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form n-csr

certified shareholder report of registered management
investment companies


Investment Company Act file number 811-07254


Johnson Mutual Funds Trust

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


3777 West Fork Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


Marc E. Figgins, CFO, 3777 West Fork Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant's telephone number, including area code:(513) 661-3100


Date of fiscal year end:12/31


Date of reporting period:12/31/17


Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection and policymaking roles.


A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507.




Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.





December 31, 2017


t Johnson Equity Income Fund
t Johnson Growth Fund
t Johnson Opportunity Fund
t Johnson Realty Fund
t Johnson International Fund
t Johnson Fixed Income Fund
t Johnson Municipal Income Fund

Johnson Mutual Funds Trust
3777 West Fork Road  |  Cincinnati, OH  |  45247
(513) 661-3100    (800) 541-0170    fax (513) 661-4901




December 31, 2017

Table of Contents

Our Message to You     1  
Performance Review and Management Discussion
Equity Income Fund     3  
Growth Fund     4  
Opportunity Fund     5  
Realty Fund     6  
International Fund     7  
Fixed Income Fund     8  
Municipal Income Fund     9  
Portfolio of Investments
Equity Income Fund     10  
Growth Fund     11  
Opportunity Fund     12  
Realty Fund     14  
International Fund     16  
Fixed Income Fund     18  
Municipal Income Fund     23  
Statements of Assets and Liabilities     32  
Statements of Operations     34  
Statements of Changes in Net Assets     36  
Financial Highlights
Equity Income Fund     38  
Growth Fund     39  
Opportunity Fund     40  
Realty Fund     41  
International Fund     42  
Fixed Income Fund     43  
Municipal Income Fund     44  
Notes to the Financial Statements     45  
Disclosure of Expenses     53  
Additional Information     54  
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm     55  
Trustees and Officers     56  
Trustees and Officers, Transfer Agent and Fund Accountant, Custodian,
Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, Legal Counsel
    Back Page  



Letter from the Fund President
December 31, 2017

Dear Shareholder:

We are pleased to present you with the Johnson Mutual Funds’ December 31, 2017 Annual Report. On the following pages, we have provided commentary on the performance of each of the Funds in 2017 as well as the relative performance compared to an appropriate index.

The remainder of the report provides the holdings of each Johnson Mutual Fund as well as other financial data and notes.

Record-Setting Year for Stock Markets Worldwide

2017 was a banner year for stock markets worldwide, and several other asset classes also finished with healthy gains. The S&P 500 Index has posted a positive return for 14 straight months, and 2017 was the first year ever in which the index’s total return was positive every single month. Each of the major large cap U.S. stock indices steadily advanced throughout the year, reaching new record highs along the way. In addition to the strong returns, 2017 was notable for its lack of volatility. The S&P 500 Index made it through the entire year without a single correction of even 5%, something that typically occurs several times a year on average.

Tech, Emerging Market Stocks Lead the Way

The rally was broad-based. U.S. and developed market international stocks finished roughly in-line, while emerging market stocks were big winners, gaining more than 30%. Large cap stocks outperformed mid and small cap stocks, and stocks with higher earnings growth and higher valuations trounced stocks trading at cheaper valuations. Each of the S&P 500 sectors finished with double-digit returns except energy and telecom, both of which finished down for the year. Tech stocks were the best performers, gaining 39%. About one-quarter of the $1 trillion increase in U.S. market value was attributed to the five largest companies: Amazon, Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook. Each gained more than 30% thanks to robust growth and bright prospects for future growth. Other sectors performed in-line with the index, but the more defensive utilities and consumer staples sectors lagged with returns in the low-teens.

Economic and Earnings Growth the Key Tailwinds

The key driver for markets in 2017 was double-digit earnings growth supported by coordinated global economic growth. Growth in the U.S. continues at a moderate pace, but Europe and Japan have made nice strides, boosting stock prices in those markets as well as growth in other economies around the world. The Eurozone economy enjoyed its fastest pace of growth in a decade. The decline in the value of the U.S. dollar and global monetary policy that is still accommodative provided further support.

Tax Reform in Focus All Year

Throughout the year prospects of a significant corporate tax cut as well as individual tax cuts in the U.S. supported stocks. Actual negotiations and passage of a law did not come until the final months of the year, but since the 2016 election expectations for tax reform were top of mind for investors.

Deregulation also Supported Gains

Similarly, potential and actual changes in the regulatory landscape provided a tailwind for the market. In some cases the administration moved quickly to make changes via executive order, while others may not come for some time, if at all. Still, the prospect of reduced regulation in tandem with the potential for lower tax bills going forward boosted optimism in some industries. In some cases this may translate to increased business investment, job growth, and wage increases.

Fed Continues to Normalize Policy

The Fed reacted to the positive developments in the economy by increasing its benchmark interest rate three times during the year, from 0.75% to 1.50%. It has indicated intentions to raise the rate further in 2018 depending on economic data. At times the prospect of Fed rate hikes has spooked some investors who feared it would derail the market rally, but in 2017 the market took each hike in stride.

Interest rates reacted differently depending on their length to maturity. Short-term interest rates rose as the Fed hiked, but long-term bonds held steadier. This dynamic is known as a flattening yield curve. A completely flat (short-term rates equal to long-term rates) or inverted yield curve (short-term rates higher than long-term rates) has sometimes portended recession in the past, but for now the curve remains positive. The economy has shown evidence in the past that it has the ability to continue to grow in such an environment even as the curve flattens.




Letter from the Fund President
December 31, 2017

A Look Ahead

Turning to 2018, the focus remains largely in Washington despite the recent passage of the tax reform package. Investors will be watching to see if Trump and Congress are able to score any major legislative accomplishments. Trump has also continued to threaten to take action on trade policy, particularly with China. He has also been vocal about the ongoing negotiations surrounding the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The outcome of these discussions could impact the global trade environment, so investors will be watching to see if any of the rhetoric translates into concrete action.

The interaction between inflation measures and monetary policy will also be closely monitored. With the economy on solid footing, some international central banks have begun moving to normalize policy as the Fed has, but stimulus is still high relative to normal. There is some concern that this could put upward pressure on inflation measures, which could lead to more aggressive tightening. It’s possible such a scenario could choke off the bull market in stocks. Above-average stock valuations in the U.S. exacerbate such concerns. Despite both worries, stocks could still advance if the economic strength and earnings growth remain intact.

We want you to know how much we appreciate the confidence you have placed in us for your investment needs. As always, please feel free to call us at (513) 661-3100 or (800) 541-0170 with your comments or questions. Thank you.



Jason Jackman, President




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


For the year, the Johnson Equity Income Fund gained 25.03%. The Fund outperformed the S&P 500 Index return of 21.83%.

Stock selection accounted for nearly all of the relative outperformance during the year. Stock selection made the largest positive contribution in the Consumer Staples, Industrials, and Health Care sectors. Wal-Mart and Unilever were strong performers within the Consumer Staples sector while Union Pacific and Roper Industries were notable positive contributors in the Industrials sector. Within Health Care, Abbott Laboratories and Zoetis were strong outperformers. The Information Technology sector was far and away the best performing sector within the S&P 500 gaining nearly 39% for the year. Although the Fund’s Technology holdings as a group slightly lagged the sector, the Fund’s holdings in Apple, Mastercard, and Microsoft were strong performers, all gaining over 40%. Notable strong performing stocks from other sectors that contributed to the Fund’s outperformance included V.F. Corporation, Roper Industries, American Express, Morningstar, Accenture, and S&P Global.

During the year, growth stocks significantly outperformed value stocks as stocks with the highest expected earnings growth outperformed while stocks with the highest dividend yields underperformed. What did this mean for the Fund? As we’ve mentioned in recent commentaries, valuations in the highest dividend yielding stocks had become unattractive while stocks with lower dividend yields, but higher dividend growth, were more attractive. Adhering to the Fund’s valuation discipline and objective of owning dividend-paying stocks, we had been shifting the portfolio over the past several quarters toward stocks with lower absolute yields, but higher dividend growth. Given the market dynamics, this shift benefited the Fund during the year.

In the second half of the year, we sold four stocks from the portfolio including European consumer goods companies Nestle and Unilever, as well as, V.F. Corporation and Cisco Systems. All four stocks were sold due to exceeding our valuation targets as a result of strong performance. Though valuations across the market have become elevated, making it more difficult to find attractively valued companies, we were able to find and add a handful of new stocks to the portfolio. New purchases in the second half of the year included Starbucks, Sherwin-Williams, J.M. Smucker Company, and Ingredion within the Consumer sectors, Hubbell within the Industrials sector, and Bank of America within the Financials sector.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
Income Fund
  S&P 500
One Year     25.03 %      21.83 % 
Five Years     13.10 %      15.79 % 
Ten Years     7.75 %      8.50 % 



Above average dividend income and long-term capital growth is the objective of the Johnson Equity Income Fund, and the primary assets are stocks of large-sized U.S. companies. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 1.01%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The S&P 500 Index is the established benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


For the year ending December 31, 2017, the Johnson Growth Fund gained 23.61%. The Fund outperformed the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) return of 21.83%.

In a direct contrast to 2016, the year just completed saw investors favor stocks with higher than average earnings growth. Companies with earnings growth rates greater than 12.5% for the trailing 3 – 5 year period enjoyed a 30% increase in their stock price last year. Companies with earnings growth rates less than 4.5% over the same time period averaged a 12.3% increase in their stock price in 2017. In addition, large cap stocks tended to outperform small cap stocks, and higher quality stocks generally outperformed lower quality stocks. These three macro factors contributed positively to the performance of the Fund for the year.

The Fund showed the strongest performance in the Consumer Staples and Technology sectors, as stock selection within these sectors was additive to results. Technology was also the best performing sector within the S&P 500. Apple was the largest positive contributor to performance. Other strong performers within Technology were Mastercard, Red Hat, Salesforce.com, Facebook and Broadcom. Kroger, which was purchased after a large drop in price, along with WalMart, were both strong performers in the Consumer Staples sector. Zoetis, Lowes, Patheon, Alphabet (Google) and Roper Industries also were strong performers. Not having any holdings in the Real Estate, Telecomm and Utility sectors was also additive to performance for the year.

Holdings within the Healthcare, Industrials and Consumer Discretion sectors were somewhat detrimental to performance. General Electric was by far the worst performing stock, as the company cut its dividend and management debated whether or not to break up the company after years of making acquisitions. Celgene disappointed investors after unsuccessful drug trials led to earnings reductions. Allergan was also weak as investors questioned the growth potential for the company. Other stocks that had a negative impact on performance included Schlumberger, IberiaBank and CVS Corporation.

The Fund has its largest overweight position in the Technology sector. We would expect to remain overweight given the solid growth opportunities we are finding in that sector. The largest underweight position is in the Financial sector, where it is difficult to find quality growth stocks. Along with the Telecommunications, Materials and Utility sectors, the Fund continues to have no weight in the Real Estate sector.

New stocks purchased in the second half of the year included Inogen, Honeywell and Kroger. Positions eliminated in the period included Wells Fargo and Red Hat.


Average Annual Total Returns
As of December 31, 2017
  S&P 500
One Year     23.61 %      21.83 % 
Five Years     12.91 %      15.79 % 
Ten Years     5.84 %      8.50 % 



Long-term capital growth is the objective of the Johnson Growth Fund, and the primary assets are stocks of larger-sized U.S. companies. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 1.01%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The S&P 500 Index is the established benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Opportunity Fund had a net total return of 16.91% in 2017, slightly exceeding the Russell 2500 Index’s (Index) 16.81% return. In addition, the Fund has outperformed the Index on a 3-year and 5-year basis.

Growth investing was particularly rewarded during the year. The Russell 2500 Growth Index, up 24.5%, outperformed Value’s 10.4% gain, as investors gravitated to more speculative stocks in areas such as Health Care and Technology. The Fund’s quality focus and valuation sensitivity was not in favor, but this headwind was more than offset by good security selection in the majority of the sectors.

Health Care was the strongest sector in the small and midcap stock range in 2017, led by many emerging growth companies with the promise of innovative new products and high future earnings growth projections. Fitting this profile was the Fund’s top contributor, Align Technology, a maker of orthodontic devices, which is experiencing rapid growth due to the success of its Invisalign Systems product that corrects malocclusion. An underweight in Technology, the second best performing sector, also limited returns compared to the Index, although security selection in this sector was additive as well. Within the high growth Technology sector holdings, software companies Constellation Software and Red Hat Inc. were leading performers, capitalizing on strong demand for high margin enterprise software used for a broad range of applications. More broadly, with growing optimism in the manufacturing sector, several niche companies benefitted from a pickup in industrial activity, including Westlake Chemical Corp., Alamo Group, Old Dominion Freight, and Packaging Corp. of America.

Energy was the only sector with negative returns in 2017, even with a rally in oil prices during the second half of the year. Two of the Fund’s worst performers were Helmerich & Payne Inc. and Oceaneering International, which both suffered from reduced oilfield activity and negative earnings growth trends. Foot Locker Inc., an athletic shoe retailer, was also a poor performer as investors worried about competitive pressures to traditional apparel retailers given growing use of online shopping. Other poor performers included HNI Corp., Axis Capital Holdings Ltd, and Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc.

With a backdrop of improving economic indicators, many companies are likely to see positive earnings growth continue. While above average valuation levels could prohibit stocks from fully matching that growth, interest rates remain relatively low, thus emboldening investors to remain invested in stocks. Nevertheless market optimism is high on many measures and investors will likely need to be more disciplined when the market eventually transitions and volatility increases from the current low levels.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
  Russell 2500
One Year     16.91 %      16.81 % 
Five Years     14.88 %      14.33 % 
Ten Years     7.94 %      9.22 % 



Long-term capital growth is the objective of the Johnson Opportunity Fund, and the primary assets are equity securities of medium sized companies. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 1.00%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The Russell 2500 Index is the established benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Realty Fund returned 5.93% for the period ending December 31, 2017 compared to a return of 4.33% for the Fund’s benchmark, the Standard and Poor’s US REIT Index (S&P U.S. REIT).

2017 has been highlighted by rising interest rates across the intermediate spectrum, which has caused a headwind for REITs. The continuing prospect of further interest rate increases has pressured higher volatility yield oriented investments like REITs. The Federal Reserve increased rates three times in 2017, making that five rate increases in the current cycle. They also provided an outlook for potentially three more increases in 2018, all depending on economic indicators. The broader stock market has been driven higher by improving earnings trends and the recently passed tax relief, with the Standard and Poor’s 500 up 21.83% for the year. REITs are seeing improvement in their underlying fundamentals. Alternatively, their greater volatility and more competition from other yield oriented securities make the current market environment challenging. The overall impact of rising interest rates can been seen through this year’s stock price movements. REITs historically perform best in flat to declining interest rate environments, which is the environment we had experienced for many years. The continuation of rates rising will provide near term headwind for REITs, especially coming out of this period of exceptionally low interest rates.

The Johnson Realty Fund outperformed the S&P US REIT index by 1.60%. Overall we have maintained a fairly neutral position relative to our property type weights. We were nearly full invested for 2017 with cash being less than a 2% holding. We were slightly overweight Residential and Office/Industrials; which were some of the better performing sectors and the most significant contributor to the Fund’s outperformance. We maintained our modest overweight in Retail, which was the worst performing property type. Additionally we were slightly overweight in the Infrastructure and Data Center sectors, which drove performance, with the property types up over 28%.

Security selection saw a couple of names contributing and detracting to the relative performance. American Tower Corp improved by 37.7% as the market and need for cell towers continues to increase. Equity Lifestyles saw its stock increase by 26.4% as demand for manufactured homes and recreational vehicle communities continue to grow. Retail REITS, Developers Diversified and Kimco were laggards, falling 36.4% and 23.7% respectively, which negatively impacted performance. Growing concerns about physical retail versus online shopping continue to hamper this space.

REITs continue to possess long term portfolio diversification benefits. As we mentioned in the semi-annual, we would expect as interest rates rise, yield oriented investors may continue to exit the asset class. We are two years into this elongated interest rate rise cycle as we are coming off historically low interest rate levels. Valuations have become more realistic and as the interest rates stabilize, investors may again find value in REIT shares. The fund’s philosophy is to remain fully invested.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
  Realty Fund   S&P US REIT Index
One Year     5.93 %      4.33 % 
Five Years     8.64 %      9.13 % 
Ten Years     6.04 %      7.28 % 



Long-term capital growth and above average dividend income are the objectives of the Johnson Realty Fund, and the primary assets are real estate related equity securities. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 1.00%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The S&P US REIT Index is the primary benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson International Fund had a total net return of 20.50% in 2017, underperforming the MSCI ACWI ex-US Index’s 27.19% return.

Investors gained confidence as international earnings grew for the first time in four years, returning to the 2010 previous peak level. With a backdrop of stronger economic growth and abnormally low volatility, investors bullishly pursued the more speculative areas of the market despite higher than normal market valuation levels. Emerging markets outperformed developed markets by the widest gap since the start of the bull market in 2009. International growth stocks nearly doubled the return of international value stocks.

While the Fund takes a highly diversified approach by country, sector, and security, our large-cap ADR bias somewhat limited our participation in the pro-cyclical rally that favored smaller-cap, riskier stocks. An underweight to emerging markets also had a negative impact on returns relative to the Index. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index was up 37% compared to a gain of 25% for the developed market EAFE Index.

Negative security selection effect explains most of the underperformance compared to the benchmark, as the Fund lagged in 8 of the 11 sectors. The poor performance of several pharmaceutical companies within the Fund continued to weigh on results. Rising competitive pressures and weaker growth were to blame for weak performance from Teva Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Astellas Pharma Inc., and Shire PLC. The United Kingdom telecom and utilities sectors were also a common source of some of the Fund’s largest underperformers. BT Group PLC, National Grid PLC, and Centrica PLC all were among the ten largest negative contributors to the Fund’s performance in response to sharply negative earnings growth.

The top four contributors to the Fund’s performance were all in the growth-heavy Technology sector, which was the market leader by a wide margin with Index returns of 51% in 2017. Tencent Holdings Ltd., Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and SAP SE, all benefitted from accelerating earnings growth trends. In an environment of strong capital markets and limited credit losses, Financials were also well represented among the top performers including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, KB Financial Group Inc., Allianz AG, and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc.

Our intent remains to manage a diversified portfolio of stocks that offers the potential to reward long-term investors who seek exposure to foreign markets. Earnings are expected to continue to grow as global economic indicators continue to improve. Above average valuation levels could prohibit stocks from fully matching that growth, but if interest rates remain low or only rise moderately, then investors may remained emboldened by the improved macroeconomic prospects.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
  International Fund   MSCI ACWI
ex US Index
One Year     20.50 %      27.19 % 
Five Years     5.69 %      6.80 % 
Since Inception*     8.77 %      9.83 % 

Asset Allocation by Country

as of December 31, 2017
Japan     17.15 %      Hong Kong       2.86 % 
United Kingdom     12.35 %      South Korea       2.77 % 
Other*     9.40 %      Taiwan       2.46 % 
Germany     8.41 %      Sweden       2.32 % 
China     7.94 %      Netherlands       2.13 % 
Switzerland     7.34 %      India       1.84 % 
France     7.03 %      Mexico       1.69 % 
Canada     6.81 %      South Africa       1.63 % 
Australia     4.29 %      Spain       1.60 % 
* Countries in “Other” category include: Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Singapore


* Fund Inception was December 8, 2008.

Long-term capital growth is the objective of the Johnson International Fund, and the primary assets are equity securities of foreign companies traded on U.S. exchanges and ADRs (American Depository Receipts). The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 1.01%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas neither Index incurs fees nor expenses. The MSCI ACWI ex US Index is the primary benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Fixed Income Fund provided a total return of 3.22% during 2017, compared to a 3.54% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclay’s Capital Aggregate Index.

Bond yields began the year at somewhat elevated levels following the November election results, and the fund maintained a neutral duration relative to the benchmark as a result. The Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) continued to tighten monetary policy, enacting three additional 25 basis point rate hikes this year and began allowing securities to gradually begin maturing from its balance sheet. This caused the short end of the yield curve to move higher. Longer dated interest rates remained steady, however, reflecting an environment of modest economic growth. The Fund’s overweight to longer dated bonds was helpful relative to its benchmark.

Credit spreads began the year at somewhat tight levels after narrowing consistently throughout 2016. Despite their low starting levels, spreads continued to tighten throughout the year as solid economic fundamentals and optimism over changes in tax policy drove further improvement. Sector performance was evenly distributed across industrials, utilities, and financials. The Fund’s overweight to corporate bonds was helpful to performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark throughout the year, while its focus on high quality credits with lower spread volatility tempered returns. More than half of the Fund’s bond allocation is to investment-grade rated corporate securities which is greater than the Fund’s benchmark index and a key reason why the yield is traditionally higher in the Fund. Over time, this yield advantage is critical to the Fund’s ability to outperform its benchmark. It can also be a helpful strategy to protect against rising interest rates.

Looking forward into next year we expect the Fed will likely continue to tighten monetary policy. In additional to raising the Federal Funds rate, the pace of balance sheet maturities is expected to accelerate. Although growth in the US has been somewhat disappointing, tax cuts may provide an economic tailwind during the coming year. Manufacturing continues to improve, reflecting synchronized economic growth amidst much of the world economy. The consumer should continue to benefit from rising wages and solid job creation. The favorable economic backdrop should continue to support credit spreads, though the amount of tightening from current levels is likely somewhat limited. The Fund’s duration is slightly short to that of its benchmark and the addition of securities such as floating rate and step-up coupon bonds will help serve as a cushion to rising rates. Inflation expectations remain below historical averages and the Fund’s position in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities will benefit as inflation rebounds. Finally, we anticipate continued upward pressure on intermediate bond yields, leading to a slightly muted total return outlook. However, the potential move upward should provide an opportunity to enhance the Fund’s yield over time.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
  Fixed Income
Barclays Capital
Aggregate Index
One Year     3.22 %      3.54 % 
Five Years     2.10 %      2.10 % 
Ten Years     4.03 %      4.01 % 



A high level of income over the long term consistent with preservation of capital is the objective of the Johnson Fixed Income Fund, and the primary assets are investment-grade fixed income securities. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 0.85%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any income and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The Bloomberg Barclays Capital Aggregate Index is the benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Municipal Income Fund provided a total return of 3.25% during 2017 compared to 2.96% for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays 5-Year General Obligation Municipal Index. After rising during 2016, municipal bond interest rates declined in most maturities during 2017.

During 2017, municipal bond yields fell in intermediate and long maturities, leading to the Fund’s positive return. The Fund’s emphasis on higher yielding and longer duration securities was additive to performance. The Fund’s laddered maturity structure also added to performance as bond yields fell the most on longer maturities, leading to outperformance versus the Fund’s benchmark. While the benchmark is comprised solely of 4 – 6 year maturity securities, the Fund is constructed with a more diverse maturity profile of bonds primarily due within 1 to 15 years.

New issue supply of municipal securities was modest during most of 2017 as refinancing activity slowed after interest rates rose in late 2016 and issuers awaited guidance from Washington on infrastructure spending and fiscal policy. However, supply picked up materially toward the end of the year as issuers rushed to market before restrictions against “advance refundings,” a type of municipal refinancing, took effect as part of the tax reform package passed in December. Despite the passage of tax reform toward the end of 2017, demand for municipal securities has remained strong as safety, stability and tax-free income continue to appeal to a broad set of investors. Growth in tax revenues for many municipalities has moderated, but the majority of states and local governments continue to report healthy revenue from income, sales, and property tax collections. Defaults in the municipal sector have remained very low on an absolute basis despite headlines surrounding fiscal challenges in a few municipalities. We continue to expect lower quality issuers, primarily in a handful of states such as New Jersey, Illinois and particularly the territory of Puerto Rico, to face financial pressure. The Fund avoids such securities maintaining a strict focus on high quality municipal issuers. Approximately 65% of the Fund is rated AA or higher. Furthermore, the Fund is diversified by issuer, sector and state with approximately 28% of its assets in states other than Ohio.

We expect the Federal Reserve will likely continue to tighten monetary policy. In addition to raising the Federal Funds rate, the Fed is also expected to continue the process of tapering its balance sheet which began in 2017. Although growth in the US has been somewhat disappointing, tax cuts may provide an economic tailwind during the coming year. Manufacturing continues to improve, reflecting synchronized economic growth amidst much of the world economy. The consumer should continue to benefit from rising wages and solid job creation. Although lower tax rates can reduce demand for municipal bonds, investors have historically shown greater interest in municipal bonds at higher rates. Finally, we anticipate continued upward pressure on intermediate bond yields, leading to a muted total return outlook. However, the potential move upward should provide an opportunity to enhance the Fund’s yield over time.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
Income Fund
Barclays 5 Year
G.O. Muni Bond
One Year     3.25 %      2.96 % 
Five Years     1.88 %      1.66 % 
Ten Years     3.30 %      3.37 % 


As rated by Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s Rating Agencies.

A high level of federally tax-free income over the long term consistent with preservation of capital is the objective of the Johnson Municipal Income Fund, and the primary assets are intermediate term Ohio municipal bonds. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 0.67%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any income and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The Fund’s benchmark is the Bloomberg Barclays Capital 5 Year General Obligation Municipal Bond Index. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Comcast Corp. – Class A     42,900     $ 1,718,145  
Lowe's Companies Inc.     68,500       6,366,390  
Nike Inc. – Class B     65,200       4,078,260  
Starbucks Corp.     99,100       5,691,313  
TJX Companies Inc.     74,100       5,665,686  
11.9% – Total For Consumer Discretionary   $ 23,519,794  
Coca Cola Co.     105,820       4,855,022  
CVS Health Corp.     79,905       5,793,113  
Ingredion Inc.     29,800       4,166,040  
J. M. Smuckers Co.     50,500       6,274,120  
Procter & Gamble Co.     64,790       5,952,905  
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.     43,500       4,295,625  
15.8% – Total For Consumer Staples   $ 31,336,825  
Chevron Corp.     31,575       3,952,874  
Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Class B ADR     91,500       6,248,535  
Schlumberger Ltd.     46,150       3,110,049  
6.7% – Total For Energy   $ 13,311,458  
American Express Co.     61,500       6,107,565  
Bank of America Corp.     150,000       4,428,000  
Chubb Ltd.     23,725       3,466,934  
Iberiabank Corp.     74,100       5,742,750  
Invesco Ltd.     54,185       1,979,920  
Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc.     46,700       3,800,913  
Morningstar Inc.     20,900       2,026,673  
PNC Financial Services Group Inc.     25,500       3,679,395  
S&P Global Inc.     25,000       4,235,000  
17.9% – Total For Financial Services   $ 35,467,150  
Abbott Laboratories     102,800       5,866,796  
Danaher Corp.     65,100       6,042,582  
Medtronic PLC     65,700       5,305,275  
Zimmer Biomet Holdings     42,700       5,152,609  
Zoetis Inc.     55,400       3,991,016  
13.3% – Total For Health Care   $ 26,358,278  
Carlisle Companies Inc.     36,200       4,114,130  
Hubbell Inc.     46,000       6,225,640  
Paccar Inc.     52,000       3,696,160  
Union Pacific Corp.     34,350       4,606,335  
9.4% – Total For Industrials   $ 18,642,265  
Accenture PLC – Class A     12,120       1,855,451  
Alphabet Inc. – Class A*     5,800       6,109,720  
Apple Inc.     43,310       7,329,351  
Automatic Data Processing Inc.     29,700       3,480,543  

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.*     25,000     $ 1,775,500  
Mastercard Inc. – Class A     39,600       5,993,856  
Microsoft Corp.     48,360       4,136,714  
Oracle Corp.     117,400       5,550,672  
18.3% – Total For Information Technology   $ 36,231,807  
Sherwin-Williams Co.     9,800       4,018,392  
2.0% – Total For Materials   $ 4,018,392  
AT&T Inc.     95,540       3,714,595  
1.9% – Total For Telecommunication Services   $ 3,714,595  
Total Common Stocks 97.2%   $ 192,600,564  
(Identified Cost $148,462,860)
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Realty Income Corp.     32,000       1,824,640  
Total REITs 0.9%   $ 1,824,640  
(Identified Cost $1,695,697)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z**     4,740,470       4,740,470  
Total Cash Equivalents 2.4%   $ 4,740,470  
(Identified Cost $4,740,470)
Total Portfolio Value 100.5%   $ 199,165,674  
(Identified Cost $154,899,027)
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (0.5%)   $ (889,103 ) 
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 198,276,571  
* Non-income producing security.
** Variable Rate Security; as of December 31, 2017, the 7 day annualized yield was 1.15%.

ADR – American Depositary Receipt

PLC – Public Liability Company

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Amazon.com Inc.*     880     $ 1,029,134  
Lowe's Companies Inc.     11,240       1,044,646  
Monroe Muffler Brake     17,760       1,011,432  
Nike Inc. Class B     16,370       1,023,943  
Priceline Group Inc.*     610       1,060,021  
Starbucks Corp.     17,760       1,019,957  
TJX Companies Inc.     13,870       1,060,500  
Vail Resorts Inc.     4,850       1,030,479  
Walt Disney Co.     4,105       441,329  
17.2% – Total For Consumer Discretionary   $ 8,721,441  
CVS Health Corp.     11,620       842,450  
Kroger Co.     37,420       1,027,179  
Pepsico Inc.     4,410       528,847  
Procter & Gamble Co.     10,680       981,278  
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.     12,010       1,185,988  
9.0% – Total For Consumer Staples   $ 4,565,742  
Chevron Corp.     8,300       1,039,077  
EOG Resources Inc.     14,120       1,523,689  
Schlumberger Ltd.     15,705       1,058,360  
7.2% – Total For Energy   $ 3,621,126  
American Express Co.     10,466       1,039,378  
Bank of America Corp.     35,225       1,039,842  
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B*     5,550       1,100,121  
Iberiabank Corp.     10,710       830,025  
Invesco Ltd.     22,500       822,150  
JP Morgan Chase & Co.     10,350       1,106,829  
S&P Global Inc.     3,590       608,146  
12.9% – Total For Financial Services   $ 6,546,491  
Allergan PLC     4,800       785,184  
Biogen Inc.*     2,900       923,853  
Celgene Corp.*     10,899       1,137,420  
Danaher Corp.     11,330       1,051,651  
Inogen, Inc.*     5,000       595,400  
Johnson & Johnson     3,625       506,485  
Medtronic PLC     11,170       901,977  
Zoetis Inc.     14,854       1,070,082  
13.8% – Total For Health Care   $ 6,972,052  
3M Co.     2,400       564,888  
Carlisle Companies Inc.     8,640       981,936  
General Electric Co.     19,770       344,987  
Honeywell International Inc.     3,470       532,159  

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Paccar Inc.     13,940     $ 990,855  
Roper Technologies Inc.     3,850       997,150  
Union Pacific Corp.     7,610       1,020,501  
10.7% – Total For Industrials   $ 5,432,476  
Alphabet Inc. – Class A*     870       916,458  
Alphabet Inc. – Class C*     979       1,024,426  
Apple Inc.     15,060       2,548,604  
Automatic Data Processing     9,250       1,084,008  
Broadcom Ltd.     3,965       1,018,608  
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.*     13,120       931,782  
Facebook Inc. – Class A*     6,130       1,081,700  
Mastercard Inc. – Class A     10,120       1,531,763  
Oracle Corp.     20,510       969,713  
Palo Alto Networks*     4,320       626,141  
Salesforce.com Inc.*     10,480       1,071,370  
Ultimate Software Group Inc.*     2,315       505,202  
Vantiv Inc.*     15,370       1,130,464  
28.5% – Total For Information Technology   $ 14,440,239  
Total Common Stocks 99.3%   $ 50,299,567  
(Identified Cost $35,781,467)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z**     1,312,909       1,312,909  
Total Cash Equivalents 2.6%   $ 1,312,909  
(Identified Cost $1,312,909)
Total Portfolio Value 101.9%   $ 51,612,476  
(Identified Cost $37,094,376)
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (1.9%)   $ (968,327 ) 
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 50,644,149  
* Non-income producing security.
** Variable Rate Security; as of December 31, 2017, the 7 day annualized yield was 1.15%.

PLC – Public Liability Company

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Burlington Stores Inc.     7,800     $ 959,634  
Carter's Inc.     8,500       998,665  
Cooper-Standard Holdings     6,500       796,250  
Culp Inc.     23,000       770,500  
Gentex Corp.     40,000       838,000  
LKQ Corp.*     20,000       813,400  
Steven Madden Ltd.*     19,100       891,970  
Superior Uniform Group     20,000       534,200  
Thor Industries Inc.     4,400       663,168  
Vail Resorts Inc.     3,900       828,633  
Winmark Corp.     4,600       595,240  
14.8% – Total For Consumer Discretionary   $ 8,689,660  
Church & Dwight Co. Inc.     17,000       852,890  
Ingredion Inc.     5,300       740,940  
J. M. Smuckers Co.     8,100       1,006,344  
Spectrum Brands Holdings Corp.     7,300       820,520  
5.9% – Total For Consumer Staples   $ 3,420,694  
Oceaneering International Inc.     24,000       507,360  
0.9% – Total For Energy   $ 507,360  
Assurant Inc.     6,000       605,040  
Axis Capital Holdings Ltd.     11,500       577,990  
Bar Harbor Bancshares     25,000       675,250  
Berkshire Hills Bancorp Inc.     19,500       713,700  
Bryn Mawr Bank Corp.     18,000       795,600  
Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc.     3,600       743,976  
East West Bancorp Inc.     12,000       729,960  
Everest Re Group Ltd.     3,200       708,032  
First Interstate Bancsystem Inc.     18,000       720,900  
Iberiabank Corp.     10,000       775,000  
Invesco Ltd.     24,700       902,538  
Kinsale Capital Group Inc.     14,000       630,000  
Lakeland Bancorp Inc.     19,000       365,750  
MidWestOne Financial Group     21,000       704,130  
Morningstar Inc.     8,500       824,245  
Reinsurance Group of America Inc.     4,500       701,685  
Signature Bank     5,700       782,382  
Westwood Holdings Group Inc.     8,300       549,543  
21.3% – Total For Financial Services   $ 12,505,721  
Align Technology Inc.*     4,300       955,417  
Inogen Inc.     5,800       690,664  
Lemaitre Vascular Inc.     27,800       885,152  

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Prestige Brands Holdings Inc.*     13,000     $ 577,330  
United Therapeutics Corp.*     5,300       784,135  
Universal Health Services Inc. – Class B     8,000       906,800  
Varian Medical Systems Inc.*     7,300       811,395  
Veeva Systems Inc. – Class A     16,300       901,064  
11.1% – Total For Health Care   $ 6,511,957  
Alamo Group Inc.     6,100       688,507  
American Woodmark Corp.*     6,000       781,500  
Barnes Group Inc.     11,600       733,932  
Carlisle Coompanies Inc.     8,700       988,755  
Continental Building Products     20,000       563,000  
Deluxe Corp.     13,900       1,068,076  
Hexcel Corp.     14,000       865,900  
Hillenbrand Inc.     14,000       625,800  
Hubbell Inc.     7,900       1,069,186  
MSA Safety Inc.     9,000       697,680  
Old Dominion Freight Line Inc.*     6,300       828,765  
Quanta Services Inc.*     17,000       664,870  
Regal Beloit Corp.     12,000       919,200  
Snap-On Inc.     5,000       871,500  
Standex International Inc.     7,000       712,950  
20.6% – Total For Industrials   $ 12,079,621  
Amdocs Ltd.     14,500       949,460  
CACI International Inc.     7,300       966,155  
Constellation Software     1,200       726,000  
Flir Systems Inc.     9,800       456,876  
PC Connection Inc.     27,000       707,670  
Perficient Inc.*     33,000       629,310  
Ultimate Software Group Inc.*     1,700       370,991  
Vantiv Inc.     11,700       860,535  
9.7% – Total For Information Technology   $ 5,666,997  
AptarGroup Inc.     6,200       534,936  
Avery Dennison Corp.     4,500       516,870  
Chase Corp.     1,500       180,750  
Packaging Corp. of America     5,300       638,915  
RPM International Inc.     11,500       602,830  
Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. – Class A     8,500       909,415  
Sensient Technologies     7,500       548,625  
Valvoline Inc.     27,000       676,620  
Westlake Chemical Corp.     8,500       905,505  
9.4% – Total For Materials   $ 5,514,466  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Atmos Energy Corp.     7,000     $ 601,230  
1.0% – Total For Utilities   $ 601,230  
Total Common Stocks 94.7%   $ 55,497,706  
(Identified Cost $43,414,842)
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc.     6,900       901,071  
Apartment Investment & Management Co.     10,000       437,100  
Extra Space Storage Inc.     8,300       725,835  
National Retail Properties Inc.     18,500       797,905  
Total REITs 4.9%   $ 2,861,911  
(Identified Cost $2,593,137)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z**     600,762       600,762  
Total Cash Equivalents 1.0%   $ 600,762  
(Identified Cost $600,762)
Total Portfolio Value 100.6%   $ 58,960,379  
(Identified Cost $46,608,741)
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (0.6%)   $ (346,628 ) 
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 58,613,751  
* Non-income producing security.
** Variable Rate Security; as of December 31, 2017, the 7 day annualized yield was 1.15%.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)   Shares   Fair Value
American Campus Communities Inc.     1,600     $ 65,648  
Apartment Investment & Management Co.     2,624       114,695  
Avalonbay Communities Inc.     1,809       322,744  
Camden Property Trust     1,200       110,472  
Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc.     1,500       133,530  
Equity Residential     5,000       318,850  
Essex Property Trust Inc.     865       208,785  
Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc.     2,233       224,550  
Senior Housing Properties Trust     2,000       38,300  
Sun Communities Inc.     650       60,307  
UDR Inc.     3,807       146,646  
15.9% – Total For Residential   $ 1,744,527  
American Tower Corp.     5,839       833,050  
Brandywine Realty Trust     3,000       54,570  
Cousins Properties Inc.     3,500       32,375  
Equinix Inc.     600       271,932  
Douglas Emmett Inc.     2,500       102,650  
JBG Smith Properties     1,280       44,454  
Lexington Realty Trust     3,500       33,775  
Life Storage Inc.     450       40,081  
National Retail Properties Inc.     2,250       97,042  
PS Business Parks Inc.     500       62,545  
Urban Edge Properties     1,530       39,000  
Vornado Realty Trust     2,561       200,219  
16.6% – Total For Diversified   $ 1,811,693  
HCP Inc.     6,500       169,520  
Healthcare Realty Trust Inc.     1,500       48,180  
LTC Properties Inc.     650       28,307  
Medical Properties Trust Inc.     2,800       38,584  
Omega Healthcare Investors Inc.     2,500       68,850  
Quality Care Properties*     1,300       17,953  
Universal Health Realty Income Trust     300       22,533  
Ventas Inc.     4,700       282,047  
Welltower Inc.     4,750       302,908  
8.9% – Total For Health Care Facilities   $ 978,882  
Diamondrock Hospitality Co.     4,000       45,160  
Host Hotels & Resorts Inc.     10,354       205,527  
LaSalle Hotel Properties     1,500       42,105  
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust     1,200       44,604  
RL Lodging Trust     2,500       54,925  
Ryman Hospitality Properties     1,000       69,020  
4.2% – Total For Hotels/Motels   $ 461,341  

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)   Shares   Fair Value
Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc.     1,000     $ 130,590  
Boston Properties Inc.     2,020       262,661  
CoreSite Realty Corp.     500       56,950  
Corporate Office Properties Trust     2,000       58,400  
Digital Realty Trust Inc.     3,281       373,706  
Duke Realty Corp.     5,000       136,050  
Equity Commonwealth*     1,700       51,867  
Highwoods Properties Inc.     1,700       86,547  
Kilroy Realty Corp.     1,545       115,334  
Liberty Property Trust     2,661       114,450  
Mack-Cali Realty Corp.     1,500       32,340  
Piedmont Office Realty Trust Inc.     3,500       68,635  
13.6% – Total For Office   $ 1,487,530  
CubeSmart     2,500       72,300  
DCT Industrial Trust Inc.     1,375       80,823  
EastGroup Properties Inc.     600       53,028  
Extra Space Storage Inc.     1,750       153,038  
First Industrial Realty Trust Inc.     1,675       52,712  
Prologis Inc.     7,306       471,310  
Public Storage     2,400       501,600  
12.6% – Total For Industrial   $ 1,384,811  
Acadia Realty Trust     1,000       27,360  
Alexander's Inc.     100       39,585  
DDR Corp.     4,055       36,333  
EPR Properties     1,000       65,460  
Federal Realty Investment Trust     1,000       132,810  
General Growth Properties Inc.     12,200       285,358  
Hospitality Properties Trust     2,100       62,685  
Kimco Realty Corp.     5,667       102,856  
Macerich Co.     2,192       143,971  
Realty Income Corp.     3,569       203,504  
Regency Centers Corp.     2,095       144,932  
Retail Properties of America     3,500       47,040  
Simon Property Group Inc.     4,279       734,875  
SL Green Realty Corp.     1,500       151,395  
Tanger Factory Outlet Centers Inc.     2,000       53,020  
Taubman Centers Inc.     800       52,344  
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust     1,500       46,680  
Weingarten Realty Investors     2,500       82,175  
Washington Prime Group Inc.     3,353       23,873  
22.2% – Total For Retail   $ 2,436,256  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)   Shares   Fair Value
Rayonier Inc.     2,000     $ 63,260  
Weyerhaeuser Co.     10,700       377,282  
4.0% – Total For Lumber, Wood Products   $ 440,542  
Total REITs 98.0%   $ 10,745,582  
(Identified Cost $5,377,083)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z**     169,025       169,025  
Total Cash Equivalents 1.5%   $ 169,025  
(Identified Cost $169,025)
Total Portfolio Value 99.5%   $ 10,914,607  
(Identified Cost $5,546,108)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.5%   $ 47,778  
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 10,962,385  
* Non-income producing security.
** Variable Rate Security; as of December 31, 2017, the 7 day annualized yield was 1.15%.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Adidas AG ADR     1,500     $ 149,730  
CIE Financiere Richemont AG ADR     22,000       198,220  
Compass Group PLC ADR     3,846       84,439  
Daimler AG     600       50,739  
Honda Motor Co. Ltd. ADR     3,500       119,280  
Magna International Inc.     3,000       170,010  
Publicis Groupe SA ADR     7,800       132,522  
RTL Group SA ADR     15,000       120,553  
Sky PLC ADR     4,500       248,355  
Sony Corp. ADR     2,700       121,365  
Tata Motors Ltd. ADR     3,425       113,265  
Toyota Motor Corp. ADR     1,800       228,906  
WPP PLC ADR     1,800       163,008  
10.8% – Total For Consumer Discretionary   $ 1,900,392  
Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. ADR     10,860       72,219  
Danone ADR     6,184       103,706  
Essity AB ADR     5,300       151,145  
L'Oreal ADR     2,800       123,984  
Nestle SA ADR     2,400       206,328  
Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC ADR     5,900       112,159  
Shoprite Holdings Ltd. ADR     11,000       196,460  
Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget ADR     11,100       113,886  
Unilever NV ADR     2,500       140,800  
Unilever PLC ADR     3,000       166,020  
Wal-Mart De Mexico SAB de CV ADR     12,000       293,040  
9.5% – Total For Consumer Staples   $ 1,679,747  
BP PLC ADR     2,298       96,585  
CNOOC Ltd. ADR     500       71,780  
Lukoil Corp. ADR     3,900       224,835  
Petrochina Co. Ltd. ADR     300       20,982  
Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Class B ADR     1,400       95,606  
Sasol Ltd. ADR     2,800       95,788  
Statoil ASA ADR     4,000       85,680  
Suncor Energy Inc.     3,200       117,504  
Technip FMC PLC     3,100       97,061  
Total SA ADR     2,352       130,019  
Woodside Petroleum ADR     5,200       133,848  
6.6% – Total For Energy   $ 1,169,688  
Admiral Group PLC ADR     6,400       169,600  
Allianz SE ADR     7,900       181,424  
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. ADR     3,200       71,488  
Banco Bradesco ADR     13,310       136,294  

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Banco Santander SA ADR     17,974     $ 117,550  
Bank of Montreal     1,240       99,225  
Barclays PLC ADR     10,000       109,000  
BNP Paribas ADR     4,000       149,400  
China Construction Bank ADR     5,300       97,785  
Credit Suisse Group ADR     3,777       67,420  
Deutsche Boerse AG ADR     7,000       80,745  
ICICI Bank Ltd. ADR     9,680       94,186  
Industrial and Commercial Bank Of China Ltd. ADR     16,000       257,760  
Itau Unibanco Holding SA ADR     7,700       100,100  
KB Financial Group Inc. ADR     2,400       140,424  
Manulife Financial Corp.     4,420       92,201  
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. ADR     42,900       311,883  
Mizuho Financial Group Inc. ADR     41,400       150,696  
Orix Corp. ADR     1,750       148,365  
Royal Bank of Canada     1,000       81,650  
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. ADR     37,000       321,530  
Tokio Marine Holdings Inc. ADR     6,000       274,500  
Toronto Dominion Bank     1,400       82,012  
UBS Group AG*     4,800       88,272  
United Overseas Bank Ltd. ADR     1,900       75,307  
Westpac Banking Corp. Ltd. ADR     4,650       113,367  
Zurich Insurance Group Ltd. ADR     3,240       98,528  
21.0% – Total For Financial Services   $ 3,710,712  
Astellas Pharma Inc. ADR     23,000       291,642  
Astrazeneca PLC ADR     1,600       55,520  
Bayer AG ADR     5,200       161,668  
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. ADR     3,340       125,450  
Novartis AG ADR     2,480       208,221  
Novo Nordisk AS     4,000       214,680  
Roche Holdings Ltd. ADR     7,100       224,218  
Shire PLC ADR     1,200       186,144  
Taro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.*     800       83,768  
Teva Pharmaceuticals ADR     2,400       45,480  
9.0% – Total For Health Care   $ 1,596,791  
ABB Ltd. ADR     2,900       77,778  
Atlas Copco AB ADR     4,300       185,309  
BAE Systems PLC ADR     1,600       49,888  
Bunzl PLC ADR     5,600       158,704  
Canadian National Railway Co.     1,400       115,500  
CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. ADR     8,000       100,440  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
Fanuc Corp. ADR     4,000     $ 96,160  
Itochu Corp. ADR     3,700       138,454  
Keppel Corp. Ltd. ADR     7,900       86,568  
Komatsu Ltd. ADR     4,000       144,920  
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ADR     300       97,950  
Schneider Electric SE ADR     10,000       169,450  
Sensata Technologies Holding NV*     4,300       219,773  
Siemens AG ADR     1,800       124,686  
10.0% – Total For Industrials   $ 1,765,580  
Alibaba Group Holdings ADR*     1,600       275,888  
Baidu Inc. ADR*     400       93,684  
Cap Gemini SA ADR     4,000       94,960  
CGI Group Inc.*     5,100       277,083  
Lenovo Group Ltd. ADR     15,000       168,600  
Open Text Corp.     5,000       178,350  
SAP SE ADR     3,100       348,316  
Siliconware Precision Industries Co. ADR     4,267       35,885  
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ADR     8,000       317,200  
Tencent Holdings Ltd. ADR     6,500       337,480  
United Microelectronics ADR     44,930       107,383  
12.6% – Total For Information Technology   $ 2,234,829  
Air Liquide SA ADR     4,154       104,494  
BASF SE ADR     7,400       203,278  
BHP Billiton Ltd. ADR     2,550       117,274  
Newcrest Mining Ltd. ADR     15,000       267,750  
Nitto Denko Corp. ADR     4,200       186,396  
Posco ADR     1,400       109,382  
Rio Tinto PLC ADR     1,570       83,100  
Syngenta AG ADR     1,100       102,124  
6.6% – Total For Materials   $ 1,173,798  
BT Group PLC ADR     3,800       69,236  
China Mobile Ltd. ADR     3,700       186,998  
Deutsche Telekom AG ADR     4,000       70,644  
KDDI Corp. ADR     16,000       197,928  
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. ADR     1,200       56,688  
Orange ADR     12,000       208,800  
PLDT Inc. ADR     1,800       54,144  
SK Telecom Co. Ltd. ADR     3,400       94,894  

Common Stocks   Shares   Fair Value
SoftBank Group Corp. ADR     1,800     $ 71,559  
Telefonica SA ADR     5,190       50,239  
Telenor ASA ADR     6,900       147,591  
6.8% – Total For Telecommunication
  $ 1,208,721  
Enel SpA ADR     21,100       128,921  
Enel Americas SA ADR     12,000       134,040  
Iberdrola SA ADR     3,578       110,686  
Korea Electric Power Corp. ADR     7,800       138,138  
National Grid PLC ADR     2,566       150,906  
SSE PLC ADR     4,000       71,360  
4.2% – Total For Utilities   $ 734,051  
Total Common Stocks 97.1%   $ 17,174,309  
(Identified Cost $13,127,256)
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. ADR     14,100       234,695  
Total REITs 1.3%   $ 234,695  
(Identified Cost $191,989)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z**     493,346       493,346  
Total Cash Equivalents 2.8%   $ 493,346  
(Identified Cost $493,346)
Total Portfolio Value 101.2%   $ 17,902,350  
(Identified Cost $13,812,591)
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (1.2%)   $ (223,259 ) 
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 17,679,091  
* Non-income producing security.
** Variable Rate Security; as of December 31, 2017, the 7 day annualized yield was 1.15%.

ADR – American Depositary Receipt

PLC – Public Liability Company

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Corporate Bonds:                  
Ace INA Holdings Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.875% Due 11/03/2022     2,375,000     $ 2,407,340  
AON PLC Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/14/2024     1,820,000       1,859,596  
AON PLC Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.000% Due 11/27/2023     3,285,000       3,455,585  
American Express Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.000% Due 10/30/2024     6,000,000       5,990,047  
Bank of America Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.248% Due 10/21/2027     7,250,000       7,194,314  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 3.950% Due 03/22/2022     4,649,000       4,857,025  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 5.250% Due 11/01/2019     2,617,000       2,751,858  
Chubb INA Holdings Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 11/03/2020     2,000,000       1,996,815  
Fifth Third Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 4.300% Due 01/16/2024     6,000,000       6,368,141  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 01/14/2022     1,290,000       1,269,228  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.150% Due 03/14/2021     4,280,000       4,347,327  
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.875% Due 09/10/2024     6,000,000       6,258,737  
Key Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 4.625% Due 06/15/2018     746,000       753,376  
Keycorp Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.100% Due 03/24/2021     3,800,000       4,095,163  
Marsh & McLennan Co. Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/03/2024     435,000       449,456  
Marsh & McLennan Co. Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.800% Due 07/15/2021     3,955,000       4,228,314  
Morgan Stanley Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.625% Due 11/17/2021     6,000,000       5,972,659  
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.250% Due 02/10/2020     2,000,000       1,989,139  
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/18/2022     3,924,000       4,022,358  

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
National City Corp. Subordinated Notes, 6.875% Due 05/15/2019     4,854,000     $ 5,146,378  
Prudential Financial Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2020     3,135,000       3,312,903  
Prudential Financial Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.375% Due 06/21/2020     105,000       112,435  
Suntrust Banks Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.900% Due 03/03/2021     5,500,000       5,561,569  
US Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 3.100% Due 04/27/2026     3,000,000       2,978,869  
US Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 3.600% Due 09/11/2024     4,980,000       5,158,886  
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 4.300% Due 07/22/2027     2,000,000       2,129,610  
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 5.606% Due 01/15/2044     4,500,000       5,548,029  
24.0% – Total For Corporate Bonds: Bank and Finance   $ 100,215,157  
AT&T Global Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.400% Due 08/14/2024     6,000,000       6,030,806  
CVS Health Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.875% Due 07/20/2025     6,000,000       6,179,212  
Eaton Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.750% Due 11/02/2022     3,166,000       3,175,260  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 1.000%), 2.359% Due
    4,275,000       4,323,995  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 1.000%), 2.588% Due
    2,180,000       2,205,062  
Goodrich Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.875% Due 03/01/2020     1,025,000       1,073,700  
Johnson Controls International PLC, 3.900% Due 02/14/2026     630,000       659,156  
Johnson Controls International PLC, 5.000% Due 03/30/2020     3,495,000       3,686,230  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 02/01/2026     5,172,000       5,163,037  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.000% Due 02/01/2024     595,000       618,164  
McDonalds Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.300% Due 03/01/2038     3,500,000       4,665,715  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.900% Due 06/15/2019     1,728,000     $ 1,816,607  
Target Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.500% Due 04/15/2026     5,500,000       5,288,044  
Union Pacific Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.875% Due 01/15/2019     500,000       528,134  
United Technologies Junior Subordinated Notes, 1.778% Due 05/04/2018**     6,000,000       5,990,824  
Verizon Communications Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.672% Due 03/15/2055     5,892,000       5,688,396  
13.7% – Total For Corporate Bonds: Industrial   $ 57,092,343  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 02/01/2025     1,500,000       1,546,542  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.750% Due 11/15/2023     1,839,000       1,914,990  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     3,000,000       3,028,273  
Duke Energy Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.550% Due 09/15/2021     5,000,000       5,160,159  
Enterprise Products Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.750% Due 02/15/2025     6,000,000       6,186,576  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.450% Due 05/01/2018     625,000       624,011  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.800% Due 05/01/2023     3,750,000       3,731,421  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2019     1,200,000       1,242,899  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.950% Due 12/01/2018     1,165,000       1,163,901  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.000% Due 03/30/2020     3,610,000       3,586,716  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.250% Due 12/01/2019     2,140,000       2,220,743  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.250% Due 12/01/2024     5,120,000       5,185,273  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.650% Due 09/01/2020     625,000       642,964  

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
National Rural Utilities Collateral Trust, 10.375% Due 11/01/2018     1,005,000     $ 1,073,666  
Virginia Electric & Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.000% Due 06/30/2019     498,000       516,610  
Virginia Electric & Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.400% Due 04/30/2018     1,350,000       1,365,268  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.300% Due 06/01/2025     2,500,000       2,533,954  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.700% Due 05/15/2020     2,636,000       2,747,974  
10.6% – Total For Corporate Bonds:
  $ 44,471,938  
48.3% Total Corporate Bonds   $ 201,779,438  
United States Government Treasury Obligations
United States Treasury Bond, 2.500% Due 02/15/2045     14,000,000       13,346,484  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .048%), 1.498% Due 10/31/2019**     6,000,000       6,000,782  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .060%), 1.510% Due 07/31/2019**     8,000,000       8,004,932  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .070%), 1.520% Due 04/30/2019**     7,500,000       7,506,375  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .140%), 1.590% Due 01/31/2019**     2,500,000       2,503,998  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 1.000% Due 02/15/2046     4,164,160       4,448,422  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 1.375% Due 02/15/2044     5,291,950       6,109,262  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.500% Due 05/15/2046     11,000,000       10,463,750  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.750% Due 08/15/2042     2,250,000       2,265,645  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.750% Due 11/15/2042     8,425,000       8,478,314  
16.5% – Total For United States Government Treasury Obligations   $ 69,127,964  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
United States Government Agency Obligations         
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.625% Due 07/12/2021**     5,000,000     $ 4,961,405  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/15/2022**     6,000,000       5,972,658  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/21/2022**     9,000,000       8,982,225  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/12/2022**     3,445,000       3,436,656  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/18/2022**     8,355,000       8,325,189  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 10/27/2022**     3,500,000       3,503,055  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 2.000% Due 12/27/2022**     4,000,000       3,996,256  
9.4% – Total For United States Government Agency Obligations   $ 39,177,444  
United States Government Agency Obligations –  Mortgage Backed Securities         
FHLMC 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.860%), 3.269% Due 04/01/2042**     1,997,589       2,046,632  
FHLMC CMO Series 2877 Class AL, 5.000% Due 10/15/2024     328,814       343,664  
FHLMC CMO Series 2985 Class GE, 5.500% Due
    184,455       195,743  
FHLMC CMO Series 3109 Class ZN, 5.500% Due
    1,803,752       2,006,593  
FHLMC CMO Series 3592 Class BZ, 5.000% Due 10/15/2039     1,508,940       1,635,029  
FHLMC CMO Series 3946 Class LN, 3.500% Due
    477,995       489,152  
FHLMC CMO Series 4017 Class MA, 3.000% Due
    900,539       903,574  
FHLMC CMO Series 4180 Class ME, 2.500% Due
    2,800,650       2,779,977  
FHLMC CMO Series 4287 Class AB, 2.000% Due
    1,702,673       1,683,645  
FHLMC CMO Series 4517 Class PC, 2.500% Due
    3,432,131       3,403,410  

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
FHLMC CMO Series 4567 Class LA, 3.000% Due
    504,128     $ 505,194  
FHLMC CMO Series 4582 Class PA, 3.000% Due
    3,668,559       3,704,793  
FHLMC CMO Series 4689 Class DA, 3.000% Due
    1,737,328       1,740,164  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool A89335, 5.000% Due 10/01/2039     187,114       204,257  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool C01005, 8.000% Due 06/01/2030     1,357       1,565  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G06616, 4.500% Due 12/01/2035     604,440       645,030  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G08068, 5.500% Due 07/01/2035     1,301,915       1,449,715  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G13596, 4.000% Due 07/01/2024     1,245,883       1,292,794  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18642, 3.500% Due 04/01/2032     7,771,409       8,037,428  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18667, 3.500% Due 11/01/2032     3,516,207       3,637,168  
FHLMC Partner Certificate Pool 780439 (1 year US T-Note Yield Curve + 2.223%), 2.973% Due 04/01/2033**     65,733       69,025  
FNMA CMO Series 2003-79 Class NJ, 5.000% Due 08/25/2023     697,192       730,513  
FNMA CMO Series 2013-6 Class BC, 1.500% Due
    2,117,717       2,076,971  
FNMA CMO Series 2013-21 Class VA, 3.000% Due
    3,522,116       3,562,627  
FNMA CMO Series 2014-04 Class PC, 3.000% Due
    3,597,332       3,637,525  
FNMA CMO Series 2014-28 Class PA, 3.500% Due
    466,332       479,493  
FNMA CMO Series 2015-72 Class GB, 2.500% Due
    4,290,716       4,278,496  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
FNMA CMO Series 2016-39 Class LA, 2.500% Due
    1,251,212     $ 1,226,316  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-40 Class PA, 3.000% Due
    366,185       369,802  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-49 Class PA, 3.000% Due
    2,623,254       2,642,061  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-79 Class L, 2.500% Due 10/25/2044     1,685,938       1,659,545  
FNMA CMO Series 2017-30 Class G, 3.000% Due 07/25/2040     4,422,270       4,487,254  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 253300, 7.500% Due 05/01/2020     341       344  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 725027, 5.000% Due 11/01/2033     437,589       475,334  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 725704, 6.000% Due 08/01/2034     169,193       192,388  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 888223, 5.500% Due 01/01/2036     619,358       687,322  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 889185, 5.000% Due 12/01/2019     25,723       26,186  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 995112, 5.500% Due 07/01/2036     419,202       465,044  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool AA4392, 4.000% Due
    1,333,167       1,401,893  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool AL9309, 3.500% Due 10/01/2031     1,958,604       2,025,212  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool MA0384, 5.000% Due
    1,230,717       1,323,143  
GNMA CMO Series 2009-124 Class L, 4.000% Due 11/20/2038     132,552       134,453  
GNMA II Pool 2658, 6.500% Due 10/20/2028     20,593       23,451  
GNMA II Pool 2945, 7.500% Due 07/20/2030     3,529       4,070  
GNMA II Pool 4187, 5.500% Due 07/20/2038     14,053       14,626  
GNMA II Pool 4847, 4.000% Due 11/20/2025     352,903       368,241  
GNMA Pool 780400, 7.000% Due 12/15/2025     2,465       2,776  

Fixed Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
GNMA Pool 780420, 7.500% Due 08/15/2026     1,458     $ 1,631  
16.5% – Total For Government Agency Obligations – Mortgage Backed
  $ 69,071,269  
Taxable Municipal Bonds                  
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, 2.853% Due 11/15/2026     1,085,000       1,045,536  
Florida Atlantic University Capital Improvement Revenue – Build America Bonds, 6.249% Due 07/01/2020     1,000,000       1,081,010  
Florida Atlantic University Capital Improvement Revenue – Build America Bonds, 7.439% Due 07/01/2030     2,125,000       2,379,617  
Florida Atlantic University Capital Improvement Revenue – Build America Bonds, 7.589% Due 07/01/2037     2,500,000       2,791,825  
Kansas Development Finance Authority Revenue, 3.941% Due 04/15/2026     8,000,000       8,393,360  
Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission Revenue, 6.164% Due 08/01/2023     1,000,000       1,119,770  
Ohio Major New Infrastructure Revenue – Build America Bonds, 4.844% Due 12/15/2019     2,450,000       2,553,512  
University of Cincinnati Ohio General Receipts Revenue – Build America Bonds, 5.616% Due 06/01/2025     930,000       1,012,984  
University of Washington Revenue – Build America Bonds, 5.400% Due 06/01/2036     3,000,000       3,676,860  
5.8% – Total For Taxable Municipal Bonds   $ 24,054,474  
Total Fixed Income Securities – Bonds 96.5%   $ 403,210,589  
(Identified Cost $397,493,079)
Preferred Stocks     Shares           
Allstate Corp. Subordinated Debentures, 5.100% Due 01/15/2053     140,077       3,675,620  
Total Preferred Stocks 0.9%   $ 3,675,620  
(Identified Cost $3,489,282)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Cash Equivalents   Shares   Fair Value
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z, 1.15% (7-day yield)**     7,462,421     $ 7,462,421  
Total Cash Equivalents 1.8%   $ 7,462,421  
(Identified Cost $7,462,421)
Total Portfolio Value 99.2%   $ 414,348,630  
(Identified Cost $408,444,782)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.8%   $ 3,311,641  
Total Net Assets 100%   $ 417,660,271  
** Variable Rate Security; the rate shown is as of December 31, 2017.

ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage

CMO – Collateralized Mortgage Obligation

FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

FFCB – Federal Farm Credit Bank

FHLB – Federal Home Loan Bank

FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

FNMA – Federal National Mortgage Association

GNMA – Government National Mortgage Association

LP – Limited Partnership


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Akron Ohio GO Limited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2024     400,000     $ 474,252  
Akron Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2025     650,000       725,510  
Akron Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2026     395,000       443,403  
Cedar Park Texas GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 02/15/2018     400,000       400,768  
Cincinnati Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2019     1,000,000       1,062,750  
Cincinnati Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.250% Due 12/01/2029     200,000       242,720  
Columbus Ohio GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 04/01/2031     1,000,000       1,123,100  
Columbus Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 06/01/2018     500,000       507,405  
Fairborn Ohio GO Limited, 1.750% Due 09/07/2018     425,000       425,204  
Fairborn Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation Notes, 2.000% Due 03/22/2018     1,000,000       1,001,120  
Gahanna Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2021     420,000       456,233  
Groveport Ohio GO Limited (AMBAC Insured), 3.500% Due 12/01/2023     185,000       194,724  
Hurst Texas GO Limited, 4.000% Due 08/15/2031     335,000       367,056  
Lakewood Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2028     840,000       943,648  
Lakewood Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2029     300,000       334,980  
Marysville Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation Notes, 1.750% Due 08/23/2018     500,000       500,155  
Mason Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2020*     375,000       379,009  
Medina Ohio GO Limited, 2.000% Due 12/01/2020     165,000       165,833  
Newport Kentucky GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 05/01/2023     205,000       214,040  
Pembroke Pines Florida GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 09/01/2024     200,000       237,514  
Pickerington Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation Notes, 2.000% due 02/08/2018     600,000       600,246  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Plain City Ohio GO Bond Anticipation Notes, 2.125% Due 05/15/2018     1,100,000     $ 1,101,629  
Riversouth Ohio Authority Revenue, 4.000% Due 12/01/2031     700,000       759,227  
Seven Hills Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation Notes, 2.250% Due 06/28/2018     520,000       521,414  
Springfield Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation, 2.000% Due 03/30/2018     370,000       370,659  
Strongsville Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2030     350,000       383,359  
Tiffin Ohio GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 12/01/2018     420,000       425,410  
Tiffin Ohio GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 12/01/2020     225,000       232,234  
11.8% – Total For General Obligation – 
  $ 14,593,602  
Butler County Ohio General Obligation Limited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2024     160,000       190,837  
Franklin County Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2018     220,000       224,816  
Hamilton County Ohio GO Limited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2028     500,000       619,025  
Hamilton County Ohio Various Purpose GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2018     160,000       163,664  
Knox County Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2025     460,000       515,200  
Lorain County Ohio GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2030     450,000       486,945  
Lucas County Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 10/01/2028     1,000,000       1,108,700  
Mercer County Ohio GO Limited, 3.000% Due 11/01/2018     200,000       202,356  
Ottawa County Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2021     295,000       318,703  
Portage County Ohio GO Limited, 3.000% Due 12/01/2021     270,000       273,453  
Preble County Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation, 1.200% due 09/19/2018     250,000       249,038  
Rowan County Kentucky GO Unlimited (AGM Insured), 4.000% Due 06/01/2024     390,000       430,283  
Summit County Ohio GO Limited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2023     300,000       335,598  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Warren County Ohio GO Limited Bond Anticipation, 1.625% Due 08/23/2018     500,000     $ 500,210  
4.5% – Total For General Obligation – County   $ 5,618,828  
Ohio GO Limited, 3.000% Due 09/01/2026     1,385,000       1,451,757  
Ohio GO Unlimited, 3.125% Due 08/01/2019     235,000       240,633  
Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 09/01/2022     400,000       457,936  
Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 08/01/2018     635,000       647,992  
Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 02/01/2019     500,000       518,635  
Ohio GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 05/01/2019     1,000,000       1,045,960  
Ohio GO Unlimited Variable Rate, 1.650% Due 03/15/2025**     300,000       300,000  
Ohio GO Unlimited Common Schools – Series C, 4.250% Due 09/15/2022     845,000       939,894  
Ohio Infrastructure Improvement GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 08/01/2022     500,000       571,180  
Pennsylvania GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 01/01/2030     500,000       542,445  
Pennsylvania GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 01/01/2024     375,000       433,665  
Pennsylvania GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 01/15/2027     1,000,000       1,209,110  
6.7% – Total For General Obligation –
  $ 8,359,207  
Arizona Board of Regents Revenue Arizona State University, 5.000% Due 08/01/2028     815,000       950,225  
Arizona Board of Regents Revenue University of Arizona, 5.000% Due 06/01/2029     125,000       146,717  
Bowling Green State University Ohio Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2024     405,000       475,097  
Bowling Green State University Ohio Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2032     500,000       589,535  
Colorado Board of Governors University Enterprise System Revenue, 5.000% Due 03/01/2027     225,000       277,848  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Colorado Higher Education Lease Financing Program Certificate of Participation, 5.000% Due 11/01/2025     290,000     $ 349,244  
Cuyahoga Ohio Community College District General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 02/01/2018     875,000       877,459  
Florida State Board of Governors Florida State University Mandatory Student Fee Revenue Series A, 4.000% Due 07/01/2018     600,000       607,602  
Kent State University Ohio General Receipt Revenue, 4.000% Due 05/01/2022     255,000       276,588  
Lake County Ohio Community College District GO Unlimited, 2.000% Due 12/01/2018     155,000       155,783  
Lorain County Ohio Community College District General Receipts Revenue Bond, 3.000% Due 06/01/2020     190,000       194,856  
Lorain County Ohio Community College District General Receipts Revenue Bond, 4.000% Due 12/01/2025     600,000       674,772  
Miami University Ohio General Receipts Revenue, 4.000% Due 09/01/2023     1,040,000       1,111,916  
Miami University Ohio General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 09/01/2020     400,000       434,412  
Miami University Ohio General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 09/01/2020     100,000       108,466  
Miami University Ohio Revenue, 4.000% Due 09/01/2027     300,000       325,593  
Northern Kentucky University General Receipts Revenue, 3.000% Due 09/01/2021     210,000       217,375  
Ohio Higher Education Facilities Revenue – University of Dayton, 3.000% Due 12/01/2018     125,000       126,553  
Ohio Higher Education Facilities Revenue – University of Dayton, 5.000% Due 12/01/2018     155,000       159,717  
Ohio Higher Education Facilities Revenue – University of Dayton, 5.500% Due 12/01/2024     250,000       258,965  
Ohio Higher Education Facilities Revenue – Xavier University, 4.500% Due 05/01/2036     1,000,000       1,070,910  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Ohio State University General Receipts Revenue, 4.000% Due 06/01/2030     200,000     $ 221,188  
Ohio University General Receipts Revenue Bond, 5.000% Due 12/01/2019     135,000       143,471  
Ohio University General Receipts Revenue Bond, 5.000% Due 12/01/2022     110,000       125,860  
South Dakota Board of Regents Housing and Auxiliary Facilities System Revenue, 5.000% Due 04/01/2026     315,000       379,055  
University of Akron Ohio General Receipts Revenue (AGM Insured), 5.000% Due 01/01/2022     350,000       372,271  
University of Akron Ohio General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 01/01/2028     410,000       482,304  
University of Akron Ohio General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 01/01/2029     650,000       750,107  
University of Akron Ohio General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 01/01/2029     335,000       397,330  
University of Akron Ohio Revenue, 5.000% Due 01/01/2027     350,000       420,147  
University of Cincinnati General Receipts Revenue, 4.000% Due 06/01/2036     250,000       265,678  
University of Cincinnati General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2020     300,000       323,361  
University of Cincinnati General Receipts Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2026     470,000       525,225  
University of Cincinnati Ohio Receipts Revenue (Assured Guaranty Insured), 5.000% Due 06/01/2019     300,000       314,343  
University of Louisville Kentucky General Receipts Revenue
(State Intercept), 5.000% Due 03/01/2018
    220,000       221,192  
University of Toledo Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2021     300,000       331,095  
University of Toledo Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2026     885,000       996,306  
University of Toledo Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2031     500,000       615,965  
13.1% – Total For Higher Education   $ 16,274,531  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Allegheny County Pennsylvania Hospital Development Authority Revenue – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 5.000% Due 10/15/2024     100,000     $ 111,021  
Allegheny County Pennsylvania Hospital Development Authority Revenue – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 6.000% Due 07/01/2027     250,000       325,020  
Franklin County Ohio Hospital Revenue Nationwide Childrens – Series A, 4.500% Due 11/01/2021*     335,000       343,288  
Franklin County Ohio Hospital Revenue Nationwide Childrens, 4.000% Due 11/01/2036     800,000       851,232  
Franklin County Ohio Hospital Revenue Nationwide Childrens, 5.000% Due 11/01/2024*     500,000       530,770  
Franklin County Ohio Hospital Revenue Nationwide Childrens, 5.000% Due 11/01/2032     500,000       605,880  
Hamilton County Ohio Health Care Facilities Revenue – The Christ Hospital Obligated Group, 5.250% Due 06/01/2027     1,000,000       1,136,550  
Hamilton County Ohio Health Care Facilities Revenue – The Christ Hospital, 5.250% Due 06/01/2025     950,000       1,081,879  
Hamilton County Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue Cincinnati Children's Hospital, 5.000% Due 05/15/2027     100,000       117,717  
Hamilton County Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue Cincinnati Children's Hospital, 5.000% Due 05/15/2028     1,000,000       1,172,610  
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority Hospital Facilities Revenue – St. Elizabeth Medical Center, 5.000% Due 05/01/2024*     500,000       522,235  
Monroeville Pennsylvania Finance Authority Revenue – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 5.000% Due 02/15/2027     300,000       364,617  
Nashville and Davidson County Tennessee Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 5.000% Due 07/01/2031     430,000       500,369  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue – Cleveland Clinic, 5.000% Due 01/01/2018     100,000     $ 100,000  
Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue – Cleveland Clinic, 5.000% Due 01/01/2020     170,000       180,887  
Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue – Cleveland Clinic, 5.000% Due 01/01/2025*     430,000       444,930  
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Revenue, 5.000% Due 02/01/2029     250,000       289,798  
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Revenue, 5.000% Due 02/01/2025     450,000       535,671  
Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facility Bond – University of Pennsylvania Health System, 5.250% Due 08/15/2026*     500,000       560,130  
7.9% – Total For Hospital/Health Bonds   $ 9,774,604  
Columbus Ohio Metropolitan Library Special Obligation Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2026     505,000       617,928  
Franklin County Ohio Convention Facilities Authority Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2022     500,000       570,830  
Hopkins County Kentucky Public Properties Corp. Judicial Center Project First Mortgage Revenue, 3.000% Due 06/01/2019     300,000       304,950  
Huntsville Alabama Public Building Authority Revenue, 5.000% Due 10/01/2033     800,000       965,832  
Mason Ohio Certificate of Participation – Community Center Project, 3.625% Due 12/01/2018     150,000       152,886  
Newport Kentucky First Mortgage Court Facilities Project Revenue, 4.000% Due 10/01/2025     500,000       513,660  
Newport Kentucky First Mortgage Court Facilities Project Revenue, 4.000% Due 10/01/2026     100,000       102,507  
Ohio Capital Facilities Lease Appropriation – Parks & Recreational Improvement Revenue, 1.500% Due 08/01/2018     100,000       100,057  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Ohio Capital Facilities Lease Appropriation Revenue, 4.000% Due 04/01/2026*     150,000     $ 160,498  
Ohio Capital Facilities Lease Appropriation Revenue, 5.000% Due 04/01/2024*     275,000       302,879  
Ohio Cultural and Sports Facilities Project Revenue, 4.000% Due 10/01/2019     225,000       233,854  
Ohio Parks and Recreation Capital Facilities Revenue, 5.000% Due 02/01/2023     300,000       344,811  
Ohio Parks and Recreation Capital Facilities Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2020     1,000,000       1,090,050  
4.4% – Total For Revenue Bonds – 
  $ 5,460,742  
Anderson Indiana Sewage Works Revenue (AGM Insured), 4.000% Due 11/01/2026     300,000       339,504  
Arizona Water Infrastructure Finance Authority Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2021*     500,000       513,200  
Cape Coral Florida Water & Sewer Revenue, 5.000% Due 10/01/2024     535,000       630,968  
Central Ohio Solid Waste Authority GO Limited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023*     10,000       11,324  
Central Ohio Solid Waste Authority GO Limited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023*     75,000       84,928  
Central Ohio Solid Waste Authority GO Limited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023     45,000       51,141  
Clermont County Ohio Sewer System Revenue, 2.000% Due 08/01/2018     300,000       300,963  
Evansville Indiana Waterworks District Revenue (BAM Insured), 4.000% Due 01/01/2029     400,000       442,624  
Evansville Indiana Waterworks District Revenue (BAM Insured), 5.000% Due 01/01/2022     300,000       334,143  
Lafayette Indiana Sewage Works Revenue, 5.000% Due 07/01/2022     150,000       168,975  
Lima Ohio Sanitary Sewer Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2024     200,000       226,030  
Mt. Vernon Ohio Waterworks Revenue, 3.750% Due 12/01/2018     225,000       229,417  
Ohio Water Development Authority Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2022     275,000       316,880  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Springboro Ohio Sewer System Revenue, 4.000% Due 06/01/2022     245,000     $ 265,156  
St. Charles County Missouri Public Water Supply Dist. 2 Certificates of Participation, 4.000% Due 12/01/2031     400,000       426,524  
Toledo Ohio Water System Revenue, 5.000% Due 11/15/2025     255,000       308,512  
Toledo Ohio Waterworks Revenue, 4.000% Due 11/15/2022     365,000       401,175  
Toledo Ohio Waterworks Revenue, 5.000% Due 11/15/2026     500,000       612,655  
4.6% – Total For Revenue Bonds – Water & Sewer   $ 5,664,119  
Akron Ohio Income Tax Revenue Community Learning Centers, 5.000% Due 12/01/2028     380,000       430,130  
Akron Ohio Income Tax Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023     1,100,000       1,283,766  
Aurora Colorado Certificates of Participation, 3.500% Due 12/01/2018     280,000       285,071  
Cincinnati Ohio Economic Development Revenue (Baldwin 300 Project), 4.750% Due 11/01/2030     500,000       580,825  
Cincinnati Ohio Economic Development Revenue (Baldwin 300 Project), 5.000% Due 11/01/2032     390,000       457,755  
Cincinnati Ohio Economic Development Revenue U-Square-the-Loop Project, 3.500% Due 11/01/2024     110,000       115,261  
Cincinnati Ohio Economic Development Revenue, 4.200% Due 11/01/2019*     150,000       153,342  
Escambia County Florida Pollution Control Revenue (Gulf Power Company), 2.100% Due 07/01/2022     820,000       817,130  
Hamilton County Ohio Economic Development King Highland Community Urban Redevelopment Corp. Revenue, 5.000% Due 06/01/2030     655,000       771,439  
Humboldt County Nevada Polution Control Revenue (Sierra Pacific Power Co.), 1.250% Due 10/01/2029     300,000       297,078  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Lorain County Ohio Sales Tax Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes, 1.750% Due 11/27/2018     500,000     $ 500,565  
Louisa Virginia Industrial Development Authority (Virginia Electric & Power Co.), 1.850% Due 11/01/2035     550,000       552,519  
Louisa Virginia Industrial Development Authority (Virginia Electric & Power Co.), 2.150% Due 11/01/2035     650,000       654,530  
Mason Ohio Certificate of Participation, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023     750,000       813,750  
Mobile Alabama Industrial Development Board Pollution Control Revenue, 1.625% Due 07/15/2034     400,000       398,448  
Monroe County Georgia Development Authority Pollution Control Revenue, 2.050% Due 07/01/2049     500,000       499,810  
Montgomery County Ohio Transportation Improvement Special Obligation Revenue, 3.500% Due 12/01/2019     400,000       405,392  
Ohio Major New Infrastructure Revenue, 5.500% Due
    600,000       610,908  
Ohio Major New State Infrastructure Project Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/15/2022     250,000       282,803  
Ohio Major New State Infrastructure Project Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/15/2023     500,000       584,970  
Ohio Major New State Infrastructure Project Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/15/2026     500,000       609,565  
Ohio Major New State Infrastructure Project Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/15/2028     570,000       689,027  
Ohio Mental Health Capital Facilities Revenue, 5.000% Due 02/01/2025     1,000,000       1,195,600  
Ohio Transportation Project Revenue, 2.000% Due 05/15/2018     155,000       155,355  
Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission (National Re Insured), 5.500% Due 02/15/2019     705,000       736,098  
Texas Tax and Revenue Anticipation, 4.000% Due 08/30/2018     900,000       914,850  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Walton County Florida Board Certificates of Participation, 5.000% due 07/01/2027     500,000     $ 612,645  
Washington Certificates of Participation, 5.000% Due 07/01/2019     900,000       944,595  
13.2% – Total For Other Revenue Bonds   $ 16,353,227  
Aldine Texas ISD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 02/15/2030     780,000       862,797  
Avon Indiana Community School Building Corporation Revenue, 4.000% Due 01/15/2019     500,000       512,505  
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2031     325,000       354,666  
Berea Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2031     500,000       545,780  
Boone County Kentucky SD Finance Corporation Revenue, 2.500% Due 05/01/2019     500,000       504,305  
Breckinridge County Kentucky SD Finance Corp., 5.000% Due 04/01/2025     265,000       314,234  
Bullitt County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. School Building Revenue Bond, 2.500% Due 07/01/2018     315,000       316,345  
Chillicothe Ohio CSD Special Obligation Revenue, 4.000% Due 12/01/2023     130,000       141,530  
Chillicothe Ohio SD GO Unlimited (AGM Insured), 4.000% Due 12/01/2029     400,000       440,528  
Clark County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. Revenue Bond, 3.000% Due 08/01/2022     115,000       120,211  
Cleveland Heights and University Heights Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2032     1,000,000       1,090,540  
Columbus Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2029     400,000       443,332  
Columbus Ohio CSD School Facilities Construction and Improvement GO, 4.000% Due 12/01/2023*     175,000       180,910  
Dayton Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (SDCP), 1.500% Due 11/01/2018     500,000       499,455  
Dexter Michigan CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 05/01/2031     500,000       549,800  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Dublin Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2026     500,000     $ 578,780  
Elyria Ohio SCD GO Unlimited (SDCP), 4.000% Due 12/01/2030     1,000,000       1,102,330  
Fairfield Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2020     420,000       458,447  
Fairlawn Ohio LSD GO Unlimited (School District Credit Program), 3.000% Due 12/01/2018     170,000       172,375  
Fort Mill South Carolina School Facilities Corp. Installment Purchase Revenue, 5.000% Due 12/01/2024     300,000       353,787  
Franklin Indiana Community Multi-School Building Corp., 5.000% Due 01/15/2023     200,000       227,770  
Granville Ohio Exempted Village SD GO Unlimited, 1.750% Due 12/01/2018     455,000       454,331  
Greenville Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (SD Credit Program Insured), 4.000% Due 01/01/2021     110,000       116,594  
Hamilton Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (School District Credit Program), 5.000% Due 12/01/2019     300,000       318,126  
Hardin County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. Revenue, 2.500% Due 06/01/2021     100,000       101,772  
Hardin County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. Revenue, 5.000% Due 05/01/2024     500,000       583,870  
Hillsborough County Florida School Board Certificates of Participation, 5.000% Due 07/01/2025     200,000       239,566  
Indian Lake Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 2.000% Due 12/01/2018     250,000       251,125  
Jackson Milton Ohio LSD Certificates of Participation (BAM Insured), 2.000% Due 06/01/2019     200,000       200,804  
Jackson Milton Ohio LSD Certificates of Participation (BAM Insured), 4.000% Due 06/01/2031     270,000       290,234  
Johnstown-Monroe Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2029     800,000       887,216  
Keller Texas ISD GO Unlimited, 4.500% Due 02/15/2020     5,000       5,160  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Kenston Ohio LSD Improvement GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2019     150,000     $ 159,471  
Kenton County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. Revenue, 4.000% Due 02/01/2028     400,000       442,400  
Kettering Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2020     240,000       254,206  
Kettering Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2030     400,000       438,904  
Lake Ohio LSD of Stark County GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2023     400,000       435,476  
Lakota Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2027     275,000       303,231  
Lakota Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2021     350,000       391,968  
Lakota Ohio LSD GO, 5.250% Due 12/01/2025     205,000       253,015  
Licking Heights Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 10/01/2025     715,000       849,534  
Louisville Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (SDCP), 3.000% Due 12/01/2020     370,000       382,428  
Marysville Michigan PSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 05/01/2021     250,000       275,552  
Marysville Ohio Exempted Village SD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2023     165,000       180,442  
Marysville Ohio Exempted Village SD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2022     715,000       817,009  
Mayfield Ohio CSD Certificates of Participation, 4.000% Due 09/01/2032     280,000       303,878  
Miamisburg Ohio CSD Certificates of Participation, 2.000% Due 12/01/2018     160,000       160,720  
Milford Ohio Exempt Village SD GO Unlimited (AGM Insured), 5.500% Due 12/01/2030     1,260,000       1,601,914  
Mt. Healthy Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (School District Credit Program), 5.000% Due
    250,000       257,655  
Munster Indiana School Building Corp. Revenue (State Intercept), 4.000% Due 01/15/2029     400,000       438,120  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Murray Kentucky ISD Finance Corporation Revenue, 5.000% Due 03/01/2025     810,000     $ 958,303  
Newark Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (School District Credit Program), 4.000% Due 12/01/2026     235,000       260,864  
North Olmsted Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2029     500,000       558,490  
Northwest Ohio LSD Hamilton & Butler Counties Certificates of Participation, 2.500% Due 12/01/2019     150,000       152,331  
Northwest Ohio LSD Hamilton & Butler Counties GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2028     100,000       116,100  
Northwest Ohio LSD Hamilton & Butler Counties GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2029     150,000       173,880  
Olmsted Falls Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 2.000% Due 12/01/2018     110,000       110,546  
Orange County Florida School Board Certificates of Participation, 5.000% Due 08/01/2032     500,000       586,925  
Parchment Michigan SD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 05/01/2018     275,000       277,087  
Princeton Ohio CSD Certificates of Participation, 3.500% Due 12/01/2026     275,000       284,039  
Reynoldsburg Ohio CSD GO, 4.375% Due 12/01/2018     200,000       202,402  
Reynoldsburg Ohio CSD GO, 5.000% Due 12/01/2020*     200,000       202,912  
Sarah Scott Indiana Middle School Building Corp. Revenue, 5.000% Due 07/10/2022     640,000       722,867  
Scott County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. Revenue Bond, 2.500% Due 02/01/2018     100,000       100,070  
South Range Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 2.000% Due 12/01/2018     125,000       125,394  
Southwest Licking Ohio LSD GO Unlimited, 2.000% Due 11/01/2018     500,000       502,085  
Springboro Ohio CSD GO (AGM Insured), 5.250% Due 12/01/2018     310,000       320,475  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Switzerland Ohio LSD GO Unlimited (SDCEP Insured), 4.000% Due 12/01/2026     415,000     $ 449,594  
Toledo Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2029     660,000       786,106  
Trotwood-Madison Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (SDCP), 4.000% Due 12/01/2030     350,000       385,816  
Trotwood-Madison Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 4.000% Due 12/01/2028     210,000       234,843  
Vandalia Butler Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 12/01/2024     500,000       528,470  
Vermillion Ohio LSD Certificates of Participation, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023     230,000       250,028  
Wadsworth Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 12/01/2019     120,000       123,172  
Wadsworth Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 3.500% Due 12/01/2022     215,000       226,234  
Washington County Kentucky SD Finance Corp. Revenue Bond, 3.000% Due 08/01/2019     185,000       188,204  
Wentzville R-IV SD of Saint Charles County Missouri Certificates of Participation, 4.000% Due 04/01/2030     395,000       427,757  
Western Reserve Ohio LSD GO (SDCEP Insured), 4.000% Due 12/01/2022     240,000       252,401  
Willoughby-Eastlake Ohio CSD Certificates of Participation (BAM Insured), 4.000% Due 03/01/2030     810,000       879,960  
Wyoming Ohio CSD GO Unlimited, 5.000% Due 12/01/2023     200,000       233,534  
Wyoming Ohio CSD School Improvement GO Unlimited, 3.000% Due 12/01/2018     160,000       162,206  
Zanesville Ohio CSD GO Unlimited (SDCEP Insured), 4.500% Due 12/01/2019     200,000       210,212  
26.0% – Total For School District   $ 32,158,455  
Kansas Development Finance Authority, 5.000% Due
    580,000       603,531  

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Kentucky Asset and Liability Commission Revenue, 5.250% Due 09/1/2023     965,000     $ 1,132,051  
Kentucky Association of Counties Finance Corp. Revenue, 4.250% Due 02/01/2023*     180,000       190,404  
Kentucky Association of Counties Finance Corp. Revenue, 4.250% Due 02/01/2023     20,000       21,229  
Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission Revenue, 5.000% Due 08/01/2029     600,000       694,878  
Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission Revenue, 5.000% Due 08/01/2030     600,000       692,208  
Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission Revenue, 5.000% Due 10/01/2023     350,000       403,007  
Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission Revenue, 5.000% Due 11/01/2026     640,000       764,339  
Ohio Building Authority Revenue, 5.000% Due 10/01/2020     215,000       227,558  
Ohio Department of Administration Certificate of Participation – Multi-Agency Radio Communication Project, 4.000% Due 09/01/2027     145,000       156,762  
Ohio Department of Administration Certificate of Participation – Multi-Agency Radio Communication Project, 5.000% Due 09/01/2020     350,000       378,966  
Ohio Department of Administration Certificate of Participation, 5.000% Due 03/01/2024     300,000       336,138  
Ohio Department of Administration Certificate of Participation, 5.000% Due 09/01/2018     435,000       444,853  
Ohio Department of Administration Certificate of Participation, 5.000% Due 09/01/2018     850,000       869,252  
5.6% – Total For State Agency   $ 6,915,176  
Missouri State Housing Development Commission Single Family Mortgage Revenue (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 3.550% Due 05/01/2023     220,000       229,024  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Municipal Income Securities – Bonds   Face Value   Fair Value
Missouri State Housing Development Commission Single Family Mortgage Revenue Series C (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.650% Due 09/01/2024     35,000     $ 36,280  
Ohio Housing Finance Agency Residential Mortgage Revenue 2009 Series A, 5.550% Due 09/01/2028     110,000       112,395  
Ohio Housing Finance Agency Residential Mortgage Revenue Series F (FNMA/GNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.500% Due 09/01/2024     175,000       179,610  
Ohio Housing Finance Agency Revenue, 5.900% Due 09/01/2023     95,000       95,648  
0.5% – Total For Housing   $ 652,957  
Total Municipal Income Securities –  Bonds 98.3%   $ 121,825,448  
(Identified Cost $119,843,523)
Cash Equivalents     Shares           
Dreyfus AMT-Free Tax Cash Management Fund, 1.27% (7-day yield)**     1,425,488       1,425,406  
Total Cash Equivalents 1.2%   $ 1,425,406  
(Identified Cost $1,425,488)
Total Portfolio Value 99.5%   $ 123,250,854  
(Identified Cost $121,269,011)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.5%   $ 673,173  
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 123,924,027  
* Pre-refunded/Escrowed-to-Maturity Bonds; as of December 31, 2017, these bonds represented 4.19% of total assets.
** Variable Rate Security; the rate shown is as of December 31, 2017.

AGM – Assured Guaranty Municipal Mortgage Association

AMBAC – American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.

BAM – Build America Mutual

CSD – City School District

FGIC – Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.

FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

FNMA – Federal National Mortgage Association

FSA – Financial Security Assurance

GNMA – Government National Mortgage Association

GO – General Obligation

LSD – Local School District

MBIA – Municipal Bond Insurance Association

PSD – Public School District

SD – School District

SDCP – Ohio School District Credit Program

SDCEP – Ohio School District Credit Enhancement Program

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Assets and Liabilities

Investment Securities at Fair Value*   $ 199,165,674     $ 51,612,476     $ 58,960,379  
Dividends and Interest Receivable     264,538       65,279       52,123  
Fund Shares Sold Receivable     375,139       36,611       99,779  
Total Assets   $ 199,805,351     $ 51,714,366     $ 59,112,281  
Accrued Management Fees   $ 168,146     $ 43,788     $ 49,669  
Fund Shares Redeemed Payable     1,360,634       1,026,429       448,861  
Total Liabilities   $ 1,528,780     $ 1,070,217     $ 498,530  
Net Assets   $ 198,276,571     $ 50,644,149     $ 58,613,751  
Net Assets Consist of:
Paid in Capital   $ 150,448,966     $ 36,139,511     $ 46,242,520  
Accumulated Undistributed Net Investment Income (Loss)     19,774       4,105        
Accumulated Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security Transactions     3,541,184       (17,567 )      19,593  
Net Unrealized Gain on Investments     44,266,647       14,518,100       12,351,638  
Net Assets   $ 198,276,571     $ 50,644,149     $ 58,613,751  
Shares Outstanding (Unlimited Amount Authorized)     7,894,521       1,592,947       1,366,724  
Offering, Redemption and Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 25.12     $ 31.79     $ 42.89  
*Identified Cost of Investment Securities   $ 154,899,027     $ 37,094,377     $ 46,608,741  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – Continued

Investment Securities at Fair Value*   $ 10,914,607     $ 17,902,350     $ 414,348,630     $ 123,250,854  
Cash                 12,450        
Dividends and Interest Receivable     46,960       16,532       2,980,155       994,796  
Receivable for CMO Paydowns                 5,601        
Fund Shares Sold Receivable     10,125       79,670       1,562,448       352,000  
Total Assets   $ 10,971,692     $ 17,998,552     $ 418,909,284     $ 124,597,650  
Accrued Management Fees   $ 9,307     $ 14,947     $ 295,524     $ 67,503  
Due to Custodian                       606,120  
Fund Shares Redeemed Payable           304,514       953,489        
Total Liabilities   $ 9,307     $ 319,461     $ 1,249,013     $ 673,623  
Net Assets   $ 10,962,385     $ 17,679,091     $ 417,660,271     $ 123,924,027  
Net Assets Consist of:
Paid in Capital   $ 5,597,874     $ 14,165,050     $ 411,909,954     $ 121,942,184  
Accumulated Undistributed Net Investment Income (Loss)           (135,707 )      20,412        
Accumulated Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security
    (3,988 )      (440,011 )      (173,943 )       
Net Unrealized Gain on Investments     5,368,499       4,089,759       5,903,848       1,981,843  
Net Assets   $ 10,962,385     $ 17,679,091     $ 417,660,271     $ 123,924,027  
Shares Outstanding (Unlimited Amount Authorized)     688,154       670,414       24,799,241       7,167,194  
Offering, Redemption and Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 15.93     $ 26.37     $ 16.84     $ 17.29  
*Identified Cost of Investment Securities   $ 5,546,108     $ 13,812,591     $ 408,444,782     $ 121,269,011  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Operations

Income Fund
     Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
Investment Income:
Interest   $ 34,733     $ 6,012     $ 12,557  
Dividends     3,727,728       689,625       652,709  
Foreign withholding taxes on dividends     (70,680 )      (9,147 )      (1,080 ) 
Total Investment Income   $ 3,691,781     $ 686,490     $ 664,186  
Management Fee   $ 1,731,593     $ 478,514     $ 493,009  
Net Expenses   $ 1,731,593     $ 478,514     $ 493,009  
Net Investment Income   $ 1,960,188     $ 207,976     $ 171,177  
Realized and Unrealized Gains/(Losses):
Net Realized Gain from Security Transactions   $ 15,434,609     $ 5,295,707     $ 5,517,217  
Net Change in Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments     21,383,528       4,597,432       2,301,480  
Net Gain/(Loss) on Investments   $ 36,818,137     $ 9,893,139     $ 7,818,697  
Net Change in Net Assets from Operations   $ 38,778,325     $ 10,101,115     $ 7,989,874  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Operations – Continued

     Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
Investment Income:
Interest   $ 769     $ 2,679     $ 9,091,882     $ 2,494,662  
Dividends     295,096       460,982       178,598       25,594  
Foreign withholding taxes on Dividends           (59,061 )             
Total Investment Income   $ 295,865     $ 404,600     $ 9,270,480     $ 2,520,256  
Management Fee   $ 107,438     $ 160,323     $ 2,881,587     $ 655,678  
Net Expenses   $ 107,438     $ 160,323     $ 2,881,587     $ 655,678  
Net Investment Income   $ 188,427     $ 244,277     $ 6,388,893     $ 1,864,578  
Realized and Unrealized Gains/(Losses):
Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security Transactions   $ 59,677     $ (126,955 )    $ 1,298,390     $ 58,804  
Net Change in Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments     370,874       2,831,452       2,786,440       1,123,221  
Net Gain/(Loss) on Investments   $ 430,551     $ 2,704,497     $ 4,084,830     $ 1,182,025  
Net Change in Net Assets from Operations   $ 618,978     $ 2,948,774     $ 10,473,723     $ 3,046,603  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

  Equity Income Fund   Growth Fund   Opportunity Fund
     Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
Net Investment Income   $ 1,960,188     $ 1,949,411     $ 207,976     $ 180,006     $ 171,177     $ 190,631  
Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security Transactions     15,434,609       2,885,126       5,295,707       881,901       5,517,217       458,109  
Net Change in Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments     21,383,528       11,368,760       4,597,432       2,031,039       2,301,480       5,814,150  
Net Change in Net Assets from Operations   $ 38,778,325     $ 16,203,297     $ 10,101,115     $ 3,092,946     $ 7,989,874     $ 6,462,890  
Distributions to Shareholders:
Net Investment Income   $ (1,939,577 )    $ (1,957,217 )    $ (203,872 )    $ (240,004 )    $ (182,864 )    $ (204,492 ) 
Return of Capital                                   (52,540.00 ) 
Net Realized Gain from Security Transactions     (12,678,977 )      (2,598,374 )      (5,286,104 )      (343,954 )      (5,485,937 )      (571,519 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Distributions   $ (14,618,554 )    $ (4,555,591 )    $ (5,489,976 )    $ (583,958 )    $ (5,668,801 )    $ (828,551 ) 
Capital Share Transactions:
Proceeds From Sale of Shares   $ 30,137,370     $ 17,598,046     $ 3,227,955     $ 2,505,993     $ 13,964,000     $ 3,189,076  
Shares Issued on Reinvestment of Distributions     14,553,568       4,534,832       5,487,677       581,397       5,658,637       825,174  
Cost of Shares Redeemed     (20,593,327 )      (15,955,861 )      (7,210,778 )      (7,742,693 )      (4,852,966 )      (5,900,389 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Capital Share Transactions   $ 24,097,611     $ 6,177,017     $ 1,504,854     $ (4,655,303 )    $ 14,769,671     $ (1,886,139 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets   $ 48,257,382     $ 17,824,723     $ 6,115,993     $ (2,146,315)     $ 17,090,744     $ 3,748,200  
Net Assets at Beginning of Year   $ 150,019,189     $ 132,194,466     $ 44,528,156     $ 46,674,471     $ 41,523,007     $ 37,774,807  
Net Assets at End of Year   $ 198,276,571     $ 150,019,189     $ 50,644,149     $ 44,528,156     $ 58,613,751     $ 41,523,007  
Including accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss) of   $ 19,774     $     $ 4,105     $     $     $  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Changes in Net Assets – Continued

  Realty Fund   International Fund   Fixed Income Fund   Municipal Income Fund
     Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
Net Investment Income   $ 188,427     $ 150,392     $ 244,277     $ 259,916     $ 6,388,893     $ 4,948,012     $ 1,864,578     $ 1,392,042  
Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security Transactions     59,677       248,320       (126,955 )      (165,641 )      1,298,390       2,532,475       58,804       7,636  
Net Change in Unrealized Gain (Loss) on
    370,874       257,277       2,831,452       285,358       2,786,440       (310,179 )      1,123,221       (1,556,473 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Operations   $ 618,978     $ 655,989     $ 2,948,774     $ 379,633     $ 10,473,723     $ 7,170,308     $ 3,046,603     $ (156,795 ) 
Distributions to Shareholders:
Net Investment Income   $ (255,898 )    $ (275,064 )    $ (255,533 )    $ (284,581 )    $ (6,824,138 )    $ (5,413,526 )    $ (1,864,578 )    $ (1,399,678 ) 
Return of Capital           (7,600 )            (10,100 )            (46,870 )            (2,906 ) 
Net Realized Gain from Security Transactions           (137,310 )                  (837,298 )      (2,154,889 )      (70,989 )       
Net Change in Net Assets from Distributions   $ (255,898 )    $ (419,974 )    $ (255,533 )    $ (294,681 )    $ (7,661,436 )    $ (7,615,285 )    $ (1,935,567 )    $ (1,402,584 ) 
Capital Share Transactions:
Proceeds From Sale of
  $ 208,403     $ 400,828     $ 2,301,022     $ 2,413,564     $ 137,993,361     $ 79,070,312     $ 44,583,013     $ 29,598,842  
Shares Issued on Reinvestment of Distributions     255,905       419,626       255,470       294,584       7,520,933       7,478,888       1,887,083       1,362,076  
Cost of Shares Redeemed     (486,907 )      (541,553 )      (1,746,316 )      (1,708,598 )      (33,777,011 )      (27,236,734 )      (11,409,369 )      (8,163,807 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Capital Share Transactions   $ (22,599 )    $ 278,901     $ 810,176     $ 999,550     $ 111,737,283     $ 59,312,466     $ 35,060,727     $ 22,797,111  
Net Change in Net Assets   $ 340,481     $ 514,916     $ 3,503,417     $ 1,084,502     $ 114,549,570     $ 58,867,489     $ 36,171,763     $ 21,237,732  
Net Assets at Beginning of
  $ 10,621,904     $ 10,106,988     $ 14,175,674     $ 13,091,172     $ 303,110,701     $ 244,243,212     $ 87,752,264     $ 66,514,532  
Net Assets at End of Year   $ 10,962,385     $ 10,621,904     $ 17,679,091     $ 14,175,674     $ 417,660,271     $ 303,110,701     $ 123,924,027     $ 87,752,264  
Including accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss) of   $     $ 13,662     $ (135,707 )    $ (124,451 )    $ 20,412     $     $     $  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 21.67     $ 19.92     $ 22.93     $ 23.11     $ 19.00  
Net Investment Income     0.26       0.29       0.38       0.30       0.27  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)     5.15       2.13       (1.87 )      1.51       5.63  
Total Operations   $ 5.41     $ 2.42     $ (1.49 )    $ 1.81     $ 5.90  
Net Investment Income     (0.26 )      (0.29 )      (0.38 )      (0.30 )      (0.27 ) 
Net Realized Capital Gains     (1.70 )      (0.38 )      (1.14 )      (1.69 )      (1.52 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (1.96 )    $ (0.67 )    $ (1.52 )    $ (1.99 )    $ (1.79 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 25.12     $ 21.67     $ 19.92     $ 22.93     $ 23.11  
Total Return(a)     25.03 %     12.16 %     (6.56 )%     7.73 %     31.09 %
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 198.28     $ 150.02     $ 132.19     $ 150.13     $ 131.14  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets
    1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets
    1.13 %      1.39 %      1.62 %      1.28 %      1.27 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     34.76 %      42.36 %      39.41 %      27.89 %      34.31 % 

(a) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 28.75     $ 27.21     $ 30.77     $ 30.66     $ 24.43  
Net Investment Income     0.14       0.12       0.14       0.07       0.16  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)     6.67       1.81       (1.86 )      3.56       7.53  
Total Operations   $ 6.81     $ 1.93     $ (1.72 )    $ 3.63     $ 7.69  
Net Investment Income     (0.14 )      (0.16 )      (0.11 )      (0.07 )      (0.16 ) 
Net Realized Capital Gains     (3.63 )      (0.23 )      (1.73 )      (3.45 )      (1.30 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (3.77 )    $ (0.39 )    $ (1.84 )    $ (3.52 )    $ (1.46 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 31.79     $ 28.75     $ 27.21     $ 30.77     $ 30.66  
Total Return(a)     23.61 %     7.06 %     (5.65 )%     11.75 %     31.50 %
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 50.64     $ 44.53     $ 46.67     $ 53.34     $ 53.25  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets
    1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets
    0.43 %      0.40 %      0.45 %      0.20 %      0.52 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     31.19 %      40.18 %      31.83 %      31.74 %      41.17 % 

(a) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 40.54     $ 35.08     $ 39.35     $ 42.14     $ 31.69  
Net Investment Income     0.14       0.20       0.18       0.08       0.12  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)     6.74       6.09       (1.08 )      1.80       13.33  
Total Operations   $ 6.88     $ 6.29     $ (0.90 )    $ 1.88     $ 13.45  
Net Investment Income     (0.14 )      (0.20 )      (0.20 )      (0.11 )      (0.17 ) 
Return of Capital           (0.05 )                   
Net Realized Capital Gains     (4.39 )      (0.58 )      (3.17 )      (4.56 )      (2.83 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (4.53 )    $ (0.83 )    $ (3.37 )    $ (4.67 )    $ (3.00 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 42.89     $ 40.54     $ 35.08     $ 39.35     $ 42.14  
Total Return(a)     16.91 %     17.90 %     (2.39 )%     4.37 %     42.51 %
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 58.61     $ 41.52     $ 37.77     $ 44.88     $ 44.38  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets
    1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets
    0.35 %      0.50 %      0.40 %      0.19 %      0.30 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     41.50 %      34.62 %      35.17 %      38.37 %      72.36 % 

(a) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 15.40     $ 15.03     $ 15.76     $ 13.20     $ 14.05  
Net Investment Income     0.27       0.23       0.21       0.26       0.29  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)*     0.63       0.76       0.21       3.54       (0.11 ) 
Total Operations   $ 0.90     $ 0.99     $ 0.42     $ 3.80     $ 0.18  
Net Investment Income     (0.37 )      (0.41 )      (0.36 )      (0.39 )      (0.29 ) 
Return of Capital           (0.01 )                   
Net Realized Capital Gains           (0.20 )      (0.79 )      (0.85 )      (0.74 ) 
Total Distributions   $ 0.37     $ (0.62 )    $ (1.15 )    $ (1.24 )    $ (1.03 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 15.93     $ 15.40     $ 15.03     $ 15.76     $ 13.20  
Total Return(a)     5.93 %     6.57 %     2.75 %     28.92 %     1.19 %
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 10.96     $ 10.62     $ 10.11     $ 11.08     $ 10.14  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets
    1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets
    1.75 %      1.42 %      1.51 %      1.57 %      1.43 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     0.00 %      3.95 %      2.28 %      1.04 %      9.97 % 

* Realized and unrealized gains and losses per share in the caption are balancing amounts necessary to reconcile the change in net asset value per share for the period, and may not reconcile with aggregate gains and losses in the Statement of Operations due to share transactions for the period.
(a) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 22.20     $ 22.01     $ 24.23     $ 25.07     $ 22.23  
Net Investment Income (Loss)     0.37       0.43       0.57       0.54       0.39  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)     4.18       0.23       (2.11 )      (0.83 )      2.90  
Total Operations   $ 4.55     $ 0.66     $ (1.54 )    $ (0.29 )    $ 3.29  
Net Investment Income     (0.38 )      (0.45 )      (0.68 )      (0.55 )      (0.45 ) 
Return of Capital           (0.02 )                   
Net Realized Capital Gains                              
Total Distributions   $ (0.38 )    $ (0.47 )    $ (0.68 )    $ (0.55 )    $ (0.45 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 26.37     $ 22.20     $ 22.01     $ 24.23     $ 25.07  
Total Return(a)     20.50 %     3.00 %     (6.38 )%     (1.16 )%     14.81 %
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 17.68     $ 14.18     $ 13.09     $ 18.23     $ 16.74  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.19 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 %      1.00 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     1.53 %      1.95 %      1.85 %      2.20 %      1.51 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     1.53 %      1.95 %      1.85 %      2.20 %      1.70 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     2.48 %      7.71 %      20.49 %      10.25 %      5.23 % 

(a) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(b) For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 1.40% management fee to sustain a fee of 1.00%. Effective May 1, 2013, the Adviser removed the fee waiver, and reduced the management fee to 1.00%. (See Note #4.)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 16.67     $ 16.61     $ 17.03     $ 16.47     $ 17.37  
Net Investment Income     0.31       0.30       0.32       0.35       0.35  
Net Gains on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)     0.22       0.21       (0.27 )      0.71       (0.76 ) 
Total Operations   $ 0.53     $ 0.51     $ 0.05     $ 1.06     $ (0.41 ) 
Net Investment Income     (0.33 )      (0.32 )      (0.35 )      (0.39 )      (0.41 ) 
Return of Capital           (a)                   
Net Realized Capital Gains     (0.03 )      (0.13 )      (0.12 )      (0.11 )      (0.08 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (0.36 )    $ (0.45 )    $ (0.47 )    $ (0.50 )    $ (0.49 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 16.84     $ 16.67     $ 16.61     $ 17.03     $ 16.47  
Total Return(b)     3.22 %     3.08 %     0.32 %     6.48 %     (2.36 )%
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 417.66     $ 303.11     $ 244.24     $ 226.14     $ 224.67  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver
    0.85 %      0.85 %      0.85 %      0.85 %      0.92 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     0.85 %      0.85 %      0.85 %      0.85 %      0.85 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets before Waiver
    1.88 %      1.83 %      1.90 %      2.08 %      2.00 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     1.88 %      1.83 %      1.90 %      2.08 %      2.07 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate.     34.97 %      40.80 %      37.09 %      27.79 %      48.53 % 

(a) Return of Capital is less than $0.005 per share.
(b) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(c) For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 1.00% management fee to sustain a fee of 0.85%. Effective May 1, 2013, the Adviser removed the fee waiver, and reduced the management fee to 0.85%. (See Note #4.)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 17.06     $ 17.36     $ 17.32     $ 16.83     $ 17.49  
Net Investment Income     0.31       0.31       0.34       0.37       0.38  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized & Unrealized)     0.24       (0.30 )      0.06       0.53       (0.64 ) 
Total Operations   $ 0.55     $ 0.01     $ 0.40     $ 0.90     $ (0.26 ) 
Net Investment Income     (0.31 )      (0.31 )      (0.34 )      (0.38 )      (0.38 ) 
Return of Capital           (a)      0.00 (a)             
Net Realized Capital Gains     (0.01 )            (0.02 )      (0.03 )      (0.02 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (0.32 )    $ (0.31 )    $ (0.36 )    $ (0.41 )    $ (0.40 ) 
Net Asset Value End of Period   $ 17.29     $ 17.06     $ 17.36     $ 17.32     $ 16.83  
Total Return(b)     3.25 %     0.05 %     2.34 %     5.41 %     (1.52 )%
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)   $ 123.92     $ 87.75     $ 66.51     $ 58.98     $ 56.29  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     0.65 %      0.65 %      0.65 %      0.65 %      0.81 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     0.65 %      0.65 %      0.65 %      0.65 %      0.65 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     1.85 %      1.85 %      1.98 %      2.19 %      2.10 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     1.85 %      1.85 %      1.98 %      2.19 %      2.26 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate.     12.49 %      10.05 %      13.31 %      18.24 %      8.96 % 

(a) Return of Capital is less than $0.005 per share.
(b) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(c) For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 1.00% management fee to sustain a fee of 0.65%. Effective May 1, 2013, the Adviser removed the fee waiver, and reduced the management fee to 0.65%. (See Note #4.)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





December 31, 2017

1)     Organization

The Johnson Equity Income Fund, Johnson Growth Fund, Johnson Opportunity Fund, Johnson Realty Fund, Johnson International Fund, Johnson Fixed Income Fund, and Johnson Municipal Income Fund (each individually a “Fund” and collectively the “Funds”) are each a series of the Johnson Mutual Funds Trust (the “Trust”), and are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as no-load, open-end investment companies. The Johnson Mutual Funds Trust was established as an Ohio business trust under an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated September 30, 1992. The Growth Fund and Fixed Income Fund began offering their shares publicly on January 4, 1993. The Opportunity Fund and Municipal Income Fund began offering their shares publicly on May 16, 1994. The Realty Fund began offering its shares publicly on January 2, 1998. The Equity Income Fund began offering its shares publicly on December 30, 2005. The International Fund began offering its shares publicly on December 8, 2008. All the Funds are managed by Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc. (the “Adviser”).

The investment objectives of the Funds are as follows:

Equity Income Fund   Above average dividend income and long-term capital growth
Growth Fund   Long-term capital growth
Opportunity Fund   Long-term capital growth
Realty Fund   Above average dividend income and long-term capital growth
International Fund   Long-term capital growth
Fixed Income Fund   A high level of income over the long-term consistent with preservation of capital
Municipal Income Fund   A high level of federally tax-free income over the long-term consistent with preservation of capital

The Funds are each diversified. The Municipal Income Fund invests primarily in debt instruments of municipal issuers whose ability to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments in the state of Ohio.

2)     Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Accounting:

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United State of America (GAAP). The Funds are investment companies and accordingly follow the investment company guidance of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946.

Investment Income and Realized Capital Gains and Losses on Investment Securities:

Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on an accrual basis. Dividend and interest income are recorded net of foreign taxes. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with the Funds’ understanding of the applicable country’s tax rules and rates. Gains and losses on sales of investments are calculated using the specific identification method. Discounts and premiums on securities purchased are amortized over the lives of the respective securities, using the interest method. Distributions received from investments in securities that represent a return of capital or capital gains are recorded as a reduction of the cost of investment or as a realized gain, respectively. The calendar year-end amounts of ordinary income, capital gains, and return of capital included in distributions received from the Funds’ investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) are reported to the Funds after the end of the calendar year; accordingly, the Funds estimate these amounts for accounting purposes until the characterization of REIT distributions is reported. Estimates are based on the most recent REIT distributions information available. Gains and losses on paydowns of mortgage-backed securities are reflected in interest income on the Statements of Operations. The ability of issuers of debt securities held by the Funds to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments in a specific country or region.

Income Taxes:

It is the Funds' policy to distribute annually, prior to the end of the calendar year, dividends sufficient to satisfy excise tax requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. This Internal Revenue Service requirement may cause an excess of distributions over the book year-end accumulated income. In addition, it is the Funds' policy to distribute annually, after the end of the calendar year, any remaining taxable income to comply with the special provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) available to registered investment companies (“RICs”). Each year the Funds intend to continue to qualify as RICs under Subchapter M of the Code by making distributions as noted above, and complying with the other requirements applicable to RICs. As a result, no provision for income taxes is generally required.





December 31, 2017

2)     Significant Accounting Policies, continued

Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes:

As of and during the year ended December 31, 2017, and for all open tax years, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the Statements of Operations. During the year, the Funds did not incur any interest or penalties.


Distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The Realty Fund, Fixed Income Fund and Municipal Income Fund intend to distribute net investment income on a calendar quarter basis. The Equity Income, Growth, Opportunity and International Funds intend to distribute net investment income, if any, at least once a year. The Funds intend to distribute their net realized long-term capital gains and their net realized short-term capital gains, if any, at least once a year. The treatment for financial reporting purposes of distributions made to shareholders during the year from net investment income or net realized capital gains may differ from their ultimate treatment for federal income tax purposes. These differences are caused primarily by differences in the timing of the recognition of certain components of income, expense or realized capital gain for federal income tax purposes. Where such differences are permanent in nature, they are reclassified in the components of net assets based on their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. Any such reclassifications will have no effect on net assets, results of operations, or net asset values per share of the Funds.

For the year ended December 31, 2017, the Funds made the following reclassifications to increase (decrease) the components of the net assets:

  Paid in Capital   Accumulated
Net Investment
Income (Loss)
Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
Equity Income Fund   $ (533 )    $ (835 )    $ 1,368  
Growth Fund                  
Opportunity Fund           11,687       (11,687 ) 
Realty Fund     (7,794 )      67,471       (59,677 ) 
International Fund     (18,694 )      18,694        
Fixed Income Fund           455,657       (455,657 ) 
Municipal Income Fund     (12,185 )      (283 )      12,468  

Reasons for the reclassification of components of net assets are attributable to capital gain distributions from REIT holdings, distribution re-designation for return of capital distributions and/or paydowns received during the year from collateralized mortgage obligations.

3)     Security Valuation and Transactions

The Funds utilize various methods to measure the fair value of their investments on a recurring basis.

Securities for which representative market quotations are not readily available or are considered unreliable by the Investment Adviser are valued as determined in good faith by, or under the direction of, the Board of Trustees. Various inputs may be reviewed in order to make a good faith determination of a security's fair value. These inputs include, but are not limited to, the type and cost of the security; contractual or legal restrictions on resale of the security; relevant financial or business developments of the issuer; actively traded similar or related securities; conversion or exchange rights on the security; related corporate actions; significant events occurring after the close of trading in the security; and changes in overall market conditions. Fair valuations and valuations of investments that are not actively trading involve judgment and may differ materially from valuations of investments that would have been used had greater market activity occurred.

GAAP establish a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation methods. The three levels of inputs are:

¨ Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Funds have the ability to access.
¨ Level 2 — Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or





December 31, 2017

3)     Security Valuation and Transactions, continued

indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

¨ Level 3 — Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, to the extent relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund's own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and would be based on the best information available.

The availability of observable inputs can vary from security to security and is affected by a wide variety of factors, including, for example, the type of security, whether the security is new and not yet established in the marketplace, the liquidity of markets, and other characteristics particular to the security. To the extent that valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3.

The inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes, the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement falls in its entirety, is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.

Fair Value Measurements:

A description of the valuation techniques applied to the Funds’ major categories of assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis follows:

Equity Securities (Common Stock, Real Estate Investment Trusts). Securities traded on a national securities exchange (or reported on the NASDAQ national market) are stated at the last reported sales price on the day of valuation. To the extent these securities are actively traded and valuation adjustments are not applied, they are categorized in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. When adjustments to observable prices are applied or when the market is considered inactive, securities will be categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Corporate Bonds. The fair value of Corporate Bonds is estimated using quotations from pricing vendors, which may consider recently executed transactions in securities of the issuer or comparable issuers, market price quotations for similar securities (where observable), bond spreads, fundamental data relating to the issuer, and credit default swap spreads adjusted for any basis difference between cash and derivative instruments. While most corporate bonds are categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, in instances where lower relative weight is placed on transaction prices, quotations, or similar observable inputs, they would be categorized in Level 3.

Municipal Bonds. Municipal Bonds are normally valued using quotations from pricing vendors that incorporate observable market data such as reported sales of similar securities, broker quotes, yields, bids, offers, and reference data. Certain securities are valued principally using dealer quotations. Municipal Bonds are categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

U.S. Government Securities. U.S. government securities, including U.S. Treasury Obligations, are normally valued using market approach valuation techniques that incorporate observable market data such as reported sales of similar securities, broker quotes, yields, bids, offers, and reference data. Certain securities are valued principally using dealer quotations. U.S. government securities are categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

U.S. Agency Securities. U.S. agency securities are comprised of two main categories consisting of agency issued debt and mortgage-backed securities. Agency issued debt securities are generally valued in a manner similar to U.S. government securities. Mortgage-backed securities are generally valued based on models that consider the estimated cash flows of each tranche of the entity, establishes a benchmark yield, and develops an estimated tranche-specific spread to the benchmark yield based on the unique attributes of the tranche. Depending on market activity levels and whether quotations or other data are used, these securities are typically categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Preferred Stocks. Securities traded on a national securities exchange (or reported on the NASDAQ national market) are stated at the last reported sales price on the day of valuation. To the extent these securities are actively traded and valuation adjustments are not applied, they are categorized in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

Money Market. Investments in mutual funds, including money market mutual funds (notated throughout these financial statements as cash equivalents), are generally priced at the ending net asset value (“NAV”) provided by the service agent of the funds. These securities will be categorized as Level 1 securities.





December 31, 2017

3)     Security Valuation and Transactions, continued

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

The following is a summary of the inputs used to value each Fund’s investment securities as of December 31, 2017:

Equity Income Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Common Stocks*   $ 192,600,564     $     —     $     —     $ 192,600,564  
Real Estate Investment Trusts     1,824,640                   1,824,640  
Cash Equivalents     4,740,470                   4,740,470  
Total   $ 199,165,674     $     $     $ 199,165,674  

Growth Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Common Stocks*   $ 50,299,567     $     —     $     —     $ 50,299,567  
Cash Equivalents     1,312,909                   1,312,909  
Total   $ 51,612,476     $     $     $ 51,612,476  

Opportunity Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Common Stocks*   $ 55,497,706     $     —     $     —     $ 55,497,706  
Real Estate Investment Trusts     2,861,911                   2,861,911  
Cash Equivalents     600,762                   600,762  
Total   $ 58,960,379     $     $     $ 58,960,379  

Realty Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Real Estate Investment Trusts*   $ 10,745,582     $     —     $     —     $ 10,745,582  
Cash Equivalents     169,025                   169,025  
Total   $ 10,914,607     $     $     $ 10,914,607  

International Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Common Stocks*   $ 17,053,756     $ 120,553     $     —     $ 17,174,309  
Real Estate Investment Trusts     234,695                   234,695  
Cash Equivalents     493,346                   493,346  
Total   $ 17,781,797     $ 120,553     $     $ 17,902,350  

Fixed Income Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Corporate Bonds*   $     $ 201,779,438     $     —     $ 201,779,438  
U.S. Government Treasury Obligations           69,127,964             69,127,964  
U.S. Government Agency Obligations           39,177,444             39,177,444  
U.S. Government Agency Obligations – Mortgage-Backed           69,071,269             69,071,269  
Taxable Municipal Bonds           24,054,474             24,054,474  
Preferred Stocks     3,675,620                   3,675,620  
Cash Equivalents     7,462,421                   7,462,421  
Total   $ 11,138,041     $ 403,210,589     $     $ 414,348,630  

Municipal Income Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Municipal Bonds*   $     $ 121,825,448     $     —     $ 121,825,448  
Cash Equivalents     1,425,406                   1,425,406  
Total   $ 1,425,406     $ 121,825,448     $     $ 123,250,854  

* See Portfolio of Investments for industry classification.






December 31, 2017

3)     Security Valuation and Transactions, continued

The Funds did not hold any investments at any time during the reporting period in which unobservable inputs were used in determining fair value. Therefore, no reconciliation of Level 3 Securities is included for this reporting period. As of and during the year ended December 31, 2017, one security in the International Fund was transferred from Level 1 to Level 2 in the amount of $120,553. This transfer resulted from a foreign security using observable pricing of the underlying security in the foreign market to price the ADR, rather than the price of the ADR itself, given that there was not a trade price for the ADR as of December 31, 2017. This transfer is reflected as of the end of the period.

In accordance with GAAP, the Funds are required to enhance the disclosures relating to transactions in derivatives and hedging activities, including how such activities are accounted for and their effect on the Funds’ financial position, performance, and cash flows. The Funds did not engage in any derivative transactions as of or during the year ended December 31, 2017.

4)     Investment Advisory Agreements

The investment advisory agreements provide that the Adviser will pay all of the Funds' operating expenses, excluding brokerage fees and commissions, borrowing costs (such as interest), and extraordinary expenses.

The Adviser received management fees for the year ended December 31, 2017, as indicated below.

Fund   Fee   Management
  Payable as of
December 31,
Equity Income Fund     1.00 %    $ 1,731,593     $ 168,146  
Growth Fund     1.00 %      478,514       43,788  
Opportunity Fund     1.00 %      493,009       49,669  
Realty Fund     1.00 %      107,438       9,307  
International Fund     1.00 %      160,323       14,947  
Fixed Income Fund     0.85 %      2,881,587       295,524  
Municipal Income Fund     0.65 %      655,678       67,503  

5)     Related Party Transactions

All officers and one trustee of the Trust are employees of the Adviser. Total compensation for the independent Trustees as a group was $48,000 for the year ended December 31, 2017, and as a group they received no additional compensation from the Trust. Compensation of the Trustees was paid by the Adviser. The Trust consists of eleven Funds: Johnson Equity Income Fund, Johnson Growth Fund, Johnson Opportunity Fund, Johnson Realty Fund, Johnson International Fund, Johnson Fixed Income Fund, Johnson Municipal Income Fund, Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund, and Johnson Enhanced Return Fund. The Adviser is not a registered broker-dealer of securities and thus does not receive commissions on trades made on behalf of the Funds.

The beneficial ownership, either directly or indirectly, of more than 25% of the voting securities of a Fund creates a presumption of control of the Fund, under Section 2(a)(9) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. At December 31, 2017, client accounts managed by the Adviser and held by Charles Schwab & Co, with full advisory discretion, held in aggregate the following:

Equity Income Fund     68.21 %      International Fund       31.95 % 
Growth Fund     32.44 %      Fixed Income Fund       89.14 % 
Opportunity Fund     68.39 %      Municipal Income Fund       96.42 % 
Realty Fund     74.98 %                   

Johnson Financial, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Adviser. Johnson Financial, Inc. provides transfer agency and administration services to the Funds. These services are paid for by the Adviser.





December 31, 2017

6)    Purchases and Sales of Securities

From January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017, purchases and sales of investment securities aggregated:

Fund   Investment Securities Other Than
Short Term Investments and
U.S. Government Obligations
  U.S. Government Obligations
  Purchases   Sales   Purchases   Sales
Johnson Equity Income Fund   $ 69,854,387     $ 58,709,420     $     $  
Johnson Growth Fund     14,690,344       18,535,433              
Johnson Opportunity Fund     30,245,060       19,828,504              
Johnson Realty Fund           127,967              
Johnson International Fund     1,666,621       384,955              
Johnson Fixed Income Fund     185,482,144       90,863,391       39,818,104       25,866,626  
Johnson Municipal Income Fund     43,649,823       11,282,321              

7)    Capital Share Transactions

As of December 31, 2017, there were an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest authorized for each Fund. Each Fund records purchases of its capital shares at the daily net asset value determined after receipt of a shareholder's order in proper form. Redemptions are recorded at the net asset value determined following receipt of a shareholder's written or telephone request in proper form.

Equity Income Fund
Growth Fund
Opportunity Fund
Realty Fund
     Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016   Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016   Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016   Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016
Shares Sold to Investors     1,245,288       834,517       99,083       90,664       323,880       85,632       13,171       24,969  
Shares Issued on Reinvestment
of Dividends
    579,448       208,690       171,598       20,138       131,294       20,314       16,288       26,818  
Subtotal     1,824,736       1,043,207       270,681       110,802       455,174       105,946       29,459       51,787  
Shares Redeemed     (851,872 )      (756,216 )      (226,805 )      (277,022 )      (112,740 )      (158,510 )      (31,225 )      (34,388 ) 
Net Change     972,864       286,991       43,876       (166,220 )      342,434       (52,564 )      (1,766 )      17,399  
Shares Outstanding:
Beginning of Year     6,921,657       6,634,666       1,549,071       1,715,291       1,024,290       1,076,854       689,920       672,521  
End of Period     7,894,521       6,921,657       1,592,947       1,549,071       1,366,724       1,024,290       688,154       689,920  





December 31, 2017

7)    Capital Share Transactions, continued

International Fund
Fixed Income Fund
Municipal Income Fund
     Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016   Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016   Year ended 12/31/2017   Year ended 12/31/2016
Shares Sold to Investors     92,853       108,893       8,176,390       4,630,126       2,574,023       1,700,903  
Shares Issued on Reinvestment of Dividends     9,695       13,293       447,114       441,591       109,262       78,169  
Subtotal     102,548       122,186       8,623,504       5,071,717       2,683,285       1,779,072  
Shares Redeemed     (70,669 )      (78,466 )      (2,004,861 )      (1,592,047 )      (658,911 )      (468,372 ) 
Net Change     31,879       43,720       6,618,863       3,479,670       2,024,374       1,310,700  
Shares Outstanding:
Beginning of Year     638,535       594,815       18,180,598       14,700,928       5,142,820       3,832,120  
End of Year     670,414       638,535       24,799,241       18,180,598       7,167,194       5,142,820  

8)    Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

9)    Federal Tax Information

As of December 31, 2017, the composition of unrealized appreciation (the excess of fair value over tax cost) and depreciation (the excess of tax cost over fair value) was as follows:

Fund   Cost of Securities   Appreciation   Depreciation   Net Appreciation
Johnson Equity Income Fund   $ 154,901,833     $ 46,319,810     $ (2,055,969 )    $ 44,263,841  
Johnson Growth Fund     37,121,545       15,141,515       (650,584 )      14,490,931  
Johnson Opportunity Fund     46,608,741       12,998,285       (646,647 )      12,351,638  
Johnson Realty Fund     5,550,096       5,446,376       (81,865 )      5,364,511  
Johnson International Fund     13,918,363       4,754,401       (770,414 )      3,983,987  
Johnson Fixed Income Fund     408,624,159       7,914,284       (2,189,813 )      5,724,471  
Johnson Municipal Income Fund     121,269,011       2,304,216       (322,373 )      1,981,843  

The difference between book value and tax value of unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is primarily attributable to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales, mark-to-market on Passive Foreign Investment Companies, and REIT holdings cost basis adjustments.





December 31, 2017

9)    Federal Tax Information, continued

The tax character of the distributions paid is as follows:

  Tax Year   Ordinary
  Net Realized
Capital Gain
  Return of
Johnson Equity Income Fund     2016     $ 1,949,411     $     $ 2,606,180     $     $ 4,555,591  
       2017       5,965,055             8,653,497             14,618,554  
Johnson Growth Fund     2016       239,727             344,231             583,958  
       2017       1,048,484             4,441,492             5,489,976  
Johnson Opportunity Fund     2016       301,204             474,807       52,540       828,551  
       2017       1,009,120             4,659,681             5,668,801  
Johnson Realty Fund     2016       183,389             228,985       7,600       419,974  
       2017       189,962             58,142       7,794       255,898  
Johnson International Fund     2016       284,581                   10,100       294,681  
       2017       236,839                   18,694       255,533  
Johnson Fixed Income Fund     2016       5,577,177             1,991,238       46,870       7,615,285  
       2017       6,824,138             837,298             7,661,436  
Johnson Municipal Income Fund     2016             1,392,042       7,636       2,906       1,402,584  
       2017             1,864,578       58,804       12,185       1,935,567  

* Short-Term Capital Gains were combined with Ordinary Income, as they are taxed at the Ordinary Income tax rate.

As of December 31, 2017, the following Funds had capital loss carryovers which will reduce each Fund’s taxable income arising from future net realized gain on investments, if any, to the extent permitted by the Code and thus will reduce the amount of distributions to shareholders which would otherwise be necessary to relieve the Fund of any liability for federal income tax. The capital loss carryovers will expire as follows:

  Total Capital
Loss Carryover
Johnson International Fund   $ 288,479     $ 151,254     $ 439,733  

As of December 31, 2017, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:

  Capital Loss
Capital Gain
Late Year Net
Earnings on a
tax basis
Johnson Equity Income Fund   $ 1,600,063     $     $ 1,963,701     $ 44,263,841     $     $ 47,827,605  
Johnson Growth Fund     9,523             4,184       14,490,931             14,504,638  
Johnson Opportunity Fund                 19,593       12,531,638             12,371,231  
Johnson Realty Fund                       5,364,511             5,364,511  
Johnson International Fund           (439,733 )            3,983,987       (11,519 )      3,532,735  
Johnson Fixed Income Fund     20,412             5,434       5,724,471             5,750,317  
Johnson Municipal Income Fund                       1,981,843             1,981,843  

10)    Subsequent Event

On January 31, 2018, the Trustees approved an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, authorizing the filing of an Information Statement with the SEC that, with final ratification and approval, will merge the Growth Fund into the Equity Income Fund.




December 31, 2017

Shareholders of the Funds incur ongoing operating expenses consisting solely of management fees. The following example is intended to help you understand your ongoing expenses of investing in the Funds and to compare these expenses with similar costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested in the Funds on June 30, 2017 and held through December 31, 2017.

The first line of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. In order to estimate the expenses a shareholder paid during the period covered by this report, shareholders can divide their account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6) and then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Period.”

The second line of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Funds’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses paid by a shareholder for the period. Shareholders may use this information to compare the ongoing expenses of investing in the Funds and other funds. To do so, compare these 5% hypothetical examples with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in other funds' shareholder reports.

  Beginning Account Value
June 30, 2017
  Ending Account Value
December 31, 2017
  Expenses Paid During Period*
July 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
Johnson Equity Income Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,044.06     $ 5.15  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.16     $ 5.14  
Johnson Growth Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 986.65     $ 5.01  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.16     $ 5.14  
Johnson Opportunity Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,003.98     $ 5.05  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.16     $ 5.14  
Johnson Realty Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,012.71     $ 5.07  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.16     $ 5.14  
Johnson International Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,074.57     $ 5.23  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.16     $ 5.14  
Johnson Fixed Income Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 999.41     $ 4.28  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.92     $ 4.37  
Johnson Municipal Income Fund
Actual Fund Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 998.84     $ 3.27  
Hypothetical Return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,021.93     $ 3.35  

* Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). For the Equity Income, Growth, Opportunity, Realty and International Funds, the expense ratio is 1.00%; for the Fixed Income Fund, the expense ratio is 0.85%; and for the Municipal Income Fund, the expense ratio is 0.65%.




December 31, 2017

Proxy Disclosure

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how the Funds voted those proxies during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 are available without charge: (1) upon request by calling the Funds at 513-661-3100 or toll free at 1-800-541-0170; or (2) from the Fund’s documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.

Availability of Schedules of Portfolio Investments:

The Funds file their complete schedules of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Forms N-Q are available, without charge, (1) upon request by calling the Funds at 513-661-3100 or toll free at 1-800-541-0170; or (2) from the Fund’s documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.

Code of Ethics

The Trust's Code of Ethics is available on request without charge; please call for your copy at 513-661-3100 or 1-800-541-0170 or write us at:

Johnson Mutual Funds
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati OH 45247





To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of
Johnson Mutual Funds Trust

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of Johnson Equity Income Fund, Johnson Growth Fund, Johnson Opportunity Fund, Johnson Realty Fund, Johnson International Fund, Johnson Fixed Income Fund, and Johnson Municipal Income Fund (the “Funds”), each a series of Johnson Mutual Funds Trust, as of December 31, 2017, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of December 31, 2017, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits include performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures include examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 2017, by correspondence with the custodian. Our audits also include evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. We have served as the Funds’ auditor since 2004.

Cleveland, Ohio
February 28, 2018





Information pertaining to the Trustees and Officers of the Funds is provided below. Trustees who are not deemed to be interested persons of the Funds, as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, are referred to as Independent Trustees. Trustees who are deemed to be “interested persons” of the Funds are referred to as Interested Trustees. The Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Funds’ Trustees and may be obtained without charge by calling (513) 661-3100 or (800) 541-0170.

Name, Address and Age   Current
Position Held
with Trust
  Year Service
  Principal Occupation
During Past Five Years
  Number of
Held During the
Past Five Years
Interested Trustee
Timothy E. Johnson (75)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 1992   Chairman of Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc., the Trust’s Adviser, and Professor of Finance at the University of Cincinnati; previously President of the Adviser until October 2013.   11   None
Independent Trustees
Ronald H. McSwain (75)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
and Trustee
  Since 1992   President of McSwain Carpets, Inc. until 2001; partner of P&R Realty, a real estate development partnership since 1984   11   None
John R. Green (75)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 2006   Retired from The Procter &
Gamble Company
  11   None
James J. Berrens (52)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 2006   Chief Executive Officer since May 2015, Chief Financial Officer September 2010 to May 2015 for Christian Community Health   11   None
Dr. Jeri B. Ricketts (60)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 2013   Director of Carl H. Lindner
Honors-PLUS Program, University of Cincinnati, since 2002; Associate Professor in Accounting, University of Cincinnati since 1986.
  11   None





Name, Address and Age   Current
Position Held
with Trust
  Year Service
  Principal Occupation
During Past Five Years
  Number of
Held During the
Past Five Years
Jason O. Jackman (47)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  President   Since 2013   President and Chief Investment Officer of the Adviser since
October 2013; Director of Fixed Income and Institutional Management March 2004 to October 2013.
  N/A   N/A
Dale H. Coates (59)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Vice President   Since 1992   Portfolio Manager of the Trust’s Adviser   N/A   N/A
Marc E. Figgins (53)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer   Since 2002   Mutual Funds Manager for Johnson Financial, Inc.   NA   NA
Scott J. Bischoff (51)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
Compliance Officer
  Since 2005   Director of Operations of the Trust’s Adviser; Chief Compliance Officer of the Adviser   NA   NA
Jennifer J. Kelhoffer (46)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Secretary   Since 2007   Compliance Associate for the Adviser since March 2006   NA   NA




Trustees and Officers

                                         Ronald H. McSwain   Independent Trustee, Chairman        
     Timothy E. Johnson   Interested Trustee
     James J. Berrens   Independent Trustee
     John R. Green   Independent Trustee
     Jeri B. Ricketts   Independent Trustee
     Jason Jackman   President
     Dale H. Coates   Vice President
     Scott J. Bischoff   Chief Compliance Officer
     Marc E. Figgins   Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer
     Jennifer J. Kelhoffer   Secretary

Transfer Agent and Fund Accountant

Johnson Financial, Inc.
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
(513) 661-3100 (800) 541-0170


US Bank
425 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Cohen & Company
1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 800
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Legal Counsel

Thompson Hine LLP
312 Walnut Street, 14th Floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

This report is authorized for distribution to prospective investors only when accompanied or preceded
by the Funds' prospectus, which illustrates each Fund's objectives, policies, management fees,
and other information that may be helpful in making an investment decision.

Investment Company Act #811-7254







Annual Report

December 31, 2017


t Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund
t Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund
t Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund
t Johnson Enhanced Return Fund

Johnson Mutual Funds Trust
3777 West Fork Road  |  Cincinnati, OH  |  45247
(513) 661-3100  (800) 541-0170  fax (513) 661-4901




December 31, 2017

Table of Contents

Our Message to You            1  
Performance Review and Management Discussion
Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund     3  
Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund     4  
Institutional Core Bond Fund     5  
Enhanced Return Fund     6  
Portfolio of Investments
Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund     7  
Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund     10  
Institutional Core Bond Fund     13  
Enhanced Return Fund     18  
Statements of Assets and Liabilities     21  
Statements of Operations     22  
Statements of Changes in Net Assets     23  
Financial Highlights
Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund     24  
Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund     25  
Institutional Core Bond Fund     26  
Enhanced Return Fund     27  
Notes to the Financial Statements     28  
Disclosure of Expenses     36  
Additional Information     37  
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm     38  
Trustees and Officers Table          39  
Trustees and Officers, Transfer Agent and Fund Accountant, Custodian,
Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, Legal Counsel
    Back Page  



Letter from the Fund President
December 31, 2017

Dear Shareholder:

We are pleased to present you with the Johnson Mutual Funds’ December 31, 2017 Annual Report. On the following pages, we have provided commentary on the performance of each of the Funds in 2017 as well as the relative performance compared to an appropriate index.

The remainder of the report provides the holdings of each Johnson Mutual Fund as well as other financial data and notes.

Record-Setting Year for Stock Markets Worldwide

2017 was a banner year for stock markets worldwide, and several other asset classes also finished with healthy gains. The S&P 500 Index has posted a positive return for 14 straight months, and 2017 was the first year ever in which the index’s total return was positive every single month. Each of the major large cap U.S. stock indices steadily advanced throughout the year, reaching new record highs along the way. In addition to the strong returns, 2017 was notable for its lack of volatility. The S&P 500 Index made it through the entire year without a single correction of even 5%, something that typically occurs several times a year on average.

Tech, Emerging Market Stocks Lead the Way

The rally was broad-based. U.S. and developed market international stocks finished roughly in-line, while emerging market stocks were big winners, gaining more than 30%. Large cap stocks outperformed mid and small cap stocks, and stocks with higher earnings growth and higher valuations trounced stocks trading at cheaper valuations. Each of the S&P 500 sectors finished with double-digit returns except energy and telecom, both of which finished down for the year. Tech stocks were the best performers, gaining 39%. About one-quarter of the $1 trillion increase in U.S. market value was attributed to the five largest companies: Amazon, Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook. Each gained more than 30% thanks to robust growth and bright prospects for future growth. Other sectors performed in-line with the index, but the more defensive utilities and consumer staples sectors lagged with returns in the low-teens.

Economic and Earnings Growth the Key Tailwinds

The key driver for markets in 2017 was double-digit earnings growth supported by coordinated global economic growth. Growth in the U.S. continues at a moderate pace, but Europe and Japan have made nice strides, boosting stock prices in those markets as well as growth in other economies around the world. The Eurozone economy enjoyed its fastest pace of growth in a decade. The decline in the value of the U.S. dollar and global monetary policy that is still accommodative provided further support.

Tax Reform in Focus All Year

Throughout the year prospects of a significant corporate tax cut as well as individual tax cuts in the U.S. supported stocks. Actual negotiations and passage of a law did not come until the final months of the year, but since the 2016 election expectations for tax reform were top of mind for investors.

Deregulation also Supported Gains

Similarly, potential and actual changes in the regulatory landscape provided a tailwind for the market. In some cases the administration moved quickly to make changes via executive order, while others may not come for some time, if at all. Still, the prospect of reduced regulation in tandem with the potential for lower tax bills going forward boosted optimism in some industries. In some cases this may translate to increased business investment, job growth, and wage increases.

Fed Continues to Normalize Policy

The Fed reacted to the positive developments in the economy by increasing its benchmark interest rate three times during the year, from 0.75% to 1.50%. It has indicated intentions to raise the rate further in 2018 depending on economic data. At times the prospect of Fed rate hikes has spooked some investors who feared it would derail the market rally, but in 2017 the market took each hike in stride.

Interest rates reacted differently depending on their length to maturity. Short-term interest rates rose as the Fed hiked, but long-term bonds held steadier. This dynamic is known as a flattening yield curve. A completely flat (short-term rates equal to long-term rates) or inverted yield curve (short-term rates higher than long-term rates) has sometimes portended recession in the past, but for now the curve remains positive. The economy has shown evidence in the past that it has the ability to continue to grow in such an environment even as the curve flattens.




Letter from the Fund President
December 31, 2017

A Look Ahead

Turning to 2018, the focus remains largely in Washington despite the recent passage of the tax reform package. Investors will be watching to see if Trump and Congress are able to score any major legislative accomplishments. Trump has also continued to threaten to take action on trade policy, particularly with China. He has also been vocal about the ongoing negotiations surrounding the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The outcome of these discussions could impact the global trade environment, so investors will be watching to see if any of the rhetoric translates into concrete action.

The interaction between inflation measures and monetary policy will also be closely monitored. With the economy on solid footing, some international central banks have begun moving to normalize policy as the Fed has, but stimulus is still high relative to normal. There is some concern that this could put upward pressure on inflation measures, which could lead to more aggressive tightening. It’s possible such a scenario could choke off the bull market in stocks. Above-average stock valuations in the U.S. exacerbate such concerns. Despite both worries, stocks could still advance if the economic strength and earnings growth remain intact.

We want you to know how much we appreciate the confidence you have placed in us for your investment needs. As always, please feel free to call us at (513) 661-3100 or (800) 541-0170 with your comments or questions. Thank you.



Jason Jackman, President




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund provided a total return of 1.54% during 2017, compared to a 0.86% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bank of America/Merrill Lynch 1 – 3 Year US Corporate & Government Index.

Short duration bond yields began the year at somewhat elevated levels, and continued to rise further as the Federal Reserve tightened monetary policy, enacting three additional 25 basis point rate hikes during the year. In addition, the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) began allowing securities to gradually begin maturing from its balance sheet. The fund has maintained a duration shorter than that of its benchmark, which was beneficial to relative returns as rates moved higher.

Credit spreads began the year at somewhat tight levels after narrowing consistently throughout 2016. Despite their low starting levels, spreads continued to tighten throughout the year as solid economic fundamentals and optimism over changes in tax policy drove further improvement. Performance was positive across sectors, with the Finance sector modestly outperforming Industrials and Utilities. The Fund’s overweight to corporate bonds was helpful to performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark throughout the year, while its focus on high quality credits with lower spread volatility tempered returns. More than 60% of the Fund’s bond allocation is to investment-grade rated corporate securities which is greater than the Fund’s benchmark index and a key reason why the yield is traditionally higher in the Fund. Over time, this yield advantage is critical to the Fund’s ability to outperform its benchmark. It can also be a helpful strategy to protect against rising interest rates.

Looking forward into next year we expect the Fed will likely continue to tighten monetary policy. In addition to raising the Federal Funds rate, the pace of balance sheet maturities is expected to accelerate. Although growth in the US has been somewhat disappointing, tax cuts may provide an economic tailwind during the coming year. Manufacturing continues to improve, reflecting synchronized economic growth amidst much of the world economy. The consumer should continue to benefit from rising wages and solid job creation. The favorable economic backdrop should continue to support credit spreads, though the amount of tightening from current levels is likely somewhat limited. The Fund’s duration is slightly short to that of its benchmark and the addition of securities such as floating rate and step-up coupon bonds will help serve as a cushion to rising rates. Inflation expectations remain below historical averages and the Fund’s position in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities will benefit if inflation rebounds. Finally, we anticipate continued upward pressure on short and intermediate bond yields, leading to a slightly muted total return outlook. However, the potential move upward should provide an opportunity to enhance the Fund’s yield over time.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
Short Duration
Bond Fund
  B of A/ML
1 – 3 Year
US Corp/Govt
One Year     1.54 %      0.86 % 
Five Years     1.10 %      0.86 % 
Ten Years     2.49 %      1.86 % 


A high level of income over the long term consistent with capital preservation is the objective of the Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 0.243%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any income and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas neither Index incurs fees or expenses. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The Bank of America/Merrill Lynch 1 – 3 Year US Corporate & Government Index is the established benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund provided a total return of 2.99% during 2017, compared to a 2.14% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclay’s Capital Intermediate Government Credit Index.

Bond yields began the year at somewhat elevated levels following the November election results, and the fund maintained a neutral duration relative to the benchmark as a result. The Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) continued to tighten monetary policy, enacting three additional 25 basis point rate hikes this year and began allowing securities to gradually begin maturing from its balance sheet. This caused the short end of the yield curve to move higher. Longer dated interest rates remained steady, however, reflecting an environment of modest economic growth. The Fund’s overweight to longer dated bonds was helpful relative to its benchmark.

Credit spreads began the year at somewhat tight levels after narrowing consistently throughout 2016. Despite their low starting levels, spreads continued to tighten throughout the year as solid economic fundamentals and optimism over changes in tax policy drove further improvement. Sector performance was evenly distributed across industrials, utilities, and financials. The Fund’s overweight to corporate bonds was helpful to performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark throughout the year, while its focus on high quality credits with lower spread volatility tempered returns. More than half of the Fund’s bond allocation is to investment-grade rated corporate securities which is greater than the Fund’s benchmark index and a key reason why the yield is traditionally higher in the Fund. Over time, this yield advantage is critical to the Fund’s ability to outperform its benchmark. It can also be a helpful strategy to protect against rising interest rates.

Looking forward into next year we expect the Fed will likely continue to tighten monetary policy. In additional to raising the Federal Funds rate, the pace of balance sheet maturities is expected to accelerate. Although growth in the US has been somewhat disappointing, tax cuts may provide an economic tailwind during the coming year. Manufacturing continues to improve, reflecting synchronized economic growth amidst much of the world economy. The consumer should continue to benefit from rising wages and solid job creation. The favorable economic backdrop should continue to support credit spreads, though the amount of tightening from current levels is likely somewhat limited. The Fund’s duration is slightly short to that of its benchmark and the addition of securities such as floating rate and step-up coupon bonds will help serve as a cushion to rising rates. Inflation expectations remain below historical averages and the Fund’s position in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities will benefit as inflation rebounds. Finally, we anticipate continued upward pressure on intermediate bond yields, leading to a slightly muted total return outlook. However, the potential move upward should provide an opportunity to enhance the Fund’s yield over time.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
Bond Fund
Barclays Capital
Govt Credit
 One Year     2.99 %      2.14 % 
 Five Years     2.16 %      1.50 % 
 Ten Years     4.05 %      3.32 % 


A high level of income over the long term consistent with capital preservation is the objective of the Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 0.243%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any income and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas neither Index incurs fees nor expenses. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Government Credit Index is the established benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund provided a total return of 3.72% during 2017, compared to a 3.54% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclay’s Capital Aggregate Index.

Bond yields began the year at somewhat elevated levels following the November election results, and the fund maintained a neutral duration relative to the benchmark as a result. The Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) continued to tighten monetary policy, enacting three additional 25 basis point rate hikes this year and began allowing securities to gradually begin maturing from its balance sheet. This caused the short end of the yield curve to move higher. Longer dated interest rates remained steady, however, reflecting an environment of modest economic growth. The Fund’s overweight to longer dated bonds was helpful relative to its benchmark.

Credit spreads began the year at somewhat tight levels after narrowing consistently throughout 2016. Despite their low starting levels, spreads continued to tighten throughout the year as solid economic fundamentals and optimism over changes in tax policy drove further improvement. Sector performance was evenly distributed across industrials, utilities, and financials. The Fund’s overweight to corporate bonds was helpful to performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark throughout the year, while its focus on high quality credits with lower spread volatility tempered returns. More than half of the Fund’s bond allocation is to investment-grade rated corporate securities which is greater than the Fund’s benchmark index and a key reason why the yield is traditionally higher in the Fund. Over time, this yield advantage is critical to the Fund’s ability to outperform its benchmark. It can also be a helpful strategy to protect against rising interest rates.

Looking forward into next year we expect the Fed will likely continue to tighten monetary policy. In additional to raising the Federal Funds rate, the pace of balance sheet maturities is expected to accelerate. Although growth in the US has been somewhat disappointing, tax cuts may provide an economic tailwind during the coming year. Manufacturing continues to improve, reflecting synchronized economic growth amidst much of the world economy. The consumer should continue to benefit from rising wages and solid job creation. The favorable economic backdrop should continue to support credit spreads, though the amount of tightening from current levels is likely somewhat limited. The Fund’s duration is slightly short to that of its benchmark and the addition of securities such as floating rate and step-up coupon bonds will help serve as a cushion to rising rates. Inflation expectations remain below historical averages and the Fund’s position in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities will benefit as inflation rebounds. Finally, we anticipate continued upward pressure on intermediate bond yields, leading to a slightly muted total return outlook. However, the potential move upward should provide an opportunity to enhance the Fund’s yield over time.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
Core Bond Fund
  Bloomberg Barclays
Capital Aggregate
One Year     3.72 %      3.54 % 
Five Years     2.65 %      2.10 % 
Ten Years     4.90 %      4.01 % 


A high level of income over the long term consistent with capital preservation is the objective of the Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund, and the primary assets are investment-grade government and corporate bonds. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 0.243%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any income and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas neither Index incurs fees or expenses. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The Bloomberg Barclays Capital Aggregate Index is the established benchmark. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the Index. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Performance Review – December 31, 2017


The total return for the Johnson Enhanced Return Fund in 2017 was 21.39% compared to 21.83% for the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500). The Fund’s underperformance was driven by rising short and intermediate bond yields which muted total returns in the bond portion of the portfolio. Reminder that the Fund uses futures contracts to replicate the S&P 500 and a bond portfolio to enhance the Fund’s returns.

2017 was a banner year for stock markets worldwide, with strong earnings growth, the prospect of corporate and individual tax cuts as well as potential regulatory changes driving gains in equities. The S&P 500 posted a positive total return in every single month of the year, and experienced those gains in an environment of low volatility, with the Index going the entire year without a 5% correction. Positive returns were widespread, with the majority of sectors finishing with double-digit gains except for energy and telecom, which finished down for the year. Despite the recent passage of tax reform, most of the market’s focus remains on Washington, as the budget, immigration and healthcare remain important issues. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) hiked interest rates an additional 25 basis points three times during the year, and began to allow securities to gradually mature from its balance sheet. Although incoming economic and inflation data may influence their outlook, the Fed anticipates a continued gradual tightening of monetary policy. The pace of potential rate increases continues to be instrumental in our strategic positioning of the underlying bond portfolio.

Short duration bond yields began the year at somewhat elevated levels following the November election results, and continued to move higher throughout the year. Although the Fund maintained a relatively short duration stance to guard against rising interest rates, the increase in government bond yields contributed to the Fund’s underperformance relative to its benchmark. Conversely, the fund benefited from its corporate bond holdings as spreads continued to tighten, helping to offset the negative impact from rising interest rates. The Fund continues to have a yield advantage over the cost of carry in the futures contracts due to the upward sloping yield curve and relatively attractive corporate yield spreads. More than half of the Fund’s bond allocation is to investment-grade rated corporate securities. Over time, this yield advantage is critical to the Fund’s ability to outperform its benchmark. It can also be a helpful strategy to protect against rising rates.

Looking forward into the next year, we expect the Fed will likely continue to tighten monetary policy, albeit gradually. The Fund is positioned defensively against this risk, maintaining a short duration stance and holding securities such as floating rate and step-up coupon bonds which will help serve as a cushion to higher rates. Inflation expectations remain below historical averages, and the Fund has maintained a position in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities which will benefit the Fund if inflation rebounds. Finally, we anticipate upward pressure on short and intermediate bond yields to develop over time, which should provide an opportunity to extend duration in the future and further enhance the Fund’s yield advantage.


Average Annual Total Returns
as of December 31, 2017
  Enhanced Return Fund   S&P 500 Index
One Year     21.39 %      21.83 % 
Five Years     15.85 %      15.79 % 
Ten Years     9.52 %      8.50 % 


Outperforming the Fund’s benchmark, the S&P 500 Index, over a full market cycle is the objective of the Johnson Enhanced Return Fund, and the primary assets are stock index futures contracts and short-term investment-grade fixed income securities. The data on this page is unaudited. The data on this page represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. As of the Fund’s most recent prospectus dated May 1, 2017, the Fund’s total operating expense ratio was 0.36%. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The average annual total return numbers include changes in the Fund’s or Index’s share price, plus reinvestment of any income and capital gains. The Fund’s performance is after all fees and expenses, whereas the Index does not incur fees or expenses. The returns shown do not reflect deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. A shareholder cannot invest directly in the S&P 500 Index. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-541-0170.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Corporate Bonds:
American Express Credit Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.250% Due 05/05/2021     2,750,000     $ 2,728,299  
AON Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.000% Due 09/30/2020     2,400,000       2,555,763  
Bank of America Notes, 6.875% Due 04/25/2018     2,500,000       2,538,193  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 5.250% Due 11/01/2019     2,400,000       2,523,676  
Chubb INA Holdings Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 11/03/2020     1,000,000       998,408  
Fifth Third Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 4.500% Due 06/01/2018     2,500,000       2,524,361  
Goldman Sachs Group Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.150% Due 04/01/2018     2,500,000       2,526,311  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 01/14/2022     2,500,000       2,459,744  
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 01/24/2022     2,000,000       2,140,105  
Key Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 4.625% Due 06/15/2018     1,000,000       1,009,888  
Keycorp Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.100% Due 03/24/2021     1,500,000       1,616,512  
Morgan Stanley Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.500% Due 07/28/2021     2,500,000       2,734,596  
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.250% Due 02/10/2020     1,500,000       1,491,855  
MUFG Union Bank NA Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.250% Due 05/06/2019     1,495,000       1,493,081  
National City Corp. Subordinated Notes, 6.875% Due 05/15/2019     2,000,000       2,120,469  
Prudential Financial Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.375% Due 06/21/2020     750,000       803,107  
Suntrust Banks Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.900% Due 03/03/2021     2,500,000       2,527,986  
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.450% Due 02/13/2023     2,800,000       2,853,330  
27.0% – Total Finance   $ 37,645,684  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
AT&T Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.600% Due 02/17/2023     2,400,000     $ 2,455,128  
BP Capital Markets PLC Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.375% Due 05/10/2018     1,650,000       1,647,481  
BP Capital Markets PLC Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.674% Due 02/13/2018     1,250,000       1,249,691  
Chevron Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Note (3 month LIBOR + 0.950%), 2.369% Due 05/16/2021**     1,000,000       1,023,871  
CR Bard Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.375% Due 01/15/2018     2,170,000       2,169,668  
CVS Health Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.125% Due 05/15/2021     2,477,000       2,573,515  
Dover Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.450% Due 03/15/2018     1,922,000       1,934,846  
Eaton Electric Holdings Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.875% Due 12/15/2020     2,409,000       2,491,896  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 0.950%), 2.588% Due 03/15/2023**     3,500,000       3,540,236  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.150% Due 01/15/2020     2,000,000       2,148,898  
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     1,000,000       1,009,127  
United Technologies Junior Subordinated Notes, 1.778% Due 05/04/2018**     3,000,000       2,995,412  
Verizon Communications Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.150% Due 09/15/2023     2,000,000       2,225,287  
19.7% – Total Industrial   $ 27,465,056  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     1,500,000       1,514,136  
Duke Energy Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.050% Due 09/15/2019     2,494,000       2,606,187  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Enterprise Products Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.500% Due 01/31/2019     2,000,000     $ 2,089,942  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.450% Due 05/01/2018     1,600,000       1,597,469  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.850% Due 05/15/2022     1,600,000       1,602,538  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.250% Due 12/01/2019     1,040,000       1,079,240  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.650% Due 09/01/2020     2,600,000       2,674,730  
National Rural Utilites Corp. Collateral Trust Notes, 2.350% Due 06/15/2020     1,000,000       1,002,647  
National Rural Utilites Corp. Collateral Trust Notes, 5.450% Due 02/01/2018     1,550,000       1,554,206  
Northern Natural Gas Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 07/15/2018*     1,280,000       1,304,964  
NStar Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2019     600,000       621,449  
Virginia Electric & Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.400% Due 04/30/2018     2,000,000       2,022,619  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.700% Due 05/15/2020     2,566,000       2,675,001  
16.1% – Total Utilities   $ 22,345,128  
62.8% Total Corporate Bonds   $ 87,455,868  
United States Government Treasury Obligations
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.140%), 1.590% Due 01/31/2019**     5,000,000       5,007,996  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.170%), 1.620% Due 10/31/2018**     1,000,000       1,001,531  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 0.125% Due 04/15/2018     4,268,360       4,263,302  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
United States Treasury Notes, 1.125% Due 06/15/2018     3,500,000     $ 3,494,531  
9.9% – Total United States Government Treasury Obligations   $ 13,767,360  
United States Government Agency Obligations
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.250% Due 07/27/2021**     1,800,000       1,765,663  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.375% Due 08/24/2021**     1,500,000       1,486,235  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.600% Due 11/23/2021**     2,000,000       1,987,240  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/15/2022**     4,005,000       3,986,749  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.625% Due 05/10/2022**     1,000,000       998,918  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/21/2022**     2,000,000       1,996,050  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/12/2022**     2,000,000       1,995,156  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/18/2022**     1,000,000       996,432  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/26/2022**     1,750,000       1,744,467  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 10/27/2022**     1,900,000       1,901,659  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 09/29/2022**     2,000,000       1,993,614  
15.0% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations   $ 20,852,183  
United States Government Agency Obligations –  Mortgage-Backed Securities
FHLMC 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.860%), 3.269% Due 04/01/2042**     439,402       450,190  
FHLMC CMO Series 2989 Class TG, 5.000% Due 06/15/2025     577,661       614,787  
FHLMC CMO Series 3925 Class VA, 4.000% Due 11/15/2022     449,557       449,885  
FHLMC CMO Series 4009 Class PA, 2.000% Due 06/15/2041     436,225       426,271  
FHLMC CMO Series 4017 Class MA, 3.000% Due 03/15/2041     441,264       442,751  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18642, 3.500% Due 04/01/2032     4,751,657     $ 4,914,308  
FNMA 7/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.599%), 2.763% Due 02/01/2046**     842,996       854,162  
FNMA 7/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.600%), 2.799% Due 12/01/2044**     700,292       712,147  
FNMA CMO Series 2003-79 Class NJ, 5.000% Due 08/25/2023     379,970       398,130  
FNMA CMO Series 2013-6 Class BC, 1.500% Due 12/25/2042     1,411,811       1,384,647  
FNMA CMO Series 2017-30 Class G, 3.000% Due 07/25/2040     1,728,124       1,753,519  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool MA0384, 5.000% Due 04/01/2030     781,407       840,091  
GNMA CMO Pool 2004-95 Class QA, 4.500% Due 03/20/2034     40,538       41,762  
GNMA Pool 726475, 4.000% Due 11/15/2024     216,089       224,119  
9.7% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations – Mortgage-Backed Securities   $ 13,506,769  
Taxable Municipal Bonds
Kansas Development Finance Authority Revenue, 3.491% Due 04/15/2023     825,000       843,356  
0.6% – Total For Taxable Municipal
  $ 843,356  
Total Fixed Income Securities 98.0%   $ 136,425,536  
(Identified Cost $136,977,448)

Cash Equivalents   Shares   Fair Value
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z, 1.15% (7-day yield)**     1,536,420     $ 1,536,420  
Total Cash Equivalents 1.1%   $ 1,536,420  
(Identified Cost $1,536,420)
Total Portfolio Value 99.1%   $ 137,961,956  
(Identified Cost $138,513,868)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.9%   $ 1,235,380  
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 139,197,336  
* 144A Restricted Security. The total fair value of such securities as of December 31, 2017, was $1,304,964 and represented 0.94% of net assets.
- Northern Natural Gas Co. Bond, Lot 1, was purchased on October 12, 2012, for $1,223,180; price on December 31, 2017 was $101.950.
- Northern Natural Gas Co. Bond, Lot 2, was purchased on January 15, 2013, for $72,413; price on December 31, 2017 was $101.950.
- Northern Natural Gas Co. Bond, Lot 3, was purchased on November 26, 2014, for $249,766; price on December 31, 2017 was $101.950.
** Variable Rate Security; the rate shown is as of December 31, 2017.

ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage

CMO – Collateralized Mortgage Obligation

FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FHLB – Federal Home Loan Bank

GNMA – Government National Mortgage Association

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Corporate Bonds:
AON Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.000% Due 11/27/2023     2,116,000     $ 2,225,881  
American Express Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.000% Due 10/30/2024     2,000,000       1,996,682  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 3.950% Due 03/22/2022     1,000,000       1,044,746  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 5.250% Due 11/01/2019     1,000,000       1,051,532  
Bank of America Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.248% Due 10/21/2027     2,500,000       2,480,798  
Fifth Third Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 4.300% Due 01/16/2024     2,000,000       2,122,714  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 01/14/2022     2,000,000       1,967,795  
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.875% Due 09/10/2024     2,000,000       2,086,246  
Key Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 4.625% Due 06/15/2018     1,000,000       1,009,888  
Keycorp Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.100% Due 03/24/2021     1,000,000       1,077,674  
Marsh & McLennan Co. Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/03/2024     1,500,000       1,549,847  
Morgan Stanley Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.125% Due 04/25/2018     1,600,000       1,600,831  
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/18/2022     1,290,000       1,322,335  
PNC Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 6.875% Due 05/15/2019     1,500,000       1,590,352  
Prudential Financial Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2020     1,000,000       1,056,747  
Suntrust Banks Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.900% Due 03/03/2021     2,000,000       2,022,389  
US Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 3.100% Due 04/27/2026     1,500,000       1,489,434  
US Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 3.600% Due 09/11/2024     1,000,000       1,035,921  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 4.300% Due 07/22/2027     1,400,000     $ 1,490,727  
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 4.480% Due 01/16/2024     1,220,000       1,311,236  
24.9% – Total Finance   $ 31,533,775  
AT&T Global Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.400% Due 08/14/2024     2,000,000       2,010,269  
CVS Health Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.875% Due 07/20/2025     1,700,000       1,750,777  
Eaton Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.750% Due 11/02/2022     1,500,000       1,504,387  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 0.950%), 2.588% Due 03/15/2023**     2,950,000       2,983,914  
Goodrich Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.875% Due 03/01/2020     1,000,000       1,047,512  
Johnson Controls International PLC, 3.750% Due 12/01/2021     990,000       1,024,043  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 02/01/2026     1,800,000       1,796,881  
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     1,000,000       1,009,127  
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.900% Due 06/15/2019     500,000       525,639  
Target Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.500% Due 04/15/2026     2,000,000       1,922,925  
United Technologies Junior Subordinated Notes, 1.778% Due 05/04/2018**     1,500,000       1,497,706  
Verizon Communications Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.672% Due 03/15/2055     1,782,000       1,720,421  
14.9% – Total Industrial   $ 18,793,601  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.750% Due 11/15/2023     1,000,000       1,041,321  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     460,000       464,335  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Duke Energy Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.050% Due 09/15/2019     620,000     $ 647,889  
Duke Energy Ohio First Mortgage, 5.450% Due 04/01/2019     1,000,000       1,038,473  
Enterprise Products Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.750% Due 02/15/2025     1,500,000       1,546,644  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.450% Due 05/01/2018     1,190,000       1,188,118  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.800% Due 05/01/2023     250,000       248,761  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.250% Due 12/01/2024     1,825,000       1,848,266  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.000% Due 03/30/2020     1,300,000       1,291,615  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.850% Due 05/15/2022     1,111,000       1,112,762  
National Rural Utilities Corp. Collateral Trust, 10.375% Due 11/01/2018     500,000       534,162  
National Rural Utilities Corp. Collateral Trust, 5.450% Due 02/01/2018     1,190,000       1,193,230  
Northern Natural Gas Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 07/15/2018*     1,000,000       1,019,503  
NStar Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2019     500,000       517,875  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.700% Due 05/15/2020     2,000,000       2,084,958  
12.5% – Total Utilities   $ 15,777,912  
52.3% Total Corporate Bonds   $ 66,105,288  
United States Government Treasury Obligations
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.048%), 1.198% Due 10/31/2019**     4,000,000       4,000,521  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.070%), 1.520% Due 04/30/2019**     5,000,000       5,004,250  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.140%), 1.590% Due 01/31/2019**     5,000,000     $ 5,007,996  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.170%), 1.620% Due 10/31/2018**     800,000       801,225  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 1.000% Due 02/15/2046     1,769,768       1,890,579  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 1.750% Due 01/15/2028     2,943,575       3,308,396  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.500% Due 05/15/2046     2,500,000       2,378,125  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.750% Due 11/15/2042     450,000       452,848  
18.0% – Total United States Government Treasury Obligations   $ 22,843,940  
United States Government Agency Obligations
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.625% Due 07/12/2021**     2,000,000       1,984,562  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.375% Due 10/28/2021**     1,500,000       1,490,844  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.600% Due 11/23/2021**     1,500,000       1,490,430  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/15/2022**     1,800,000       1,791,797  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/21/2022**     3,000,000       2,994,075  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/12/2022**     3,500,000       3,491,523  
10.5% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations   $ 13,243,231  
United States Government Agency Obligations – 
Mortgage Backed Securities

FHLMC 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.860%), 3.269% Due 04/01/2042**     470,788       482,346  
FHLMC CMO Pool J12635, 4.000% Due 07/01/2025     458,450       476,889  
FHLMC CMO Series 2985 Class GE, 5.500% Due 06/15/2025     147,564       156,594  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
FHLMC CMO Series 3946 Class LN, 3.500% Due 04/15/2041     861,373     $ 881,479  
FHLMC CMO Series 4017 Class MA, 3.000% Due 03/15/2041     180,108       180,715  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G08068, 5.500% Due 07/01/2035     235,654       262,407  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18642, 3.500% Due 04/01/2032     2,652,087       2,742,870  
FNMA 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.780%), 3.262% Due 12/01/2041**     370,082       379,286  
FNMA 7/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.600%), 2.799% Due 12/01/2044**     719,293       731,468  
FNMA CMO Pool AA4392, 4.000% Due 04/01/2039     331,222       348,296  
FNMA CMO Series 2015-37 Class BA, 3.000% Due 08/25/2044     1,798,056       1,823,182  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-39 Class LA, 2.500% Due 03/25/2045     1,251,212       1,226,316  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-99 Class TA, 3.500% Due 03/25/2036     1,036,231       1,066,152  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool MA0384, 5.000% Due 04/01/2030     312,563       336,036  
8.8% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations – Mortgage Backed Securities   $ 11,094,036  
Taxable Municipal Bonds
Bowling Green State University Ohio Revenue – Build America Bonds, 5.330% Due 06/01/2020     725,000       770,711  
Florida Atlantic University Capital Improvement Revenue – Build America Bonds, 7.589% Due 07/01/2037     1,000,000       1,116,730  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Kansas Development Finance Authority Revenue, 4.091% Due 04/15/2027     3,000,000     $ 3,183,330  
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission Revenue, 4.104% Due 04/01/2019     1,000,000       1,023,390  
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission Revenue, 5.339% Due 04/01/2022     300,000       322,956  
University of Cincinnati Ohio General Receipts Revenue –  Build America Bonds, 5.117% Due 06/01/2021     1,435,000       1,526,912  
6.3% – Total Taxable Municipal Bonds   $ 7,944,029  
Total Fixed Income Securities 95.9%   $ 121,230,524  
(Identified Cost $120,305,281)
Preferred Stocks     Shares           
Allstate Corp. Subordinated Debentures, 5.100% Due 01/15/2053     59,890       1,571,514  
Total Preferred Stocks 1.2%   $ 1,571,514  
(Identified Cost $1,446,031)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z, 1.15% (7-day yield)**     2,567,953       2,567,953  
Total Cash Equivalents 2.0%   $ 2,567,953  
(Identified Cost $2,567,953)
Total Portfolio Value 99.1%   $ 125,369,991  
(Identified Cost $124,319,265)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.9%   $ 1,165,455  
Total Net Assets 100%   $ 126,535,446  
* 144A Restricted Security. The total fair value of such securities as of December 31, 2017 was $1,019,503 and represented 0.81% of net assets.
- Northern Natural Gas Co. Bond was purchased on October 12, 2012, for $1,223,180; price on December 31, 2017 was $101.950.
** Variable Rate Security; the rate shown is as of December 31, 2017.

ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage

CMO – Collateralized Mortgage Obligation

FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

FNMA – Federal National Mortgage Association

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Corporate Bonds:
Ace INA Holdings Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.875% Due 11/03/2022     600,000     $ 608,170  
American Express Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.000% Due 10/30/2024     3,000,000       2,995,024  
American Express Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.625% Due 12/05/2024     100,000       102,895  
AON Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/14/2024     250,000       255,439  
AON Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.875% Due 12/15/2025     1,850,000       1,934,263  
AON Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.000% Due 11/27/2023     1,000,000       1,051,929  
Bank of America Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.248% Due 10/21/2027     4,000,000       3,969,277  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 3.950% Due 03/22/2022     75,000       78,356  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 5.250% Due 11/01/2019     2,500,000       2,628,829  
Fifth Third Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 4.300% Due 01/16/2024     3,000,000       3,184,070  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 01/14/2022     225,000       221,377  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.150% Due 03/14/2021     2,525,000       2,564,720  
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.375% Due 05/01/2023     100,000       101,646  
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.875% Due 09/10/2024     2,900,000       3,025,056  
Key Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 4.625% Due 06/15/2018     1,000,000       1,009,888  
Keycorp Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.100% Due 03/24/2021     1,075,000       1,158,500  
Marsh & McLennan Co. Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/03/2024     1,265,000       1,307,038  
Morgan Stanley Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.625% Due 11/17/2021     2,750,000       2,737,469  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.250% Due 02/10/2020     1,500,000     $ 1,491,855  
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 06/18/2022     1,150,000       1,178,826  
National City Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 6.875% Due 05/15/2019     1,745,000       1,850,109  
PNC Financial Services Subordinated Notes, 3.900% Due 04/29/2024     1,325,000       1,387,407  
Prudential Financial Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2020     1,165,000       1,231,111  
Suntrust Banks Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.900% Due 03/03/2021     2,300,000       2,325,747  
US Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 3.100% Due 04/27/2026     3,000,000       2,978,869  
US Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 3.600% Due 09/11/2024     1,100,000       1,139,513  
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 5.606% Due 01/15/2044     3,030,000       3,735,673  
23.0% – Total Finance   $ 46,253,056  
AT&T Global Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.400% Due 08/14/2024     3,000,000       3,015,403  
CVS Health Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.875% Due 07/20/2025     2,600,000       2,677,658  
Dover Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.450% Due 03/15/2018     1,395,000       1,404,323  
Eaton Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.750% Due 11/02/2022     2,275,000       2,281,654  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 1.000%), 2.359% Due 04/15/2023**     1,165,000       1,178,352  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 1.000%), 2.588% Due 03/15/2023**     3,275,000       3,312,650  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.400% Due 06/01/2018     1,460,000     $ 1,481,022  
Georgia Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.000% Due 03/30/2020     1,930,000       1,917,552  
Johnson Controls International PLC, 3.625% Due 07/02/2024     1,225,000       1,269,621  
Johnson Controls International PLC, 3.750% Due 12/01/2021     1,000,000       1,034,387  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.000% Due 02/01/2024     150,000       155,840  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.500% Due 02/01/2026     2,500,000       2,495,667  
McDonalds Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.625% Due 05/20/2021     545,000       565,414  
McDonalds Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.300% Due 03/01/2038     1,300,000       1,732,980  
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     100,000       100,913  
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.900% Due 06/15/2019     70,000       73,589  
Target Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.500% Due 04/15/2026     2,500,000       2,403,656  
Union Pacific Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.875% Due 01/15/2019     250,000       264,067  
United Technologies Junior Subordinated Notes, 1.778% Due 05/04/2018**     1,970,000       1,966,987  
Verizon Communications Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.672% Due 03/15/2055     2,879,000       2,779,513  
15.9% – Total Industrial   $ 32,111,248  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.750% Due 11/15/2023     2,960,000       3,082,311  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     170,000       171,602  
Duke Energy Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.550% Due 09/15/2021     2,525,000       2,605,880  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Enterprise Products Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.350% Due 03/15/2023     1,640,000     $ 1,672,323  
Enterprise Products Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.750% Due 02/15/2025     75,000       77,332  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.450% Due 05/01/2018     500,000       499,209  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.800% Due 05/01/2023     1,300,000       1,293,559  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.400% Due 08/15/2025     225,000       228,358  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.650% Due 09/01/2020     2,575,000       2,649,011  
National Rural Utilities Corp. Collateral Trust, 2.300% Due 11/15/2019     305,000       305,841  
National Rural Utilities Corp. Collateral Trust, 3.050% Due 02/15/2022     100,000       101,733  
Northern Natural Gas Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 07/15/2018*     1,000,000       1,019,503  
NStar Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2019     1,000,000       1,035,749  
Virginia Electric & Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.950% Due 01/15/2022     390,000       394,804  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.300% Due 06/01/2025     725,000       734,847  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.700% Due 05/15/2020     1,790,000       1,866,037  
8.8% – Total Utilities   $ 17,738,099  
47.7% Total Corporate Bonds   $ 96,102,403  
United States Government Treasury Obligations
United States Treasury Bond, 2.500% Due 02/15/2045     6,500,000       6,196,582  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .048%), 1.498% Due 10/31/2019**     5,500,000       5,500,717  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .060%), 1.510% Due 07/31/2019**     2,000,000     $ 2,001,233  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .070%), 1.520% Due 04/30/2019**     5,350,000       5,354,548  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 1.000% Due 02/15/2046     2,004,002       2,140,803  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 1.375% Due 02/15/2044     2,328,458       2,688,075  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.500% Due 05/15/2046     6,000,000       5,707,500  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.750% Due 08/15/2042     3,515,000       3,539,440  
United States Treasury Notes, 2.750% Due 11/15/2042     2,300,000       2,314,555  
United States Treasury Notes, 3.125% Due 02/15/2042     70,000       75,247  
17.7% – Total United States Government Treasury Obligations   $ 35,518,700  
United States Government Agency Obligations
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.625% Due 07/12/2021**     1,650,000       1,637,264  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.250% Due 07/27/2021**     100,000       98,092  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.375% Due 08/24/2021**     5,225,000       5,177,050  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.375% Due 10/28/2021**     125,000       124,237  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.625% Due 05/10/2022**     2,000,000       1,997,836  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/12/2022**     5,000,000       4,987,890  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/18/2022**     200,000       199,286  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/26/2022**     1,500,000       1,495,257  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 09/29/2022**     200,000       199,361  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 10/27/2022**     1,000,000     $ 1,000,873  
8.4% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations   $ 16,917,146  
United States Government Agency Obligations –  Mortgage Backed Securities
FHLMC 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.860%), 3.269% Due 04/01/2042**     470,788       482,346  
FHLMC CMO Series 2985 Class GE, 5.500% Due 06/15/2025     129,118       137,020  
FHLMC CMO Series 3946 Class LN, 3.500% Due 04/15/2041     861,373       881,479  
FHLMC CMO Series 4017 Class MA, 3.000% Due 03/15/2041     360,215       361,429  
FHLMC CMO Series 4087 Class PT, 3.000% Due 07/15/2042     1,160,882       1,168,403  
FHLMC CMO Series 4161 Class QA, 3.000% Due 02/15/2043     261,990       263,287  
FHLMC CMO Series 4582 Class PA, 3.000% Due 11/15/2045     1,711,994       1,728,903  
FHLMC CMO Series 4689 Class DA, 3.000% Due 07/15/2044     1,952,054       1,955,241  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G01880, 5.000% Due 08/01/2035     101,131       109,691  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G06616, 4.500% Due 12/01/2035     208,315       222,304  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G08068, 5.500% Due 07/01/2035     532,783       593,268  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G09921, 4.000% Due 07/01/2024     300,827       312,107  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G13596, 4.000% Due 07/01/2024     1,229,703       1,276,005  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18642, 3.500% Due 04/01/2032     3,978,131     $ 4,114,305  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18667, 3.500% Due 11/01/2032     2,913,126       3,013,341  
FNMA 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.780%), 3.262% Due 12/01/2041**     370,082       379,286  
FNMA CMO Series 2003-79 Class NJ, 5.000% Due 08/25/2023     232,397       243,504  
FNMA CMO Series 2005-64 Class PL, 5.500% Due 07/25/2035     136,664       148,944  
FNMA CMO Series 2011-53 Class DT, 4.500% Due 06/25/2041     319,077       338,103  
FNMA CMO Series 2013-21 Class VA, 3.000% Due 07/25/2028     1,060,878       1,073,080  
FNMA CMO Series 2013-83 Class MH, 4.000% Due 08/25/2043     470,231       494,477  
FNMA CMO Series 2014-20 Class AC, 3.000% Due 08/25/2036     846,870       858,014  
FNMA CMO Series 2014-28 Class PA, 3.500% Due 02/25/2043     466,332       479,493  
FNMA CMO Series 2015-72 Class GB, 2.500% Due 12/25/2042     1,454,757       1,450,614  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-39 Class LA, 2.500% Due 03/25/2045     3,169,738       3,106,666  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-79 Class L, 2.500% Due 10/25/2044     2,060,591       2,028,333  
FNMA CMO Series 2016-99 Class TA, 3.500% Due 03/25/2036     876,811       902,128  
FNMA CMO Series 2017-30 Class G, 3.000% Due 07/25/2040     3,024,217       3,068,658  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 1107, 3.500% Due 07/01/2032     1,053,612       1,096,285  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 889050, 6.000% Due 05/01/2037     378,854       427,146  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool 995112, 5.500% Due 07/01/2036     209,601     $ 232,522  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool AA4392, 4.000% Due 04/01/2039     331,222       348,296  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool AL9309, 3.500% Due 10/01/2031     1,187,033       1,227,401  
FNMA Partner Certificate Pool MA0384, 5.000% Due 04/01/2030     250,050       268,829  
GNMA CMO Pool 2009-124 Class L, 4.000% Due 11/20/2038     93,145       94,480  
17.3% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations – Mortgage Backed Securities   $ 34,885,388  
Taxable Municipal Bonds
Bowling Green State University Ohio Revenue – Build America Bonds, 5.330% Due 06/01/2020     750,000       797,287  
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, 2.853% Due 11/15/2026     750,000       722,721  
Florida Atlantic University Capital Improvement Revenue – Build America Bonds, 7.589% Due 07/01/2037     1,785,000       1,993,363  
Kansas Development Finance Authority Revenue, 3.741% Due 04/15/2025     3,705,000       3,832,378  
Kansas Development Finance Authority Revenue, 4.091% Due 04/15/2027     125,000       132,639  
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission Revenue, 1.688% Due 04/01/2018     150,000       149,872  
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission Revenue, 5.339% Due 04/01/2022     295,000       317,573  
Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission Revenue, 5.373% Due 11/01/2025     300,000       331,572  
Ohio Higher Education Facilities – Cleveland Clinic Health Systems, 3.849% Due 01/01/2022     945,000       984,879  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Ohio Major New Infrastructure Revenue – Build America Bonds, 4.994% Due 12/15/2020     850,000     $ 904,026  
5.1% – Total Taxable Municipal Bonds   $ 10,166,310  
Total Fixed Income Securities 96.2%   $ 193,589,947  
(Identified Cost $191,909,361)

Preferred Stocks   Shares  
Allstate Corp. Subordinated Debentures, 5.100% Due 01/15/2053     66,600       1,747,584  
Total Preferred Stocks 0.9%   $ 1,747,584  
(Identified Cost $1,637,083)
Cash Equivalents
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z, 1.15% (7-day yield)**     4,252,611       4,252,611  
Total Cash Equivalents 2.1%   $ 4,252,611  
(Identified Cost $4,252,611)
Total Portfolio Value 99.2%   $ 199,590,142  
(Identified Cost $197,799,055)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.8%   $ 1,627,462  
Total Net Assets 100.0%   $ 201,217,604  
* 144A Restricted Security. The total fair value of such securities as of December 31, 2017 was $1,019,503 and represented 0.51% of net assets.
- Northern Natural Gas Co. Bond was purchased on October 12, 2012, for $1,223,180; price on December 31, 2017 was $101.950.
** Variable Rate Security; the rate shown is as of December 31, 2017.

ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage

FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

FNMA – Federal National Mortgage Association

GNMA – Government National Mortgage Association


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017


Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Corporate Bonds:
Ace INA Holdings Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.900% Due 06/15/2019     679,000     $ 715,142  
American Express Credit Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.250% Due 05/05/2021     2,600,000       2,579,483  
AON Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.000% Due 09/30/2020     2,400,000       2,555,763  
Bank of America Notes, 6.875% Due 04/25/2018     2,000,000       2,030,554  
BB&T Corp. Subordinated Notes, 5.250% Due 11/01/2019     1,810,000       1,903,272  
Chubb INA Holdings Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 11/03/2020     1,000,000       998,408  
Fifth Third Bancorp Subordinated Notes, 4.500% Due 06/01/2018     2,250,000       2,271,925  
Goldman Sachs Group Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.150% Due 04/01/2018     2,100,000       2,122,101  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.300% Due 01/14/2022     1,500,000       1,475,846  
Huntington Bancshares Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.150% Due 03/14/2021     500,000       507,865  
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 01/24/2022     2,600,000       2,782,136  
Keycorp Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.100% Due 03/24/2021     2,000,000       2,155,349  
Mellon Funding Corp. (Bank of America) Subordinated Notes, 5.500% Due 11/15/2018     1,500,000       1,543,428  
Morgan Stanley Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.500% Due 07/28/2021     2,200,000       2,406,445  
MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.625% Due 02/09/2018     1,827,000       1,826,638  
National City Bank NA Subordinated Notes, 6.875% Due 05/15/2019     2,000,000       2,120,469  
Suntrust Banks Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.900% Due 03/03/2021     2,000,000       2,022,389  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Travelers Companies Inc. Senior Unnsecured Notes, 5.800% Due 05/15/2018     1,000,000     $ 1,014,083  
Wells Fargo & Co. Subordinated Notes, 3.450% Due 02/13/2023     2,600,000       2,649,520  
25.9% – Total Finance   $ 35,680,816  
AT&T Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.600% Due 02/17/2023     2,300,000       2,352,831  
BP Capital Markets PLC Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.375% Due 05/10/2018     1,000,000       998,473  
BP Capital Markets PLC Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.674% Due 02/13/2018     1,267,000       1,266,687  
Chevron Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Note, 2.017% Due 03/03/2022**     2,100,000       2,122,099  
CR Bard Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.375% Due 01/15/2018     1,700,000       1,699,740  
CVS Health Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.125% Due 05/15/2021     2,300,000       2,389,618  
Eaton Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.600% Due 05/15/2018     1,000,000       1,013,104  
Eaton Electric Holdings Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.875% Due 12/15/2020     1,025,000       1,060,271  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 0.300%), 1.659% Due 05/13/2024**     1,600,000       1,560,748  
General Electric Capital Corp. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (3 month LIBOR + 1.000%), 2.359% Due 04/15/2023**     2,000,000       2,022,922  
Johnson Controls International PLC, 5.000% Due 03/30/2020     1,560,000       1,645,356  
Kroger Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.150% Due 01/15/2020     1,800,000       1,934,008  
McDonald's Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.200% Due 05/26/2020     1,745,000       1,744,275  
Norfolk Southern Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     1,564,000       1,578,275  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
United Technologies Junior Subordinated Notes, 1.778% Due 05/04/2018**     2,000,000     $ 1,996,942  
Verizon Communications Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.150% Due 09/15/2023     2,050,000       2,280,920  
20.1% – Total Industrials   $ 27,666,269  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 2.000% Due 11/15/2018     1,390,000       1,391,085  
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% Due 04/01/2018     1,000,000       1,009,424  
Duke Energy Corp. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.050% Due 09/15/2019     1,672,000       1,747,211  
Enterprise Products Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.500% Due 01/31/2019     1,500,000       1,567,457  
Eversource Energy Senior Unsecured Notes, 1.450% Due 05/01/2018     1,425,000       1,422,746  
Eversource Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.500% Due 11/15/2019     480,000       497,160  
Georgia Power, 2.850% Due 05/15/2022     2,600,000       2,604,124  
Interstate Power & Light Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.650% Due 09/01/2020     1,950,000       2,006,047  
National Rural Utilites Corp. Collateral Trust Notes, 2.350% Due 06/15/2020     795,000       797,105  
National Rural Utilities Corp. Collateral Trust, 5.450% Due 02/01/2018     1,270,000       1,273,447  
Virginia Electric & Power Co. Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.400% Due 04/30/2018     2,045,000       2,068,128  
Xcel Energy Inc. Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.700% Due 05/15/2020     1,995,000       2,079,745  
13.4% – Total Utilities   $ 18,463,679  
59.4% Total Corporate Bonds   $ 81,810,764  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
United States Government Treasury Obligations
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + .048%), 1.498% Due 10/31/2019**     3,000,000     $ 3,000,391  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.140%), 1.590% Due 01/31/2019**     1,000,000       1,001,599  
United States Treasury Floating Rate Notes (TBill 13-week auction high rate + 0.170%), 1.620% Due 10/31/2018**     3,500,000       3,505,359  
United States Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 0.125% Due 04/15/2018     4,268,360       4,263,302  
United States Treasury Notes, 0.875% Due 10/15/2018     2,000,000       1,987,031  
United States Treasury Notes, 1.000% Due 03/15/2018***     3,500,000       3,497,542  
United States Treasury Notes, 1.125% Due 06/15/2018***     2,165,000       2,161,617  
14.1% – Total United States Government Treasury Obligations   $ 19,416,841  
United States Government Agency Obligations
FHLB Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 09/15/2022**     1,500,000       1,488,030  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.250% Due 07/27/2021**     2,500,000       2,452,310  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.375% Due 08/24/2021**     1,000,000       990,823  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/15/2022**     1,175,000       1,169,646  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 06/21/2022**     2,910,000       2,904,253  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.625% Due 07/12/2021**     2,000,000       1,984,562  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/18/2022**     1,600,000       1,594,291  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 07/26/2022**     3,500,000       3,488,933  
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 09/29/2022**     1,000,000       996,807  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Portfolio of Investments as of December 31, 2017

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
FHLMC Step-up Coupon Notes, 1.750% Due 10/27/2022**     1,200,000     $ 1,201,048  
13.2% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations   $ 18,270,703                    
United States Government Agency Obligations – 
Mortgage Backed Securities

FHLMC CMO Series 4009 Class PA, 2.000% Due 06/15/2041     1,510,010       1,475,553  
FHLMC CMO Series 4287 Class AB, 2.000% Due 12/15/2026     908,092       897,944  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool G18642, 3.500% Due 04/01/2032     3,712,922       3,840,018  
FHLMC Gold Partner Certificate Pool J12635, 4.000% Due 07/01/2025     144,085       149,879  
FNMA 10/1 Hybrid ARM (12 month LIBOR + 1.780%), 3.262% Due 12/01/2041**     370,082       379,286  
FNMA CMO Pool 1106, 3.000% Due 07/01/2032     1,132,145       1,159,230  
FNMA CMO Pool 833200, 5.500% Due 09/01/2035     710,232       791,495  
FNMA CMO Series 2013-6 Class BC, 1.500% Due 12/25/2042     953,927       935,572  
FNMA CMO Series 2017-30 Class G, 3.000% Due 07/25/2040     1,728,124       1,753,519  
GNMA Pool 726475, 4.000% Due 11/15/2024     216,089       224,118  
GNMA Pool 728920, 4.000% Due 12/15/2024     307,799       320,740  
8.6% – Total United States Government Agency Obligations – Mortgage Backed Securities   $ 11,927,354  
Taxable Municipal Bonds
Fairborn Ohio Special Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes, 2.500% Due 08/15/2018     1,525,000       1,529,865  

Fixed Income Securities   Face Value   Fair Value
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission Revenue, 2.668% Due 04/01/2021     820,000     $ 822,001  
1.7% – Total Taxable Municipal Bonds   $ 2,351,866  
Total Fixed Income Securities 97.0%   $ 133,777,528  
(Identified Cost $134,183,076)

Cash & Cash Equivalents   Shares  
First American Government Obligation Fund, Class Z, 1.15% (7-day yield)**     3,777,126       3,777,126  
Total Cash Equivalents 2.7%   $ 3,777,126  
(Identified Cost $3,777,126)
Total Portfolio Value 99.7%   $ 137,554,654  
(Identified Cost $137,960,202)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities 0.3%   $ 429,297  
Total Net Assets: 100.0%   $ 137,983,951  

Futures Contracts   Long
E-mini Standard & Poor's 500 expiring March 2018 (50 units per contract)     1,027     $ 577,681  
(Notional Value of $137,412,600)
** Variable Rate Security; the rate shown is as of December 31, 2017.
*** Held as collateral by RJ O'Brien for futures contracts
- part ($3,456,000 face) of US Treasury Note maturing 03/15/2018, and all ($2,165,000 face) of US Treasury Note maturing 06/15/2018.

ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage

CMO – Collateralized Mortgage Obligation

FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FHLB – Federal Home Loan Bank

FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

FNMA – Federal National Mortgage Association

GNMA – Government National Mortgage Association

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Assets and Liabilities

Short Duration
Bond Fund
Bond Fund
Bond Fund
Return Fund
Investment Securities at Fair Value*   $ 137,961,956     $ 125,369,991     $ 199,590,142     $ 137,554,654  
Due from Broker                       24,750  
Interest Receivable     1,026,746       869,721       1,396,556       966,149  
Fund Shares Sold Receivable     236,531       320,613       270,375       140,234  
Receivable for CMO Paydowns     1,121       1,201       1,201        
Total Assets   $ 139,226,354     $ 126,561,526     $ 201,258,274     $ 138,685,787  
Accrued Management Fee   $ 28,703     $ 25,769     $ 40,353     $ 40,356  
Payable for Variation Margin on Futures Contracts                       498,095  
Fund Shares Redeemed Payable     315       311       317       163,385  
Total Liabilities   $ 29,018     $ 26,080     $ 40,670     $ 701,836  
Net Assets   $ 139,197,336     $ 126,535,446     $ 201,217,604     $ 137,983,951  
Net Assets Consist of:
Paid in Capital   $ 139,903,371     $ 125,444,887     $ 199,392,555     $ 133,205,212  
Accumulated Net Investment Income/(Loss)     10,227       36,270       27,203       26,721  
Accumulated Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security Transactions & Futures Contracts     (164,350 )      3,563       6,759       4,579,885  
Net Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments     (551,912 )      1,050,726       1,791,087       (405,548 ) 
Net Unrealized (Loss) on Futures Contracts                       577,681  
Net Assets   $ 139,197,336     $ 126,535,446     $ 201,217,604     $ 142,623,951  
Shares Outstanding (Unlimited Amount Authorized)     9,301,963       8,095,341       12,648,735       8,481,757  
Offering, Redemption and Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 14.96     $ 15.63     $ 15.91     $ 16.82  
*Identified Cost of Investment Securities   $ 138,513,868     $ 124,319,265     $ 197,799,055     $ 137,960,202  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Operations

Short Duration
Bond Fund
Bond Fund
Bond Fund
Return Fund
     Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
Investment Income:
Interest   $ 2,536,234     $ 2,835,335     $ 4,148,482     $ 2,227,274  
Dividends           76,360       80,293        
Total Investment Income   $ 2,536,234     $ 2,911,695     $ 4,228,775     $ 2,227,274  
Gross Management Fee   $ 415,240     $ 350,651     $ 488,998     $ 432,874  
Management Fee Waiver (Note #4)     (81,924 )      (69,155 )      (96,086 )       
Net Expenses   $ 333,316     $ 281,496     $ 392,912     $ 432,874  
Net Investment Income   $ 2,202,918     $ 2,630,199     $ 3,835,863     $ 1,794,400  
Realized and Unrealized Gains/(Losses):
Net Realized Gain from Security Transactions   $ 18,232     $ 367,955     $ 381,659     $ (173,129 ) 
Net Realized Gain from Futures Contracts                       20,712,938  
Net Change in Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments     (96,553 )      418,852       1,519,502       42,695  
Net Change in Unrealized (Loss) on Futures Contracts                       1,544,201  
Net Gain/(Loss) on Investments   $ (78,321)     $ 786,807     $ 1,901,161     $ 22,126,705  
Net Change in Net Assets from Operations   $ 2,124,597     $ 3,417,006     $ 5,737,024     $ 23,921,105  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




December 31, 2017

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

  Johnson Institutional
Short Duration Bond Fund
  Johnson Institutional
Intermediate Bond Fund
  Johnson Institutional
Core Bond Fund
  Johnson Enhanced
Return Fund
     Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
  Year Ended
Net Investment Income   $ 2,202,918     $ 1,582,320     $ 2,630,199     $ 2,374,726     $ 3,835,863     $ 2,385,866     $ 1,794,400     $ 1,216,558  
Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Security Transactions     18,232       179,234       367,955       270,305       381,659       654,838       (173,129 )      100,824  
Net Realized Gain from Futures Contracts                                         20,712,938       13,309,488  
Net Change in Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments     (96,553 )      133,919       418,852       717,704       1,519,502       (398,336 )      42,695       122,938  
Net Change in Unrealized (Loss) on Futures Contracts                                         1,544,201       (1,915,570 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Operations   $ 2,124,597     $ 1,895,473     $ 3,417,006     $ 3,362,735     $ 5,737,024     $ 2,642,368     $ 23,921,105     $ 12,834,238  
Distributions to Shareholders:
Net Investment Income   $ (2,306,918 )    $ (1,761,554 )    $ (2,678,079 )    $ (2,459,539 )    $ (4,027,445 )    $ (2,547,906 )    $ (1,827,796 )    $ (1,419,911 ) 
Return of Capital           (15,972 )                        (19,024 )             
Net Realized Gain from Security Transactions                 (280,242 )      (92,392 )      (156,115 )      (492,798 )      (22,653,984 )      (4,052,802 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Distributions   $ (2,306,918 )    $ (1,777,526 )    $ (2,958,321 )    $ (2,551,931 )    $ (4,183,560 )    $ (3,059,728 )    $ (24,481,780 )    $ (5,472,713 ) 
Capital Share Transactions:
Proceeds From Sale of Shares   $ 51,043,212     $ 46,756,569     $ 30,563,616     $ 27,848,730     $ 70,962,697     $ 48,945,493     $ 12,189,279     $ 25,084,822  
Proceeds From Subscriptions-in-Kind                             21,899,732                    
Net Asset Value of Shares Issued on Reinvestment of Distributions     587,804       331,055       343,443       293,502       2,226,415       867,136       24,481,738       5,472,547  
Cost of Shares Redeemed     (36,624,555 )      (30,910,252 )      (15,538,392 )      (22,604,865 )      (12,114,574 )      (19,600,901 )      (8,309,846 )      (25,687,328 ) 
Net Change in Net Assets from Capital Share Transactions   $ 15,006,461     $ 16,177,372     $ 15,368,667     $ 5,537,367     $ 82,974,270     $ 30,211,728     $ 28,361,171     $ 4,870,041  
Net Change in Net Assets   $ 14,824,140     $ 16,295,319     $ 15,827,352     $ 6,348,171     $ 84,527,734     $ 29,794,368     $ 27,800,496     $ 12,231,566  
Net Assets at Beginning of Year   $ 124,373,196     $ 108,077,877     $ 110,708,094     $ 104,359,923     $ 116,689,870     $ 86,895,502     $ 110,183,455     $ 97,951,889  
Net Assets at End of Year   $ 139,197,336     $ 124,373,196     $ 126,535,446     $ 110,708,094     $ 201,217,604     $ 116,689,870     $ 137,983,951     $ 110,183,455  
Accumulated (Distribution in Excess of) Undistributed Net Investment Income   $ 10,227     $     $ 36,270     $     $ 27,203     $     $ 26,721     $  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 14.98     $ 14.96     $ 15.05     $ 15.03     $ 15.27  
Net Investment Income     0.24       0.21       0.17       0.18       0.25  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities (Realized and Unrealized)     (0.01 )      0.04       (0.07 )      0.04       (0.22 ) 
Total Operations   $ 0.23     $ 0.25     $ 0.10     $ 0.22     $ 0.03  
Net Investment Income     (0.25 )      (0.23 )      (0.19 )      (0.20 )      (0.25 ) 
Return of Capital           (0.00)(a)       (0.00)(a)              
Net Realized Capital Gains                             (0.02 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (0.25 )    $ (0.23 )    $ (0.19 )    $ (0.20 )    $ (0.27 ) 
Net Asset Value at End of Period   $ 14.96     $ 14.98     $ 14.96     $ 15.05     $ 15.03  
Total Return(b)     1.54 %     1.68 %     0.67 %     1.44 %     0.16 %
Net Assets End of Period (Millions)   $ 139.20     $ 124.37     $ 108.08     $ 78.27     $ 74.11  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     0.24 %      0.24 %      0.23 %      0.24 %      0.24 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     1.53 %      1.32 %      1.07 %      1.14 %      1.57 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     1.59 %      1.38 %      1.14 %      1.20 %      1.63 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     48.04 %      73.88 %      42.30 %      42.41 %      56.49 % 

(a) Return of Capital is less than $0.005 per share.
(b) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(c) In 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 0.30% management fee to sustain a net fee of 0.24%, 0.24%, 0.23%, 0.24%, and 0.24%, respectively. The Adviser intends this fee waiver to be permanent, although the Adviser retains the right to remove the waiver after April 30, 2018. (Note #4)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 15.56     $ 15.41     $ 15.61     $ 15.40     $ 16.24  
Net Investment Income     0.35       0.34       0.33       0.37       0.45  
Net Gains on Securities (Realized and Unrealized)     0.11       0.18       (0.19 )      0.29       (0.56 ) 
Total Operations   $ 0.46     $ 0.52     $ 0.14     $ 0.66     $ (0.11 ) 
Net Investment Income     (0.36 )      (0.36 )      (0.34 )      (0.39 )      (0.45 ) 
Return of Capital                 (0.00)(a)              
Net Realized Capital Gains     (0.03 )      (0.01 )            (0.06 )      (0.28 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (0.39 )    $ (0.37 )    $ (0.34 )    $ (0.45 )    $ (0.73 ) 
Net Asset Value at End of Period   $ 15.63     $ 15.56     $ 15.41     $ 15.61     $ 15.40  
Total Return(b).     2.99 %     3.37 %     0.90 %     4.31 %     (0.68 )%
Net Assets End of Period (Millions)   $ 126.54     $ 110.71     $ 104.36     $ 79.64     $ 76.12  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     0.24 %      0.24 %      0.23 %      0.24 %      0.24 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     2.19 %      2.12 %      2.06 %      2.30 %      2.79 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     2.25 %      2.18 %      2.13 %      2.36 %      2.85 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     40.37 %      50.71 %      32.75 %      34.31 %      55.78 % 

(a) Return of Capital is less than $0.005 per share.
(b) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(c) In 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 0.30% management fee to sustain a net fee of 0.24%, 0.24%, 0.23%, 0.24%, and 0.24%, respectively. The Adviser intends this fee waiver to be permanent, although the Adviser retains the right to remove the waiver after April 30, 2018. (Note #4)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 15.73     $ 15.63     $ 15.98     $ 15.43     $ 16.52  
Net Investment Income     0.37       0.39       0.39       0.40       0.49  
Net Gains on Securities (Realized and Unrealized)*     0.21       0.19       (0.21 )      0.63       (0.80 ) 
Total Operations   $ 0.58     $ 0.58     $ 0.18     $ 1.03     $ (0.31 ) 
Net Investment Income     (0.39 )      (0.40 )      (0.42 )      (0.43 )      (0.49 ) 
Return of Capital           (0.00)(a)       (0.00)(a)              
Net Realized Capital Gains     (0.01 )      (0.08 )      (0.11 )      (0.05 )      (0.29 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (0.40 )    $ (0.48 )    $ (0.53 )    $ (0.48 )    $ (0.78 ) 
Net Asset Value at End of Period   $ 15.91     $ 15.73     $ 15.63     $ 15.98     $ 15.43  
Total Return(b)     3.72 %     3.67 %     1.16 %     6.79 %     (1.87 )%
Net Assets End of Period (Millions)   $ 201.22     $ 116.69     $ 86.90     $ 74.82     $ 71.30  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 %      0.30 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     0.24 %      0.24 %      0.23 %      0.24 %      0.24 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     2.29 %      2.34 %      2.39 %      2.46 %      2.99 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     2.35 %      2.40 %      2.46 %      2.52 %      3.04 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     31.42 %      42.29 %      29.51 %      28.30 %      67.39 % 

* Realized and unrealized gains and losses per share in the caption are balancing amounts necessary to reconcile the change in net asset value per share for the period, and may not reconcile with aggregate gains and losses in the Statement of Operations due to share transactions for the period.
(a) Return of Capital is less than $0.005 per share.
(b) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(c) In 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 0.30% management fee to sustain a net fee of 0.24%, 0.24%, 0.23%, 0.24%, and 0.24%, respectively. The Adviser intends this fee waiver to be permanent, although the Adviser retains the right to remove the waiver after April 30, 2018. (Note #4)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout each Period:

  Year Ended December 31
     2016   2016   2015   2014   2013
Net Asset Value Beginning of Period   $ 16.28     $ 15.17     $ 15.82     $ 16.27     $ 15.50  
Net Investment Income     0.26       0.18       0.15       0.16       0.24  
Net Gains (Losses) on Securities and Futures Contracts (Realized and Unrealized)     3.21       1.76       0.07       2.21       4.58  
Total Operations   $ 3.47     $ 1.94     $ 0.22     $ 2.37     $ 4.82  
Net Investment Income     (0.26 )      (0.21 )      (0.17 )      (0.17 )      (0.24 ) 
Return of Capital                 (0.00)(a)              
Net Realized Capital Gains     (3.22 )      (0.62 )      (0.70 )      (2.65 )      (3.81 ) 
Total Distributions   $ (3.48 )    $ (0.83 )    $ (0.87 )    $ (2.82 )    $ (4.05 ) 
Net Asset Value at End of Period   $ 16.27     $ 16.28     $ 15.17     $ 15.82     $ 16.27  
Total Return(b)     21.39 %     12.89 %     1.34 %     14.42 %     31.31 %
Net Assets End of Period (Millions)   $ 137.98     $ 110.18     $ 97.95     $ 97.15     $ 83.93  
Ratio of Expenses to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     0.35 %      0.35 %      0.35 %      0.35 %      0.67 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     0.35 %      0.35 %      0.35 %      0.35 %      0.35 % 
Ratio of Net Investment Income to
Average Net Assets before Waiver     1.45 %      1.16 %      0.91 %      0.93 %      1.00 % 
Average Net Assets after Waiver     1.45 %      1.16 %      0.91 %      0.93 %      1.32 % 
Portfolio Turnover Rate     40.40 %      65.13 %      57.75 %      56.32 %      33.09 % 

(a) Return of Capital is less than $0.005 per share.
(b) Total Return in the above table represents the rate that the investor would have earned on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of dividends.
(c) Prior to May 1, 2013, the Adviser waived a portion of the 1.00% management fee to sustain a fee of 0.35%. Effective May 1, 2013, the Adviser removed the fee waiver, and reduced the management fee to 0.35%. (Note #4)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





December 31, 2017

1)    Organization

The Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund (the “Bond Funds,”) and Johnson Enhanced Return Fund (each individually a “Fund” and collectively the “Funds”) are each a diversified series of the Johnson Mutual Funds Trust (the “Trust”), and are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as no-load, open-end investment companies. The Johnson Mutual Funds Trust was established as an Ohio business trust under an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated September 30, 1992. The Bond Funds began offering their shares publicly on August 31, 2000. The Johnson Enhanced Return Fund began offering shares publicly on December 30, 2005. All Funds are managed by Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc. (the “Adviser”).

The investment objective of the Bond Funds is a high level of income over the long term consistent with preservation of capital. The investment objective of the Johnson Enhanced Return Fund is to outperform the Fund’s benchmark, the S&P 500 Composite Stock Index, over a full market cycle.

2)    Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Accounting:

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United State of America (GAAP). The Funds are investment companies and accordingly follow the investment company guidance of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946.

Financial Futures Contracts:

The Enhanced Return Fund invests in stock index futures (equity risk) in an attempt to replicate the returns of the leading large capitalization companies in the leading industries in the U.S. economy. The Fund enters into S&P 500 E-Mini contracts four times a year generally near the time the contracts would expire (contracts expire the third Friday of March, June, September and December). The contracts are generally held until it is time to roll into the next contracts. The average daily notional value for the year ended December 31, 2017 was $122,327,279. Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Fund is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash, U.S. government securities, or other assets, equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount (initial margin deposit). Subsequent payments, known as “variation margin,” are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the fair value of the futures contract. The Fund recognizes an unrealized gain or loss equal to the daily variation margin. The amount of the daily variation margin is reflected as an asset or liability within the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, while the cumulative change in unrealized gain/loss on futures contracts is reported separately within the Statements of Operations. The Net Unrealized Gains on futures contracts, as of December 31, 2017, is presented separately within the components of net assets on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Should market conditions move unexpectedly, the Fund may not achieve the anticipated benefits of the financial futures contracts and may realize a loss at the contract settlement date. A realized gain or loss is recognized when a contract is sold, and is the difference between the fair value of the contract at purchase and the fair value of the contract when sold. Realized gains/losses on futures contracts are reported separately within the Statements of Operations. The use of futures transactions involves the risk of imperfect correlation in movements in the price of futures contracts, interest rates, and the underlying hedged asset, as well as the risk that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

As of December 31, 2017, RJ O’Brien holds cash as collateral in the amount of $24,750 and is restricted from withdrawal. The Fund holds U.S. Treasury Notes with the custodian, which also serve as collateral for future contracts, with a value on December 31, 2017 of $5,058,900. Net variation margin payable on futures contracts as of December 31, 2017 was $498,095.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities:

The Enhanced Return Fund has adopted financial reporting rules regarding offsetting assets and liabilities and related arrangements to enable users of its financial statements to understand the effect of those arrangements on its financial position. The Fund’s policy is to recognize a net asset/liability equal to the net variation margin for the futures contracts. As of December 31, 2017, the Fund only has one position and the variation margin applicable to that position is presented in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.





December 31, 2017

2)    Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued

The following table presents the Enhanced Return Fund’s liability derivatives available for offset under a master netting agreement, net of collateral pledged as of December 31, 2017.


Description   Gross
amounts of
  Gross Amounts
Offset in the
Statement of Assets &
  Net Amounts
in the
Statement of Assets &
  Gross Amounts Not Offset in the Statement of
Assets & Liabilities
  Cash Collateral Pledged/
  Net Amount
Futures Contracts   $ 498,095     $       —     $ 498,095     $ (498,095 )*   $       —     $       —  
Total   $ 498,095     $     $ 498,095     $ (498,095 )*   $     $  

* The amount is limited to the derivative liability balance, and accordingly, does not include excess collateral pledged.

Investment Income and Realized Capital Gains and Losses on Investment Securities:

Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis. Gains and losses on sales of investments are calculated using the specific identification method. Discounts and premiums on securities purchased are amortized over the lives of the respective securities, using the interest method. Gains and losses on paydowns of mortgage-backed securities are reflected in interest income on the Statements of Operations. The ability of issuers of debt securities held by the Funds to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments in a specific country or region.

Income Taxes:

It is the Funds’ policy to distribute annually, prior to the end of the year, dividends sufficient to satisfy excise tax requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. This Internal Revenue Service requirement may cause an excess of distributions over the book year-end accumulated income. In addition, it is the Funds’ policy to distribute annually, after the end of the calendar year, any remaining net investment income and net capital gains to comply with the special provisions of the Internal Revenue Code available to registered investment companies (“RICs”). Each year, each Fund intends to continue to qualify as a RIC under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code by making distributions as noted above and complying with other requirements applicable to RICs. As a result, no provision for income taxes is required.

Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes:

As of all open tax years ended December 31, 2017, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the Statements of Operations. During the year, the Funds did not incur any interest or penalties.


Distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The Funds intend to distribute net investment income on a calendar quarter basis. The Funds intend to distribute their net realized long-term capital gains and their net realized short-term capital gains, if any, at least once a year. The treatment for financial reporting purposes of distributions made to shareholders during the year from net investment income or net realized capital gains may differ from their ultimate treatment for federal income tax purposes. These differences are caused primarily by differences in the timing of the recognition of certain components of income, expense or realized capital gain for federal income tax purposes. Where such differences are permanent in nature, they are reclassified in the components of net assets based on their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. Any such reclassifications will have no effect on net assets, results of operations, or net asset values per share of the Funds.





December 31, 2017

2)    Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued

For the year ended December 31, 2017, the Funds made the following reclassifications to increase (decrease) the components of the net assets:

  Paid in Capital   Accumulated
Net Investment
Income (Loss)
Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
Short Duration Bond Fund   $       —     $ 114,227     $ (114,227 ) 
Intermediate Bond Fund           84,150       (84,150 ) 
Core Bond Fund           218,785       (218,785 ) 
Enhanced Return Fund           60,117       (60,117 ) 

Reasons for the reclassification of components of net assets are attributable to the paydowns received during the year from collateralized mortgage obligations.

3)    Security Valuation and Transactions

The Funds utilize various methods to measure the fair value of most of their investments on a recurring basis.

Securities for which representative market quotations are not readily available or are considered unreliable by the Investment Adviser are valued as determined in good faith by, or under the direction of, the Board of Trustees. Various inputs may be reviewed in order to make a good faith determination of a security’s fair value. These inputs include, but are not limited to, the type and cost of the security; contractual or legal restrictions on resale of the security; relevant financial or business developments of the issuer; actively traded similar or related securities; conversion or exchange rights on the security; related corporate actions; significant events occurring after the close of trading in the security; and changes in overall market conditions. Fair valuations and valuations of investments that are not actively trading involve judgment and may differ materially from valuations of investments that would have been used had greater market activity occurred.

GAAP establish a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation methods. The three levels of inputs are:

¨ Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Funds have the ability to access.
¨ Level 2 — Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.
¨ Level 3 — Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, to the extent relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and would be based on the best information available.

The availability of observable inputs can vary from security to security and is affected by a wide variety of factors, including, for example, the type of security, whether the security is new and not yet established in the marketplace, the liquidity of markets, and other characteristics particular to the security. To the extent that valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3.

The inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes, the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement falls in its entirety, is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.

Fair Value Measurements:

A description of the valuation techniques applied to the Funds’ major categories of assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis follows.





December 31, 2017

3)    Security Valuation and Transactions, continued

Corporate Bonds. Corporate bonds are generally valued at prices obtained from pricing vendors. The fair value of corporate bonds is estimated using market approach valuation techniques, which may consider recently executed transactions in securities of the issuer or comparable issuers, market price quotations for similar securities (where observable), bond spreads, fundamental data relating to the issuer, and credit default swap spreads adjusted for any basis difference between cash and derivative instruments. While most corporate bonds are categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, in instances where lower relative weight is placed on transaction prices, quotations, or similar observable inputs, they will be categorized in Level 3.

U.S. Government Securities. U.S. government securities are generally valued at prices obtained from pricing vendors. U.S. government securities, including U.S. Treasury Obligations, are normally valued using market approach valuation techniques that incorporate observable market data such as reported sales of similar securities, broker quotes, yields, bids, offers, and reference data. Certain securities are valued principally using dealer quotations. U.S. government securities are categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

U.S. Agency Securities. U.S. agency securities are generally valued at prices obtained from pricing vendors. U.S. agency securities are comprised of two main categories consisting of agency issued debt and mortgage-backed securities. Agency issued debt securities are generally valued in a manner similar to U.S. government securities. Mortgage-backed securities are generally valued based on models that consider the estimated cash flows of each tranche of the entity, establish a benchmark yield, and develop an estimated tranche-specific spread to the benchmark yield based on the unique attributes of the tranche. Depending on market activity levels and whether quotations or other data are used, these securities are typically categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Municipal Bonds. Municipal bonds are generally valued at prices obtained from pricing vendors. Municipal Bonds are normally valued using a market approach valuation technique that incorporates observable market data such as reported sales of similar securities, broker quotes, yields, bids, offers, and reference data. Certain securities are valued principally using dealer quotations. Municipal Bonds are categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Preferred Stocks. Securities traded on a national securities exchange (or reported on the NASDAQ national market) are stated at the last reported sales price on the day of valuation. To the extent these securities are actively traded and valuation adjustments are not applied, they are categorized in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

Money Market. Investments in mutual funds, including money market mutual funds (notated throughout these financial statements as cash equivalents), are generally priced at the ending net asset value (“NAV”) provided by the service agent of the funds. These securities will be categorized as Level 1 securities.

Derivative Instruments. Listed derivatives, including futures contracts that are actively traded, are valued based on quoted prices from the exchange and are categorized in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

The following is a summary of the inputs used to value each Fund’s investments as of December 31, 2017:

Short Duration Bond Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Totals
Corporate Bonds*   $       —     $ 87,455,868     $       —     $ 87,455,868  
U.S. Treasury Obligations           13,767,360             13,767,360  
U.S. Agency Obligations           20,852,183             20,852,183  
U.S. Agency Obligations – Mortgage-Backed           13,506,769             13,506,769  
Taxable Municipal Bonds           843,356             843,356  
Cash Equivalents     1,536,420                   1,536,420  
Total   $ 1,536,420     $ 136,425,536     $     $ 137,961,956  





December 31, 2017

3)    Security Valuation and Transactions, continued

Intermediate Bond Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Totals
Corporate Bonds*   $     $ 66,105,288     $     $ 66,105,288  
U.S. Treasury Obligations           22,843,940             22,843,940  
U.S. Agency Obligations           13,243,231             13,243,231  
U.S. Agency Obligations – Mortgage-Backed           11,094,036             11,094,036  
Taxable Municipal Bonds           7,944,029             7,944,029  
Preferred Stocks     1,571,514                   1,571,514  
Cash Equivalents     2,567,953                   2,567,953  
Total   $ 4,139,467     $ 121,230,524     $       —     $ 125,369,991  

Core Bond Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Totals
Corporate Bonds*   $     $ 96,102,403     $       —     $ 96,102,403  
U.S. Treasury Obligations           35,518,700             35,518,700  
U.S. Agency Obligations           16,917,146             16,917,146  
U.S. Agency Obligations – Mortgage-Backed           34,885,388             34,885,388  
Taxable Municipal Bonds           10,166,310             10,166,310  
Preferred Stocks     1,747,584                   1,747,584  
Cash Equivalents     4,252,611                   4,252,611  
Total   $ 6,000,195     $ 193,589,947     $     $ 199,590,142  

Enhanced Return Fund   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Totals
Corporate Bonds*   $     $ 81,810,764     $       —     $ 81,810,764  
U.S. Treasury Obligations           19,416,841             19,416,841  
U.S. Agency Obligations           18,270,703             18,270,703  
U.S. Agency Obligations – Mortgage-Backed           11,927,354             11,927,354  
Taxable Municipal Bonds           2,351,866             2,351,866  
Cash Equivalents     3,777,126                   3,777,126  
Sub-Total   $ 3,777,126     $ 133,777,528     $     $ 137,554,654  
Other Financial Instruments**     577,681                   577,681  
Total   $ 4,354,807     $ 133,777,528     $     $ 138,132,335  

* See Portfolio of Investments for industry classification.
** Other financial instruments are futures contracts reflected separately in the Portfolio of Investments, and are reflected at the net unrealized appreciation on the futures contracts.

The Funds did not hold any investments at any time during the reporting period in which unobservable inputs were used in determining fair value. Therefore, no reconciliation of Level 3 securities is included for this reporting period. As of and during the year ended December 31, 2017, no securities were transferred into or out of Level 1 or Level 2. If any transfers between levels would occur, they would be reflected as of the end of the period.

4)    Investment Advisory Agreement

The investment advisory agreements provide that the Adviser will pay all of the Funds’ operating expenses, excluding brokerage fees and commissions, taxes, borrowing costs (such as interest), and extraordinary expenses. Under the terms of the investment advisory agreements, each of the Bond Funds pays the Adviser a management fee at the annual rate of 0.30% (before the contractual waiver described below) of the Fund’s average daily net assets, which is accrued daily and paid monthly. The Johnson Enhanced Return Fund pays the Adviser a management fee at the annual rate of 0.35% of the Fund’s average daily net assets.





December 31, 2017

4)    Investment Advisory Agreement, continued

The Adviser received management fees for the year ended December 31, 2017 as indicated below. Effective May 1, 2017, the Adviser has agreed to waive a part of the management fee for the Bond Funds from a maximum of 0.30% to an effective fee ratio of 0.243%. This is a change in the fee from the prior period (May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017) of 0.236%. The Adviser has the right to remove this fee waiver any time after April 30, 2018.

For the year ended December 31, 2017, information regarding fees was as follows:

Fund   Fee   Fee Waiver   Effective
Fee Ratio
Fee After
Short Duration Bond Fund     0.30 %      0.057 %      0.243 %    $ 333,316     $ 81,924     $ 28,703  
Intermediate Bond Fund     0.30 %      0.057 %      0.243 %      281,496       69,155       25,769  
Core Bond Fund     0.30 %      0.057 %      0.243 %      392,912       96,086       40,353  
Enhanced Return Fund     0.35 %            0.35 %      432,874             40,356  

5)    Related Party Transactions

All officers and one Trustee of the Trust are employees of the Adviser. Total compensation for the Independent Trustees as a group was $48,000 for the year ended December 31, 2017, which was paid by the Adviser, and as a group they received no additional compensation from the Trust. The Trust consists of eleven Funds: Johnson Equity Income Fund, Johnson Growth Fund, Johnson Opportunity Fund, Johnson Realty Fund, Johnson International Fund, Johnson Fixed Income Fund, Johnson Municipal Income Fund, Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund, and Johnson Enhanced Return Fund. The Adviser is not a registered broker-dealer of securities and thus does not receive commissions on trades made on behalf of the Funds. The beneficial ownership, either directly or indirectly, of more than 25% of the voting securities of a fund creates a presumption of control of the Fund, under Section 2(a)(9) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. As of December 31, 2017, Covenant Trust Company, owned in aggregate 55.15% of the Short Duration Bond Fund, 67.89% of the Intermediate Bond Fund, and 41.87% of the Core Bond Fund. As of December 31, 2017, client accounts managed by the Adviser and held by Charles Schwab & Co, held in aggregate 33.93% of the Core Bond Fund, and 92.10% of the Enhanced Return Fund.

Johnson Financial, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc., the Adviser. Johnson Financial, Inc. provides transfer agency and administration services to the Funds. These fees are paid by the Adviser.

6)    Purchases and Sales of Securities

For the year ended December 31, 2017, purchases and sales of investment securities aggregated:

  Investment Securities Other Than
Short Term Investments and
U.S. Government Obligations
  U.S. Government Obligations
Fund   Purchases   Sales   Purchases   Sales
Short Duration Bond Fund   $ 70,846,238     $ 51,153,441     $ 5,003,591     $ 6,007,570  
Intermediate Bond Fund     43,008,719       35,126,297       17,292,624       9,772,016  
Core Bond Fund     87,936,171       40,255,454       19,805,541       8,880,792  
Enhanced Return Fund     64,693,672       38,570,326       4,000,586       3,501,424  





December 31, 2017

7)    Capital Share Transactions

As of December 31, 2017, there were an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest authorized for each Fund. Each Fund records purchases of its shares at the daily net asset value determined after receipt of a shareholder’s order in proper form. Redemptions are recorded at the net asset value determined following receipt of a shareholder’s written or telephone request in proper form.

  Short Duration
Bond Fund
Bond Fund
Bond Fund
Return Fund
Shares Sold to Investors     3,397,743       3,101,189       1,950,160       1,759,192       4,466,903       3,017,893       669,109       1,581,898  
Shares Issued for Subscriptions-in-Kind                             1,384,845                    
Shares Issued on Reinvestment of Dividends     39,159       21,971       21,939       18,633       140,131       54,300       1,493,455       336,530  
Subtotal     3,436,902       3,123,160       1,972,099       1,777,825       5,991,879       3,072,193       2,162,564       1,918,428  
Shares Redeemed     (2,437,114 )      (2,045,636 )      (993,716 )      (1,431,163 )      (762,198 )      (1,211,185 )      (448,604 )      (1,609,574 ) 
Net Increase During Period     999,788       1,077,524       978,383       346,662       5,229,681       1,861,008       1,713,960       308,854  
Shares Outstanding:
Beginning of Year     8,302,175       7,224,651       7,116,958       6,770,296       7,419,054       5,558,046       6,767,797       6,458,943  
End of Period     9,301,963       8,302,175       8,095,341       7,116,958       12,648,735       7,419,054       8,481,757       6,767,797  

8)    Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

9)    Federal Tax Information

For Federal income tax purposes, the cost of investment securities owned on December 31, 2017 the composition of unrealized appreciation (the excess of value over tax cost) and depreciation (the excess of tax cost over value), excluding futures contracts, was as follows:

Fund   Tax Cost of
  Appreciation   Depreciation   Net
Short Duration Bond Fund   $ 138,513,868     $ 98,995     $ (650,907 )    $ (551,912 ) 
Intermediate Bond Fund     124,319,265       1,590,941       (540,215 )      1,050,726  
Core Bond Fund     197,799,707       3,028,004       (1,237,569 )      1,790,435  
Enhanced Return Fund     137,960,202       168,848       (574,396 )      (405,548 ) 

The difference between book value and tax value of unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is primarily attributable to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales.





December 31, 2017

9)    Federal Tax Information, continued

The tax character of the distributions paid is as follows:

  Net Realized
Capital Gain
  Return of
Short Duration Bond Fund     2016     $ 1,761,554     $     $ 15,972     $ 1,777,526  
       2017       2,306,918                   2,306,918  
Intermediate Bond Fund     2016       2,459,539       92,392             2,551,931  
       2017       2,678,079       280,242             2,958,321  
Core Bond Fund     2016       2,547,906       492,798       19,024       3,059,728  
       2017       4,027,445       156,115             4,183,560  
Enhanced Return Fund     2016       3,082,599       2,390,114             5,472,713  
    2017       10,973,814       13,507,966             24,481,780  

* Short-Term Capital Gains were combined with Ordinary Income, as they are taxed at the Ordinary Income tax rate.

As of December 31, 2017, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:

Net Realized
Capital Gains
  Short Term
Loss Carryovers
Income on a
Tax Basis
Short Duration Bond Fund   $ 10,227     $     $ (17,658 )    $ (146,692 )    $ (551,912 )    $       —     $ (706,035 ) 
Intermediate Bond Fund     36,270       3,563                   1,050,726             1,090,559  
Core Bond Fund     27,203       7,411                   1,790,435             1,825,049  
Enhanced Return Fund     2,098,515       3,085,772                   (405,548 )            4,778,739  




December 31, 2017

Shareholders of the Funds incur ongoing operating expenses consisting solely of management fees. The following example is intended to help you understand your ongoing expenses of investing in the Funds and to compare these expenses with similar costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested in the Funds on June 30, 2017 and held through December 31, 2017.

The first line of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. In order to estimate the expenses a shareholder paid during the period covered by this report, shareholders can divide their account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6) and then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Period.”

The second line of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Funds’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses paid by a shareholder for the period. Shareholders may use this information to compare the ongoing expenses of investing in the Funds and other funds 5% hypothetical examples with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in other funds’ shareholder reports.

  Beginning Account Value June 30, 2017   Ending Account Value December 31, 2017   Expenses Paid During Period*
July 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund                           
Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 996.01     $ 1.22  
Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,023.98     $ 1.25  
Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund                           
Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 997.45     $ 1.22  
Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,023.98     $ 1.25  
Institutional Core Bond Fund                           
Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.63     $ 1.23  
Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,023.98     $ 1.25  
Enhanced Return Fund                           
Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 919.73     $ 1.69  
Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,023.44     $ 1.81  

* Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). For the Institutional Bond Funds, the expense ratio (after waiver) is 0.243%, and for the Enhanced Return Fund, the expense ratio is 0.35%.




December 31, 2017

Proxy Disclosure

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how the Funds voted those proxies during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 are available without charge: (1) upon request by calling the Funds at 513-661-3100 or toll free at 1-800-541-0170; or (2) from the Fund’s documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.

Availability of Schedules of Portfolio Investments:

The Funds file their complete schedules of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Forms N-Q are available, without charge, (1) upon request by calling the Funds at 513-661-3100 or toll free at 1-800-541-0170; or (2) from the Fund’s documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.

Code of Ethics

The Trust’s Code of Ethics is available on request without charge; please call for your copy at 513-661-3100 or 1-800-541-0170 or write us at:

Johnson Mutual Funds
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati OH 45247





To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of
Johnson Mutual Funds Trust

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of Johnson Institutional Short Duration Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Intermediate Bond Fund, Johnson Institutional Core Bond Fund, and Johnson Enhanced Return Fund (the “Funds”), each a series of Johnson Mutual Funds Trust, as of December 31, 2017, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of December 31, 2017, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits include performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures include examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 2017, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. Our audits also include evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. We have served as the Funds’ auditor since 2004.

Cleveland, Ohio
February 28, 2018





Information pertaining to the Trustees and Officers of the Funds is provided below. Trustees who are not deemed to be interested persons of the Funds, as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, are referred to as Independent Trustees. Trustees who are deemed to be “interested persons” of the Funds are referred to as Interested Trustees. The Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Funds’ Trustees and may be obtained without charge by calling (513) 661-3100 or (800) 541-0170.

Name, Address and Age   Current
Position Held
with Trust
  Year Service
  Principal Occupation
During Past Five Years
  Number of Portfolios Overseen   Other
Held During the
Past Five Years
Interested Trustee
Timothy E. Johnson (75)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 1992   Chairman of Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc., the Trust’s Adviser, and Professor of Finance at the University of Cincinnati; previously President of the Adviser until October 2013.   11   None
Independent Trustees
Ronald H. McSwain (75)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
and Trustee
  Since 1992   President of McSwain Carpets, Inc. until 2001; partner of P&R Realty, a real estate development partnership since 1984   11   None
John R. Green (75)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 2006   Retired from The Procter & Gamble Company   11   None
James J. Berrens (52)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 2006   Chief Executive Officer since May 2015, Chief Financial Officer September 2010 to May 2015 for Christian Community Health   11   None
Dr. Jeri B. Ricketts (60)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Trustee   Since 2013   Director of Carl H. Lindner Honors-PLUS Program, University of Cincinnati, since 2002; Associate Professor in Accounting, University of Cincinnati since 1986.   11   None





Name, Address and Age   Current
Position Held
with Trust
  Year Service
  Principal Occupation
During Past Five Years
  Number of Portfolios Overseen   Other
Held During the
Past Five Years
Jason O. Jackman (47)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  President   Since 2013   President and Chief Investment Officer of the Adviser since October 2013; Director of Fixed Income and Institutional Management March 2004 to October 2013.   N/A   N/A
Dale H. Coates (59)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Vice President   Since 1992   Portfolio Manager of the Trust’s Adviser   N/A   N/A
Marc E. Figgins (53)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
Officer and
  Since 2002   Mutual Funds Manager for Johnson Financial, Inc.   NA   NA
Scott J. Bischoff (51)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Since 2005   Director of Operations of the Trust’s Adviser; Chief Compliance Officer of the Adviser   NA   NA
Jennifer J. Kelhoffer (46)
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
  Secretary   Since 2007   Compliance Associate for the Adviser since March 2006   NA   NA




Trustees and Officers

                                   Ronald H. McSwain   Independent Trustee, Chairman            
     Timothy E. Johnson   Interested Trustee
     James J. Berrens   Independent Trustee
     John R. Green   Independent Trustee
     Jeri B. Ricketts   Independent Trustee
     Jason Jackman   President
     Dale H. Coates   Vice President
     Scott J. Bischoff   Chief Compliance Officer
     Marc E. Figgins   Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer
     Jennifer J. Kelhoffer   Secretary

Transfer Agent and Fund Accountant

Johnson Financial, Inc.
3777 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
(513) 661-3100 (800) 541-0170


US Bank
425 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Cohen & Company
1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 800
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Legal Counsel

Thompson Hine LLP
312 Walnut Street, 14th Floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

This report is authorized for distribution to prospective investors only when accompanied or preceded
by the Funds' prospectus, which illustrates each Fund's objectives, policies, management fees,
and other information that may be helpful in making an investment decision.

Investment Company Act #811-7254




Item 2. Code of Ethics.


(a)       As of the end of the period covered by this report, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.


(b)        For purposes of this item, “code of ethics” means written standards that are reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote:


(1)Honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;
(2)Full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that a registrant files with, or submits to, the Commission and in other public communications made by the registrant;
(3)Compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations;
(4)The prompt internal reporting of violations of the code to an appropriate person or persons identified in the code; and
(5)Accountability for adherence to the code.


(c)        Amendments: During the period covered by the report, the code of ethics was not amended.


(d)        Waivers: During the period covered by the report, the registrant has not granted any express or implicit waivers from the provisions of the code of ethics.


(e)       Not applicable.


(f)       The Trust's Code of Ethics is available on request without charge; please call for your copy at 513-661-3100 or 1-800-541-0170 or write us at:


Johnson Mutual Funds

3777 West Fork Road

Cincinnati OH 45247



Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.


The registrant’s board of trustees has determined that that the registrant does not have an audit committee financial expert serving on its Audit Committee as defined by the SEC. The board determined that, although none of the Audit Committee members meet the technical definition of an audit committee financial expert as defined by the SEC, the members have sufficient financial expertise to address any issues that are likely to come before the committee. It was the consensus of the Trustees that it is not necessary at the present time for the committee to have an audit committee financial expert and that, if an issue ever arises, the committee will consider hiring an expert to assist as needed.





Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services. 


(a)Audit Fees


FY 2016  $74,800.00 
FY 2017  $74,800.00 




(b)Audit-Related Fees


   Registrant   Adviser 
FY 2016  $5,600.00   $9,500.00 
FY 2017  $5,600.00   $9,500.00 


(c)Tax Fees


   Registrant   Adviser 
FY 2016  $27,500.00   $0.00 
FY 2017  $ 27,500.00    $0.00 


Nature of the services: The auditor completed the annual tax returns.


(d)All Other Fees


   Registrant   Adviser 
FY 2016  $0.00   $0.00 
FY 2017  $0.00   $0.00 



(e)(1)            Audit Committee’s Pre-Approval Policies


The audit committee has not adopted pre-approval policies and procedures described in paragraph (c)(7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. All non-audit services provided to the Trust or the Adviser by the Trust’s principal accountant are specifically approved in advance on a case-by-case basis by the Board’s audit committee.


(2)Percentages of Services Approved by the Audit Committee


None of the services described in paragraph (b) through (d) of this Item were approved by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. All non-audit services were pre-approved by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(A) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.






(f)        During audit of registrant's financial statements for the most recent fiscal year, less than 50 percent of the hours expended on the principal accountant's engagement were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant's full-time, permanent employees.


(g)        The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant's accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant:


   Registrant   Adviser 
FY 2016  $27,500.00   $0.00 
FY 2017  $27,500.00   $0.00 


(h)        Not applicable.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Companies.


Not applicable.


Item 6. Schedule of Investments.


Not applicable – schedule filed with Item 1.


Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Funds.


Not applicable.


Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable.


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Funds.


Not applicable.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


The registrant has not adopted procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant's board of trustees.


Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


(a)       Based on an evaluation of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures as of February 7, 2018, the disclosure controls and procedures are reasonably designed to ensure that the information required in filings on Forms N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported on a timely basis.





(b)       There were no significant changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the fourth fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Exhibits.


(a)(1)Not applicable.


(a)(2)Certifications required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(a)) are filed herewith.


(a)(3)Not applicable.


(b)Certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) are filed herewith.








Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Johnson Mutual Funds Trust



By: /s/Jason O. Jackman

Jason O. Jackman, President

Date March 9, 2018


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By: /s/Jason O. Jackman

Jason O. Jackman, President

Date March 9, 2018



By: /s/ Marc E. Figgins

Marc E. Figgins, Treasurer

Date March 9, 2018