EX-99.1 2 d589422dex991.htm EX-99.1 EX-99.1
Table of Contents

Exhibit 99.1

2018 POSCO

Corporate Governance Report

POSCO provides this report for investors to better understand the company’s corporate governance system in accordance with Article 8-7-2 of Disclosure Regulations of the Stock Market. Information contained in the report is based as of March 31, 2018. A separate remark was made on any modifications as of the submission date. Activities related with corporate governance described in the report are the results during the period from January 1, 2017 to the submission date, unless stated otherwise.

Table of Contents



I. Corporate Governance


1. Corporate Governance Principles and Policy


2. Governance Structure


3. Characteristics of Governance Structure


II. Shareholders


1. Shareholders’ Rights


2. Fair Treatment of Shareholders


III. Board of Directors


1. Function


2. Organization of the BOD and Appointment of Directors


3. Outside Directors


4. Operation of BOD


5. Special Committees of BOD


6. Evaluation and Compensation


IV. Audit Organization


1. Internal Audit Organization


2. External Auditor


V. Fulfillment of Social Responsibility




Table of Contents

I. Corporate Governance

1. Corporate Governance Principles and Policy

POSCO is making utmost efforts to firmly establish corporate governance that is a basis of transparent and rational business management thereby raising shareholders’ value and protecting their rights. To realize this, POSCO constituted ‘Corporate Governance Charter’ stating on the vision and principles of company’s corporate governance. Based on this, the company has set and advanced the management system run by a professional CEO with independent Board of Directors. Basic principles of corporate governance are reflected in the internal rules including the Articles of Incorporation and the Operational Regulations of the BOD and are disclosed on the company website(http://www.posco.com). Information on the Board’s activities is publicly released on the annual report and quarterly/semi-annual reports filed to DART(http://dart.fss.or.kr) on a regular basis.

Among Korean large companies, POSCO was the first to adopt the Outside Director system in 1997. Since it has continuously improved corporate governance systems to strengthen independence of the Board. POSCO BOD consists of directors who have profound knowledge and expertise in a variety of fields including industry, finance, academics, law, accounting and public sector to support the management’s most reasonable decision-making while not pursuing any specific stakeholder’s interest. The number of Outside Director on the Board is maintained at higher than 50% for check and balance. As of 2018, the ratio stands at 58%. Moreover, the Board Chairman and the Chairs of Special Committees except for Executive Management Committee are appointed among Outside Directors. All these measures are to guarantee a balanced corporate governance system between the management and the Board.

2. Governance Structure





Table of Contents

3. Characteristics of Governance Structure

POSCO’s Board of Directors is the highest standing decision-making body that holds the power to appoint the representative directors and is operated led by Outside Directors. Outside Directors are recommended among candidates who have deep knowledge and experience in various fields by the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee or shareholders’ proposal and appointed by the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders. In the 50th General Meeting of Shareholders held in March 2018, POSCO amended the number of directors in the Articles of Incorporation aiming to improve corporate governance and to secure future growth engine. Accordingly, the number of Outside Directors increased by 1 member. Previously, 7 Outside Directors and 5 Inside Directors have composed the Board of Directors since 2012, which is now modified to 8 Outside Directors or less and 5 Inside Directors or less comprising no more than 13 members as a total. APG and Robeco, Dutch asset managements, proposed an Outside Director candidate to the 50th AGM, but the candidate withdrew his candidacy. As a result, the present Board is run by 7 Outside Directors and 5 Inside Directors, making a total of 12 members same as last year. Since 2006, the Chairman of the Board is separated from the representative director & CEO and appointed among Outside Directors through the BOD resolution.

Under the Board of Directors, there are 5 Special Committees - Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee, Evaluation and Compensation Committee, Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee, Audit Committee, and Executive Management Committee. Before the amendment, there were 6 Special Committees under the Board, but similar functions were integrated and adjusted by amending the Articles of Incorporation in the 50th AGM to raise the efficiency of the committees. Except for the Executive Management Committee that reviews and deliberates steel investments, each of the committee is participated by a majority of Outside Directors. Members of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee and Audit Committee are all Outside Directors to ensure independent decision-making of the Special Committees. Among the committees, Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee and Audit Committee are required to be established by the Commercial Act, and the rest 3 committees were formed by the Board based on its autonomous decision in pursuit of professional, independent and efficient Board management. Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee and Audit Committee have at least 1 director who has expertise in industrial, accounting, and financial circles. Also, change of such members is refrained during their term considering the professional capabilities in those fields.



Table of Contents

The organization and functions of the BOD and the Special Committees are described in detail in Section III. Board of Directors.

<Summary of Governance Structure>



(No. of Outside
Directors/Total No. of
   Chair   Main Responsibilities

Board of Directors

   7/12    Joo-Hyun Kim

(Outside Director)

  AGM agenda, Management, Investment
and Finance

Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee

   3/4    Byong-Won Bahk

(Outside Director)

  Recommendation for, and evaluation
on qualifications of candidates for
Outside Director

Evaluation and Compensation Committee

   4/4    Myoung-Woo Lee

(Outside Director)

  Executives evaluation, Compensation

Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee

   3/4    Shin-Bae Kim

(Outside Director)

  External investment, Borrowings

Audit Committee

   3/3    Moon-Ki Chung

(Outside Director)

  Internal Audit

Executive Management Committee

   0/5    Oh-Joon Kwon

(Inside Director)

  Internal investment



Table of Contents

II. Shareholders

1. Shareholders’ Rights

(1) Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

POSCO discloses the date and venue of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders(AGM) on DART(http://dart.fss.or.kr) immediately after the resolution of BOD usually 6 weeks before the meeting. Meeting agenda is announced on DART(http://dart.fss.or.kr) and the company website after the BOD resolution normally 3 weeks before the meeting. Information regarding the AGM is sent out to all shareholders in writing 2 weeks before the meeting. Details of AGM for the last 3 years are as follows.

<Details Of AGM For The Last 3 Years >


구분    50th    49th    48th

Notice Date

   2018.1.24    2017.1.25    2016.1.28

Meeting Date

   2018.3.9    2017.3.10    2016.3.11


   ART Hall, 4th Floor, West Wing, POSCO Center


   09:00~11:10 A.M.    10:00~11:15 A.M.    10:00~12:00 A.M.


   All Members Of The Board Of Directors Attended

Notice of AGM in English

   Issued notice of AGM in English through overseas disclosure

Shareholders’ Remarks

   10 Shareholders made remarks : 3 asking for an explanation on the recent rumors on the failed investment, 2 asking more information about the agendas, 1 asking for the detailed information on the sales of investment stocks, 1 seconding the agendas, 3 commenting on other matters.    4 Shareholders made remarks : 1 seconding the agendas, 1 asking for an explanation on the rumor about the links between former government and CEO, 1 asking for a business plan after reunification of South and North Korea, and 1 asking about the voting procedure.    8 Shareholders made remarks : 6 seconding the agendas, 2 objecting the agendas, 1 asking about the procedure.


   KRW 213 Million    KRW 253 Million    KRW 234 Million

(2) Resolution of AGM and Voting

In the 50th AGM, 61,067 thousand shares were present at the meeting. Among them, 23,966 thousand shares voted by proxy, 37,045 thousand shares held by foreign shareholders voted through standing proxy or depositary bank and 49 thousand shares exercised their voting rights in writing. The rest 7 thousand shares attended the meeting in person.



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Shareholders can exercise voting rights in writing in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. All shareholders receive the notification of AGM with explanation on agenda items. Shareholders who are unable to participate in the meeting can vote on each agenda item in writing. Cumulative voting is not excluded in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation.

Shareholders can exercise shareholder proposal rights. In the 50th AGM, APG and Robeco recommended Mr. Kyung-Suh Park, Professor of Korea University, as an Outside Director candidate through shareholder proposal. In the Director Candidate Recommendation Committee (Present Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee), qualifications of the proposed candidate were evaluated and he was submitted as one of the final candidates for Outside Directors. The Board raised an agenda item to appoint Mr. Park as an Outside Director in accordance with Article 363-2 and 542-6 of the Commercial Act. However, Mr. Park expressed his will to withdraw candidacy for personal reasons in March 5, 2018, and the agenda item was discarded in the AGM.

Voting results of each agenda from the 50th AGM held on March 9, 2018 are as follows.

<Voting Results Of Each Agenda>


Item    Resolution    Agenda      For1)   Against1)



Approval of the 50th Fiscal Year Financial Statements

     54,542 (89.3)   6,519 (10.7)


Partial Amendments to Articles of
Purpose of the
Company Business
   61,011 (99.9)   49 (0.1)


Number of the
   60,977 (99.9)   83 (0.1)


Reorganization of
Special Committees
   60,277 (98.7)   783 (1.3)


     Election of Inside Directors        Oh, In-Hwan      60,622 (99.3)   438 (0.7)


           Chang, In-Hwa      60,622 (99.3)   438 (0.7)


           Yu, Seong      60,621 (99.3)   439 (0.7)


           Chon, Jung-Son      60,619 (99.3)   441 (0.7)


        Election of Outside Directors        Kim, Sung-Jin      60,704 (99.4)   356 (0.6)


           Kim, Joo-Hyun      56,428 (92.4)   4,632 (7.6)


           Park, Kyung-Suh2)           


           Bahk, Byong-Won      60,014 (98.3)   1,046 (1.7)


        Election of Audit Committee Members 3)       Bahk, Byong-Won      52,893 (99.2)   412 (0.8)


        Approval of Limits of Total Remuneration for Directors      60,808 (99.6)   252 (0.4)


1) In Thousand Shares with percentage in brackets
2) Discarded due to resignation of the candidate
3) Votes exceeding 3% excluded



Table of Contents

(3) Dividend

POSCO can pay out dividends by cash, shares, or any other form of property based on the Articles of Incorporation. In the case of stock dividends, the company may issue different types of shares to the shareholders by resolution of the AGM.

As part of the efforts to raise shareholders’ value, POSCO modified the Articles of Incorporation in the 48th AGM to permit quarterly cash dividend as of the end of March, June and September through BOD resolution. As a result, POSCO has been paying out quarterly dividend since the 2nd quarter of 2016.

POSCO’s dividend policy is to maintain a long term stable cash dividend. The policy has been sustained in 2015 when the company recorded net loss. The history of dividend payment for the last 5 years is as follows.

<History of The Last 5 Year Dividends>


      2017      2016      2015      2014      2013  

Dividend Per Share(KRW)

     8,000        8,000        8,000        8,000        8,000  

Total Dividend(Billion KRW)

     640        640        640        640        633  

Consolidated Payout Ratio(%)

     22.9        46.9        354.3        102.1        46.0  

Dividend Yield Ratio(%)

     2.4        3.1        4.5        2.8        2.4  

2. Fair Treatment of Shareholders

(1) Issuance of Stocks

As stated in the Articles of Incorporation, POSCO can issue up to 200,000,000 shares. Until now, 96,480,625 common stocks have been issued and 9,293,790 shares have been cancelled. As of March 31, 2018, the outstanding number of common shares issued is 87,186,835. Excluding 7,187,161 treasury shares, the number of shares in the market reaches 79,999,674. The largest shareholder is National Pension Service holding 9,403,268(10.79%) shares.

(2) IR Activities

POSCO holds quarterly earnings release conference call in January, April, July and October led by CFO. Early each year, CEO Forum is held inviting shareholders to explain the company’s business strategy. After the earnings result announcement, POSCO regularly conducts NDR(Non-Deal Roadshow) to meet with institutional investors in Korea, Asia, U.S. and Europe. Also, it participates in Investor Conferences hosted by Korean and foreign securities companies at least 5 times a year to listen to comments and answer questions of investors.



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Especially from 2017, POSCO’s CFO and Head of Finance Dept. attended overseas NDR to share business performance and management strategy with investors and to provide feedback to their interest from the high-level point of view. For institutional investors who would like to visit the company for an investor meeting, the Investor Relations Team runs a system to reserve meetings on the company website. Through the system, more than 300 meetings are held on an annual basis. Moreover, the IR Team carries out various IR activities such as site tour at steelworks and seminars on the steel market for investors and steel analysts.


    IR inquiries : +82-2-3457-5112

(3) Disclosure of Company Information

POSCO’s company information including IR materials is publicly open to all shareholders on company website and disclosure systems such as DART(http://dart.fss.or.kr) and KIND(http://kind.krx.co.kr). POSCO prepares a separate section on corporate governance on the website, and the URL is as follow.


* http://www.posco.com/homepage/docs/eng5/jsp/company/posco/s91a1010050c.jsp?mdex=poscoCg4A

Also, POSCO is listed on the NYSE in ADR thereby submitting disclosure materials in English through EDGAR system. All materials prepared for investors such as quarterly earnings result, CEO Forum presentation and annual, semi-annual and quarterly audit reports are uploaded on the company website.


* http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html u Search ‘POSCO’ in company name

(4) Internal Control System

POSCO has established regulations regarding internal control to prevent internal transaction by the management or the controlling shareholder for the purpose of their own interest. The company manages internal accounting management regulations by the BOD resolution. As for the matters that exceed certain amount among the transactions with the company’s majority shareholder(including its affiliated persons) and affiliated persons, it is subject to resolution by the Board. The Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee is in operation to deliberate and vote on large scale internal transactions amounting from KRW 3 to 10 billion. When exceeding KRW 10 billion, the Committee carries out pre-deliberation before the approval of the Board. Internal transactions can be referred to III. Board of Directors – 5. Special Committees of BOD – (2) Organization of Committees in BOD and Activities - C. Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee



Table of Contents

III. Board of Directors

1. Function

(1) Responsibilities of the BOD

POSCO Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body to deliberate and resolve important issues including appointment of CEO and establishment of management goals and key business strategies. Responsibilities are stated in Operational Regulation of BOD and the Articles of Incorporation 38-1.

LOGO Reference: BOD Responsibilities table on page 12-13

(2) Delegation of the BOD’s Responsibilities

In accordance with the relevant laws and the Articles of Incorporation 38-2 and 45-1, the BOD can delegate its duties to the Special Committees. In the Chapter 4 of Operational Regulations of BOD, procedures of the composition, convocation and notification responsibility and agenda items are stipulated. In the Article 20 of the Articles of Incorporation, issues handled by the committees are clearly stated so that they can resolve the issues delegated by the BOD. However, if it is considered that the BOD is required to deliberate and resolve on specific items approved by the Special Committees, the items can be submitted to the BOD for resolution.

(3) Succession of the Chief Executive Officer

The CEO selection process follows the regulations stated in Article 29 of the Articles of Incorporation. The CEO Candidate Recommendation Committee evaluates qualifications of candidates. Then, the BOD recommends the final candidate to the AGM. In the meeting, the candidate is appointed as Inside Director and the Board appoints him as representative director, which ends the succession procedure of the representative director(CEO).

Roles and rights are segregated between the Succession Council and CEO Candidate Recommendation Committee to secure independent and transparent selection process of the representative director(CEO). The Council explores candidates that are qualified to meet the requirements set by the BOD and proposes them to the BOD. The CEO Candidate Recommendation Committee goes through in-depth evaluation on the candidates from a multifaceted perspective.

2. Organization of the BOD and Appointment of Directors

(1) Organization of the BOD

The Board of Directors is consisted of 3 to 13 directors among which the Outside Directors are 8 persons or less and Inside Directors are 5 persons or less. The number of Outside Directors should be more than half of the total directors. The Chairman of the BOD is appointed among Outside Directors. As of now, POSCO’s BOD is composed of 12 directors that include 7 Outside Directors(Joo-Hyun Kim, Myoung-Woo Lee, Byong-Won Bahk, Shin-Bae Kim, Moon-Ki Chung, Seung-Wha Chang, Sung-Jin Kim) and 5 Inside Directors(Oh-Joon Kwon, In-Hwan Oh, In-Hwa Chang, Seong Yu, Jung-Son Chon).



Table of Contents

<BOD Members>





   Position    Term of Office     Role
         From      To    



   Inside    CEO and Representative Director, Chair of Executive Management Committee     





  Executive Management Committee



   Inside    President and Representative Director     






Finance and Related Party Transaction Committee,

Executive Management Committee




   Inside    President and Representative Director     





  Executive Management Committee



   Inside    Senior Executive Vice President     





  Executive Management Committee



   Inside    Senior Executive Vice President     





  Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee, Executive Management Committee



   Outside    Chairperson of BOD     





  Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee



   Outside    Chair of Evaluation and Compensation Committee     






Evaluation and Compensation Committee,

Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee




   Outside    Chair of Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee     






Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee,

Audit Committee




   Outside    Chair of Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee     






Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee,

Evaluation and Compensation Committee




   Outside    Chair of Audit Committee     






Audit Committee,

Evaluation and Compensation Committee




   Outside    —       






Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee,

Audit Committee




   Outside    —       






Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee,

Evaluation and Compensation Committee


1) CEO declared resignation in the BOD meeting on April 18, 2018 and his term of office ends when his successor is appointed.

(2) Qualifications and Appointment of Directors

POSCO’s Board directors meet the qualifications required by the Commercial Act 382-3 and 542-8-2. Also, when the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee evaluates qualifications of each director, the company’s Articles of Incorporation limit director candidates who have sufficient expertise and experience in related fields. Those who are accountable for undermining corporate value or shareholders’ rights cannot be appointed as directors.



Table of Contents

All directors are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Director candidates are recommended by the BOD for Inside Directors and the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee for Outside Directors. Shareholders can recommend a director candidate by exercising the right of shareholder proposal based on the regulating laws. The company does not exclude cumulative voting and announces meeting agendas usually 3 weeks before the General Meeting of Shareholders for shareholders to examine the agendas.

<BOD Responsibilities >



(Outside Directors) Joo-Hyun Kim(Chairperson), Myoung-Woo Lee, Byong-Won Bahk,

                                 Shin-Bae Kim, Moon-Ki Chung, Seung-Wha Chang, Sung-Jin Kim

(Inside Directors) Oh-Joon Kwon, In-Hwan Oh, In-Hwa Chang, Seong Yu, Jung-Son Chon


1. Issues of the general meeting of shareholders

(1)   Convening of the general meeting of shareholders.

(2)   Approval of Balance sheet, income statement, statement of equity changes, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings or statement of disposition of deficit, auxiliary statements and consolidated financial statements in every settlement term

(3)   Approval of annual report

(4)   Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

(5)   Cancellation of Share

(6)   Remuneration, retirement allowance of directors

(7)   Other issues requiring the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders

2.  Issues of Management

(1)   Creation of business plan and core business strategies (mid and long-term business policy and annual operating objectives, and business rationalization plans, etc.)

(2)   Creation of important CI and modification and amendments (corporate vision, flag, badge, etc.)

(3)   Restructuring plans on a group level

(4)   Business plans and budget for each fiscal year

(5)   Nomination of the Chairman of the Board

(6)   Recommendation of candidates of Inside Directors

(7)   Nomination of the Representative Directors and the Chief Executive Officer among Inside Directors and Assignment of responsibilities of office to Inside Directors

(8)   Approval of management succession and development plan

(9)   Approval of executive evaluation and compensation plan

(10)  Organization and method of operations of the Special Committees under the control of the BOD

(11)  Decision of Support from Expert to Director

(12)  Organization and Operations of the Chief Executive Officer Recommendation Committee

(13)  Following Establishment, Amendment and Repeal of Operational Regulations

A. Operational regulations for the BOD and Audit Committee



Table of Contents

B. Internal accounting management regulations

3.  Issues of Investment & finance

(1)   New external investments, capital increase and disposal of acquired equities of subsidiary company exceeding 10% of equity.

(2)   Investments within the company (investment project for new establishment and increase more than KRW 100 billion)

(3)   Acquisition or disposal of tangible intangible assets and important investment assets (more than 10% of equity based on the book value per unit of asset)

(4)   Deficits disposal (exceeding KRW 10 billion)

(5)   Appropriation of retained earnings

(6)   Issuance of new shares

(7)   Dealing with forfeited stock or odd lot

(8)   Cancellation of Share by Gains

(9)   Acquisition or disposal of treasury stocks

(10)  Injection of reserve funds into equity capital

(11)  Issuance of corporate bonds and important borrowings (new long-term borrowings exceeding KRW 100 billion)

(12)  Issuance of convertible bonds

(13)  Issuance of bonds with warrant

(14)  Donations (exceeding KRW 1 billion)

4.  Others

(1)   Filing and Settling a lawsuit worth exceeding KRW 10 billion and Settling a lawsuit without limitation of the amount of money(excluding the case with conclusive evidence that guarantee it will not cost exceeding KRW 10 billion)

(2)   Transaction with majority shareholder and a subsidiary as prescribed in Securities Transaction Act

A. Transactions of which size is more than 1/100 of the total sales or asset volume of the most recent business

B. Transaction which brings total transaction amount with a subsidiary during the current business year to more than 5/100 of total sales or asset volume of the most recent business year. (excluding transactions executed within the total amount approved as ordinary transaction arising from business, etc. )

(3)   Transaction with a company in the same group as described in Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act

A. Transactions extending funds such as advances or loans, etc. (More than KRW 10 billion )

B. Transactions offering or trading market securities such as stock or corporate bond (More than KRW 10 billion)

C. Transactions offering or trading assets such as real estate or incorporeal asset (More than KRW10 billion)

(4)   Appointment of transfer agent

(5)   Matters concerning administrative fees related to the shares of the company

(6)   Establishment, relocation, or closure of branches

(7)   Business between Directors and the company (8) Appointment and dismissal of compliance officer, creation and amendment of compliance criteria (9) Other matters that is prescribed in the mandatory provisions of applicable laws, regulations or Articles of Incorporation or that, a Director deems, needs a resolution from the BOD



Table of Contents

3. Outside Directors

POSCO states the recommendation procedure of Outside Director candidates in the Articles of Incorporation for the purpose of fair and transparent appointment of Outside Directors. The procedure is as follows.

For the proposal of Outside Director candidate, the Outside Director Candidates Advisory Group is run by the resolution of the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee. The Advisory Group searches for candidates who are qualified based on the related laws and highly knowledgeable in the fields of industry, finance, academic, law, accounting and public sectors. It proposes Outside Director candidates of 3 times the number to be elected to the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee. The Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee determines the final candidates after qualification analysis and proposes them to the AGM. These Outside Directors are appointed by shareholders’ voting. POSCO’s Outside Directors who were appointed according to this procedure are as stated below. All Outside Directors have no interest associated with the company, management and major shareholders.

<Outside Directors>





   Roles and Responsibilities    Positions in other institutions




Director Candidate Recommendation

and Management Committee

   Chairperson of the Board Of Directors,
Member of the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee
   President of Financial Newspaper



     Chair of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee,
Member of the Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee
   CEO of Dongwon Industries




Chair of the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee,

Member of the Audit Committee




     Chair of the Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee,
Member of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee




Chair of the Audit Committee,

Member of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee

   Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University




Member of the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee,

Member of the Audit Committee


Dean, School of Law,

Seoul National University



     Member of the Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee,
Member of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee
   Outside Director of Samsung Securities



Table of Contents

POSCO has a department within the company to exclusively support the Outside Directors’ work in the Board and the committees. It provides the directors with materials to be discussed in the BOD and committee meetings in advance so that they can fully go over the matters to be discussed. Besides regular Board meetings, a number of irregular meetings are held to verify important agendas and intensively debate on such strategic issues. In April 2017, a Board Workshop was held to review key issues surrounding Smartization of POSCO. In Outside Directors’ meetings in June and October, directors discussed on how to strengthen strategic functions of the Board. In November, the Strategy Session of the BOD debated over POSCO Group future strategy, business portfolio and 5 major subsidiaries’ long-term strategy in depth. Also, directors had opportunities to visit Smart Factory and raw material mines so that they have better understanding on POSCO’s business.

4. Operation of BOD

According to the Operational Regulations of the BOD, POSCO’s Board has two types of meeting - regular and provisional one. Regular meetings held at predetermined date convene in January, February, March, May, August, November and December, and provisional meetings are held when there is an urgent agenda. The Board meeting convenes by the Chairman’s call, and each director can request for a meeting when it is necessary. If there is a case when a director is unable to attend a meeting, he can participate in the meeting and the resolution through a remote communication tool and his attendance is counted.

Meeting minutes are recorded and stored. In the minutes, agenda items, development of the issue, meeting result, directors who are opposed to the issue and the reasons are written, on which the attending directors sign and seal. In 2017, a total of 7 regular meetings were held. As of June in 2018 when this report is submitted, a total of 5 meetings including 4 regular and 1 provisional were held with 100% attendance.

<Resolutions in 2017>


Date    Agenda    Approved    Byong-















1.25     1. Approval of the financial statements for the 49th fiscal year and the convocation schedule for the 49th General Meeting of Shareholders    Approved     For    For    For    For                   For    For
   2. Recommendation of a candidate for the Inside Director position (Candidate for the Chief Executive Officer)    Approved     For    For    For    For                   For    For



Table of Contents
Date    Agenda    Approved   






















2.17     1. Agenda for the 49th General Meeting of Shareholders    Approved     For    For    For    For                   For    For
   2. Recommendation of candidates for the Inside Director position (Excluding the candidate for the Chief Executive Officer)    Approved     For    For    For    For                   For    For
3.10    1. Appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   2. Appointment of the Special Committee Members    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   3. Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   4. Designation of Representative Directors and presenting positions to Inside Directors    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
5.12    1. Disposal of the investment purpose available-for-sale stocks    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   2. Dividend policy and declaration of first quarter dividend for the fiscal year of 2017    Modified
   For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   3. Disposal of shares of POSCO Thainox    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   4. Contribution to POSCO Educational Foundation    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   5. FY 2017 Transaction Plans with affiliates    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   6. Modification on Directors’ compensation system and performance evaluation    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
8.1    1. Declaration of the second quarter dividend for the fiscal year of 2017    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   2. Improvement of operation of the Board of the Directors    Modified
   For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   3. Acquisition of a certain number of a lithium company’s shares    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
11.3    1. Declaration of the third quarter dividend for the fiscal year of 2017    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   2. Lease contract of Limestone Calcinations Facility between POSCO and POSCO Chemtech    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   3. Supplementation of #4 hot rolled facilities in Gwangyang Works    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   4. Improvement of operation of the Board of the Directors    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          



Table of Contents
Date    Agenda    Approved   






















12.8     1. Mid-term Business Strategy and FY2018 Management Plan    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   2. Year-end donation for the underprivileged    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          
   3. Revision of Remuneration of Directors    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For          


* Only Outside Directors’ votes included. Il-Sup Kim and Woo-Young Sun completed their term on 10 March 2017. Shin-Bae Kim, Moon-Ki Chung, and Seung-Wha Chang newly elected on 10 March 2017

<Resolutions in 2018>


Date    Agenda    Approved   
































1. Approval of the financial statements for the 50th fiscal year and the convocation schedule for the 50th

General Meeting of Shareholders

   Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For         For
   2. Partial Amendments to Articles of Incorporation    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For         For
   3. Silo lease contract with POSCO-TERMINAL Co., Ltd    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For         For
2.13    1. Agenda for the 50th General Meeting of Shareholders    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For         For
   2. Recommendation of candidates for the Inside Director position (Excluding the candidate for the Chief Executive Officer)    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For         For
3.9    1. Appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
   2. Appointment of the Special Committee Members    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
   3. Designation of Representative Directors and presenting positions to Inside Directors    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
   4. Commemoration business plan for POSCO’s 50th anniversary    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
4.18    1. Settlement and operation of Succession Council (plan)    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
5.11    1. Declaration of first quarter dividend for the fiscal year of 2018    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
   2. Plan for financing in FY2018    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
   3. Record Date for Extraordinary    Approved     For    For    For    For    For    For    For     



Table of Contents
Date    Agenda        Approved       































            General Meeting of Shareholders                                             
   4. FY2018 Transaction Plans with affiliates   



   For    For    For    For    For    For    For     
   5. Capital Increase in POSCO ESM    Approved    For    For    For    For    For    For    For     


* Only Outside Directors’ votes included. Chae-Chol Shin completed his term on 9 March 2018. Sung-Jin Kim newly elected on 9 March 2018

5. Special Committees of BOD

(1) Establishment of BOD’s Special Committees

Under the Board of Directors, there are 5 Special Committees - Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee, Evaluation and Compensation Committee, Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee, Audit Committee, and Executive Management Committee. Before the amendment, there were 6 Special Committees under the Board, but similar functions were integrated and adjusted by amending the Articles of Incorporation in the 50th AGM to raise the efficiency of the committees. Except for the Executive Management Committee that reviews and deliberates steel investments, each of the committee is participated by a majority of Outside Directors. Members of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee and Audit Committee are all Outside Directors to ensure independent decision-making of the Special Committees. Among the committees, Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee and Audit Committee are required to be established by the Commercial Act, and the rest 3 committees were formed by the Board based on its autonomous decision in pursuit of professional, independent and efficient Board management. For more efficient operation of each committee, details of the organization, operation and responsibilities of committees are governed by the Articles of Incorporation and the Operational Regulations of the BOD.

(2) Organization of Committees in BOD and Activities

A. Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee

Members and Responsibilities.

The main role of the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee is to assess the qualifications of candidates and recommend Outside Director candidates. 3 out of 4 committee members are Outside Directors to ensure independence. The Outside Director Candidates Advisory Group is run to raise transparency of selection process of Outside Directors. The responsibilities and organization of the Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee are as follows.



Table of Contents


   Byong-Won Bahk(Chair), Joo-Hyun Kim, Seung-Wha Chang, Jung-Son Chon


1.  Recommendation for, and evaluation on qualification of, candidates for Outside Director


2.  Evaluation on qualification of, and pre-deliberation on candidates for Inside Director


3.  Pre-deliberation on appointment of members of special committees


4.  Pre-deliberation on nomination of the representative directors except for the Chief Executive Officer among Inside Directors


5.  Operation of Outside Director Candidates Advisory Group


6.  Other matters necessary for recommendation of Outside Directors


7.  Developing issues to be discussed in the BOD and the Special Committees


8.  Pre-deliberation on amendment or repeal of the operational regulations for the BOD


9.  Pre-deliberation on composition and operation procedures of the BOD or the Special Committees


[Director Candidate Recommendation Committee Activities before Reorganization of Special Committees]


Date    Agenda    Approved   











   Qualification Assessment and Recommendation of Outside Director Candidates    Approved    For    For    For

'17. 2.17

   Qualification Assessment of Inside Director Candidates (Excluding the candidate for the CEO)   



   —      —      —  

'17. 3.10

   Appointment of Special Committee Members   



   —      —      —  
   Appointment of the Representative Directors   



   —      —      —  
Date    Agenda    Approved   










'17. 3.10

   Appointment of the Chairman of Director Candidate Recommendation Committee    Approved    For    For    For

'17. 12.8

   Plan for Outside Director Candidates Advisory Group    Approved    For    For    For


   Qualification Assessment and Recommendation of Outside Director Candidates    Approved    For    For    For
   Qualification Assessment of Inside Director Candidates (Excluding the candidate for the CEO)    Pre- deliberated     —      —      —  

[Finance and Operation Committee Activities before Reorganization of Special Committees]



Table of Contents
Date    Agenda    Approved   









'17. 8.1    Improvements of BOD operation    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  
'17.11.3    Improvements of BOD operation    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  

[Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee Activities after Reorganization of Special Committees]


Date    Agenda    Approved   









'18. 3.9     Appointment of the Chairman of Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee    Approved    For    For    For
   Appointment of the Representative Directors    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  


* Only Outside Directors’ votes included

Recommendation of Outside Directors

The Director Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee conducts qualification assessment and recommendation of directors to the AGM according to Article 382-3 and Article 542-8-2 of the Commercial Act and Article 30 and Article 31 of the Articles of Incorporation.

B. Evaluation and Compensation Committee

Members and Responsibilities

The Evaluation and compensation Committee assesses the management’s performance, pre-deliberates matters related with compensation, and evaluates business performance. Detailed roles and responsibilities of the committee are stated as below.


Members    Myoung-Woo Lee(Chair), Shin-Bae Kim, Moon-Ki Chung, Sung-Jin Kim

1. Establishing management succession and development plans


2. Establishing executives evaluation and compensation plan and taking necessary measures to execute such plans


3. Pre-deliberation on remuneration and retirement allowance of directors



Date    Agenda    Approved   












'17. 1.25 

   Evaluation of the management result for the fiscal year of 2016    Approved    For    For    For    For



Table of Contents
Date    Agenda    Approved   

Woo- Young  





   Joo- Hyun 
'17. 2.17    Amendment of the limit of the total remuneration for the Directors    Pre-deliberated     —      —      —      —  
Date    Agenda    Approval    Chae-Chol 








'17. 5.12    Improvement of the executive compensation system and performance evaluation    Pre-deliberated     —      —      —      —  
'17.12.8    Revision of Remuneration of Directors    Pre-deliberated     —      —      —      —  
'18.1.23    Evaluation of the management result for the fiscal year of 2017    Approved     For    For    For    For
'18.1.23/1.24    Modification on Directors’ long-term performance evaluation    Modified 


   For    For    For    For
'18.2.13    Evaluation plan of the management result for the fiscal year of 2018    Approved     For    For    For    For
Date    Agenda    Approval    Myoung-

Woo Lee







'18. 4.18    Appointment of the Chairman of Evaluation and Compensation Committee    Approved    For    For    For    For

C. Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee

Members and Responsibilities

The Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee supports efficient operation of the Board by pre-deliberating issues such as external investment plan, capital raising plan and internal transactions in accordance with laws on monopoly regulation and fair trading. Also, the committee deliberates and resolve issues of financing and contribution plan ranging from KRW 0.1 to 1 billion. Detailed roles and responsibilities of the Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee are stated as below.


Members    Shin-Bae Kim(Chair), Myoung-Woo Lee, Sung-Jin Kim, In-Hwan Oh

1.  Establishing strategy for internal values, and financial well-being


2.  Pre-deliberation on filing and settling a lawsuit worth over KRW 10 billion and settling a lawsuit without limitation of the amount of money(excluding the case with conclusive evidence that guarantee it will not cost exceeding KRW 10 billion )


3.  Issues of external investment (Non-steel)


A. Pre-deliberation on new external investments, capital increase and disposition of acquired equities exceeding 10% of equity (excluding items for deliberation on internal transaction in No.9)



Table of Contents

B. Making resolutions on new external investments, capital increase and disposition of acquired equities exceeding KRW 5 billion and less than 10% of equity (excluding items for deliberation and voting in No.9)


4.  Pre-deliberation on donations exceeding KRW 1 billion and resolutions on donations between exceeding KRW 100 million and less than KRW 1 billion (excluding items for deliberation on internal transaction in No.9)


5.  Resolutions on issuance of corporate bonds and important borrowings (including the conversion issue exceeding KRW 100 billion)


6.  Pre-deliberation on issuance of corporate bonds and important borrowings (new long-term borrowings exceeding KRW 100 billion)


7.  Resolutions on offering fixed assets as security


8.  Resolutions on providing subsidiaries or affiliates with the company’s security or guarantee (excluding items for deliberation and voting in No.9)


9.  Internal transactions in accordance with the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act(Internal transactions mean transactions of capital, securities and assets with a person who has special relations with the company)


A. Review of issues and improvement measures related to internal transactions


B. Preliminary deliberation of internal transactions (more than KRW 10 billion in transaction amount)


C. Resolutions on internal transactions (between KRW 3 billion and KRW 10 billion in transaction amount)


10.  Appointment of Director for voluntary compliance of Fair Trade


[Inside Trade Committee Activities before Reorganization of Special Committees]


Date   Agenda   Approved   Il-Sup







‘17.1.24   Review of and Plan for the operation of the Fair Trading Program   Report    —     —      Absent
‘17.2.16   Change in Director for voluntary compliance of Fair Trade   Approved    For   For    For
Date   Agenda   Approved    Joo-Hyun  







‘17.5.8   Contribution to POSCO Educational Foundation   Pre-deliberated    —     —      —  
‘17.7.26   Review of operation of the Fair Trading Compliance Program for the first half of 2017   Report    —     —      —  
’17.11.1   Lease contract of Limestone Calcinations Facility between POSCO and POSCO Chemtech   Pre-deliberated    —     —      —  
’18.1.23   Change in Director for voluntary compliance of Fair Trade   Report    —     —      —  
  Silo lease contract with POSCO-TERMINAL Co., Ltd   Pre-deliberated    —     —      —  



Table of Contents
Date    Agenda    Approved   









     Contribution to Labor Welfare Fund    Approved    For    For    For
'18.2.12    Review of and Plan for the operation of the Fair Trading Program    Report    —      —      —  

[Finance and Operation Committee Activities before Reorganization of Special Committees]


Date    Agenda    Approved   









'17.5.12        Disposal of available-for-sale securities    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  
   Plans for extension of NMC payment guarantee    Approved    For    For    For
   Plans for extension of POSUK loan guarantee    Approved    For    For    For
'17.8.1    Acquisitions of lithium company allotment    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  
'17.11.3    Donation of shares of Songdo POSCO Family Housing    Approved    For    For    For
'17.12.8    Year-end donation for the underprivileged    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  
   Donation for recovery of earthquake in Pohang-city    Approved    For    For    For
   Approval of Short-Term Credit Line Limit in 2018    Approved    For    For    For
'18.1.4    Investment of Joint venture for Anode material business in Chile    Approved    For    For    For
'18.1.24    Establishment of Joint venture for Anode material business in China    Approved    For    For    For

[Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee Activities after Reorganization of Special Committees]


Date    Agenda    Approved   









'18.4.18    Appointment of the Chairman of Finance and Related Party Transactions Committee    Approved    For    For    For
'18.5.11    Plan for financing in FY2018    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  
   Capital Increase in POSCO ESM    Pre-deliberated    —      —      —  
   Contribution to POSCO Educational Foundation    Approved    For    For    For
   Plan for Payment Guarantee to POSCO VIETNAM    Approved    For    For    For


* Only Outside Directors’ votes included

D. Audit Committee

Information regarding the Audit Committee can be referred to IV. Audit Organization.



Table of Contents

E. Executive Management Committee

Members and Responsibilities

The Executive Management Committee is in charge of deliberating and voting on important investment proposals among the management and financial issues. Detailed role of the committee is stated below.


Members    Oh-Joon Kwon(Chair), In-Hwan Oh, In-Hwa Chang, Seong Yu, Jung-Son Chon

1.  Issues concerning Management


(1)   Important matters in the class of employee’s positions, Human Resources development and adjustment


(2)   Important changes in terms of working condition and welfare


(3)   Plans to newly establish endowed chair-professor


(4)   Housing policy making (standards to support housing loans, basic plans to build housing)


(5)   Closing the list of shareholders


2.  Issues concerning Finance


(1)   Pre-deliberation on internal investments


•  Investment for new establishment and increase project more than KRW 100 billion


(2)   Approval of Internal Investment Plans


•  Project investments of more than KRW 100 billion excluding Investment for new establishment and increase projects


•  Investment project between exceeding KRW 10 billion and KRW 100 billion and less


•  Investment for new establishment and increase project less than KRW 10 billion


•  Maintenance investment of exceeding KRW 10 billion


•  Ordinary investment of exceeding KRW 5 billion


(3)   Pre-deliberation on new external investments, capital increase, and disposition of acquired equities of exceeding 10% of equity in steel sector (excluding deliberation items for the Insider Trading Committee)


(4)   Approval of new external investment, capital increase, and disposition of acquired equities exceeding KRW 5 billion and less than 10% of equity in steel sector


(5)   Acquisition or disposal of tangible intangible assets and important investment assets exceeding KRW 5 billion and less than 10% of equity (Based on the book value per unit of asset)


(6)   Approval of deficits disposal between exceeding KRW 500 million and less than KRW 10 billion


(7)   Approval of technology adoption and technology sales contract exceeding USD 1 million


3.  Other matters submitted by the Chair of the committee or each individual member



Session    Date    Agenda    Approved
2017-1     1.23     Sale of shares in Dongkuk Industries    Approved
      Disposal of treasury stocks as Employee Award    Approved
      Improvement of waste heat energy recovery for sintering cooling facility #3 in Pohang Works    Approved
      Improvement of Converter flue gas processing facility in #1 Steelmaking Plant in Gwangyang Works    Approved
2017-2     3.16     Closure of the shareholders’ registry for dividends for the first quarter of 2017    Approved



Table of Contents
2017-3    3.21     Phase 2 Sale of automotive steel processing facility    Approved
2017-4    4.18     Disposal of treasury stocks as Employee Award    Approved
      Rationalization of FINEX #2 in Pohang Works    Approved
2017-5    5.10     Disposal of shares of POSCO Thainox    Pre-deliberated
2017-6    5.29     Implementation of a slab scarfing machine in #3 steel casting line in Pohang Works    Approved
      Stabilizing the structures of #5 coke manufacturing factory in Gwangyang Works    Approved
      Implementation of the enterprise system for processing companies    Approved
      Closure of the shareholders’ registry for dividends for the second quarter of 2017    Approved
2017-7    6.20     R&D investment of the powder inserting process for a convertor    Approved
      Maintenance of a hot stove facility of #2 furnace in Pohang Works    Approved

Replacement of deteriorated facilities of #1 continuous annealing line

in #4 cold roll factory in Gwangyang Works

      Rationalization of a LNG power generator in Gwangyang Works    Approved
2017-8    7.18     Disposal of treasury stocks for the employee awards    Approved
      Carbon emissions trading.    Approved
2017-9    8.23     Closure of the shareholders’ registry for dividends for the third quarter of 2017    Approved
      Amendment of investment plan PosLX Plant    Approved
      Disposal of disused facilities in Fe Powder factory    Approved
2017-10    9.19     Quality improvement for Wire Rod factory in Pohang Works    Approved
2017-11    10.20     Disposal of treasury stocks for the employee awards    Approved
      Replacement of equipment of the wharf in Pohang and Gwangyang Works    Approved
      Supplementation of #4 hot rolled facilities in Gwangyang Works    Pre-deliberated
2017-12     12.19     Replacement of R2 motor and Drive of #2 hot rolled facilities in Pohang Works    Approved
      Rationalization of substations in Gwangyang Works    Approved
      Replacement of equipment of an incinerator in Gwangyang Works    Approved
2018-1    1.19     Disposal of treasury stocks for the employee awards    Approved
2018-2    3.20     Implementation of equipment of the wharf in Pohang Works    Approved
      Replacement of a slab scarfing machine in #2 steel casting line in Gwangyang Works    Approved
      Carbon emissions trading    Approved
2018-3    4.17     Disposal of treasury stocks for the employee awards    Approved
      Establishment of upstream process as C0 level of POSCO Lithium eXtraction Mineral Electrodialysis    Approved
      Establishment of complex combustion facility of Coke Oven in Pohang Works    Approved
      Establishment of STS Slab Grinder and Concurrent Heating Furnace in Pohang Works    Approved
      Replacing old parts for #14 Gas Turbine of LNG generator in Pohang Works    Approved
2018-4    5.28     Manufacturing Execution System Refresh    Approved
      Carbon emissions trading    Approved
      Put Back Option Execution for disposal of shares of Steel Flower    Approved
      Implementation of NOx removal facilities in Pohang Works    Approved
      Maintenance of #1 cold rolled PCM Facilities in Pohang Works    Approved



Table of Contents

6. Evaluation and Compensation

POSCO adopted the BOD Evaluation System in 2010 to search the areas to be improved and raise external trust on corporate governance. The BOD evaluation is conducted led by the Evaluation and Compensation Committee in February every year and the outcome is reported to the Board. The evaluation method is that all the directors answer the survey, both quantitative and qualitative, prepared for their committees. It includes a holistic evaluation on the role, structure, operation and related systems of the BOD. The result is used to upgrade operations of the Board through reporting and discussions. The compensation for directors is decided in consideration of their work load, other companies’ cases and social perception in a comprehensive way.



Table of Contents

IV. Audit Organization

1. Internal Audit Organization

(1) Audit Committee


The Audit Committee monitors the company’s accounting results and deliberates and resolves matters delegated by the BOD independently from the management and controlling shareholder. The committee oversees directors and the management if they fulfill their responsibilities with due care based on objective standards, the Operational Regulations of the Audit Committee, to support them make the right decision in business management. Resolutions made by the Audit Committee are as follows.

1. Set up the committee’s work plan

2. Matters delegated by the Board(representative director)

3. Request for holding a provisional shareholders’ meeting

4. Consulting of external experts

5. Audit on legitimacy of the management’s work

6. Review on soundness and validity of the company’s financial activity and legitimacy of financial reporting

7. Review on accounting standards of materiality and revision of accounting estimation result

8. Evaluate on the operation of internal accounting management system

9. Evaluate on the internal control system

10. Propose a motion on appointment of the head of internal audit department

11. Preapprove appointment, compensation and non-audit service contract of external auditor

12. Evaluate on auditing activities of external auditor

13. Report annual auditing plan and result of internal audit department

14. Report evaluation result on compliance with the Code of Conduct of employees

15. Report of external auditor on irregularities or any violations of the laws and the Articles of Incorporation by a director

16. Report of external auditor on the company’s violation of accounting standards

17. Other matters considered by each member to be resolved


POSCO’s Audit Committee has at least 3 Outside Directors according to Article 48 of the Articles of Incorporation and the Operational Regulations of the Audit Committee. Committee members are appointed and dismissed by the AGM. At least 1 member is an accounting or financial expert as governed by the related laws. POSCO assures that the Audit Committee can maintain its independence and objectivity from the Board and management in conducting audit functions. Below chart shows the members of the current Audit Committee and information about independence of the committee.



Table of Contents

<Audit Committee Members>


Name    Currently holding a position in other institutions as
Moon-Ki Chung (Chair)     Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University
Byong-Won Bahk    —  
Seung-Wha Chang    Dean, School of Law, Seoul National University


* All members are Outside Directors.

<Checklist For Independence of Audit Committee>


Item    Yes or No     Relevant Regulation
Consists of more than 3 directors    Yes   

Article 415-2-2,

Korean Commercial Act

2/3 of total number of members or more are Outside Directors    Yes   
At least 1 or more of members are accounting or finance experts    Yes   

Article 542-11-2

Korean Commercial Act

The chair of the committee is an Outside Director    Yes   
All qualified with other items described in the relevant regulation    Yes   

Article 542-11-3

Korean Commercial Act



Date    Agenda    Approved   






'17.1.24     Resolution    Pre-approval of audit and non-audit services for POSCO P&S    Approved    For    For    For
      Assessment of the Audit Committee    Approved    For    For    For
   Report    Report on the operation of the internal accounting control system for the fiscal year of 2016    —      —      —      —  
      The result of internal audit for the fiscal year of 2016 and audit plans for the fiscal year of 2017    —      —      —      —  
'17.2.16     Resolution     Approval of designation of the director for the internal audit department    Approved    For    For    For
      Internal audit result for the fiscal year of 2016    Approved    For    For    For
      Assessment of the operation of the internal accounting control system for the fiscal year of 2016    Approved    For    For    For
      Approval of the appointment of the external auditor    Approved    For    For    For
   Report    External audit result for the fiscal year of 2016    —      —      —       
Date    Agenda    Approved   



'17.3.29    Resolution     Appointment of the Chairman of the Audit Committee    Approved    For    For    For



Table of Contents











          Approval of audit and non-audit services for POSCO and its subsidiaries   Approved   For   For    For
   Report    Report on the operation of the internal accounting control system on a consolidated basis for the fiscal year of 2016   —     —     —      —  
'17.4.25    Resolution    Audit report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year 2016   Approved   For   For    For
   Report    Report on the result of operation of the internal accounting control system on a consolidated basis for the fiscal year of 2016   —     —     —      —  
'17.5.8    Report    External auditors’ review result on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter of 2017   —     —     —      —  
'17.7.26    Report    Internal audit result on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the first half of 2017   —     —     —      —  
      External auditors’ review result on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the first half of 2017   —     —     —      —  
      The result of internal audit for the first half of 2017 and audit plans for the second half of 2017   —     —     —      —  
'17.11.1    Resolution    Approval of audit services for POSCO-ICPC   Approved   For   For    For
      Approval of non-audit services for POSCO Daewoo Corporation   Approved   For   For    For
   Report    Internal audit on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the third quarter of 2017   —     —     —      —  
      External auditors’ review on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the third quarter of 2017   —     —     —      —  
'17.12.7    Report    Assessment of the operations of the external auditors in the fiscal year of 2017   —     —     —      —  
      Assessment of directors’ and employees’ observance of ethics in the fiscal year of 2017   —     —     —      —  
'18.1.23    Resolution    Assessment of the Audit Committee   Approved   For   For    For
   Report    Report on the operation of the internal accounting control system for the fiscal year of 2017   —     —     —      —  
      The result of internal audit for the fiscal year of 2017 and audit plans for the fiscal year of 2018   —     —     —      —  
'18.2.12    Resolution    Internal audit result for the fiscal year of 2017   Approved   For   For    For



Table of Contents
Date         Agenda    Approved   






    Report    Assessment of the operation of the internal accounting control system for the fiscal year of 2017    Approved     For    For    For
       External audit result for the fiscal year of 2017    —      —      —      —  


Date         Agenda    Approved   






'18.3.29    Resolution    Appointment of the Chairman of the Audit Committee    Approved    For    For    For
     Approval of audit and non-audit services for POSCO and its subsidiaries    Approved    For    For    For
  Report    Report on the operation of the internal accounting control system on a consolidated basis for the fiscal year of 2017    —      —      —      —  
     Assessment of the operation of the internal accounting control system on a consolidated basis for the fiscal year of 2017    —      —      —      —  
'18.4.24    Resolution     Audit report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year of 2017    Approved    For    For    For
'18.5.10    Resolution    Approval of non-audit service for POSCO    Approved    For    For    For
  Report    Internal audit result on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter of 2018    —      —      —      —  
     External auditors’ review result on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter of 2018    —      —      —      —  
     Assessment of the operations of the external auditors in the fiscal year of 2017    —      —      —      —  

(2) Compliance Officer and Supporting Office

POSCO appoints a compliance officer to help abide by laws and regulations. The officer monitors if the management and employees comply with rules and regulations and fulfill their roles and report the monitoring results to the Board.



Table of Contents

<Compliance Officer>


Name    Gender    Date of Birth    Position    Work Experience    Term of Office
Hyung-Il Won    Male    1968. 11.    Senior Vice President    

- Dae-Il Law Firm


- Seoul Central District Court

   2016. 3. 24 ~ 2019.3.23

Moreover, the company has Corporate Audit Office as an internal auditing body to efficiently support the work of the Audit Committee. The department has 1 executive member, 52 certified accountants and professionals in business management. It conducts auditing on companies based on the annual auditing plan and the result is reported to the Audit Committee on a regular basis.

2. External Auditor

The Audit Committee directly assesses and appoints external auditors to strengthen independence and fairness of appointment procedure. As a listed company, POSCO appoints the same external auditor for 3 fiscal years in compliance with the Article 4-2 of relevant law regarding external auditing. POSCO’s Audit Committee appointed KPMG as external auditor for 3 consecutive years from 2017 to 2019.

According to the Audit Committee’s operational regulations, external auditor directly reports to the Audit Committee regarding any irregularities of directors, violation of laws, Articles of Incorporation and accounting standards. Also, the Audit Committee evaluates auditing activities of the external auditor. POSCO’s external auditor KPMG reported the 50th external auditing results in the 2nd Audit Committee on February 12, 2018. In the 4th Audit Committee held on April 24, 2018, the auditor reported SEC 20-F Filing result for the fiscal year 2017. It reported external review result on consolidated financial statements of the 1st quarter 2018 in the 5th Audit Committee on May 10, 2018. Other reporting results can be referred to IV. Audit Organization, 1. Internal Audit Organization, (1) Audit Committee, ③ Activity in this report.



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V. Fulfillment of Social Responsibility

(1) Sustainable Management Policy

POSCO defines sustainability as ‘Better business performance based on environmental and social responsibilities.’ To this end, POSCO’s management direction is aimed at conducting responsible business activities based on trust with stakeholders and providing sustainable solutions for customers and the society.

Building Trust with Stakeholders

POSCO’s sustainability can be achieved when building a long-term relationship with stakeholders including society, investors, partners, customers and employees. POSCO is continuously communicating with internal and external stakeholders to build trust and raise value for them.

Responsible Management

As a part of the society, POSCO is making greatest efforts towards a responsible business management. In this regard, POSCO’s internal sustainability policies including the Code of Conduct, Safety and Health Policy and Human Rights Policy are strictly observed and devised to be in line with the global standards. POSCO upholds and supports the global norms of sustainable business management ranging from the UN Sustainable Development Goals, UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to ISO 26000. Also, the company strongly forbids child labor and forced labor in its domestic and overseas operation sites in compliance with the international standards and ethical guidelines. It advocates international standards related to human rights including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Sustainable Solution

POSCO continues to develop products through innovation so as to enhance customer value. In 2017, POSCO pursued Solution Marketing 2.0 to strengthen core competitiveness of steel business. The company will expand sales of WP+, product grades with global top technology and highest profitability. Furthermore, it is making efforts continuously to research and develop environment-friendly and highly energy-efficient technologies and contributes to the world’s sustainable development.

(2) Definition of Stakeholder and Principles of Participation

POSCO seeks to gain trust from each stakeholder of 6 categories that include the society, partners, shareholders and investors, customers, employees and environment. Besides having interviews with stakeholders and communicating through different channels, the company listens to voices from experts of various areas such as socially responsible investors, NGO’s, rating agencies on sustainable management and the academia to reflect their opinions in the POSCO Report. In 2017, it had interviews with investors, CSR rating agencies, the academic circle and NGO’s. An individual interview was carried out with each stakeholder under the verification process of Samil PWC. The interview results are contained in the POSCO Report.



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(3) Sustainability Report (Publication of POSCO Report)

Since 2004, POSCO has published Sustainability Report, which was integrated with Annual Report in 2011. In 2014, Sustainability Report and Carbon Report were combined as ‘POSCO Report.’ The Report is prepared by referring to the GRI Standard, 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN SDGs based on the company’s own process. A third-party institution verifies the preparation process and data for the credibility of the Report. In 2017, Samil PwC reviewed the contents of the Report. ISAE3000 and AA1000AS Type II were applied as the verification standards. For detailed information, POSCO Report can be found on the company website following the URL below.


* http://www.posco.co.kr/homepage/docs/eng5/jsp/sustain/customer/s91d7000020l.jsp?mdex=posco116A