Ltd/New York        
BONDS- 78.49 %   Amount (000's) Value(000 's) 8.00%, 09/29/2049(a)   600   601
Banks- 47.48 %               Nordea Bank AB        
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group                 5.50%, 09/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   400   400
  Ltd/United Kingdom                 5.50%, 09/29/2049(a),(b)   1,600   1,602
  6.75%, 12/29/2049 (a),(d)   $ 400     $ 450   6.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   2,500   2,487
  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA                        
                   Northern Trust Corp        
  9.00%, 05/29/2049(a)     1,000       1,045   4.60%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   2,000   2,043
  Bank of America Corp                        
                   NTC Capital I        
  6.50%, 10/29/2049(a),(b)     600       654   1.20%, 01/15/2027(b)   1,250   1,069
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The                        
                   NTC Capital II        
  4.62%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     8,500       8,511   1.27%, 04/15/2027(b)   1,200   1,026
  4.95%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     2,000       2,042            
                    PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The        
  Barclays Bank PLC                 6.75%, 07/29/2049(a),(b)   1,700   1,919
  7.75%, 04/10/2023(b)     1,400       1,484            
                    Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC        
  10.18%, 06/12/2021     900       1,153   7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   2,900   2,748
  10.18%, 06/12/2021(d)     3,000       3,845   7.64%, 03/29/2049(a),(b)   1,000   984
  Barclays PLC                 8.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   1,000   968
  6.63%, 06/29/2049(a),(b)     636       605            
                   Societe Generale SA        
  8.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     1,600       1,639   5.92%, 04/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   800   813
  BNP Paribas SA                 7.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   1,000   994
  7.20%, 06/29/2049(a),(d)     3,300       3,712   8.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   200   204
  7.63%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)     1,000       1,051   8.25%, 09/29/2049(a),(b)   1,250   1,286
  7.63%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     1,900       1,998            
                    Standard Chartered PLC        
  BPCE SA                 6.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   1,500   1,412
  12.50%, 08/29/2049(a),(b)     2,500       3,172   7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   1,300   1,299
  Citigroup Inc                        
                   SunTrust Capital I        
  6.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     6,000       6,260   1.49%, 05/15/2027(b)   4,500   3,713
  6.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     3,100       3,348            
                    SunTrust Capital III        
  Citizens Financial Group Inc                 1.30%, 03/15/2028(b)   1,600   1,320
  5.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     5,000       4,950            
                    Svenska Handelsbanken AB        
  CoBank ACB                 5.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   2,100   2,090
  6.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)     1,000       1,084            
                    Swedbank AB        
  Commerzbank AG                 5.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   4,400   4,510
  8.13%, 09/19/2023(d)     500       584            
                    UBS Group AG        
  Cooperatieve Rabobank UA                 6.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   5,700   5,664
  4.38%, 08/04/2025     6,000       6,371          
                   US Bancorp        
  8.40%, 11/29/2049(a),(b)     2,000       2,096   5.12%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   2,000   2,125
  11.00%, 12/29/2049 (a),(b)     1,100       1,343            
                   Wells Fargo & Co        
  11.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)     1,400       1,709   7.98%, 12/31/2049(a),(b)   2,400   2,538
  Corestates Capital III                     $   141,600
  1.39%, 02/15/2027(b),(d)     2,000       1,764            
                    Diversified Financial Services - 1.68%        
  Credit Agricole SA                          
  8.13%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)     1,100       1,180   Charles Schwab Corp/The        
                    7.00%, 02/28/2049(a),(b)   2,813   3,249
  8.38%, 12/31/2049(a),(b),(d)     2,250       2,543            
                    Depository Trust & Clearing Corp/The        
  Credit Suisse Group AG                 4.88%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   1,000   1,023
  6.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)     1,000       979            
  7.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)     4,500       4,743            


See accompanying notes



Schedule of Investments
Capital Securities Fund
August 31, 2016

    Principal         Principal      
BONDS (continued)   Amount (000's) Value (000's) BONDS (continued) Amount (000's)   Value (000's)  
Diversified Financial Services (continued)         Insurance (continued)          
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance         Reinsurance Group of America Inc          
Corp           3.32%, 12/15/2065(b) $ 2,000 $ 1,510  
5.25%, 04/20/2046(b) $ 700 $ 739 Voya Financial Inc          
    $   5,011   5.65%, 05/15/2053(b)   2,800   2,800  
Electric - 1.95%         XLIT Ltd          
Emera Inc           6.50%, 12/31/2049(a),(b)   1,400   1,048  
6.75%, 06/15/2076(b)   1,000   1,081       $   65,013  
Integrys Holding Inc         Miscellaneous Manufacturers - 1.33%          
6.11%, 12/01/2066(b)   1,300   1,090 General Electric Co          
NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc           5.00%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   3,703   3,971  
6.35%, 10/01/2066(b)   4,500   3,634              
    $   5,805 Pipelines - 1.73%          
Hand & Machine Tools - 0.22%         Enterprise Products Operating LLC          
Stanley Black & Decker Inc           7.03%, 01/15/2068(b)   2,400   2,553  
5.75%, 12/15/2053   600   643 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd          
            6.35%, 05/15/2067(b)   200   160  
Insurance - 21.80%         Transcanada Trust          
ACE Capital Trust II           5.63%, 05/20/2075(b)   1,600   1,588  
9.70%, 04/01/2030   2,570   3,894   5.87%, 08/15/2076(b)   800   853  
Aegon NV               $   5,154  
1.43%, 07/29/2049(a),(b)   7,400   4,757 Telecommunications - 0.37%          
Allstate Corp/The         Koninklijke KPN NV          
5.75%, 08/15/2053(b)   300   324   7.00%, 03/28/2073(b)   1,000   1,101  
Aon Corp                      
8.21%, 01/01/2027   1,000   1,327 Transportation - 1.93%          
AXA SA         BNSF Funding Trust I          
6.38%, 12/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   2,800   3,052   6.61%, 12/15/2055(b)   5,000   5,764  
8.60%, 12/15/2030   2,400   3,369              
Catlin Insurance Co Ltd         TOTAL BONDS   $   234,062  
7.25%, 07/29/2049(a),(d)   3,100   2,387     Principal      
Chubb Corp/The         CONVERTIBLE BONDS - 0.16% Amount (000's) Value (000's)  
6.38%, 03/29/2067(b)   3,600   3,364 Banks - 0.16%          
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co Ltd/The         ING Groep NV          
5.10%, 10/29/2049(a),(b),(d)   100   110   6.50%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   500   490  
Everest Reinsurance Holdings Inc                      
6.60%, 05/01/2067(b)   1,600   1,300 TOTAL CONVERTIBLE BONDS   $   490  
Glen Meadow Pass-Through Trust         Total Investments   $   295,018  
6.51%, 02/12/2067(b),(d)   3,900   2,944              
          Other Assets and Liabilities - 1.07%   $   3,190  
Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Capital         TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100.00%   $   298,208  
6.63%, 11/15/2034(d)   1,200   1,424              
Hartford Financial Services Group Inc/The         (a) Perpetual security. Perpetual securities pay an indefinite stream of  
8.13%, 06/15/2068(b)   500   546   interest, but they may be called by the issuer at an earlier date.      
Liberty Mutual Group Inc         (b) Variable Rate. Rate shown is in effect at August 31, 2016.      
7.00%, 03/07/2067(b),(d)   300   250              
          (c) Security is Illiquid. At the end of the period, the value of these securities  
7.80%, 03/07/2087(d)   2,200   2,552    totaled $780 or 0.26% of net assets.          
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co         (d) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of  
7.70%, 10/15/2097(d)   1,100   1,468   1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from      
            registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At the end of the  
Lincoln National Corp           period, the value of these securities totaled $71,030 or 23.82% of net  
3.16%, 05/17/2066(b)   1,300   1,011    assets.          
6.05%, 04/20/2067(b)   1,100   842              
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co                      
5.20%, 10/20/2045(b),(d)   1,000   1,140              
MetLife Capital Trust IV                      
7.88%, 12/15/2067(d)   1,800   2,259   Portfolio Summary (unaudited)      
MetLife Capital Trust X         Sector       Percent  
9.25%, 04/08/2068(d)   3,900   5,575 Financial       76.49 %
MetLife Inc         Investment Companies       9.74 %
5.25%, 12/29/2049(a),(b)   1,600   1,609 Utilities       4.22 %
6.40%, 12/15/2066(b)   700   786 Industrial       3.48 %
10.75%, 08/01/2069   500   805 Communications       3.27 %
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co Ltd         Energy       1.73 %
7.00%, 03/15/2072(d)   3,600   4,356 Other Assets and Liabilities       1.07 %
Nationwide Financial Services Inc         TOTAL NET ASSETS       100.00 %
6.75%, 05/15/2087   500   528              
Nippon Life Insurance Co                      
5.00%, 10/18/2042(b),(d)   1,525   1,672              
PartnerRe Finance II Inc                      
6.44%, 12/01/2066(b)   1,000   958              
Prudential Financial Inc                      
5.63%, 06/15/2043(b)   2,800   3,003              
Prudential PLC                      
7.75%, 01/29/2049(a)   2,000   2,043              


See accompanying notes



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      FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                          
          PRINCIPAL FUNDS, INC.                          
Selected data for a share of Capital Stock outstanding throughout each year ended August 31 (except as noted):                
      Net Asset   Net   Net Realized         Dividends         Total      
      Value,    Investment    and Unrealized      Total From   from Net   Tax Return     Dividends      Net Asset
      Beginning    Income     Gain (Loss) on      Investment    Investment   of Capital     and     Value End
      of Period    (Loss)(a)   Investments     Operations   Income   Distribution     Distributions        of Period
CAPITAL SECURITIES FUND                                        
Class S shares                                        
2016   $ 9.87 $ 0.57 $ 0.07   $ 0.64 ($0.53 ) $–   ($0.53 ) $ 9.98
2015     10.12   0.57   (0.24 )   0.33   (0.56 ) (0.02 )   (0.58 )   9.87
2014 (c)   10.00   0.25   0.06     0.31   (0.19 )     (0.19 )   10.12


See accompanying notes.




            Ratio of Net      
      Net Assets, End of Ratio of Expenses   Investment Income   Portfolio  
Total     Period (in to Average Net   to Average Net   Turnover  
Return     thousands) Assets   Assets   Rate  
6.77 % $ 298,208 0.00 %(b) 5.89 % 8.8 %
3.34     133,380 0.00 (b) 5.73   10.2  
3.12 (d)   67,398 0.00 (b) ,(e) 5.38 (e) 16.9 (e)


(a)      Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
(b)      Reflects Manager's contractual expense limit.
(c)      Period from March 14, 2014, date shares first offered, through August 31, 2014.
(d)      Total return amounts have not been annualized.
(e)      Computed on an annualized basis.

See accompanying notes.




The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Capital Securities Fund

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments of Capital Securities Fund (the Fund) as of August 31, 2016, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statement of changes in net assets for each of the two years then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. We were not engaged to perform an audit of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Our audit included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of August 31, 2016, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from brokers were not received. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Capital Securities Fund at August 31, 2016, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the year then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Minneapolis, Minnesota
October 17, 2016



August 31, 2016 (unaudited)

As a shareholder of Capital Securities Fund, you may incur ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution fees; and other fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in Principal Funds, Inc. and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (March 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016), unless otherwise noted.

Actual Expenses

The first section of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this section, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period. Capital Securities Fund shares may only be purchased through wrap programs. Such programs may impose fees in addition to those charged by the fund. These fees are not included in the table below. If they were, the estimate of expenses you paid during the period would be higher, and your ending account value lower, by this amount.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second section of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in Principal Funds, Inc. and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs, such as contingent deferred sales charges, redemption fees or exchange fees. Therefore, the second section of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

        Actual           Hypothetical        
          Expenses Paid           Expenses Paid      
    Beginning     During Period     Beginning     During Period      
    Account   Ending Account March 1, 2016 to     Account   Ending Account March 1, 2016 to      
    Value March 1,   Value August August 31,     Value March 1,   Value August August 31,   Annualized  
    2016   31, 2016 2016(a)   2016   31, 2016 2016(a) Expense Ratio  
Capital Securities Fund                            
Class S $ 1,000.00 $ 1,091.72 $ –   $ 1,000.00 $ 1,025.14 $ –   0.00 %


(a) Expenses are equal to a fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).




Under Maryland law, a Board of Directors oversees the Fund. The Directors have financial or other relevant experience and meet several times during the year to review contracts, Fund activities and the quality of services provided to the Fund. Each director also has the same position with Principal Variable Contracts Funds, Inc. and Principal Exchange-Traded Funds which are also sponsored by Principal Life Insurance Company. Each director holds office for an indefinite term or until reaching age 72. Directors considered to be “interested persons” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as shown below are considered to be interested because of an affiliation with the Manager and Principal Life Insurance Company.

The following directors are considered not to be “interested persons” as defined in the 1940 Act

Name,   Number of Portfolios Directorships
Position Held with the Fund, Principal Occupation(s) in Fund Complex Held by Director
Year of Birth During past 5 years Overseen by Director During Past 5 Years
Elizabeth Ballantine Principal, EBA Associates 126 Durango Herald, Inc;
Director since 2004     McClatchy
Member, Nominating and Governance     Newspapers, Inc.
Leroy T. Barnes, Jr. Retired. 126 McClatchy
Director since March 2012     Newspapers, Inc.;
Member, Audit Committee     Herbalife Ltd.; Frontier
1951     Communications, Inc.
Craig Damos President, The Damos Company 126 Hardin Construction
Director since 2008     Company
Member, Audit Committee      
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Mark A. Grimmett Formerly, Executive Vice 126 None
Director since 2004 President and CFO, Merle    
Member, Nominating and Governance Norman Cosmetics, Inc.    
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Member, Executive Committee      
Fritz S. Hirsch CEO, MAM USA 126 Focus Products Group
Director since 2005      
Member, Operations Committee      
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Tao Huang Formerly, Chief Operating 126 Armstrong World
Director since March 2012 Officer, Morningstar, Inc.   Industries, Inc.
Member, Operations Committee      
Member, 15(c) Committee      
Drew E. Lawton Formerly, Senior Managing 126 None
Director since March 2016 Director and CEO, New York    
Member, Nominating and Governance Life Investment Management    
Committee (New York Life Insurance    
1959 Company)    
Karen (“Karrie”) McMillan Managing Director, Patomak 126 None
Director since 2014 Global Partners, LLC.    
Member, Operations Committee Formerly, General Counsel,    
1961 Investment Company Institute    
Elizabeth A. Nickels Formerly, Executive Director, 126 Charlotte Russe; Follet
Director since September 2015 Herman Miller Foundation;   Corporation; Herman
Member, Audit Committee Formerly President, Herman   Miller, Inc.; PetSmart;
1962 Miller Healthcare   SpartanNash; Spectrum
      Health Systems




Name,   Number of Portfolios Directorships
Position Held with the Fund, Principal Occupation(s) in Fund Complex Held by Director
Year of Birth During past 5 years Overseen by Director During Past 5 Years
Daniel Pavelich Retired. 126 None
Director since 2007      
Member, Audit Committee      


The following directors are considered to be “interested persons” as defined in the 1940 Act, because of an affiliation with the Manager and Principal Life.

    Number of Directorships
    Portfolios in Held by
Name,   Fund Complex Director
Position Held with the Fund, Principal Occupation(s) Overseen During Past 5
Year of Birth During past 5 years by Director Years
Michael J. Beer Chief Executive Officer, Principal Funds 126 None
Director since 2012 Distributor, Inc. (“PFD”) since 2015    
President, Chief Executive Officer Director, PFD since 2015    
Member, Executive Committee Vice President/Mutual Funds and Broker    
1961 Dealer, Principal Life Insurance    
  Company (“PLIC”) (2001-2014)    
  Vice President/Chief Operating Officer,    
  Principal Funds, PLIC (2014-2015)    
  Executive Director, Principal Funds &    
  Trust, PLIC since 2015    
  Director, Principal Management    
  Corporation, (the “Manager”) (2006-2015)    
  President & Chief Executive Officer,    
  the Manager since 2015    
  Executive Vice President/Chief Operating    
  Officer, the Manager (2008-2015)    
  Chair, the Manager since 2015    
Director, Principal Securities, Inc. (“PSI”) (2005-
  President, PSI (2005-2015)    
  Director, Principal Shareholder    
  Services (“PSS”) (2007-2015)    
  Chairman, PSS since 2015    
  President, PSS (2007-2015)    
  Executive Vice President, PSS since 2015    
Nora M. Everett Director, Edge Asset Management, 126 None
Director since 2008 Inc. (“Edge”) (2008-2011)    
Chair Director, Finisterre Capital LLP since 2011    
Member, Executive Committee Director, Origin Asset Management    
1959 LLP since 2011    
  Chairman, Principal Financial    
  Advisors, Inc. (“PFA”) (2010-2015)    
  Chairman, PFD (2011-2015)    
  Director, PFD (2008-2011)    
  Senior Vice President/Retirement and    
  Investor Services, PLIC (2008-2015)    
  President/Retirement and Investor    
  Services, PLIC since 2015    
  Chairman, the Manager (2011-2015)    
  President, the Manager (2008-2015)    
  Director, the Manager (2008-2011)    
  Director, PSI (2008-2011, and since 2015)    
  Chairman, PSI (2011-2015)    
  Chief Executive Officer, PSI (2009-2015)    
  Chairman, PSS (2011-2015)    
  Director, PSS (2008-2011)    


Correspondence intended for each Director who is other than an Interested Director may be sent to 655 9th Street, Des Moines, IA




The following table presents officers of the Funds.

Name, Position Held with the Fund, Address, and Year of Birth

Randy L. Bergstrom

Assistant Tax Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Jennifer A. Block

Assistant Counsel and Assistant


Des Moines, IA 50392


Tracy Bollin

Chief Financial Officer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Principal Occupation(s) During past 5 years

Counsel, Principal Global Investors, LLC (“PGI”)

Counsel, PLIC



Counsel, PFD (2009-2013)

Counsel, PLIC

Counsel, the Manager (2009-2013, 2014 - present)

Counsel, PSI (2009-2013) Counsel, PSS (2009-2013)


Chief Financial Officer, PFA (2010-2015) Senior Vice President, PFD since 2015 Chief Financial Officer, PFD since 2010

Senior Vice President, the Manager since 2015 Chief Financial Officer, the Manager (2010-2015)

Director, the Manager since 2015 Chief Financial Officer, PSI (2010-2015) Director, PSS since 2015

President, PSS since 2015 Chief Financial Officer, PSS (2010-2015)


David J. Brown

Chief Compliance Officer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Senior Vice President, PFD

Chief Compliance Officer-Funds, PLIC since 2016

Vice President/Compliance, PLIC

Senior Vice President, the Manager Senior Vice President, PSI Senior Vice President, PSS


Gina L. Graham


Des Moines, IA 50392


Vice President/Treasurer, PFA since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, PFD since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, PGI since 2016

Vice President/Treasurer, PLIC since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, the Manager since 2016

Vice President/Treasurer, Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC since 2016 Vice President/Treasurer, PSI since 2016

Vice President/Treasurer, PSS since 2016

Carolyn F. Kolks

Assistant Tax Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Layne A. Rasmussen

Vice President and Controller

Des Moines, IA 50392


Greg Reymann

Assistant Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Counsel, PGI

Counsel, PLIC



Vice President/Controller – Principal Funds, the Manager




Assistant General Counsel, PLIC since 2014 Assistant General Counsel, the Manager since 2015

VP, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Risk Officer, Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (“TAM”) (2010-2012)

Assistant General Counsel, Transamerica Asset Management Group (2013-2014)

Vice President/CFTC Principal, TAM (2013-2014)




Name, Position Held with the Fund, Address, and Year of Birth

Teri R. Root

Deputy Chief Compliance Officer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Britney L. Schnathorst

Assistant Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Adam U. Shaikh

Assistant Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Principal Occupation(s) During past 5 years

Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, the Manager since 2015

Compliance Officer, the Manager (2010-2013)

Vice President, PSS since 2015


Counsel, PLIC since 2013

Prior thereto, Attorney in Private Practice



Counsel, PFD (2006-2013) Counsel, PLIC

Counsel, the Manager (2007-2013, 2014 - present)

Counsel, PSI (2007-2013) Counsel, PSS (2007-2013)


Dan Westholm

Assistant Treasurer

Des Moines, IA 50392


Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PFA since 2013 Director – Treasury, PFA (2011-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PFD since 2013

Director – Treasury, PFD (2011-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PLIC since 2014 Director – Treasury, PLIC (2007-2014)

Director – Treasury, the Manager (2003-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, the Manager since 2013 Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PSI since 2013

Director – Treasury, PSI (2008-2009, 2011-2013) Assistant Vice President/Treasury, PSS since 2013 Director – Treasury, PSS (2007-2013)


Beth Wilson

Vice President and Secretary

Des Moines, IA 50392


Clint Woods

Vice President and Counsel

Des Moines, IA 50392


Director and Secretary – Funds, PLIC

Vice President, the Manager (2007-2013)



Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Governance Officer, and

Assistant Corporate Secretary, PLIC since 2015

Assistant General Counsel, Assistant Corporate Secretary, and Governance Officer, PLIC (2013-2015)

Associate General Counsel, AEGON (2003 - 2012)


The 15(c) Committee assists the Board in performing the annual review of the Fund’s advisory and sub-advisory agreements pursuant to Section 15(c) of the 1940 Act.

The Audit Committee selects the independent auditors for the Fund and oversees the activities of the independent auditors as well as the internal auditors. The committee also receives reports about accounting and financial matters affecting the Fund.

The Executive Committee is selected by the Board. It may exercise all the powers of the Board, with certain exceptions, when the Board is not in session. The Committee must report its actions to the Board.

The Nominating and Governance Committee selects and nominates all candidates who are not “interested persons” of the Fund for election to the Board. The committee also oversees the structure and efficiency of the Board of Directors and the committees the Board establishes.

The Operations Committee oversees the provision of administrative and distribution services to the Funds, communications with the Funds’ shareholders, and provides review and oversight of the Funds’ operations.

Additional information about the Fund is available in the Prospectus dated December 31, 2015, and the Statement of Additional Information dated December 31, 2015. These documents may be obtained free of charge by writing Principal Funds, Inc., P.O. Box 8024, Boston, MA 02266-8024 or telephoning 1-800-222-5852. The prospectus may be viewed at





A description of the policies and procedures the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and the results of the proxy votes for the most recent twelve months ended June 30 may be obtained free of charge by telephoning 1-800-222-5852, or on the SEC website at www.sec.gov.


The Fund files complete schedules of investments with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of May 31 and November 30 of each year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-Q can be reviewed and copied at the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. or on the Commission’s website at www.sec.gov. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330.




During the period covered by this report, the Board of Directors of Principal Funds, Inc. (“PFI”) approved: (1) a Subadvisory agreement with Columbus Circle Investors, a Subadvisory agreement with Passport Capital, LLC, a Subadvisory agreement with Sirios Capital Management, L.P., a Subadvisory agreement with Three Bridges Capital, LP, and an amended and restated management agreement with Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) related to the addition of the Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund; (2) a Subadvisory agreement with Gotham Asset Management, LLC related to the Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund; (3) a Subadvisory agreement with Sound Point Capital Management, LP related to the Global-Multi Strategy Fund; and (4) amended Subadvisory agreements with Cliffwater, LLC and York Registered Holdings L. P. related to the Global-Multi Strategy Fund.

Multi Manager Equity Long/Short Fund Advisory Agreements

On December 15, 2015, the Board met to consider, on behalf of the newly established Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund (the “Fund”), the approval of: (1) an amended and restated management agreement (“Management Agreement”) between PFI, for the Fund, and the Manager and (2) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Passport Capital, LLC (“Passport” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Passport Subadvisory Agreement”); (3) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Sirios Capital Management, L.P. (“Sirios” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Sirios Subadvisory Agreement”); (4) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Three Bridges Capital, LP (“Three Bridges” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Three Bridges Subadvisory Agreement”); and (5) a subadvisory agreement between the Manager and Columbus Circle Investors (“CCI” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “CCI Agreement”). (The Passport Subadvisory Agreement, the Sirios Subadvisory Agreement, the Three Bridges Subadvisory Agreement and the CCI Subadvisory Agreement are together referred to as the “Subadvisory Agreements,” and the Management Agreement and the Subadvisory Agreements are together referred to as the “Advisory Agreements.”)

Based upon its review, the Board concluded that it was in the best interests of the Fund to approve the Advisory Agreements. In reaching this conclusion, no single factor was determinative in the Board’s analysis, but rather the Board considered a variety of factors.

With respect to the Management Agreement, the Board considered, among other factors, that the Manager has had a long-term relationship with the PFI funds and has demonstrated a commitment to support the PFI funds. The Board concluded that a long-term relationship with a capable, conscientious advisor is in the best interests of the Fund. The Board considered various factors, including the following, and made certain findings and conclusions with regard thereto, in approving the Advisory Agreements.

Nature, Quality and Extent of Services

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided under the Management Agreement, including administrative services. The Board noted that, in connection with the 2015 annual renewal of the management agreements for the other PFI funds and series of Principal Variable Contracts Funds, Inc. (“PVC”) and Principal Exchange-Traded Funds (“PETF” and together with PFI and PVC, the “Principal Funds”), the Board had: (1) reviewed the services provided by the Manager to the other series of Principal Funds under the management agreements; (2) considered the experience and skills of senior management leading fund operations, the experience and skills of the personnel performing the functions under the management agreements and the resources made available to such personnel, the ability of the Manager to attract and retain high-quality personnel, and the organizational depth and stability of the Manager and concluded that appropriate resources were provided under the management agreements for the Principal Funds; (3) considered the due diligence process developed by the Manager for purposes of selecting highly qualified unaffiliated subadvisors and for monitoring and replacing unaffiliated subadvisors and concluded that this due diligence process was working well; and (4) considered the compliance program established by the Manager for the Principal Funds and their respective series and the level of compliance attained by the Principal Funds. Based upon all relevant factors, the Board concluded that the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided by the Manager to the Fund under the Management Agreement are expected to be satisfactory.

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided under each of the Subadvisory Agreements. For each Subadvisory Agreement, the Board considered the reputation, qualifications and background of the Subadvisor, the investment approach of the Subadvisor, the experience and skills of the Subadvisor’s investment personnel who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund, and the resources made available to such personnel. The Board noted that CCI currently provides subadvisory services for other series of PFI and PVC, and that the Board had reviewed and had approved for renewal those subadvisory agreements at its September 2015 Board meeting. In addition, the Board considered the Manager’s program for recommending, monitoring and replacing subadvisors and that the Manager recommended each Subadvisor based upon that program. Based upon all relevant factors, the Board concluded that the nature, quality and extent of the services to be provided by each Subadvisor to the Fund under the applicable Subadvisory Agreement are expected to be satisfactory.



Investment Performance

As the Fund is a newly created series, the Board did not review performance of the Fund since no track record was available. The Board reviewed the historical and back-tested performance of each Subadvisor as follows:

1)      With respect to Passport, the Board reviewed (i) the historical one-year and since inception (January 1, 2014) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in a composite with an investment strategy similar to the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund and (ii) the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, each as compared to a relevant benchmark index for Passport’s investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category;
2)      With respect to Sirios, the Board reviewed (i) the historical one-year and since inception (April 1, 2014) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in a composite with an investment strategy similar to the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund and (ii) the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, each as compared to a relevant benchmark index for Sirios’ investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category;
3)      With respect to Three Bridges, the Board reviewed (i) the historical since inception (November 1, 2014) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in a composite with an investment strategy similar to the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund and (ii) the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, each as compared to a relevant benchmark index for Three Bridges’ investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category; and
4)      With respect to CCI, the Board reviewed the back-tested one-year and since inception (October 1, 2013) performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund, as compared to a relevant benchmark index for CCI’s investment sleeve, a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and a relevant Morningstar category.

The Board also reviewed the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of September 30, 2015 (gross and net of fees) of the Fund, as compared to a relevant benchmark index and a relevant Morningstar category. The Board concluded, based on the information provided, that each Subadvisor is well qualified.

Fees, Economies of Scale and Profitability

The Board considered the Fund’s proposed management and subadvisory fees, taking into consideration the complexities of the investment strategy and the objective of the Fund. With respect to the proposed management fee, the Board considered the fees proposed to be paid to each Subadvisor. The Board also received information from the Manager, based on data supplied by Broadridge, comparing the proposed management fee to advisory fees of funds in the same asset category. The Board also considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the services to be provided to the Fund under the Management Agreement. The Board noted that the proposed management fee schedule includes breakpoints, and concluded that the proposed management fee schedule reflects an appropriate recognition of economies of scale at currently anticipated asset levels.

With respect to the subadvisory fee proposed to be paid to each Subadvisor, the Board noted that the Manager compensates each Subadvisor from its own management fee so that shareholders pay only the management fee. The Board considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the subadvisory services to be provided under each Subadvisory Agreement. The Board noted that the proposed subadvisory fee schedules for two Subadvisors include breakpoints and that the proposed subadvisory fee schedules for the other two Subadvisors do not include breakpoints. The Board concluded that the subadvisory fee schedule for each Subadvisor reflects an appropriate recognition of economies of scale at currently anticipated asset levels. The Board considered the Manager’s statement that it found the proposed subadvisory fee schedules to be competitive.

In addition, in evaluating the management and subadvisory fees, the Board considered the estimated profitability of the Fund to the Manager. The Board reviewed the anticipated expense ratio of each class of the Fund and considered that the Manager proposed to cap the total expense ratios for the classes at certain levels through December 30, 2017. On the basis of the information provided, the Board concluded that the proposed management and subadvisory fees were reasonable.

Other Benefits

The Board also considered the character and amount of other incidental benefits to be received by the Manager and each Subadvisor. The Board noted that Passport, Sirios and CCI may use soft dollars and that each such Subadvisor’s policy is to use soft dollars within the Section 28(e) safe harbor, and that Three Bridges did not intend to use soft dollars. The Board concluded that taking into account these potential benefits, the proposed management and subadvisory fees were reasonable.



Overall Conclusions

Based upon all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board determined that the terms of each Advisory Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of each of the Advisory Agreements is in the best interests of the Fund.

Gotham Asset Management, LLC SubAdvisory Agreements

On June 14, 2016, the Board considered for the Multi-Manager Equity Long/Short Fund (the “Fund”), the approval of a subadvisory agreement between Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) and Gotham Asset Management, LLC (the “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Subadvisory Agreement”)

Nature, Quality and Extent of Services

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services expected to be provided under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board considered the reputation, qualifications and background of the Subadvisor, the investment approach of the Subadvisor, the experience and skills of the Subadvisor’s investment personnel who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund, and the resources made available to such personnel. In addition, the Board considered the Manager’s program for recommending, monitoring and replacing subadvisors and that the Manager recommended the Subadvisor based upon that program.

Investment Performance

The Board reviewed the back-tested one-year, three-year and five-year performance returns as of March 31, 2016 (gross and net of proposed fees) of the Subadvisor in the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund (which included historical performance returns of the Subadvisor in the same strategy as the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund for the period January 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016), as compared to a relevant benchmark index for the Subadvisor’s investment sleeve, to a relevant benchmark index for the Fund and to a relevant Morningstar category. The Board also reviewed the back-tested three-year and five-year standard deviations and Sharpe ratios as of March 31, 2016 (gross and net of proposed fees) for the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund (the calculation of which considered historical performance returns of the Subadvisor in the same strategy as the proposed portfolio strategy for the Fund for the period January 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016), as compared to those of the relevant benchmark index for the Subadvisor’s investment sleeve, the relevant benchmark index for the Fund and the Morningstar category for each of the periods referenced above. The Board concluded, based upon the information provided, that the Subadvisor is well qualified.

Fees, Economies of Scale and Profitability

The Board considered the proposed subadvisory fee, noting that the Manager compensates subadvisors from its own management fee so that shareholders pay only the management fee. The Board considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the subadvisory services to be provided to the Fund under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board concluded that, although the proposed subadvisory fee schedule does not include breakpoints, the Subadvisor’s fee schedule is appropriate at currently anticipated asset levels. The Board considered the Manager’s statement that it found the proposed subadvisory fee schedule to be competitive. On the basis of the information provided, the Board concluded that the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Other Benefits

The Board also considered the character and amount of other incidental benefits to be received by the Subadvisor. The Board noted that the Subadvisor did not intend to use soft dollars. The Board concluded that, on the basis of the information provided, the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Overall Conclusions

Based upon all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board determined that the terms of the Subadvisory Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of the Subadvisory Agreement is in the best interests of the Fund.

Sound Point Capital Management, LP SubAdvisory Agreement

On June 14, 2016, the Board considered for the Global Multi-Strategy Fund (the “Fund”) the approval of a subadvisory agreement between Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) and Sound Point Capital Management, LP (the “Subadvisor”) with respect to the Fund (the “Subadvisory Agreement”).

Nature, Quality and Extent of Services.

The Board considered the nature, quality and extent of the services expected to be provided under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board considered the reputation, qualifications and background of the Subadvisor, the investment approach of the Subadvisor, the experience and skills of the Subadvisor’s investment personnel who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund, and the resources made available to such personnel. In addition, the Board considered the Manager’s program for recommending, monitoring and replacing subadvisors and that the Manager recommended the Subadvisor based upon that program.



Investment Performance.

The Board reviewed the historical one-year, three-year and since-inception (October 1, 2011) performance returns as of December 31, 2015 (gross and net of proposed fees) of the Subadvisor in an account with an investment strategy similar to the proposed strategy for the credit long/short investment sleeve of the Fund, as compared to the historical performance returns (gross and net of fees) of the two current and continuing subadvisors to the investment sleeve of the Fund and to two relevant benchmark indices for the investment sleeve, and the annual performance of the Subadvisor in the same account for each of the last four calendar years (gross and net of proposed fees), as compared to the historical performance (gross and net of fees) of the two current and continuing subadvisors and to the relevant benchmark indices. The Board also reviewed the quartile rankings of the performance of the Subadvisor’s account (net of proposed fees) and the two current and continuing subadvisors to the investment sleeve (net of fees) in a relevant Morningstar category for each of the periods and years referenced above. The Board concluded, based upon the information provided, that the historical investment performance record of the Subadvisor was satisfactory.

Fees, Economies of Scale and Profitability.

The Board considered the proposed subadvisory fee, noting that the Manager compensates subadvisors from its own management fee so that shareholders pay only the management fee. The Board considered whether there are economies of scale with respect to the subadvisory services to be provided to the Fund under the Subadvisory Agreement. The Board noted that the proposed subadvisory fee schedule includes breakpoints and concluded that the subadvisory fee schedule reflects an appropriate recognition of economies of scale at currently anticipated asset levels. The Board considered the Manager’s statement that it found the proposed subadvisory fee schedule to be competitive. On the basis of the information provided, the Board concluded that the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Other Benefits.

The Board also considered the character and amount of other incidental benefits to be received by the Subadvisor. The Board noted that the Subadvisor does not use soft dollars. The Board concluded that, on the basis of the information provided, the proposed subadvisory fee was reasonable.

Overall Conclusions.

Based upon all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the Board determined that the terms of the Subadvisory Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of the Subadvisory Agreement is in the best interests of the Fund.

Cliffwater, LLC and York Registered Holdings, L.P. Amended Fee Schedules

On June 14, 2016, the Board considered for PFI Global Multi-Strategy Fund (the “Fund”) the approval of (1) an amended fee schedule under the subadvisory agreement between Principal Management Corporation (the “Manager”) and Cliffwater, LLC (“Cliffwater” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the alternative investment strategy consulting services it provides to the Fund (the “Cliffwater Subadvisory Agreement”) in connection with a proposal to reduce Cliffwater’s fee; and (2) an amended fee schedule under the subadvisory agreement between the Manager and York Registered Holdings, L.P. (“York” or a “Subadvisor”) with respect to the event driven investment sleeve of the Fund (the “York Subadvisory Agreement”) in connection with a proposal to reduce York’s fee. (The Cliffwater Subadvisory Agreement and the York Subadvisory Agreement are referred to as the “Subadvisory Agreements.”)

The Board reviewed materials received from the Manager regarding the proposed subadvisory fee reductions. The Board considered the Manager’s representation that the subadvisory fee reductions would not impact the quality or quantity of the services the Subadvisors provide to the Fund and that each Subadvisor’s obligations under the applicable Subadvisory Agreement will remain the same in all material respects. The Board also considered that the Manager was not proposing any material changes to the terms of the Subadvisory Agreements other than to the fee schedules.

The Board considered that they had last approved the Subadvisory Agreements for the Fund during the annual contract renewal process that concluded at the Board of Directors’ September 2015 meeting. They noted that during the annual contract renewal process, they had considered the nature, quality and extent of the services provided by each Subadvisor under the applicable Subadvisory Agreement and had concluded, based upon the information provided, that the terms of each Subadvisory Agreement were reasonable and that approval of each Subadvisory Agreement was in the best interests of the Fund.

Based upon all of the information considered, the Board concluded that it was in the best interests of the Fund to approve the reduced subadvisory fees.



August 31, 2016 (unaudited)

Dividends Received Deduction. For corporate shareholders, the percentage of ordinary income distributions (dividend income and short-term gains, if any) for the year ended August 31, 2016, that qualifies for the dividends received deduction is as follows:

Capital Securities Fund 20.46 %


Qualified Dividend Income. Certain dividends paid by the Fund may be subject to a maximum tax rate of 15%, as provided for by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. The percentage of ordinary income distribution for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2016, taxed at a maximum rate of 15% is as follows:


Capital Securities Fund     38.98%

This information is given to meet certain requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and should not be used by shareholders for preparing their income tax returns. For tax return preparation purposes, please refer to the information supplied with the 1099-DIV form you will receive from the Fund’s transfer agent.



Intentionally Left Blank


Principal Funds Distributor, Inc.
711 High Street
Des Moines, IA 50392-6370

Do not use this address for business correspondence.

FV903-02 | © 2016 Principal Financial Services, Inc. | 08/2016 | q9c00000c2




(a) The Registrant has adopted a code of ethics (the "Code of Ethics") that applies to its principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) The Registrant has not amended its Code of Ethics during the period covered by the shareholder report presented in Item 1 hereto.

(d) The Registrant has not granted a waiver or an implicit waiver from a provision of its Code of Ethics during the period covered by the shareholder report presented in Item 1 hereto.

(e) Not applicable.

(f) The Registrant's Code of Ethics is attached as an Exhibit in response to Item 12(a)(1).


The Registrant's Board has determined that Dan Pavelich, a member of the Registrant's Audit Committee, is an "audit committee financial expert" and "independent," as such terms are defined in this Item.


(a) Audit Fees. Ernst & Young is the principal accountant for the registrant. As such, Ernst & Young has audited the financial statements of the registrant and reviewed regulatory filings that include those financial statements. During the last two fiscal years, Ernst & Young has billed the following amounts for their professional services.

August 31, 2015 - $478,530
August 31, 2016 - $416,905

(b) Audit-Related Fees. Ernst & Young provided audit-related services to the registrant during the last two fiscal years that are not included in response to item 4(a). Those services related to the review of Form N-1A and Form N-14. Ernst & Young has billed the following amounts for those services.

August 31, 2015 - $15,000
August 31, 2016 - $5,000

Ernst and Young billed no fees that registrant’s audit committee was required to pre-approve pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

(c) Tax Fees. Ernst & Young reviews the federal income tax returns and federal excise tax returns of the registrant. In connection with this review, Ernst & Young reviews the calculation of the registrant’s dividend distributions that are included as deductions on the tax returns. Ernst & Young also provides services to identify passive foreign investment companies. Ernst & Young also provides services to understand and comply with tax laws in certain foreign countries. During the last two fiscal years, Ernst & Young has billed the following amounts for their professional tax services.

August 31, 2015 - $71,517
August 31, 2016 - $134,827

Ernst and Young billed no fees that registrant’s audit committee was required to pre-approve pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.


(d) All Other Fees. Ernst & Young has not billed the registrant for other products or services during the last two fiscal years.

Ernst and Young billed no fees that registrant’s audit committee was required to pre-approve pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

(e) (1) Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policy. The audit committee of the registrant has adopted the following pre-approval policy:

Policy on Auditor Independence

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the independence of the Principal Funds' primary independent auditor. This policy is established by the Audit Committee (the "Committee") of the Boards of Directors of Principal Funds, Inc. and Principal Variable Contracts Funds, Inc. and the Board of Trustees of Principal Exchange-Traded Funds (the “Funds”) (the “Boards of the Funds”) effective for all engagements of the primary independent auditor.

1. The primary independent auditor, its subsidiaries and affiliates shall not provide Prohibited Services to the Funds. For the purposes of this policy, Prohibited Services are:

Services that are subject to audit procedure during a financial statement audit;

Services where the auditor would act on behalf of management;

Services where the auditor is an advocate to the client's position in an adversarial proceeding;

Bookkeeping or other services related to the accounting records or financial statements of the Funds, its subsidiaries and affiliates;

Financial information systems design and implementation;

Appraisal or valuation services, fairness opinions, or contribution-in-kind reports;

Actuarial services;

Internal audit functions or human resources;

Broker or dealer, investment advisor, or investment banking services;

Legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit;

Tax planning services related to listed, confidential and aggressive transactions;

Personal tax planning services to individuals in a financial reporting oversight role with regard to the Funds (other than members of the Boards of the Funds who are not also officers of the Funds), including the immediate family members of such individuals;

Any other service that the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) determines, by regulation, is impermissible.

2. (A) All services the primary independent auditor, its subsidiaries and affiliates provide to the Funds, and (B) Audit services, including audits of annual financial statements, audits of acquired or divested businesses or review of regulatory filings, any independent auditor provides, shall be approved by the Committee in advance in accordance with the following procedure:

Each quarter, Management will present to the Committee for pre-approval, a detailed description of each particular service, excluding tax services, for which pre-approval is sought and a range of fees for such service. The Committee may delegate pre-approval authority to one or more of its members provided such delegated member(s) shall present a report of any services approved to the full Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The Committee Chairperson shall have pre-approval authority for changes to any range of fees applicable to services the Committee previously approved and for new services and the range of fees for such services that arise between regularly scheduled Committee meetings.


Similarly, the primary independent auditor will present to the Committee for pre-approval a written description of the nature and scope of all tax services not expressly prohibited, including the fee arrangements for such services, and the potential effects of such services on the audit firm’s independence.

In considering whether to pre-approve the primary independent auditor’s provision of non-audit services, the Committee will consider whether the services are compatible with the maintenance of such auditor's independence. The Committee will also consider whether the primary independent auditor is best positioned to provide the most effective and efficient service, for reasons such as its familiarity with the Funds' business, people, culture, accounting systems, risk profile and other factors, and whether the service might enhance the Funds' ability to manage or control risk or improve audit quality.

3.      The provisions of this policy shall apply to all audit and non-audit services provided directly to the Funds. Additionally, the provisions of this policy shall apply to non-audit services provided to Principal Management Corporation or an affiliate of Principal Management Corporation that provides ongoing services to the Funds if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds.
4.      Not less than annually, the primary independent auditor shall report to the Committee in writing all relationships that may reasonably be thought to bear on independence between the auditor and the Funds or persons in financial reporting oversight roles with respect to any services provided by the auditor, its subsidiaries or affiliates as of the date of the communication, pursuant to Rule 3526 of the PCAOB. The primary independent auditor shall discuss with the Committee the potential effects of such relationships on the independence of the auditor. In addition, the primary independent auditor shall affirm, in writing, that, as of the date of the communication, it is independent within the meaning of the federal securities laws and Rule 3520 of the PCAOB.
5.      The Committee shall ensure that the lead and concurring partners of the Funds' primary independent auditor are rotated at least every five years and subject upon rotation to a five year "time out" period. All other partners of the primary independent auditor, excluding partners who simply consult with others on the audit engagement regarding technical issues, shall rotate after seven years and be subject upon rotation to a two year "time out" period.
 6.      Neither the Funds nor Principal Management Corporation may hire or promote any former partner, principal, shareholder or professional employee (Former Employee) of the primary independent auditor into a financial reporting oversight role unless the Former Employee (1) has severed his/her economic interest in the independent audit firm, and (2) was not a member of the audit engagement team for the Funds during the one year period preceding the date that the audit procedures began for the fiscal period in which the Funds or Principal Management Corporation proposes to hire or promote the Former Employee. Neither the Funds nor Principal Management Corporation shall, without prior written consent of the primary independent auditor, hire or promote any Former Employee into a role not prohibited above if the Former Employee had provided any services to the Funds or Principal Management Corporation during the 12 months preceding the date of filing of the Funds' most recent annual report with the SEC. Upon termination of the primary independent auditor, the Funds or Principal Management Corporation shall not, without prior written consent of the former primary independent auditor, hire or promote any Former Employee for a period of up to 12 months from termination.
 7. For persons recently promoted or hired into a financial reporting oversight role (other than members of the Boards of the Funds who are not also officers of the Funds), any personal tax planning services pursuant to an engagement that was in progress before the hiring or promotion and provided by the primary independent auditor must be completed on or before 180 days after the hiring or promotion.


8.      The phrase "financial reporting oversight role" means a role in which a person is in a position to exercise influence over the contents of the financial statements or anyone who prepares them, such as a member of the board of directors or similar management or governing body, chief executive officer, president, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, counsel, controller, chief internal auditor, or any equivalent positions.

(Adopted by the Audit Committee of the Board of the Fund on March 10, 2015).

(e) (2) Pre-Approval Waivers. There were no services provided to the registrant by Ernst & Young that were approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

(f) Substantially all work in connection with the audit of the registrant’s financial statements was performed by full-time employees of Ernst & Young.

(g) The aggregate non-audit fees Ernst and Young billed to the registrant, the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of registrant's last two fiscal years were as follows.

August 31, 2015 - $86,517
August 31, 2016 - $139,827

(h) The registrant’s audit committee of the board of directors has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.


Not applicable.


Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to Shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.



There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to registrant’s board of directors.


a) The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) are effective (such disclosure controls and procedures having been evaluated within 90 days of the date of this filing).

(b) There have been no changes in the registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d)) that occurred during the registrant’s last fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


(a)(1) Code of Ethics required to be disclosed under Item 2 of Form N-CSR attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CODE ETH.

(a)(2) Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.

(b) Certification pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.906CERT.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Principal Funds, Inc.

By /s/ Michael J. Beer

Michael J. Beer, President and CEO

Date 10/14/2016

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By /s/ Michael J. Beer

Michael J. Beer, President and CEO

Date 10/14/2016

By /s/ Tracy W. Bollin

Tracy W. Bollin, Chief Financial Officer

Date 10/14/2016



Due to size constraints, this filing is being made in two related submissions.  This submission is the second of the two related submissions. 

The accession number of the previous related submission is as follows: 0000898745-16-001567