EX-13 32 ex13.htm AT&T 2008 ANNUAL REPORT ex13.htm
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 
Dollars in millions except per share amounts
Selected Financial and Operating Data
Dollars in millions except per share amounts
At December 31 or for the year ended:
      20062       20053    
Financial Data1
Operating revenues
  $ 124,028     $ 118,928     $ 63,055     $ 43,764     $ 40,733  
Operating expenses
  $ 100,965     $ 98,524     $ 52,767     $ 37,596     $ 34,832  
Operating income
  $ 23,063     $ 20,404     $ 10,288     $ 6,168     $ 5,901  
Interest expense
  $ 3,390     $ 3,507     $ 1,843     $ 1,456     $ 1,023  
Equity in net income of affiliates
  $ 819     $ 692     $ 2,043     $ 609     $ 873  
Other income (expense) – net
  $ (589 )   $ 615     $ 393     $ 397     $ 1,414  
Income taxes
  $ 7,036     $ 6,253     $ 3,525     $ 932     $ 2,186  
Income from continuing operations
  $ 12,867     $ 11,951     $ 7,356     $ 4,786     $ 4,979  
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax4
  $ -     $ -     $ -     $ -     $ 908  
Net income
  $ 12,867     $ 11,951     $ 7,356     $ 4,786     $ 5,887  
Earnings per common share:
   Income from continuing operations
  $ 2.17     $ 1.95     $ 1.89     $ 1.42     $ 1.50  
Net income
  $ 2.17     $ 1.95     $ 1.89     $ 1.42     $ 1.78  
Earnings per common share assuming dilution:
   Income from continuing operations
  $ 2.16     $ 1.94     $ 1.89     $ 1.42     $ 1.50  
Net income
  $ 2.16     $ 1.94     $ 1.89     $ 1.42     $ 1.77  
Total assets
  $ 265,245     $ 275,644     $ 270,634     $ 145,632     $ 110,265  
Long-term debt
  $ 60,872     $ 57,255     $ 50,063     $ 26,115     $ 21,231  
Construction and capital expenditures
  $ 20,335     $ 17,888     $ 8,398     $ 5,612     $ 5,130  
Dividends declared per common share
  $ 1.61     $ 1.47     $ 1.35     $ 1.30     $ 1.26  
Book value per common share
  $ 16.35     $ 19.09     $ 18.52     $ 14.11     $ 12.27  
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges
    4.75       4.91       5.01       4.11       6.32  
Debt ratio
    43.8 %     35.7 %     34.1 %     35.9 %     40.0 %
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding (000,000)
    5,927       6,127       3,882       3,368       3,310  
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding with dilution (000,000)
    5,958       6,170       3,902       3,379       3,322  
End of period common shares
outstanding (000,000)
    5,893       6,044       6,239       3,877       3,301  
Operating Data
Wireless customers (000)5
    77,009       70,052       60,962       54,144       49,132  
In-region network access lines in service (000)6
    55,610       61,582       66,469       49,413       52,356  
Broadband connections (000)7
    16,322       14,802       12,170       6,921       5,104  
Number of employees
    302,660       309,050       304,180       189,950       162,700  
1  Amounts in the above table have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
2  Our 2006 income statement amounts reflect results from BellSouth Corporation (BellSouth) and AT&T Mobility LLC (AT&T Mobility), formerly Cingular Wireless LLC, for the two days following the December 29, 2006 acquisition. Our 2006 balance sheet and end-of-year metrics include 100% of BellSouth and AT&T Mobility. Prior to the December 29, 2006 BellSouth acquisition, AT&T Mobility was a joint venture in which we owned 60% and was accounted for under the equity method. 
3  Our 2005 income statement amounts reflect results from AT&T Corp. for the 43 days following the November 18, 2005 acquisition. Our 2005 balance sheet and end-of-year metrics include 100% of AT&T Corp. 
4  Our financial statements reflect results from our sold directory advertising business in Illinois and northwest Indiana as discontinued operations. The operational results and the gain associated with the sale of that business are presented in “Income from discontinued operations, net of tax.” 
5  The number presented represents 100% of AT&T Mobility cellular/PCS customers. The 2004 number includes customers from the acquisition of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. 
6  In-region represents access lines serviced by our incumbent local exchange companies (in 22 states since the BellSouth acquisition and in 13 states prior to that acquisition). Beginning in 2006, the number includes BellSouth lines in service. 
Broadband connections include in-region DSL lines, in-region U-verse high-speed Internet access, satellite broadband and 3G LaptopConnect cards. 


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

For ease of reading, AT&T Inc. is referred to as “we,” “AT&T” or the “Company” throughout this document and the names of the particular subsidiaries and affiliates providing the services generally have been omitted. AT&T is a holding company whose subsidiaries and affiliates operate in the communications services industry both in the United States and internationally providing wireless and wireline telecommunications services and equipment as well as directory advertising and publishing services. You should read this discussion in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. A reference to a “Note” in this section refers to the accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. In the tables throughout this section, percentage increases and decreases that equal or exceed 100% are not considered meaningful and are denoted with a dash.

Consolidated Results  Our financial results are summarized in the table below. We then discuss factors affecting our overall results for the past three years. These factors are discussed in more detail in our “Segment Results” section. We also discuss our expected revenue and expense trends for 2009 in the “Operating Environment and Trends of the Business” section.

We completed our acquisition of BellSouth Corporation (BellSouth) on December 29, 2006. We thereby acquired BellSouth’s 40% economic interest in AT&T Mobility LLC (AT&T Mobility), formerly Cingular Wireless LLC (Cingular), resulting in 100% ownership of AT&T Mobility. Our consolidated results in 2006 include BellSouth’s and AT&T Mobility’s operational results for the final two days of the year. Prior to the acquisition, we reported the income from our 60% share of AT&T Mobility as equity in net income. In accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), operating results from BellSouth and AT&T Mobility prior to their respective acquisition dates are excluded.

Percent Change
2008 vs.
2007 vs.
Operating revenues
  $ 124,028     $ 118,928     $ 63,055       4.3 %     88.6 %
Operating expenses
    100,965       98,524       52,767       2.5       86.7  
Operating income
    23,063       20,404       10,288       13.0       98.3  
Income before income taxes
    19,903       18,204       10,881       9.3       67.3  
Net income
    12,867       11,951       7,356       7.7       62.5  
Diluted earnings per share
    2.16       1.94       1.89       11.3 %     2.6 %

Operating income  As noted above, 2007 revenues and expenses reflect the addition of BellSouth’s and AT&T Mobility’s results while our 2006 results only include two days of their results. Accordingly, the following discussion of changes in our revenues and expenses is affected by these acquisitions.

Our operating income increased $2,659, or 13.0%, in 2008 and $10,116, or 98.3%, in 2007. Our operating income margin increased from 16.3% in 2006 to 17.2% in 2007 and to 18.6% in 2008. Operating income in 2008 increased primarily due to continued growth in wireless service and data revenues along with a decrease in the amortization of merger-related intangibles and increased in 2007 primarily due to the acquisition of BellSouth. Reported results in 2008 include directory revenue and expenses from directories published by BellSouth subsidiaries. In accordance with GAAP, our reported results in 2007 did not include deferred revenue of $964 and expenses of $308 from BellSouth directories published during the 12-month period ending with the December 29, 2006 date we acquired BellSouth. Had our 2007 directory results included this deferred revenue and expenses, operating income would have increased $2,003 for 2008, as compared to 2007.

Operating revenues increased $5,100, or 4.3%, in 2008 and $55,873, or 88.6%, in 2007. Revenues in 2008 reflect an increase in wireless subscribers and data revenues, primarily related to Internet Protocol (IP) data, partially offset by the continued decline in voice revenues. Increases in 2007 were primarily due to our acquisitions and to continuing growth in wireless subscribers. As discussed above, purchase accounting treatment for directories published 12 months prior to the BellSouth acquisition also increased revenues in 2008 when compared to 2007.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts
Our operating revenues also reflect the continued decline of our retail access lines due to the dramatically declining overall economy and increased competition, as customers continued to disconnect both primary and additional lines and switched to wireless, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and cable offerings for voice and data. While we lose the wireline voice revenues, we have the opportunity to increase wireless service revenue should customers choose AT&T Mobility as their alternative provider.

Operating expenses increased $2,441, or 2.5%, in 2008 and $45,757, or 86.7%, in 2007. The increase in 2008 was primarily due to higher equipment costs related to the successful launch of the Apple iPhone 3G and increased sales of PDA devices, while the increase in 2007 was primarily due to merger integration costs and amortization expense on intangible assets identified at the time of acquisition. Also increasing 2008 expenses were higher commissions and residuals from the growth in wireless, severance associated with announced workforce reductions as well as hurricane-related expenses affecting both the wireless and wireline segments. Partially offsetting these increases were merger integration costs recognized in 2007 and not in 2008, and lower amortization expense on intangible assets in 2008.

Interest expense decreased $117, or 3.3%, in 2008 and increased $1,664, or 90.3%, in 2007. Interest expense remained relatively unchanged during 2008 with a decrease in our weighted average interest rate and increases in interest charged during construction, offset by an increase in our average debt balances. Future interest expense will continue to reflect increased interest during construction related to preparing 2008 spectrum purchases for service. The increase in 2007 was primarily due to higher average debt balances resulting from the inclusion of BellSouth and AT&T Mobility outstanding debt on our consolidated balance sheet.

Equity in net income of affiliates  Equity in net income of affiliates increased $127, or 18.4%, in 2008, primarily due to improved results from our investments in América Móvil S.A. de C.V. (América Móvil), Télefonos de México, S.A. de C.V. (Telmex) and Telmex Internacional, S.A.B. de C.V. (Telmex Internacional) offset by foreign exchange adjustments. Equity in net income of affiliates decreased $1,351 in 2007 as a result of the change in accounting for AT&T Mobility which moved Mobility’s results from this line. Prior to the December 29, 2006 BellSouth acquisition (see Note 2), we accounted for our 60% economic interest in AT&T Mobility under the equity method since we shared control equally with BellSouth. AT&T Mobility is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T, and wireless results are reflected in operating revenues and expenses in our consolidated statements of income.

Other income (expense) net  We had other expense of $589 in 2008, and other income of $615 in 2007 and $393 in 2006. Results for 2008 included losses of $467 related to asset impairments, $261 in minority interest expense and $180 loss on the sale of merger-related investments held under independent management which support certain benefit plans (see Note 11). These losses were partially offset by a $121 gain on the disposition of other non-strategic assets, $107 gain related to interest income, $49 of income from leveraged leases and $41 of dividend income.

Other income for 2007 included gains of $409 related to a wireless spectrum license exchange, $166 in interest income, $148 from the sale of administrative buildings and other non-strategic assets, and $88 from other non-operating activities. These gains were partially offset by $196 in minority interest expense. Other income for 2006 included interest income of $377. There were no other individually significant other income or expense transactions during 2006.

Income taxes increased $783, or 12.5%, in 2008 and $2,728, or 77.4%, in 2007. The increase in income taxes in 2008 was primarily due to higher operating income. Our effective tax rate in 2008 was 35.4%, compared to 34.4% in 2007 and 32.4% in 2006. The increase in our effective tax rate for 2008 was primarily due to an increase in income before income taxes.

The increase in income taxes in 2007 compared to 2006 was primarily due to higher operating income reflecting the acquisition of BellSouth and its share of AT&T Mobility’s operating results. The increase in our effective tax rate for 2007 was primarily due to the consolidation of AT&T Mobility and an increase in income before income taxes.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Supplemental Information
To provide improved comparability versus previous results, below is a supplemental table providing pro forma consolidated operating revenues for 2006, assuming the closing date for the BellSouth acquisition was January 1, 2006, along with a summary of how these 2006 pro forma numbers would have affected 2007 results. The 2008 results are included to provide trend information but the comparisons between 2008 and 2007 results are discussed in “Segment Results.”

Supplemental Consolidated Operating Revenues Information
Percent Change
Pro Forma
2007 vs.
Segment operating revenues
Wireless service
  $ 44,249     $ 38,568     $ 33,692       14.5 %
    37,321       40,798       43,505       (6.2 )
    24,372       23,206       22,173       4.7  
    5,416       4,806       5,823       (17.5 )
    12,670       11,550       11,861       (2.6 )
Total Operating Revenues
  $ 124,028     $ 118,928     $ 117,054       1.6 %

Pro forma wireless service growth in 2007 was driven by subscriber growth and strong increases in data usage, including increased messaging, browsing, media bundles and both laptop and smartphone connectivity. We have historically discussed our wireless segment results on a basis that included 100% of AT&T Mobility results, and a detailed wireless service revenue discussion can be found in our “Wireless Segment Results” section.

The pro forma voice revenue decline in 2007 is consistent with trends and is due to access line declines reflecting competition and substitution of alternative technologies, pricing pressures due to competition, anticipated shifts of traffic by major consolidated carriers to their own networks and a continuing decline in the number of AT&T Corp.’s (ATTC) mass-market customers, which are composed of consumers and small businesses.

Pro forma data growth was led by an increase in IP data revenues of 13.3% in 2007, with strength in high-speed Internet, managed Internet, Virtual Private Network (VPN) and hosting services. Data transport service revenues were up 0.7% in 2007, and packet-switched data revenues, which include frame relay and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) services, were down 7.0%, consistent with the industry trend of customers switching to IP-based services from traditional circuit-based services.

Directory results were lower in 2007 due to the purchase accounting treatment of directories delivered by BellSouth’s advertising and publishing businesses in the 12 months prior to the merger (see Note 4). In accordance with GAAP, the deferred revenues from these books were not included in the 2007 consolidated directory revenues. Had those deferred revenues been included in 2007, directory revenues would have increased by $964. The pro forma revenues for 2006 do not reflect this purchase accounting treatment of deferred directory revenues.

Pro forma other revenues decreased in 2007 due to our decision to de-emphasize sales of lower-margin, stand-alone customer premises equipment.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Segment Results

Our segments are strategic business units that offer different products and services and are managed accordingly. As a result of our acquisitions of BellSouth and ATTC, we revised our segment reporting to represent how we now manage our business, restating prior periods to conform to the current segments. Our operating segment results presented in Note 4 and discussed below for each segment follow our internal management reporting. We analyze our various operating segments based on segment income before income taxes. Each segment’s percentage of total segment operating revenue and income calculations is derived from our segment results table in Note 4 and reflects amounts before eliminations. We have four reportable segments: (1) wireless, (2) wireline, (3) advertising & publishing and (4) other.

The wireless segment accounted for approximately 39% of our 2008 total segment operating revenues as compared to 35% in 2007 and 46% of our 2008 total segment income as compared to 32% in 2007. This segment offers wireless voice and data communications services across the United States. This segment reflects 100% of the results reported by AT&T Mobility, which was our wireless joint venture with BellSouth prior to the December 29, 2006 acquisition and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T. Prior to the acquisition, although we analyzed AT&T Mobility’s revenues and expenses under the wireless segment, we eliminated the wireless segment in our consolidated financial statements. In our 2006 and prior consolidated financial statements we reported our 60% proportionate share of AT&T Mobility’s results as equity in net income of affiliates.

The wireline segment accounted for approximately 55% of our 2008 total segment operating revenues as compared to 59% in 2007 and 47% of our 2008 total segment income as compared to 55% in 2007. This segment provides both retail and wholesale landline communications services, including local and long-distance voice, switched access, IP and Internet access data, messaging services, managed networking to business customers, AT&T U-verseSM TV service and satellite television services through our agency agreements.

The advertising & publishing segment accounted for approximately 4% of our 2008 total segment operating revenues as compared to 5% in 2007 and 7% of our 2008 total segment income as compared to 9% in 2007. This segment includes our directory operations, which publish Yellow and White Pages directories and sell directory advertising, Internet-based advertising and local search. For 2007, this segment includes 100% of the results of YELLOWPAGES.COM (YPC), which was a joint venture with BellSouth prior to the December 29, 2006 acquisition and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T.

Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 141, “Business Combinations” (FAS 141), deferred revenue and expenses from BellSouth directories published during the 12-month period ending with the December 29, 2006 acquisition date were not recognized in 2007 consolidated results. Accordingly, our consolidated revenue and expenses in 2007 related to directory operations were lower. Because management assesses the performance of the segment including the revenue and expenses associated with those directories, for segment reporting purposes, our 2007 advertising & publishing segment results include revenues of $964 and expenses of $308, related to directories published prior to our acquisition of BellSouth. These amounts are eliminated in our consolidated results (see Note 4).

The other segment accounted for approximately 2% of our 2008 total segment operating revenues as compared to 1% in 2007 and less than 1% of our 2008 total segment income as compared to 4% in 2007. This segment includes results from Sterling Commerce, Inc. (Sterling), customer information services, payphone, and all corporate and other operations. During 2008, we announced our intention to discontinue our retail payphone operations. Additionally, this segment includes our portion of the results from our international equity investments and charges of $978 associated with our workforce reductions announced in 2008. Prior to December 29, 2006, this segment also included our results from AT&T Mobility as equity in net income of affiliates, as discussed above.

The following tables show components of results of operations by segment. We discuss significant segment results following each table. We discuss capital expenditures for each segment in “Liquidity and Capital Resources.”


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Segment Results
Percent Change
2008 vs.
2007 vs.
Segment operating revenues
  $ 44,410     $ 38,678     $ 33,788       14.8 %     14.5 %
    4,925       4,006       3,749       22.9       6.9  
Total Segment Operating Revenues
    49,335       42,684       37,537       15.6       13.7  
Segment operating expenses
Cost of services and equipment sales
    18,078       15,991       15,057       13.1       6.2  
Selling, general and administrative
    14,403       12,594       11,446       14.4       10.0  
Depreciation and amortization
    5,770       7,079       6,462       (18.5 )     9.5  
Total Segment Operating Expenses
    38,251       35,664       32,965       7.3       8.2  
Segment Operating Income
    11,084       7,020       4,572       57.9       53.5  
Equity in Net Income of Affiliates
    6       16       40       (62.5 )     (60.0 )
Minority Interest 1
    (256 )     (198 )     (169 )     (29.3 )     (17.2 )
Segment Income
  $ 10,834     $ 6,838     $ 4,443       58.4 %     53.9 %
Minority interest is recorded as “Other Income (Expense) – Net” in the consolidated statements of income.

Accounting for AT&T Mobility
The wireless segment reflects 100% of the results reported by AT&T Mobility, which was our wireless joint venture with BellSouth prior to the December 29, 2006 acquisition, at which time it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T. Prior to the BellSouth acquisition (see Note 2), we accounted for our 60% economic interest in AT&T Mobility under the equity method since we shared control equally with BellSouth. This means that our 2006 consolidated results included our 60% share of AT&T Mobility’s results in “Equity in net income of affiliates” in our consolidated statements of income. Following the BellSouth acquisition, AT&T Mobility became a wholly-owned subsidiary and AT&T Mobility’s results are now included as operating revenues and expenses in our consolidated statements of income. Accordingly, results from this segment for the last two days of 2006 were included in our operating revenues and expenses and not in the “Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates” line. However, for all the periods presented, the wireless segment reflects 100% of the results reported by AT&T Mobility based on the management of the business.

Dobson Acquisition
In November 2007, we acquired Dobson Communications Corporation (Dobson). Dobson marketed wireless services under the Cellular One brand and had provided roaming services to AT&T subsidiaries since 1990. Dobson had 1.7 million subscribers across 17 states, mostly in rural and suburban areas. Dobson was incorporated into our wireless operations subsequent to its acquisition.

Wireless Customer and Operating Trends
As of December 31, 2008, we served 77.0 million wireless customers, compared to 70.1 million at December 31, 2007, and 61.0 million at December 31, 2006. Approximately 69% of our wireless customer net additions in 2008 were postpaid customer additions. Contributing to our net additions and retail customer growth was improvement in postpaid customer turnover (customer churn) levels due to our strong network performance and attractive products and services offerings, including the Apple iPhone. The improvement in churn levels benefited from network and customer service improvements and continued high levels of advertising. Gross customer additions were 21.4 million in 2008, 20.1 million in 2007 and 19.2 million in 2006. Postpaid customer gross additions increased approximately 8.4% primarily due to attractive plan offerings and exclusive product offerings such as the Apple iPhone, BlackBerry® Bold and unique quick messaging devices.

As the wireless industry continues to mature, we believe that future wireless growth will become increasingly dependent on our ability to offer innovative services, which will encourage existing customers to upgrade their current services and handsets and will attract customers from other providers, as well as on our ability to minimize customer churn. Average service revenue per user/customer (ARPU) increased approximately 1% compared to 2007 primarily due to increased data services ARPU growth. ARPU from postpaid customers increased 3.7% reflecting usage of more advanced handsets, such as the Apple iPhone 3G, by these customers. In 2008, data services ARPU grew 33.8% compared to 2007. The continued increase in data revenue was related to increased use of text messaging, Internet access, e-mail and other data services. We expect continued growth from data services as more customers purchase advanced handsets, such as iPhone 3G, and laptop cards and as our third-generation network continues to expand. The growth in data ARPU was partially offset by a decline in voice service ARPU of 6.5% compared to 2007. The decline in voice service ARPU is the result of a decrease in postpaid voice overage charges, increases in our Family Talk® and reseller customers, which have lower ARPU than traditional postpaid customers, lower roaming revenues due to acquisitions and rate negotiations as part of roaming cost savings initiatives, slowing international growth and lower regulatory cost recovery charges. We expect continued pressure on voice service ARPU.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

In 2007, data service ARPU grew 46.9% compared to 2006. The continued increase in data revenue was related to increased use of text messaging, Internet access, e-mail and other data services. The growth in data ARPU was partially offset by a decline in voice service ARPU of 4.1% compared to 2006, reflecting a higher percentage of prepaid and reseller customers, which provide significantly lower ARPU than postpaid customers, and continued shifts to all-inclusive rate plans that offer lower monthly charges.

The effective management of customer churn also is critical to our ability to maximize revenue growth and to maintain and improve margins. Customer churn is calculated by dividing the aggregate number of wireless customers who cancel service during each month in a period by the total number of wireless customers at the beginning of each month in that period. Our customer churn rate was 1.7% in 2008, 1.7% in 2007 and 1.8% in 2006. The churn rate for postpaid customers was 1.2% in 2008, down from 1.3% in 2007 and 1.5% in 2006. The decline in postpaid churn reflects higher network quality and broader coverage, more affordable rate plans as well as exclusive devices and free mobile-to-mobile calling among our wireless customers.

Wireless Operating Results
Our wireless segment operating income margin was 22.5% in 2008, 16.4% in 2007 and 12.2% in 2006. The higher margin in 2008 was primarily due to revenue growth of $6,651, which exceeded our increase in operating expenses of $2,587, which included a decrease in depreciation and amortization of $1,309. The higher margin in 2007 was primarily due to revenue growth of $5,147, which exceeded our increase in operating expenses of $2,699.

Service revenues are comprised of local voice and data services, roaming, long-distance and other revenue. Service revenues increased $5,732, or 14.8%, in 2008 and $4,890, or 14.5%, in 2007 and consisted of:
Data revenue increases of $3,647, or 52.5%, in 2008 and $2,692, or 63.3%, in 2007. The increase in 2008 is primarily due to the increased number of data users and the above noted increase in data ARPU of 33.8%. Our significant data growth also reflects an increased number of subscribers using our 3G network. The increase in 2007 was related to increased use of text messaging and Internet access services, which resulted in an increase in data ARPU of 46.9%. Data service revenues represented approximately 23.9% of our wireless segment service revenues in 2008 and 18.0% in 2007.
Voice revenue increases of $2,076, or 6.6%, in 2008 and $2,135, or 7.3%, in 2007. The increase in 2008 was primarily due to an increase in the number of average wireless customers of approximately 14%, partially offset by a decline in voice ARPU of 6.5%. The increase in 2007 was primarily due to an increase in the average number of wireless customers of approximately 12%, partially offset by a decline in voice ARPU of 4.1%. Included in voice revenues for both periods were increases in long-distance and net roaming revenue due to increased international usage.

Equipment revenues increased $919, or 22.9%, in 2008 and $257, or 6.9%, in 2007. The increase in both 2008 and 2007 was due to higher handset revenues reflecting increased gross customer additions and customer upgrades to more advanced handsets. The increase in 2007 was partially offset by equipment discounts and rebate activity.

Cost of services and equipment sales expenses increased $2,087, or 13.1%, in 2008 and $934, or 6.2%, in 2007. The 2008 and 2007 increases were primarily due to increased equipment sales expense of $2,005 and $1,140, respectively, resulting from the overall increase in sales as well as an increase in sales of higher-cost 3G devices, the introduction of the Apple iPhone 3G (in 2008) and iPhone (in 2007) handsets as well as an increase in the number of handset accessory sales. The 2008 per-unit accessory cost decreased from 2007, while the 2007 per-unit accessory cost increased from 2006. Total equipment costs continue to be higher than equipment revenues due to the sale of handsets below cost, through direct sales sources, to customers who committed to one-year or two-year contracts or in connection with other promotions.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Excluding equipment sales, costs of services remained relatively flat in 2008 as the result of higher regulatory fees of $204 due to revenue growth, reseller costs of $145, and interconnect and other costs of $141, substantially offset by lower incollect roaming costs of $249, network system costs of $132 and long-distance costs of $27.

The $145 increase in reseller costs is attributable to higher license, maintenance and other reseller costs partly offset by cost reductions from the migration of network usage from the T-Mobile USA (T-Mobile) network in California and Nevada to our networks in these states. Our remaining purchase commitment to T-Mobile for this transition period was $42 and $51 at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.

The $141 increase in interconnect and other costs primarily related to increased usage and integration costs related to Dobson. The $132 decrease in network system costs is the result of benefits from network and systems integration and cost-reduction initiatives of $218, and lower data processing and payroll costs of $109, partly offset by incremental rents related to Dobson and general building expense increases of $124, and hurricane and other incremental network costs of $99.

Cost of services declined $206 in 2007. This decline was due to lower interconnect, roaming and long-distance expenses related to network and systems integration and cost-reduction initiatives, as well as cost reductions from the migration of network usage from the T-Mobile network. These decreases were partially offset by higher network usage, with increases in total system minutes of use of 13.5%, and associated network system expansion and increased network equipment costs.

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased $1,809, or 14.4%, in 2008 and $1,148, or 10.0%, in 2007.

The increase in selling, general and administrative expenses in 2008 was due to the following:
Increases of $702 in customer costs and other expenses primarily due to increased customer service costs of $159, customer maintenance costs of $240, bad debt expense of $49 and other support costs of $298, partially offset by a decline of $44 in billing expenses.
Increases in selling expenses of $362 due to increases in commissions expense, sales and marketing expenses partly attributable to the introduction of the Apple iPhone 3G.
Increases in upgrade commission and residual expenses of $745 due to higher handset upgrade volume and commission rates.

The increase in selling, general and administrative expenses in 2007 was due to the following:
Increases in selling expenses of $572 due to increases in sales and advertising expenses and Apple iPhone related costs, partially offset by a decrease in net commission expense, which was consistent with the increase in prepaid plan sales as a percentage of total retail sales.
Increases of $572 in customer maintenance and other expenses primarily due to increased bad debt expense of $338 and other support costs of $234, partially offset by a decline of $191 in billing expenses, lower information technology (IT) and customer service expenses.
Increases in upgrade commission and residual expenses of $195 due to increased prepaid plan costs and higher handset upgrade activity.

Depreciation and amortization decreased $1,309, or 18.5%, in 2008 and increased $617, or 9.5%, in 2007. The decrease in 2008 was due to lower amortization expense of $770 and lower depreciation expense of $539. The decrease in amortization expense is attributable to declining amortization of identifiable intangible assets, which are principally amortized using the sum-of-the-months-digits method of amortization, partially offset by incremental amortization on Dobson intangible assets acquired by AT&T Mobility. Depreciation expense decreased $695 due to certain network assets becoming fully depreciated and decreased $612 due to Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) assets being depreciated on an accelerated basis through 2007. These decreases were partly offset by incremental depreciation on capital assets placed in service during 2008.

The increase in 2007 was primarily due to an increase of $1,522 in amortization of identifiable intangible assets related to our acquisition of BellSouth’s 40% ownership interest, partially offset by declining amortization of identifiable AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. intangible assets acquired by AT&T Mobility in 2004. Expenses also increased due to accelerated depreciation on TDMA assets and ongoing capital spending for network upgrades and expansion. The 2007 increase was partially offset by decreases in depreciation expense of $905 due to certain network assets becoming fully depreciated and purchase accounting adjustments on certain network assets related to acquiring BellSouth’s 40% ownership interest of AT&T Mobility.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Segment Results
Percent Change
2008 vs.
2007 vs.
Segment operating revenues
  $ 38,198     $ 41,630     $ 33,714       (8.2 )%     23.5 %
    25,352       24,075       18,317       5.3       31.4  
    6,304       5,878       5,442       7.2       8.0  
Total Segment Operating Revenues
    69,854       71,583       57,473       (2.4 )     24.6  
Segment operating expenses
Cost of sales
    31,929       31,018       27,388       2.9       13.3  
Selling, general and administrative
    13,624       15,159       12,205       (10.1 )     24.2  
Depreciation and amortization
    13,150       13,416       9,682       (2.0 )     38.6  
Total Segment Operating Expenses
    58,703       59,593       49,275       (1.5 )     20.9  
Segment Income
  $ 11,151     $ 11,990     $ 8,198       (7.0 )%     46.3 %

Operating Margin Trends
Our wireline segment operating income margin was 16.0% in 2008, compared to 16.7% in 2007 and 14.3% in 2006. Results for 2008 reflect revenue declines that exceeded expense declines. Our wireline segment operating income decreased $839, or 7.0%, in 2008 and increased $3,792 in 2007 primarily reflecting the addition of BellSouth’s operating results in 2007. Our operating income continued to be pressured by access line declines due to increased competition, as customers disconnected both primary and additional lines and switched to alternative technologies, such as wireless, VoIP and cable for voice and data. The deteriorating economy during 2008 also adversely affected our customers’ ability to purchase and maintain both wireline and wireless services. Our strategy is to offset these line losses by increasing non-access-line-related revenues from customer connections for data, video and voice. Additionally, we have the opportunity to increase wireless segment revenues if customers choose AT&T Mobility as an alternative provider. As noted above, 2007 revenues and expenses reflect the addition of BellSouth’s results while our 2006 results only include two days of their results. Accordingly, the following discussion of changes in our revenues and expenses is affected by this acquisition.

Voice revenues decreased $3,432, or 8.2%, in 2008 primarily due to declining demand for traditional voice services and increased $7,916, or 23.5%, in 2007. Included in voice revenues are revenues from local voice, long-distance and local wholesale services. Voice revenues do not include VoIP revenues, which are included in data revenues.
Local voice revenues decreased $1,887, or 7.7%, in 2008 and increased $6,831, or 38.4%, in 2007. The decrease in 2008 was driven primarily by loss of revenue of $1,230 from a decline in access lines and by $422 from a decline from ATTC’s mass-market customers. The increase in 2007 was primarily due to the acquisition of BellSouth, which increased local voice revenues approximately $8,040. Local voice revenues also increased in 2007 due to pricing increases for regional telephone service, custom calling features and inside wire maintenance agreements. Local voice revenues in 2007 were negatively impacted by expected declines in revenues from ATTC’s mass-market customers and from customer demand-related declines for calling features and inside wire agreements. We expect our local voice revenue to continue to be negatively affected by increased competition from alternative technologies, the disconnection of additional lines and the deteriorating economy.
Long-distance revenues decreased $1,195, or 7.9%, in 2008 and increased $761, or 5.3%, in 2007 primarily due to the acquisition of BellSouth, which increased long-distance revenues approximately $2,075. The decrease in 2008 was primarily due to a net decrease in demand for long-distance service, due to expected declines in the number of ATTC’s mass-market customers, which decreased revenues $677 and decreased demand from global and consumer customers, which decreased revenues $532.
Local wholesale revenues decreased $350, or 18.7%, in 2008 and increased $324, or 20.9%, in 2007. The decrease in 2008 was primarily due to the declining number of competitive providers using local wholesale lines. However, this declining revenue trend stabilized in the second half of 2008 since industry consolidation and local wholesale line loss has slowed. The increase in 2007 was primarily due to the acquisition of BellSouth, which increased local wholesale revenues approximately $615. Wholesale revenue decreased in 2007 due to industry consolidation as certain customers moved more traffic to their own networks.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Data revenues increased $1,277, or 5.3%, in 2008 and increased $5,758, or 31.4%, in 2007. Data revenues accounted for approximately 36% of wireline operating revenues in 2008, 34% in 2007 and 32% in 2006. Data revenues include transport, IP and packet-switched data services.

IP data revenues increased $1,537, or 16.1%, in 2008 primarily due to growth in consumer and business broadband, VPNs and managed Internet services, and increased $3,080, or 47.6%, in 2007 primarily due to the acquisition of BellSouth, which increased IP data approximately $2,235. Broadband high-speed Internet access increased IP data revenues $498 in 2008. The increase in broadband revenues was partially offset by the decline in revenue due to the renegotiation of our Yahoo! agreement which took effect April 2008. VPNs increased $477 and various other IP data services such as U-verse video and dedicated Internet access services contributed $535 to the increase in 2008. The increase in IP data revenues in 2008 and 2007 reflects continued growth in the customer base and migration from other traditional circuit-based services.

Our transport services increased $163, or 1.4%, in 2008, primarily due to continuing volume growth in Ethernet (types of high-capacity switched lines), ISDN and international private lines. These increases were partially offset by declines in usage-based transport services used by our largest business customers. In 2007, transport services revenues increased $2,640, or 29.7%, due to the acquisition of BellSouth.

Our traditional circuit-based services, which include frame relay, asynchronous transfer mode and managed packet services, decreased $423, or 14.1%, in 2008. This decrease is primarily due to lower demand as customers continue to shift to IP-based technology such as VPNs, broadband and managed Internet services. We expect these traditional services to continue to decline as a percentage of our overall data revenues. In 2007, circuit-based services revenues increased $38, or 1.3%, primarily due to the acquisition of BellSouth, which increased circuit-based services revenues $265.

Other operating revenues increased $426, or 7.2%, in 2008 and $436, or 8.0%, in 2007. Major items included in other operating revenues are integration services and customer premises equipment, government-related services and outsourcing, which account for more than 60% of total revenue for all periods. Equipment sales and related network integration and management services increased $260 in 2008, driven by an increase in management services, and decreased $274 in 2007 primarily due to less emphasis on the sale of lower-margin equipment. Governmental professional services revenue increased $100 in 2008 driven by growth across various contracts. Revenue also decreased by $70 in 2007 due to the recognition of intellectual property license fees in 2006 that did not recur in 2007. More than offsetting these declines in 2007 was incremental revenue from our acquisition of BellSouth.

Cost of sales expenses increased $911, or 2.9%, in 2008 and $3,630, or 13.3%, in 2007. Cost of sales consists of costs we incur in order to provide our products and services, including costs of operating and maintaining our networks and personnel costs, such as salary, wage and bonus accruals. Costs in this category include our repair technicians and repair services, certain network planning and engineering expenses, operator services, IT and property taxes related to elements of our network. Pension and postretirement costs, net of amounts capitalized as part of construction labor, are also included to the extent that they are associated with these employees.

Cost of sales in 2008 increased due to the following:
Higher nonemployee-related expenses, such as contract services, agent commissions and materials and supplies costs, of $1,056.
Salary and wage merit increases, other bonus accruals and higher employee levels, which increased compensation expenses by $423 and increased medical and other benefits by $239.
Higher cost of equipment sales and related network integration services of $60 in 2008 primarily due to increased U-verse customers partially offset by reductions due to less emphasis on sales of lower-margin equipment.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts

Partially offsetting these increases, cost of sales in 2008 decreased due to:
Lower traffic compensation expenses (for access to another carrier’s network) of $633 primarily due to reduced portal fees from renegotiation of our agreement with Yahoo!, continued migration of long-distance calls onto our network and a lower volume of calls from ATTC’s declining national mass-market customer base.
Lower net pension and postretirement cost of $387, primarily due to changes in our actuarial assumptions, including the increase of our discount rate from 6.00% to 6.50% (a decrease to expense) and favorable prior-year investment returns on plan assets resulting in a decrease in the recognition of net losses from prior years.

In addition to the impact of the BellSouth acquisition, cost of sales in 2007 increased due to the following:
Higher nonemployee-related expenses, such as contract services, agent commissions and materials and supplies costs, of $605.
Higher expenses of $225 in 2007 due to a 2006 change in our policy regarding the timing for earning vacation days, which reduced expense in 2006.
Salary and wage merit increases and other bonus accruals of $165.

Partially offsetting these increases, cost of sales in 2007 decreased due to:
Lower traffic compensation expenses (for access to another carrier’s network) of $831 primarily due to migration of long-distance calls onto our network and a lower volume of calls from ATTC’s declining national mass-market customer base.
Lower net pension and postretirement cost of $398, primarily due to changes in our actuarial assumptions, including the increase of our discount rate from 5.75% to 6.00% (a decrease to expense) and favorable investment returns on plan assets resulting in a decrease in the recognition of net losses from prior years.
Lower cost of equipment sales and related network integration services of $300, primarily due to less emphasis on sales of lower-margin equipment. Costs associated with equipment for large-business customers typically are greater than costs associated with services that are provided over multiple years.
Lower expenses of $163 in 2007 due to the discontinuance of DSL Universal Service Fund fees in the third quarter of 2006.

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $1,535, or 10.1%, in 2008 and increased $2,954, or 24.2%, in 2007. Selling, general and administrative expenses consist of our provision for uncollectible accounts; advertising costs; sales and marketing functions, including our retail and wholesale customer service centers; centrally managed real estate costs, including maintenance and utilities on all owned and leased buildings; credit and collection functions; and corporate overhead costs, such as finance, legal, human resources and external affairs. Pension and postretirement costs are also included to the extent that they relate to those employees.

Selling, general and administrative expenses in 2008 decreased due to the following:
Lower other wireline support costs of $616 primarily due to higher advertising costs incurred in 2007 for brand advertising and re-branding related to the BellSouth acquisition.
Lower net pension and postretirement cost of $231, primarily due to changes in our actuarial assumptions, including the increase of our discount rate from 6.00% to 6.50% (a decrease to expense) and favorable prior-year investment returns on plan assets resulting in a decrease in the recognition of net losses from prior years.
Lower compensation expenses primarily reflecting shifts of force levels to cost of sales functions of $420 with related declines in medical and other benefits by $210.

Partially offsetting these decreases, selling, general and administrative expenses in 2008 increased due to:
Higher nonemployee-related expenses, such as contract services, agent commissions and materials and supplies costs, of $79.
Higher provision for uncollectible accounts primarily related to our business and wholesale customers of $35.

In addition to the impact of the BellSouth acquisition, selling, general and administrative expenses in 2007 increased due to the following:
Salary and wage merit increases and other bonus accruals of $102.
Higher expenses of $96 in 2007 due to a 2006 change in our policy regarding the timing for earning vacation days, which reduced expense in 2006.
Higher provision for uncollectible accounts of $80.


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (continued)
Dollars in millions except per share amounts
Partially offsetting these increases, selling, general and administrative expenses in 2007 decreased due to:
Lower net pension and postretirement cost of $243, primarily due to changes in our actuarial assumptions, including the increase of our discount rate from 5.75% to 6.00% (a decrease to expense) and favorable investment returns on plan assets resulting in a decrease in the recognition of net losses from prior years.
Lower employee levels, which decreased expenses, primarily salary and wages, by $222.
Lower nonemployee-related expenses, such as contract services, agent commissions and materials and supplies costs, of $148.

Depreciation and amortization expenses decreased $266, or 2%, in 2008. We had an increase of $3,734, or 38.6%, in 2007 primarily due to higher depreciable and amortizable asset bases as a result of the acquisition of BellSouth in 2006. The relative stability in 2008 is a result of decreasing intangible amortization partially offsetting increased depreciation resulting from capital additions.

Supplemental Information

Telephone, Wired Broadband and Video Connections Summary
Our switched access lines and other services provided by our local exchange telephone subsidiaries at December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 are shown below and trends are addressed throughout this segment discussion.

(in 000s)
Percent Change
Pro Forma
2008 vs.
2007 vs.
Switched Access Lines1
Retail Consumer
    30,614       35,009       37,073       (12.6 )%     (5.6 )%
Retail Business2
    21,826       22,811       23,484       (4.3 )     (2.9 )
Retail Subtotal2
    52,440       57,820       60,557       (9.3 )     (4.5 )
   Percent of total switched access lines
    94.3 %     93.9 %     91.1 %                
Sold to ATTC2
    140       181       1,294       (22.7 )     (86.0 )
Sold to other CLECs2,3
    2,912       3,330       4,288       (12.6 )     (22.3 )
Wholesale Subtotal2
    3,052       3,511       5,582       (13.1 )     (37.1 )
Percent of total switched access lines
    5.5 %     5.7 %     8.4 %                
Payphone (Retail and Wholesale)4
    118       251       330       (53.0 )     (23.9 )
Percent of total switched access lines
    0.2 %     0.4 %     0.5 %                
Total Switched Access Lines
    55,610       61,582       66,469       (9.7 )     (7.4 )
Total Wired Broadband Connections2,5
    15,077       14,156       12,170       6.5       16.3