Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bayfine DE LLC Delaware 2000 Bayview Holding Ltd. Cayman Islands 2000 Bayfine Cayman Ltd. Cayman Islands 2000 Bayfine DE Inc. Delaware 2000 Bayfine UK England & Wales 2000 Bayfine UK Products England & Wales 2000 Dean Witter Alliance Capital Corporation Delaware 1993 Dean Witter Capital Corporation Delaware 1987 DW Administrators Inc. Delaware 1989 DW Window Coverings Holding, Inc. Delaware 1988 Dean Witter Realty Inc. Delaware 1982 Dean Witter Global Realty Inc. Delaware 1995 Dean Witter Holding Corporation Delaware 1983 Civic Center Leasing Corporation Delaware 1983 Lee Leasing Corporation Delaware 1982 Lewiston Leasing Corporation Delaware 1983 Sartell Leasing Corporation Delaware 1982 Dean Witter Leasing Corporation Delaware 1982 Dean Witter Realty Credit Corporation Delaware 1982 Dean Witter Realty Fourth Income Properties Inc. Delaware 1986 Dean Witter Realty Growth Properties Inc. Delaware 1985 Dean Witter Realty Income Associates I Inc. Delaware 1983 Dean Witter Realty Income Associates II Inc. Delaware 1984 Dean Witter Realty Income Properties I Inc. Delaware 1983 Dean Witter Realty Income Properties II Inc. Delaware 1984 Dean Witter Realty Income Properties III Inc. Delaware 1985 Dean Witter Realty Yield Plus Assignor Inc. Delaware 1987 Dean Witter Realty Yield Plus Inc. Delaware 1987 Dean Witter Realty Yield Plus II Inc. Delaware 1988 DW Arboretum Plaza Inc. Delaware 1992 DW Bennington Property Inc. Delaware 1993 DW Chesterbrook Investors Inc. Delaware 1992 DW Duportail Investors Inc. Delaware 1992 DW Greycoat Inc. Delaware 1993 DW Taxter Special Corp. Delaware 1999 Green Orchard Inc. Massachusetts 1991 LLJV Funding Corporation Massachusetts 1984 Realty Management Services Inc. Delaware 1982 Dean Witter Reynolds Venture Equities Inc. Delaware 1981 Dean Witter Venture Management Inc. Delaware 1986 Dean Witter Venture Inc. Delaware 1993 Demeter Management Corporation Delaware 1977 Early Adopter Fund Manager Inc. Delaware 1999 FV-I, Inc. Delaware 2001 Jolter Investments Inc. Delaware 1989 Morgan Rundle Inc. Delaware 1978 MR Ventures Inc. Delaware 1982 Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Delaware 1969 Graystone Wealth Management Services LLC Delaware 1999 Morgan Stanley Flexible Agreements Inc. Delaware 1992 MS Securities Services Inc. Delaware 1981 Prime Dealer Services Corp. Delaware 1994 Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Delaware 1997 Morgan Stanley ABS Capital II Inc. Delaware 1997 Morgan Stanley Advisory Partnership Inc. Delaware 1985 Morgan Stanley Asset Funding Inc. Delaware 1997 Morgan Stanley Baseball, Inc. Delaware 1989 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. Delaware 1984 MSDW Power Development Corp. Delaware 2000
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naniwa Energy LLC Delaware 2000 Northwest Electric Development Corporation Delaware 2001 Northwest Electric Generating Corporation Delaware 2001 South Eastern Electric Development Corporation Delaware 1998 South Eastern Energy Corporation Delaware 1999 South Eastern Generating Corporation Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. * Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Capital International Australia Pty Limited Australia 2000 Morgan Stanley Capital International Limited England & Wales 2000 Morgan Stanley Capital International S.A. Switzerland 1998 Morgan Stanley Capital (Jersey) Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1987 Morgan Stanley Capital Partners III, Inc. Delaware 1993 Morgan Stanley Capital Services Inc. Delaware 1985 Morgan Stanley Commercial Mortgage Capital, Inc. Delaware 1994 Morgan Stanley Commodities Management Inc. Delaware 1992 Morgan Stanley Credit Servicing Inc. Delaware 2001 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I Inc. Delaware 1985 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Commercial Financial Services, Inc. Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Equity Funding, Inc. Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter HK RAV IV, LLC Delaware 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter International Incorporated Delaware 1978 Dean Witter Reynolds GmbH Germany 1974 Dean Witter Reynolds (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong 1979 Dean Witter Reynolds International, Inc. Panama 1959 Dean Witter Reynolds (Geneva) S.A. Switzerland 1991 Riverview International Inc. Delaware 1998 Dean Witter International Ltd. England & Wales 1988 Dean Witter Capital Markets International Ltd. (U.K.) England & Wales 1987 Dean Witter Futures Limited England & Wales 1977 Dean Witter Reynolds Limited England & Wales 1968 Dean Witter Reynolds International, S.A. France 1979 Dean Witter Reynolds (Lausanne) S.A. Switzerland 1973 Dean Witter Reynolds (Lugano) S.A. Switzerland 1989 Dean Witter Reynolds S.p.A. Italy 1978 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Trust Company (Cayman) Ltd. Cayman Islands 1998 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Nominees Limited Cayman Islands 1999 Tate Limited Cayman Islands 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Mortgage Capital Inc. New York 1984 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asset Capital Inc. Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Municipal Funding, Inc. Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Principal Funding, Inc. Delaware 1998 Cornerford Limited * England & Wales 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Wealth Management, Inc. Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Derivative Products Inc. Delaware 1994 Morgan Stanley Developing Country Debt II, Inc. Delaware 1991 Morgan Stanley Domestic Capital, Inc. Delaware 2001 Morgan Stanley Bank Utah 1990 MWF Insurance Agency, Inc. Delaware 1999 MWF Insurance Agency, Inc. of Alabama Alabama 1999 Morgan Stanley Distributors Inc. Delaware 1992 Morgan Stanley DW Inc. Delaware 1968 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Agency (Massachusetts) Inc. Massachusetts 1975 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Agency (Ohio) Inc. Ohio 1977 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Agency (Oklahoma) Inc. Oklahoma 1976 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Agency (Texas) Inc. Texas 1978 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (Alabama) Inc. Alabama 1991 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (Arkansas) Inc. Arkansas 1977 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (Illinois) Inc. Illinois 1975 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Puerto Rico 1987 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (Maine) Inc. Maine 1995 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (Montana) Inc. Montana 1977 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (New Hampshire) Inc. New Hampshire 1977
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (South Dakota) Inc. South Dakota 1977 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Services (Wyoming) Inc. Wyoming 1977 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Global Insurance Services Limited Bermuda 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Insurance Services (Arizona) Inc. Arizona 1974 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Insurance Services Inc. Delaware 1972 Dean Witter Reynolds Insurance Agency (Indiana) Inc. Indiana 1975 FD Insurance Services, Inc. Delaware 1997 FD Insurance Services of Nevada, Inc. Nevada 1997 FD Insurance Services of New Mexico, Inc. New Mexico 1997 FD Insurance Services of Texas, Inc. Texas 1997 Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Inc. Delaware 1990 MSGHYLADD Ireland 1999 Morgan Stanley Equity Finance (Cayman) Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Equity Finance Limited England & Wales 1997 Morgan Stanley Equity Investors Inc. Delaware 1988 Morgan Stanley Finance (Jersey) Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1990 Morgan Stanley Funding, Inc. Delaware 1997 Morgan Stanley Funding Services Corporation Delaware 2001 Morgan Stanley Futures and Currency Management Inc. Delaware 1987 Morgan Stanley Global Emerging Markets, Inc. Delaware 1996 Morgan Stanley International Incorporated Delaware 1963 Morgan Stanley AB Sweden 1999 Morgan Stanley Asia Holdings I Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Holdings II Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Holdings III Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Holdings IV Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Holdings V Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Holdings VI Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific (Holdings) Limited Cayman Islands 1995 Morgan Stanley Asia Regional (Holdings) III LLC Cayman Islands 1995 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (Singapore) Holdings Pte Ltd Singapore 1999 Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Securities Pte Ltd Singapore 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia (Singapore) Pte Singapore 1992 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital Group (Singapore) Pte Singapore 1990 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Futures (Singapore) Pte Singapore 1992 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Private Equity (Asia) Pte Ltd Singapore 1999 Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company Singapore 1990 Morgan Stanley Asia Regional (Holdings) IV LLC Cayman Islands 1995 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (Hong Kong) Holdings Hong Kong 1998 MSDW Asia Securities Products LLC Cayman Islands 1995 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited Hong Kong 1984 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Futures (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong 1988 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Hong Kong Securities Limited Hong Kong 1988 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Pacific Limited Hong Kong 1987 MSDW-JL Holdings I Limited Cayman Islands 1998 Morgan Stanley Canmore Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Caledonia Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Swilken Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Japan (Holdings) Ltd. Cayman Islands 1984 City Forum Capital Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Japan Group, Ltd. Cayman Islands 2000 Morgan Stanley Nippon Securities Limited Cayman Islands 2000 Morgan Stanley Japan Limited Hong Kong 1993 MSDW-JL Holdings II Limited Cayman Islands 2000 Morgan Stanley Japan Limited Cayman Islands 1999 MSDW Birkdale Limited Cayman Islands 2000 MSDW Portrush Limited Cayman Islands 2000 MSDW (Holdings) III Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Credit Services Japan Limited Cayman Islands 2001
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSDW Muirfield Limited Cayman Islands 2000 MSDW Lytham Limited Cayman Islands 2000 Morgan Stanley Asset & Investment Trust Management Co., Limited Japan 1987 Morgan Stanley Asset Management S.A. Luxembourg 1988 Morgan Stanley B.V. The Netherlands 2001 Morgan Stanley Canada Limited Canada 1982 Morgan Stanley Capital (Luxembourg) S.A. Luxembourg 1993 Morgan Stanley Capital SA France 1989 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia (China) Limited Hong Kong 1991 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia (Taiwan) Ltd. Rep. of China 1990 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Australia Finance Limited Australia 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Australia Limited Australia 1989 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Australia Securities Limited Australia 1997 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Australia Securities (Nominee) Pty Limited Australia 1999 Morgan Stanley Services Australia Pty Limited Australia 2001 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Finance (Netherlands) BV The Netherlands 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Hong Kong Nominees Limited Hong Kong 1988 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Mauritius Company Limited Mauritius 1993 Morgan Stanley Asia Regional (Holdings) II LLC Cayman Islands 1995 Morgan Stanley India Securities Private Limited * India 1995 JM Morgan Stanley Securities Private Limited * India 1998 Morgan Stanley Investment Management Private Limited * India 1993 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Sociedade Gestora de Participacoes Sociais, Lda Portugal 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter - Portugal - Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Investimento Mobiliario, S.A. Portugal 2001 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (Thailand) Limited Thailand 1997 Morgan Stanley (Espana), S.A. Spain 1998 Morgan Stanley Holding (Deutschland) GmbH Germany 1990 Morgan Stanley Bank AG Germany 1986 Morgan Stanley International Insurance Ltd. Bermuda 1995 Morgan Stanley International Limited England & Wales 1998 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Financial Holdings, LLC Delaware 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Hong Kong Finance Limited Hong Kong 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter UK Capital Limited England & Wales 1999 Carysforth Investments Limited Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Funding Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1997 Morgan Stanley Funding II Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1999 Morgan Stanley Group (Europe) England & Wales 1988 Delta AB 1 General Partner Limited England & Wales 1996 Jiway Holdings Limited England & Wales 2000 Jiway Limited England & Wales 2001 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Limited England & Wales 1993 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Bank Limited England & Wales 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Card Services Limited England & Wales 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Trustee Limited England & Wales 1999 Morgan Stanley (Europe) Limited England & Wales 1993 Morgan Stanley Finance plc England & Wales 1993 MSDW Corporate Holdings Limited England & Wales 2000 MSDW Corporate Investments I Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1999 MSDW Corporate Investments II Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1999 Sunningdale Cooperatieve UA The Netherlands 1999 Woburn Cooperatieve UA The Netherlands 1999 Wentworth Cooperatieve U.A. The Netherlands 2000 Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited England & Wales 1986 Morgan Stanley Property Management (UK) Limited England & Wales 1987 Morgan Stanley Services (UK) Limited England & Wales 1993 Morgan Stanley (Structured Products) Jersey Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1994 Morgan Stanley UK Group England & Wales 1976 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited England & Wales 1986 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Strategic Investments Limited England & Wales 2000
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. (1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morgan Stanley International Nominees Limited England & Wales 1994 Morgan Stanley Silvermere Limited England & Wales 2001 Morgan Stanley Northcote Investments Limited England & Wales 2001 Morgan Stanley Norton Investments Limited England & Wales 2001 Bermont Co-operatieve U.A. The Netherlands 2001 MSDW Turnberry Ltd. England & Wales 2000 MSDW Jubilee Investments Ltd. England & Wales 2000 Augusta Cooperatieve UA Netherlands 2000 MSDW Eden Investments Ltd. England & Wales 2000 MSDW Mallard Investments Limited England & Wales 2000 Haddington Investments Limited * Cayman Islands 2000 MSDW Montgomerie Limited England & Wales 2000 Woburn III Cooperatieve UA The Netherlands 2001 MSDW Raleigh Investments Limited England & Wales 2000 Livingstone Investments Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 2001 MSDW Lyle Investments Limited England & Wales 2000 Morgan Stanley Mandarin Limited England & Wales 2001 Morgan Stanley Harlequin Investments Limited England & Wales 2001 Morgan Stanley Pintail Investments Limited England & Wales 2001 Orangewood Cooperatieve U.A. The Netherlands 2001 Saenredam Cooperatieve UA The Netherlands 2001 Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited England & Wales 1986 Morgan Stanley Securities Limited England & Wales 1986 Morstan Nominees Limited England & Wales 1986 MSDW Equity (UK) Plc England & Wales 1998 MSDW Millennium Investments Limited England & Wales 2000 Quilter Holdings Limited England & Wales 1995 Foster & Brathwaite Limited England & Wales 1987 Quilter & Co. Limited England & Wales 1985 CIPM Nominees Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1988 Coastal Nominees Limited England & Wales 1957 Coastal Nominees (International) Limited England & Wales 1985 Commercial Trust Co. Limited Jersey, Channel Is 1994 Hansard Fund Managers Limited England & Wales 1989 Hawkshead Trust Nominees Limited England & Wales 1929 Marcel Nominees Limited England & Wales 1986 Morgan Stanley Quilter Nominees Limited England & Wales 1937 QGCI Nominees Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1989 QGCI Offshore Special Selection Nominee Company Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1988 Quilpep Nominees Limited England & Wales 1986 Quilter Fund Management Limited England & Wales 1988 Quilter Investments Limited England & Wales 1999 Quilter International Management (IoM) Limited Isle of Man 1994 Quilter International Management Limited Guernsey, Channel Is. 1984 MSDW Fixed Income Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1999 Narib Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1999 Willow Capital Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1999 MS Leasing UK Limited England & Wales 1991 Morgan Stanley (Israel) Ltd. Israel 2001 Morgan Stanley (Jersey) II Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 2001 Morgan Stanley Latin America Incorporated Delaware 1994 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Administadora de Carteiras S.A. Brazil 1996 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter do Brasil Ltda. Brazil 1995 Banco Morgan Stanley Dean Witter S.A. Brazil 1998 Morgan Stanley Financial Products Ltd. Cayman Islands 1997 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Correctora De Titulos e Valores Brazil 2001 Mobilarios S.A. Morgan Stanley Uruguay Ltda. Uruguay 2001 MSLA Advisors Incorporated Delaware 1995 Morgan Stanley Middle East Inc. Delaware 1997
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morgan Stanley Mortgage Servicing Ltd. England & Wales 1997 Morgan Stanley Offshore Investment Company Ltd. Cayman Islands 1987 Morgan Stanley (France) SA France 1998 Morgan Stanley SGR (Societa di Gestione del Risparmio) SpA Italy 2001 Morgan Stanley South Africa (Pty) Limited South Africa 1994 Morgan Stanley SPV I (Cayman Islands) LLC Cayman Islands 1996 Farlington Company Ireland 1996 ITALSEC S.r.l. Italy 1996 Morgan Stanley SPV II (Cayman Islands) LLC Cayman Islands 1996 Morgan Stanley, S.V., S. A. Spain 1999 AB Asesores Bursatiles Cordoba, S.A. * Spain 1992 AB Asesores Ceuta, S.L. * Spain 1998 AB Asesores CFMB Almeria, S.A. Spain 1998 Morgan Stanley Consulting, S.A. Spain 2000 Morgan Stanley Gestion Pensiones EGFP, S.A. Spain 1992 Morgan Stanley Gestion SGIIC, S.A. Spain 1987 Morgan Stanley Swiss Holdings GmbH Switzerland 2001 Bank Morgan Stanley AG Switzerland 1973 Fosbury Investments Cooperatieve U.A. The Netherlands 1998 Morgan Stanley Trading Beteiligungs-GmbH Germany 1993 Morgan Stanley Trading GmbH & Co. KG Germany 1994 Morgan Stanley Wertpapiere GmbH Germany 1989 Morgan Stanley Equities GmbH Germany 2001 MSAM/Kokusai (Cayman Islands), Inc. Cayman Islands 1996 MSAM/Kokusai II (Cayman Islands), Inc. Cayman Islands 1997 MSDW-AMM, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Equity Financing Services (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 2001 MSDW Investment Holdings Limited Cayman Islands 1999 Cabot 2 Limited England & Wales 1978 MS Cabot Inc. Delaware 1995 MSDW Investment Holdings (US) Inc. Delaware 1999 MSDW Investment Holdings (UK) Ltd. England & Wales 1999 Cabot 1 Limited England & Wales 1983 Applied Risc Technologies Limited England & Wales 1995 MS Italy (Holdings) Inc. Delaware 1990 MS LDC, Ltd. Delaware 1991 MSDW Capital Investments Inc. Delaware 1999 MSL Incorporated Delaware 1976 Providence DE LLC Delaware 2000 Providence Canada Co. Canada 2000 Providence Cayman Investments Limited * Cayman Islands 2000 Providence DE Investments Co. Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Investment Advisors Inc. Delaware 1992 Morgan Stanley Services Company Inc. Delaware 1994 Morgan Stanley Investment Group Inc. Delaware 1999 Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. Delaware 1980 Morgan Stanley Investment Management Holdings Inc. Delaware 1995 Morgan Stanley Investments LP Pennsylvania 1971 MAS Capital Management Partners, LP Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Alternative Investments Inc. Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners LP Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Comprehensive Alternatives Fund I LP Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley Distribution, Inc. Pennsylvania 1992 Morgan Stanley Global Franchise Inc. Delaware 1997 Morgan Stanley (Jersey) Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1986 Morgan Stanley LEF I, Inc. Delaware 1989 Morgan Stanley Leveraged Capital Fund Inc. Delaware 1985 Morgan Stanley Leveraged Equity Fund II, Inc. Delaware 1987
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Private Equity Asia Limited Hong Kong 1992 Morgan Stanley Leveraged Equity Holdings Inc. Delaware 1987 Morgan Stanley Market Products Inc. Delaware 1987 Morgan Stanley Overseas Finance Ltd. Cayman Islands 1997 Morgan Stanley Overseas Services (Jersey) Limited Jersey, Channel Is. 1986 Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investment Management Inc. Delaware 1990 Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund, Inc. Delaware 1989 MSREF I, L.L.C. Delaware 1995 MSREF I-CO, L.L.C. Delaware 1995 Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investment Management II, Inc. Delaware 1994 MSREF II-CO, L.L.C. Delaware 1995 Morgan Stanley Realty Incorporated Delaware 1969 BH-MS Realty Inc. Delaware 1983 BH-MS Leasing Inc. Delaware 1983 BH-Sartell Inc. Delaware 1983 Brooks Harvey & Co., Inc. Delaware 1971 Japan Realty Finance Company Cayman Islands 1998 Japan Realty Finance Company II Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Properties, Inc. Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Properties Germany GmbH Germany 1999 Kearny Real Estate Company Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Properties Corso Venezia S.r.l. Italy 1999 Morgan Stanley Properties France SAS France 2000 Morgan Stanley Properties Korea Limited Korea 2000 MSK Management II, Ltd. * Korea 2001 Morgan Stanley Properties Japan, K.K. Japan 1998 Lombard Servicing Inc. Japan 1999 Morgan Stanley Realty of California Inc. California 1970 Morgan Stanley Realty of Illinois Inc. Delaware 1989 Morgan Stanley Realty Japan Ltd. Japan 1998 MSDW Canary Wharf, L.L.C. Delaware 1999 Tokyo Realty Investment Company Cayman Islands 1998 Tokyo Realty Investment Company II Cayman Islands 2001 Morgan Stanley Securities, Inc. Delaware 1985 Morgan Stanley Securitization Funding Inc. Delaware 1998 Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc. Delaware 1996 Morgan Stanley Services Inc. Delaware 1988 Morgan Stanley Structured Products (Cayman) I Limited Cayman Islands 1997 Morgan Stanley Structured Products (Cayman) II Limited Cayman Islands 1997 Morgan Stanley Technical Services Inc. Delaware 1989 Morgan Stanley Technical Services MB/VC Inc. Delaware 1993 Morgan Stanley Trust Federal Charter 1996 Morgan Stanley Venture Capital Inc. Delaware 1984 Morgan Stanley Venture Capital II, Inc. Delaware 1992 Morgan Stanley Venture Capital III, Inc. Delaware 1996 Morgan Stanley Ventures Inc. Delaware 1984 Morstan Development Company, Inc. Delaware 1971 Moranta, Inc. Georgia 1979 Porstan Development Company, Inc. Oregon 1982 MSAM Holdings II, Inc. Delaware 1996 Van Kampen Investments Inc. Delaware 1992 Van Kampen Advisors Inc. Delaware 1974 Van Kampen Asset Management Inc. Delaware 1936 Van Kampen Funds Inc. Delaware 1974 Van Kampen Exchange Corp. California 1975 Van Kampen Investment Advisory Corp. Delaware 1982 Van Kampen Investor Services Inc. Delaware 1987 Van Kampen Trust Co. Texas 1986 MSBF Inc. Delaware 1995
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS Capital Cayman Ltd. Cayman Islands 1997 MS Capital Holdings Inc. Delaware 1997 Morgan Stanley Capital (Delaware) L.L.C. Delaware 1997 MSCP III Holdings, Inc. Delaware 1994 MSDW Carnoustie LLC Delaware 2000 MSDW Gleneagles Limited Cayman Islands 2000 MSDW Capital Partners IV, Inc. Delaware 1998 MSDW Capital Trust I Delaware 1998 MSDW Credit Products Inc. Delaware 2001 Morgan Stanley Credit Products Ltd. Cayman Islands 1998 MSDW CPIV Holdings, Inc. Delaware 1998 MSDW EFS Holdings Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Emerging Equity, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Fixed Income Ventures Inc. Delaware 2000 Morgan Stanley BrokerTec Holdings Inc. Delaware 2001 MSDW BondBook Ventures Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW International Employee Services LLC Delaware 1998 MSDW Markets Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Nederland B.V. Netherlands 2000 MSDW Oak, LLC Delaware 2000 MSDW Birch (Cayman) Limited Cayman Islands 2000 Maple JV, LLC Delaware 2000 Sycamore II, Inc. Delaware 2001 Elder, LLC Delaware 2001 Maple Finance, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Offshore Equity Services Inc. Delaware 1998 JJ&J Investments Limited Cayman Islands 1999 MSDW May PERC I Limited Cayman Islands 1999 MSDW Equity Finance Services I (Cayman) Ltd. Cayman Islands 1998 MSDW Equity Investments Limited Cayman Islands 1999 MS Equity Products (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l Luxembourg 2001 MSDW Offshore Equity Services (Korea) Inc. Delaware 1999 MSDW OIP Investors, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW PE/VC Holdings, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW-Pioneer GP, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW-Pioneer LP, Inc Delaware 2000 MSDW Private Equity, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Real Estate Special Situations II, Inc. Delaware 1999 MSDW Real Estate Special Situations II-A Dutch Manager, B.V. Netherlands 2000 MSDW Real Estate Special Situations II-B Dutch Manager, B.V. Netherlands 2000 MSDW Real Estate Special Situations II-C Dutch Manager, B.V. Netherlands 2000 MSDW Strategic Ventures Inc. Delaware 2000 MSDW Structured Asset Corp. Delaware 1998 MSDW Synfuels II, Inc. Delaware 1998 MSDW Synfuels III, Inc. Delaware 1998 MSDW Venture Partners IV, Inc. Delaware 1999 MSDW VP IV Holdings, Inc. Delaware 1999 MS Financing Inc. Delaware 1986 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Holdings Delaware 1999 Alltransair Nevada, Inc. Nevada 1986 Alltrans Nevada, Inc. Nevada 1991 Ancon Inc. Nevada 1991 Anfal Inc. Nevada 1991 Angar Nevada Nevada 1994 Ansett Worldwide Aviation, U.S.A. Nevada 1986 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Ireland Limited Ireland 1996 Ansett Worldwide Aviation UK Limited England & Wales 1994 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Limited Hong Kong 1987 Fiban Limited Hong Kong 1991
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anzam Limited Hong Kong 1991 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Sales Limited Hong Kong 1989 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Netherlands B.V. The Netherlands 1992 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services, Inc. New York 2000 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services Pty Limited Australia 1993 Ansett Worldwide (Operations) Pty Limited Australia 2000 AWMS (Delaware) Inc. Delaware 2000 AWMS (Sweden) AB Sweden 2000 AWMS (UK) Limited England & Wales 2000 AWMS (Celtic) Limited Ireland 2000 Cabot Aircraft Services Limited Ireland 1997 Eplane Research Limited Ireland 2000 Calapooia Air Limited Hong Kong 1987 Deschutes Air, Inc. Nevada 1992 Nordstress Limited Hong Kong 1982 Nordstress (Singapore) Pte Limited Singapore 1992 Siletz Air Limited Hong Kong 1987 Ansett Finance (Europe) B.V. The Netherlands 1967 Ansett Worldwide Aviation Equipment Hong Kong 1990 Siuslaw Air, Inc. Nevada 1990 Corso Marconi Immobiliare 2 Limited Liability Company Delaware 1999 Octavian S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 1999 Luxco France S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 1999 Luxco Germany S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 1999 Corso Marconi Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Germany 1961 Luxco Deutschland GmbH Germany 1999 Luxco Spain S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 1999 Luxco UK S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 1999 Corso Marconi UK Limited England & Wales 1996 Viale Marconi Immobiliare S.a.r.l. * Luxembourg 1992 Corso Marconi Immobiliare Limited Liability Company Delaware 1998 Corso Marconi Immobiliare S.a.r.l. Luxembourg 1998 G.H.Y. Capital II B.V. The Netherlands 1999 Morgan Stanley 750 Building Corp. Delaware 1994 G.H.Y. Capital B.V. The Netherlands 1998 Hybrid Capital Y.K. Japan 2000 MSDW LTCP, L.L.C. Delaware 1998 MSDW 745, LLC Delaware 1998 MS Tokyo Properties Ltd. Japan 1989 MSGEM Holdings, Inc. Delaware 2000 MS Holdings Incorporated Delaware 1995 MSIT Holdings, Inc. Delaware 1996 SL Partners MD Side Fund, LLC Delaware 1999 MS 10020, Inc. Delaware 1994 MS 10036, Inc. Delaware 1996 MS Real Estate Special Situations Inc. Delaware 1997 MS Real Estate Special Situations GP Inc. Delaware 1997 MSREF II, Inc. Delaware 1994 MSREF II, L.L.C. Delaware 1995 MSREF III, Inc. Delaware 1997 MSREF IV, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSREF IV Funding, Inc. Delaware 2000 MSREF IV Funding Partner, Inc. Delaware 2000 MS Revel EFS LLC Delaware 2000 D&A Limited Cayman Islands 2001 D&E Limited Cayman Islands 2001 D&S Limited Cayman Islands 2001 D&Y Limited Cayman Islands 2001 MS Synfuels, Inc. Delaware 1998
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Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.(1)(2) Subsidiaries List As on 30 November 2001 Jurisdiction of Year of Incorporation Incorporation or Formation or Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS Technology Holdings, Inc. Delaware 1997 MSUH Holdings I, Inc. Delaware 1996 MSUH Holdings II, Inc. Delaware 1996 MS SP Urban Horizons, Inc. Delaware 1996 MS Urban Horizons, Inc. Delaware 1994 MS Venture Capital (Japan) Inc. Delaware 1989 MSVP Holdings, Inc. Delaware 2001 MSVP 2001, Inc. Delaware 2001 MSVP 2001 Fund Inc. Delaware 2001 NOVUS Credit Services Inc. Delaware 1960 Bank of New Castle Delaware 1988 Discover Card Limited Gibraltar 1992 Discover Financial Services, Inc. Delaware 1985 Discover Services Corporation Delaware 1990 Discover Bank Delaware 1911 GTC Insurance Agency, Inc. Delaware 1999 GTC Insurance Agency, Inc. of Alabama Alabama 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Credit Corporation Delaware 1969 NOVUS Receivables Financing Inc. Delaware 1999 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Credit Corporation of Iowa Iowa 1977 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Credit Corporation of Minnesota Minnesota 1994 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Credit Corporation of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1967 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Credit Corporation of Tennessee Tennessee 1975 NOVUS Financial Corporation of Washington Washington 1991 Discover Financial Services (Canada), Inc. Canada 1985 SCFC Receivables Corp. Delaware 1989 Discover Receivables Financing Corporation Delaware 1989 SPS Transaction Services, Inc. Delaware 1991 One Water Corporation Massachusetts 1985 Open Road Airways, Inc. Delaware 1998 PG Holdings, Inc. Delaware 1991 PG Holdings III, Inc. Delaware 2000 PG Investors, Inc. Delaware 1991 PG Investors II, Inc. Delaware 1996 PG Investors III, Inc. Delaware 2000 Pierpont Power, Inc. New York 1987 Providence DE Funding Co. Delaware 2000 Providence DE Investments LLC Delaware 2001 Providence DE Holdings Co. Delaware 2000 Providence Cayman Holdings Limited Cayman Islands 2000 Reynolds Securities Inc. Delaware 1978 Romley Computer Leasing Inc. Delaware 1985 Strategic Investments I, Inc. Delaware 1996 MSDW Equity Investments II Limited Cayman Islands 2000 NRG360 Limited England & Wales 2000 Tempo-GP, Inc. Delaware 1986 Tempo-LP, Inc. Delaware 1986 Zephyr (Cayman) Limited Cayman Islands 1999 (1) Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. was incorporated in Delaware in 1981. (2) "*" indicates that one or more minority shareholders are non-affiliates.
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