A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To elect five directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Tor R. Braham | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | FOR |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To elect five directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Peter Y. Chung | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To elect five directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Eric Singer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To elect five directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Dhrupad Trivedi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | FOR |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To elect five directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Dana Wolf | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | FOR |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | AGAINST |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
A10 Networks, Inc. | 002121101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent public accounting firm for our fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 22176 | 0 | FOR |
22176 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of Director: Beverly A. Huss | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | FOR |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of Director: Mika Nishimura | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | AGAINST |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of Director: Byron C. Scott | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | FOR |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | To approve an amendment to our 2016 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | FOR |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | FOR |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
Accuray Incorporated | 004397105 | - | - | 11/09/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 78578 | 0 | FOR |
78578 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Haiping Dun | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | FOR |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Chenming C. Hu | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Tracy Liu | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Election of Directors: David H. Wang | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | FOR |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Xiao Xing | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | FOR |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Ratification of appointment of Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP as independent auditor for year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | FOR |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Advisory vote on 2023 executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | AGAINST |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ACM Research, Inc. | 00108J109 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Advisory vote on frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6443 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
6443 |
S000005702 | - | |
ADMA Biologics, Inc. | 000899104 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect the following Class II directors for a term expiring at the 2027 Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Steven A. Elms | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 61464 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
61464 |
S000005702 | - | |
ADMA Biologics, Inc. | 000899104 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect the following Class II directors for a term expiring at the 2027 Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Adam S. Grossman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 61464 | 0 | FOR |
61464 |
S000005702 | - | |
ADMA Biologics, Inc. | 000899104 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect the following Class II directors for a term expiring at the 2027 Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Young T. Kwon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 61464 | 0 | FOR |
61464 |
S000005702 | - | |
ADMA Biologics, Inc. | 000899104 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | To ratify the appointment of CohnReznick LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 61464 | 0 | FOR |
61464 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Robert P. Bauer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | AGAINST |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Eric P. Etchart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | AGAINST |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Nina C. Grooms | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | AGAINST |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Paul D. Householder | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | FOR |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Tracy C. Jokinen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | FOR |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Jeffery A. Leonard | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | FOR |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Richard W. Parod | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | FOR |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR the election of directors: Lorie L. Tekorius | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | AGAINST |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR approval of the advisory vote on the compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | AGAINST |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Alamo Group Inc. | 011311107 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Proposal FOR ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's Independent Auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 1941 | 0 | FOR |
1941 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allied Motion Technologies Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 08/11/2023 | To Approve An Amendment To The Company S Articles Of Incorporation To Change The Company S Name To Allient Inc. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9102 | 0 | FOR |
9102 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | To Elect Six Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders: R.B. Engel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | FOR |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | To Elect Six Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders: R.D. Federico | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | AGAINST |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | To Elect Six Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders: S. C. Finch | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | FOR |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | To Elect Six Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders: N. R. Tzetzo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | FOR |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | To Elect Six Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders: R.S. Warzala | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | FOR |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | To Elect Six Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders: M.R. Winter | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | FOR |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Advisory Vote To Approve The Compensation Of Our Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | AGAINST |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
Allient Inc. | 019330109 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Ratification Of The Appointment Of The Company S Independent Public Accounting Firm For 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6628 | 0 | FOR |
6628 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Marisol Angelini | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Scott D. Baskin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Mark R. Bassett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Debra F. Edwards | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Patrick E. Gottschalk | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Emer Gunter | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | AGAINST |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Steven D. Macicek | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Keith M. Rosenbloom | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Eric G. Wintemute | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent registered public accounting firm the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | FOR |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
American Vanguard Corporation | 030371108 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Resolved, that the compensation paid to the Company s named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation tables and narrative discussion, is hereby approved. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16111 | 0 | AGAINST |
16111 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Elect Eileen O'Shea Auen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | FOR |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Elect James C. Clemmer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | FOR |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Elect Howard W. Donnelly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Elect Jan Stern Reed | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | FOR |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as AngioDynamics, Inc. independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | FOR |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Say-on-Pay - An advisory vote on the approval of compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | AGAINST |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Approval of a Say-on-Pay Frequency advisory vote on a non-binding resolution to determine the frequency our shareholders will be asked to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
AngioDynamics, Inc. | 03475V101 | - | - | 11/14/2023 | Approval of an amendment to, among other things, increase the number of shares available for issuance under the AngioDynamics, Inc. 2020 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 33459 | 0 | FOR |
33459 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Thomas Haughey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | AGAINST |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Nikhil Lalwani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Matthew J. Leonard, R.Ph. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | AGAINST |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Antonio R. Pera | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Muthusamy Shanmugam | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Renee P. Tannenbaum, Pharm.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | AGAINST |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Jeanne A. Thoma | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Director: Patrick D. Walsh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | AGAINST |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | To ratify the appointment of EisnerAmper LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | To approve the compensation of the Company s named executive officers, on an advisory basis. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 00182C103 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | To approve the Amended and Restated 2022 Stock Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 6018 | 0 | FOR |
6018 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect William H. Yeh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Cynthia DeLaney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | AGAINST |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve our 2021 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended to increase the number of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance thereunder by 2,000,000 shares and increase certain annual limits on the value of awards. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | AGAINST |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | 03823U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve a portion of the award of performance-vesting restricted stock units (PSUs) granted to our Chief Executive Officer in June 2023 with respect to 355,871 shares at target level performance, which portion exceeded the annual limit on the value of awards granted under our 2021 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | AGAINST |
10100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Esther M. Alegria | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | FOR |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Joseph Carleone | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Nicholas S. Green | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | FOR |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Richard B. Hancock | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Catherine J. Mackey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | FOR |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Gregory P. Sargen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | FOR |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Jeanne A. Thoma | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | AGAINST |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | To approve, by an advisory vote, a non-binding resolution approving the compensation of the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | AGAINST |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Proposal to approve, by an advisory vote, the frequency of holding future advisory votes on the compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 17100 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
17100 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect CHIU Tzu-Yin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Gregory B. Graves | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect John T. Kurtzweil | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Russell J. Low | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Jeanne Quirk | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Necip Sayiner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Thomas M. St. Dennis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Jorge Titinger | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Elect Dipti Vachani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | FOR |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Proposal to ratify independent public accounting firm. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | AGAINST |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Proposal to amend Restated Certificate of Incorporation to limit certain executive officers' liability under Delaware law. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | AGAINST |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | 054540208 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Say on Pay - An advisory vote on the approval of executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 1512 | 0 | AGAINST |
1512 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Karen Zaderej | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Amy M. Wendell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect William Burke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect John H. Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Alan Levine | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Guido J. Neels | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Paul G. Thomas | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Joseph Tyndall | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Kathy Weiler | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Company's Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | AGAINST |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
Axogen, Inc. | 05463X106 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To approve the Axogen, Inc. Third Amended and Restated 2019 Long-Term Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 19600 | 0 | FOR |
19600 |
S000005702 | - | |
CBIZ, Inc. | 124805102 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael H. DeGroote | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5381 | 0 | AGAINST |
5381 |
S000005702 | - | |
CBIZ, Inc. | 124805102 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Gina D. France | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5381 | 0 | AGAINST |
5381 |
S000005702 | - | |
CBIZ, Inc. | 124805102 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: A. Haag Sherman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5381 | 0 | AGAINST |
5381 |
S000005702 | - | |
CBIZ, Inc. | 124805102 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Todd J. Slotkin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5381 | 0 | FOR |
5381 |
S000005702 | - | |
CBIZ, Inc. | 124805102 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To ratify KPMG LLP as CBIZ's independent registered public accounting firm. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5381 | 0 | AGAINST |
5381 |
S000005702 | - | |
CBIZ, Inc. | 124805102 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To conduct a non-binding advisory vote approving named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5381 | 0 | AGAINST |
5381 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Elect Steve Hislop | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | FOR |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Elect Jon Howie | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Elect Jody L. Bilney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of the non-binding, advisory vote on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | AGAINST |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of the Chuy s Holdings, Inc. 2023 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | FOR |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of an amendment to the Company s Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate personal liability of officers for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as an officer. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | AGAINST |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of an amendment to the Company s Bylaws to add an exclusive forum provision. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | AGAINST |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | The ratification of the appointment of RSM US LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16071 | 0 | FOR |
16071 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Andrew J. Littlefair | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Stephen A. Scully | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Lizabeth A. Ardisana | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Karine Boissy-Rousseau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Patrick J Ford | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect James C. Miller III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Kenneth M. Socha | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Mathieu Soulas | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Vincent C. Taormina | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | To Ratify The Appointment Of KMPG LLP As Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm For Our Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | AGAINST |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | To Approve, On An Advisory, Non-Binding Basis, The Compensation Of Our Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | 184499101 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | To Approve The 2024 Performance Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 62312 | 0 | FOR |
62312 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Cheryl Beranek | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | FOR |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Ronald G. Roth | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | AGAINST |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Patrick F. Goepel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | FOR |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Roger G. Harding | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | FOR |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles N. Hayssen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | FOR |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Donald R. Hayward | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | AGAINST |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Walter L. Jones, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | AGAINST |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Carol A. Wirsbinski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | AGAINST |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation paid to named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | AGAINST |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Clearfield, Inc. | 18482P103 | - | - | 02/22/2024 | Ratify the appointment of Baker Tilly US, LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for Clearfield, Inc. for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3460 | 0 | FOR |
3460 |
S000005702 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Election of Class III Director to serve for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 annual meeting: Michael H. McKay | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9806 | 0 | FOR |
9806 |
S000005702 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Election of Class III Director to serve for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 annual meeting: Stefan L. Shaffer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9806 | 0 | FOR |
9806 |
S000005702 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Election of Class III Director to serve for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 annual meeting: Noreen E. Skelly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9806 | 0 | FOR |
9806 |
S000005702 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Proposal to ratify the appointment of RSM US LLP as the Company s independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9806 | 0 | FOR |
9806 |
S000005702 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Proposal to approve the adoption of the Construction Partners, Inc. 2024 Restricted Stock Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9806 | 0 | AGAINST |
9806 |
S000005702 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Proposal to approve an amendment to the Construction Partners, Inc. 2018 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the number of shares reserved for issuance pursuant to awards. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9806 | 0 | FOR |
9806 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To consider and vote upon the election of three Class I Directors: Richard D. Booth | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | FOR |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To consider and vote upon the election of three Class I Directors: William F. Concannon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To consider and vote upon the election of three Class I Directors: Christine R. Detrick | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | FOR |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to CRA's named executive officers, as disclosed in the proxy statement for the 2023 meeting of its shareholders. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | AGAINST |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the preferred frequency of holding advisory shareholder votes to approve the compensation paid to CRA's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To approve amendments to CRA's Amended and Restated 2006 Equity Incentive Plan that, among other things, would increase the number of shares issuable under the plan by 500,000 shares; and to approve the entire plan, as so amended, for purposes of French law. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | FOR |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
CRA International, Inc. | 12618T105 | - | - | 07/13/2023 | To ratify the appointment by our audit committee of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accountants for our fiscal year ending December 30, 2023. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 4096 | 0 | FOR |
4096 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect David C. Aldous | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Ruth I. Dreessen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | FOR |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Michael A. Kelly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | FOR |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Clifton Peter Rose | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Ouma Sananikone | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | FOR |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect James O'Leary | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | FOR |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Michael L. Kuta | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | FOR |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Advisory Vote On Executive Compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | AGAINST |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
DMC Global Inc. | 23291C103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Ratification Of Appointment Of Ernst & Young LLP As Auditor For 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10679 | 0 | AGAINST |
10679 |
S000005702 | - | |
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. | 25960R105 | - | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Director: Kenneth W. Krueger | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9099 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9099 |
S000005702 | - | |
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. | 25960R105 | - | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Director: Lisa R. Bacus | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9099 | 0 | FOR |
9099 |
S000005702 | - | |
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. | 25960R105 | - | - | 04/23/2024 | Advisory vote (non-binding) to approve the compensation of the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9099 | 0 | AGAINST |
9099 |
S000005702 | - | |
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. | 25960R105 | - | - | 04/23/2024 | Approval of the Company s 2024 Stock Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9099 | 0 | FOR |
9099 |
S000005702 | - | |
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. | 25960R105 | - | - | 04/23/2024 | The ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9099 | 0 | FOR |
9099 |
S000005702 | - | |
Ducommun Incorporated | 264147109 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Elect David B. Carter | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5221 | 0 | FOR |
5221 |
S000005702 | - | |
Ducommun Incorporated | 264147109 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Elect Shirley G. Drazba | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5221 | 0 | FOR |
5221 |
S000005702 | - | |
Ducommun Incorporated | 264147109 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Elect Sheila G. Kramer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5221 | 0 | FOR |
5221 |
S000005702 | - | |
Ducommun Incorporated | 264147109 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Advisory resolution to approve executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5221 | 0 | AGAINST |
5221 |
S000005702 | - | |
Ducommun Incorporated | 264147109 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Approval of Ducommun Incorporated s 2024 Stock Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 5221 | 0 | FOR |
5221 |
S000005702 | - | |
Ducommun Incorporated | 264147109 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratification of the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5221 | 0 | AGAINST |
5221 |
S000005702 | - | |
e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. | 26856L103 | - | - | 08/24/2023 | Elect Kenneth Mitchell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5249 | 0 | FOR |
5249 |
S000005702 | - | |
e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. | 26856L103 | - | - | 08/24/2023 | Elect Gayle Tait | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5249 | 0 | FOR |
5249 |
S000005702 | - | |
e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. | 26856L103 | - | - | 08/24/2023 | Elect Maureen C. Watson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5249 | 0 | FOR |
5249 |
S000005702 | - | |
e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. | 26856L103 | - | - | 08/24/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5249 | 0 | AGAINST |
5249 |
S000005702 | - | |
e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. | 26856L103 | - | - | 08/24/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5249 | 0 | FOR |
5249 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Alexander J. Buehler | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | FOR |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Joan K. Chow | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | FOR |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Arve Hanstveit | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect David W. Moon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | FOR |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Colin R. Sabol | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | FOR |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Pamela Tondreau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | FOR |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, our executive compensation for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 as described in the Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | AGAINST |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Energy Recovery, Inc. | 29270J100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 13765 | 0 | FOR |
13765 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: George H. Brown | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Catherine Ford Corrigan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Paul R. Johnston | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Carol Lindstrom | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Karen A. Richardson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of Director: Debra L. Zumwalt | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To ratify appointment of KPMG, LLP, as independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the fiscal year ending January 3, 2025. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the fiscal 2023 compensation of the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | AGAINST |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
Exponent, Inc. | 30214U102 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve amendment of the Company s Amended and Restated 2008 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 2835 | 0 | FOR |
2835 |
S000005702 | - | |
First American Funds | 31846V336 | - | - | 12/18/2023 | To approve the Plan of Reorganization, adopted by the FAF Board, which provides for the reorganization (each, a Reorganization, and collectively, the Reorganizations ) of each Acquired Fund with and into a corresponding series of First American Funds Trust (the FAF Trust ), a Massachusetts business trust (each series, an Acquiring Fund, and collectively, the Acquiring Funds ) (the Reorganization Proposal ). | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1082697.82 | 0 | FOR |
1082697.82 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect Elizabeth K. Blake | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect Harry Brandler | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect James R. Brickman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | FOR |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect David Einhorn | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect Kathleen Olsen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect Richard S. Press | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Elect Lila Manassa Murphy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | To ratify the appointment of RSM US LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the 2024 fiscal year. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | FOR |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Green Brick Partners, Inc. | 392709101 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | To approve the 2024 Omnibus Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 7789 | 0 | FOR |
7789 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: Patrick Gallagher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | AGAINST |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: Nimrod Ben-Natan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: Deborah L. Clifford | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephanie Copeland | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: Dana Crandall | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: David Krall | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | AGAINST |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | Election of Directors: Mitzi Reaugh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | AGAINST |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | To approve an amendment to the 2002 Employee Stock Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance thereunder by 400,000 shares. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | To approve an amendment to the 1995 Stock Plan to (i) increase the number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance thereunder by 5,000,000 shares and (ii) extend the term of the 1995 Stock Plan to March 1, 2030. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Harmonic Inc. | 413160102 | - | - | 06/11/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 28341 | 0 | FOR |
28341 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Election of Director: Robert H. Getz | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Election of Director: Dawne S. Hickton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Election of Director: Alicia B. Masse | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Election of Director: Brian R. Shelton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Election of Director: Michael L. Shor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Election of Director: Larry O. Spencer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Advisory vote on Executive Compensation: To approve executive compensation in a non-binding advisory vote. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | FOR |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Haynes International, Inc. | 420877201 | - | - | 02/21/2024 | Ratification of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm: To approve the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Haynes independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 7064 | 0 | AGAINST |
7064 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Diane S. Casey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Daniela Castagnino | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Robert L. Frome | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Laura Grant | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: John J. McFadden | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Dino O. Ottaviano | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Kurt Simmons Jr., CPA | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Jude Visconto | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | Election of Director: Theodore Wahl | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | To consider an advisory vote on a non-binding resolution to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | AGAINST |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | To approve and ratify Grant Thornton LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | AGAINST |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | 421906108 | - | - | 05/28/2024 | To approve and adopt an amendment to our Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation (the Articles of Incorporation ) to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock from 100 million to 200 million. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 19200 | 0 | FOR |
19200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | Elect C. Mark Hussey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | FOR |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | Elect Hugh E. Sawyer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | FOR |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | Elect Debra L. Zumwalt | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | FOR |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | To approve an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | AGAINST |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Stock Ownership Participation Program | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | FOR |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | An advisory vote to approve the Company's Executive Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | FOR |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
Huron Consulting Group Inc. | 447462102 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3113 | 0 | AGAINST |
3113 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect Roger Susi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | FOR |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect Monty Allen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect Anthony Vuoto | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | FOR |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect Hilda Scharen-Guivel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | FOR |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect James B. Hawkins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To ratify the appointment of RSM US LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | FOR |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
IRADIMED CORPORATION | 46266A109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 7091 | 0 | AGAINST |
7091 |
S000005702 | - | |
Johnson Outdoors Inc. | 479167108 | - | - | 02/28/2024 | Elect Paul G. Alexander | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5131 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5131 |
S000005702 | - | |
Johnson Outdoors Inc. | 479167108 | - | - | 02/28/2024 | Elect John M. Fahey, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5131 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5131 |
S000005702 | - | |
Johnson Outdoors Inc. | 479167108 | - | - | 02/28/2024 | Elect Jeffrey M. Stutz | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5131 | 0 | FOR |
5131 |
S000005702 | - | |
Johnson Outdoors Inc. | 479167108 | - | - | 02/28/2024 | To ratify the appointment of RSM US LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as auditors of the Company for its fiscal year ending September 27, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5131 | 0 | FOR |
5131 |
S000005702 | - | |
Johnson Outdoors Inc. | 479167108 | - | - | 02/28/2024 | To approve a non-binding advisory proposal on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5131 | 0 | AGAINST |
5131 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To elect five directors, each for a term expiring at the next Annual Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified which we refer to as *Director Election Proposal*; Nominees: Alan Yu | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | FOR |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To elect five directors, each for a term expiring at the next Annual Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified which we refer to as *Director Election Proposal*; Nominees: Jian Guo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To elect five directors, each for a term expiring at the next Annual Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified which we refer to as *Director Election Proposal*; Nominees: Paul Y. Chen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To elect five directors, each for a term expiring at the next Annual Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified which we refer to as *Director Election Proposal*; Nominees: Eric Chen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To elect five directors, each for a term expiring at the next Annual Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified which we refer to as *Director Election Proposal*; Nominees: Eve Yen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company s independent certified public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | FOR |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
Karat Packaging Inc. | 48563L101 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To obtain advisory approval of the Company s executive compensation ( Say on Pay ). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8118 | 0 | FOR |
8118 |
S000005702 | - | |
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | 525558201 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Lawrence J. Jasinski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6374 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6374 |
S000005702 | - | |
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | 525558201 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: John J. O Connor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6374 | 0 | FOR |
6374 |
S000005702 | - | |
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | 525558201 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Joseph P. Pellegrino, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6374 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6374 |
S000005702 | - | |
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | 525558201 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6374 | 0 | AGAINST |
6374 |
S000005702 | - | |
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | 525558201 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | To approve the Fourth Amended and Restated 2006 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 6374 | 0 | FOR |
6374 |
S000005702 | - | |
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | 525558201 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | To ratify Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6374 | 0 | FOR |
6374 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect John A. Bartholdson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect James J. Burke, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect Kevin M. Carney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect Michael A. Plater | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect Felicia J. Pryor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect Carlton E. Rose | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect Scott M. Shaw | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Elect Sylvia J. Young | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | AGAINST |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation | 533535100 | - | - | 05/02/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 26537 | 0 | AGAINST |
26537 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. | 535219109 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | Elect Mark D. Ein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25159 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
25159 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. | 535219109 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | Elect Pamela O Kaufman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25159 | 0 | FOR |
25159 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. | 535219109 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | Elect Sven-Olof Lindblad | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25159 | 0 | FOR |
25159 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. | 535219109 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | The approval, on an advisory basis, of the 2023 compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 25159 | 0 | AGAINST |
25159 |
S000005702 | - | |
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. | 535219109 | - | - | 06/04/2024 | The ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered certified public accounting firm for fiscal 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 25159 | 0 | FOR |
25159 |
S000005702 | - | |
Liquidity Services, Inc. | 53635B107 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Katharin S. Dyer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18883 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
18883 |
S000005702 | - | |
Liquidity Services, Inc. | 53635B107 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Amath Fall | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18883 | 0 | FOR |
18883 |
S000005702 | - | |
Liquidity Services, Inc. | 53635B107 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Beatriz V. Infante | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18883 | 0 | FOR |
18883 |
S000005702 | - | |
Liquidity Services, Inc. | 53635B107 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 18883 | 0 | FOR |
18883 |
S000005702 | - | |
Liquidity Services, Inc. | 53635B107 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Approve an advisory resolution on named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 18883 | 0 | AGAINST |
18883 |
S000005702 | - | |
Liquidity Services, Inc. | 53635B107 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Approve an amendment to the Company's Third Amended and Restated 2006 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan to increase the authorized number of shares. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 18883 | 0 | AGAINST |
18883 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Tonya W. Bradford | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect William H. Cameron | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Diane B. Glossman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Glen F. Hoffsis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect David G. Lucht | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect James S. Mahan III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Miltom E. Petty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Neil L. Underwood | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Yousef A. Valine | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect William L. Williams III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Approval of Amendment of 2014 Employee Stock Purchase Plan: To approve an amendment of the Company s Second Amended and Restated 2014 Employee Stock Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares of voting common stock issuable under such plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Say-on-Pay Vote: Non-binding, advisory proposal to approve compensation paid to our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | AGAINST |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | 53803X105 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Ratification of Independent Auditors: Proposal to ratify FORVIS, LLP as the Company s independent auditors for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6821 | 0 | FOR |
6821 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mativ Holdings, Inc. | 808541106 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Elect Shruti Singhal | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11546 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
11546 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mativ Holdings, Inc. | 808541106 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Elect Anderson D. Warlick | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11546 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
11546 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mativ Holdings, Inc. | 808541106 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 11546 | 0 | AGAINST |
11546 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mativ Holdings, Inc. | 808541106 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 11546 | 0 | AGAINST |
11546 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mativ Holdings, Inc. | 808541106 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve the adoption of the Mativ Holdings, Inc. 2024 Equity and Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 11546 | 0 | FOR |
11546 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | Elect John J. Sullivan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | Elect Gary M. Owens | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | Elect Shannon M. Hall | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | Elect Jennifer S. Alltoft | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | Elect Shiraz Ladiwala | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | Elect R. Tony Tripeny | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Plante & Moran, PLLC as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | AGAINST |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company s named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To approve the amendment to the 2021 Equity Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To approve the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation to: Remove the specific purposes of the Company. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To approve the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation to: Amend the director exculpation provisions. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To approve the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation to: Make certain non-substantive amendments to eliminate provisions that are no longer necessary. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | 59064R109 | - | - | 08/25/2023 | To approve the shareholder proposal to measure and annually present scope 1 through 3 greenhouse gas emissions. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2261 | 0 | FOR |
2261 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 604749101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of three Class II nominees for director to hold office until the Company's 2027 annual meeting of stockholders: Laurent Fischer, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 604749101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of three Class II nominees for director to hold office until the Company's 2027 annual meeting of stockholders: Patrick Heron | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9200 | 0 | FOR |
9200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 604749101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of three Class II nominees for director to hold office until the Company's 2027 annual meeting of stockholders: Saira Ramasastry, M.S., M.Phil. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 604749101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To ratify the selection by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9200 | 0 | FOR |
9200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 604749101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in the proxy statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9200 | 0 | FOR |
9200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 604749101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To indicate, on an advisory basis, the preferred frequency of stockholder advisory votes on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9200 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
9200 |
S000005702 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Elect Baljit Dail | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10963 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
10963 |
S000005702 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Elect Melissa Fisher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10963 | 0 | FOR |
10963 |
S000005702 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Elect Alan S. Henricks | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10963 | 0 | FOR |
10963 |
S000005702 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10963 | 0 | FOR |
10963 |
S000005702 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | To approve a non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10963 | 0 | AGAINST |
10963 |
S000005702 | - | |
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | 615111101 | - | - | 05/07/2024 | To elect three Class I directors to our Board of Directors to hold office until the Companys 2027 annual meeting of stockholders, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: J. Miguel Fernandez de Castro | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6699 | 0 | FOR |
6699 |
S000005702 | - | |
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | 615111101 | - | - | 05/07/2024 | To elect three Class I directors to our Board of Directors to hold office until the Companys 2027 annual meeting of stockholders, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Vijay Manthripragada | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6699 | 0 | FOR |
6699 |
S000005702 | - | |
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | 615111101 | - | - | 05/07/2024 | To elect three Class I directors to our Board of Directors to hold office until the Companys 2027 annual meeting of stockholders, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: Robin L. Newmark | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6699 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6699 |
S000005702 | - | |
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | 615111101 | - | - | 05/07/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP, as independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6699 | 0 | FOR |
6699 |
S000005702 | - | |
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | 615111101 | - | - | 05/07/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding and advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers (Say on Pay). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6699 | 0 | AGAINST |
6699 |
S000005702 | - | |
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | 615111101 | - | - | 05/07/2024 | To approve amendments to the Companys Certificate of Incorporation to remove the 66 2/3% Supermajority Voting Requirements. | SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AND DEFENSES |
- | ISSUER | 6699 | 0 | FOR |
6699 |
S000005702 | - | |
MYR Group Inc. | 55405W104 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Two Class II Director Nominees or Two year Terms: Donald C.I. Lucky | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1817 | 0 | AGAINST |
1817 |
S000005702 | - | |
MYR Group Inc. | 55405W104 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Two Class II Director Nominees or Two year Terms: Shirin S. O Connor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1817 | 0 | FOR |
1817 |
S000005702 | - | |
MYR Group Inc. | 55405W104 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Advisory Approval Of The Compensation Of Our Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 1817 | 0 | FOR |
1817 |
S000005702 | - | |
MYR Group Inc. | 55405W104 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Approval Of The Myr Group Inc. 2017 Long-Term Incentive Plan (Amended And Restated As Of April 24, 2024). | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 1817 | 0 | FOR |
1817 |
S000005702 | - | |
MYR Group Inc. | 55405W104 | - | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratification Of The Appointment Of Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 1817 | 0 | FOR |
1817 |
S000005702 | - | |
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | 630402105 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Andrew J. Wilder | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14058 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
14058 |
S000005702 | - | |
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | 630402105 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Robert A. Ungar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14058 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
14058 |
S000005702 | - | |
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | 630402105 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Ratification Of Deloitte & Touche Llp As The Company S 2024 Independent Registered Public Accountants. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 14058 | 0 | FOR |
14058 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Craig A. Barbarosh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | AGAINST |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: George H. Bristol | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Darnell Dent | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | AGAINST |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Julie D. Klapstein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Jeffrey H. Margolis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | AGAINST |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Geraldine McGinty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Morris Panner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | AGAINST |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Pamela Puryear | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: David Sides | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Advisory vote to approve the compensation for our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | AGAINST |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Amendment and Restatement of NextGen Healthcare, Inc. 2015 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 26504 | 0 | FOR |
26504 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 11/07/2023 | To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger (as it may be amended from time to time, the Merger Agreement ), dated as of September 5, 2023, by and among NextGen Healthcare, Inc. ( NextGen ), Next Holdco, LLC ( Parent ) and Next Merger Sub, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent ( Merger Sub ), pursuant to which Merger Sub will be merged with and into NextGen, with NextGen surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent (the Merger ). | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24204 | 0 | FOR |
24204 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 11/07/2023 | To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, certain compensation that will or may be paid or become payable to NextGen s named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 24204 | 0 | FOR |
24204 |
S000005702 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 11/07/2023 | To approve the adjournment of the special meeting to a later date or dates if necessary to solicit additional proxies if there are insufficient votes in person or by proxy to approve the proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement at the time of the special meeting. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 24204 | 0 | FOR |
24204 |
S000005702 | - | |
nLIGHT, Inc. | 65487K100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Douglas Carlisle | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 21697 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
21697 |
S000005702 | - | |
nLIGHT, Inc. | 65487K100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Bill Gossman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 21697 | 0 | FOR |
21697 |
S000005702 | - | |
nLIGHT, Inc. | 65487K100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | Elect Gary F. Locke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 21697 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
21697 |
S000005702 | - | |
nLIGHT, Inc. | 65487K100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for our fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 21697 | 0 | AGAINST |
21697 |
S000005702 | - | |
nLIGHT, Inc. | 65487K100 | - | - | 06/06/2024 | To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 21697 | 0 | AGAINST |
21697 |
S000005702 | - | |
Olo Inc. | 68134L109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect Brandon Gardner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 35800 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
35800 |
S000005702 | - | |
Olo Inc. | 68134L109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect David Frankel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 35800 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
35800 |
S000005702 | - | |
Olo Inc. | 68134L109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | Elect Zuhairah S. Washington | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 35800 | 0 | FOR |
35800 |
S000005702 | - | |
Olo Inc. | 68134L109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To ratify the selection by the audit committee of our board of directors of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 35800 | 0 | FOR |
35800 |
S000005702 | - | |
Olo Inc. | 68134L109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To approve an amendment to our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to limit the liability of certain officers as permitted by Delaware law. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 35800 | 0 | AGAINST |
35800 |
S000005702 | - | |
Olo Inc. | 68134L109 | - | - | 06/20/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 35800 | 0 | AGAINST |
35800 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Romil Bahl | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | AGAINST |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Jeffrey S. Davis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | AGAINST |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas J. Hogan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | FOR |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Jill A. Jones | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | FOR |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: David S. Lundeen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | FOR |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Brian L. Matthews | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | AGAINST |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Nancy C. Pechloff | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | FOR |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Gary M. Wimberly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | AGAINST |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, a resolution relating to the 2023 compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | AGAINST |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Perficient, Inc. | 71375U101 | - | - | 05/29/2024 | Proposal to ratify KPMG LLP as Perficient, Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2024 fiscal year. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3508 | 0 | FOR |
3508 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Michael Osanloo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | FOR |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Ann Bordelon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | FOR |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Paulette Dodson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Noah Glass | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | FOR |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Gerard J. Hart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | FOR |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Joshua A. Lutzker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Director: Michael A. Miles Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | AGAINST |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Advisory Vote on Frequency of Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
Portillo's Inc. | 73642K106 | - | - | 06/03/2024 | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 13900 | 0 | FOR |
13900 |
S000005702 | - | |
PROS Holdings, Inc. | 74346Y103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Raja Hammoud | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12925 | 0 | FOR |
12925 |
S000005702 | - | |
PROS Holdings, Inc. | 74346Y103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect Leland T. Jourdan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12925 | 0 | FOR |
12925 |
S000005702 | - | |
PROS Holdings, Inc. | 74346Y103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Elect William Russell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12925 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
12925 |
S000005702 | - | |
PROS Holdings, Inc. | 74346Y103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Advisory Vote To Approve Executive Officer Compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 12925 | 0 | AGAINST |
12925 |
S000005702 | - | |
PROS Holdings, Inc. | 74346Y103 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | To Ratify The Appointment Of Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP as The Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Of Pros Holdings, Inc. For The Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 12925 | 0 | AGAINST |
12925 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Shaler Alias | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Paul R. Garcia | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Maryann Goebel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Robert H. Hartheimer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: William Jacobs | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Peter J. Kight | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: John Morris | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Emnet Rios | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To elect nine directors for terms expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Richard E. Thornburgh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To approve and adopt an amendment and restatement of our Omnibus Incentive Plan (the "Second Amended and Restated Plan"). | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Repay Holdings Corporation | 76029L100 | - | - | 05/30/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton, LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 31520 | 0 | FOR |
31520 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect Walter S. Woltosz | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect John K. Paglia | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect Daniel L. Weiner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect Lisa LaVange | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect Sharlene Evans | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Ratification of the selection of Rose, Snyder & Jacobs LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | AGAINST |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Simulations Plus, Inc. | 829214105 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Approval of an amendment to the Company's 2021 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended, to increase the number of shares authorized for issuance thereunder from 1,550,000 shares to 2,500,000 shares of common stock of the Company. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9951 | 0 | FOR |
9951 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect James J. Burke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Alejandro C. Capparelli | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Pamela Forbes Lieberman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Patrick S. McClymont | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Joseph W. McDonnell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Alisa C. Norris | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Pamela S. Puryear | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Eric P. Sills | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Ratification Of The Appointment Of KMPG LLP As The Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm For The Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Standard Motor Products, Inc. | 853666105 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Approval Of Non-Binding, Advisory Resolution On The Compensation Of Our Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 7000 | 0 | FOR |
7000 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: William T. Bosway | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Roger A. Cregg | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Joseph A. Cutillo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Julie A. Dill | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Director: Dana C. O'Brien | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles R. Patton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | AGAINST |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas M. White | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | AGAINST |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Dwayne A. Wilson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | AGAINST |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. | 859241101 | - | - | 05/09/2024 | To adopt the Second Amended and Restated 2018 Stock Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 2403 | 0 | FOR |
2403 |
S000005702 | - | |
Surmodics, Inc. | 868873100 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect David R. Dantzker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8360 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8360 |
S000005702 | - | |
Surmodics, Inc. | 868873100 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Elect Lisa Wipperman Heine | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8360 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8360 |
S000005702 | - | |
Surmodics, Inc. | 868873100 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Set the number of directors at six (6). | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8360 | 0 | FOR |
8360 |
S000005702 | - | |
Surmodics, Inc. | 868873100 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Surmodics' independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8360 | 0 | AGAINST |
8360 |
S000005702 | - | |
Surmodics, Inc. | 868873100 | - | - | 02/08/2024 | Approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the Company's executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8360 | 0 | AGAINST |
8360 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect William W. Burke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Valerie Asbury | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Sheri Dodd | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Raymond Huggenberger | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Daniel Reuvers | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | FOR |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Brent Shafer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | FOR |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Carmen Volkart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | FOR |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect B. Vindell Washington | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | FOR |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Approve, on an advisory basis, the 2023 compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | AGAINST |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | 87357P100 | - | - | 05/08/2024 | Approve an amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to allow for exculpation of officers as permitted by Delaware law. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 15056 | 0 | AGAINST |
15056 |
S000005702 | - | |
The Pennant Group, Inc. | 70805E109 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Director to serve on Pennant s Board of Directors: Scott E. Lamb | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22790 | 0 | AGAINST |
22790 |
S000005702 | - | |
The Pennant Group, Inc. | 70805E109 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Director to serve on Pennant s Board of Directors: Gregory K. Morris, MD | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22790 | 0 | AGAINST |
22790 |
S000005702 | - | |
The Pennant Group, Inc. | 70805E109 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Director to serve on Pennant s Board of Directors: Barry M. Smith | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 22790 | 0 | AGAINST |
22790 |
S000005702 | - | |
The Pennant Group, Inc. | 70805E109 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 22790 | 0 | FOR |
22790 |
S000005702 | - | |
The Pennant Group, Inc. | 70805E109 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Advisory approval of the Company s named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 22790 | 0 | AGAINST |
22790 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect John U. Clarke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect Linda A. Dalgetty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect Roger L. Fix | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect Marcus J. George | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect Kevin J. McGinty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect John T. Nesser, III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect Angela Strzelecki | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | Elect Bruce A. Thames | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | 88362T103 | - | - | 07/31/2023 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company s executive officers as described in the Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 20812 | 0 | FOR |
20812 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thryv Holdings, Inc. | 886029206 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Elect Amer Akhtar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9362 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9362 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thryv Holdings, Inc. | 886029206 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Elect Bonnie Kintzer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9362 | 0 | FOR |
9362 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thryv Holdings, Inc. | 886029206 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Elect Lauren Vaccarello | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9362 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
9362 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thryv Holdings, Inc. | 886029206 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | The ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9362 | 0 | FOR |
9362 |
S000005702 | - | |
Thryv Holdings, Inc. | 886029206 | - | - | 06/13/2024 | Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9362 | 0 | AGAINST |
9362 |
S000005702 | - | |
Transcat, Inc. | 893529107 | - | - | 09/06/2023 | Elect Christopher P. Gillette | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2500 | 0 | FOR |
2500 |
S000005702 | - | |
Transcat, Inc. | 893529107 | - | - | 09/06/2023 | Elect Gary J. Haseley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2500 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2500 |
S000005702 | - | |
Transcat, Inc. | 893529107 | - | - | 09/06/2023 | Elect Mbago M. Kaniki | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2500 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2500 |
S000005702 | - | |
Transcat, Inc. | 893529107 | - | - | 09/06/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2500 | 0 | AGAINST |
2500 |
S000005702 | - | |
Transcat, Inc. | 893529107 | - | - | 09/06/2023 | To ratify the selection of Freed Maxick CPAs, P.C. as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 23, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2500 | 0 | FOR |
2500 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Kirsten E. Garen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Cory W. Giese | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect John S. A. Hasbrook | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Margaret L. Kane | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Michael W. Koehnen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Anthony L. Leggio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Martin A. Mariani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Thomas C. McGraw | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Jon Y. Nakamura | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Richard P. Smith | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Elect Kimberley H. Vogel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Approval of the 2024 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | Advisory approval of the company s executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | AGAINST |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
TriCo Bancshares | 896095106 | - | - | 05/23/2024 | To ratify the selection of Moss Adams LLP as the company s independent auditor for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5052 | 0 | FOR |
5052 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Christopher J. Reading | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | FOR |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Bernard A. Harris, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Kathleen A. Gilmartin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | FOR |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Reginald E. Swanson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | FOR |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Clayton K. Trier | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Anne B. Motsenbocker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | FOR |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Elect Nancy J. Ham | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | FOR |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Advisory vote to approve the named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | FOR |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | 90337L108 | - | - | 05/21/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2550 | 0 | AGAINST |
2550 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect R. Jeffrey Bailly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | FOR |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Thomas Oberdorf | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Marc Kozin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | FOR |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Daniel C. Croteau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Cynthia L. Feldmann | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Joseph John Hassett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | FOR |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Symeria Hudson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To vote on a non-binding, advisory resolution to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | FOR |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
UFP Technologies, Inc. | 902673102 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3262 | 0 | FOR |
3262 |
S000005702 | - | |
Utah Medical Products, Inc. | 917488108 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Director to serve terms expiring at the 2027 Annual Meeting: Kevin L. Cornwell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2729 | 0 | FOR |
2729 |
S000005702 | - | |
Utah Medical Products, Inc. | 917488108 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Director to serve terms expiring at the 2027 Annual Meeting: Paul O. Richins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2729 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2729 |
S000005702 | - | |
Utah Medical Products, Inc. | 917488108 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | To ratify the selection of Haynie & Company as the Company s independent public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2729 | 0 | FOR |
2729 |
S000005702 | - | |
Utah Medical Products, Inc. | 917488108 | - | - | 05/03/2024 | To hold an advisory vote on the Company s executive compensation program. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2729 | 0 | FOR |
2729 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Janet M. Clarke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | FOR |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Wesley Cummins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Sejal Shah Gulati | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | FOR |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Bruce Lerner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Saul V. Reibstein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Ziv Shoshani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | FOR |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Timothy V. Talbert | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | Elect Marc Zandman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | FOR |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | To Approve The Ratification Of Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co., A Firm In The Deloitte Global Network, As Vishay Precision Group, Inc.'s Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm For The Year Ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | FOR |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | 92835K103 | - | - | 05/22/2024 | To Approve The Non-Binding Resolution Relating To The Executive Compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8247 | 0 | AGAINST |
8247 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vital Farms, Inc. | 92847W103 | - | - | 06/12/2024 | Election of Director to serve for a three-year term: Kofi Amoo-Gottfried | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17584 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
17584 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vital Farms, Inc. | 92847W103 | - | - | 06/12/2024 | Election of Director to serve for a three-year term: Karl Khoury | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17584 | 0 | FOR |
17584 |
S000005702 | - | |
Vital Farms, Inc. | 92847W103 | - | - | 06/12/2024 | To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 29, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 17584 | 0 | FOR |
17584 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Ryan L. Pape | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | FOR |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Stacy L. Bogart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Richard K. Crumly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect Michael Klonne | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | Elect John F. North | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | FOR |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as XPEL's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ended December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | FOR |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
XPEL, Inc. | 98379L100 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4313 | 0 | AGAINST |
4313 |
S000005702 | - | |
ZimVie Inc. | 98888T107 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Election Of Director: Sally Crawford | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17128 | 0 | AGAINST |
17128 |
S000005702 | - | |
ZimVie Inc. | 98888T107 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Election Of Director: Karen Matusinec | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 17128 | 0 | AGAINST |
17128 |
S000005702 | - | |
ZimVie Inc. | 98888T107 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Ratify The Appointment Of Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP as Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm For 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 17128 | 0 | FOR |
17128 |
S000005702 | - | |
ZimVie Inc. | 98888T107 | - | - | 05/15/2024 | Approve, On A Non-Binding Advisory Basis, Named Executive Officer Compensation ( Say On Pay ). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 17128 | 0 | FOR |
17128 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zumiez Inc. | 989817101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To elect three directors to hold office until our 2027 annual meeting of shareholders: Richard M. Brooks | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10246 | 0 | FOR |
10246 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zumiez Inc. | 989817101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To elect three directors to hold office until our 2027 annual meeting of shareholders: Steven P. Louden | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10246 | 0 | FOR |
10246 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zumiez Inc. | 989817101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To elect three directors to hold office until our 2027 annual meeting of shareholders: James P. Murphy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10246 | 0 | FOR |
10246 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zumiez Inc. | 989817101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To hold an advisory, non-binding, vote on executive compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10246 | 0 | AGAINST |
10246 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zumiez Inc. | 989817101 | - | - | 06/05/2024 | To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the selection of Moss Adams LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending February 1, 2025 (fiscal 2024) | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10246 | 0 | FOR |
10246 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | Elect Kenneth A. Goldman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | FOR |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | Elect Joseph H. Osnoss | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | FOR |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | Elect Tien Tzuo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | FOR |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2025. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | FOR |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation paid by us to our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy materials. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | AGAINST |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | To approve the amendment and restatement of Zuora s Restated Certificate of Incorporation to provide for exculpation of certain officers of Zuora from personal liability under certain circumstances as allowed by Delaware law. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | AGAINST |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zuora, Inc. | 98983V106 | - | - | 06/27/2024 | To approve the issuance of the maximum number of shares of our Class A common stock upon (i) conversion of $400,000,000 aggregate principal amount of our 3.95% / 5.50% Convertible Senior PIK Toggle Notes due 2029 under the related indenture and (ii) exercise of warrants to acquire up to 7,500,000 shares of our Class A common stock. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 33914 | 0 | FOR |
33914 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zynex, Inc. | 98986M103 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Thomas Sandgaard | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25060 | 0 | FOR |
25060 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zynex, Inc. | 98986M103 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Barry D. Michaels | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25060 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
25060 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zynex, Inc. | 98986M103 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Michael Cress | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25060 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
25060 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zynex, Inc. | 98986M103 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | Elect Joshua R. Disbrow | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 25060 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
25060 |
S000005702 | - | |
Zynex, Inc. | 98986M103 | - | - | 05/16/2024 | To Ratify The Selection Of Marcum LLP As Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm To Audit The Consolidated Financial Statements Of Zynex, Inc. For Our Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 25060 | 0 | FOR |
25060 |
S000005702 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Esther M. Alegria | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Joseph Carleone | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Nicholas S. Green | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Richard B. Hancock | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Catherine J. Mackey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Gregory P. Sargen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | FOR |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Elect Jeanne A. Thoma | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | AGAINST |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | To approve, by an advisory vote, a non-binding resolution approving the compensation of the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | AGAINST |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Avid Bioservices, Inc. | 05368M106 | - | - | 10/23/2023 | Proposal to approve, by an advisory vote, the frequency of holding future advisory votes on the compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10100 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
10100 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Edward P. Bousa | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Frank E. Casal | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Robyn C. Davis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Didier Hirsch | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Martin D. Madaus | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Erica J. McLaughlin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Tina S. Nova | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Michael Rosenblatt | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Stephen S. Schwartz | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | Elect Ellen M. Zane | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | To approve by a non-binding advisory vote the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | To recommend, on an advisory basis, the frequency of holding an advisory vote on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Azenta, Inc. | 114340102 | - | - | 01/30/2024 | To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company s independent registered accounting firm for the 2024 fiscal year. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3600 | 0 | FOR |
3600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Michael J. Angelakis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Robert J. Bass | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Sandeep Lakhmi Mathrani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Brett I. Parker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Alberto Perlman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Thomas F. Shannon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Rachael A. Wagner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Michelle D. Wilson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect John A. Young | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Bowlero Corp. | 10258P102 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | The ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Bowlero's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 20200 | 0 | FOR |
20200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Elect Steve Hislop | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | FOR |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Elect Jon Howie | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Elect Jody L. Bilney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of the non-binding, advisory vote on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | AGAINST |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of the Chuy s Holdings, Inc. 2023 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | FOR |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of an amendment to the Company s Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate personal liability of officers for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as an officer. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | AGAINST |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Approval of an amendment to the Company s Bylaws to add an exclusive forum provision. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | AGAINST |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | 171604101 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | The ratification of the appointment of RSM US LLP as the Company s independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8000 | 0 | FOR |
8000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Election of Class III Director to serve for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 annual meeting: Michael H. McKay | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7300 | 0 | FOR |
7300 |
S000005703 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Election of Class III Director to serve for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 annual meeting: Stefan L. Shaffer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7300 | 0 | FOR |
7300 |
S000005703 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Election of Class III Director to serve for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 annual meeting: Noreen E. Skelly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7300 | 0 | FOR |
7300 |
S000005703 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Proposal to ratify the appointment of RSM US LLP as the Company s independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 7300 | 0 | FOR |
7300 |
S000005703 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Proposal to approve the adoption of the Construction Partners, Inc. 2024 Restricted Stock Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 7300 | 0 | AGAINST |
7300 |
S000005703 | - | |
Construction Partners, Inc. | 21044C107 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Proposal to approve an amendment to the Construction Partners, Inc. 2018 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the number of shares reserved for issuance pursuant to awards. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 7300 | 0 | FOR |
7300 |
S000005703 | - | |
Denbury Inc. | 24790A101 | - | - | 10/31/2023 | The Merger Agreement Proposal: To approve and adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated July 13, 2023, pursuant to which, among other things, EMPF Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation ( ExxonMobil ), will merge with and into Denbury Inc. ( Denbury ), and each outstanding share of Denbury common stock, par value $0.001 per share, will be converted into the right to receive 0.840 shares of ExxonMobil common stock, without par value (the Merger ). | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2800 | 0 | FOR |
2800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Denbury Inc. | 24790A101 | - | - | 10/31/2023 | The Advisory Compensation Proposal: To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, certain compensation that may be paid or become payable to Denbury s named executive officers in connection with the Merger. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2800 | 0 | AGAINST |
2800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Fabrinet | G3323L100 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Seamus Grady | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1600 | 0 | FOR |
1600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Fabrinet | G3323L100 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Elect Thomas F. Kelly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 1600 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
1600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Fabrinet | G3323L100 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Ltd. as Fabrinet s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 28, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 1600 | 0 | AGAINST |
1600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Fabrinet | G3323L100 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Approval, On A Non-Binding, Advisory Basis, Of The Compensation Of Fabrinet S Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 1600 | 0 | AGAINST |
1600 |
S000005703 | - | |
Fabrinet | G3323L100 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Approval, On A Non-Binding, Advisory Basis, Of The Frequency Of Holding Future Stockholder Advisory Votes On The Compensation Of Fabrinet's Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 1600 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
1600 |
S000005703 | - | |
First American Funds | 31846V336 | - | - | 12/18/2023 | To approve the Plan of Reorganization, adopted by the FAF Board, which provides for the reorganization (each, a Reorganization, and collectively, the Reorganizations ) of each Acquired Fund with and into a corresponding series of First American Funds Trust (the FAF Trust ), a Massachusetts business trust (each series, an Acquiring Fund, and collectively, the Acquiring Funds ) (the Reorganization Proposal ). | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 546738.32999999996 | 0 | FOR |
546738.32999999996 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Henry A. Alpert | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Jerome L. Coben | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Travis W. Cocke | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect H.C. Charles Diao | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Louis J. Grabowsky | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Lacy M. Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Ronald J. Kramer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Victor Eugene Renuart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect James W. Sight | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Samanta Hegedus Stewart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Kevin F. Sullivan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Michelle L. Taylor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Elect Cheryl L. Turnbull | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Approval of the resolution approving the compensation of our executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | AGAINST |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Griffon Corporation Amended and Restated 2016 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Griffon Corporation | 398433102 | - | - | 03/20/2024 | Ratification of the selection by our audit committee of Grant Thornton LLP to serve as our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5800 | 0 | FOR |
5800 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Robert E. Abernathy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Michael J. Coyle | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | FOR |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Charles J. Dockendorff | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Lloyd E. Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Mark W. Kroll | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | FOR |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Claire Pomeroy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | FOR |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Christopher A. Simon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | FOR |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | Election of Director: Ellen M. Zane | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | AGAINST |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | To approve an amendment and restatement of the Haemonetics Corporation 2019 Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | FOR |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Haemonetics Corporation | 405024100 | - | - | 08/04/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3200 | 0 | AGAINST |
3200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Hillenbrand, Inc. | 431571108 | - | - | 02/20/2024 | Elect Helen W. Cornell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Hillenbrand, Inc. | 431571108 | - | - | 02/20/2024 | Elect Jennifer W. Rumsey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Hillenbrand, Inc. | 431571108 | - | - | 02/20/2024 | Elect Stuart A. Taylor, II | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Hillenbrand, Inc. | 431571108 | - | - | 02/20/2024 | To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation paid by the Company to its Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Hillenbrand, Inc. | 431571108 | - | - | 02/20/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Elect Baljit Dail | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6613 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6613 |
S000005703 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Elect Melissa Fisher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6613 | 0 | FOR |
6613 |
S000005703 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Elect Alan S. Henricks | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6613 | 0 | FOR |
6613 |
S000005703 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6613 | 0 | FOR |
6613 |
S000005703 | - | |
Model N, Inc. | 607525102 | - | - | 02/15/2024 | To approve a non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 6613 | 0 | AGAINST |
6613 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Elect Stephen C. McCluski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Elect Robert E. Mellor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Elect Peter J. Solomon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Elect Hope B. Woodhouse | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Elect one Director to Class 1 of the Board of Directors to serve the remainder of the Class 1 term and until her successor is duly elected and qualified at the 2024 annual meeting of shareholders: Lindsay N. Hyde | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation paid to the Company s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | AGAINST |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Approve, on a non-binding basis, the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Ratify the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year ending March 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | AGAINST |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Approve an amendment to the Company s Restated Certificate of Incorporation to declassify the Board of Directors. | SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AND DEFENSES |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Approve an amendment to the Company s Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the conversion ratio of the Class C Convertible Preferred Stock and mandatorily convert the Class C Convertible Preferred Stock into common stock by the 2026 annual meeting of shareholders. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Monro Inc. | 610236101 | - | - | 08/15/2023 | Approve an amendment to the Company s Restated Certificate of Incorporation to provide a revised liquidation preference for the Class C Convertible Preferred Stock upon a liquidation event. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 4700 | 0 | FOR |
4700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | 630402105 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Andrew J. Wilder | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | 630402105 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Robert A. Ungar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 6200 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
6200 |
S000005703 | - | |
Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | 630402105 | - | - | 12/12/2023 | Ratification Of Deloitte & Touche Llp As The Company S 2024 Independent Registered Public Accountants. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 6200 | 0 | FOR |
6200 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Craig A. Barbarosh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | AGAINST |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: George H. Bristol | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Darnell Dent | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | AGAINST |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Julie D. Klapstein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Jeffrey H. Margolis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | AGAINST |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Geraldine McGinty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Morris Panner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | AGAINST |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: Pamela Puryear | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Director: David Sides | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Advisory vote to approve the compensation for our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | AGAINST |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 08/22/2023 | Amendment and Restatement of NextGen Healthcare, Inc. 2015 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 15700 | 0 | FOR |
15700 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 11/07/2023 | To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger (as it may be amended from time to time, the Merger Agreement ), dated as of September 5, 2023, by and among NextGen Healthcare, Inc. ( NextGen ), Next Holdco, LLC ( Parent ) and Next Merger Sub, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent ( Merger Sub ), pursuant to which Merger Sub will be merged with and into NextGen, with NextGen surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent (the Merger ). | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 15000 | 0 | FOR |
15000 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 11/07/2023 | To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, certain compensation that will or may be paid or become payable to NextGen s named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 15000 | 0 | FOR |
15000 |
S000005703 | - | |
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | 65343C102 | - | - | 11/07/2023 | To approve the adjournment of the special meeting to a later date or dates if necessary to solicit additional proxies if there are insufficient votes in person or by proxy to approve the proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement at the time of the special meeting. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 15000 | 0 | FOR |
15000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Keith Anderson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Michael Berman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Eddie Capel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Michael Kaufman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | WITHHOLD |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Tawn Kelley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Erin Mulligan Nelson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Nikul Patel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Gary E. Robinette | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | Election of Director to serve until the next annual meeting: Mark Yost | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as Skyline Champion s independent registered public accounting firm. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | FOR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | To consider a non-binding advisory vote on fiscal 2023 compensation paid to Skyline Champion s named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | AGAINST |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Skyline Champion Corporation | 830830105 | - | - | 07/27/2023 | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the frequency of the shareholder vote on the compensation of Skyline Champion s Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2700 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
2700 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Dan L. Batrack | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | FOR |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Gary R. Birkenbeuel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | FOR |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Prashant Gandhi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Joanne M. Maguire | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Christiana Obiaya | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Kimberly E. Ritrievi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Kirsten M. Volpi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | FOR |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's named executive officers compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | FOR |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Tetra Tech, Inc. | 88162G103 | - | - | 02/29/2024 | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2000 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Richard E. Belluzzo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | AGAINST |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Keith Barnes | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Laura Black | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Tor Braham | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Donald Colvin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Douglas Gilstrap | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Masood Jabbar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Oleg Khaykin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Election of Director: Joanne Solomon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Ratification of the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Viavi s independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Approval, in a Non-Binding Advisory Vote, of the Compensation for Named Executive Officers | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | AGAINST |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Approval, in a Non-Binding Advisory Vote, of the Frequency of Stockholder Votes on Executive Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | 1 YEAR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Approval of the Amendment and Restatement of the 2003 Equity Incentive Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
Viavi Solutions Inc. | 925550105 | - | - | 11/08/2023 | Approval of the Amendment and Restatement of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16900 | 0 | FOR |
16900 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Adoption of the audited annual accounts of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2023, together with the auditors report. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Re-appointment of Grant Thornton Bharat LLP as the auditors of the Company. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Approval of auditors remuneration for the financial year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Re-election of Class II Director, Mr. Keshav Murugesh. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Re-election of Class II Director, Ms. Diane de Saint Victor. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Re-election of Class II Director, Mr. Keith Haviland. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | Directors remuneration for the period from the Annual General Meeting until the next annual general meeting of the Company to be held in respect of the financial year ending March 31, 2024. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - | |
WNS (Holdings) Limited | 92932M101 | - | - | 09/21/2023 | To authorize the purchase of 3.3 million ADSs, effective from October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2027 (both days inclusive), subject to a minimum and maximum price and an aggregate limit on the ADSs to be purchased. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 3944 | 0 | FOR |
3944 |
S000005703 | - |
[Repeat as Necessary]