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Consulting Group
Capital Markets Funds
Semi-Annual Report
>> February 29, 2008
 Large Capitalization Growth Investments
 Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
 Small Capitalization Growth Investments
 Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
 International Equity Investments
 Emerging Markets Equity Investments
 Core Fixed Income Investments
 High Yield Investments
 International Fixed Income Investments
 Municipal Bond Investments
 Money Market Investments


Table of Contents
Shareholder Letter
Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds Performance Summary
Fund Expenses
Schedules of Investments
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
International Equity Investments
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Core Fixed Income Investments
High Yield Investments
International Fixed Income Investments
Municipal Bond Investments
Money Market Investments
Statements of Assets and Liabilities
Statements of Operations
Statements of Changes in Net Assets
Financial Highlights
Notes to Financial Statements
Board Approval of Management Agreement and Investment Advisory Agreements
Additional Information
Important Tax Information


Consulting Group
Capital Markets Funds
Dear Shareholder,
Market and Economic Activity
The initial six-months of the fiscal year for the Consulting Group Capital Markets Group Funds (“Fund”) ended February 29, 2008, with capital markets facing their strongest “stress test” in five years. Equity markets generally fell, as did large portions of the fixed income markets. All of the Fund’s domestic equity portfolios generated negative returns during the period. The non-US equity portfolios produced mixed results. The developed economy markets portfolio fell as the US did. The emerging economy markets portfolio was the sole equity portfolio with positive performance for the period. The results were also mixed in the fixed income portfolios.
The economic back draft from the long period of exceedingly low interest rates deeply impacted the markets and the economy in the fall of 2007, and carried over into early 2008. The aforementioned low interest rates produced incentives for investors to increase leverage, and to invest in higher-risk assets in a search for higher returns. The most directly impacted area was the real estate market and all of its associated industries. Financial institutions that were both investors and suppliers of credit faced the largest negative consequences.
The Federal Reserve Board’s (“Fed”) reversal of the early 2000’s policy of falling interest rates resulted in the end of the housing price boom in late 2005. In late 2006, housing prices started to fall in many markets. By early 2007, the subprime portion of the mortgage market began to collapse. The riskiest parts of the mortgage markets are the subprime (those with low credit scores) and Alt A (no, or very low, documentation of income or assets needed to qualify) mortgages. As these types of mortgages began to default, the prices of securities issued to investors based on these mortgages fell sharply. Several hedge funds and banks recorded major losses.
The ensuing impact saw investors rush to purchase safer, higher-quality instruments, such as Treasury issues. Investors frequently sold lower-grade corporate and municipal bonds. Equities decreased sharply based upon worries that the economy would slow due to this credit market crisis. Particularly hard hit were financial institutions that had large exposures to troubled mortgage market paper. The Fed reacted in August 2007 by sharply reducing interest rates in an attempt to protect economic growth, and to provide liquidity to the financial markets. While capital markets saw the value of many equity and bond assets decrease, the price of oil and other commodities hit record highs.
The challenging macroeconomic and financial market events resulted in an 8.79% decline in the Standard & Poor’s 500® Index (“S&P 500®”). The Russell 2000® Growth Index, which represents small company stocks, declined 11.66%. Within the S&P 500, the Financials sector declined 22.52%. The benefits of international diversification were reflected in the positive gain from the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, up 8.26%, and the MSCI EAFE® (net of dividends) Index, which fell only 4.72%.
The investor pursuit of quality bond investments helped the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bondtm Index (“LB Aggregate”) rise 5.68%. However, the Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index fell 1.42%. Municipal bonds also fell, as the Lehman Brothers Muni Bond Index fell 0.6%. For investors with bond holdings outside the US, falling interest rates and a falling dollar produced positive returns in non-US bond indices. The Citigroup World Non-US Government Bond Index (Hedged) rose 4.45%. The Unhedged variation of this index, which reflects the impact of a changing value of the US dollar, rose 14.31%.
The Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds
Core Fixed Income Investments returned 6.81% as compared to the LB Aggregate return of 5.68%. The Lipper Intermediate Investment Grade Average returned 3.74%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers are Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”), BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. (“BlackRock”), Metropolitan



West Asset Management, LLC, and Western Asset Management Company (“WAMCo”). Totally avoiding the problems in the mortgage related bond paper was not possible given the broad diversification of the sub-advisers. However, PIMCO’s underexposure to the mortgage sector and its positioning to take advantage of falling interest rates produced the value added in the fund.
High Yield Investments returned -2.67%, below the Lehman Brothers High Yield Index return of -1.42%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers are Penn Capital Management Co., Inc., and WAMCo. The Lipper High-Yield Fund Average returned -2.52%. The yield premium that investors require over risk-less, comparable US Treasury securities rose sharply during the semi-annual period. High yield tends to perform very well in economic growth stages in which riskier companies in this universe face less adverse market conditions. As this market shifted, holdings in the portfolio suffered slightly more than the benchmark as the sub-advisers had a greater exposure to the lower-grade securities in the index.
International Fixed Income Investments returned 6.90%, greater than the Citigroup Non-US World Government Hedged Index return of 4.45%. The Lipper International Income Fund Average returned 11.14%. PIMCO is the portfolio’s sub-adviser. The Lipper universe includes those funds that do not have to hedge their currency exposure. The portfolio has an 80% hedged minimum as described in the prospectus.
Municipal Bond Investments returned -1.45% versus the Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index return of -0.60%. The Lipper General Municipal Fund Average returned -2.16%. McDonnell Investment Management, LLC, is the portfolio’s sub-adviser. The municipal bond universe was hurt by the market’s survivorship concerns relating to companies that insure many of the bonds. Those bonds with insurance concerns fell harder than those without, which hurt the portfolio versus the index.
Large Capitalization Growth Investments fell 3.85% versus the comparative benchmark return of -6.57% for the Russell 1000® Growth Index. The Lipper Large Cap Growth Fund Average returned -5.95%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers are Westfield Capital Management Company, LLC (“Westfield”), Delaware Management Company (“Delaware”), and Wells Capital Management. The portfolio’s value added was the result of the sub-advisers positioning the portfolio with a greater-than-index exposure in the Energy and Materials sectors. These two sectors were traditionally not considered growth opportunities given the historical high degree of cyclicality. By holding more than 16% of the portfolio on average in these sectors during this period, the portfolio benefited since these were the two sectors with the strongest returns in a difficult environment. Technology, the largest sector in the portfolio and index, had a larger negative return than all sectors except the Telecommunication and Financial sectors.
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments fell 9.81%, better than the Russell 1000® Value Index’s decline of 10.40%. The Lipper Large-Cap Value Fund Average returned -9.86%. Assets are managed among the portfolio’s three sub-advisers; Cambiar Investors LLC, AllianceBernstein LP, and NFJ Investment Group L.P. (“NFJ”). Only two of the ten economic sectors, Energy and Consumer Staples, were positive in the large cap value universe. The portfolio’s sub-advisers had positioned the portfolio with greater-than-index exposure in both, and that was the major source of the portfolio’s value-added. In the very difficult Financial sector, the portfolio averaged a 20% weight in the sector over the period, as compared to the index’s 30% average weight. The portfolio’s underweight helped relative returns as compared to the index, but still had a large negative impact on the portfolio’s absolute return.
Small Capitalization Growth Investments returned -12.86%, less than the -11.66% return of its benchmark, the Russell 2000 Growth Index. The Lipper Small-Cap Growth Fund Average returned -12.96%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers are Wall Street Associates and Westfield. The largest sector position in the portfolio is in Technology with over 33% of assets. The sector fell almost 21% in the benchmark index, and the portfolio’s sector return was slightly below that. The overweight and poorer stock performance were the primary reasons as to why the portfolio lagged the benchmark.
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments fell 12.20%, beating the decline of 14.22% return of its benchmark, the Russell 2000 Value Index. The Lipper Small Cap Value Fund Average returned -12.95%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers are NFJ, Delaware, and Rutabaga Capital Management LLC. Small cap value was the worst performing domestic equity style for the period. Weakness was pervasive in small cap value throughout 2007. In early 2008, the style stabilized and a pause in its market leading decline position ensued. The style was especially hard hit as a result of problems in the housing and financial markets. The portfolio performed relatively better than the benchmark index by having a lower exposure to the most troublesome parts of the market.



International Equity Investments returned -5.88%, below the -4.72% return of its benchmark, the MSCI EAFE Index (net of dividends). The Lipper International Large Core Fund Average returned -4.71%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers were Philadelphia International Advisors LP, Brandywine Global Investment Management LLC, and Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. (“Schroder”). Schroder replaced William Blair & Company, LLC, in September 2007. In March 2008, subsequent to this semi-annual period, Marsico Capital Management, LLC, was retained as an additional sub-adviser. The additional sub-adviser was added to help balance out the portfolio between growth and value style managers. As the growth style performed better recently, the portfolio’s tilt to the value style hurt the portfolio’s relative return. The same capital market and economic stresses that weighed upon US markets and sectors had a negative impact on the international developed markets for the period. International developed markets appeared stronger than the US market due to a weak US dollar that translated returns into a more positive result for US investors in international stocks.
Emerging Markets Investments gained 7.08%. Its benchmark, the MSCI Emerging Markets index rose 8.26% during the period. The Lipper Emerging Markets Fund Average returned 7.13%. The portfolio’s sub-advisers are Newgate Capital Management LLC and SSgA Funds Management Inc. Recent wide gaps in returns between the US and emerging markets may be traced to the positive emerging market returns in late 2007 as the US market struggled. In early 2008, emerging markets began to struggle also, especially as the Chinese and Indian markets cooled. The slightly more defensive positioning of the portfolio versus the benchmark index hurt relative performance. The sub-advisers held lower-than-index weights in China and India, two of the important drivers of the large returns in emerging markets in 2007. Emerging markets have a very large exposure to the Energy and Materials sectors, which helped the benchmark and portfolio achieve higher absolute returns as many commodity prices hit record levels during the reporting period.
The performance shown represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown above. Principal value and investment returns will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month-end, please visit our website at www.smithbarney.com.
The portfolios are only available to investors participating in an advisory program. These programs charge an annual fee, which in the case of TRAK® may be up to 1.50%. The performance data shown does not reflect this fee, which would reduce returns.
All index performance reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. Please note an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
Certain of the portfolios may invest in derivatives, such as options and futures, which can be illiquid, may disproportionately increase losses, and have a potentially large impact on fund performance. Foreign securities are subject to certain risks of overseas investing including currency fluctuations and changes in political and economic conditions, which could result in significant market fluctuations. These risks are magnified in emerging or developing markets. Investments in small or medium-capitalization companies may involve a higher degree of risk and volatility than investments in larger, more established companies. Certain of the portfolios may invest in high yield bonds, which involve greater credit and liquidity risks than investment grade bonds.
James J. Tracy
Chief Executive Officer
April 16, 2008



The performance shown represents past performance.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown above. Performance figures may reflect voluntary fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. In the absence of voluntary fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Principal value and investment returns will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month-end, please visit our website at www.smithbarney.com.
The portfolios are only available to investors participating in an advisory program. These programs charge an annual fee, which in the case of TRAK® may be up to 1.50%. The performance data shown does not reflect this fee, which would reduce returns.
All index performance reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. Please note an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
RISKS: Certain of the portfolios may invest in derivatives, such as options and futures, which can be illiquid, may disproportionately increase losses, and have a potentially large impact on fund performance. Foreign securities are subject to certain risks of overseas investing including currency fluctuations and changes in political and economic conditions, which could result in significant market fluctuations. These risks are magnified in emerging or developing markets. Investments in small or medium-capitalization companies may involve a higher degree of risk and volatility than investments in larger, more established companies. Certain of the portfolios may invest in high yield bonds, which involve greater credit and liquidity risks than investment grade bonds.
i The US Federal Reserve Board is responsible for the formulation of a policy designed to promote economic growth, full employment, stable prices and a sustainable pattern of international trade and payments.
ii The S&P 500® Index is a market capitalization-weighted index of 500 widely-held common stocks. Standard & Poor’s 500 and S&P 500® are registered trademarks of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
iii The Russell 1000® Value Index is a capitalization weighted total return index which is comprised of 1,000 of the largest capitalized U.S.-domiciled companies with greater than average value orientation whose common stock is traded in the U.S. on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Russell 1000® Index is a registered trademark of the Frank Russell Company.
iv The Russell 2000® Value Index is a capitalization weighted total return index which is comprised of 2,000 of the smallest capitalized U.S.-domiciled companies with less-than-average growth orientation whose common stock is traded in the U.S. on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Russell 2000® Index is a registered trademark of the Frank Russell Company.
v The Russell 2000® Growth Index is a capitalization weighted total return index which is comprised of 2,000 of the smallest capitalized U.S.-domiciled companies with greater-than-average growth orientation whose common stock is traded in the U.S. on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Russell 2000® Index is a registered trademark of the Frank Russell Company.
vi The Russell 1000® Growth Index is a capitalization weighted total return index which is comprised of 1,000 of the largest capitalized U.S.-domiciled companies with greater-than-average growth orientation whose common stock is traded in the U.S. on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.
vii The MSCI EAFE® — Capitalization Weighted Index is a composite portfolio or equity total returns for the countries of Australia, New Zealand and countries in Europe and the Far East, weighted based on each country’s market capitalization. MSCI EAFE® — Capitalization Weighted Index is a registered trademark of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc.
viii The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is an index comprised of thirteen emerging markets open to direct foreign participation.
ix The Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Index is composed of the Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index and the Lehman Brothers Mortgage-Backed Securities Index and includes treasury issues, agency issues, corporate bond issues and mortgage-backed securities. Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Index is a trademark of Lehman Brothers Inc.
x The Lehman Brothers High Yield Index is composed of fixed rate, publicly issued, non-investment grade debt registered with the SEC. All bonds must be dollar-denominated, non-convertible and have at least one year remaining to maturity as well as an outstanding par value of $100 million.
xi The Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index-Hedged is a market capitalization weighted index that is designed to represent the hedged performance of the government bond markets in thirteen developed countries, excluding the U.S.
xii The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is a weighted composite which is comprised of more than 15,000 bonds issued within the last five years, having a minimum credit rating of at least Baa and maturity of at least two years, excluding all bonds subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax and bonds with floating or zero coupons.



Performance of the Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds
For the Six Months Ended February 29, 2008†* (unaudited)
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
    (3 .85 )%
Russell 1000® Growth Index (2)
    (6 .57 )
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    (9 .81 )
Russell 1000® Value Index (1)
    (10 .40 )
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    (12 .86 )
Russell 2000® Growth Index (4)
    (11 .66 )
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    (12 .20 )
Russell 2000® Value Index (3)
    (14 .22 )
International Equity Investments
    (5 .88 )
MSCI EAFE® — Capitalization Weighted Index (5)
    (4 .72 )
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    7 .08  
MSCI Emerging Markets Index (6)
    8 .26  
Core Fixed Income Investments
    6 .81  
Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Bondtm Index (7)
    5 .68  
Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index (8)
    3 .74  
High Yield Investments
    (2 .67 )
Lehman Brothers High Yield Index (9)
    (1 .42 )
International Fixed Income Investments
    6 .90  
Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index — Hedged (11)
    4 .45  
Municipal Bond Investments
    (1 .45 )
Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index (10)
    (0 .60 )
Money Market Investments
    2 .12  
90-day Treasury Bill
    1 .47  
See pages VI through VII for all footnotes.



All figures represent past performance and are not a guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, where redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemptions of fund shares. Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month-end, please visit our website at www.smithbarney.com.
* The Funds are available only to investors participating in an advisory program. These programs charge an annual fee, which in the case of TRAK® may be up to 1.50%. The performance data shown does not reflect this fee, which would reduce returns.
1 The Russell 1000® Value Index measures the performance of those Russell 1000 Index companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
2 The Russell 1000® Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell 1000 companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
3 The Russell 2000® Value Index measures the performance of those Russell 2000 Index companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
4 The Russell 2000® Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
5 The MSCI EAFE®-Capitalization Weighted Index is a composite portfolio of equity total returns for the countries of Australia, New Zealand and countries in Europe and the Far East, weighted based on each country’s market capitalization. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
6 The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is an index comprised of thirteen emerging markets open to direct foreign participation. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
7 The Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Bondtm Index is composed of the Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index and the Lehman Brothers Mortgage-Backed Securities Index and includes treasury issues, agency issues, corporate bond issues and mortgage-backed securities. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
8 The Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index is a weighted composite of: (i) Lehman Brothers Government Bond Index, which is comprised of all publicly issued, non-convertible debt of the US government or any agency thereof, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate debt guaranteed by the US government with a maturity between one and ten years; and (ii) Lehman Brothers Credit Bond Index, which is comprised of all public fixed-rate, non-convertible investment-grade domestic corporate debt with a maturity of between one and ten years, excluding collateralized mortgage obligations. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.



9 The Lehman Brothers High Yield Index is composed of fixed rate, publicly issued, non-investment grade debt registered with the SEC. All bonds must be dollar-denominated, non-convertible, and have at least one year remaining to maturity as well as an outstanding par value of $100 million. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
10 The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is a weighted composite which is comprised of more than 15,000 bonds issued within the last five years, having a minimum credit rating of at least Baa and maturity of at least two years, excluding all bonds subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax and bonds with floating or zero coupons. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
11 The Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index — Hedged is an index subset of the Citigroup World Bond Index that excludes corporate bonds denominated in US dollars. It contains foreign government and supranational bonds denominated in Australian, Austrian, Belgian, British, Canadian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish currencies. Because the index is not a managed portfolio, there are no advisory fees or internal management expenses reflected in the index’s performance. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
12 The Lipper Large-Cap Value Funds Average is comprised of the Portfolio’s peer group of mutual funds investing in value oriented funds.
13 The Lipper Large-Cap Growth Funds Average is comprised of the Portfolio’s peer group of mutual funds investing in growth oriented funds.
14 The Lipper Small Cap Value Funds Average is comprised of the Portfolio’s peer group of mutual funds which limit their investments to small cap value companies.
15 The Lipper Small Cap Growth Funds Average is comprised of the Portfolio’s peer group of mutual funds which limit their investments to small cap growth companies.
16 The Lipper International Multi-Cap Core Funds Average is an equally weighted average of the funds that invest in a variety of market capitalization ranges without concentrating 75% of their equity assets in any one market capitalization range over an extended period of time. Multi-Cap funds typically have 25% to 75% of their assets invested in companies strictly outside of the US with market capitalizations greater than the 250th largest company in the S&P/ Citigroup World ex-U.S. Broad Market Index.
17 The Lipper Emerging Markets Funds Average is an equally weighted average of the funds that seek long-term capital appreciation by investing at least 65% of total assets in emerging market equity securities, where “emerging market” is defined by a country’s GNP per capita or other economic measures.
18 The Lipper International Income Funds Average is an equally weighted average of the funds that invest primarily in US dollar and non-US dollar debt securities of issuers located in at least three countries, excluding the United States.
19 Lipper Intermediate-Term Investment Grade Debt Funds Average-is an average of the total returns reported by all of the mutual funds designated by Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. as falling into the category, and is not adjusted to reflect any sales charges. However, these total returns are reported net of expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in a fund’s performance.
20 Lipper High Yield Funds Index, an unmanaged index published by Lipper Inc., includes the 30 largest funds that are generally similar to the Fund, although some funds in the index may have somewhat different investment policies or objectives.
21 The Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds Average is an average of funds that invest at least 65% of their assets in municipal debt issues in the top four credit ratings. The total return of the Lipper Average does not include the effect of sales charges. You cannot invest directly in a Lipper Average.



Fund Expenses
As a shareholder of the Fund, you may incur two types of costs: (1) advisory program annual fees, which in the case of TRAK® may be up to 1.50%; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.
This example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested on September 1, 2007, and held for the six months ended February 29, 2008.
Actual Expenses
The table below titled “Based on Actual Total Return” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information provided in this table, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. To estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period, divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Period”.
Based on Actual Total Return(1)
    Total Return
    Paid During
Fund   TRAK Fee(2)           Value     Value     Ratios(3)     the Period(4)  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
    (3.85 )%           $ 1,000.00     $ 961.50       0.67 %   $ 3.27  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    (9.81 )%             1,000.00       901.90       0.68 %     3.22  
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    (12.86 )%             1,000.00       871.40       0.99 %     4.61  
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    (12.20 )%             1,000.00       878.00       1.01 %     4.72  
International Equity Investments
    (5.88 )%             1,000.00       941.20       0.80 %     3.86  
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    7.08 %             1,000.00       1,070.80       1.06 %     5.46  
Core Fixed Income Investments
    6.81 %             1,000.00       1,068.10       0.48 %     2.47  
High Yield Investments
    (2.67 )%             1,000.00       973.30       0.90 %     4.42  
International Fixed Income Investments
    6.90 %             1,000.00       1,069.00       0.71 %     3.65  
Municipal Bond Investments
    (1.45 )%             1,000.00       985.50       0.54 %     2.67  
Money Market Investments
    2.12 %             1,000.00       1,021.20       0.38 %     1.91  
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008.
(2) Assumes reinvestment of all distributions, including returns of capital, if any, at net asset value and does not reflect the deduction of the applicable advisory program charge, which in the case of TRAK® may be up to 1.50%. Total return is not annualized as it may not be representative of the total return for the year. Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower.
(3) Annualized Expense Ratios are based on the most recent 6 month expense ratios, which may differ from expense ratios in the Financial Highlights.
(4) Expenses (net of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements) are equal to each Portfolio’s respective annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, then divided by 366.



Fund Expenses
(unaudited) (continued)
Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes
The table below titled “Based on Hypothetical Total Return” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use the information provided in this table to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare the 5.00% hypothetical example relating to the Fund with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.
Please note that the expenses shown in the table below are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any advisory program annual fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these advisory program annual fees were included, your costs would have been higher.
Based on Hypothetical Total Return(1)
    Paid During
Fund   Total Return     Value     Value     Ratios(2)     the Period(3)  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
    5.00 %   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,021.53       0.67 %   $ 3.37  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,021.48       0.68 %     3.42  
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,019.94       0.99 %     4.97  
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,019.84       1.01 %     5.07  
International Equity Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,020.89       0.80 %     4.02  
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,019.59       1.06 %     5.32  
Core Fixed Income Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,022.48       0.48 %     2.41  
High Yield Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,020.39       0.90 %     4.52  
International Fixed Income Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,021.33       0.71 %     3.57  
Municipal Bond Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,022.18       0.54 %     2.72  
Money Market Investments
    5.00 %     1,000.00       1,022.97       0.38 %     1.91  
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008.
(2) Annualized Expense Ratios are based on the most recent 6 month expense ratios, which may differ from the expense ratios in the Financial Highlights.
(3) Expenses (net of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements) are equal to each Portfolio’s respective annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, then divided by 366.



Schedules of Investments
February 29, 2008 (unaudited)
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Consumer Services — 0.6%
  300,000     Weight Watchers International Inc. (a)   $ 14,100,000  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 3.1%
  425,000     International Game Technology     19,188,750  
  500,700     Marriott International Inc., Class A Shares     17,073,870  
  544,426     MGM MIRAGE Inc. (a)*     33,531,197  
        Total Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure     69,793,817  
Internet & Catalog Retail — 0.3%
  93,900     Amazon.com Inc.*     6,053,733  
Media — 2.0%
  543,800     DIRECTV Group Inc.*     13,622,190  
  465,000     Omnicom Group Inc.      20,771,550  
  140,000     Reuters Group PLC, ADR     9,919,000  
        Total Media     44,312,740  
Specialty Retail — 0.8%
  800,000     Staples Inc.      17,800,000  
        TOTAL CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY     152,060,290  
Beverages — 1.0%
  465,000     Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc.      21,896,850  
Food & Staples Retailing — 6.1%
  150,700     Costco Wholesale Corp.      9,331,344  
  1,723,100     CVS/Caremark Corp.      69,578,778  
  450,000     Walgreen Co.      16,429,500  
  831,200     Wal-Mart Stores Inc.      41,219,208  
        Total Food & Staples Retailing     136,558,830  
Food Products — 2.3%
  241,400     Bunge Ltd. (a)     26,756,776  
  214,600     Nestle SA, ADR     25,673,671  
        Total Food Products     52,430,447  
Household Products — 0.9%
  300,000     Procter & Gamble Co.      19,854,000  
        TOTAL CONSUMER STAPLES     230,740,127  
ENERGY — 12.4%
Energy Equipment & Services — 7.0%
  983,600     Halliburton Co.      37,671,880  
  625,900     National-Oilwell Varco Inc.*     38,993,570  
  199,164     Transocean Inc.*     27,984,534  
  774,300     Weatherford International Ltd.*     53,364,756  
        Total Energy Equipment & Services     158,014,740  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 5.4%
  740,000     Chesapeake Energy Corp. (a)     33,462,800  
  85,314     Consol Energy Inc.      6,482,158  
  411,300     Occidental Petroleum     31,822,281  
  250,350     Suncor Energy Inc.      25,836,120  
  137,400     Valero Energy Corp.      7,937,598  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 5.4% — (Continued)
  402,472     Williams Cos. Inc.    $ 14,497,041  
        Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels     120,037,998  
        TOTAL ENERGY     278,052,738  
Capital Markets — 0.6%
  751,050     Charles Schwab Corp.      14,728,091  
Diversified Financial Services — 4.0%
  84,750     CME Group Inc. (a)     43,502,175  
  170,000     Intercontinental Exchange Inc.*     22,151,000  
  237,300     JPMorgan Chase & Co.      9,646,245  
  143,100     Nymex Holdings Inc. (a)     14,136,849  
        Total Diversified Financial Services     89,436,269  
Insurance — 0.4%
  184,900     Lincoln National Corp.      9,450,239  
        TOTAL FINANCIALS     113,614,599  
Biotechnology — 6.8%
  876,270     Biogen Idec Inc.*     51,139,117  
  912,050     Celgene Corp.*     51,412,259  
  365,000     Genentech Inc.*     27,648,750  
  441,600     Gilead Sciences Inc.*     20,896,512  
        Total Biotechnology     151,096,638  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 2.8%
  160,900     Alcon Inc.      23,287,057  
  536,500     Covidien Ltd.      22,956,835  
  225,000     Zimmer Holdings Inc.*     16,940,250  
        Total Health Care Equipment & Supplies     63,184,142  
Health Care Providers & Services — 1.7%
  550,000     UnitedHealth Group Inc.      25,564,000  
  188,900     WellPoint Inc.*     13,238,112  
        Total Health Care Providers & Services     38,802,112  
Life Sciences Tools & Services — 2.5%
  1,005,100     Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (a)*     56,215,243  
Pharmaceuticals — 4.6%
  335,000     Allergan Inc.      19,842,050  
  1,859,850     Elan Corp. PLC, ADR*     42,348,785  
  257,700     Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR (a)     12,645,339  
  643,800     Wyeth     28,082,556  
        Total Pharmaceuticals     102,918,730  
        TOTAL HEALTH CARE     412,216,865  
Aerospace & Defense — 3.0%
  163,000     Boeing Co.      13,494,770  
  192,400     General Dynamics Corp.      15,747,940  
  554,400     United Technologies Corp     39,090,744  
        Total Aerospace & Defense     68,333,454  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Air Freight & Logistics — 1.5%
  400,000     Expeditors International of Washington Inc.    $ 15,728,000  
  250,000     United Parcel Service Inc., Class B Shares     17,560,000  
        Total Air Freight & Logistics     33,288,000  
Construction & Engineering — 1.2%
  405,700     Foster Wheeler Ltd.*     26,553,065  
Electrical Equipment — 1.9%
  538,800     ABB Ltd., ADR     13,491,552  
  51,267     First Solar Inc.*     10,519,988  
  348,705     Rockwell Automation Inc.      19,077,651  
        Total Electrical Equipment     43,089,191  
Industrial Conglomerates — 1.2%
  239,211     McDermott International Inc.*     12,491,598  
  251,100     Textron Inc.      13,602,087  
        Total Industrial Conglomerates     26,093,685  
Machinery — 2.5%
  295,100     Danaher Corp.      21,881,665  
  166,600     Deere & Co.      14,195,986  
  348,750     ITT Industries Inc.      19,613,700  
        Total Machinery     55,691,351  
        TOTAL INDUSTRIALS     253,048,746  
Communication Equipment — 3.8%
  1,315,200     Cisco Systems Inc.*     32,051,424  
  1,270,400     QUALCOMM Inc.      53,826,848  
        Total Communication Equipment     85,878,272  
Computers & Peripherals — 7.6%
  211,854     Apple Inc.*     26,485,987  
  876,300     EMC Corp.*     13,617,702  
  986,900     Hewlett-Packard Corp.      47,144,213  
  331,600     Research in Motion Ltd.*     34,420,080  
  1,050,000     Seagate Technology     22,648,500  
  725,000     Sun Microsystems Inc.*     11,890,000  
  600,000     Teradata Corp.*     15,138,000  
        Total Computers & Peripherals     171,344,482  
Internet Software & Services — 3.3%
  575,000     eBay Inc.*     15,157,000  
  106,798     Equinix Inc. (a)*     7,406,441  
  109,079     Google Inc., Class A Shares*     51,395,843  
        Total Internet Software & Services     73,959,284  
IT Services — 2.5%
  995,900     Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.*     30,086,139  
  138,000     Mastercard Inc. (a)     26,220,000  
        Total IT services     56,306,139  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 1.7%
  965,650     Intel Corp.    $ 19,264,718  
  1,108,700     Marvell Technology Group Ltd.*     12,539,397  
  302,076     Nvidia Corp.*     6,461,406  
        Total Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment     38,265,521  
Software — 4.2%
  314,500     Adobe Systems Inc. (a)*     10,582,925  
  554,400     Autodesk Inc.*     17,236,296  
  700,000     Intuit Inc.*     18,592,000  
  1,113,260     Microsoft Corp.      30,302,937  
  876,300     Oracle Corp.*     16,474,440  
        Total Software     93,188,598  
        TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY     518,942,296  
Chemicals — 3.7%
  491,750     Ecolab Inc.      23,008,983  
  69,408     Monsanto Co.      8,029,117  
  544,800     Praxair Inc.      43,736,544  
  82,538     The Mosaic Co.*     9,186,479  
        Total Chemicals     83,961,123  
Metals & Mining — 3.1%
  184,300     Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA, ADR (a)     6,890,977  
  250,400     Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.      25,255,344  
  858,400     Goldcorp Inc. (a)     37,091,464  
        Total Metals & Mining     69,237,785  
        TOTAL MATERIALS     153,198,908  
Wireless Equipment — 0.7%
  460,000     Crown Castle International Corp.*     16,601,400  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 1.7%
  459,900     American Tower Corp., Class A Shares*     17,678,556  
  488,232     NII Holdings Inc., Class B Shares*     19,397,457  
        Total Wireless Telecommunication Services     37,076,013  
(Cost — $1,940,935,897)
(Cost — $1,940,935,897)
BBH Securities Lending Trust (c)
(Cost — $168,766,180)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Amount     Security   Value  
$ 4,804     BBH — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08   $ 4,804  
  44,746,449     Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     44,746,449  
(Cost — $44,751,253)
Federal National Mortgage Association, Discount Notes, (FNMA), 2.050% due 3/3/08 (d)
(Cost — $5,918,989)
(Cost — $219,436,422)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 106.3%
(Cost — $2,160,372,319#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (6.3%)     (142,180,687 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 2,242,807,717  
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
(b) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 2.3%.
(c) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
(d) Rate shown represents yield-to-maturity.
# Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
Abbreviation used in this schedule:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Auto Components — 0.1%
  44,400     Autoliv Inc.    $ 2,215,560  
Automobiles — 0.4%
  278,200     General Motors Corp. (a)     6,476,496  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 1.5%
  274,000     Boyd Gaming Corp. (a)     5,778,660  
  260,800     International Game Technology     11,775,120  
  367,000     Wyndham Worldwide Corp.      8,136,390  
        Total Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure     25,690,170  
Household Durables — 1.6%
  219,000     Black & Decker Corp. (a)     15,060,630  
  128,100     Whirlpool Corp. (a)     10,807,797  
        Total Household Durables     25,868,427  
Leisure Equipment & Products — 0.7%
  558,800     Mattel Inc.      10,796,016  
Media — 5.1%
  762,200     CBS Corp., Class B Shares     17,393,404  
  1,020,000     DIRECTV Group Inc.*     25,551,000  
  281,700     Gannett Co. Inc. (a)     8,493,255  
  33     Gemstar-TV Guide International Inc.*     156  
  1,430,000     Interpublic Group Cos. Inc. (a)*     12,326,600  
  293,700     Time Warner Inc.      4,584,657  
  278,000     WPP Group PLC, ADR (a)     16,560,460  
        Total Media     84,909,532  
Multiline Retail — 2.4%
  85,800     JC Penney Co. Inc.      3,964,818  
  790,000     Macy’s Inc.      19,497,200  
  307,000     Target Corp.      16,151,270  
        Total Multiline Retail     39,613,288  
Specialty Retail — 1.7%
  711,900     Home Depot Inc.      18,900,945  
  564,000     Limited Brands Inc.      8,601,000  
  24,790     Office Depot Inc.*     281,862  
        Total Specialty Retail     27,783,807  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 0.8%
  179,200     V. F. Corp.      13,626,368  
        TOTAL CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY     236,979,664  
Beverages — 1.4%
  262,000     Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc.      12,337,580  
  197,500     Coca-Cola Co.      11,545,850  
        Total Beverages     23,883,430  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Beverages — 1.4% — (continued)
Food & Staples Retailing — 1.6%
  469,000     CVS/Caremark Corp.    $ 18,938,220  
  133,800     Kroger Co.      3,244,650  
  23,100     Safeway Inc.      663,894  
  147,300     SUPERVALU Inc.      3,866,625  
        Total Food & Staples Retailing     26,713,389  
Food Products — 3.4%
  495,000     Archer Daniels Midland     22,324,500  
  323,000     Campbell Soup Co.      10,429,670  
  520,000     ConAgra Foods Inc.      11,492,000  
  383,657     Kraft Foods Inc.      11,958,589  
        Total Food Products     56,204,759  
Household Products — 0.7%
  185,400     Kimberly-Clark Corp.      12,084,372  
Tobacco — 3.5%
  611,600     Altria Group Inc.      44,732,424  
  207,400     Reynolds American Inc. (a)     13,215,528  
        Total Tobacco     57,947,952  
        TOTAL CONSUMER STAPLES     176,833,902  
ENERGY — 19.1%
Energy Equipment & Services — 4.5%
  215,000     Baker Hughes Inc.      14,467,350  
  510,000     BJ Services Co.      13,229,400  
  806,500     Halliburton Co.      30,888,950  
  520,000     Nabors Industries Ltd.*     16,395,600  
        Total Energy Equipment & Services     74,981,300  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 14.6%
  209,400     Anadarko Petroleum Corp.      13,347,156  
  419,800     BP PLC, ADR (a)     27,232,426  
  592,100     Chevron Corp.      51,311,386  
  506,100     ConocoPhillips     41,859,531  
  1,020,000     El Paso Corp.      16,626,000  
  310,500     Exxon Mobil Corp.      27,016,605  
  527,000     Marathon Oil Corp.      28,015,320  
  187,800     Occidental Petroleum     14,530,086  
  153,300     Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Class A Shares, ADR (a)     10,953,285  
  141,100     Total SA, ADR     10,637,529  
        Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels     241,529,324  
        TOTAL ENERGY     316,510,624  
Capital Markets — 1.1%
  8,400     Goldman Sachs Group Inc.      1,424,892  
  138,100     Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.      6,844,236  
  233,700     Morgan Stanley     9,843,444  
        Total Capital Markets     18,112,572  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Capital Markets — 1.1% — (continued)
Commercial Banks — 4.2%
  789,700     Bank of America Corp.    $ 31,382,678  
  447,000     Keycorp     9,856,350  
  941,800     Regions Financial Corp. (a)     19,966,160  
  289,500     Wachovia Corp.      8,864,490  
        Total Commercial Banks     70,069,678  
Diversified Financial Services — 2.3%
  28,500     Deutsche Bank AG     3,162,360  
  857,000     JPMorgan Chase & Co.      34,837,050  
        Total Diversified Financial Services     37,999,410  
Insurance — 8.0%
  184,000     ACE Ltd.      10,348,160  
  695,100     Allstate Corp.      33,177,123  
  408,900     American International Group Inc.      19,161,054  
  106,800     Fidelity National Financial Inc.      1,880,748  
  307,500     Genworth Financial Inc., Class A Shares     7,127,850  
  75,600     Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.      5,284,440  
  214,400     Lincoln National Corp.      10,957,984  
  276,900     MetLife Inc.      16,132,194  
  20,800     RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.      1,141,920  
  489,100     Travelers Cos. Inc.      22,699,131  
  106,100     XL Capital Ltd., Class A Shares     3,825,966  
        Total Insurance     131,736,570  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 0.5%
  503,600     Host Hotels & Resorts Inc.      8,153,284  
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance — 0.4%
  87,100     Fannie Mae     2,408,315  
  193,200     Freddie Mac     4,864,776  
        Total Thrifts & Mortgage Finance     7,273,091  
        TOTAL FINANCIALS     273,344,605  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 0.2%
  64,475     Covidien Ltd.      2,758,885  
Health Care Providers & Services — 0.8%
  166,800     Amerisourcebergen Corp. Class A     6,958,896  
  119,200     McKesson Corp.      7,004,192  
        Total Health Care Providers & Services     13,963,088  
Pharmaceuticals — 5.6%
  214,000     Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc.*     10,090,100  
  482,100     GlaxoSmithKline PLC, ADR     21,169,011  
  109,600     Merck & Co. Inc.      4,855,280  
  2,093,800     Pfizer Inc.      46,649,864  
  252,500     Wyeth     11,014,050  
        Total Pharmaceuticals     93,778,305  
        TOTAL HEALTH CARE     110,500,278  
Aerospace & Defense — 0.6%
  137,200     Northrop Grumman Corp.      10,785,292  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Aerospace & Defense — 0.6% — (continued)
Building Products — 0.2%
  113,300     KB Home (a)   $ 2,711,269  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 1.6%
  106,000     Avery Dennison Corp. (a)     5,439,920  
  334,800     R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.      10,656,684  
  339,400     Waste Management Inc.      11,142,502  
        Total Commercial Services & Supplies     27,239,106  
Industrial Conglomerates — 1.1%
  308,300     General Electric Co.      10,217,062  
  63,600     Parker Hannifin Corp.      4,110,468  
  64,475     Tyco Electronics Ltd.      2,121,227  
  64,475     Tyco International Ltd.      2,582,869  
        Total Industrial Conglomerates     19,031,626  
Machinery — 1.7%
  291,200     Caterpillar Inc.      21,062,496  
  32,400     Eaton Corp.      2,612,412  
  58,500     Terex Corp.*     3,945,825  
        Total Machinery     27,620,733  
Road & Rail — 1.6%
  500,500     Norfolk Southern Corp.      26,471,445  
        TOTAL INDUSTRIALS     113,859,471  
Computers & Peripherals — 0.7%
  509,100     Seagate Technology     10,981,287  
Electronic Equipment & Instruments — 2.4%
  91,000     Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc.      10,995,530  
  1,763,626     Flextronics International Ltd.*     17,883,168  
  620,000     Ingram Micro Inc.*     9,467,400  
  182,520     Sanmina-SCI Corp.*     301,158  
  51,910     Tech Data Corp.*     1,731,199  
        Total Electronic Equipment & Instruments     40,378,455  
IT Services — 1.2%
  994,000     Western Union Co.      20,675,200  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 3.1%
  1,882,000     Infineon Technologies AG, ADR*     15,187,740  
  1,582,600     Intel Corp.      31,572,870  
  880,000     Qimonda AG, ADR (a)*     3,977,600  
        Total Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment     50,738,210  
Software — 1.4%
  1,000,000     Cadence Design Systems Inc.*     10,620,000  
  727,000     Symantec Corp.*     12,242,680  
        Total Software     22,862,680  
        TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY     145,635,832  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Chemicals — 3.4%
  1,024,200     Dow Chemical Co.    $ 38,602,098  
  395,000     EI Du Pont de Nemours & Co.      18,335,900  
        Total Chemicals     56,937,998  
Metals & Mining — 3.5%
  593,800     Alcoa Inc.      22,053,732  
  106,800     ArcelorMittal, Class A Shares (a)     8,118,936  
  296,000     Gold Fields Ltd.*     4,200,240  
  443,000     Newmont Mining Corp.      22,668,310  
        Total Metals & Mining     57,041,218  
        TOTAL MATERIALS     113,979,216  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 4.5%
  975,734     AT&T Inc.      33,984,815  
  597,500     Sprint Nextel Corp.      4,248,225  
  528,200     Verizon Communications     19,184,224  
  175,000     Vodafone Group PLC, ADR     5,640,250  
  960,272     Windstream Corp.      11,292,799  
        Total Diversified Telecommunication Services     74,350,313  
Wireless Equipment — 0.2%
  90,500     Nokia Corp., ADR     3,258,905  
Electric — 0.2%
  43,000     Constellation Energy Group Inc.      3,799,050  
Electric Utilities — 0.7%
  111,800     American Electic Power Co. Inc.      4,574,856  
  38,900     Entergy Corp.      3,996,586  
  77,900     Wisconsin Energy Corp.      3,397,998  
        Total Electric Utilities     11,969,440  
Multi-Utilities — 0.8%
  244,400     Ameren Corp.      10,435,880  
  50,600     Sempra Energy     2,688,378  
        Total Multi-Utilities     13,124,258  
        TOTAL UTILITIES     28,892,748  
(Cost — $1,577,382,483)
(Cost — $1,577,382,483)
BBH Securities Lending Trust (c)
(Cost — $106,278,472)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Amount     Security   Value  
$ 1,941,890     Bank of America — London, 2.540% due 3/3/08   $ 1,941,890  
  49,059,736     Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     49,059,736  
(Cost — $51,001,626)
(Cost — $157,280,098)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 105.5%
(Cost — $1,734,662,581#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (5.5%)     (91,976,632 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 1,659,449,024  
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
(b) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 3.1%.
(c) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
Abbreviation used in this schedule:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Diversified Consumer Services — 2.6%
  90,000     American Public Education Inc.*   $ 2,999,700  
  165,012     Corinthian Colleges Inc.*     1,311,845  
  40,700     New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., ADR*     2,537,645  
  321,400     Stewart Enterprises Inc., Class A Shares     1,918,758  
        Total Diversified Consumer Services     8,767,948  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 2.1%
  31,800     Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc.*     1,059,894  
  227,858     Texas Roadhouse Inc., Class A Shares (a)*     2,119,079  
  108,050     WMS Industries Inc.*     4,102,659  
        Total Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure     7,281,632  
Household Durables — 0.3%
  53,600     Tempur-Pedic International Inc. (a)     933,712  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 3.1%
  68,100     Aeropostale Inc.*     1,829,166  
  265,959     Bebe Stores Inc. (a)     3,247,359  
  137,900     Iconix Brand Group Inc. (a)*     2,865,562  
  42,200     Oxford Industries Inc.      892,108  
  94,300     True Religion Apparel Inc. (a)*     1,926,549  
        Total Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods     10,760,744  
        TOTAL CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY     27,744,036  
Food Products — 0.4%
  176,600     Agria Corp.*     1,439,290  
Personal Products — 1.9%
  233,900     Bare Escentuals Inc. (a)*     6,404,182  
        TOTAL CONSUMER STAPLES     7,843,472  
ENERGY — 15.9%
Energy Equipment & Services — 8.5%
  193,200     Complete Production*     3,751,944  
  87,000     Evergreen Solar Inc. (a)*     836,070  
  64,430     Exterran Holdings Inc.*     4,487,550  
  92,100     Flotek Industries Inc. (a)*     2,093,433  
  53,100     NATCO Group Inc.*     2,530,215  
  115,800     Oil States International Inc.*     4,882,128  
  198,900     Superior Energy Services Inc.*     8,093,241  
  67,000     Willbros Group Inc. (a)*     2,295,420  
        Total Energy Equipment & Services     28,970,001  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 7.4%
  30,350     Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc.*     1,752,713  
  46,200     Foundation Coal Holdings Inc.      2,668,974  
  205,500     Key Energy Services Inc.*     2,776,305  
  90,800     Parallel Petroleum Corp*     1,677,984  
  132,100     Patterson UTI Energy Inc.      3,134,733  
  129,700     Pioneer Drilling Co.*     1,739,277  
  97,800     Precision Drilling Trust (a)     2,195,610  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 7.4% — (continued)
  166,498     Quicksilver Resources Inc. (a)*   $ 5,727,531  
  78,400     T-3 Energy Services Inc.*     3,870,608  
        Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels     25,543,735  
        TOTAL ENERGY     54,513,736  
Commercial Banks — 0.9%
  120,000     Signature Bank*     3,180,000  
Diversified Financial Services — 0.5%
  52,300     Interactive Brokers Group Inc., Class A Shares*     1,624,961  
Insurance — 0.5%
  60,000     Tower Group Inc.      1,704,600  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 0.5%
  135,100     DiamondRock Hospitality Co.      1,687,399  
        TOTAL FINANCIALS     8,196,960  
Biotechnology — 10.4%
  103,800     Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (a)*     6,291,318  
  182,900     Applera Corp. — Celera Group*     2,534,994  
  33,689     Cephalon Inc. (a)*     2,032,794  
  79,600     Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc. (a)*     1,448,720  
  272,200     Human Genome Sciences Inc.*     1,608,702  
  77,700     Illumina Inc. (a)*     5,626,257  
  101,900     InterMune Inc. (a)*     1,434,752  
  109,100     Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc.*     627,325  
  108,000     Omrix Biopharmaceuticals Inc. (a)*     2,608,200  
  116,550     OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc.*     4,189,973  
  217,400     TomoTherapy Inc. (a)*     2,863,158  
  27,900     United Therapeutics Corp. (a)*     2,348,343  
  142,500     Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (a)*     649,800  
  67,000     Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. (a)*     1,172,500  
        Total Biotechnology     35,436,836  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 8.7%
  221,600     Align Technology Inc. (a)*     2,736,760  
  160,400     American Medical Systems Holdings Inc. (a)*     2,340,236  
  100,100     Cutera Inc.*     1,269,268  
  222,300     ev3 Inc. (a)*     1,965,132  
  37,700     Greatbatch Inc. (a)*     805,649  
  118,288     Immucor Inc.*     3,524,982  
  108,000     Masimo Corp. (a)*     3,462,480  
  71,300     Palomar Medical Technologies Inc. (a)*     949,003  
  146,200     PerkinElmer Inc.      3,628,684  
  369,500     Spectranetics Corp. (a)*     3,325,500  
  73,200     Varian Inc.*     3,963,780  
  103,500     Vnus Medical Technologies Inc.*     1,934,415  
        Total Health Care Equipment & Supplies     29,905,889  
Health Care Providers & Services — 2.0%
  48,000     Genoptix Inc.*     1,232,160  
  107,300     Gentiva Health Services Inc.*     2,313,388  
  211,600     Sun Healthcare Group Inc.*     3,118,984  
        Total Health Care Providers & Services     6,664,532  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Health Care Providers & Services — 2.0% — (continued)
Life Sciences Tools & Services — 1.0%
  47,200     Dionex Corp.*   $ 3,484,304  
Pharmaceuticals — 4.0%
  408,900     Adolor Corp.*     1,868,673  
  155,900     Array Biopharma Inc. (a)*     873,040  
  296,200     Medicines Co.*     5,704,812  
  96,100     Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp., Class A Shares     1,971,011  
  195,600     Santarus Inc. (a)*     352,080  
  144,350     Sciele Pharma Inc. (a)*     2,988,045  
        Total Pharmaceuticals     13,757,661  
        TOTAL HEALTH CARE     89,249,222  
Airlines — 0.4%
  181,400     Airtran Holdings Inc. (a)*     1,309,708  
Building Products — 0.1%
  24,900     Apogee Enterprises Inc.      383,211  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.8%
  51,900     Aegean Marine Petroleum Network Inc.      1,422,579  
  67,600     Coinstar Inc. (a)*     1,971,216  
  143,700     Geo Group Inc.*     3,835,353  
  42,100     Kendle International Inc. (a)*     1,886,501  
  149,800     MDC Partners Inc. (b)*     1,208,886  
  138,600     Valueclick Inc.*     2,676,366  
        Total Commercial Services & Supplies     13,000,901  
Construction & Engineering — 0.8%
  75,700     Perini Corp.*     2,837,236  
Electrical Equipment — 1.6%
  53,400     Acuity Brands Inc. (a)     2,371,494  
  86,400     Energy Conversion Devices Inc. (a)*     2,295,648  
  249,700     Power-One Inc.*     649,220  
        Total Electrical Equipment     5,316,362  
Machinery — 3.2%
  131,494     Actuant Corp., Class A Shares     3,534,559  
  131,425     RBC Bearings Inc.*     4,415,880  
  89,800     Wabtec Corp.      3,107,978  
        Total Machinery     11,058,417  
Road & Rail — 0.6%
  76,100     J.B. HuntTransport Services Inc.      2,082,857  
Trading Companies & Distributors — 0.7%
  134,000     Interline Brands Inc.*     2,381,180  
        TOTAL INDUSTRIALS     38,369,872  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Communication Equipment — 3.4%
  127,300     Foundry Networks Inc.*   $ 1,511,051  
  171,900     Harmonic Inc.*     1,531,629  
  73,900     NICE Systems Ltd., ADR*     2,385,492  
  141,700     Polycom Inc.*     3,089,060  
  147,000     Riverbed Technology Inc.*     2,948,820  
        Total Communication Equipment     11,466,052  
Computers & Peripherals — 0.8%
  78,700     Magma Design Automation Inc.*     772,834  
  21,800     Sigma Designs Inc. (a)*     642,010  
  131,300     Virtusa Corp. (b)*     1,435,109  
        Total Computers & Peripherals     2,849,953  
Internet & Catalog Retail — 0.3%
  71,600     Nutri/System Inc. (a)*     1,024,596  
Internet Software & Services — 2.9%
  67,300     comScore Inc.*     1,387,726  
  31,800     DealerTrack Holdings Inc.*     650,946  
  17,000     Equinix Inc. (a)*     1,178,950  
  555,700     Skillsoft PLC, ADR*     4,873,489  
  100,700     Websense Inc.*     1,960,629  
        Total Internet Software & Services     10,051,740  
IT Services — 3.7%
  364,500     Cybersource Corp.*     5,325,345  
  218,200     MPS Group Inc.*     2,487,480  
  87,900     RightNow Technologies Inc.*     1,004,697  
  375,600     Sapient Corp.*     2,771,928  
  47,200     SRA International Inc.*     1,132,800  
        Total IT Services     12,722,250  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 6.5%
  238,200     AMIS Holdings Inc.*     1,624,524  
  124,300     ATMI Inc.*     3,398,361  
  57,000     Cavium Networks Inc.*     810,540  
  130,000     IXYS Corp. (a)*     916,500  
  129,300     Microsemi Corp.*     2,812,275  
  90,900     Netlogic Microsystems Inc. (a)*     2,145,240  
  808,700     PMC-Sierra Inc. (a)*     3,873,673  
  72,000     Power Integrations Inc.*     1,893,600  
  32,800     Standard Microsystems Corp.*     929,880  
  85,200     Tessera Technologies Inc.*     2,007,312  
  53,950     Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates Inc.*     1,822,431  
        Total Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment     22,234,336  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Software — 12.7%
  47,800     Ansys Inc.*   $ 1,786,286  
  75,800     Blackboard Inc.*     2,180,766  
  287,500     Commvault Systems Inc.*     4,025,000  
  109,300     Concur Technologies Inc. (a)*     3,195,932  
  102,300     Double-Take Software*     1,062,897  
  170,385     Informatica Corp*     2,974,922  
  79,400     MICROS Systems Inc.*     2,543,976  
  119,651     Net 1 UEPS Technologies Inc.*     3,481,844  
  490,400     Nuance Communications Inc. (a)*     8,067,080  
  261,700     Phase Forward Inc.*     4,168,881  
  235,400     Quest Software Inc.*     3,349,742  
  47,100     Smith Micro Software Inc.*     241,152  
  79,000     Solera Holdings Inc.*     1,874,670  
  188,700     Synchronoss Technolgies Inc. (a)*     3,034,296  
  84,757     Verint Systems Inc.*     1,281,526  
        Total Software     43,268,970  
        TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY     103,617,897  
Metals & Mining — 0.6%
  126,200     Horsehead Holding Corp.*     1,981,340  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 0.8%
  69,900     Atheros Communications Inc.*     1,699,968  
  61,300     Cbeyond Inc.*     1,004,707  
        Total Diversified Telecommunication Services     2,704,675  
(Cost — $315,074,478)
RIGHTS — 0.0%
Pharmaceuticals — 0.0%
OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc. (b)*
(Cost — $123)
(Cost — $315,074,601)
BBH Securities Lending Trust (d)
(Cost — $92,844,175)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Amount     Security   Value  
$ 5,459,466    
Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08
(Cost — $5,459,467)
  $ 5,459,467  
(Cost — $98,303,642)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 126.4%
(Cost — $413,378,243#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (26.4%)     (90,439,848 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 342,085,004  
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
(b) Illiquid security.
(c) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 1.6%.
(d) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
Abbreviations used in this schedule:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Auto Components — 2.3%
  995,007     Hayes Lemmerz International Inc.*   $ 3,164,122  
  291,382     Modine Manufacturing Co.      3,636,447  
        Total Auto Components     6,800,569  
Automobiles — 1.3%
  528,500     Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. (a)*     2,251,410  
  49,300     Thor Industries Inc. (a)     1,502,664  
        Total Automobiles     3,754,074  
Diversified Consumer Services — 0.4%
  96,400     Service Corporation International     1,041,120  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 0.5%
  28,700     CEC Entertainment Inc.*     770,021  
  76,500     CKE Restaurants Inc.      847,620  
        Total Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure     1,617,641  
Household Durables — 1.0%
  32,900     American Greetings Corp., Class A Shares     619,178  
  37,900     Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (a)     1,032,396  
  34,500     Lancaster Colony Corp.      1,280,985  
        Total Household Durables     2,932,559  
Leisure Equipment & Products — 0.6%
  227,277     Arctic Cat Inc. (a)     1,718,214  
Media — 0.6%
  19,040     AH Belo Corp., Class A Shares*     231,717  
  99,200     Belo Corp.      1,167,584  
  10,700     Meredith Corp.      463,845  
        Total Media     1,863,146  
Multiline Retail — 1.6%
  35,400     Dollar Tree Stores Inc.*     949,782  
  441,857     Fred’s Inc.      3,879,504  
        Total Multiline Retail     4,829,286  
Specialty Retail — 2.9%
  50,900     Borders Group Inc.      471,334  
  114,850     Cato Corp., Class A Shares     1,798,551  
  268,686     MarineMax Inc. (a)*     3,299,464  
  26,600     PETsMART Inc.      572,698  
  37,200     Ross Stores Inc.      1,036,020  
  40,375     Stage Stores Inc.      511,148  
  46,600     Zale Corp. (a)*     900,312  
        Total Specialty Retail     8,589,527  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 0.9%
  20,775     Brown Shoe Co. Inc.      304,977  
  24,100     Men’s Wearhouse Inc.      555,264  
  17,300     Warnaco Group Inc.*     649,788  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 0.9% — (continued)
  37,500     Wolverine World Wide Inc.    $ 993,750  
        Total Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods     2,503,779  
        TOTAL CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY     35,649,915  
Beverages — 1.2%
  38,200     Constellation Brands Inc., Class A Shares*     733,822  
  717,600     Cott Corp. (a)*     1,578,720  
  46,800     PepsiAmericas Inc.      1,184,040  
        Total Beverages     3,496,582  
Food & Drug Retailing — 0.4%
  13,200     Casey’s General Stores Inc.      330,660  
  30,500     Weis Markets Inc.      988,505  
        Total Food & Drug Retailing     1,319,165  
Food Products — 3.1%
  34,500     Corn Products International Inc.      1,266,495  
  94,900     Del Monte Foods Co.      852,202  
  27,700     J.M. Smucker Co.      1,417,963  
  49,000     Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. (a)     1,149,540  
  177,620     Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. (a)     4,303,733  
        Total Food Products     8,989,933  
Household Products — 0.3%
  22,300     WD-40 Co.      693,084  
  11,400     Zep Inc.      178,980  
        Total Household Products     872,064  
Tobacco — 0.5%
  26,400     Universal Corp.      1,502,424  
        TOTAL CONSUMER STAPLES     16,180,168  
ENERGY — 8.0%
Energy Equipment & Services — 2.9%
  104,300     Grey Wolf Inc.*     646,660  
  23,100     Holly Corp.      1,233,309  
  171,700     ION Geophysical Corp. (a)(b)*     2,281,893  
  24,900     Lufkin Industries Inc.      1,423,284  
  22,700     Tidewater Inc.      1,274,605  
  26,000     W-H Energy Services*     1,634,620  
        Total Energy Equipment & Services     8,494,371  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 5.1%
  14,700     Arch Coal Inc.      751,023  
  34,600     Berry Petroleum Co., Class A Shares     1,422,406  
  33,100     Cabot Oil & Gas Corp.      1,646,725  
  31,200     Cimarex Energy Co.      1,644,240  
  38,124     Hercules Offshore Inc. (a)*     966,062  
  31,100     Newfield Exploration Co.*     1,722,318  
  32,500     Penn Virginia Corp.      1,383,200  
  38,000     St. Mary Land & Exploration Co.      1,401,440  
  40,000     Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd.      1,308,800  
  38,600     Western Refining Inc. (a)     768,912  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 5.1% — (continued)
  35,500     Whiting Petroleum Corp.*   $ 2,173,310  
        Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels     15,188,436  
        TOTAL ENERGY     23,682,807  
Capital Markets — 0.6%
  49,000     Boston Private Financial Holdings Inc. (a)     674,730  
  60,600     Jefferies Group Inc.      1,075,650  
        Total Capital Markets     1,750,380  
Commercial Banks — 7.0%
  28,900     AMCORE Financial Inc.      561,238  
  49,300     BancorpSouth Inc.      1,108,264  
  58,600     Bank of Hawaii Corp.      2,813,972  
  75,200     Colonial BancGroup Inc. (a)     908,416  
  22,900     Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc.      1,170,648  
  36,800     East-West Bancorp (a)     692,208  
  25,800     First Midwest Bancorp Inc.      672,090  
  14,800     FirstMerit Corp.      277,796  
  59,600     Frontier Financial Corp. (a)     892,808  
  88,600     Fulton Financial Corp.      1,030,418  
  21,100     Hancock Holding Co. (a)     781,544  
  17,800     Independent Bank Corp., (Massachusetts)     471,166  
  24,800     NBT Bancorp Inc.      475,416  
  62,799     Old National Bancorp (a)     974,640  
  185,103     Oriental Financial Group Inc.      3,853,844  
  41,499     Provident Bankshares Corp.      528,282  
  76,700     Sterling Bancshares Inc.      714,077  
  46,850     Sterling Financial Corp. of Spokane     697,597  
  51,900     Susquehanna Bancshares Inc.      1,032,291  
  44,500     Whitney Holding Corp.      1,068,445  
        Total Commercial Banks     20,725,160  
Consumer Finance — 0.3%
  102,800     Advance America Cash Advance Centers Inc.      763,804  
Insurance — 5.1%
  112,700     American Equity Investment Life Holding Co.      1,076,285  
  46,200     American Financial Group Inc.      1,195,194  
  38,250     Delphi Financial Group, Class A Shares     1,153,620  
  29,200     Harleysville Group Inc.      980,536  
  54,500     Infinity Property & Casualty Corp.      2,189,265  
  41,600     Platinum Underwriters Holdings Ltd.      1,435,200  
  23,700     Protective Life Corp.      914,583  
  21,000     RLI Corp.      1,096,830  
  63,300     Selective Insurance Group     1,504,008  
  18,500     StanCorp Financial Group Inc.      908,165  
  48,000     W.R. Berkley Corp.      1,381,920  
  35,900     Zenith National Insurance Corp.      1,223,472  
        Total Insurance     15,059,078  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 3.4%
  62,600     Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc.      416,290  
  53,464     Brandywine Realty Trust     894,987  
  40,200     CBL & Associates Properties Inc.      938,670  
  35,500     Education Realty Trust Inc.      452,270  
  48,200     Equity One Inc. (a)     1,031,480  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 3.4% — (continued)
  31,100     First Industrial Realty Trust Inc. (a)   $ 944,818  
  43,500     Healthcare Realty Trust     1,034,865  
  28,500     Highwoods Properties Inc.      840,180  
  144,600     HRPT Properties Trust     994,848  
  40,100     Nationwide Health Properties Inc. (a)     1,216,233  
  27,430     Potlatch Corp,     1,132,036  
        Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)     9,896,677  
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance — 0.8%
  48,550     Washington Federal Inc.      1,102,085  
  40,100     Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (a)     1,279,992  
        Total Thrifts & Mortgage Finance     2,382,077  
        TOTAL FINANCIALS     50,577,176  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 2.9%
  44,800     Invacare Corp.      1,118,208  
  303,083     Merit Medical Systems Inc.*     4,803,866  
  54,600     STERIS Corp.      1,344,252  
  34,300     West Pharmaceutical Services Inc.      1,416,590  
        Total Health Care Equipment & Supplies     8,682,916  
Health Care Providers & Services — 2.1%
  30,500     Amerigroup Corp.*     1,098,000  
  65,500     Owens & Minor Inc. (a)     2,814,535  
  17,800     Pediatrix Medical Group Inc.*     1,174,978  
  19,000     Universal Health Services Inc., Class B Shares     1,014,980  
        Total Health Care Providers & Services     6,102,493  
        TOTAL HEALTH CARE     14,785,409  
Aerospace & Defense — 0.5%
  26,400     DRS Technologies Inc.      1,480,776  
Airlines — 0.6%
  82,800     SkyWest Inc.      1,831,536  
Building Products — 2.2%
  30,200     Crane Co.      1,245,146  
  31,300     Lennox International Inc.      1,178,132  
  24,800     MDC Holdings Inc.      1,038,624  
  40,600     Simpson Manufacturing Co. Inc. (a)     972,776  
  192,955     Trex Co. Inc. (a)*     1,505,049  
  20,400     Universal Forest Products Inc.      566,712  
        Total Building Products     6,506,439  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 4.9%
  311,380     ACCO Brands Corp.*     4,318,841  
  27,000     Brink’s Co.      1,807,110  
  282,570     Calgon Carbon Corp (a)*     4,617,194  
  21,100     Casella Waste Systems Inc., Class A Shares*     208,679  
  76,800     Ennis Inc.      1,225,728  
  22,500     Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp.      137,475  
  59,767     Kelly Services Inc., Class A Shares     1,148,124  
  20,900     United Stationers Inc.*     1,031,624  
        Total Commercial Services & Supplies     14,494,775  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 4.9% — (continued)
Electrical Equipment — 2.4%
  27,300     Acuity Brands Inc. (a)   $ 1,212,393  
  203,972     EnerSys (a)*     4,689,316  
  29,400     Regal-Beloit Corp.      1,085,448  
        Total Electrical Equipment     6,987,157  
Industrial Conglomerates — 0.5%
  11,900     TriMas Corp.*     91,987  
  25,500     Walter Industries Inc.      1,393,065  
        Total Industrial Conglomerates     1,485,052  
Machinery — 5.8%
  45,700     Actuant Corp., Class A Shares     1,228,416  
  34,900     Albany International Corp., Class A Shares     1,198,117  
  53,500     Barnes Group Inc. (a)     1,216,590  
  211,200     Briggs & Stratton Corp. (a)     3,774,144  
  29,300     Gardner Denver Inc*     1,081,463  
  43,300     Harsco Corp.      2,446,017  
  40,600     Kennametal Inc.      1,233,022  
  20,300     Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc.      1,362,942  
  48,200     Mueller Industries Inc.      1,384,786  
  26,856     Mueller Water Products Inc., Class A Shares     233,916  
  26,900     Timken Co.      810,497  
  32,800     Wabtec Corp.      1,135,208  
        Total Machinery     17,105,118  
Marine — 1.4%
  27,700     Alexander & Baldwin Inc.      1,219,908  
  25,500     Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd. (a)     1,485,885  
  29,300     Kirby Corp.*     1,320,844  
        Total Marine     4,026,637  
Paper & Forest Products — 0.1%
  22,255     AbitibiBowater Inc. (a)     230,339  
Road & Rail — 3.8%
  37,900     Arkansas Best Corp. (a)     1,012,309  
  109,500     FreightCar America Inc. (a)     4,388,760  
  21,000     Saia Inc.*     303,450  
  307,600     Werner Enterprises Inc.      5,472,204  
        Total Road & Rail     11,176,723  
Trading Companies & Distributors — 0.8%
  40,000     Applied Industrial Technologies Inc.      1,105,600  
  41,700     World Fuel Services Corp.      1,304,376  
        Total Trading Companies & Distributors     2,409,976  
Transportation Infrastructure — 0.3%
  43,100     General Maritime Corp. (a)     1,014,574  
        TOTAL INDUSTRIALS     68,749,102  
Computers & Peripherals — 0.7%
  154,800     Brocade Communications Systems Inc. (a)*     1,190,412  
  63,600     Emulex Corp.*     946,368  
        Total Computers & Peripherals     2,136,780  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Computers & Peripherals — 0.7% — (continued)
Electronic Equipment & Instruments — 1.8%
  91,200     AVX Corp.    $ 1,143,648  
  50,400     Bell Microproducts Inc.*     168,840  
  34,000     Checkpoint Systems Inc.*     822,800  
  29,600     Tech Data Corp.*     987,160  
  54,700     Technitrol Inc.      1,203,947  
  97,800     Vishay Intertechnology Inc.*     892,914  
        Total Electronic Equipment & Instruments     5,219,309  
IT Services — 1.7%
  8,517     Forrester Research Inc.*     226,893  
  1,027,037     Lionbridge Technologies*     3,645,981  
  61,500     Sykes Enterprises Inc.*     1,032,585  
        Total IT Services     4,905,459  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 1.8%
  118,800     Cirrus Logic Inc.*     610,632  
  272,093     Cohu Inc.      4,255,535  
  71,100     Entegris Inc.*     501,255  
        Total Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment     5,367,422  
Software — 1.8%
  148,400     Compuware Corp.*     1,181,264  
  81,400     Parametric Technology Corp.*     1,246,234  
  38,000     QAD Inc.      332,120  
  26,200     Schawk Inc.      412,650  
  40,000     Sybase Inc.*     1,064,800  
  48,500     Synopsys Inc. (a)*     1,125,685  
        Total Software     5,362,753  
        TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY     22,991,723  
Chemicals — 3.9%
  34,300     Albemarle Corp.      1,301,342  
  19,700     Cytec Industries Inc.      1,128,416  
  29,600     FMC Corp.      1,675,656  
  29,300     Hercules Inc.      536,776  
  24,100     Lubrizol Corp.      1,405,030  
  51,300     Methanex Corp.      1,477,953  
  66,200     RPM International Inc.      1,384,242  
  42,900     Sensient Technologies Corp.      1,155,726  
  33,400     Valspar Corp.      724,446  
  49,500     Westlake Chemical Corp. (a)     798,930  
        Total Chemicals     11,588,517  
Construction Materials — 0.4%
  32,300     Insteel Industries Inc. (a)     347,871  
  11,400     Texas Industries Inc. (a)     656,640  
        Total Construction Materials     1,004,511  
Containers & Packaging — 1.2%
  63,900     Crown Holdings Inc.*     1,591,749  
  304,800     Intertape Polymer Group Inc.*     798,576  
  25,900     Silgan Holdings Inc.      1,210,566  
        Total Containers & Packaging     3,600,891  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Containers & Packaging — 1.2% — (continued)
Metals & Mining — 2.8%
  24,000     Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd.*   $ 1,651,200  
  12,700     Cleveland Cliffs Inc. (a)     1,517,142  
  48,500     Commercial Metals Co.      1,477,310  
  163,900     IAMGOLD Corp.      1,325,951  
  10,900     Kaiser Aluminum Corp.      799,515  
  44,400     Royal Gold Inc. (a)     1,399,044  
        Total Metals & Mining     8,170,162  
        TOTAL MATERIALS     24,364,081  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 2.0%
  28,700     FairPoint Communications Inc.      282,408  
  477,000     MasTec Inc.*     4,154,670  
  52,000     Premiere Global Services Inc.*     734,760  
  41,600     Syniverse Holdings Inc.*     705,120  
        Total Diversified Telecommunication Services     5,876,958  
Electric Utilities — 1.3%
  48,700     Cleco Corp.      1,115,717  
  43,100     El Paso Electric Co.*     881,826  
  21,700     Otter Tail Corp. (a)     704,165  
  55,100     Westar Energy Inc.      1,252,423  
        Total Electric Utilities     3,954,131  
Gas Utilities — 2.8%
  45,900     Atmos Energy Corp.      1,193,400  
  22,300     Energen Corp.      1,338,000  
  32,700     National Fuel Gas Co.      1,538,535  
  67,300     Southwest Gas Corp.      1,722,207  
  52,800     UGI Corp.      1,352,208  
  39,500     WGL Holdings Inc.      1,232,005  
        Total Gas Utilities     8,376,355  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 0.2%
  14,400     Black Hills Corp.      514,944  
Multi-Utilities — 0.9%
  36,900     OGE Energy Corp.      1,198,143  
  18,300     PNM Resources Inc.      216,672  
  43,200     Vectren Corp.      1,113,264  
        Total Multi-Utilities     2,528,079  
        TOTAL UTILITIES     15,373,509  
(Cost — $271,867,082)
(Cost — $271,867,082)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Amount     Security   Value  
Lehman Brothers Holding Inc., 3.151% due 3/3/08 (c)
(Cost — $4,513,815)
  $ 4,513,815  
BBH Securities Lending Trust (d)
(Cost — $57,329,046)
$ 6,233,131     Bank of America — London, 2.540% due 3/3/08     6,233,131  
  1,944     BBH — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     1,944  
  4,199,041     Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     4,199,041  
(Cost — $10,434,116)
(Cost — $72,276,977)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 118.9%
(Cost — $344,144,059#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (18.9%)     (55,647,100 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 294,860,725  
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
(b) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 5%.
(c) Rate shown represents yield-to-maturity.
(d) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Australia — 0.3%
  117,400     Macquarie Group Ltd. (a)   $ 5,745,400  
Belgium — 0.3%
  54,400     Mobistar SA     4,635,623  
Bermuda — 0.5%
  527,500     Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd.      8,446,594  
Brazil — 2.0%
  353,200     Cosan SA Industria e Comercio     6,063,069  
  96,000     Petroleo Brasileiro SA (a)     11,264,640  
  385,700     Redecard SA     5,956,580  
  184,000     Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA (a)     4,605,520  
  436,800     Unibanco — Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA     5,941,445  
        Total Brazil     33,831,254  
Canada — 3.2%
  132,600     Agrium Inc. (a)     9,781,902  
  94,000     Barrick Gold Corp.      4,883,300  
  1,210,500     Bombardier Inc.*     6,956,328  
  188,600     Cameco Corp.      7,421,180  
  130,700     EnCana Corp.      10,009,616  
  89,000     Niko Resources Ltd.      8,404,899  
  386,700     Talisman Energy Inc. (a)     6,603,543  
        Total Canada     54,060,768  
China — 0.9%
  7,420,000     China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., Class H Shares     8,074,124  
  3,290,000     Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd.*     1,992,310  
  6,929,700     Industrials & Commercial Bank of China*     4,797,649  
        Total China     14,864,083  
Denmark — 0.8%
  174,800     Danske Bank A/S (a)     6,694,673  
  326,600     H. Lundbeck A/S     7,782,464  
        Total Denmark     14,477,137  
Finland — 0.2%
  86,767     Outokumpu Oyj     3,305,711  
France — 10.2%
  46,318     Air France-KLM     1,246,207  
  254,800     Alcatel SA     1,499,924  
  120,000     Alcatel SA, ADR (a)     704,400  
  554,730     AXA     18,707,246  
  123,880     BNP Paribas     11,129,651  
  70,300     Casino Guichard Perrachon SA     7,976,794  
  83,000     Cie de Saint-Gobain     6,527,164  
  317,100     France Telecom SA     10,656,540  
  78,400     Groupe Danone     6,162,513  
  38,344     Lafarge SA     6,628,763  
  52,104     L’Oreal SA     6,174,714  
  229,813     Sanofi-Aventis     17,037,809  
  34,723     Schneider Electric SA     3,949,485  
  60,100     Societe BIC SA     3,804,060  
  188,100     Suez SA     11,947,158  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
France — 10.2% — (continued)
  88,700     Technip SA   $ 7,212,109  
  442,152     Total SA     33,391,955  
  185,000     Valeo     6,992,990  
  55,630     Veolia Environnement     4,952,060  
  194,400     Vivendi Universal SA     7,677,278  
        Total France     174,378,820  
Germany — 11.2%
  63,152     Adidas AG     3,962,571  
  62,100     Allianz AG     10,894,134  
  84,007     BASF AG     10,640,918  
  271,000     Bayerishe Motoren Werke AG     14,836,739  
  235,700     Commerzbank AG     7,045,435  
  81,300     Continental AG     7,926,945  
  41,400     Deutsche Bank AG     4,602,315  
  349,900     Deutsche Telekom AG     6,648,128  
  38,000     E.ON AG     7,141,440  
  211,600     Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA     11,108,991  
  202,000     Hannover Rueckversicherung AG     9,579,852  
  178,500     Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (a)     4,238,238  
  217,000     Henkel KGaA     9,603,110  
  421,500     Infineon Technologies AG*     3,370,619  
  110,000     Linde AG     14,584,106  
  58,400     Merck KGAA     7,251,599  
  100,200     MTU Aero Engines Holding AG     5,076,378  
  283,876     Rhoen-Klinikum AG     8,123,716  
  57,400     RWE AG     6,924,500  
  214,300     SAP AG     10,205,503  
  149,350     Siemens AG     19,066,085  
  270,900     Symrise AG*     7,282,363  
        Total Germany     190,113,685  
Greece — 1.0%
  214,686     EFG Eurobank Ergasias SA     6,181,159  
  246,700     Public Power Corp.      10,510,835  
        Total Greece     16,691,994  
Hong Kong — 4.0%
  1,045,000     Cheung Kong Holdings, Ltd.      15,620,510  
  1,820,000     China Resources Enterprise     6,441,823  
  3,442,800     China Unicom Ltd.      7,373,963  
  1,110,000     Denway Motors, Ltd.      573,463  
  2,166,000     Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd.*     2,887,974  
  1,019,000     Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.      9,533,983  
  268,800     Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.      7,443,259  
  2,762,000     Shangri-La Asia Ltd.      8,209,781  
  673,400     Swire Pacific Ltd.      7,702,783  
  1,614,000     Techtronic Industries Co., Ltd.      1,570,655  
        Total Hong Kong     67,358,194  
India — 0.3%
  149,810     Infosys Technologies Ltd., ADR (a)     5,830,605  
Ireland — 1.8%
  434,000     Allied Irish Banks PLC     8,857,673  
  276,000     Anglo Irish Bank Corp. PLC     3,902,240  
  16,700     Bank of Ireland     234,222  
  498,900     Bank of Ireland (LN)     6,959,835  
  283,900     CRH PLC     10,459,046  
        Total Ireland     30,413,016  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Israel — 1.7%
  766,239     Makhteshim-Agan Industries Ltd.*   $ 6,404,268  
  470,400     Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR (a)     23,082,528  
        Total Israel     29,486,796  
Italy — 2.2%
  218,295     Eni SpA     7,548,090  
  989,000     Intesa Sanpaolo SpA     6,625,447  
  959,400     Mediaset SpA     8,622,380  
  3,330,700     Telecom Italia     8,331,053  
  824,700     UniCredito Italiano SpA     6,051,544  
        Total Italy     37,178,514  
Japan — 15.9%
  72,500     Asatsu-DK Inc.      2,330,347  
  192,400     Astellas Pharma Inc.      8,412,398  
  130,000     Canon Inc.      5,800,216  
  700     Central Japan Railway Co.      6,643,357  
  141,400     Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. (a)     7,624,776  
  463,000     Ebara Corp. (a)     1,305,943  
  188,400     Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.      5,101,079  
  284,600     Honda Motor Co., Ltd.      8,664,851  
  128,000     Hoya Corp.      3,244,127  
  181,300     JFE Holdings Inc.      8,038,300  
  995     KDDI Corp.      6,110,152  
  210,200     Konami Corp.      6,929,319  
  490,000     Kuraray Co., Ltd.      5,812,557  
  520,700     Mitsubishi Corp.      15,820,043  
  588,000     Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc.      4,341,186  
  839     Mizuho Financial Group Inc. (a)     3,474,127  
  2,107,000     Mizuho Investors Securities Co., Ltd. (a)     2,888,474  
  92,400     Nidec Corp.      6,082,050  
  2,775     Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.      12,007,923  
  998,400     Nipponkoa Insurance Co., Ltd.      8,052,509  
  314,200     Nitto Denko Corp.      15,196,897  
  304,000     Omron Corp (a)     6,746,518  
  366,000     Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd.      3,553,728  
  61,400     ORIX Corp. (a)     9,095,044  
  475,000     Ricoh Co., Ltd.      7,607,592  
  141,500     Secom Co., Ltd.      7,089,263  
  1,269,000     Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.      8,844,256  
  266,600     Seven & I Holdings Co., Ltd.      6,600,378  
  105,300     Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.      5,672,781  
  52,300     SMC Corp.      5,527,717  
  391,400     Sony Corp.      18,237,067  
  67,500     Square Enix Co., Ltd.      2,236,948  
  309,300     Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.      4,568,503  
  700     Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc.      5,020,125  
  244,600     Sundrug Co., Ltd. (a)     6,160,270  
  833,000     Tokyu Corp.      4,805,387  
  1,446,000     Toray Industries Inc.      8,889,421  
  180,300     Toyota Motor Corp.      9,781,354  
  264,700     Ushio Inc     5,488,172  
        Total Japan     269,805,155  
Luxembourg — 0.5%
  108,300     ArcelorMittal     8,190,453  
Malaysia — 0.2%
  1,983,700     Genting Bhd     4,200,740  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Mexico — 0.6%
  2,381,500     America Movil SA de CV, Series L Shares   $ 7,188,412  
  692,300     Grupo Modelo SAB de CV     3,161,603  
        Total Mexico     10,350,015  
Netherlands — 5.7%
  971,760     Aegon NV     14,508,285  
  112,800     Akzo Nobel NV     8,261,246  
  201,800     European Aero Defense (a)     5,309,485  
  374,000     ING Groep NV     12,458,844  
  132,700     Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV     5,186,732  
  578,120     Reed Elsevier NV     10,723,438  
  91,500     Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Class A Shares, ADR     6,537,675  
  211,300     SBM Offshore NV     6,805,651  
  526,300     STMicroelectronics NV     6,322,789  
  277,615     TNT NV     10,932,492  
  309,900     Unilever NV, CVA     9,590,314  
        Total Netherlands     96,636,951  
Norway — 2.0%
  274,000     Norsk Hydro ASA     3,881,661  
  236,285     StatoilHydro ASA     7,238,866  
  1,081,197     Telenor ASA*     22,185,277  
        Total Norway     33,305,804  
Singapore — 0.6%
  1,960,000     Keppel Land Ltd.      8,157,116  
  971,000     SembCorp Marine Ltd.      2,489,551  
        Total Singapore     10,646,667  
South Korea — 0.9%
  116,200     Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (b)     9,416,767  
  258,700     Hynix Semiconductor Inc., GDR (b)*     6,596,850  
        Total South Korea     16,013,617  
Spain — 1.2%
  646,000     Banco Santander Central Hispano SA     11,548,334  
  301,300     Telefonica SA     8,722,879  
        Total Spain     20,271,213  
Sweden — 1.0%
  291,900     Assa Abloy AB     5,193,795  
  383,400     Nordea Bank AB     5,750,109  
  25,000     Nordea Bank AB-Denmark     373,124  
  3,104,000     Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Class B Shares     6,669,105  
        Total Sweden     17,986,133  
Switzerland — 4.9%
  87,100     Lonza Group, Registered Shares (a)     11,462,914  
  47,000     Nestle SA     22,416,976  
  210,900     Novartis AG (a)     10,344,233  
  137,400     Novartis AG, ADR (a)     6,753,210  
  70,965     Roche Holding AG     13,908,225  
  30,900     Syngenta AG     8,843,006  
  32,700     Zurich Financial Services AG     10,227,412  
        Total Switzerland     83,955,976  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Taiwan — 1.2%
  751,536     Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc., ADR (a)   $ 3,472,096  
  974,917     Novatek Microelectronics     3,455,853  
  137,778     Silicon Motion Technology Corp., ADR*     2,048,759  
  480,050     Siliconware Precision Industries, ADR (a)     3,926,809  
  510,900     Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ADR     4,976,166  
  736,752     United Microelectronics Corp. (a)     2,357,606  
        Total Taiwan     20,237,289  
Thailand — 0.6%
  2,344,000     Bangkok Bank Public Co. Ltd., NVDR     9,759,553  
United Kingdom — 17.8%
  551,054     Admiral Group PLC     11,004,666  
  239,100     Amdocs Ltd.*     7,412,100  
  129,163     AstraZeneca PLC     4,844,224  
  657,700     Aviva PLC     7,914,738  
  996,733     Barclays PLC     9,361,243  
  192,200     BG Group PLC     4,525,139  
  1,492,300     BP PLC     16,136,576  
  1,116,733     Brit Insurance Holdings PLC     5,112,151  
  915,900     British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC     10,264,603  
  1,397,535     BT Group PLC     6,239,164  
  180,100     Bunzl PLC     2,472,078  
  880,300     Cadbury Schweppes PLC     9,773,500  
  683,000     Cattles PLC     3,139,519  
  359,850     Diageo PLC     7,343,531  
  816,625     GlaxoSmithKline PLC     17,893,196  
  210,495     HSBC Holdings PLC     3,204,551  
  1,229,228     International Power PLC     9,223,615  
  884,100     Johnston Press PLC     3,373,349  
  753,900     Marks & Spencer Group PLC     6,001,674  
  1,085,000     Michael Page International PLC     5,991,106  
  480,900     Persimmon PLC     6,958,747  
  827,300     Prudential PLC     9,886,541  
  105,100     Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC     5,682,897  
  1,900,600     Rexam PLC     16,493,715  
  97,200     Rio Tinto PLC     10,884,945  
  1,125,600     Rolls-Royce Group PLC*     9,628,678  
  1,558,700     Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC     11,740,897  
  248,300     Royal Dutch Shell PLC     8,884,229  
  162,474     Sabmiller PLC     3,367,083  
  1,309,206     Sage Group PLC     5,095,735  
  7,013,981     Signet Group PLC     8,424,961  
  30     Smiths Group PLC     588  
  1,010,600     Taylor Wimpey PLC     3,406,581  
  1,100,550     Tesco PLC     8,674,810  
  314,891     Travis Perkins PLC     6,706,983  
  5,414,931     Vodafone Group PLC     17,367,821  
  1,623,094     William Morrison Supermarkets PLC     9,482,397  
  700,500     WPP Group PLC     8,224,404  
        Total United Kingdom     302,142,735  
(Cost — $1,500,219,187)
Ireland — 0.5%
  303,900     Bharti Airtel Ltd., expires 8/1/10 (b)*     7,537,085  
Luxembourg — 0.4%
  715,500     Shriram Transport Finance Co., Ltd., expires 1/18/13 (b)*     7,100,693  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
United States — 0.3%
  1,008,300     JP Morgan International Derivatives Ltd., expires 8/4/08*   $ 5,215,230  
(Cost — $18,987,635)
(Cost — $1,519,206,822)
Amount †            
BBH Securities Lending Trust (d)
(Cost — $128,590,225)
  216,620 GBP   Bank of America — London, 4.507% due 3/3/08     430,164  
        BBH — Grand Cayman:        
  1,846,171 JPY   0.010% due 3/3/08     17,714  
  1,306 HKD   1.100% due 3/3/08     168  
  227,356 CHF   1.534% due 3/3/08     217,815  
  4,633,756 EUR   3.231% due 3/3/08     7,035,663  
  23,301 SEK   3.488% due 3/3/08     3,771  
        Wachovia — London:        
  157,727 EUR   3.231% due 3/3/08     239,488  
  76,618 GBP   4.507% due 3/3/08     152,148  
  42,269,556     Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     42,269,556  
(Cost — $50,366,487)
(Cost — $178,956,712)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 105.4%
(Cost — $1,698,163,534#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (5.4%)     (91,660,551 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 1,701,469,664  
 † Face amount denominated in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
(b) Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security maybe resold in transactions that are exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. This security has been deemed liquid pursuant to guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise noted.
(c) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 3%.
(d) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
Abbreviations used in this schedule:
    American Depositary Receipt
    Non-Voting Depositary Receipt
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Equity Investments
Summary of Investments by Sector* (unaudited)
    19.4 %
Consumer Discretionary
Health Care
Telecommunication Services
Information Technology
Consumer Staples
Short-Term Investments
      100.0 %
* As a percentage of total investments.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Argentina — 0.2%
  26,043     Banco Patagonia SA*   $ 522,856  
  38,046     Grupo Clarin SA Class B, GDR (a)*     528,839  
        Total Argentina     1,051,695  
Bermuda — 0.7%
  56,874     Credicorp Ltd.      4,227,444  
  31,877     Dufry South America Ltd.*     718,560  
        Total Bermuda     4,946,004  
Brazil — 15.0%
  61,656     Acucar Guarani SA*     428,485  
  48,367     Agra Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA*     313,148  
  124,382     Agrenco Ltd.*     443,285  
  93,101     Amil Participacoes SA*     774,206  
  47,918     Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA*     788,411  
  23,511     Banco Bradesco SA, ADR     738,010  
  89,237     Banco Cruzeiro do Sul SA     671,577  
  63,004     Banco Daycoval SA*     475,276  
  181,337     Banco do Brasil SA     3,044,992  
  105,263     Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul     622,118  
  89,745     Banco Industrial e Commercial SA*     517,611  
  97,183     Banco Sofisa SA     652,293  
  126,243     Bolsa de Mercadorias e Futuros — BM&F     1,352,001  
  28,393     Brasil Telecom Participacoes SA, ADR     1,961,956  
  32,837     Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA, ADR (b)     1,227,775  
  269,415     Cia Vale do Rio Doce     9,387,238  
  416,477     Cia Vale do Rio Doce, ADR     14,510,059  
  79,159     Construtora Tenda SA*     540,720  
  49,630     Cyrela Brazil Realty SA     795,943  
  46,645     Equatorial Energia SA     516,723  
  54,200     Estacio Participacoes SA*     331,597  
  109,632     Ez Tec Empreendimentos e Participacoes SA*     446,069  
  27,311     Fertilizantes Heringer SA     347,968  
  116,966     General Shopping Brasil SA*     1,006,010  
  48,136     Gerdau SA, ADR (b)     1,577,417  
  127,321     Inpar SA*     975,582  
  53,080     Klabin Segall SA*     343,662  
  6,047     Kroton Educacional SA*     91,591  
  83,846     Log-in Logistica Intermodal SA*     542,854  
  36,149     Lojas Americanas SA     330,667  
  141,096     Lojas Renner SA     2,813,455  
  39,012     LPS Brasil Consultoria de Imoveis SA*     729,933  
  39,208     Medial Saude SA*     482,080  
  5,098     MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA*     2,725,313  
  3,500     MPX Energia SA*     2,116,361  
  49,900     Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA*     604,354  
  3,676     Odontoprev SA     98,235  
  260,331     PDG Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes*     3,827,146  
  64,256     Petroleo Brasileiro SA (b)     7,539,799  
  302,770     Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Sponsored ADR     29,650,266  
  116,009     Rossi Residencial SA     2,677,051  
  80,715     Tecnisa SA*     433,887  
  12,255     Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA     465,145  
  35,674     Tempo Participacoes SA*     139,852  
  46,700     Tractebel Energia SA     578,358  
  239,353     Unibanco — Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA     3,255,730  
        Total Brazil     103,892,209  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Chile — 0.4%
  400,068     Centros Comerciales Sudamericanos SA   $ 1,644,959  
  262,792     SACI Falabella     1,363,652  
        Total Chile     3,008,611  
China — 8.0%
  269,200     Angang Steel Co., Ltd.      705,454  
  5,152     Baidu.com Inc., ADR (b)*     1,294,852  
  520,000     China Coal Energy Co., Class H Shares*     1,145,589  
  837,500     China Communications Construction Co., Ltd., Class H Shares*     2,137,219  
  6,238,000     China Construction Bank Corp., Class H Shares     4,721,844  
  491,500     China COSCO Holdings Co., Ltd.      1,423,207  
  1,367,000     China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.      5,335,487  
  297,500     China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     1,018,154  
  2,525,000     China Molybdenum Co., Ltd., Class H Shares*     3,528,127  
  532,000     China National Materials Co., Ltd.*     538,701  
  2,596,000     China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., Class H Shares     2,824,855  
  590,000     China Railway Group Ltd.*     690,098  
  784,570     China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     4,000,012  
  199     China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     88  
  546,000     China Shipping Development Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     1,685,082  
  862,000     China Telecom Corp., Ltd.      642,689  
  876,000     Country Garden Holdings Co., Ltd.*     808,124  
  312,400     Guangzhou R&F Properties Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     940,778  
  406,000     Harbin Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     899,801  
  760,000     Honghua Group Ltd.*     377,863  
  5,507,000     Industrials & Commercial Bank of China*     3,812,669  
  225,000     Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     523,839  
  7,700     New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., ADR*     480,095  
  4,351,400     PetroChina Co., Ltd., Class H shares     6,381,113  
  255,500     Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd.      1,921,294  
  872,000     Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.      411,213  
  401,600     Tencent Holdings Ltd.      2,487,127  
  332,000     Xinao Gas Holdings Ltd.      611,755  
  453,960     Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd.*     339,594  
  1,156,719     Yanzhou Coal Mining Co., Ltd.      1,909,032  
  46,800     Yingli Green Energy Holding Co., Ltd., ADR (b)*     789,516  
  612,500     Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd., Class H Shares     804,577  
        Total China     55,189,848  
Colombia — 0.1%
  17,800     BanColombia SA, ADR (a)     600,750  
Egypt — 0.8%
  150,389     Egyptian Financial Group-Hermes Holding     1,746,972  
  24,746     El Sewedy Cables Holding Co.*     699,609  
  45,379     Orascom Hotels & Development*     733,645  
  57,438     Orascom Telecom Holding SAE     864,373  
  10,200     Orascom Telecom Holding SAE, GDR (a)     745,620  
  179,742     Telecom Egypt     747,766  
        Total Egypt     5,537,985  
Hong Kong — 6.4%
  1,175,000     Agile Property Holdings Ltd.      1,628,987  
  110,000     Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd.      452,320  
  220,000     China Everbright Ltd.*     503,136  
  377,000     China Mengniu Dairy Co., Ltd.      1,014,767  
  926,000     China Mobile Ltd.      13,932,894  
  92,853     China Mobile Ltd., ADR     6,928,691  
  1,631,800     China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd.      3,164,763  
  120,000     China Resources Enterprise     424,736  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Hong Kong — 6.4% — (continued)
  404,000     China Resources Power Holdings Co.    $ 1,006,259  
  4,501,000     CNOOC Ltd.      7,521,804  
  255,000     Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd.      448,617  
  79,900     Parkson Retail Group Ltd.      826,649  
  746,000     Shimao Property Holdings Ltd.      1,475,273  
  287,000     Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.      5,007,389  
        Total Hong Kong     44,336,285  
Hungary — 0.8%
  113,046     Magyar Telekom Telecommunications PLC     548,236  
  12,551     MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Nyrt     1,716,432  
  59,806     OTP Bank Nyrt     2,420,709  
  2,337     Richter Gedeon Nyrt     506,748  
        Total Hungary     5,192,125  
India — 5.0%
  131,902     ICICI Bank Ltd., ADR (b)     6,837,800  
  45,708     Infosys Technologies Ltd., ADR (b)     1,778,955  
  39,173     Larsen & Toubro Ltd., ADR (a)     3,447,157  
  108,227     Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., GDR (a)     1,205,605  
  224,390     Reliance Communications Ltd., GDR (a)*     3,222,712  
  8,177     Reliance Energy Ltd., GDR     979,506  
  33,190     Reliance Industries Ltd., GDR, London Shares (a)     4,023,761  
  45,922     Reliance Industries Ltd., GDR, Luxembourg Shares     5,601,566  
  92,578     Satyam Computer Services Ltd., ADR (b)     2,312,598  
  162,511     Sterlite Industries India Ltd.*     3,388,354  
  117,141     Tata Motors Ltd., ADR (b)     2,052,310  
        Total India     34,850,324  
Indonesia — 2.3%
  827,083     Astra Agro Lestari Tbk PT     2,822,752  
  337,000     International Nickel Indonesia Tbk PT     343,923  
  117,000     Perusahaan Gas Negara PT     174,494  
  3,949,500     PT Aneka Tambang Tbk     1,728,803  
  420,675     PT Astra International Tbk     1,263,609  
  1,531,500     PT Bank Central Asia Tbk     592,376  
  1,448,500     PT Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk     508,848  
  1,037,000     PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia     806,168  
  2,748,500     PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk     722,351  
  1,405,000     PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk, Singapore Shares*     351,493  
  3,573,000     PT Bumi Resources Tbk     2,951,376  
  2,007,496     PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk     2,132,093  
  537,500     PT United Tractors Tbk     770,448  
  348,000     Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk PT     429,869  
        Total Indonesia     15,598,603  
Ireland — 0.1%
  107,224     Dragon Oil PLC*     961,669  
Israel — 1.0%
  64,033     Bank Hapoalim BM     276,378  
  72,889     Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM     337,493  
  9,989     Elbit Systems Ltd.      566,332  
  100,152     Israel Chemicals Ltd.      1,381,805  
  107,215     Makhteshim-Agan Industries Ltd.*     896,109  
  29,041     Ormat Industries Ltd.      380,363  
  56,762     Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR (b)     2,785,311  
        Total Israel     6,623,791  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Luxembourg — 0.6%
  97,083     Tenaris SA, ADR (b)   $ 4,315,339  
Malaysia — 0.8%
  185,800     Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Bhd     603,759  
  19,000     Digi.Com Bhd     141,383  
  101,700     Genting Bhd     215,363  
  74,200     IJM Corp Bhd     166,842  
  207,750     IOI Corp Bhd     517,763  
  33,400     Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd     191,898  
  65,000     Malayan Banking Bhd     183,782  
  88,290     Resorts World Bhd     102,262  
  715,843     Sime Darby Berhad*     2,599,399  
  109,200     SP Setia Bhd     168,171  
  58,600     Telekom Malaysia Bhd     207,142  
  116,300     UEM World Bhd (c)     125,412  
        Total Malaysia     5,223,176  
Mauritius — 0.2%
  2,060,074     Golden Agri-Resources Ltd.      1,622,831  
Mexico — 5.1%
  404,100     America Movil SA de CV, Series L Shares     1,219,751  
  222,278     America Movil SAB de CV (b)     13,438,928  
  29,759     Cemex SAB de CV, ADR (b)*     819,860  
  688,996     Corporacion GEO SA de CV*     2,196,587  
  14,400     Desarrolladora Homex SA de CV, ADR (b)*     857,232  
  19,000     Empresas ICA SAB de CV*     452,960  
  135,219     Financiera Independencia SAB de CV*     214,285  
  58,774     Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV, ADR     2,350,960  
  15,450     Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SA de CV, ADR     710,236  
  53,130     Grupo FAMSA SAB de CV, Series A*     165,917  
  888,125     Grupo Financiero Banorte SA de CV, Series O Shares     3,684,170  
  640,521     Grupo Mexico SAB de CV, Series B Shares     4,448,311  
  452,035     Grupo Televisa SA     1,994,830  
  82,900     Megacable Holdings SAB de CV*     232,995  
  142,100     Mexichem SAB de CV     740,477  
  281,475     Urbi Desarrollos Urbanos SA de CV*     983,958  
  62,597     Wal-Mart de Mexico SA de CV     227,808  
  14,444     Wal-Mart de Mexico SA de CV, Series V Shares, ADR (b)     526,104  
        Total Mexico     35,265,369  
Nigeria — 0.1%
  44,235     Guaranty Trust Bank, GDR (a)*     689,845  
Pakistan — 1.1%
  552,500     Bank Alfalah Ltd.      543,776  
  123,625     Engro Chemical Pakistan Ltd.      629,212  
  217,055     MCB Bank Ltd.      1,501,646  
  203,826     National Bank of Pakistan     861,192  
  249,000     Nishat Mills Ltd.      460,015  
  492,800     Oil & Gas Development Co., Ltd.      1,011,494  
  118,000     Pakistan Petroleum Ltd.      500,221  
  131,000     Pakistan State Oil Co., Ltd.      1,033,579  
  1,065,500     Pakistan Telecommunication Co., Ltd.      716,163  
        Total Pakistan     7,257,298  
Peru — 0.4%
  39,600     Cia de Minas Buenaventura SA, ADR     3,010,788  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Philippines — 0.4%
  9,448     Ayala Corp.    $ 99,921  
  1,493,500     Ayala Land Inc.      426,456  
  1,823,000     Filinvest Land Inc.*     46,856  
  3,456,000     Megaworld Corp.      206,394  
  24,081     Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., ADR (b)     1,708,547  
        Total Philippines     2,488,174  
Poland — 1.1%
  27,427     Bank Pekao SA     2,065,438  
  68,989     KGHM Polska Miedz SA     3,242,419  
  115,693     Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA     2,081,834  
        Total Poland     7,389,691  
Russia — 12.2%
  35,698     Chelyabinsk Pipe Works*     141,007  
  39,753     Comstar United Telesystems, GDR (a)*     391,932  
  378,454     Fifth Power Generation Co.      61,688  
  35,350     Gazpromneft OAO     1,095,850  
  8,350     Integra Group Holdings, GDR (a)*     111,833  
  28,738     LSR Group OJSC, GDR (a)*     416,701  
  1,691     LUKOIL, ADR,     124,694  
  63,478     LUKOIL, ADR, London Shares     4,710,068  
  2,844     Magnit OAO*     143,967  
  11,567     Mechel, ADR     1,527,422  
  289,953     MMC Norilsk Nickel, ADR     8,223,067  
  71,170     Mobile Telesystems OJSC, ADR     5,840,210  
  39,311     Novolipetsk Steel, GDR (a)     1,790,129  
  342,716     OAO Gazprom ADR (a)     17,320,224  
  360,684     OAO Gazprom, ADR, London Shares     18,322,747  
  10,700     OAO NovaTek, ADR     813,200  
  2,900     OAO NovaTek, GDR (a)     220,010  
  61,920     OAO TMK, GDR     2,125,743  
  810     OAO Veropharm*     45,360  
  466     Open Investments*     117,530  
  21,200     Pharmstandard, GDR (a)*     369,845  
  13,600     Raspadskaya OAO     101,184  
  48,209     Rosneft Oil Co.      393,769  
  2,785,137     Sberbank RF     9,247,936  
  59,967     Severstal     1,520,909  
  4,538     Severstal-Avto     270,238  
  16,950     Sistema JSFC, GDR (a)*     607,574  
  13,157     Sistema-Hals, GDR (a)*     101,572  
  8,650     Tatneft, GDR (a)     1,078,977  
  1,150,004     Unified Energy System*     1,323,272  
  18,926     Uralkali, GDR*     756,774  
  141,051     Vimpel-Communications, ADR     4,898,701  
  2,505     Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods OJSC     203,155  
  965     Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods OJSC, ADR     101,576  
        Total Russia     84,518,864  
Singapore — 0.2%
  400,000     Cosco Corp., Singapore Ltd.      1,171,026  
South Africa — 5.3%
  6,840     African Bank Investments Ltd.      27,253  
  17,356     African Rainbow Minerals Ltd.      455,112  
  7,978     Anglo Platinum Ltd.      1,264,611  
  226,646     Aveng Ltd.      1,800,138  
  1     Discovery Holdings Ltd.      4  
  152,570     Exxaro Resources Ltd.      1,988,787  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
South Africa — 5.3% — (continued)
  367,308     FirstRand Ltd.    $ 879,512  
  117,877     Grindrod Ltd.*     365,463  
  173,129     Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd.      7,276,930  
  32,355     Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.      1,396,924  
  169,451     Metropolitan Holdings Ltd.      311,985  
  52,307     Mittal Steel South Africa Ltd.      1,261,141  
  376,269     MTN Group Ltd.      5,974,375  
  312,364     Murray & Roberts Holdings Ltd.      3,931,766  
  76,653     Pretoria Portland Cement Co., Ltd.      421,142  
  305,758     Sanlam Ltd.      736,810  
  114,861     Sasol Ltd.      5,961,824  
  129,655     Shoprite Holdings Ltd.      679,541  
  126,805     Standard Bank Group Ltd.      1,609,915  
  502     Telkom South Africa Ltd.      9,136  
  103,372     Truworths International Ltd.      353,226  
        Total South Africa     36,705,595  
South Korea — 14.0%
  957     CJ CheilJedang Corp.*     269,643  
  17,983     Daelim Industrials Co.      2,797,730  
  839     DC Chemical Co., Ltd.      299,143  
  23,840     Dongbu Insurance Co., Ltd.      945,483  
  22,629     GS Engineering & Construction Corp.      3,460,285  
  82,864     Hana Financial Group Inc.      3,678,766  
  7,086     Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd.*     433,405  
  2,200     Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Holdings Co., Ltd.*     77,569  
  9,471     Hyundai Department Store Co., Ltd.      886,513  
  54,092     Hyundai Development Co.      3,840,513  
  3,618     Hyundai Heavy Industries     1,432,062  
  8,145     Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd.      2,288,709  
  10,962     Hyundai Mobis     842,899  
  18,062     Hyundai Motor Co.      1,265,463  
  12,046     Hyundai Steel Co.      933,771  
  34,850     Industrials Bank of Korea     562,215  
  132,194     Kookmin Bank     8,166,766  
  32,522     Kookmin Bank, ADR     1,991,322  
  209,226     Korea Exchange Bank     2,924,333  
  18,431     Korea Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.      1,000,188  
  7,911     Korea Kumho Petrochemical, Co., Ltd.      433,381  
  1,316     Korea Zinc Co., Ltd.      198,325  
  6,256     Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.      470,374  
  32,656     KT&G Corp.      2,697,690  
  15,765     LG Chem Ltd.      1,316,477  
  25,716     LG Electronics Inc.      2,762,088  
  7,860     LG Fashion Corp.      208,573  
  1,671     LG Household & Health Care Ltd.      304,734  
  10,301     LS Cable Ltd.      972,940  
  16,289     Namhae Chemical     428,100  
  14,494     NHN Corp.*     3,220,189  
  12,338     POSCO     6,771,871  
  43,700     Pusan Bank     578,775  
  32,665     Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.      19,175,406  
  3,348     Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Registered Shares, GDR     977,232  
  5,320     Samsung Engineering Co., Ltd.      555,466  
  8,756     Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.      1,729,605  
  11,170     Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.      371,412  
  13,674     Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd.      698,989  
  96,594     Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd.      5,207,646  
  5,048     Shinsegae Co., Ltd.      3,138,371  
  6,081     SK Corp.      1,080,086  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
South Korea — 14.0% — (continued)
  12,502     SK Energy Co., Ltd.*   $ 1,699,596  
  5,789     SK Telecom Co., Ltd.      1,174,898  
  3,388     STX Engine Co., Ltd.      174,825  
  146,432     Woori Finance Holdings Co., Ltd.      2,626,295  
        Total South Korea     97,070,122  
Sri Lanka — 0.1%
  4,878,280     Dialog Telekom Ltd. (d)     814,177  
Taiwan — 7.0%
  85,260     Acer Inc.      155,599  
  430,000     Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc.      397,270  
  367,200     Asia Cement Corp.      610,204  
  201,910     Asustek Computer Inc.      555,359  
  1,466,933     AU Optronics Corp.      2,818,408  
  1,735,790     Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.      4,419,255  
  13,349     Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd., GDR     340,982  
  552,000     China Airlines     301,028  
  2,380,122     China Steel Corp.      3,560,037  
  440,160     Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.      1,088,917  
  386,000     Compal Electronics Inc.      347,590  
  183,691     Delta Electronics Inc.      517,717  
  137,000     Far Eastern Department Stores Co., Ltd.      252,682  
  489,556     Far Eastern Textile Co., Ltd.      804,519  
  684,938     First Financial Holding Co., Ltd.      620,338  
  296,513     Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp.      729,085  
  168,000     Formosa Petrochemical Corp.      466,602  
  375,000     Formosa Plastics Corp.      1,016,599  
  286,000     Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd.      285,869  
  623,000     Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.      688,294  
  4,341,728     Fuhwa Financial Holding Co., Ltd.*     3,870,601  
  45,880     High Tech Computer Corp.      954,165  
  1,599,995     HON HAI Precision Industry Co., Ltd.      9,516,488  
  86,603     HON HAI Precision Industry Co., Ltd., Registered Shares, GDR     1,027,058  
  359,000     Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.      284,299  
  169,493     InnoLux Display Corp.      469,558  
  354,472     MediaTek Inc.      4,040,766  
  691     Pacific Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. (c)(d)*     0  
  108,285     Powertech Technology Inc.      364,153  
  18,400     Richtek Technology Corp.      162,780  
  459,624     Siliconware Precision Industries Co.      747,422  
  57,000     Silitech Technology Corp.      175,720  
  324,000     Taiwan Cooperative Bank     269,949  
  75,000     Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd.      299,200  
  310,098     Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd. (c)     518,585  
  1,420,857     Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.      2,777,799  
  157,681     Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ADR     1,535,813  
  154,092     Tripod Technology Corp.      529,392  
  102,000     U-Ming Marine Transport Corp.      272,394  
  30     United Microelectronics Corp.      18  
  309,826     Wistron Corp.      504,382  
        Total Taiwan     48,296,896  
Thailand — 1.9%
  63,550     Advanced Info Service Public Co., Ltd.      216,800  
  67,000     Bangkok Bank Public Co., Ltd.      284,228  
  219,100     Bangkok Bank Public Co., Ltd., NVDR     912,252  
  142,267     Banpu PCL     2,175,752  
  108,500     Banpu Public Co., Ltd.      1,658,017  
  73,700     Electricity Generating PCL     229,268  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
Thailand — 1.9% — (continued)
  379,800     Kasikornbank Public Co. Ltd., NVDR   $ 1,067,472  
  1,981,300     Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd.      666,306  
  542,700     Land and Houses PCL     145,278  
  462,259     Minor International PCL     248,133  
  520,464     PTT Aromatics & Refining PCL*     711,062  
  213,209     PTT Chemical Public Co., Ltd.      813,538  
  173,600     PTT Public Co., Ltd.      1,914,231  
  20,900     Siam Cement Public Co. Ltd., NVDR     145,043  
  182,200     Thai Oil Public Co., Ltd.      465,442  
  19,600     Thoresen Thai Agencies PCL     30,422  
  385,000     Thoresen Thai Agencies PCL NVDR     590,706  
  236,600     Total Access Communication PCL*     334,331  
  4,031,400     True Corp. Public Co. Ltd.*     733,278  
        Total Thailand     13,341,559  
Turkey — 2.0%
  255,457     Akbank TAS     1,377,261  
  367     Aktas Electric Ticaret AS (c)(d)*     0  
  71,705     Anadolu Efes Biracilik Ve Malt Sanayii AS     806,165  
  90,101     Asya Katilim Bankasi AS*     846,730  
  2,856     BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS     250,808  
  41,225     Enka Insaat ve Sanayi AS     629,732  
  127,504     Eregli Demir Ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS     905,798  
  29,317     Ford Otomotiv Sanayi AS     278,871  
  85,521     Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS     390,543  
  73,829     KOC Holding AS     279,212  
  102,748     Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS     478,763  
  29,151     Tupras — Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS     745,085  
  181,092     Turkcell Iletisim Hizmet AS     1,838,319  
  321,304     Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS     1,930,142  
  248,838     Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS*     1,599,389  
  222,471     Turkiye Is Bankasi, Class C Shares     1,034,323  
  202,966     Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS     457,061  
        Total Turkey     13,848,202  
United Arab Emirates — 0.1%
  549,422     DP World Ltd.*     494,480  
United States — 0.5%
  13,400     BMB Munai Inc.*     69,814  
  32,405     Sohu.com Inc.*     1,460,817  
  16,632     Southern Copper Corp. (b)     1,897,878  
        Total United States     3,428,509  
(Cost — $475,714,267)
Brazil — 1.7%
  206,463     Banco Itau Holding Financeira SA, 2.340%     5,224,272  
  53,848     Banco Pine SA, 0.860%     415,163  
  6,480     Bradespar SA, 2.330%     169,356  
  22,960,000     Eletropaulo Metropolitana de Sao Paulo SA, Class B Shares, 9.640%     1,882,160  
  11,942     Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA, 3.380%     76,254  
  27,400     Petroleo Brasileiro SA, 5.250%     1,325,610  
  9,600     Ultrapar Participacoes SA, 3.000%     360,381  
  43,662     Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA, Class A Shares, 4.280%     2,541,579  
        Total Brazil     11,994,775  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares     Security   Value  
South Korea — 0.3%
  6,570     Hyundai Motor Co., 3.090%   $ 188,824  
  1,780     LG Electronics Inc., 1.880%     87,516  
  3,612     Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 1.310%     1,550,209  
        Total South Korea     1,826,549  
(Cost — $7,517,509)
RIGHTS — 0.5%
Brazil — 0.0%
  7     NET Servicos de Comunicacao SA*     0  
Egypt — 0.4%
  20,817     Orascom Construction Industries     2,504,528  
Russia — 0.1%
  11,806     Evraz Group SA, GDR (a)     1,106,073  
(Cost — $929,924)
WARRANT — 0.1%
United Kingdom — 0.1%
  66,700     UBS AG London, expires 2/22/10 (Cost — $566,079)     469,435  
(Cost — $484,727,779)
Amount †            
BBH Securities Lending Trust (f)
(Cost — $29,031,952)
        Bank of America — London:        
  8,613,454       2.540% due 3/3/08     8,613,454  
  88,716 GBP     4.507% due 3/3/08     176,171  
        BBH — Grand Cayman:        
  228,084 HKD     1.100% due 3/3/08     29,312  
  3,038,959 ZAR     9.550% due 3/3/08     392,565  
(Cost — $9,211,502)
(Cost — $38,243,454)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 102.0%
(Cost — $522,971,233#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (2.0%)     (13,876,430 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 691,010,224  
 † Face amount denominated in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security maybe resold in transactions that are exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. This security has been deemed liquid pursuant to guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise noted.
(b) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
(c) Security is valued in good faith at fair value by or under the direction of the Board of Trustees.
(d) Illiquid security.
(e) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 1.3%.
(f) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
Abbreviations used in this schedule:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt
GDR — Global Depositary Receipt
NVDR — Non-Voting Depositary Receipt
Summary of Investments by Sector* (unaudited)
    21.3 %
Telecommunication Services
Information Technology
Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Staples
Health Care
Short-Term Investments
      100.0 %
* As a percentage of total investments.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount         Security   Value  
FHLMC — 11.5%
            Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC):        
$ 3,443           9.000% due 8/1/09-10/1/09   $ 3,518  
  4,790           10.000% due 4/1/09-10/1/09     4,971  
  2,425           10.250% due 5/1/09-2/1/10     2,568  
  28,197           11.500% due 10/1/15     33,280  
  11,296           9.500% due 10/1/08-8/1/16     12,076  
  67,958           8.000% due 4/1/09-6/1/17     73,093  
  151,303           8.500% due 10/1/08-7/1/17     165,018  
  225,608           5.000% due 6/1/21     228,743  
  161,373           4.344% due 12/1/34 (a)     162,920  
  162,668           4.090% due 1/1/35 (a)     161,671  
  1,329,699           5.016% due 3/1/36 (a)(b)     1,361,911  
  2,217,139           6.005% due 10/1/36 (a)     2,278,204  
  311,163           5.815% due 2/1/37     320,026  
  4,765,648           5.500% due 3/1/37-4/1/37     4,796,151  
  851,104           5.944% due 5/1/37     874,218  
  637,010           5.951% due 5/1/37     655,543  
  873,862           6.000% due 4/1/36-7/1/37     893,128  
  1,864              9.500% due 4/1/10     1,962  
  32,468              7.000% due 5/1/12-8/1/12     34,009  
  13,099              8.000% due 8/1/09-8/1/12     13,512  
  36,864              8.500% due 2/1/18     39,318  
  888,731              4.500% due 8/1/18-8/1/20     890,370  
  5,871,667              5.000% due 12/1/18-3/1/37 (b)     5,888,759  
  3,624,986              5.940% due 5/1/37     3,720,707  
  1,757,977              6.116% due 9/1/37     1,823,807  
  9,685,315              6.500% due 7/1/14-9/1/37 (b)     10,030,184  
  42,917,259              5.500% due 10/1/13-2/1/38 (b)     43,391,258  
  45,344,268              6.000% due 5/1/16-3/1/38 (b)     46,378,701  
            TOTAL FHLMC     124,239,626  
FNMA — 41.3%
            Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA):        
  4,056           9.000% due 12/1/08-4/1/09     4,154  
  1,071           10.750% due 10/1/12     1,102  
  6,721           8.500% due 1/1/10-4/1/17     7,268  
  14,234           8.000% due 8/1/17     15,552  
  4,592           10.000% due 1/1/21     5,401  
  12,361           9.500% due 11/1/09-11/1/21 (b)     12,687  
  17,650           6.573% due 1/1/30 (a)(b)     18,486  
  53,779           6.565% due 3/1/30 (a)(b)     55,749  
  2,093,078           3.962% due 3/1/34     2,105,166  
  6,747,843           4.000% due 7/1/18-4/1/34 (b)     6,620,518  
  435,327           4.202% due 12/1/34 (a)     438,331  
  57,811           4.237% due 12/1/34 (a)     58,461  
  870,890           4.596% due 9/1/35 (a)     875,881  
  592,196           6.518% due 10/1/35 (a)     609,638  
  890,265           6.533% due 10/1/35 (a)     916,528  
  1,103,457           6.422% due 11/1/35 (a)(b)     1,135,751  
  400,421           6.502% due 11/1/35 (a)     412,196  
  182,348           6.514% due 11/1/35 (a)     187,715  
  187,092           6.516% due 11/1/35 (a)     192,599  
  183,931           6.519% due 11/1/35 (a)     189,348  
  188,985           6.527% due 11/1/35 (a)     194,551  
  187,671           6.540% due 11/1/35 (a)     193,207  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount         Security   Value  
FNMA — 41.3% — (continued)
$ 3,594,042           5.002% due 1/1/36 (a)   $ 3,751,163  
  1,422,410           5.748% due 6/1/36     1,465,330  
  1,894,845           5.820% due 7/1/36     1,926,352  
  2,104,623           6.065% due 8/1/36     2,154,653  
  255,100           5.651% due 12/1/36     262,120  
  1,957,748           5.856% due 2/1/37     1,998,220  
  10,196,572           4.500% due 5/1/19-3/1/37 (b)     9,906,736  
  2,769,039           5.598% due 4/1/37     2,839,656  
  1,937,538           5.663% due 4/1/37     1,947,305  
  2,426,782           6.134% due 4/1/37     2,510,488  
  3,177,000           7.000% due 9/1/26-4/1/37 (b)     3,329,362  
  2,156,564           5.633% due 5/1/37     2,204,580  
  3,200,186           5.950% due 8/1/37     3,269,570  
  297,034           0.000% due 10/1/37     292,714  
  80,950,594           5.500% due 12/1/08-12/1/37 (b)     81,650,254  
  29,633,172           5.000% due 1/1/18-1/1/38 (b)     29,362,879  
  39,285,647           6.000% due 5/1/12-2/1/38 (b)     40,191,950  
  16,279,223           6.500% due 11/1/23-2/1/38     16,894,158  
  155,647           6.204% due 4/1/40 (a)     163,165  
  83,500,000              6.000% due 3/1/22-3/1/38 (b)(c)     85,256,912  
  22,780,000              6.500% due 3/1/38 (b)(c)     23,609,329  
  54,100,000              5.000% due 3/1/38-4/1/38 (b)(c)     53,222,967  
  63,300,000              5.500% due 3/1/22-4/1/38 (b)(c)     63,638,312  
            TOTAL FNMA     446,098,464  
GNMA — 5.9%
            Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA):        
  5,892           11.000% due 7/15/10-9/15/10     6,479  
  9,155           9.500% due 12/15/16-8/15/17     10,166  
  73,583           5.125% due 10/20/27 (a)(b)     73,588  
  2,511           8.000% due 3/20/30 (b)     2,750  
  200,921           6.375% due 2/20/26-5/20/30 (b)     204,939  
  123,662           8.500% due 11/20/16-8/15/30 (b)     135,772  
  46,046           9.000% due 4/20/17-9/15/30 (b)     50,258  
  33,530           4.500% due 9/15/33 (b)     32,342  
  624,238           4.750% due 5/20/34 (a)     627,891  
  6,870,689           5.000% due 11/15/32-3/15/36 (b)     6,896,392  
  2,009,995           6.500% due 6/15/08-10/15/37 (b)     2,100,922  
  27,890,283           6.000% due 1/15/29-12/15/37 (b)     28,863,201  
  23,653,130           5.500% due 8/15/33-2/15/38 (b)     24,187,504  
  1,000,000         TBA, 6.500% due 4/1/37(c)     1,039,687  
            TOTAL GNMA     64,231,891  
(Cost — $626,698,740)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Airlines — 0.1%
$ 850,000     A−   Continental Airlines Inc. Pass Thru Certificates, Series 2001-ROCK, 7.056% due 3/15/11   $ 846,813  
Automobiles — 0.2%
  163,703     Aaa (e)   Chase Manhattan Auto Owner Trust, Series 2006-B, Class A2, 5.280% due 10/15/09 (b)     163,872  
  1,850,000     AAA   USAA Auto Owner Trust, Series 2005-4, Class A4, 4.890% due 8/15/12     1,886,071  
  34,218     AAA   WFS Financial Owner Trust, Series 2005-1, Class A3, 3.590% due 10/19/09 (b)     34,237  
            Total Automobiles     2,084,180  
Credit Card — 0.1%
  1,200,000     AAA   Bank One Issuance Trust, Series 2003-A3, Class A3, 3.231% due 12/15/10 (a)(b)     1,200,120  
Student Loan — 0.1%
  361,621     AAA   SLM Corp., Series 2005-5, Class A1, 3.331% due 1/25/18 (a)(b)     361,380  
  1,032,197     AAA   SLM Student Loan Trust, Series 2006-5, Class A2, 3.321% due 7/25/17     1,032,281  
            Total Student Loan     1,393,661  
(Cost — $5,520,955)
  511,983     AAA   Accredited Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2005-3, Class A1, 3.375% due 9/25/35 (a)     471,840  
  317,962     AAA   ACE Securities Corp., Series 2004-SD1, Class A1, 3.625% due 11/25/33 (a)     289,781  
  287,620     A   AFC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1999-2, Class 2A, 3.385% due 6/25/29     190,134  
  2,005,604     AAA   American Home Mortgage Investment Trust, Series 4, Class 11A1, 3.365% due 3/25/47     1,721,287  
  914,455     AAA   Asset Backed Funding Certificates, Series 2004-OPT5, Class A1, 3.485% due 6/25/34 (a)(b)     867,016  
  96,665     AAA   Asset Backed Securities Corp. Home Equity, Series 2004-HE6, Class A1, 3.410% due 9/25/34 (a)(b)     91,209  
  344,038     Aaa (e)   Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust, Series 2004-6, Class 4A1, 5.000% due 7/25/19     350,126  
            Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Inc.:        
  883,347     Aaa (e)     Series 2001-1, Class A2, 6.503% due 4/15/36     903,700  
  1,060,000     AAA     Series 2005-1, Class A4, 4.989% due 11/10/42 (a)     1,041,225  
            Banc of America Funding Corp.:        
  2,834,735     AAA     Series 1998-D7, Class 3A1, 6.000% due 7/25/37     2,857,674  
  10,396     AAA     Series 2003-1, Class A1, 6.000% due 5/20/33     10,430  
  541,465     AAA     Series 2005-B, Class 2A1, 5.095% due 4/20/35 (a)     553,661  
            Banc of America Mortgage Securities Inc.:        
  729,540     AAA     Series 1865, Class 1A1, 5.641% due 7/25/34 (b)     723,280  
  3,813,441     AAA     Series 2006-B, Class 4A1, 6.218% due 11/20/46     3,838,565  
  525,499     AAA   Bayview Financial Acquisition Trust, Series 2004-A, Class A, 3.800% due 2/28/44     509,408  
            Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust:        
  110,870     AAA     Series 2002-11, Class 1A1, 5.610% due 2/25/33 (a)(b)     111,014  
  1,905,790     AAA     Series 2005-2, Class A2, 4.125% due 3/25/35 (b)     1,892,173  
            Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust:        
  656,629     AAA     Series 2005-2, Class 2A4, 4.699% due 4/25/35 (a)     628,851  
  381,512     AAA     Series 2005-4, Class 23A2, 5.370% due 5/25/35 (a)(b)     365,030  
  558,821     AAA     Series 2005-7, Class 22A1, 5.711% due 9/1/35 (b)     504,318  
  1,061,734     AAA   Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust, Series 2007-HE7, Class 1A1, 4.135% due 10/25/37 (b)     1,035,827  
            Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities:        
  400,000     AAA     Series 1999-LTL1, Class AJ, 5.457% due 3/11/39     321,501  
  2,480,000     AAA     Series 2001-T2, Class A2, 6.480% due 2/15/35     2,538,030  
  1,765,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2003-T12, Class A4, 4.680% due 8/13/39     1,708,332  
  1,030,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2005-PWR7, Class A2, 4.945% due 2/11/41     1,005,885  
  1,105,000     AAA     Series 2007-PW17, Class A4, 5.694% due 6/1/50     1,054,272  
  1,382,601     AAA   Bear Stearns Second Lien Trust, Series 2007-SV1A, Class A1, 3.355% due 12/25/36 (b)(f)     1,036,951  
            Bear Stearns Structured Products Inc.:        
  2,467,095     AAA     Series 2007-EMX1, Class A1, 4.135% due 3/25/37     2,374,308  
  2,342,226     AAA     Series 2007-R11, Class A1A, 3.635% due 9/27/37     2,278,307  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
$ 409,603     AAA   Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp., Series 2000-3, Class A2, 7.319% due 10/15/32   $ 424,070  
            Chase Funding Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates:        
  2,013     AAA     Series 2002-2, Class 2A1, 3.635% due 5/25/32 (a)     1,944  
  2,088     AAA     Series 2002-3, Class 2A1, 3.775% due 8/25/32 (a)     2,000  
  1,300,000     AAA   Chase Issuance Trust, Series 2007-A17, Class A, 5.120% due 10/15/14     1,350,172  
  3,543,708     AAA   Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc., Series 2000-34, Class A, 5.344% due 8/25/35     3,517,517  
  789,571     AAA   Commercial Mortgage Asset Trust, Series 1999-C2, Class A2, 7.546% due 11/17/32 (a)     807,682  
            Commercial Mortgage Pass Through Certificates:        
  1,475,000     AAA     Series 2004-LB2A, Class A3, 4.221% due 3/10/39     1,436,166  
  2,000,000     AAA     Series 2004-SL4, Class AM, 5.793% due 6/10/46 (a)     1,821,152  
            Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust:        
  995,493     AAA     Series 2005-24, Class 4A1, 3.344% due 7/20/35 (a)     902,592  
  572,125     AAA     Series 2005-27, Class 2A3, 6.082% due 8/25/35 (a)     544,257  
  1,032,941     AAA     Series 2005-59, Class 1A1, 4.264% due 11/20/35 (a)     931,972  
  2,052,430     AAA     Series 4, Class 2A1, 3.265% due 3/25/47     1,749,256  
            Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates:        
  1,511,948     AAA     Series 1998-C1, Class 3A1, 3.255% due 6/25/36     1,428,345  
  2,669     AAA     Series 2001-BC3, Class A, 3.615% due 12/25/31 (a)     2,392  
  5,025     AAA     Series 2002-3, Class 1A1, 3.875% due 5/25/32 (a)     4,692  
  12,759     AAA     Series 2003-BC2, Class 2A1, 3.735% due 6/25/33 (a)     12,064  
  167,684     AAA     Series 2004-SD4, Class A1, 3.515% due 12/25/34 (a)(f)     144,740  
  255,119     AAA     Series 2005-4, Class AF3, 4.456% due 10/25/35 (a)     253,795  
  325,852     AAA     Series 2006-11, Class 3AV1, 3.195% due 9/25/46 (a)(b)     320,176  
  1,121,446     AAA     Series 2006-SD3, Class A1, 3.465% due 7/25/36 (a)(f)     890,587  
            Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass Through Trust:        
  469,393     AAA     Series 2005-11, Class 3A3, 6.071% due 4/25/35 (a)     427,589  
  344,818     AAA     Series 2005-11, Class 6A1, 3.435% due 3/25/35 (a)     324,417  
  726,593     AAA     Series 2005-R1, Class 1AF1, 3.495% due 3/25/35 (a)(f)     720,117  
  765,747     AAA     Series 2007-16, Class A1, 6.500% due 10/25/37     775,389  
  2,365,000     AAA   Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates, Series 2005-C3, Class A3, 5.311% due 12/15/39     2,231,579  
            CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.:        
  1,743,577     AAA     Series 1997-1, Class A1, 3.819% due 5/15/36     1,673,889  
  2,070,000     AAA     Series 1998-1, Class AM, 5.100% due 8/15/38     1,831,348  
  1,731,784     AAA     Series 2005-A2, Class 5A6, 5.500% due 11/25/35     1,750,848  
  1,760,000     AAA     Series 2005-C6, Class A4, 5.230% due 12/15/40     1,692,731  
  725,000     AAA   CW Capital Cobalt Ltd., Series 2007-C3, Class A4, 5.820% due 5/15/46     702,413  
  2,016,507     Aaa (e)   DLJ Commercial Mortgage Corp., Series 2000-3, Class A1B, 6.460% due 3/10/32     2,030,335  
  339,907     AAA   Downey Savings & Loan Association Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2004-AR2, Class A2B, 3.519% due 11/19/44 (a)     300,403  
            EMC Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  12,712     AAA     Series 2002-B, Class A1, 3.785% due 2/25/41 (a)(f)     11,606  
  57,164     AAA     Series 2003-A, Class A1, 3.685% due 8/25/40 (a)(f)     51,974  
            Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC):        
  197,684     AAA     Series 1565, Class G, 6.000% due 8/15/08 (b)     197,452  
  8,053     AAA     Series 1865, Class DA, 10.300% due 2/15/24 (a)(g)(h)     3,493  
  10,677,026     AAA     Series 3346, Class SC, 3.429% due 10/15/33     987,551  
  863,390     AAA     STRIPS, Series 1998-C2, Class IO, 5.500% due 8/1/35 (h)     198,856  
  1,116,572     AAA     Structured Pass Through Securities, Series T-61, Class 1A1, 6.062% due 7/25/44 (a)(b)     1,128,445  
            Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA):        
  52,218     AAA     Series 1999-18, Class A, 5.500% due 10/18/27     53,370  
  81,424     AAA     Series 2000-34, Class F, 3.585% due 10/25/30 (a)(b)     82,441  
  193,112     AAA     Series 2002-34, Class FE, 3.516% due 5/18/32 (a)(b)     193,528  
  940,000     AAA     Series 2002-T3, Class B, 5.763% due 12/25/11     995,369  
  270,000     AAA     Series 2003-16, Class BC, 5.000% due 3/25/18     278,669  
  1,006,706     AAA     Series 2004-25, Class PA, 5.500% due 10/25/30     1,028,006  
  647,537     AAA     Series 2004-36, Class BS, 5.500% due 11/25/30     663,585  
  310,547     AAA     Series 2004-88, Class HA, 6.500% due 7/25/34     327,284  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
$ 660,160     AAA     Series 2005-105-1, Class TL, 5.500% due 11/25/31   $ 681,712  
  1,371,328     NR     Series 2005-47, Class PA, 5.500% due 9/25/24 (a)(b)     1,390,122  
  1,300,193     AAA     Series 2962, Class YC, 4.500% due 9/15/14 (b)     1,309,232  
  1,255,719     AAA     Series 3110, Class HA, 5.500% due 1/15/27     1,287,784  
  1,267,494     AAA     Series 3117, Class PN, 5.000% due 11/15/21 (b)     1,278,677  
  3,334,048     AAA     STRIPS, Series 2005-105, Class 19, 5.000% due 6/1/35     793,818  
            Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Grantor Trust:        
  238,076     AAA     Series 2000-T06, Class A3, 6.174% due 1/25/28 (a)     245,967  
  157,597     AAA     Series 2002-T06, Class A1, 3.310% due 2/25/32     155,702  
            First Union National Bank Commercial Mortgage:        
  1,394,553     AAA     Series 1999-C4, Class A2, 7.390% due 12/15/31     1,434,122  
  1,700,000     AAA     Series 2001-C2, Class A2, 6.663% due 1/12/43     1,748,900  
            GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp.:        
  1,925,000     AAA     Series 2002-20K, Class A5, 4.772% due 6/10/48     1,812,469  
  1,850,000     AAA     Series 2005-C4, Class A4, 5.334% due 11/10/45 (a)     1,801,331  
  2,400,000     AAA     Series 2007, Class A4, 5.543% due 12/10/49 (a)     2,278,020  
            GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities Inc.:        
  6,872     Aaa (e)     Series 1998-C1, Class A2, 6.700% due 5/15/30     6,858  
  1,950,000     AAA     Series 1999-1, Class A4, 4.547% due 12/10/41     1,879,514  
  651,594     Aaa (e)     Series 1999-C3, Class A2, 7.179% due 8/15/36     665,079  
  975,000     AAA     Series 2000-C2, Class B, 7.594% due 8/16/33     1,019,676  
  1,736,439     AAA     Series 2001-C1, Class A2, 6.465% due 4/15/34     1,775,695  
  2,614,571     AAA   GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust, Series 2004-VF1, Class A1, 3.885% due 2/25/31     2,513,251  
            Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA):        
  157,013     AAA     Series 2000-35, Class F, 3.666% due 12/16/25 (a)(b)     157,958  
  134,867     AAA     Series 2002-21, Class FV, 3.516% due 3/16/32 (a)(b)     135,214  
  706,253     AAA     Series 2004-65, Class VA, 6.000% due 6/20/15     742,349  
  2,355,000     AAA   Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp., Series 2007-GG9, Class A4, 5.444% due 3/10/39     2,224,084  
            GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II:        
  910,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2001-C1, Class A4, 5.560% due 11/10/39     876,230  
  1,950,000     AAA     Series 2001-C2, Class A4A, 4.751% due 7/1/39     1,825,779  
  300,000     AAA     Series 2001-ROCK, Class A2, 6.624% due 5/3/18 (b)(f)     330,528  
  1,225,000     AAA     Series 2005-GG4, Class A4, 4.761% due 7/10/39     1,147,509  
  1,055,000     AAA     Series 2007-GG10, Class A4, 5.799% due 8/10/45     1,022,214  
            GSR Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  3,657,242     AAA     Series , Class 6A1, 5.250% due 7/25/35     3,499,783  
  574,774     AAA     Series 2005-AR6, Class 2A1, 4.539% due 9/25/35 (a)(b)     577,095  
            Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  516,368     AAA     Series 2006-2, Class 1A, 5.457% due 2/25/36     507,741  
  448,919     AAA     Series 2006-9, Class 2A1A, 3.329% due 11/19/36     385,889  
  54,218,200     AAA     Series 2007-GG9, Class X2A, 5.250% due 10/19/35 (g)(h)     525,239  
  695,292     AAA   Home Equity Asset Trust, Series 2007-2, Class 2A1, 3.245% due 7/25/37     655,885  
  9,883     AAA   Impac CMB Trust, Series 2003-1, Class 1A1, 3.935% due 3/25/33 (a)     9,520  
            Indymac Index Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  256,101     AAA     Series 2004-AR15, Class 1A1, 6.861% due 2/25/35 (a)     233,614  
  229,959     AAA     Series 2005-AR15, Class A2, 5.099% due 9/25/35 (a)     215,431  
  531,807     AAA     Series 2007-AR7, Class 1A1, 6.258% due 11/25/37     519,800  
  1,700,000     AAA   IXIS Real Estate Capital Trust, Series 2006-HE2, Class A3, 3.295% due 8/25/36     1,353,996  
            JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp.:        
  635,000     AAA     Series 2003-C1, Class A2, 4.985% due 1/12/37     612,049  
  80,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2005-CB12, Class A4, 4.895% due 9/12/37     75,480  
  100,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2005-CB13, Class A4, 5.294% due 1/12/43 (a)     96,980  
  1,200,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2005-LDP4, Class A4, 4.918% due 10/15/42 (a)     1,132,860  
  1,980,000     AAA     Series 2007-CB19, Class A4, 5.747% due 2/12/49     1,907,708  
  500,000     AAA     Series 2007-LD11, Class A2, 5.804% due 6/15/49     495,735  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
$ 400,000     AAA     Series 2007-LD12, Class A2, 5.827% due 2/15/51   $ 394,930  
  620,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2007-LDPX, Class A3, 5.420% due 1/15/49     582,101  
  86,103     AAA   JP Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp., Series 2006-WMC1, Class A2, 3.205% due 3/25/36 (a)(b)     85,896  
            JP Morgan Mortgage Trust:        
  672,096     AAA     Series 2001-A1, Class 6T1, 5.023% due 2/1/35 (b)     665,308  
  2,190,061     AAA     Series 2006-A2, Class 5A3, 3.755% due 11/25/33 (a)     2,193,895  
            LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust:        
  2,895,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2001-C2, Class B, 6.799% due 9/15/34     2,996,173  
  1,150,000     AAA     Series 2004-C6, Class A2, 4.187% due 8/15/29     1,133,579  
  310,000     AAA     Series 2005-C3, Class A5, 4.739% due 7/15/30     290,154  
  400,000     AAA     Series 2005-C3, Class AAB, 4.664% due 7/15/30     381,393  
  500,000     AAA     Series 2005-F, Class AM, 5.712% due 3/15/39     452,489  
  805,000     AAA     Series 2006-C6, Class A4, 5.372% due 9/15/39     765,748  
  1,210,000     AAA     Series 2007-C7, Class A2, 5.588% due 9/15/45     1,181,512  
            Lehman XS Trust:        
  555,138     AAA     Series 2005-5N, Class 1A1, 3.435% due 11/25/35 (a)     502,677  
  418,834     AAA     Series 2005-7N, Class 1A1B, 3.435% due 12/25/35 (a)     340,037  
  325,984     AAA   Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2005-WL3, Class 2A2A, 3.275% due 11/25/35     323,334  
            Master Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust:        
  1,900,000     AAA     Series 2004-13, Class 3A7, 3.786% due 11/21/34 (a)     1,896,721  
  211,525     AAA     Series 2004-4, Class 4A1, 5.188% due 5/25/34 (a)(b)     203,271  
  2,553,540     AAA     Series 2007-3, Class 12A1, 3.335% due 5/25/47     2,188,667  
  591,958     AAA   Medallion Trust, Series 2003-1G, Class A, 5.100% due 12/21/33     542,527  
            Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Inc.:        
  568,246     AAA     Series 2005-3, Class 4A3, 5.025% due 5/1/34     555,265  
  620,457     AAA     Series 2005-A2, Class A2, 4.488% due 2/25/35 (a)     611,098  
  670,000     AAA   Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust, Series 2006-C1, Class A4, 5.658% due 5/12/39 (a)     656,402  
            Merrill Lynch/Countrywide Commercial Mortgage Trust:        
  190,000     AAA     Series 2001-C2, Class A4, 5.378% due 8/12/48     178,391  
  1,210,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2005-5N, Class A4, 5.485% due 3/12/51     1,141,441  
  804,370     AAA   Mid-State Trust, Series 2004-1, Class A, 6.005% due 8/15/37     812,566  
            MLCC Mortgage Investors Inc.:        
              Series 2005-1, Class 2A1:        
  614,587     Aaa (e)        4.966% due 4/25/35 (a)     626,755  
  200,409     Aaa (e)        4.970% due 4/25/35 (a)     204,377  
            Morgan Stanley Capital I:        
  1,700,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2003-IQ4, Class A2, 4.070% due 5/15/40     1,569,383  
  660,000     AAA     Series 2004-8AR, Class A4, 5.692% due 4/15/49 (a)     630,607  
  801,306     AAA     Series 2004-SD3, Class A, 3.595% due 6/25/34     782,946  
  1,955,000     AAA     Series 2005-HQ6, Class A4A, 4.989% due 8/13/42     1,855,492  
  1,300,000     AAA     Series 2006-BC3, Class A4, 5.650% due 6/11/42     1,248,048  
  607,856     AAA     Series 2006-HE7, Class A2A, 3.185% due 9/25/36 (a)(b)     581,229  
  705,000     AAA     Series 2006-HQ8, Class A4, 5.388% due 3/12/44     679,556  
  780,000     AAA     Series 2007-IQ16, Class A4, 5.809% due 12/12/49     750,537  
  861,272     AAA   Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2004-8AR, Class 4A2, 5.354% due 10/25/34 (a)     860,709  
  120,118     AAA   Nationslink Funding Corp., Series 1999-LTL1, Class A2, 6.867% due 1/22/26 (b)     121,142  
            Option One Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  5,378     AAA     Series 2002-6, Class A2, 3.935% due 11/25/32 (a)     4,891  
  26,471     AAA     Series 2003-1, Class A2, 3.975% due 2/25/33 (a)     24,560  
  1,800,000     AAA   Popular ABS Mortgaged Pass-Through Trust, Series 2003-KS1, Class AF6, 4.759% due 7/25/35     1,652,982  
            Prime Mortgage Trust:        
  1,135,357     AAA     Series 2006-DR1, Class 1A1, 5.500% due 5/25/35 (f)     1,136,022  
  525,619     AAA     Series 2006-DR1, Class 1A2, 6.000% due 5/25/35 (f)     530,998  
  2,648,319     AAA     Series 2006-DR1, Class 2A1, 5.500% due 5/25/36 (f)     2,596,697  
  100,000     AAA   Public Service New Hampshire Funding LLC, Series 2001-1, Class A3, 6.480% due 5/1/15     108,139  
  2,783,904     AAA   Residential Accredit Loans Inc., Series 2006-WMC1, Class A10, 6.000% due 6/25/37     2,855,923  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
            Residential Asset Mortgage Products Inc.:        
$ 255,740     AAA     Series 2004-SL4, Class A5, 7.500% due 7/25/32   $ 251,016  
  1,965,290     AAA     Series 2006-NC1, Class AI6A, 6.110% due 10/25/33     1,960,927  
  12,536     AAA   Residential Asset Mortgage Products Inc., Series 2003-RS4, Class AIIB, 3.795% due 5/25/33 (a)     9,676  
  243,100     A   Residential Funding Mortgage Securities II Inc., Series 2005-HS1, Class AI1, 3.255% due 9/25/35 (a)     234,392  
  1,087,627     B   SACO I Inc., Series 2006-7, Class A1, 3.265% due 7/25/36 (a)     437,493  
            Small Business Administration:        
  388,315     NR     Series 1999-P10B, Class 1, 7.540% due 8/10/09 (b)     401,908  
  630,435     NR     Series 2000-P10A, Class 1, 8.017% due 2/10/10 (b)     662,296  
  925,770     NR     Series 2005-P10A, Class 1, 4.638% due 2/10/10     929,494  
            Small Business Administration Participation Certificates:        
  857,028     NR     Series 1993-20K, Class 1, 6.150% due 11/1/13 (b)     880,961  
  250,965     NR     Series 1995-20J, Class 1, 6.850% due 10/1/15 (b)     260,889  
  576,297     NR     Series 1995-20K, Class 1, 6.650% due 11/1/15 (b)     598,224  
  385,612     NR     Series 1996-20G, Class 1, 7.700% due 7/1/16 (b)     406,335  
  1,842,957     NR     Series 1999-20L, Class 1, 7.190% due 12/1/19 (b)     1,964,252  
  1,222,705     NR     Series 2000-20A, Class 1, 7.590% due 1/1/20 (b)     1,313,075  
  1,615,262     NR     Series 2002-20K, Class 1, 5.080% due 11/1/22 (b)     1,648,643  
  98,874     AAA   Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2006-OPT3, Class 2A1, 3.195% due 6/25/36 (a)(b)     98,579  
            Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  324,728     AAA     Series 2004-16, Class 1A2, 7.349% due 11/25/34 (a)     327,251  
  1,211,581     AAA     Series 2004-6, Class 4A1, 4.839% due 6/25/34 (a)     1,213,159  
  469,668     AAA     Series 2005-19XS, Class 1A1, 3.455% due 10/25/35 (a)     434,036  
  2,950,157     AAA     Series 2005-7N, Class 4A1, 5.506% due 7/25/35     2,933,401  
            Structured Asset Securities Corp.:        
  12,324     AAA     Series 2002-14A, Class 2A1, 7.094% due 7/25/32 (a)(b)     12,292  
  341,323     AAA     Series 2003-AL1, Class A, 3.357% due 4/25/31 (f)     318,032  
  682,957     AAA     Series 2006-BC3, Class A2, 3.185% due 10/25/36 (a)(b)     640,523  
  2,218,800     AAA   Terwin Mortgage Trust, 4.500% due 5/25/37 (b)(f)     2,024,438  
            Thornburg Mortgage Securities Trust:        
  1,697,182     AAA     Series 2005-2, Class A4, 3.385% due 7/25/45     1,696,246  
  2,569,311     AAA     Series 2006-1, Class A3, 3.305% due 1/25/46     2,518,501  
  1,597,136     Aaa (e)     Series 2006-3, Class A2, 3.240% due 5/25/46 (a)     1,567,813  
  1,682,143     Aaa (e)     Series 2006-3, Class A3, 3.245% due 6/25/46 (a)     1,662,558  
  480,000     AAA   TIAA Seasoned Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2007-C4, Class A3, 6.096% due 8/15/39     476,359  
  245,260     AAA   UDR Inc., 3.361% due 12/15/35 (a)     211,790  
            Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust:        
  700,000     AAA     Series 2005-C22, Class A4, 5.266% due 12/15/44     678,329  
  1,970,000     Aaa (e)     Series 2006-C25, Class AM, 5.742% due 5/15/43     1,786,715  
  550,000     AAA     Series 2007-C33, Class A4, 5.903% due 7/15/17     537,884  
  1,020,000     AAA   Wamu Master Note Trust 2006-A3A, Class A3, 3.151% due 9/15/13     972,403  
            WaMu Mortgage Pass Through Certificates:        
  720,369     AAA     Series 2005-AR11, Class A1A, 3.455% due 8/25/45     667,131  
  33,002,522     AAA     Series 2007-0A1, Class XPPP, 9.800% due 2/25/47 (a)(g)     402,218  
  1,679,918     AAA     Series 2007-OA5, Class 1A, 5.272% due 6/25/47     1,365,768  
            Washington Mutual Inc.:        
  1,975,467     AAA     Series 2002-3, Class 2A, 5.222% due 1/25/47     1,922,588  
  928,696     AAA     Series 2003-A3, Class 4A1, 5.501% due 9/25/36     941,178  
  1,370,486     AAA     Series 2003-R1, Class A1, 3.675% due 12/25/27 (a)(b)     1,318,480  
  95,210     AAA     Series 2004-AR11, Class A, 4.556% due 10/25/34 (a)     95,924  
  287,122     AAA     Series 2004-AR12, Class A2A, 3.765% due 10/25/44 (a)     274,722  
  1,000,000     AAA     Series 2005-AR 4, Class A5, 4.671% due 4/25/35 (a)     983,523  
  1,643,164     AAA     Series 2005-AR13, Class A1A1, 3.425% due 10/25/45 (a)(b)     1,503,183  
  696,836     AAA     Series 2005-AR15, Class A1A2, 3.415% due 11/25/45 (a)     639,657  
  689,560     AAA     Series 2005-AR19, Class A1A2, 3.425% due 12/25/45 (a)     622,922  
  1,797,528     AAA     Series 2006-AR13, Class 2A, 5.670% due 10/25/46 (a)(b)     1,754,377  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
            Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Trust:        
$ 1,323,124     AAA     Series 2004-H, Class A1, 4.527% due 6/25/34 (a)   $ 1,320,899  
  400,000     AAA     Series 7, Class 2A4, 5.773% due 4/25/36     396,896  
(Cost — $205,423,079)
Aerospace & Defense — 0.0%
  25,000     BB−   DRS Technologies Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.625% due 2/1/16     24,562  
  300,000     BBB   Goodrich (BF) Co., Notes, 6.290% due 7/1/16 (b)     322,780  
            Total Aerospace & Defense     347,342  
Airlines — 0.4%
            Continental Airlines Inc.:        
              Pass Thru Certificates:        
  741,421     BB        7.461% due 4/1/15     709,692  
  457,605     A−        7.256% due 3/15/20     460,092  
            Delta Air Lines Inc.:        
              Pass Thru Certificates:        
  282,632     BBB        7.379% due 5/18/10     282,455  
  843,816     BBB        6.619% due 3/18/11     835,118  
  500,000     BBB−        7.111% due 9/18/11     496,789  
            Northwest Airlines Inc.:        
              Pass Thru Certificates:        
  1,000,000     BBB        6.841% due 4/1/11     987,500  
  478,912     BBB        7.041% due 4/1/22     475,604  
            Total Airlines     4,247,250  
Auto Components — 0.0%
  50,000     B−   Visteon Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.250% due 8/1/10     41,875  
Automobiles — 0.3%
            DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  330,000     BBB+        4.050% due 6/4/08     330,401  
  300,000     BBB+        5.875% due 3/15/11     313,330  
  900,000     BBB+        5.750% due 9/8/11 (b)     935,905  
  285,000     BBB+     Notes, 4.875% due 6/15/10     291,281  
  610,000     CCC+   Ford Motor Co., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.450% due 7/16/31     419,375  
            General Motors Corp.:        
  1,325,000     B−     Debentures Notes, 8.250% due 7/15/23     1,008,656  
  20,000     B−     Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 8.375% due 7/15/33 (d)     15,400  
            Total Automobiles     3,314,348  
Capital Markets — 1.0%
  577,000     A+   Credit Suisse London, Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 9.650% due 3/24/10 (f)     581,501  
  400,000     BB   CSC Holdings Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.250% due 7/15/08 (b)     402,000  
            Goldman Sachs Group Inc.:        
  230,000     AA−        4.500% due 6/15/10     236,104  
  135,000     AA−        4.750% due 7/15/13     136,522  
  1,000,000     AA−        5.750% due 10/1/16 (b)     1,012,867  
  650,000     A−   Lehman Brothers Holdings Capital Trust V, Notes, 5.857% due 12/31/49     487,926  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Capital Markets — 1.0% — (continued)
            Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.:        
$ 300,000     A+        4.500% due 7/26/10   $ 300,381  
  640,000     A+        11.000% due 11/7/16     696,384  
  416,000     A+        8.920% due 2/16/17     398,112  
              Senior Notes:        
  120,000     A+        5.250% due 2/6/12     119,232  
  1,550,000     A+        6.000% due 7/19/12     1,594,965  
  300,000     A+        6.691% due 9/15/22     285,601  
            Morgan Stanley:        
  60,000     AA−        3.625% due 4/1/08     59,968  
  25,000     AA−        6.750% due 4/15/11     26,769  
  565,000     AA−        5.550% due 4/27/17     554,607  
  1,170,000     AA−        6.250% due 8/28/17     1,207,140  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  900,000     AA−        5.625% due 1/9/12     931,993  
  2,000,000     AA−        5.750% due 10/18/16 (b)     1,987,018  
            Total Capital Markets     11,019,090  
Chemicals — 0.0%
  30,000     CCC+   Georgia Gulf Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 10/15/14     22,800  
  29,000     BB+   Westlake Chemical Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.625% due 1/15/16     25,810  
            Total Chemicals     48,610  
Commercial Banks — 1.4%
  800,000     BBB−   Banponce Trust 1, Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.327% due 2/1/27     800,728  
  1,048,000     AA   BNP Paribas, Notes, 9.230% due 6/8/17     1,207,820  
  2,165,000     A+   Credit Suisse New York, Subordinated Notes, 6.000% due 2/15/18     2,213,336  
  3,100,000     AA   Deutsche Bank AG/London, Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.000% due 9/1/17 (b)     3,294,534  
            Glitnir Banki HF:        
  270,000     A−     Notes, 6.330% due 7/28/11     252,114  
  460,000     BBB+     Subordinated Notes, 6.693% due 6/15/16 (a)(f)     424,660  
  1,250,000     A   HBOS PLC, 5.920% due 12/31/49 (f)     1,066,127  
            ICICI Bank Ltd.:        
  400,000     BB     6.375% due 4/30/22 (a)(f)     343,770  
  150,000     BB     6.375% due 4/30/22     129,195  
  100,000     A1 (e)   Kaupthing Bank Hf, Senior Notes, 5.750% due 10/4/11 (f)     88,507  
  690,000     A2 (e)   Landsbanki Islands HF, Notes, 6.100% due 8/25/11 (f)     676,782  
  1,500,000     AA   National Australia Bank Ltd., 3.578% due 2/8/10 (b)(f)     1,500,004  
  750,000     A+   Nationsbank Cap Trust III, Bank Guaranteed Notes, 4.808% due 1/15/27     583,384  
  20,000     AA   Rabobank Capital Funding II, 5.260% due 12/31/49 (a)(f)     19,107  
  40,000     AA   Rabobank Capital Funding Trust, Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.254% due 12/31/49 (a)(f)     37,033  
  660,000     AA3   Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, 9.118% due 12/31/49     718,892  
  390,000     AA−   Santander Issuances S.A Unipersonal, Subordinated Notes, 5.805% due 6/20/16 (a)(f)     391,557  
  400,000     BBB   Shinsei Finance Cayman Ltd., 6.418% due 12/31/49 (a)(f)     321,074  
  10,000     A   Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp./New York, 8.000% due 6/15/12     11,427  
  190,000     A−   Sun Trust Capital VIII, 6.100% due 12/1/66     161,007  
  230,000     A   Wachovia Capital Trust III, 5.800% due 3/15/42 (a)     181,243  
  150,000     AA−   Wells Fargo Capital X, Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.950% due 12/15/36     136,845  
            Total Commercial Banks     14,559,146  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 0.1%
  27,000     B   DI Finance/DynCorp. International, Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.500% due 2/15/13     28,012  
  55,000     B   RH Donnelley Corp., Senior Notes, 8.875% due 10/15/17     35,750  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 0.1% — (continued)
            Service Corp. International:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
$ 40,000     BB−        6.750% due 4/1/16   $ 40,000  
  95,000     BB−        7.500% due 4/1/27     82,412  
            Waste Management Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  185,000     BBB        6.375% due 11/15/12     198,184  
  40,000     BBB        7.375% due 5/15/29     42,627  
  100,000     BBB        7.750% due 5/15/32     113,063  
            Total Commercial Services & Supplies     540,048  
Computers & Peripherals — 0.0%
  60,000     B+   Sungard Data Systems Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.125% due 8/15/13     60,750  
Consumer Finance — 1.1%
            Ford Motor Credit Co.:        
  300,000     B        7.375% due 10/28/09     284,586  
  30,000     B        7.875% due 6/15/10     27,661  
  100,000     B        7.375% due 2/1/11     88,627  
  1,400,000     B        7.000% due 10/1/13 (b)     1,150,051  
              Senior Notes:        
  2,850,000     B        5.800% due 1/12/09     2,755,389  
  85,000     B        7.250% due 10/25/11     72,755  
  674,000     B     Senior Unsecured Notes, 10.241% due 6/15/11     582,885  
            GMAC LLC:        
  1,600,000     B+     Bonds, 8.000% due 11/1/31 (b)     1,212,266  
  100,000     B+        5.125% due 5/9/08 (d)     99,207  
  220,000     B+        7.750% due 1/19/10     199,004  
  400,000     B+        6.750% due 12/1/14 (b)     301,660  
  960,000     BB+     Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.625% due 5/15/12     761,974  
  2,230,000     B+     Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 5.850% due 1/14/09     2,152,675  
            SLM Corp.:        
  90,000     BBB−        5.430% due 4/1/09 (a)     83,025  
  625,000     BBB−        5.375% due 5/15/14     534,904  
  70,000     BBB−        5.050% due 11/14/14     58,695  
  80,000     BBB−        5.625% due 8/1/33     61,918  
  900,000     BBB−        3.131% due 4/14/08 (b)(g)     896,016  
  470,000     BBB−        5.000% due 10/1/13     399,688  
            Total Consumer Finance     11,722,986  
Containers & Packaging — 0.0%
  10,000     CCC+   Graham Packaging Co. Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.875% due 10/15/14     8,575  
Diversified Consumer Services — 0.1%
            Hertz Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  35,000     BB−        8.875% due 1/1/14     33,512  
  40,000     B        10.500% due 1/1/16     38,200  
  1,200,000     NR   Service Corp. International, Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.500% due 3/15/08 (b)     1,206,000  
            Total Diversified Consumer Services     1,277,712  
Diversified Financial Services — 6.3%
  200,000     A−   AGFC Capital Trust 1, Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.000% due 1/15/67 (a)     181,350  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Diversified Financial Services — 6.3% — (continued)
$ 200,000     BBB   Aiful Corp., Notes, 5.000% due 8/10/10 (f)   $ 190,822  
  260,000     A−   American Express Co., 6.800% due 9/1/66 (a)     252,595  
  50,000     BBB−   Anadarko Finance Co., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 5/1/31     55,969  
  50,000     AA+   ASIF Global Financing XIX, Secured Notes, 4.900% due 1/17/13 (f)     50,070  
            Bank of America Corp.:        
  1,300,000     A+     Notes, 8.000% due 12/31/49     1,348,845  
              Senior Notes:        
  375,000     AA        5.625% due 10/14/16     385,992  
  800,000     AA        6.000% due 9/1/17     841,589  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  40,000     AA        5.375% due 8/15/11     42,066  
  5,505,000     AA        5.750% due 12/1/17 (b)     5,636,102  
  580,000     AA−     Subordinated Notes, 7.800% due 2/15/10     625,348  
  450,000     A   Bank of New York Mellon Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 6.375% due 4/1/12     483,114  
  7,400,000     AA−   Barclays Bank PLC, Subordinated Notes, 6.050% due 12/4/17 (b)(f)     7,604,186  
            Bear Stearns Cos. Inc.:        
  760,000     A+     Notes, 6.950% due 8/10/12     773,852  
  340,000     BBB−     Subordinated Notes, 5.550% due 1/22/17     295,927  
  150,000     AA   Belvoir Land LLC, Notes, 5.270% due 12/15/47 (f)     124,872  
  600,000     BBB−   Capital One Capital III, Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.686% due 8/15/36     461,377  
  1,293,949     BBB−   Cedar Brakes II LLC, Secured Notes, 9.875% due 9/1/13 (f)     1,460,856  
            Countrywide Financial Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  50,000     BBB+        3.345% due 5/5/08     49,106  
  250,000     BBB+        5.076% due 6/18/08     237,567  
  400,000     BBB+        5.211% due 12/19/08     354,774  
  680,000     BB   El Paso Performance-Linked Trust, Notes, 7.750% due 7/15/11 (f)     708,780  
  1,100,000     B   Ford Motor Credit Co., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.800% due 6/1/12     939,683  
            General Electric Capital Corp.:        
  3,050,000     AA+     6.375% due 11/15/67     3,109,232  
  2,080,000     AAA        5.000% due 11/15/11     2,162,237  
  145,000     AAA        5.875% due 2/15/12     154,844  
  55,000     AAA        5.000% due 4/10/12     57,032  
  710,000     AAA        6.150% due 8/7/37     712,364  
  500,000     AAA     Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.875% due 1/14/38 (b)     479,615  
  1,100,000     NR     Subordinated Notes, 6.500% due 9/15/67 (f)     2,134,563  
            General Electric Co.:        
  20,000     AAA        5.450% due 1/15/13     21,128  
  130,000     AAA        5.000% due 2/1/13     135,516  
  1,500,000     AAA     Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.250% due 12/6/17     1,508,320  
  250,000     B+   GMAC LLC, Notes, 7.324% due 12/1/14     187,916  
  450,000     A   Goldman Sachs Capital II, Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.793% due 12/31/49     336,537  
            Goldman Sachs Group Inc.:        
  1,375,000     AA−     Notes, 5.250% due 10/15/13     1,418,651  
  1,725,000     A+     Subordinated Notes, 6.750% due 10/1/37 (b)     1,615,435  
  1,600,000     AA−   HSBC Bank USA NA/New York, NY, Subordinated Notes, 6.000% due 8/9/17 (b)     1,680,115  
            HSBC Finance Corp.:        
  585,000     AA−        4.125% due 11/16/09     588,270  
  20,000     AA−        8.000% due 7/15/10     21,727  
  50,000     AA−        6.375% due 10/15/11     52,567  
  270,000     A   ILFC E-Capital Trust II, 6.250% due 12/21/65 (a)(f)     250,989  
  240,000     AA   Irwin Land LLC, 5.300% due 12/15/35 (f)     210,919  
  1,760,000     A   JP Morgan Chase Capital XIII, 5.780% due 9/30/34 (a)     1,334,133  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Diversified Financial Services — 6.3% — (continued)
            JPMorgan Chase & Co.:        
$ 429,000     AA     8.750% due 11/28/21   $ 424,581  
  1,450,000     AA−     Senior Notes, 6.000% due 1/15/18     1,507,318  
  2,475,000     AA−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.375% due 10/1/12     2,602,017  
              Subordinated Notes:        
  355,000     A+        5.125% due 9/15/14     358,090  
  400,000     A+        5.150% due 10/1/15     399,599  
  775,000     AA−        6.000% due 7/5/17     811,387  
            Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.:        
  1,400,000     A+     Senior Notes, 3.175% due 11/24/08     1,380,033  
  650,000     A     Subordinated Notes, 6.750% due 12/28/17     654,150  
            Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.:        
  1,000,000     A+     Notes, 8.680% due 5/2/17     1,032,500  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  1,050,000     AA−        8.950% due 5/18/17     1,111,057  
  1,584,000     AA−        9.570% due 6/6/17     1,706,760  
  190,000     BBB+   MUFG Capital Finance, 1 Ltd., 6.346% due 12/31/49 (a)     165,159  
  3,114,562     AAA   Residential Asset Securitization Trust, 6.000% due 7/25/37     3,161,088  
            Residential Capital LLC:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  475,000     B        5.646% due 6/9/08     425,125  
  40,000     B        6.193% due 4/17/09     26,200  
  110,000     B        6.193% due 5/22/09     75,350  
  960,000     B        7.500% due 2/22/11     516,000  
  70,000     BBB   Resona Preferred Global Securities Cayman Ltd., 7.191% due 12/31/49 (a)(f)     65,270  
            SLM Corp.:        
  3,000,000     NR     Notes, 3.625% due 3/17/08 (b)     2,996,854  
              Senior Notes:        
  1,200,000     BBB−        3.124% due 4/18/08 (b)(f)(g)     1,199,219  
  385,000     BBB−        3.631% due 1/27/14     297,685  
  240,000     BBB−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.471% due 7/27/09     215,583  
  604,426     AAA   Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Inc., Series 2005-AR5 , Class A3, 3.369% due 7/19/35 (b)     496,526  
  410,000     BB+   TNK-BP Finance SA, Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 7/18/16 (f)     394,133  
            Wachovia Bank NA/Charlotte NC:        
              Subordinated Notes:        
  1,375,000     AA−        6.000% due 11/15/17     1,424,745  
  1,000,000     AA−        6.600% due 1/15/38     956,510  
            Wachovia Corp.:        
  790,000     AA−     Notes, 5.750% due 2/1/18     795,630  
  340,000     A+     Subordinated Notes, 5.250% due 8/1/14     341,140  
            Wells Fargo & Co.:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  420,000     AA+        4.200% due 1/15/10     427,398  
  1,200,000     AA+        5.250% due 10/23/12     1,261,608  
  10,000     AA     Subordinated Notes, 5.000% due 11/15/14     10,213  
            Total Diversified Financial Services     68,515,880  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 1.4%
            AT&T Inc.:        
  200,000     A     6.500% due 9/1/37     203,009  
  170,000     A     Notes, 5.100% due 9/15/14     172,779  
  4,000,000     A     Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.300% due 1/15/38 (b)     3,953,980  
            Bellsouth Corp.:        
  1,900,000     A     Notes, 4.240% due 4/26/08 (a)(b)(f)     1,896,895  
  70,000     A     Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.750% due 11/15/12     71,870  
  295,000     BBB+   British Telecommunications PLC, Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.625% due 12/15/10     332,027  
  60,000     B+   Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co., Senior Notes, 7.000% due 2/15/15     56,700  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 1.4% — (continued)
            Citizens Communications Co.:        
$ 20,000     BB+     Notes, 9.250% due 5/15/11   $ 21,150  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  25,000     BB+        7.125% due 3/15/19     22,875  
  55,000     BB+        7.875% due 1/15/27     49,225  
  220,000     A−   Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, Senior Notes, 5.750% due 3/23/16     225,615  
            Embarq Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  910,000     BBB−     6.738% due 6/1/13     938,175  
  3,000,000     BBB−     7.082% due 6/1/16 (b)     2,991,600  
  50,000     A   GTE Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.940% due 4/15/28     51,953  
  10,000     BB−   Intelsat Bermuda Ltd., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.250% due 6/15/16     10,050  
  65,000     BB−   Intelsat Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.000% due 6/15/16     65,325  
  95,000     CCC+   Level 3 Financing Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.250% due 11/1/14     77,425  
  1,500,000     BBB   Motorola Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.000% due 11/15/17 (b)     1,405,026  
  55,000     A   New Cingular Wireless Services Inc., Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 8.125% due 5/1/12     62,705  
            Qwest Communications International Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  156,000     B+        6.565% due 2/15/09 (a)     155,610  
  20,000     B+        7.250% due 2/15/11     19,850  
  300,000     BBB+   Royal KPN NV, Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 8.375% due 10/1/30     350,772  
  100,000     BBB−   Sprint Capital Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.125% due 11/15/08     97,516  
            Telecom Italia Capital SA:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  30,000     BBB        5.250% due 11/15/13     29,755  
  160,000     BBB        4.950% due 9/30/14     152,357  
  770,000     BBB        5.250% due 10/1/15     737,260  
  165,000     A     Maryland Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.125% due 6/15/33     137,257  
  340,000     A     New York Inc., 6.875% due 4/1/12     366,229  
  700,000     A   Verizon Communications Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.550% due 2/15/16 (b)     716,899  
            Verizon Global Funding Corp.:        
  5,000     A     Debenture Notes, Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.875% due 6/15/12     5,515  
  165,000     A     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.375% due 9/1/12     185,748  
            Total Diversified Telecommunication Services     15,563,152  
Electric Utilities — 0.8%
            AES Corp.:        
  53,000     BB+     Secured Notes, 8.750% due 5/15/13 (f)     55,650  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  130,000     B        7.750% due 10/15/15     132,600  
  690,000     B        8.000% due 10/15/17     707,250  
  900,000     BBB+ (i)   DPL Inc., Senior Notes, 8.000% due 3/31/09 (b)     943,129  
            Edison Mission Energy:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  220,000     BB−        7.200% due 5/15/19     216,700  
  50,000     BB−        7.625% due 5/15/27     47,375  
  135,000     BBB   Exelon Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.625% due 6/15/35     120,996  
            FirstEnergy Corp.:        
  40,000     BBB−     6.450% due 11/15/11     42,391  
  670,000     BBB−     7.375% due 11/15/31     732,884  
  145,000     A   Florida Power & Light Co., 1st Mortgage Notes, 4.950% due 6/1/35     127,568  
  195,000     A−   Florida Power Corp., 5.900% due 3/1/33     196,117  
  5,000     A+   Hydro-Quebec, Global Debentures, Series JL, 6.300% due 5/11/11     5,551  
            Midamerican Energy Holdings Co.:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  40,000     BBB+        5.875% due 10/1/12     42,988  
  250,000     BBB+        5.950% due 5/15/37     242,703  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Electric Utilities — 0.8% — (continued)
$ 225,000     BBB+        6.500% due 9/15/37   $ 234,212  
  473,478     BB+   Midwest Generation LLC, Pass Thru Certificates, 8.300% due 7/2/09 (b)     480,580  
  110,000     BBB+   Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., Senior Notes, 7.750% due 10/1/08     112,548  
            Pacific Gas & Electric Co.:        
  250,000     BBB+     6.050% due 3/1/34     249,478  
  430,000     BBB+     Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.625% due 11/30/17     446,950  
  800,000     BBB   PSEG Power LLC, Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.750% due 4/15/11 (b)     873,017  
  95,000     A−   Public Service Electric & Gas Co., 1St Mortgage Notes, 5.250% due 7/1/35     86,831  
  300,000     A−   Scottish Power PLC, 4.910% due 3/15/10     309,003  
  175,000     AA   SP PowerAssets Ltd., Notes, 3.800% due 10/22/08 (f)     175,541  
  2,000,000     BB+   SWEPCO Capital I, Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.250% due 10/1/43     2,025,454  
            Total Electric Utilities     8,607,516  
Electronic Equipment & Instruments — 0.0%
            NXP BV/NXP Funding LLC:        
  75,000     B     Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 10/15/15     62,391  
  15,000     BB−     Secured Notes, 7.875% due 10/15/14     13,725  
            Total Electronic Equipment & Instruments     76,116  
Energy Equipment & Services — 0.1%
  160,000     B   Dynegy Holdings Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.750% due 6/1/19     149,600  
  350,000     A   Halliburton Co., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.500% due 10/15/10     371,171  
  60,000     BB+   Pride International Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.375% due 7/15/14     62,700  
  58,000     BB   Southern Natural Gas Co., Notes, 8.000% due 3/1/32     63,828  
  110,000     BB   Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., Debentures Notes, 7.625% due 4/1/37     117,449  
            Total Energy Equipment & Services     764,748  
Food Products — 0.1%
            Kraft Foods Inc.:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  600,000     BBB+        6.500% due 8/11/17     626,390  
  675,000     BBB+        6.125% due 2/1/18     684,829  
            Total Food Products     1,311,219  
Gas Utilities — 0.0%
  200,000     BBB   CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., Notes, 6.150% due 5/1/16     207,039  
Health Care Providers & Services — 0.4%
  50,000     BBB   AmerisourceBergen Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.875% due 9/15/15     49,195  
  140,000     B+   DaVita Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.625% due 3/15/13     137,900  
            HCA Inc.:        
  120,000     B−     Debentures Notes, 7.190% due 11/15/15     103,460  
              Secured Notes:        
  1,260,000     BB−        9.250% due 11/15/16 (b)     1,294,650  
  63,000     BB−        9.625% due 11/15/16 (j)     65,205  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  30,000     B−        7.875% due 2/1/11     29,700  
  200,000     B−        6.250% due 2/15/13     174,500  
  29,000     B−        6.500% due 2/15/16     24,650  
            Tenet Healthcare Corp.:        
              Senior Notes:        
  76,000     B        6.375% due 12/1/11     68,495  
  311,000     B        9.875% due 7/1/14     291,951  
  940,000     A−   UnitedHealth Group Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.250% due 3/15/11     967,406  
            WellPoint Inc.:        
  150,000     A−     5.950% due 12/15/34     135,294  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Health Care Providers & Services — 0.4% — (continued)
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
$ 910,000     A−        5.000% due 1/15/11   $ 934,067  
  30,000     A−        5.875% due 6/15/17     30,490  
            Total Health Care Providers & Services     4,306,963  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 0.0%
            Boyd Gaming Corp.:        
              Senior Subordinated Notes:        
  25,000     BB        6.750% due 4/15/14     20,750  
  80,000     BB        7.125% due 2/1/16     65,600  
  30,000     B   Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino, Company Guaranteed Notes, 12.000% due 11/15/10     29,700  
            Mandalay Resort Group:        
  20,000     BB     Notes, 7.000% due 11/15/36     20,125  
  10,000     BB     Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.500% due 8/1/08     10,175  
            MGM Mirage:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  35,000     BB        8.500% due 9/15/10     36,356  
  20,000     BB        6.625% due 7/15/15     17,975  
  130,000     BB        7.625% due 1/15/17     123,175  
  30,000     BB     Senior Notes, 6.750% due 9/1/12     28,350  
            Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority:        
  2,000     B     Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.375% due 7/15/09     1,990  
  10,000     B     Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.000% due 4/1/12     9,750  
  20,000     B+   River Rock Entertainment Authority, Secured Notes, 9.750% due 11/1/11     20,550  
            Station Casinos Inc.:        
  28,000     B+     Senior Notes, 6.000% due 4/1/12     23,800  
  5,000     B−     Senior Subordinated Notes, 6.875% due 3/1/16     3,175  
  95,000     B+     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.750% due 8/15/16     79,562  
            Total Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure     491,033  
Household Products — 0.0%
  20,000     B   American Achievement Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.250% due 4/1/12     18,200  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 0.1%
            NRG Energy Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  115,000     B        7.250% due 2/1/14     112,556  
  40,000     B        7.375% due 2/1/16     38,650  
  15,000     B        7.375% due 1/15/17     14,475  
            TXU Corp.:        
  755,000     CCC     Notes, 6.550% due 11/15/34     537,800  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  120,000     CCC        5.550% due 11/15/14     94,571  
  160,000     CCC        6.500% due 11/15/24     115,641  
            Total Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders     913,693  
Industrial Conglomerates — 0.1%
            Tyco International Group SA:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  30,000     BBB        6.125% due 11/1/08     30,352  
  10,000     BBB        6.125% due 1/15/09     10,221  
  300,000     BBB        6.375% due 10/15/11     316,036  
  420,000     BBB        6.000% due 11/15/13     441,831  
  236,000     BBB        6.875% due 1/15/29     227,140  
            Total Industrial Conglomerates     1,025,580  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Insurance — 0.8%
$ 2,100,000     AA   American International Group Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.850% due 1/16/18 (b)   $ 2,099,030  
  245,000     AAA   Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 4.750% due 5/15/12     257,149  
  1,540,000     BBB+   Metlife Inc., 6.400% due 12/15/36     1,335,251  
  2,900,000     AA   Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, Notes, 3.110% due 5/17/10 (b)(f)     2,881,426  
  720,000     BBB   Travelers Cos. Inc., 6.250% due 3/15/37     657,087  
  1,200,000     BBB   United Dominion, 4.250% due 1/15/09     1,198,736  
            Total Insurance     8,428,679  
IT Services — 0.0%
  110,000     BBB−   Electronic Data Systems Corp., 7.125% due 10/15/09     115,046  
Media — 1.0%
            Clear Channel Communications Inc.:        
              Senior Notes:        
  310,000     B−        5.500% due 9/15/14     204,854  
  100,000     B−        4.900% due 5/15/15     64,088  
  10,000     B−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.250% due 3/15/11     8,406  
            Comcast Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  1,300,000     BBB+        6.750% due 1/30/11     1,375,537  
  30,000     BBB+        8.375% due 3/15/13     33,719  
  350,000     BBB+        6.500% due 1/15/15     365,586  
  30,000     BBB+        6.500% due 1/15/17     31,215  
  210,000     BBB+        8.875% due 5/1/17     247,882  
  30,000     BBB+        5.875% due 2/15/18     29,821  
  80,000     BBB+        7.050% due 3/15/33     81,939  
  360,000     BBB+        6.500% due 11/15/35     345,440  
  250,000     BBB+        6.450% due 3/15/37     238,790  
  160,000     BBB−   COX Communications Inc., Notes, 3.875% due 10/1/08     159,846  
            CSC Holdings Inc.:        
  4,000     BB     Debentures Notes, 7.875% due 2/15/18     3,710  
  65,000     BB     Senior Notes, 7.625% due 4/1/11     64,919  
  70,000     BB−   DirecTV Holdings LLC/DirecTV Financing Co., Senior Notes, 8.375% due 3/15/13     72,450  
            Echostar DBS Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  20,000     BB−        7.000% due 10/1/13     19,800  
  50,000     BB−        6.625% due 10/1/14     48,250  
  50,000     BB−        7.125% due 2/1/16     49,375  
  145,000     BB−   Idearc Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.000% due 11/15/16     86,275  
            Lamar Media Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  40,000     BB−        7.250% due 1/1/13     38,900  
  50,000     BB−        6.625% due 8/15/15     46,250  
            Liberty Media LLC:        
  10,000     BB+     Senior Notes, 5.700% due 5/15/13     8,992  
  640,000     BB+     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.875% due 7/15/09     653,967  
            News America Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  125,000     BBB+        8.500% due 2/23/25     145,422  
  315,000     BBB+        7.625% due 11/30/28     346,571  
  35,000     BBB+        6.200% due 12/15/34     33,565  
  30,000     BBB+     Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.650% due 11/15/37     30,316  
  70,000     BBB−   Rogers Cable Inc., Secured Notes, 6.750% due 3/15/15     74,185  
  5,000     B+   Sun Media Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.625% due 2/15/13     4,825  
            Time Warner Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  4,000,000     BBB+        3.300% due 11/13/09 (b)     3,869,532  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Media — 1.0% — (continued)
$ 275,000     BBB+        6.875% due 5/1/12   $ 291,286  
  550,000     BBB+        5.850% due 5/1/17     544,392  
  385,000     BBB+        7.700% due 5/1/32     414,912  
  125,000     BBB+     Debentures Notes, 7.570% due 2/1/24     131,071  
  50,000     BBB+     Senior Notes, 8.375% due 7/15/33     57,861  
  280,000     BBB+   Turner Broadcasting System Inc., Senior Notes, 8.375% due 7/1/13     312,345  
            Total Media     10,536,294  
Metals & Mining — 0.1%
  100,000     A   Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile — CODELCO, Senior Notes, 4.750% due 10/15/14 (f)     99,129  
  190,000     BB   Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.375% due 4/1/17     201,875  
            Steel Dynamics Inc.:        
  90,000     BB+     Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.750% due 4/1/15     88,425  
  45,000     BB+     Senior Notes, 7.375% due 11/1/12     45,788  
  250,000     BBB   Teck Cominco Ltd., Notes, 6.125% due 10/1/35     201,243  
            Vale Overseas Ltd.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  40,000     BBB        8.250% due 1/17/34     44,132  
  550,000     BBB        6.875% due 11/21/36     534,265  
            Total Metals & Mining     1,214,857  
Multiline Retail — 0.0%
  20,000     BBB−   JC Penney Corp. Inc., Debentures Notes, 7.400% due 4/1/37     19,227  
Multi-Utilities — 0.1%
            Dominion Resources Inc./VA:        
              Senior Notes:        
  175,000     A−        5.125% due 12/15/09     180,260  
  80,000     A−        4.750% due 12/15/10     82,587  
  330,000     A−        5.700% due 9/17/12     349,997  
  105,000     A−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.195% due 9/15/14     116,132  
  175,000     BBB   Energy East Corp., 6.750% due 7/15/36     178,645  
            Total Multi-Utilities     907,621  
Office Electronics — 0.0%
  30,000     BBB−   Xerox Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.750% due 2/1/17     31,948  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 1.6%
  3,000,000     BBB   ABN Amro Bank/Deutschland for Gazprom, Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.625% due 3/1/13     3,447,900  
            Anadarko Petroleum Corp.:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  1,125,000     BBB−        5.950% due 9/15/16     1,167,986  
  710,000     BBB−        6.450% due 9/15/36     721,638  
  670,000     A−   Apache Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.625% due 1/15/17     706,750  
            Atlantic Richfield Co.:        
  755,000     AA+     Debentures Notes, 9.125% due 3/1/11     880,476  
  40,000     AA+     Notes, 5.900% due 4/15/09     41,215  
            Chesapeake Energy Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  40,000     BB        6.375% due 6/15/15     38,900  
  30,000     BB        6.250% due 1/15/18     28,800  
            Compagnie Generale de Geophysique-Veritas:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  35,000     BB        7.500% due 5/15/15     35,350  
  110,000     BB        7.750% due 5/15/17     111,375  
  120,000     BB−   Complete Production Services Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.000% due 12/15/16     115,950  
  80,000     A   Conoco Funding Co., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.250% due 10/15/31     94,059  
  355,000     A   ConocoPhillips Holding Co., Senior Notes, 6.950% due 4/15/29     408,815  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 1.6% — (continued)
            Devon Financing Corp.:        
              ULC, Company Guaranteed Notes:        
$ 940,000     BBB+        6.875% due 9/30/11   $ 1,035,090  
  75,000     BBB+        7.875% due 9/30/31     91,686  
            El Paso Corp.:        
  325,000     BB−     Senior Notes, 7.750% due 1/15/32     336,975  
  227,000     BB−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.800% due 8/1/31     235,289  
  9,000     BB   El Paso Natural Gas Co., 8.375% due 6/15/32     10,236  
            Gaz Capital for Gazprom:        
  350,000     BBB     Notes, 6.212% due 11/22/16 (f)     329,455  
  300,000     BBB     Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.510% due 3/7/22 (f)     274,140  
            Hess Corp.:        
  460,000     BBB−     Notes, 7.300% due 8/15/31     521,156  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  370,000     BBB−        6.650% due 8/15/11     403,800  
  50,000     BBB−        7.875% due 10/1/29     59,516  
  875,000     BBB−   Kerr-McGee Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.875% due 9/15/31     1,012,539  
            Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP:        
  70,000     BBB     Senior Notes, 6.300% due 2/1/09     71,489  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  300,000     BBB        6.750% due 3/15/11     320,094  
  280,000     BBB        6.000% due 2/1/17     284,710  
  55,000     BB+   OPTI Canada Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.250% due 12/15/14 (f)     54,588  
  39,000     BB   Peabody Energy Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.875% due 3/15/13     39,926  
  29,000     BBB+   Pemex Project Funding Master Trust, Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.625% due 6/15/35     30,475  
            Petrozuata Finance Inc.:        
  283,000     NR     8.220% due 4/1/17     284,415  
  30,000     B     Company Guaranteed Notes, Series 8.22, 8.220% due 4/1/17 (f)     30,150  
  1,455,000     BB   Sabine Pass LNG LP, Secured Notes, 7.250% due 11/30/13     1,433,175  
  90,000     AAA   SeaRiver Maritime Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 0.000% due 9/1/12     76,252  
  25,000     B1 (e)   SemGroup LP, Senior Notes, 8.750% due 11/15/15 (f)     23,375  
  40,000     BB   Southern Natural Gas Co., Notes, 5.900% due 4/1/17     40,115  
  49,000     BB+   Teekay Shipping Corp., Senior Notes, 8.875% due 7/15/11     52,430  
            Williams Cos. Inc.:        
  340,000     BB+     Debentures, 7.500% due 1/15/31     362,100  
  353,000     BB+     Notes, 8.750% due 3/15/32     417,423  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  80,000     BB+        7.875% due 9/1/21     87,600  
  240,000     BB+        7.750% due 6/15/31     260,100  
            XTO Energy Inc.:        
              Senior Notes:        
  540,000     BBB        7.500% due 4/15/12     608,237  
  30,000     BBB        6.250% due 4/15/13     32,718  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  40,000     BBB        5.650% due 4/1/16     41,239  
  150,000     BBB        6.250% due 8/1/17     160,382  
  120,000     BBB        6.750% due 8/1/37     128,273  
            Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels     16,948,362  
Paper & Forest Products — 0.0%
  1,000     B+   Georgia-Pacific Corp., Notes, 8.125% due 5/15/11     995  
  475,000     BBB   Weyerhaeuser Co., Notes, 6.750% due 3/15/12     493,989  
            Total Paper & Forest Products     494,984  
Pharmaceuticals — 0.1%
  800,000     AA   Abbott Laboratories, Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.600% due 11/30/17     845,075  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 0.9%
$ 675,000     BBB−   Brandywine Operating Partnership LP, Company Guaranteed Notes, 4.500% due 11/1/09   $ 633,772  
  625,000     BBB   BRE Properties Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.450% due 1/15/11     650,504  
  1,100,000     BBB   Developers Diversified Realty Corp., Notes, 5.250% due 4/15/11     1,061,235  
  700,000     BBB+   Duke Realty LP, Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.500% due 1/15/18     641,743  
  1,100,000     BBB−   Equity One Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 3.875% due 4/15/09     1,075,357  
            Forest City Enterprises Inc.:        
  10,000     BB−     Notes, 7.625% due 6/1/15     9,450  
  19,000     BB−     Senior Notes, 6.500% due 2/1/17     16,910  
            Health Care Property Investors Inc.:        
              Senior Notes:        
  820,000     BBB        5.950% due 9/15/11     797,227  
  700,000     BBB        6.450% due 6/25/12     687,639  
  9,000     BBB−   Health Care REIT Inc., Notes, 8.000% due 9/12/12     9,298  
  30,000     BB   Host Marriott LP, Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.750% due 6/1/16     28,575  
  300,000     BBB   iStar Financial Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.800% due 3/15/11 (b)     264,641  
  1,700,000     BBB−   Nationwide Health Properties Inc., Notes, 7.920% due 3/18/09     1,756,423  
  330,000     CCC+   Realogy Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 12.375% due 4/15/15 (d)     176,550  
            Rouse Co.:        
  980,000     BB−     3.625% due 3/15/09     932,974  
  325,000     BB−     5.375% due 11/26/13     266,017  
  800,000     BBB   UDR Inc., 5.000% due 1/15/12     778,847  
            Ventas Realty LP/Ventas Capital Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  10,000     BBB−        8.750% due 5/1/09     10,275  
  30,000     BBB−        6.750% due 6/1/10     30,375  
  30,000     BBB−        9.000% due 5/1/12     32,250  
  20,000     BBB−        6.750% due 4/1/17     19,800  
            Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)     9,879,862  
Road & Rail — 0.0%
  10,000     B   Kansas City Southern Railway, Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 10/1/08     10,275  
  20,000     BBB+   Norfolk Southern Corp., Senior Notes, 6.750% due 2/15/11     21,593  
            Union Pacific Corp.:        
  45,000     BBB        6.650% due 1/15/11     48,005  
  140,000     BBB        5.375% due 5/1/14     143,036  
            Total Road & Rail     222,909  
Specialty Retail — 0.0%
  60,000     B+   Suburban Propane Partners LP/Suburban Energy Finance Corp., Senior Notes, 6.875% due 12/15/13     58,500  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 0.0%
  30,000     B+   Oxford Industries Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.875% due 6/1/11     28,950  
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance — 0.1%
  1,375,000     BBB+   Countrywide Financial Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.104% due 3/24/09     1,233,209  
Tobacco — 0.1%
            Altria Group Inc.:        
  300,000     BBB     Debentures Notes, 7.750% due 1/15/27     374,915  
  145,000     BBB     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.000% due 11/4/13     168,589  
  85,000     BBB   Reynolds American Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.250% due 6/1/12     90,833  
            Total Tobacco     634,337  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 0.1%
            Nextel Communications Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
$ 700,000     BBB−        6.875% due 10/31/13   $ 549,915  
  15,000     BBB−        5.950% due 3/15/14     11,188  
  60,000     BBB−        7.375% due 8/1/15     46,533  
  10,000     BBB−   Rogers Wireless Inc., Secured Notes, 6.375% due 3/1/14     10,413  
  225,000     A−   Vodafone Group PLC, 6.150% due 2/27/37     215,173  
  105,000     BB   Windstream Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.625% due 8/1/16     107,363  
            Total Wireless Telecommunication Services     940,585  
(Cost — $203,438,817)
California — 0.2%
            State of California, GO:        
  700,000     A+        5.000% due 6/1/37 (b)     655,109  
  1,100,000     A+        5.000% due 11/1/37 (b)     1,029,061  
  200,000     A+        5.000% due 12/1/37 (b)     187,086  
            Total California     1,871,256  
Illinois — 0.0%
  170,000     AAA   Chicago IL, GO, Drivers, Series 1287, FSA-Insured, 6.991% due 1/1/14 (a)(b)(f)     105,633  
  210,000     AA   Illinois State, GO, 5.100% due 6/1/33     206,224  
            Total Illinois     311,857  
New York — 0.0%
  130,000     AA+   New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer System Revenue, Drivers, Series 1289, 6.990% due 12/15/13 (a)(b)(f)(g)     83,963  
Ohio — 0.1%
  1,000,000     BBB   Buckeye Ohio Tobacco Settlement, 5.750% due 6/1/34 (b)     914,230  
Oregon — 0.1%
  600,000     A+   Oregon School Boards Association GO, Series A, FGIC-Insured, zero coupon bond to yield, 4.170% due 6/30/09 (k)     575,388  
Virginia — 0.1%
  1,600,013     AAA   Virginia Housing Development Authority, Series C, 6.000% due 6/25/34     1,600,205  
(Cost — $5,568,207)
  1,290,250     AAA   MGM Studios Term B1, 8.410% due 4/8/12     1,075,566  
(Cost — $1,290,250)
Brazil — 0.1%
  2,500,000 BRL   BB+   Federative Republic of Brazil, 12.500% due 1/5/22     1,629,741  
France — 0.3%
  1,800,000 EUR   AAA   Government of France, 5.750% due 10/25/32     3,207,396  
Germany — 0.3%
  1,800,000 EUR   AAA   Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 6.250% due 1/4/30     3,404,074  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Hong Kong — 0.1%
$ 1,000,000     AA   Hong Kong Government International Bond, 5.125% due 8/1/14 (b)(f)   $ 1,067,814  
Mexico — 0.2%
  45,000     BBB+   Mexico Government International Bond, 7.500% due 4/8/33     53,775  
            United Mexican States:        
  1,208,000     BBB+     6.750% due 9/27/34     1,330,612  
  70,000     BBB+     Medium-Term Notes, 5.625% due 1/15/17     73,080  
  275,000     BBB+     Series A, 6.375% due 1/16/13     299,612  
            Total Mexico     1,757,079  
Russia — 0.1%
  1,019,700     BAA2   Russian Federation, 7.500% due 3/31/30     1,167,117  
South Korea — 0.1%
  1,050,000     A   Export-Import Bank of Korea, Notes, 4.901% due 10/4/11 (a)(b)(f)     1,052,978  
United Kingdom — 0.2%
  900,000 GBP   AAA   United Kingdom Treasury Notes, 4.250% due 3/7/11     1,794,299  
(Cost — $14,031,883)
            U.S. Treasury Bonds:        
  200,000           8.875% due 8/15/17     284,219  
  5,177,000           8.125% due 8/15/19 (b)     7,208,973  
  1,400,000           8.500% due 2/15/20 (b)     2,009,766  
  670,000           8.750% due 8/15/20 (b)     983,749  
  3,255,000           6.250% due 8/15/23     4,002,381  
  1,865,000           6.625% due 2/15/27     2,411,678  
  11,365,000           6.125% due 11/15/27     13,982,507  
  370,000           4.750% due 2/15/37 (b)     389,945  
  1,510,000           4.375% due 2/15/38     1,499,030  
            U.S. Treasury Notes:        
  1,400,000           4.625% due 3/31/08     1,399,613  
  170,000           3.750% due 5/15/08 (b)     170,677  
  280,000           4.625% due 7/31/09     292,075  
  4,607,000           4.000% due 4/15/10     4,832,674  
  1,290,000           4.500% due 11/15/10     1,382,518  
  50,000           4.625% due 10/31/11     54,434  
  130,000           4.500% due 3/31/12     141,334  
  20,915,000           4.750% due 5/31/12     22,965,653  
  380,000           4.625% due 7/31/12     415,595  
  14,569,000           4.250% due 9/30/12     15,719,732  
  14,952,000           3.625% due 12/31/12     15,724,136  
  3,605,000           2.875% due 1/31/13     3,669,497  
  6,890,000           2.750% due 2/28/13     6,972,363  
  19,060,000           4.250% due 11/15/14 (b)     20,552,055  
  14,600,000           5.125% due 5/15/16 (b)     16,450,097  
  20,000           4.750% due 8/15/17 (b)     21,931  
  2,855,000           4.250% due 11/15/17 (b)     3,018,940  
  2,990,000           3.500% due 2/15/18     2,983,461  
  2,470,000           5.000% due 5/15/37 (b)     2,708,318  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS — 14.2% — (continued)
            U.S. Treasury Strip Principal (STRIPS),        
$ 2,000,000         Zero coupon bond to yield, 5.396% due 11/15/24   $ 935,802  
            TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS     153,183,153  
  240,000     NR   Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp.(FAMC), 4.250% due 7/29/08     241,419  
  400,000     AAA   Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), 4.875% due 4/4/12     427,013  
  580,000     AAA   Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), 5.125% due 6/13/08     583,756  
  1,109,000     NR   Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) (STRIP), 5.280% due 9/26/19     666,951  
            Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC):        
  380,000     AAA     4.750% due 1/18/11     400,325  
  850,000     AAA     6.750% due 3/15/31     1,055,464  
  470,000     AAA     5.625% due 11/23/35     485,551  
            Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA):        
  670,000     AA−     5.250% due 8/1/12     717,270  
  2,075,000     AA−     5.125% due 1/2/14     2,197,564  
  1,170,000     AAA     5.550% due 2/16/17     1,229,014  
            Total U.S GOVERNMENT AGENCIES     8,004,327  
(Cost — $153,882,397)
            U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed:        
  200,000           4.500% due 3/31/09     206,203  
  2,083,685           2.375% due 1/15/25 (b)     2,282,775  
  973,581           2.000% due 1/15/26 (b)     1,013,133  
  5,566,871           2.375% due 1/15/27 (b)(k)     6,139,218  
            U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed:        
  3,703,665           2.375% due 4/15/11 (b)     4,006,906  
  11,143           2.000% due 7/15/14     12,123  
  140,377           1.875% due 7/15/15     151,267  
  306,890           2.000% due 1/15/16     332,712  
  1,268,837           2.500% due 7/15/16 (b)     1,428,829  
  2,685,537           2.625% due 7/15/17     3,064,871  
  3,559,159           1.750% due 1/15/28     3,569,449  
(Cost — $20,663,225)
Automobiles — 0.0%
  3,000         General Motors Corp., 6.250% due 3/6/32     58,020  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 0.0%
  35         McLeodUSA Inc., 2.500% due 4/18/12 (l)*     0  
(Cost — $74,125)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Shares         Security   Value  
Diversified Financial Services — 0.0%
  100         Home Ownership Funding CP II, 1.000% (f)(g)   $ 18,122  
(Cost — $63,255)
Contracts         Security   Value  
United Kingdom — 0.8%
  256,600,000 EUR       Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.18, expires 4/20/09   $ 4,586,702  
  47,200,000 GBP       Swaption, 6 Month LIBOR, Call @ $7.00, expires 3/18/09     3,671,934  
            Total United Kingdom     8,258,636  
United States — 0.8%
  1,200,000 EUR       Euro vs. U.S. Dollar, Put @ $1.38, expires 5/21/10     41,132  
  1,200,000 EUR       Euro vs. U.S. Dollar, Call @ $1.38, expires 5/21/10     165,835  
  13,000,000         Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $91.00, expires 4/7/08     104  
  1,000,000         Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $92.00, expires 5/6/08     28  
  20,000,000         Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $93.00, expires 5/6/08     3,920  
  4,000,000         Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $91.00, expires 4/7/08     12  
  18,000,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.50, expires 12/19/08     587,326  
  54,700,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.55, expires 9/19/08     1,990,570  
  28,900,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $5.00, expires 12/15/08     1,210,077  
  18,000,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.50, expires 12/19/08     587,326  
  32,000,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $3.75, expires 12/31/08     637,639  
  21,600,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $3.50, expires 2/2/09     341,909  
  27,100,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.25, expires 7/6/09     614,821  
  28,000,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.75, expires 9/26/08     1,117,505  
  13,300,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.75, expires 9/26/08     530,815  
  8,000,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.75, expires 9/26/08     319,287  
  20,600,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $3.15, expires 12/15/08     249,778  
  6,400,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $3.15, expires 12/15/08     77,601  
  9,900,000 JPY       U.S. Dollar vs. Japanese Yen, Call @ JPY118.00, expires 9/16/08     15,761  
  2,000,000 JPY       U.S. Dollar vs. Japanese Yen, Put @ JPY104.65, expires 3/31/10     142,838  
  2,000,000 JPY       U.S. Dollar vs. Japanese Yen, Call @ JPY104.65, expires 3/31/10     62,722  
  287         U.S. Treasury Bonds Futures, Call @ $145.00, expires 5/23/08     4,484  
  202         U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year Futures, Put @ $86.00, expires 5/23/08     3,156  
  450         U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year Futures, Put @ $91.00, expires 5/23/08     7,031  
  86         U.S. Treasury Notes 2 Year Futures, Call @ $114.00, expires 5/23/08     1,344  
  139         U.S. Treasury Notes 2 Year Futures, Call @ $116.00, expires 5/23/08     973  
  458         U.S. Treasury Notes 5 Year Futures, Call @ $124.00, expires 5/23/08     14,312  
            Total United States     8,728,306  
(Cost — $7,929,071)
(Cost — $1,244,584,004)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Amount †         Security   Value  
  5,300,000         Bank of America Corp., 3.058% due 3/14/08 (b)(k)     5,294,163  
  4,495,000         BNP Paribas Finance Inc., 3.039% due 3/13/08 (k)     4,490,457  
  8,300,000         Fortis Funding LLC, 3.108% due 3/25/08 (b)(f)(k)     8,282,847  
  3,770,000         General Electric Capital Corp., 2.998% due 3/12/08 (k)     3,766,556  
  8,400,000         Intesa Funding Discount 03/03/08, 3.051% due 3/3/08 (b)(k)     8,398,577  
  2,005,000         Merrill Lynch Co., 3.139% due 3/26/08 (k)     2,000,645  
            UBS Finance Delaware LLC:        
  5,875,000           3.118% due 3/4/08 (k)     5,873,477  
  3,000,000           3.066% due 3/6/08 (b)(k)     2,998,725  
  6,100,000           3.060% due 6/2/08 (b)(k)     6,052,174  
(Cost — $47,157,620)
  24,968,410         BBH Securities Lending Trust (Cost — $24,968,410) (n)   $ 24,968,410  
  1,000,000         Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC repurchase agreement dated 02/29/08, 2.109% due 03/3/08, Proceeds at maturity — $1,000,176; (Fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury Notes, 4.75% due 12/31/08; Market Value — ($1,023,482) (k)     1,000,000  
  14,818,859         Bank of America — London, 2.540% due 3/3/08     14,818,859  
            BBH — Grand Cayman:        
  240,688 JPY         0.010% due 3/3/08     2,309  
  108,721 CAD         3.095% due 3/3/08     110,974  
  5,614 AUD         5.750% due 3/3/08     5,991  
            Wachovia — London:        
  354,155 EUR         3.231% due 3/3/08     537,731  
  286,203 GBP         4.507% due 3/3/08     568,342  
  7,878,846         Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     7,878,846  
(Cost — $23,923,052)
  11,035,000         Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Discount Notes 2.897% due 3/24/08 (k)     11,014,623  
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Discount Notes
2.921% due 4/23/08 (k)
  1,980,000           4.764% due 3/17/08 (k)     1,975,937  
(Cost — $13,129,962)
(Cost — $110,179,044)
            TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 127.1%
(Cost — $1,354,763,048)
            Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (27.1%)     (293,105,426 )
            TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 1,080,671,618  
 † Face amount denominated in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.
 ‡ All ratings are by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service, unless otherwise noted.
 * Non-income producing securities.
(a) Variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at February 29, 2008.
(b) All or a portion of this security is segregated for open futures contracts, extended settlements, written options, swap contracts, foreign currency contracts, TBA’s and short sales.
(c) This security is traded on a to-be-announced (“TBA”) basis (See Note 1).
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
(d) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
(e) Rating by Moody’s Investors Service. All ratings are unaudited.
(f) Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security maybe resold in transactions that are exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. This security has been deemed liquid pursuant to guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise noted.
(g) Illiquid security.
(h) Interest only security.
(i) Rating by Fitch Ratings Service. All ratings are unaudited.
(j) Payment-kind security for which part of the income earned maybe paid as additional principal.
(k) Rate shown represents yield-to-maturity.
(l) Security is valued in good faith at fair value by or under the direction of the Board of Trustees.
(m) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 7.9%.
(n) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
See pages 100 and 101 for definition of ratings.
Abbreviations used in this schedule:
    Consumer Price Index
    Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
    Financial Security Assurancy
    General Obligation
    Interest Only
    London Interbank Offered Rate
    Mortgage Asset Securitization Transactions Inc.
    Planned Facilities Authority
    Public Facilities Authority
    Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principals
Summary of Investments by Security Type* (unaudited)
Mortgage-Backed Securities
    47.0 %
Corporate Bonds & Notes
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
U.S. Government & Agency Obligations
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
Purchased Options
Sovereign Bonds
Asset-Backed Securities
Municipal Bonds
Senior Loans
Convertible Preferred Stock
    0.0 **
Preferred Stocks
    0.0 **
Short-Term Investments
      100.0 %
* As a percentage of total investments.
** Position represents less than 0.1%.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Schedule of Written Options
Contracts     Security Name   Expiration Date     Strike Price     Value  
United Kingdom
  14,500,000 GBP   Swaption, 6 Month LIBOR, Put     3/18/09     $ 7.00     $ 3,276,718  
  82,800,000 EUR   Swaption, 6 Month LIBOR, Put     4/20/09       4.44       3,167,320  
        Total United Kingdom                     6,444,038  
United States
  34     Eurodollar Futures, Put     9/15/08       97.25       56,525  
  18,200,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     9/19/08       5.05       1,243,417  
  12,100,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Put     9/26/08       4.95       760,558  
  5,800,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     9/26/08       4.95       364,565  
  3,500,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     9/26/08       4.95       219,996  
  9,700,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/15/08       5.20       699,049  
  6,900,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/15/08       4.30       231,747  
  2,200,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/15/08       4.30       73,890  
  6,000,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/19/08       5.00       372,805  
  6,000,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/19/08       5.00       372,805  
  6,300,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/31/08       5.22       454,967  
  4,300,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     12/31/08       5.22       310,533  
  7,100,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     2/2/09       4.60       310,829  
  9,000,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Put     7/6/09       4.90       460,682  
  4,900,000     U.S. Dollar vs. Japanese Yen, Put     9/16/08       100.00       113,465  
  34     U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year, Put     3/20/08       112.50       2,125  
  34     U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year, Call     3/20/08       116.50       51,531  
  39     U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year, Put     5/23/08       113.00       22,547  
  57     U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year, Put     5/23/08       118.00       41,859  
        Total United States                     6,163,895  
(Premiums received — $6,851,010)
                  $ 12,607,933  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Core Fixed Income Investments
Schedule of Securities Sold Short
Amount   Security   Value  
      Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC)        
$ 26,100,000     6.000% due 3/01/38 (a)   $ 26,658,697  
      Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., (FHLMC)        
  8,400,000     5.500% due 3/01/38 (a)     8,448,561  
      Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)        
  3,000,000     5.000% due 3/01/38 (a)     2,954,532  
  28,200,000     6.000% due 3/01/38 (a)     28,812,476  
  29,880,000     6.500% due 3/01/38 (a)     30,967,811  
  25,200,000     5.500% due 4/01/38 (a)     25,345,681  
      Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA)        
  9,000,000     5.500% due 3/01/36 (a)     9,198,279  
      U.S. Treasury Bonds        
  1,700,000     5.375% due 2/15/31     1,937,337  
      U.S. Treasury Notes        
  1,800,000     6.000% due 8/15/09     1,915,173  
  18,800,000     4.625% due 2/15/17     20,462,634  
  42,000,000     4.250% due 11/15/14-11/15/17     44,543,142  
(Proceeds — $198,744,568)
  $ 201,244,323  
(a) This security is traded on a to-be-announced (“TBA”) basis (See note 1).
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Aerospace & Defense — 0.9%
$ 80,000     B+   Alliant Techsystem Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 6.750% due 4/1/16   $ 78,600  
  395,000     BB   Bombardier Inc., Notes, 6.300% due 5/1/14 (a)     377,225  
  135,000     B   DRS Technologies Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.625% due 2/1/18     135,675  
  355,000     BB+   L-3 Communications Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 5.875% due 1/15/15     347,012  
  250,000     CCC   Vought Aircraft Industries Inc., Senior Notes, 8.000% due 7/15/11     232,812  
            Total Aerospace & Defense     1,171,324  
Airlines — 1.0%
  350,000     B+   Continental Airlines Inc., Pass Thru Certificates, 7.339% due 4/19/14     318,500  
  665,000     B−   DAE Aviation Holdings Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.250% due 8/1/15 (a)     668,325  
  78,526     B   Delta Air Lines Inc., Pass Thru Certificates, 8.954% due 8/10/14     73,422  
  231,707     BB+   United Airlines Inc., Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2000-2, Senior Secured Notes, 7.032% due 10/1/10     231,186  
            Total Airlines     1,291,433  
Auto Components — 1.0%
            Allison Transmission:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  170,000     B−        11.000% due 11/1/15     146,200  
  140,000     B−        11.250% due 11/1/15 (b)     115,850  
  170,000     CCC   Keystone Automotive Operations Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.750% due 11/1/13     104,550  
  245,000     B   Titan International Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.000% due 1/15/12     237,650  
  876,000     CCC+   Visteon Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.250% due 8/1/10     733,650  
            Total Auto Components     1,337,900  
Automobiles — 1.3%
  90,000     CCC+   Ford Motor Co., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.450% due 7/16/31     61,875  
            General Motors Corp.:        
  115,000     B−     Notes, 7.200% due 1/15/11 (c)     104,362  
  645,000     B−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.700% due 4/15/16     514,387  
  1,300,000     B−     Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 8.375% due 7/15/33 (c)     1,001,000  
            Total Automobiles     1,681,624  
Building Products — 0.8%
            Associated Materials Inc.:        
  65,000     CCC     Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.750% due 4/15/12     64,675  
  610,000     CCC     Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 11.250% due 3/1/14 (c)     390,400  
  315,000     CCC+   Dayton Superior Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 13.000% due 6/15/09 (c)     276,412  
  100,000     BB−   KB Home, Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.625% due 12/15/08     100,500  
  160,000     CCC+   Nortek Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.500% due 9/1/14     124,800  
  250,000     CCC+   NTK Holdings Inc., Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 10.750% due 3/1/14 (c)     133,750  
            Total Building Products     1,090,537  
Chemicals — 0.6%
  15,000     B   Arco Chemical Co., Debentures, 10.250% due 11/1/10 (d)     15,300  
            Georgia Gulf Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  95,000     CCC+        9.500% due 10/15/14 (c)     72,200  
  450,000     CCC        10.750% due 10/15/16 (c)     294,750  
  80,000     B   Huntsman International LLC, Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.875% due 11/15/14     83,200  
  480,000     B−   Montell Finance Co. BV, Debentures, 8.100% due 3/15/27     319,200  
  27,000     BB+   Westlake Chemical Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.625% due 1/15/16     24,030  
            Total Chemicals     808,680  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.7%
$ 335,000     B−   ACE Cash Express Inc., Senior Notes, 10.250% due 10/1/14 (a)   $ 276,375  
  865,000     B−   Aramark Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.500% due 2/1/15     856,350  
  475,000     B−   Cardtronics Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.250% due 8/15/13     450,062  
  450,000     B   Cenveo Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 7.875% due 12/1/13     385,875  
  767,000     B   DI Finance/DynCorp. International, Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.500% due 2/15/13     795,762  
            Interface Inc.:        
  350,000     B−     Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 2/1/14     362,250  
  280,000     B+     Senior Notes, 10.375% due 2/1/10     294,000  
  405,000     B−   Mobile Services Group Inc. / Mobile Storage Group Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.750% due 8/1/14     380,700  
  450,000     B−   Rental Service Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 12/1/14     370,125  
            RH Donnelley Corp.:        
  340,000     B     Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 6.875% due 1/15/13     202,300  
              Senior Notes:        
  100,000     B        8.875% due 1/15/16     60,000  
  80,000     B        8.875% due 10/15/17     52,000  
  290,000     BB−   Stewart Enterprises Inc., Senior Notes, 6.250% due 2/15/13     273,325  
  120,000     CCC+   US Investigations Services Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.750% due 5/1/16     95,400  
            Total Commercial Services & Supplies     4,854,524  
Communication Equipment — 0.4%
  555,000     CCC+   Broadview Networks Holdings Inc., Senior Secured Notes, 11.375% due 9/1/12     541,125  
Computers & Peripherals — 0.6%
  95,000     CCC+   Activant Solutions Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 5/1/16     79,325  
            Sungard Data Systems Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  340,000     B−        9.125% due 8/15/13     344,250  
  400,000     B−        10.250% due 8/15/15     400,000  
            Total Computers & Peripherals     823,575  
Consumer Finance — 2.8%
            Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC:        
  600,000     B     Notes, 7.000% due 10/1/13     492,879  
              Senior Notes:        
  775,000     B        5.800% due 1/12/09     749,272  
  295,000     B        9.875% due 8/10/11     273,265  
              Unsecured Notes:        
  160,000     B        8.625% due 11/1/10     146,598  
  62,500     B        7.127% due 1/13/12     49,224  
  240,000     B+   General Motors Acceptance Corp., Notes, 6.875% due 8/28/12     191,743  
            GMAC LLC:        
  860,000     B+     Bonds, 8.000% due 11/1/31     651,593  
  740,000     B+     Notes, 6.750% due 12/1/14     558,071  
  685,000     B+     Unsecured Notes, 6.000% due 4/1/11     552,964  
            Total Consumer Finance     3,665,609  
Containers & Packaging — 1.6%
            Graham Packaging Co. Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  310,000     CCC+     8.500% due 10/15/12     279,775  
  153,000     CCC+     9.875% due 10/15/14     131,197  
  220,000     B−   Graphic Packaging International Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.500% due 8/15/13     208,450  
  145,000     BB−   Greif Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.750% due 2/1/17     140,650  
  130,000     NR   Newpage Holding Corp., Senior Notes, 14.098% due 11/1/13 (b)(e)     109,200  
  520,000     B+   Owens-Illinois Inc., Debentures Notes, 7.500% due 5/15/10     534,300  
  440,000     B   Plastipak Holdings Inc., Senior Notes, 8.500% due 12/15/15     412,500  
  255,000     CC   Portola Packaging Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.250% due 2/1/12 (c)     160,650  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Containers & Packaging — 1.6% — (continued)
$ 150,000     B−   Smurfit-Stone Container Enterprises Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.000% due 3/15/17   $ 133,500  
            Total Containers & Packaging     2,110,222  
Diversified Consumer Services — 1.5%
  405,000     CCC+   Allied Security Escrow Corp., Notes, 11.375% due 7/15/11     357,412  
            Education Management LLC / Education Management Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  45,000     CCC+        8.750% due 6/1/14     39,825  
  150,000     CCC+        10.250% due 6/1/16     126,750  
  870,000     B   Hertz Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.500% due 1/1/16     830,850  
  250,000     CCC+   Pegasus Solutions Inc., Senior Notes, 10.500% due 4/15/15 (a)     211,875  
  245,000     B−   Penhall International Corp., Senior Secured Notes, 12.000% due 8/1/14     207,025  
  290,000     B−   TeamHealth Inc., 11.250% due 12/1/13     279,850  
            Total Diversified Consumer Services     2,053,587  
Diversified Financial Services — 9.9%
  880,000     CCC+   AAC Group Holding Corp., step bond to yield, 10.250% due 10/1/12     734,800  
  260,000     B−   Advanta Capital Trust I, Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.990% due 12/17/26 (d)     170,300  
  525,000     B+   AmeriCredit Corp.,Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.500% due 7/1/15     406,875  
  630,000     B−   Basell AF SCA, Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.375% due 8/15/15     444,150  
  105,000     CCC+   CCM Merger Inc., Notes, 8.000% due 8/1/13     92,400  
  8,000,000     B3(f)   CDX North America High Yield, 8.750% due 12/29/12     7,520,000  
  240,000     BBB+   Countrywide Financial Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.754% due 4/15/37 (e)     213,600  
            Galaxy Entertainment Finance Co., Ltd.:        
  510,000     B+     Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.875% due 12/15/12 (a)     510,000  
  155,000     B+     Senior Notes, 9.377% due 12/15/10 (a)(e)     155,000  
  570,000     B   Global Cash Access LLC/Global Cash Finance Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.750% due 3/15/12     551,475  
            Hawker Beechcraft Acquisition Co. LLC / Hawker Beechcraft Notes Co.:        
  200,000     B−     Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.750% due 4/1/17     199,500  
  350,000     B−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.875% due 4/1/15 (b)     358,750  
            LVB Acquisition Merger Sub Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  295,000     B−        10.000% due 10/15/17 (a)     306,431  
  105,000     B−        11.625% due 10/15/17     103,819  
  270,000     B−   Nuveen Investments Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.500% due 9/15/15     171,450  
            Residential Capital LLC:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  135,000     CCC+        6.923% due 4/17/09     69,525  
  80,000     B        7.875% due 6/30/10     46,000  
  280,000     B        7.500% due 2/22/11     150,500  
  180,000     B        8.875% due 6/30/15     96,300  
  270,000     B−   Sensus Metering Systems Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.625% due 12/15/13     256,500  
  200,000     BBB−   SLM Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.000% due 1/15/09     192,855  
  105,000     B   Snoqualmie Entertainment Authority, 6.936% due 2/1/14     91,350  
  130,000     CCC+   Vanguard Health Holding Co. I LLC, Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.250% due 10/1/15     95,875  
  250,000     CCC+   Vanguard Health Holdings Co. II LLC, Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.000% due 10/1/14     240,000  
            Total Diversified Financial Services     13,177,455  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 7.0%
            Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co.:        
  885,000     B−     Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.375% due 1/15/14     854,025  
  35,000     BB     Senior Debentures, 6.300% due 12/1/28     29,225  
            Citizens Communications Co.:        
  50,000     BB+     Debentures Notes, 7.050% due 10/1/46     36,750  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  535,000     BB+        6.625% due 3/15/15     492,200  
  160,000     BB+        7.875% due 1/15/27     143,200  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 7.0% — (continued)
$ 475,000     B−   Global Crossing UK Finance PLC, 10.750% due 12/15/14   $ 482,125  
  140,000     CCC   Hawaiian Telcom Communications Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, Series B, 12.500% due 5/1/15 (c)     108,500  
  190,000     BB−   IKON Office Solutions Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.750% due 9/15/15     189,287  
  420,000     CCC+   Intelsat Bermuda Ltd, Senior Unsecured Notes, 11.250% due 6/15/16     420,525  
  210,000     CCC+   Intelsat Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.000% due 6/15/16     211,050  
            Level 3 Financing Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  270,000     CCC+        12.250% due 3/15/13     252,450  
  970,000     CCC+        9.250% due 11/1/14     790,550  
  243,000     NR   McLeodUSA Inc., 10.500% due 10/1/11 (a)     283,705  
  400,000     B   Nordic Telephone Co. Holdings ApS, Secured Notes, 8.875% due 5/1/16     396,000  
            Primus Telecommunications GP:        
  215,000     NR     Notes, 3.750% due 9/15/10 (c)     122,012  
  895,000     Caa3 (f)     Senior Notes, 8.000% due 1/15/14 (c)     407,225  
            Qwest Communications International Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  9,000     B+        6.565% due 2/15/09     8,977  
  685,000     B+        7.500% due 2/15/14     669,587  
  180,000     BBB−     Senior Notes, 7.625% due 6/15/15     179,550  
  850,000     B+     Senior Notes, Class B, 7.500% due 2/15/14     830,875  
  475,000     NR   SAVVIS Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 3.000% due 5/15/12     373,469  
  465,000     B   Syniverse Technologies Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.750% due 8/15/13     446,400  
  635,000     CCC+   Time Warner Telecom Holdings Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.250% due 2/15/14     638,175  
  555,000     B−   Virgin Media Finance PLC, Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.750% due 4/15/14     477,300  
  460,000     B   Wind Acquisition Finance SA, Senior Bond, 10.750% due 12/1/15     468,050  
            Total Diversified Telecommunication Services     9,311,212  
Electric Utilities — 4.7%
            AES Corp.:        
  77,000     BB+     Secured Notes, 8.750% due 5/15/13     80,850  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  340,000     B        7.750% due 3/1/14     345,950  
  290,000     B        7.750% due 10/15/15     295,800  
  390,000     B        8.000% due 10/15/17     399,750  
  735,000     B+   Aquila Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.911% due 7/1/12 (e)     907,725  
            Edison Mission Energy:        
  160,000     BB−     Senior Notes, 7.750% due 6/15/16     165,600  
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  100,000     BB−        7.200% due 5/15/19     98,500  
  260,000     BB−        7.625% due 5/15/27     246,350  
  118,147     BB   Elwood Energy LLC, Secured Notes, 8.159% due 7/5/26     117,947  
  2,020,000     CCC+   Energy Future Holdings Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.250% due 11/1/17 (b)     1,984,650  
  83,894     BB−   FPL Energy National Wind, Secured Notes, 6.125% due 3/25/19 (d)     84,140  
  12,520     BB+   Midwest Generation LLC, Pass-Through Certificate, Series B, 8.560% due 1/2/16     13,334  
  89,453     BB   Mirant Mid Atlantic LLC, Pass Thru Certificates, 9.125% due 6/30/17     98,957  
  545,000     B−   Reliant Energy Inc., Senior Notes, 7.625% due 6/15/14     540,912  
            Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co. LLC:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  350,000     CCC        10.250% due 11/1/15 (a)     343,000  
  530,000     CCC        10.500% due 11/1/16 (b)     511,450  
            Total Electric Utilities     6,234,915  
Electrical Equipment — 0.6%
  390,000     B   Coleman Cable Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.875% due 10/1/12     345,150  
  530,000     B+   Superior Essex Communications LLC/Essex Group Inc., Senior Notes, 9.000% due 4/15/12     511,450  
            Total Electrical Equipment     856,600  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Electronic Equipment & Instruments — 0.5%
$ 355,000     BB−   Belden Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 7.000% due 3/15/17   $ 347,012  
  415,000     B+   Sanmina-SCI Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.741% due 6/15/14 (a)     383,875  
            Total Electronic Equipment & Instruments     730,887  
Energy Equipment & Services — 1.4%
  130,000     A−   ANR Pipeline Co., Debentures, 9.625% due 11/1/21     173,706  
            Dynegy Holdings Inc.:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  565,000     B−        8.375% due 5/1/16     555,112  
  240,000     B−        7.750% due 6/1/19     224,400  
  65,000     B+   Gulfmark Offshore Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.750% due 7/15/14     66,462  
  275,000     B   MarkWest Energy Partners LP / MarkWest Energy Finance Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.875% due 11/1/14     261,594  
  45,000     BB+   Pride International Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.375% due 7/15/14     47,025  
  20,000     B   Roseton/Danskammer, Pass Thru Certificates, 7.670% due 11/8/16     19,987  
  268,000     BBB−   Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., Senior Notes, Series B, 8.875% due 7/15/12     306,190  
  230,000     B−   VeraSun Energy Corp., Senior Notes, 9.375% due 6/1/17     171,350  
            Total Energy Equipment & Services     1,825,826  
Food & Staples Retailing — 0.2%
  185,000     BBB−   Delhaize America Inc., Debentures, 9.000% due 4/15/31     225,269  
Food Products — 1.0%
  350,000     BB−   Constellation Brands Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.250% due 9/1/16     340,375  
  335,000     B−   Dole Foods Co. Inc., 7.250% due 6/15/10     276,375  
  680,000     CC   Merisant Co., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 7/15/13     465,800  
  770,000     CC   Merisant Worldwide Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 12.250% due 5/15/14     257,950  
            Total Food Products     1,340,500  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 1.3%
  595,000     B−   Advanced Medical Optics Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 5/1/17     511,700  
  470,000     B−   Bausch & Lomb Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.875% due 11/1/15 (a)     478,225  
            Boston Scientific Corp.:        
              Senior Unsecured Notes:        
  405,000     BB+        6.400% due 6/15/16     374,625  
  200,000     BB+        5.125% due 1/12/17     169,000  
  140,000     B−   Invacare Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.750% due 2/15/15     142,100  
            Total Health Care Equipment & Supplies     1,675,650  
Health Care Providers & Services — 4.5%
  610,000     B−   Community Health Systems Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.875% due 7/15/15     601,612  
            DaVita Inc.:        
  305,000     B     Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.625% due 3/15/13     300,425  
  220,000     B     Senior Subordinated Notes, 7.250% due 3/15/15     218,900  
            HCA Inc.:        
  120,000     B−        9.000% due 12/15/14     116,707  
  190,000     B−        7.690% due 6/15/25     154,343  
              Secured Notes:        
  1,445,000     BB−        9.250% due 11/15/16     1,484,737  
  860,000     BB−        9.625% due 11/15/16 (b)     890,100  
  550,000     CCC+   Select Medical Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.625% due 2/1/15     453,750  
  300,000     CCC+   Sun Healthcare Group Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.125% due 4/15/15     290,250  
            Tenet Healthcare Corp.:        
              Senior Notes:        
  200,000     CCC+        6.375% due 12/1/11     180,250  
  519,000     CCC+        9.875% due 7/1/14     487,211  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Health Care Providers & Services — 4.5% — (continued)
$ 100,000     CCC+     Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.500% due 6/1/12   $ 87,000  
  385,000     CCC+   United Surgical Partners International Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.875% due 5/1/17     363,825  
            Universal Hospital Services Inc.:        
              Secured Notes:        
  40,000     B+        8.373% due 6/1/15 (e)     37,800  
  35,000     B+        8.500% due 6/1/15 (b)     35,088  
  375,000     CCC+   US Oncology Holdings Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 15.327% due 3/15/12 (b)(e)     290,625  
            Total Health Care Providers & Services     5,992,623  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 5.6%
  130,000     B+   Boyd Gaming Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 6.750% due 4/15/14     107,900  
  140,000     NR   Buffets Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 12.500% due 11/1/14 (g)     4,200  
  80,000     B−   Dennys Corp./Dennys Holdings Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.000% due 10/1/12     76,000  
  60,000     B−   Downstream Development Authority of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma, Secured Notes, 12.000% due 10/15/15     53,100  
  65,000     CCC   El Pollo Loco, Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.750% due 11/15/13     60,775  
  65,000     CCC+   Fontainebleau Las Vegas Holdings LLC/Fontainebleau Las Vegas Capital Corp, 10.250% due 6/15/15     47,125  
  365,000     B−   Gaylord Entertainment Co., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.000% due 11/15/13     337,625  
  310,000     B   Indianapolis Downs LLC & Capital Corp., Secured Notes, 11.000% due 11/1/12 (a)     280,550  
  410,000     B   Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino, Company Guaranteed Notes, 12.000% due 11/15/10     405,900  
  730,000     B   Isle of Capri Casino Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 7.000% due 3/1/14     501,875  
  180,000     BB   Las Vegas Sands Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.375% due 2/15/15     158,400  
            Majestic Star Casino LLC/ Majestic Star Casino Capital Corp.:        
  505,000     B+     Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 10/15/10     446,925  
  190,000     CCC     Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.750% due 1/15/11     109,250  
  525,000     B+   Mandalay Resort Group, Senior Subordinated Debts Notes, 7.625% due 7/15/13     497,438  
            MGM Mirage:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  135,000     B+        8.375% due 2/1/11     136,350  
  50,000     BB        7.500% due 6/1/16     46,750  
            Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority:        
              Senior Subordinated Notes:        
  130,000     B        8.000% due 4/1/12     126,750  
  180,000     B        7.125% due 8/15/14     154,800  
  535,000     B   MTR Gaming Group Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.750% due 4/1/10     521,625  
  465,000     B+   OED Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.750% due 4/15/12     448,725  
  750,000     B−   Pinnacle Entertainment Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.250% due 3/15/12     716,250  
  490,000     B+   River Rock Entertainment Authority, Secured Notes, 9.750% due 11/1/11     503,475  
  250,000     CCC   Sbarro Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 10.375% due 2/1/15 (c)     206,250  
  320,000     B   Shingle Springs Tribal Gaming Authority, Senior Notes, 9.375% due 6/15/15 (a)     286,400  
            Station Casinos Inc.:        
  15,000     B−     Senior Subordinated Notes, 6.625% due 3/15/18     9,263  
  185,000     B     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.750% due 8/15/16     154,938  
  560,000     B   Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc., Senior Secured Notes, 8.500% due 6/1/15     392,000  
  30,000     B+   Turning Stone Resort Casino Enterprise, Senior Notes, 9.125% due 9/15/14     29,100  
  650,000     BBB−   Wynn Las Vegas Capital Corp., 1st Mortgage Notes, 6.625% due 12/1/14     627,250  
            Total Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure     7,446,989  
Household Durables — 1.4%
  20,000     BB+   American Greetings Corp., Senior Notes, 7.375% due 6/1/16     19,850  
  230,000     B   Elizabeth Arden Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.750% due 1/15/14     221,950  
  715,000     B−   Jarden Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 5/1/17     630,094  
  205,000     B−   K Hovnanian Enterprises Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.250% due 1/15/16     140,425  
  250,000     B+   Libbey Glass Inc., Senior Secured Notes, 11.913% due 6/1/11     251,875  
  200,000     B−   Norcraft Cos. LP/Norcraft Finance Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.000% due 11/1/11     197,000  
  415,000     B−   Norcraft Holdings LP/Norcraft Capital Corp., Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 9.750% due 9/1/12     363,125  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Household Durables — 1.4% — (continued)
$ 50,000     CCC+   Simmons Co., Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 10.000% due 12/15/14   $ 33,625  
            Total Household Durables     1,857,944  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 2.3%
            Mirant North America LLC:        
  880,000     B−     Senior Notes, 7.375% due 12/31/13     887,700  
  165,000     B−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.300% due 5/1/11     166,856  
  1,310,000     B   NRG Energy Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.375% due 2/1/16     1,265,788  
  680,000     B   Orion Power Holdings Inc., 12.000% due 5/1/10     741,200  
            Total Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders     3,061,544  
Insurance — 0.2%
  295,000     CCC+   HUB International Holdings Inc., Senior Notes, 9.000% due 12/15/14 (a)     234,525  
Internet Software & Services — 0.3%
  405,000     NR   Terremark Worldwide Inc., Senior Notes, 6.625% due 6/15/13     344,250  
IT Services — 0.1%
  130,000     CCC+   Ceridian Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 12.250% due 11/15/15 (b)     105,625  
Leisure Equipment & Products — 0.2%
  450,000     CCC−   Six Flags Inc., Senior Notes, 9.750% due 4/15/13 (c)     285,750  
Machinery — 0.3%
  100,000     B+   Terex Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.375% due 1/15/14     99,750  
  375,000     CCC−   Thermadyne Holdings Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.500% due 2/1/14     324,375  
            Total Machinery     424,125  
Media — 4.2%
            Affinion Group Inc.:        
  20,000     B−     Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.500% due 10/15/15     18,500  
  250,000     B−     Senior Notes, 10.125% due 10/15/13     246,250  
  460,000     CCC+   AMC Entertainment Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, step bond to yield, 7.476% due 8/15/14 (e)     338,100  
  629     CCC+   CanWest Media Inc., Senior Notes, 8.000% due 9/15/12 (d)     594  
            CCH I Holdings LLC:        
  45,000     CCC     Company Guaranteed Notes, step bond to yield, 12.125% due 1/15/15     23,175  
  130,000     CCC     Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 11.750% due 5/15/14 (c)     66,950  
  1,902,000     CCC     Senior Secured Notes, 11.000% due 10/1/15 (c)     1,331,400  
            CCH II LLC/CCH II Capital Corp.:        
  23,000     CCC (h)     Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.250% due 10/1/13     20,298  
  95,000     CCC     Senior Unsecured Notes, 10.250% due 9/15/10     87,400  
  555,000     CCC   CCO Holdings LLC/ Capital Corp., 8.750% due 11/15/13     489,788  
            Charter Communications Holdings Capital Corp., Senior Discount Notes, step bond to yield:        
  240,000     CCC     11.750% due 5/15/11     150,000  
  100,000     CCC     12.125% due 1/15/12     57,500  
  355,000     CCC+   Cinemark Inc., Discount Notes, step bond to yield, 9.750% due 3/15/14     324,825  
  135,000     CCC   CMP Susquehanna Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.875% due 5/15/14     89,944  
  510,000     B+   CSC Holdings Inc., Senior Notes, 7.625% due 4/1/11     509,363  
  240,000     BB−   DirecTV Holdings LLC/DirecTV Financing Co., Senior Notes, 8.375% due 3/15/13     248,400  
  595,000     B+   Idearc Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.000% due 11/15/16     354,025  
  425,000     B−   Mediacom LLC/Mediacom Capital Corp., 9.500% due 1/15/13     374,000  
  275,000     NR   Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc., 6.000% due 9/15/12     247,156  
  220,000     CCC   Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.625% due 8/1/13     182,600  
  60,000     B   Sun Media Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.625% due 2/15/13     57,900  
            TL Acquisitions Inc.:        
  270,000     CCC+     Senior Notes, 10.500% due 1/15/15     237,600  
  110,000     CCC+     Senior Subordinated Notes, step bond to yield, 13.250% due 7/15/15     80,300  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Media — 4.2% — (continued)
            XM Satellite Radio Inc.:        
$ 85,000     CCC     Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.991% due 5/1/13 (e)   $ 73,100  
  5,000     CCC     Senior Notes, 9.750% due 5/1/14     4,588  
            Total Media     5,613,756  
Metals & Mining — 4.2%
  575,000     BB−   AK Steel Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.750% due 6/15/12     582,188  
  290,000     BB−   Arch Western Finance LLC, Senior Secured Notes, 6.750% due 7/1/13     287,100  
  120,000     B   Foundation PA Coal Co., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.250% due 8/1/14     119,400  
  2,060,000     BB   Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.375% due 4/1/17     2,188,750  
  90,000     CCC   Metals USA Holdings Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 10.729% due 7/1/12 (b)     67,050  
  380,000     CCC+   Metals USA Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 11.125% due 12/1/15     377,150  
  1,065,000     CCC+   Noranda Aluminium Acquisition Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 13.022% due 5/15/15 (a)(b)(e)     825,375  
  80,000     CCC+   Noranda Aluminium Holding Corp., Senior Notes, 12.088% due 11/15/14 (b)(e)     57,200  
  450,000     B+   Ryerson Inc., Secured Notes, 12.000% due 11/1/15     425,250  
  155,000     BB+   Steel Dynamics Inc., Senior Notes, 7.375% due 11/1/12     157,713  
  345,000     B−   Tube City IMS Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.750% due 2/1/15     306,188  
  235,000     NR   WCI Steel Acquisition Inc., Senior Notes, 8.000% due 5/1/16     232,063  
            Total Metals & Mining     5,625,427  
Multiline Retail — 1.3%
  385,000     CCC+   Bon-Ton Stores Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.250% due 3/15/14 (c)     259,875  
  580,000     B−   Carrols Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.000% due 1/15/13     530,700  
  370,000     CCC+   Dollar General Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 11.875% due 7/15/17 (b)     307,100  
            Michaels Stores Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  125,000     CCC        10.000% due 11/1/14 (c)     109,844  
  100,000     CCC        11.375% due 11/1/16 (c)     83,250  
            Neiman Marcus Group Inc.:        
  455,000     B     Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.375% due 10/15/15 (c)     455,569  
  30,000     BB+     Debentures Notes, 7.125% due 6/1/28     26,100  
            Total Multiline Retail     1,772,438  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 9.7%
            Allis-Chalmers Energy Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  320,000     B        9.000% due 1/15/14     294,400  
  235,000     B        8.500% due 3/1/17     206,800  
  735,000     B   Belden & Blake Corp., Secured Notes, 8.750% due 7/15/12     738,675  
  355,000     NR   Callon Petroleum Co., Senior Notes, 9.750% due 12/8/10     347,900  
  245,000     BB   Chesapeake Energy Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.250% due 1/15/18     235,200  
  500,000     BB−   Compagnie Generale de Geophysique-Veritas, Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 5/15/15     505,000  
  235,000     B+   Complete Production Services Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.000% due 12/15/16     227,069  
  825,000     B   Comstock Resources Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.875% due 3/1/12     771,375  
  75,000     B+   Copano Energy LLC, Senior Notes, 8.125% due 3/1/16 (d)     76,875  
            El Paso Corp.:        
  500,000     BB−     Medium-Term Notes, 8.050% due 10/15/30     531,543  
  350,000     BB−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.800% due 8/1/31     362,781  
  535,000     B−   Energy Partners Ltd., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.750% due 4/15/14     450,738  
  190,000     BB   Enterprise Products Operating LP, 7.475% due 8/1/66 (e)     186,843  
  420,000     B−   EXCO Resources Inc., Senior Notes, 7.250% due 1/15/11     406,350  
  335,000     B   Forbes Energy Services, Senior Secured Notes, 11.000% due 2/15/15     329,975  
  220,000     B+   Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.500% due 1/15/16 (a)     221,100  
  755,000     B−   International Coal Group Inc., Senior Notes, 10.250% due 7/15/14     717,250  
  165,000     B   Key Energy Services Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.375% due 12/1/14 (a)     165,825  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 9.7% — (continued)
            Mariner Energy Inc.:        
              Senior Notes:        
$ 90,000     B        7.500% due 4/15/13   $ 87,075  
  280,000     B        8.000% due 5/15/17     270,200  
  360,000     B−   North American Energy Partners Inc., 8.750% due 12/1/11     356,400  
  645,000     B−   Parallel Petroleum Corp., Senior Notes, 10.250% due 8/1/14 (a)     638,550  
  710,000     B   Petrohawk Energy Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.125% due 7/15/13     727,750  
  710,000     B−   Petroquest Energy Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.375% due 5/15/12     720,650  
  325,000     B+   Range Resources Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 5/15/16     337,188  
  310,000     B1(f)   SemGroup L.P., Senior Notes, 8.750% due 11/15/15     289,850  
  590,000     BB+   Southwestern Energy Co., Senior Notes, 7.500% due 2/1/18 (a)     610,650  
  350,000     B−   Stone Energy Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.250% due 12/15/11     350,000  
  445,000     B   United Refining Co., Company Guaranteed Notes, 10.500% due 8/15/12     448,338  
  80,000     B−   W&T Offshore Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.250% due 6/15/14     75,200  
  440,000     B   Whiting Petroleum Corp., Senior Subordinated Notes, 7.000% due 2/1/14     440,000  
            Williams Cos. Inc.:        
  160,000     BB+     Debentures, 7.500% due 1/15/31     170,400  
  451,000     BB+     Notes, 8.750% due 3/15/32     533,308  
            Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels     12,831,258  
Paper & Forest Products — 1.5%
  250,000     B   Appleton Papers Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, Series B, 9.750% due 6/15/14     238,750  
            Domtar Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  520,000     B+        7.125% due 8/15/15     491,400  
  185,000     B+        9.500% due 8/1/16     187,775  
  545,000     B   Mercer International Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.250% due 2/15/13     474,150  
  110,000     B−   NCO Group Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.055% due 11/15/13 (e)     98,450  
            Newpage Corp.:        
  30,000     B−     Secured Notes, 10.000% due 5/1/12     30,225  
  535,000     B−     Senior Secured Notes, 9.691% due 5/1/12 (e)     526,975  
            Total Paper & Forest Products     2,047,725  
Pharmaceuticals — 0.9%
  500,000     B−   Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.874% due 12/1/13     397,500  
  585,000     D   Leiner Health Products Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 11.000% due 6/1/12 (g)     119,925  
  170,000     B+   NBTY Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.125% due 10/1/15     162,350  
  535,000     B+   Omnicare Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 6.750% due 12/15/13     478,825  
            Total Pharmaceuticals     1,158,600  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 0.8%
  95,000     B−   Ashton Woods USA LLC/Ashton Woods Finance Co., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.500% due 10/1/15     48,925  
            Forest City Enterprises Inc.:        
  90,000     BB−     Notes, 7.625% due 6/1/15     85,050  
  270,000     BB−     Senior Notes, 6.500% due 2/1/17     240,300  
  200,000     BB   Host Hotels & Resorts Inc., Senior Notes, 2.625% due 4/15/27 (a)     169,000  
            Realogy Corp.:        
  210,000     CCC+     Senior Notes, 10.500% due 4/15/14 (c)     150,150  
  290,000     CCC+     Senior Subordinated Notes, 12.375% due 4/15/15 (c)     155,150  
            Ventas Realty LP/Ventas Capital Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  7,000     BBB−        8.750% due 5/1/09     7,193  
  183,000     BBB−        9.000% due 5/1/12     196,725  
            Total Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)     1,052,493  
Road & Rail — 0.8%
  50,000     BB−   American Railcar Industries Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.500% due 3/1/14     46,000  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Road & Rail — 0.8% — (continued)
$ 630,000     B2(f)   Kansas City Southern de Mexico SA de CV, Senior Note, 9.375% due 5/1/12   $ 658,350  
  300,000     B   Kansas City Southern Railway, Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 6/15/09     304,500  
            Total Road & Rail     1,008,850  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 0.3%
  235,000     NR   Conexant Systems Inc., Subordinated Notes, 4.000% due 3/1/26     160,975  
  220,000     B−   Freescale Semiconductor Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 8.875% due 12/15/14     180,400  
            Total Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment     341,375  
Software — 0.3%
  520,000     B−   First Data Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.875% due 9/24/15     451,750  
Specialty Retail — 0.7%
  115,000     CCC   Blockbuster Inc., Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.000% due 9/1/12 (c)     93,725  
  180,000     B−   Payless Shoesource Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.250% due 8/1/13     164,700  
  290,000     BB−   Rite Aid Corp., Secured Notes, 7.500% due 3/1/17     255,200  
  440,000     B   Suburban Propane Partners LP/Suburban Energy Finance Corp., Senior Notes, 6.875% due 12/15/13     429,000  
            Total Specialty Retail     942,625  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 0.4%
  84,000     B   Oxford Industries Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.875% due 6/1/11     81,060  
  390,000     B−   Perry Ellis International Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.875% due 9/15/13     372,450  
  165,000     CCC+   Rafaella Apparel Group Inc., Secured Notes, 11.250% due 6/15/11     124,575  
            Total Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods     578,085  
Tobacco — 0.2%
            Alliance One International Inc.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  180,000     B        8.500% due 5/15/12     169,200  
  40,000     B        11.000% due 5/15/12     40,800  
            Total Tobacco     210,000  
Trading Companies & Distributors — 0.6%
  245,000     B   Ashtead Capital Inc., Senior Secured Notes, 9.000% due 8/15/16     203,350  
  360,000     B+   H&E Equipment Services Inc., Senior Notes, 8.375% due 7/15/16     300,600  
  273,000     B   Wesco Distribution Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 7.500% due 10/15/17     249,795  
            Total Trading Companies & Distributors     753,745  
Transportation Infrastructure — 0.2%
            Saint Acquisition Corp.:        
              Secured Notes:        
  470,000     B−        22.498% due 5/15/15 (e)     206,800  
  125,000     B−        12.500% due 5/15/17     56,250  
            Total Transportation Infrastructure     263,050  
Wireless Equipment — 0.2%
  250,000     BB+   American Tower Corp., Senior Notes, 7.000% due 10/15/17     250,625  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 4.0%
  160,000     B−   ALLTEL Communications Inc., Senior Notes, 10.375% due 12/1/17 (b)     136,800  
  870,000     CCC+   Centennial Communication Corp., Senior Notes, 10.000% due 1/1/13     843,900  
  1,010,000     CCC   Cricket Communications Inc., Company Guaranteed Notes, 9.375% due 11/1/14     903,950  
  325,000     B   GCI Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.250% due 2/15/14     270,563  
            iPCS Inc.:        
  230,000     CCC     Secured Notes, 7.909% due 5/1/14 (b)(e)     187,450  
  80,000     B−     Senior Unsecured Notes, 7.523% due 5/1/13 (e)     64,400  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 4.0% — (continued)
$ 45,000     CCC   MetroPCS Wireless Inc., Senior Unsecured Notes, 9.250% due 11/1/14   $ 39,825  
  500,000     B+   Millicom International Cellular SA, Senior Notes, 10.000% due 12/1/13     536,250  
            Rural Cellular Corp.:        
  70,000     CCC     Senior Notes, 9.875% due 2/1/10     72,275  
  90,000     CCC     Senior Subordinated Notes, 8.123% due 6/1/13 (e)     91,350  
  1,415,000     CCC   Suncom Wireless Inc., 8.500% due 6/1/13     1,478,675  
            Windstream Corp.:        
              Company Guaranteed Notes:        
  250,000     BB−        8.125% due 8/1/13     250,625  
  435,000     BB−        8.625% due 8/1/16     444,788  
            Total Wireless Telecommunication Services     5,320,851  
(Cost — $124,860,092)
  268,027     NR   Blackrock Capital Finance LP, Series 1996-R1, Class B3, 15.184% due 9/25/26 (e)     134,014  
  72,424     NR   Ocwen Residential MBS Corp., Series 1998-R1, Class B4, 7.000% due 10/25/40 (i)     4,345  
(Cost — $206,289)
Diversified Financial Services — 0.0%
  289         Adelphia Recovery Trust (Cost — $26)*     19  
Commercial Banks — 0.3%
  330         Bank of America Corp., 7.250%     353,100  
Diversified Financial Services — 0.3%
  6,700         Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC), 8.120%     172,525  
  11,825         Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), 8.250%     303,784  
            Total Diversified Financial Services     476,309  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 0.2%
  12,700         FelCor Lodging Trust Inc., 8.000%     255,270  
            TOTAL FINANCIALS     1,084,679  
Networking Products — 0.5%
  910         Lucent Technologies Capital Trust I, 7.750%     696,150  
Wireless Equipment — 0.3%
  5,900         Crown Castle International Corp., 6.250%     331,875  
(Cost — $2,303,255)
(Cost — $127,369,662)
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
High Yield Investments
Amount         Security   Value  
  6,557,786         BBH Securities Lending Trust        
            (Cost — $6,557,786) (k)   $ 6,557,786  
$ 3,601,769         Bank of America — London, 2.540% due 3/3/08     3,601,769  
  6,354,693         Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     6,354,693  
(Cost — $9,956,462)
(Cost — $16,514,248)
            TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 102.1%
(Cost — $143,883,910#)
            Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (2.1%)     (2,767,293 )
            TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 132,782,519  
 ‡ All ratings are by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service, unless otherwise noted.
 * Non-income producing securities.
 (a) Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security maybe resold in transactions that are exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. This security has been deemed liquid pursuant to guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise noted.
 (b) Payment-kind security for which part of the income earned maybe paid as additional principal.
 (c) All or a portion of this security is on loan (See Note 1).
 (d) Illiquid security.
 (e) Variable rate securities. Coupon rates disclosed are those which are in effect at February 29, 2008.
 (f) Rating by Moody’s Investors Service. All ratings are unaudited.
 (g) Security is currently in default.
 (h) Rating by Fitch Ratings Service. All ratings are unaudited.
 (i) Security is valued in good faith at fair value by or under the direction of the Board of Trustees.
 (j) Inclusive of all short term holdings, including collateral received from securities lending activities. Not including such collateral, the percentage of each portfolio holdings would be 7.5%.
 (k) Represents investment of collateral received from securities lending transactions.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
See pages 100 and 101 for definition of ratings.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Amount†     Security   Value  
Belgium — 0.3%
$ 400,000 EUR   Kingdom of Belgium, 5.750% due 3/28/08 (a)   $ 653,559  
Canada — 2.3%
  3,800,000 CAD   Canada Housing Trust, 4.550% due 12/15/12 (a)(b)     4,041,025  
  300,000 CAD   Province of Ontario Canada, 6.200% due 6/2/31 (a)     369,704  
        Total Canada     4,410,729  
France — 11.3%
        Government of France:        
  1,000,000 EUR     3.000% due 7/12/08 (a)     1,513,002  
  1,800,000 EUR     4.000% due 10/25/14 (a)     2,790,544  
  100,000 EUR     4.750% due 4/25/35 (a)     156,117  
  1,900,000 EUR     5.500% due 4/25/29 (a)     3,262,292  
  6,500,000 EUR     6.500% due 4/25/11 (a)     10,788,460  
  1,800,000 EUR     Series A, 4.000% due 4/25/14 (a)     2,794,728  
        Total France     21,305,143  
Germany — 16.1%
        Bundesrepublik Deutschland:        
  3,900,000 EUR     4.250% due 1/4/14-7/4/14 (a)     6,160,776  
  600,000 EUR     4.750% due 7/4/34 (a)     950,346  
  4,400,000 EUR     5.000% due 7/4/12 (a)     7,110,980  
  1,000,000 EUR     5.500% due 1/4/31 (a)     1,739,727  
  3,700,000 EUR     5.625% due 1/4/28 (a)     6,492,326  
  4,300,000 EUR     6.250% due 1/4/24-1/4/30 (a)     8,034,325  
        Total Germany     30,488,480  
Greece — 3.2%
  3,500,000 EUR   Hellenic Republic, 6.500% due 1/11/14 (a)     6,024,848  
Italy — 0.9%
  1,050,000 EUR   Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, 4.500% due 5/1/09 (a)     1,611,050  
Japan — 9.7%
  220,000,000 JPY   Japan-66, 1.100% due 9/20/12 (a)     2,140,603  
        Japan Government:        
  470,000,000 JPY     2.300% due 6/20/35 (a)     4,548,808  
  80,000,000 JPY     2.400% due 3/20/34 (a)     791,929  
  1,070,000,000 JPY     2.500% due 9/20/35-9/20/37 (a)     10,763,305  
        Total Japan     18,244,645  
Netherlands — 3.4%
        Netherlands Government:        
  200,000 EUR     3.750% due 7/15/14 (a)     306,768  
  4,000,000 EUR     5.250% due 7/15/08 (a)     6,100,475  
        Total Netherlands     6,407,243  
Poland — 1.4%
  6,280,000 PLN   Poland Government Bond, 6.000% due 5/24/09 (a)     2,704,422  
Portugal — 3.2%
  4,000,000 EUR   Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro, 3.250% due 7/15/08 (a)     6,056,990  
Spain — 4.5%
  5,600,000 EUR   Spanish Government, 3.600% due 1/31/09 (a)     8,498,117  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Amount†     Security   Value  
United Kingdom — 0.0%
$ 30,000 GBP   United Kingdom Treasury Gilt, 4.750% due 9/7/15 (a)   $ 60,909  
(Cost — $94,852,144)
  42,335,000     JLOC Ltd., Series 36A, Class A1, 1.156% due 2/16/16 (a)(b)     404,299  
  45,084     ACE Securities Corp., Series 2006-HE1, Class A2A, 3.215% due 2/25/36 (a)     44,940  
  41,861     Argent Securities Inc., Series 2006-W4, Class A-2A, 3.195% due 5/25/36 (a)     41,733  
  5,385     Asset Backed Securities Corp. Home Equity, Series 06-HE3, Class A3, 3.195% due 3/25/36 (a)     5,368  
  320,982     Banc of America Mortgage Securities Inc., Series 2004-4, Class 1A9, 5.000% due 5/25/34 (a)     313,896  
        Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust:        
  39,654       Series 2003-7, Class 6A, 4.652% due 10/25/33 (a)     39,697  
  133,627       Series 2004-2, Class 22A, 4.431% due 5/25/34 (a)     132,046  
  53,803       Series 2004-2, Class 23A, 4.641% due 5/25/34 (a)     52,704  
  664,937       Series 2005-2, Class A1, 4.125% due 3/25/35 (a)     664,568  
  297,780       Series 2005-2, Class A2, 4.125% due 3/25/35 (a)     295,652  
  456,146       Series 2005-5, Class A1, 4.550% due 8/25/35 (a)     451,898  
  418,955       Series 2005-5, Class A2, 4.550% due 8/25/35 (a)     412,949  
        Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust:        
  55,882       Series 2005-7, Class 22A1, 5.711% due 9/1/35 (a)     50,432  
  674,280       Series 2006-6, Class 32A1, 5.808% due 11/25/36 (a)     557,518  
  276,898     Bear Stearns Structured Products Inc., Series 2007-R6, Class 1A1, 5.681% due 1/26/36 (a)     269,199  
  900,000     Commercial Mortgage Pass Through Certificates, Series 2006-CN2A, Class A2FL, 3.361% due 2/5/19 (a)(b)     845,891  
  552,702     Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust, Series 2006-OA1, Class 2A1, 3.324% due 3/20/46 (a)     450,818  
        Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates:        
  388,256       Series 2005-15, Class A, 3.245% due 10/25/46 (a)     379,283  
  341,674       Series 2006-17, Class 2A1, 3.185% due 3/25/47 (a)     336,008  
        Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass Through Trust:        
  27,586       Series 2004-12, Class 11A1, 6.141% due 8/25/34 (a)     27,230  
  93,879       Series 2005-11, Class 3A1, 6.071% due 4/25/35 (a)(c)     90,915  
  419,863       Series 2005-2, Class 1A1, 3.455% due 3/25/35 (a)(c)     370,910  
  54,041       Series 2005-3, Class 2A1, 3.425% due 4/25/35 (a)(c)     50,739  
  351,635       Series 2005-9, Class 1A3, 3.365% due 5/25/35 (a)(c)     321,518  
  219,618       Series 2005-HYB9, Class 3A2A, 5.250% due 2/20/36 (a)     209,235  
  134,759     CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp., Series 2003-AR20, Class 2A1, 4.115% due 8/25/33 (a)     135,249  
  73,174     CSAB Mortgage Backed Trust, 2006-1, Class A1A, 3.235% due 6/25/36 (a)     72,404  
        Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., (FHLMC):        
  717,855       Series 3174, Class FM, 3.361% due 5/15/36 (a)     709,891  
  139,798       Structured Pass Through Securities Series T-35, Class A, 3.415% due 9/25/31 (a)(c)     139,741  
  198,609       Structured Pass Through Securities, Series T-62, Class 1A1, 5.862% due 10/25/44 (a)(c)     201,663  
  16,815     First Franklin Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2006-FF1, Class 2A1, 3.225% due 1/25/36 (a)     16,756  
        First Horizon Asset Securities Inc.:        
  15,062       Series 2003-AR2, Class 2A1, 4.733% due 7/25/33 (a)     15,040  
  61,784       Series 2003-AR4, Class 2A1, 4.395% due 12/25/33 (a)     61,799  
  199,354     GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust, Series 2004-J4, Class A1, 5.500% due 9/25/34 (a)     202,824  
        Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA):        
  616,516       Series 2004-68, Class ZC, 6.000% due 8/20/34 (a)     626,995  
  4,183,144       Series 2007-2, Class PA, 5.500% due 6/20/35 (a)     4,333,558  
  48,609     GSR Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2003-1, Class A2, 4.513% due 3/25/33 (a)     48,310  
  109,615     Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2003-1, Class A, 5.000% due 5/19/33 (a)     109,551  
  308,331     Indymac Residential Asset Backed Trust, Series 2006-D, Class 2A1, 3.185% due 11/25/36 (a)     305,534  
        JP Morgan Mortgage Trust:        
  67,210       Series 2001-A1, Class 6T1, 5.023% due 2/1/35 (a)     66,531  
  62,650       Series 2003-A2, Class 3A1, 4.391% due 11/25/33 (a)     62,546  
        Lehman XS Trust:        
  232,377       Series 2006-12N, Class A1A1, 3.215% due 8/25/46 (a)     229,693  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Amount†     Security   Value  
$ 229,762       Series 2006-GP1, Class A1, 3.225% due 5/25/46 (a)   $ 226,081  
  44,838     Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2004-4, Class 1A1, 3.415% due 10/25/34 (a)(c)     39,422  
        Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Inc.:        
  57,383       Series 2003-A2, Class 1A1, 6.781% due 2/25/33 (a)     57,449  
  301,938       Series 2005-2, Class 1A, 4.250% due 10/25/35 (a)     295,958  
  700,000     Permanent Financing PLC, Series 4, Class 5A2, 6.785% due 6/10/42 (a)     1,351,921  
  632,254     Residential Accredit Loans Inc. Series 2006-Q03, Class A1, 3.345% due 4/25/46 (a)     546,104  
  59,983     Residential Asset Securities Corp. Series 2006-EM X3, Class A1, 3.195% due 4/25/36 (a)     59,397  
  301,908     Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2006-EQ1, Class A1, 3.185% due 10/25/36 (a)     294,308  
        Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust:        
  45,130       Series 2004-1, Class 4A1, 4.180% due 2/25/34 (a)     45,121  
  85,112       Series 2004-4, Class 3A2, 4.590% due 4/25/34 (a)     85,353  
        Structured Asset Mortgage Investments Inc.:        
  186,673       Series 2005-AR2, Class 2A1, 3.365% due 5/25/45 (a)(c)     171,685  
  207,188       Series 2005-AR8, Class A1A, 3.415% due 2/25/36 (a)     188,433  
  718,220       Series 2006-AR3, Class 12A1, 3.355% due 5/25/36 (a)     617,613  
  692,823     Thornburg Mortgage Securities Trust, Series 2006-5, Class A1, 3.255% due 9/25/46 (a)     664,931  
        Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust:        
  500,000       Series 2006-C28, Class A4, 5.572% due 10/15/48 (a)     481,194  
  617,546       Series 2006-WL7A, Class A1, 3.211% due 9/15/21 (a)(b)     591,598  
        Washington Mutual Inc.:        
  11,805       Series 2001-7, Class A, 5.984% due 5/25/41 (a)(c)     11,740  
  4,793       Series 2002-AR9, Class 1A, 5.922% due 8/25/42 (a)(c)     4,529  
  186,723       Series 2005-AR13, Class A1A1, 3.425% due 10/25/45 (a)     170,816  
  312,614       Series 2006-AR13, Class 2A, 5.670% due 10/25/46 (a)     305,109  
  432,556       Series 2006-AR3, Class A1A, 5.662% due 2/25/46 (a)     405,916  
  188,533       Series 2006-AR4, Class 2A1A, 5.572% due 5/25/46 (a)     176,349  
        Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Trust:        
  632,465       Series 2006-AR2, Class 2A1, 4.950% due 3/25/36 (a)     635,182  
  197,943       Series 2006-AR8, Class 1A1, 5.609% due 4/25/36 (a)     196,957  
(Cost — $22,252,836)
Australia — 0.2%
  500,000     National Australia Bank, Subordinated Notes, 5.131% due 6/19/17 (a)     467,718  
Bermuda — 0.2%
  400,000     Intelsat Ltd., Senior Notes, 5.250% due 11/1/08 (a)     405,000  
Canada — 0.2%
  200,000 CAD   HSBC Financial Corp Ltd., Company Guaranteed Notes, 4.200% due 5/3/12 (a)     204,923  
  200,000 CAD   Province of Quebec Canada, 5.750% due 12/1/36 (a)     231,797  
        Total Canada     436,720  
Cayman Island — 1.5%
  500,000 EUR   Hutchison Whampoa Finance Ltd., 5.875% due 7/8/13 (a)     769,652  
  1,000,000     Mizuho Finance, 8.375% due 12/31/49 (a)     1,020,392  
        MUFG Capital Finance:        
  900,000       1 Ltd., 6.346% due 12/31/49 (a)     782,334  
  200,000 EUR     2 Ltd., 4.850% due 12/31/49 (a)     245,581  
        Total Cayman Island     2,817,959  
Denmark — 1.6%
  2,400,000 DKK   Nykredit A/S, 4.000% due 1/1/10 (a)     488,925  
  1,100,000 DKK   Realkredit Danmark, 4.000% due 1/1/10 (a)     224,343  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Amount†     Security   Value  
Denmark — 1.6% — (continued)
$ 11,971,006 DKK   Realkredit Danmark A/S, 5.000% due 10/1/38 (a)(c)   $ 2,350,287  
        Total Denmark     3,063,555  
France — 0.5%
  300,000 EUR   Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne et de Prevoyance, 6.117% due 12/31/49 (a)     412,593  
  300,000 EUR   France Telecom SA, Senior Unsubordinated Medium-Term Note, 7.250% due 1/28/13 (a)     502,765  
        Total France     915,358  
Germany — 0.1%
  100,000     Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, Company Guaranteed Notes, 8.250% due 6/15/30 (a)     122,390  
Greece — 0.3%
  370,000 EUR   Public Power Corp. Notes,, 4.500% due 3/12/09 (a)     563,484  
Iceland — 0.1%
  200,000     Landsbanki Islands HF, 3.793% due 8/25/09 (a)(b)     193,903  
Italy — 0.6%
  720,000 EUR   Telecom Italia SpA, Medium-Term Note, 6.250% due 2/1/12 (a)     1,112,908  
Japan — 1.3%
  200,000 EUR   Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., 3.500% due 12/16/15 (a)     290,914  
  400,000     Resona Bank Ltd., 5.850% due 12/31/49 (a)(b)     348,185  
        Sumitomo Mitsui:        
  100,000,000 JPY     1.483% due 12/31/49 (a)     949,915  
  100,000,000 JPY     1.654% due 12/31/49 (a)     963,035  
        Total Japan     2,552,049  
Luxembourg — 0.5%
  100,000     VTB Capital SA, Senior Notes, 3.839% due 8/1/08 (a)     99,224  
  567,000 EUR   Hannover Finance Luxembourg SA, 5.000% due 12/31/49 (a)(c)     781,520  
        Total Luxembourg     880,744  
Netherlands — 0.4%
  700,000     Rabobank Nederland, Senior Notes, 4.278% due 1/15/09 (a)(b)     700,068  
Spain — 2.3%
  2,000,000 EUR   Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Arg, 3.750% due 11/23/11 (a)     3,016,773  
  1,400,000     Santander Perpetual SA Unipersonal, 6.671% due 12/31/49 (a)(b)     1,411,386  
        Total Spain     4,428,159  
Switzerland — 0.5%
  900,000     UBS AG Stamford Branch, 5.875% due 12/20/17 (a)     953,952  
United Kingdom — 1.8%
  100,000     Tate & Lyle International Finance PLC, 5.000% due 11/15/14 (a)(b)     97,196  
        Barclays Bank PLC:        
  1,400,000       Senior Unsubordinated Notes, 5.450% due 9/12/12 (a)     1,485,905  
  200,000       Subordinated Notes, 6.050% due 12/4/17 (a)(b)     205,519  
  200,000     HBOS PLC, 5.920% due 12/31/49 (a)(b)     170,580  
  1,000,000     Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, Notes, 3.944% due 7/21/08 (a)(b)(c)     1,000,819  
  100,000     XL Capital Europe PLC, 6.500% due 1/15/12 (a)     101,693  
  300,000 CAD   National Grid PLC, Medium-Term Note, 4.980% due 6/22/11 (d)     307,000  
        Total United Kingdom     3,368,712  
United States — 11.4%
  900,000 EUR   Bank of America Corp., Subordinated Notes, 4.750% due 5/23/17 (a)     1,295,291  
  1,900,000     Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.950% due 2/15/18 (a)     1,920,492  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Amount†     Security   Value  
United States — 11.4% — (continued)
$ 1,000,000     Macy’s Retail Holdings Inc. Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.900% due 12/1/16 (a)   $ 916,321  
  200,000     Sealed Air Corp., 6.950% due 5/15/09 (a)(b)     206,719  
  100,000     DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Corp., Company Guaranteed Notes, 5.750% due 9/8/11 (a)     103,990  
  200,000     DR Horton Inc., 4.875% due 1/15/10 (a)     185,500  
  400,000     Mandalay Resort Group, Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.500% due 7/31/09 (a)     400,000  
  100,000     HJ Heinz Finance Co., 6.000% due 3/15/12 (a)     105,600  
  500,000     Wal-Mart Stores Inc., 4.891% due 6/16/08 (a)(c)     500,268  
  540,000 EUR   Pemex Project Funding Master Trust, 6.250% due 8/5/13 (a)(b)     844,588  
  100,000     Ace INA Holdings Inc., 5.875% due 6/15/14 (a)     103,259  
  500,000     American Express Medium-Term Note, 3.241% due 4/6/09 (a)     491,226  
  900,000     Bank of America Corp., Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.750% due 12/1/17 (a)     921,434  
  700,000     Bear Stearns Cos. Inc., Notes, 6.950% due 8/10/12 (a)     712,758  
  100,000     Capital One Financial Corp., Medium-Term Note, 5.700% due 9/15/11 (a)     98,638  
  200,000     CNA Financial Corp., 6.000% due 8/15/11 (a)     206,443  
  400,000     El Paso Performance-Linked Trust, Notes, 7.750% due 7/15/11 (a)(d)     416,929  
  500,000     General Electric Capital Corp., Notes, 5.031% due 3/16/09 (a)     499,437  
  900,000     Genworth Global Funding Trusts, 5.051% due 2/10/09 (a)     892,464  
        GMAC LLC:        
  200,000       Notes, 6.034% due 9/23/08 (a)     192,047  
  200,000       Notes, 6.750% due 12/1/14 (a)     150,830  
  100,000       Notes, 7.000% due 2/1/12 (a)     80,735  
        Goldman Sachs Group Inc.:        
  200,000       Senior Unsecured, 5.334% due 3/22/16 (a)     184,313  
  1,000,000 EUR     Senior Unsecured Notes, 5.375% due 2/15/13 (a)     1,514,793  
  200,000       Subordinated Notes, 6.750% due 10/1/37 (a)     187,297  
  300,000     HSBC Finance Corp., Medium-Term Note, 5.121% due 9/15/08 (a)     297,843  
  300,000     IBJ Preferred Capital Co., 8.790% due 12/31/49 (a)(b)(c)     303,173  
  300,000     iStar Financial Inc., 5.150% due 3/1/12 (a)     250,782  
  1,500,000     JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Subordinated Notes, 6.000% due 10/1/17 (a)     1,558,454  
  300,000     JPMorgan Chase Capital XX, 6.550% due 9/29/36 (a)     270,313  
  200,000     Mizuho JGB Investment LLC, 9.870% due 12/31/49 (a)(b)(c)     202,124  
  900,000     Morgan Stanley, 3.206% due 2/9/09 (a)     893,887  
  800,000     Popular North America Inc., Medium-Term Note, Series F, 5.046% due 4/6/09 (a)     779,415  
  500,000     US BanCorp., Notes, 3.155% due 4/28/09 (a)     497,049  
  1,000,000     Wachovia Bank NA Senior Unsecured Notes, 4.924% due 3/23/09 (a)     998,945  
  200,000     Ryder System Inc., Medium-Term Note, 3.500% due 3/15/09 (a)     200,811  
  100,000     Mastr Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust, Series 2004-6, Class 4A4, 4.138% due 7/25/34 (a)     99,579  
  39,894     WaMu Mortgage Pass Through Certificates, Series 2003-AR5, Class A7, 4.208% due 6/25/33 (a)     39,832  
        AT&T Inc.:        
  300,000       6.500% due 9/1/37 (a)     304,513  
  1,500,000       Senior Unsecured Notes, 6.300% due 1/15/38 (a)     1,482,743  
  200,000     Centerpoint Energy Inc., 5.875% due 6/1/08 (a)     200,561  
        Total United States     21,511,396  
(Cost — $42,952,331)
FHLMC — 1.0%
        Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., (FHLMC):        
  218,128       4.000% due 6/15/22 (a)     218,340  
  632,670       4.500% due 2/15/20 (a)     639,261  
  1,000,000       Gold, 5.500% due 3/1/38 (e)     1,005,781  
        TOTAL FHLMC     1,863,382  
FNMA — 22.7%
        Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA):        
  149,894       3.235% due 1/25/21 (a)     149,508  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Amount†     Security   Value  
FNMA — 22.7% — (continued)
$ 548,264       4.196% due 11/1/34 (a)   $ 553,699  
  20,760,452       5.500% due 5/1/34-10/1/37 (a)     20,907,420  
  12,072,228       6.000% due 4/1/36-7/25/44 (a)     12,347,096  
  902,586       6.500% due 11/1/36-7/1/37 (a)     936,003  
  8,000,000       TBA, 5.500% due 4/1/38 (a)(e)     8,045,311  
        TOTAL FNMA     42,939,037  
(Cost — $42,600,467)
United States — 0.6%
  100,000     Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp./NJ, 5.00%, expires 6/1/41 (a)     80,695  
  200,000     Buckeye Ohio Tobacco Settlement, 5.88%, expires 6/1/47 (a)     181,788  
  100,000     Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., 0.25%, expires 8/1/54 (a)(f)     6,069  
  900,000     State of California, 5.00%, expires 11/1/37 (a)     841,959  
(Cost — $1,179,064)
  600,000     U.S. Treasury Bonds, 4.375% due 2/15/38 (a)     595,641  
        U.S. Treasury Notes:        
  900,000       3.500% due 2/15/18 (a)     898,032  
  900,000       4.250% due 11/15/17 (a)     951,680  
        TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS     2,445,353  
(Cost — $2,403,285)
  624,906     U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed, 2.583% due 1/15/27 (a)(f) (Cost — $603,657)     689,154  
Germany — 0.0%
  54 EUR   Eurodollar Futures, Put @ $105.00, expires 5/23/08     820  
  106 EUR   Eurodollar Futures, Call @ $109.00, expires 5/23/08     3,187  
  20 EUR   Eurodollar Futures, Call @ $127.00, expires 5/23/08     914  
        Total Germany     4,921  
United Kingdom — 0.1%
  8,000,000 GBP   Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $5.30, expires 3/14/08     90,148  
United States — 1.9%
  2,200,000 EUR   Euro vs. U.S. Dollar, Put @ $1.39, expires 7/8/10     86,943  
  2,200,000 EUR   Euro vs. U.S. Dollar, Call @ $1.39, expires 7/8/10     278,326  
  4,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $86.00, expires 4/7/08     156  
  1,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $86.00, expires 4/7/08     1  
  1,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $89.50, expires 4/7/08     2  
  3,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $91.00, expires 4/7/08     45  
  2,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $93.00, expires 4/7/08     16  
  14,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $95.00, expires 4/7/08     1,092  
  900,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Call @ $105.00, expires 4/7/08     60  
  1,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Call @ $106.00, expires 4/7/08     0  
  8,000,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Put @ $84.00, expires 5/6/08     33,432  
  6,500,000     Fannie Mae TBA, Call @ $105.00, expires 5/6/08     78  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Contracts     Security   Value  
United States — 1.9% — (continued)
  3,700,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $5.00, expires 8/28/09   $ 120,262  
  8,600,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $5.00, expires 8/28/09     279,528  
  47,800,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.25, expires 7/6/09     613,838  
  20,700,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $3.50, expires 8/3/09     469,623  
  17,600,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $5.00, expires 8/28/09     572,057  
  1,500,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.75, expires 9/26/08     59,866  
  5,800,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.75, expires 9/26/08     231,483  
  18,100,000     Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call @ $4.75, expires 9/26/08     722,387  
  10,000,000 EUR   Swaption, 6 Month EUR LIBOR, Call @ $4.00, expires 9/14/09     135,612  
  1,000,000     U.S Treasury Inflation Indexed, Put @ $85.50, expires 4/24/08     0  
  1,000,000     U.S Treasury Inflation Indexed, Put @ $94.00, expires 4/24/08     0  
  407     U.S Treasury Notes 10 Year Futures, Call @ $134.00, expires 5/23/08     6,360  
  31     U.S. Treasury Bonds Futures, Call @ $145.00, expires 5/23/08     484  
  28     U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year Futures, Put @ $86.00, expires 5/23/08     438  
  15     U.S. Treasury Notes 10 Year Futures, Put @ $90.00, expires 5/23/08     234  
  469     U.S. Treasury Notes 5 Year Futures, Call @ $124.00, expires 5/23/08     14,656  
        Total United States     3,626,979  
(Cost — $1,466,594)
(Cost — $208,310,378)
Amount †            
  4,600,000     UBS Finance Delaware LLC, due 3.074% due 4/1/08 (Cost — $4,587,859) (a)(f)   $ 4,587,859  
        BBH — Grand Cayman:        
  68,410 CAD     3.095% due 3/3/08     69,827  
  473,657 DKK     3.235% due 3/3/08     96,532  
  43,787 SEK     3.488% due 3/3/08     7,087  
  77,099 AUD     5.750% due 3/3/08     82,270  
  11,925 NZD     6.500% due 3/3/08     9,569  
        Wachovia — London:        
  19,245,993 JPY     0.010% due 3/3/08     184,667  
  138,576 EUR     3.231% due 3/3/08     210,407  
  114,836 GBP     4.507% due 3/3/08     228,042  
  1,472,420     Wells Fargo — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     1,472,420  
(Cost — $2,360,821)
  700,000     U.S. Treasury Bills, 2.168% due 4/17/08
(Cost — $698,025) (a)(f)(g)
(Cost — $7,646,705)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 123.4%
(Cost — $215,957,083#)
        Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (23.4%)     (44,145,524 )
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 189,011,573  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Face amount denominated in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.
(a) All or a portion of this security is segregated for open futures contracts, extended settlements, written options, swap contracts, foreign currency contracts, TBA’s and short sales.
(b) Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security maybe resold in transactions that are exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. This security has been deemed liquid pursuant to guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise noted.
(c) Variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at February 29, 2008.
(d) Illiquid security.
(e) This security is traded on a to-be-announced (“TBA”) basis (See Note 1).
(f) Rate shown represents yield-to-maturity.
(g) All or a portion of this security is held at the broker as collateral for open futures contracts.
Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
See pages 100 and 101 for definitions of ratings.
Abbreviations used in this schedule:
    London Interbank Offered Rate
Summary of Investments by Security Type* (unaudited)
Sovereign Bonds
    45.7 %
Mortgage-Backed Securities
Corporate Bonds & Notes
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Purchased Options
U.S. Government & Agency Obligations
Municipal Bonds
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
Short-Term Investments
      100.0 %
* As a percentage of total investments.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
International Fixed Income Investments
Schedule of Options Written
Contracts         Security Name   Expiration Date     Strike Price     Value  
United Kingdom
  2,000,000 GBP       Swaption, 6 Month LIBOR, Call     3/14/08     $ 4.85     $ 4,917  
  1,000,000 GBP       Swaption, 6 Month LIBOR, Call     6/18/08       4.75       69,594  
            Total United Kingdom                     74,511  
United States
  4,000,000         FNMA TBA 30 Year Call     5/1/08       5.50       39,272  
  3,200,000 EUR       Swaption, 3 Month EUR-LIBOR, Put     9/14/09       4.23       86,311  
  1,000,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     3/4/08       5.25       61,292  
  1,300,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Put     5/1/08       4.35       10,520  
  1,300,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     5/1/08       5.35       12,490  
  600,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     9/26/08       4.95       37,714  
  2,500,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     9/26/08       4.95       157,140  
  7,600,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     9/26/08       4.95       477,706  
  6,900,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Put     7/6/09       4.90       353,190  
  20,800,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Put     8/3/09       4.30       641,329  
  2,900,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     8/28/09       5.32       192,153  
  5,900,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     8/28/09       5.32       390,933  
  1,200,000         Swaption, 3 Month LIBOR, Call     8/28/09       5.32       79,512  
  11         U.S. Treasury Notes, 10 Year Futures, Call     3/20/08       118.00       8,594  
  11         U.S. Treasury Notes, 10 Year Futures, Call     5/23/08       118.50       16,156  
            Total United States                     2,564,312  
(Premiums received — $1,285,388)
                  $ 2,638,823  
Schedule of Securities Sold Short
Amount   Security   Value  
      Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)        
$ 8,000,000     5.000% due 3/01/38 (a)   $ 7,878,752  
  4,000,000     6.000% due 3/01/38 (a)     4,086,876  
      U.S. Treasury Notes        
  7,700,000     5.125% due 5/15/16     8,675,736  
  3,700,000     4.625% due 11/15/16     4,034,735  
  29,350,000     4.500% due 11/15/15-5/15/17     31,713,089  
(Proceeds — $56,012,020)
  $ 56,389,188  
(a) This security is traded on a to-be-announced (“TBA”) basis (See Note 1).
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Municipal Bond Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Alabama — 0.9%
$ 1,000,000     Aaa (a)  
Alabama State Board of Education, Revenue, Jefferson State Community College, AMBAC-Insured, 5.000% due 10/1/22
  $ 965,830  
Alaska — 1.0%
  1,000,000     AA  
Anchorage, AK, GO, Refunding School, FGIC-Insured, 6.000% due 10/1/09
Arizona — 1.0%
  1,000,000     Aaa (a)  
Arizona Student Loan Acquisition Authority Student Loan Revenue, Refunding, Senior Series A-1, GTDSTD-Insured, AMT, 5.650% due 5/1/14 (b)
California — 10.2%
  225,000     AA−  
California Housing Finance Agency Revenue, Multifamily Housing, Series B, 3.650% due 2/1/31 (c)
California State:
  2,000,000     A+  
  GO, 5.000% due 3/1/24
  1,000,000     A+  
  GO, Refunding, 5.000% due 2/1/33
  1,100,000     AAA  
Charter Oak, CA, GO, Unified School District Election 2000, Series B, FSA-Insured, Pre-refunded 7/1/13@100, 5.000% due 7/1/28 (d)
  1,110,000     AAA  
Costa Mesa, CA, COP, Refunding, Public Facilities Project, MBIA-Insured, 5.000% due 10/1/18
  400,000     Aaa (a)  
Irvine Ranch, California Water District Certificate Participation Dates-Cap Import Project, 2.900% due 8/1/16 (c)
  1,000,000     AAA  
Los Angeles, CA, Department of Water & Power Waterworks Revenue, Series C, MBIA-Insured, 5.250% due 7/1/19
  1,000,000     A3 (a)  
Rancho Mirage Joint Powers Financing Authority, Eisenhower Medical Center, Series A, 5.000% due 7/1/27
  2,865,000     AA  
University of California, University Revenue, Series L, 5.000% due 5/15/20
Total California
Colorado — 3.2%
  1,000,000     AA  
Colorado Water Resources & Power Development Authority, Drinking Water Revenue, Refunding, Revolving Fund Series A, 5.500% due 9/1/22
  2,165,000     AA+  
Longmont, CO, Sales & Use Tax Revenue, Refunding, 5.250% due 5/15/17
Total Colorado
Connecticut — 0.1%
  135,000     AA  
Connecticut State Health & Educational Facility Authority Revenue, University of Connecticut Foundation, Series B, 3.900% due 7/1/37 (c)
District of Columbia — 1.1%
  1,075,000     AAA  
Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Airport Authority System, Refunding, Series D, FSA-Insured, AMT, 5.375% due 10/1/18 (b)
Florida — 7.9%
  1,500,000     AA+  
Broward County, FL, GO, Parks & Land Preservation Project, 5.000% due 1/1/19
  1,000,000     AAA  
Florida Municipal Loan Council Revenue, North Miami Beach Water Project, Series B, MBIA-Insured, 5.375% due 8/1/18
  1,000,000     AAA  
Florida State Board of Education Lottery Revenue, Series C, FGIC-Insured, Pre-refunded 7/01/10 @101, 5.250% due 7/1/20 (d)
  1,315,000     AA  
Miami-Dade County, FL, Transit Sales Surtax Revenue, XLCA-Insured, 5.000% due 7/1/16
  1,000,000     A+  
Miami-Dade County, Fl, Water & Sewer Revenue, XLCA-Insured, 5.000% due 10/1/21
  1,075,000     AAA  
Port St. Lucie, FL, Florida Stormwater Utility Revenue, MBIA-Insured, 5.000% due 5/1/23
Tampa, Florida Utility Tax & Special Revenue:
  195,000     AAA  
  Series A, AMBAC-Insured — Prerefunded 10/1/12 @ 101, 5.250% due 10/1/19 (d)
  1,055,000     AAA  
  Series A, AMBAC-Insured, 5.250% due 10/1/19
Total Florida
Georgia — 2.0%
  2,000,000     AAA  
Augusta, GA, Water & Sewer Revenue, FSA-Insured, 5.000% due 10/1/21
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Municipal Bond Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Hawaii — 2.5%
$ 1,500,000     AAA  
Hawaii State, GO, Series DI, FSA-Insured, 5.000% due 3/1/10
  $ 1,564,290  
Maui County, HI, GO:
  465,000     AA  
  Series A, Prerefunded 3/1/11 @100, 5.500% due 3/1/15 (d)
  535,000     AA  
  Series A, 5.500% due 3/1/15
Total Hawaii
Illinois — 7.4%
Chicago, IL:
  1,000,000     AAA  
  Housing Authority Capital Program Revenue, Refunding, FSA-Insured, 5.000% due 7/1/14
  1,000,000     AA−  
  Board of Education, GO, School Reform Board, Series A, FGIC-Insured, 5.250% due 12/1/20
Illinois Finance Authority Revenue:
  1,095,000     A3 (a)  
  Refunding, DePaul University, Series A, 5.375% due 10/1/19
  2,000,000     A−  
  OBG Bradley University, XLCA, 5.000% due 8/1/34
  200,000     AAA  
  Refunding, Health Services, Series B, 3.260% due 5/15/35 (c)
  1,800,000     A−  
Quincy, IL, OBG Blessing Hospital, 5.000% due 11/15/29
  1,000,000     AA−  
University of Illinois, University Revenue, Auxiliary Facilities System, Series B, FGIC-Insured, 5.500% due 4/1/19
Total Illinois
Indiana — 5.2%
  1,000,000     Aaa (a)  
Allen County, IN, Public Library Building Corp., First Mortgage, MBIA-Insured, Prerefunded 1/15/11@ 101, 5.000% due 1/15/17 (d)
  1,250,000     AAA  
Ball State University, Indiana University Revenue, Student Fee, Series N, FSA-Insured,, 5.000% due 7/1/22
  1,000,000     AAA  
Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority Hospital Revenue, Refunding, Methodist Hospital Industry, Series A, Escrowed to Maturity, 5.750% due 9/1/15 (e)
  2,000,000     AAA  
Indiana Transportation Finance Authority and Highway Revenue, Series A, Pre-refunded 6/1/13@100, 5.000% due 6/1/24 (d)
Total Indiana
Iowa — 1.0%
  1,000,000     A  
Des Moines, IA, Public Package Systems Revenue, Series A, FGIC-Insured, 5.750% due 6/1/13
Kansas — 1.0%
  1,065,000     AA  
Kansas State Development Finance Authority Revenue, Kansas Transition Revolving Fund, 5.000% due 10/1/20
Maryland — 0.9%
  1,000,000     BBB−  
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue, Washington County Hospital, 5.000% due 1/1/17
Massachusetts — 1.1%
  1,100,000     AAA  
Massachusetts State Water Pollution Abatement Trust, Refunding, Pool PG, Series A, 5.250% due 8/1/19
Michigan — 2.8%
Michigan State:
  1,000,000     AAA  
  House of Representatives, COP, AMBAC-Insured, Pre-refunded 8/15/14@100, 5.250% due 8/15/14 (d)
  1,730,000     AA+  
  Trunk Line, Refunding, Series A, 5.250% due 11/1/14
Total Michigan
Minnesota — 1.9%
  960,079     AAA  
Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN, Housing Finance Board Single Family Mortgage Revenue, Mortgage Backed Securities, Cityliving, Series A-3, GNMA & FNMA-Insured, 5.700% due 4/1/27
  1,000,000     A2 (a)  
Minnesota State Higher EFA Revenue, University St. Thomas, Series Six-I, 5.000% due 4/1/23
Total Minnesota
Missouri — 2.0%
  2,000,000     AAA  
Missouri State Highways & Transit Commission, State Road Revenue, Second Lien, 5.250% due 5/1/18
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Municipal Bond Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Nevada — 5.2%
$ 1,500,000     AA+  
Clark County, NV, GO, Refunding Food Control, FGIC-Insured, 4.750% due 11/1/24
  $ 1,399,305  
  1,000,000     AA+  
State of Nevada Highway Revenue, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax, FGIC-Insured, 5.000% due 12/1/08
  2,000,000     A+  
Truckee Meadows, Nevada, Water Authority, Water Revenue, XLCA-Insured, 4.875% due 7/1/34
  1,220,000     AAA  
University of Nevada, University Revenue, Community College System, FSA-Insured, Prerefunded 7/1/10 @100, 5.250% due 7/1/16 (d)
Total Nevada
New Jersey — 10.3%
  1,750,000     AA−  
New Jersey Economic Development Authority Revenue, School Facilities Construction, Series O, 5.000% due 3/1/12
  3,000,000     AAA  
New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust, Refunding, Environmental Infrastructure, Series C, 5.000% due 9/1/21
  1,500,000     A+  
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Atlanticare Regional Medical Center, 5.000% due 7/1/27
New Jersey State:
  1,000,000     AAA  
  Transportation Corp., COP, Series A, AMBAC-Insured, 5.500% due 9/15/15
  400,000     AAA  
  Educational Facilities Authority Revenue, Princeton University, Series F, 3.430% due 7/1/23 (c)
  3,000,000     AAA  
  Turnpike Authority, Refunding, Series A, FSA-Insured, 5.250% due 1/1/27
Total New Jersey
New Mexico — 1.0%
  1,150,000     AAA  
New Mexico Finance Authority Revenue, Senior Lien-Public Project Revolving Fund, Series E, MBIA-Insured, 5.000% due 6/1/29
New York — 4.9%
New York City, NY:
  1,000,000     AA  
  Series D, 5.000% due 11/1/27
  200,000     AA+  
  Municipal Water Finance Authority, 3.780% due 6/15/33 (c)
  415,000     AA+  
  Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Revenue, 3.780% due 6/15/35 (c)
  1,450,000     AA+  
  Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Revenue, Series E, 5.000% due 6/15/38
New York State:
  1,100,000     AAA  
Urban Development Corp. Revenue, Refunding, Correctional Capital Facilities, Series A, FSA-Insured, 5.250% due 1/1/14
  1,000,000     AA−  
  Dormitory Authority Revenue, Series B, Mandatory Put 5/15/12 @ 100, 5.250% due 11/15/23
Total New York
North Carolina — 1.0%
  1,000,000     AA  
Johnston County, NC, GO, FGIC-Insured, 5.000% due 6/1/21
Ohio — 1.0%
  1,000,000     AAA  
Springboro Community City School District, MBIA-Insured, Prerefunded 6/1/14 @100, 5.000% due 12/1/25 (d)
Oklahoma — 1.0%
  1,000,000     AAA  
Oklahoma City, OK, Airport Trust, Series A, FSA-Insured, Prerefunded 7/1/10 @100, 5.250% due 7/1/21 (d)
Oregon — 1.0%
  1,000,000     AAA  
Oregon State Department Administrative Services, COP, Series A, FSA-Insured, 5.000% due 5/1/24
Pennsylvania — 2.3%
  1,370,000     Aa2 (a)  
Central Bucks, PA School District, GO, FGIC Insured, 5.000% due 5/15/21
  1,000,000     Aa3 (a)  
Central York, PA, School District, GO, FGIC-Insured, Pre-refunded 6/1/12@100, 5.500% due 6/1/16 (d)
Total Pennsylvania
Tennessee — 0.9%
  1,000,000     BBB+  
Knox County, TN, Health & Housing Facilities Revenue, University Health System, 5.250% due 4/1/36
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Municipal Bond Investments
Amount     Rating‡   Security   Value  
Texas — 5.8%
$ 1,150,000     Aaa (a)  
Judson, Texas, GO Independant School District, PSF-GTD Insured, 5.000% due 2/1/20
  $ 1,181,556  
Texas State:
  460,000     AAA  
Department of Housing & Community Affairs Residential Mortgage Revenue, Refunding, Series A, GNMA/FNMA-Insured, 6.200% due 7/1/19 (b)
  1,000,000     AAA  
  Transportation Commission, 5.000% due 4/1/27
  1,000,000     A+  
University of North Texas, University Revenue, Financing System, FGIC-Insured, 5.000% due 4/15/18
  1,390,000     AAA  
University of Texas, University Revenue, Financing Systems, Series D, Pre-refunded 8/15/14@106, 5.000% due 8/15/34 (d)
  1,000,000     AAA  
Waxahachie, Texas, GO, Series A, FSA-Insured, 5.000% due 8/1/25
Total Texas
Utah — 1.2%
  1,200,000     A+  
South Ogden City, UT, Sales Tax Revenue, FGIC-Insured, Pre-refunded 5/1/14 @100, 5.250% due 5/1/29
Washington — 3.3%
  1,500,000     AAA  
Central Puget Sound Regional Transportation Authority, Sales & Use Tax Revenue, Series A, AMBAC-Insured, 5.000% due 11/1/24
  2,000,000     AA+  
King County, Washington School District No. 210 Federal Way, FGIC-Insured, 5.000% due 12/1/23
Total Washington
Wisconsin — 6.2%
  1,200,000     BBB  
Franklin, WI, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue, Waste Management Wisconsin Inc., Series A, 4.950% due 11/1/16
  1,000,000     A1 (a)  
Sun Prairie, WI, Area School District, GO, FGIC-Insure, 5.625% due 4/1/16
Wisconsin State:
  3,000,000     AA−  
  GO, Series D, 5.000% due 5/1/19
  1,340,000     BBB  
  HEFA Revenue, Refunding, Divine Savior Healthcare, 5.500% due 5/1/26
Total Wisconsin
(Cost — $107,810,131)
(Cost — $107,810,131)
$ 46,227        
BBH — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08
  (Cost — $46,227)
(Cost — $107,856,358#)
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities — 1.7%
  $ 105,592,548  
 ‡ All ratings are by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service, unless otherwise noted.
(a) Rating by Moody’s Investors Service. All ratings are unaudited.
(b) Income from this issue is considered a preference item for purposes of calculating the alternative minimum tax (AMT).
(c) Variable rate securities. Coupon rates disclosed are those which are in effect at February 29, 2008.
(d) Pre-Refunded bonds are escrowed with government obligations and/or government agency securities and are considered by the Manager to be triple-A rated even if issuer has not applied for new ratings.
(e) Bonds are escrowed to maturity by government securities and/or U.S. government agency securities and are considered by the Manager to be triple-A rated even if issuer has not applied for new ratings.
 # Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Municipal Bond Investments
See pages 100 and 101 for definition of ratings.
Abbreviations used in this schedule:
   —   Ambac Assurance Corporation
   —   Alternative Minimum Tax
   —   Certificate of Participation
   —   Educational Facilities Authority
   —   Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
   —   Federal National Mortgage Association
   —   Financial Security Assurance
   —   Government National Mortgage Association
   —   General Obligation
   —   Guaranteed Student Loans
   —   Health & Educational Facilities Authority
   —   Municipal Bond Investors Assurance Corporation
   —   Public School Fund Guaranteed
   —   XL Capital Assurance Inc.
Summary of Investments by Industry* (unaudited)
    21.8 %
General Obligation
Water and Sewer
Tax Allocation
Public Facilities
Housing: Single-Family
      100.0 %
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Money Market Investments
Amount     Security   Value  
$ 3,000,000     Bank of Scotland PLC, 4.558% due 11/14/08   $ 3,000,000  
  1,250,000     BNP Paribas NY Branch, 3.253% due 4/3/08     1,249,906  
  2,000,000     Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co., 3.215% due 6/26/08     1,999,396  
  1,250,000     Natixiz NY Branch, 3.260% due 6/9/08     1,249,910  
        TOTAL CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT     7,499,212  
  3,500,000     ANZ National (Int’l) Ltd., 4.740% due 5/7/08 (a)     3,469,841  
  2,000,000     Astrazeneca PLC, 3.085% due 6/9/08 (a)     1,983,056  
  3,000,000     Bank of Ireland, 3.234% due 4/18/08 (a)     2,987,160  
  2,000,000     BASF AG, 2.921% due 4/28/08 (a)     1,990,656  
  3,500,000     BP Capital Markets PLC, 3.001% due 3/3/08 (a)     3,499,417  
  3,000,000     Bryant Park Funding LLC, 3.160% due 3/14/08 (a)     2,996,587  
  3,000,000     CBA (Delaware) Finance, 3.016% due 4/15/08 (a)     2,988,750  
  2,000,000     Crown Point Capital Co., 3.512% due 3/4/08 (a)     1,999,417  
  2,000,000     Depfa Bank PLC, 3.076% due 4/8/08 (a)     1,993,540  
  2,000,000     Edison Asset Securities LLC, 3.079% due 3/6/08 (a)     1,999,147  
  2,000,000     Gemini Security Corp. LLC, 3.209% due 3/13/08 (a)     1,997,867  
  5,000,000     General Electric Capital Corp., 2.998% due 3/12/08 (a)     4,995,508  
  2,000,000     Greenwich Capital Holdings, 3.226% due 4/21/08 (a)     1,990,933  
        Hartford Financial Services        
  2,500,000       3.109% due 3/3/08 (a)     2,499,569  
  3,500,000       3.074% due 3/11/08 (a)     3,497,015  
  5,000,000     IBM Capital Inc., 2.757% due 3/27/08 (a)     4,990,069  
  2,000,000     Irish Life & Permanent, 3.157% due 3/7/08 (a)     1,998,950  
  2,000,000     Korea Development Bank NY, 3.338% due 3/24/08 (a)     1,995,758  
  3,000,000     Lexington Parker Capital, 3.313% due 3/20/08 (a)     2,994,775  
  3,500,000     Metlife Inc., 2.859% due 4/4/08 (a)     3,490,579  
  2,000,000     Nestle Finance International Ltd., 2.794% due 4/16/08 (a)     1,992,896  
  5,000,000     Praxair Inc., 2.903% due 3/10/08 (a)     4,996,375  
  2,000,000     Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, 3.086% due 3/31/08 (a)     1,994,883  
        Sumitomo Corp. of America        
  3,500,000       4.451% due 3/3/08 (a)     3,499,141  
  1,000,000       3.520% due 3/20/08 (a)     998,153  
  3,500,000     Swedish Export Credit, 2.846% due 3/25/08 (a)     3,493,373  
  3,500,000     Teachers Insurance & Annunity Association, 2.885% due 3/19/08 (a)     3,494,960  
  3,000,000     Ticonderoga Funding LLC, 3.138% due 3/10/08 (a)     2,997,652  
        Total Capital        
  3,500,000       3.001% due 3/3/08 (a)     3,499,417  
  3,500,000       4.140% due 3/31/08 (a)     3,488,042  
  3,500,000     Unicredito Italiano Bank Ireland, 4.588% due 3/7/08 (a)     3,497,346  
  3,000,000     Variable Funding Capital, 3.140% due 3/13/08 (a)     2,996,870  
        TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER     93,307,702  
  1,250,000     Bank of America NA, 3.190% due 7/25/08     1,249,855  
  363     BBH — Grand Cayman, 2.540% due 3/3/08     363  
        Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Discount Notes:        
  28,574,000       2.000% due 3/3/08 (a)     28,570,825  
  3,000,000       2.743% due 4/16/08 (a)     2,989,535  
        Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC), Discount Notes:        
  4,000,000       2.681% due 4/3/08 (a)     3,990,210  
  5,000,000       2.711% due 4/4/08 (a)     4,987,250  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedules of Investments
(unaudited) (continued)
Money Market Investments
Amount     Security   Value  
U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES — 31.1% (continued)
        Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Discount Notes:        
$ 3,850,000       2.762% due 4/9/08 (a)   $ 3,838,530  
  2,000,000       2.799% due 6/12/08 (a)     1,984,149  
        TOTAL U.S GOVERNMENT AGENCIES     46,360,499  
(Cost — $148,417,631)
        TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 99.6%        
        (Cost — $148,417,631#)     148,417,631  
        Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities — 0.4%     588,912  
        TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%   $ 149,006,543  
(a) Rate shown represents yield-to-maturity.
Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is substantially the same.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Bond Ratings
The definitions of the applicable rating symbols are set forth below:
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service (“Standard & Poor’s”) — Ratings from “AA” to “CCC” may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (−) sign to show relative standings within the major rating categories.
— Bonds rated “AAA” have the highest rating assigned by Standard & Poor’s. Capacity to pay interest and repay principal is extremely strong.
— Bonds rated “AA” have a very strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal and differ from the highest rated issues only in a small degree.
— Bonds rated “A” have a strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal although they are somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than debt in higher rated categories.
— Bonds rated “BBB” are regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Whereas they normally exhibit adequate protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay interest and repay principal for bonds in this category than in higher rated categories.
BB, B, CCC, CC and C
— Bonds rated “BB”, “B”, “CCC”, “CC” and “C” are regarded, on balance, as predominantly speculative with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the obligation. “BB” represents the lowest degree of speculation and “C” the highest degree of speculation. While such bonds will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these are outweighed by large uncertainties or major risk exposures to adverse conditions.
— Bonds rated “D” are in default and payment of interest and/or repayment of principal is in arrears.
Moody’s Investors Service (“Moody’s”) — Numerical modifiers 1, 2 and 3 may be applied to each generic rating from “Aa” to “Caa” where 1 is the highest and 3 the lowest ranking within its generic category.
— Bonds rated “Aaa” are judged to be of the best quality. They carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred to as “gilt edge.” Interest payments are protected by a large or by an exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure. While the various protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position of such issues.
— Bonds rated “Aa” are judged to be of high quality by all standards. Together with the “Aaa” group they comprise what are generally known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the best bonds because margins of protection may not be as large as in “Aaa” securities or fluctuation of protective elements may be of greater amplitude or there may be other elements present which make the long-term risks appear somewhat larger than in “Aaa” securities.
— Bonds rated “A” possess many favorable investment attributes and are to be considered as upper medium grade obligations. Factors giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate but elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment some time in the future.
— Bonds rated “Baa” are considered as medium grade obligations, i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well.
— Bonds rated “Ba” are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well assured. Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate and therefore not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class.
— Bonds rated “B” generally lack characteristics of desirable investments. Assurance of interest and principal payments or of maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small.
— Bonds rated “Caa” are of poor standing. These may be in default, or present elements of danger may exist with respect to principal or interest.
— Bonds rated “Ca” represent obligations which are speculative in a high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked short-comings.
— Bonds rated “C” are the lowest class of bonds and issues so rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing.
Fitch Ratings Service (“Fitch”) — Ratings from “AA” to “CCC” may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (−) sign to show relative standings within the major rating categories.
— Bonds rated “AAA” have the highest rating assigned by Fitch. Capacity to pay interest and repay principal is extremely strong.
— Bonds rated “AA” have a very strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal and differ from the highest rated issues only in a small degree.
— Bonds rated “A” have a strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal although they are somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than debt in higher rated categories.
— Bonds rated “BBB” are regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Whereas they normally exhibit adequate protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay interest and repay principal for bonds in this category than in higher rated categories.
BB, B, CCC, CC and C
— Bonds rated “BB”, “B”, “CCC” and “CC” are regarded, on balance, as predominantly speculative with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the obligation. “BB” represents a lower degree of speculation than “B”, and “CC” the highest degree of speculation. While such bonds will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these are outweighed by large uncertainties or major risk exposures to adverse conditions.
— Indicates that the bond is not rated by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, or Fitch.



(unaudited) (continued)
Short-Term Security Ratings
— Standard & Poor’s highest rating indicating very strong or strong capacity to pay principal and interest; those issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics are denoted with a plus (+) sign.
— Standard & Poor’s highest commercial paper and variable-rate demand obligation (VRDO) rating indicating that the degree of safety regarding timely payment is either overwhelming or very strong; those issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics are denoted with a plus (+) sign.
— Moody’s highest rating for issues having a demand feature — VRDO.
— Moody’s highest rating for commercial paper and for VRDO prior to the advent of the VMIG 1 rating.
— Fitch’s highest rating indicating the strongest capacity for timely payment of financial commitments; those issues determined to possess overwhelming strong credit feature are denoted with a plus (+) sign.



Statements of Assets and Liabilities
February 29, 2008 (unaudited)
    Value Equity
    Investments     Investments     Investments  
Investments, at cost
  $ 2,160,372,319     $ 1,734,662,581     $ 413,378,243  
Foreign currency, at cost
Investments, at value*
  $ 2,384,988,404     $ 1,751,425,656     $ 432,524,852  
Foreign currency, at value
    13,492,763       7,865,779       1,689,189  
Receivable for securities sold
    6,464,926       6,891,369       1,496,525  
Dividends and interest receivable
    1,548,162       4,651,898       88,531  
Receivable for Fund shares sold
    9,130,475       7,659,944       1,145,661  
Receivable for open forward currency contracts (Notes 1 and 3)
Receivable from broker — variation margin on open futures contracts (Notes 1 and 3)
Unrealized appreciation on swaps (Notes 1 and 3)
Prepaid expenses
    80,417       51,659       23,939  
Other assets
Total Assets
    2,415,705,147       1,778,546,305       436,968,697  
Payable for securities on loan
  $ 168,766,180     $ 106,278,472     $ 92,844,175  
Payable for Fund shares repurchased
    1,401,354       1,031,092       235,832  
Payable for securities purchased
    1,410,158       10,792,991       1,415,502  
Investment management fee payable
    1,069,813       775,063       220,997  
Transfer agent fees payable
    49,645       50,836       46,866  
Custody fee payable
    90,473       81,449       6,362  
Trustees’ fees payable
    18,947       15,925       3,606  
Interest payable for short sales (Note 1)
Due to custodian
Premium paid for open swaps (Notes 1 and 3)
Investments sold short, at value (proceeds received $198,744,568 and $56,012,020, respectively) (Note 1)
Options written, at value (premiums received $6,851,010 and $1,285,388, respectively) (Notes 1 and 3)
Unrealized depreciation on swaps (Notes 1 and 3)
Payable for open forward currency contracts (Notes 1 and 3)
Payable to broker — variation margin on open futures contracts (Notes 1 and 3)
Distributions payable
    1,089       3,135        
Accrued expenses
    89,771       68,318       110,353  
Total Liabilities
    172,897,430       119,097,281       94,883,693  
Total Net Assets
  $ 2,242,807,717     $ 1,659,449,024     $ 342,085,004  
NET ASSETS:                        
Par value (Note 4)
  $ 153,479     $ 159,697     $ 21,463  
Paid-in capital in excess of par value
    2,005,726,779       1,624,201,251       553,060,200  
Accumulated net investment loss
                (991,031 )
Undistributed (Overdistributed) net investment income
    2,268,639       4,992,113        
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures contracts, options written, swap contracts and foreign currency transactions
    10,042,735       13,332,888       (229,152,237 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, futures contracts, options written, short sales, swap contracts and foreign currencies
    224,616,085       16,763,075       19,146,609  
Total Net Assets
  $ 2,242,807,717     $ 1,659,449,024     $ 342,085,004  
Shares Outstanding
    153,479,045       159,697,279       21,462,853  
Net Asset Value
  $ 14.61     $ 10.39     $ 15.94  
Includes securities on loan for the following funds: Large Capitalization Growth Investments, Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments, Small Capitalization Growth Investments, Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments, International Equity Investments, Emerging Markets Equity Investments, Core Fixed Income Investments and High Yield Investments with market value of $165,008,172, $103,900,517, $90,792,136, $55,753,739, $123,881,842, $28,296,253, $24,171,835, and $6,397,700, respectively.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



    Core Fixed
    Value Equity
    High Yield
    Fixed Income
    Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments  
    $ 344,144,059     $ 1,698,163,534     $ 522,971,233     $ 1,354,763,048     $ 143,883,910     $ 215,957,083     $ 107,856,358     $ 148,417,631  
            1,345,367       3,661,285       202,604             461,588              
    $ 350,507,825     $ 1,793,130,215     $ 704,886,654     $ 1,373,777,044     $ 135,549,812     $ 233,157,097     $ 103,841,730     $ 148,417,631  
            1,459,570       3,725,213       211,644             488,276              
      1,768,892       37,764,320     8,727,658     9,453,196     1,289,084       1,981,334           474  
      1,799,857       4,780,329       8,688,246       241,238,824       3,392       134,819,425              
      521,232       2,619,518       1,441,200       9,254,919       2,885,614       3,072,861       1,444,720       24,029  
      841,265       8,821,311       3,205,244       6,824,718       579,912       1,027,535       421,131       788,882  
                        1,380,920             2,383,551              
                  39,795       2,882,124                          
                        9,129,934             7,426,840              
      9,828       32,956       32,057       15,248       4,069       7,218       10,333       11,043  
                        28,206       26,219                    
      355,448,899       1,848,608,219       730,746,067       1,654,196,777       140,338,102       384,364,137       105,717,914       149,242,059  
    $ 57,329,046     $ 128,590,225     $ 29,031,952     $ 24,968,410     $ 6,557,786     $     $     $  
      177,064       977,007       434,669       1,466,090       98,010       289,166       12,057       123,110  
      2,707,359       16,618,464       9,673,275       320,061,470       701,229       123,144,209              
      189,432       799,736       396,211       334,227       57,170       71,574       34,003       16,483  
      43,920       47,330       73,160       30,928       14,053       50,039       2,092       4,598  
      16,921       28,784       27,465       6,155       3,254       6,190       1,588       10,665  
      2,507       9,794       2,397       13,325       4,224       2,313       2,722       3,398  
                        927,765             588,451              
                        6,339,690             2,805,410              
                        201,244,323             56,389,188              
                        12,607,933             2,638,823              
                        4,934,769             5,162,356              
                        398,439             3,920,965              
      632       2,455       810       139,764       37,503       108       17,595       567  
      121,293       64,760       95,904       51,871       82,354       84,634       45,971       76,695  
      60,588,174       147,138,555       39,735,843       573,525,159       7,555,583       195,352,564       125,366       235,516  
    $ 294,860,725     $ 1,701,469,664     $ 691,010,224     $ 1,080,671,618     $ 132,782,519     $ 189,011,573     $ 105,592,548     $ 149,006,543  
    $ 29,821     $ 127,166     $ 36,797     $ 128,424     $ 31,017     $ 23,606     $ 12,203     $ 149,018  
      285,375,572       1,567,934,633       500,804,554       1,060,483,167       229,962,906       194,014,565       111,409,597       148,863,067  
                  (4,449,235 )                              
      1,202,831       1,690,129             1,772,745       1,425,443       3,371,108       118,004       5,383  
      1,888,735       36,548,370       12,548,653       (249,465 )     (90,302,749 )     (23,610,480 )     (1,932,628 )     (10,925 )
      6,363,766       95,169,366       182,069,455       18,536,747       (8,334,098 )     15,212,774       (4,014,628 )      
    $ 294,860,725     $ 1,701,469,664     $ 691,010,224     $ 1,080,671,618     $ 132,782,519     $ 189,011,573     $ 105,592,548     $ 149,006,543  
      29,820,898       127,165,716       36,797,486       128,424,420       31,017,252       23,605,642       12,202,959       149,017,872  
    $ 9.89     $ 13.38     $ 18.78     $ 8.41     $ 4.28     $ 8.01     $ 8.65     $ 1.00  
†  The following funds include restricted cash: International Equity Investments, Emerging Markets Equity Investments, Core Fixed Income Investments and International Fixed Income Investments in the amount of $364,977, $1,735,897, $861,247 and $287,453, respectively.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Operations
For the Six Months Ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited)
    Value Equity
    Investments     Investments     Investments  
  $ 8,524,810     $ 21,777,022     $ 330,561  
    1,605,179       1,740,677       161,369  
Income from securities lending
    296,600       257,042       394,198  
Miscellaneous income
    93,677       161       1,950  
Less: Foreign taxes withheld
    (30,418 )     (67,773 )     (11,082 )
Total Investment Income
    10,489,848       23,707,129       876,996  
Investment management fee (Note 2)
  $ 7,325,826     $ 5,312,656     $ 1,529,055  
Transfer agent fees (Note 2)
    298,257       275,128       203,941  
Custody fees
    357,979       265,518       67,668  
Trustees’ fees
    87,733       76,752       16,094  
Shareholder reports
    47,240       22,377       19,145  
    22,462       19,292       4,741  
Audit and tax
    16,759       16,760       13,974  
Legal fees
    19,327       16,688       7,411  
Registration fees
    26,172       37,022       13,140  
Miscellaneous expenses
    19,329       19,168       8,655  
Total Investment Expenses
    8,221,084       6,061,361       1,883,824  
Less: Fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement (Note 2)
    (431 )     (189,386 )     (17,213 )
Net Expenses
    8,220,653       5,871,975       1,866,611  
Net Investment Income (Loss)
  $ 2,269,195     $ 17,835,154     $ (989,615 )
Net Realized Gain (Loss) From:
Investment transactions
  $ 50,880,222     $ 48,771,505     $ 27,929,274  
Futures contracts
Options written
Swap contracts
Foreign currency transactions
Net Realized Gain (Loss)
    50,880,222       48,771,505       27,929,274  
Change in Net Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation From:
    (147,285,545 )     (249,082,002 )     (74,249,310 )
Futures contracts
Options written
Short sales
Swap contracts
Foreign currencies
                (1,399 )
Change in Net Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
    (147,285,545 )     (249,082,002 )     (74,250,709 )
Net Gain (Loss) on Investments, Futures Contracts, Options Written, Short Sales, Swap Contracts and Foreign Currency Transactions
    (96,405,323 )     (200,310,497 )     (46,321,435 )
Total Net Assets Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations
  $ (94,136,128 )   $ (182,475,343 )   $ (47,311,050 )
See Notes to Financial Statements.



    Core Fixed
    Value Equity
    High Yield
    Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments  
    $ 2,775,945     $ 11,659,308     $ 4,206,052     $ 96     $ 66,138     $     $     $  
      226,117       1,695,932       628,872       27,927,996       5,362,179       4,186,654       1,879,878       3,970,740  
      373,810       428,023       124,934       7,536       31,746                    
      3,287                   112,947       23,418       62,394              
      (15,043 )     (959,843 )     (440,347 )           (3 )                  
      3,364,116       12,823,420       4,519,511       28,048,575       5,483,478       4,249,048       1,879,878       3,970,740  
    $ 1,275,597     $ 5,819,760     $ 2,744,144     $ 2,021,235     $ 411,832     $ 468,578     $ 178,624     $ 129,644  
      179,465       281,565       137,480       129,671       42,588       86,901       6,932       95,699  
      66,128       361,261       265,010       146,024       24,252       51,031       13,539       41,103  
      15,950       69,238       18,758       33,812       4,142       8,150       2,830       5,606  
      19,641       17,405       12,582       16,409       10,443       9,200       2,685       13,675  
      4,741       17,723       3,527       9,007       1,431       2,342       821       1,378  
      15,614       17,703       20,835       16,260       14,769       16,211       13,725       14,072  
      7,174       14,895       6,965       10,478       5,389       6,143       5,178       5,576  
      24,009       38,741       13,703       30,509       13,827       16,604       11,774       16,806  
      5,838       17,878       6,377       22,949       3,017       3,027       1,882       1,897  
      1,614,157       6,656,169       3,229,381       2,436,354       531,690       668,187       237,990       325,456  
      (22,954 )     (691,058 )     (430,854 )           (90,075 )                 (19,869 )
      1,591,203       5,965,111       2,798,527       2,436,354       441,615       668,187       237,990       305,587  
    $ 1,772,913     $ 6,858,309     $ 1,720,984     $ 25,612,221     $ 5,041,863     $ 3,580,861     $ 1,641,888     $ 3,665,153  
    $ 5,729,121     $ 148,630,934     $ 39,616,014     $ 16,855,582     $ (3,268,317 )   $ 6,341,998     $ (3,646 )   $ 10,187  
                  (366,084 )     2,270,732             460,600              
                        (1,301,327 )           (2,000,371 )            
                        4,697,534             224,695              
            354,170       24,343       1,110,296             (7,783,146 )            
      5,729,121       148,985,104       39,274,273       23,632,817       (3,268,317 )     (2,756,224 )     (3,646 )     10,187  
      (47,852,355 )     (251,322,546 )     (3,784,113 )     20,413,325       (6,561,830 )     12,960,863       (4,077,338 )      
                  (198,463 )     2,880,051             (987,231 )            
                        (5,358,143 )           (1,110,599 )            
                        (1,833,138 )           139,164              
                        1,820,773             2,538,522              
      (1,773 )     128,595       64,015       418,366             (1,775,118 )            
      (47,854,128 )     (251,193,951 )     (3,918,561 )     18,341,234       (6,561,830 )     11,765,601       (4,077,338 )      
      (42,125,007 )     (102,208,847 )     35,355,712       41,974,051       (9,830,147 )     9,009,377       (4,080,984 )     10,187  
    $ (40,352,094 )   $ (95,350,538 )   $ 37,076,696     $ 67,586,272     $ (4,788,284 )   $ 12,590,238     $ (2,439,096 )   $ 3,675,340  
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets
For the Six Months Ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited) and the Year Ended August 31, 2007
    Large Capitalization
    Large Capitalization
    Growth Investments     Value Equity Investments  
    2008     2007     2008     2007  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 2,269,195     $ 3,955,545     $ 17,835,154     $ 29,024,454  
Net realized gain
    50,880,222       249,663,247       48,771,505       136,730,179  
Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation
    (147,285,545 )     132,493,545       (249,082,002 )     44,968,521  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations
    (94,136,128 )     386,112,337       (182,475,343 )     210,723,154  
DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM (NOTE 1):                                
Net investment income
    (3,955,431 )           (33,372,185 )     (23,500,020 )
Net realized gains
    (37,186,357 )           (153,425,668 )     (105,184,591 )
Decrease in Net Assets From Distributions to Shareholders
    (41,141,788 )           (186,797,853 )     (128,684,611 )
FUND SHARE TRANSACTIONS (NOTE 4):                                
Net proceeds from sale of shares
    323,421,271       645,828,256       239,915,586       401,529,208  
Reinvestment of distributions
    40,536,841             183,915,867       126,441,189  
Cost of shares repurchased
    (449,526,456 )     (374,921,689 )     (210,829,378 )     (339,959,236 )
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Fund Share Transactions
    (85,568,344 )     270,906,567       213,002,075       188,011,161  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
    (220,846,260 )     657,018,904       (156,271,121 )     270,049,704  
NET ASSETS:                                
Beginning of period
    2,463,653,977       1,806,635,073       1,815,720,145       1,545,670,441  
End of period *†
  $ 2,242,807,717     $ 2,463,653,977     $ 1,659,449,024     $ 1,815,720,145  
* Includes undistributed net investment income of:
  $ 2,268,639     $ 3,954,875     $ 4,992,113     $ 20,529,144  
† Includes accumulated net investment loss of:
See Notes to Financial Statements.




    Small Capitalization
    Small Capitalization
    International Equity
    Emerging Markets
    Growth Investments     Value Equity Investments     Investments     Equity Investments  
    2008     2007     2008     2007     2008     2007     2008     2007  
    $ (989,615 )   $ (2,242,888 )   $ 1,772,913     $ 3,794,760     $ 6,858,309     $ 23,838,752     $ 1,720,984     $ 5,218,835  
      27,929,274       43,063,632       5,729,121       53,879,889       148,985,104       137,635,324       39,274,273       53,152,880  
      (74,250,709 )     14,449,655       (47,854,128 )     (18,142,626 )     (251,193,951 )     68,497,090       (3,918,561 )     89,913,081  
      (47,311,050 )     55,270,399       (40,352,094 )     39,532,023       (95,350,538 )     229,971,166       37,076,696       148,284,796  
                  (2,472,764 )     (2,500,004 )     (21,941,268 )     (28,500,011 )     (9,976,907 )     (2,740,460 )
                  (49,103,056 )     (50,529,436 )     (121,694,248 )           (42,087,055 )      
                  (51,575,820 )     (53,029,440 )     (143,635,516 )     (28,500,011 )     (52,063,962 )     (2,740,460 )
      66,334,634       83,014,757       47,873,137       68,386,106       353,905,372       415,775,725       224,693,789       194,316,414  
                  50,798,336       52,168,532       141,693,426       28,027,537       51,536,231       2,702,366  
      (78,474,403 )     (105,495,743 )     (64,324,401 )     (98,237,600 )     (209,847,073 )     (299,998,083 )     (100,550,279 )     (99,008,500 )
      (12,139,769 )     (22,480,986 )     34,347,072       22,317,038       285,751,725       143,805,179       175,679,741       98,010,280  
      (59,450,819 )     32,789,413       (57,580,842 )     8,819,621       46,765,671       345,276,334       160,692,475       243,554,616  
      401,535,823       368,746,410       352,441,567       343,621,946       1,654,703,993       1,309,427,659       530,317,749       286,763,133  
    $ 342,085,004     $ 401,535,823     $ 294,860,725     $ 352,441,567     $ 1,701,469,664     $ 1,654,703,993     $ 691,010,224     $ 530,317,749  
                $ 1,202,831     $ 1,902,682     $ 1,690,129     $ 16,773,088           $ 3,806,687  
    $ (991,031 )   $ (1,415 )                           $ (4,449,235 )      
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets
For the Six Months Ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited) and the Year Ended August 31, 2007
    Core Fixed Income
    2008     2007  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 25,612,221     $ 38,022,320  
Net realized gain
    23,632,817       (810,378 )
Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation
    18,341,234       1,104,561  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations
    67,586,272       38,316,503  
Net investment income
    (25,678,042 )     (40,375,847 )
Net realized gains
Decrease in Net Assets From Distributions to Shareholders
    (25,678,042 )     (40,375,847 )
Net proceeds from sale of shares
    345,281,027       298,381,907  
Reinvestment of distributions
    24,790,386       39,137,821  
Cost of shares repurchased
    (192,397,472 )     (234,334,886 )
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Fund Share Transactions
    177,673,941       103,184,842  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
    219,582,171       101,125,498  
NET ASSETS:                
Beginning of period
    861,089,447       759,963,949  
End of period *†
  $ 1,080,671,618     $ 861,089,447  
* Includes undistributed net investment income of:
  $ 1,772,745     $ 1,838,566  
† Includes accumulated net investment loss of:
See Notes to Financial Statements.




    High Yield
    International Fixed
    Municipal Bond
    Money Market
    Investments     Income Investments     Investments     Investments  
    2008     2007     2008     2007     2008     2007     2008     2007  
    $ 5,041,863     $ 7,650,129     $ 3,580,861     $ 5,753,670     $ 1,641,888     $ 2,596,899     $ 3,665,153     $ 6,332,956  
      (3,268,317 )     2,386,209       (2,756,224 )     (8,436,272 )     (3,646 )     92,225       10,187        
      (6,561,830 )     (2,919,609 )     11,765,601       934,051       (4,077,338 )     (1,503,377 )            
      (4,788,284 )     7,116,729       12,590,238       (1,748,551 )     (2,439,096 )     1,185,747       3,675,340       6,332,956  
      (5,042,601 )     (7,753,707 )     (4,292,789 )     (7,043,250 )     (1,654,355 )     (2,608,254 )     (3,659,764 )     (6,332,962 )
      (5,042,601 )     (7,753,707 )     (4,292,789 )     (7,043,250 )     (1,654,355 )     (2,608,254 )     (3,659,764 )     (6,332,962 )
      70,250,272       19,645,227       38,608,714       76,932,742       52,660,212       23,473,795       248,828,718       118,948,194  
      4,863,619       7,415,006       4,168,703       6,833,742       1,557,691       2,402,243       4,091,131       5,689,337  
      (18,304,822 )     (50,826,023 )     (50,678,060 )     (80,861,243 )     (14,169,764 )     (21,141,614 )     (222,274,584 )     (135,227,763 )
      56,809,069       (23,765,790 )     (7,900,643 )     2,905,241       40,048,139       4,734,424       30,645,265       (10,590,232 )
      46,978,184       (24,402,768 )     396,806       (5,886,560 )     35,954,688       3,311,917       30,660,841       (10,590,238 )
      85,804,335       110,207,103       188,614,767       194,501,327       69,637,860       66,325,943       118,345,702       128,935,940  
    $ 132,782,519     $ 85,804,335     $ 189,011,573     $ 188,614,767     $ 105,592,548     $ 69,637,860     $ 149,006,543     $ 118,345,702  
    $ 1,425,443     $ 1,426,181     $ 3,371,108     $ 4,083,035     $ 118,004     $ 130,471     $ 5,383        
                                              $ (6 )
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006(2)     2005(2)     2004     2003  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 15.45     $ 12.88     $ 12.73     $ 10.81     $ 10.38     $ 8.36  
Income (Loss) from Operations:
Net investment income (loss)
    0.01       0.03       (0.01 )     (0.01 )     (0.03 )     (0.00 )(3)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
    (0.58 )     2.54       0.16       1.93       0.46       2.02  
Total Income (Loss) from Operations
    (0.57 )     2.57       0.15       1.92       0.43       2.02  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.03 )                              
Net realized gain
    (0.24 )                              
Total Distributions
    (0.27 )                              
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 14.61     $ 15.45     $ 12.88     $ 12.73     $ 10.81     $ 10.38  
Total Return(4)
    (3.85 )%     19.95 %     1.18 %     17.76 %     4.14 %     24.16 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 2,243     $ 2,464     $ 1,807     $ 1,520     $ 1,217     $ 1,155  
Ratio of Average to Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.67 %(5)     0.70 %     0.78 %     0.90 %     0.88 %     0.90 %
Net expenses
    0.67 (5)(6)     0.70       0.77 (6)     0.88 (6)     0.88       0.90  
Net investment income
    0.19 (5)     0.18       (0.06 )     (0.12 )     (0.31 )     (0.30 )
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    44 %     112 %     63 %     77 %     117 %     79 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Amounts represents less than $0.01 per share.
(4) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(5) Annualized.
(6) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006     2005     2004     2003  
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
  $ 12.87     $ 12.25     $ 11.50     $ 10.01     $ 9.00     $ 8.39  
Income From Operations:
Net investment income
    0.12       0.21       0.21       0.16       0.12       0.13  
Net realized and unrealized gain
    (1.30 )     1.43       1.21       1.45       1.03       0.59  
Total Income From Operations
    (1.18 )     1.64       1.42       1.61       1.15       0.72  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.23 )     (0.19 )     (0.19 )     (0.12 )     (0.14 )     (0.11 )
Net realized gains
    (1.07 )     (0.83 )     (0.48 )                  
Total Distributions
    (1.30 )     (1.02 )     (0.67 )     (0.12 )     (0.14 )     (0.11 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 10.39     $ 12.87     $ 12.25     $ 11.50     $ 10.01     $ 9.00  
Total Return(3)
    (9.81 )%     13.58 %     12.82 %     16.10 %(4)     12.89 %     8.75 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 1,659     $ 1,816     $ 1,546     $ 1,351     $ 1,304     $ 1,114  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.68 %(5)     0.70 %     0.77 %     0.88 %     0.87 %     0.93 %
Net expenses
    0.66 (5)(6)     0.69 (6)     0.76 (6)     0.86 (6)     0.87       0.93  
Net investment income
    2.01 (5)     1.67       1.73       1.41       1.21       1.60  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    29 %     46 %     58 %     67 %     94 %     81 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns
(4) The Subadviser fully reimbursed the Fund for losses incurred resulting from an investment restriction violation. Without this reimbursement, the total return would not have changed.
(5) Annualized.
(6) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006(2)     2005(2)     2004(2)     2003(2)  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 18.28     $ 15.83     $ 14.89     $ 11.97     $ 11.83     $ 9.01  
Income (Loss) from Operations:
Net investment loss
    (0.05 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.11 )     (0.11 )     (0.07 )
Net realized and unrealized gain
    (2.29 )     2.55       0.95       3.03       0.25       2.89  
Total Income from Operations
    (2.34 )     2.45       0.94       2.92       0.14       2.82  
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 15.94     $ 18.28     $ 15.83     $ 14.89     $ 11.97     $ 11.83  
Total return(3)
    (12.86 )%     15.48 %     6.31 %     24.39 %     1.18 %     31.30 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 342     $ 402     $ 369     $ 417     $ 318     $ 497  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.99 %(4)     0.99 %     1.12 %     1.32 %     1.19 %     1.27 %
Net expenses
    0.98 (4)(5)     0.99 (5)     1.08 (5)     1.24 (5)     1.19       1.27  
Net investment loss
    (0.52 )(4)     (0.58 )     (0.08 )     (0.84 )     (0.82 )     (0.77 )
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    39 %     69 %     59 %     70 %     80 %     88 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006     2005(2)     2004(2)     2003  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 13.51     $ 14.19     $ 16.95     $ 15.05     $ 12.30     $ 11.56  
Income from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.06       0.15       0.09       0.10       0.09       0.13  
Net realized and unrealized gain
    (1.59 )     1.46       1.52       3.50       2.76       1.25  
Total Income from Operations
    (1.53 )     1.61       1.61       3.60       2.85       1.38  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.10 )     (0.11 )     (0.09 )     (0.13 )     (0.10 )     (0.05 )
Net realized gains
    (1.99 )     (2.18 )     (4.28 )     (1.57 )           (0.59 )
Total Distributions
    (2.09 )     (2.29 )     (4.37 )     (1.70 )     (0.10 )     (0.64 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 9.89     $ 13.51     $ 14.19     $ 16.95     $ 15.05     $ 12.30  
Total Return(3)
    (12.20 )%     11.94 %     11.73 %     24.89 %     23.24 %     13.12 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 295     $ 352     $ 344     $ 385     $ 429     $ 425  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    1.01 %(4)     1.01 %     1.12 %     1.24 %     1.16 %     1.20 %
Net expenses
    1.00 (4)(5)     1.01       1.09 (5)     1.17 (5)     1.16       1.20  
Net investment income
    1.11 (4)     1.06       0.64       0.64       0.66       1.00  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    14 %     40 %     31 %     64 %     33 %     33 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
International Equity Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006(2)     2005(2)     2004(2)     2003(2)  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 15.57     $ 13.55     $ 11.12     $ 9.01     $ 7.82     $ 6.93  
Income from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.06       0.23       0.22       0.15       0.08       0.10  
Net realized and unrealized gain
    (0.89 )     2.08       2.38       2.06       1.24       0.81  
Total Income from Operations
    (0.83 )     2.31       2.60       2.21       1.32       0.91  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.21 )     (0.29 )     (0.17 )     (0.10 )     (0.13 )     (0.02 )
Net realized gain
    (1.15 )                              
Total Distributions
    (1.36 )     (0.29 )     (0.17 )     (0.10 )     (0.13 )     (0.02 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 13.38     $ 15.57     $ 13.55     $ 11.12     $ 9.01     $ 7.82  
Total Return(3)
    (5.88 )%     17.21 %     23.55 %     24.65 %     16.90 %     13.21 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 1,701     $ 1,655     $ 1,309     $ 910     $ 589     $ 533  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.80 %(4)     0.82 %     0.84 %     1.02 %     1.08 %     1.14 %
Net expenses
    0.72 (4)(5)     0.75 (5)     0.83 (5)     0.99 (5)     1.08       1.14  
Net investment income
    0.82 (4)     1.57       1.76       1.49       0.90       1.55  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    51 %     44 %     50 %     57 %     84 %     110 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006(2)     2005(2)     2004(2)     2003(2)  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 19.19     $ 13.59     $ 10.55       7.60     $ 6.48     $ 5.22  
Income from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.06       0.21       0.15       0.12       0.05       0.04  
Net realized and unrealized gain
    1.35       5.52       3.01       2.93       1.10       1.28  
Total Income from Operations
    1.41       5.73       3.16       3.05       1.15       1.32  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.35 )     (0.13 )     (0.12 )     (0.10 )     (0.03 )     (0.06 )
Net realized gain
    (1.47 )                              
Total Distributions
    (1.82 )     (0.13 )     (0.12 )     (0.10 )     (0.03 )     (0.06 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 18.78     $ 19.19     $ 13.59     $ 10.55     $ 7.60     $ 6.48  
Total Return(3)
    7.08 %     42.41 %     30.10 %     40.31 %(4)     17.71 %     25.51 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 691     $ 530     $ 287     $ 248     $ 188     $ 196  
Ratio of Average to Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    1.06 %(5)     1.15 %     1.32 %     1.52 %     1.64 %     1.79 %
Net expenses
    0.92 (5)(6)     1.04 (6)     1.28 (6)     1.44 (6)     1.64       1.79  
Net investment income
    0.56 (5)     1.31       1.15       1.27       0.67       0.86  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    41 %     66 %     70 %     70 %     117 %     88 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) The Subadviser fully reimbursed the Fund for losses incurred resulting from a trading error. Without this reimbursement, the total return would not have changed.
(5) Annualized.
(6) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Core Fixed Income Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006     2005     2004     2003(2)  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 8.07     $ 8.09     $ 8.35     $ 8.32     $ 8.18     $ 8.20  
Income (Loss) from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.22       0.38       0.37       0.30       0.27       0.35  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
    0.32             (0.25 )     0.05       0.15       0.04  
Total Income from Operations
    0.54       0.38       0.12       0.35       0.42       0.39  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.20 )     (0.40 )     (0.38 )     (0.32 )     (0.28 )     (0.41 )
Total Distributions
    (0.20 )     (0.40 )     (0.38 )     (0.32 )     (0.28 )     (0.41 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 8.41     $ 8.07     $ 8.09     $ 8.35     $ 8.32     $ 8.18  
Total return(3)
    6.81 %     4.82 %     1.51 %     4.30 %     5.17 %     4.78 %
Net Assets, End of Period (000s)
  $ 1,080,672     $ 861,089     $ 759,964     $ 533,845     $ 480,808     $ 317,858  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.48 %(4)     0.54 %(5)     0.63 %     0.75 %     0.76 %     0.77 %
Net expenses
    0.48 (4)     0.54 (5)(6)     0.61 (6)     0.71 (6)     0.76       0.77  
Net investment income
    5.27 (4)     4.68       4.50       3.65       3.25       4.22  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    119 %(7)     325 %(7)     376 %(7)     376 %(7)     369 %(7)     257 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Ratio includes interest expense on short sales which represents .01%.
(6) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
(7) Excluding mortgage dollar roll transactions. If mortgage dollar roll transactions have been included the portfolio turnover rate would have been 158%, 400%, 443% 418% and 392%, respectively.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
High Yield Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006     2005(2)     2004     2003  
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
  $ 4.58     $ 4.62     $ 4.78     $ 4.81     $ 4.61     $ 4.38  
Income (Loss) From Operations:
Net investment income
    0.19       0.38       0.39       0.31       0.32       0.36  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
    (0.31 )     (0.03 )     (0.22 )     0.03       0.21       0.25  
Total Income from Operations
    (0.12 )     0.35       0.17       0.34       0.53       0.61  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.18 )     (0.39 )     (0.33 )     (0.37 )     (0.33 )     (0.38 )
Total Distributions
    (0.18 )     (0.39 )     (0.33 )     (0.37 )     (0.33 )     (0.38 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 4.28     $ 4.58     $ 4.62     $ 4.78     $ 4.81     $ 4.61  
Total Return(3)
    (2.67 )%     7.56 %     3.80 %     7.16 %     11.81 %     14.57 %
Net Assets, End of Period (000s)
  $ 132,783     $ 85,804     $ 110,207     $ 262,239     $ 239,650     $ 227,191  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.90 %(4)     1.00 %     0.90 %     1.04 %     0.99 %     0.97 %
Net expenses
    0.75 (4)(5)     0.85 (5)     0.86 (5)     0.99 (5)     0.99       0.97  
Net investment income
    8.57 (4)     7.92       6.78       6.49       6.76       7.78  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    29 %     119 %     108 %     106 %     127 %     158 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
International Fixed Income Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006(2)     2005(2)     2004(2)     2003(2)  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 7.67     $ 7.78     $ 8.23     $ 8.16     $ 7.93     $ 7.47  
Income (Loss) from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.15       0.23       0.25       0.20       0.21       0.25  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
    0.37       (0.05 )     (0.39 )     0.37       0.88       0.51  
Total Income (Loss) from Operations
    0.52       0.18       (0.14 )     0.57       1.09       0.76  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.18 )     (0.29 )     (0.09 )     (0.50 )     (0.86 )     (0.30 )
Net realized gains
                (0.06 )                  
Return of capital
                (0.16 )                  
Total Distributions
    (0.18 )     (0.29 )     (0.31 )     (0.50 )     (0.86 )     (0.30 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 8.01     $ 7.67     $ 7.78     $ 8.23     $ 8.16     $ 7.93  
Total Return(3)
    6.90 %     2.33 %     (1.70 %)     6.86 %     14.00 %     10.28 %
Net Assets, End of Period (millions)
  $ 189     $ 189     $ 195     $ 154     $ 116     $ 112  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.71 %(4)     0.78 %(5)     0.84 %     1.01 %     1.05 %     1.04 %
Net expenses
    0.71 (4)     0.78 (5)(6)     0.82 (6)     0.95 (6)     1.05       1.04  
Net investment income
    3.82 (4)     3.00       3.25       2.38       2.60       3.21  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    120 %     433 %     416 %     346 %     243 %     288 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Ratio includes interest expense on short sales which represents .04%.
(6) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Municipal Bond Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006     2005     2004(2)     2003  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 8.94     $ 9.13     $ 9.26     $ 9.23     $ 8.95     $ 9.07  
Income (Loss) from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.17       0.35       0.32       0.32       0.33       0.35  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
    (0.29 )     (0.19 )     (0.12 )     0.06       0.30       (0.12 )
Total Income from Operations
    (0.12 )     0.16       0.20       0.38       0.63       0.23  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.17 )     (0.35 )     (0.33 )     (0.35 )     (0.35 )     (0.35 )
Total Distributions
    (0.17 )     (0.35 )     (0.33 )     (0.35 )     (0.35 )     (0.35 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 8.65     $ 8.94     $ 9.13     $ 9.26     $ 9.23     $ 8.95  
Total return(3)
    (1.45 %)     1.77 %     2.26 %     4.17 %     7.12 %     2.51 %
Net Assets, End of Period (000s)
  $ 105,593     $ 69,638     $ 66,326     $ 40,423     $ 33,895     $ 28,386  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.54 %(4)     0.59 %     0.73 %     0.90 %     0.89 %     0.88 %
Net expenses
    0.54 (4)     0.59 (5)     0.72 (5)     0.88 (5)     0.89       0.88  
Net investment income
    3.71 (4)     3.84       3.70       3.58       3.63       3.79  
Portfolio Turnover Rate
    4 %     14 %     26 %     7 %     19 %     15 %
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(4) Annualized.
(5) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights
For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each year ended August 31, unless otherwise noted:
Money Market Investments
    2008(1)(2)     2007(2)     2006(2)     2005     2004     2003(2)  
Net asset value, Beginning of Period
  $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00  
Income from Operations:
Net investment income
    0.02       0.05       0.04       0.02       0.00 (3)     0.01  
Total income from Operations
    0.02       0.05       0.04       0.02       0.00 (3)     0.01  
Less Distributions From:
From net investment income
    (0.02 )     (0.05 )     (0.04 )     (0.02 )     0.00 (3)     (0.01 )
Total Distributions
    (0.02 )     (0.05 )     (0.04 )     (0.02 )     0.00 (3)     (0.01 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period
  $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00  
Total return(4)
    2.12 %     4.86 %     4.03 %     2.17 %     0.48 %     0.85 %
Net Assets, End of Period (000s)
  $ 149,007     $ 118,345     $ 128,936     $ 96,376     $ 93,875     $ 110,461  
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Gross expenses
    0.38 %(5)     0.48 %     0.72 %     1.14 %     0.98 %     0.90 %
Net expenses(6)(7)
    0.35 (5)     0.47       0.47       0.34       0.60       0.60  
Net investment income
    4.24 (5)     4.75       4.01       2.16       0.48       0.81  
(1) For the six months ended February 29, 2008 (unaudited).
(2) Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method.
(3) Amounts represent less than $0.01 per share.
(4) Performance figures may reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements and assumes reinvestment of dividend distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the absence of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, the total return would have been lower. Applicable advisory program charges, which in the case of TRAK may be up to 1.50%, are not reflected in the performance data and would reduce the total returns.
(5) Annualized.
(6) Reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements.
(7) As a result of an expense limitation, the ratio of expenses to average net assets of the Fund did not exceed 0.60%.
See Notes to Financial Statements.



Notes to Financial Statements
1.  Organization and Significant Accounting Policies
Large Capitalization Growth Investments, Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments, Small Capitalization Growth Investments, Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments, International Equity Investments, Emerging Markets Equity Investments, Core Fixed Income Investments, High Yield Investments, International Fixed Income Investments, Municipal Bond Investments and Money Market Investments (formerly “Government Money Investments”), (“Fund(s)”) are separate diversified investment funds of the Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds (“Trust”). The Trust, a Massachusetts business trust, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company.
The following are significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Funds and are in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). Estimates and assumptions are required to be made regarding assets, liabilities and changes in net assets resulting from operations when financial statements are prepared. Changes in the economic environment, financial markets and any other parameters used in determining these estimates could cause actual results to differ.
(a) Investment Valuation. Equity securities for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the last sale price or official closing price on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. Debt securities that will mature in more than 60 days are valued using prices provided by independent pricing services, which are determined by such services’ analyses of a variety of factors, including, transactions in debt securities, quotations from bond dealers, market transactions in comparable securities and relationships between securities.
Debt securities that will mature in 60 days or less and securities held by Money Market Investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates current market value. This method involves valuing portfolio securities at cost and thereafter assuming a constant amortization to maturity of any discount or premium. Money Market Investments’ use of amortized cost is subject to compliance with certain conditions as specified by Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act.
When market quotations are not readily available, or are determined to be unreliable by the Trust’s Valuation Committee pursuant to procedures approved by the Trust’s Board of Trustees, such as when the value of a security has been significantly affected by events after the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded, and before the applicable Fund calculate its net asset value per share (“NAV”), the Trust may fair value these investments in accordance with the procedures approved by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. Fair valuing of foreign securities is determined with the assistance of an independent pricing service using calculations based on indices of domestic securities and other appropriate indicators, such as prices of relevant ADRs and futures contracts. Values from this pricing vendor are applied in the event that there is a movement in the U.S. market that exceeds a specific threshold that has been established by the Valuation Committee.
(b) Repurchase Agreements. When entering into repurchase agreements, it is the Funds’ policy that their custodian or a third party custodian take possession of the underlying collateral securities, the market value of which at least equals the principal amount of the repurchase transaction, including accrued interest. To the extent that any repurchase transaction exceeds one business day, the value of the collateral is marked-to-market daily to ensure the adequacy of the collateral. If the seller defaults and the market value of the collateral declines or if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced with respect to the seller of the security, realization of the collateral by the Funds may be delayed or limited.
(c) Financial Futures Contracts. Certain Funds may enter into financial futures contracts to the extent permitted by their investment policies and objectives. Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Fund is required to deposit cash or securities as initial margin. Additional securities are also segregated up to the current market value of the financial futures contracts. Subsequent payments, known as variation margin, are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the daily fluctuation in the value of the underlying financial instruments. The Fund recognizes an unrealized gain or loss equal to the daily variation margin. When the financial futures contracts are closed a realized gain or loss is recognized equal to the difference between the proceeds from (or cost of) the closing transactions and the Fund’s basis in the contracts.
The risks associated with entering into financial futures contracts include the possibility that a change in the value of the contract may not correlate with the changes in the value of the underlying instruments. In addition, investing in financial futures contracts involves the risk that the Fund could lose more than the original margin deposit and subsequent payments



Notes to Financial Statements
required for a futures transaction. Risks may also arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts.
(d) Written Options. When a Fund writes an option, an amount equal to the premium received by the Fund is recorded as a liability, the value of which is marked-to-market daily to reflect the current market value of the option written. If the option expires, the Fund realizes a gain from investments equal to the amount of the premium received. When a written call option is exercised, the difference between the premium and the amount for effecting a closing purchase transaction, including brokerage commission, is also treated as a realized gain or loss. When a written put option is exercised, the amount of the premium received reduces the cost of the security purchased by the Fund.
A risk in writing a covered call option is that the Fund may forego the opportunity of profit if the market price of the underlying security increases and the option is exercised. The risk in writing a put option is that the Fund may incur a loss if the market price of the underlying security decreases and the option is exercised. In addition, there is the risk that the Fund may not be able to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid secondary market.
(e) Forward Foreign Currency Contracts. Certain Funds may enter into forward foreign currency contracts to hedge against foreign currency exchange rate risk on their non-U.S. dollar denominated securities or to facilitate settlement of foreign currency denominated portfolio transactions. A forward foreign currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price on a future date. The contract is marked-to-market daily and the change in value is recorded by the Fund as an unrealized gain or loss. When a forward foreign currency contract is extinguished, through either delivery or offset by entering into another forward foreign currency contract, the Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value of the contract at the time it was extinguished.
Forward foreign currency contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amounts reflected in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. The Fund bears the risk of an unfavorable change in the foreign exchange rate underlying the forward foreign currency contract. Risks may also arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts.
(f) Stripped Securities. Certain Funds may invest in “Stripped Securities”, a term used collectively for stripped fixed income securities. Stripped securities can be principal only securities (“PO”), which are debt obligations that have been stripped of unmatured interest coupons or interest only securities (“IO”), which are unmatured interest coupons that have been stripped from debt obligations. As is the case with all securities, the market value of Stripped Securities will fluctuate in response to changes in economic conditions, interest rates and the market’s perception of the securities. However, fluctuations in response to interest rates may be greater in Stripped Securities than for debt obligations of comparable maturities that pay interest currently. The amount of fluctuation increases with a longer period of maturity.
The yield to maturity on an IO is sensitive to the rate of principal repayments (including prepayments) on the related underlying debt obligation and principal payments may have a material effect on yield to maturity. If the underlying debt obligation experiences greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the Fund may not fully recoup its initial investment the IO.
(g) Swaptions. Certain Funds may write swaption contracts to manage exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and to enhance portfolio yield. Swaption contracts written by a Fund represent an option that gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to enter into a previously agreed upon swap contract on a future date. If a written call swaption is exercised, the writer will enter a swap and is obligated to pay the fixed rate and receive a floating rate in exchange. If a written put swaption is exercised, the writer will enter a swap and is obligated to pay the floating rate and receive a fixed rate in exchange. Swaptions are marked to market daily based upon quotations from market makers.
When a Fund writes a swaption, the premium received is recorded as a liability and is subsequently adjusted to the current market value of the swaption. Changes in the value of the swaption are reported as unrealized gains or losses in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and Statements of Operations. Gain or loss is recognized when the swaption contract expires or is closed. Premiums received from writing swaptions that expire or are exercised are treated by the Fund as realized



Notes to Financial Statements
gains from investments. The difference between the premium and the amount paid on effecting a closing purchase transaction is also treated as a realized gain, or if the premium is less than the amount paid for the closing purchase, as a realized loss.
Entering into a swaption contract involves, to varying degrees, the elements of credit, market and interest rate risk, associated with both option contracts and swap contracts. To reduce credit risk from potential counterparty default, the Fund enter into swaption contracts with counterparties whose creditworthiness has been evaluated by the Investment Manager. The Fund bears the market risk arising from any change in index values or interest rates.
(h) Swap Contracts. Swaps involve the exchange by a Fund with another party of the respective amounts payable with respect to a notional principal amount related to one or more indices. Certain Funds may enter into these transactions to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or portion of its assets, as a duration management technique or to protect against any increase in the price of securities the Fund anticipates purchasing at a later date. Certain Funds may also use these transactions for speculative purposes, such as to obtain the price performance of a security without actually purchasing the security in circumstances where, for example, the subject security is illiquid, is unavailable for direct investment or available only on less attractive terms.
Swaps are marked-to-market daily based upon quotations from market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss in the Statements of Operations. Net receipts or payments of interest are recorded as realized gains or losses, respectively.
An upfront payment received by the Fund, as the protector, is recorded as a liability on the Fund’s books. An upfront payment made by the Fund, as the protection buyer, is recorded as an asset on the Fund’s books.
Swaps have risks associated with them, including possible default by the counterparty to the transaction, illiquidity and, where swaps are used as hedges, the risk that the use of a swap could result in losses greater than if the swap had not been employed.
(i) Credit Default Swaps. Certain Funds enter into credit default swap contracts for investment purposes, to manage their credit risk or to add leverage. As a seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund is required to pay the notional or other agreed-upon value to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the referenced debt obligation. In return, the Fund receives from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund keeps the stream of payments and have no payment obligations. Such periodic payments are accrued daily and accounted for as realized gain.
Certain Funds may also purchase credit default swap contracts in order to hedge against the risk of default by debt securities held in their portfolios. In these cases the Funds function as the counterparty referenced in the preceding paragraph. As a purchaser of a credit default swap contract, the Fund receives the notional or other agreed upon value from the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer on the referenced debt obligation. In return, the Fund make periodic payments to the counterparty over the term of the contract provided no event of default has occurred. Such periodic payments are accrued daily and accounted for as realized loss.
Swaps are marked-to-market daily based upon quotations from market makers and the change in value , if any, is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation in the Funds’ Statements of Operations. For a credit default swap sold by the Fund, payment of the agreed upon amount made by the Funds in the event of default of the referenced debt obligation is recorded as the cost of the referenced debt obligation purchased/received. For a credit default swap purchased by a Fund, the agreed upon amount received by the Fund in the event of default of the referenced debt obligation is recorded as proceeds from sale/delivery of the referenced debt obligation and the resulting gain or loss realized on the referenced debt obligation is recorded as such by the Fund.
Entering into Credit Default Swaps involves, to varying degrees, elements of credit, market and documentation risk in excess of the related amounts recognized on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks involve the possibility that there will be no liquid market for these agreements, that the counterparty to the agreements may default on its obligation to perform or disagree as to the meaning of the contractual terms in the agreements, and that there will be unfavorable changes in net interest rates.



Notes to Financial Statements
(j) Time Deposits. The Funds may purchase overnight time deposits issued by offshore branches of U.S. Banks that meet credit and risk standards established by the Custodian and approved by the Funds.
(k) Lending of Portfolio Securities. The Trust has an agreement with their custodian whereby the custodian may lend securities owned by the Funds to brokers, dealers and other financial organizations. In exchange for lending securities under the terms of the agreement with their custodian, the Fund receives a lender’s fee. Fees earned by a Fund on securities lending are recorded as securities lending income. Loans of securities by a Fund are collateralized by cash, U.S. government securities or high quality money market instruments that are maintained at all times in an amount at least equal to the current market value of the loaned securities, plus a margin which varies depending on the type of securities loaned. The custodian establishes and maintains the collateral in a segregated account. The Fund has the right under the lending agreement to recover any loaned securities from the borrower on demand. Each Fund maintains the risk of any market loss on its securities on loan as well as the potential loss on investments purchased with cash collateral received from its securities lending. Additionally, the Fund is exposed to risks that the borrower may not provide additional collateral when required or return the loaned securities when due. At February 29, 2008, the aggregate market value of the loaned securities and the value of the collateral each Fund received are as follows:
Loaned Securities
    Market Value of
    Value of
Fund   Securities on Loan     Collateral Held  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
  $ 165,008,172     $ 168,766,180  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    103,900,517       106,278,472  
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    90,792,136       92,844,175  
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    55,753,739       57,329,046  
International Equity Investments
    123,881,842       128,590,225  
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    28,296,253       29,031,952  
Core Fixed Income Investments
    24,171,835       24,968,410  
High Yield Investments
    6,397,700       6,557,786  
(l) Securities Traded on a To-Be-Announced Basis. Certain Funds may trade securities on a to-be-announced (“TBA”) basis. In a TBA transaction, the Fund commits to purchasing or selling securities which have not yet been issued by the issuer and for which specific information is not known, such as the face amount and maturity date and the underlying pool of investments in U.S. government agency mortgage pass-through transactions. Securities purchased on a TBA basis are not settled until they are delivered to the Fund, normally 15 to 45 days later. Beginning on the date the Fund enters into a TBA transaction, cash, U.S. government securities or other liquid high-grade debt obligations are segregated in an amount equal in value to the purchase price of the TBA security. These transactions are subject to market fluctuations and their current value is determined in the same manner as for other securities.
(m) Short Sales of Securities. A short sale is a transaction in which the Fund sells securities it does not own (but has borrowed) in anticipation of a decline in the market price of the securities. To complete a short sale, the Fund may arrange through a broker to borrow the securities to be delivered to the buyer. The proceeds received by the Fund for the short sale are retained by the broker until the Fund replaces the borrowed securities. In borrowing the securities to be delivered to the buyer, the Fund becomes obligated to replace the securities borrowed at their market price at the time of replacement, whatever that price may be.
(n) Mortgage Dollar Rolls. Certain Funds may enter into dollar rolls in which the Funds sell mortgage-backed securities for delivery in the current month and simultaneously contracts to repurchase substantially similar (same type, coupon and maturity) securities to settle on a specified future date. During the roll period, the Fund forgoes principal and interest paid on the securities. The Fund is compensated by a fee paid by the counterparty, often in the form of a drop in the repurchase price of the securities. Dollar rolls are accounted for as financing arrangements; the fee is accrued into interest income ratably over the term of the dollar roll and any gain or loss on the roll is deferred and realized upon disposition of the rolled security.



Notes to Financial Statements
The risk of entering into a mortgage dollar roll is that the market value of the securities the Fund is obligated to repurchase under the agreement may decline below the repurchase price. In the event the buyer of securities under a mortgage dollar roll files for bankruptcy or becomes insolvent, the Fund’s use of proceeds of the dollar roll may be restricted pending a determination by the other party, or its trustee or receiver, whether to enforce the Fund’s obligation to repurchase the securities.
(o) Credit and Market Risk. Certain Funds invest in high yield instruments that are subject to certain credit and market risks. The yields of high yield obligations reflect, among other things, perceived credit and market risks. Each Fund’s investment in securities rated below investment grade typically involve risks not associated with higher rated securities including, among others, greater risk related to timely and ultimate payment of interest and principal, greater market price volatility and less liquid secondary market trading.
(p) Foreign Risk. Certain Funds’ investments in foreign securities may involve risks not present in domestic investments. Because securities may be denominated in foreign currencies and may require settlement in foreign currencies and pay interest or dividends in foreign currencies, changes in the relationship of these foreign currencies to the U.S. dollar can significantly affect the value of the investments and earnings of the Fund. Foreign investments may also subject the Fund to foreign government exchange restrictions, expropriation, taxation or other political, social or economic developments, all of which affect the market and/or credit risk of the investments.
(q) Security Transactions and Investment Income. Security transactions are accounted for on a trade date basis. Interest income, adjusted for amortization of premium and accretion of discount, is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Foreign dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon as practical after the Fund determines the existence of a dividend declaration after exercising reasonable due diligence. The cost of investments sold is determined by use of the specific identification method. To the extent any issuer defaults on an expected interest payment, the Trust’s policy is to generally halt any additional interest income accruals and consider the realizability of interest accrued up to the date of default.
(r) Foreign Currency Translation. Investment securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollar amounts based upon prevailing exchange rates on the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of investment securities and income and expense items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollar amounts based upon prevailing exchange rates on the respective dates of such transactions.
The Funds do not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss on investments.
Net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, including gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Funds’ books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the fair values of assets and liabilities, other than investments in securities, at the date of valuation, resulting from changes in exchange rates.
Foreign security and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with those of U.S. dollar denominated transactions as a result of, among other factors, the possibility of lower levels of governmental supervision and regulation of foreign securities markets and the possibility of political or economic instability.
(s) Distributions to Shareholders. Distributions from net investment income for Large Capitalization Growth Investments, Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments, Small Capitalization Growth Investments, Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments, International Equity Investments, Emerging Markets Equity Investments and International Fixed Income Investments, if any, are declared and paid on an annual basis. Distributions from net investment income for Core Fixed Income Investments, High Yield Investments and Municipal Bond Investments, if any, are declared and paid on a monthly basis.



Notes to Financial Statements
Distributions on the shares of Money Market Investments are declared each business day to shareholders of record that day, and are paid on the last business day of the month. The Funds intend to satisfy conditions that will enable interest from municipal securities, which are exempt from regular federal income tax and from designated state income taxes, to retain such tax-exempt status when distributed to the shareholders of the Funds. Distributions of net realized gains to shareholders of the Funds, if any, are taxable and are declared at least annually. Distributions to shareholders of the Funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date and are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP.
(t) Federal and Other Taxes. It is the Trust’s policy to comply with the federal income and excise tax requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies. Accordingly, each Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its income and net realized gains on investments, if any, to shareholders each year. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required in the Funds’ financial statements. Under the applicable foreign tax laws, a withholding tax may be imposed on interest, dividends and capital gains at various rates.
(u) Reclassification. GAAP requires that certain components of net assets be adjusted to reflect permanent differences between financial and tax reporting. These reclassifications have no effect on net assets or net asset values per share.
(v) Restricted Securities. All Funds may invest in non-publicly traded securities, commonly called restricted securities. Restricted securities may be less liquid than publicly-traded securities. Although certain restricted securities may be resold in privately negotiated transactions the values realized from these sales could be less than originally paid by a Fund. Certain restricted securities may be deemed liquid by the Manager and/or Subadviser pursuant to procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. The value of restricted securities is determined as described in Note 1.
2.  Investment Management Agreement and Other Transactions with Affiliates
The Consulting Group, a division of Citigroup Investment Advisory Services Inc. (“CIAS”), an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., serves as the investment manager (the “Manager”) to the Funds. The Manager selects and oversees professional money managers who are responsible for investing the assets of the Funds (each a “Sub-adviser,” and collectively the “Sub-advisers”). Each Fund pays the Manager an investment management fee calculated daily at an annual rate based on each Fund’s average daily net assets and paid monthly. The Manager pays each Sub-adviser a subadviser fee from its investment management fees.
The maximum allowable investment management fee represents the total amount that could be charged to the Fund. The maximum allowable annual management fee, the aggregate advisory fee paid by CIAS to a Portfolio’s Sub-advisers and the fee retained by CIAS for the six months ended February 29, 2008, are indicated below:
          Citigroup Investment
    Advisory Services Inc.
    Allowable Annual
    Fee     (‘CIAS’) Fee retained     Management Fee  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
    0.35 %     0.25 %     0.60  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    0.28 %     0.30 %     0.60  
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    0.49 %     0.30 %     0.80  
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    0.49 %     0.30 %     0.80  
International Equity Investments
    0.32 %     0.30 %     0.70  
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    0.47 %     0.30 %     0.90  
Core Fixed Income Investments
    0.20 %     0.20 %     0.40  
High Yield Investments
    0.30 %     0.25 %     0.70  
International Fixed Income Investments
    0.25 %     0.25 %     0.50  
Municipal Bond Investments
    0.20 %     0.20 %     0.40  
Money Market Investments
    0.13 %     0.00 %     0.15  



Notes to Financial Statements
The Adviser has agreed to waive a portion of its fee. For the six months ended February 29, 2008, the amounts waived by the Adviser were as follows:
Management Fee Waivers
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
  $ 431  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
International Equity Investments
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
High Yield Investments
Money Market Investments
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (“BBH”) serves as the Trust’s administrator. BBH’s principal offices are located at 40 Water Street, Boston, MA 02109. For its administrative services, BBH receives an annual asset based fee of 0.0275% of the Trust’s assets up to $5 billion and 0.02% on assets in excess of $5 billion plus out-of pocket expenses. The fee is calculated daily and paid monthly based on aggregate Trust assets.
During the six months ended February 29, 2008, BBH did not waive any portion of its administration fee.
For the period ended February 29, 2008, the Funds paid Citigroup Institutional Trust Company, an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., shareholder recordkeeping fees as follows:
Record Keeping Fees
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
  $ 9,779  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
International Equity Investments
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Core Fixed Income Investments
High Yield Investments
International Fixed Income Investments
For the period ended February 29, 2008, Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (“CGM”), the Trust’s distributor and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup, and its affiliates received brokerage commissions of:
Fund   Commissions  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
  $ 34,248  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
International Equity Investments
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
All officers and two Trustees of the Trust are employees of Citigroup or its affiliates and do not receive compensation directly from the Trust.



Notes to Financial Statements
3.  Investments
During the six months ended February 29, 2008, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investments (excluding short-term investments and mortgage dollar rolls) for each Fund were as follows:
    Investments     U.S. Government & Agency Obligations  
Fund   Purchases     Sales     Purchases     Sales  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
  $ 1,030,753,642     $ 1,157,164,761              
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    583,591,811       497,110,801              
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    146,383,310       158,696,324              
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    43,685,991       59,327,283              
International Equity Investments
    973,114,926       830,736,973              
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    365,757,634       242,429,433              
Core Fixed Income Investments
    311,652,901       193,149,822     $ 944,207,390     $ 1,009,106,448  
High Yield Investments
    83,236,878       30,945,745              
International Fixed Income Investments
    155,816,368       144,468,181       38,386,256       145,723,599  
Municipal Bond Investments
    97,313,910       3,678,972              
At February 29, 2008, the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
    Net Unrealized
Fund   Appreciation     Depreciation     Depreciation  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
  $ 2,384,988,404     $ 2,160,372,319     $ 224,616,085  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    1,751,425,656       1,734,662,581       16,763,075  
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
    432,524,853       413,378,244       19,146,609  
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
    350,507,825       344,144,059       6,363,766  
International Equity Investments
    1,793,130,215       1,698,163,534       94,966,681  
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
    704,886,654       522,971,233       181,915,421  
Core Fixed Income Investments
    1,374,607,259       1,355,593,263       19,013,996  
High Yield Investments
    135,737,352       144,071,450       (8,334,098 )
International Fixed Income Investments
    234,552,292       217,352,278       17,200,014  
Municipal Bond Investments
    103,841,730       107,856,358       (4,014,628 )
At February 29, 2008, the Funds had the following open futures contracts:
    Number of
Emerging Markets Equity Investments   Contracts     Date     Value     Value     Gain  
Contracts to Buy:
MSCI Taiwan Index
    223       3/08     $ 7,198,785     $ 7,238,580     $ 39,795  
Net Unrealized Gain on Open Futures Contracts
                                  $ 39,795  



Notes to Financial Statements
    Number of
Core Fixed Income Investments   Contracts     Date     Value     Value     Gain (Loss)  
Contracts to Buy:
90 Day Sterling Futures
    85       9/08     $ 19,973,375     $ 20,061,048     $ 87,673  
90 Day Sterling Futures
    127       12/08       29,818,040       30,071,292       253,252  
Euro Euribor
    65       6/08       23,638,147       23,671,456       33,309  
Euro Euribor
    119       9/08       43,435,595       43,492,813       57,218  
Euro Euribor
    18       3/09       6,549,023       6,603,684       54,661  
    64       3/08       11,381,139       11,375,235       (5,904 )
    50       3/08       11,956,463       12,148,750       192,287  
    313       6/08       75,187,013       76,403,300       1,216,287  
    116       9/08       27,918,988       28,357,650       438,662  
    17       3/09       4,119,650       4,153,525       33,875  
    105       6/09       25,104,026       25,616,063       512,037  
    33       9/09       7,885,363       8,033,850       148,487  
    25       12/09       5,960,625       6,070,938       110,313  
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes
    960       6/08       110,883,733       112,590,000       1,706,267  
U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes
    49       6/08       10,451,078       10,531,172       80,094  
U.S. Treasury 5-Year Notes
    104       6/08       11,582,123       11,882,000       299,877  
Contracts to Sell:
90 Day Sterling Futures
    269       6/08       63,093,358       63,213,549       (120,191 )
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes
    79       3/08       9,234,360       9,376,313       (141,953 )
U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes
    162       3/08       34,122,095       34,880,625       (758,530 )
U.S. Treasury 5-Year Notes
    138       3/08       15,658,688       15,846,282       (187,594 )
U.S. Treasury Long Bond
    279       3/08       32,203,938       33,392,813       (1,188,875 )
U.S. Treasury Long Bond
    33       6/08       3,876,243       3,914,625       (38,382 )
                                      (2,435,525 )
Net Unrealized Gain on Open Futures Contracts
                                  $ 2,782,870  



Notes to Financial Statements
    Number of
International Fixed Income Investments   Contracts     Date     Value     Value     Gain (Loss)  
Contracts to Buy:
Euro Euribor
    3       6/08     $ 1,088,381     $ 1,092,529     $ 4,148  
Euro Euribor
    7       9/08       2,553,650       2,558,401       4,751  
    21       3/09       5,101,700       5,130,825       29,125  
    111       9/09       26,854,075       27,022,950       168,875  
    24       12/09       5,798,087       5,828,100       30,013  
Japan Government Bonds - 10 Year
    15       3/08       19,707,638       19,929,476       221,838  
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes
    417       6/08       47,705,406       48,906,281       1,200,875  
Contracts to Sell:
90 Day Sterling Futures
    14       9/08       3,311,123       3,304,173       6,950  
Euro Euribor
    13       3/08       4,712,347       4,718,994       (6,647 )
Euro Euribor
    19       12/08       6,955,410       6,959,737       (4,327 )
Euro Euribor
    11       3/09       4,022,432       4,035,585       (13,153 )
    75       3/08       12,552,579       12,679,551       (126,972 )
    40       3/08       6,373,426       6,367,960       5,466  
    66       6/08       10,530,281       10,552,229       (21,948 )
U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes
    39       3/08       8,250,516       8,397,188       (146,672 )
U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes
    17       6/08       3,628,437       3,653,672       (25,235 )
U.S. Treasury 5-Year Notes
    139       3/08       15,259,594       15,961,110       (701,516 )
U.S. Treasury 5-Year Notes
    330       6/08       37,239,767       37,702,500       (462,733 )
U.S. Treasury Long Bond
    38       6/08       4,371,492       4,507,750       (136,258 )
                                      (1,633,045 )
Net Unrealized Gain on Open Futures Contracts
                                  $ 26,580  
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments and International Fixed Income Investments held purchased options with a total cost of the following:
    Calls     Puts  
Core Fixed Income Investments
  $ 7,771,185     $ 151,886  
International Fixed Income Investments
    1,346,080       120,514  
During the six months ended February 29, 2008, written option transactions for Core Fixed Income Investments and International Fixed Income Investments were as follows:
    Number of
Core Fixed Income Investments   Contracts     Received  
Options written, outstanding at August 31, 2007
    67,200,172     $ 773,566  
Options written
    180,200,623       6,875,567  
Options closed
    (41,100,506 )     (694,297 )
Options expired
    (7,000,091 )     (103,826 )
Options written, outstanding at February 29, 2008
    199,300,198       6,851,010  



Notes to Financial Statements
    Number of
International Fixed Income Investments   Contracts     Received  
Options written, outstanding at August 31, 2007
    129,399,965       1,926,736  
Options written
    51,300,147       1,427,263  
Options closed
    (112,499,965 )     (1,889,463 )
Options expired
    (6,000,125 )     (179,148 )
Options written, outstanding at February 29, 2008
    62,200,022       1,285,388  
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments and International Fixed Income Investments had open forward foreign currency contracts as described below. The unrealized gain (loss) on the open contracts reflected in the accompanying financial statements were as follows:
Core Fixed Income Investments
Foreign Currency
  Local Currency     Market Value     Settlement Date     Gain (Loss)  
Contracts to Buy:
Brazilian Real
    7,292,251     $ 4,241,942       7/2/08     $ 529,110  
Indian Rupee
    141,265,434       3,536,868       5/12/08       146,421  
Japanese Yen
    505,340,000       4,851,815       3/13/08       103,566  
Mexican Peso
    8,982,412       836,063       3/13/08       48,063  
Pound Sterling
    3,630,000       7,207,601       3/6/08       (32,052 )
Russian Ruble
    176,857,400       7,276,260       7/10/08       270,896  
Russian Ruble
    13,328,210       541,391       11/19/08       4,072  
South Korean Won
    1,652,070,445       1,756,806       8/4/08       (30,581 )
Swiss Franc
    1,043,000       999,363       3/6/08       69,566  
Yuan Renminbi
    23,328,711       3,284,194       3/5/08       107,194  
Yuan Renminbi
    52,304,669       7,749,019       10/10/08       97,646  
Contracts to Sell:
Brazilian Real
    4,986,478       2,900,661       7/2/08       (153,661 )
    1,973,000       2,993,667       3/27/08       (73,581 )
Indian Rupee
    21,632,520       541,614       5/12/08       4,386  
Mexican Peso
    8,982,412       836,063       3/13/08       (22,446 )
Russian Ruble
    63,117,185       2,596,765       7/10/08       (30,765 )
Yuan Renminbi
    23,328,711       3,284,194       3/5/08       (55,353 )
                              (331,420 )
Net Unrealized Gain on Open Forward Foreign Currency Contracts
                          $ 982,481  
International Fixed Income Investments
Foreign Currency
  Local Currency     Market Value     Settlement Date     Gain (Loss)  
Contracts to Buy:
Australian Dollar
    9,198,311     $ 8,603,572       3/20/08     $ 240,771  
Brazilian Real
    7,748,737       4,601,759       3/4/08       678,935  
Brazilian Real
    9,359,081       5,444,229       7/2/08       394,260  
Brazilian Real
    3,273,520       1,845,387       12/2/08       74,001  
Canadian Dollar
    90,000       91,860       3/6/08       1,911  



Notes to Financial Statements
Foreign Currency
  Local Currency     Market Value     Settlement Date     Gain (Loss)  
Chilean Peso
    60,000,000     $ 131,800       3/13/08     $ 17,948  
Chilean Peso
    1,850,000       3,963       12/10/08       152  
    106,000       160,836       3/27/08       675  
Indian Rupee
    47,204,400       1,181,858       5/12/08       29,829  
Indian Rupee
    2,693,600       67,311       8/12/08       (556 )
Japanese Yen
    725,565,000       6,966,216       3/13/08       238,058  
Malaysian Ringgits
    10,611,249       3,318,340       5/12/08       159,932  
Malaysian Ringgits
    612,854       191,313       8/4/08       11,195  
Mexican Peso
    18,521,206       1,723,914       3/13/08       79,776  
Mexican Peso
    6,032,672       553,242       7/10/08       5,714  
New Taiwan Dollar
    12,428,584       402,443       3/28/08       15,501  
New Zealand Dollar
    4,342,198       3,479,389       3/13/08       69,027  
Philippine Peso
    20,075,220       493,606       5/19/08       (4,394 )
Polish Zloty
    7,061,000       3,048,935       3/13/08       123,308  
Pound Sterling
    156,000       309,748       3/6/08       683  
Russian Ruble
    29,390,715       1,209,192       7/10/08       48,192  
Russian Ruble
    18,808,820       764,014       11/19/08       5,746  
Singapore Dollar
    146,405       105,408       5/22/08       2,523  
Singapore Dollar
    316,819       228,814       8/28/08       4,666  
Singapore Dollar
    1,010,291       730,973       11/21/08       12,094  
South Korean Won
    1,668,896,070       1,775,876       5/30/08       (32,990 )
South Korean Won
    301,291,100       320,392       8/4/08       (1,608 )
Yuan Renminbi
    12,590,897       1,773,391       3/7/08       51,391  
Yuan Renminbi
    9,621,558       1,371,137       4/28/08       33,137  
Yuan Renminbi
    9,708,595       1,406,047       7/2/08       63,426  
Contracts to Sell:
Australian Dollar
    5,382,000       5,042,626       3/6/08       (171,685 )
Australian Dollar
    3,588,000       3,359,028       3/13/08       (126,187 )
Brazilian Real
    7,748,737       4,601,759       3/4/08       (223,503 )
Brazilian Real
    4,198,503       2,442,292       7/2/08       (124,292 )
Brazilian Real
    631,350       355,912       12/2/08       (20,087 )
Canadian Dollar
    1,140,000       1,163,557       3/6/08       (24,946 )
Chilean Peso
    60,000,000       131,800       3/13/08       (17,964 )
Danish Krone
    14,819,000       3,019,571       3/6/08       (109,540 )
    51,335,000       77,891,475       3/27/08       (1,871,848 )
Japanese Yen
    841,774,067       8,081,949       3/13/08       (183,573 )
Mexican Peso
    18,521,206       1,723,914       3/13/08       (43,572 )
Mexican Peso
    6,096,226       559,071       7/10/08       (11,071 )
New Zealand Dollar
    4,324,000       3,468,535       3/6/08       (59,061 )
Polish Zloty
    7,061,000       3,048,935       3/13/08       (603,312 )
Polish Zloty
    7,061,000       3,016,155       7/10/08       (114,811 )
Pound Sterling
    3,559,000       7,066,626       3/6/08       (22,119 )
Russian Ruble
    15,322,915       623,295       11/5/08       (7,978 )
Russian Ruble
    4,333,120       176,011       11/19/08       (11 )
Singapore Dollar
    53,817       38,675       3/31/08       (675 )



Notes to Financial Statements
Foreign Currency
  Local Currency     Market Value     Settlement Date     Gain (Loss)  
South Korean Won
    674,089,200     $ 717,300       5/30/08     $ 20,700  
South Korean Won
    601,331,000       639,453       8/4/08       (6,793 )
Yuan Renminbi
    12,590,897       1,773,391       3/7/08       (60,666 )
Yuan Renminbi
    9,621,558       1,371,137       4/28/08       (15,519 )
Yuan Renminbi
    9,708,595       1,406,047       7/2/08       (62,204 )
                              (3,860,717 )
Net Unrealized Loss on Open Forward Foreign Currency Contracts
                          $ (1,537,414 )
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments held the following interest rate swap contracts:
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  December 15, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  5,700,000 AUD   16,800,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  December 15, 2009   June 18, 2013
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(37,943)   $205,731
Swap Counterparty:
  UBS Securities LLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  56,000,000 AUD   5,500,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2009   June 18, 2015
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(359,530)   $189,194
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  May 16, 2007   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  8,400,000 BRL   300,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (BR-CDI-Compounded)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 10.15%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  January 2, 2012   June 18, 2038
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(319,258)   $12,970
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  May 16, 2007   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  28,300,000 BRL   34,300,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (BR-CDI-Compounded)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 10.12%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  January 2, 2012   June 18, 2013
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(745,774)   $1,239,641
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2014   May 18, 2007
Notional Amount:
  1,600,000 EUR   2,100,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (ATMF Straddle Premium)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.65%
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2034   May 18, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $5,228   $113,841



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  December 19, 2007   May 24, 2007
Notional Amount:
  4,700,000 GBP   1,200,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (ATMF Straddle Premium)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.52%
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2008   May 24, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $4,388   $78,643
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   January 23, 2009
Notional Amount:
  3,300,000 GBP   1,300,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.50%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (ICAP CMM FRA Fixing Rate)
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2010   January 24, 2009
Unrealized Appreciation
  $29,421   $90,399
Swap Counterparty:
  HSBC Bank USA   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2007   December 17, 2008
Notional Amount:
  4,400,000 GBP   10,100,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2009   December 17, 2010
Unrealized Appreciation
  $67,111   $205,797
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 18, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  5,400,000 GBP   16,000,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  September 18, 2009   June 18, 2013
Unrealized Appreciation
  $106,790   $129,108
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  30,000,000 JPY   30,100,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2017   June 18, 2010
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(4,246)   $(274,118)
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  10,000,000 JPY   2,600,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.00%   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2017   June 18, 2013
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(1,851)   $104,193
Swap Counterparty:
  UBS Securities LLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  90,000,000 JPY   16,200,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.00%   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2017   June 18, 2018
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(16,615)   $457,817



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  November 17, 2006   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  44,000,000 MXN   1,000,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (28 Day Mexico
Interbank TIIE Banxico)
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 8.17%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  November 4, 2016   June 18, 2038
Unrealized Appreciation
  $43,846   $47,933
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  68,000,000 USD   700,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 4.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2010   June 18, 2010
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(614,429)   $(6,424)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2007   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   17,000,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2022   June 18, 2013
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(8,783)   $738,113
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  14,600,000 USD   3,300,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2023   June 18, 2023
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $462,786   $(36,344)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2005   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  1,500,000 USD   5,800,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2035   June 18, 2038
Unrealized Appreciation
  $113,676   $265,601
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments held the following index-linked swap contract:
Swap Counterparty:
  UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  October 15, 2005
Notional Amount:
  200,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (French CPI Ex-Tobacco Daily Reference Index)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.15%
Termination Date:
  October 15, 2010
Unrealized Appreciation



Notes to Financial Statements
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments held the following credit default swap contracts:
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2007   September 21, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Black & Decker Corp.   Dow Jones CDX IG9 10Y Index
Notional Amount:
  500,000 USD   4,600,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   December 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $19,102   $310,230
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2007   July 19, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Clorox Co.   ABX HE AAA 06-2 Index
Notional Amount:
  500,000 USD   10,300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   May 25, 2046
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $12,812   $(446,863)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2007   September 21, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Sherwin-Williams   Dow Jones CDX XO7 Index
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD   1,942,858 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   December 20, 2011
Unrealized Appreciation
  $18,131   $122,242
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  October 19, 2006   March 21, 2007
Reference Entity:
  ISTAR Financial   Dow Jones CDX IG8 Index
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   1,300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2011   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $56,008   $53,016
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  October 18, 2006   September 15, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Daimler Finance North America   Masco Corp.
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD   1,400,000 USD
Termination Date:
  September 20, 2011   September 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $6,102   $127,200
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  November 14, 2006   September 15, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Daimler Finance North America   Viacom
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   800,000 USD
Termination Date:
  September 20, 2011   September 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $3,531   $35,103
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 21, 2006   September 15, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX HVOL7 Index   Kohl’s Corp.
Notional Amount:
  1,900,000 USD   500,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2011   December 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $158,150   $24,878
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  May 19, 2007   March 28, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Baxter International Inc.   Dow Jones CDX HY-8 100 Index
Notional Amount:
  800,000 USD   5,346,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $10,957   $489,891



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  May 19, 2007   July 24, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Schlumberger Ltd.   GMAC
Notional Amount:
  1,000,000 USD   4,000,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   September 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $19,401   $(855,327)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  December 8, 2007   April 4, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Safeway Inc.   Saratoga CLO I, Ltd.
Notional Amount:
  2,000,000 USD   1,000,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   December 15, 2019
Unrealized Appreciation
  $43,357   $208,556
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  December 11, 2007   April 4, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Sherwin-Williams   Saratoga CLO I, Ltd.
Notional Amount:
  3,500,000 USD   1,100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   December 15, 2019
Unrealized Appreciation
  $82,853   $166,403
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  March 21, 2007   April 4, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX 10 YR Index   Race Point CLO
Notional Amount:
  4,700,000 USD   800,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2017   April 15, 2020
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(278,147)   $179,591
Swap Counterparty:
  Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2007   April 4, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Nordstrom Inc.   Race Point CLO
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD   1,100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   April 15, 2020
Unrealized Appreciation
  $23,099   $298,372
Swap Counterparty:
  Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 28, 2005   June 20, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Trinity CDO, Ltd.   Russian Federation
Notional Amount:
  2,000,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 8, 2040   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $1,265,376   $(163)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  October 17, 2006   April 6, 2007
Reference Entity:
  ESP Funding, Ltd.   Target Corp.
Notional Amount:
  510,775 USD   1,900,000 USD
Termination Date:
  October 5, 2046   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $405,022   $57,113
Swap Counterparty:
  BNP Paribas Bank   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  July 27, 2007   September 15, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Morgan Stanley   TJX Cos., Inc. (the)
Notional Amount:
  2,100,000 USD   600,000 USD
Termination Date:
  September 20, 2012   December 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(90,106)   $9,080



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  BNP Paribas Bank   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  November 16, 2006   October 26, 2006
Reference Entity:
  HSBC Finance Corp.   Sealed Air Corp.
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2013   September 20, 2013
Unrealized Appreciation
  $33,223   $9,793
Swap Counterparty:
  Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  July 19, 2006   September 21, 2006
Reference Entity:
  ABX HE AAA 06-2 Index   Dow Jones CDX IG7 10 YR Index
Notional Amount:
  400,000 USD   1,100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  May 25, 2046   December 20, 2016
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(20,893)   $80,509
Swap Counterparty:
  Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  November 10, 2007   April 13, 2007
Reference Entity:
  GM Corp.   Autozone Inc.
Notional Amount:
  500,000 USD   800,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(40,111)   $30,129
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2007   April 24, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX HY-9 100 Index   Autozone Inc.
Notional Amount:
  4,752,000 USD   400,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(330,804)   $15,979
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  October 26, 2006   April 28, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Goodrich Corp.   Autozone Inc.
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  September 20, 2016   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $4,209   $11,870
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  January 10, 2007   April 13, 2007
Reference Entity:
  AIG Corp.   Newell Rubbermaid Inc.
Notional Amount:
  1,500,000 USD   400,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2008   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(1,257)   $12,906
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  September 21, 2007   April 13, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX IG9 5YR Index   Newell Rubbermaid Inc.
Notional Amount:
  23,600,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(445,784)   $6,531
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.    
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2007    
Reference Entity:
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc.    
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD    
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012    
Unrealized Appreciation



Notes to Financial Statements
At February 29, 2008, International Fixed Income Investments held the following interest rate swap contracts:
Swap Counterparty:
  BNP Paribas Bank   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  February 5, 2008   December 15, 2006
Notional Amount:
  1,700,000   10,100,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (Spreadlock - USSP2)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 0.71%   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR Euribor)
Termination Date:
  February 5, 2009   December 15, 2011
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(5,815)   $286,739
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2008   June 15, 2007
Notional Amount:
  11,700,000 AUD   3,000,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-Euribor)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.00%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2009   December 15, 2011
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(81,329)   $111,574
Swap Counterparty:
  Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  June 16, 2008   September 19, 2007
Notional Amount:
  2,100,000 AUD   5,100,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR Euribor)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.25%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2013   September 19, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(26,597)   $219,860
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  January 15, 2008   September 17, 2008
Notional Amount:
  8,050,000 AUD   27,100,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.50%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  January 15, 2009   September 17, 2013
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(80,782)   $132,391
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  June 16, 2008   June 15, 2007
Notional Amount:
  12,500,000 AUD   51,900,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR Euribor)
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2010   December 15, 2011
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(170,721)   $(1,396,027)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  June 16, 2008   September 17, 2008
Notional Amount:
  3,800,000 AUD   13,900,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.50%   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2017   September 17, 2013
Unrealized Appreciation
  $98,344   $160,740
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  December 15, 2007   March 19, 2008
Notional Amount:
  900,000 AUD   1,200,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.75%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR Euribor)
Termination Date:
  December 15, 2017   March 19, 2038
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $24,023   $(123,145)
Swap Counterparty:
  HSBC Bank USA   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2007   September 17, 2008
Notional Amount:
  7,500,000 AUD   10,600,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.00%   Fixed Rate, 3.50%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2012   September 17, 2010
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(378,634)   $373
Swap Counterparty:
  HSBC Bank USA   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2007   December 15, 2008
Notional Amount:
  4,300,000 AUD   4,900,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BBSW)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2017   December 15, 2014
Unrealized Appreciation
  $338,825   $106,233
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 16, 2008   January 11, 2005
Notional Amount:
  4,700,000 AUD   3,900,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Fixed Rate, 6.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR Euribor)
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2010   June 18, 2034
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(60,787)   $49,341
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 16, 2008   June 18, 2014
Notional Amount:
  2,400,000 AUD   2,900,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 6.50%   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Fixed Rate, 4.50%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2017   June 18, 2034
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $57,870   $(12,513)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  UBS Securities LLC   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  March 15, 2009   June 18, 2014
Notional Amount:
  12,400,000 AUD   400,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.50%   Fixed Rate, 4.50%
Termination Date:
  March 15, 2010   June 18, 2034
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $7,014   $(1,486)
Swap Counterparty:
  UBS Securities LLC   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  June 16, 2008   June 15, 2007
Notional Amount:
  12,100,000 AUD   1,800,000 GBP
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month AUD BB)   Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 7.25%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  June 16, 2011   June 15, 2009
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(94,692)   $6,055
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  May 16, 2007   September 15, 2005
Notional Amount:
  12,400,000 BRL   500,000 GBP
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (BR-CDI-Compounded)   Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 10.15%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  January 2, 2012   September 15, 2015
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(243,862)   $(29,467)
Swap Counterparty:
  UBS Securities LLC   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  July 3, 2007   December 15, 2015
Notional Amount:
  8,000,000 BRL   2,100,000 GBP
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 10.58%   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (BR-CDI-Compounded)   Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  January 2, 2012   December 15, 2035
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(150,638)   $436,254
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  March 19, 2008   September 15, 2006
Notional Amount:
  13,300,000 EUR   400,000 GBP
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month EUR-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 4.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  March 19, 2010   September 15, 2015
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $245,342   $(3,865)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2007   June 20, 2008
Notional Amount:
  500,000 GBP   360,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 2.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2009   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(6,323)   $(49,847)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  March 20, 2008   December 20, 2007
Notional Amount:
  4,900,000 GBP   250,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 2.50%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2010   December 20, 2027
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(11,111)   $(105,573)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  March 20, 2008   March 19, 2008
Notional Amount:
  5,500,000 GBP   440,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 1.00%
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2013   March 18, 2009
Unrealized Appreciation
  $253,336   $4,577
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  March 20, 2008   June 20, 2008
Notional Amount:
  2,500,000 GBP   950,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 2.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.50%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2013   June 20, 2010
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $118,178   $(156,643)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   December 20, 2005
Notional Amount:
  500,000 GBP   1,300,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 1.50%
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2015   December 20, 2015
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $19,957   $(58,008)
Swap Counterparty:
  HSBC Bank USA   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   June 20, 2008
Notional Amount:
  4,400,000 GBP   850,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 2.00%
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2010   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $16,832   $(119,007)
Swap Counterparty:
  HSBC Bank USA   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   December 20, 2007
Notional Amount:
  200,000 GBP   270,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 3.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2015   June 20, 2036
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $8,534   $(248,116)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   March 19, 2008
Notional Amount:
  800,000 GBP   2,750,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 1.00%
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2015   March 18, 2009
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(9,827)   $28,277
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2007   June 20, 2008
Notional Amount:
  1,800,000 GBP   420,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 1.50%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2009   December 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(1,881)   $31,331
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   June 20, 2008
Notional Amount:
  1,700,000 GBP   40,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 1.50%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2010   June 20, 2015
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(14,376)   $(4,260)
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  September 15, 2006   September 27, 2006
Notional Amount:
  1,200,000 GBP   400,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month GBP-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 1.98%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  September 15, 2015   September 27, 2016
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(16,023)   $(162,728)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2008   June 20, 2007
Notional Amount:
  330,000,000 JPY   270,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 2.50%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 1.50%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   June 20, 2036
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $763   $(122,536)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2008   September 18, 2007
Notional Amount:
  60,000,000 JPY   1,930,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 1.00%
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2017   September 18, 2008
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(8,491)   $(31,453)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  December 20, 2006   March 19, 2008
Notional Amount:
  280,000,000 JPY   1,190,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 1.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.00%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2025   March 18, 2009
Unrealized Appreciation
  $169,882   $297,481
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  March 19, 2008   June 20, 2008
Notional Amount:
  150,000,000 JPY   530,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 1.00%   Fixed Rate, 1.50%
Termination Date:
  March 18, 2009   December 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $40,813   $39,628
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2008   June 20, 2007
Notional Amount:
  230,000,000 JPY   90,000,000 JPY
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 2.50%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 1.50%   Floating Rate (6-Month JPY-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   June 20, 2036
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $16,627   $(30,488)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  December 18, 2013   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  32,000,000 USD   6,000,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  December 18, 2015   June 18, 2015
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(87,612)   $(206,394)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   May 21, 2009
Notional Amount:
  2,600,000 USD   1,000,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.50%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (ICAP CMM FRA Fixing Rate)
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2038   May 22, 2009
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $18,139   $(27,831)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 17, 2009   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  17,400,000 USD   18,700,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 4.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  June 17, 2010   June 18, 2018
Unrealized Appreciation
  $82,694   $969,937



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   June 20, 2007
Notional Amount:
  30,500,000 USD   300,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 4.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2010   June 20, 2037
Unrealized Appreciation
  $141,274   $12,965
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  11,500,000 USD   2,700,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 4.00%   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2013   June 18, 2038
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(109,299)   $(129,420)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 20, 2007   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  2,000,000 USD   14,400,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2037   June 18, 2010
Unrealized Appreciation
  $86,396   $148,417
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   June 17, 2009
Notional Amount:
  4,700,000 USD   46,100,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 4.00%
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2038   June 17, 2011
Unrealized Appreciation
  $29,641   $487,352
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008   June 18, 2008
Notional Amount:
  11,600,000 USD   600,000 USD
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 4.00%   Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)   Fixed Rate, 5.00%
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2013   June 18, 2018
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(27,599)   $25,871
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC    
Effective Date:
  June 18, 2008    
Notional Amount:
  1,600,000 USD    
Payments Made by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 5.00%    
Payments Received by Fund:
  Floating Rate (3-Month USD-LIBOR)    
Termination Date:
  June 18, 2015    
Unrealized Depreciation



Notes to Financial Statements
At February 29, 2008, International Fixed Income Investments held the following index-linked swap contract:
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  June 15, 2007
Notional Amount:
  1,300,000 EUR
Payments Made by Fund:
  Floating Rate (French CPI Ex Tobacco Daily Reference Index)
Payments Received by Fund:
  Fixed Rate, 2.08%
Termination Date:
  June 15, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation
At February 29, 2008, International Fixed Income Investments held the following credit default swap contracts:
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2007   September 27, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones I Traxx   XL Capital Europe PLC
Notional Amount:
  1,500,000 EUR   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   March 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $107,659   $9,960
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2006   June 2, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones I Traxx   Capital One Bank
Notional Amount:
  200,000 EUR   400,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2016   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $21,880   $49,163
Swap Counterparty:
  BNP Paribas Bank   Barclays Bank PLC
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2006   June 2, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones I Traxx   Weyerhaeuser Co.
Notional Amount:
  600,000 EUR   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2016   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $65,633   $7,928
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2006   September 22, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones I Traxx   CNA Financial Corp.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 EUR   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2016   September 20, 2011
Unrealized Appreciation
  $12,168   $2,852
Swap Counterparty:
  HSBC Bank USA   Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2006   September 27, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones I Traxx   HJ Heinz Finance Co.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 EUR   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2016   March 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $10,943   $916
Swap Counterparty:
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  September 20, 2006   May 4, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones I Traxx   Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 EUR   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2016   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $10,939   $1,593



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  April 6, 2007   October 28, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.   Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
Notional Amount:
  500,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2008   March 20, 2016
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(3,737)   $14,321
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
Effective Date:
  April 6, 2007   October 12, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.   Centerpoint Energy Inc.
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2008   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(4,020)   $286
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
Effective Date:
  January 12, 2008   December 15, 2007
Reference Entity:
  GMAC   Gazprom
Notional Amount:
  500,000 USD   300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2009   December 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $189   $(37)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
Effective Date:
  October 25, 2007   October 18, 2006
Reference Entity:
  HSBC Finance Corp.   ISTAR Financial
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   March 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $14,436   $63,171
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  June 2, 2007   April 6, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Noble Corp.   Bear Stearns Cos., Inc.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $524   $(2,070)
Swap Counterparty:
  Bank of America   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  October 3, 2007   April 5, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC   Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   500,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2012   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(28,184)   $(2,433)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  October 31, 2006   April 5, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Ryder System Inc.   Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   700,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2009   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $1,148   $(5,195)
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  November 1, 2006   April 5, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Sealed Air Corp.   Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   900,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2009   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $1,060   $(6,099)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Barclays Bank PLC   Deutsche Bank AG
Effective Date:
  November 4, 2006   December 12, 2007
Reference Entity:
  National Grid PLC   VTB Capital
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2011   December 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation
  $7,110   $8
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  December 21, 2007   March 21, 2007
Reference Entity:
  SLM Corp.   Dow Jones CDX 10Y Index
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   17,600,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2009   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(2,914)   $1,163,425
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 19, 2006   June 2, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Ace Ina Holdings Inc.   International Paper Co.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2014   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $3,753   $5,897
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   Goldman Sachs & Co.
Effective Date:
  September 19, 2006   June 2, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Tate & Lyle International   Meadwestvaco Corp.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2014   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $6,094   $4,853
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   HSBC Bank USA
Effective Date:
  February 12, 2008   December 11, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Macy’s Inc.   Gazprom
Notional Amount:
  1,000,000 USD   900,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2016   December 20, 2008
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(1,372)   $(257)
Swap Counterparty:
  Deutsche Bank AG   J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Effective Date:
  March 21, 2007   August 3, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX 10Y   Federative Republic of Brazil
Notional Amount:
  2,600,000 USD   2,000,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2017   August 20, 2011
Unrealized Appreciation
  $182,450   $12,704
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Effective Date:
  December 15, 2007   September 27, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Russian Federation   CNA Financial Corp.
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2008   March 20, 2012
Unrealized Appreciation
  $204   $2,852
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  January 31, 2008   August 9, 2006
Reference Entity:
  GMAC   Federative Republic of Brazil
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   3,400,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2009   August 20, 2011
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(3,144)   $14,288



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  January 5, 2008   July 28, 2007
Reference Entity:
  SLM Corp.   Dow Jones CDX HY Index
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2009   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(1,651)   $(3,613)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  May 16, 2007   March 21, 2007
Reference Entity:
  RSHB Capital SA   Dow Jones CDX IG8 Index
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   5,700,000 USD
Termination Date:
  May 20, 2012   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(23,795)   $210,305
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  July 26, 2007   August 8, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX HY Index   GMAC
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   400,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   September 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(21,115)   $(56,408)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  June 2, 2007   June 6, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Carnival Corp.   Meadwestvaco Corp.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Appreciation
  $4,384   $15,023
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Effective Date:
  April 14, 2007   June 6, 2007
Reference Entity:
  SLM Corp.   Weyerhaeuser Co.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(14,663)   $7,907
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  February 22, 2008   December 14, 2007
Reference Entity:
  General Electric Capital Corp.   SLM Corp.
Notional Amount:
  600,000 USD   300,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2013   December 20, 2008
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(4,655)   $(2,718)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  January 16, 2008   May 15, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Government of Spain   Morgan Stanley Bank AG
Notional Amount:
  1,600,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2013   May 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(6,390)   $(13,961)
Swap Counterparty:
  Goldman Sachs & Co.   Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Effective Date:
  January 12, 2008   August 10, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Government of Spain   Dow Jones CDX HY Index
Notional Amount:
  3,900,000 USD   2,000,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2013   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(15,459)   $(226,521)



Notes to Financial Statements
Swap Counterparty:
  Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  July 31, 2007   August 2, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Dow Jones CDX HY Index   Federative Republic of Brazil
Notional Amount:
  300,000 USD   2,000,000 USD
Termination Date:
  June 20, 2012   August 20, 2011
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(11,272)   $15,019
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Morgan Stanley
Effective Date:
  December 14, 2007   June 9, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Gazprom   Weyerhaeuser Co.
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2008   June 20, 2017
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(38)   $7,242
Swap Counterparty:
  Morgan Stanley   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Effective Date:
  December 19, 2007   October 26, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Gazprom   Landsbanki Islands hf
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  December 20, 2008   September 20, 2009
Unrealized Depreciation/Appreciation
  $(54)   $15,097
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  December 12, 2007   April 5, 2007
Reference Entity:
  DR Horton   AIG, Inc.
Notional Amount:
  200,000 USD   1,200,000 USD
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2010   June 20, 2008
Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation
  $3,442   $(6,023)
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC   UBS Securities LLC
Effective Date:
  September 19, 2006   September 27, 2006
Reference Entity:
  Daimler Finance North America   Capital One Financial Corp.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  September 20, 2011   September 20, 2011
Unrealized Appreciation
  $875   $10,756
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC   Wachovia Bank N.A.
Effective Date:
  August 8, 2007   May 4, 2007
Reference Entity:
  Supervalu Inc.   Globalsantafe Corp.
Notional Amount:
  100,000 USD   100,000 USD
Termination Date:
  September 20, 2012   June 20, 2012
Unrealized Depreciation
  $(2,207)   $(694)
Swap Counterparty:
  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC    
Effective Date:
  February 13, 2008    
Reference Entity:
  AIG, Inc.    
Notional Amount:
  500,000 USD    
Termination Date:
  March 20, 2013    
Unrealized Appreciation
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments and International Fixed Income Investments had total net unrealized appreciation of $4,195,165 and $2,264,484 respectively, from swap contracts.
During the six-months ended February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments entered into mortgage dollar roll transactions in the aggregate amount of $267,357,337.
At February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments had outstanding mortgage dollar rolls with a total cost of $91,454,257.



Notes to Financial Statements
For the six months ended February 29, 2008, Core Fixed Income Investments recorded interest income (loss) of $(46,143) related to such mortgage rolls.
4.  Shares of Beneficial Interest
At February 29, 2008, the Trust had an unlimited number of shares authorized with a par value of $0.001 per share. At February 29, 2008, Trustees and executive officers of the Trust as a group owned of record less than 1% of the outstanding shares of the Trust.
Transactions in shares of each Fund were as follows:
    Six Months Ended
    Year Ended
    February 29,
    August 31,
    2008     2007  
Large Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares Sold
    20,599,209       45,074,316  
Shares issued on reinvestment
Shares repurchased
    (29,146,659 )     (25,913,573 )
Net Increase (Decrease)
    (5,968,771 )     19,160,743  
Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares Sold
    20,161,019       31,269,276  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    16,613,900       10,091,077  
Shares repurchased
    (18,128,479 )     (26,438,680 )
Net Increase
    18,646,440       14,921,673  
Small Capitalization Growth Investments
Shares Sold
    3,826,806       4,776,289  
Shares repurchased
    (4,332,515 )     (6,103,574 )
Net Decrease
    (505,709 )     (1,327,285 )
Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments
Shares Sold
    4,307,733       4,945,416  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    4,865,741       3,997,706  
Shares repurchased
    (5,446,134 )     (7,073,705 )
Net Increase
    3,727,340       1,869,417  
International Equity Investments
Shares Sold
    24,643,923       27,896,868  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    9,999,535       1,943,267  
Shares repurchased
    (13,784,467 )     (20,150,816 )
Net Increase
    20,858,991       9,689,319  
Emerging Markets Equity Investments
Shares Sold
    11,399,616       11,933,875  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    2,677,207       174,684  
Shares repurchased
    (4,910,683 )     (5,572,571 )
Net Increase
    9,166,140       6,535,988  



Notes to Financial Statements
    Six Months Ended
    Year Ended
    February 29,
    August 31,
    2008     2007  
Core Fixed Income Investments
Shares Sold
    41,817,906       36,757,606  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    3,002,856       4,839,040  
Shares repurchased
    (23,091,172 )     (28,870,321 )
Net Increase
    21,729,590       12,726,325  
High Yield Investments
Shares Sold
    15,285,701       8,699,001  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    1,085,723       2,538,947  
Shares repurchased
    (4,076,925 )     (42,246,239 )
Net Increase (Decrease)
    12,294,499       (31,008,291 )
International Fixed Income Investments
Shares Sold
    4,929,900       12,220,568  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    543,508       816,554  
Shares repurchased
    (6,461,064 )     (6,736,262 )
Net Increase (Decrease)
    (987,656 )     6,300,860  
Municipal Bond Investments
Shares Sold
    5,784,393       3,916,281  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    173,406       201,301  
Shares repurchased
    (1,548,264 )     (1,220,800 )
Net Increase
    4,409,535       2,896,782  
Money Market Investments
Shares Sold
    248,828,718       129,087,916  
Shares issued on reinvestment
    4,091,131       4,269,358  
Shares repurchased
    (222,274,584 )     (100,797,219 )
Net Increase
    30,645,265       32,560,055  
5.  Dividends Subsequent to February 29, 2008
Subsequent to the fiscal year end, the Funds made the following distributions:
Record Date
  Core Fixed Income
    High Yield
    Municipal Bond
    Money Market
Payable Date
  Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments  
3/28/08 — 3/31/08
  $ .033151     $ .032078     $ .025439     $ .002123  



Notes to Financial Statements
6.  Capital Loss Carry forward
As of August 31, 2007, the Funds had the following net capital loss carryforwards remaining:
    Value Equity
    Value Equity
    Emerging Markets
Year of Expiration
  Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Equity Investments     Equity Investments  
  $           $ (63,647,133 )         $     $  
                (191,873,306 )                  
    $           $ (255,520,439 )         $     $  
    Core Fixed
          International Fixed
    High Yield
    Municipal Bond
    Money Market
Year of Expiration
  Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments     Investments  
  $ (2,292,182 )                     $ (9,983 )
        $ (2, 258,308 )         $ (1,846,063 )     (11,128 )
          (45,159,946 )                  
    (4,723,104 )     (37,864,134 )                  
    (2,218,969 )                        
    (1,156,834 )     (1,114,740 )   $ (242,180 )     (45,465 )      
    (5,954,469 )           (875,063 )     (55,354 )      
    $ (16,346,058 )   $ (86,397,128 )   $ (1,117,243 )   $ (1,946,882 )   $ (21,111 )
These amounts will be available to offset any future taxable capital gains.
7.  Regulatory Matters
On July 13, 2007, the New York Stock Exchange, LLC (“NYSE”) issued a Hearing Board Decision in connection with the settlement of an enforcement proceeding by NYSE Regulation, Inc. (“NYSE Regulation”) and the New Jersey Bureau of Securities (“NJBS”) against Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. (“CGMI” or “the Firm”), an affiliate of Citigroup Investment Advisory Services (“CIAS”), the investment adviser to the Trust, relating to the practice of market timing in proprietary and non-proprietary mutual funds by financial advisors (“FAs”) at the Firm.
The decision concerned the Firm’s failure to supervise adequately its branch offices and certain registered representatives who engaged in deceptive mutual fund market timing on behalf of some customers during the period from January 2000 through April 2003. The decision notes that market timing occurred in the Firm’s proprietary funds, which include the Portfolios of the Trust, as well as in non-proprietary funds. Between 1998 and May 2000, the Firm made an effort to end market timing in its proprietary funds and its fee-based mutual fund trading programs, including TRAK. Market timing by CGMI FAs in proprietary funds was largely ended by late 2001 or early 2002. The decision finds that the Firm failed to supervise its FAs adequately and failed to maintain books and records of the trading in mutual fund sub-accounts. Further, the NYSE found that while the Firm had policies in place to address market timing, such policies were ineffective to stop certain FAs from market timing and were inadequately enforced. The decision cited three CGMI branches in particular for the most serious conduct, and noted that six branches accounted for over 40% of all market-timing transactions. The NYSE noted the Firm’s cooperation during the course of the investigation.
Without admitting or denying guilt, the Firm consented to a finding that it had violated NYSE Rule 342 by failing to reasonably supervise certain business activities and to establish and maintain appropriate procedures for supervision and control with respect to trading of mutual funds and mutual fund-like sub-accounts of variable annuities; violated NYSE Rules 401(a) and 476(a) by failing to prevent certain brokers from engaging in violative market timing of mutual funds, including use of deceptive practices related to market timing of mutual funds; and violated Section 17(a) of the Securities



Notes to Financial Statements
Exchange Act of 1934, Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4 thereunder, and NYSE Rule 440 by failing to make or preserve accurate books and records reflecting or relating to order communication and entry time for mutual fund shares, rejection or cancellation of trades related to market timing, and orders or confirmations for transactions executed by Firm employees in variable annuity products sub-accounts held away from the Firm.
The Firm consented to the imposition of a penalty consisting of censure and a payment of $50,000,000, to be distributed as follows: (a) $35,000,000 is to be placed in a distribution fund as disgorgement; (b) a penalty of $10,000,000, of which $5,000,000 is to be paid directly to NYSE Regulation and $5,000,000 is to be placed directly in the distribution fund; and (c) a penalty of $5,000,000 which is to be paid to the State of New Jersey.
The Firm is required to retain, within 90 days as the date on which the Hearing Board Decision becomes final, an Independent Distribution Consultant not unacceptable to NYSE Regulation, who will develop a distribution plan for the distribution of the disgorgement amount and internal earnings thereon, according to a methodology developed by the Firm and not unacceptable to NYSE Regulation. To the extent feasible, this disgorgement amount shall go first to the Firm’s customers who during the period January 2000 through September 2003 invested long-term in the mutual funds that were the subject of the market timing, with any funds not distributed to be paid to NYSE Regulation. Investors who held shares in the funds during the relevant time period may be eligible to receive a portion of such distributions and will be notified of such eligibility as the distribution plan proceeds. Although there can be no assurance, the manager does not believe that this matter will have a material adverse affect on the Trust.
On December 1, 2005, Citigroup completed the sale of substantially all of its global asset management business, including Smith Barney Fund Management, LLC (“SBFM”), to Legg Mason. The Trust was not included in the sale.
On May 31, 2005, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued an order in connection with the settlement of an administrative proceeding against SBFM, at the time a division of Citigroup, and currently, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Legg Mason and the then-investment adviser or manager to the Fund, and CGM, relating to the appointment of an affiliated transfer agent for the Smith Barney family of mutual funds, including the Fund (the “Affected Funds”).
The SEC order found that SBFM and CGM willfully violated Section 206(1) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and the rules promulgated thereunder (the “Advisers Act”). Specifically, the order found that SBFM and CGM knowingly or recklessly failed to disclose to the boards of the Affected Funds in 1999 when proposing a new transfer agent arrangement with an affiliated transfer agent that: First Data Investors Services Group (“First Data”), the Affected Funds’ then existing transfer agent, had offered to continue as transfer agent and do the same work for substantially less money than before; and that Citigroup Asset Management (“CAM”), the Citigroup business unit that, at the time, included the Affected Funds’ investment manager and other investment advisory companies, had entered into a side letter with First Data under which CAM agreed to recommend the appointment of First Data as sub-transfer agent to the affiliated transfer agent in exchange, among other things, for a guarantee by First Data of specified amounts of asset management and investment banking fees to CAM and CGM. The order also found that SBFM and CGM willfully violated Section 206(2) of the Advisers Act by virtue of the omissions discussed above and other misrepresentations and omissions in the materials provided to the Affected Funds’ boards, including the failure to make clear that the affiliated transfer agent would earn a high profit for performing limited functions while First Data continued to perform almost all of the transfer agent functions, and the suggestion that the proposed arrangement was in the Affected Funds’ best interests and that no viable alternatives existed.
SBFM and CGM do not admit or deny any wrongdoing or liability. The settlement does not establish wrongdoing or liability for purposes of any other proceeding. The SEC censured SBFM and CGM and ordered them to cease and desist from violations of Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Advisers Act. The order required Citigroup to pay $208.1 million, including $109 million in disgorgement of profits, $19.1 million in interest, and a civil money penalty of $80 million. Approximately $24.4 million has already been paid to the Affected Funds, primarily through fee waivers. The remaining $183.7 million, including the penalty, has been paid to the U.S. Treasury and will be distributed pursuant to a plan submitted for the approval of the SEC. At this time, there is no certainty as to how the above-described proceeds of the settlement will be distributed, to whom such distributions will be made, the methodology by which such distributions will be allocated, and when such distributions will be made. The order also required that transfer agency fees received from the Affected Funds since December 1, 2004, less certain expenses, be placed in escrow and provided that a portion of such fees might be subsequently



Notes to Financial Statements
distributed in accordance with the terms of the order. On April 3, 2006, an aggregate amount of approximately $9 million held in escrow was distributed to the Affected Funds.
The order required SBFM to recommend a new transfer agent contract to the Affected Funds’ boards within 180 days of the entry of the order; if a Citigroup affiliate submitted a proposal to serve as transfer agent or sub-transfer agent, SBFM and CGM would have been required, at their expense, to engage an independent monitor to oversee a competitive bidding process. On November 21, 2005, and within the specified timeframe, the Affected Funds’ Boards selected a new transfer agent for the Affected Funds. No Citigroup affiliate submitted a proposal to serve as transfer agent. Under the order, SBFM also must comply with an amended version of a vendor policy that Citigroup instituted in August 2004.
Although there can be no assurance, the manager does not believe that this matter will have a material adverse effect on the Affected Funds.
8.  Legal Matters
Beginning in August 2005, five putative class action lawsuits alleging violations of federal securities laws and state law were filed against CGM and SBFM, (collectively, the “Defendants”) based on the May 31, 2005 settlement order issued against the Defendants by the SEC described in Note 6. The complaints seek injunctive relief and compensatory and punitive damages, removal of SBFM as advisor to the Funds, rescission of the Funds’ management and other contracts with SBFM, recovery of all fees paid to SBFM pursuant to such contracts, and an award of attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses.
On December 28, 2005, the five actions were consolidated in Federal District Court in the Southern District of New York. On April 17, 2006, the Court appointed a lead plaintiff and lead counsel, who filed a consolidated, amended complaint on June 2, 2006. The consolidated, amended complaint alleged violations of federal securities laws and added as defendants two former SBFM executives, Thomas Jones and Lewis Daidone. On October 3, 2006, the Defendants filed a motion and supporting memorandum to dismiss all of these claims. On November 28, 2006, plaintiffs filed a memorandum in opposition to Defendants’ motion to dismiss, and Defendants filed a reply brief on December 19, 2006. Oral arguments on the motion to dismiss occurred on February 1, 2007. On September 26, 2007, the district court issued an order granting defendants’ motion to dismiss. The order gave plaintiffs through and including October 19, 2007 to replead the one claim that was dismissed without prejudice, but plaintiffs chose not to do so. However, plaintiffs appealed the dismissal of their remaining claims with prejudice, and that appeal is in the process of being briefed.
CGM believes that resolution of the pending lawsuits will not have a material effect on the financial position or results of operations of the Funds or the ability of SBFM and its affiliates to continue to render services to the Funds under their respective contracts.
9.  Other Matters
10.  Recent Accounting Pronouncements
During June 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued FASB Interpretation 48 (“FIN 48” or the “Interpretation”), Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes - an interpretation of FASB statement 109. FIN 48 supplements FASB Statement 109, Accounting for Income Taxes, by defining the confidence level that a tax position must meet in order to be recognized in the financial statements. FIN 48 prescribes a comprehensive model for how a fund should recognize, measure, present, and disclose in its financial statements uncertain tax positions that the fund has taken or expects to take on a tax return. FIN 48 requires that the tax effects of a position be recognized only if it is “more likely than not” to be sustained based solely on its technical merits. Management must be able to conclude that the tax law, regulations, case law, and other objective information regarding the technical merits sufficiently support the position’s sustainability with a likelihood of more than 50 percent. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal periods beginning after December 15, 2006, which for the Funds will be September 1, 2007. At adoption, the financial statements must be adjusted to reflect only those tax positions that are more likely than not to be sustained as of the adoption date. Management of the Trust has reviewed the tax position of the Funds



Notes to Financial Statements
for each of the three open tax years as of August 31, 2007 and has determined that the implementation of FIN 48 did not have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements.
* * *
On September 20, 2006, the FASB released Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157 “Fair Value Measurements” (“FAS 157”). FAS 157 establishes an authoritative definition of fair value, sets out a framework for measuring fair value, and requires additional disclosures about fair-value measurements. The application of FAS 157 is required for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years. Management of the Trust believes the adoption of FAS 157 will have no material impact on its financial statements.
11.  Subsequent Events
Effective March 17, 2008, Marsico Capital Management, LLC became a sub-adviser to International Equity Investments.



Board Approval of Management Agreement and Investment Advisory Agreements
Board Approval of New Investment Advisory Agreements (unaudited)
At a meeting held in person on February 27, 2008, the Trust’s Board, including a majority of the Independent Board Members, approved a new investment advisory agreement (the “Investment Advisory Agreement”) with Marsico Capital Management, LLC (“Marsico”) on behalf of the Trust’s International Equity Investments the (“Portfolio”). To assist the Board in its consideration of the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Manager provided materials and information about Marsico, including its financial condition, asset management capabilities and organization. The materials and information were provided in advance of and at the in person meeting. Representatives of Marsico also made a presentation to and responded to questions from the Board.
In their deliberations concerning the Investment Advisory Agreement, among other things, the Board Members considered:
(i) that the Manager conducted a thorough search process in selecting Marsico, including a review of the universe of international equity sub-advisers, including managers that had a recommended opinion from the Manager’s research department, eventually narrowing the search through discussions with research personnel and eliminating candidates with potential affiliation problems;
(ii) Marsico met all qualitative and quantitative requirements and was “recommended” by the Manager’s research department;
(iii) the history, reputation, qualification and background of Marsico, as well as the adviser’s personnel and financial conditions;
(iv) the experience of Marsico’s key personnel in institutional investing and the quality of services that it would be expected to provide the Portfolio;
(v) Marsico’s investment performance;
(vi) that Marsico had approximately $106 billion in assets under management;
(vii) that Marsico’s Rule 38a-1 policies and procedures were found to be in compliance with the Rule;
(viii) the fee and expense ratios of comparable sub-advisers and mutual funds;
(ix) that the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreement with Marsico was substantially similar in all respects to the agreements between the additional investment advisers to the Portfolio, except with respect to fees.
The Board concluded that, overall, the nature, extent and quality of services expected to be provided under the Investment Advisory Agreement was acceptable. The Investment Advisory Agreement with Marsico became effective on March 17, 2008.



Additional Information
Trustees and Executive Officers of the Trust
Overall responsibility for management and supervision of the Trust rests with the Board of Trustees. The Trustees approve all significant agreements between the Trust and the companies that furnish services to the Portfolios, including agreements with the Portfolio’s distributor, investment advisers, custodian and transfer agent. The day-to-day operations of the Portfolios are delegated to the Portfolios’ Manager, the Consulting Group, a division of Citigroup Investment Advisory Services Inc. (“CIAS”)
The names of the Trustees and executive officers of the Trust, together with information as to their principal business occupations, are set forth below. The executive officers of the Trust are employees of organizations that provide services to the Portfolios. Each Trustee who is an “interested person” of the Trust, as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), is indicated by an asterisk.
        Term of
      Number of
      in Fund
    Other Board
Name, Address and
  Held with
  of Time
  Principal Occupation(s)
Birth Year
  Fund   Served   During Past Five Years   by Trustee     Held by Trustee
Non-Interested Trustees
Armon E. Kamesar
7328 Country Club Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037
Birthdate: 1927
  Chairman and
  Chairman, TEC
International (organization of chief executives).
    11     None
Walter E. Auch
6001 N. 62nd Place
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Birthdate: 1921
  Trustee   Since
2006; Mr. Auch previously served as a Trustee of the Trust from 1991 to December 2001.
  Retired.     11     Trustee Emeritus, Nicholas Applegate Funds; Director, UBS Funds; Director, US Bancorp Advisory Group
H. John Ellis
858 E. Crystal Downs Drive
Frankfort, MI 49635
Birthdate: 1927
  Trustee   Since
  Retired.     11     None
Stephen E. Kaufman
Stephen E. Kaufman, P.C.
277 Park Avenue, 47th Fl.
New York, NY 10172
Birthdate: 1932
  Trustee   Since
  Attorney, Stephen E. Kaufman, P.C. (1957-present).     11     None
John J. Murphy
268 Main Street
Gladstone, NJ 07934
Birthdate: 1944
  Trustee   Since
  President, Murphy Capital Management (investment management).     11     Director, Nicholas Applegate Funds, Legg Mason
Equity Funds
Mark J. Reed
101 S. Hanley Rd.
Suite 1260
St. Louis, MO 63105
Birthdate: 1964
  Trustee   Since 2007   Managing Director and Chief Compliance, Officer, Bush O’Donnell Investments Advisors, Inc., (1988-present).     11     None



Additional Information
(unaudited) (continued)
        Term of
      Number of
      in Fund
    Other Board
Name, Address and
  Held with
  of Time
  Principal Occupation(s)
Birth Year
  Fund   Served   During Past Five Years   by Trustee     Held by Trustee
Interested Trustees:
Laurie A. Hesslein**
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
787 Seventh Ave.,
15th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Birthdate: 1959
  Trustee   Since 2006   Managing Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Private Client Services, Citi Smith Barney (2004-present); Managing Director, Investment Products, Private Client Services, Smith Barney (2003-2006); Director and member of the Audit Committee, CitiStreet, Retirement Plan Record Keeper (2002-present); Interested Director, Vice President of a 501(c)(3) public charity which hosts Citi Impact Funding Trust (Citi GIFT), a donor-advised fund (2000-current).     11     None
W. Thomas Matthews**
453 Banks Mill Road SE
Aiken, SC 29801
Birthdate: 1949
  Trustee   Since 2006   Retired; Advisor, Smith Barney (2005-2007); previously, President and Chief Executive Officer, Smith Barney (2002-2005).     11     None



Additional Information
(unaudited) (continued)
        Term of
      Number of
      in Fund
    Other Board
Name, Address and
  Held with
  of Time
  Principal Occupation(s)
Birth Year
  Fund   Served   During Past Five Years   by Trustee     Held by Trustee
James J. Tracy
787 Seventh Avenue,
15th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Birthdate: 1957
  Chief Executive Officer and President   Since 2007   Executive Vice President and Investment Officer of the Trust; Executive Vice President, Director, Investment Advisory Services, Smith Barney (2007-present) Executive Vice President, Director, Consulting Group (2006-2007); previously, Great Lakes Regional Director, Smith Barney Private Client Group (2000-2006).     N/A     N/A
James F. Walker
787 Seventh Avenue
32nd Floor
New York, NY 10019
Birthdate: 1963
Financial Officer and Treasurer
  Since 2007   Managing Director, CGM; Chief Operating Officer, Investment Advisory Services, Smith Barney (2006-present); previously, Chief Administrative Officer, Merrill Lynch Global Private Client group since prior to 2002.     N/A     N/A
LeRoy T. Pease III
The Consulting Group
222 Delaware Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19801
Birthdate: 1958
  Vice President and Investment Officer   Since 1996   Senior Vice President, CGM.     N/A     N/A
Stephen M. Hagan
The Consulting Group
222 Delaware Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19801
Birthdate: 1968
  Investment Officer   Since 1997   Director, CGM
(2008-present); previously, Senior Vice President, CGM (2006-2007); First Vice President, CGM (2002- 2005).
    N/A     N/A
Mark C. Kennard
The Consulting Group
222 Delaware Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19801
Birthdate: 1958
  Vice President and Investment Officer   Since 2004   Senior Vice President, CGM; previously, Strategy Analyst, Smith Barney (1992-2007).     N/A     N/A



Additional Information
(unaudited) (continued)
        Term of
      Number of
      in Fund
    Other Board
Name, Address and
  Held with
  of Time
  Principal Occupation(s)
Birth Year
  Fund   Served   During Past Five Years   by Trustee     Held by Trustee
Robert Seidel
The Consulting Group
100 Light Street
4th Floor Baltimore,
MD 21202
Birthdate: 1975
  Investment Officer   Since 2007   First Vice President, CGM (2006-present); previously Vice President, Legg Mason (1997-2006).     N/A     N/A
Jay T. Shearon
The Consulting Group
222 Delaware Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19801
Birthdate: 1972
  Investment Officer   Since 2007   Vice President, CGM, (2005-present); previously, Assistant Vice President (2000-2005).     N/A     N/A
Steven Hartstein
485 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Birthdate: 1963
  Chief Compliance Officer   Since 2006   Director, CGM and Assistant Director, Investment Advisory Services Compliance, Smith Barney
(2008-present); previously, Senior Vice President, CGM and Assistant Director, Investment Advisory Services Compliance, Smith Barney (2006-2007); Senior Compliance Officer, Mercer Investment Consulting and Mercer Global Investments (2004- 2006); Director and Senior Compliance Officer, UBS Global Asset Management (2002-2004).
    N/A     N/A
Carmen Z. Menendez-Puerto
485 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Birthdate: 1961
  Chief Anti- Money Laundering Compliance Officer   Since 2006   Managing Director, CGM (2007-present); Director, CGM (2005-2006); Senior Vice President, CGM (2003-2004), First Vice President, Citibank Global Relationship Bank (2002- 2003); Director, Smith Barney Anti-Money Laundering program (2005- present); previously, Director, Smith Barney Equity Research Compliance (2003-2005).     N/A     N/A



Additional Information
(unaudited) (continued)
        Term of
      Number of
      in Fund
    Other Board
Name, Address and
  Held with
  of Time
  Principal Occupation(s)
Birth Year
  Fund   Served   During Past Five Years   by Trustee     Held by Trustee
Paul F. Gallagher
222 Delaware Avenue
7th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Birthdate: 1959
  Chief Legal Officer and Secretary   Since 2007   Director and Associate General Counsel, CGM (2006-present); previously, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, ICMA Retirement Corporation (2004-2006); Vice President and General Counsel, ICMA Retirement Corporation (1998-2003).     N/A     N/A
Israel Grafstein
485 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Birthdate: 1974
  Assistant Secretary   Since 2006   Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel, CGM
(2008-present); previously, First Vice President and Associate General Counsel, CGM (2006-2007); Legal Counsel, Credit Suisse Asset Management (2005); Associate at Herrick, Feinstein LLP (2004-2005); Regulatory Attorney, State of New Jersey Attorney General’s Office (2003-2004).
    N/A     N/A
Dominic Maurillo
787 Seventh Avenue
32nd Floor
New York, NY 10019
Birthdate: 1967
  Chief Operating Officer   Since 2007   First Vice President, CGM; previously, Senior Vice President, D.F. King & Co., Inc.     N/A     N/A
* Each Trustee and Officer serves until his or her successor has been duly elected and qualified.
** Ms. Hesslein and Mr. Matthews are interested persons of the Trust as defined in the 1940 Act because each is or was an officer of CGM and certain of its affiliates.



Important Tax Information
The following information is provided with respect to the distributions paid during the taxable year ended August 31, 2007:
    Large Capitalization
    Small Capitalization
    Value Equity
    Value Equity
    Emerging Markets
    Investments     Investments     Investments     Equity Investments  
Record Date:
    12/14/2006       12/14/2006       12/14/2006       12/14/2006  
Payable Date:
    12/15/2006       12/15/2006       12/15/2006       12/15/2006  
Ordinary Income:
Qualified Dividend Income for Individuals
    72.70 %     35.85 %     93.47 %     100.00 %
Dividends Qualifying for the Dividends Received Deduction for Corporations
    68.08 %     37.41 %            
Foreign Source Income
                77.30 %**     100.00 %**
Foreign Taxes Paid Per Share
                $.029248       $.043435  
Long-Term Capital Gain Dividend
    $.660306 *     $1.738724 *            
    Core Fixed Income
    International Fixed
    Municipal Bond
    Money Market
    Investments     Income Investments     Investments     Investments  
Record Date:
    Monthly       Monthly       Monthly       Monthly       Monthly       Monthly  
Payable Date:
    September 2006 to       January 2007 to       September 2006 to       January 2007 to       Monthly       Monthly  
      December 2006       August 2007       December 2006       August 2007                  
Interest from Tax-
Exempt Obligations
                            98.94 %      
Interest from Federal Obligations
    12.20 %     18.74 %     11.74 %     1.45 %           1.34 %
Tax Return of Capital
** Expressed as a percentage of the cash distribution grossed-up for foreign taxes.
* Of this amount, 0.146% for Large Capitalization Value Equity Investments and 0.103% for Small Capitalization Value Equity Investments represented Unrecaptured Section 1250 gains subject to a maximum 25% rate.
The law varies in each state as to whether and what percentage of dividend income attributable to Federal obligations is exempt from state income tax. We recommend that you consult with your tax adviser to determine if any portion of the dividends you received is exempt from state income taxes.
The foreign taxes paid represent taxes incurred by the Fund on income received by the Fund from foreign sources. Foreign taxes paid may be included in taxable income with an offsetting deduction from gross income or may be taken as a credit for taxes paid to foreign governments. You should consult your tax adviser regarding the appropriate treatment of foreign taxes paid.
Please retain this information for your records.



Investment Adviser
This report is submitted for the general information of the shareholders of Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless accompanied or preceded by a current Prospectus for the Trust which contains information concerning the Trust’s Investment policies, charges and expenses as well as other pertinent information.
The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the Commission’s website at www.sec.gov. The Funds’ Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington D.C., and information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. To obtain information on Form N-Q from the Funds, shareholders can call 1-800-451-2010.
Information on how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 and a description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available (1) without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-451-2010, (2) on the Funds’ website at www.smithbarney.com and (3) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.
© 2008 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney and Consulting Group are divisions of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Smith Barney is a service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its affiliates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITI, CITI and Arc Design and CITIGROUP are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup and are used and registered throughout the world. Securities are offered through Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Investments are not FDIC-insured or bank-guaranteed, and investors may lose money.
Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds
222 Delaware Avenue
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
TK 2120A,     2/08


(a) The registrant, as of the end of the period covered by this report (the “Reporting Period”), has made non-material revisions to its adopted code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.
(f) The registrant has included a copy of its code of ethics as an exhibit to this report.
Not Applicable. This item is only required in an annual report on Form N-CSR.
Not Applicable. This item is only required in an annual report on Form N-CSR.
Not applicable.
Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.



(a) The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a- 3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of the disclosure controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act and 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the registrant’s last fiscal half-year (the registrant’s second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that have materially affected, or are likely to materially affect the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
     (a)(1) Code of ethics, or any amendment thereto, that is the subject of disclosure required by Item 2 is attached hereto.
     (a)(2) Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.
     (a)(3) Not applicable.
     (b) Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
  Consulting Group Capital Markets Funds    
By (Signature and Title)*
  /s/ JAMES J. TRACY    
  James J. Tracy, Chief Executive Officer    
  (principal executive officer)    
Date: May 9, 2008
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.
By (Signature and Title)*
  /s/ JAMES J. TRACY    
  James J. Tracy, Chief Executive Officer    
  (principal executive officer)    
Date: May 9, 2008
By (Signature and Title)*
  /s/ JAMES F. WALKER    
  James F. Walker, Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer)    
Date: May 9, 2008
* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.