(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant [X]  
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [   ]   
Check the appropriate box:         
[   ]        Preliminary Proxy Statement [   ]  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12
[   ]   Confidential, For Use of the
Commission Only (as permitted
by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]   Definitive Proxy Statement  
[   ]   Definitive Additional Materials  

  Citigroup Inc.  
  (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)  
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]        No fee required.
[   ]
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
    1)         Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:
[   ]
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
[   ]
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
    1)   Amount previously paid:
  2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
  3)   Filing Party:
  4)   Date Filed:

Citigroup Inc.
399 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10043



March 14, 2013


Dear Stockholder:

We cordially invite you to attend Citi’s Annual Stockholders’ Meeting. The Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at 9AM at the Hilton New York, 1335 Avenue of the Americas in New York City. The entrance to the Hilton is on the Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave.) between West 53rd and West 54th Streets.

At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will vote on a number of important matters. Please take the time to carefully read each of the proposals described in the attached Proxy Statement.

Thank you for your support of Citi.

Michael E. O’Neill
Chairman of the Board


Since emerging from the financial crisis, Citi has been refocused and streamlined. The Company is investing in its core strengths and continuing to wind down businesses that cannot generate acceptable risk-adjusted returns. Today, liquidity is strong, capital levels have steadily grown, and the firm is adapting to the changing regulatory environment. As a result, we now believe that Citi is a safer and sounder company.

Although we are encouraged by the progress made in 2012, the Board of Directors recognizes that the Company’s operating performance is still not where it needs to be. Both the Board and management are committed to improving it.


After five years spent stabilizing Citi and charting its future course, Vikram Pandit resigned as CEO in October. Our new CEO Mike Corbat, a Citi veteran of nearly 30 years, took the helm with a singular focus on execution. We believe that we have the right leader and the right team in place for this next chapter in the Company’s history. Mike has broad and deep experience in Citi’s major businesses, and he knows what it will take to achieve the results that you expect and deserve.


In light of last year’s vote on Say on Pay, the Board immediately launched efforts to solicit feedback from our investors to better understand your concerns and priorities. Chairman Mike O’Neill, who also chairs the Personnel and Compensation Committee, along with other Board members, embarked on a series of meetings with many shareholders, some who had voted for our program and some who had voted against. After meeting with nearly a third of our common share ownership, as well as independent proxy advisory firms, some common themes emerged: the program was too subjective and discretionary; CEO compensation was too high relative to recent returns; metrics lacked rigor; our decisions should be easier to understand. In sum, you asked for an improved connection between pay and performance.

After getting this feedback, we reviewed and synthesized your input, in committee and with the full Board over several months. We then got to work to respond to what we heard. With assistance from our newly hired independent compensation consultant, we set out to redesign the program with four main objectives: 1) align compensation to shareholder interests; 2) manage risks to Citi by encouraging prudent decision-making; 3) implement evolving regulatory guidance; and 4) attract and retain the best talent to lead the Company to success.

With these objectives in mind, we designed a new executive compensation program, a program structured around an objective performance evaluation process. First, we identify key financial and non-financial metrics by which to measure performance. Next we determine specific annual targets for each metric, and use outcomes against these targets to judge annual performance. We then take individual ratings and apply them to compensation ranges which are informed by the market and external environment. We expect that hitting the targets as laid out in each of these metrics will result in improved shareholder returns. Compensation is now tied directly to performance.


Further, this expectation should also bear itself out in the ultimate compensation delivered through our new performance share unit awards. This significant component of compensation is deferred for three years and is tied directly to longer-term performance hurdles, hurdles which are challenging but achievable. And one of the two metrics we will use to determine the ultimate size of these awards is total shareholder return. Our new approach is more fully described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis beginning on page 42.

While our new approach is formulaic, it is not mechanical, as many of you made clear it was important that the Board not abdicate its responsibility to exercise sound judgment. In the end, a great deal of work went into this new structure, and we are confident that this new program can successfully fulfill the objectives we laid out.


Thank you for your continued trust and support. By continuing to have constructive dialogue with our shareholders we are better positioned to fulfill our obligations to you and to Citi. We encourage you to share your opinions, interests and concerns, and invite you to write to us with your reactions and suggestions at Citigroup Inc. Board of Directors c/o Rohan Weerasinghe, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, 399 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10043.

Michael L. Corbat Robert L. Ryan
Franz B. Humer Anthony M. Santomero
Robert L. Joss Joan E. Spero
Michael E. O’Neill Diana L. Taylor
Lawrence R. Ricciardi William S. Thompson, Jr.
Dr. Judith Rodin Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon


Finally, our letter would not be complete if we did not extend our thanks to Lawrence Ricciardi, who is retiring from our Board. Larry joined the Board in 2008 and has served as the Chair of our Audit Committee. We thank Larry for his many contributions to Citi. We will miss his wise counsel and thoughtful leadership.


Citigroup Inc.
399 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10043

Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders

Dear Stockholder:

Citi’s Annual stockholders’ Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at 9AM at the Hilton New York, 1335 Avenue of the Americas in New York City. The entrance to the Hilton is on the Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave.) between West 53rd and West 54th Streets. You will need an admission ticket or proof of ownership of Citi stock to enter the meeting.

At the meeting, stockholders will be asked to:

Ø       elect Directors,
Ø ratify the selection of Citi’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2013,
Ø consider an advisory vote on Citi’s 2012 executive compensation,
Ø amend the 2009 Stock Incentive Plan to allow performance vesting awards to accrue dividend equivalents,
Ø act on certain stockholder proposals, and
Ø consider any other business properly brought before the meeting, or any adjournment or postponement thereof, by or at the direction of the Board of Directors.

The close of business on February 25, 2013 is the record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. A list of these stockholders will be available at Citi’s headquarters, 399 Park Avenue, New York City, for at least 10 days before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

This year, we have once again utilized the Securities and Exchange Commission rule allowing companies to furnish proxy materials to their shareholders over the Internet. The e-proxy process allows us to expedite our shareholders’ receipt of proxy materials, lower the costs of distribution and reduce the environmental impact of our Annual Meeting.

In accordance with this rule, on or about March 14, 2013 we sent certain of our shareholders at the close of business on February 25, 2013 a notice of the 2013 Annual Meeting containing a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (Notice). The Notice contains instructions on how to access our Proxy Statement and Annual Report and vote online. If you received a Notice and would like to receive a printed copy of our proxy materials from us instead of downloading a printable version from the Internet, please follow the instructions for requesting such materials included in the Notice.

Please vote by telephone, mobile phone or Internet (instructions are on your proxy card, voter instruction form, or Notice, as applicable), so that your shares will be represented whether or not you attend the Annual Meeting. If you receive your materials by mail, please sign, date and promptly return the enclosed proxy card in the enclosed envelope.

By order of the Board of Directors

Rohan Weerasinghe
Corporate Secretary

March 14, 2013

               Mission Statement 1
About the Annual Meeting 2
How We Have Done 7
     Annual Report 7
Corporate Governance 7
     Corporate Governance Guidelines 8
     Director Independence 9
     Meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees 12
     Meetings of Non-Management Directors 12
     Board Leadership Structure 12
     Board Diversity 13
     Board’s Role in Risk Oversight 13
     Committees of the Board of Directors 13
     Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings 16
     Certain Transactions and Relationships, Compensation Committee Interlocks and
          Insider Participation 16
     Indebtedness 18
     Business Practices 19
     Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals 19
     Ethics Hotline 20
     Code of Conduct 20
     Communications with the Board 20
Stock Ownership 21
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance 22
Proposal 1: Election of Directors 23
     Director Criteria and Nomination Process 23
     Director Qualifications 24
     The Nominees 27
     Directors’ Compensation 38
The Personnel and Compensation Committee Report 42
Compensation Discussion and Analysis 42
     I. Executive Summary 42
             Investor Feedback 43
             2012 Performance Results: A Year of Sustained Progress 46
             CEO Pay Overview 48
             New Executive Compensation Program Structure 48
             Risk Continues to Be a Primary Consideration 49
             A Checklist of Changes 50

                    II. Overview of Compensation 52
          A.  Structured Framework for Determining the Amount of the Incentive Awards 53
          B.  Form and Structure of Incentive Awards for Performance in 2012 58
          C.  Compensation for Mr. Pandit 61
          D.  Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan 62
     III. Citi’s Additional Executive Compensation Policies 64
     IV. 2012 Summary Compensation Table and Compensation Information 68
     V. Citi’s Approach to Risk and Incentive Compensation Plans 81
Audit Committee Report 82
Proposal 2: Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered Public
     Accounting Firm 84
Proposal 3: Advisory Vote to Approve Citi’s 2012 Executive Compensation 86
Proposal 4: Approval of Amendment to the Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive Plan 88
Stockholder Proposals 90
Submission of Future Stockholder Proposals 96
Cost of Annual Meeting and Proxy Solicitation 96
Householding 96

Mission Statement

Citi works tirelessly to serve individuals, communities, institutions and nations. With 200 years of experience meeting the world’s toughest challenges and seizing its greatest opportunities, we strive to create the best outcomes for our clients and customers with financial solutions that are simple, creative and responsible. An institution connecting over 1,000 cities, 160 countries and millions of people, we are your global bank; we are Citi.

The Four Key Principles:
These are the values that guide us as we perform our mission.

Common Purpose
One team, with one goal: serving our
clients and stakeholders.
Responsible Finance
Conduct that is transparent, prudent
and dependable.
Enhancing our clients’ lives through
innovation that harnesses the breadth
and depth of our information, global
network and world-class products.
Talented people with the best training
who thrive in a diverse meritocracy
that demands excellence, initiative and


About the Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of Stockholders

  Time and Date       9:00 AM, April 24, 2013
   Place The Hilton New York
1335 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York
   Record date February 25, 2013
   Voting Stockholders as of the record date are entitled to vote. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote for each Director nominee and one vote for each of the other proposals to be voted on.
   Admission An admission ticket is required to enter Citi’s Annual Meeting.

Meeting Agenda and Voting Matters

         Board Vote Recommendation       Page Reference (for more detail)
   Election of 11 Directors FOR EACH DIRECTOR NOMINEE 23
   Ratification of KPMG LLP (KPMG) as auditor FOR 84
     for 2013
   Advisory vote to approve Citi’s 2012 FOR 86
     executive compensation
   Approve amendment to the FOR 88
     Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive Plan
     (relating to Dividend Equivalents)  
   Stockholder Proposals AGAINST 90-95
   Transact other business that properly comes 6
     before the meeting

Who is soliciting my vote?

The Board of Directors (Board) of Citigroup Inc. (Citi or the Company) is soliciting your vote at the 2013 Annual Meeting of Citi’s stockholders.

Where and when will the Annual Meeting take place?

The Annual Meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM on April 24, 2013 at the Hilton New York, 1335 Avenue of the Americas in New York City. The entrance to the Hilton is on the Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue) between West 53rd and West 54th Streets.

Why did I receive a one-page Notice in the mail regarding the Internet availability of proxy materials this year instead of a full set of proxy materials?

Pursuant to rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), we have elected to use e-proxy as part of the distribution for our proxy materials. The e-proxy process has allowed us to expedite our stockholders’ receipt of proxy materials, lower the costs of distribution and reduce the environmental impact of our Annual Meeting. As a result, we are mailing to many of our stockholders a Notice of Internet Availability of the Proxy Materials (Notice) instead of a paper copy of the proxy materials. All stockholders receiving the Notice will have the ability to access the proxy materials over the Internet and receive a paper copy of the proxy materials by mail on request. Instructions on how to access the proxy materials over the Internet or to request a paper copy may be found in the Notice. In addition, the Notice contains instructions on how you may access proxy materials in printed form by mail or electronically on an ongoing basis.

Why didn’t I receive a notice in the mail about the Internet availability of the proxy materials?

We are providing some of our stockholders, including stockholders who have previously asked to receive paper copies of the proxy materials and some of our stockholders who are living outside of the United States, with paper copies of the proxy materials instead of a Notice about the Internet availability of the proxy materials. In addition, we are providing notice of the availability of the proxy materials by e-mail


to those stockholders who have previously elected delivery of the proxy materials electronically. Those stockholders should have received an e-mail containing a link to the website where those materials are available and a link to the proxy voting website.

How can I access Citi’s proxy materials and Annual Report electronically?

This Proxy Statement and the 2012 Annual Report are available on Citi’s website at Click on “About Us,” and then “Corporate Governance.” Most stockholders can elect not to receive paper copies of future Proxy Statements and Annual Reports and can instead view those documents on the Internet.

If you are a stockholder of record, you can choose this option and save Citi the cost of producing and mailing these documents by following the instructions provided when you vote over the Internet. If you hold your Citi stock through a bank, broker or other holder of record, please refer to the information provided by that entity for instructions on how to elect not to receive paper copies of future Proxy Statements and Annual Reports.

If you choose not to receive paper copies of future Proxy Statements and Annual Reports, you will receive an e-mail message next year containing the Internet address to use to access Citi’s Proxy Statement and Annual Report. Your choice will remain in effect until you tell us otherwise or until your consent is deemed to be revoked under applicable law. You do not have to elect Internet access each year. To view, cancel or change your enrollment profile, please go to

What will I be voting on?

  • Election of Directors (see page 23).
  • Ratification of KPMG as Citi’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2013 (see page 84).
  • An advisory vote to approve Citi’s 2012 executive compensation (see page 86).
  • Approval of an amendment to the Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive Plan (relating to Dividend Equivalents) (see page 88).
  • Three stockholder proposals (see pages 90-95).

An agenda will be distributed at the meeting.

How many votes do I have?

You will have one vote for every share of Citi common stock you owned on February 25, 2013 (the record date).

How many votes can be cast by all stockholders?

3,041,807,175, consisting of one vote for each of Citi’s shares of common stock that were outstanding on the record date. There is no cumulative voting.

How many votes must be present to hold the meeting?

To constitute a quorum to transact business at the Annual Meeting, the holders of a majority of the votes that can be cast, or 1,520,903,589, must be present or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting. We urge you to vote by proxy even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, so that we will know as soon as possible that enough votes will be present for us to hold the Annual Meeting. Persons voting by proxy will be deemed present at the meeting even if they abstain from voting on any or all of the proposals presented for stockholder action. Shares held by brokers who vote such shares on any proposal will be counted as present for purposes of establishing a quorum, and shares treated as broker non-votes for one or more proposals will nevertheless be deemed present for purposes of constituting a quorum for the Annual Meeting.

Does any single stockholder control 5% or more of any class of Citi’s voting stock?

Yes, according to a Schedule 13G Information Statement filed by BlackRock, Inc. and certain subsidiaries (BlackRock) on February 6, 2013, BlackRock may be deemed to beneficially own 6.54% of Citi’s common stock.

For further information, see “Stock Ownership—Owners of More than 5% of Our Common Stock” in this Proxy Statement.


How do I vote?

You can vote by proxy whether or not you attend the Annual Meeting. To vote by proxy, shareholders have a choice of voting over the Internet, by mobile phone, by telephone or by using a traditional proxy card.

Vote by Internet       Vote by Mobile       Vote by Phone       Vote by Mail       Vote in Person
Go to Phone Call 1-800-690-6903 Send the See the below You can scan this or the number on completed and instructions
You will need the 12 QR code to vote your voter instruction signed proxy card regarding
digit number included with your mobile form. You will need or voter instruction attendance at the
in your proxy card, phone. You will the 12 digit number form to the address Annual Meeting.
voter instruction form need the 12 digit included in your on your proxy card
or Notice. number included proxy card, voter or voter instruction
in your proxy card, instruction form form.
voter instruction or Notice.
form or Notice.

To reduce our administrative and postage costs, we ask that you vote through the Internet, by telephone, or by using your mobile phone all of which are available 24 hours a day. To ensure that your vote is counted, please remember to submit your vote by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on April 23, 2013.

If you are a record holder of Citi stock, you may attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person. If you want to vote in person at the Annual Meeting, and you hold your Citi stock through a securities broker (that is, in “street name”), you must obtain a proxy from your broker and bring that proxy to the Annual Meeting.

How do I get a printed proxy card?

There are three ways for shareholders to request a proxy card and a full set of materials at no charge if you received a Notice instead of the printed materials. In all three examples you will need the 12 digit Control Number printed on the Notice.

Requesting a proxy card


By telephone: 1-800-579-1639;
By Internet:; and
By e-mail: (send a blank e-mail with the 12 digit Control Number in the subject line).

Can I change my vote?

Yes. Just send in a new proxy card with a later date, or cast a new vote by telephone or Internet, or send a written notice of revocation to Citi’s Corporate Secretary at the address on the cover of this Proxy Statement. If you attend the Annual Meeting and want to vote in person, you can request that your previously submitted proxy not be used.

What if I don’t vote for some of the matters listed on my proxy card?

If you return a signed proxy card without indicating voting instructions, your shares will be voted, in accordance with the Board’s recommendation, for the nominees listed on the card, for KPMG as independent registered public accounting firm for 2013, for Citi’s 2012 executive compensation, and against the other proposals.

Can my broker vote my shares for me on the election of Directors or executive compensation matters?

No. Please note that the rules that govern when brokers may vote your shares have changed. Brokers may no longer use discretionary authority to vote shares on the election of Directors or on executive compensation matters, including the advisory vote on compensation, and the amendment to the Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive Plan if they have not received instructions from their clients. Please see the following question for an explanation of those matters on which brokers may vote your shares.


Can my shares be voted if I don’t return my proxy card and don’t attend the Annual Meeting?

If you don’t vote your shares held in street name, your broker can vote your shares on matters that the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has ruled discretionary.

Discretionary Items. KPMG’s appointment is a discretionary item. NYSE member brokers who do not receive instructions from beneficial owners may vote on this proposal as follows: (1) a Citi affiliated member is permitted to vote your shares in the same proportion as all other shares are voted with respect to this proposal; and (2) all other NYSE member brokers are permitted to vote your shares in their discretion.

Non-discretionary Items. Brokers will not be able to vote your shares on the election of Directors, the advisory vote to approve Citi’s 2012 executive compensation, the amendment to the Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive Plan (relating to dividend equivalents) and the stockholder proposals if you fail to provide instructions. Generally, broker non-votes occur on a matter when a broker is not permitted to vote on that matter without instructions from the beneficial owner and instructions are not given.

If your shares are registered directly in your name, not in the name of a bank or broker, you must vote your shares or your vote will not be counted. Please vote your proxy so your vote can be counted.

If I hold shares through Citigroup’s employee benefit plans and do not provide voting instructions, how will my shares be voted?

If you hold shares of common stock through Citigroup’s employee benefit plans or stock incentive plans and do not provide voting instructions to the plans’ trustees or administrators, your shares will be voted in the same proportion as the shares beneficially owned through the plans for which voting instructions are received, unless otherwise required by law.

What vote is required, and how will my votes be counted, to elect Directors and to adopt the other proposals?

The following chart describes the proposals to be considered at the meeting, the vote required to elect Directors and to adopt each other proposal and the manner in which votes will be counted:

Effect of
      Voting Options       Vote Required to Adopt the Proposal       Effect of Abstentions       Non-Votes”*
Election of Directors.
For, against or abstain on each nominee. A nominee for Director will be elected if the votes cast for such nominee exceed the votes cast against such nominee. No effect. No effect.
Ratification of KPMG.
For, against or abstain. The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock represented at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon. Treated as votes against. Brokers have
discretion to
Advisory vote to approve Citi’s 2012 executive compensation.
For, against or abstain. The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock represented at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon. Treated as votes against. No effect.
Amendment to the Citigroup 2009 Stock Incentive Plan (relating to dividend equivalents).
For, against or abstain The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock represented at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon. Treated as votes against. No effect.
Three stockholder proposals.
For, against or abstain. The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock represented at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon. Treated as votes against. No effect.

*        A broker non-vote generally occurs when a broker is not permitted to vote on a matter without instructions from a customer having beneficial ownership in the securities and has not received such instructions.


If a nominee for Director is not reelected by the required vote, he or she will remain in office until a successor is elected and qualified or until his or her earlier resignation or removal. Citi’s by-laws provide that, in the event a Director nominee is not reelected, such Director shall offer to resign from his or her position as a Director. Unless the Board decides to reject the offer or to postpone the effective date of the offer, the resignation shall become effective 60 days after the date of the election.

The result of the advisory vote to approve Citi’s 2012 executive compensation is not binding on the Board, whether or not the resolution is passed under the voting standards described above. In evaluating the stockholder vote on the advisory resolution, the Board will consider the voting results in their entirety.

Is my vote confidential?

In 2006, the Board adopted a confidential voting policy as a part of its Corporate Governance Guidelines. Under the policy, all proxies, ballots, and vote tabulations are kept confidential for registered stockholders who request confidential treatment. If you are a registered stockholder and would like your vote kept confidential, please check the appropriate box on the proxy card or follow the instructions when submitting your vote by telephone, mobile phone or by the Internet. If you hold your shares in “street name” or through an employee benefit plan or stock incentive plan, your vote already receives confidential treatment and you do not need to request confidential treatment in order to maintain the confidentiality of your vote.

The confidential voting policy will not apply in the event of a proxy contest or other solicitation based on an opposition Proxy Statement. For further details regarding this policy, please see the Corporate Governance Guidelines, available on Citi’s website

Could other matters be decided at the Annual Meeting?

We don’t know of any other matters that will be considered at the Annual Meeting. If a stockholder proposal that was excluded from this Proxy Statement is brought before the meeting, the Chairman will declare such proposal out of order and it will be disregarded, or we will vote the proxies against the proposal. If any other matters arise at the Annual Meeting that are properly presented at the meeting, the proxies will be voted at the discretion of the proxy holders.

What happens if the meeting is postponed or adjourned?

Your proxy will still be good and may be voted at the postponed or adjourned meeting. You will still be able to change or revoke your proxy until it is voted.

Do I need a ticket to attend the Annual Meeting?

Yes, you will need an admission ticket or proof of ownership of Citi stock to enter the Annual Meeting. When you arrive at the Annual Meeting, you may be asked to present photo identification, such as a driver’s license.

  • If you received a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, you must bring the Notice to gain admission to the Annual Meeting.
  • If you did not receive a Notice but received a paper copy of the proxy materials and your shares are held in your name, please bring the admission ticket printed on the top half of the proxy card supplied with your materials.
  • If you did not receive a Notice but received a paper copy of the proxy materials and your shares are held in the name of a bank, broker or other holder of record, please bring the yellow admission ticket that was enclosed with your materials.
  • If you receive your proxy materials by e-mail, you will need proof of ownership to be admitted to the Annual Meeting. A recent brokerage statement or letter from a bank or broker is an example of proof of ownership.
  • If you arrive at the meeting without an admission ticket, we will admit you only if we are able to verify that you are a Citi stockholder. If you hold your shares in a joint account, both owners can be admitted to the Annual Meeting, provided that proof of joint ownership is given. Citi will not be able to accommodate guests at the Annual Meeting. Any persons needing special assistance should contact Shareholder Relations by phone at 1-860-291-4262 or at the following e-mail address:

How We Have Done

Annual Report

If you received these materials by mail, you should have also received Citi’s Annual Report to Stockholders for 2012 with them. The 2012 Annual Report is also available on Citi’s website at We urge you to read these documents carefully. In accordance with the SEC’s rules, the Five-Year Performance Graph appears in the 2012 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Corporate Governance

Citi continually strives to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct: reporting results with accuracy and transparency and maintaining full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that govern Citi’s businesses. Citi is active in ensuring its governance practices are at the leading edge of best practices. Among other initiatives, Citi in recent years has:

      Ø    amended our Corporate Governance Guidelines to provide that members of Citi’s Board of Directors and Citi’s Executive Officers (i.e., Section 16 Insiders) are not permitted to hedge their Citi securities or to pledge their Citi securities as collateral for a loan;
  Ø    adopted strong executive compensation governance practices, including expanded clawback policies and a new requirement that executive officers must hold a substantial amount of vested Citi stock for at least one year after they cease being executive officers;
  Ø    amended the charter of the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee to include the Committee’s oversight responsibility for trade association payments;
  Ø    created a link on our website to federal and state government websites where our lobbying activities are reported;
  Ø    adopted a Political Contributions and Lobbying Statement under which Citi annually compiles and publishes a list of our political contributions and which prohibits using corporate funds for independent expenditures - “independent expenditures” are expenditures by an entity other than the political candidate or his campaign that support the candidate (or criticize his/her opponent) or contributions to such an entity by a company or trade association;
  Ø    initiated a process to require trade and business associations to which Citi pays dues to attest that no portion of such payments are used for independent expenditures;
  Ø    eliminated super-majority vote provisions contained in our Restated Certificate of Incorporation;
  Ø    after electing an independent Chair in 2009, amended our By-laws to provide that if Citi does not have an independent Chairman of the Board, the Board shall elect a lead independent Director;
  Ø    amended our By-laws to include a majority vote standard for uncontested Director elections;
  Ø    amended our By-laws to give holders of at least 25% of the outstanding common stock the right to call a special meeting; and
  Ø    separated the Audit and Risk Management Committee into two committees: the Audit Committee and a separate Risk Management and Finance Committee.

Corporate Governance Materials Available on Citi's Website
Citi’s Corporate Governance Guidelines embody many of our long-standing practices, policies and procedures, which are the foundation of our commitment to best practices. The Guidelines are reviewed at least annually, and revised as necessary, to continue to reflect best practices. The full text of the Guidelines, as approved by the Board, is set forth on Citi’s website. The Guidelines outline the responsibilities, operations, qualifications and composition of the Board.


In addition to our Corporate Governance Guidelines, other information relating to corporate governance at Citi is available on the Corporate Governance section of our website, including:

  • Audit Committee Charter
  • Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee Charter
  • Personnel and Compensation Committee Charter
  • Risk Management and Finance Committee Charter
  • Code of Conduct
  • Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals
  • By-laws and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
  • Political Contributions and Lobbying Statement
  • A List of our 2012 Political Contributions

Citi stockholders may obtain printed copies of these documents by writing to Citigroup Inc., Corporate Governance, 601 Lexington Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10022.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

Citi’s Corporate Governance Guidelines embody many of our long-standing practices, policies and procedures, which are the foundation of our commitment to best practices. The Guidelines are reviewed at least annually, and revised as necessary, to continue to reflect best practices. The full text of the Guidelines, as approved by the Board, is set forth on Citi’s website. The Guidelines outline the responsibilities, operations, qualifications and composition of the Board.

Our goal is that at least two-thirds of the members of the Board be independent. A description of our independence criteria and the results of the Board’s independence determinations are set forth below.

The number of other public company boards on which a Director may serve is subject to a case-by-case review by the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee, in order to ensure that each Director is able to devote sufficient time to performing his or her duties as a Director. Interlocking directorates are prohibited (inside Directors and executive officers of Citi may not sit on boards of companies where a Citi outside Director is an executive officer).

The Guidelines require that all members of the required committees of the Board (Audit; Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs; and Personnel and Compensation) be independent. Committee members are appointed by the Board upon recommendation of the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee. Committee membership and Chairs are rotated periodically. The Board and each Committee have the power to hire and fire independent legal, financial or other advisors, as they may deem necessary, without consulting or obtaining the approval of management. Meetings of the non-management Directors are held as part of every regularly scheduled Board meeting and are presided over by the independent Chairman.

If a Director has a substantial change in professional responsibilities, occupation or business association, he or she is required to notify the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee and to offer his or her resignation from the Board. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee will evaluate the facts and circumstances and make a recommendation to the Board whether to accept the resignation or request that the Director continue to serve on the Board. If a Director assumes a significant role in a not-for-profit entity, he or she is asked to notify the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee.


Directors are expected to attend Board meetings and meetings of the Committees on which they serve and the Annual Meeting of stockholders. All of the Directors then in office attended Citi’s 2012 Annual Meeting.

The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee nominates one of the members of the Board to serve as Chairman of the Board on an annual basis. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee also conducts an annual review of Board performance, and each committee (except for the Executive Committee) conducts its own self-evaluation. The Board and committees may engage an outside consultant to assist in conducting the self-evaluations. The results of these evaluations are reported to the Board.

Directors have full and free access to senior management and other employees of Citi. New Directors are provided with an orientation program to familiarize them with Citi’s businesses and its legal, compliance, regulatory and risk profile. Citi provides educational sessions on a variety of topics, which all members of the Board are invited to attend. These sessions are designed to allow Directors to, for example, develop a deeper understanding of a business issue or a complex financial product.

The Board reviews the Personnel and Compensation Committee’s report on the performance of senior executives in order to ensure that they are providing the highest quality leadership for Citi. The Board also works with the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs and Personnel and Compensation Committees to evaluate potential successors to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

If a Director, or an immediate family member who shares the Director’s household, serves as a Director, trustee or executive officer of a foundation, university, or other not-for-profit organization and such entity receives contributions from Citi and/or the Citi Foundation, such contributions must be reported to the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee at least annually.

In addition, the Board has amended the Corporate Governance Guidelines to provide that members of Citi’s Board of Directors and Citi’s executive officers (i.e., Section 16 Insiders) are not permitted to hedge their Citi securities or to pledge their Citi securities as collateral for a loan. The Guidelines restrict certain financial transactions between Citi and its subsidiaries on the one hand and Directors, senior management and their immediate family members on the other. Personal loans to executive officers and Directors of Citi and its public issuer subsidiaries and the most senior executives of the Company, or immediate family members who share any such person’s household, are prohibited, except for mortgage loans, home equity loans, consumer loans, credit cards, charge cards, overdraft checking privileges and margin loans to employees of a broker-dealer subsidiary of Citi made on market terms in the ordinary course of business. See Certain Transactions and Relationships, Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation on page 16 of this Proxy Statement.

The Guidelines prohibit investments or transactions by Citi or its executive officers and those immediate family members who share an executive officer’s household in a partnership or other privately held entity in which an outside Director is a principal or in a publicly traded company in which an outside Director owns or controls more than a 10% interest. Directors and those immediate family members who share the Director’s household are not permitted to receive initial public offering allocations. Directors and their immediate family members may participate in Citi-sponsored investment activities, provided they are offered on the same terms as those offered to similarly situated non-affiliated persons. Under certain circumstances, or with the approval of the appropriate committee, members of senior management may participate in certain Citi-sponsored investment opportunities. Finally, there is a prohibition on certain investments by Directors and executive officers in third-party entities when the opportunity comes solely as a result of their position with Citi.

Director Independence

The Board has adopted categorical standards to assist the Board in evaluating the independence of each of its Directors. The categorical standards, which are set forth below, describe various types of relationships that could potentially exist between a Director or an immediate family member of a Director and Citi and set thresholds at which such relationships would be deemed to be material. Provided that no relationship or transaction exists that would disqualify a Director under the categorical standards and no other


relationships or transactions exist of a type not specifically mentioned in the categorical standards that, in the Board’s opinion, taking into account all facts and circumstances, would impair a Director’s ability to exercise his or her independent judgment, the Board will deem such person to be independent.

The Board and the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee reviewed certain information obtained from Directors’ responses to a questionnaire asking about their relationships with Citi, and those of their immediate family members and primary business or charitable affiliations and other potential conflicts of interest, as well as certain data collected by Citi’s businesses related to transactions, relationships or arrangements between Citi on the one hand and a Director, immediate family member of a Director, or a primary business or charitable affiliation of a Director, on the other. The Board reviewed certain relationships or transactions between the Directors or immediate family members of the Directors or their primary business or charitable affiliations and Citi and determined that the relationships or transactions complied with the Corporate Governance Guidelines and the related categorical standards. The Board also determined that, applying the guidelines and standards, which are intended to comply with the NYSE corporate governance rules, and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations, each of the following Directors standing for election are independent:

Franz B. Humer         Joan E. Spero
Michael E. O’Neill Diana L. Taylor
Judith Rodin William S. Thompson, Jr.
Robert L. Ryan Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon
Anthony M. Santomero

The Board has determined that Michael Corbat and Robert Joss are not independent. Mr. Corbat is our Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Joss is party to a consulting agreement with Citi, as described on page 17 of this Proxy Statement.

Independence Standards
To be considered independent, a Director must meet the following categorical standards as adopted by our Board and reflected in our Corporate Governance Guidelines. In addition, there are other independence standards under NYSE corporate governance rules that apply to all directors and certain independence standards under SEC and FDIC rules that apply to specific committees.

Categorical Standards

  • Advisory, Consulting and Employment Arrangements
     Ø    During any 12-month period within the last three years, neither a Director nor any immediate family member of a Director shall have received from the Company, directly or indirectly, any compensation, fees or benefits in an amount greater than $120,000, other than amounts paid (a) pursuant to the Company’s Amended and Restated Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors or (b) to an immediate family member of a Director who is a non-executive employee of the Company or another entity.
  Ø    In addition, no member of the Audit Committee, nor any immediate family member who shares such individual’s household, nor any entity in which an Audit Committee member is a partner, member or executive officer shall, within the last three years, have received any payment for accounting, consulting, legal, investment banking or financial advisory services provided to the Company.
  • Business Relationships
     Ø    All business relationships, lending relationships, deposit and other banking relationships between the Company and a Director’s primary business affiliation or the primary business affiliation of an immediate family member of a Director must be made in the ordinary course of business and on substantially the same terms as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with non-affiliated persons.
  Ø    In addition, the aggregate amount of payments for property or services in any of the last three fiscal years by the Company to, and to the Company from, any company of which a Director is an executive officer or employee or where an immediate family member of a Director is an executive officer, must not exceed the greater of $1 million or 2% of such other company’s consolidated gross revenues in any single fiscal year.


     Ø    Loans may be made or maintained by the Company to a Director’s primary business affiliation or the primary business affiliation of an immediate family member of a Director, only if the loan: (a) is made in the ordinary course of business of the Company or one of its subsidiaries, is of a type that is generally made available to other customers, and is on market terms, or terms that are no more favorable than those offered to other customers; (b) complies with applicable law, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SARBANES-OXLEY), Regulation O of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Guidelines; (c) when made does not involve more than the normal risk of collectability or present other unfavorable features; and (d) is not classified by the Company as Substandard (II) or worse, as defined by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in its “Rating Credit Risk” Comptroller’s Handbook.
  • Charitable Contributions

Annual contributions in any of the last three calendar years from the Company and/or the Citi Foundation to a charitable organization of which a Director, or an immediate family member who shares the Director’s household, serves as a Director, trustee or executive officer (other than the Citi Foundation and other charitable organizations sponsored by the Company) may not exceed the greater of $250,000 or 10% of the charitable organization’s annual consolidated gross revenue.

  • Employment/Affiliations
      Ø    A Director shall not:

            (i)       be or have been an employee of the Company within the last three years;
(ii) be part of, or within the past three years have been part of, an interlocking directorate in which a current executive officer of the Company serves or has served on the compensation committee of a company that concurrently employs or employed the Director as an executive officer; or
(iii) be or have been affiliated with or employed by (a) the Company’s present or former primary outside auditor or (b) any other outside auditor of the Company and personally worked on the Company’s audit, in each case within the three-year period following the auditing relationship.

      Ø    A Director may not have an immediate family member who:

            (i)       is an executive officer of the Company or has been within the last three years;
(ii) is, or within the past three years has been, part of an interlocking directorate in which a current executive officer of the Company serves or has served on the compensation committee of a company that concurrently employs or employed such immediate family member as an executive officer; or
(iii) (A) is a current partner of the Company’s outside auditor, or a current employee of the Company’s outside auditor and personally works on the Company’s audit, or (B) was within the last three years (but is no longer) a partner of or employed by the Company’s outside auditor and personally worked on the Company’s audit within that time.

  • Immaterial Relationships and Transactions

The Board may determine that a Director is independent notwithstanding the existence of an immaterial relationship or transaction between the Company and (i) the Director, (ii) an immediate family member of the Director or (iii) the Director’s or immediate family member’s business or charitable affiliations, provided the Company’s Proxy Statement includes a specific description of such relationship as well as the basis for the Board’s determination that such relationship does not preclude a determination that the Director is independent. Relationships or transactions between the Company and (i) the Director, (ii) an immediate family member of the Director or (iii) the Director’s or immediate family member’s business or charitable affiliations that comply with the Corporate Governance Guidelines, including but not limited to the Director Independence Standards that are part of the Corporate Governance Guidelines and the sections titled Financial Services, Personal Loans and Investments/Transactions, are deemed to be categorically immaterial and do not require disclosure in the Proxy Statement (unless such relationship or transaction is required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404 of SEC Regulation S-K).


  • Definitions

For purposes of the Corporate Governance Guidelines, (i) the term “immediate family member” means a Director’s or executive officer’s (designated as such pursuant to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) spouse, parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings, mother- and father-in law, sons- and daughters-in-law, and brothers and sisters-in-law and any person (other than a tenant or domestic employee) who shares the Director’s household; (ii) the term “primary business affiliation” means an entity of which the Director or executive officer, or an immediate family member of such a person, is an officer, partner or employee or in which the Director, executive officer or immediate family member owns directly or indirectly at least a 5% equity interest; and (iii) the term “related party transaction” means any financial transaction, arrangement or relationship in which (a) the aggregate amount involved will or may be expected to exceed $120,000 in any fiscal year, (b) the Company is a participant, and (c) any related person (any Director, any executive officer of the Company, any nominee for Director, any shareholder owning in excess of 5% of the total equity of the Company, and any immediate family member of any such person) has or will have a direct or indirect material interest.

Meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees

The Board of Directors met 22 times in 2012. During 2012, the Audit Committee met 12 times, the Personnel and Compensation Committee met 13 times, the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee met 9 times, the Risk Management and Finance Committee met 8 times and the Executive Committee met 3 times.

In addition, Dr. Rodin, Ms. Taylor and Messrs. Joss, O’Neill, Ryan, Santomero, Thompson and Zedillo have served on and/or chaired a number of ad hoc committees throughout the year.

Each Director attended at least 75% of the total number of meetings of the Citigroup Board of Directors and Citigroup Board Committees of which he or she was a member in 2012.

Meetings of Non-Management Directors

Citi’s non-management Directors meet in executive session without any management Directors in attendance each time the full Board convenes for a regularly scheduled meeting, which is usually eight times each year, and, if the Board convenes a special meeting, the non-management Directors ordinarily meet in executive session. During 2012, Richard Parsons, as Chairman until April 2012, and Michael O’Neill, as Chairman from April to the present, presided at each executive session of the non-management Directors occurring during the respective period he was serving as Chairman. The independent Directors met in executive session during 2012.

Board Leadership Structure

Citi currently has an independent Chairman separate from the CEO. The Board believes it is important to maintain flexibility in its Board leadership structure and has had in place different leadership structures over the past few years, depending on the Company’s needs at the time, but firmly supports having an independent Director in a Board leadership position at all times. Accordingly, Citi’s Board, on December 15, 2009, adopted a By-law amendment which provides that, if Citi does not have an independent Chairman, the Board shall elect a lead independent Director, having similar duties to an independent Chairman, including leading the executive sessions of the non-management Directors at Board meetings. Citi’s Chairman provides independent leadership of the Board. Having an independent Chairman or lead Director enables non-management Directors to raise issues and concerns for Board consideration without immediately involving management. The Chairman or Lead Director also serves as a liaison between the Board and senior management. Citi’s Board has determined that the current structure, an Independent Chair, separate from the CEO, is the most appropriate structure at this time, while ensuring that, at all times, there will be an independent Director in a Board leadership position.


Board Diversity

Diversity is among the critical factors that the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee considers when evaluating the composition of the Board. For a company like Citi, which operates in over 100 countries around the globe, diversity includes race, ethnicity and gender as well as the diversity of the communities and geographies in which Citi operates. Included in the qualifications for Directors listed in the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines is “whether the candidate has special skills, expertise and background that would complement the attributes of the existing Directors, taking into consideration the diverse communities and geographies in which the Company operates.” Citi’s Board is committed to ensuring that it comprises individuals whose backgrounds reflect the diversity represented by our employees, customers and stakeholders. The candidates nominated for election at Citi’s 2013 Annual Meeting exemplify that diversity: three nominees are women (27%) and two nominees (18%) are African-American or Hispanic. In addition, each Director candidate contributes to the Board’s overall diversity by providing a variety of perspectives, personal and professional experiences and backgrounds, as well as other characteristics, such as global and international business experience. The Board believes that the current nominees reflect an appropriate diversity of gender, age, race, geographical background and experience but is committed to continuing to consider diversity issues in evaluating the composition of the Board.

Board’s Role in Risk Oversight

The Board oversees Citi’s global risk management framework. At each regularly scheduled Board meeting, the Risk Management and Finance Committee of the Board receives a risk report from the Chief Risk Officer with respect to the Company’s approach to management of major risks, including management’s risk mitigation efforts, where appropriate. Global Risk Management, led by the Chief Risk Officer, is a company-wide function that is responsible for an integrated effort to identify, assess and manage risks that may affect Citi’s ability to execute on its corporate strategy and fulfill its business objectives. The Board’s role is to oversee this effort. The Risk Management and Finance Committee enhances the Board’s oversight of risk management. The Committee’s role is one of oversight, recognizing that management is responsible for executing Citi’s risk management policies. The Committee’s responsibilities include reviewing risk management and compliance policies and programs for, and reports on, Citi and its subsidiaries; approving and adjusting risk limits subject to ratification by the Board; and consulting with management on the effectiveness of risk identification, measurement, and monitoring processes, and the adequacy of staffing and action plans, as needed. In addition, the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee reviews reputational issues and the Personnel and Compensation Committee reviews compensation programs to ensure that they do not, among other things, encourage imprudent risk-taking.

Committees of the Board of Directors

The standing committees of the Board of Directors are:

The Audit Committee, which assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to (i) the integrity of Citi’s consolidated financial statements and financial reporting process and Citi’s systems of internal accounting and financial controls; (ii) the performance of the internal audit function; (iii) the annual independent integrated audit of Citi’s consolidated financial statements and effectiveness of Citi’s internal control over financial reporting, the engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm and the evaluation of the Independent Auditors’ qualifications, independence and performance; (iv) policy standards and guidelines for risk assessment and risk management; (v) the compliance by Citi with legal and regulatory requirements, including Citi’s disclosure controls and procedures; and (vi) the fulfillment of the other responsibilities set out in its charter, as adopted by the Board. The report of the Committee required by the rules of the SEC is included in this Proxy Statement.

The Board has determined that each of Messrs. Ricciardi, Ryan and Santomero qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” as defined by the SEC and each such director as well as Ms. Spero are considered “financially literate“ under NYSE rules, and, in addition to being independent according to the


Board’s independence standards as set out in its Corporate Governance Guidelines, each is independent within the meaning of applicable SEC rules, the corporate governance rules of the NYSE, and the FDIC guidelines.

The Audit Committee Charter, as adopted by the Board, is available on our website at Click on “About Us,” then “Corporate Governance,” and then “Board of Directors’ Committee Charters.”

The Executive Committee, which acts on behalf of the Board if a matter requires Board action before a meeting of the full Board can be held.

The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee, which is responsible for identifying individuals qualified to become Board members and recommending to the Board the Director nominees for the next Annual Meeting of stockholders. It leads the Board in its annual review of the Board’s performance and makes recommendations as to the composition of the committees for appointment by the Board. The Committee takes a leadership role in shaping corporate governance policies and practices, including recommending to the Board the Corporate Governance Guidelines and monitoring Citi’s compliance with these policies and practices and the Guidelines. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving all related party transactions involving a Director or an immediate family member of a Director and any related party transaction involving an executive officer or immediate family member of an executive officer if the transaction is valued at $50 million or more, in each case, other than certain enumerated ordinary course transactions. See Certain Transactions and Relationships, Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation on page 16 of this Proxy Statement for a complete description of the Policy on Related Party Transactions. The Committee, as part of the Board’s executive succession planning process, in conjunction with the Personnel and Compensation Committee evaluates and nominates potential successors to the CEO and provides an annual report to the Board on CEO succession. The Committee also reviews Director Compensation and benefits, Citi’s Code of Conduct, the Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals and other internal policies to monitor that the principles contained in the Codes are being incorporated into Citi’s culture and business practices. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee is also responsible for reviewing Citi’s policies and programs that relate to public issues of significance to Citi and the public at large and reviewing relationships with external constituencies and issues that impact Citi’s reputation. The Committee also has responsibility for reviewing public policy and reputational issues facing Citi; reviewing political and charitable contributions made by Citi and the Citi Foundation, and payments to trade associations made by Citi; reviewing Citi’s policies and practices regarding supplier diversity; reviewing Citi’s business practices, and reviewing Citi’s sustainability policies and programs, including environmental policies and human rights. The Committee’s focus is global, reflecting Citi’s global footprint.

With respect to regular succession of the CEO and senior management, Citi’s Board evaluates internal, and, when appropriate, external, candidates. To find external candidates, Citi seeks input from the members of the Board and senior management and/or from recruiting firms. To develop internal candidates, Citi engages in a number of practices, formal and informal, designed to familiarize the Board with Citi’s talent pool. The formal process involves an annual talent review conducted by senior management at which the Board studies the most promising members of senior management. The Board learns about each person’s experience, skills, areas of expertise, accomplishments and goals. This review is conducted at a regularly scheduled Board meeting on an annual basis. In addition, members of senior management are periodically asked to make presentations to the Board at Board meetings and at the Board strategy sessions. These presentations are made by senior managers at the various business units as well as those who serve in corporate functions. The purpose of the formal review and other interaction is to ensure that Board members are familiar with the talent pool inside Citi from which the Board would be able to choose successors to the CEO and evaluate succession for other senior managers as necessary from time to time.

The Board has determined that, in addition to being independent according to the Board’s independence standards as set out in its Corporate Governance Guidelines, each of the members of the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee is independent according to the corporate governance rules of the NYSE.


The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee Charter, as adopted by the Board, is available on our website at Click on “About Us,” then “Corporate Governance,” and then “Board of Directors’ Committee Charters.”

The Personnel and Compensation Committee, has been delegated broad authority to oversee compensation of employees of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The Committee is responsible for determining the compensation for the CEO and approving the compensation of other executive officers of the Company and members of Citi’s Operating Committee. The Committee is also responsible for approving the incentive compensation structure for other members of senior management and certain highly compensated employees (including discretionary incentive awards to covered employees as defined in applicable bank regulatory guidance), in accordance with guidelines established by the Committee from time to time. The Committee also has broad oversight over compliance with applicable legal authority governing Citi’s incentive compensation.

The Committee annually reviews and discusses the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required to be included in the Company’s proxy statement with management, and, if appropriate, recommends to the Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included. Additionally, the Committee reviews and approves the overall goals of Citi’s material incentive compensation programs, including as expressed through Citi’s Compensation Philosophy and provides oversight for Citi’s incentive compensation programs so that they both (a) appropriately balance risk and financial results in a manner that does not encourage employees to expose Citi to imprudent risks, and (b) are consistent with bank safety and soundness. Towards that end, the Committee meets periodically with Citi’s senior risk officers to discuss the risk attributes of Citi’s incentive compensation programs.

The Committee has the power to hire and fire independent compensation consultants, legal counsel, or financial or other advisors (each, a “Compensation Advisor”) as it may deem necessary to assist it in the performance of its duties and responsibilities, without consulting or obtaining the approval of senior management of the Company in advance. The Committee has retained Frederic W. Cook & Co. (Cook & Co.) to provide the Committee with advice on Citi’s compensation programs for senior management. The amount paid to Cook & Co. in 2012 is disclosed in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis on page 66 of this Proxy Statement.

The Board has determined that in addition to being independent according to the Board’s independence standards as set out in its Corporate Governance Guidelines, each of the members of the Personnel and Compensation Committee is independent according to the corporate governance rules of the NYSE. Each of such Directors is a “non-employee Director,” as defined in Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is an “outside Director,” as defined by Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

The Personnel and Compensation Committee Charter is available on our website at Click on “About Us,” then “Corporate Governance,” and then “Board of Directors’ Committee Charters.”

The Risk Management and Finance Committee, which has the primary responsibility for (1) oversight of Citigroup’s risk management framework, including the significant policies and practices used in managing credit, market, operational and certain other risks and (2) oversight of Citigroup’s policies and practices relating to Treasury matters, including capital, liquidity and financing, as well as to merger, acquisition, and divestiture activity (M&A). The Committee reports to the Board regarding Citigroup’s risk profile, as well as its risk management framework, including the significant policies and practices employed to manage risks in Citigroup’s businesses, as well as the overall adequacy of the Risk Management function. The Committee’s role is one of oversight, recognizing that management is responsible for executing Citigroup’s risk management, Treasury and M&A policies.


The Risk Management and Finance Committee Charter is available on our website at Click on “About Us,” then “Corporate Governance,” and then “Board of Directors’ Committee Charters.”

The following table shows the current membership of each of the foregoing Committees.

Committees       Current Members
Audit Committee Lawrence R. Ricciardi (Chair)
Robert L. Ryan
Anthony M. Santomero
Joan Spero
Executive Committee Robert L. Joss
Michael E. O’Neill (Chair)
Lawrence R. Ricciardi
Anthony M. Santomero
  Diana L. Taylor
Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Michael E. O’Neill
Committee Judith Rodin
Diana L. Taylor (Chair)
William S. Thompson, Jr.
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon
Personnel and Compensation Committee Michael E. O’Neill (Chair)
Joan Spero
Diana L. Taylor
  William S. Thompson, Jr.
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon
Risk Management and Finance Committee Franz B. Humer
Robert L. Joss
Anthony M. Santomero (Chair)
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon

Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings

There are no legal proceedings to which any Director, officer or principal shareholder, or any affiliate thereof, is a party adverse to Citi or has a material interest adverse to Citi.

Certain Transactions and Relationships, Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

The Board has adopted a policy setting forth procedures for the review, approval and monitoring of transactions involving Citi and related persons (Directors and executive officers or their immediate family members). A copy of Citi’s Policy on Related Party Transactions is available on our website at Click on “About Us,” then “Corporate Governance,” and then “Citi Policies.” Under the policy, the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving all related party transactions involving Directors or an immediate family member of a Director. Directors may not participate in any discussion or approval of a related party transaction in which he or she or any member of his or her immediate family is a related person, except that the Director must provide all material information concerning the related party transaction to the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee is also responsible for reviewing and approving all related party transactions valued at more than $50 million involving an executive officer or an immediate


family member of an executive officer. The Transaction Review Committee, comprised of the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and the Head of Corporate Affairs, is responsible for reviewing and approving all related party transactions valued at less than $50 million involving an executive officer or an immediate family member of an executive officer. The policy also contains a list of categories of transactions involving Directors or executive officers, or their immediate family members that are pre-approved under the policy, and therefore need not be brought to the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee or Transaction Review Committee for approval.

The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee and the Transaction Review Committee will review the following information when assessing a related party transaction:

  • the terms of such transaction;
  • the related person’s interest in the transaction;
  • the purpose and timing of the transaction;
  • whether Citi is a party to the transaction, and if not, the nature of Citi’s participation in the transaction;
  • if the transaction involves the sale of an asset, a description of the asset, including date acquired and cost basis;
  • information concerning potential counterparties in the transaction;
  • the approximate dollar value of the transaction and the approximate dollar value of the related person’s interest in the transaction;
  • a description of any provisions or limitations imposed as a result of entering into the proposed transaction;
  • whether the proposed transaction includes any potential reputational risk issues that may arise as a result of or in connection with the proposed transaction; and
  • any other relevant information regarding the transaction.

In accordance with Citi’s Policy on Related Party Transactions, the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee approved the renewal of a consulting agreement with Robert L. Joss, who serves as a Director of Citi. Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Joss will receive $350,000, payable quarterly in arrears, to provide consulting services during 2013 to the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Citi has established funds in which employees have invested. In addition, certain of our Directors and executive officers have from time to time invested their personal funds directly or directed that funds for which they act in a fiduciary capacity be invested in funds arranged by Citi’s subsidiaries on the same terms and conditions as the other outside investors in these funds, who are not our Directors, executive officers, or employees. Other than certain “grandfathered” investments, in accordance with SARBANES-OXLEY and the Citi Corporate Governance Guidelines, executive officers may invest in certain Citi-sponsored investment opportunities only under certain circumstances and with the approval of the appropriate committee.

In 2012, Citi performed investment banking, financial advisory and other services in the ordinary course of our business for certain organizations in which some of our Directors are officers or directors, or in which immediate family members of some of our executive officers are employees. Citi may also, in the ordinary course of business, have sponsored investment opportunities in which such organizations participated. In addition, in the ordinary course of business, Citi may use the products or services of organizations in which some of our Directors are officers or directors, or in which immediate family members of some of our executive officers are employees.

The persons listed on page 42 are the current members of the Personnel and Compensation Committee. In addition, the following Directors served on the Personnel and Compensation Committee in 2012: Alain J.P. Belda and Richard D. Parsons. No current or former member of the Personnel and Compensation Committee was a part of a “compensation committee interlock” during fiscal year 2012 as described under SEC rules. In addition, none of our executive officers served as a director or member of the compensation committee of another entity that would constitute a “compensation committee interlock.” No member of the Personnel and Compensation Committee had any material interest in a transaction with Citi or is a current or former officer of Citi, and no member of the Personnel and Compensation Committee is a current employee of Citi or any of its subsidiaries. In addition, no member of the Board, or any immediate family member of the Board, engaged Cook & Co. or Independent Compensation Committee Adviser, LLC for any compensation-related services in 2012.


A Director and an Executive Officer each have an immediate family member who is employed by Citi or a subsidiary. The compensation of each such family member was established by Citi in accordance with its employment and compensation practices applicable to employees with equivalent qualifications and responsibilities and holding similar positions. Neither the Director nor the Executive Officer has a material interest in the respective employment relationships nor do either of them share a household with these employees. An adult spouse of an adult child of Manuel Medina-Mora, an executive officer, was employed by Citi and received 2012 compensation of $124,524. As of June 15, 2012, this individual was no longer an employee of Citi. An adult child of Mr. Humer, a Director, is employed by Citi’s Institutional Clients Group and received 2012 compensation of $410,077. These individuals are two of the approximately 259,000 employees of Citi.


Other than certain “grandfathered” margin loans, in accordance with SARBANES-OXLEY and the Citi Corporate Governance Guidelines, no margin loans may be made to any executive officer unless such person is an employee of a broker-dealer subsidiary of Citi and such loan is made in the ordinary course of business.

Certain transactions involving loans, deposits, credit cards, and sales of commercial paper, certificates of deposit, and other money market instruments and certain other banking transactions occurred during 2012 between Citibank and other Citi banking subsidiaries on the one hand and certain Directors or executive officers of Citi, members of their immediate families, corporations or organizations of which any of them is an executive officer or partner or of which any of them is the beneficial owner of 10% or more of any class of securities, or associates of the Directors, the executive officers or their family members on the other. The transactions were made in the ordinary course of business on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral, that prevailed at the time for comparable transactions with other persons not related to the lender and did not involve more than the normal risk of collectability or present other unfavorable features. Personal loans made to any Director or an executive officer must comply with SARBANES-OXLEY, Regulation O and the Corporate Governance Guidelines, and must be made in the ordinary course of business.

Citigroup Employee Fund of Funds I, L.P., Citigroup Capital Partners II, L.P. and Citigroup Venture Capital International Growth Partnership II, L.P. are funds that were formed in 2000, 2006 and 2007, respectively. They invest either directly or via a master fund in private equity investments. Citi matches each dollar invested by an employee with an additional two-dollar commitment to each fund, or feeder fund, in which an employee has invested. Citi’s match is made by a loan to the fund. Each eligible employee, subject to vesting, receives the benefit of any increase in the value of the fund attributable to the loan made by Citi, less the interest paid by the fund on the loan, as well as any increase in the value of the fund attributable to the employee’s own investment. In accordance with the funds’ offering memoranda, executive officers are not eligible to participate in the funds on a leveraged basis. James Cowles, who participates in the Citigroup Venture Capital International Growth Partnership II, L.P. and Citigroup Capital Partners II, L.P. Funds, became an executive officer in 2013 and, pursuant to the funds’ offering memorandum and in compliance with SARBANES-OXLEY, was required to repay his outstanding leverage and associated interest. He reimbursed Citi $1,442,640 for leverage and interest outstanding under the Funds.


The following distributions exceeding $120,000 with respect to investments in Citigroup Employee Fund of Funds I, L.P. and Citigroup Capital Partners II, L.P. were made to current and former executive officers in 2012:

Fund of
Funds I, L.P.
James Forese $167,500
Citigroup Capital
Partners II, L.P.
Shirish Apte $208,889
Michael Corbat $294,088
James Forese $588,177
Manuel Medina-Mora $418,801
Alberto Verme $599,195

Business Practices

Citi’s business practices committees, at the corporate level and in each of its businesses, review business activities, sales practices, product design, potential conflicts of interest, complex transactions, suitability and other reputational concerns providing guidance so that Citi’s business practices meet the highest standards of ethics, integrity and professional behavior. These committees, comprised of our most senior executives, focus on reputational risk while our businesses are responsible for ensuring that our policies are adhered to and affirm our commitment to the principles of responsible finance and protecting the franchise.

Business practices concerns may be surfaced by a variety of sources, including business practices working groups, other in-business committees or the control functions. The business practices committees guide the development of business practices and may change them when necessary or appropriate. These issues are reported on a regular basis to the Citi Business Practices Committee and the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee of the Board.

Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals

Citi has adopted a Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals governing the principal executive officer, principal financial officer, and principal accounting officer of Citi and all Citi professionals worldwide serving in a finance, accounting, treasury, tax or investor relations role. A copy of the Code of Ethics is available on our website at Click on “About Us“ then “Corporate Governance,” and then “Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals.” We will disclose amendments to, or waivers from, the Code of Ethics, if any, on our website.


Ethics Hotline

Citi strongly encourages employees to raise concerns or questions regarding ethics, discrimination or harassment matters, and to report suspected violations of these and other applicable laws, regulations and policies. Citi offers several channels by which employees and others may report ethical concerns, including, without limitation, concerns about accounting, internal controls or auditing matters. We provide a global Ethics Hotline, a toll-free number that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week with live operators who can connect to translators in multiple languages. Calls to the Ethics Hotline are received by a third-party vendor, located in the United States, which reports the calls to the Citi Ethics Office for handling. Ethical concerns may also be reported through a dedicated e-mail address, multi-lingual website submission, fax line, and conventional mailing address. Individuals may choose to remain anonymous to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. We prohibit retaliatory actions against anyone for raising concerns or questions in good faith regarding ethics, discrimination or harassment matters, or who reports suspected violations of other applicable laws, regulations or policies, or who participates in a subsequent investigation of such concerns.

Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct, which provides an overview of the laws, regulations and Citi policies and procedures applicable to the activities of Citi, and sets forth the standards of ethics and professional behavior expected of employees and representatives of Citi. The Code of Conduct applies to every Director, officer and employee of Citi and its consolidated subsidiaries. All Citi employees, directors and officers are required to read and comply with the Code of Conduct. In addition, other persons performing services for Citi may be subject to the Code of Conduct by contract or other agreement. The Code of Conduct is available in multiple languages at Click on “About Us,” then “Corporate Governance” and then “Code of Conduct.”

Communications with the Board

Stockholders or other interested parties who wish to communicate with a member or members of the Board of Directors, including the Chairman or the non-management Directors as a group, may do so by addressing their correspondence to the Board member or members, c/o the Corporate Secretary, Citigroup Inc., 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10043. The Board of Directors has approved a process pursuant to which the office of the Corporate Secretary will review and forward correspondence to the appropriate person or persons for response.


Stock Ownership

Citi has long encouraged stock ownership by its Directors, officers and employees to align their interests with the long-term interests of stockholders.

The Board and executive officers are subject to a Stock Ownership Commitment, which requires these individuals to maintain a minimum ownership level of Citigroup stock. Executive officers are required to retain at least 75% of the equity awarded to them as incentive compensation (other than cash equivalents and net of amounts required to pay taxes and option exercise prices) as long as they are executive officers. In addition, a new stock holding period effective as of January 2013 applies after the executive officer leaves Citi or is no longer an executive officer. He or she must retain, for one year after ending executive officer status, 50% of the shares previously subject to the stock ownership commitment. This change is responsive to proposals Citi has received in recent years from shareholders and further aligns the interests of executive officers with those of shareholders. Directors are similarly required to retain at least 75% of the net equity awarded to them. The Board may revise the terms of the Stock Ownership Commitment from time to time to reflect legal and business developments warranting a change. In addition, Directors and executive officers may not enter into hedging transactions in respect of the Company’s common stock or other securities issued by Citi, including securities granted by the Company to the Director or executive officer as part of his or her compensation and securities purchased or acquired by the Director or executive officer in a non-compensatory transaction.

The following table shows the beneficial ownership of Citi common stock by our Directors, and certain executive officers at February 25, 2013.

      Common       Stock      
   Stock Options Total   
  Beneficially Exercisable Common
Directors Owned Within 60 Stock
and Excluding Days of Beneficially
Officers: Position Options Record Date Owned
Don Callahan Head of Operations & Technology 297,238 138,972 436,210
Michael Corbat Chief Executive Officer & Director 321,668 99,990 421,658
John Gerspach Chief Financial Officer 279,913 99,990 379,903
Franz B. Humer Director 7,602 7,602
Robert L. Joss Director 19,796 19,796
Gene McQuade Chief Executive Officer, Citibank, N.A. 245,997 66,660 312,657
Manuel Medina-Mora Co-President, Citi; Chief Executive 967,875 213,618 1,181,493
Officer, Global Consumer Banking;
  Chairman, Mexico
Michael E. ONeill Chairman of the Board 59,518 59,518
Lawrence R. Ricciardi Director 16,662 16,662
Judith Rodin Director 23,134 1,840 24,974
Robert L. Ryan Director 20,871 20,871
Anthony M. Santomero Director 23,560 23,560
Joan E. Spero Director 10,394 10,394
Diana L. Taylor Director 17,238 17,238
William S. Thompson, Jr. Director 59,226 59,226
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon Director 14,262 14,262
All Directors & executive officers
     as a group (25 persons) 4,461,302 1,288,161 5,749,463

At February 25, 2013, no Director or executive officer owned as much as 1% of Citi’s common stock.

At February 25, 2013, all of the Directors and executive officers as a group beneficially owned approximately 0.19% of Citi’s common stock.


Of the shares shown on the preceding page, all of which are deemed to be beneficially owned under SEC rules, some portion may not be held directly by the Director or executive officer. The following table details the various forms in which Directors or executive officers indirectly hold shares. Such indirectly-held shares may be shares:

  • for which receipt has been deferred under certain deferred compensation plans,
  • held as a tenant-in-common with a family member or trust, owned by a family member, held by a trust for which the Director or executive officer is a trustee but not a beneficiary or held by a mutual fund which invests substantially all of its assets in Citi stock,
  • for which the Director or executive officer has direct or indirect voting power but not dispositive power, or
  • for which the Director or executive officer has direct or indirect voting power but that are subject to restrictions on disposition, as shown in the following table:
Owned by or Restricted or
Tenant in Common Voting Power, Deferred Shares
with Family but not Subject to  
Receipt Member, Trust or Dispositive Restriction on   
Director/Officer Deferred      Mutual Fund      Power      Disposition
Don Callahan 172,501
Michael Corbat 1,781 196,466
   John Gerspach 133,523
Franz B. Humer 7,602
Robert L. Joss 8,326 1,700
Gene McQuade 100,150 118,656
Manuel Medina-Mora 227,370
Michael E. ONeill 31,321 28,200
Lawrence R. Ricciardi 5,771  
Judith Rodin 23,098 36
Robert L. Ryan 19,361  
Anthony M. Santomero 23,560
Joan E. Spero 9,395  
Diana L. Taylor 15,603
William S. Thompson, Jr. 8,332 50,896
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon 14,262
All Directors & executive officers
     as a group (25 persons) 166,631 186,253 1,995,772

Owners of More than 5% of Our Common Stock(a)

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner Beneficial Ownership      Percent of Class
   BlackRock Inc.       
  40 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10022
Amount beneficially owned 191,708,393(a) 6.54%
(a)      Based on the Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on 2/6/13 by BlackRock, Inc. and certain subsidiaries (BlackRock). BlackRock reported that it had sole voting and dispositive power over all shares beneficially owned. The Schedule 13G states that the shares were acquired and are held in the ordinary course of business and were not acquired and are not held for the purpose of or with the effect of changing or influencing the control of Citi.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires Citi’s officers and Directors, and persons who own more than ten percent of a registered class of Citi’s equity securities, to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC and the NYSE, and to furnish Citi with copies of the forms. Based on its review of the forms it received, or written representations from reporting persons, Citi believes that, during 2012, each of its officers and Directors complied with all such filing requirements.


Proposal 1: Election of Directors

The Board of Directors has nominated all of the current Directors for re-election at the 2013 Annual Meeting, except for Lawrence Ricciardi who will not stand for re-election to the Board having reached the retirement age under Citi’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. Directors are not eligible to stand for reelection after reaching the age of 72.

The one-year term of all of Citi’s Directors expires at the Annual Meeting.

Director Criteria and Nomination Process

The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee considers all qualified candidates identified by members of the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee, by other members of the Board of Directors, by senior management and by security holders. During 2012, the Committee engaged Korn/Ferry International to assist in identifying and evaluating potential nominees. Stockholders who would like to propose a Director candidate for consideration by the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee may do so by submitting the candidate’s name, résumé and biographical information to the attention of the Corporate Secretary, Citigroup Inc., 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10043. All proposals for nominations received by the Corporate Secretary will be presented to the Committee for its consideration.

The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee reviews each candidate’s biographical information and assesses each candidate’s independence, skills and expertise based on a variety of factors, including the following criteria, which have been developed by the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee and approved by the Board:

  • Whether the candidate has exhibited behavior that indicates he or she is committed to the highest ethical standards.
  • Whether the candidate has had business, governmental, non-profit or professional experience at the chairman, chief executive officer, chief operating officer or equivalent policy-making and operational level of a large organization with significant international activities that indicates that the candidate will be able to make a meaningful and immediate contribution to the Board’s discussion of and decision-making on the array of complex issues facing a large financial services business that operates on a global scale.
  • Whether the candidate has special skills, expertise and background that would complement the attributes of the existing Directors, taking into consideration the diverse communities and geographies in which the Company operates.
  • Whether the candidate has the financial expertise required to provide effective oversight of a diversified financial services business that operates on a global scale.
  • Whether the candidate has achieved prominence in his or her business, governmental or professional activities, and has built a reputation that demonstrates the ability to make the kind of important and sensitive judgments that the Board is called upon to make.
  • Whether the candidate will effectively, consistently and appropriately take into account and balance the legitimate interests and concerns of all of the Company’s stockholders and our other stakeholders in reaching decisions, rather than advancing the interests of a particular constituency.
  • Whether the candidate possesses a willingness to challenge management while working constructively as part of a team in an environment of collegiality and trust.
  • Whether the candidate will be able to devote sufficient time and energy to the performance of his or her duties as a Director.

Application of these factors involves the exercise of judgment by the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee and the Board.

Based on its assessment of each candidate’s independence, skills and qualifications and the criteria described above, the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee will make recommendations regarding potential Director candidates to the Board.

The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee follows the same process and uses the same criteria for evaluating candidates proposed by stockholders, members of the Board of Directors and members of senior management.

For the 2013 Annual Meeting, we received timely notice from one stockholder who proposed himself for consideration to be nominated by the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee to stand for election at the Annual Meeting. The qualifications of the individual were discussed at a meeting of the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee and the views of Korn/Ferry International were considered. After deliberation, the Committee decided not to include this individual on the slate of candidates it proposed to the full Board for consideration. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee used the above-mentioned criteria to evaluate the candidate.

Director Qualifications

The nominees for the Board of Directors each have the qualifications and experience to approve and guide Citi’s strategy and to oversee management’s execution of that strategic vision. Citi’s Board of Directors consists of individuals with the skills, experience and backgrounds necessary to oversee Citi’s efforts toward continued growth and profitability while mitigating risk and operating within a complex financial and regulatory environment.

The nominees listed below are leaders in business, the financial community and academia because of their intellectual acumen and analytic skills, strategic vision, their ability to lead and inspire others to work with them, and their records of outstanding accomplishments over a period of decades. Each has been chosen to stand for election in part because of his or her ability and willingness to ask difficult questions, understand Citi’s unique challenges and evaluate the strategies proposed by management, as well as their implementation.

Each of the nominees has a long record of professional integrity, a dedication to his or her profession and community, a strong work ethic that includes coming fully prepared to meetings and being willing to spend the time and effort needed to fulfill professional obligations, the ability to maintain a collegial environment, and the experience of having served as a Board member of a sophisticated global company.

Many of our nominees are either current or former Chief Executive Officers or Chairmen of other large international corporations or have experience operating large, complex academic, governmental or philanthropic institutions or departments. As such, they have a deep understanding of, and extensive experience in, many of the areas that are outlined below as being of critical importance to Citi’s proper operation and success. For the purposes of its analysis, the Board has determined that nominees who have served as Chief Executive Officer or Chairman of a major corporation or large, complex institution have extensive experience with financial statement preparation, compensation determinations, regulatory compliance (if their businesses are or were regulated), corporate governance, public affairs and legal matters.

In evaluating the composition of the Board, the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee seeks to find and retain individuals who, in addition to having the qualifications set forth in Citi’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, have the skills, experience and abilities necessary to meet Citi’s unique needs as a highly regulated financial services company with operations in the corporate and consumer business within the United States and over 100 countries around the globe. The Committee has determined it is critically important to Citi’s proper operation and success that its Board of Directors has, in addition to the qualities described above, expertise and experience in the following areas:

  • International Business: As a company with a broad international reach, Citi’s Board values the perspectives of Directors with international business or governmental experience. Citi’s presence in markets outside the United States is an important competitive advantage for Citi, because it allows us to serve U.S. and foreign businesses and individual clients whose activities span the globe.

Directors with international business experience can use the experience and relationships that they have developed through their own business dealings to assist Citi’s Board and management in understanding and successfully navigating the business, political, and regulatory environments in countries in which Citi does, or seeks to do, business.

  • Financial Services Industry: Citi is a global diversified banking company whose businesses provide a broad range of financial services to consumer and corporate customers, making it critically important that its Board include members who have deep financial services backgrounds. To deepen the financial services strength on its Board, Citi announced on January 21, 2009 that it would ask experienced industry leaders with strong, proven financial and banking sector expertise to join its Board of Directors. We have done so and the nominees include many individuals with extensive financial institution experience.
  • Risk Management: Risk management is a critical function of a complex global financial services company and its proper supervision requires Board members with sophisticated risk management skills and experience. Directors provide oversight of the Company’s risk management framework, including the significant policies, procedures and practices used in managing credit, market and certain other risks and review recommendations by management regarding risk mitigation. Citi’s Board must include members with risk expertise to assist Citi in its efforts to properly identify, measure, monitor, report, analyze and control or mitigate risk.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Citi and its subsidiaries are regulated and supervised by numerous regulatory agencies, both domestically and internationally, including the Federal Reserve Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, state banking and insurance departments, and international financial services authorities. Having Directors with experience serving at, or interacting with, regulators, or operating businesses subject to extensive regulation, is important to ensuring Citi’s continued compliance with its many regulatory requirements and ensuring ongoing productive relationships with its regulators.
  • Consumer Business: With more than 200 million accounts, Citi provides services to its retail customers in connection with its retail banking, credit card, consumer finance, real estate lending, personal loans, investment services, auto loans, small and middle market commercial banking and other financial services businesses. Citi looks to its Board members with extensive consumer experience to assist it in evaluating its business model and strategies for reaching and servicing its retail customers domestically and around the world.
  • Corporate Business: Citi provides a wide variety of services to its corporate clients including strategic and financial advisory services, such as mergers, acquisitions, financial restructurings, loans, foreign exchange, cash management, underwriting and distributing equity, and debt and derivative services; global transaction services, including treasury and trade solutions and securities and fund services; and an alternative asset management platform. With a corporate business as extensive and complex as Citi’s, it is crucial that members of the Board have the depth of understanding and experience necessary to guide management’s conduct of these lines of business.
  • Corporate Affairs: Citi’s reputation is a vital asset in building trust with its clients and Citi makes every effort to communicate its corporate values to its shareholders and clients, its achievements in the areas of corporate social responsibility and philanthropy, and its efforts to improve the communities in which we live and work. Members of the Board with experience in the areas of corporate affairs, philanthropy, communications, and corporate social responsibility assist management by reviewing Citi’s policies and programs that relate to significant public issues as well as by reviewing Citi’s relationships with external stakeholders and issues that impact Citi’s reputation.
  • Financial Reporting: Citi’s internal controls over financial reporting are designed to ensure that Citi’s financial reporting and its financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. While the Board and its committees are not responsible for preparing our financial statements, they have oversight responsibility, including the selection of outside independent auditors, subject to shareholder ratification. The Board must include members with direct or supervising experience in the preparation of financial statements, as well as finance and accounting expertise.

  • Compensation: Citi’s Personnel and Compensation Committee is responsible for determining the compensation for the CEO and approving the compensation of other executive officers of the Company and members of Citi’s Operating Committee. In order to properly carry out its responsibilities with respect to compensation, Citi’s Board must include members who have experience evaluating the structure of compensation for senior executives. They must understand the various forms of compensation that can be utilized, the purpose of each type and how various elements of compensation can be used to motivate and reward executives and drive performance while not encouraging imprudent risk or simply short-term goals.
  • Corporate Governance: Citi aspires to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct: doing what we say, reporting results with accuracy and transparency, and maintaining compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that govern the Company’s businesses. The Board is responsible for shaping corporate governance policies and practices, including adopting the corporate governance guidelines applicable to the Company and monitoring the Company’s compliance with governance policies and the guidelines. To carry out these responsibilities, the Board must include experienced leaders in the area of corporate governance who must be familiar with governance issues, the constituencies most interested in those issues and the impact that governance policies have on the functioning of a company.
  • Legal Matters: In addition to the regulatory supervision described above, Citi is subject to myriad laws and regulations, and is party to many lawsuits and regulatory proceedings. Citi’s Board has an important oversight function with respect to compliance with applicable requirements, monitors the progress of legal proceedings and evaluates major settlements. Citi’s Board must include members with experience in complying with regulatory requirements as well as understanding complex litigation and litigation strategies.

The Nominees

The following tables give information — provided by the nominees — about their principal occupation, business experience, and other matters.

Each nominee’s biography highlights his or her particular skills, qualifications and experience that support the conclusion of the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee that the nominee is extremely qualified to serve on Citi’s Board.

The Board of Directors recommends that you vote for each of
the following nominees.

Name and Age at Record Date      Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Michael L. Corbat


Chief Executive Officer
Citigroup Inc.

  • Chief Executive Officer, Citigroup Inc. – October 2012 to Present
  • Chief Executive Officer, Europe, Middle East and Africa – December 2011 to October 2012
  • Chief Executive Officer, Citi Holdings – January 2009 to December 2011
  • Chief Executive Officer, Citi’s Global Wealth Management – September 2008 to January 2009
  • Head of Global Corporate Bank and Global Commercial Bank – March 2008 to September 2008
  • Head of Global Corporate Bank – April 2007 to March 2008
  • Head of Global Relationship Bank – March 2004 to April 2007
  • Head of EM Sales & Trading and Capital Markets, FICC – October 2001 to March 2004
  • Head of EM Sales & Fixed Income Origination – March 1998 to October 2001
  • Employee of Citigroup (or its Predecessor) Since 1983
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: EMI
  • Other Activities: British/American Business, Inc. (Director), New York City Partnership (Director), The U.S. Ski & Snowboard Team Foundation (Director), The Clearing House Association (Member of the Supervisory Board), Financial Services Forum (Member), Institute of International Finance (Board Member), International Business Council of WEF (Member)



Mr. Corbat is an experienced financial services executive and finance professional and has been nominated to serve on the Board because of his extensive experience and expertise in the areas of Financial Services, Risk Management, Financial Reporting, International Business, Corporate and Consumer Business, Regulatory Compliance and Corporate Affairs. In his role as Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Inc., his prior experience as Citis CEO of Europe, Middle East and Africa, and his extensive career at Citi he has gained experience in all of Citis business operations, including consumer banking, corporate and investment banking, securities and trading and private banking services. In these roles, Mr. Corbat has gained extensive financial services, financial reporting, corporate business and risk management experience. Additionally, in his role as CEO of Citi Holdings, Citis portfolio of non-core businesses and assets he oversaw the divestiture of more than 40 businesses, including the IPO and sale of Citis remaining stake in Primerica. Mr. Corbat also successfully oversaw the restructuring of Citis consumer finance and retail partner cards businesses and divested more than $500 billion in assets, reducing risk on the Companys balance sheet and freeing up capital to invest in Citis core banking business.


Name and Age at Record Date      Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Franz B. Humer


Roche Holding Ltd


  • Chairman, Roche Holding Ltd – 2008 to Present
  • Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Roche Group – 2001 to 2008
  • Chief Executive Officer, Roche Group – 1998 to 2001
  • Chief Operating Officer, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd – 1996 to 1998
  • Head of Pharmaceuticals, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd – 1995 to 1996
  • Director of Citigroup since 2012
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. since 2012
  • Other Directorship: Diageo plc (Chairman)
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: Allianz SE
  • Other Activities: Friends of Phelophepa Foundation (Chairman), INSEAD (Chairman), International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (Chairman), Salzburg University (Member of the Board) and Jacobs Holding AG (Member of the Board)



Mr. Humer is an experienced executive and has been nominated to serve on the Board because of his extensive experience in the areas of International and Consumer Business, Risk Management, Financial Reporting, Compensation, Regulatory Compliance and Corporate Governance. Mr. Humer gained extensive experience in international and consumer business, risk management, compensation, regulatory compliance, financial reporting and corporate governance in his roles as CEO and Chair of Roche Holding and other executive positions at Roche, his roles as an executive at GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Schering Plough as well as in his service as Chair of Diageo plc. With his many years of experience leading large complex organizations in the U.S. and in Europe in an extensively regulated industry, Mr. Humer is able to offer insights in the implementation of business strategies in major global markets, advice on regulatory compliance, and to provide strategic guidance on the development and expansion of important franchises and brands. As a member of the International Advisory Board of Allianz, and as a member of several philanthropic organizations he is able to provide important perspectives on international and consumer business and corporate affairs.


Name and Age at Record Date      Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Robert L. Joss


Philip H. Knight Professor and Dean, Emeritus
Stanford University Graduate School of Business

  • Professor of Finance Emeritus — 2010 to present
  • Dean of Stanford University Graduate School of Business — 1999 to 2009
  • CEO and Managing Director, Westpac Banking Corporation — 1993 to 1999
  • Vice Chairman, Wells Fargo Bank — 1986 to 1993
  • Executive Vice President — 1981 to 1986
  • Senior Vice President — 1975 to 1981
  • Vice President — 1972 to 1975
  • Assistant Vice President — 1971 to 1972
  • Deputy to the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Treasury Department — 1969 to 1971
  • White House Fellow — 1968 to 1969
  • Director of Citigroup since 2009
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. since 2010
  • Other Directorships: Bechtel Group, Inc., Makena Capital Management
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: Agilent Technologies, Inc., Wells Fargo & Co., and Macquarie DDR Management Ltd.
  • Other Activities: Committee for Economic Development (Trustee); SRI International (Director)



Dr. Joss is an experienced financial services executive and academic expert and has been nominated to serve as a member of the Board because of his extensive experience in the areas of International Business, Financial Services, Financial Reporting, Compensation, Corporate and Consumer Business, Risk Management and Corporate Governance. Through his experience as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Westpac Banking Corporation Ltd., one of the largest banking organizations in Australia and New Zealand, his executive positions at Wells Fargo & Company, including Vice Chairman, as well as his 10-year service as Philip H. Knight Professor and Dean, of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, and previous service as Deputy to the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, he has gained wide-ranging experience and expertise in the areas of financial services, financial reporting, compensation, corporate and consumer business, risk management and corporate governance. Through his prior service on the Boards of Directors of Westpac, Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd., Wells Fargo, where he served as chair of the Credit Committee and as member of the Audit, Compliance, Nominating and Governance and Finance Committees, and Sallie Mae, as well as his current service on the Board of Bechtel Group, Inc., Dr. Joss has deepened his understanding of international business, financial services, compensation, financial reporting, corporate governance and risk management.


Name and Age at Record Date      Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Michael E. O’Neill


Citigroup Inc.

  • Chairman, Citigroup Inc. – 2012 to Present
  • Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director, Bank of Hawaii Corporation —2000 to 2004
  • Elected Chief Executive Officer, Barclay’s PLC — 1999
  • Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer, Bank of America — 1995 to 1998
  • Chief Financial Officer, Continental Bank — 1993 to 1995
  • Director of Citigroup since 2009
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. from 2009 to April 2012
  • Other Directorships: FT Ventures (Advisory Board)
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: N/A
  • Other Activities: The Honolulu Museum of Arts (Trustee), University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business Foundation (Trustee) and The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Member of Advisory Board)



Mr. O’Neill is an experienced financial services executive and has been nominated to serve on the Board because of his extensive experience in the areas of Financial Services, International Business, Corporate and Consumer Business, Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management and Financial Reporting. As the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Hawaii, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer at Bank of America and Chief Financial Officer of Continental Bank, Mr. O’Neill has had extensive experience and developed his expertise in the areas of financial services, international, corporate and consumer business, regulatory compliance, risk management and financial reporting. Under his leadership, Bank of Hawaii executed a successful three-year strategic turnaround and risk management procedures were overhauled. Furthering his regulatory compliance expertise, while at the Bank of Hawaii, Mr. O’Neill served as district member of the Federal Reserve Advisory Council. During his tenure at Continental Bank and while he was an independent financial consultant, Mr. O’Neill gained extensive international financial services experience.


Name and Age at Record Date      Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Judith Rodin


Rockefeller Foundation

  • President, Rockefeller Foundation — 2005 to present
  • President Emerita, University of Pennsylvania — 2004 to present
  • President, University of Pennsylvania — 1994 to 2004
  • Provost, Yale University — 1992 to 1994
  • Director of Citigroup since 2004
  • Other Directorships: Comcast Corporation and AMR Corporation
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: Aetna Inc.
  • Other Activities: World Trade Memorial Foundation (Director), Carnegie Hall (Director), White House Project (Member), Council on Foreign Relations (Member), and National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (Member)



Dr. Rodin is an experienced leader in the not-for-profit sector and has been nominated to serve on the Board because of her skills and experience in the areas of Corporate Affairs, Corporate Governance, Compensation, Financial Reporting, Risk Management and Legal Matters. Through her current role as the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, and her previous positions as President of the University of Pennsylvania from 1994 until her retirement in 2004, and as Provost of Yale University from 1992 to 1994, together with her previous service on Citi’s Audit and Risk Management Committee and her service as a member of the Comcast Audit Committee, Dr. Rodin has had extensive experience in the areas of corporate affairs, financial reporting, risk management and legal matters. As the President of the University of Pennsylvania, which was the largest private employer in Philadelphia, as a member of the compensation committees of both AMR Corporation and Comcast Corporation and as a Director of Comcast Corporation, AMR Corporation and Aetna Inc., Dr. Rodin has had extensive experience with compensation matters. Her service as a Director of the World Trade Memorial Foundation, and of Carnegie Hall, as an honorary Director of the Brookings Institution, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the Institute of Medicine and a member of the New York City Commission for Economic Opportunity have deepened her understanding of corporate affairs issues.


Name and Age at Record Date       Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Robert L. Ryan

Chief Financial Officer, Retired
Medtronic Inc.

  • Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Medtronic Inc. — 1993 to 2005
  • Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Union Texas Petroleum Corporation — 1984 to 1993
  • Controller — 1983 to 1984
  • Treasurer — 1982 to 1983
  • Joined Union Texas Petroleum Corporation — 1982
  • Vice President, Citibank, N.A. — 1975 to 1982
  • Management Consultant, McKinsey & Co. — 1970 to 1975
  • Director of Citigroup since 2007
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. since 2009
  • Other Directorships: General Mills and Stanley Black & Decker
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: Hewlett-Packard and United Health Group
  • Other Activities: Cornell University (Trustee)


Mr. Ryan is an experienced finance executive and has been nominated to serve on the Board because of his extensive skills and experience in the areas of Financial Reporting, Risk Management and Corporate Affairs. Mr. Ryan has developed extensive expertise in financial reporting and risk management through his roles as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Medtronic from 1993 to 2005, Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Union Texas Petroleum Corporation from 1984 to 1993, its Controller from 1983 to 1984, and its Treasurer from 1982 to 1983, as well as through his service on Citi’s Audit Committee, and his service on the Audit Committees of General Mills and Hewlett-Packard. Through his service on the Boards of Citi, Stanley Black & Decker, General Mills, and Hewlett-Packard and his roles as a Trustee of Cornell University and a member of the Visiting Committee of Harvard Business School, Mr. Ryan has gained valuable corporate affairs expertise and experience.


Name and Age at Record Date       Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Anthony M. Santomero

Former President
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

  • Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Company — 2006 to 2008
  • President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia — 2000 to 2006
  • Richard K. Mellon Professor, Finance, The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania — 1984 to 2002
  • Director of Citigroup since 2009
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. since 2009
  • Other Directorships: RenaissanceRe Holdings, Ltd., Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company and Columbia Funds
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: B of A Fund Series Trust
  • Other Activities: Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeast Pennsylvania (Director)


Dr. Santomero is a seasoned economist and economic policy adviser and has been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors because of his extensive experience in the areas of Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance, and Financial Reporting. Among many other distinguished positions at which he had wide-ranging risk and regulatory experience, Dr. Santomero was most recently a Senior Advisor at McKinsey & Company, served as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from 2000 to 2006, and was Chair of the System’s Committee on Credit and Risk Management, and was a member of the Financial Services Policy Committee and the Payments System Policy Advisory Committee. As the Richard K. Mellon Professor of Finance at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Deputy Dean of the School, Dr. Santomero’s particular focus was on issues related to managing risk at the firm level as well as ways to improve productivity and performance, while working closely with industry executives and practitioners to ensure that the research was informed by the operating realities and competitive demands facing industry participants as they pursue competitive excellence. Through his service on Citi’s Risk Management and Finance and Audit Committees as well as the Investment and Risk Management Committee of RennaissanceRe Holdings, he has deepened his risk management experience.


Name and Age at Record Date       Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Joan E. Spero

Senior Research Scholar
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs

  • Senior Research Scholar, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs - 2010 to present
  • Visiting Fellow at the Foundation Center – 2009 to 2010
  • President and CEO, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation – 1997 to 2008
  • Under Secretary of State, Economics, Business and Agricultural Affairs – 1993 to 1996
  • Executive Vice President, American Express Company, Corporate Affairs and Communications – 1991 to 1993
  • Senior Vice President and Treasurer – 1989 to 1991
  • Vice President, Corporate Affairs – 1983 to 1989
  • Vice President, Corporate Strategic Planning – 1981 to 1983
  • Ambassador to the United Nations for Economic and Social Affairs – 1980 to 1981
  • Assistant Professor, Columbia University – 1973 to 1979
  • Director of Citigroup since 2012
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. since 2012
  • Other Directorships: IBM and International Paper
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: First Data Corporation and ING Groep N.V.
  • Other Activities: Council of American Ambassadors (Member), Academy of Diplomacy (Member), American Philosophical Society (Member), Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (Trustee), International Center for Transitional Justice (Trustee), Columbia University (Trustee Emeritus), Amherst College (Trustee Emeritus), Council on Foreign Relations (Trustee Emeritus) and Brookings Institution (Trustee Emeritus)


Ms. Spero is a person of wide ranging experience, having served as a senior Government official, a financial services executive, an academic, a seasoned Board member and as a leader in the not-for-profit sector. She has been nominated to serve on the Board because of her Corporate Governance, Regulatory Compliance, International and Consumer Business, Financial Services, Corporate Affairs, Compensation and Financial Reporting experience. Ms. Spero gained extensive regulatory compliance and international business experience during her tenure as U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations for Economic and Social Affairs. As an executive at American Express Company, including her roles as Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communications and as Senior Vice President and Treasurer, she developed expertise in financial services, consumer business and corporate affairs. As a current or former member of the Boards of Directors of IBM, International Paper, ING, Delta Airlines and First Data Corporation, including her service on the Compensation and Audit Committees of IBM, the Governance Committee of International Paper and the Public Policy and Environment Committee of International Paper, she gained extensive experience in corporate governance, consumer business, financial reporting, compensation, and corporate affairs. Her roles as the former President of the Doris Duke Foundation; her former position as the visiting fellow at the Foundation Center, where she conducted research on the role of American Private Foundations in U.S. foreign policy and in the global system; and her current role as senior research scholar at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs where she researches and writes about international philanthropy and its role in the global system; as well as her other service in the non-profit sector, have given her extensive insights into corporate affairs matters.


Name and Age at Record Date       Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Diana L. Taylor

Managing Director
Wolfensohn Fund Management, L.P.

  • Managing Director, Wolfensohn Fund Management, L.P. — 2007 to present
  • Superintendent of Banks, State of New York — 2003 to 2007
  • Deputy Secretary, Governor Pataki, State of New York — 2002 to 2003
  • Chief Financial Officer, Long Island Power Authority — 2001 to 2002
  • Vice President, KeySpan Energy — 1999 to 2001
  • Assistant Secretary, Governor Pataki, State of New York — 1996 to 1999
  • Executive Vice President, Muriel Siebert & Company — 1993 to 1994
  • President, M.R. Beal & Company — 1988 to 1993 and 1995 to 1996
  • Senior Vice President, Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette — 1984 to 1988
  • Vice President, Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb — 1982 to 1984
  • Associate, Smith Barney Harris Upham — 1980 to 1982
  • Director of Citigroup since 2009
  • Other Directorships: Brookfield Asset Management and Sotheby’s
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: Allianz Global Investors, Brookfield Office Properties and FNMA
  • Other Activities: Accion International (Chair), AMFAR (Secretary), Columbia Business School (Board of Overseers), Dartmouth College (Trustee), GEMs Hudson River Park Trust (Chair), International Women’s Health Coalition (Treasurer), Mailman School of Public Health (Board of Overseers), New York Women’s Foundation (Chair), The After School Corporation (Member), Economic Club of New York, Council on Foreign Relations (Member) and YMCA of Greater New York (Chair)


Ms. Taylor is an experienced financial services executive and regulator and has been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors because of her wide-ranging experience in the areas of Financial Services, Corporate Business, Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management, Corporate Affairs, Compensation, Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting and Legal Matters. Ms. Taylor has extensive bank regulatory and risk management experience having served as the Superintendent of Banks for the New York State Banking Department. Her financial services and corporate business experience includes in-depth private equity, fund management and investment banking experience as a Managing Director of Wolfensohn Fund Management, L.P., a fund manager, Founding Partner and President of M.R. Beal & Company, a full service investment banking firm, and through various executive positions with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb, Inc., and Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. Earlier in her career, Ms. Taylor served as Chief Financial Officer of the Long Island Power Authority. In addition, through her work on the Sotheby’s Compensation Committee, the Brookfield Properties Governance Committee, on the Compensation Committee of, and as a member of the Audit Committee of, the Dartmouth Board of Trustees, and as chair of Accion International, the New York Women’s Foundation, the YMCA of Greater New York and the Hudson River Park Trust, Ms. Taylor has gained additional experience in corporate affairs, corporate governance, financial reporting, compensation and legal matters.


Name and Age at Record Date       Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

William S. Thompson, Jr.

Chief Executive Officer, Retired
Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO)

  • Chief Executive Officer, PIMCO — 1993 to 2009
  • Salomon Brothers Inc. — 1975 to 1993
  • Chairman, Salomon Brothers Asia Ltd. — 1991 to 1993
  • Head of Corporate Finance, Western Region — 1988 to 1991
  • Managing Director and Head of Institutional Sales, Western Region — 1981 to 1988
  • Director of Citigroup since 2009
  • Other Directorships: Pacific Life Corporation
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: N/A
  • Other Activities: Pacific Symphony Orchestra (Life Director), Thompson Foundation for Autism (Chair), Thompson Family Foundation (President), University of Missouri (President’s Financial Advisory Council) and Orange County Community Foundation (Advisory Director)


Mr. Thompson is an experienced financial services executive and has been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors because of his extensive experience in the areas of Financial Services, Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting, Compensation, Legal Matters, International Business, Corporate and Consumer Business and Risk Management. As Chief Executive Officer of PIMCO from 1993 to 2009, Chairman of Salomon Brothers Asia Ltd. in Tokyo from 1991 to 1993, and head of Corporate Finance, Western Region and Head of Institutional Sales, Western Region, at Salomon Brothers, Mr. Thompson gained extensive financial services, and corporate, consumer and international business, skills and experience. As a Chief Executive Officer, and through his service as Chairman of the Risk and Finance Committee, member of the Compensation and Personnel Committee and Lead Director of Pacific Life Corporation, Mr. Thompson developed extensive skills and experience in corporate governance, financial reporting, compensation and legal matters.


Name and Age at Record Date       Position, Principal Occupation, Business Experience and Directorships

Ernesto Zedillo
Ponce de Leon

Director, Center for the Study of Globalization and Professor in the Field of
International Economics and Politics, Yale University

  • Director, Center for the Study of Globalization and Professor in the Field of International Economics and Politics, Yale University — 2002 to present
  • President of Mexico — 1994 to 2000
  • Secretary of Education, Government of Mexico — 1992 to 1993
  • Secretary of Economic Programming and the Budget, Government of Mexico — 1988 to 1992
  • Undersecretary of the Budget, Government of Mexico — 1987 to 1988
  • Banco de Mexico — Economist, Deputy Manager of Economic Research, Director General of FICORCA, Deputy Director — 1978 to 1987
  • Director of Citigroup since 2010
  • Director of Citibank, N.A. since 2010
  • Other Directorships: Alcoa Inc., Procter & Gamble Company and Grupo Prisa
  • Previous Directorships within the last five years: Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Union Pacific Corporation
  • Other Activities: Rolls-Royce (Member of International Advisory Board), BP (Member of International Advisory Board), Credit Suisse Research Institute (Advisor), World Economic Forum (Foundation Board), The Group of Thirty (Member) and Inter-American Dialogue (Member)


Mr. Zedillo Ponce de Leon is the former President of Mexico, a seasoned economist and academic expert and has been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors because of his extensive experience in the areas of International Business, Financial Services, Regulatory Compliance, Corporate Affairs, Financial Reporting, Risk Management and Corporate Governance. Through his extensive governmental experience, including his service from 1978 to 1987 at the Central Bank of Mexico, as Undersecretary of Budget for the Mexican government from 1987 to 1988, as Secretary of Economic Programming and the Budget from 1988 to 1992 and as President of Mexico from 1994 to 2000, as well as his academic experience, including his roles as the Director of the Center for the Study of Globalization at Yale and as Professor in the Field of International Economics and Politics and Professor of International and Area Studies at Yale, he has had extensive experience in the areas of international business, financial services, regulatory compliance and risk management. His service as Chair of the Global Development Network, Chair of the High Level Commission on Modernization of World Bank Group Governance; on the Group of Thirty, and on the International Advisory Boards of ACE Limited, Rolls-Royce, BP and the Coca-Cola Company have given him extensive international business, financial services and corporate affairs experience. As a member of the Boards of Alcoa Inc., where he is on the Audit Committee and Public Issues Committee, and Procter & Gamble Company, where he is Chair of the Governance and Public Responsibility Committee, a member of the Innovation and Technology Committee and a past member of that Board’s finance committee, Grupo Prisa of Spain and as a past Director of the Union Pacific Corporation, where he served on the Audit and Finance Committees, and as a Director of EDS, where he served on the Governance Committee, Mr. Zedillo Ponce de Leon has gained experience in financial reporting, risk management, corporate governance and corporate affairs.


Directors’ Compensation

Directors’ compensation is determined by the Board. Since its initial public offering in 1986, Citi has paid outside Directors all or a portion of their compensation in common stock, to ensure that the Directors have an ownership interest in common with other stockholders. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee makes recommendations to the Board with respect to compensation of Directors. The Committee periodically reviews benchmarking assessments in order to determine the level of compensation to attract qualified candidates for Board service and to reinforce our practice of encouraging stock ownership by our Directors. In 2012, the Committee received benchmarking assessments of peer company director compensation from a consulting firm. After reviewing the current compensation program against the assessment, the Committee determined not to recommend any changes.

The Board last adjusted the non-employee directors’ annual retainer and deferred stock grant in 2005.

Key features of our non-employee Director Compensation Program:

  • Non-employee Directors receive an annual cash retainer of $75,000 and a deferred stock award valued at $150,000. The deferred stock award is generally granted on the same date that annual incentives are granted to the senior executives. The deferred stock award generally becomes distributable on the second anniversary of the date of the grant, and Directors may elect to defer receipt of the award beyond that date. Starting with the 2011 deferred stock award grant, in the event a Director leaves the Board for personal reasons prior to the conclusion of the deferral period and before age 72, the Director will not forfeit the deferred stock and the pro-rated award will be distributed as scheduled. Directors may elect to receive all or a portion of their cash retainer in the form of common stock, and Directors may elect to defer receipt of this common stock.

  • Directors who are employees of Citi or its subsidiaries do not receive any compensation for their services as Directors.

  • Citi’s Chairman receives annual compensation in the form of a $500,000 Chairman’s Fee, payable 75% in deferred shares of Citi common stock and 25% in cash or deferred shares of Citi common stock.

  • Except as described below, Directors receive no additional compensation for participation on Board committees. Committee chairs, including chairs of ad hoc committees, receive additional compensation of $35,000 per year. Additional compensation for special assignments may be determined on a case by case basis.

  • Citibank, N.A. (Citibank) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citi. Ms. Spero and Messrs. Humer, Joss, Ricciardi, Ryan, and Santomero serve on Citibank’s Board of Directors. Each non-employee Director of Citibank is entitled to receive $50,000 as an annual cash retainer; the Chairman is entitled to receive an additional $50,000 in cash. Citibank’s Committee Chairs receive additional compensation of $15,000 per year in cash.

  • All annual retainers and chair fees are paid in cash or stock in four equal quarterly installments per annum. These fees are reported in the Non-Employee Director Compensation Table below.

  • Citi reimburses its Board members for expenses incurred in attending Board and committee meetings or performing other services for Citi in their capacities as Directors. Such expenses include food, lodging and transportation.


The following table provides information on 2012 compensation for non-employee Directors.

Director Compensation

Change in
Pension Value
Fees and Nonqualified
        Earned     Stock     Option     Non-Equity     Deferred        
or Paid in Awards Awards Incentive Plan Compensation All other
Name Cash (a) (a)(b) ( c ) Compensation Earnings Compensation Total    
Alain J.P. Belda (d) $ 27,500 $ 37,500 $0 $0 $0   $ 0    $ 65,000
Timothy C. Collins (d) $ 31,250 $ 37,500 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 68,750
Franz B. Humer $ 81,250 $ 112,500 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 193,750
Robert L. Joss (e) $ 162,500 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 350,000 $ 662,500
Michael E. O’Neill (f) $ 225,000 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 375,000
Richard D. Parsons (d) $ 18,750 $ 37,500 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 56,250
Lawrence R. Ricciardi $ 175,000 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 325,000
Judith Rodin $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 225,000
Robert L. Ryan $ 175,000 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 325,000
Anthony M. Santomero $ 225,000 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 375,000
Joan E. Spero $ 93,750 $ 112,500 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 206,250
Diana L. Taylor $ 221,250 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 371,250
William S. Thompson $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 225,000
Ernesto Zedillo
     Ponce de Leon $ 148,750 $ 150,000 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 298,750

  • Directors receive an annual cash retainer of $75,000 and a deferred stock award valued at $150,000.
  • Citi’s Chairman receives a $500,000 Chairman’s Fee, payable 75% in deferred stock and 25% in cash or deferred stock.
  • Citi’s Committee Chairs receive additional compensation of $35,000 per year.
  • Each independent Director of Citibank is entitled to receive $50,000 as an annual cash retainer.
  • Citibank’s Chairman receives a $50,000 Chairman’s Fee in cash.
  • Citibank’s Committee Chairs receive additional compensation of $15,000 per year in cash.
(a)        Directors may elect to receive all or a portion of the cash retainer in the form of common stock and may elect to defer receipt of common stock. Certain directors elected to defer receipt of the shares. Ms. Spero and Messrs. Belda, O’Neill and Parsons elected to receive all or a portion of their Citigroup 2012 cash retainer and/or Chair fee in deferred stock as represented in the below chart. Mr. Thompson elected to receive all of his cash retainer in stock (100%). Mr. Thompson did not elect to defer his retainer; therefore, his shares (2,340) were distributed to him quarterly.
Deferred Fees
To be Paid in Stock
Fees Paid
Currently Number of Value of   
   in Cash Units Units   
  Alain J.P. Belda $ 0    805 $ 27,500
  Timothy C. Collins $ 31,250   
  Franz B. Humer $ 81,250
  Robert L. Joss $ 162,500
  Michael E. O'Neill $ 25,000    7,125 $ 200,000
  Richard D. Parsons $ 0 549 $ 18,750
  Lawrence R. Ricciardi $ 175,000
  Judith Rodin $ 75,000
  Robert L. Ryan $ 175,000
  Anthony M. Santomero $ 225,000
  Joan E. Spero $ 37,500 1,792 $ 56,250
  Diana L. Taylor $ 221,250
  William S. Thompson $ 75,000
  Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon $ 148,750


(b)        The values in this column represent the aggregate grant date fair values of the 2012 deferred stock awards. The grant date fair value is based on a grant date of January 17, 2012 and a grant price determined by the average NYSE closing price of Citi’s common stock for the 5 trading days from January 9, 2012 to January 13, 2012 (except for Mr. Humer and Ms. Spero, for whom the grant date was July 1 and the 5 trading days were June 25 to June 29). The amounts in the below chart represent deferred stock awards only and not shares awarded in lieu of the cash retainer and/or Chairman or Committee Chair fees. The grant date fair value of the deferred stock awards are set forth below:
Deferred Stock       Grant Date      
          Name Granted in 2012 (#)* Fair Value
  Alain J.P. Belda* 1,228.0587   $ 37,500  
  Timothy C. Collins* 1,228.0587 $ 37,500
  Franz B. Humer 4,185.8908 $ 112,500
  Robert L.Joss 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Michael E. O’Neill 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Richard D. Parsons* 1,228.0587 $ 37,500
  Lawrence R. Ricciardi 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Judith Rodin 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Robert L. Ryan 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Anthony M. Santomero 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Joan E. Spero 4,185.8908 $ 112,500
  Diana L. Taylor 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  William S. Thompson 4,912.2347 $ 150,000
  Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon 4,912.2347 $ 150,000

          *          Messrs. Belda, Collins, and Parsons’ Deferred Stock Awards were pro-rated because their service on the Board terminated on April 17, 2012.

The aggregate number of shares of deferred stock outstanding at the end of 2012 was:

        Number of      
  Name Shares
  Alain J.P. Belda       4,224    
  Timothy C. Collins 4,216
  Franz B. Humer 4,188
  Robert L. Joss 7,900
  Michael E. O’Neill 31,321
  Richard D. Parsons 20,574
  Lawrence R. Ricciardi 7,913
  Judith Rodin 19,683
  Robert L. Ryan 15,946
  Anthony M. Santomero 20,145
  Joan E. Spero 5,981
  Diana L. Taylor 12,188
  William S. Thompson 7,913
  Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon 10,847

(c)        Beginning in 2009, Directors were no longer able to elect to receive any of their compensation in the form of options to purchase shares of common stock. Information regarding the number of stock options held by non-employee Directors can be found in the Director Stock Option Holdings Table on page 41.
(d) Messrs. Belda, Collins, and Parsons retired from the Board on April 17, 2012.
(e) Robert L. Joss earned $350,000 for consulting services provided to the Company during 2012.
(f) The Board determined to pay Mr. O’Neill a Chairman’s Fee of $500,000 annually for his service as Citi’s Chairman, beginning on April 17, 2012. Mr. O’Neill declined to receive any other compensation to which he was otherwise entitled, including as a Director or a Committee Chair. After prorating his fee for the portion of the year during which he served as Chairman, Mr. O’Neill’s aggregate compensation for 2012 was $375,000.


The following chart shows the amount of dividend equivalents and interest paid to the non-employee Directors in 2012 with respect to shares of Citi common stock held in their deferred stock accounts.

Dividend Equivalents and
Interest Paid on
  Director Deferred Stock Account(1)  
  Alain J.P. Belda                  $ 608                      
  Timothy C. Collins $ 205
  Franz B. Humer $ 84
  Robert L. Joss $ 316
  Michael E. O’Neill $ 1,111
  Richard D. Parsons $ 935
  Lawrence R. Ricciardi $ 316  
  Judith Rodin $ 787
  Robert L. Ryan $ 638
  Anthony M. Santomero $ 806
  Joan E. Spero $ 104
  Diana L. Taylor $ 487
  William S. Thompson $ 316
  Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon $ 434

(1)       Dividend equivalents are paid quarterly, in the same amount per share and at the same time as dividends are paid to stockholders. Interest accrues on the amount of the dividend equivalent from the payment date until the end of the quarter, at which time the dividend equivalent is either distributed to the Director in cash or reinvested in additional shares of deferred stock. Citi resumed paying quarterly dividends in June, 2011. Differences in the amounts paid to Directors can be attributed to a variety of factors including length of service and elections made by individual Board members with respect to the form in which they receive their cash retainers or deferred stock awards. Generally, Directors who have served on the Board for longer periods of time have accumulated more shares in their deferred stock accounts than Directors with a shorter tenure and as a result receive higher dividend equivalent payments. The number of shares owned by each Director is reported on page 21.

Director Stock Option Holdings Table

Number of
Date of            and            Expiration      
  Director Grant Exercisable Date
  Alain J.P. Belda 1/22/2008 1,840 1/22/2014
  Judith Rodin 1/22/2008 1,840 1/22/2014


The Personnel and Compensation Committee Report

The Personnel and Compensation Committee (the Committee) evaluated the performance of and determined the compensation for the CEO, approved the compensation of executive officers, and approved the compensation structure for other members of senior management and certain highly compensated employees. The Committee reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with members of senior management and, based on this review, the Committee recommended to the Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in Citi's annual report on Form 10-K and proxy statement on Schedule 14A filed with the SEC.

Michael E. O’Neill (Chair)
Joan E. Spero
Diana L. Taylor
William S. Thompson, Jr.
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon

March 8, 2013

Compensation Discussion and Analysis

In the Executive Summary, you will learn about our:

  • Outreach to investors;
  • Total shareholder return and 2012 business performance, each as compared to peers;
  • 2012 CEO pay;
  • New executive compensation structure;
  • Continued focus on risk and incentive compensation plans; and
  • Checklist of changes we made to our executive compensation programs.

Our Compensation Discussion and Analysis then reviews:

  • Our awards to named executive officers for 2012, including new performance share units;
  • Compensation of our former CEO, Vikram Pandit;
  • Payouts under Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan awards granted in prior years;
  • Full information on our executive compensation policies; and
  • Our 2012 Summary Compensation Table and related compensation information.
I. Executive Summary

We are adopting a new executive compensation program that uses a scorecard-based structure preferred by many of our investors. This program replaces the prior executive compensation structure, which, as is common practice in the financial services industry, involved a high degree of discretion.

Commencing in 2013, incentive compensation awards will be determined based on pre-defined performance goals established at the beginning of the year for each executive officer. At year-end, the Committee will evaluate performance against the pre-defined goals. In addition, as is standard practice, we will also be guided by reported changes in market compensation levels and other factors considered to be relevant. The Committee will then determine the amount of actual variable incentives to be delivered to Citi’s CEO and review and approve awards for other executive officers, reflecting recommendations made by the CEO.


In addition, as a component of this new program, we have introduced performance share unit awards that will account for a portion of annual incentive compensation, in an effort to strengthen the existing links between pay and performance. This structure is in effect for Citi’s 2013 named executive officers for performance in 2012, as described below. The target value of each executive’s performance share unit award is based on prior year performance, with the actual number of performance share units earned at the end of a three-year period based on pre-set financial metrics. Performance share unit awards will be a key element of Citi’s executive compensation program going forward, and for 2012 represent 30% of the total incentive award as described below.

Because the newly adopted approach was developed throughout 2012 and therefore was not in place at the beginning of the year, the Committee used a hybrid approach with respect to the determination of the amount of incentive compensation delivered in 2013 for 2012 performance. Under this approach, the Committee made decisions to approve the incentive awards for the named executive officers based on a review of the scorecard metrics that are expected to play a role for 2013. The resulting incentive awards for 2012 were delivered to the 2013 named executive officers as follows: 40% in immediate bonus, 30% in deferred stock awards with four-year vesting that also results in cancellation of nonvested amounts in the event of Citi losses, and 30% in performance share units. These performance share units will be earned at the end of 2015 based on relative total shareholder return compared to peers and return on assets, each as measured over a three-year period covering 2013 through 2015. Performance goals established for performance share units granted in later years will be re-evaluated annually to reflect changing business objectives.

Investor Feedback — We Heard You. We Took Action.

As a result of last year’s say-on-pay vote, we immediately enhanced our efforts to solicit feedback from shareholders to better understand their concerns. In meetings with nearly 20 shareholders led by Board and Committee Chairman Michael O’Neill, members of the Board and/or management talked with investors who collectively held more than 30% of Citi’s common shares. We also held meetings with proxy advisory firms to determine whether the views of the proxy advisors regarding Citi’s pay practices were similar to the views of Citi shareholders as expressed during our meetings with them.

The Committee, with assistance from its newly appointed independent compensation consultant, Cook & Co., considered the opinions heard during these meetings and reviewed the results of the meetings with the full Board and management over several months. While investors had varying perspectives, a few common themes emerged from the discussions. All investors asked that the existing connection between pay and performance be enhanced. In response, we enhanced the formal set of guiding principles reflected in our Compensation Philosophy and have taken multiple steps to address investor concerns, as explained in the chart below.

Under these guiding principles, our executive compensation programs are intended to achieve four equally important major objectives: 1) enhance shareholder value, 2) attract and retain the best executive talent, 3) manage risks to Citi through sound incentive compensation practices, and 4) implement evolving regulatory guidance. These objectives are the foundation of Citi’s Compensation Philosophy, which is available on Citi’s public website at


Here are the highlights of what we heard and how we responded:

What we heard …        How we responded …
The program needs more objective metrics and a framework for discretion. Shareholders prefer awards based on measurable improvements in performance against objective metrics considered to be key drivers of sustainable value creation, such as return on assets, return on equity, efficiency ratio, earnings per share, reductions in the assets of Citi Holdings, or Basel III capital accumulation. Relative total shareholder return was identified as a preferred long-term metric. However, investors generally opposed a purely formulaic approach, recognizing that mechanical calculations can (1) have unintended results, (2) be especially troublesome in the financial services industry where significant movements in capital markets affecting performance are outside the control of management, and (3) cause concerns from a risk management perspective. We designed a new program effective for 2013, structured around a more objective performance evaluation process, which was implemented in important respects for 2012. Incentive awards will be based on a scorecard of specific financial metrics and nonfinancial objectives, including risk and control metrics, for both Citi and its major lines of business. The Committee followed the principles embedded in the 2013 program when making decisions about 2012 incentive pay, including a review of 2012 revenue, profitability, return on assets, operating efficiency, as well as, in order to recognize the importance of strong risk-adjusted capital levels, the strengthening of our Basel III Tier 1 Common ratio. In addition, 30% of the overall incentive award for 2012 was granted in performance share units, which will only be earned at the end of 2015 based on relative total shareholder return versus peers and return on assets over a three-year period.
CEO compensation was too high relative to performance, especially in light of returns to shareholders. In particular, investors expressed concerns about the size of the former CEO’s long-term retention award package from 2011.

CEO pay declined and returns to shareholders improved. Citi’s total shareholder return substantially improved in 2012. Our one-year total shareholder return for 2012 was 50.6% and our cumulative total shareholder return over the three years ending on December 31, 2012 was 19.8%.

Mr. Corbat’s total annual pay for 2012 is $11.5 million, which is $3.5 million below Mr. Pandit’s annual 2011 pay of $15 million (a decrease of 23%). Upon the appointment of Mr. Corbat as our new CEO, no special awards were granted. In addition, 30% of Mr. Corbat’s incentive compensation for 2012 has been delivered in performance share units, which are directly tied to Citi’s future performance. The departure of our former CEO, Mr. Pandit, resulted in the forfeiture of $26.6 million in retention awards and did not result in the vesting of any additional awards. Full information on Mr. Pandit’s compensation is discussed on pages 61-62.


What we heard …        How we responded …
Our performance goals are not rigorous enough. Specifically, investors expressed the view that the thresholds for a minimum payout under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan were too low.

There are new minimum standards for payouts under our new programs. As described above, the amount of variable incentives for each year will be determined based on performance versus a pre-determined objective scorecard, and a large portion of the resulting amount will be delivered in performance share units that have thresholds that are more aligned with investor expectations. With regard to the performance share units, no awards will occur if the minimum threshold goals for relative total shareholder return and return on assets are not met. With regard to the deferred stock component, these awards are subject to reduction or full forfeiture in the event of losses over the four-year vesting schedule.

Although payments were made to the named executive officers under Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan grants made in 2010 or 2011, no new awards were made in 2012 under that plan. No new awards will be made in future years, as the one-time award program has achieved its objectives. Because the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan was a retention program, no participant who left Citi before the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan vesting date received a payout. As we explain on pages 62-63, the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan addressed a critical need to Citi at a time when its return to sustained profitability was less certain.

Communications are not transparent enough. Shareholders expect an explicit and easily understood explanation of our program and its outcomes in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, including clarification of the Committee’s decision-making process.   We restructured our Compensation Discussion and Analysis. The presentation of how we deliver pay and make pay decisions has been overhauled. In addition, our new compensation framework is designed to be easier to understand and more transparent.
Shareholders like robust share ownership or share holding requirements. We added a post-termination holding requirement. In addition to our long-standing stock ownership requirement under which executive officers are generally required to hold 75% of the net shares acquired under Citi’s incentive plans for the duration of their career, we implemented a one-year post-employment holding requirement on half of the shares covered by this policy.


2012 Performance Results: A Year of Sustained Progress

In 2012, we were able to deliver meaningful returns to shareholders. Although we recognize that dilutive capital raises in 2009 will result in Citi’s longer-term total shareholder return1 continuing to lag the performance of our peers for a period of time, Citi’s total shareholder return of 50.6% for one year and 19.8% for three years on a cumulative basis ranks #3 and #2, respectively, among our peers as shown below.

Source: third-party public databases reflecting NYSE listings for all companies.

As demonstrated below, we are competitive with our peers on important 2012 metrics despite the challenging year. The results below are shown as reported for all companies. Citigroup results are also shown excluding the $2.9 billion after-tax loss related to the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney joint venture (MSSB) during 2012.2 Citi believes that this presentation provides a meaningful depiction of the underlying performance of its businesses and enhances the comparison across its peers.

1        Total shareholder return is the increase in share price over a period of time plus the dividends paid during such period, expressed as a percentage of the share price at the beginning of such period.
2   Presentation of Citi’s metrics excluding the impact of MSSB are non-GAAP financial measures. For a reconciliation of these metrics to the most directly comparable GAAP measures, please see Annex B.


1        Efficiency ratio is total operating expenses divided by total revenues (net of interest expense). As a result, a smaller efficiency ratio is generally better than a larger efficiency ratio.
2   Amounts shown are in USD billions. Barclays and Deutsche Bank results are converted to U.S. dollars at the 2012 average exchange rate.
3   Return on assets is net income divided by average total assets. Return on assets calculations are not included for the international peer group companies that report utilizing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Reported assets on financial institutions’ balance sheets prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP standards are not comparable to the reported assets on financial institutions’ balance sheets prepared in accordance with IFRS. Therefore, the return on assets calculations are not comparable.
4   Return on common equity is net income to common shareholders divided by average common equity. Return on common equity for some peers is not meaningful where they had net losses (i.e., no returns).


We also made considerable progress against our strategic priorities, which are critical to the ongoing transformation of our business. In particular, our senior management team made significant contributions to our repositioning initiative — an important step in the rationalization and simplification of our core operations. This included streamlining offices and reducing capacity, realigning certain businesses to better reflect our global strategy and consolidating low-impact branches, as well as exiting existing geographies with low return potential.

Citi Holdings continues to depress Citi net income and precludes more productive uses of a significant amount of capital. We continue to reduce the size of Citi Holdings; in 2012 alone, Citi Holdings assets were reduced by an additional 31%. As of the end of 2012, Citi Holdings comprised just 8% of our balance sheet, down from a peak of about 40%. However, it still comprises a disproportionate 23% of our risk weighted assets under Basel III.1 While we intend to take advantage of all reasonable opportunities to reduce Citi Holdings assets quickly, we must manage these assets and our associated expenses in an economically rational way and we will not take imprudent decisions to sell assets at unreasonable price levels merely to impact risk weighted metrics.

CEO Pay Overview

The leadership transition last fall led to the following Committee decisions on annual CEO pay for 2012:

  • Michael Corbat. Prior to his appointment as Citi CEO in October 2012, Mr. Corbat was the CEO of the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. His 2012 pay was based on his substantial contributions in his CEO role for the region, his impact as a senior executive on Citi’s overall performance, and his immediate impact as the new Citi CEO. Mr. Corbat’s total annual pay for 2012 is $11.5 million, which is 44% higher than his 2011 pay of $8 million and is $3.5 million below Mr. Pandit’s 2011 pay of $15 million.
  • Vikram Pandit. Mr. Pandit, Citi’s CEO since 2007, resigned as CEO on October 15, 2012. Mr. Pandit had significant responsibility for Citi’s performance in 2012 — via the impact of his long-term decisions throughout his tenure and actions he took during 2012. Based on his 2012 performance, the Committee granted Mr. Pandit a $6.7 million annual incentive award for 2012, which was 50% lower than his incentive award for 2011. Together with the $1.7 million salary he was paid in 2012, his 2012 total pay was $8.4 million, which was 44% lower than his 2011 pay of $15 million.

In addition to these annual awards made for 2012, Mr. Corbat received payments under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan pursuant to a grant made in 2010. He was paid approximately $4.6 million under that 2010 award in February 2013 and may receive up to approximately $2.3 million in February 2014 under the same 2010 grant if conditions to payment are satisfied. Mr. Pandit did not receive any payment under that plan because he left Citi before the applicable vesting dates.

New Executive Compensation Program Structure

We are changing our executive compensation program to an approach with more structure — an evolution that began immediately after our 2012 annual shareholders’ meeting. During 2012, we made substantial progress in strengthening the existing links between pay and performance by developing a balanced scorecard approach with financial metrics and nonfinancial objectives that, in combination, are expected to improve returns to shareholders within acceptable risk-taking parameters. Our approach delivers 60% of a named executive officer’s incentive compensation in equity-based incentives that vest over multiple-year periods. The awards are split equally between deferred stock that vests over four years and can be cancelled in the event of Citi losses and performance share units that are paid out at the end of a three-year performance cycle based on relative total shareholder return versus peers and return on assets. The new structure will be fully implemented in evaluating 2013 performance.

1        Estimates of Basel III risk-weighted assets have been calculated based on the proposed "advanced approaches" for determining risk-weighted assets under the U.S. regulators’ proposed rules relating to Basel III, as well as the final U.S. market risk capital rules (Basel II.5). The estimates are based on Citi’s current interpretation, expectations, and understanding of the respective Basel III requirements and are necessarily subject to final regulatory clarity and rulemaking, model calibration, and other implementation guidance in the U.S.


Year How the Committee Decides How Awards Are Paid (Incentive Vehicles)
2011 Discretionary 40% Cash 30% Deferred Stock 30% Deferred Cash
2012 Decisions guided by 2013 scorecard metrics 40% Cash* 30% Deferred Stock 30% Performance
Share Units
2013 Structured framework
  • 70%: Based on pre-set financial metrics
  • 30%: Based on pre-set nonfinancial metrics
  • Weighted average score applied to target pay opportunity set at the beginning of the year, with final award to reflect anticipated changes in market pay levels and other factors deemed relevant by the Committee

*       Mr. Corbat’s bonus for 2012, constituting 40% of his annual incentive award, was delivered half in cash and half in a fully vested equity instrument that is sale restricted for six months, in accordance with guidance from the U.K. Financial Services Authority. Mr. Corbat’s compensation for 2012 is subject to Financial Services Authority regulation, as he was based in London for the first 9½ months of 2012.

Citi will periodically re-evaluate the proportions of incentive compensation awarded as cash-based and equity-based awards.

Risk Continues to Be a Primary Consideration

Citi fully appreciates its responsibility to assume risks which are prudent and well-understood, and to effectively manage those risks to protect the franchise. We have adopted numerous features of our incentive compensation programs to reduce the potential for imprudent risk-taking that may undermine our business objectives.

  • Our Compensation Philosophy, approved by the Committee and available on Citi’s public website, describes our commitment to managing risk, and management has received clear direction from the Committee to use discretion in awarding incentive compensation consistently with risk mitigation principles.
  • The Chief Risk Officer meets twice per year with the Committee to review risk levels and trends across the firm, as well as incentive compensation frameworks at the senior executive level and throughout the firm. The Chief Risk Officer has reviewed the key terms of Citi’s overall compensation framework, including the performance share units, to help ensure that, consistent with Citi’s Compensation Philosophy, compensation is aligned with long-term performance in a manner that does not encourage imprudent risk-taking.
  • Risk is taken into account in determining the aggregate amount of annual incentive compensation through the annual performance evaluation process, which includes assessment of risk management behaviors.
  • The new structured framework for determining senior management incentive compensation takes risk into account through the use of risk adjusted financial metrics, such as Basel III regulatory capital ratios, as financial goals set forth on an executive’s scorecard. Risk management performance, including effectiveness of the control environment, will also be incorporated into nonfinancial goals. Performance against these goals, which are defined at the beginning of the year, will be weighted and included in the overall score, which then guides the determination of the amount of incentive compensation. Discretion may be applied at the end of the process to reflect adverse risk outcomes or other risk-related factors.
  • For individual covered employees (several hundred of the most senior employees at Citi), Citi established an annual control function review process pursuant to which the control functions (Compliance, Finance, Independent Risk, Internal Audit, and Legal) provide an evaluation of risk behaviors. The rating from the independent review process is included in the performance evaluation system to inform the performance review conducted by the executive’s manager. The performance evaluation system includes formal risk goals for covered senior managers as well as a formal manager-provided risk rating. We believe that

over the three years this process has been in effect, the process has been instrumental in increasing awareness of the importance of risk-taking behaviors, and has facilitated the strengthening of Citi’s risk culture.

  • Our current general annual performance evaluation process also explicitly takes risk into account in a number of ways, and will continue to be applicable in 2013 broadly throughout Citi. The performance evaluation system generally includes a risk behavior goal for all employees.
  • Citi enhanced its ability to cancel compensation if there are adverse risk outcomes. Citi adopted a new provision allowing cancellation of deferred incentive compensation awarded for 2012. Unearned performance share units, or unvested deferred cash awards granted to senior executives other than the named executive officers, may be cancelled if the executive has significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome. This provision is intended to allow for cancellation of deferred compensation in the event of serious financial or reputational harm to Citi, and can allow for cancellation if a failure to supervise or monitor conduct or risks results in such significant responsibility.
  • The performance share units are designed to avoid incentives to take imprudent risks. The use of relative total shareholder return as a metric is balanced by the use of another core business metric, return on assets, to avoid the potential for conduct that benefits short-term stock price increases at the expense of other important variables. In addition, the performance share units have the material adverse outcome condition just described.
  • The structure of annual incentive awards made to executives discourages imprudent risk-taking. The risk mitigants include substantial deferrals, vesting periods, broad-based clawbacks, and Committee and management discretion to clawback nonvested deferred compensation for improper risk-taking behavior. In addition, performance-based vesting criteria are a part of all deferred incentive compensation awarded to “covered employees,” as defined in applicable bank regulatory guidance.
  • Management has developed a robust process for risk-adjusting the annual incentive compensation pools from which annual incentive awards are made.

Citi’s compensation practices are important components of its approach to risk management but they are not the exclusive or the primary framework for managing risks. At Citi, business managers and their in-business risk teams bear primary responsibility for managing risk within parameters defined by the independent control functions. Citi’s independent control functions also provide oversight and serve to further identify, control, manage and mitigate risks that may be imprudent, excessive or not well-understood.

A Checklist of Changes

Citi’s changes to its executive compensation program include the following:

  • Performance share units that deliver value to executives according to pre-determined financial metrics, replacing deferred cash awards;
  • A structured, formulaic process for determining the amount of annual incentive compensation, effective for 2013, replacing a more discretionary approach;
  • No new Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan awards in 2012 or future years;
  • Under our long-standing stock ownership commitment, executive officers are generally required to hold 75% of the net shares acquired through Citi’s incentive compensation programs. Going forward, executive officers will also be required to hold half of these accumulated shares for a full year after ceasing to be an executive officer, even if they are no longer employed by Citi;
  • An enhanced performance-based vesting feature, which would permit the cancellation of incentive compensation if an executive is found to have significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome causing significant financial or reputational harm to Citi; and
  • A blanket prohibition against hedging and pledging of Citi stock by executive officers.

These enhancements are in addition to the various other best practices that have historically been embedded in our compensation program, including:

  • Clawbacks;
  • Limits on perquisites and no special benefits or supplemental retirement plans;
  • No change-in-control agreements or severance agreements;
  • Limited employment agreements; and
  • Use of independent compensation consultants.

For details about our practices and policies, please see pages 64 – 67.


II. Overview of Compensation

The compensation described in this Compensation Discussion and Analysis includes both awards approved by the Committee in February 2013 for performance in 2012, and payouts under grants made in 2010 or 2011 under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan that were earned over multi-year periods ending on December 31, 2012. The following is a summary of the compensation approved by the Committee for performance in 2012:

   1 2 3 4 5 6 7   
          Cash Bonus      Deferred      Performance      Deferred     
Base Salary (Reported in Stock Share Units Cash Award Total
(Reported in the the Summary (Reported in (Reported in (Reportable in Compensation
Summary Compensation the Summary the Summary Future Summary for 2012
  Compensation Table for 2012 Compensation Compensation Compensation (sum of
Name Table for 2012) or 2013) Table for 2013) Table for 2013) Tables) columns 2 -6)
Michael Corbat    $ 1,049,188       $ 4,180,324   $ 3,135,244      $ 3,135,244       $ 0    $ 11,500,000
John Gerspach $ 500,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 1,950,000 $ 1,950,000 $ 0 $ 7,000,000
Don Callahan $ 500,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 0 $ 7,500,000
Gene McQuade $ 500,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 0 $ 7,500,000
Manuel Medina-Mora $ 546,966 $ 4,181,214 $ 3,135,910 $ 3,135,910 $ 0 $ 11,000,000
Vikram Pandit** $ 1,750,000 $ 2,661,333 $ 0 $ 0 $ 3,992,000 $ 8,403,333

Like other multi-year deferred compensation awards, the payments made in 2013 under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan were made under the terms of award decisions made by the Committee in past years. Each named executive officer received one Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan grant, either in 2010 or 2011. Under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan, two-thirds of each award was paid as of January 20, 2013, and one-third may be paid as of January 20, 2014 (holdback payment) if specified service and/or performance conditions are met. Set forth below is a chart showing the estimated maximum Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan award payable to each named executive officer, including the amount paid as of January 20, 2013, the holdback payment to be made in 2014, and projected notional interest that may be due on the holdback payment. Due to SEC requirements, only the initial 2013 payment appears in this year’s Summary Compensation Table; the holdback payment plus any interest on the holdback payment will appear in next year’s Summary Compensation Table, if such amount is actually paid and the recipient is a named executive officer for 2013.

   1 2 3 4 5   
Initial Payment
            Made as of            
January 20, Estimated Maximum Holdback Total Potential
2013 (Reported Payment (Including Interest) Maximum Key Employee
in the Summary Payable as of January 20, 2014 Profit Sharing Plan
Year Award Compensation (Reported in the Summary Award Payment
Name was Granted Table for 2012) Compensation Table for 2013) (sum of columns 3 and 4)
  Michael Corbat 2010    $ 4,581,695                 $ 2,297,857                       $ 6,879,552         
John Gerspach 2011 $ 3,330,181 $ 1,670,186 $ 5,000,367
Don Callahan   2010 $ 4,581,695 $ 2,297,857 $ 6,879,552
Gene McQuade 2010   $ 3,690,822     $ 1,851,058     $ 5,541,880
Manuel Medina-Mora 2011   $ 5,123,354   $ 2,569,516   $ 7,692,870    
Vikram Pandit** 2011 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0

* 50% of Mr. Corbat’s bonus is delivered through a cash-settled equity instrument, in accordance with U.K. regulatory requirements. That portion will be disclosed in next year’s Summary Compensation Table.
**         Resigned as CEO October 15, 2012.

These tables are not intended to be substitutes for the reporting of compensation in accordance with SEC rules as shown in the 2012 Summary Compensation Table.

This Compensation Discussion and Analysis discusses each element of the charts shown above in detail:

  • The awards for 2012 to the named executive officers who are current executives: Mr. Corbat, Mr. Gerspach, Mr. Callahan, Mr. McQuade, and Mr. Medina-Mora;
  • The awards for 2012 to our former CEO, Mr. Pandit; and
  • The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan payments that reflect awards granted in prior years.

A. Structured Framework for Determining the Amount of the Incentive Awards

1. Framework for 2013

For 2013 and future years, we intend to make compensation decisions within a more structured framework. Accordingly, we expect to establish specific financial and nonfinancial targets for each executive officer for performance in 2013. The financial targets will be specific levels of pre-defined metrics such as pre-tax earnings, operating efficiency, Basel III capital accumulation, Basel III regulatory capital ratios, liquidity metrics, and return on assets, while the nonfinancial targets will be specified qualitative achievements, such as specific improvements in controls. The targets will be based on Citi’s annual business plan and will be a combination of Citi-wide and business-specific objectives, depending on the executive’s role. At the end of the year, the performance of the executive against each target will be assessed on an objective scale (1 through 5). Performance scores for the financial and nonfinancial targets will be averaged separately then weighted, such that the average financial target score may be weighted 70% while the average nonfinancial target score may be weighted 30%, to arrive at an overall performance rating. This rating will be used to guide the direction of the executive’s compensation when compared to market compensation for his role (e.g., a stronger performance rating should generally result in compensation that is above the 50th percentile for the role while a lower performance rating should generally result in compensation that is below the 50th percentile). The final award will be subject to adjustment to reflect unexpected events occurring during the year (such as disappointing control failures) that were not otherwise considered at the start of the year in setting the targets. In addition, executives’ risk behaviors will continue to be reviewed through Citi’s well-established independent annual control function review process, which may result in downward adjustments to compensation in appropriate circumstances, as described on page 56.

2. Framework for 2012

The framework described above was designed during 2012 and as such, could not be implemented fully for 2012 because an integral part of the framework is the establishment of targets early in the year. Nonetheless, in evaluating 2012 performance, the Committee reviewed metrics that are consistent with the 2013 framework, and followed a structured four-step process in awarding incentive compensation to Mr. Corbat, Mr. Gerspach, Mr. Callahan, Mr. McQuade, and Mr. Medina-Mora for performance in 2012.

  • First, the Committee evaluated overall Citi performance for 2012 and the performance of specific businesses and regions where necessary to understand the performance of individual executives. The metrics reviewed were generally consistent with the framework for 2013.
  • Next, it reviewed the individual performance of the named executive officers and the CEO’s recommended awards for each of them (other than himself). Risk-taking and failure to comply with risk management guidelines (none were identified) were considered for possible downward adjustments to pay.
  • The Committee considered benchmarking information to understand market compensation for the role of each named executive officer, as explained in more detail on page 57.
  • Finally, to arrive at the total compensation for 2012, each named executive officer’s prior year annual incentive compensation was adjusted in a consistent manner that was objectively calibrated to Citi and individual performance and market compensation levels. This reflected studies conducted by Cook & Co. of historic market rates and predictions with regard to year-over-year changes in industry pay levels prepared by multiple third-party survey firms. The Committee approved awards after certifying that the awards were permitted under the terms of the 2011 Executive Performance Plan, pursuant to which Citi may obtain a tax deduction for performance-based incentive compensation to covered executives, as described on page 66.

i. Overall company performance. In awarding incentive compensation to the named executive officers and other senior executives for 2012, the Committee took into account Citi’s financial results and the progress made against Citi’s strategic priorities. Performance for 2012 for Citi included the following strengths and areas for improvement:
  • We delivered value to shareholders in 2012, with total shareholder return up 50.6% over year-end 2011, and our three-year cumulative total shareholder return is 19.8%.
  • During 2012, Citi continued to build on the significant transformation of the firm that has occurred over the last several years. Despite a challenging operating environment, Citi’s 2012 results showed ongoing momentum in most of our core businesses, as we continued to simplify our business model and focus resources on our core Citicorp franchise while continuing to wind down Citi Holdings.
  • Citi’s strategy is built upon our position as a leading global bank for both institutions and individuals. With this long-term strategy in mind, in December 2012, Citi announced a number of repositioning efforts to optimize our footprint, re-size and re-align certain businesses and improve efficiencies, while at the same time maintaining our unique competitive advantages.
  • In general, our operating results reflect the global operating environment, including the interest rate environment and regulatory changes, as well as charges attributable to resolving legacy issues.
  • Our capital levels and book value per share increased during 2012. At the end of 2012, book value per share was $61.57 and tangible book value per share was $51.19, 1% and 3% increases respectively versus the prior year period.1
  • Citi’s Tier 1 Capital and Tier 1 Common ratios were 14.1% and 12.7% as of December 31, 2012, respectively, compared to 13.6% and 11.8% in the prior year. Citi’s estimated Tier 1 Common ratio under Basel III was 8.7% at December 31, 2012, which was our target.1
ii. Individual performance and significance of role. The Committee considered the scope of each executive’s responsibilities during 2012 and the individual contributions of each of them to Citi’s results.
  • Mr. Corbat: Mr. Corbat was CEO of the Europe, Middle East and Africa region before his promotion to Citi CEO in October 2012. Mr. Corbat’s 2012 pay was based on his substantial contributions in his CEO role for the region, his impact as a senior executive on Citi’s overall performance and the immediate contributions he made upon assuming the Citi CEO role in October.
    • Mr. Corbat’s 2012 scorecard in the Citi CEO role included: total Citi revenue, expense, net income, operating efficiency, Basel III Tier 1 Common ratio, return on Basel III assets, and return on assets. His individual performance on risk measures was also assessed. Mr. Corbat’s 2012 scorecard in the regional CEO role included the same metrics, but as determined for the region, and included regional client and other metrics. Improvements over 2011 were shown in nearly all metrics.
    • The Committee noted that since becoming CEO in October, Mr. Corbat moved quickly to finalize a budget for 2013, which included the repositioning effort. He also formed a management team and realigned certain functions to make the organization more responsive to clients and more efficient.
    • The Committee also noted that progress was made on key regional initiatives, such as improved controls and regulatory ratings.


1         Tangible book value per share and estimated Basel III Tier 1 Common ratio are non-GAAP financial measures. For a reconciliation of these metrics to the most directly comparable GAAP measures, please see pages 45 and 44, respectively, of Citigroup’s 2012 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 1, 2013.

  • Mr. Gerspach: Mr. Gerspach was CFO throughout 2012. He is responsible for the financial management of Citi and leads the Citi Finance function, which is responsible for decisions on capital planning, liquidity, budgeting, tax, financial strategic direction and important elements of investor relations. Mr. Gerspach continues to engage the investor community through the regular quarterly briefings and other public discussions of Citi’s results.
    • Mr. Gerspach’s scorecard for 2012 included the following financial metrics: total Citi expense, Finance function direct expense, Citi net income, Citi operating efficiency, Basel III Tier 1 Common ratio, return on Basel III assets, return on assets, liquidity ratios, and reductions in the Citi Holdings balance sheet. The nonfinancial goals included risk and control metrics, such as ensuring strong controls through reductions in operational losses. Improvements over 2011 were shown in most financial and nonfinancial metrics.
    • Key 2012 accomplishments included the following:
      • Citi continued to maintain a strong and liquid balance sheet and an excellent capital position.
      • The Finance function implemented a robust budgeting/forecasting process that integrates balance sheet, income statement, and capital planning.
      • Mr. Gerspach has provided leadership for Citi’s firm-wide plans for implementing the repositioning charges and regulatory reform, including Basel III capital requirements.
  • Mr. Callahan: Mr. Callahan was Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Operations & Technology Officer of Citi during 2012. He was responsible for managing our network infrastructure security and for ensuring that Citi’s systems are compliant with applicable regulatory requirements.
    • Mr. Callahan’s scorecard for 2012 included the following financial metrics: Operations & Technology direct and third-party expenses, Operations & Technology expense/revenue ratio, direct staff counts, regulatory capital used, productivity metrics, problem resolution effectiveness in the credit cards and mortgages businesses and retail net promoter scores. The nonfinancial goals included risk and control metrics, such as ensuring strong controls through reductions in operational losses. Improvements over 2011 were shown in several financial and nonfinancial metrics.
    • Key 2012 accomplishments included the following:
      • Operations & Technology helped advance Citi’s mobile and digital capabilities as well as continuing the rollout of new business platforms in Global Consumer Banking and the Institutional Clients Group.
      • The Operations & Technology unit was a significant driver of expense savings in 2012, leading company-wide reengineering efforts.
      • Operations & Technology activated Citi’s full continuity of business plan in response to Hurricane Sandy, maintaining operational effectiveness throughout the period.
  • Mr. McQuade: Mr. McQuade was CEO, Citibank, N.A. during 2012. Mr. McQuade was responsible for the oversight and controls of our largest depository legal vehicle and of Citi Holdings. In 2012 the Compliance function reported to him for part of the year and he had day-to-day responsibility for the Internal Audit function (with the Internal Audit function also reporting to the CEO and the Audit Committee of the Board). He was also responsible for International Franchise Management, including Citi’s network of Chief Country Officers, who are responsible for all franchise issues in their countries.
    • Mr. McQuade’s scorecard for 2012 included the following financial metrics: Citibank, N.A. revenue, expense, core earnings before taxes, operating efficiency, Basel III Tier 1 Common ratio, return on Basel III assets, revenue growth in each of the Institutional Clients Group and Global Consumer Banking, and net credit loss metrics. The nonfinancial goals were focused on risk and control metrics such as reductions in operational losses. Improvements over 2011 were shown in most financial and nonfinancial metrics.


  • Key 2012 accomplishments included the following:
    • Oversight of Citi Holdings, which reduced its assets by 31% last year.
    • Ensuring strong governance of Citibank, N.A. consistent with what is expected from our regulators in the U.S. and around the world, including regulators in Japan, by providing clear communications and driving change to address regulators’ concerns.
    • Strengthening the operating framework for International Franchise Management.
    • Implementing controls and governance frameworks that enhance the safety and soundness of Citibank, N.A., including focused talent management and executive succession plans.
    • Providing oversight for Citibank, N.A.’s compliance with key aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act.
    • Strengthening the liquidity and capitalization of Citibank, N.A., and generally advancing its safety and soundness.
  • Mr. Medina-Mora: Mr. Medina-Mora was CEO, Global Consumer Banking; Chairman, Latin America and Mexico during 2012. He was responsible for all Consumer and Commercial Banking businesses globally, including Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Credit Cards, and Mortgages, and he provided oversight for the entire Citi franchise in Mexico and Latin America.
    • Mr. Medina-Mora’s scorecard for 2012 included the following financial metrics: Global Consumer Banking revenue, expense, core earnings before taxes, operating efficiency, return on Basel III assets, return on assets, revenue growth, net promoter scores, and customer growth. The nonfinancial goals included risk and control metrics, such as ensuring strong controls through reductions in operational losses. Improvements over 2011 were shown in nearly all areas.
    • Key 2012 accomplishments included the following:
      • Strong performance in Global Consumer Banking resulted from a clearly defined strategy and an established management process, which allowed a successful reaction to the greater than expected headwinds in some areas (such as North America Consumer and Asia) by redeploying resources to the most attractive opportunities in the year (Mexico, North America Mortgage).
      • Global Consumer Banking met or exceeded its 2012 financial goals in all key areas.
      • Global Consumer Banking showed strong results on key risk metrics and strong quality controls were implemented across the Consumer businesses.

The named executive officers other than Mr. Corbat were evaluated on risk behaviors by Citi’s control functions (Compliance, Finance, Independent Risk, Internal Audit and Legal), and Mr. Corbat was assessed on risk behaviors by the Committee. This evaluation process is common to all Citi employees who are considered individual “covered employees” under applicable bank regulatory guidance, and is focused on identifying instances where covered employees did not demonstrate prudent risk-taking behaviors or did not provide appropriate leadership on risk-related issues. These reviews resulted in positive ratings or assessments for the named executive officers. The positive ratings were not determinative of the size of the annual incentive awards for 2012, as a positive risk rating is an expected element of job performance in senior executive roles. A negative risk rating would have resulted in the reduction or elimination of incentive compensation awarded for 2012.


iii. Market data. The Committee reviewed general market data regarding compensation in the financial services industry and, where available, market compensation for an executive’s role in a major financial services institution. The market information reviewed by the Committee indicated that compensation broadly throughout the financial services industry was expected to be the same as 2011 or show a slight increase.
In addition, the Committee reviewed benchmarking information as it considered the market level of compensation for senior executive roles. The companies included in the peer group for this purpose were the same as the companies considered to be the peer group for the performance share units (discussed below): Bank of America, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. Adjustments were made in the peer group from 2011 to focus on firms with similar lines of business to those of Citi.
2011 Peer Group for Other Named 2012 Peer Group for All Named Executive
           2011 Peer Group For CEO       Executive Officers       Officers (including the CEO)
American Express American Express Bank of America
  Bank of America Bank of America Barclays
Barclays Capital One Deutsche Bank
Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Goldman Sachs
Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank   HSBC
Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs JP Morgan Chase
JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley   Morgan Stanley Wells Fargo
UBS U.S. Bancorp
Wells Fargo Wells Fargo

The market information on total annual compensation provided background and context for Committee decisions; the information regarding pay practices of the peer group informed but did not govern the Committee’s award determination for any individual named executive officer or any other executive.

iv. Calibration of individual incentive awards. The Committee made its decisions within the framework of the 2011 Executive Performance Plan, certifying that the performance goals under that plan had been met. The Committee exercised its discretion to pay less than the maximum amount to each named executive officer covered by the plan.
Management played specific roles in the determination of incentive compensation. In the case of Mr. Gerspach, Mr. Callahan, Mr. McQuade and Mr. Medina-Mora, the Committee considered the recommendations made by the CEO in making its decisions to approve the awards. Management did not determine or decide the compensation of Mr. Corbat, but as with the decisions regarding the other named executive officers, management provided information as needed to inform the applicable recommendations and decisions.


The Committee took into account all of the foregoing in approving the following adjustments from 2011 pay for the following named executive officers.

   2011 Total Annual 2012 Total Annual Summary Rationale Derived   
       Name   Compensation   Compensation   Difference   from Scorecard
Michael Corbat    $ 8,000,000       $ 11,500,000    $ 3,500,000 (+43.8%) Very strong Europe, Middle East and
Africa results and new role as Citi CEO
John Gerspach $ 6,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 1,000,000 (+16.7%) Market adjustment combined with
strong Finance results
Don Callahan $ 8,000,000 $ 7,500,000 -$ 500,000 (-6.3%) Market adjustment
Gene McQuade $ 7,500,000   $ 7,500,000   $ Continuing to ensure strong Citibank,
N.A. governance globally as expected
by regulators
Manuel Medina-Mora
  $ 11,000,000 $ 11,000,000 $   Stable results in Global Consumer
Banking in difficult environment

The total compensation amounts shown above, which differ from the amounts of total compensation shown in the 2012 Summary Compensation Table, reflect each executive’s base salary and awards approved by the Committee for performance in 2012 and 2011. They are not intended as a substitute for the reporting of compensation in accordance with SEC rules as shown in the 2012 Summary Compensation Table.

B. Form and Structure of Incentive Awards for Performance in 2012

The Committee awarded 40% of eligible named executive officer incentive compensation for performance in 2012 as an immediately payable bonus, 30% in deferred stock under Citi’s Capital Accumulation Program, and 30% in performance share units (for a total deferral of 60%).

In determining the percentages to award as current and deferred compensation, the Committee considered applicable regulatory requirements and guidelines for deferral, noting that a 60% deferral rate for senior executives is required in many countries outside the U.S. Our structure links 100% of each named executive officer’s deferral to the value of Citi common stock, providing strong alignment with long-term shareholder interests. Each element of named executive officer incentive compensation for 2012 is explained below.

1. Bonus

The Committee awarded an immediately payable bonus to the named executive officers as 40% of their incentive award for 2012; for named executive officers other than Mr. Corbat, the bonus was paid in cash. Because Mr. Corbat was CEO of the Europe, Middle East and Africa region based in London for most of 2012, his compensation for 2012 is subject to the structure required by the Financial Services Authority. Under this required structure, half of his immediate bonus was delivered in a fully vested stock equivalent instrument subject to transfer restrictions until August 19, 2013, and will be shown in next year’s 2013 Summary Compensation Table in accordance with SEC rules, as the grant date for this instrument is in 2013. The other half of his bonus was paid in cash.

2. Deferred Stock Awards

The Committee awarded deferred stock under Citi’s Capital Accumulation Program to the eligible named executive officers as 30% of their incentive compensation for 2012. The awards have the same terms as the deferred stock awards made to other senior employees, and accordingly, align the named executive officers not only with the interests of shareholders, but also with the incentives for other senior executives. The awards vest ratably over a four-year period, and an additional vesting condition also applies to these awards that allows for cancellation of future vestings in the event of losses. If Citigroup has pre-tax losses in any year of the deferral period, the portion of the deferred stock award that is scheduled to vest in the year following the loss year will be reduced by 20%, or if greater, by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of the pre-tax loss, and the denominator of which is the highest level of annual pre-tax profit for


Citigroup in the three years immediately prior to the loss year. This provision of Citi’s Capital Accumulation Program is new for 2012. Other provisions of these deferred stock awards are the same as or similar to provisions of awards made under this program in prior years.

EXAMPLE: The following example illustrates a deferred stock award made in February 2013 of 10,000 shares to a named executive officer. The example shows how the portion of this award that is scheduled to vest in January 2014 – 2,500 shares – would be affected, assuming the following pre-tax profit (loss) history for Citigroup.

Scheduled       Pre-tax profit (loss) for Citigroup (in millions)       Highest pre-tax profit in
      vesting date 2013       2012       2011       2010 prior three years
January 2014   ($500) $7,936 $14,624 $13,184 $14,624      

Please note: The profit amounts for 2010, 2011, and 2012 in the example are derived from current publicly reported financial information. The pre-tax loss amount for 2013 in the example is a hypothetical assumption for illustrative purposes only.

Because of the hypothetical pre-tax loss in 2013, the portion scheduled to vest in January 2014 would be reduced by 20%. As a result, 500 shares of the 2,500 that were scheduled to vest would be canceled (500 = 20% of 2,500).

Under the generally applicable provisions of the Capital Accumulation Program, the deferred stock awards continue to vest on schedule in the event of involuntary termination not for gross misconduct or termination by reason of disability, and vest and are delivered in full in the event of death. In the event of voluntary resignation, the awards continue to vest on schedule if an executive has combined age and years of service that total at least 60 and does not compete (Citi’s equity program retirement provisions, also known as the Rule of 60). Because all of the named executive officers meet the Rule of 60, forfeiture of the awards will occur upon resignation only in the event that the executives compete with Citi. More detail on the Rule of 60 appears on pages 71-72.

These awards, like all deferred incentive awards granted by Citi, remain subject to cancellation pursuant to the Citi Clawbacks. In general, the Citi Clawbacks provide for the forfeiture or cancellation of nonvested incentive compensation if the Committee determines that the employee (a) received an award based on materially inaccurate publicly reported financial statements, (b) knowingly engaged in providing materially inaccurate information relating to publicly reported financial statements, (c) materially violated any risk limits established or revised by senior management and/or risk management, or (d) engaged in gross misconduct.

In accordance with Financial Services Authority requirements, Mr. Corbat’s deferred stock award will be subject to transfer restrictions for six months after each vesting date. In addition, Mr. Corbat’s deferred stock award will be subject to the “EU Clawback” as described on page 65.

3. Performance Share Unit Awards

In February 2013, Citi introduced performance share units as part of its multiple enhancements to the objective elements of Citi’s compensation framework. These awards represent 30% of the eligible named executive officers’ annual incentive compensation for 2012 and are expected to continue to be an element of Citi’s incentive award structure in future years. The performance share units will be delivered at the end of a three-year performance period only to the extent that Citi achieves pre-determined objective goals over that period. These goals – return on assets and relative total shareholder return – were selected because they measure improvement in Citi’s operating performance and relative returns delivered to shareholders, respectively. The Committee believes that these metrics are the most relevant objective measures of overall improvements in performance at this point in Citi’s evolution.

Performance share units are performance-sensitive in a variety of ways. First, the initial award opportunity is based on prior-year performance. Once granted, the number of performance share units earned, if any, is based on performance against the objective metrics over the three-year performance period. Finally, the value of the earned performance share units is based on changes in Citi’s common stock price that occur over the three-year period.


The target number of performance share units awarded to each executive is the amount of his annual incentive allocated to the performance share unit program divided by the average of the closing Citi stock prices for the five trading days immediately preceding the grant date. The performance share units will be earned according to the following schedule relating to Citi’s average return on assets and relative total shareholder return over the three-year period.

    Metric: average return on assets Less than 0.60%          0.60%          0.85%          1.0% or more         
Metric: relative total shareholder
  return (percentile) Lower than 25th   25th   50th   75th or greater
% of target performance share No award regardless of  
units earned outcome of other metric 0% 100% 150%*


Mr. Corbat’s performance share unit award cannot deliver more than 100% of the target award due to Financial Services Authority requirements, as explained below.

Performance against each metric will be weighted equally to provide a balanced focus on each metric; however, the program has a minimum performance threshold. If Citi’s average return on assets is less than 0.6% or Citi’s total shareholder return is lower than the 25th percentile, then no performance share units will be earned at the end of the three-year performance period, regardless of the outcome of the other metric. Citi’s current return on assets is meaningfully below the average return on assets target of 0.85%, thereby requiring management to improve performance significantly to earn the full award.

In order to protect against the possibility of artificial cliffs driving inappropriate behavior and risk taking, performance between the thresholds in the table above will be determined by straight-line interpolation, based on equal weighting of each metric.

Example: If Citi has an average return on assets of 0.725% and is at the 50th percentile in relative total shareholder return, the executives will receive 75% of the performance share units initially awarded, which assigns equal weight to performance against the return on assets metric (50% performance) and the total shareholder return metric (100% performance).

Final results under the performance share unit metrics are determined after the end of the three-year performance period. Return on assets for this purpose is generally defined as the average, for 2013, 2014 and 2015, of Citigroup’s net income (loss) excluding credit valuation adjustments/debt valuation

Citi had $1.865 trillion in assets at the end of 2012. Therefore, if Citi has an average return on assets of 0.85%, under that asset base it would have $15.85 billion in net income.

adjustments divided by Citigroup average assets. Relative total shareholder return under the program will be determined at the end of 2015 by comparing Citi’s total shareholder return from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015 to those of its peers. The peer group for determining relative total shareholder return is Bank of America, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. The peer group was selected because the group includes Citi’s principal global business competitors and competitors for investor capital. In the event of extraordinary items such as corporate restructurings, the Committee has the authority to make adjustments in return on assets, relative total shareholder return, and the peer group, only to the extent required to implement the intent of the awards.

The performance share units are subject to an additional performance-based vesting condition, which is intended to balance any possible incentives created by the program for the executives to take imprudent risks. Specifically, if the Committee determines that an executive has significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome before or during the performance period, unearned performance share units may be cancelled. The performance-based vesting provision is intended to allow Citi to cancel unearned compensation where executives are responsible for material financial or reputational harm to Citi, either through their actions or through failure to supervise others. Unearned performance share units are also subject to the Citi Clawbacks as described on pages 64-65 for violations of risk limits, gross misconduct, and other negative circumstances.


After the end of the performance period, the Committee will determine the number of earned performance share units for each executive. The earned performance share units will be multiplied by the average of the high and low Citi common stock prices determined as of the vesting date in 2016, and the resulting value will be paid in cash. This feature has the effect of rewarding executives based on changes in the price of Citi common stock, which is another element of alignment with shareholder returns, while limiting shareholder dilution. The averaging approach is the same approach Citi uses to determine the taxable value of the awards.

Dividend equivalents will be accrued and paid on the number of earned performance share units at the end of the three-year performance period; dividend equivalents on performance share units that are not earned will be forfeited.

Performance share units have the same termination provisions applicable to Citi’s incentive programs generally. Because all of the named executive officers meet the Rule of 60 as described on page 71, the executives will receive their earned performance share units unless: (a) the executive voluntarily resigns during the performance period and performs services for a competitor, or (b) the executive is terminated for gross misconduct (in which case the undelivered award is cancelled). If a named executive officer resigns and competes, at the end of the performance period he will receive a pro-rated award, based on his service during the performance period. For example, if a named executive officer resigns after the first year of the performance period to work for a competitor, he will receive one-third of the earned performance share units after the end of the performance share unit performance period in 2015.

Mr. Corbat’s performance share unit award for 2012 varies from the general program structure to conform to guidance from the Financial Services Authority, due to the fact that he was based in London for a substantial portion of 2012, as follows. Mr. Corbat will be eligible to earn no more than 100% of his target performance share unit award even if return on assets exceeds 0.85% or relative total shareholder return is higher than the 50th percentile. His award will also be subject to the “EU Clawback” as described on page 65. Finally, a portion of his award delivered in 2016 will be subject to transfer restrictions for six months. Other terms of his performance share unit award are the same as those provided under the general program terms.

C. Compensation for Mr. Pandit

Outstanding Awards
When our former CEO Mr. Pandit left Citi in 2012, his outstanding, previously granted awards totaling $35.4 million were affected in accordance with the terms of those awards, as follows:

  • He forfeited his Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan award and deferred stock retention award, totaling $26.6 million, because his departure occurred before the applicable vesting dates of those awards.
  • The awards he retained, totaling $8.8 million, were deferred stock or deferred cash awards that he earned in years prior to 2012 as part of his normal pay; these awards continued to vest on schedule after employment in accordance with their terms. Mr. Pandit met the applicable retirement-eligibility requirements (the Rule of 60) applicable to all eligible employees, and under those provisions, employees may continue to vest on schedule after leaving employment if they meet certain conditions, such as not competing with Citi.
  • All of his forfeited and previously vested stock options were “under water” (i.e., had no intrinsic value). Complete details on Mr. Pandit’s forfeited and previously vested stock options are provided on page 70 and in the table on page 73.
  • Mr. Pandit did not receive a severance payment or special treatment of his outstanding awards as part of his separation from Citi.

Annual Awards Granted for 2012
The Committee determined that it was appropriate to award incentive compensation to Mr. Pandit on the basis of Citi’s operating performance in 2012 and Mr. Pandit’s contributions to Citi through realignment of strategy and bolstering its risk management processes, all of which resulted in stronger performance in


2012. Mr. Pandit’s incentive compensation for 2012 was half of his 2011 annual incentive award ($6.7 million for 2012 compared to $13.3 million for 2011). The reduction reflected his partial year of service as CEO (9 ½ months) and the view of market compensation in the fourth quarter of 2012 when the award was granted. In keeping with historical and current practice, 40% of his award amount was paid immediately in cash ($2.7 million), while the remainder ($4.0 million) was a deferred cash award which vests ratably over four years, subject to clawbacks. Mr. Pandit did not receive equity awards as part of his incentive awards for 2012 because he was not an employee of Citi on the general equity grant date in February 2013, and as such was not permitted to receive any equity award on the general award date under the terms of Citi’s plans.

Mr. Pandit’s deferred cash award was structured to be similar to deferred cash awards made to executive officers for 2012 who were not named executive officers and also has important risk mitigation features. Undelivered portions of the deferred cash award may be cancelled if Mr. Pandit had significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome for Citi, as determined by the Committee. These awards are also subject to the Citi Clawbacks as described on pages 64-65 applicable in the event of circumstances such as gross misconduct during employment or awards based on materially inaccurate financial statements.

As a condition to the granting of the incentive compensation, Mr. Pandit agreed that for a period of 12 months following his departure, he will not become affiliated or associated with the 13 financial firms listed in the agreement, and will not solicit Citi employees or clients to terminate their relationship with Citi.

D.Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan

Rationale for Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan
In 2010 and 2011, the Committee authorized awards under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan to a group of key senior executives, including the named executive officers. Each eligible executive received one award, either in 2010 with a performance period of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012, or in 2011 with a performance period of January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2012.

The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan was designed starting in 2009 and formally announced in mid-2010 as a critically necessary program to retain key members of the Citi management team in a time of substantial uncertainty, as demonstrated by Citi’s acceptance of extraordinary governmental assistance. At the time, the Committee and management believed that a retention program such as the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan covering a group of executives and offering substantial forward-looking incentives was essential to the survival of the Citi franchise, as important executives were resigning from Citi to work at competitors.

Although a key concern of shareholders regarding the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan award granted to Mr. Pandit was the size of the award, the threshold for payment was also criticized by shareholders and the proxy advisory firms as being too low. For payouts to be made under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan, minimum levels of cumulative pre-tax Citicorp income were required to be achieved during the performance period. These minimum earnings amounts were $17.5 billion for the

The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan Achieved
Its Goals

The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan helped retain Citi’s key leaders; the new CEO, his leadership team, and other key executives remained with the firm and enabled Citi to return to sustained profitability. The program design, by focusing on profits of Citicorp, drove behaviors that restored progress against the most fundamental metrics. The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan was based on profits of Citicorp and not Citigroup for a specific reason – to focus executives on delivering value through the part of the franchise that could be most affected by their business decisions made during the performance period.

Citi made no new awards under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan in 2012 and will make no new Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan awards in the future, as the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan has accomplished its original purpose. Mr. Pandit received a Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan award in 2011 as part of his long-term retention award, but forfeited his opportunity in its entirety upon his departure. Any Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan participant who was not employed by Citi on January 20, 2013, the first award payment date, did not receive any Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan payout.


2010 awards (which had a three-year performance period of 2010 through 2012) and $12 billion for the 2011 awards (which had a two-year performance period of 2011 and 2012). These minimum earnings levels initially set under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan were developed during a period of uncertainty with regard to Citi’s future profitability and were not designed to be target performance levels. Rather, they were viewed as downside protection for Citi, so that Citi would not be required to make payments if Citicorp earnings were below specified thresholds. This approach was consistent with the primary intent of the program, which was to stabilize the management team during a period of uncertainty while simultaneously ensuring that payouts would occur only in the event that Citi returned to sustained profitability.

Summary of Other Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan Terms
In addition to retaining key talent, the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan awards were intended to focus participants on enhancing the earnings of Citicorp, and therefore, were in the form of a share of pre-tax Citicorp earnings. Each participant received payments based on a specified percentage of the cumulative pre-tax income of Citicorp for the applicable performance period. “Cumulative pre-tax income” was generally defined as the income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes of Citigroup Inc. minus the income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes of Citi Holdings for the applicable performance period. However, Citi Retail Services results remained in Citi Holdings and were not credited to Citicorp, as the division started the performance period in Citi Holdings although it moved to Citicorp for most purposes as of January 1, 2012. The initial two-thirds of each participant award was payable as of January 20, 2013 when the conditions to vesting were satisfied, and the remaining one-third (the holdback payment) will be payable as of January 20, 2014 if the conditions to vesting are satisfied.

The percentages awarded to each participant were intended to deliver, over the multi-year performance periods, an amount that varied by individual executive, but in many cases could have been an amount equal to one year’s annual incentive award, had Citicorp earned $71.3 billion in cumulative pre-tax income in 2010-2012 (in the case of the 2010 awards) and $45.1 billion in 2011-2012 (in the case of the 2011 awards). Citicorp ultimately earned $54.5 billion and $34.6 billion over those periods, respectively, such that the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan awards delivered less to executives than could have been anticipated. The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan delivered about 76% of the total value that could have been delivered had Citicorp produced earnings at the planned levels.

The holdback payment is intended to discourage actions during the performance period that could have resulted in artificial short-term earnings increases and therefore, will be reduced pro rata to the extent of any Citicorp pre-tax losses for 2013. If paid, holdback payments will be credited with notional interest equal to the 90-day, U.S. dollar-based LIBOR from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.

Both the initial payment and the holdback payment were or are subject to cancellation if the Committee, in consultation with Citi’s Chief Risk Officer, determines that there has been a material adverse change in the risk profile of Citigroup or Citibank, N.A. during the performance periods ending in 2012, or during 2013 before the distribution of the holdback payment. As part of the process of making the initial payments, the Committee and the Chief Risk Officer determined that there had not been a material adverse change in the risk profiles of Citigroup and Citibank, N.A. during the applicable performance periods ending in 2012. The Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan award is also subject to the Citi Clawbacks, as described on pages 64-65.

Independent Risk function employees were not eligible to participate in the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan, as Independent Risk participated in the determination of whether payouts would be made under that plan. Instead, key employees in the Independent Risk function were eligible to receive deferred cash retention awards under the Key Risk Employee Plan, which vest two-thirds on January 20, 2013 and one-third on January 20, 2014. The Key Risk Employee Plan served the same purpose as the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan – to retain executives who were crucial to the future success of Citi.


III. Citi’s Additional Executive Compensation Policies

Citi continues to improve its already strong executive compensation governance practices. Set forth below is Citi’s current approach, with a focus on what has been enhanced this year.

Citi has a 75% stock ownership commitment. Citi has a long-standing stock ownership commitment, which provides alignment of executive and shareholder interests. Executive officers are required to retain at least 75% of the equity awarded to them as incentive compensation (other than cash equivalents and net of amounts required to pay taxes and option exercise prices) as long as they are executive officers.

Citi has adopted a post-employment stock holding requirement. In addition to the stock ownership commitment, commencing in January 2013 executive officers are required to retain, for one year after ceasing to be an executive officer as a result of leaving Citi employment or otherwise, 50% of the shares subject to the stock ownership commitment as of the transition date. This change is responsive to proposals Citi has received in recent years from shareholders and further aligns the interests of executive officers with those of shareholders.

Citi has adopted blanket anti-hedging and anti-pledging policies. Citi has long had a personal trading policy that limits trading by management and other employees in Citi stock and restricts covered employees from engaging in hedging, derivative or other transactions that have an economically similar effect that would undermine the incentives created by deferred stock compensation structures and stock ownership commitments. These policies are intended to align senior management’s interests with those of Citi’s shareholders and to motivate employees to act consistently with respect to risk mitigation principles. In 2012, Citi expanded its policies and adopted a blanket prohibition against hedging and pledging of Citi stock by executive officers, meaning that the hedging of any Citi security against the risk of economic loss and the pledging of any Citi security as collateral for a loan or other extension of credit is prohibited. The expanded policy is included in Citi’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. The executive officers have no outstanding pledges.

Clawbacks and performance-based vesting conditions are applicable to executive incentive compensation. As previously discussed, Citi adopted a new provision allowing cancellation of certain deferred incentive compensation awarded for 2012. Unearned performance share units awarded to the named executive officers may be cancelled if the Committee determines that the executive has significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome. This provision is intended to allow for cancellation of unearned performance share units in the event of serious financial or reputational harm to Citi, and can allow for cancellation if a failure to supervise or monitor conduct or risks results in such significant responsibility.

This provision allowing cancellation of nonvested awards in the event of significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome is also a term of all deferred cash awards for 2012 performance to “covered employees” as defined in U.S. bank regulatory guidance (generally, employees who, acting individually, control or have influence over Citi’s material risks and to such employees who, acting as a group, have such control or influence). This resulted in the potential application to awards for over 4,500 Citi employees worldwide. At a minimum Citi will consider the potential for impact on performance share units and deferred cash awards if there is an annual pre-tax loss at any of the following four reportable financial segments: Citigroup (the entire company), Securities and Banking, Citi Transaction Services, and Global Consumer Banking. Citi will also consider making public disclosures whenever a decision has been made to cancel deferred compensation payable to a senior executive because he or she had significant responsibility for a material adverse outcome.

In addition, all deferred incentive compensation awarded to any Citi employee, including the named executive officers, is subject to the Citi Clawbacks. As also discussed on page 59, the Citi Clawbacks provide for the forfeiture or cancellation of nonvested incentive compensation if the Committee determines that the employee (a) received an award based on materially inaccurate publicly reported financial statements, (b) knowingly engaged in providing materially inaccurate information relating to publicly reported financial statements, (c) materially violated any risk limits established or revised by senior management and/or risk management, or (d) engaged in gross misconduct.


Furthermore, and as part of the Citi Clawbacks, since 2002, the Board has had in effect a “clawback” policy based upon Sarbanes-Oxley. Citi’s Corporate Governance Guidelines require reimbursement, as sought by the Board, of any bonus or incentive compensation awarded to an executive officer or the cancellation of nonvested incentive awards previously granted to the executive officer if: (a) the amount of the bonus or incentive compensation was calculated based upon the achievement of certain financial results that were subsequently the subject of a restatement, (b) the executive engaged in intentional misconduct that caused or partially caused the need for the restatement, and (c) the amount of the bonus or incentive compensation that would have been awarded to the executive had the financial results been properly reported would have been lower than the amount actually awarded.

Citi has also included the “EU Clawback” as a term of deferred incentive awards to Code Staff in the U.K. and certain other employees whose compensation is subject to regulation in the European Union. The EU Clawback provides that if the Committee determines (a) there is reasonable evidence that the employee engaged in misconduct or committed material error in connection with his or her employment, or (b) Citi or the employee’s business unit has suffered a material downturn in its financial performance or a material failure of risk management, the Committee in its sole discretion may determine that some or all of the employee’s unvested award will be cancelled.

Citi limits executive benefits and perquisites. Citi does not provide for special medical, dental, insurance or disability benefits for executives; in the U.S. executives pay more for these benefits than lower-paid employees. Citi does not allow tax gross-ups, either directly or indirectly, for any of the named executive officers or other executive officers, except through bona fide tax equalization programs for expatriates as provided under Citi’s Expatriate Program. None of the named executive officers received other perquisites, such as private club dues reimbursement or financial planning benefits.

Citi does not offer supplemental executive retirement plans. Citi does not have special pension credits or benefits for executives. Citi’s plans do not provide for current benefit accruals under nonqualified executive retirement programs except to specified grandfathered and expatriate populations. None of the named executive officers were eligible for additional benefit accruals under any of these supplemental plans in 2012, although Mr. Gerspach is eligible for certain grandfathered benefits that were frozen as of December 31, 2001.

A change in control of Citigroup Inc. does not accelerate vesting. Citi’s shareholder-approved 2009 Stock Incentive Plan, which is the only plan under which stock awards are currently made to executive officers, provides that no awards made under that plan may be paid solely as a result of a change in control of Citi; a related involuntary termination of employment must also occur (the “double trigger” provision). The Committee has a resolution affirming that no deferred incentive award to executive officers will vest solely by reason of a change in control of Citigroup Inc. The resolution applies to future awards, and to outstanding awards to the extent permissible. The intent of the resolution is for such a change in control to have no impact on the applicable awards.

Citi has no “golden parachutes.” The named executive officers are not entitled to any “golden parachutes” (i.e., severance pay) upon termination of employment in excess of any benefit that may be available under Citi’s broad-based separation pay plans or local law. Citi changed the Capital Accumulation Program effective in January 2011 to eliminate circumstances in which the vesting and/or delivery of awards could accelerate in the event of involuntary termination of employment. This change was made to keep terminated employees at risk for changes in Citi’s common stock price to the same extent as current employees and to facilitate clawbacks.

Citi has a specific policy limiting the terms of employment agreements with executive officers. Citi will enter into an employment agreement with an executive officer only when necessary to attract or retain exceptional personnel. Any employment agreement with an executive officer (a) must be approved by the Committee; (b) should be as short as possible and provide as few terms and conditions as are necessary to accomplish its purpose; and (c) if required by law to be available for public review, must be filed promptly with the appropriate regulatory authority. In addition, employment agreements with executive officers may not provide for post-retirement personal benefits of a kind not generally available to employees or retirees, except with the express prior approval of the Board, and at the present time, Citi has no such agreements providing for post-retirement personal benefits with any executive officer.


The Committee relies on independent compensation consultants. The Committee charter provides that its compensation determinations regarding the CEO and other members of senior management should reflect the advice of an independent compensation consultant. The Committee has retained an independent compensation consultant since 2006, and until 2012, such consultant was Independent Compensation Committee Adviser, LLC. The Committee appointed Cook & Co. in May 2012 as its new independent compensation consultant, on the basis of its broad experience advising compensation committees and its depth of understanding of investor perspectives on compensation. Cook & Co. provides no services to Citi other than its services to the Committee, has no other ties to management that could jeopardize its fully independent status, and has robust internal governance policies that help ensure that it maintains its independence. Accordingly, the Committee has determined that Cook & Co.’s work for the Committee has not raised any conflicts of interest. Cook & Co. advises the Committee on its decisions regarding executive compensation and other compensation matters as requested by the Committee; during 2012 Cook & Co. provided extensive guidance and analysis regarding the Committee’s and the Board’s response to the 2012 advisory say-on-pay vote, attended meetings with proxy advisory firms, offered market insights, attended Committee meetings, and provided advice to the Committee on changes to Citi’s executive compensation plan design and the presentation of its programs to shareholders. As needed, Cook & Co. meets separately with the Committee and its Chairman outside the presence of management. Cook & Co. was paid $432,049 for 2012. Independent Compensation Committee Advisor, LLC was paid $0 for 2012, and all of its fees for its services extending into 2012 were disclosed last year.

Dividend equivalents. Under the 2009 Stock Incentive Plan, performance vesting stock awards do not pay dividend equivalents on nonvested stock. We are seeking shareholder approval for an amendment that would allow the accrual of dividend equivalents during the vesting period of performance vesting stock, such that the dividend equivalents would be paid if and when the underlying shares vest (see Proposal 4). Where dividend equivalents are paid on equity awards, the dividend rate is the same for the named executive officers as for other shareholders. This practice is consistent with and furthers the goal of aligning the interests of employees with those of shareholders.

Tax deductibility of the named executive officers’ incentive compensation. In 2011, shareholders approved the 2011 Executive Performance Plan, a performance plan intended to preserve the deductibility of incentive compensation paid to the eligible named executive officers, that might otherwise not be deductible under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. Annual incentive awards for 2012 are awarded under the 2011 Executive Performance Plan, which specifies a maximum amount that can be awarded to a participant for any year based on Citicorp earnings, i.e., Citigroup’s income from continuing operations before income taxes (net of any income or loss from continuing operations before income taxes of Citi Holdings). The amount of annual incentive actually awarded for the year, however, is determined by the Committee, which may exercise discretion to pay less (but not more) than the maximum. For 2012, the Committee certified the maximum amount payable under the 2011 Executive Performance Plan as $37.8 million per executive (0.2% of Citicorp earnings) and exercised its discretion to award lesser amounts under the plan. In addition, the new objective framework for determining senior executive compensation will be subject to the 2011 Executive Performance Plan, so that amounts determined under the new structure may not exceed the maximum amount that may be awarded in accordance with the 2011 Executive Performance Plan for the relevant year. While Citi seeks to preserve deductibility of compensation paid to the named executive officers to the extent permitted by law, Citi retains the flexibility to provide nondeductible compensation arrangements it believes are necessary to recruit, incentivize and retain its executives, and individuals may in some circumstances receive nondeductible payments resulting from awards made prior to becoming an executive officer.

Timing of awards. The incentive awards to the eligible named executive officers for performance in 2012 were made on February 19, 2013, which was the grant date for equity awards made to all eligible employees under Citi’s Capital Accumulation Program. While Citi awarded total incentive compensation in January 2013 to eligible employees other than the most senior managers, Citi did not make a general grant of equity or deferred cash awards until February 19, which was the award date for all incentive compensation to the senior managers, including the named executive officers. In prior years, Citi had awarded all incentive compensation and made all equity grants at the regular January Committee meeting. The change in grant date structure was approved by the Committee in the fall of 2012 and communicated


to employees in late November and early December. The change was made for several important reasons, including our interest in moving the equity grant date away from Citi’s fourth quarter earnings release and to provide the Committee with more time after annual results are known to consider the amount of annual incentive for the most senior executives, including the CEO. The number of shares of deferred stock awarded to each employee receiving a deferred stock award was determined consistently with Citi’s long-standing practice of dividing the nominal amount of the incentive to be awarded in stock by a five-day average stock price. The average of the closing prices of Citi common stock on the five trading days immediately prior to the February 19, 2013 grant date was used to determine the number of shares awarded to the named executive officers and all other eligible employees under the Capital Accumulation Program. The same pricing approach was also used to determine the target number of shares for the performance share units.

Policies and practices on base pay and other fixed compensation. Citi believes that most compensation payable to executive officers should be at risk to incentivize performance. At the same time, the payment of cash compensation reflects the need to provide some liquidity to attract and retain executives, and base pay should reflect market practice.

Like other senior executives who were Code Staff in the U.K., Mr. Corbat received a Code Staff allowance for a portion of 2012, when his compensation was subject to requirements imposed by the Financial Services Authority. The Code Staff allowance is paid in addition to base salary, reflecting an appropriate balance of fixed and variable pay. Mr. Corbat also participated in Citi’s formal Expatriate Program from January through October 2012 and received benefits in accordance with Citi’s generally applicable expatriate policy, as disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table.

Upon Mr. Corbat’s promotion to CEO, his annual base salary rate was increased to $1,500,000 to reflect the increase in his responsibilities and competitive market salary levels for the CEO role. When compared to the base salary and Code Staff allowance he received when based in London, this adjustment increased the annual rate of Mr. Corbat’s fixed compensation moderately from $1,400,000 to $1,500,000.


IV. 2012 Summary Compensation Table and Compensation Information

The following table shows compensation for any person serving as CEO or CFO during 2012 and Citi’s three other most highly compensated executive officers, with their titles in effect on December 31, 2012. The form and content of the table are prescribed by SEC regulations.

Change in
Pension Value
Non-Equity and Non-qualified
Stock Stock Incentive Plan Deferred All Other
  Name and Salary Bonus Awards Options Compensation Compensation Compensation  
Principal Position(1)       Year(2)       ($)       ($)(3)       ($)(4) ($)(5) ($)(6)       Earnings ($)(7)       ($)(8)       Total ($)  
Michael Corbat 2012 $ 1,049,188 $ 2,090,162 $ 2,250,000 $ 0 $ 5,217,414 $ 4,215   $ 1,766,529   $ 12,377,508
CEO 2011 $ 500,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 5,100,000 $ 2,039,836 (9)      $ 0 $ 4,116 $ 14,700 $ 10,658,652
  2010 $ 500,000 $ 3,400,000 $ 4,108,500 (10)      $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,460 $ 9,800 $ 8,022,760
John Gerspach 2012 $ 500,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 1,650,000 $ 0 $ 3,796,375 $ 79,033 $ 15,000 $ 8,640,408
CFO 2011 $ 500,000 $ 2,200,000 $ 2,333,333 (11) $ 2,039,836 (9) $ 0 $ 73,047 $ 14,700 $ 7,160,916
2010 $ 500,000 $ 0 $ 4,166,667 (12) $ 0 $ 0 $ 51,995 $ 9,800 $ 4,728,462
Don Callahan 2012 $ 500,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 2,250,000 $ 0 $ 5,217,414   $ 0 $ 15,000 $ 10,782,414
Chief Administrative
Officer and Chief
Operations &  
Technology Officer,
Gene McQuade 2012 $ 500,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 0 $ 4,284,159   $ 0 $ 15,000 $ 9,699,159
CEO, Citibank, N.A.  
Manuel Medina-Mora 2012 $ 546,966 (13)     $ 4,181,214 $ 2,852,650 $ 0 $ 5,967,649 $ 1,583,395 $ 0 $ 15,131,874
CEO, Global Consumer 2011 $ 546,966 $ 4,181,214 $ 3,998,939 (11) $ 2,719,781 (9) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 11,446,900
Banking and Chairman, 2010 $ 546,966 $ 0 $ 7,450,911 (12) $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,119,018 $ 0 $ 10,116,895
Latin America & Mexico
Vikram Pandit 2012 $ 1,750,000 $ 2,661,333 $ 3,998,589 $ 0 $ 1,129,768 $ 0 $ 15,000 $ 9,554,690
Former CEO 2011 $ 1,671,370 $ 5,331,452 $ 0 $ 7,839,581 (14) $ 0 $ 0   $ 14,700 $ 14,857,103
2010 $ 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1

(1) The principal position for each named executive officer is the position he held on December 31, 2012.
(2) Compensation for Mr. Callahan and Mr. McQuade is provided only for 2012, because they were not named executive officers in 2010 or 2011.
(3) Amounts in this column show cash bonuses for service in the listed year. Half of Mr. Corbat’s bonus for 2012 is reported in next year’s Summary Compensation Table under SEC rules because it was awarded as an equity instrument in accordance with U.K. regulatory requirements.
(4) The amounts in this column for 2012 are the aggregate grant date fair values of stock granted in January 2012 for performance in 2011. The values in this column represent the aggregate grant date fair values of the awards computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. The assumptions made, if any, when calculating the amounts in this column for the awards are found in footnote 8 to the Consolidated Financial Statements of Citigroup Inc. and its Subsidiaries, as filed with the SEC on Form 10-K for 2012. Unless otherwise indicated, the stock is awarded pursuant to Citi’s Capital Accumulation Program.
(5) The values in this column represent the aggregate grant date fair values of the awards computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. The assumptions made when calculating the amounts in this column for 2011 awards are found in footnote 8 to the Consolidated Financial Statements of Citigroup Inc. and its Subsidiaries, as filed with the SEC on Form 10-K for 2012.


(6) Set forth below is a breakdown of the amount reported as Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation for 2012. The amount consists of three parts: a portion of the deferred cash award made in January 2012 for performance in 2011, notional interest on that deferred cash award, and the first of two payments due under the Key Employee Profit Sharing Plan:
   Total Non-Equity Incentive   
Reportable Portion of Earnings on Reportable Portion Plan Amount Shown in
  January 2012 Deferred January 2012 Deferred of Key Employee Profit Summary Compensation
        Name      Cash Award      Cash Award      Sharing Plan Award      Table
Michael Corbat              $ 562,500                       $ 73,219            $ 4,581,695 $ 5,217,414
John Gerspach   $ 412,500   $ 53,694 $ 3,330,181 $ 3,796,375
Don Callahan   $ 562,500 $ 73,219   $ 4,581,695 $ 5,217,414  
Gene McQuade $ 525,000     $ 68,337     $ 3,690,822   $ 4,284,159
Manuel Medina-Mora $ 747,054   $ 97,241 $ 5,123,354   $ 5,967,649
Vikram Pandit $ 999,647 $ 130,121 $ 0 $ 1,129,768  

(7) These amounts represent the increases in the present value of pension benefits for Mr. Corbat, Mr. Gerspach and Mr. Medina-Mora, as more fully described in the Pension Benefits Table. The value of Mr. Gerspach’s benefit under The Citigroup Pension Plan increased by $44,949 and the value of his benefit under the Supplemental ERISA Compensation Plan of Citibank, N.A. and Affiliates increased by $34,084. The value of Mr. Medina-Mora’s benefit under the Banamex Pension Plan increased by $1,582,455 and the value of his statutory seniority premium increased by $940. The increase in the value of Mr. Medina-Mora’s benefit under the Banamex Pension Plan was mainly due to the following changes in actuarial assumptions used in determining the value of all benefits under the Banamex Pension Plan: (i) a decrease in the discount rate from 8.50% to 7.70% and (ii) a change in the applicable mortality table to reflect improved life expectancies. The Banamex Pension Plan amounts are converted from pesos to U.S. dollars as of year-end at the same conversion rate used to prepare Citi’s financial statements. The amount of each named executive officer’s above-market or preferential earnings on compensation that was deferred on a basis that was not tax-qualified was $0. Mr. Callahan, Mr. McQuade, and Mr. Pandit are not eligible for pension benefits as they were hired after The Citigroup Pension Plan was closed to new members.


Set forth below is a breakdown of All Other Compensation (including personal benefits):

Security Medical
Services/ Ground Financial and and Dental
     Systems      Aircraft      Transportation      Tax Planning      Benefits   
           Name ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Michael Corbat $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
John Gerspach $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Don Callahan $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Gene McQuade $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Manuel Medina-Mora $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Vikram Pandit $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0

401(k) Plan Temporary Housing/
Matching Living and Cost of Living Tax Relocation
Contributions Home Leave Allowance Reimbursement Expenses   
           Name      ($)      ($)      ($)      Costs ($)      ($)      Total ($)  
Michael Corbat      $ 15,000         $ 223,177         $ 185,713         $ 1,216,848       $ 125,791    $ 1,766,529
John Gerspach $ 15,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 15,000
Don Callahan $ 15,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 15,000
Gene McQuade $ 15,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 15,000
Manuel Medina-Mora $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Vikram Pandit $ 15,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 15,000


As CEO for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, Mr. Corbat was assigned as an expatriate employee from New York to London pursuant to the terms of Citi’s Expatriate Program from January through October 2012. He therefore received all of the housing and other benefits shown above, including the tax equalization benefits shown above in the Tax Reimbursement Costs column, pursuant to the generally applicable terms of Citi’s formal Expatriate Program. The benefits under the Expatriate Program made available to Mr. Corbat are also generally available to all participants who are transferred from the U.S. on temporary assignments to other countries. In addition to providing developmental opportunities to employees and


filling specific business needs, the purpose of the Expatriate Program is to neutralize the tax and other financial advantages or disadvantages of accepting an assignment outside an employee’s home country, thereby removing personal financial considerations from the decision of whether to accept an assignment.
The tax equalization benefits shown above in the Tax Reimbursement Costs column are intended to limit Mr. Corbat’s tax liabilities and related expenses to what they would have been had he remained employed in the U.S. These amounts include the estimated tax equalization benefits made in respect of compensation attributed to 2012, and include U.S. federal, state and local taxes on compensation and certain benefits of the Expatriate Program, as well as amounts generally attributable to the higher 2012 U.K. tax rates as compared to U.S. tax rates. Expatriates are eligible for certain personal benefits intended to minimize the disruption of a temporary assignment, and under Citi’s tax equalization policies for expatriates, Citi pays all taxes on these benefits because they are unique to the expatriate assignment and would not be provided had the expatriate remained employed in his or her home country.
The amounts shown in the Relocation Expenses column cover two relocations in 2012, as Mr. Corbat moved both to and from London in 2012. Mr. Corbat is also expected to receive benefits under the Expatriate Program in future years to the extent that tax equalization and other benefits attributable to his assignment become due after 2012.
Mr. Corbat, Mr. Gerspach, Mr. Callahan, Mr. McQuade, and Mr. Pandit received 401(k) plan matching contributions pursuant to the formula applicable to all eligible U.S. employees. In accordance with applicable law, Mr. Corbat has entered into an Aircraft Time Sharing Agreement with Citiflight, Inc. (a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc.) that allows him to reimburse Citi for the cost of his personal use of corporate aircraft based on the aggregate incremental cost of the flight to Citi. Aggregate incremental cost is calculated based on a cost-per-flight-hour charge developed by a nationally recognized and independent service.
(9) These options were part of the February 2011 Executive Option Grant. They have a six-year term and vest ratably over three years. The exercise price is $49.10, which was the fair market value of Citi common stock on the grant date. The options will only have value to the extent that the Citi common stock price exceeds the exercise price after the vesting of such options.
(10) This amount was awarded for performance in 2009 and includes salary stock with a grant date fair value of $373,500 and an award under the Stock Incentive Payment Program of $3,735,000, which fully vested in January 2013. Salary stock payments are shares of immediately vested stock that were made in compliance with guidelines issued by the Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation (the Special Master). The Stock Incentive Payment Program is a discretionary award program consisting of awards of restricted or deferred shares of Citi common stock that contain terms prescribed by the Special Master. All vested Stock Incentive Payment Program shares are subject to a sale restriction and may not be sold or transferred prior to the later of January 20, 2013 or one year after the regularly scheduled vesting date of such shares. See “General Discussion of the Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table” following the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for a more detailed discussion of award terms.
(11) These awards were made under the Long Term Restricted Stock program for performance in 2010. See “General Discussion of the Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table” following the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for a more detailed discussion of award terms.
(12) This amount is a salary stock payment. See “General Discussion of the Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table” following the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for a more detailed discussion of award terms.
(13) Mr. Medina-Mora’s base U.S. dollar salary is converted to pesos on a monthly basis using the exchange rate in effect at the time of payment.
(14) Mr. Pandit’s options were awarded in May 2011 and two-thirds of the award forfeited in connection with his separation from service. He forfeited all of the following: 200,010 options with an exercise price of $41.54, 66,670 options with an exercise price of $52.50, and 66,670 options with an exercise price of $60.00. The vested options have a 10-year term. The exercise prices are at or above the market price of Citi common stock on the grant date, and the exercise prices of the vested options are as follows: $41.54 (99,990 options), $52.50 (33,330 options) and $60.00 (33,330 options). The options will only have value to the extent that the Citi common stock price exceeds each exercise price after the vesting of such options.


2012 Grants of Plan-Based Awards

The table below provides information regarding awards made by the Committee in 2012. The values shown below for equity awards are each equity award’s grant date fair value as determined under applicable accounting standards.

All Other All Other
Stock Option
Estimated Future Payouts Estimated Future Payouts Awards: Awards: Exercise Grant
Under Non-Equity Under Equity Number of Number of or Base Date Fair
Incentive Incentive Shares of Securities Price of Value of
Plan Awards(1) Plan Awards Stock Underlying Option Stock and
Threshold Target Maximum Threshold Target Maximum or Units(2) Options Awards Option
   Name Grant Date   ($)   ($)    ($)   (#)   (#)   (#)    (#)    (#)   ($/Sh)   Awards ($)   
Michael Corbat 1/17/2012 73,683 $ 2,250,000
1/17/2012 $0 $ 2,456,903 $ 2,456,903
John Gerspach 1/17/2012 54,034 $ 1,650,000
1/17/2012 $0 $ 1,801,729 $ 1,801,729  
  Don Callahan 1/17/2012 73,683 $ 2,250,000
1/17/2012 $0 $ 2,456,903 $ 2,456,903
Gene McQuade 1/17/2012 68,771 $ 2,100,000
1/17/2012 $0 $ 2,293,110 $ 2,293,110
Manuel Medina-Mora 1/17/2012 93,419 $ 2,852,650
1/17/2012 $0 $ 3,263,000 $ 3,263,000  
Vikram Pandit 1/17/2012 130,946 $ 3,998,589
1/17/2012 $0 $ 4,366,287 $ 4,366,287
11/9/2012 $0 $ 4,283,596 $ 4,283,596

(1)        These awards were made under the Citigroup Deferred Cash Award Plan. The amounts reported are the notional principal amount of the awards, plus the maximum notional interest payable under the terms of the award. The notional principal amounts of the awards are: Mr. Corbat, $2,250,000; Mr. Gerspach, $1,650,000; Mr. Callahan, $2,250,000; Mr. McQuade, $2,100,000; Mr. Medina-Mora, $2,852,650; Mr. Pandit, $3,998,589 (1/17/2012) and $3,992,000 (11/9/2012).
(2) These awards were made under the 2009 Stock Incentive Plan as part of Citi’s Capital Accumulation Program.

General Discussion of the Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table

Set forth below is a discussion of the awards disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table and the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table, to the extent not described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis.

2011 Capital Accumulation Program; Rule of 60. Half of the deferred portion of the annual incentive award for 2011 was awarded to the named executive officers in January 2012 under the Capital Accumulation Program and is shown in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table. Shares of Citi common stock awarded under the Capital Accumulation Program vest in four equal annual installments beginning on January 20 of the year following the year of grant. In general, shares vest on schedule and therefore nonvested shares remain subject to fluctuations in Citi’s common stock price as well as the Citi Clawbacks. These awards have special provisions applicable to employees who meet the Rule of 60 at the time of termination of employment. Under the current Capital Accumulation Program terms, a participant meets the Rule of 60 if his or her age plus years of service equal at least 60 and he or she either (a) is at least age 50 with at least five years of service, or (b) is under age 50 with at least 20 years of service. If a participant meets the Rule of 60 and voluntarily terminates his or her employment, the participant’s Capital Accumulation Program shares will be distributed to the participant on the regularly scheduled vesting dates, provided that during the vesting period, he or she does not work for a “significant competitor” as defined under Capital Accumulation Program terms. In contrast, if a participant does not meet the Rule of 60, upon voluntary resignation, Capital Accumulation Program shares are forfeited. Capital Accumulation Program awards provide for accelerated vesting in the event of a participant’s death and vesting on schedule in all other cases (except termination for gross misconduct, in which case the awards are forfeited). All of the named executive officers have satisfied the Rule of 60; Mr. McQuade’s employment agreement provides him with the minimum number of years of service necessary to satisfy the Rule of 60


for incentive awards granted after February 2011. The Committee determined that this arrangement was necessary to induce Mr. McQuade, who joined Citi late in his career, to remain with Citi, and was a unique exception to Citi’s policy against such service grants.

2011 Deferred Cash Award Plan. Half of the deferred portion of the annual incentive award for 2011 was awarded to the named executive officers in January 2012 under the Deferred Cash Award Plan, also as shown in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table. Deferred Cash Award Plan awards also vest in four equal annual installments beginning on January 20 of the year following the year of grant and remain subject to the Citi Clawbacks during the vesting period. An additional performance-based vesting condition applies to the Deferred Cash Award Plan awards made in January 2012 for performance in 2011. If Citigroup has pre-tax losses in any year of the deferral period, the portion of the deferred cash award that is scheduled to vest in the year following the loss year will be reduced by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of the pre-tax loss, and the denominator of which is the highest level of annual pre-tax profit for Citigroup in the three years immediately prior to the loss year. The nonvested portion of the award earns notional interest at a rate of 3.55%, compounded annually. The treatment of Deferred Cash Award Plan awards upon termination of employment is the same as Capital Accumulation Program awards.

2010 Long Term Restricted Stock. Annual incentive awards for 2010 were made to Mr. Gerspach and Mr. Medina-Mora in January 2011 in the form of “long-term restricted stock,” as required by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, as amended. The Long Term Restricted Stock awards will not vest unless the executive remains employed until January 20, 2014 and are subject to an additional performance-based vesting condition applicable to 2010 Long Term Restricted Stock awards to executive officers. If Citi has pre-tax net losses during any of the years of the deferral period, the Committee may exercise its discretion to eliminate or reduce the number of shares that vest for that year. The Long Term Restricted Stock awards are subject to the Citi Clawbacks, as described on pages 64-65. Long Term Restricted Stock awards do not vest in the event of retirement, involuntary termination of employment or change in control, but vesting would occur upon death or disability. As it is no longer restricted by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, as amended, Citi does not intend to award Long Term Restricted Stock in the future.

2010 Salary Stock. The Committee paid salary stock to Mr. Corbat, Mr. Gerspach and Mr. Medina-Mora in 2010 as a component of compliance with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, as amended. Salary stock payments were made in accordance with the rulings of the Special Master, pursuant to which compensation in the form of stock was immediately vested but was subject to sale restrictions for periods of up to 36 months. There were no provisions for early release of these transfer restrictions in the event of retirement, involuntary termination of employment or change in control.


Outstanding Equity Awards at 2012 Fiscal Year-End

The market values in this table were computed using the closing price of a share of Citi common stock on December 31, 2012, which was $39.56. The numbers of securities and values in this table and throughout this proxy statement have been adjusted for the reverse stock split effective May 6, 2011. SEC rules require the disclosure of all outstanding awards, although they may have been granted under discontinued programs.

   Option Awards Stock Awards
  Equity Plan
Incentive Awards:
Equity Plan Market or
Incentive Awards: Payout
Plan Number of Value of
Awards: Number of Unearned Unearned
Number of Number of Number of Shares or Shares, Shares,
Securities Securities Securities Units of Market Value Units or Units
Underlying Underlying Underlying Stock of Shares or Other or Other
Unexercised Unexercised Unexercised Option Option That Have Units of Stock Rights That Rights That
Options (#) Options (#) Unearned     Exercise Expiration Not Vested That Have Have Not Have Not
Name       Grant Date       Exercisable(1)       Unexercisable(2)       Options (#)       Price ($)       Date       (#)       Not Vested ($)       Vested (#)       Vested ($)
Michael Corbat 2/14/2011     49,995 (3)            100,005        $ 49.1000 2/14/2017                          
John Gerspach 12/30/2009 50,200 (4)   $ 1,985,912
1/18/2011 48,611 (5) $ 1,923,051
2/14/2011 49,995 (3) 100,005 $ 49.1000 2/14/2017
Don Callahan 1/14/2009 36,922 (6)  $ 1,460,634
1/14/2009 14,618 (7) 4,872 $ 106.1000 1/14/2019
1/14/2009 14,618 (7) 4,872 $ 178.5000 1/14/2019
2/14/2011 49,995 (3) 100,005 $ 49.1000 2/14/2017
Gene McQuade 1/19/2010 10,665 (8) $ 421,907
1/18/2011     20,916 (9) $ 827,437
2/14/2011 33,330 (3)   66,670 $ 49.1000 2/14/2017