AST High Yield Portfolio
SUMMARY PROSPECTUS • April 29, 2019 (As Reissued July 1, 2019)
Before you invest, you may want to review the Portfolio’s Prospectus, which contains more information about the Portfolio and its risks. You can find the Portfolio's Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information (SAI), Annual Report and other information about the Portfolio online at www.prudential.com/variableinsuranceportfolios. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 1-800-346-3778 or by sending an e-mail to: service@prudential.com. The Portfolio’s Prospectus and SAI, both dated April 29, 2019, as supplemented and amended from time to time, and the Portfolio’s most recent shareholder report, dated December 31, 2018 are all hereby incorporated by reference into (legally made a part of) this Summary Prospectus.

The investment objective of the Portfolio is to seek maximum total return, consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment management.
The table below shows the fees and expenses that you may pay if you invest in shares of the Portfolio. The table does not include Contract charges. Because Contract charges are not included, the total fees and expenses that you will incur will be higher than the fees and expenses set forth in the table. See your Contract prospectus for more information about Contract charges.
Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)  
Management Fees 0.57%
+ Distribution and/or Service Fees (12b-1 Fees) 0.25%
+ Other Expenses 0.04%
= Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses 0.86%
Example. The following example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Portfolio with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The table does not include Contract charges. Because Contract charges are not included, the total fees and expenses that you will incur will be higher than the fees and expenses set forth in the example. See your Contract prospectus for more information about Contract charges.
The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Portfolio for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Portfolio’s operating expenses remain the same. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your costs would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
AST High Yield $88 $274 $477 $1,061
Portfolio Turnover. The Portfolio pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual portfolio operating expenses or in the example, affect the Portfolio's performance. During the most recent fiscal year ended December 31, the Portfolio's turnover rate was 44% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies. In pursuing its investment objective, the Portfolio normally invests at least 80% of its assets (net assets plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in non-investment grade high-yield fixed income investments, which may be represented by forwards or derivatives such as options, futures contracts, or swap agreements. Non-investment grade securities are commonly known as “junk bonds” and include securities rated Ba or lower by Moody's Investors Services, Inc. or equivalently rated by S&P Global Ratings or Fitch, or, if unrated, determined by the Portfolio’s subadviser to be of comparable quality.
In managing the Portfolio’s assets, PGIM Fixed Income uses a combination of top-down economic analysis and bottom-up research in conjunction with proprietary quantitative models and risk management systems. In the top-down economic analysis, the subadviser develops views on economic, policy and market trends. In its bottom-up research, the subadviser develops an internal rating and outlook on issuers. The rating and outlook is determined based on a thorough review of the financial health and trends of the issuer. The subadviser may also consider investment factors such as expected total

return, yield, spread and potential for price appreciation as well as credit quality, maturity and risk. The Portfolio may invest in a security based upon the expected total return rather than the yield of such security.
The Portfolio may invest up to 30% of its total assets in securities denominated in foreign currencies and may invest beyond this limit in US dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers. The Portfolio may invest up to 15% of its total assets in securities and instruments that are economically tied to emerging market countries. The Portfolio may also purchase the securities of issuers that are in default, engage in short sales, and invest in common stocks, warrants, rights, and other equity securities.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Portfolio. The risks summarized below are the principal risks of investing in the Portfolio. All investments have risks to some degree and it is possible that you could lose money by investing in the Portfolio. An investment in the Portfolio is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. While the Portfolio makes every effort to achieve its objectives, the Portfolio cannot guarantee success.
Asset-Backed and/or Mortgage-Backed Securities Risk. Asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities are fixed income securities that represent an interest in an underlying pool of assets, such as credit card receivables or, in the case of mortgage-backed securities, mortgage loans. Like fixed income securities, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities are subject to interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk, which may be heightened in connection with investments in loans to “subprime” borrowers. Certain asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities are subject to the risk that those obligations will be repaid sooner than expected or later than expected, either of which may result in lower than expected returns. Mortgage-backed securities, because they are backed by mortgage loans, are also subject to risks related to real estate, and securities backed by private-issued mortgages may experience higher rates of default on the underlying mortgages than securities backed by government-issued mortgages.
Asset Transfer Program Risk. Predetermined, nondiscretionary mathematical formulas used by the Participating Insurance Companies to manage the guarantees offered in connection with certain benefit programs under the Contracts may result in systematic transfers of assets among the investment options under the Contracts, including the Portfolio. These formulas may result in large-scale asset flows into and out of the Portfolio, which could adversely affect the Portfolio, including its risk profile, expenses and performance. For example, the asset flows may adversely affect performance by requiring the Portfolio to purchase or sell securities at inopportune times, by otherwise limiting the subadviser’s ability to fully implement the Portfolio’s investment strategies, or by requiring the Portfolio to hold a larger portion of its assets in highly liquid securities than it otherwise would hold. The asset flows may also result in high turnover, low asset levels and high operating expense ratios for the Portfolio. The efficient operation of the asset flows depends on active and liquid markets. If market liquidity is strained, the asset flows may not operate as intended which in turn could adversely affect performance.
Derivatives Risk. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which depends upon, or is derived from, the value of one or more underlying investments, such as an asset, reference rate, or index. The use of derivatives is a highly specialized activity that involves a variety of risks in addition to and greater than those associated with investing directly in securities, including the risk that: the party on the other side of a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation; leverage created by investing in derivatives may result in losses to the Portfolio; derivatives may be difficult or impossible for the Portfolio to buy or sell at an opportune time or price, and may be difficult to terminate or otherwise offset; derivatives used for hedging may reduce or magnify losses but also may reduce or eliminate gains; and the price of commodity-linked derivatives may be more volatile than the prices of traditional equity and debt securities.
Economic and Market Events Risk. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in periods of unusually high volatility in a market or a segment of a market, which could negatively impact performance. Reduced liquidity in credit and fixed income markets could adversely affect issuers worldwide.
Emerging Markets Risk. The risks of non-US investments are greater for investments in or exposed to emerging markets. Emerging market countries typically have economic, political and social systems that are less developed, and can be expected to be less stable, than those of more developed countries. For example, the economies of such countries can be subject to currency devaluations and rapid and unpredictable (and in some cases, extremely high) rates of inflation or deflation. Low trading volumes may result in a lack of liquidity, price volatility and valuation difficulties.  Emerging market countries may have policies that restrict investments by foreign investors, or that prevent foreign investors from withdrawing their money at will, which may make it difficult for a Portfolio to invest in such countries or increase the administrative costs of such investments. Countries with emerging markets can be found in regions such as Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa. A Portfolio may invest in some emerging markets through trading structures or protocols that subject it to risks such as those associated with decreased liquidity, custody of assets, different settlement and clearance procedures and asserting legal title under a developing legal and regulatory regime to a greater degree than in developed markets or even in other emerging markets.

Expense Risk. The actual cost of investing in the Portfolio may be higher than the expenses shown in the “Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses” table above for a variety of reasons, including, for example, if the Portfolio’s average net assets decrease.
Fixed Income Securities Risk. Investment in fixed income securities involves a variety of risks, including that: an issuer or guarantor of a security will be unable or unwilling to pay obligations when due; due to decreases in liquidity, the Portfolio may be unable to sell its securities holdings within a reasonable time at the price it values the security or at any price; and the Portfolio’s investment may decrease in value when interest rates rise. Volatility in interest rates and in fixed income markets may increase the risk that the Portfolio’s investment in fixed income securities will go down in value. Risks associated with rising interest rates are currently heightened because interest rates in the US have begun to increase from historically low levels in recent years and may continue to increase in the future, possibly suddenly and significantly, with unpredictable effects on the markets and the Portfolio’s investments. Changes in interest rates may also affect the liquidity of the Portfolio’s investments in fixed income securities.
Foreign Investment Risk. Investments in foreign securities generally involve more risk than investments in securities of US issuers, including: changes in currency exchange rates may affect the value of foreign securities held by the Portfolio; foreign markets generally are more volatile than, and generally are not subject to regulatory requirements comparable to, US markets; foreign financial reporting standards usually differ from those in the US; foreign exchanges are often less liquid than US markets; political or social developments may adversely affect the value of foreign securities; and foreign holdings may be subject to special taxation and limitations on repatriating investment proceeds.
High Yield Risk. Investments in fixed income securities rated below investment grade and unrated securities of similar credit quality (i.e., high yield securities or junk bonds) may be more sensitive to interest rate, credit, call and liquidity risks than investments in investment grade securities, and have predominantly speculative characteristics.
Liquidity and Valuation Risk. The Portfolio may hold one or more securities for which there are no or few buyers and sellers or the securities are subject to limitations on transfer. The Portfolio may be unable to sell those portfolio holdings at the desired time or price, and may have difficulty determining the value of such securities for the purpose of determining the Portfolio’s net asset value. In such cases, investments owned by the Portfolio may be valued at fair value pursuant to guidelines established by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. No assurance can be given that the fair value prices accurately reflect the value of the security. The Portfolio is subject to a liquidity risk management program, which limits the ability of the Portfolio to invest in illiquid investments.
Market and Management Risk. Markets in which the Portfolio invests may experience volatility and go down in value, and possibly sharply and unpredictably. The investment techniques, risk analysis and investment strategies used by a subadviser in making investment decisions for the Portfolio may not produce the intended or desired results. There is no guarantee that the investment objective of the Portfolio will be achieved.
Redemption Risk. A Portfolio that serves as an underlying fund for a fund of funds is subject to certain risks. When a fund of funds reallocates or rebalances its investments, an underlying fund may experience relatively large redemptions or investments. These transactions may cause the Portfolio serving as the underlying fund to sell portfolio securities to meet such redemptions, or to invest cash from such investments, at times that it would not otherwise do so, and may as a result increase transaction costs or adversely affect Portfolio performance.
Regulatory Risk. The Portfolio is subject to a variety of laws and regulations which govern its operations. The Portfolio is subject to regulation by the SEC, and depending on the Portfolio, the CFTC. Similarly, the businesses and other issuers of the securities and other instruments in which the Portfolio invests are also subject to considerable regulation. Changes in laws and regulations may materially impact the Portfolio, a security, business, sector or market.
Restricted Securities Risk. The Portfolio may invest in restricted securities. Restricted securities are subject to legal and contractual restrictions on resale. Restricted securities are not traded on established markets and may be classified as illiquid, difficult to value and subject to wide fluctuations in value. Delay or difficulty in selling such securities may result in a loss to the Portfolio. 
Short Sale Risk. A short sale involves the risk that the price of a borrowed security or derivative will increase during the time the Portfolio has borrowed the security or derivative and the Portfolio will incur a loss equal to the increase in price from the time that the short sale was entered into plus any premiums and interest paid to the third party. Short sales may result in losses that are greater than the cost of the investment. In addition, the third party to the short sale may fail to honor its contract terms, causing a loss to the Portfolio.
Sovereign Debt Securities Risk. Investing in foreign sovereign debt securities exposes the Portfolio to direct or indirect consequences of political, social or economic changes in the countries that issue the securities. The consequences include the risk that the issuer or governmental authority that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or pay interest when it becomes due, that the foreign government may default on its debt securities, and that there may be no bankruptcy proceeding by which the defaulted sovereign debt may be collected.

Past Performance. The bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of investing in the Portfolio by showing changes in the Portfolio's performance from year to year and by showing how the Portfolio's average annual returns for 1, 5, and 10 years compare with those of a broad measure of market performance. Past performance does not mean that the Portfolio will achieve similar results in the future.
The annual returns and average annual returns shown in the chart and table are after deduction of expenses and do not include Contract charges. If Contract charges were included, the returns shown would have been lower than those shown. Consult your Contract prospectus for information about Contract charges.
The table also demonstrates how the Portfolio’s average annual returns compare to the returns of a secondary index, the components of which are similar to the Portfolio’s holdings.
Note: The AST High Yield Portfolio changed subadvisers effective September 13, 2010. The performance prior to September 13, 2010 for the Portfolio reflect the investment performance, investment operations, and investment strategies of the former subadviser, and does not represent the actual or predicted performance of the Portfolio or its current subadvisers.
Best Quarter: Worst Quarter:
14.03% 2nd Quarter 2009 -6.86% 3rd Quarter 2011
Average Annual Total Returns (For the periods ended December 31, 2018)      
  1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
Portfolio -1.99% 3.75% 8.82%
Bloomberg Barclays US High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes) -2.08% 3.84% 11.14%
ICE BofAML US High Yield Master II Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes) -2.26% 3.82% 10.99%
Investment Managers Subadvisers Portfolio Managers Title Service Date
PGIM Investments LLC J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc. William J. Morgan+ Managing Director September 2010
AST Investment Services, Inc.   James P. Shanahan Managing Director September 2010
    Alexander Sammarco Executive Director April 2019
    Christopher Musbach Executive Director April 2019
    Michael Sclembach Executive Director April 2019
  PGIM Fixed Income* Robert Cignarella, CFA Managing Director and Head of PGIM Fixed Income's Leveraged Finance Team May 2014
    Robert Spano, CFA, CPA Principal and High Yield Portfolio Manager September 2010
    Ryan Kelly, CFA Principal and High Yield Portfolio Manager February 2012
    Brian Clapp, CFA Principal and High Yield Portfolio Manager May 2013
    Daniel Thorogood, CFA Vice President and High Yield Portfolio Manager May 2014
+ Mr. Morgan has announced his retirement from J.P. Morgan effective February 29, 2020. Until his retirement, Mr. Morgan will continue to serve on the J.P. Morgan portfolio management team.
* PGIM Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of PGIM, Inc., serves as a sub-subadviser to the Portfolio.

Contract owners should consult their Contract prospectus for information on the federal tax consequences to them. In addition, Contract owners may wish to consult with their own tax advisors as to the tax consequences of investments in the Contracts and the Portfolio, including the application of state and local taxes. The Portfolio currently intends to be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. As a result, the Portfolio's income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits are “passed through” pro rata directly to the Participating Insurance Companies and retain the same character for federal income tax purposes.
If you purchase your Contract through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Participating Insurance Company, the Portfolio or their related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of the Contract, the selection of the Portfolio and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Contract over another investment or insurance product, or to recommend the Portfolio over another investment option under the Contract. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.



By Mail: Advanced Series Trust, 655 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102
By Telephone: 1-800-346-3778
On the Internet: www.prudential.com/variableinsuranceportfolios
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