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Dated as of 6 October 2010







This document is an exhibit to the Commonwealth of Australia's Annual Report on Form 18-K ("Annual Report") under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2009. All amendments to such Annual Report filed by the Commonwealth of Australia on Form 18-K/A following the date hereof shall be incorporated by reference into this document. Any statement contained herein, or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein, shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of this document to the extent that a statement contained herein or in any other subsequently filed document that also is or is deemed to be incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this document.



Official Documents
Forward-Looking Statements
Presentation of Financial and Other Information
Certain Defined Terms and Conventions
Population and Geography of Australia
Form of Government
Domestic Economic Conditions
Commonwealth Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
Forecasts for the Australian Economy
Merchandise Trade
Balance of Payments
Changes in Official Reserve Assets
Exchange Rate
Foreign Investment Policy
Foreign Financial Relations
Australian Currency
Monetary Conditions
Regulation of the Financial System
The Financial System Regulatory Regime
Federal Government Budget
Commonwealth Investment in the National Broadband Network
Pensions and Superannuation
Commonwealth-State Financial Relations
Domestic Issuance of Government Bonds
Guarantees and Other Contingent Liabilities
Debt Record
Credit Ratings



Official Documents
Certain financial and statistical information contained in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia has been derived from official Australian Government sources, including:
the Final Budget Outcome 2009-10 released on 24 September 2010, which we refer to as the "Final Budget Outcome 2009-10" (included as Exhibit E to the Commonwealth of Australia's Annual Report on Form 18-K for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2010 filed with the Commission on 6 October 2010 and available at http://www.budget.gov.au/2009-10/content/fbo/html/index.htm), the Final Budget Outcome 2008-09 released on 29 September 2009, which we refer to as the "Final Budget Outcome 2008-09" (included as Exhibit E to the Commonwealth of Australia's Annual Report on Form 18-K for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2009 filed with the Commission on 24 November 2009 and available at http://www.budget.gov.au/2008-09/content/fbo/html/index.htm) and the Final Budget Outcome 2007-08 released on 26 September 2008, which we refer to as the "Final Budget Outcome 2007-08" (available at http://www.budget.gov.au/2007-08/fbo/html/index.htm).
the Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2010 dated 26 July 2010, which we refer to as the "2010 PEFO" (available at http://www.treasury.gov.au/documents/1858/PDF/PEFO_2010.pdf);
the July 2010 Economic Statement dated 14 July 2010, which we refer to as the "July 2010 Economic Statement" (available at http://www.budget.gov.au/2010-11/content/economic_statement/html/index.htm);
the 2010-11 Commonwealth Budget dated 11 May 2010, which we refer to as the "2010-11 Budget" (included as Exhibit C to the Commonwealth of Australia's Annual Report on Form 18-K for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2009 filed with the Commission on 24 November 2009 and available at http://www.budget.gov.au), the 2009-10 Commonwealth Budget dated 12 May 2009, which we refer to as the "2009-10 Budget" (available at http://www.budget.gov.au) and the 2008-09 Commonwealth Budget dated 13 May 2008, which we refer to as the "2008-09 Budget" (available at http://www.budget.gov.au/2008-09/); and
the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2009-10 Statement released on 2 November 2009, which we refer to as the "2009-10 MYEFO" (included as Exhibit F to the Commonwealth of Australia's Annual Report on Form 18-K for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2009 filed with the Commission on 24 November 2009 and available at http://www.budget.gov.au/2009-10/content/myefo/html/index.htm).
Information available on the websites referenced above is not incorporated by reference in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The address of the Commonwealth of Australia is c/o The Treasury of the Commonwealth of Australia, Treasury Building, Langton Crescent, Parkes ACT 2600, Australia, and its phone number is +61 2 6263 2111.
Forward-Looking Statements
This Description of the Commonwealth of Australia contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the terms 'believes', 'forecasts', 'estimates', 'projects', 'expects', 'intends', 'may', 'will', 'seeks', 'would', 'could' or 'should' or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology, or in relation to discussions of forecasts, policies, strategy, plans, objectives, goals, future events or intentions.
Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Commonwealth of Australia’s beliefs and expectations.  These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections and, therefore, undue reliance should not be placed on them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made.  Although the Australian Government belives that the beliefs and expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such beliefs and expectations will prove to have been correct.
Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statement.  Factors that could



cause the actual outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward looking statements include:
the international economy, and in particular the rates of growth (or contraction) of Australia's major trading partners;
the effects of the global financial crisis;
changes in commodity prices and/or global demand for Australia's major export commodities;
increases or decreases in international and domestic interest rates;
increases or decreases in domestic consumption;
increases or decreases in Australia's labour force participation and productivity;
exchange rate fluctuations; and
increases or decreases in Australia's rate of inflation.
Presentation of Financial and Other Information
The fiscal year of the Commonwealth of Australia is 1 July to 30 June.  Annual information presented in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia is based on fiscal years, unless otherwise indicated.  In this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia, the fiscal year beginning on 1 July 2009 and ending on 30 June 2010 is referred to as "2009-10" and previous and subsequent fiscal years are referred to using the same convention.
Any discrepancies between totals and sums of components in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia are due to rounding.
Statistical information reported in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia has been derived from official publications of, and information supplied by, a number of departments and agencies of the Commonwealth of Australia, including the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Department of Finance and Deregulation, the Reserve Bank of Australia (the "RBA") and the Australian Bureau of Statistics ("ABS").  Some statistical information has also been derived from information publicly made available by the International Monetary Fund (the "IMF") and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (the "OECD").  Similar statistics may be obtainable from other sources, but the underlying assumptions, methodology and, consequently, the resulting data may vary from source to source.  In addition, statistics and data published by a department or agency of the Commonwealth of Australia may differ from similar statistics and data produced by other departments or agencies due to differing underlying assumptions or methodology.  Certain historical statistical information contained in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia is based on estimates that the Commonwealth of Australia and/or its departments or agencies believe to be based on reasonable assumptions.  The Commonwealth of Australia's official financial and economic statistics are subject to review as part of a regular confirmation process. Accordingly, financial and economic information may be subsequently adjusted or revised. While the Australian Government does not expect revisions to be material, no assurance can be given that material changes will not be made.  The Commonwealth of Australia adheres to the IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standards, which guide members in the dissemination of economic and financial data to the public.
As required by Form 18-K, the Commonwealth's most recent budget is filed as an exhibit to the accompanying annual report.  In addition, other Australian Government budgetary papers may from time to time be filed as exhibits to amendments to this annual report or subsequent annual reports from time to time.  Those budgetary papers contain forward-looking statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Australian Government's beliefs and expectations for the forthcoming budget period. Those statements are or will be based on plans, estimates and projections that are current only as of the original date of release by the Australian Government of those budgetary papers and speak only as of the date they are so made.  The information included in those budgetary papers may also have changed since that date.  In addition, these budgets are prepared for government planning purposes, not as future predictions, and actual results may differ and have in fact differed, in some cases materially, from results contemplated by the budgets.  Therefore, you should not rely on the information in those budgetary papers.



The fiscal aggregates in the Federal budget are underpinned by a set of forward estimates consisting of short-term economic forecasts and projections based on medium-term assumptions.  In the budget, the Australian Government usually presents two years of economic forecasts and an additional three years of projections.  The forecasts are based on detailed assessments of different sectors of the economy derived from the most recent data outturns, forecasting models and information gathered from business liaison.  Forecasts for the various sectors of the economy are brought together to form a coherent set of forecasts for the macroeconomy.  Projections are used in the latter years and are based on long run averages of broad economic aggregates.
In the 2009-10 Budget, the projection methodology was changed from the usual practice of assuming trend GDP growth in the two projection years.  This reflected the expectation that the Australian economy would experience a sustained period of below trend growth in the three-year forecast period.  A corresponding period of above trend growth was assumed in the projections to return the economy to its potential level.  On the basis of forecasts that the economy will return to full capacity within the three-year forecast period, the 2010-11 Budget resumed the traditional methodology of assuming trend GDP growth in the projection years.
References in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia to "Australian dollars," "A$," "dollars" or "$" are to the lawful currency of the Commonwealth of Australia and references in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia to "U.S. dollars" or "US$" are to the lawful currency of the United States.
References in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia to statutes followed by "(Cth)" are to legislation enacted by the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Certain Defined Terms and Conventions
The terms set forth below have the following meanings for purposes of this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia:
is short for Authorised Deposit-taking Institution.
means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
refers to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Authorised Deposit-taking Institution
means a body corporate that has been granted authority by APRA to carry on banking business in Australia (under section 9 of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth)).
Basic price
refers to the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output, minus any tax payable plus any subsidy receivable on that unit as a consequence of its production or sale; it excludes any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer.
Balance of payments
refers to the total of all of the amounts transacted between residents of Australia and residents of the rest of the world (non-residents) over a specific period of time.
Capital account
records the values of the non-financial assets that are acquired, or disposed of, by resident institutional units by engaging in transactions, and shows the change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers or internal bookkeeping transactions linked to production (changes in inventories and consumption of fixed capital).
Chain volume measures
refers to measures derived by linking together (compounding) movements in volumes, calculated using the average prices of the previous fiscal year, and applying the compounded movements to the current price estimates of the reference year.  Chain volume measures were introduced in the national accounts in 1998 because, by annually rebasing, they provide price relativities that reflect the current situation, thereby providing better real estimates than constant price measures, especially in times of rapidly changing relative prices.
Consumer price index (or headline rate of inflation)
measures quarterly changes in the price of a 'basket' of goods and services which account for a high proportion of expenditure by the CPI population group (i.e., metropolitan households) and is commonly referred to as the headline rate of inflation.
Current account
includes the balance of trade (exports of goods and services minus imports of goods



and services), net factor income (income earned by Australia from the rest of the world minus income earned by the rest of the world from Australia) and net transfer payments (including, for example, net outflows of foreign aid payments). The current account excludes capital transfers.
Current prices
refers to estimates valued at the prices of the period to which the observation relates. For example, estimates for 2002–03 are valued using 2002–03 prices. This contrasts to chain volume measures where the prices used in valuation refer to the prices of the previous year.
Fiscal year
means each year commencing 1 July and ending 30 June.
Foreign ADI
means a foreign corporation authorised to carry on banking business in a foreign country that has been granted authority by APRA to carry on banking business in Australia (under section 9 of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth)).
Free on board (or f.o.b.)
The value of goods measured on a free on board basis includes all production and other costs incurred up until the goods are placed on board the international carrier for export. Free on board values exclude international insurance and transport costs. They include the value of the outside packaging in which the product is wrapped, but do not include the value of the international freight containers used for transporting the goods.
Gross domestic product (or GDP)
means the total market value of goods and services produced in Australia within a given period after deducting the cost of goods and services used up in the process of production but before deducting allowances for the consumption of fixed capital.
GDP per capita
means the ratio of the chain volume estimate of GDP to an estimate of the resident Australian population.
Gross national income
(formerly gross national product) refers to the aggregate value of gross primary incomes for all institutional sectors, including net primary income receivable from non-residents.
Gross value added
means the value of output at basic prices minus the value of intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices.
Household saving ratio
refers to the ratio of household net saving (calculated as household net disposable income less household final consumption expenditure) to household net disposable income (calculated as household gross disposable income less household consumption of fixed capital).
means the International Monetary Fund.
Implicit price deflator
is obtained by dividing a current price value by its real counterpart (the chain volume measure).
refers to a continuous upward movement in the general level of prices.
Labour force
means, for any group, persons who were employed or unemployed.
National net savings
is calculated as national net disposable income less final consumption expenditure.
Net domestic product
is calculated as GDP less consumption of fixed capital.
Net worth
represents the difference between the stock of assets (both financial and non-financial) and the stock of liabilities.  Because it is derived residually, it can be negative.
means the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Participation rate
means, for any group, the labour force expressed as a percentage of the civilian population aged 15 years and over in the same group.
means the Reserve Bank of Australia.



Real gross
is calculated by:
domestic income  
taking the volume measure of gross national expenditure;
adding exports of goods and services at current prices deflated by the implicit price deflator for imports of goods and services;
deducting the volume measure of imports of goods and services; and
adding the current price statistical discrepancy for GDP, deflated by the implicit price deflator for GDP.
Real gross national income
is calculated by adjusting real gross domestic income for the real impact of primary income flows (property income and labour income) to and from overseas.
Real net national
is calculated by:
disposable income  
taking real gross domestic income;
deducting real incomes payable to the rest of the world;
adding real incomes receivable from the rest of the world; and
deducting the volume measure of consumption of fixed capital.
Real incomes payable and receivable are calculated by dividing the nominal income flows by the implicit price deflator for gross national expenditure.
means adjusted for the effects of inflation.
Seasonal adjustment
involves estimation of seasonal factors in data and adjustment of the data to remove the seasonal effect.
Total gross fixed capital formation
refers to expenditure on new fixed assets plus expenditure on second-hand fixed assets, whether for additions or replacements (but not including repairs), where fixed assets are produced assets that are used repeatedly or continuously in production processes for more than one year. It includes capital formation undertaken by government, public corporations and the private sector.
Unemployment rate
means, for any group, the number of unemployed persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force in the same group.



Population and Geography of Australia
Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Excluding its external Territories, Australia has an area of nearly 7.7 million square kilometres.  It is the world's sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil.  The major portion of Australia's population lives in the eastern and southern coastal regions.  The vast central area of Australia is arid and largely unsuitable for agriculture.  A map showing Australia's States and Territories, major cities and principal geographic features is included on the page following the cover page of this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The preliminary estimated resident population of Australia at 31 March 2010 was 22,272,000 persons.  This was an increase of 403,100 persons (1.8%) since 31 March 2009 and 106,400 persons since 31 December 2009.
The preliminary estimated resident populations of the six States, the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory at 31 March 2010 were as follows.
Table 1:  Preliminary estimated resident population of States and Territories
State / Territory
Population (as at 31 March 2010)
New South Wales
Western Australia
South Australia
Australian Capital Territory
Northern Territory
Source:  ABS Catalogue No.  3101.0.
The majority of the population lives in the metropolitan areas of the capital cities of the six States, and in Canberra, the national capital.
The growth of Australia's population has two components: natural increase (the number of births minus the number of deaths) and net overseas migration.
Preliminary natural increase for the year ended 31 March 2010 was estimated to be 161,700 persons, an increase of 7.0% (or 10,600 persons) on the natural increase for the year ended 31 March 2009 (151,100 persons).  The preliminary estimate for births during the year ended 31 March 2010 (303,500) was 3.1% higher than the figure for the year ended 31 March 2009 (294,500).  The preliminary estimate for deaths during the year ended 31 March 2010 was 141,800.
For the year ended 31 March 2010, Australia recorded a preliminary net overseas migration ("NOM") estimate of an increase of 241,400 persons.  This was the difference between 482,100 overseas arrivals that were added to the population and 240,700 overseas departures that were subtracted from the population.  Australia's current migration program allows people from any country to apply to migrate to Australia, regardless of their ethnicity, culture, religion or language, provided that they meet the criteria set out in law.  The Australian Government views Australia's cultural diversity as a source of both social and economic wealth.  The contribution made to population growth by NOM (60%) was higher than that of natural increase (40%).



The following table sets forth the estimated resident population of Australia by age group as of 30 June 2009:
Table 2:  Preliminary estimated resident population by age group
Age group
(as at 30 June 2009)
100 and over
All ages
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 3101.0.
Australia's estimated total fertility rate (the average number of babies that a woman could expect to bear during her reproductive lifetime, assuming current age-specific fertility rates apply) is 1.933 births per woman in the year ended 30 June 2009, a rate higher than the fertility rates in many OECD countries, including Italy, Germany, Japan and Canada, and higher than the OECD average of 1.71 in 2008.  However, Australia's current total fertility rate is below those for New Zealand (2.18 in 2008) and the United States (2.09 in 2008).  Based on recent age-specific fertility trends, the 2010 Intergenerational Report projected Australia's total fertility rate to fall then remain stable at 1.9 births per woman through 2050.
Average Australian mortality rates have fallen strongly over the past century. As a consequence, life expectancies have risen for both men and women. Falling mortality rates add to population growth and imply a higher proportion of aged people in the population.  Mortality rates are falling across all age groups, and this trend is projected to continue for at least the next four decades.
Australia's NOM helps to reduce population ageing. However, falling fertility and mortality rates are projected to lead to an overall rise in the average age of the population. While many OECD countries share Australia's demographic challenges, Australia is in a stronger position to meet them than most.
Form of Government
The Commonwealth of Australia was formed as a federal union on 1 January 1901 when the six former British colonies—now the six States of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania—were united in a 'Federal Commonwealth' under the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act enacted by the British Parliament.  In addition to the States, there are ten Territories consisting of the Australian Capital Territory, which contains the national capital (Canberra), the Northern Territory, Norfolk Island, the Ashmore and Cartier Islands, the Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the Coral Sea Islands, the Jervis Bay Territory and the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands.  The Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory and Norfolk Island have been granted forms of self-government.  The remaining Territories are administered by the Commonwealth Government.



Federal legislative powers in Australia are vested in the Federal Parliament (the "Parliament"), which consists of the Queen as head of state, the Senate and the House of Representatives.  The Governor-General represents the Queen throughout Australia.  The Senate and the House of Representatives are both elected by the compulsory vote of all eligible persons (generally, Australian citizens aged 18 years and older).  Twelve senators are elected from each of the six States for a term of six years; half the senators from each State are elected every third year.  In addition, two senators are elected from each of the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory and hold office until the next general election of the House of Representatives.  The House of Representatives consists of 150 members, each elected for a term not exceeding three years.  Each State's representation in the House of Representatives is approximately proportionate to its population.  This representation is reviewed during the life of every Parliament in response to population shifts.  In accordance with established practice, the election for members of the Senate is usually held on the same date as the election for members of the House of Representatives.  Under certain circumstances the Governor-General may simultaneously dissolve the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The Senate has equal power with the House of Representatives except in relation to laws appropriating money or imposing taxes, which must originate in the House of Representatives.  Laws imposing taxes and laws appropriating money for the ordinary annual services of the Government may not be amended by the Senate, but may be rejected or returned by the Senate to the House of Representatives with a request for amendment.  Any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate may introduce a proposed law (a "bill").  To become law, bills must be passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Under the Constitution, the Parliament is empowered to make laws on certain specified matters such as defence, external affairs, interstate and overseas trade and commerce, foreign corporations and trading or financial corporations formed within the limits of Australia, borrowing money, taxation (including customs and excise taxes), postal, telegraphic and telephonic services, currency and banking, insurance, immigration, pensions and social services.  Some of these powers are given to the Parliament to the exclusion of the State Parliaments.  Other powers are exercised by the Parliament concurrently with the State Parliaments, but any legislation within the limits of its powers enacted by the Parliament prevails over any inconsistent laws of the States.  Powers not conferred on the Parliament remain with the States, subject to certain Constitutional limitations.
The executive power of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Constitution is formally vested in the Queen and is exercisable by the Governor-General as the Queen's representative.  There is a Federal Executive Council to advise the Governor-General.  This Council is composed of the Prime Minister and other Federal Ministers.  These Ministers are members of either the House of Representatives or the Senate and generally belong to the party or coalition of parties which has a majority in the House of Representatives.  Such Ministers form the Government with the practical result that executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and the other Ministers.
The major Australian political parties are the Australian Labor Party, the Liberal Party of Australia and the Nationals.  Minor parties include the Australian Greens, the Family First Party and the Country Liberal Party. From March 1996 to November 2007, the Government was formed by a coalition of the Liberal Party of Australia and the Nationals (the "Coalition").  A federal election was held on 24 November 2007, following which the Australian Labor Party won a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives and became the Government, with the Hon. Kevin Rudd MP being elected as Prime Minister.  On 24 June 2010, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP was elected federal leader of the Australian Labor Party and replaced the Hon. Kevin Rudd MP as Prime Minister.  On 17 July 2010, the Prime Minister announced that a federal election would be held on 21 August  2010.  As a consequence the House of Representatives was dissolved on 19 July 2010 and the Government operated in caretaker mode from 19 July 2010 until 8 September 2010, when the results of the 21 August 2010 election were clear.
In the 21 August 2010 election, the Australian Labor Party and the Coalition each won 72 seats in the House of Representatives, resulting in the first hung Parliament in Australia since World War II.  On 8 September 2010, the Australian Labor Party formed a minority government with the support of three independent members and one Australian Greens member of the House of Representatives.  The four members of the House of Representatives who are in alliance with the Australian Labor Party have agreed only to pass key supply, or appropriation, bills that authorise the Government to spend money and to oppose certain motions of no-confidence against the Australian Labor Party minority government.  They have not committed to supporting all Australian Labor Party minority government legislation, and, as a result, there can be no assurance that legislation put forth by the Australian Labor Party minority government will be passed by the House of Representatives.
Half of the Senate was up for election in the 21 August 2010 election. The Senators elected will take office on 1 July 2011.



The following tables show the composition of the House of Representatives and the Senate as at 28 September 2010.
Table 3:  House of Representatives composition
Australian Labor Party
Liberal Party of Australia
Liberal National Party
The Nationals
Australian Greens
Country Liberal Party

Table 4:  Senate composition
Through 30 June 2010
From 1 July 2011
Australian Labor Party
    32       31  
Liberal Party of Australia
    32       26  
Australian Greens
    5       9  
The Nationals
    4       4  
Liberal National Party
    0       3  
Democratic Labor Party
    1       1  
Country Liberal Party
    1       1  
    1       1  
    76       76  
Judicial power in Australia is vested in the High Court of Australia, other Federal courts and State and Territory courts.  The High Court is a superior court of record and consists of the Chief Justice and six other Justices who are appointed by the Governor-General following consultations with the States.  The Justices are appointed until they are 70 years of age and can be removed by the Governor-General in Council in certain circumstances on the grounds of misbehaviour or incapacity.  In certain limited matters the High Court has original jurisdiction.  It also has appellate jurisdiction in relation to Federal courts, including the Federal Court of Australia, and the Supreme Court of each State and the Northern Territory and other courts of the States exercising federal jurisdiction.  Appeals from the Supreme Court of a Territory (other than the Northern Territory) may be taken to the Federal Court of Australia.  The common law system, as developed in the United Kingdom, forms the basis of Australian jurisprudence.



Australia is a stable, culturally diverse and democratic society with a skilled workforce and a strong, competitive economy.  Between 1990-91 and 2009-10, Australia's real economy grew by an average of around 3.4% a year.  Australia's GDP in 2009-10 (in value terms) was around $1.3 trillion.  The IMF estimates that in 2009 Australia was the world's 18th largest economy by GDP (in purchasing-power-parity terms).  Based on OECD data, Australia's real per capita GDP (in purchasing-power-parity terms) ranked 10th among OECD nations in 2008.
Principal Economic Indicators
The following table sets forth Australia's principal economic indicators for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 5: Principal Economic Indicators
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
GDP, Chain Volume Measure (A$ millions) (a)
    1,097,866       1,139,256       1,181,750       1,195,707       1,222,802  
Percentage change
    3.1       3.8       3.7       1.2       2.3  
GDP per capita, Chain Volume Measure (A$) (a)
    53,446       54,585       55,583       55,050       55,198  
Percentage change
    1.6       2.1       1.8       -1.0       0.3  
Unemployment Rate (% of labour force) (b) (d)
    4.8       4.3       4.2       5.7       5.2  
Consumer Price Index (% change) (c)
    4.0       2.1       4.5       1.5       3.1  
Wage Price Index (% change) (c) (d)
    4.2       4.0       4.2       3.8       3.0  
Exports, Chain Volume Measure (A$ millions)(a)
    216,254       224,872       233,597       236,320       240,628  
Percentage change
    2.3       4.0       3.9       1.2       1.8  
Imports, Chain Volume Measure (A$ millions)(a)
    207,349       226,355       258,176       250,595       264,018  
Percentage change
    7.3       9.2       14.1       -2.9       5.4  
Balance of Payments – Current Account (A$ millions)
    -54,075       -60,541       -73,980       -40,515       -56,103  
Official Reserve Assets at end of period (A$ millions)
    63,814       79,682       35,857       52,309       43,737  
Commonwealth Government Net Debt (A$ millions)
    -3,743       -29,150       -44,820       -16,148       -42,283  
(a) Reference year for chain volume measures is 2007-08.
(b) As at the June quarter; calculated as an average over the quarter.
(c) Percentage change to the June quarter of each period from the previous June quarter.
(d) Seasonally adjusted.
Source: ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0, 6202.0, 6401.0, 5302.0, 6345.0; Final Budget Outcome 2009-10; Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin; unpublished ABS and Treasury data.
GDP Growth
Australia's GDP expanded by 2.3% in 2009-10.  Growth in 2009-10 was broadly-based, with total private business investment decreasing by 3.1%, general government consumption expenditure rising by 4.6% and household consumption expenditure increasing by 2.7%.  The July 2010 Economic Statement estimated GDP growth of 2¼% in 2009-10.  The July 2010 Economic Statement and the 2010 PEFO forecast GDP to grow by 3% in 2010-11 and 3¾% in 2011-12.
Major Industries
Australia's major industries include financial and insurance services, manufacturing, construction, mining and professional, scientific and technical services. Growth during 2009-10 was recorded in most industries, including health care and social assistance (4.0%), professional, scientific and technical services (3.7%), wholesale trade (3.5%), financial and insurance services (3.0%), electricity, gas, water and waste services (2.9%), mining (2.5%), retail trade (2.3%), transport, postal and warehousing (2.2%), education and training (2.0%), rental, hiring and real estate services (1.4%), information, media and telecommunications (1.2%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (1.1%), construction (0.8%), administrative and support services (0.5%) and manufacturing (0.4%).  Several industries contracted during 2009-10, including accommodation and food services (-3.3%), other services (-2.7%), arts and recreation services (-0.7%) and public administration and safety (-0.1%).



During 2009-10, the industry accounting for the largest share of gross value added (at basic prices) was financial and insurance services, with a share of 10.8%.  Manufacturing was the second largest industry with a share of 9.2%.  Prior to 2005-06, manufacturing was the largest industry.
Net Worth
Australia's general government sector net worth, reflecting the difference between total assets and total liabilities, as at 30 June 2010 was -$44,848 million, a decrease of $64,569 million since 30 June 2009.  In the 2010 PEFO, Australia's general government sector net worth was forecast to be -$61,790 million in 2010-11 and -$67,694 million in 2011-12.
Budget Balance
A sustained period of government budget surpluses in the years prior to 2008-09 enabled the Australian Government to retire large amounts of government debt. Net debt was eliminated for the Australian Government during the year ended 30 June 2006.  The Australian Government general government sector net debt for 2009-10 was $42.3 billion (3.3% of GDP).  In the July 2010 Economic Statement and the 2010 PEFO, net debt was projected to be 5.7% of GDP in 2010-11 and to peak at 6.0% of GDP in 2011-12.
The Australian Government's underlying cash deficit was $54.8 billion (4.2% of GDP) in 2009-10.  In the 2010 PEFO, Government underlying cash deficits of $40.7 billion (-2.9% of GDP) and $10.4 billion (-0.7% of GDP) were forecast for 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively, and underlying cash surpluses of $3.5 billion (0.2% of GDP) and $4.5 billion (0.3% of GDP) were forecast for 2012-13 and 2013-14, respectively.
Australia's total trade in goods and services totalled $514.0 billion in 2009-10 and accounted for around 1.2% of world trade in 2008.  Australia's largest trading partners in 2008-09 were China, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom and South Korea.
Domestic Economic Conditions
Gross Domestic Product
The following table shows chain volume GDP and related measures, real income measures and current price measures for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 6:  Key National Accounts Aggregates
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
Chain volume GDP and related measures(a)
GDP (A$ millions)
    1,097,866       1,139,256       1,181,750       1,195,707       1,222,802  
GDP per capita (A$)
    53,446       54,585       55,583       55,050       55,198  
GDP market sector (A$ millions)
    859,395       892,331       928,391       932,024       946,861  
Net domestic product (A$ millions)
    934,525       966,210       998,168       999,463       1,014,540  
Real income measures(a)
Real gross domestic income (A$ millions)
    1,072,065       1,127,003       1,181,750       1,215,057       1,240,156  
Real gross national income (A$ millions)
    1,031,548       1,078,509       1,132,254       1,171,126       1,193,256  
Real net national disposable income (A$ millions)
    867,098       905,055       948,767       975,523       986,601  
Real net national disposable income per capita (A$)
    42,212       43,364       44,625       44,913       44,536  
Current price measures
GDP (A$ millions)
    1,000,787       1,091,327       1,181,750       1,254,651       1,299,963  
GDP per capita (A$)
    48,720       52,288       55,583       57,764       58,681  
Gross national income (A$ millions)
    962,903       1,044,329       1,132,254       1,203,857       1,239,551  
National net saving (A$ millions)
    69,042       76,837       91,665       102,565       66,727  
Household saving ratio
    0.5       1.2       0.5       5.4       2.9  
Notes:  – = nil or rounded to zero.
(a)  Reference year for chain volume measures and real income measures is 2007-08.
Source: ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0.



Following a fall in GDP in volume terms in 1990-91, Australia experienced 19 years of consecutive growth.  In 2009-10, GDP increased by 2.3%, and GDP per capita increased by 0.3% (chain volume measures).  The July 2010 Economic Statement and the 2010 PEFO forecast GDP to grow by 3% in 2010-11 and 3¾% in 2011-12.
The table below details the expenditure components of GDP on a chain volume measurement basis for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 7:  Expenditure Components of Gross Domestic Product (Chain Volume Measures(a))
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
Final consumption expenditure
General government
    15,596       16,884       16,838       17,861       20,417  
    56,742       60,397       62,883       62,852       65,269  
Total national
    72,344       77,299       79,721       80,713       85,687  
State and local
    116,202       118,257       122,093       126,822       131,382  
Total general government
    188,548       195,556       201,815       207,535       217,069  
    604,092       629,741       655,287       661,094       679,245  
Total final consumption expenditure
    792,597       825,272       857,101       868,629       896,314  
Private gross fixed capital formation
Private business investment
Machinery and equipment
    72,750       74,965       89,573       89,866       87,070  
Net purchases of second hand assets
    -3,601       -3,869       -4,302       -3,687       -4,259  
Total machinery and equipment
    69,152       71,100       85,271       86,180       82,811  
Non-dwelling construction
New building
    35,519       38,329       42,013       42,163       35,811  
New engineering construction
    28,959       33,952       37,063       43,641       44,457  
Net purchases of second hand assets
    -855       -1,329       -468       -949       -823  
Total non-dwelling construction
    63,639       70,964       78,608       84,854       79,445  
Cultivated biological resources
    3,718       2,959       2,826       3,224       3,369  
Intellectual property products
Research and development
    10,358       11,733       12,984       12,901       13,433  
Mineral and petroleum exploration
    2,855       4,261       5,496       5,944       5,640  
Computer Software
    7,937       8,723       10,080       11,507       13,381  
Artistic originals
    948       1,021       1,098       1,188       1,300  
Total intellectual property products
    22,239       25,756       29,658       31,539       33,753  
Total private business investment
    158,801       170,322       196,363       205,798       199,378  
New and used dwellings
    35,744       35,769       36,016       35,983       35,465  
Alterations and additions
    30,600       31,826       32,437       31,163       32,822  
Total dwellings
    66,341       67,596       68,453       67,146       68,287  
Ownership transfer costs
    19,535       19,354       19,396       16,371       18,192  
Total private gross fixed capital formation
    243,912       256,829       284,212       289,315       285,857  
Public gross fixed capital formation
Public corporations
    4,967       2,571       1,245       1,354       1,878  
State and local
    14,545       17,199       19,748       23,480       25,585  
Total public corporations
    19,601       19,752       20,993       24,834       27,464  
General government
    4,757       5,403       6,196       5,497       8,395  
    6,388       6,183       6,665       6,818       7,755  



      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
Total national
    11,066       11,563       12,861       12,315       16,150  
State and local
    20,927       23,341       25,123       27,207       37,049  
Total general government
    32,025       34,885       37,985       39,521       53,200  
Total public gross fixed capital formation
    51,598       54,645       58,978       64,356       80,663  
Total gross fixed capital formation
    295,482       311,431       343,188       353,671       366,520  
Domestic final demand
    1,087,879       1,136,540       1,200,290       1,222,300       1,262,834  
Changes in inventories
Private non-farm
    166       3,332       6,284       -2,276       714  
    657       597       643       -377       767  
Public authorities
    383       31       -891       -2,608       441  
Total changes in inventories
    1,130       3,906       6,036       -5,261       1,922  
Gross national expenditure
    1,086,966       1,139,656       1,206,326       1,217,039       1,264,755  
Exports of goods and services
    216,254       224,872       233,597       236,320       240,628  
less Imports of goods and services
    207,349       226,355       258,176       250,595       264,018  
Statistical discrepancy
    0       0       0       -7,056       -18,564  
Gross domestic product
    1,097,866       1,139,256       1,181,750       1,195,707       1,222,802  
(a)  Reference year for chain volume measures is 2007-08.
Source: ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0.
Total private business investment decreased by 3.1% in 2009-10.  Investment in non-dwelling construction and machinery and equipment decreased 6.4% and 3.9% respectively in 2009-10.
Household final consumption expenditure increased 2.7% and contributed 1.5% to GDP growth in 2009-10. Within household final consumption expenditure, rent and other dwelling services (up 2.9% over 2009-10) and insurance and other financial services (up 3.8% over 2009-10) were the largest contributors to GDP growth in 2009-10.
General government expenditure increased by 4.6% and contributed 0.8% to GDP growth in 2009-10.
From an industry perspective, growth during 2009-10 was recorded in most industries, including health care and social assistance (4.0%), professional, scientific and technical services (3.7%), wholesale trade (3.5%), financial and insurance services (3.0%), electricity, gas, water and waste services (2.9%), mining (2.5%), retail trade (2.3%), transport, postal and warehousing (2.2%), education and training (2.0%), rental, hiring and real estate services (1.4%), information, media and telecommunications (1.2%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (1.1%), construction (0.8%), administrative and support services (0.5%) and manufacturing (0.4%).  Several industries contracted during 2009-10, including accommodation and food services (-3.3%), other services (-2.7%), arts and recreation services (-0.7%) and public administration and safety (-0.1%).



The following table identifies the income components of GDP on a current price basis for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 8:  Income Components of Gross Domestic Product (Current Prices)
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
Compensation of employees
Wages and salaries
    433,084       474,351       512,670       542,665       554,109  
Employers' social contributions(a)
    54,073       59,385       62,739       66,347       67,916  
Total compensation of employees
    487,157       533,736       575,409       609,012       622,025  
Gross operating surplus
Non-financial corporations
Private non-financial corporations
    180,367       194,617       218,690       238,351       232,495  
Public non-financial corporations
    20,820       16,408       13,317       16,181       19,991  
Total non-financial corporations
    201,187       211,025       232,007       254,532       252,486  
Financial corporations
    39,799       55,408       58,593       59,563       62,239  
Total corporations
    240,986       266,433       290,600       314,095       314,725  
General government
    21,431       22,864       24,038       26,416       28,543  
Dwellings owned by persons
    59,999       64,830       75,315       83,830       93,787  
Total gross operating surplus
    322,417       354,126       389,952       424,340       437,054  
Gross mixed income
    84,541       89,461       93,645       95,148       103,549  
Total factor income
    894,115       977,323       1,059,006       1,128,500       1,162,628  
Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
    106,672       114,005       122,744       120,763       126,147  
Statistical discrepancy
    0       0       0       5,388       11,188  
Gross domestic product
    1,000,787       1,091,327       1,181,750       1,254,651       1,299,963  
(a)  Includes contributions to superannuation made by employers and payments of workers' compensation premiums.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0.
For the income components of GDP in 2009-10, there was growth in compensation of employees of 2.1% and growth in gross operating surplus ("GOS") of 3.0%.  The growth in GOS in 2009-10 was driven by growth in public non-financial corporations GOS (23.5%) and growth in dwellings owned by persons (11.9%).
Headline inflation was 3.1% through the year to the June quarter 2010, up from 2.9% through the year to the March quarter 2010 and 2.1% through the year to the December quarter 2009 and 1.3% through the year to the September quarter 2009.  Over the year to the June quarter 2010, the increase in prices was mainly due to increases in the prices of housing, alcohol and tobacco, transport and financial and insurance services.  For further information about the Reserve Bank of Australia's medium-term inflation target, see "Currency, Monetary and Banking System—Monetary Conditions" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The following table details the through the year change for the consumer price index and the implicit price deflator for non-farm gross domestic product to the final (June) quarter of each of the fiscal years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.
The implicit price deflator for non-farm gross domestic product corresponds to a broader set of prices in the economy than the consumer price index, including non-consumption goods and services, such as those used by businesses, and exports.



Table 9:  Prices
All Groups
Consumer Price Index
Implicit Price Deflator for
Non-farm Gross Domestic Product
(seasonally adjusted)
(Percentage change through the year)
Year (a):
(a)  Percentage change to the June quarter of each period from the previous June quarter.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 6401.0, 5206.0.
The preferred measure of wages in Australia is the wage price index, which measures changes in the price of a unit of labour unaffected by changes in the quality or quantity of work performed.
Annual wages growth has been elevated since the beginning of 2005 but has remained below 4½% throughout this period.  This is despite the fact that wage growth has been strong in industries (mining and construction) and States (Western Australia and Queensland) associated with the resources boom.
The following table details the through the year change for the wage price index to the final (June) quarter of each of the fiscal years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.
Table 10:  Wages
Wage Price Index
(Percentage change through the year,
seasonally adjusted)
Year (a):
(a)  Percentage change to the June quarter of each period from the previous June quarter.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 6345.0.
The July 2010 Economic Statement forecast the wage price index to rise to 3¾% through the year to June quarter 2011 and 4% through the year to the June quarter 2012.
Labour market
The Australian labour market has been remarkably resilient in the face of the global downturn and is now staging a rapid recovery.   In the twelve months to June 2010, employment rose by around 311,000 persons.  After peaking at 5.8% in June 2009, the unemployment rate fell to 5.1% in June 2010.
The following table identifies key labour force statistics as at the June quarter in each of the referenced years.
Table 11:  Labour force statistics(a)
June quarter 2006
June quarter 2007
June quarter 2008
June quarter 2009
June quarter 2010
Total Employment ('000)
    10,211       10,545       10,860       10,925       11,185  
Total Unemployment ('000)
    519       473       480       657       616  
Unemployment Rate (%)
    4.8       4.3       4.2       5.7       5.2  
(a) As at the June quarter; calculated as an average over the quarter.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 6202.0.



The July 2010 Economic Statement forecast employment growth of 2¼% through the year to the June quarter 2011 and 2% through the year to the June quarter 2012.  The unemployment rate is forecast to reach 4¾% by the June quarter 2012.  The July 2010 Economic Statement forecast the participation rate to rise slightly to 65½% by the June quarter 2011 as labour market conditions improve.



Commonwealth Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
The Government of Australia and the Reserve Bank of Australia engaged in substantial fiscal and monetary policy responses to the global financial crisis.
Between September 2008 and April 2009, the Reserve Bank of Australia reduced its target cash rate by a cumulative 425 basis points (and since October 2009 has gradually increased its target cash rate).  For further information regarding the Reserve Bank of Australia's target cash rate, see "Currency, Monetary and Banking System—Monetary Conditions" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The Australian Government announced a number of fiscal stimulus measures, including:
the Government's Economic Security Strategy, a $10.4 billion discretionary fiscal stimulus package announced on 14 October 2008, focused on household consumption and dwelling investment;
the Council of Australian Governments' $15.2 billion job creation stimulus package announced on 29 November 2008;
the Government's $4.7 billion Nation Building package announced on 12 December 2008, providing for investment in road, rail and education infrastructure, as well as tax changes encouraging capital investment by Australian businesses;
the Government's $42 billion Nation Building and Jobs Plan announced on 3 February 2009, providing for payments to low- and middle-income Australians, investment in schools, housing, energy efficiency, community infrastructure and roads and support to small businesses; and
the Government's $22 billion Nation Building Infrastructure package announced on 12 May 2009, investing in the quality, adequacy and efficiency of transport, communications, energy, education and health infrastructure across Australia.
In addition, in April 2009 the Australian Government established a new company, NBN Co Limited ("NBN Co"), to build and operate a new National Broadband Network.  For further information regarding the National Broadband Network, see "Major Industries—Information Media and Telecommunications—Telecommunications" and "Government Finance—Commonwealth Investment in the National Broadband Network" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Other action the Australian Government has taken to promote financial system stability and ensure the continued flow of credit throughout the economy includes implementation of:
the Financial Claims Scheme establishing:
measures under Division 2AA of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth) to:
protect account-holders' deposits made with eligible ADIs (other than foreign ADIs), and interest accrued on such deposits, to a total maximum value of $1,000,000 per account-holder per ADI; and
facilitate prompt payout of deposits protected under the Financial Claims Scheme to account-holders in the event that an ADI fails; and
measures under Part VC of the Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) to facilitate the payment of moneys payable under valid claims made by eligible claimants against a general insurer that has become insolvent; and




the Guarantee Scheme for Large Deposits and Wholesale Funding, which we refer to as the "ADI Guarantee Scheme", a voluntary scheme allowing:
ADIs (other than foreign ADIs) to apply to have deposit balances of greater than $1,000,000 per customer per ADI and certain non-complex senior unsecured debt instruments with maturities of up to 60 months; and
foreign ADIs to apply, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, to have certain deposits held by Australian residents at call or with maturities up to and including 31 December 2009 and certain non-complex senior unsecured short-term debt instruments having maturities up to 15 months,
in each case that satisfied the eligibility criteria set out in the scheme rules relating to the ADI Guarantee Scheme, guaranteed by the Commonwealth of Australia.  The ADI Guarantee Scheme closed to new issuance of wholesale liabilities and acceptance of additional deposit funds on 31 March 2010.
For further information regarding the ADI Guarantee Scheme and the Financial Claims Scheme, see "Government Finance—Guarantees and Other Contingent Liabilities—Commonwealth Initiatives to Enhance the Stability of the Australian Financial System" and "Currency, Monetary and Banking System—Regulation of the Financial System—Australian Prudential Regulation Authority—APRA's Main Powers" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
In addition, on 24 July 2009, in order to support the capacity of Australian State and Territory governments to access credit markets, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia implemented the Australian Government Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing, which we refer to as the “State Guarantee Scheme”.  The State Guarantee Scheme will close to new issuance of guaranteed liabilities on 31 December 2010.  For further information with respect to the guarantee of the liabilities of States and Territories in respect of specific debt securities issued in respect of borrowing of such State or Territory, see "Government Finance—Guarantees and Other Contingent Liabilities—Commonwealth Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Forecasts for the Australian Economy
The Australian economy slowed significantly during the global downturn, but weathered the crisis better than most other advanced economies, supported by timely and substantial policy stimulus.  The economy grew by 2.3% during 2009-10.  The labour market held up remarkably well, with Australia having one of the lowest unemployment rates among the advanced economies.
The shallower downturn meant that Australia largely avoided the business failures and large scale employment losses that occurred in many other countries, providing a solid foundation for recovery.
The Australian economy is expected to grow by 3% in 2010-11 and 3¾% in 2011-12, returning to around full capacity over 2010-11.  Fiscal and monetary stimulus is being withdrawn, and there are early signs that private sector activity is picking up, although the transition to private sector led activity is proving to be a little slower than expected.  Business investment – particularly mining investment – and exports are expected to strengthen over 2010-11 and 2011-12, driven by a substantial boost in the terms of trade and ongoing strong demand for Australian non-rural commodities.
The global economy is continuing to recover, although the pace of growth remains uneven, with emerging economies, particularly in Asia, growing much more strongly than advanced economies.  The world economy is expected to grow by 4½% in 2010 and 4% in 2011.  Looking forward, there are a number of vulnerabilities to the global outlook.  In the major advanced economies, the ability and willingness of authorities to respond to financial market stress or weak growth is constrained due to already near zero interest rates and high fiscal deficits.  In the United States, growth is moderating as temporary support from fiscal stimulus and the inventory cycle fades.  In Europe, poorly capitalised banks and sovereign debt problems remain a source of vulnerability.  Fiscal consolidation plans announced by a number of major European governments may hamper prospects for stronger growth in 2011 and beyond.  China has the challenge of managing high liquidity, which may generate unsustainable growth in house prices and constrain its capacity to offset the impact on the global economy from any slowing in growth in the US and Europe.



Despite the heightened global uncertainty, robust growth in the Asian region is expected to continue to generate strong demand and high prices for non-rural commodities. The terms of trade are forecast to increase by 17% in 2010-11, to around record levels, before declining in 2011-12.  In line with this, nominal GDP is forecast to grow by 9¼% in 2010-11 and 5¼% in 2011-12, providing a substantial boost to incomes.  However, there are substantial risks around the profile of the terms of trade, with considerable short-term volatility in spot commodity prices and uncertainty about the timing, pace and extent of their decline as increased global supply capacity comes on line.  Sustained volatility in the terms of trade could impact income and associated tax receipts.
Employment is expected to grow strongly with the unemployment rate declining to 4¾% in late 2011-12.  Inflation is forecast to be 2¾% through the year to the June quarter in both 2011 and 2012.  Inflationary risks are on the upside, with the labour market reaching full capacity over 2010-11 and the strong incomes boost from the terms of trade expected to see demand increasingly stretch the economy's supply capacity.


Table 12: Domestic economy forecasts(a)
      2009-10       2010-11       2011-12  
Panel A - Demand and output(c)
Household consumption
    2.7       3        
Private investment
Total business investment(d)
    -3.1             12½  
Non-dwelling construction(d)
    -6.5             14  
Machinery and equipment(d)
    -3.1       7       13½  
Private final demand(d)
    1.5       4        
Public final demand(d)
    9.5             -1¾  
Total final demand
    3.3             4  
Change in inventories(e)
    0.6       ½       0  
Gross national expenditure
    3.9             4  
Exports of goods and services
    1.8             6  
Imports of goods and services
    5.4             8  
Net exports(e)
    -0.8       -1        
Gross domestic product
    2.3       3        
Non-farm product
Farm product
    1.1       0       1  
Nominal gross domestic product
Panel B - Other selected economic measures
External accounts
Terms of trade
    -1       17       -4½  
Current account balance (% of GDP)
    -4.3       -3       -4½  
Labour market
Employment (labour force survey basis)(f)
    2.4 (i)           2  
Unemployment rate (%)(g)
    5.2 (i)     5        
Participation rate (%)(g)
    65.3 (i)     65½       65½  
Prices and wages
Consumer Price Index(h)
    3.1 (j)            
Gross non-farm product deflator
Wage Price Index(f)
    3.0             4  
Percentage change on preceding year unless otherwise indicated.
Calculated using original data from ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0, unless otherwise indicated.
Chain volume measures, except for nominal gross domestic product, which is in current prices.
Excluding second-hand asset sales from the public sector to the private sector.
Percentage point contribution to growth in GDP.
Seasonally adjusted, through the year growth rate to the June quarter 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Seasonally adjusted for the June quarter 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Through the year growth to the June quarter 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Outcome calculated using seasonally adjusted data from ABS Catalogue No. 6202.0.
Outcome calculated using original data from ABS Catalogue No. 6401.0.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0, 5302.0, 6202.0, 6345.0, 6401.0; unpublished ABS data; Treasury.
The above estimates are based on forecasts of the economic outlook by the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Australia.  Treasury generally conducts two major rounds of forecasting each year, in connection with the Budget each May and the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook issued between October and January.  Additional forecast updates, the July 2010 Economic Statement and the 2010 PEFO, were released in response to rapid changes in Australia's terms of trade and the issue of the writ for a general election, respectively.
Treasury's forecasting approach encompasses a broad range of information.  The national accounts form the framework for the forecasting exercise.  Insight is also gathered from liaison visits with large, medium and small businesses, industry organisations and State Treasuries and Treasury's International Economy Division's latest assessment of the world outlook.  Any changes to fiscal policy are also incorporated.
The forecasts are based on several technical assumptions. It is assumed that interest rates will rise in line with market expectations over 2010-11 and 2011-12, and that exchange rates and oil prices will remain around recent average levels.



Treasury's Domestic Economy Division assesses the implications of these inputs using a mix of single-equation econometric models, partial indicators, leading indicators, business surveys and advice from specialist agencies.  Forecasting judgments are informed by economic theory and assessments of recent economic analysis.  Forecasts are discussed both within Treasury and with other government agencies.



In 2009-10, the industry with the largest share of gross value added (at basic prices) was financial and insurance services, with a share of 10.8%.  Manufacturing ranked second, with a share of 9.2%.
The following table identifies the percentage of gross value added by industry at basic prices for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 13:  Percentage of Gross Value Added (Basic Prices)
    2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
    2.9       2.4       2.4       2.8       2.8  
    7.1       7.4       7.2       7.4       7.4  
    10.2       10.1       10.1       9.3       9.2  
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
    2.6       2.5       2.4       2.6       2.6  
    7.3       7.4       7.6       7.6       7.6  
Wholesale trade
    5.0       4.9       4.9       4.8       4.9  
Retail trade
    4.7       4.8       4.9       4.9       4.9  
Accommodation and food services
    2.6       2.6       2.5       2.4       2.3  
Transport, postal and warehousing
    5.3       5.4       5.5       5.4       5.4  
Information media and telecommunications
    3.1       3.1       3.2       3.1       3.1  
Financial and insurance services
    10.3       10.9       11.0       10.6       10.8  
Rental, hiring and real estate services(a)
    3.5       3.3       3.2       3.3       3.3  
Professional, scientific and technical services
    6.3       6.2       6.3       6.4       6.5  
Administrative and support services
    2.6       2.7       2.7       2.6       2.5  
Public administration and safety
    5.4       5.4       5.3       5.5       5.4  
Education and training
    4.5       4.5       4.4       4.4       4.4  
Health care and social assistance
    5.9       5.9       6.0       6.2       6.3  
Arts and recreation services
    0.9       0.9       0.9       0.9       0.9  
Other services
    2.0       2.0       2.0       2.0       1.9  
Ownership of dwellings
    7.7       7.7       7.6       7.7       7.8  
Gross value added at basic prices
    100       100       100       100       100  
(a)  Excludes ownership of dwellings.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0.



The table below identifies employment share by industry for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 14:  Employment share by industry
    2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
    3.5       3.4       3.3       3.3       3.3  
    1.3       1.3       1.4       1.6       1.6  
    10.2       9.9       9.9       9.4       9.1  
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
    1.1       1.0       1.1       1.3       1.2  
    8.7       9.1       9.1       9.2       9.1  
Wholesale trade
    3.7       3.9       3.7       3.7       3.8  
Retail trade
    11.7       11.4       11.6       11.3       10.8  
Accommodation and food services
    6.7       6.7       6.6       6.6       6.8  
Transport, postal and warehousing
    5.0       5.0       5.2       5.5       5.2  
Information media and telecommunications
    2.4       2.4       2.2       2.1       1.9  
Financial and insurance services
    3.8       3.9       3.8       3.7       3.6  
Rental, hiring and real estate services
    1.9       1.9       1.9       1.8       1.7  
Professional, scientific and technical services
    7.1       7.2       7.3       7.2       7.6  
Administrative and support services
    3.5       3.4       3.3       3.2       3.4  
Public administration and safety
    6.1       6.2       5.9       6.2       6.2  
Education and training
    7.4       7.2       7.4       7.4       7.5  
Health care and social assistance
    10.3       10.3       10.3       10.6       11.0  
Arts and recreational services
    1.8       1.7       1.8       1.9       1.8  
Other services
    4.1       4.0       4.3       4.2       4.1  
    100       100       100       100       100  
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 6291.0.55.003.
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services
Rental, hiring and real estate services includes companies mainly engaged in renting, hiring, or otherwise allowing the use of tangible or intangible assets (except copyrights) and companies providing related services.  The major portion of this division comprises companies that rent, hire, or otherwise allow the use of their own assets by others.  The assets may be tangible, as in the case of real estate and equipment, or intangible, as in the case with patents and trademarks.
This category also includes companies engaged in providing real estate services such as selling, renting and/or buying real estate for others, managing real estate for others and appraising real estate.
Rental, hiring and real estate services contributed 3.3% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
The manufacturing industry has historically been the largest industry in Australia.  However, the gross value added contribution of manufacturing (at basic prices) has been decreasing over the past three decades.  In the late 1970s, manufacturing value added contributed around 17% of gross value added (at basic prices), while in 2009-10 the manufacturing industry contributed 9.2% of gross value added (at basic prices).  Although the manufacturing industry currently contributes a smaller percentage of gross value added (at basic prices) than it did twenty years ago, output in the industry has had an upward trend over the same time period.
The manufacturing sector accounted for around 9.1% of total employment in 2009-10.



The following table provides a breakdown of gross value added (chain volume measures) by the manufacturing industry for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 15: Industry Value Added (Chain Volume Measures)
Industry Subdivision
    2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
Food, beverage and tobacco products
    20,895       21,103       21,077       20,434       21,697  
Textile, clothing and other manufacturing
    5,553       5,501       5,761       5,160       4,254  
Wood and paper products
    7,283       7,079       6,804       6,289       6,549  
Printing and recorded media
    4,246       4,290       4,399       3,630       3,480  
Petroleum, coal, chemical and rubber products
    18,760       18,415       18,879       16,989       17,386  
Non-metallic mineral products
    5,059       5,174       5,407       5,375       5,280  
Metal products
    21,691       23,839       26,533       25,678       24,223  
Machinery and equipment
    20,424       20,403       21,084       19,875       20,985  
    103,722       105,660       109,944       103,431       103,853  
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 5206.0.
Ownership of Dwellings
Ownership of dwellings consists of landlords and owner-occupiers of dwellings.  Owner-occupiers are regarded as operating a business that generates a gross operating surplus.  The imputation of rent to owner-occupied dwellings enables the services provided by dwellings to their owner-occupiers to be treated consistently with the marketed services provided by rented dwellings to their tenants.  Owner-occupiers are regarded as receiving rents (from themselves as consumers), paying expenses and making a net contribution to the value of production that accrues to them as owners.  Ownership of dwellings contributed 7.8% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
In 2009-10, mining accounted for 7.4% of gross value added (at basic prices).  However, in 2009-10, exports of mining (non-rural) commodities accounted for 52.7% of total exports by value.
The gross value of mine production for 2009-10 was $133.0 billion, an 14.4% decrease over the previous year.  Private mineral and petroleum exploration expenditure increased to $5.7 billion in 2009-10 (at current prices).
In 2009, Australia was the world's largest exporter of metallurgical coal and iron ore and the second largest exporter of thermal coal.  Australia's export earnings from non-rural commodities were $133.9 billion in 2009-10 (at current prices).
Private (real) new capital expenditure in the mining sector was $34.5 billion in 2009-10, 6.1% lower than in 2008-09.  In the September quarter 2010, the mining sector, including services, employed around 198,100 people directly, around 1.6% of the work force.  These sectors generate further manufacturing jobs downstream in smelting and refining, basic metal fabrication, non-metallic mineral products, petroleum, coal and basic chemical products and electricity and gas.
Over recent years strong commodity prices have provided significant stimulus to Australian economic growth and national incomes.  By 2008-09, strong investment activity in the mining sector resulted in business investment reaching a four decade high as a share of GDP.
The sharp reduction in global demand as a result of the global financial crisis saw commodity prices fall substantially, with the prices for key bulk commodities declining from their records highs in mid-2008.  Bulk commodity prices staged a marked recovery over the second half of 2009 and the first few months of 2010, driven by strong growth in emerging Asia.  Bulk commodity spot prices have declined slightly since April 2010, but still remain at high levels.
Looking ahead, higher commodity prices are expected to elicit strong business investment growth, supported by a number of large engineering projects, such as the Gorgon LNG (liquefied natural gas) project off the coast of Western Australia.  In 2011-12 business investment as a share of nominal GDP is expected to reach 17%. This compares to precommodity boom levels of around 13.2% from 1994-95 to 2003-04.



On 2 July 2010, the Australian Government proposed a new Minerals Resource Rent Tax ("MRRT") regime, which would apply to all existing and new iron ore and coal projects in Australia from 1 July 2012, and the extension of the existing Petroleum Resource Rent Tax ("PRRT") regime to all Australian onshore and offshore oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf, commencing on 1 July 2012.  If enacted, the proposed MRRT and the extended PRRT would provide resource entities with a credit for State and Territory royalties and resource taxes paid.  For further information with respect to the proposed MRRT and the proposed extension to the PRRT, see "Government Finance—Taxation—Indirect Taxation—Resource taxes and royalties".
The construction industry contributed 7.6% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.  Over the last 20 years, value added in volume terms has grown on average by around 3.8% each year.  The industry tends to experience peaks and troughs due to factors such as changing interest rates, property speculation and fiscal policy.
In 2000-01, there was a large fall in output as a substantially large amount of building activity was brought forward to avoid the introduction of the GST.  Since 2001-02, value added has grown strongly, buoyed by the terms of trade boom and growth in house prices.
Employment in the construction industry was approximately 1 million persons in the September quarter 2010.  Since 2000-01, employment in construction has grown strongly, with its share in total employment rising from 7.4% to 9.1% in 2009-10, making it the third largest employer among industries.
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Professional, scientific and technical services include scientific research, architecture, engineering, computer systems design, law, accountancy, advertising, market research, management and other consultancy services, veterinary science and professional photography.  This category excludes firms mainly engaged in providing health care and social assistance services.  Professional, scientific and technical services contributed 6.5% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
Financial and Insurance Services
Companies in the financial and insurance services industry provide a range of services, including the creation, liquidation or change in ownership of financial assets, as well as facilitating financial transactions.  The sector contributed 10.8% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10, a proportion that has increased since deregulation during the 1980s.
However, the stability of the sector's share of gross value added hides rapid change within the industry.  The advent of internet banking, ATM machines and credit scoring have prompted massive investment in computer software and machinery and equipment (computers), and far less construction (new branches and outlets).  These innovations most likely explain a trend decline in the wage share of total finance and insurance income over the past two decades.
Key trends and developments in the insurance sector in recent years include significant improvements in the risk management capabilities of both the prudential regulator and industry participants and significant industry consolidation, with the largest four insurance groups now accounting for around 70% of insurance premiums.
Health Care and Social Assistance
The health care and social assistance industry comprises hospitals, medical and other health care services, residential care services and social assistance services.  Health care and social assistance contributed 6.3% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
Retail Trade
Retail trade is one of the larger industries in Australia.  The industry comprises firms mainly engaged in the purchase or onselling, the commission based buying and the commission based selling of goods, without significant transformation, to the general public.  Retail trade contributed 4.9% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.



Transport, Postal and Warehousing
The efficiency and competitiveness of the Australian economy is significantly influenced by the transport system, which is a strategic network industry.  The transport, postal and warehousing sector accounted for approximately 5.4% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.  The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics estimates that the Australian freight task will almost double between 2005 and 2020.  Passenger transport is also expected to increase significantly, particularly in urban areas.  This will require investment in additional transport infrastructure and improvements in the utilisation of existing and new infrastructure.
Wholesale Trade
The wholesale trade industry consists of basic materials, machinery, motor vehicles, grocery, liquor, tobacco and other goods wholesaling and commission-based wholesaling.  The 1990s saw strong growth in the wholesale trade sector.  This increase in value added came from substantial rationalisation within the industry, a wider uptake of technology amongst firms and the increased use of new inventory management techniques, such as 'just-in-time' processing.  Wholesale trade contributed 4.9% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
The public sector in Australia provides those transport services (operations and infrastructure) that involve public good characteristics and generally are not commercially attractive.  The public sector also provides the regulatory frameworks to support a safe, fair and efficient transport sector.  The major airports have all been privatised.  The private sector also has a significant infrastructure role in rail and ports sectors.
Education and Training
The education and training services industry is a labour-intensive, service-based sector, with a large and well educated workforce.  The education and training services industry's share of gross value added (at basic prices) was 4.4% in 2009-10 and has remained fairly stable over the past five years.  The education industry is dominated by the public sector, with both Commonwealth and State governments responsible for key education services across the economy, including the provision of primary, secondary and tertiary education and, increasingly, early childhood education.
Administration and Support Services
The administrative and support services industry includes firms mainly engaged in performing routine support activities for the day-to-day operations of other businesses or organisations.  This mainly consists of office administration, hiring and placing personnel for others, preparing documents, taking orders for clients by telephone, providing credit reporting or collecting services and arranging travel and travel tours.  Other services include building and other cleaning services, pest control services, gardening services and packaging products for others.  Administration and support services contributed 2.5% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
Public Administration and Safety
Public administration and safety includes companies mainly engaged in central, state or local government legislative, executive and judicial activities.  This includes enforcing regulations as well as providing physical, social, economic and general public safety and security services.  Public administration and safety contributed 5.4% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
The agriculture, forestry and fishing industry contributed 2.8% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10. Historically, the contribution of this industry to the Australian economy has been trending downwards, though the absolute size of the industry continues to grow.  The industry is dominated by agriculture, with forestry and fishing making up 15.0% of industry output in 2009-10 based on gross value added (chain volume measures). Agricultural production has now returned to levels typical of normal seasonal conditions, after growing strongly following a period of drought.  Export growth was correspondingly quite strong in response to the recovery in farm production and has since settled to more a modest pace.



The following table presents production data of Australia's principal rural commodities for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 16:  Principal Rural Commodities - Gross values and volumes of Australian production
Sugar cane(a)
Cottonseed and lint
kt = kilotonne.
NA = Not available.
Cut for crushing.
Units of measurement: ML.
Source:  Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Commodities, Vol 17 No. 3, September quarter 2010 (pages 612, 613, 615 and 616).
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
The electricity, gas, water and waste services industry contributed 2.6% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.  Electricity is the largest part of this industry and contributes 59.2% to industry value added (chain volume measures).  Water and waste services account for 34.3% of industry value added (chain volume measures) and gas contributes 6.5% to gross value added (chain volume measures).  Prior to 1990, the industry was highly regulated and most utilities operated as monopolies.  The electricity industry was vertically integrated in most, if not all jurisdictions, with single companies responsible for generation, transmission, distribution and retail.  Significant reforms occurred in the three sectors over the 1990s.  However, different jurisdictions approached deregulation on different time frames.  Some of the reforms included corporatisation, privatisation and the structural separation of electricity utilities.  These reforms have continued into the current decade.  The electricity sector value-added in volume terms has grown by 2.8% per year on average between 1985-86 and 2009-10.
The energy market in Australia has undergone significant reform since the 1990s, which has increased investment and improved productivity.  The reforms have included: disaggregating elements of the electricity supply chain; introducing competition in electricity generation and retailing; and corporatising, and, in some States, privatising electricity assets.  The creation of the National Electricity Market has also allowed electricity trading between Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory through a wholesale electricity pool.
In 2006, the Council of Australian Governments ("COAG") agreed to energy market reforms to enhance governance, improve transmission planning and assist the development of more effective energy financial markets.  In 2007, COAG also agreed to establish a national energy market operator for electricity and gas with a national planning function.
Australia's electricity prices, although having risen in recent years, remain low by world standards largely due to substantial natural resources.  In 2008, average electricity prices in capital cities were generally lower than in many OECD countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy.
Australia has about 250 large electricity generators, of which around 200 are in the National Electricity Market jurisdictions in eastern and southern Australia.  The National Electricity Market supplies electricity to approximately 8.8 million residential and business customers using an extensive electricity distribution network covering approximately 750,000 kilometres.  In 2008-09, the market generated around 208 terawatt hours of electricity with a turnover of $9.4 billion.  The generation sector uses a variety of fuel sources to produce electricity.  Black and brown coal accounted for around 60% of registered generation capacity across the National Electricity Market in 2008-09, followed by gas-fired generation (20%) and hydroelectric generation (17%).
Electricity generation in Australia is emissions intensive due to the predominance of coal.  The Government has committed to policies aimed at addressing climate change.  In August 2009, the Parliament passed amendments to existing renewable energy legislation, expanding the Renewable Energy Target Scheme (the "RET") to



ensure that the equivalent of at least 20% of Australia's electricity supply will come from renewable sources by 2020.  On 24 June 2010, the Parliament passed legislation to separate the RET into two parts – the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target ("LRET"), covering large-scale renewable energy projects, such as wind farms, commercial solar projects and geothermal projects, and the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme ("SRES"), covering small generation units and small-scale technologies, such as solar panels and solar water heaters.  Under the RET legislation, from 1 January 2011 liable entities (e.g., wholesale purchasers of electricity) will need to meet obligations under both the LRET and SRES by acquiring and surrendering Renewable Energy Certificates created from both large- and small-scale renewable energy technologies or paying a shortfall charge for the relevant shortfall quantity.  This policy is expected to lead to significant new investment in renewable based electricity generation and transmission.
In December 2008, the Australian Government announced its intention to introduce emissions trading through the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme ("CPRS") from 1 July 2010.  In May 2009, the Australian Government deferred the commencement of the CPRS until 1 July 2011 to help Australian companies manage the impacts of the global recession.  The Government subsequently decided that in the absence of Parliamentary support it would not be able to commence the CPRS on 1 July 2011.  In September 2010, the Government committed to forming a Climate Change Committee with experts and Australian Labor Party, Australian Greens, independent and Coalition members of Parliament, to consider climate change issues and potential responses, including implementation of a carbon pricing scheme.
The Australian Government remains committed to the previously announced bipartisan target of reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by 5% below 2000 levels by 2020.
Information Media and Telecommunications
The information media and telecommunications industry, which comprises publishing, broadcasting, motion picture and sound recording, internet, telecommunications and library services, contributed 3.1% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
The Australian telecommunications market has been open to full competition since 1 July 1997.  Since that time, the telecommunications sector has developed into a more dynamic and innovative market, with businesses and households benefiting from lower prices and more variety of carriers.
The telecommunications sector is subject to a number of regulatory mechanisms at the retail level.  A Universal Service Obligation ("USO") is placed on the telecommunications industry to ensure that all people in Australia have reasonable access to basic telephone services, on an equitable basis.  Funding of the USO is provided by all licensed telecommunications carriers.  On 20 June 2010, the Australian Government announced that it intends to  establish a new company, USO Co, to deliver the USO.  USO Co is expected to operate from 1 July 2012.  USO Co would be jointly funded by the Commonwealth and industry, including wholesale providers such as NBN Co.  The establishment of USO Co may require Parliamentary approval.
Telecommunications-specific competition provisions are contained in Parts XIB and XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (the "TPA").  These provisions are based on, but do not exactly mirror, generic competition laws.
Part XIB of the TPA establishes an anti-competitive conduct regime for telecommunications markets, which applies in addition to the general competition provisions under Part IV of the TPA.
Part XIC of the TPA establishes an industry specific regime for regulated access to bottleneck carriage services and provides the core access arrangements for the telecommunications industry.
This competition framework has had a number of important benefits for consumers.  For example, access to Telstra Corporation Limited's copper local loop network by its competitors has been a key driver of the growth of broadband in Australia.  Telstra, formerly a Government-owned monopoly, was privatised between 1997 and 2006.  Tranches of approximately 33% and 16% of Telstra were sold in 1997 and 1999.  In 2006, the Government sold a further 34% stake in Telstra, with the remaining 17% shareholding transferred to the Future Fund in February 2007.  On 20 August 2009, the Future Fund sold 34% of its Telstra holding through an underwritten sale to institutional investors, reducing the Future Fund portfolio's holding in Telstra to 10.9% of the company.  The sell-down was in line with the Future Fund Board of Guardians' previously stated plan to reduce the Future Fund's holding in Telstra in an orderly manner over the medium-term and to build a portfolio



consistent with its long term mandate and strategy.  For further information with respect to the Future Fund, see "Government Finance—Pensions and Superannuation" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
In April 2009, the Australian Government established a new company, NBN Co Limited ("NBN Co"), to build and operate a new super fast National Broadband Network.  For further information with respect to the ownership and financing of NBN Co, see "Government Finance—Commonwealth Investment in the National Broadband Network" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The objective is for the National Broadband Network to connect over 90% of all Australian homes, schools and workplaces with optical fibre (fibre to the premises), providing broadband services with speeds of up to 100 megabits per second.  The network will enable all other premises in Australia to connect with next generation wireless and satellite technologies that will deliver broadband speeds of at least 12 megabits per second.  The National Broadband Network will be Australia's first national wholesale-only, open access broadband network.
On 20 June 2010, NBN Co announced that it had reached a Financial Heads of Agreement with Telstra to provide for access to Telstra facilities and the progressive migration of Telstra traffic onto the National Broadband Network, subject to regulator approval.  The agreement for these terms is estimated to have an approximate value of $9 billion, and is subject to the passage of legislation in Parliament and Telstra shareholder approval.  Combined with the Australian Government's agreed public policy reforms (including the establishment of USO Co and other regulatory reforms), Telstra estimates the agreement will deliver it a post-tax net present value of approximately $11 billion.  Telstra, NBN Co and the shareholder Australian Government agencies are now negotiating detailed Definitive Agreements, which is expected to take several months.
The Australian Government fast-tracked the rollout of a fibre to the premises network and next generation wireless services in Tasmania.  The Australian Government is also implementing measures in the short-term to address backhaul 'black spots' through the timely roll out of fibre optic transmission links connecting cities, major regional centres and rural towns.  On 7 September 2010, the Australian Government reached an agreement with key independent members of Parliament to prioritise regional areas in the rollout of the National Broadband Network and to ensure a uniform national wholesale price for access to the Network.
Television Services
Free to air television broadcasts reach 100% of the Australian population. Subscription television can reach 100% of Australia through a mixture of hybrid fibre coaxial cable in major cities and satellite transmission in rural areas.
The Government has announced that all free-to-air television broadcasters in Australia will complete the switch from analog transmission to digital-only transmission by the end of 2013.  The switchover process commenced in 2010, and will be progressively carried out on a regional basis across the country.
Accommodation and Food Services
The accommodation and food services industry consists of firms primarily engaged in the provision of hospitality services.  This includes accommodation and food and beverage services.  The industry's contribution of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10 was 2.3%.
Arts and Recreation Services
The arts and recreation services industry includes companies mainly engaged in the preservation and exhibition of objects and sites of historical, cultural or educational interest.  It also includes the production of original artistic works and/or participation in live performances, events or exhibits intended for public viewing and the operation of facilities or the provision of services that enable patrons to participate in sporting or recreational activities or to pursue amusement interests.  Arts and recreation services contributed 0.9% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.
Other Services
The other services industry includes all firms mainly engaged in providing personal services, religious, civic, professional and other interest group services, selected repair and maintenance activities and private households employing staff.  Other services contributed 1.9% of gross value added (at basic prices) in 2009-10.



Merchandise Trade
The value of goods measured on a free on board ("f.o.b.") basis includes all production and other costs incurred up until the goods are placed on board an international carrier for export from the relevant exporting country.
Australia's merchandise exports (f.o.b.) and imports (f.o.b.) for the past five fiscal years in current prices, calculated on a balance of payments basis, are shown in the table below.
Table 17:  Merchandise exports and imports
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
Rural Exports
   Meat and Meat Preparations
    6,709       7,080       6,542       7,454       6,360  
   Cereal grains and cereal preparations
    4,852       4,171       4,975       6,881       5,276  
   Wool and Sheepskins
    2,539       3,065       2,796       2,322       2,308  
   Other Rural
    11,166       10,774       11,181       12,726       11,571  
              Total Rural
    25,266       25,090       25,494       29,383       25,515  
Non-rural Exports
   Metal Ores and Minerals
    28,936       35,315       41,339       52,015       53,376  
   Mineral Fuels -
    37,572       37,569       43,488       75,664       55,486  
          Coal, coke and briquettes
    24,352       21,928       24,599       54,957       36,460  
          Other mineral fuels
    13,220       15,641       18,889       20,707       19,026  
   Metals (excl non-monetary gold)
    11,272       14,821       14,039       12,394       10,702  
    8,066       8,391       8,750       8,900       7,985  
   Transport equipment
    5,317       4,651       5,723       5,090       4,070  
   Other manufactures
    15,001       16,241       16,965       17,601       16,396  
   Other non-rural (incl sugar and beverages)
    12,001       15,113       13,126       11,077       11,984  
   Goods procured in ports by carriers
    1,420       1,379       1,547       1,631       1,390  
          Total Non-Rural
    119,585       133,480       144,977       184,372       161,389  
Net exports of goods under merchanting
    97       214       209       301       252  
Non-monetary gold
    9,087       10,740       12,272       17,508       14,302  
         Total Merchandise Exports
    144,851       158,570       170,471       213,755       186,904  
Consumption goods
    50,279       54,913       59,371       61,419       62,337  
Capital goods
    40,157       41,774       45,299       51,572       48,078  
Intermediate and other merchandise goods
    74,260       81,574       92,583       97,865       88,499  
Non-monetary gold
    4,815       5,311       7,593       11,522       7,105  
          Total Merchandise Imports
    164,696       178,261       197,253       210,856       198,914  
Balance on Merchandise Trade
    -19,845       -19,691       -26,782       2,899       -12,010  
Source: ABS Catalogue No. 5302.0.



The following table shows the shares of Australian exports and imports directed to and sourced from various countries and country groups for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.  These shares are calculated from values data and on a merchandise trade basis, rather than a balance of payments basis.
Table 18:  Geographical distribution of Australia's recorded merchandise trade
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(Percentage shares)
    11.9       13.6       14.9       17.0       23.1  
    20.4       19.4       19.3       22.9       18.5  
      Korea, Republic of
    7.7       7.8       7.9       8.3       8.2  
      New Zealand
    5.7       5.6       5.3       3.7       4.0  
      United Kingdom
    5.1       3.7       4.6       5.0       3.6  
      United States
    6.4       5.8       5.9       5.0       4.8  
    4.8       6.0       5.2       6.7       8.1  
    2.8       2.8       2.9       2.4       2.5  
    2.8       2.5       2.6       2.1       2.3  
    2.6       2.5       2.2       1.9       2.2  
    1.7       1.8       1.9       1.6       1.6  
      Other European Union(a)
    7.3       7.7       6.7       5.4       4.4  
    20.8       20.7       20.7       17.9       16.8  
    100       100       100       100       100  
    13.9       15.0       15.3       16.9       17.9  
    10.3       9.6       9.7       8.1       8.7  
     Korea, Republic of
    3.9       3.3       3.0       3.0       3.5  
     New Zealand
    3.3       3.1       3.5       3.2       3.4  
     United Kingdom
    3.6       4.1       4.2       4.1       2.8  
     United States
    13.6       13.8       12.0       11.5       10.7  
    6.3       5.6       6.8       6.1       5.4  
    3.2       4.0       4.4       4.9       6.1  
    2.7       2.6       2.3       2.3       2.3  
    4.0       3.7       4.0       3.8       4.2  
     Other European Union(a)
    18.1       17.5       17.2       16.6       16.1  
    17.1       17.8       17.6       19.5       18.9  
    100       100       100       100       100  
Other European Union refers to trade with all current 27 member states, other than the UK.
Care should be taken in interpreting the Other category, as it includes confidential items that are not classified by country.  Thus it is possible that the export and import shares of the countries or country groups listed above could be understated.
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 5368.0; unpublished ABS and Treasury data.
Australia's goods and services exports were valued at $254.0 billion in 2009-10.  In 2009, Australia's top five export markets were China ($48.0 billion), Japan ($40.4 billion), India ($18.2 billion), Korea ($17.5 billion) and the United States ($15.2 billion).  Exports to the Asian region (ASEAN and other major Asian economies) were valued at $163.6 billion (65.5% of Australia's exports); to the European Union, $27.9 billion (10.4% of Australia's exports); and to North America, $18.3 billion (7.3% of Australia's exports).  Major merchandise and service exports in 2009 were coal, iron ore, education services, gold and other personal travel.
Australia's goods and services imports were valued at $260.0 billion in 2009-10.  In 2009, China was Australia's largest source of imports (valued at $37.3 billion or 14.6% of Australia's imports), followed by the United States ($32.6 billion or 12.7% of Australia's imports) and Japan ($18.8 billion or 7.4% of Australia's imports).  Australia's major import items in 2009 were personal travel services, crude petroleum, passenger motor vehicles, refined petroleum, and gold.
Balance of Payments
Australia has traditionally been a net importer of capital.  This has facilitated the development of its rich endowment of natural resources at a faster pace than would have been possible if domestic saving were the only



source of investment funds.  Australia has traditionally run a current account deficit, reflecting the use of a net inflow of capital to obtain real resources from the rest of the world.
The table below provides Australia's balance of payments details for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 19:  Balance of payments
      2005-06       2006-07       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
    -54,075       -60,541       -73,980       -40,515       -56,103  
Goods and Services
    -15,354       -13,231       -24,579       5,887       -5,965  
    195,676       215,480       233,597       284,437       254,004  
    -211,030       -228,711       -258,176       -278,550       -259,969  
    -15,476       -14,048       -21,894       9,186       -4,561  
    154,035       169,524       182,952       231,564       201,458  
    -169,511       -183,572       -204,846       -222,378       -206,019  
    122       817       -2,685       -3,299       -1,404  
    41,641       45,956       50,645       52,873       52,546  
    -41,519       -45,139       -53,330       -56,172       -53,950  
Primary Income
    -37,884       -47,001       -49,496       -45,407       -49,224  
    27,937       38,318       44,217       42,823       35,901  
    -65,822       -85,319       -93,713       -88,231       -85,124  
Secondary Income
    -837       -309       95       -995       -914  
    5,314       6,002       6,255       6,657       6,380  
    -6,151       -6,311       -6,160       -7,652       -7,294  
    54,435       61,153       72,572       39,873       56,613  
Capital account
    -141       281       -232       -611       -132  
Capital transfers
    -138       -142       -231       -367       -146  
    0       0       0       0       0  
    -138       -142       -231       -367       -146  
Net acquisition/disposal of non-produced, non-financial assets
    -3       423       -1       -244       14  
Financial account
    54,576       60,872       72,804       40,484       56,745  
Direct investment
    -5,675       11,507       29,117       17,665       17,398  
  Assets (Investment Abroad)
    -29,750       -34,432       -27,291       -30,474       -17,550  
  Liabilities (Investment in  Australia)
    24,074       45,938       56,407       48,140       34,948  
Portfolio investment
    64,937       66,370       -4,084       49,220       68,112  
Financial derivatives
    -3,511       2,006       -7,043       -3,726       -5,951  
Other investment
    4,431       1,116       10,523       -10,779       -28,743  
Reserve assets
    -5,605       -20,127       44,292       -11,896       5,929  
    -359       -613       1,407       642       -510  
Source:  ABS Catalogue No. 5302.0; unpublished ABS and Treasury data.



In original terms, the balance on the current account for 2009-10 was a deficit of $56.1 billion, a 38.5% increase on the deficit of $40.5 billion recorded for 2008-09.
The balance for goods and services for 2009-10 was a deficit of $6.0 billion, as compared to the surplus of $5.9 billion recorded in 2008-09.  Goods credits decreased $30.1 billion, or 13.0%, and goods debits decreased $16.4 billion, or 7.4% during 2009-10.
The services deficit of $1.4 billion for 2009-10 was a decrease of $1.9 billion from the deficit of $3.3 billion in 2008-09.
The primary income deficit for 2009-10 increased by $3.8 billion, with a decrease in income credits of $6.9 billion (16.2%) and a decrease in income debits of $3.1 billion (3.5%).
The secondary income balance for 2009-10 recorded a deficit of $0.9 billion, with a decrease in income credits of $0.3 billion (4.2%) and a decrease in income debits of $0.4 billion (4.7%)
The balance on the financial account recorded a net inflow of $56.7 billion for 2009-10, with a net inflow on debt of $65.7 billion and a net outflow on equity of $9.0 billion.  This result was an increase of  $16.3 billion on the net inflow recorded in 2009-10 as a result of:
an increase of $18.9 billion to a net inflow on portfolio investment;
an increase of $18.0 billion to a net outflow on other investment.
a turnaround of $17.8 billion to a net inflow on reserve assets;
a decrease of $2.2 billion on the net outflow on financial derivatives; and
a decrease of $0.3 billion on the net inflow on direct investment.
Changes in Official Reserve Assets
The Australian Government meets its foreign exchange requirements from the Reserve Bank of Australia.  The RBA holds Official Reserve Assets ("ORA") primarily to facilitate foreign exchange intervention.  The vast majority of Australia's reserves are held as foreign exchange and are invested primarily in high quality government securities.  The value of ORA held by the RBA changes in response to transactions undertaken in the foreign exchange market by the RBA, both on its own account and on behalf of its customers (primarily Australian Government agencies), as well as fluctuations in the value of the foreign currencies and underlying assets in which the reserves are invested.  ORA also includes foreign currency that has been borrowed under swap to assist the RBA to manage domestic liquidity for monetary policy purposes.
The following table shows the composition of Australia's ORA over the past five years.  For several years prior to 2007-08, the RBA's gross holdings of foreign currency rose sharply as foreign currency was borrowed under foreign exchange swaps against Australian dollars.  The Australian dollars lent to the market under these swaps helped to offset the domestic liquidity impact of deposits placed with the RBA by the Australian Government. Over 2007-08, the Australian Government drew down these deposits to seed the investment program of the Future Fund.  As deposits were drawn down, the related swaps were unwound, and the gross level of foreign currency held by the RBA declined. Net holdings of foreign currency rose over the period between 2005-06 and 2006-07 and fluctuated over the period between 2007-08 and 2009-10, primarily due to valuation effects.
Table 20:  Official Reserve Assets
As at 30 June
(A$ millions)
    2,117       1,967       2,481       2,957       3,747  
    1,062       667       604       1,279       6,568  
Foreign Currency
    60,635       77,049       32,772       48,073       33,422  
Total (gross)
    63,814       79,682       35,857       52,309       43,737  
Total (net)
    30,215       32,175       35,862       43,340       46,728  
Source:  Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin.



Exchange Rate
Australia has a free-floating dollar with substantially no exchange controls.  Approved non-bank financial institutions, in addition to banks, are licensed as foreign exchange dealers.  Since the floating of the Australian dollar on 12 December 1983, Australia's exchange rate has been determined by the overall supply of and demand for A$ in the foreign exchange market.  The floating of the Australian dollar was part of the deregulation of the financial system.
There has been considerable variability in the exchange rate.  The RBA is prepared to accept substantial fluctuations in the exchange rate, both day-to-day and over the course of the economic cycle.  Transactions to influence the exchange rate or market conditions more generally, usually known as intervention, are relatively infrequent.  They are undertaken only when the value of the Australian dollar is judged to have moved to levels that are inconsistent with underlying economic developments or when conditions in the foreign exchange market are thin and disorderly.  Extremely poor liquidity in the Australian foreign exchange market during the worst of the financial turmoil following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 saw the Reserve Bank of Australia undertake intervention transactions in October and November 2008, selling foreign currency acquired earlier at a high exchange rate and purchasing Australian dollars at a lower exchange rate.  As the Australian dollar exchange rate has risen, foreign currency reserves drawn down in the intervention have been replenished.
The following table sets out the Australian dollar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years and each month end since June 2010.
Table 21:  Units of US$ per A$(a)
At Period End
Average Rate
Year ended:
30 June 2006
    0.7422       0.7474       0.7792       0.7013  
30 June 2007
    0.8486       0.7861       0.8521       0.7396  
30 June 2008
    0.9578       0.8964       0.9667       0.7672  
30 June 2009
    0.8067       0.7471       0.9849       0.6004  
30 June 2010
    0.8399       0.8822       0.9405       0.7700  
Month ended:
31 July 2010
    0.9040       0.8776       0.9068       0.8314  
31 August 2010
    0.8906       0.9001       0.9221       0.8769  
22 September 2010
    0.9563       0.9298       0.9599       0.8910  
Exchange rate data are provided by Thomson Reuters in respect of each trading day.  Period averages are derived from these rates.  Highs and lows for these periods refer to intra-day data.
Source:  Thomson Reuters.
The table below details the Australian dollar exchange rate against the UK pound sterling for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years and each month end since June 2010.
Table 22:  Units of £ per A$(a)
At Period End
Average Rate
Year ended:
30 June 2006
    0.4016       0.4202       0.4418       0.3971  
30 June 2007
    0.4223       0.4065       0.4293       0.3920  
30 June 2008
    0.4805       0.4475       0.4926       0.3897  
30 June 2009
    0.4895       0.4624       0.5078       0.3689  
30 June 2010
    0.5618       0.5587       0.6163       0.4764  
Month ended:
31 July 2010
    0.5763       0.5735       0.5863       0.5509  
31 August 2010
    0.5800       0.5750       0.5828       0.5676  
22 September 2010
    0.6105       0.5998       0.6128       0.5806  
Exchange rate data are provided by Thomson Reuters in respect of each trading day.  Period averages are derived from these rates.  Highs and lows for these periods refer to intra-day data.
Source:  Thomson Reuters.



The following table displays the Australian dollar exchange rate against the Euro for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years and each month end since June 2010.
Table 23:  Units of € per A$(a)
At Period End
Average Rate
Year ended:
30 June 2006
    0.5802       0.6139       0.6411       0.5759  
30 June 2007
    0.6265       0.6017       0.6338       0.5790  
30 June 2008
    0.6078       0.6096       0.6460       0.5725  
30 June 2009
    0.5745       0.5416       0.6170       0.4722  
30 June 2010
    0.6862       0.6360       0.7180       0.5520  
Month ended:
31 July 2010
    0.6927       0.6854       0.6977       0.6657  
31 August 2010
    0.7016       0.6979       0.7080       0.6871  
22 September 2010
    0.7136       0.7190       0.7318       0.7025  
Exchange rate data are provided by Thomson Reuters in respect of each trading day.  Period averages are derived from these rates.  Highs and lows for these periods refer to intra-day data.
Source:  Thomson Reuters.
The table below details the trade-weighted index value of the Australian dollar for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years and each month end since June 2010.  The trade-weighted index is a weighted average of a basket of currencies of Australia's major trading partners, with the weight of each foreign currency equal to its share in trade.  The most significant currencies in the trade-weighted index as re-weighted on 1 October 2009 are the Chinese renminbi, the Japanese yen, the Euro and the U.S. dollar.  The trade-weighted index is often used as an indicator of Australia's international competitiveness and is a useful gauge of the value of the Australian dollar when bilateral exchange rates exhibit diverging trends.
Table 24:  Trade-Weighted Index value of the A$(a)(b)
At Period End
Average Rate
Year ended:
30 June 2006
    62.2       63.3       65.1       59.9  
30 June 2007
    68.9       64.8       69.0       62.1  
30 June 2008
    73.4       69.7       73.4       63.3  
30 June 2009
    64.7       60.3       74.1       51.0  
30 June 2010
    67.3       68.9       72.5       62.0  
Month ended:
31 July 2010
    69.4       68.2       69.8       66.1  
31 August 2010
    69.0       69.5       70.4       68.4  
22 September 2010
    72.7       71.1       72.7       69.6  
The trade-weighted index is provided by the Reserve Bank of Australia in respect of each trading day. Period averages are derived from these rates.
The weights for the trade-weighted index are revised annually to capture changing trade patterns.  Changes to the weights are usually calculated in September, with the re-defined index joined onto the existing trade-weighted index on the first business day in October.
Source:  Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin.
Foreign Investment Policy
The Australian Government's policy approach to foreign investment is to encourage investment flows consistent with economic development and performance and community interests.  The Government's foreign investment policy provides the framework for Government consideration of proposed foreign acquisitions of Australian businesses and real estate.  The vast majority of proposals are approved, with the last proposed business acquisition that was not approved being in 2001.  Where a proposal raises national interest concerns, the Government has the power under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (the "FATA") to reject the proposal or to approve it with conditions designed to mitigate the national interest concerns.  The FATA and the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations 1989 provide monetary thresholds below which the FATA does not apply, with separate thresholds applying for U.S. investors.  Screening under the FATA is not required for acquisitions in businesses valued below the thresholds or of less than substantial or non-controlling interests.
In the majority of industry sectors smaller proposals are not subject to screening, being exempt from the FATA or notification under the policy.  Specific screening requirements and limited restrictions on foreign investment



apply in certain sensitive sectors such as the media, telecommunications, airlines and in relation to acquisitions of residential real estate.
The screening process is intended to provide advice to the Australian Treasurer, including from the independent advisory body, the Foreign Investment Review Board, on whether individual foreign investment proposals may be contrary to the national interest.  It involves consultation with relevant Government agencies and in some cases with stakeholders.  Under the FATA and the policy, the Treasurer determines what is considered 'contrary to the national interest'.
Foreign Financial Relations
Australia is a member of the International Monetary Fund (the "IMF").  As at 30 June 2010, Australia's IMF quota was 3.2 billion Special Drawing Rights ("SDR") (estimated value A$5.2 billion as at 15 September 2010). Australia is a participant in the SDR Department and, as at 15 September 2010, had a net cumulative allocation of SDR 3.08 billion and actual holdings of SDR 3.10 billion.
The IMF is currently undertaking its fourteenth general review of quotas, covering both the size and distribution of its quota resources. The review is expected to be completed by the G-20 Leaders' Summit in Seoul in November 2010.  Australia's IMF quota is expected to increase as a result of the review.  Consent by Australia to an increase in its quota will require Parliamentary approval.
Australia has made a line of credit available to the IMF under its New Arrangements to Borrow ("NAB") since 1998.  In line with G-20 Leaders' commitments, Australia has agreed to join with other countries to increase its credit line under an expanded NAB.  Australia's contribution to the expanded NAB will be by way of a SDR4.4 billion contingent loan (estimated value A$7.1 billion as at 15 September 2010), replacing Australia's existing SDR801.3 million commitment.
Australia is also a member of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("IBRD") and its affiliates in the World Bank Group:  the International Finance Corporation (the "IFC"); the International Development Association (the "IDA"); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (the "MIGA"); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (the "ICSID").
As at 15 September 2010, Australia held 24,464 shares in the IBRD, with the value of the paid-in portion of these shares amounting to US$181.8 million (approximately A$193.9 million).
The Australian Government will contribute to the IBRD's capital increase announced in April 2010.  Australia's contribution of paid-in capital will be US$51.6 million (approximately A$55.0 million) and will be paid over a five year period from 2011-12.  Australia will also subscribe to a further US$808.3 million (approximately A$861.9 million) in callable capital.
Australia also held 47,329 fully paid shares in the IFC, valued at US$47.3 million (approximately A$50.5 million), and 3,019 shares in MIGA, with the value of the paid-in portion of these shares totalling US$6.2 million (approximately A$6.6 million).  Each member country is equally represented in the ICSID.
In December 2007, Australia committed to contribute A$583 million to the fifteenth replenishment of the IDA.  Australia will pledge its contribution over nine years from 2009-10 to 2017-18.
Australia is also a member of the Asian Development Bank (the "ADB"), holding 614,220 shares.  As at 15 September 2010, the value of the paid-in portion of these shares amounted to approximately A$447.2 million, including US$181.8 million (approximately A$193.8 million) still to be paid in under the ADB's fifth general capital increase.  The value of the uncalled portion amounted to SDR5.8 billion (estimated value A$9.4 billion), as at 15 September 2010.  In addition, Australia contributes to the ADB's concessional lending arm, the Asian Development Fund (the "ADF").  In May 2008, Australia committed to contribute $332.8 million to the ninth replenishment of the ADF.  Australia will pledge its contribution over nine years from 2009-10 to 2017-18.
Australia is also a member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the "EBRD"), holding 21,010 shares.  The Australian Government will participate in the general capital increase at the EBRD announced in May 2010 and will increase its uncalled capital subscription so that it totals €237.5 million (approximately A$329.1 million).  The Australian Government has already received an additional 1,010 shares free of charge.  As at 15 September 2010, the value of the paid-in portion of these shares was €62.6 million (approximately A$86.7 million).



Australia is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (the "OECD"), the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum ("APEC") and the East Asia Summit.  Australia is also a member of the Group of Twenty ("G-20") forum.
In addition, Australia is a member of various other regional and international organisations, including the United Nations and many of its affiliated agencies.
For further information, see "Government Finance—Guarantees and Other Contingent Liabilities—Other Contingent Liabilities and Undertakings" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.



Australian Currency
Australia's unit of currency is the Australian dollar.  Australia's currency comprises both coins and notes.  Coins are issued by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Currency Act 1965 (Cth); those intended for circulation include denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and $1 and $2.  Numismatic (un-circulating collector) legal tender coins are also approved for sale by the Treasurer from time to time.  Under the Reserve Bank Act 1959 (Cth), Australia's currency notes are issued by the Reserve Bank of Australia (the "RBA") in five denominations:  $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100.
Monetary Conditions
The RBA's monetary policy operates within the framework of a medium-term inflation target of 2 to 3% on average over the cycle.  Given the lags involved in the operation of monetary policy, the RBA sets monetary policy in a forward-looking manner in order to achieve its medium-term inflation target.  Maintaining low inflation, and therefore low inflation expectations, is vital to ensuring that economic growth is sustained, thereby supporting productive investment and employment.
The RBA carefully monitors a range of domestic and international economic and financial indicators in gauging inflationary pressures.  These indicators cover economic conditions, prices, wages, the labour market and financial conditions.
In Australia, the stance of monetary policy is expressed in terms of a target for an overnight interest rate.  The rate used by the Reserve Bank of Australia is the cash rate (also known as the interbank overnight rate).  The Reserve Bank of Australia's measure of the cash rate is the interest rate which banks pay or charge to borrow funds from or lend funds to other banks on an overnight unsecured basis.  The Reserve Bank of Australia calculates and publishes the cash rate each day on the basis of data collected directly from banks.  When the Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia determines that a change in monetary policy should occur, it specifies a new target (known as the target cash rate) for the cash rate.  The Reserve Bank of Australia's open market operations are designed to ensure that the actual cash rate remains close to the target cash rate.
Movements in interest rates over the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years and the monthly periods since June 2010 are provided in the table below.
Table 25:  Key interest rates
Target Cash
Rate (%)
90 Day Bank Bill Yield (%)
10 Year Bond Yield (%)
Year ended:
30 June 2006
    5.75       5.97       5.79  
30 June 2007
    6.25       6.43       6.26  
30 June 2008
    7.25       7.80       6.45  
30 June 2009
    3.00       3.20       5.52  
30 June 2010
    4.50       4.89       5.10  
Month ended:
31 July 2010
    4.50       4.76       5.20  
31 August 2010
    4.50       4.74       4.77  
22 September 2010
    4.50       4.84       5.10  
Source:  Reserve Bank of Australia.



The following table sets out monetary aggregate data for each of the 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 26:  Monetary aggregates
Broad Money(d)
12-month ended percentage change.
M1 is defined as currency plus bank current deposits of the private non-bank sector.
M3 is defined as M1 plus all other authorised deposit-taking institution deposits of the private non-ADI sector.
Broad money is defined as M3 plus non-deposit borrowings from the private sector by all financial intermediaries, less the holdings of currency and bank deposits by registered financial corporations and cash management trusts.
Source:  Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin.
Regulation of the Financial System
Australia's financial regulation framework is based on three separate agencies operating on functional lines.  These institutions have prime responsibility for maintaining the safety and soundness of financial institutions, protecting consumers and promoting systemic stability through implementing and administering the regulatory regimes that apply to the financial sector.  Specifically,
the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority ("APRA") is responsible for prudential regulation and supervision of authorised deposit-taking institutions, general and life insurance companies and superannuation funds;
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") is responsible for market conduct and investor protection; and
the Reserve Bank of Australia has responsibility for monetary policy, overseeing financial system stability and oversight of the payments system.

Figure 1:  Key regulatory agencies in Australia
Responsibility for the operational or day-to-day supervision of financial institutions and markets lies with these individual regulators, while accountability for the broad framework for the regulation of the financial sector rests with the Australian Government, aided by the Council of Financial Regulators and the Australian Treasury.
The Council of Financial Regulators consists of high-level representatives of the RBA, Treasury, APRA and ASIC.  Given the central role played by each of these entities in the formulation of financial sector policy, in



interacting with foreign counterparts and standard setters and in monitoring and evaluating trends in domestic and international markets, the Council of Financial Regulators is an important forum for addressing emerging trends and policy issues.  This coordination is crucial especially in the event of a crisis, when the Council would serve as the key coordinating body for developing an official response.  The role of the Council in crisis coordination is facilitated by a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") dealing specifically with financial crisis management arrangements signed in September 2008.  The MOU reflects the strong commitment of Australia's regulatory agencies to the open exchange of information and to a co-ordinated response to potential threats to the stability of Australia's financial system.  The MOU covers the objectives of financial distress management and the principles that guide decisions and actions during times of financial distress, and also sets out the responsibilities of the individual Council members during such times.
The regulation of the financial sector operates under the following Commonwealth legislation:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth);
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 (Cth);
Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998 (Cth);
Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998 (Cth);
Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998 (Cth);
Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Restructure) Act 1999 (Cth);
Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 (Cth);
Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth);
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth);
Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1991 (Cth);
National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth);
Insurance Act 1973 (Cth);
Banking Act 1959 (Cth); and
Reserve Bank Act 1959 (Cth).
In addition, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has responsibility for competition policy under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).  That responsibility extends across the entire economy, including the financial sector.
Reserve Bank of Australia
The RBA is responsible for maintaining stability of the overall financial system, promoting the safety and efficiency of the payments system, managing the issuance of banknotes, providing banking services for the Australian Government and managing Australia's Official Reserve Assets.
The RBA is also responsible for monetary policy, which is determined by the Board of the Bank and is set in terms of the level of the cash rate (the interest rate on unsecured overnight funds).  The RBA undertakes daily operations in the short-term money markets to ensure that the actual cash rate remains close to the monetary policy target.
The RBA's market operations are very flexible, permitting it to deal daily with a wide range of counterparties across a wide range of maturities, and allowing it to respond rapidly to any tensions in the domestic money market.



In exceptional circumstances, the RBA may provide liquidity support to an individual authorised deposit-taking institution, if the institution was solvent and its failure to make payments would have serious implications for the rest of the financial system. In assessing solvency, the RBA would rely on APRA's judgment.
The statement of financial position of the Reserve Bank of Australia as of each of 30 June 2007, 2008 and 2009 is set out in the table below.
Table 27:  Statement of financial position – Reserve Bank of Australia
30 June 2007
30 June 2008
30 June 2009
(A$ millions)
Cash and cash equivalents
    586       862       772  
Australian dollar securities
    34,955       54,702       47,125  
Foreign exchange
    93,538       42,505       51,156  
    2,001       2,509       2,957  
Property, plant and equipment
    421       456       443  
Loans, advances and other
    393       438       513  
Total Assets
    131,894       101,472       102,966  
    65,830       39,006       34,266  
Distribution payable to Australian Government
    1,085       1,403       5,977  
    16,072       9,786       2,093  
Australian notes on issue
    40,289       42,064       48,087  
Total Liabilities
    123,276       92,259       90,423  
Net Assets
    8,618       9,213       12,543  
Capital and Reserves
Unrealised profits reserves
    53       80       2,332  
Asset revaluation reserves
    2,239       2,807       3,308  
Reserve Bank Reserve Fund
    6,286       6,286       6,863  
    40       40       40  
Total Capital and Reserves
    8,618       9,213       12,543  
Source:  Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report 2009 and Annual Report 2008.
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
The Government established APRA on 1 July 1998 as the single prudential regulator in the Australian financial system.  APRA oversees authorised deposit-taking institutions (including banks, building societies and credit unions), as well as life and general insurance companies (including reinsurers and friendly societies) and most members of the superannuation industry (other than self-managed superannuation funds).  The aim was to create a prudential regulation framework that would not only meet safety and stability objectives, but would increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the financial system by ensuring that regulation is applied consistently for similar functions.
APRA's core mission is to establish and enforce prudential standards and practices designed to ensure that, under all reasonable circumstances, financial promises made by the institutions APRA supervises are met within a stable, efficient and competitive financial system.
APRA also acts as the national statistical agency for the Australian financial sector and plays a role in preserving the integrity of Australia's retirement incomes policy.
APRA Regulated Institutions
As detailed in the table below, APRA-regulated institutions hold approximately $3.6 trillion in assets for 22 million Australian depositors, policyholders and superannuation fund members.



Table 28:  APRA-Regulated Institutions
Number of Institutions
Assets (A$ billions)
APRA-Regulated Institutions
30 June 2009
30 June 2010
% Change
30 June 2009
30 June 2010
% Change
    193       182       -5.7       2,663.3       2693.2       1.1  
Representative offices of foreign banks
    17       17       0.0       -       -       -  
General insurers
    132       130       -1.5       95.2       99.2       4.2  
Life insurers
    32       32       0.0       212.7       227.7       7.0  
Friendly societies
    19       16       -15.8       6.1       6.2       1.6  
Licensed trustees
    277       251       -9.4       -       -       -  
Superannuation entities
    4,914       4,458       -9.3       613.9       722.4       17.7  
Non-operating holding companies
    17       21       23.5       -       -       -  
    5,601       5,107       -8.8       3,591.2       3,748.7       4.4  
Source:  Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
APRA is funded largely by the industries that it supervises through a levy on regulated entities.  The Government has provided APRA with the necessary resources to enable it to manage the effects of the global financial crisis.  In October 2008, the Government agreed to provide additional funding to APRA of $9 million in 2008-09, $18.5 million in 2009-10 and $9 million in 2010-11 and 2011-12 to ensure that APRA continues to have sufficient resources to fulfil its role in light of global developments.  This funding was provided from the 2008-09 Budget, rather than being recovered from levies on the financial sector.  Before this budget measure, APRA's budget was approximately $100 million (recovered mainly from levies on the financial sector) for around 570 staff.
APRA's governance structure comprises a full-time Executive Group of at least three and no more than five Members.  The Executive Group is responsible and accountable for the operation and performance of APRA.  It currently has a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and a Member.
APRA's Main Powers
APRA's risk-based approach is underpinned by supervisory tools developed within APRA to ensure that risks are assessed rigorously and consistently, that critical warning signs are identified early and that our supervisory response is prompt and measured.  APRA seeks to act pre-emptively, so that emerging threats to financial institutions are addressed before the interests of beneficiaries are damaged; where pre-emptive action is not possible, APRA's objective is to set in train appropriate wind-up or other exit strategies that minimise losses to beneficiaries.
Australian legislation provides APRA with strong powers to regulate and intervene in the operations of financial institutions to protect depositors, policy holders and fund members and to maintain the stability of the financial system.
APRA's main powers are provided by acts relating to each industry sector that it regulates: the Banking Act 1959 (Cth), the Insurance Act 1973 (Cth), the Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth) and the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth).  These acts provide APRA with the following main types of powers in regulating financial institutions:
authorisation or licensing powers;
powers to make, apply and enforce prudential standards;
powers to collect information, to conduct on-site examinations of supervised entities and to require third-party audits; and
powers to act in circumstances of financial difficulties to protect depositors, policy holders and superannuation fund members and to maintain the stability of the financial system, including powers related to investigating, giving directions and assuming control of supervised entities in difficulty.



APRA can appoint a statutory manager to assume full control of an authorised deposit-taking institution and can apply to the courts for the appointment of a judicial manager to assume control of a general or life insurer.
In broad terms, the powers available under each Act are similar but they vary somewhat reflecting the specific characteristics of each industry sector.
In relation to the ADI sector, APRA has wide-ranging powers under the Banking Act 1959 (Cth) to investigate the affairs of an ADI and/or issue a direction to an ADI.  For example, APRA can, in particular circumstances, direct an ADI:
to comply with a prudential requirement;
to conduct an audit of its affairs;
to remove a director, executive officer or employee; or
not to undertake transactions.
APRA has the power to revoke an ADI's authorisation if it fails to meet its authorisation requirements.
In a situation where an ADI may be unable to meet its obligations or where the interests of depositors or financial system stability are at risk, APRA has the power under the Banking Act 1959 (Cth) to replace an ADI's Board of Directors with a statutory manager, which must manage the ADI in a manner that is consistent with interests of depositors and financial system stability.  In addition to the powers of the Board, the statutory manager has powers to alter the share capital of the ADI, such as by issuing new shares, and can alter the ADI's governance arrangements including its constitution.  The statutory manager can also sell or dispose of the assets of the ADI.
APRA also has the power to compulsorily transfer the business of the ADI to another entity using the Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Restructure) Act 1999 (Cth).  The receiving entity must consent to the transfer.
Financial Claims Scheme
APRA has responsibility for administering the Financial Claims Scheme established in October 2008 in respect of ADIs and general insurers.  The Financial Claims Scheme provides protection from loss for depositors in ADIs and policyholders and other claimants in general insurers in the event an ADI or general insurer becomes insolvent.  The Financial Claims Scheme establishes:
measures under Division 2AA of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth) to:
protect account-holders' deposits made with eligible ADIs (other than foreign ADIs), and interest accrued on such deposits, to a total maximum value of $1,000,000 per account-holder per ADI; and
facilitate prompt payout of deposits protected under the Financial Claims Scheme to account-holders in the event that an ADI fails; and
measures under Part VC of the Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) to facilitate the payment of moneys payable under valid claims made by eligible claimants against a general insurer that has become insolvent.
Prudential Regulation
APRA has developed a regulatory framework for ADIs that is based on the banking supervision principles published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.  The framework for prudential regulation includes requirements regarding capital adequacy, credit risk, market risk, securitisation, liquidity, credit quality, large exposures, associations with related entities, outsourcing, business continuity management, risk management of credit card activities, audit and related arrangements for prudential reporting, governance and fit and proper standards.



Prudential regulation is concerned fundamentally with the quality of a financial institution's systems for identifying, measuring and managing the various risks in its business and, in most cases, with the adequacy of its capital as a buffer against unexpected losses.  It promotes prudent behaviour by regulated entities with the objective of reducing the likelihood of institutional insolvency and consequential losses to policyholders, depositors or members and financial system instability.
Implementation of Basel II in Australia
APRA implemented the Basel II framework on 1 January 2008.  This new framework is designed to strengthen risk management and provide more risk-sensitive capital requirements for authorised deposit-taking institutions.
All ADIs in Australia are subject to Basel II.  Subject to APRA approval, ADIs can choose to implement the standard approaches or more advanced approaches for credit risk and operational risk.  The great majority of ADIs have chosen to use the standardised Basel II approaches in determining their regulatory capital charge.  The largest ADIs have chosen more sophisticated approaches under Basel II, which allow them to use some of their own quantitative risk estimates in calculating regulatory capital.
The new prudential rules under Basel II provide the Australian banking system with an enhanced regulatory framework for the protection of depositors and the maintenance of systemic stability.
Although the intention of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ("BCBS") was to maintain consistency of capital adequacy regulation across countries and avoid a significant source of competitive inequality among internationally active banks, international comparisons need to take into account the particularities of the implementation of the Basel II framework in each country.  These include:
the use of national discretions within the Basel Framework;
the implementation of advanced models;
supervisory adjustments imposed under Pillar 2 by local regulators;
other regulatory requirements (e.g., accounting or tax); and
transitional arrangements.
In implementing Basel II, APRA has exercised a number of discretions to make the framework more robust and relevant in the Australian market.  These discretions include:
The risk-weights for residential mortgage lending in the standardised approach were made considerably more granular, adding to the risk-sensitivity of capital.  The Basel II approach is that home loans are subject to a 35% risk weight.  APRA instead introduced a grid of risk-weights based upon loan to value ratio, lenders' mortgage insurance status and product type (e.g., whether the loan is a standard or non-standard housing loan), which starts at 35% and runs to 100%.
APRA chose not to adopt a lower risk-weight for 'other retail assets' under the standardised approach, believing it would not provide a sufficient buffer against credit risk and concentration risk.
For banks using the advanced approaches to measure capital adequacy, APRA has established a minimum capital requirement for interest rate risk in the banking book under Pillar 1.
In July 2009, the BCBS released a package of measures to enhance the Basel II Framework, as part of a broader work program to strengthen regulatory capital, risk management and supervision requirements.  The measures aim to ensure that the risks inherent in banks' portfolios related to trading activities, securitisations and exposures to off-balance sheet vehicles are better reflected in minimum capital requirements, risk management practices and accompanying disclosures to the public.  In December 2009, APRA released a discussion paper, accompanied by proposed amendments to relevant prudential standards and prudential practice guides, in response to the measures published by the BCBS in July 2009.  In May 2010, APRA also released draft reporting requirements related to these measures.  In June 2010, the Basel Committee announced two further adjustments to the July 2009 package.  APRA will consult on these adjustments with a view to releasing a final package of standards, guidance and reporting requirements for implementation on 1 January 2012.



In December 2009, the Basel Committee published a consultation package of proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations with the goal of promoting a more resilient banking sector.  Following a review of the consultation reponses and the results of the global quantitative impact study, in which Australian ADIs participated, the Basel Committee is expected to deliver a complete package of capital and liquidity reforms, including design and calibration, in time for the November 2010 G20 Leaders Summit in Seoul.  The Basel Committee intends that the implementation of the capital reforms will begin on 1 January 2013 and that after a period of observation, the liquidity reforms will begin to be implemented from 1 January 2015.  Once the Basel Committee releases its final standards, APRA will consult publicly on proposed revisions to prudential standards, guidance and reporting requirements to appropriately implement these changes.
Collection of data
APRA is the national statistical agency for the Australian financial sector, having assumed the role of seven predecessor statistical collection units across the Commonwealth and State governments.  Around 80% of APRA's data collections are shared with or collected on behalf of other agencies, in particular the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.  This single collection point provides substantial efficiency benefits for reporting institutions.  To ensure that collections appropriately balance cost and value, APRA meets regularly on a tripartite basis with the RBA and ABS to review the collections; APRA also consults regularly with industry.
International Awareness
Consistent with its aim of being a world-class integrated prudential supervisor, APRA retains an active role in international groups and forums for banking, insurance and pensions.  This involvement allows APRA to stay in tune with international developments and to bring an Australian perspective to global efforts to harmonise the international prudential supervision framework.  Constructive relationships with senior people in overseas prudential regulators also assist us in our prudential oversight of APRA-regulated institutions and operating internationally.
APRA is regarded as a leading supervisory agency in the Asia and Pacific regions, and more broadly, and it provides a range of technical and other assistance to prudential supervisors in these regions.
Early release of superannuation benefits
APRA plays a role in preserving the integrity of Australia's retirement income policy by approving early release of superannuation benefits on specified compassionate grounds.  These grounds are defined in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
ASIC is an independent statutory body established under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth).
ASIC administers the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the "Corporations Act"), including the provisions governing the operation of companies in Australia, corporate fundraising, financial reporting, takeovers and compulsory buy outs and external administration/insolvency.
ASIC is also responsible for registering and supervising the operation of managed investment schemes.  The regulatory framework governing collective investment vehicles was reformed in 1998 through the passage of the Managed Investments Act 1998 (Cth).
ASIC has responsibility for the investor protection regime that applies to the provision of financial services.  The regime includes licensing, conduct and disclosure provisions that apply to financial services providers, as well as product disclosure provisions applicable to financial products.
Financial markets and clearing and settlement facilities are licensed by the relevant Minister.  ASIC is responsible for monitoring compliance by market and clearing and settlement facility licensees with the relevant legislative frameworks.  On 24 August 2009, the Government announced that ASIC will become responsible for supervision of real time trading on all of Australia's domestic licensed markets.  ASIC commenced performing this function on 1 August 2010.  The RBA is responsible for issuing financial stability standards for clearing and settlement facilities and it monitors compliance with those standards.  Australia's major licensed financial markets and clearing and settlement facilities are operated by ASX Limited and its subsidiaries.



ASIC is also responsible for administering the market misconduct provisions of the Corporations Act, which cover market manipulation, insider trading and misleading or deceptive conduct.
In line with the Council of Australian Governments' 2008 commitment to transfer credit regulation to the Commonwealth Government, ASIC became responsible for national credit regulation on 1 July 2010, which includes licensing of all credit providers and credit service providers.
Other Regulatory Entities
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (the "ACCC") has responsibility for competition policy under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (the "TPA").  This responsibility extends across the entire economy, including the financial sector.
The TPA prohibits anti-competitive arrangements between competitors, such as price fixing, market sharing and boycotts.
Industry regulation
The Australian Bankers' Association (the "ABA") is the national organisation of licensed banks in Australia.  Any body corporate duly authorised to carry on banking business in Australia and carrying on such banking business may become a member of ABA.
ABA is funded by its 23 member banks ranging from traditional retail, trading bank-style organisations to regional banks, foreign bank and wholesale banks.  Contributions to its operational expenditure are based on individual member bank's liabilities in Australia.
The ABA's revised Code of Banking Practice is the banking industry's customer charter on best banking practice standards.  The Code sets out the banking industry's key commitments and obligations to customers on standards of practice, disclosure and principles of conduct for banking services.  The Code applies to personal and small business bank customers.
Abacus–Australian Mutuals, the industry association for Australian credit unions, mutual building societies and friendly societies, also keeps industry codes to which its members are signatories.  Abacus members subscribe to codes establishing standards of service to customers.  Abacus developed a consolidated Mutual Banking Code of Practice that has applied to building societies and credit unions since 1 July 2009.
Signatories to the codes are obliged to respond to complaints about non-compliance, and the relevant external dispute resolution scheme can also hear and resolve such complaints.
The Financial System Regulatory Regime
The Australian Government is committed to increasing competition and contestability across the broad spectrum of financial products, without sacrificing the basic goals of safety and stability in the financial system.  The regulatory system enables the non-bank deposit-taking sector to provide a more effective source of competition for the banks in the retail market by operating under the same regulatory framework as banks.  These institutions are able to maintain commercial flexibility by retaining different corporate structures, including mutuality, and the terms 'building society' and 'credit union'.  The Government is also paving the way for greater future participation by non-traditional suppliers in financial services markets, where there is demonstrable congruity between financial and non-financial activities.  One example of this is 2002 reforms to credit card schemes, which established a new category of ADI, broadening the range of organisations authorised to provide credit card services.  This increased competition on incumbents from both credit card specialists and large payments-processing institutions.  Prudential controls, to ensure these new players do not increase systemic risk, apply.
Australia maintains a stable, competitive and efficient financial system that is not only positioned to compete strongly in the global economy, but also offers opportunities for those seeking to do business in Australia or to use Australia as a focal point for regional activities.
There is no restriction on the number of foreign banks that may apply for banking licenses.  The blanket ban on the takeover of domestic institutions has been removed although such applications are still assessed on a case by



case basis under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) and the Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998 (Cth).
Foreign banks wishing to establish a retail bank in Australia may enter as a licensed subsidiary, subject to full prudential supervision.  They may also establish as a licensed foreign bank branch to conduct wholesale banking, as branches are restricted from accepting retail deposits below $250,000.  They may also establish as an unlicensed money market corporation or merchant bank.  As at 31 August 2010, there were 43 foreign owned banks operating in Australia, comprising 9 locally incorporated subsidiaries and 34 branches of foreign banks.



The basic provisions relating to the receipt and payment of public moneys of the Australian Government are set out in the Constitution and the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (Cth) (the "FMA Act").  The FMA Act sets out requirements relating to the collection and custody of public money; accounting, reporting and audit; and borrowing and investment.  The Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (Cth) sets out separate financial and corporate governance requirements for corporations controlled by the Australian Government.  The general administration of Australian Government finances is the responsibility of the Minister for Finance and Deregulation.
Under the Constitution, all moneys or revenues received by the Australian Government form one Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be appropriated for the purposes of the Commonwealth of Australia.  All disbursements made from the Consolidated Revenue Fund must be made under appropriation made by the Parliament.
The financial statements and accounting records of each Australian Government agency and the consolidated financial statements of the Government must be audited by the Australian Auditor-General.  The Australian National Audit Office ("ANAO") supports the Auditor-General in conducting financial statement and performance audits.  All financial statements must be tabled in the Parliament by the responsible Minister within the relevant agency's annual report.  These financial statements are audited by the Auditor-General, who may also report to the Parliament on a wide range of other matters relating to public administration.
Federal Government Budget
As part of each annual budget, the Treasurer presents annual Appropriation Bills to the Parliament.  The Bills detail the purposes for which funds are to be expended by Government agencies.  Additional Appropriation Bills may be enacted by Parliament during the course of a fiscal year to provide funds for new expenditures approved by the Government after the passage of the annual budgetary Appropriation Bills.
The major part of the budget is appropriated under 'special' or 'standing' appropriations contained in special legislation that does not require annual re-enactment.  For example, the payment of social security benefits and pensions are provided for in this manner.
The Australian Government's main fiscal indicators are the 'underlying cash balance' and the 'fiscal balance' (respectively cash and accrual measures of government finance statistics net lending), with the predominant focus on the underlying cash balance for assessing the Government's fiscal strategy.  The move to accrual budgeting now means that the budget papers contain a complete set of accrual financial statements (i.e., an operating statement, a statement of assets and liabilities, and a statement of cash flows).
The framework within which fiscal policy is conducted is set out in the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 (Cth).  The Charter provides a framework for the conduct of Government fiscal policy.  The purpose of the Charter is to improve fiscal policy outcomes.  The Charter provides for this by requiring fiscal strategy to be based on principles of sound fiscal management and by facilitating public scrutiny of fiscal policy and performance.
The key elements of the Australian Government's medium-term fiscal strategy are:
achieving budget surpluses, on average, over the medium-term;
keeping taxation as a share of GDP, on average, below the level for 2007-08; and
improving the Government's net financial worth over the medium-term.
Allowing the budget to vary in line with economic conditions is a key element of the fiscal strategy and makes an important contribution to macroeconomic policy.
To ensure that growth is supported in a way that is consistent with medium-term fiscal strategy, the Government committed in the February 2009 Updated Economic and Fiscal Outlook Statement released on 3 February 2009  (“2009 UEFO”) to a two-stage fiscal strategy.  This was extended in the 2010-11 Budget to maintain continued expenditure restraint once the budget returns to surplus.



1.  Support the economy during the global recession
During the economic slowdown, the Government will continue to support the economy and jobs by:
allowing the variations in receipts and payments, which are naturally associated with slower economic growth, to drive a temporary underlying cash budget deficit; and
using additional spending to deliver timely, targeted and temporary stimulus, with the clear objective of other budget priorities and new policy proposals being met through a reprioritisation of existing policies.
2.  Deficit exit strategy as the economy recovers
As the economy recovers and grows above trend the Government will take action to return the budget to surplus by:
holding real growth in spending to 2% a year until the budget returns to surplus; and
allowing the level of tax receipts to recover naturally as the economy improves, while maintaining the Government's commitment to keep taxation as a share of GDP below the 2007-08 level on average.
3.  Continuing budget surpluses
Once the budget returns to surplus, and while the economy is growing at or above trend, the Government will maintain expenditure restraint by retaining a 2% annual cap on real spending growth, on average, until budget surpluses are at least 1% of GDP.
In 2007-08 and 2008-09, the underlying cash balance was $19.7 billion and -$27.1 billion, respectively.  The Australian Government's underlying cash deficit was $54.8 billion (-4.2% of GDP) in 2009-10.  In the July 2010 Economic Statement, it was estimated that the underlying cash deficit in 2009-10 will be around $55 billion (-4.2% of GDP).  In the 2010 PEFO, Government underlying cash deficits of $40.7 billion (-2.9% of GDP) and $10.4 billion (-0.7% of GDP) were forecast for 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively, and underlying cash surpluses of $3.5 billion (0.2% of GDP) and $4.5 billion (0.3% of GDP) were forecast for 2012-13 and 2013-14, respectively.
The Australian Government general government sector net debt for 2009-10 was -$42.3 billion (-3.3% of GDP).  The 2010-11 Budget projected net debt to total $41.8 billion (3.2% of GDP) in 2009-10.   In the July 2010 Economic Statement and the 2010 PEFO, net debt was projected to be 5.7% of GDP in 2010-11 and to peak at 6.0% of GDP in 2011-12.
The Government will finance the projected budget deficits by issuing Commonwealth Government Securities.  See "Government Finance—Domestic Issuance of Government Bonds" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Commonwealth Budget Position as at 30 June 2010
In 2009-10, the Australian Government general government sector recorded an underlying cash deficit of $54.8 billion, or -4.2% of GDP.  The fiscal balance was in deficit by $52.9 billion, or -4.1% of GDP.
The following table sets out general government sector budget aggregates for each of the 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.



Table 29:  Australian Government general government sector budget aggregates
      2007-08(a)       2008-09(a)       2009-10  
Accrual aggregates
Revenue (A$ billions)
    303.7       298.9       292.8  
Per cent of GDP
    25.7       23.8       22.5  
Expenses (A$ billions)
    280.1       324.6       339.2  
Per cent of GDP
    23.7       25.9       26.1  
Net operating balance (A$ billions)
    23.6       -25.6       -46.5  
Net capital investment (A$ billions)
    2.6       4.1       6.4  
Fiscal balance (A$ billions)
    21.0       -29.7       -52.9  
Per cent of GDP
    1.8       -2.4       -4.1  
Cash aggregates
Underlying cash balance (A$ billions)
    19.7       -27.1       -54.8  
Per cent of GDP
    1.7       -2.2       -4.2  
Balance sheet measures
Net debt (A$ billions)
    -44.8       -16.1       42.3  
Per cent of GDP
    -3.8       -1.3       3.3  
Net worth (A$ billions)
    71.2       19.7       -44.8  
Per cent of GDP
    6.0       1.6       -3.4  
Data for 2007-08 and 2008-09 fiscal years has been adjusted for accounting changes to ensure consistency where relevant.  For further information on these adjustments, see the following: 2009-10 Budget, Budget Paper No. 1, Statement 10; Final Budget Outcome 2009-10, Appendix B; MYEFO 2009-10, Appendix D; 2009-10 Budget, Budget Paper No. 1, Statement 10; 2010-11 Budget, Budget Paper No. 1, Statement 10.
Source:  Final Budget Outcome 2009-10 and 2010-11 Budget.
Total Australian Government general government sector net worth declined by $64.5 billion in 2009-10 to around -$44.8 billion, largely reflecting the budget deficit.  Net debt increased by $58.4 billion in 2009-10 to around $42.3 billion or 3.3% of GDP (from -$16.1 billion or -1.3% of GDP in 2008-09).



The following table sets out general government sector revenue for each of the 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 30:  Australian Government general government sector revenue
      2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
Individuals and other withholding taxes
Gross income tax withholding
    114,700       117,086       119,922  
Gross other individuals income tax
    31,036       32,260       27,287  
less:  Individuals refunds
    19,601       23,569       24,390  
Total individuals and other withholding taxes
    126,135       125,777       122,820  
Fringe benefits tax
    3,796       3,581       3,523  
Company tax
    64,790       60,705       53,193  
Superannuation funds
    11,988       9,227       6,182  
Petroleum resource rent tax
    1,871       2,099       1,297  
Total income taxation revenue
    208,579       201,389       187,016  
Sales taxes
    45,486       43,716       47,800  
Excise duty
Petroleum and diesel
    13,633       13,148       13,225  
Other excise
    9,893       11,171       11,323  
Total excise duty
    23,526       24,319       24,547  
Customs duty
    6,070       6,276       5,748  
Other indirect taxes
    2,567       2,954       2,889  
Total indirect taxation revenue
    77,650       81,389       80,984  
Total taxation revenues
    286,229       278,653       268,000  
Interest income
    5,558       5,124       4,430  
Dividends, sales of goods and services and other non-taxation revenue
    11,942       15,155       20,337  
Total non-taxation revenue
    17,500       20,280       24,767  
Total revenue
    303,729       298,933       292,767  
Source:  Data for 2007-08 and 2008-09 fiscal years sourced from 2010-11 Budget, Budget Paper No. 1, Statement 5, Table C1, adjusting for accounting changes to ensure consistency where relevant, and unpublished Treasury data.  Data for 2009-10 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2009-10.
Total accrual revenue in 2009-10 was around $292.8 billion.



The table below provides information on general government sector expenses by function for each of the 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years.
Table 31:  Australian Government general government sector expenses by function
      2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
General public services
Legislative and executive affairs
    961       728       840  
Financial and fiscal affairs
    6,102       6,331       6,845  
Foreign affairs and economic aid
    3,881       4,763       4,869  
General research
    2,146       2,237       2,358  
General services
    925       995       818  
Governmental superannuation benefits
    2,600       2,142       3,472  
    17,670       19,190       20,150  
Public order and safety
    3,506       3,558       3,593  
    18,433       22,601       34,889  
    44,397       49,146       51,426  
Social security and welfare
    97,842       124,581       109,197  
Housing and community amenities
    2,910       5,080       9,029  
Recreation and culture
    3,207       3,107       3,280  
Fuel and energy
    5,361       5,806       8,473  
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
    3,834       2,723       2,816  
Mining, manufacturing and construction
    1,410       1,911       1,630  
Transport and communications
    4,129       6,941       6,641  
Other economic affairs
Tourism and area promotion
    207       192       162  
Labour and employment affairs
    3,404       3,764       4,694  
Other economic affairs
    1,213       1,275       2,200  
        Immigration       1,102        1,276        1,571  
Other purposes
Public debt interest
    3,544       3,946       6,303  
Nominal superannuation interest
    6,011       6,715       6,687  
General purpose intergovernmental transactions
    45,277       45,248       47,157  
Natural disaster relief
    28       312       136  
Contingency reserve(a)
    8       0       0  
Total expenses
    280,109       324,569       339,239  
Asset sale related expenses are treated as a component of the contingency reserve.
Source:  Data for 2007-08 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2007-08, adjusting for accounting changes to ensure consistency where relevant.  Data for 2008-09 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2008-09.  Data for 2009-10 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2009-10.
Total accrual expenses were around $339.2 billion in 2009-10.



General government sector net capital investment by function is set out in the table below.
Table 32:  Australian Government general government sector net capital investment by function
      2007-08       2008-09       2009-10  
(A$ millions)
General public services
    372       223       590  
    1,478       3,028       4,136  
Public order and safety
    139       109       103  
    4       5       26  
    46       73       249  
Social security and welfare
    175       52       60  
Housing and community amenities
    159       -36       219  
Recreation and culture
    53       27       110  
Fuel and energy
    2       11       2  
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
    49       443       748  
Mining, manufacturing and construction
    9       -2       0  
Transport and communications
    5       13       35  
Other economic affairs
    99       114       154  
Other purposes
    2       4       0  
Total net capital investment
    2,593       4,064       6,433  
Source:  Data for 2007-08 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2007-08, adjusting for accounting changes to ensure consistency where relevant.  Data for 2008-09 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2008-09.  Data for 2009-10 fiscal year sourced from Final Budget Outcome 2009-10.
Total net capital investment for 2009-10 was around $6.4 billion.
Commonwealth Investment in the National Broadband Network
NBN Co Limited ("NBN Co") was created on 7 April 2009 to build and operate a new National Broadband Network.  For further information regarding the specifications of the National Broadband Network, see "Major Industries—Information Media and Telecommunications—Telecommunications" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.  NBN Co is a wholly-owned Australian Government company that has been prescribed as a Government Business Enterprise.  NBN Co is established and operating; however, certain of its operating arrangements will be clarified and guided by the passage of legislation in Parliament.
In August 2009, the Government commissioned McKinsey/KPMG to conduct an implementation study examining a range of issues relating to the National Broadband Network, including operating and governance arrangements for NBN Co, network design, ownership caps and scope for private sector investment.  The implementation study concluded that the National Broadband Network can be constructed within the $43 billion envelope identified by the Government in April 2009, even assuming the network does not have access to existing infrastructure.  The study also indicated that NBN Co will have a positive business case, and that NBN Co can expect to generate a rate of return that allows the Government to cover its cost of capital.
The implementation study recommended that private equity should not be introduced prior to privatisation, in order to allow the Government to retain policy and regulatory flexibility before introducing private sector equity investment.
The Government made provision in the 2010-11 Budget of $18.3 billion over the forward estimates (including $18.1 billion in equity) for the roll-out of the National Broadband Network, based on the recommendations of the implementation study.  On 20 June 2010, NBN Co announced that it had reached a Financial Heads of Agreement with Telstra to provide for access to Telstra facilities and the progressive migration of Telstra traffic onto the National Broadband Network, subject to regulator approval.  Telstra, NBN Co and the shareholder Australian Government agencies are now negotiating detailed Definitive Agreements.
The exact timing and quantum of Government funding for the National Broadband Network, including payments by the Government and NBN Co in relation to the agreement with Telstra on the rollout of the National Broadband Network, will be determined in the Government's response to the implementation study, and costs could arise as part of settlement of the Definitive Agreements between NBN Co and Telstra.
The Government has also committed to providing to Telstra, in conjunction with the Definitive Agreements, a guarantee for the financial obligations of NBN Co until NBN Co is fully capitalised.



For further information, see "Major Industries—Information Media and Telecommunications—Telecommunications".
Budget implications
NBN Co was established as a Government Business Enterprise and operates as a Public Non-Financial Corporation ("PNFC") charging economically significant prices.  Financial investments by the Commonwealth of Australia in PNFCs do not have a direct impact on the underlying cash balance. However, investments funded from borrowings have an indirect impact through public debt interest costs, which the Australian Government took into account in preparation of its 2010-11 Budget.
Pensions and Superannuation
Australia's Retirement Income System
Australia's retirement income system consists of three 'pillars':
a taxpayer-funded means-tested age pension for people who are unable to fully support themselves in retirement;
a minimum level of compulsory employer superannuation contributions made in respect of those in the workforce; and
voluntary private superannuation and other savings.
The age pension has been the cornerstone of Australia's retirement income system since 1909.  The age pension provides a modest retirement for those people who are unable to fully support themselves.  From 20 September 2009, the maximum single rate age pension increased by $32.49 per week to $17,507 per annum (from $14,615 per annum) and the maximum couple rate age pension increased by $10.14 per week to $26,390 per annum (from $24,414 per annum).  The actual amount an eligible person receives depends on their other income and assets.
Employers are required to provide a prescribed minimum level of superannuation support each year for each of their eligible employees.  The prescribed minimum level of support is currently 9% of the employee's earnings.  This minimum prescribed amount is known as the Superannuation Guarantee.  Payments under the Superannuation Guarantee are contributed to a complying superannuation fund or retirement savings account to be accessed by the employee upon retirement.
Voluntary superannuation savings are encouraged through concessional taxation treatment and other incentives.
As of 30 June 2010, APRA estimated that total Australian superannuation assets amounted to $1.23 trillion.
On 2 May 2010, the Government announced its intention to introduce a number of superannuation reforms, which are subject to the passage of legislation in Parliament.  Under the reforms, from 1 July 2013, the Government would gradually increase the Superannuation Guarantee rate from 9 to 12%, in increments of 0.25% on 1 July 2013 and 1 July 2014, followed by increases of 0.5% every year thereafter until the rate reaches 12% by 1 July 2019.  The Government also announced its intention to extend the age limit for Superannuation Guarantee contributions from 70 to 75, with effect from 1 July 2013.
To provide greater flexibility for those nearing retirement, from 1 July 2012, the Government intends to increase the annual concessional contributions cap to $50,000 for workers aged 50 and over with total superannuation balances below $500,000.  This would double the $25,000 cap that was to apply from 1 July 2012, when the transitional arrangements end.  To support low income earners, the Government intends to provide a new superannuation contributions tax rebate of up to $500 annually for individuals on adjusted taxable incomes up to $37,000 from 1 July 2012, which is in addition to the co-contribution for low to middle income earners.  The Government anticipates that these changes to superannuation will increase the retirement incomes of Australians, and add $85 billion to Australia's pool of superannuation savings over the next ten years.



Superannuation for Commonwealth Employees
The Commonwealth of Australia operates and administers three main civilian superannuation schemes for Commonwealth sector employees.  The current scheme is the Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan (the "PSSAP"), which was established by a trust deed under the provisions of the Superannuation Act 2005 (Cth).  PSSAP is a fully funded accumulation scheme.  PSSAP commenced on 1 July 2005 upon the closure of the Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (the "PSS") to new entrants.
The PSS commenced on 1 July 1990 upon the closure of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (the "CSS") to new entrants.
At 30 June 2009, there were 19,807 contributors to the CSS and 124,987 contributors to the PSS and benefits were being paid to 115,613 CSS and 18,818 PSS pensioners.
The Commonwealth of Australia's estimated unfunded liability at 30 June 2009 for the CSS and PSS schemes was $80.4 billion.
In 2006, the Commonwealth established an investment fund known as the Future Fund to assist future Australian governments meet the cost of public sector superannuation liabilities by delivering investment returns on contributions to the Fund.  As of 30 June 2010, the value of the assets held by the Future Fund was $67.35 billion.
Commonwealth, State and Local Governments levy taxes in Australia.  Australia has no estate or gift taxes, or separate social security levy, although taxpayers pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of taxable income (and may also be subject to an additional Medicare levy surcharge if they exceed certain income thresholds and do not take out complying private health insurance (see "Government Finance—Taxation—Personal Income Tax" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia)).
Australia's Future Tax System
On 13 May 2008, the Treasurer announced a review of Australia's tax and transfer system to recommend how Australia could deal with the demographic, social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century.  The Australia's Future Tax System ("AFTS") review encompassed Australian Government and state taxes and interactions with the transfer system, while reflecting Government policy not to increase the rate or broaden the base of the goods and services tax ("GST").
The Government asked the review panel to bring forward its consideration of retirement income to March 2009 and report to Government.  The report, which was publicly released with the 2009-10 Budget, recommended an increase to the qualifying age for the age pension.  Legislation gradually increasing the qualifying age for the age pension from age 65 to age 67 by 1 January 2024 came into force on 29 June 2009.  For further information with respect to Australia's retirement income system, see "Government Finance—Pensions and Superannuation—Australia's Retirement Income System" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The AFTS review panel delivered its report to the Treasurer in December 2009.  The Government publicly released the report and its response on 2 May 2010.  The Government announced adjustments to some elements of the Government's response in respect of resource taxes and the company tax rate on 2 July 2010.  The measures that the Government has announced it intends to adopt, subject to the passage of legislation in Parliament, are noted in the sections "—Business Tax Arrangements",  "Indirect Taxation—Resource taxes and royalties", "Government Finance—Pensions and Superannuation—Australia's Retirement Income System" and "Major Industries—Mining" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Personal Income Tax
The Australian Government levies personal income tax, generally using the individual as the unit of assessment.  Income subject to tax assessment includes salary and wage income, allowances, dividends, interest, capital gains, business income, certain pension payments, rents, royalties, partnership income and distributions from trusts.
The period of assessment is generally 1 July to 30 June.  Income is assessed and deductions are allowed in the year they arise, although special rules apply for allowable capital expenditures.



Tax rate thresholds are not indexed.  Income tax rates and thresholds vary for 2009-10 and 2010-11 (Table 33).
Table 33:  Personal income tax rates and thresholds for residents
1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010
From 1 July 2010
Taxable income (A$)
Rate (%)
Taxable income (A$)
Rate (%)
0 - 6,000
0 - 6,000
6,001 – 35,000
6,001 – 37,000
35,001 – 80,000
37,001 – 80,000
80,001 – 180,000
80,001 – 180,000
180,001 +
180,001 +
Source:  2008-09 Budget, Budget Paper No. 1.
The personal income tax system is based on self assessment.  The tax system utilises a pay-as-you-go approach, where individuals generally pay instalments of their expected tax liability on their income from employment, business, or investment for the current income year through withholdings and instalment payments.  Australian residents for tax purposes pay tax on income derived from within Australia and overseas.  Income earned overseas and already taxed in the overseas jurisdiction is either exempt from Australian tax or attracts a tax credit.
Residents have access to the benefits of Medicare, and consequently most residents pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of taxable income.  Residents may also be subject to an additional Medicare levy surcharge of 1.0% of taxable income if they exceed certain income thresholds and do not take out complying private health insurance.
Australian resident taxpayers may be eligible for the low income tax offset (the "LITO") to reduce tax paid by low- and middle-income earners.  From 1 July 2010, the LITO increased from $1,350 to $1,500.  Taxpayers eligible for the full LITO will not pay income tax until their annual income exceeds $16,000 from 2011.
Taxpayers ineligible for the full LITO also benefit from its increase.  The LITO begins to phase out at a rate of four cents for each dollar of income over $30,000 so taxpayers with income over $30,000 may still benefit from some LITO.  For example, taxpayers will be able to receive some LITO on income up to $67,500 from July 1, 2010.
Similarly, the Government provides targeted taxation relief to senior Australians through the senior Australian tax offset (the "SATO").  Senior Australians who would, apart from the income test requirements, qualify for the Australian Age Pension (65 years for men and 64 years for women in 2010-11) may qualify for the SATO.  The SATO, when combined with the LITO, ensures that eligible single older Australians can have an income up to $30,685 from July 1, 2010 without paying income tax or the Medicare levy.
In general, employers also pay tax (at 46.5%) on the grossed-up (i.e., tax inclusive) value of fringe benefits they provide to employees.
Foreign residents are taxed differently to Australian residents.  See "Government Finance—Taxation—Australia's jurisdiction to tax: source and residence" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Business Tax Arrangements
Corporate tax rate
The corporate tax rate is currently 30%.  This applies also to the corporate profits of a branch of an overseas company.  As part of its response to the AFTS review, on 2 July 2010 the Government announced its intention, subject to the passage of legislation in Parliament, to reduce Australia's company tax rate to 29% in the 2013-14 income year and to allow small business companies to be eligible for this new rate in the 2012-13 income year.  See "—Small businesses".
Dividend imputation
The dividend imputation system ensures company income distributed to resident individual shareholders is not double taxed.  Franked dividends, effectively paid from previously taxed company income, carry an imputation credit for shareholders.  As part of its response to the AFTS review, the Government has indicated that it does not intend to remove the benefits of dividend imputation.



Capital gains tax
Where assets are held for at least 12 months, capital gains tax applies to 50% of capital gains on the assets for individuals and trusts, and 66⅔% for superannuation funds.  A range of business restructure roll-overs, including scrip-for-scrip takeovers between companies and between trusts, provide for the roll-over of capital gains arising from the restructure.  Several capital gains tax concessions apply to capital gains on the disposal of active small business assets.  The capital gains tax discount does not apply to gains made on assets that are held on revenue account or as trading stock.  Following the release of the AFTS review, the Government indicated that it does not intend to reduce the capital gains tax discount or change capital gains grandfathering arrangements.
Research and development
Eligible research and development ("R&D") expenditure attracts a 125% deduction and, for eligible companies, a 175% tax concession for additional R&D expenditure undertaken above the average level for the previous three years.
On 12 May 2009 the Government announced its intention to replace the existing R&D tax concession with a new R&D tax incentive based on a standard 40% tax offset and a refundable 45% tax offset for firms with annual turnover below $20 million.
Primary production
Special provisions for primary producers include income averaging.
Capital allowances
A uniform capital allowance system, based on the effective life of assets, applies except where specific treatments apply (for example, for primary producers, Australian films, computer software and R&D).
Amortisation at 4% per year applies to the capital costs of income-producing buildings for eligible industrial activities; hotels, motels and guest houses containing at least ten bedrooms; and apartments, units or flats where the taxpayer owns at least nine other units in the building.
Amortisation at 2.5% per year applies to the capital cost of other income-producing buildings and structural improvements, including roads, dams, bridges and buildings used for R&D activities.
Investment allowance
A temporary investment allowance referred to as the Small Business and General Business Tax Break is available for investments in new tangible depreciating assets costing at least $10,000 (or at least $1,000, in the case of small businesses).  The investment allowance provides an additional tax deduction where the taxpayer starts to hold or starts to construct the asset between 13 December 2008 and 31 December 2009 and has the asset installed ready for use by 31 December 2010.  The investment allowance is also available for expenditure incurred to modify or improve existing assets, provided this expenditure satisfies the other eligibility criteria.
Small businesses can claim an additional tax deduction equal to 50% of the cost of the asset.  For other businesses, a deduction of 30% or 10% of the cost of the asset is available.  The 30% deduction applies where the taxpayer starts to hold or construct the asset before 30 June 2009 and has the asset installed ready for use by 30 June 2010.  The 10% deduction is available where the taxpayer starts to hold or construct the asset between 1 July 2009 and 31 December 2009, and has the asset installed ready for use by 31 December 2010.
The legislation to implement the investment allowance, contained in the Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business and General Business Tax Break) Act 2009 (Cth), became law on 22 May 2009.



Small businesses
Small businesses, with an aggregated annual turnover of less than $2 million, can access concessions covering income tax (including capital gains tax and simplified capital allowances rules), goods and services tax, pay-as-you-go instalments and fringe benefits tax.  See "—Corporate tax rate".  Small businesses can also claim the temporary investment allowance discussed under "—Investment allowance" above at the 50% rate.
Under the Government's response to the AFTS review, from the 2012-13 income year, the Government intends that small business companies would be eligible for the new 29% corporate tax rate.  From the 2012-13 income year, small businesses would also be permitted to immediately write off assets valued at under $5,000 and write off most other assets in a single depreciation pool at a rate of 30%.
On 2 May 2010, the Government announced its intention to raise the Superannuation Guarantee gradually from 9% to 12%.  In 2013-14 and 2014-15, the Government intends to raise the Superannuation Guarantee by 0.25%.  These increases would be followed by increases of 0.5% each year until the Superannuation Guarantee reaches 12% in 2019-20.
From 1 July 2012, the Government intends to provide a contribution of up to $500 for workers with incomes up to $37,000 to ensure that no tax would be paid on superannuation guarantee contributions for those with incomes up to that amount in 2012-13.
Taxation of Financial Arrangements Stages 3 and 4
The Taxation of Financial Arrangements ("TOFA") Stages 3 and 4 , which was enacted by the Tax Laws Amendment (Taxation of Financial Arrangements) Act 2009 (Cth), covers, among other matters, accruals and other tax-timing rules as well as character-hedging rules.
Indirect tax
Goods and Services Tax
Goods and services tax ("GST") is a broad based value-added tax on most goods and services consumed in Australia.  It applies at a uniform rate of 10% on the supply or importation of taxable goods and services, based on the selling price.
The Australian Government collects GST revenue and distributes it to the States and Territories.  The GST rate and base can only be changed with unanimous support from State and Territory governments.
GST is levied on businesses at all stages of the production process.  Businesses are generally able to claim a credit for GST paid on business inputs.
Exemptions from GST include health, education and basic food.  GST is not levied on residential rents and financial services, but suppliers of these products and services generally cannot claim a credit for GST paid on production inputs.
Excise and customs duty
Excises are specific taxes on goods, including fuel, alcohol (except wine products) and tobacco.
An excise-equivalent customs duty applies to imports of excisable goods and is collected at the border usually from importers or owners of the goods.  Additionally, customs tariffs apply to a range of imported textiles, clothing and footwear, passenger motor vehicles and other imported goods including foods, chemicals, industrial supplies, machinery and equipment, and household electrical items.  Businesses are not credited for tariffs paid on their imports.
Excise rates for tobacco and alcohol (except wine products) are indexed twice a year to the consumer price index.
Tobacco is taxed on a per stick basis for cigarettes and cigars with a tobacco content up to and including 0.8 grams, or by overall weight of tobacco for other products.  Beer and spirits are taxed on alcohol volume, with



different rates applying to beer depending upon alcohol-strength and packaging.  Spirits attract a higher rate than beer, while beer is also subject to a low alcohol threshold of 1.15% that does not attract duty.
Fossil fuels, primarily petrol and diesel, currently attract an excise of 38.143 cents per litre, which is not indexed.  Aviation fuel currently attracts a rate of 2.854 cents per litre.  Fuel tax credits currently apply to fuel used for certain off-road uses and for on-road use in heavy vehicles (vehicles with gross vehicle mass greater than 4.5 tonnes).
Wine equalisation tax
Wine is not subject to excise, but attracts a separate wine equalisation tax ("WET"), which applies as a percentage of the value of wine products.  The producer, importer or wholesaler normally pays 29% of the last wholesale price of wine.
A $500,000 WET producer rebate reduces the WET paid by small wine producers to zero.
Luxury car tax
The luxury car tax generally applies to the GST-exclusive value of a domestic or imported passenger vehicle exceeding a threshold, $57,180 (in the year ending 30 June 2010), at a rate of 33%.
Luxury car tax concessions are available to certain fuel efficient cars and four wheel drives acquired by primary producers and eligible tourist operators.  In response to the release of the AFTS review, the Government has indicated that it does not intend to abolish the luxury car tax.
Resource taxes and royalties
Specific resource taxes and royalties currently apply to the extraction of oil and gas.
On 2 July 2010, the Australian Government proposed a new Minerals Resource Rent Tax ("MRRT") regime, which would apply to all existing and new iron ore and coal projects in Australia from 1 July 2012, and the extension of the existing Petroleum Resource Rent Tax ("PRRT") regime to all Australian onshore and offshore oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf, commencing on 1 July 2012. The implementation of the MRRT and the extension of the existing PRRT regime would require the passage of legislation through the Parliament.
Under the proposed MRRT, Australian iron ore and coal projects would be subject to a 30% tax on assessable profits calculated based on the value of the commodity, determined at its first saleable form, less all costs to that point.  The MRRT would provide a 25% extraction allowance, reducing taxable profits subject to the MRRT in recognition of the value added through mining expertise.  The MRRT would provide for transferability of deductions and the carrying forward of unutilised losses under specified conditions.  Investment following 1 July 2012 would be subject to immediate write off, rather than depreciation over a number of years, meaning that a new project would only become liable for MRRT after sufficient profits to pay off the up front investment have been realised.  The MRRT would recognise past investments through either a credit calculated based on the market value of the investment written down over a period of up to 25 years, or the current written down book value of project assets, excluding the value of the resource, written off over 5 years and uplifted at the long term bond rate plus 7%.  Taxpayers with resource profits below $50 million per annum would not have an MRRT liability.
The proposed extension of the PRRT, which currently only applies to offshore petroleum projects, to all oil, gas and coal seam methane projects onshore and offshore Australia would ensure equitable treatment for all oil and gas projects.  The extended PRRT would apply a headline tax rate of 40%.  Existing features of the PRRT, including a range of uplift allowances for unutilised losses and capital write offs, immediate expensing for expenditure and limited transfer of the tax value of losses, would continue to apply.  Transition provisions would be provided for oil and gas projects moving into the PRRT regime, allowing for utilisation of either market value or written down book value as the starting base for project assets.
The proposed MRRT and the extended PRRT would provide resource entities with a credit for State and Territory royalties and resource taxes paid.



On 2 July 2010, the Australian Government also announced the establishment of a Policy Transition Group to oversee the development of the detailed technical design parameters and implementation of the MRRT and the extended PRRT.
Other taxes
A range of Australian government departments administer a broad range of smaller taxes, including charges for notional cost recovery, penalties, levies and licence fees.
Agricultural products attract more than 60 separate levies; this revenue funds services and research in specific agricultural industries.
Australia's jurisdiction to tax: source and residence
The taxation of income in Australia is principally determined on the basis of whether the entity is an Australian resident or a foreign resident for tax purposes.  Australian residents are taxed on their worldwide income whereas foreign residents are taxed only on income sourced in Australia.
Double taxation
Double taxation is caused by overlapping tax jurisdictions arising from the application of the source and residence principles noted above.  For example, two countries may seek to tax the same income.  Relief from double taxation is typically provided under domestic law by either: (i) exempting the income from domestic tax, or (ii) crediting the foreign tax paid on that income against domestic tax.  Australia also allows a deduction for foreign tax paid under certain limited circumstances.  In addition to domestic law, bilateral tax treaties contain rules designed to eliminate double taxation.
Australia's tax treaties allocate taxing rights between the residence (of the person) and source (of the income) countries and require the former to eliminate double taxation when there are competing taxing rights.  They also provide an agreed basis for allocating the income and expenses of multinational groups operating in both countries. In addition, they authorise administrative cooperation to prevent fiscal evasion and to assist in the collection of tax debts.  Australia has signed 44 comprehensive bilateral tax treaties, based on the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital.
Integrity rules
Thin capitalisation
Thin capitalisation rules aim to prevent undue exploitation by Australian and foreign multinational enterprises of the different tax treatment that applies to the payment of interest versus dividends; taxpayers can deduct interest but not dividends.  The rules prevent excessive debt financing (as opposed to equity financing) of Australian entities, by disallowing the interest expense if the debt finance exceeds certain limits.  The rules apply to:
Australian entities that operate internationally and some of their associates;
Australian entities that are foreign controlled; and
foreign entities that operate in Australia.
The rules do not apply to entities: (i) with an annual debt deduction of $250,000 or less; (ii) that are outward investing Australian entities at least 90% of whose assets are Australian assets; or (iii) that are qualifying special purpose (securitisation) entities.
Transfer pricing
The transfer pricing rules are designed to ensure that Australian and foreign multinational enterprises price their related party international dealings in accordance with the arm's length principle.  The aim is to prevent profit shifting between associated enterprises located in different jurisdictions to ensure taxable Australian profits are commensurate with the economic value added in Australia.



Foreign source income anti-tax-deferral (attribution) regimes
Australia's attribution regimes have historically consisted of:
the controlled foreign company ("CFC") rules;
the foreign investment fund ("FIF") rules;
the transferor trust rules; and
the deemed present entitlement rules.
These rules are designed to ensure residents cannot defer or avoid Australian tax by accumulating income offshore.  They tax residents on an accruals basis on their share of income accumulating offshore.
On 12 May 2009, the Australian Government announced its intention to reform the foreign source income attribution rules.  The reforms were intended to better balance the integrity objective of the rules with other objectives such as efficiency, equity, simplicity and low compliance costs.  The reforms maintain the CFC rules as the primary set of rules designed to counter tax-deferral arrangements.  Under the reforms, effective from the 2010-11 income year, the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules have been repealed.
Tax information exchange agreements
A tax information exchange agreement ("TIEA") is a bilateral agreement to establish a legal basis for the exchange of taxpayer information, for both civil and criminal tax purposes.  Australia has signed 25 TIEAs with low-tax jurisdictions.
Commonwealth-State Financial Relations
Commonwealth-State financial relations involve the provision of Australian Government financial assistance to the States and Territories and oversight by the Australian Loan Council of government borrowings.
The States and Territories receive significant financial support from the Commonwealth of Australia.  As at the 2010-11 Budget released on 11 May 2010, Commonwealth payments to the States and Territories for 2010-11 were estimated to total $94.1 billion, comprising general revenue assistance, including GST payments, of $48.6 billion and payments for specific purposes of $45.4 billion.  Payments to the States and Territories in 2010-11 are estimated to decrease by $3.1 billion (-3.2%) compared with the payments the States and Territories received in 2009-10.  This decrease is primarily due to the staged withdrawal of the Government's economic stimulus package spending.  See "Economic Outlook—Commonwealth Responses to the Global Financial Crisis" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
General revenue assistance is a broad category of payments that are provided to the States and Territories without conditions to spend according to their own budget priorities.  The Commonwealth of Australia also provides payments to the States and Territories for specific purposes in order to pursue important national policy objectives in areas that may be administered by the States and Territories.
As agreed by the Council of Australian Governments in the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations, GST payments, which were estimated at the 2010-11 Budget to total $47.9 billion in 2010-11, are distributed among the States and Territories in accordance with the principle of horizontal fiscal equalisation.  Under this principle, States and Territories receive funding from the Commonwealth of Australia such that, if each made the same effort to raise revenue from its own sources and operated at the same level of efficiency, each would have the capacity to provide services and the associated infrastructure at the same standard level.
On 20 April 2010, the Council of Australian Governments, with the exception of Western Australia, announced the establishment of a National Health and Hospitals Network.   The Commonwealth is continuing discussions with Western Australia in relation to its participation in the National Health and Hospitals Network.  The implementation of the National Health and Hospitals Network would require the passage of legislation through the Parliament.
The proposed National Health and Hospitals Network combines reforms to the financing of the Australian health and hospital system with major changes to the governance arrangements between the Commonwealth and the States and Territories to deliver better health and hospital services.



Under the National Health and Hospitals Network, the Commonwealth, rather than the States and Territories, would become the majority funder of the Australian public hospital system. The Commonwealth would fund:
60% of the efficient price of every public hospital service provided to public patients;
60% of recurrent expenditure on research and training functions undertaken in public hospitals;
60% of capital expenditure, on a "user cost of capital" basis where possible; and
over time, up to 100% of the efficient price of "primary health care equivalent" outpatient services provided to the public.
The Commonwealth would also take on full policy and funding responsibility for primary health care and aged care (other than in Victoria).
The Commonwealth intends to fund its increased responsibilities through a combination of:
funding sourced from the current National Healthcare Specific Purpose Payment;
the Commonwealth retaining an agreed amount of GST to be dedicated to health and hospital services; and
from 2014-15, an additional top-up payment to be paid by the Commonwealth, reflecting its greater responsibility for financing growth in health costs.
Under the proposal, from 2011-12 to 2013-14, the amount of GST dedicated to health and hospital services will be the amount required in addition to the funding sourced from the existing National Healthcare Specific Purpose Payment in each State or Territory to fund 60% of the efficient price of public hospitals, take full funding responsibility for general practitioner and primary health care services undertaken by States and Territories, and the net additional cost to the Commonwealth from changes in roles and responsibilities for the Home and Community Care program and related programs.  The amount of GST retained by the Commonwealth, and dedicated to health and hospital services, will be fixed in 2014-15, based on 2013-14 costs, and indexed at the rate of overall GST growth.
From 2014-15, an additional Commonwealth top-up payment would be provided, reflecting that hospital costs have been growing at close to 10% per annum and are expected to grow at around 8% per annum over the medium term.  This means that hospital costs are expected to outpace growth in GST by around 6% per annum, as well as growth in the existing National Healthcare Specific Purpose Payment.
Under the proposal, the Commonwealth has agreed to pay no less than $15.6 billion in top-up payments between 2014-15 and 2019-20.  If the amount required to fund the Commonwealth's hospital and primary care commitments is less than $15.6 billion, the residual amount would be paid to the States and Territories to fund any health services that will assist in ameliorating the growth in demand for public hospital services.
In addition, the Commonwealth would also provide the States with funding of up to $3.4 billion though the National Health & Hospitals Network — Improving Public Hospital Services National Partnership Agreement.
The Australian Loan Council
The Australian Loan Council is a Commonwealth-State ministerial council that coordinates public sector borrowing.  The Loan Council consists of the Prime Minister of Australia and the Premier/Chief Minister of each State and Territory.  However, in practice each member is represented by a nominee, usually the Treasurer of that jurisdiction, with the Commonwealth Treasurer as Chair.
Current Loan Council arrangements operate on a voluntary basis and emphasise transparency of public sector financing rather than adherence to strict borrowing limits.  These arrangements are designed to enhance financial market scrutiny of public sector borrowing and facilitate informed judgments about each government's financial performance.



The Loan Council traditionally meets annually in March to consider jurisdictions' nominated borrowings for the forthcoming year.  As part of the agreed arrangements, the Loan Council considers these nominations, having regard to each jurisdiction's fiscal position and the macroeconomic implications of the aggregate figure.
Since 2009-10, the role of the Loan Council has expanded to include reporting on the macroeconomic implications of proposed expenditure from the Building Australia Fund, the Health and Hospitals Fund and the Education Investment Fund.
The Loan Council also provides an additional level of scrutiny regarding the use of the Australian Government Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing.
In March 2010, the Commonwealth Government nominated, and the Loan Council endorsed, a Loan Council Allocation deficit for 2010-11 of $51.0 billion.  In the 2010-11 Budget, the Commonwealth Government updated the 2010-11 estimate to a deficit of $50.0 billion.
Domestic Issuance of Government Bonds
While persistent fiscal surpluses in years prior to 2008-09 removed the need to borrow for budget funding purposes, the Australian Government continued to issue Treasury Bonds in order to maintain an active Treasury Bond market and to support the market in Treasury Bond futures contracts.  These two markets are used in the pricing and hedging of a wide range of financial instruments and in the management of interest rate risks by market participants.  These markets provide additional diversity to the financial system and contribute to a lower cost of capital in Australia.
On 3 February 2009, the Australian Government released the 2009 UEFO.  Consistent with the forecasts contained in the 2009 UEFO, on 4 February 2009 the Australian Office of Financial Management ("AOFM") increased its issuance of Treasury Bonds.
Since the release of the 2009 UEFO, the AOFM has conducted two Treasury Bond tenders most weeks (generally on a Wednesday and a Friday).  Between the release of the 2009 UEFO and the 2009-10 Budget, the amount offered at each tender was in the range of $500 million to $700 million.  On 12 May 2009, updated economic and fiscal forecasts were released by the Government in its 2009-10 Budget.  In line with the release of this publication, the Treasury Bond tenders offered by the AOFM over the remainder of 2008-09 were for up to $800 million each.  In selecting bond lines to be offered at tender the AOFM has consulted with bond market participants.
The total face value amount of Treasury Bonds on issue at end-June 2010 was $124.7 billion, an increase of around $46.3 billion on end-June 2009.
Issuance of Treasury Bonds in the 2009-10 financial year totalled approximately $52 billion in face value terms.
Treasury Bond issuance in 2010-11 is expected to be around $56 billion. After accounting for maturities of $18.8 billion this represents a net increase of $37 billion in the face value amount of Treasury Bonds on issue. The face value amount of Treasury Bonds on issue at end-June 2011 is projected to be around $163 billion.
In 2010-11 tenders are expected to be held on Wednesdays and Fridays, with details of the bond lines and amounts to be offered in a particular week announced at noon on the Friday of the preceding week. The face value amount offered at each tender is projected to be in the range of $500 million to $1.2 billion.
Issuance in 2010-11 has featured a new Treasury Bond line maturing in 2016, and is expected to also include additional new Treasury Bond lines maturing in 2014, 2023 and 2025.
There is expected to be a large within-year financing requirement as a result of differences in the timing of Budget receipts and expenditures.  In the period ahead, Treasury Notes are planned to be used to assist with the management of short-term financing requirements.  In addition, the AOFM may also use repurchase arrangements on its holdings of term financial assets for this purpose.
Treasury Note issuance was recommenced by the AOFM on 5 March 2009.  The total face value amount of Treasury Notes on issue at end-June 2010 was $11 billion, a decrease of $5.7 billion on end-June 2009.



The volume of Treasury Notes on issue varies depending on the flows of Australian Government receipts and expenditures.  The Government plans to keep at least $10 billion of Treasury Notes on issue at all times so as to maintain a liquid market.
In 2010-11 the average volume of Treasury Notes on issue is expected to be higher than in 2009-10.  The volume of Treasury Notes on issue at end-June 2011 is expected to be in the region of $20-$25 billion.
On 7 August 2009, following consultations with financial market participants, the AOFM announced that it would resume the issuance of Treasury Indexed Bonds, which were last issued in 2003.  Between September 2009 and 30 June 2010, $6.1 billion Treasury Indexed Bonds were issued.
The total face value amount of Treasury Indexed Bonds on issue at end-June 2010 was $11.4 billion, an increase of $5.4 billion on end-June 2009.
Issuance of Treasury Indexed Bonds in 2010-11 is expected to be around $4 billion, including an anticipated new line maturing in 2030.  The initial issue of the new indexed bond line is likely to be via a syndicated offering.
The face value amount of Treasury Indexed Bonds on issue at end-June 2011 is projected to be around $14.7 billion.
As at 30 June 2010, the Australian Government had not borrowed directly in foreign currencies since 1987, and had only $7.1 million of outstanding borrowings denominated in foreign currencies.
On 7 April 2009, the Government announced that its investment in NBN Co would be partly funded through the issuance of Aussie Infrastructure Bonds to both Australian household and institutional investors.  In 2010-11, $300 million of this investment will be financed by Aussie Infrastructure Bonds.
The component of this funding to be provided by institutional and other wholesale investors will be through the issue of Commonwealth Government Securities as part of the Government's overall debt issuance program.  These bonds will not be separately identified from other Commonwealth Government Securities at the time of issue, but will be reported in the annual budget statements.
Consideration is currently being given to offerings of Aussie Infrastructure Bonds for Australian household investors.
Guarantees and Other Contingent Liabilities
Loan Guarantees by the Commonwealth
It is current practice for Commonwealth-owned instrumentalities to borrow directly rather than for the Australian Government to borrow on their behalf.  The Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (Cth) (the "FMA Act") allows all Government Ministers to issue loan guarantees on behalf of the Australian Government using executive authority under the Australian Constitution, subject to the authorisation of the Minister for Finance and Deregulation.  However, the governing legislation of some Commonwealth statutory authorities provides the Treasurer specifically with the discretionary power to guarantee their borrowings, reflecting legislative arrangements prior to the introduction of the FMA Act.
The number of new loan guarantees provided by the Australian Government has declined in recent years, reflecting a policy that Commonwealth instrumentalities engaged in business enterprises should approach capital markets on a basis more comparable with private businesses.
The Australian Government guarantees the due payment by Australia's export credit agency, the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation ("EFIC"), of money that is, or may at any time become, payable by EFIC to any body other than the Australian Government.  The Australian Government also has in place a $200 million callable facility available to EFIC on request to cover liabilities, losses and claims.



The following table shows, in summary form, information relating to borrowings supported by specific Commonwealth guarantee and other indemnities and contingencies as at 30 June 2007, 2008 and 2009.
Table 34:  Quantifiable Contingent Losses
At 30 June 2007
At 30 June 2008
At 30 June 2009
(A$ millions)
    302       285       277  
    581       588       555  
Uncalled shares/capital subscriptions
    6,462       5,720       6,766  
Claims for damages/costs
    417       148       232  
Other contingencies
    96       117       123  
Total quantifiable contingent losses
    7,858       6,858       7,953  
Less quantifiable contingent gains
    77       80       166  
Net quantifiable contingencies
    7,781       6,788       7,787  
Source:  Commonwealth Consolidated Financial Statements for the years ended 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2009.
Commonwealth Initiatives to Enhance the Stability of the Australian Financial System
In order to promote financial system stability and ensure the continued flow of credit throughout the economy at a time of heightened turbulence in the international capital markets, the Australian Government implemented:
the Financial Claims Scheme establishing:
measures under Division 2AA of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth) to:
protect account-holders' deposits made with eligible ADIs (other than foreign ADIs), and interest accrued on such deposits, to a total maximum value of $1,000,000 per account-holder per ADI; and
facilitate prompt payout of deposits protected under the Financial Claims Scheme to account-holders in the event that an ADI fails; and
measures under Part VC of the Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) to facilitate the payment of moneys payable under valid claims made by eligible claimants against a general insurer that has become insolvent; and
the Guarantee Scheme for Large Deposits and Wholesale Funding, a voluntary scheme allowing:
ADIs (other than foreign ADIs) to apply to have deposit balances of greater than $1,000,000 per customer per ADI and certain non-complex senior unsecured debt instruments with maturities of up to 60 months; and
foreign ADIs to apply, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, to have certain deposits held by Australian residents at call or with maturities up to and including 31 December 2009 and certain non-complex senior unsecured short-term debt instruments having maturities up to 15 months,
in each case that satisfied the eligibility criteria set out in the scheme rules relating to the ADI Guarantee Scheme, guaranteed by the Commonwealth of Australia.
The ADI Guarantee Scheme closed to new issuance of wholesale liabilities and acceptance of additional deposit funds on 31 March 2010.



The key elements of the schemes are as follows:
Financial Claims Scheme
The Commonwealth of Australia is:
guaranteeing new and existing deposits in eligible ADIs (other than foreign ADIs), and interest accrued on such deposits, up to a limit of $1,000,000 per account-holder per ADI; and
facilitating prompt payout of deposits protected under the Financial Claims Scheme to account-holders in the event that an ADI fails
for a period of three years ending 12 October 2011 with no direct charge to account holders;
The Commonwealth of Australia is facilitating the payment of moneys payable under valid claims made by eligible claimants against a general insurer that has become insolvent;
Guarantee Scheme for Large Deposits and Wholesale Funding
The Commonwealth of Australia guaranteed new and existing deposits in ADIs (other than foreign ADIs) of greater than $1,000,000 during the continuance of the ADI Guarantee Scheme upon application and for a fee;
The Commonwealth of Australia guaranteed on an issue by issue basis certain non-complex senior unsecured short-term (maturities up to 15 months) and term funding (maturities of 15 months up to 60 months) debt instruments of ADIs (other than foreign ADIs) upon application and for a fee;
With respect to foreign ADIs, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, the Commonwealth of Australia guaranteed certain deposits held by Australian residents at call or with maturities up to and including 31 December 2009 and certain non-complex senior unsecured short-term debt instruments having maturities up to 15 months upon application and for a fee.
On 7 February 2010, the Australian Government announced:
24 March 2010 as the final date on which ADIs could apply for Eligibility Certificates under the ADI Guarantee Scheme in respect of eligible debt instruments and eligible deposits (the "ADI Guarantee final application date"); and
31 March 2010 as the final date on which ADIs could issue debt instruments guaranteed under the ADI Guarantee Scheme and the final date on which further guaranteed deposits could be accepted (the "ADI Guarantee final issuance date").
Guaranteed liabilities existing on the ADI Guarantee final issuance date remain guaranteed in accordance with their terms.
The announcement with respect to the ADI Guarantee Scheme does not affect the Financial Claims Scheme, which will continue to protect account holders' eligible deposits of up to $1,000,000 until the cap is reviewed in October 2011.
Reporting under the Guarantee Scheme for Large Deposits and Wholesale Funding
The Reserve Bank of Australia has established and maintains a website, currently www.guaranteescheme.gov.au, to provide information with respect to the operations of the ADI Guarantee Scheme by identifying guaranteed liabilities by ADI, issue size, date of extension of the guarantee, liability class, currency, program/product name, security identifier and maturity.  The contents of the website are not incorporated by reference into this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.  The Reserve Bank of Australia prepares monthly reports with respect to the operations of the ADI Guarantee Scheme.  The Government also provides six-monthly reports to the Australian Parliament detailing:
the aggregate amount of guaranteed liabilities;



any calls made under the ADI Guarantee Scheme for payment; and
any payments by the Commonwealth of Australia under the ADI Guarantee Scheme.
As at 31 August 2010, total guaranteed liabilities of all ADIs under the ADI Guarantee Scheme were estimated at $154.3 billion.  This comprised an estimated $5.0 billion of large deposits and an estimated $149.3 billion of wholesale funding.
Commonwealth Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing
On 24 July 2009, in order to support the capacity of Australian State and Territory governments to access credit markets, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia implemented the Australian Government Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing.
The key elements of the State Guarantee Scheme are as follows:
The Commonwealth of Australia will guarantee the liabilities of each relevant State or Territory in relation to certain non-complex, Australian dollar-denominated debt securities issued in respect of borrowing of such State or Territory (and not in support of borrowing for non-government owned entities) having maturities of up to 180 months upon application and for a fee;
The States and Territories will be able to apply for a guarantee of both existing stock of eligible State and Territory securities and future issuances;
States and Territories whose liabilities in respect of specific debt securities issued in respect of borrowing of such State or Territory (either directly or through a guarantee of the liabilities of a relevant Issuing Entity, to the extent a separate Issuing Entity is utilised) are guaranteed under the State Guarantee Scheme will provide a counter-indemnity deed indemnifying the Commonwealth of Australia against all liabilities, costs and expenses that it may incur in consequence of or arising from the guarantee;
A fee will be payable by the State or Territory to the Commonwealth for the provision of the guarantee.  The fee for new issuances will be set at 30 basis points for States and Territories with a AAA credit rating and 35 basis points for States and Territories with a AA+ credit rating.  The fee for existing stock will be set at 15 basis points for States and Territories with a AAA credit rating and 20 basis points for States and Territories with a AA+ credit rating.  The Commonwealth of Australia can vary the fee;
The States and Territories have approximately $148 billion worth of existing securities on issue.
The deed of guarantee relating to the State Guarantee Scheme will terminate at midnight on the date which is 186 calendar months after 31 December 2010, the final issuance date notified by the Commonwealth of Australia to the States and Territories as the last day on which State and Territory securities subject to the State Guarantee Scheme may be issued (unless such date of termination is extended by the Commonwealth of Australia in accordance with the scheme rules relating to the State Guarantee Scheme), but without prejudice to the rights of any beneficiary in respect of a valid claim under the State Guarantee Scheme lodged prior to that time.
On 7 February 2010, the Australian Government announced the closure of the State Guarantee Scheme.  The State Guarantee Scheme will close to new issuance of guaranteed liabilities on 31 December 2010.
The Government has set 31 December 2010 as the final day on which an Issuing Entity can issue debt securities the liabilities of the relevant State or Territory in respect of which are guaranteed under the State Guarantee Scheme (the "State Guarantee Final Issuance Date").
Guaranteed liabilities under the State Guarantee Scheme which exist on the State Guarantee Final Issuance Date will remain guaranteed in accordance with their terms.
Reporting under the Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing
The Reserve Bank of Australia has established and maintains a website, currently www.stateguarantee.gov.au, to provide information with respect to the operations of the State Guarantee Scheme by identifying guaranteed



liabilities by issuing entity and State or Territory, issue size, date of extension of the guarantee, liability class, program/product name, security identifier and maturity.  The Reserve Bank of Australia prepares monthly reports with respect to the operations of the State Guarantee Scheme.
As at 31 August 2010, guaranteed liabilities of all States and Territories under the State Guarantee Scheme totalled approximately $64.0 billion.
Other Contingent Liabilities and Undertakings
The Australian Government has contingent liabilities with various international financial institutions.  As at 15 September 2010, Australia's uncalled capital subscriptions totalled US$2.8 billion (approximately A$3.0 billion) for the IBRD, SDR 5.8 billion (estimated value A$9.4 billion) for the ADB, US$26.5 million (approximately A$28.2 million) for the MIGA and €147.5 million (approximately A$204.4 million) for the EBRD.  In addition, the undrawn portion of promissory notes issued and payable on demand in respect of maintenance-of-value obligations to the capital of the IBRD amounted to US$42.6 million (approximately A$45.4 million) as at 15 September 2010.  Promissory notes have also been issued by the Australian Government as successive quota subscriptions to the IMF and in order to maintain the value of the IMF's holdings of Australian dollars in SDR terms.  At 15 September 2010, the undrawn portion of lodged promissory notes issued for these purposes amounted to A$4.1 billion.
Australia has made a line of credit available to the IMF under its New Arrangements to Borrow ("NAB") since 1998.  In line with G-20 Leaders' commitments, Australia has agreed to join with other countries to increase its credit line under an expanded NAB.  Australia's contribution to the expanded NAB will be by way of a SDR4.4 billion contingent loan (estimated value A$7.1 billion as at 15 September 2010), replacing Australia's existing SDR801.3 million commitment.  This will help ensure that the IMF has the resources available to maintain stability and support recovery in the global economy.  The funds would be drawn upon by the IMF only if needed to supplement the IMF's usual quota resources and would be repaid in full with interest.
The Australian Government will contribute to the IBRD's capital increase announced in April 2010.  Australia's contribution of paid-in capital will be US$51.6 million (approximately A$55.0 million) and will be paid over a five year period from 2011-12.  Australia will also subscribe to a further US$808.3 million (approximately A$861.9 million) in callable capital.
The Australian Government has committed to contributing to the ADB's fifth general capital increase.  Australia will contribute total paid-in capital of US$197.6 million (approximately A$231.8 million) over a ten year period.  Australia has made its first payment towards this general capital increase, with the remaining amount outstanding as at 15 September 2010 being US$181.8 million.
The Australian Government will participate in the general capital increase at the EBRD announced in May 2010 and will increase its uncalled capital subscription so that it totals €237.5 million (approximately A$329.1 million).
As at 15 September 2010, the Australian Government had liabilities of A$1.2 billion to existing replenishments of the ADF, the IDA (including with respect to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative) and the Global Environment Facility.  These liabilities are covered by the instruments of commitment that were signed at the time of pledging.  Promissory notes will be lodged regularly over the life of the replenishment to enable the draw-downs to occur in line with the agreement timetable for cash disbursements.
The Australian Government has also made up to US$1 billion available to the Government of Indonesia in 2010 in the form of a standby loan facility, to be drawn down should Indonesia be unable to raise sufficient funds on global capital markets due to the impact of the global recession.  Possible drawdown of the facility will be dependent on a request from the Indonesian Government and subject to applicable criteria being satisfied.  Any funds provided would be repayable in full with interest.



The following table provides an account of all Commonwealth Government Securities on issue as of 30 June 2010.
Table 35:  Government securities on issue in Australian dollars
    Date of Issue  
Date of
Interest Rate
Per Annum)
30 June 2010
(A$ '000)
Treasury Fixed Coupon Bonds(a)
From Jan 2005
15 Aug 2010
From Aug 1998
15 Jun 2011
From Dec 2006
15 Apr 2012
From Feb 2010
15 Nov 2012
From May 2000
15 May 2013
From June 2010
15 Dec 2013
From Jul 2008
15 June 2014
From May 2002
15 Apr 2015
From June 2004
15 Feb 2017
From July 2006
15 Mar 2019
From Apr 2009
15 Apr 2020
From Sept 2007
15 May 2021
From June 2010
15 July 2022
Total Treasury Fixed Coupon Bonds(b)
Treasury Indexed Bonds
20 Aug 2010
1994 – 2003; From Feb 2010
20 Aug 2015
1996 – 2002; From Nov 2009
20 Aug 2020
From Sept 2009
20 Sep 2025
Total Treasury Indexed Bonds
Treasury Notes(a)
Miscellaneous Securities(f)
Total on issue in Australian Dollars
Treasury Bonds and Treasury Notes issued since 1 July 1984 are available only as Inscribed Stock; before then Commonwealth securities were also available in bearer form.
Since 5 August 1982, Treasury Bonds have been sold by a tender system.
Interest payable is dependent upon the rate of inflation.
Original face value.
Treasury Notes are issued at a discount and are redeemed at par on maturity.
Includes debt assumed by the Commonwealth and various miscellaneous securities.
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management.
The tables below show the external debt of the Australian Government, on issue at 30 June 2010.  The bonds issued by Australia which are listed below require the Australian Government, in accordance with their terms, to secure such bonds pari passu with new bonds, loans or borrowings which would otherwise rank in priority to such bonds.



Table 36:  Government securities repayable in Pounds Sterling
Date of Issue
Date of Final
Interest Rate
Per Annum)
30 June 2010
(£ Sterling '000)
Commonwealth Government issues
Matured—bonds not yet presented for payment(a)
State Government issues
At Treasurer's option
Total Repayable in Pounds Sterling
 Elapsed bonds reclaimed from fiscal agent.
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management.
Table 37:  Government securities repayable in United States Dollars
Date of Issue
Date of Final
Interest Rate
Per Annum)
30 June 2010
(US$ '000)
March 1987
15 Mar 2017
Total Repayable in United States Dollars
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management.
Table 38:  Government securities repayable in Euro
Date of Final Maturity
Interest Rate
Per Annum)
30 June 2010
(Euro '000)
Matured – Bonds not yet presented for payment(a)
Total Repayable in Euro(b)
Elapsed bonds reclaimed from fiscal agent.
Bonds originally repayable in Deutsche Marks, converted to Euro at the 31 December 1998 rate of 1.95583 Deutsche Marks = 1.0 Euro irrevocably fixed by the European Central Bank.
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management.
Table 39:  Government securities repayable in Japanese Yen
Date of Final Maturity
Interest Rate
Per Annum)
30 June 2010
(¥ '000)
Matured – Bonds not yet presented for payment(a)
Total Repayable in Japanese Yen
 Elapsed bonds reclaimed from fiscal agent.
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management.
Table 40:  Government securities repayable in Swiss Francs
Date of Final Maturity
Interest Rate
Per Annum)
30 June 2010
(SF '000)
Matured – Bonds not yet presented for payment(a)
Total Repayable in Swiss Francs
Elapsed bonds reclaimed from fiscal agent.
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management.



The following table shows estimated payments of principal (including contractual prepayments and payments at maturity) to be made on the direct debt of the Australian Government outstanding on 30 June 2010.
Table 41:  Summary of funded debt payment (as at 30 June 2010)
      2010-11       2011-12      
- 2013-14
 - 2017-18
- 2025-26
(A$ millions)
In Australian Dollars
    30,973       14,055       35,897       29,347       40,385  
Repayable overseas:(a)
   In United States Dollars
    0       0       0       7       0  
    30,973       14,055       35,897       29,354       40,385  
Converted into Australian dollars at rates of exchange prevailing on 30 June 2010.
Source:  Australian Office of Financial Management; unpublished AOFM data.
On 4 February 2009, the Australian Office of Financial Management increased its issuance of Treasury Bonds.  The total face value amount of Treasury Bonds on issue at end-June 2010 was $124.7 billion, an increase of around $46.3 billion on end-June 2009.
Issuance of Treasury Bonds in the 2009-10 financial year totalled approximately $52 billion in face value terms.
Treasury Bond issuance in 2010-11 is expected to be around $56 billion.  After accounting for maturities of $18.8 billion this represents a net increase of $37 billion in the face value amount of Treasury Bonds on issue.  The face value amount of Treasury Bonds on issue at end-June 2011 is projected to be around $163 billion.
In 2010-11 tenders are expected to be held on Wednesdays and Fridays, with details of the bond lines and amounts to be offered in a particular week announced at noon on the Friday of the preceding week.  The face value amount offered at each tender is projected to be in the range of $500 million to $1.2 billion.
Issuance in 2010-11 has featured a new Treasury Bond line maturing in 2016, and is expected to also include additional new Treasury Bond lines maturing in 2014, 2023 and 2025.
Treasury Note issuance was recommenced by the AOFM on 5 March 2009.  The total face value amount of Treasury Notes on issue at end-June 2010 was $11 billion, a decrease of $5.7 billion on end-June 2009.
The volume of Treasury Notes on issue varies depending on the flows of Australian Government receipts and expenditures.  The Government plans to keep at least $10 billion of Treasury Notes on issue at all times so as to maintain a liquid market.
In 2010-11 the average volume of Treasury Notes on issue is expected to be higher than in 2009-10.  The volume of Treasury Notes on issue at end-June 2011 is expected to be in the region of $20-$25 billion.
The total face value amount of Treasury Indexed Bonds on issue at end-June 2010 was $11.4 billion, an increase of $5.4 billion on end-June 2009.
Issuance of Treasury Indexed Bonds in 2010-11 is expected to be around $4 billion, including an anticipated new line maturing in 2030.  The initial issue of the new indexed bond line is likely to be via a syndicated offering.
The face value amount of Treasury Indexed Bonds on issue at end-June 2011 is projected to be around $14.7 billion.
See "Government Finance—Domestic Issuance of Government Bonds" in this Description of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Debt Record
The Commonwealth of Australia has paid promptly, when due, the full amount of principal and interest on every direct external obligation issued by it and has met every indirect external obligation on which it has been required to implement its guarantee in the lawful currency, and in the country where payable, at the time of payment.



Credit Ratings
The Australian Government has the highest possible rating for both foreign and domestic currency denominated debt from Standard and Poor's and Moody's. Fitch rates Australia's domestic currency borrowings as AAA and foreign currency borrowings as AA+. The Australian Government issues Commonwealth Government Securities to finance the current Budget cash deficit and finance within year funding requirements as a result of differences in the timing of receipts and payments.   Maintenance of the Australian Government's credit rating is important in order to minimise the Australian Government's borrowing costs. Following the release of the 2010-11 Budget, Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch maintained their respective ratings for Australia.