Investment Company Act file number   811-5531






  Barings Participation Investors  
  (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)  
  300 South Tryon Street, Suite 2500, Charlotte, NC  28202  
  (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)  

Corporation Service Company (CSC)

251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808

  (Name and address of agent for service)  







Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (704) 805-7200


Date of fiscal year end: 12/31


Date of reporting period: 06/30/22


Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection and policymaking roles.

A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. ss. 3507.




Attached hereto is the semi-annual shareholder report transmitted to shareholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.












































Participation Investors

Report for the   

Six Months Ended June 30, 2022   








Barings LLC

300 S Tryon St., Suite 2500

Charlotte, NC 28202

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Boston, Massachusetts 02110

Counsel to the Trust

Ropes & Gray LLP

Boston, Massachusetts 02111


State Street Bank and Trust Company

Boston, Massachusetts 02110


Transfer Agent & Registrar

DST Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 219086

Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9086


Internet Website



Barings Participation Investors

c/o Barings LLC

300 S Tryon St., Suite 2500

Charlotte, NC 28202







Investment Objective and Policy

Barings Participation Investors (the “Trust”) is a closed-end management investment company, first offered to the public in 1988, whose shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol “MPV”. The Trust’s share price can be found in the financial section of most newspapers under either the New York Stock Exchange listings or Closed-End Fund Listings.

The Trust’s investment objective is to maintain a portfolio of securities providing a current yield and, when available, an opportunity for capital gains. The Trust’s principal investments are privately placed, below investment grade, long-term debt obligations including bank loans and mezzanine debt instruments. Such private placement securities may, in some cases, be accompanied by equity features such as common stock, preferred stock, warrants, conversion rights, or other equity features. The Trust typically purchases these investments, which are not publicly tradable, directly from their issuers in private placement transactions. These investments are typically made to small or middle market companies. In addition, the Trust may invest, subject to certain limitations, in marketable debt securities (including high yield and/or investment grade securities) and marketable common stock. Below investment grade or high yield securities have predominantly speculative characteristics with respect to the capacity of the issuer to pay interest and repay capital.

The Trust distributes substantially all of its net income to shareholders each year. Accordingly, the Trust pays dividends to shareholders four times per year. All registered shareholders are automatically enrolled in the Dividend Reinvestment and Cash Purchase Plan unless cash distributions are requested.


The Trust files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on part F of Form N-PORT. This information is available (i) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; and (ii) at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC (which information on their operation may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330). A complete schedule of portfolio holdings as of each quarter-end is available upon request by calling, toll-free, 866-399-1516.

Proxy Voting Policies & Procedures; Proxy Voting Record

The Trustees of the Trust have delegated proxy voting responsibilities relating to the voting of securities held by the Trust to Barings LLC (“Barings”). A description of Barings’ proxy voting policies and procedures is available (1) without charge, upon request, by calling, toll-free 866-399-1516; (2) on the Trust’s website at https://www.barings.com/en-us/guest/funds/closed-end-funds/barings-participation-investors; and (3) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Information regarding how the Trust voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available (1) on the Trust’s website at https://www.barings.com/en-us/guest/funds/closed-end-funds/barings-participation-investors; and (2) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Legal Matters

The Trust has entered into contractual arrangements with an investment adviser, transfer agent and custodian (collectively “service providers”) who each provide services to the Trust. Shareholders are not parties to, or intended beneficiaries of, these contractual arrangements, and these contractual arrangements are not intended to create any shareholder right to enforce them against the service providers or to seek any remedy under them against the service providers, either directly or on behalf of the Trust.

Under the Trust’s Bylaws, any claims asserted against or on behalf of the Trust, including claims against Trustees and officers must be brought in courts located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Trust’s registration statement and this shareholder report are not contracts between the Trust and its shareholders and do not give rise to any contractual rights or obligations or any shareholder rights other than any rights conferred explicitly by federal or state securities laws that may not be waived.










Barings Participation Investors



July 31, 2022

We are pleased to present the June 30, 2022 Quarterly Report of Barings Participation Investors (the “Trust”).


The Board of Trustees declared a quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share, payable September 9, 2022 to shareholders of record on August 29, 2022. The Trust paid a $0.20 per share dividend for the preceding quarter. The Trust earned $0.22 per share of net investment income net of taxes for the second quarter of 2022, compared to $0.20 per share in the previous quarter.

During the second quarter, the net assets of the Trust decreased to $159,167,463 or $15.01 per share compared to $162,516,736 or $15.33 per share on March 31, 2021. This translates to a -0.80% total return for the quarter, based on the change in the Trust’s net assets assuming the reinvestment of all dividends. Longer term, the Trust returned 8.58%, 9.21%, 8.63%, 10.14%, and 11.05% for the 1, 3, 5, 10, and 25-year periods, respectively, based on the change in the Trust’s net assets assuming the reinvestment of all dividends.

The Trust’s market price decreased 8.4% during the quarter, from $13.39 per share as of March 31, 2022 to $12.26 per share as of June 30, 2022. The Trust’s market price of $12.26 per share equates to an 18.3% discount to the June 30, 2022 net asset value per share of $15.01. The Trust’s average quarter-end discount/premium for the 3, 5 and 10-year periods was -5.0%, 0.4% and 2.1%, respectively. U.S. fixed income markets, as approximated by the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield Index and the Credit Suisse Leveraged Loan Index, decreased 9.8% and 4.4% for the quarter, respectively.


The Trust closed nine new private placement investments and sixteen add-on investments to existing portfolio companies during the second quarter. The total amount invested by the Trust in these transactions was $8,323,055. Of note, the new platform investments included two fixed rate Sr. Subordinated Notes and seven floating rate term loans, six of which included equity co-investments, and the add-on investments consisted of all floating rate term loans, one of which included an equity co-investment.

With demand for products and services continuing to increase, one key question is whether supply chains can keep up with the renewed demand and whether we will see material increases in prices as a result of supply-chain bottlenecks, rising raw material and energy costs and labor shortages. Across the world, and particularly in regions with large manufacturing sectors which depend on international trade, these risks may be key. However, it is important to note that such issues do not affect every geography and sector the same. When constructing portfolios, we focus on investing in high-quality businesses that are leaders in their space and offer defensive characteristics that we believe will allow them to perform through the cycle. Therefore, while segments of the broader economy may be affected by potential supply chain issues, increasing raw material and energy costs and labor shortages, we remain confident in the current diverse portfolio to perform through the potential cycle.

We continue to be selective in our investment choices and maintain our underwriting discipline throughout multiple cycles. First, the Trust continues to invest in first lien senior secured loans in high-quality companies in defensive sectors and remains well diversified by industry. This was a strategy put in place more than five years ago and has provided strong risk adjusted returns for the Trust given their senior position in the capital stack. As of June 30, 2022, 64.0% of the Trust’s investment portfolio is in first lien senior secured loans compared to 2.7% as of December 31, 2017. These investments have proven resilient to date and their management teams now have the benefit of having a wealth of knowledge to draw upon from working in such unique and challenging circumstances. We continue to see sustained performance from our junior debt and equity positions. Second, in addition to evaluating the quality of a credit, another key factor in deciding whether to pursue an investment is the capital structure of the portfolio company along with the quality of the ownership and management groups. As fundamental long-term investors, we believe it is imperative to remain disciplined through the cycle and agree to a capital structure which will remain sound through the cycle (and various interest rate environments). Third, we hold meaningful investment liquidity based on the Trust’s combined available cash balance and short-term investments of $5,728,959 or 3.1% of total assets, and low leverage profile at 0.15x as of June 30, 2022. We have strengthened our liquidity position with a $15.0 million committed revolving credit facility with MassMutual (See Note 4). This facility coupled with the current cash balance provides ample liquidity to support our current portfolio as well as invest in new portfolio companies. As always, the Trust continues to benefit









from strong relationships with our financial sponsor partners which provides clear benefits including potential access for portfolio companies to additional capital if needed, strategic thinking alongside their management teams and high-quality and timely information which is only available in a private market setting. This allows us to work constructively together and maximize the portfolio companies’ long-term health and value.

In closing, we believe it is always appropriate to provide views on the Trust’s long-term dividend policy which is to say, ‘we believe that long-term dividends should be a reflection of long-term core earnings power, even when core earnings power is lower as a result of a higher quality asset mix’. The Trust’s recently announced dividend of $0.20 per share is in line with our most recently reported net investment income of $0.22 per share, net of taxes. That said, as we continue to both (1) deploy the Trust’s excess liquidity and (2) seek opportunities to shift the Trust’s non-yielding equity investments to senior secured loans, we expect long-term earnings power to continue to meet the dividend distribution.

Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Barings Participation Investors.




Christina Emery



* Based on market value of total investments

Cautionary Notice: Certain statements contained in this report may be “forward looking” statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made and which reflect management’s current estimates, projections, expectations or beliefs, and which are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially. These statements are subject to change at any time based upon economic, market or other conditions and may not be relied upon as investment advice or an indication of the Trust’s trading intent. References to specific securities are not recommendations of such securities, and may not be representative of the Trust’s current or future investments. We undertake no obligation to publicly update forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.




Barings Participation Investors






Average Annual Returns June 30, 2022 1 Year     5 Year     10 Year    
Barings Participation Investors -5.18% 4.38% 6.16%
Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield Index -12.81% 2.10% 4.47%


Data for Barings Participation Investors (the “Trust”) represents returns based on the change in the Trust’s market price assuming the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The graph and table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions from the Trust or the sale of shares.

















In July 2017, the head of the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), announced that the FCA will no longer persuade or compel banks to submit rates for the calculation of LIBOR after 2021. In March 2021, the FCA confirmed that all LIBOR settings will either cease to be provided by any administrator or no longer be representative: (a) immediately after December 31, 2021, in the case of sterling, euro, Swiss franc, and Japanese yen, and the one week and two month U.S. dollar settings; and (b) immediately after June 30, 2023, in the case of the remaining U.S. dollar settings. In addition, as a result of supervisory guidance from U.S. regulators, some U.S. regulated entities will cease to enter into new LIBOR contracts after January 1, 2022. At this time, no consensus exists as to what rate or rates will become accepted alternatives to LIBOR, although the Alternative Reference Rates Committee, a steering committee convened by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and comprised of large U.S. financial institutions, has recommended the use of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, SOFR. There are many uncertainties regarding a transition from LIBOR to SOFR or any other alternative benchmark rate that may be established, including, but not limited to, the timing of any such transition, the need to amend all contracts with LIBOR as the referenced rate and, given the inherent differences between LIBOR and SOFR or any other alternative benchmark rate, how any transition may impact the cost and performance of impacted securities, variable rate debt and derivative financial instruments. In addition, SOFR or another alternative benchmark rate may fail to gain market acceptance, which could adversely affect the return on, value of and market for securities, variable rate debt and derivative financial instruments linked to such rates. The effects of a transition from LIBOR to SOFR or any other alternative benchmark rate on our cost of capital and net investment income cannot yet be determined definitively. All of our loan agreements with our portfolio companies include fallback language in the event that LIBOR becomes unavailable. This language generally either includes a clearly defined alternative reference rate after LIBOR’s discontinuation or provides that the administrative agent may identify a replacement reference rate, typically with the consent of (or prior consultation with) the borrower. In certain cases, the administrative agent will be required to obtain the consent of either a majority of the lenders under the facility, or the consent of each lender, prior to identifying a replacement reference rate. In addition, any further changes or reforms to the determination or supervision of LIBOR may result in a sudden or prolonged increase or decrease in reported LIBOR, which could have an adverse impact on the market value for or value of any LIBOR-linked securities, loans, and other financial obligations or extensions of credit held by or due to us and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.





















Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022



(See Consolidated Schedule of Investments)
Corporate restricted securities - private placement investments at fair value
(Cost - $160,116,417)
Corporate restricted securities - rule 144A securities at fair value
(Cost - $7,904,695)
Corporate public securities at fair value
(Cost - $4,573,146)
Total investments (Cost - $172,594,258)   175,248,510 
Cash   5,722,265 
Foreign currencies (Cost - $6,830)   6,694 
Dividend and interest receivable   1,780,704 
Receivable for investments sold   179,459 
Deferred financing fees   55,395 
Other assets   141,760 
Total assets   183,134,787 
Note payable   15,000,000 
Credit facility   8,200,000 
Deferred tax liability   364,128 
Investment advisory fee payable   358,127 
Interest payable   35,100 
Accrued expenses   9,969 
Total liabilities   23,967,324 
Commitments and Contingencies (See Note 7)     
Total net assets  $159,167,463 
Net Assets:     
Common shares, par value $.01 per share  $106,017 
Additional paid-in capital   145,010,902 
Total distributable earnings   14,050,544 
Total net assets  $159,167,463 
Common shares issued and outstanding (14,787,750 authorized)   10,601,700 
Net asset value per share  $15.01 





See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements




For the six months ended June 30, 2022



Investment Income:     
Interest  $5,963,041 
Dividends   107,855 
Other   62,646 
Total investment income   6,133,542 
Investment advisory fees   713,670 
Interest and other financing fees   448,601 
Professional fees   147,130 
Trustees’ fees and expenses   138,000 
Reports to shareholders   45,000 
Custodian fees   12,000 
Other   38,169 
Total expenses   1,542,570 
Investment income - net   4,590,972 
Income tax, including excise tax expense   52,850 
Net investment income after taxes   4,538,122 
Net realized and unrealized loss on investments and foreign currency:     
Net realized gain on investments before taxes   363,576 
Income tax expenses   (2,054)
Net realized gain on investments after taxes   361,522 
Net increase in unrealized depreciation of investments before taxes   (4,552,362)
Net increase in unrealized depreciation of foreign currency translation before taxes   (142)
Net increase in deferred income tax expense   (139,812)
Net increase in unrealized depreciation of investments and foreign currency translation after taxes   (4,692,316)
Net loss on investments and foreign currency   (4,330,794)
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations  $207,328 




See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



Barings Participation Investors


For the six months ended June 30, 2022



Net decrease in cash & foreign currencies:     
Cash flows from operating activities:     
Purchases of portfolio securities  $(19,973,755)
Proceeds from disposition of portfolio securities   13,600,137 
Interest, dividends and other income received   5,367,799 
Interest expense paid   (445,283)
Operating expenses paid   (1,174,420)
Income taxes paid   (1,217,479)
Net cash used for operating activities   (3,843,001)
Cash flows from financing activities:     
Borrowings under credit facility   2,200,000 
Cash dividends paid from net investment income   (4,240,680)
Financing fees paid   (5,966)
Net cash used for financing activities   (2,046,646)
Net decrease in cash & foreign currencies   (5,889,647)
Cash & foreign currencies - beginning of period   11,618,748 
Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   (142)
Cash & foreign currencies - end of period  $5,728,959 
Reconciliation of net increase in net assets to
net cash used for operating activities:
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations  $207,328 
Increase in investments   (2,149,402)
Increase in interest receivable   (262,895)
Decrease in receivable for investments sold   261,209 
Decrease in other assets   108,962 
Increase in deferred tax liability   139,812 
Decrease in investment advisory fee payable   (14,846)
Decrease in payable for investments purchased   (908,449)
Decrease in accrued expenses   (65,605)
Increase in interest payable   3,318 
Decrease in tax payable   (1,162,575)
Total adjustments to net assets from operations   (4,050,471)
Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   142 
Net cash used for operating activities  $(3,843,001)





See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements






For the six
months ended


For the
year ended

Increase in net assets:          
Investment income - net  $4,538,122   $9,188,642 
Net realized gain on investments and foreign currency after taxes   361,522    4,867,781 
Net change in unrealized appreciation / (depreciation) of investments and foreign currency after taxes   (4,692,316)   11,328,033 
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   207,328    25,384,456 
Dividends to shareholders from:          
Distributable earnings to Common Stock Shareholders (2022 - $0.20 per share; 2021 - $0.80 per share)   (2,120,340)   (8,481,360)
Total increase / (decrease) in net assets   (1,913,012)   16,903,096 
Net assets, beginning of period/year   161,080,475    144,177,379 
Net assets, end of period/year  $159,167,463   $161,080,475 































See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



Barings Participation Investors


Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding:



   For the six                     
   months ended                     
   6/30/2022   For the years ended December 31, 
   (Unaudited)   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017 
Net asset value:                              
Beginning of period / year  $15.19   $13.60   $13.80   $13.18   $13.91   $13.15 
Net investment income (a)   0.43    0.86    1.00    1.00    1.03    1.09 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments   (0.41)   1.53    (0.40)   0.69    (0.68)   0.75 
Total from investment operations   0.02    2.39    0.60    1.69    0.35    1.84 
Dividends from net investment income to common shareholders   (0.20)   (0.80)   (0.80)   (1.08)   (1.08)   (1.08)
Increase / (Decrease) from dividends reinvested   0.00    0.00    0.00(b)   0.01(b)   (0.00)(b)   (0.00)(b)
Total dividends   (0.20)   (0.80)   (0.80)   (1.07)   (1.08)   (1.08)
Net asset value:
End of period / year
  $15.01   $15.19   $13.60   $13.80   $13.18   $13.91 
Per share market value:
End of period / year
  $12.26   $14.80   $11.88   $16.13   $15.05   $14.10 
Total investment return                              
Net asset value (c)   0.11%    17.84%    4.66%    13.21%    2.53%    14.29% 
Market value (c)   (15.83%)   32.09%    (21.11%)   14.72%    15.02%    7.21% 
Net assets (in millions):
End of period / year
  $159.17   $161.08   $144.18   $146.08   $138.75   $145.48 
Ratio of total expenses to average net assets (d)   1.99%(e)   2.66%    1.47%    2.26%    2.76%    3.23% 
Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets   1.36%(e)   1.46%    1.38%    1.45%    1.56%    1.49% 
Ratio of interest expense to average net assets   0.56%(e)   0.41%    0.43%    0.42%    0.42%    0.43% 
Ratio of income tax expense to average net assets   0.07%(e)   0.79%    (0.34%)   0.39%    0.78%    1.31% 
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets   5.65%(e)   5.99%    7.52%    7.30%    7.47%    7.92% 
Portfolio turnover   8%    43%    34%    22%    48%    24% 

(a)Calculated using average shares.
(b)Rounds to less than $0.01 per share.
(c)Net asset value return represents portfolio returns based on change in the Trust’s net asset value assuming the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions which differs from the total investment return based on the Trust’s market value due to the difference between the Trust’s net asset value and the market value of its shares outstanding; past performance is no guarantee of future results.
(d)Total expenses include income tax expense.


Senior borrowings:                        
Total principal amount (in millions)  $23.2   $21   $15   $15   $15   $15 
Asset coverage per $1,000 of indebtedness  $7,861   $8,670   $10,612   $10,739   $10,250   $10,699 






See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements




June 30, 2022



Corporate Restricted Securities - 107.47%: (A) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Private Placement Investments - 102.80%: (C)               
1WorldSync, Inc.
A product information sharing platform that connects manufacturers/suppliers and key retailers via the Global Data Synchronization Network.
6.79% Term Loan due 06/24/2025 (LIBOR + 5.750%)  $2,421,626   *   $2,394,927   $2,421,269 
* 07/01/19 and 12/09/20.                  
Accelerate Learning                  
A provider of standards-based, digital science education content of K-12 schools.
6.67% Term Loan due 12/31/2024 (LIBOR + 5.000%)  $974,753   12/19/18    966,721    960,114 
5.50% Term Loan due 12/20/2024 (LIBOR + 4.500%)  $746,495   09/30/21    735,031    735,284 
            1,701,752    1,695,398 
Accurus Aerospace                  
A supplier of highly engineered metallic parts, kits and assemblies, and processing services.
8.25% Term Loan due 03/31/2028
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $492,424   04/05/22    424,349    424,057 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    8,752 uts.    10/14/21    8,752    8,752 
            433,101    432,809 
Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises LLC                  
A designer and manufacturer of large, custom gearing products for a number of critical customer applications.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    1,945 uts.    *    207,911     
* 12/07/12, 07/11/13 and 06/30/15.                  
Advantage Software                  
A provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software built for advertising and marketing agencies.
Limited Liability Company Unit Class A (F)    766 uts.    10/01/21    24,353    77,331 
Limited Liability Company Unit Class A (F)    197 uts.    10/01/21    6,320    19,945 
Limited Liability Company Unit Class B (F)    766 uts.    10/01/21    784     
Limited Liability Company Unit Class B (F)    197 uts.    10/01/21    202     
            31,659    97,276 
AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc.                  
A provider of domestic and international third-party logistics services.
9.75% Second Lien Term Loan due 03/31/2029
(LIBOR + 7.500%)
  $1,669,355   04/06/21    1,637,592    1,602,582 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    56 uts.    04/06/21    55,645    99,171 
            1,693,237    1,701,753 
AMS Holding LLC                  
A leading multi-channel direct marketer of high-value collectible coins and proprietary-branded jewelry and watches.
Limited Liability Company Unit Class A Preferred (B) (F)    114 uts.    10/04/12    113,636    229,312 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Amtech Software               
A provider of enterprise resource planning software and technology solutions for packaging manufacturers.
6.56% First Lien Term Loan due 11/02/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $997,273   11/02/21   $524,976   $527,177 
ASC Holdings, Inc.                  
A manufacturer of capital equipment used by corrugated box manufacturers.
13.00% (1% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note
due 12/31/2024
  $836,092   11/19/15    836,068    738,269 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    111,100 uts.    11/18/15    111,100    9,817 
            947,168    748,086 
ASPEQ Holdings                  
A manufacturer of highly-engineered electric heating parts and equipment for a range of industrial, commercial, transportation and marine applications.
7.50% Term Loan due 10/31/2025 (LIBOR + 5.250%)  $1,128,027   11/08/19    1,118,563    1,128,028 
Audio Precision                  
A provider of high-end audio test and measurement sensing instrumentation software and accessories.
8.25% Term Loan due 10/31/2024 (LIBOR + 6.000%)  $1,741,500   10/30/18    1,727,946    1,741,501 
Aurora Parts & Accessories LLC                  
A distributor of aftermarket over-the-road semi-trailer parts and accessories sold to customers across North America.
Preferred Stock (B)    210 shs.    08/17/15    209,390    209,390 
Common Stock (B)    210 shs.    08/17/15    210    190,406 
            209,600    399,796 
Best Lawyers (Azalea Investment Holdings, LLC)                  
A global digital media company that provides ranking and marketing services to the legal community.
12.00% HoldCo PIK Note due 05/19/2028  $301,237   11/30/21    295,965    296,383 
6.82% First Lien Term Loan due 11/19/2027
(LIBOR + 5.250%) (G)
  $1,385,761   11/30/21    1,042,292    1,044,973 
Limited Liability Company Unit    44,231 uts.    11/30/21    44,231    35,926 
            1,382,488    1,377,282 
Blue Wave Products, Inc.                  
A distributor of pool supplies.                  
Common Stock (B)    51,064 shs.    10/12/12    51,064    136,173 
Warrant, exercisable until 2022, to purchase common
stock at $.01 per share (B)
    20,216 shs.    10/12/12    20,216    53,708 
            71,280    189,881 





June 30, 2022



Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

A provider of digital signage hardware and software solutions, serving a variety of end markets, including retail, restaurants, government, sports, and entertainment.
8.00% Term Loan due 10/14/2027
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $1,421,409   10/14/21   $1,274,650   $1,250,249 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    111,835 uts.    10/14/21    111,835    102,206 
            1,386,485    1,352,455 
Brown Machine LLC                  
A designer and manufacturer of thermoforming equipment used in the production of plastic packaging containers within the food and beverage industry.
7.50% Term Loan due 10/04/2024 (LIBOR + 5.250%)  $808,993   10/03/18    804,637    808,993 
Cadence, Inc.               
A full-service contract manufacturer (“CMO”) and supplier of advanced products, technologies, and services to medical device, life science, and industrial companies.
6.00% First Lien Term Loan due 04/30/2025
(LIBOR + 5.000%)
  $874,884   05/14/18    867,637    839,889 
Cadent, LLC                  
A provider of advertising solutions driven by data and technology.
6.67% Term Loan due 09/07/2023 (LIBOR + 5.000%)  $869,533   09/04/18    867,445    869,533 
CAi Software                  
A vendor of mission-critical, production-oriented software to niche manufacturing and distribution sectors.
8.45% Term Loan due 12/10/2028
(LIBOR + 6.250%) (G)
  $2,494,339   12/13/21    2,212,613    2,208,706 
Cash Flow Management                  
A software provider that integrates core banking systems with branch technology and creates modern retail banking experiences for financial institutions
7.50% Term Loan due 12/27/2027
(LIBOR + 5.250%) (G)
  $982,405   12/28/21    912,178    913,829 
A provider of managed cloud hosting and IT services for hospitals.
7.67% Term Loan due 01/04/2027 (LIBOR + 6.000%)  $1,648,488   01/29/21    1,620,267    1,592,439 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    55,645 uts.    01/29/21    55,645    37,325 
            1,675,912    1,629,764 



Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Cogency Global                  
A provider of statutory representation and compliance services for corporate and professional services clients.
6.91% Term Loan due 12/28/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $970,225   02/14/22   $869,409   $870,612 
Preferred Stock    28 shs.    02/14/22    27,551    40,288 
            896,960    910,900 
Command Alkon                  
A vertical-market software and technology provider to the heavy building materials industry delivering purpose-built, mission critical products that serve as the core operating & production systems for ready-mix concrete producers, asphalt producers, and aggregate suppliers.
8.67% Term Loan due 04/17/2027
(LIBOR + 7.000%)
  $2,053,546   *    2,010,535    2,020,765 
Limited Liability Company Unit Class B    6,629 uts.    04/23/20        47,229 
* 04/23/20, 10/30/20 and 11/18/20.           2,010,535    2,067,994 
Compass Precision                  
A manufacturer of custom metal precision components.
11.00% (1.00% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note due
  $1,296,338   04/15/22    1,271,943    1,270,411 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    158,995 uts.    10/14/21    431,250    438,055 
            1,703,193    1,708,466 
A provider of proprietary enterprise SaaS and mobile solutions for content management and document distribution in highly regulated industries, including Aviation and Rail.
6.50% Term Loan due 04/19/2028
(SOFR + 5.500%) (G)
  $710,453   04/15/22    643,969    643,496 
Concept Machine Tool Sales, LLC               
A full-service distributor of high-end machine tools and metrology equipment, exclusively representing a variety of global manufacturers in the Upper Midwest.
6.83% Term Loan due 01/31/2025 (LIBOR + 5.000%)  $582,607   01/30/20    576,580    564,546 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    1,237 shs.    *    49,559    24,581 
* 01/30/20 and 03/05/21           626,139    589,127 
CTS Engines                  
A provider of maintenance, repair and overhaul services within the aerospace & defense market.
7.50% Term Loan due 12/22/2026 (LIBOR + 5.250%)  $1,381,200   12/22/20    1,360,577    1,325,952 





June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Decks Direct                  
An eCommerce direct-to-consumer seller of specialty residential decking products in the United States.
7.67% Term Loan due 12/28/2026
(LIBOR + 6.000%) (G)
  $1,599,545   12/29/21   $1,307,325   $1,289,704 
Limited Liability Company Unit    2,209 uts.    12/29/21    94,091    65,278 
            1,401,416    1,354,982 
Del Real LLC                  
A manufacturer and distributor of fully-prepared fresh refrigerated Hispanic entrees as well as side dishes that are typically sold on a heat-and-serve basis at retail grocers.
11% Senior Subordinated Note due 04/06/2023 (D)  $1,420,588   10/07/16    1,379,504    1,289,894 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    368,799 uts.    *    368,928    68,965 
* 10/07/16, 07/25/18, 03/13/19 and 06/17/19.           1,748,432    1,358,859 
DistroKid (IVP XII DK Co-Invest, LP)                  
A subscription-based music distribution platform that allows artists to easily distribute, promote, and monetize their music across digital service providers, such as Spotify and Apple Music.
8.00% Term Loan due 09/30/2027 (LIBOR + 5.750%)  $1,639,209   10/01/21    1,610,511    1,614,590 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    73,333 uts.    10/01/21    73,404    69,844 
            1,683,915    1,684,434 
Dunn Paper                  
A provider of specialty paper for niche product applications.
0.00% Second Lien Term Loan due 08/31/2023 (D)  $1,725,000   09/28/16    1,714,183    398,077 
Dwyer Instruments, Inc.                  
A designer and manufacturer of precision measurement and control products for use with solids, liquids and gases.
8.38% Term Loan due 07/01/2027 (LIBOR + 5.500%)  $997,829   07/20/21    849,436    846,293 
Echo Logistics                  
A provider of tech-enabled freight brokerage across various modes including Truckload, Less-than-Truckload, Parcel, and Intermodal, as well as managed (contracted) transportation services.
8.24% Second Lien Term Loan due 11/05/2029
(LIBOR + 7.000%)
  $1,679,204   11/22/21    1,652,053    1,655,722 
Limited Liability Company Unit    46 uts.    11/22/21    45,796    61,019 
            1,697,849    1,716,741 
EFI Productivity Software                  
A provider of ERP software solutions purpose-built for the print and packaging industry. 
8.00% Term Loan due 12/30/2027
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $997,683   12/30/21    906,384    908,043 





Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022





Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Electric Power Systems International, Inc.               
A provider of electrical testing services for apparatus equipment and protection & controls infrastructure.
8.00% Term Loan due 04/19/2028
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $1,247,434   04/19/21   $1,176,634   $1,182,316 
Elite Sportswear Holding, LLC               
A designer and manufacturer of gymnastics, competitive cheerleading and swimwear apparel in the U.S. and internationally.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    1,218,266 uts.    10/14/16    159,722     
A provider of data interoperability solutions for labs, hospitals and healthcare providers.
6.85% Term Loan due 09/14/2027 (LIBOR + 5.750%)  $702,131   09/14/21    689,897    691,807 
English Color & Supply LLC                  
A distributor of aftermarket automotive paint and related products to collision repair shops, auto dealerships and fleet customers through a network of stores in the Southern U.S.
11.5% (0.5% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note
due 12/31/2023
  $1,360,885   06/30/17    1,353,631    1,360,885 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    397,695 uts.    06/30/17    397,695    812,069 
            1,751,326    2,172,954 
ENTACT Environmental Services, Inc.                  
A provider of environmental remediation and geotechnical services for blue-chip companies with regulatory-driven liability enforcement needs.
8.00% Term Loan due 12/15/2025 (LIBOR + 5.750%)  $999,886   02/09/21    992,751    969,889 
An asset-life third party logistics Company that serves a broad variety of end markets and offers service across all major transportation modes.
7.42% Term Loan due 11/05/2027
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $1,718,695   11/05/21    1,224,083    1,227,828 
E.S.P. Associates, P.A.                  
A professional services firm providing engineering, surveying and planning services to infrastructure projects.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    273 uts.    *    295,518    192,815 
* 06/29/18 and 12/29/20.                  





June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

F G I Equity LLC                  
A manufacturer of a broad range of filters and related products that are used in commercial, light industrial, healthcare, gas turbine, nuclear, laboratory, clean room, hotel, educational system, and food processing settings.
Limited Liability Company Unit Class B-1 (B)    49,342 uts.    12/15/10   $42,343   $691,724 
Five Star Holding, LLC                  
A fully integrated platform of specialty packaging brands that manufactures flexible packaging solutions.
Limited Liability Company Unit Common (B) (F)    34 uts.    10/14/21    33,631    33,630 
8.78% Second Lien Term Loan due 04/27/2030
(SOFR + 7.250%)
  $476,190   05/04/22    466,853    466,667 
            500,484    500,297 
Follett School Solutions                  
A provider of software for K-12 school libraries.
6.50% First Lien Term Loan due 07/09/2028
(LIBOR + 5.750%)
  $1,701,336   08/31/21    1,671,355    1,676,761 
LP Units (B) (F)    881 uts.    08/30/21    8,805    10,311 
LP Interest (B) (F)    200 shs.    08/30/21    2,003    2,345 
            1,682,163    1,689,417 
A provider of third-party logistics services focused on the full delivery life-cycle for big and bulky products.
7.40% Term Loan due 05/24/2027
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $1,606,406   05/21/21    1,031,227    1,056,098 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    108 shs.    05/21/21    107,813    107,810 
            1,139,040    1,163,908 
GD Dental Services LLC                  
A provider of convenient “onestop” general, specialty, and cosmetic dental services with 21 offices located throughout South and Central Florida.
Limited Liability Company Unit Preferred (B)    76 uts.    10/05/12    75,920    52,735 
Limited Liability Company Unit Common (B)    767 uts.    10/05/12    767     
            76,687    52,735 
gloProfessional Holdings, Inc.                  
A marketer and distributor of premium mineral-based cosmetics, cosmeceuticals and professional hair care products to the professional spa and physician’s office channels.
Preferred Stock (B)    650 shs.    03/29/19    649,606    826,422 
Common Stock (B)    1,181 shs.    03/27/13    118,110    18,756 
            767,716    845,178 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

GraphPad Software, Inc.                  
A provider of data analysis, statistics and graphing software solution for scientific research applications, with a focus on the life sciences and academic end-markets.
8.25% Term Loan due 12/15/2023 (LIBOR + 6.000%)  $2,369,583   *   $2,357,951   $2,369,583 
6.67% Term Loan due 04/27/2027 (LIBOR + 5.000%)  $83,891   04/27/21    82,543    83,891 
Preferred Stock (B) (F)    3,737 shs.    04/27/21    103,147    129,083 
* 12/19/17 and 04/16/19.           2,543,641    2,582,557 
Handi Quilter Holding Company (Premier Needle Arts)                  
A designer and manufacturer of long-arm quilting machines and related components for the consumer quilting market.
Limited Liability Company Unit Preferred (B)    372 uts.    *    371,644    149,040 
Limited Liability Company Unit Common Class A (B)    3,594 uts.    12/19/14         
* 12/19/14 and 04/29/16.           371,644    149,040 
Heartland Veterinary Partners                  
A veterinary support organization that provides a comprehensive set of general veterinary services as well as ancillary services such as boarding and grooming.
11.00% Opco PIK Note due 11/09/2028 (G)  $1,833,062   11/17/21    1,747,968    1,750,698 
HHI Group, LLC                  
A developer, marketer, and distributor of hobby-grade radio control products.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    102 uts.    01/17/14    101,563    490,503 
Home Care Assistance, LLC                  
A provider of private pay non-medical home care assistance services.
8.50% Term Loan due 03/30/2027
(LIBOR + 4.750%)
  $848,732   03/26/21    835,306    831,757 
HOP Entertainment LLC                  
A provider of post production equipment and services to producers of television shows and motion pictures.
Limited Liability Company Unit Class F (B) (F)    47 uts.    10/14/11         
Limited Liability Company Unit Class G (B) (F)  114 uts.     10/14/11      
Limited Liability Company Unit Class H (B) (F)  47 uts.    10/14/11      
Limited Liability Company Unit Class I (B) (F)  47 uts.    10/14/11      
A leading provider of third-party administrator (“TPA”) services and software for life and annuity insurance providers.
7.25% Term Loan due 02/04/2028
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $387,334   04/05/22    379,903    379,587 





June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

IM Analytics Holdings, LLC                  
A provider of test and measurement equipment used for vibration, noise, and shock testing.
8.67% Term Loan due 11/22/2023
(LIBOR + 7.000%)
  $1,041,878   11/21/19   $1,038,227   $848,089 
Warrant, exercisable until 2026, to purchase common
stock at $.01 per share (B)
    8,885 shs.    11/25/19         
            1,038,227    848,089 
Industrial Service Solutions                  
A provider of maintenance, repair and overhaul services for process equipment within the industrial, energy and power end-markets.
7.75% Term Loan due 01/31/2026
(LIBOR + 5.500%)
  $1,073,526   02/05/20    1,059,197    1,052,055 
JF Petroleum Group                  
A provider of repair, maintenance, instalation and projection management servicese to the US fueling infrastructure industry.
7.33% Term Loan due 04/20/2026
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $679,716   05/04/21    664,048    642,332 
Jones Fish                  
A provider of lake management services, fish stocking and pond aeration sales and services.
6.75% First Lien Term Loan due 12/20/2027
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $1,261,603   02/28/22    1,073,278    1,074,618 
Common Stock (F)    384 shs.    02/28/22    38,397    38,397 
            1,111,675    1,113,015 
Kano Laboratories LLC                  
A producer of industrial strength penetrating oils and lubricants.
7.01% Term Loan due 09/30/2026
(LIBOR + 5.000%) (G)
  $1,240,816   11/18/20    827,685    826,192 
7.01% Term Loan due 10/31/2027
(LIBOR + 5.000%) (G)
  $447,599   11/08/21    265,148    266,107 
Limited Liability Company Unit    20 uts.    11/19/20    19,757    19,760 
            1,112,590    1,112,059 
A nationwide provider of data, technology and intelligence tools used by law enforcement agencies, investigators, and businesses.
6.00% Term Loan due 12/23/2027
(LIBOR + 5.000%) (G)
  $1,717,516   02/07/22    1,494,895    1,496,862 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    4,528 uts.    02/07/22    4,528    4,528 
            1,499,423    1,501,390 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

LYNX Franchising                  
A global franchisor of B2B services including commercial janitorial services, shared office space solutions, and textile and electronics restoration services.
8.48% Term Loan due 12/18/2026
(LIBOR + 6.250%)
  $2,476,873   *   $2,438,339   $2,436,280 
* 12/22/20 and 09/09/21                  
Manhattan Beachwear Holding Company                  
A designer and distributor of women’s swimwear.
12.5% Senior Subordinated Note due 12/31/2022 (D)  $419,971   01/15/10    404,121     
15% (2.5% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note due
12/31/2022 (D)
  $115,253   10/05/10    114,604     
Common Stock (B)    35 shs.    10/05/10    35,400     
Common Stock Class B (B)    118 shs.    01/15/10    117,647     
Warrant, exercisable until 2023, to purchase common
stock at $.01 per share (B)
    104 shs.    10/05/10    94,579     
Marshall Excelsior Co.                  
A designer, manufacturer and supplier of mission critical, highly engineered flow control products used in the transportation, storage and consumption of liquified petroleum gas, liquified anhydrous ammonia, refined industrial and cryogenic gasses.
5.28% Term Loan due 02/18/2028
(SOFR + 5.500%) (G)
  $605,124   02/24/22    562,129    561,530 
Master Cutlery LLC                  
A designer and marketer of a wide assortment of knives and swords.
13.00% Senior Subordinated Note due 07/20/2022 (D)  $868,102   04/17/15    867,529    6,945 
Limited Liability Company Unit    5 uts.    04/17/15    678,329     
            1,545,858    6,945 
Media Recovery, Inc.                  
A global manufacturer and developer of shock, temperature, vibration and other condition indicators and monitors for in-transit and storage applications.
7.82% First Out Term Loan due 11/22/2025
(SOFR + 5.500%)
  $487,346   11/25/19    481,726    487,346 
MES Partners, Inc.                  
An industrial service business offering an array of cleaning and environmental services to the Gulf Coast region of the U.S.
Preferred Stock Series A (B)    30,926 shs.    07/25/19    12,412     
Preferred Stock Series C (B)    1,275 shs.    09/22/20    457,365     
Common Stock Class B (B)    259,252 shs.    *    244,163     
Warrant, exercisable until 2030, to purchase common
stock at $.01 per share (B)
    351,890 shs.    09/22/20         
* 09/30/14 and 02/28/18.           713,940     





June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

MeTEOR Education LLC                  
A leading provider of classroom and common area design services, furnishings, equipment and instructional support to K-12 schools.
12% Senior Subordinated Note due 03/20/2024  $915,819   03/09/18   $912,337   $906,661 
12% Senior Subordinated Debt due 03/31/2025  $351,088   03/31/22    344,655    347,577 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    190 uts.    03/09/18    200,718    403,642 
            1,457,710    1,657,880 
MNS Engineers, Inc.                  
A consulting firm that provides civil engineering, construction management and land surveying services.
7.17% Term Loan due 07/30/2027 (LIBOR + 5.500%)  $1,191,000   08/09/21    1,170,703    1,174,172 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    100,000 uts.    08/09/21    100,000    83,427 
            1,270,703    1,257,599 
Mobile Pro Systems               
A manufacturer of creative mobile surveillance systems for real-time monitoring in nearly any environment.
Common Stock (B) (F)    4,118 shs.    02/28/22    411,765    411,765 
10.00% Second Lien Term Loan due 06/23/2027  $588,235   06/27/22    576,496    576,471 
            988,261    988,236 
Music Reports, Inc.                  
An administrator of comprehensive offering of rights and royalties solutions for music and cue sheet copyrights to music and entertainment customers.
7.12% Incremental Term Loan due 08/21/2026
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $816,404   11/05/21    802,297    800,435 
7.12% Term Loan due 08/21/2026 (LIBOR + 6.000%)  $594,579   08/25/20    584,290    582,949 
            1,386,587    1,383,384 
Narda-MITEQ (JFL-Narda Partners, LLC)                  
A manufacturer of radio frequency and microwave components and assemblies.
7.50% First Lien Term Loan due 11/30/2027
(LIBOR + 5.250%) (G)
  $762,047   12/06/21    542,280    523,883 
7.50% Incremental Term Loan due 12/06/2027
(LIBOR + 5.250%)
  $871,553   12/28/21    857,602    836,691 
Limited Liability Company Unit Class A Preferred    790 uts.    12/06/21    79,043    66,289 
Limited Liability Company Unit Class B Common    88 uts.    12/06/21    8,783     
            1,487,708    1,426,863 
National Auto Care                  
A provider of professional finance and insurance products and consulting services to auto, RV, and powersports dealerships.
7.50% First Lien Term Loan due 09/28/2024
(LIBOR + 5.250%) (G)
  $996,122   12/20/21    745,846    745,665 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Navia Benefit Solutions, Inc.                  
A third-party administrator of employee-directed healthcare benefits.
6.76% Term Loan due 02/01/2026
(LIBOR + 5.250%) (G)
  $1,711,331   02/10/21   $1,144,566   $1,151,500 
Northstar Recycling                  
A managed service provider for waste and recycling services, primarily targeting food and beverage end markets.
7.00% Term Loan due 09/30/2027 (LIBOR + 4.750%)  $745,566   10/01/21    732,513    734,383 
Office Ally (OA TOPCO, LP)                  
A provider of medical claims clearinghouse software to office-based physician providers and healthcare insurance payers.
8.25% Term Loan due 12/10/2028
(LIBOR + 6.000%) (G)
  $981,051   12/20/21    829,792    828,305 
7.57% Term Loan due 12/20/2028
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $113,370   04/29/22    111,155    111,103 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    21,092 uts.    12/20/21    21,092    21,092 
            962,039    960,500 
Omega Holdings                  
A distributor of aftermarket automotive air conditioning products.
7.83% Term Loan due 03/31/2029
(SOFR + 5.000%) (G)
  $645,704   03/31/22    595,363    595,952 
Omni Logistics, LLC                  
A specialty freight forwarding business specifically targeting the semiconductor, media, technology and healthcare end markets.
6.00% Term Loan due 12/30/2026
(LIBOR + 5.000%)
  $1,732,544   12/30/20    1,693,567    1,697,893 
Options Technology Ltd               
A provider of vertically focused financial technology managed services and IT infrastructure products for the financial services industry.
6.22% Term Loan due 12/18/2025
(LIBOR + 4.750%)
  $1,578,931   12/23/19    1,560,569    1,554,399 
PANOS Brands LLC                  
A marketer and distributor of branded consumer foods in the specialty, natural, better-for-you,“free from” healthy and gluten-free categories.
12% (1% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note
due 12/29/2023
  $1,775,705   02/17/17    1,774,615    1,775,705 
Common Stock Class A (B)    380,545 shs.    *    380,545    333,704 
* 01/29/16 and 02/17/17.         2,155,160    2,109,409 






June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

PB Holdings LLC               
A designer, manufacturer and installer of maintenance and repair parts and equipment for industrial customers.
6.50% Term Loan due 02/28/2024
(LIBOR + 4.250%)
  $783,253   03/06/19   $776,257   $740,958 
Pearl Holding Group                  
A managing general agent that originates, underwrites, and administers non-standard auto insurance policies for carries in Florida.
8.78% First Lien Term Loan due 12/16/2026
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $1,756,344   12/20/21    1,710,180    1,703,654 
Warrant-Class A, to purchase common stock at $.01
per share
    924 uts.    12/22/21         
Warrant-Class B, to purchase common stock at $.01
per share
    312 uts.    12/22/21         
Warrant-Class CC, to purchase common stock at
$.01 per share
    32 uts.    12/22/21         
Warrant-Class D, to purchase common stock at $.01
per share
    82 uts.    12/22/21         
            1,710,180    1,703,654 
Pegasus Transtech Corporation                  
A provider of end-to-end document, driver and logistics management solutions, which enable its customers (carriers, brokers, and drivers) to operate more efficiently, reduce manual overhead, enhance compliance, and shorten cash conversion cycles.
8.17% Term Loan due 08/31/2026
(LIBOR + 6.500%)
  $381,827   09/29/20    372,411    373,412 
8.17% Term Loan due 11/17/2024
(LIBOR + 6.500%)
  $1,892,818   11/14/17    1,876,706    1,851,101 
            2,249,117    2,224,513 
Petroplex Inv Holdings LLC                  
A leading provider of acidizing services to E&P customers in the Permian Basin.
Limited Liability Company Unit    0.40% int.    *    174,669    1,925 
* 11/29/12 and 12/20/16.                  
Polara (VSC Polara LLC)                  
A manufacturer of pedestrian traffic management and safety systems, including accessible pedestrian signals, “push to walk” buttons, and related “traffic” control units.
6.42% First Lien Term Loan due 12/03/2027
(LIBOR + 4.750%) (G)
  $946,500   12/03/21    821,119    819,305 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    1,471 uts.    12/03/21    147,110    147,110 
            968,229    966,415 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Polytex Holdings LLC               
A manufacturer of water based inks and related products serving primarily the wall covering market.
13.9% (7.9% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note due
12/31/2024 (D)
  $1,069,985   07/31/14   $1,064,183   $873,643 
Limited Liability Company Unit    148,096 uts.    07/31/14    148,096     
Limited Liability Company Unit Class F    36,976 uts.    *    24,802     
* 09/28/17 and 02/15/18.         1,237,081    873,643 
Portfolio Group                  
A provider of professional finance and insurance products to automobile dealerships, delivering a suite of offerings that supplement earnings derived from vehicle transactions.
7.00% First Lien Term Loan due 12/02/2025
(LIBOR + 6.000%) (G)
  $1,461,403   11/15/21    1,191,577    1,195,994 
PPC Event Services                  
A special event equipment rental business.                  
12.00% Term Loan due 05/28/2023 (D)  $795,650   07/21/20    616,461    691,420 
8.00% Term Loan due 05/28/2023 (D)  $796,874   07/21/20    616,911    676,546 
Preferred Stock Series P-1 (B)    71 shs.    07/21/20    71,018    211,129 
Common Stock (B)    170,927 shs.    07/21/20        113,409 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    3,450 uts.    11/20/14    172,500     
Limited Liability Company Unit Series A-1 (B)    339 uts.    03/16/16    42,419    225 
            1,519,309    1,692,729 
A software development and consulting company that delivers solutions via its proprietary software development platform, Catalyst.
6.50% Term Loan due 02/15/2028
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $903,226   03/15/22    692,505    693,366 
8.00% Subordinated Note due 02/15/2029  $32,258   03/15/22    32,258    31,675 
Limited Liability Company Unit    96,774 uts.    03/15/22    64,516    66,387 
            789,279    791,428 
Recovery Point Systems, Inc.                  
A provider of IT infrastructure, colocation and cloud based resiliency services.
7.50% Term Loan due 07/31/2026
(LIBOR + 6.500%)
  $1,332,775   08/12/20    1,314,490    1,332,775 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    21,532 uts.    03/05/21    21,532    14,640 
            1,336,022    1,347,415 
RedSail Technologies                  
A provider of pharmacy management software solutions for independent pharmacies and long-term care facilities.
6.80% Term Loan due 10/27/2026
(LIBOR + 4.750%)
  $1,622,446   12/09/20    1,592,602    1,589,997 






June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

ReelCraft Industries, Inc.                  
A designer and manufacturer of heavy-duty reels for diversified industrial, mobile equipment OEM, auto aftermarket, government/military and other end markets.
Limited Liability Company Unit Class B    293,617 uts.    11/13/17   $184,689   $751,409 
Renovation Brands (Renovation Parent Holdings, LLC)                  
A portfolio of seven proprietary brands that sell various home improvement products primarily through the e-Commerce channel.
7.46% Term Loan due 08/16/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%)
  $966,019   11/15/21    944,491    946,900 
Limited Liability Company Unit    39,474 uts.    09/29/17    39,474    39,474 
            983,965    986,374 
Resonetics, LLC               
A provider of laser micro-machining manufacturing services for medical device and diagnostic companies.
8.61% Second Lien Term Loan due 04/28/2029
(LIBOR + 7.000%)
  $1,725,000   04/28/21    1,695,565    1,725,000 
8.61% Second Lien Term Loan due 04/28/2029
(LIBOR + 7.000%)
  $552,000   11/15/21    541,885    552,000 
            2,237,450    2,277,000 
REVSpring, Inc.                  
A provider of accounts receivable management and revenue cycle management services to customers in the healthcare, financial and utility industries.
10.50% Second Lien Term Loan due 10/11/2026
(LIBOR + 8.250%)
  $1,725,000   10/11/18    1,697,319    1,725,000 
Rock-it Cargo                  
A provider of specialized international logistics solutions to the music touring, performing arts, live events, fine art and specialty industries.
7.00% Term Loan due 06/22/2024
(LIBOR + 5.000%)
  $2,455,219   *    2,434,459    2,163,048 
* 07/30/18 and 09/30/20.                  
ROI Solutions                  
Call center outsourcing and end user engagement services provider.
6.50% Term Loan due 07/31/2024
(LIBOR + 5.000%) (G)
  $1,592,918   07/31/18    1,047,215    1,058,290 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

RPX Corp               
A provider of subscription services that help member companies mitigate the risk of patent disputes and reduce the cost of patent litigation.
7.00% Term Loan due 10/23/2025
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $2,448,674   *   $2,409,182   $2,407,455 
* 10/22/20 and 09/28/21.                  
Ruffalo Noel Levitz                  
A provider of enrollment management, student retention and career services, and fundraising management for colleges and universities.
8.25% Term Loan due 05/29/2022
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $1,219,725   01/08/19    1,213,236    1,219,725 
Safety Products Holdings, Inc.                  
A manufacturer of highly engineered safety cutting tools.
7.62% Term Loan due 12/15/2026
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $1,670,079   12/15/20    1,642,145    1,648,368 
Common Stock    29 shs.    12/16/20    29,262    36,526 
            1,671,407    1,684,894 
Sandvine Corporation                  
A provider of active network intelligence solutions.
9.67% Second Lien Term Loan due 11/02/2026
(LIBOR + 8.000%)
  $1,725,000   11/01/18    1,701,607    1,725,000 
Sara Lee Frozen Foods                  
A provider of frozen bakery products, desserts and sweet baked goods.
6.17% First Lien Term Loan due 07/30/2025
(LIBOR + 4.500%)
  $1,479,623   07/27/18    1,464,976    1,337,579 
Scaled Agile, Inc.               
A provider of training and certifications for IT professionals focused on software development.
7.75% Term Loan due 12/15/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $1,721,985   12/16/21    1,171,373    1,188,978 
SEKO Worldwide, LLC                  
A third-party logistics provider of ground, ocean, air and home delivery forwarding services.
6.67% Term Loan due 12/30/2026
(LIBOR + 5.000%) (G)
  $1,702,889   12/30/20    1,509,982    1,508,511 






June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Smart Bear               
A provider of web-based tools for software development, testing and monitoring.
9.75% Second Lien Term Loan due 11/10/2028
(LIBOR + 7.500%)
  $1,725,000   03/02/21   $1,685,039   $1,698,087 
Smartling, Inc.                  
A provider in SaaS-based translation management systems and related translation services.
7.32% Term Loan due 10/26/2027
(LIBOR + 5.750%) (G)
  $1,717,897   11/03/21    1,382,834    1,386,667 
Specified Air Solutions (dba Madison Indoor Air Solutions)                  
A manufacturer and distributor of heating, dehumidification and other air quality solutions.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    726,845 uts.    02/20/19    2,298,574    9,525,642 
Springbrook Software                  
A provider of vertical-market enterprise resource planning software and payments platforms focused on the local government end-market.
7.75% Term Loan due 12/20/2026
(LIBOR + 5.500%)
  $1,321,988   12/23/19    1,307,186    1,321,988 
An e-commerce data company that tracks products sold through online retailers.
8.75% Term Loan due 07/30/2028  $1,758,600   07/29/21    1,729,364    1,734,175 
Common Stock (B)    1,340 shs.    07/30/21    42,078    62,893 
            1,771,442    1,797,068 
Standard Elevator Systems                  
A scaled manufacturer of elevator components combining four elevator companies, Standard Elevator Systems, EMI Porta, Texacone, and ZZIPCO.
7.11% First Lien Term Loan due 12/02/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $1,720,300   12/02/21    1,075,809    1,077,657 
Strahman Holdings Inc.                  
A manufacturer of industrial valves and wash down equipment for a variety of industries, including chemical, petrochemical, polymer, pharmaceutical, food processing, beverage and mining.
Preferred Stock Series A (B)    158,967 shs.    12/13/13    158,967    223,826 
Preferred Stock Series A-2 (B)    26,543 shs.    09/10/15    29,994    37,373 
            188,961    261,199 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Stratus Unlimited                  
A nationwide provide of brand implementation services, including exterior and interior signage, refresh and remodel, and facility maintenance and repair.
8.38% Term Loan due 06/08/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $944,761   07/02/21   $755,901   $760,373 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    75 uts.    06/30/21    74,666    83,266 
            830,567    843,639 
Sunvair Aerospace Group Inc.               
An aerospace maintenance, repair, and overhaul provider servicing landing gears on narrow body aircraft.
12% (1% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note
due 08/01/2024
  $2,017,902   *    2,000,326    1,977,895 
Preferred Stock Series A    28 shs.    12/21/20    71,176    79,875 
Common Stock (B)    68 shs.    **    104,986    233,030 
* 07/31/15 and 12/21/20.         2,176,488    2,290,800 
** 07/31/15 and 11/08/17.                  
Syntax Systems Ltd.                  
A cloud management service provider.
7.17% Term Loan due 10/14/2028
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $994,708   10/28/21    747,687    748,920 
Tank Holding                  
A manufacturer of proprietary rotational molded polyethylene and steel storage tanks and containers.
7.63% Term Loan due 03/31/2028
(SOFR + 6.000%) (G)
  $500,000   03/31/22    476,495    476,960 
Tencarva Machinery Company                  
A distributor of mission critical, engineered equipment, replacement parts and services in the industrial and municipal end-markets.
7.50% Term Loan due 12/20/2027
(LIBOR + 5.250%) (G)
  $1,970,029   12/20/21    1,407,502    1,410,530 
A designer and wholesaler of cremation urns and memorial products for people and pets.
10.00% Term Loan due 04/27/2028  $884,615   04/29/22    867,432    866,923 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    84,038 uts.    10/14/21    823,577    840,385 
            1,691,009    1,707,308 





June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

The Caprock Group (aka TA/TCG Holdings, LLC)                  
A wealth manager focused on ultra-high-net-worth individuals, who have $25-30 million of investable assets on average.
8.99% HoldCo PIK Note due 10/21/2028
(LIBOR + 7.750%)
  $1,150,000   10/28/21   $1,129,211   $1,132,154 
5.92% Term Loan due 12/15/2027
(LIBOR + 4.250%) (G)
  $574,457   12/21/21    98,056    100,935 
            1,227,267    1,233,089 
The Hilb Group, LLC                  
An insurance brokerage platform that offers insurance and benefits programs to middle-market companies throughout the Eastern seaboard.
8.00% Term Loan due 09/30/2026
(LIBOR + 5.750%)
  $1,696,910   *    1,669,547    1,662,344 
* 12/02/19 and 12/15/20.                  
The Octave Music Group, Inc. (fka TouchTunes)                  
A global provider of digital music and media and introduced the play-for-play digital jukebox in 1998.
8.15% Second Lien Term Loan due 03/31/2030
(SOFR + 7.500%)
  $474,359   04/01/22    465,167    464,872 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    25,641 uts.    04/01/22    25,641    25,641 
            490,808    490,513 
Therma-Stor Holdings LLC               
A designer and manufacturer of dehumidifiers and water damage restoration equipment for residential and commercial applications.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B)    19,696 uts.    11/30/17        10,698 
Transit Technologies LLC                  
A software platform for the transportation market that offers end-to-end software solutions focused on operations, fleet management and telematics services.
6.16% Term Loan due 02/10/2025
(LIBOR + 4.750%)
  $780,310   02/13/20    773,160    757,681 
Trident Maritime Systems                  
A leading provider of turnkey marine vessel systems and solutions for government and commercial new ship construction as well as repair, refurbishment, and retrofit markets worldwide.
7.00% Term Loan due 02/19/2026
(LIBOR + 4.750%)
  $1,707,750   02/25/21    1,685,915    1,677,864 




Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

Tristar Global Energy Solutions, Inc.                  
A hydrocarbon and decontamination services provider serving refineries worldwide.
12.5% (1.5% PIK) Senior Subordinated Note
due 06/30/2024 (D)
  $1,204,904   01/23/15   $1,203,934   $1,203,699 
A leading provider of harsh environment LED safety lighting, electronics, filtration systems, and telematics for a wide range of commercial vehicles, specialty vehicles, final mile delivery vehicles, off-road/off-highway, marine, and other adjacent harsh environment markets.
8.50% Term Loan due 12/02/2026
(LIBOR + 6.250%)
  $1,683,534   12/13/19    1,662,118    1,649,862 
8.50% First Lien Term Loan due 04/28/2029
(LIBOR + 6.250%)
  $801,015   11/15/21    786,850    784,995 
            2,448,968    2,434,857 
Trystar, Inc.                  
A niche manufacturer of temporary power distribution products for the power rental, industrial, commercial utility and back-up emergency markets.
7.75% Term Loan due 10/01/2023
(LIBOR + 5.500%)
  $2,266,916   09/28/18    2,255,684    2,217,042 
6.65% Third Amendment Term Loan due 09/28/2023
(LIBOR + 5.250%)
  $213,781   10/27/21    211,302    209,078 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    56 uts.    09/28/18    60,413    40,100 
            2,527,399    2,466,220 
Turnberry Solutions, Inc.                  
A provider of technology consulting services.                  
7.13% Term Loan due 07/30/2026
(SOFR + 6.000%)
  $1,616,763   07/29/21    1,590,378    1,574,727 
U.S. Legal Support, Inc.                  
A provider of court reporting, record retrieval and other legal supplemental services.
7.55% Term Loan due 11/12/2024
(LIBOR + 5.750%)
  $2,073,262   *    2,056,536    2,035,751 
* 11/29/18 and 03/25/19.                  
UroGPO, LLC                  
A group purchasing organization that connects pharmaceutical companies with urology practices to facilitate the purchase of pharmaceutical drugs for discounted prices.
7.81% Term Loan due 12/15/2026
(LIBOR + 5.750%)
  $2,283,333   12/14/20    2,249,401    2,283,333 








June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

A provider of digital fulfillment software for the higher education sector.
7.60% Term Loan due 06/01/2028
(LIBOR + 6.000%)
  $1,677,083   06/01/21   $1,648,723   $1,675,405 
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    1,891 uts.    06/01/21    18,909    33,251 
            1,667,632    1,708,656 
VP Holding Company                  
A provider of school transportation services for special-needs and homeless children in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
7.17% Term Loan due 05/22/2024
(LIBOR + 5.500%)
  $2,377,243   05/17/18    2,362,260    2,330,986 
Westminster Acquisition LLC                  
A manufacturer of premium, all-natural oyster cracker products sold under the Westminster and Olde Cape Cod brands.
Limited Liability Company Unit (B) (F)    370,241 uts.    08/03/15    370,241    49,090 
Wolf-Gordon, Inc.                  
A designer and specialty distributor of wallcoverings and related building products, including textiles, paint, and writeable surfaces.
Common Stock (B)    157 shs.    01/22/16    62,177    319,795 
Woodland Foods, Inc.                  
A provider of specialty dry ingredients such as herbs & spices, rice & grains, mushrooms & truffles, chilies, and other ingredients to customers within the industrial, foodservice, and retail end-markets.
7.10% Term Loan due 11/30/2027
(LIBOR + 5.500%) (G)
  $1,200,638   12/01/21    1,050,573    1,052,894 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    146 uts.    09/29/17    145,803    145,803 
            1,196,376    1,198,697 
World 50, Inc.                  
A provider of exclusive peer-to-peer networks for C-suite executives at leading corporations.
6.92% Term Loan due 01/10/2026
(LIBOR + 5.250%)
  $301,732   09/21/20    295,705    301,732 
6.42% Term Loan due 12/31/2025
(LIBOR + 4.750%)
  $1,200,219   01/09/20    1,182,563    1,183,193 
            1,478,268    1,484,925 






Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022




Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 

Principal Amount,
Shares, Units or






Fair Value

An end-to-end importer, brand manager, value-added processor, and distributor of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean foods.
7.63% First Lien Term Loan due 02/09/2028
(LIBOR + 4.750%) (G)
  $1,002,056   02/09/22   $533,496   $534,814 
Limited Liability Company Unit (F)    31 uts.    02/09/22    31,256    38,471 
            564,752    573,285 
Total Private Placement Investments (E)       $160,116,417   $163,620,424 


























June 30, 2022





Corporate Restricted Securities: (A) (Continued) 










Rule 144A Securities - 4.67%: (H)                        
Bonds - 4.67%                        
American Airlines Inc.   11.750   07/15/25    $500,000   $496,683   $517,450 
AOC, LLC   6.625   10/15/29     70,000    61,097    58,975 
Carriage Purchaser Inc.   7.875   10/15/29     500,000    377,586    372,317 
Cogent Communications   7.000   06/15/27     750,000    726,660    718,500 
Coronado Finance Pty Ltd.   10.750   05/15/26     247,000    243,207    256,263 
CSC Holdings LLC   5.000   11/15/31     625,000    519,797    421,273 
CVR Energy Inc.   5.750   02/15/28     500,000    462,474    445,851 
First Quantum Minerals Ltd.   7.500   04/01/25     500,000    475,701    472,731 
Frontier Communications   8.750   05/15/30     194,000    194,000    196,132 
Neptune Energy Bondco PLC   6.625   05/15/25     500,000    495,595    480,000 
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co Inc.   9.750   07/15/28     505,000    483,781    431,775 
Panther BF Aggregator 2 LP   8.500   05/15/27     100,000    94,264    96,648 
Prime Security Services, LLC   6.250   01/15/28     885,000    794,694    740,386 
Terrier Media Buyer, Inc.   8.875   12/15/27     530,000    511,910    418,705 
The Manitowoc Company, Inc.   9.000   04/01/26     500,000    490,952    465,505 
Trident TPI Holdings Inc.   9.250   08/01/24     500,000    492,471    457,420 
Verscend Holding Corp   9.750   08/15/26     482,000    503,823    468,745 
Scientific Games Holdings LP   6.625   03/01/30     480,000    480,000    408,000 
Total Bonds               7,904,695    7,426,676 
Common Stock - 0.00%                        
TherOX, Inc. (B)          2         
Touchstone Health Partnership (B)          292         
Total Common Stock                    
Total Rule 144A Securities             $7,904,695   $7,426,676 
Total Corporate Restricted Securities             $168,021,112   $171,047,100 





Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022





Corporate Public Securities - 2.64%: (A) 












Bank Loans - 1.89%                            
Almonde, Inc.   7.250%   8.489%  06/13/25   $500,000   $505,000   $427,145 
Alpine US Bidco LLC   9.000    10.120   04/28/29    628,215    612,026    571,676 
Edelman Financial Services   6.750    8.416   06/08/26    128,178    127,852    116,682 
Kenan Advantage Group Inc.   7.250    8.916   08/17/27    564,317    550,250    507,885 
Magenta Buyer LLC   8.250    9.480   05/03/29    503,333    498,517    458,033 
STS Operating, Inc.   8.000    9.666   04/25/26    500,000    505,000    484,375 
Front Line Power Construction LLC   12.500    13.950   11/01/28    249,375    235,701    243,141 
Syncsort Incorporated   7.250    8.434   04/23/29    222,222    220,752    195,231 
Total Bank Loans                     3,255,098    3,004,168 
Bonds - 0.72%                            
Genesis Energy LP        6.500   10/01/25    337,000    325,322    310,883 
Hecla Mining Company        7.250   02/15/28    500,000    476,871    460,934 
Triumph Group, Inc.        7.750   08/15/25    500,000    502,161    385,000 
Total Bonds                     1,304,354    1,156,817 
Common Stock - 0.03%                            
Tourmaline Oil Corp                42,397        32,867 
Front Line Power Construction LLC                12,001    13,694    7,558 
Total Common Stock                     13,694    40,425 
Total Corporate Public Securities                    $4,573,146   $4,201,410 
Total Investments        110.10%          $172,594,258   $175,248,510 
Other Assets        4.96                 7,886,277 
Liabilities        (15.06)                (23,967,324)
Total Net Assets        100.00%               $159,167,463 
(A)In each of the convertible note, warrant, and common stock investments, the issuer has agreed to provide certain registration rights.
(B)Non-income producing security.
(C)Security valued at fair value using methods determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Board of Trustees.
(D)Defaulted security; interest not accrued.
(E)Illiquid security. As of June 30, 2022 the values of these securities amounted to $163,620,424 or 102.80% of net assets.
(F)Held in PI Subsidiary Trust
(G)A portion of these securities contain unfunded commitments. As of June 30, 2022, total unfunded commitments amounted to $9,760,157 and had unrealized appreciation of $23,486 or 0.01% of net assets. See Note 7.
(H)Security exempt from registration under Rule 144a of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may only be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

PIK - Payment-in-kind








June 30, 2022





Industry Classification: 

Fair Value/
Market Value

AEROSPACE & DEFENSE - 6.10%     
Accurus Aerospace  $432,809 
Compass Precision   1,708,466 
CTS Engines   1,325,952 
Narda-MITEQ (JFL-Narda Partners, LLC)   1,426,863 
Sunvair Aerospace Group Inc.   2,290,800 
Trident Maritime Systems   1,677,864 
Trident TPI Holdings Inc.   457,420 
Triumph Group, Inc.   385,000 
AIRLINES - 1.40%     
American Airlines Inc.   517,450 
Echo Logistics   1,716,741 
AUTOMOTIVE - 3.98%     
Aurora Parts & Accessories LLC   399,796 
English Color & Supply LLC   2,172,954 
JF Petroleum Group   642,332 
Omega Holdings   595,952 
Panther BF Aggregator 2 LP   96,648 
Truck-Lite   2,434,857 
The Caprock Group (aka TA/TCG Holdings, LLC)   1,233,089 
The Hilb Group, LLC   1,662,344 
Decks Direct   1,354,982 
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co Inc.   431,775 
Wolf-Gordon, Inc.   319,795 
CABLE & STATELLITE - 0.26%     
CSC Holdings LLC   421,273 
CHEMICALS - 1.25%     
Kano Laboratories LLC   1,112,059 
Polytex Holdings LLC   873,643 




Fair Value/
Market Value

Accelerate Learning  $1,695,398 
LYNX Franchising   2,436,280 
MeTEOR Education LLC   1,657,880 
Mobile Pro Systems   988,236 
PPC Event Services   1,692,729 
Prime Security Services, LLC   740,386 
ROI Solutions   1,058,290 
Turnberry Solutions, Inc.   1,574,727 
AMS Holding LLC   229,312 
Blue Wave Products, Inc.   189,881 
Elite Sportswear Holding, LLC    
gloProfessional Holdings, Inc.   845,178 
Handi Quilter Holding Company   149,040 
HHI Group, LLC   490,503 
Jones Fish   1,113,015 
Manhattan Beachwear Holding Company    
Master Cutlery LLC   6,945 
Renovation Brands (Renovation Parent Holdings, LLC)   986,374 
Terrybear   1,707,308 
Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises LLC    
AOC, LLC   58,975 
F G I Equity LLC   691,724 
MNS Engineers, Inc.   1,257,599 
Reelcraft Industries, Inc.   751,409 
Resonetics, LLC   2,277,000 
Safety Products Holdings, Inc.   1,684,894 
Standard Elevator Systems   1,077,657 
Strahman Holdings Inc.   261,199 
Tank Holding   476,960 
The Manitowoc Company, Inc.   465,505 
Therma-Stor Holdings LLC   10,698 
Trystar, Inc.   2,466,220 






Barings Participation Investors


June 30, 2022





Industry Classification: (Continued) 

Fair Value/
Market Value

ELECTRIC - 1.27%     
Dwyer Instruments, Inc.  $846,293 
Electric Power Systems International, Inc.   1,182,316 
ENVIRONMENTAL - 1.42%     
ENTACT Environmental Services, Inc.   969,889 
Marshall Excelsior Co.   561,530 
Northstar Recycling   734,383 
Portfolio Group   1,195,994 
FINANCIAL OTHER - 1.11%     
Cogency Global   910,900 
Edelman Financial Services   116,682 
National Auto Care   745,665 
FOOD & BEVERAGE - 4.52%     
Alpine US Bidco LLC   571,676 
Del Real LLC   1,358,859 
PANOS Brands LLC   2,109,409 
Sara Lee Frozen Foods   1,337,579 
Westminster Acquisition LLC   49,090 
Woodland Foods, Inc.   1,198,697 
Ziyad   573,285 
GAMING - 0.26%     
Scientific Games Holdings LP   408,000 
HEALTHCARE - 6.92%     
Cadence, Inc.   839,889 
Ellkay   691,807 
GD Dental Services LLC   52,735 
Heartland Veterinary Partners   1,750,698 
Home Care Assistance, LLC   831,757 
Illumifin   379,587 
Navia Benefit Solutions, Inc.   1,151,500 
Office Ally (OA TOPCO, LP)   960,500 
RedSail Technologies   1,589,997 
TherOX, Inc.    
UroGPO, LLC  2,283,333 
Verscend Holding Corp   468,745 





Fair Value/
Market Value

INDUSTRIAL OTHER - 12.58%     
ASPEQ Holdings  $1,128,028 
Concept Machine Tool Sales, LLC   589,127 
E.S.P. Associates, P.A.   192,815 
Front Line Power Construction LLC   250,699 
IM Analytics Holdings, LLC   848,089 
Industrial Service Solutions   1,052,055 
Media Recovery, Inc.   487,346 
PB Holdings LLC   740,958 
Polara (VSC Polara LLC)   966,415 
Specified Air Solutions   9,525,642 
Stratus Unlimited   843,639 
STS Operating, Inc.   484,375 
Tencarva Machinery Company   1,410,530 
World 50, Inc.   1,484,925 
LOCAL AUTHORITY - 0.94%     
LeadsOnline   1,501,390 
Advantage Software   97,276 
BrightSign   1,352,455 
Cadent, LLC   869,533 
DistroKid (IVP XII DK Co-Invest, LP)   1,684,434 
HOP Entertainment LLC    
Music Reports, Inc.   1,383,384 
The Octave Music Group, Inc. (fka TouchTunes)   490,513 
Terrier Media Buyer, Inc.   418,705 
METALS & MINING - 0.75%     
Coronado Finance Pty Ltd.   256,263 
First Quantum Minerals Ltd.   472,731 
Hecla Mining Company   460,934 
MIDSTREAM - 0.20%     
Genesis Energy LP   310,883 





See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements




June 30, 2022






Industry Classification: (Continued) 

Fair Value/
Market Value

Neptune Energy Bondco PLC  $480,000 
Petroplex Inv Holdings LLC   1,925 
Tourmaline Oil Corp   32,867 
PACKAGING - 1.29%     
ASC Holdings, Inc.   748,086 
Five Star Holding, LLC   500,297 
Brown Machine LLC   808,993 
PAPER - 0.25%     
Dunn Paper   398,077 
PROPERTY & CASUALTY - 1.07%     
Pearl Holding Group   1,703,654 
REFINING - 1.04%     
CVR Energy Inc.   445,851 
MES Partners, Inc.    
Tristar Global Energy Solutions, Inc.   1,203,699 
TECHNOLOGY - 27.15%     
1WorldSync, Inc.   2,421,269 
Almonde, Inc.   427,145 
Amtech Software   527,177 
Audio Precision   1,741,501 
Best Lawyers (Azalea Investment Holdings, LLC)   1,377,282 
CAi Software   2,208,706 
Cash Flow Management   913,829 
CloudWave   1,629,764 
Command Alkon   2,067,994 
Comply365   643,496 
EFI Productivity Software   908,043 
Follett School Solutions   1,689,417 
GraphPad Software, Inc.   2,582,557 
Magenta Buyer LLC   458,033 
Options Technology Ltd   1,554,399 




Fair Value/
Market Value

ProfitOptics  $791,428 
Recovery Point Systems, Inc.   1,347,415 
REVSpring, Inc.   1,725,000 
RPX Corp   2,407,455 
Ruffalo Noel Levitz   1,219,725 
Sandvine Corporation   1,725,000 
Scaled Agile, Inc.   1,188,978 
Smart Bear   1,698,087 
Smartling, Inc.   1,386,667 
Springbrook Software   1,321,988 
Stackline   1,797,068 
Syncsort Incorporated   195,231 
Syntax Systems Ltd.   748,920 
Transit Technologies LLC   757,681 
U.S. Legal Support, Inc.   2,035,751 
VitalSource   1,708,656 
Frontier Communications   196,132 
AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc.   1,701,753 
Carriage Purchaser Inc.   372,317 
eShipping   1,227,828 
FragilePAK   1,163,908 
Kenan Advantage Group Inc.   507,885 
Omni Logistics, LLC   1,697,893 
Pegasus Transtech Corporation   2,224,513 
Rock-it Cargo   2,163,048 
SEKO Worldwide, LLC   1,508,511 
VP Holding Company   2,330,986 
WIRELESS - 0.45%     
Cogent Communications   718,500 
Total Investments - 110.10%
(Cost - $172,594,258)







See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



Barings Participation Investors







Barings Participation Investors (the “Trust”) was organized as a Massachusetts business trust under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts pursuant to a Declaration of Trust dated April 7, 1988.

The Trust is a diversified closed-end management investment company. Barings LLC (“Barings”), a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (“MassMutual”), acts as its investment adviser. The Trust’s investment objective is to maintain a portfolio of securities providing a current yield and, when available, an opportunity for capital gains. The Trust’s principal investments are privately placed, below investment grade, long-term debt obligations including bank loans and mezzanine debt instruments. Such direct placement securities may, in some cases, be accompanied by equity features such as common stock, preferred stock, warrants, conversion rights, or other equity features. The Trust typically purchases these investments, which are not publicly tradable, directly from their issuers in private placement transactions. These investments are typically made to small or middle market companies. In addition, the Trust may invest, subject to certain limitations, in marketable debt securities (including high yield and/or investment grade securities) and marketable common stock. Below investment grade or high yield securities have predominantly speculative characteristics with respect to the capacity of the issuer to pay interest and repay capital.

On January 27, 1998, the Board of Trustees authorized the formation of a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust (“PI Subsidiary Trust”) for the purpose of holding certain investments. The results of the PI Subsidiary Trust are consolidated in the accompanying financial statements. Footnote 2.D below discusses the Federal tax consequences of the PI Subsidiary Trust.

2.Significant Accounting Policies

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed consistently by the Trust in the preparation of its consolidated financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”).

The Trustees have determined that the Trust is an investment company in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 946, Financial Services – Investment Companies, for the purpose of financial reporting.

A. Fair Value Measurements:

Under U.S. GAAP, fair value represents the price that should be received to sell an asset (exit price) in an orderly transaction between willing market participants at the measurement date.

Determination of Fair Value

The determination of the fair value of the Trust’s investments is the responsibility of the Trust’s Board of Trustees (the


“Trustees”). The Trustees have adopted procedures for the valuation of the Trust’s securities and have delegated responsibility for applying those procedures to Barings. Barings has established a Pricing Committee which is responsible for setting the guidelines used in following the procedures adopted by the Trustees ensuring that those guidelines are being followed. Barings considers all relevant factors that are reasonably available, through either public information or information available to Barings, when determining the fair value of a security. The Trustees meet at least once each quarter to approve the value of the Trust’s portfolio securities as of the close of business on the last business day of the preceding quarter. This valuation requires the approval of a majority of the Trustees of the Trust, including a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust or of Barings. In approving valuations, the Trustees will consider reports by Barings analyzing each portfolio security in accordance with the procedures and guidelines referred to above, which include the relevant factors referred to below. Barings has agreed to provide such reports to the Trust at least quarterly. The consolidated financial statements include private placement restricted securities valued at $163,620,424 (102.80% of net assets) as of June 30, 2022, the values of which have been estimated by the Trustees based on the process described above in the absence of readily ascertainable market values. Due to the inherent uncertainty of valuation, those estimated values may differ significantly from the values that would have been used had a ready market for the securities existed, and the differences could be material.

Independent Valuation Process

The fair value of bank loans and equity investments that are unsyndicated or for which market quotations are not readily available, including middle-market bank loans, will be submitted to an independent provider to perform an independent valuation on those bank loans and equity investments as of the end of each quarter. Such bank loans and equity investments will be held at cost until such time as they are sent to the valuation provider for an initial valuation subject to override by the Adviser should it determine that there have been material changes in interest rates and/or the credit quality of the issuer. The independent valuation provider applies various methods (synthetic rating analysis, discounting cash flows, and re-underwriting analysis) to establish the rate of return a market participant would require (the “discount rate”) as of the valuation date, given market conditions, prevailing lending standards and the perceived credit quality of the issuer. Future expected cash flows for each investment are discounted back to present value using these discount rates in the discounted cash flow analysis. A range of value will be provided by the valuation provider and the Adviser will determine the point within that range that it will use in making valuation recommendations to the Trustees, and will report to the Trustees on its rationale for each such determination. The Adviser will continue to use its internal valuation model as a comparison point to validate










the price range provided by the valuation provider and, where applicable, in determining the point within that range that it will use in making valuation recommendations to the Trustees. If the Advisers’ Pricing Committee disagrees with the price range provided, it may make a fair value recommendation to the Trustees that is outside of the range provided by the independent valuation provider, and will notify the Trustees of any such override and the reasons therefore. In certain instances, the Trust may determine that it is not cost-effective, and as a result is not in the shareholders’ best interests, to request the independent valuation firm to perform the Procedures on certain investments. Such instances include, but are not limited to, situations where the fair value of the investment in the portfolio company is determined to be insignificant relative to the total investment portfolio. Finally, the Trustees determined in good faith that the Trust’s investments were valued at fair value in accordance with the Trust’s valuation policies and procedures and the 1940 Act based on, among other things, the input of Barings, the Trust’s Audit Committee and the independent valuation firm.

Following is a description of valuation methodologies used for assets recorded at fair value.

Corporate Public Securities at Fair Value – Bank Loans, Corporate Bonds, Preferred Stocks and Common Stocks

The Trust uses external independent third-party pricing services to determine the fair values of its Corporate Public Securities. At June 30, 2022, 100% of the carrying value of these investments was from external pricing services. In the event that the primary pricing service does not provide a price, the Trust utilizes the pricing provided by a secondary pricing service.

Public debt securities generally trade in the over-the-counter market rather than on a securities exchange. The Trust’s pricing services use multiple valuation techniques to determine fair value. In instances where significant market activity exists, the pricing services may utilize a market based approach through which quotes from market makers are used to determine fair value. In instances where significant market activity may not exist or is limited, the pricing services also utilize proprietary valuation models which may consider market characteristics such as benchmark yield curves, option adjusted spreads, credit spreads, estimated default rates, coupon rates, anticipated timing of principal underlying prepayments, collateral, and other unique security features in order to estimate the relevant cash flows, which are then discounted to calculate the fair value.

The Trust’s investments in bank loans are normally valued at the bid quotation obtained from dealers in loans by an independent pricing service in accordance with the Trust’s valuation policies and procedures approved by the Trustees.

Public equity securities listed on an exchange or on the NASDAQ National Market System are valued at the last quoted sales price of that day.


At least annually, Barings conducts reviews of the primary pricing vendors to validate that the inputs used in that vendors’ pricing process are deemed to be market observable as defined in the standard. While Barings is not provided access to proprietary models of the vendors, the reviews have included on-site walk-throughs of the pricing process, methodologies and control procedures for each asset class and level for which prices are provided. The reviews also include an examination of the underlying inputs and assumptions for a sample of individual securities across asset classes, credit rating levels and various durations. In addition, the pricing vendors have an established challenge process in place for all security valuations, which facilitates identification and resolution of prices that fall outside expected ranges. Barings believes that the prices received from the pricing vendors are representative of prices that would be received to sell the assets at the measurement date (exit prices) and are classified appropriately in the hierarchy.

Corporate Restricted Securities at Fair Value – Bank Loans, Corporate Bonds

The fair value of certain notes is determined using an internal model that discounts the anticipated cash flows of those notes using a specific discount rate. Changes to that discount rate are driven by changes in general interest rates, probabilities of default and credit adjustments. The discount rate used within the models to discount the future anticipated cash flows is considered a significant unobservable input. Increases/(decreases) in the discount rate would result in a (decrease)/increase to the notes’ fair value.

The fair value of certain distressed notes is based on an enterprise waterfall methodology which is discussed in the equity security valuation section below.

Corporate Restricted Securities at Fair Value – Common Stock, Preferred Stock and Partnerships & LLC’s

The fair value of equity securities is determined using an enterprise waterfall methodology. Under this methodology, the enterprise value of the company is first estimated and that value is then allocated to the company’s outstanding debt and equity securities based on the documented priority of each class of securities in the capital structure. Generally, the waterfall proceeds from senior debt, to senior and junior subordinated debt, to preferred stock, then finally common stock.

To estimate a company’s enterprise value, the company’s trailing twelve months earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”) is multiplied by a valuation multiple.

Both the company’s EBITDA and valuation multiple are considered significant unobservable inputs. Increases/(decreases) to the company’s EBITDA and/or valuation multiple would result in increases/(decreases) to the equity value.







Barings Participation Investors





Short-Term Securities

Short-term securities with more than sixty days to maturity are valued at fair value, using external independent third-party services. Short-term securities, of sufficient credit quality, having a maturity of sixty days or less are valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair value.

New Accounting Pronouncement

In March 2020, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Accounting Standards Update 2020-04 (“ASU 2020-04”) “Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848): Facilitation of the


Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting.” This guidance provides optional expedients and exceptions for applying generally accepted accounting principles to contract modifications and hedging relationships, subject to meeting certain criteria, that reference LIBOR or another reference rate expected to be discontinued. ASU 2020-04 is effective for all entities as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. The Trust expects that the adoption of this guidance will not have a material impact on the Trust’s financial position, result of operations or cash flows.




Fair Value Hierarchy

The Trust categorizes its investments measured at fair value in three levels, based on the inputs and assumptions used to determine fair value. These levels are as follows:

Level 1 – quoted prices in active markets for identical securities

Level 2 – other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.)

Level 3 – significant unobservable inputs (including the Trust’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments)

The following table summarizes the levels in the fair value hierarchy into which the Trust’s financial instruments are categorized as of June 30, 2022.

The fair values of the Trust’s investments disaggregated into the three levels of the fair value hierarchy based upon the lowest level of significant input used in the valuation as of June 30, 2022 are as follows:


Assets:  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Restricted Securities                    
Corporate Bonds  $17,560,272   $   $7,426,676   $10,133,596 
Bank Loans   133,430,890            133,430,890 
Common Stock - U.S.   1,948,563            1,948,563 
Preferred Stock   1,628,302            1,628,302 
Partnerships and LLCs   16,479,073            16,479,073 
Public Securities                    
Bank Loans   3,004,168        1,681,466    1,322,702 
Corporate Bonds   1,156,817        1,156,817     
Common Stock - U.S.   40,425    7,558        32,867 
Preferred Stock                
Short-term Securities                
Total  $175,248,510   $7,558   $10,264,959   $164,975,993 


See information disaggregated by security type and industry classification in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments.











Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements

The following table represents quantitative information about Level 3 fair value measurements as of June 30, 2022.


  Fair Value Valuation
Range Weighted*
Bank Loans $  108,729,167 Income Approach Implied Spread 8.6% - 18.7% 10.5%
  $  1,246,166

Enterprise Value

Waterfall Approach

Valuation Multiple 5.0x to 11.6x 7.1x
Corporate Bonds $  9,253,008 Income Approach Implied Spread 13.0% - 23.7% 16.6%
  $  880,587

Enterprise Value

Waterfall Approach

Valuation Multiple 5.5x to 6.8x 5.5x
Equity Securities** $  18,297,710

Enterprise Value

Waterfall Approach

Valuation Multiple 5.0x to 52.5x 16.2x

Certain of the Trust’s Level 3 equity securities investments may be valued using unadjusted inputs that have not been internally developed by the Trust, including recently purchased securities held at cost. As a result, fair value of assets of $26,569,355 have been excluded from the preceding table.

*The weighted averages disclosed in the table above were weighted by relative fair value
**Including partnerships and LLC’s

Following is a reconciliation of Level 3 assets for which significant unobservable inputs were used to determine fair value:


Assets:  Beginning
balance at
   Included in
   Purchases   Sales   Prepayments   Transfers
Level 3
out of
Level 3
balance at
Restricted Securities                                        
Corporate Bonds  $9,549,244   $511,774   $96,832   $(24,254)  $   $   $   $10,133,596 
Bank Loans   130,187,625    (980,847)   14,417,119    (350,022)   (9,842,985)           133,430,890 
Common Stock - U.S.   1,257,986    324,091    450,162    (83,676)               1,948,563 
Preferred Stock   1,608,973    470    27,551    (8,692)               1,628,302 
Partnerships and LLCs   17,285,572    (2,286,544)   1,511,954    (31,909)               16,479,073 
Public Securities                                        
Bank Loans   1,127,428    (88,793)   284,692        (625)           1,322,702 
Common Stock - U.S.   33,565    (698)                       32,867 
Corporate Bonds                                
Preferred Stock                                
   $161,050,393   $(2,520,547)  $16,788,310   $(498,553)  $(9,843,610)  $   $   $164,975,993 
*For the six months ended June 30, 2022, transfers into and out of Level 3 were the result of changes in the observability of significant inputs for certain portfolio companies.









Barings Participation Investors






Income, Gains and Losses on Level 3 assets included in Net Increase in Net Assets resulting from Operations for the year are presented in the following accounts on the Statement of Operations:


  Net Increase
in Net Assets
   Change in
in Net Assets
from assets
still held 
Interest Income
(OID Amortization)
Net realized gain on
investments before taxes
Net change in unrealized
(depreciation) of investments
before taxes
  $(3,010,886)   (4,440,990)

B. Accounting for Investments:

Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for on the trade date. Interest income, including the amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts on bonds held using the yield-to-maturity method, is recorded on the accrual basis to the extent that such amounts are expected to be collected. Generally, when interest and/or principal payments on a loan become past due, or if the Trust otherwise does not expect the borrower to be able to service its debt and other obligations, the Trust will place the investment on non-accrual status and will cease recognizing interest income on that investment for financial reporting purposes until all principal and interest have been brought current through payment or due to a restructuring such that the interest income is deemed to be collectible. The Trust writes off any previously accrued and uncollected interest when it is determined that interest is no longer considered collectible. As of June 30, 2022, the fair value of the Trust’s non-accrual assets was $5,140,223, or 2.9% of the total fair value of the Trust’s portfolio, and the cost of the Trust’s non-accrual assets was $7,981,431, or 4.6% of the total cost of the Trust’s portfolio.

Payment-in-Kind Interest

The Trust currently holds, and expects to hold in the future, some investments in its portfolio that contain Payment-in-Kind (“PIK”) interest provisions. The PIK interest, computed at the contractual rate specified in each loan agreement, is added to the principal balance of the investment, rather than being paid to the Trust in cash, and is recorded as interest income. Thus, the actual collection of PIK interest may be deferred until the time of debt principal repayment. PIK interest, which is a non-cash source of income at the time of recognition, is included in the Trust’s taxable income and therefore affects the amount the Trust is required to distribute


to its stockholders to maintain its qualification as a “regulated investment company” for federal income tax purposes, even though the Trust has not yet collected the cash.

Generally, when current cash interest and/or principal payments on an investment become past due, or if the Trust otherwise does not expect the borrower to be able to service its debt and other obligations, the Trust will place the investment on PIK non-accrual status and will cease recognizing PIK interest income on that investment for financial reporting purposes until all principal and interest have been brought current through payment or due to a restructuring such that the interest income is deemed to be collectible. The Trust writes off any accrued and uncollected PIK interest when it is determined that the PIK interest is no longer collectible. As of June 30, 2022, the Trust held no PIK non-accrual assets.

Realized Gain or Loss and Unrealized Appreciation or Depreciation of Portfolio Investments

Realized gains and losses on investment transactions and unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments are reported for financial statement and Federal income tax purposes on the identified cost method.

C. Use of Estimates:

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and the differences could be material.

D. Federal Income Taxes:

The Trust has elected to be taxed as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code, and intends to maintain this qualification and to distribute substantially all of its net taxable income to its shareholders. In any year when net long-term capital gains are realized by the Trust, management, after evaluating the prevailing economic conditions, will recommend that Trustees either designate the net realized long-term gains as undistributed and pay the federal capital gains taxes thereon, or distribute all or a portion of such net gains.

The Trust is taxed as a regulated investment company and is therefore limited as to the amount of non-qualified income that it may receive as the result of operating a trade or business, e.g. the Trust’s pro rata share of income allocable to the Trust by a partnership operating company. The Trust’s violation of this limitation could result in the loss of its status as a regulated investment company, thereby subjecting all of its net income and capital gains to corporate taxes prior to distribution to its shareholders. The Trust, from time-to-time, identifies investment opportunities in the securities of entities that could cause such trade or business income to be allocable to the Trust. The PI Subsidiary Trust (described in









Footnote 1, above) was formed in order to allow investment in such securities without adversely affecting the Trust’s status as a regulated investment company.

The PI Subsidiary Trust is not taxed as a regulated investment company. Accordingly, prior to the Trust receiving any distributions from the PI Subsidiary Trust, all of the PI Subsidiary Trust’s taxable income and realized gains, including non-qualified income and realized gains, is subject to taxation at prevailing corporate tax rates. As of June 30, 2022, the PI Subsidiary Trust has incurred income tax benefit of $18,861.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of the existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax basis. As of June 30, 2022, the PI Subsidiary Trust has a deferred tax liability of $364,128.

E. Distributions to Shareholders:

The Trust records distributions to shareholders from distributable earnings and net realized gains, if any, on the ex-dividend date. The Trust’s dividend is declared four times per year. The Trust’s net realized capital gain distribution, if any, is declared in December.

3.Investment Advisory and Administrative Services Contract

A. Services:

Under an Investment Advisory and Administrative Services Contract (the “Contract”) with the Trust, Barings has agreed to use its best efforts to present to the Trust a continuing and suitable investment program consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Trust. Barings represents the Trust in any negotiations with issuers, investment banking firms, securities brokers or dealers and other institutions or investors relating to the Trust’s investments. Under the Contract, Barings also provides administration of the day-to-day operations of the Trust and provides the Trust with office space and office equipment, accounting and bookkeeping services, and necessary executive, clerical and secretarial personnel for the performance of the foregoing services.

B. Fee:

For its services under the Contract, Barings is paid a quarterly investment advisory fee equal to 0.225% of the value of the Trust’s net assets as of the last business day of each fiscal quarter, an amount approximately equivalent to 0.90% on an annual basis. A majority of the Trustees, including a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust or of Barings, approve the valuation of the Trust’s net assets as of such day.

C. Basis for Board Renewal of Contract

At a meeting of the Trustees held by remote electronic communications (in accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission relief) on April 18, 2022, the Trustees (including a majority of the Trustees who are not “interested


persons” of the Trust or Barings) unanimously approved a one-year continuance of the Contract.

Prior to the meeting, the Trustees requested and received from Ropes & Gray LLP, counsel to the Trust, a memorandum describing the Trustees’ legal responsibilities in connection with their review and re-approval of the Contract. The Trustees also requested and received from Barings extensive written and oral information regarding, among other matters: the principal terms of the Contract; the reasons why Barings was proposing the continuance of the Contract; Barings and its personnel; the Trust’s investment performance, including comparative performance information; the nature and quality of the services provided by Barings to the Trust; financial results and condition of Barings; the fee arrangements between Barings and the Trust; fee and expense information, including comparative fee and expense information; profitability of the advisory arrangement to Barings; and “fallout” benefits to Barings resulting from the Contract.

In connection with their deliberations regarding the continuation of the Contract, the Trustees, including the independent Trustees, considered such information and factors as they believed, in light of the legal advice furnished to them and their own business judgment, to be relevant. The Trustees’ conclusion as to the continuance of the Contract was based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees and not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently from one another, giving different weights to various factors. It is also important to recognize that the fee arrangements between Barings and the Trust are the result of years of review and discussion between the independent Trustees and Barings, that certain aspects of such arrangements may receive greater scrutiny in some years than in others, and that the Trustees’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their consideration of these same arrangements during the course of the year and in prior years.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services to be Provided by Barings to the Trust

In evaluating the scope and quality of the services provided by Barings to the Trust, the Trustees considered, among other factors: (i) the scope of services required to be provided by Barings under the Contract; (ii) Barings’ ability to find and negotiate private placement securities that are consistent with the stated investment objectives of the Trust; (iii) the experience and quality of Barings’ staff; (iv) the strength of Barings’ financial condition; (v) the nature of the private placement market compared to public markets (including the fact that finding, analyzing, negotiating and servicing private placement securities is more labor-intensive than buying and selling public securities and the administration of private placement securities is more extensive, expensive, and requires greater time and expertise







Barings Participation Investors




than a portfolio of only public securities); (vi) the potential advantages afforded to the Trust by its ability to co-invest in negotiated private placements with MassMutual and its affiliates; and (vii) the scope of services provided by Barings in light of regulatory and legislative initiatives that have required increased legal, compliance and business attention and diligence. Based on such considerations, the Trustees concluded that, overall, they are satisfied with the nature, extent and quality of services provided by Barings, and expected to be provided in the future, under the renewed Contract.

Investment Performance

The Trustees also examined the Trust’s short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term performance as compared against various benchmark indices presented at the meeting, which showed that the Trust had outperformed the Credit Suisse Leveraged Loan Index for the 3-month, year-to-date, 1- and 3- year periods, had outperformed the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield Index for the 3-month, year-to-date, 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, and had underperformed the S&P 500 Index for the 1-, 3- ,5- and 10-year periods, in each case ended December 31, 2021. In addition, the Trustees considered comparisons of the Trust’s performance with the performance of (i) selected closed-end investment companies and funds that may invest in private placement securities and/or bank loans; (ii) selected business development companies with comparable types of investments; and (iii) investment companies included in the Broadridge closed-end bond universe. The Trustees considered that, while such comparisons are helpful in judging performance, they are not directly comparable in terms of types of investments. Based on these considerations and the detailed performance information provided to the Trustees at the regular Board meetings each quarter, the Trustees concluded that the Trust’s absolute and relative performance over time have been sufficient to warrant renewal of the Contract.

Advisory Fee/Costs of Services Provided and Profitability/ Manager’s “Fallout” Benefits

In connection with the Trustees’ consideration of the advisory fee paid by the Trust to Barings under the Contract, Barings noted that it was unaware of any registered closed-end investment companies that are directly comparable to the Trust in terms of the types of investments and percentages invested in private placement securities (which require more extensive advisory and administrative services than a portfolio of publicly traded securities, as previously discussed) other than Barings Corporate Investors, which is also advised by Barings. Under the terms of its Investment Services Contract, Barings Corporate Investors is charged a quarterly investment advisory fee of 0.3125% of net asset value as of the end of each quarter, which is approximately equal to 1.25% annually. In considering the fee rate provided in the Contract, the Trustees noted the advisory fee charged by Barings to various private and public funds that Barings


manages that invest in similar asset classes, and observed that the fee charged to Barings Corporate Investors is lower than the Trust’s advisory fee.

At the request of the Trustees, Barings provided information concerning the profitability of Barings’ advisory relationship with the Trust. The Trustees also considered the non-economic benefits Barings and its affiliates derived from its relationship with the Trust, including the reputational benefits derived from having the Trust listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and the de minimis amount of commissions resulting from the Trust’s portfolio transactions used by Barings for third-party soft dollar arrangements. The Trustees recognized that Barings should be entitled to earn a reasonable level of profit for services provided to the Trust and, based on their review, concluded that they were satisfied that Barings’ historical level of profitability from its relationship with the Trust was not excessive and that the advisory fee structure under the Contract is reasonable.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered the concept of economies of scale and possible advisory fee reductions if the Trust were to grow in assets. Given that the Trust is not continuously offering shares, such growth comes principally from retained net realized gain on investments and dividend reinvestment. The Trustees concluded that the absence of breakpoints in the fee schedule under the Contract was currently acceptable given the Trust’s current size and closed-end fund structure.

Based on their evaluation of factors that they deemed to be material, including those factors described above, the Trustees (including a majority of the Trustees who are not “interested persons” of the Trust or Barings) unanimously concluded that the Trust’s Contract should be continued for an additional one-year period.


Senior Secured Indebtedness

MassMutual holds the Trust’s $15,000,000 Senior Fixed Rate Convertible Note (the “Note”) issued by the Trust on December 13, 2011. The Note is due December 13, 2023 and accrues interest at 4.09% per annum. MassMutual, at its option, can convert the principal amount of the Note into common shares. The dollar amount of principal would be converted into an equivalent dollar amount of common shares based upon the average price of the common shares for ten business days prior to the notice of conversion. For the six months ended June 30, 2022, the Trust incurred total interest expense on the Note of $306,750.

The Trust may redeem the Note, in whole or in part, at the principal amount proposed to be redeemed together with the accrued and unpaid interest thereon through the redemption date plus the Make Whole Premium. The Make Whole Premium equals the excess of (i) the present value of the scheduled payments of principal and interest which the









Trust would have paid but for the proposed redemption, discounted at the rate of interest of U.S. Treasury obligations whose maturity approximates that of the Note plus 0.50% over (ii) the principal of the Note proposed to be redeemed.

Credit Facility

On July 22, 2021 (the “Effective Date”), MassMutual provided to the Trust, a five-year $15,000,000 committed revolving credit facility. Interest charged is at the rate of LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) plus 2.25% on the outstanding borrowings. The Trust will also be responsible for paying a commitment fee of 0.50% on the unused amount. For purposes of calculating the commitment fee for the period from the Effective Date to the earlier to occur of (x) the date that is 270 days after the Effective Date and (y) the first date on which the aggregate outstanding borrowings is greater than $7,500,000, the unused amount shall be deemed to be in an amount equal to $7,500,000. As of June 30, 2022, the Trust had $8,200,000 of outstanding borrowings on the revolving credit facility.

5.Purchases and Sales of Investments


For the six
months ended


Cost of


Sales or

Corporate restricted securities  $18,775,056   $13,338,303 
Corporate public securities   290,250    625 

6.Investment Risks

In the normal course of its business, the Trust trades various financial instruments and enters into certain investment activities with investment risks. These risks include: (i) market risk, (ii) volatility risk and (iii) credit, counterparty and liquidity risk. It is the Trust’s policy to identify, measure and monitor risk through various mechanisms including risk management strategies and credit policies. These include monitoring risk guidelines and diversifying exposures across a variety of instruments, markets and counterparties. There can be no assurance that the Trust will be able to implement its credit guidelines or that its risk monitoring strategies will be successful.

Impacts of COVID-19

The pandemic related to the global spread of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which was first detected in December 2019, has resulted in significant disruptions to global business activity and the global economy, as well as the economies of individual countries, the financial performance of individual companies and sectors, and the securities and commodities markets in general. This pandemic, the full effects of which are still unknown, has resulted in substantial market volatility and may continue to adversely impact the prices and liquidity of the Trust’s investments and the Trust’s performance.




The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), which regulates LIBOR, announced a desire to phase out the use of LIBOR by the end of 2021. LIBOR has historically been a common benchmark interest rate index used to make adjustments to variable-rate loans. It is used throughout global banking and financial industries to determine interest rates for a variety of financial instruments and borrowing arrangements. The transition process might lead to increased volatility and illiquidity in markets that currently rely on LIBOR to determine interest rates. It could also lead to a reduction in the value of some LIBOR-based investments held by a fund and reduce the effectiveness of new hedges placed against existing LIBOR-based investments. While some LIBOR-based instruments contemplate a scenario where LIBOR is no longer available by providing for an alternative rate-setting methodology, not all have such provisions and there may be significant uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of any such alternative methodologies.

7.Commitments and Contingencies

During the normal course of business, the Trust may enter into contracts and agreements that contain a variety of representations and warranties. The exposure, if any, to the Trust under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may or may not be made against the Trust and which have not yet occurred. The Trust has no history of prior claims related to such contracts and agreements.
















Barings Participation Investors







At June 30, 2022 the Trust had the following unfunded commitments:

Delayed Draw Term Loans:

Investment  Unfunded Amount   Unfunded Value 
Amtech Software  $363,636   $364,439 
Best Lawyers   221,154    221,582 
Dwyer Instruments, Inc.   131,579    131,165 
Electric Power Systems International Inc.   50,125    50,644 
eShipping   293,035    293,674 
FragilePAK   539,063    547,409 
Heartland Veterinary Partners   46,000    46,425 
Kano Laboratories LLC   569,601    569,500 
National Auto Care   142,157    142,085 
Navia Benefit Solutions Inc.   543,720    546,513 
Portfolio Group   244,950    245,861 
ROI Solutions, LLC   534,628    541,313 
Scaled Agile, Inc.   287,170    290,116 
SEKO Worldwide, LLC   160,320    160,103 
Smartling, Inc.   202,941    203,394 
Standard Elevator Systems   514,576    515,355 
Stratus Unlimited   172,106    173,833 
Syntax Systems Ltd.   193,308    193,555 
Tencarva Machinery Company   233,555    233,914 
The Caprock Group   360,424    362,536 
Ziyad   276,811    277,175 
   $6,080,858   $6,110,589 






Unfunded Amount


Unfunded Value

Accurus Aerospace Corporation  $60,981   $60,945 
Amtech Software   90,909    91,110 
Best Lawyers   97,308    97,522 
BrightSign   134,202    131,899 
CAi Software   235,746    235,377 
Cash Flow Management   52,239    52,364 
Cogency Global   82,652    82,754 
Comply365   52,748    52,713 
Decks Direct   263,455    259,308 
EFI Productivity Software   73,012    73,133 
eShipping   170,937    171,310 
Jones Fish   164,557    164,732 
LeadsOnline   194,577    194,839 
Marshall Excelsior Co.   33,005    32,924 
Narda-MITEQ   207,682    202,677 
National Auto Care   98,039    98,021 
Office Ally   133,124    132,923 
Omega Holdings   37,914    38,060 
Polara   108,266    108,058 
ProfitOptics   193,548    193,731 
Scaled Agile, Inc.   231,716    234,034 
Smartling, Inc.   101,471    101,697 
Standard Elevator Systems   98,822    98,979 
Syntax Systems Ltd.   44,762    44,853 
Tank Holding Corp   12,727    12,748 
Tencarva Machinery Company   297,534    297,992 
The Caprock Group   105,981    106,361 
Woodland Foods, Inc.   128,377    128,757 
Ziyad   173,007    173,234 
   $3,679,299   $3,673,054 

Total Unfunded


  $9,760,157   $9,783,643 

As of June 30, 2022, unfunded commitments had unrealized appreciation of $23,486 or 0.01% of net assets.










8.Quarterly Results of Investment Operations (unaudited)


   March 31, 2022 



Per Share

Investment income  $2,970,053      
Net investment income (net of taxes)   2,161,764   $0.20 
Net realized and unrealized gain on investments (net of taxes)   (725,503)   (0.07)



   June 30, 2022 



Per Share

Investment income  $3,163,489      
Net investment income (net of taxes)   2,376,358   $0.22 
Net realized and unrealized loss on investments (net of taxes)   (3,605,291)   (0.34)


9.Results of Shareholder Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held on Thursday, May 19, 2022. The shareholders were asked to vote to re-elect Susan B. Sweeney as Trustee for a three-year term, and to elect David M. Mihalick as Trustee for a three-year term. The shareholders approved the proposal. The Trust’s other Trustees, Clifford M. Noreen, Michael H. Brown, Barbara M. Ginader, Edward P. Grace and Maleyne M. Syracuse continued to serve their respective terms following the May 19, 2022 Annual Shareholder Meeting. Eric J. Lloyd’s term expired following the May 19, 2022 Annual Shareholder Meeting. The results of the voting are set forth below.


Shares for



Susan B. Sweeney   13,935,056    341,034 
David M. Mihalick   13,965,684    310,406 









Barings Participation Investors




This privacy notice is being provided on behalf of Barings LLC and its affiliates: Barings Securities LLC; Barings Australia Pty Ltd; Barings Japan Limited; Barings Investment Advisers (Hong Kong) Limited; Barings Funds Trust; Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund; Barings BDC, Inc.; Barings Corporate Investors and Barings Participation Investors (together, for purposes of this privacy notice, “Barings”).

When you use Barings you entrust us not only with your hard-earned assets but also with your personal and financial data. We consider your data to be private and confidential, and protecting its confidentiality is important to us. Our policies and procedures regarding your personal information are summarized below.

We may collect non-public personal information about you from:

Applications or other forms, interviews, or by other means;
Consumer or other reporting agencies, government agencies, employers or others;
Your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; and
Our Internet website.

We may share the financial information we collect with our financial service affiliates, such as insurance companies, investment companies and securities broker-dealers. Additionally, so that we may continue to offer you products and services that best meet your investment needs and to effect transactions that you request or authorize, we may disclose the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform administrative or marketing services on our behalf, such as transfer agents, custodian banks, service providers or printers and mailers that assist us in the distribution of investor materials or that provide operational support to Barings. These companies are required to protect this information and will use this information only for the services for which we hire them, and are not permitted to use or share this information for any other purpose. Some of these companies may perform such services in jurisdictions other than the United States. We may share some or all of the information we collect with other financial institutions with whom we jointly market products. This may be done only if it is permitted by the state in which you live. Some disclosures may be limited to your name, contact and transaction information with us or our affiliates.

Any disclosures will be only to the extent permitted by federal and state law. Certain disclosures may require us to get an “opt-in” or “opt-out” from you. If this is required, we will do so before information is shared. Otherwise, we do not share any personal information about our customers or former customers unless authorized by the customer or as permitted by law.

We restrict access to personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products and services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with legal standards to guard your personal information. As an added measure, we do not include personal or account information in non-secure e-mails that we send you via the Internet without your prior consent. We advise you not to send such information to us in non-secure e-mails.

This joint notice describes the privacy policies of Barings, the Funds and Barings Securities LLC. It applies to all Barings and the Funds accounts you presently have, or may open in the future, using your social security number or federal taxpayer identification number - whether or not you remain a shareholder of our Funds or as an advisory client of Barings. As mandated by rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, we will be sending you this notice annually, as long as you own shares in the Funds or have an account with Barings.

Barings Securities LLC is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Investors may obtain information about SIPC including the SIPC brochure by contacting SIPC online at www.sipc.org or calling (202)-371-8300. Investors may obtain information about FINRA including the FINRA Investor Brochure by contacting FINRA online at www.finra.org or by calling (800) 289-9999.

April 2019






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Members of the Board of


Clifford M. Noreen



Michael H. Brown*


Barbara M. Ginader*


Edward P. Grace III*


David M. Mihalick


Susan B. Sweeney*


Maleyne M. Syracuse*



*Member of the Audit Committee


Christina Emery



Jonathan Bock

Chief Financial Officer


Jill Dinerman

Chief Legal Officer


Michael Cowart

Chief Compliance Officer


Elizabeth Murray

Principal Accounting Officer


Christopher D. Hanscom



Ashlee Steinnerd



Alexandra Pacini

Assistant Secretary


Sean Feeley

Vice President


Jonathan Landsberg

Vice President





Barings Participation Investors (the “Trust”) offers a Dividend Reinvestment and Cash Purchase Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan provides a simple and automatic way for shareholders to add to their holdings in the Trust through the receipt of dividend shares issued by the Trust or through the reinvestment of cash dividends in Trust shares purchased in the open market. The dividends of each shareholder will be automatically reinvested in the Trust by DST Systems, Inc., the Transfer Agent, in accordance with the Plan, unless such shareholder elects not to participate by providing written notice to the Transfer Agent. A shareholder may terminate his or her participation by notifying the Transfer Agent in writing.

Participating shareholders may also make additional contributions to the Plan from their own funds. Such contributions may be made by personal check or other means in an amount not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 per quarter. Cash contributions must be received by the Transfer Agent at least five days (but no more then 30 days) before the payment date of a dividend or distribution.

Whenever the Trust declares a dividend payable in cash or shares, the Transfer Agent, acting on behalf of each participating shareholder, will take the dividend in shares only if the net asset value is lower than the market price plus an estimated brokerage commission as of the close of business on the valuation day. The valuation day is the last day preceding the day of dividend payment.

When the dividend is to be taken in shares, the number of shares to be received is determined by dividing the cash dividend by the net asset value as of the close of business on the valuation date or, if greater than net asset value, 95% of the closing share price. If the net asset value of the shares is higher than the market value plus an estimated commission, the Transfer Agent, consistent with obtaining the best price and execution, will buy shares on the open market at current prices promptly after the dividend payment date.

The reinvestment of dividends does not, in any way, relieve participating shareholders of any federal, state or local tax. For federal income tax purposes, the amount reportable in respect of a dividend received in newly-issued shares of the Trust will be the fair market value of the shares received, which will be reportable as ordinary income and/or capital gains.

As compensation for its services, the Transfer Agent receives a fee of 5% of any dividend and cash contribution (in no event in excess of $2.50 per distribution per shareholder.)

Any questions regarding the Plan should be addressed to DST Systems, Inc., Transfer Agent for Barings Participation Investors’ Dividend Reinvestment and Cash Purchase Plan, P.O. Box 219086, Kansas City, MO 64121-9086.








Participation Investors



































































Not applicable for this filing.



Not applicable for this filing



Not applicable for this filing.



Not applicable for this filing.



(a)A schedule of investments for the Registrant is included as part of this report to shareholders under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.
(b)Not applicable for this filing.



Not applicable for this filing.



Not applicable for this filing.



Not applicable for this filing.



Not applicable for this filing.



(a)Assessment of the Registrant’s Control Environment

The Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the reports that the Registrant files or submits under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that such information is accumulated and communicated to the Registrant’s management (“Management”), including its principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Management, including the principal executive officer and principal financial officer, recognizes that any set of controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives.


Within 90 days prior to the filing date of the Shareholder Report on Form N-CSR, Management carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures. Based on such evaluation, the principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that such disclosure controls and procedures are effective to provide reasonable assurance that material information required to be disclosed by the Registrant on Form N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and forms.


Remediation of Previously-Reported Material Weakness in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting


Management has completed the remediation efforts relating to a previously reported material weakness in the Registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. As of December 31, 2021, management concluded that a material weakness existed in the design and operation of controls to address the accuracy of particular inputs used in the determination of the fair value of certain private equity investments in accordance with U.S. GAAP; controls were not designed or maintained to review the accuracy of the selected EBITDA input for certain private equity investments within the portfolio in which the equity issuer is a subcomponent of the reporting entity (consolidated parent). This material weakness did not result in a misstatement of previously issued financial statements. This material weakness resulted in audit adjustments, which adjustments were reflected in the financial statements to decrease investments in unaffiliated securities at value and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments in unaffiliated securities for the year ended December 31, 2021.


The steps management took to remediate this material weakness included implementing enhancements to its review control by designing additional controls for equity investments managed by the private finance team, to include separate reviews of equity valuations and financial inputs as well as additional internal sign offs throughout the process.


As a result of these remediation activities, management has determined that the Registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting are designed appropriately and at a sufficient level of precision and have been operating effectively for a sufficient period of time, such that the material weakness previously identified as of December 31, 2021, has been remediated as of June 30, 2022.


(b)Changes in Internal Controls

Other than the enhancements to controls noted above, there were no significant changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


(a)Not applicable.
(b)Not applicable.



Not applicable for this filing.


Attached hereto as EX-99.31.1

Attached hereto as EX-99.31.2


Not applicable for this filing.


Attached hereto as EX-99.32




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant): Barings Participation Investors  
By: /s/ Christina Emery  
  Christina Emery, President  
Date: September 8, 2022  



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Christina Emery  
  Christina Emery, President  
Date: September 8, 2022  
By: /s/ Jonathan Bock  

Jonathan Bock, Chief Financial Officer

Date: September 8, 2022