EX-4.3 2 d523469dex43.htm EX-4.3 EX-4.3
Exhibit 4.3
As of May 28, 2023, General Mills, Inc. (“General Mills,” the “Company,”
“we,” “us,” and “our”) had five classes of
securities registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended (the “Exchange Act”):
Common Stock,
$.10 par value; 0.125% Notes due 2025; 0.450% Notes due 2026; 1.500%
Notes due 2027; and 3.907% Notes due 2029.
The following description of our Common Stock and our cumulative preference
stock is a summary and does not purport to
be complete. It is subject to and qualified in its entirety by reference to our
Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the “Certificate of
Incorporation”) and our By-laws, as amended (the “By-laws”), each of which
are incorporated by reference as an exhibit to our most
recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. We
encourage you to read our Certificate of Incorporation, our By-laws and the
provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (“DGCL”)
for additional information.
Our Certificate of Incorporation currently authorizes the issuance of one billion
shares of our Common stock, par value $0.10
per share, and five million shares of cumulative preference stock, without par
value, issuable in series. Our Common Stock is listed
and principally traded on the New York
Stock Exchange under the symbol “GIS.” All outstanding shares of our
Common Stock are
fully paid and nonassessable.
Dividend Rights
The holders of Common Stock are entitled to receive dividends when and as declared
by our Board of Directors out of funds
legally available for that purpose, provided that if any shares of preference stock
are at the time outstanding, the payment of dividends
on Common Stock or other distributions (including purchases of Common
Stock) may be subject to the declaration and payment of
full cumulative dividends, and the absence of overdue amounts in any
mandatory sinking fund, on outstanding shares of preference
The holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote for each share on all matters
voted on by stockholders, including the
election of directors, subject to the voting rights of any preference stock then outstanding.
The holders of Common Stock are not
entitled to cumulative voting of their shares in the election of directors.
Directors are to be elected by a majority of the votes cast by
the holders of Common Stock entitled to vote and present in person or represented
by proxy, provided that if the number
of nominees
standing for election at any meeting of the stockholders exceeds the number
of directors to be elected, the directors will be elected by
a plurality of the votes cast. Except as provided by law,
all other matters are to be decided by a vote of a majority of votes cast by the
holders of Common Stock entitled to vote and present in person or represented by
Liquidation Rights
In the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company,
holders of Common Stock are entitled to share ratably
in any assets remaining after the satisfaction in full of the prior rights of creditors, including
holders of our indebtedness, and the
aggregate liquidation preference of any preference stock then outstanding.
Other Rights and Preferences
The holders of Common Stock do not have any conversion rights or any preemptive
rights to subscribe for stock or any other
securities of the Company.
There are no redemption or sinking fund provisions applicable to our Common
Effect of Preference Shares
Our Board of Directors is authorized to approve the issuance of one or more
series of preference stock without further
authorization of our stockholders and to fix the number of shares, the designations,
the relative rights and the limitations of any series
of preference stock. As a result, our Board of Directors, without stockholder
approval, could authorize the issuance of preference stock
with voting, conversion and other rights that could proportionately reduce,
minimize or otherwise adversely affect the voting power
and other rights of holders of Common Stock or other series of preference
stock or that could have the effect of delaying, deferring
preventing a change in our control.
Transfer Agent
The transfer agent for Common Stock is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions,
1.500% NOTES DUE 2027
The following description of our 0.125% Notes due 2025 (the “2025 Notes”),
0.450% Notes due 2026 (the “2026 Notes”),
1.500% Notes due 2027 (the “2027 Notes”) and 3.907% Notes due 2029
(the “2029 Notes”, and together with the 2025 Notes, 2026
Notes and 2027 Notes, the “Notes”) is a summary and does not purport
to be complete. It is subject to and qualified in its entirety by
reference to the Indenture, dated as of February 1, 1996, between General Mills and
U.S. Bank Trust Company,
National Association
(successor in interest to U.S. Bank National Association), as supplemented by the
First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of May 18,
2009, between General Mills and U.S. Bank Trust Company,
National Association (together the “Indenture”), which are incorporated
by reference as exhibits to our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K,
and, as applicable, the Officers’ Certificate for the 2025
Notes, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4 to the Company’s
Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 16, 2022, the
Officers’ Certificate for the 2026 Notes, incorporated herein by
reference to Exhibit 4 to the Company’s
Current Report on Form 8-K
dated January 15, 2020, the Officers’ Certificate for the 2027
Notes, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Company’s
Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 24, 2015, and the Officers’
Certificate for the 2029 Notes, incorporated herein by reference
to Exhibit 4 to the Company’s Current
Report on Form 8-K dated April 13, 2023. We
encourage you to read the Indenture and the
Officers’ Certificates for additional information. References
in this section to the “Company,”
“us,” “we” and “our” are solely to
General Mills and not to any of its subsidiaries, unless the context requires otherwise.
We issued €400,000,000
aggregate principal amount of our 2027 Notes on April 27, 2015, €600,000,000
aggregate principal
amount of our 2026 Notes on January 15, 2020, €500,000,000 aggregate
principal amount of our 2025 Notes on November 16, 2021,
and, €750,000,000 aggregate principal amount of our 2029 Notes on
April 13, 2023. The 2025 Notes, 2026 Notes, 2027 Notes and
2029 Notes are listed and principally traded on the New York
Stock Exchange under the symbols “GIS 25A,” “GIS 26,” “GIS 27,”
and “GIS 29,” respectively.
As of May 28, 2023, €500,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the 2025 Notes,
aggregate principal amount of the 2026 Notes, €400,000,000 aggregate
principal amount of the 2027 Notes and €750,000,000
aggregate principal amount of the 2029 Notes were outstanding.
The Notes were each issued as a separate series of securities under the Indenture.
The Notes and the Indenture are governed
by, and are to be construed
in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York
applicable to agreements made and to be performed
wholly within the State of New York.
Interest and Maturity
The 2025 Notes will mature on November 15, 2025, the 2026 Notes will mature
on January 15, 2026, the 2027 Notes will
mature on April 27, 2027, and the 2029 Notes will mature on April 13, 2029.
We will pay interest on
the 2025 Notes at the rate of
0.125% per year annually in arrears on November 15 of each year,
beginning November 15, 2022, to holders of record on the
preceding November 1. We
will pay interest on the 2026 Notes at the rate of 0.450% per year annually in
arrears on January 15 of
each year, beginning January 15,
2021, to holders of record on the preceding January 1. We
will pay interest on the 2027 Notes at the
rate of 1.500% per year annually in arrears on April 27 of each year,
beginning April 27, 2016, to holders of record on the preceding
April 12. We
will pay interest on the 2029 Notes at the rate of 3.907% per year annually in arrears on
April 13 of each year, beginning
April 13, 2024, to holders of record on the preceding April 1. Interest
payments for the 2025 Notes include accrued interest from and
including November 16, 2021 or from and including the last date in respect
of which interest has been paid or provided for,
as the case
may be, to but excluding the interest payment date or the date of maturity,
as the case may be. Interest payments for the 2026 Notes
include accrued interest from and including January 15, 2020 or
from and including the last date in respect of which interest has been
paid or provided for, as the case may be, to but
excluding the interest payment date or the date of maturity,
as the case may be. Interest
payments for the 2027 Notes include accrued interest from and including
April 27, 2015, or from and including the last date in respect
of which interest has been paid or provided for,
as the case may be, to but excluding the next interest payment date or the date of
maturity, as the case may
be. Interest payments for the 2029 Notes include accrued interest from
and including April 13, 2023 or from
and including the last date in respect of which interest has been paid or provided
for, as the case may be, to but excluding the next
interest payment date or the date of maturity,
as the case may be. Interest payable at the maturity of the Notes will be payable to the
registered holders of the Notes to whom the principal is payable.
Interest on the Notes is computed on the basis of the actual number of days in the period for
which interest is being calculated
and the actual number of days from and including the last date on which
interest was paid on the Notes, to but excluding the next
scheduled interest payment date. This payment convention is referred
to as ACTUAL/ACTUAL (ICMA) as defined in the rulebook of
the International Capital Market Association. If any interest payment date
on the Notes falls on a day that is not a business day,
interest payment will be postponed to the next day that is a business day,
and no interest on that payment will accrue for the period
from and after the interest payment date. If the maturity date of the Notes
falls on a day that is not a business day,
the payment of
interest and principal will be made on the next succeeding business day,
and no interest on such payment will accrue for the period
from and after the maturity date.
“Business day” means any day that is not a Saturday or Sunday and that is not a day
on which banking institutions are
authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close in the City of New York
or London and on which the Trans-European
Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer
system (the TARGET2 system),
or any successor thereto, operates.
Payments in Euro
All payments of interest and principal, including payments made upon
any redemption of the Notes, is payable in euro. If the
euro is unavailable to us due to the imposition of exchange controls or other
circumstances beyond our control or if the euro is no
longer being used by the then member states of the European Monetary Union
that have adopted the euro as their currency or for the
settlement of transactions by public institutions of or within the international banking
community, then all payments in respect of
Notes will be made in dollars until the euro is again available to us or so used. The amount payable
on any date in euro is converted
into dollars on the basis of the most recently available market exchange
rate for euro. Any payment in respect of the Notes so made in
dollars will not constitute an event of default under the Notes or the Indenture
governing the Notes. Neither the trustee nor the paying
agent shall have any responsibility for any calculation or conversion in connection
with the foregoing.
Issuance of Additional Notes
We may,
without the consent of the holders of Notes, issue additional Notes having the
same ranking and the same interest
rate, maturity and other terms as a series of the Notes (except for the public offering
price and issue date and, in some cases, the first
interest payment date). Any additional Notes, together with the Notes with the
same terms, will constitute a single series of Notes
under the Indenture; provided that, if the additional Notes are not fungible
with the Notes in this offering for United States federal
income tax purposes, the additional Notes will have different ISIN
and CUSIP numbers. No additional Notes of a series may be issued
if an event of default has occurred with respect to that series of Notes.
The Notes are our unsecured and unsubordinated obligations. The Notes rank
equal in priority with all of our existing and
future unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness and senior in right
of payment to all of our existing and future subordinated
indebtedness. The Notes effectively rank junior to all of our existing and
future secured indebtedness to the extent of the value of the
assets securing such indebtedness. In addition, because the Notes are only
our obligation and are not guaranteed by our subsidiaries,
creditors of each of our subsidiaries, including trade creditors and owners of preferred
equity of our subsidiaries, generally will have
priority with respect to the assets and earnings of the subsidiary over the claims
of our creditors, including holders of the Notes. The
Notes, therefore, are effectively subordinated to the claims
of creditors, including trade creditors, of our subsidiaries, and to claims of
owners of preferred equity of our subsidiaries.
As discussed below, we may
redeem the Notes before they mature. The Notes to be redeemed will stop bearing interest on
the redemption date. We
will give holders of 2025 Notes, 2026 Notes and 2027 Notes between 15 and 45 days’
notice before the
redemption date. We
will give holders of 2029 Notes between 15 and 60 days’ notice before the redemption
We are not required
(i) to register, transfer or exchange the Notes during
the period from the opening of business 15 days
before the day a notice of redemption relating to the Notes selected for redemption is sent to
the close of business on the day that
notice is sent, or (ii) to register, transfer or
exchange any Notes so selected for redemption, except for the unredeemed
portion of any
Notes being redeemed in part.
We may redeem
the Notes, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time. The redemption price for the 2025
Notes to
be redeemed on any redemption date that is prior to October 15, 2025 will be equal
to the greater of (1) 100% of the principal amount
of the 2025 Notes to be redeemed and (2) as determined by an independent
investment bank selected by us, the sum of the present
values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest on
the 2025 notes to be redeemed that would be due if the notes
matured on October 15, 2025 (excluding any portion of such payments of interest
accrued as of the date of redemption) discounted to
the redemption date on an annual basis (ACTUAL/ACTUAL (ICMA))
at the applicable Comparable Government Bond Rate (as
defined below) plus 15 basis points, plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid interest
to the date of redemption. The redemption price for
the 2025 Notes to be redeemed on any redemption date that is on or after October
15, 2025 will be equal to 100% of the principal
amount of the 2025 Notes being redeemed on the redemption date, plus accrued
and unpaid interest on the 2025 Notes to the date of
redemption. The redemption price for the 2026 Notes to be redeemed
on any redemption date that is prior to October 15, 2025 will be
equal to the greater of (1) 100% of the principal amount of the 2026 Notes to be redeemed
and (2) as determined by an independent
investment bank selected by us, the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled
payments of principal and interest on the
notes to be redeemed (excluding any portion of such payments of interest
accrued as of the date of redemption) discounted to the
redemption date on an annual basis (ACTUAL/ACTUAL (ICMA)) at the
applicable Comparable Government Bond Rate (as defined
below) plus 15 basis points, plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid interest to
the date of redemption. The redemption price for the
2026 Notes to be redeemed on any redemption date that is on or after October 15, 2025
will be equal to 100% of the principal amount
of the notes being redeemed on the redemption date, plus accrued and unpaid
interest on the notes to the date of redemption. The
redemption price for the 2027 Notes to be redeemed on any redemption date that
is prior to January 27, 2027 will be equal to the
greater of (1) 100% of the principal amount of the 2027 Notes to be redeemed
and (2) as determined by an independent investment
bank selected by us, the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments
of principal and interest on the 2027 Notes to
be redeemed (excluding any portion of such payments of interest accrued
as of the date of redemption) discounted to the redemption
date on an annual basis (ACTUAL/ACTUAL (ICMA)) at the applicable Comparable
Government Bond Rate plus 25 basis points,
plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption.
The redemption price for the 2027 Notes to be redeemed on
any redemption date that is on or after January 27, 2027 will be equal
to 100% of the principal amount of the 2027 Notes being
redeemed on the redemption date, plus accrued and unpaid interest on
the 2027 Notes to the date of redemption. The redemption price
for the 2029 Notes to be redeemed on any redemption date that is prior to
January 13, 2029 will be equal to the greater of (1) 100% of
the principal amount of the 2029 Notes to be redeemed and (2) as determined
by an independent investment bank selected by us, the
sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal
and interest on the 2029 Notes to be redeemed that would
be due if the notes matured on January 13, 2029 (excluding any portion of
such payments of interest accrued as of the date of
redemption) discounted to the redemption date on an annual basis (ACTUAL/ACTUAL
(ICMA)) at the applicable Comparable
Government Bond Rate plus 25 basis points, plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid
interest to the date of redemption. The redemption
price for the 2029 Notes to be redeemed on any redemption date that is on or after
January 13, 2029 will be equal to 100% of the
principal amount of the 2029 Notes being redeemed on the redemption date,
plus accrued and unpaid interest on the 2029 Notes to the
date of redemption. In any case, the principal amount of a Notes remaining outstanding
after a redemption in part shall be €100,000 or
an integral multiple of €1,000 in excess thereof.
In connection with such optional redemption of Notes, the following
defined terms apply:
“Comparable Government Bond Rate” means the yield to maturity,
expressed as a percentage (rounded to three decimal
places, with 0.0005 being rounded upwards), on the third business day prior
to the date fixed for redemption, of the
Comparable Government Bond (as defined below) on the basis of the middle market
price of the Comparable Government
Bond prevailing at 11:00 a.m. (London time) on
such business day as determined by an independent investment bank selected
by us.
“Comparable Government Bond” means, in relation to any Comparable
Government Bond Rate calculation, at the discretion
of an independent investment bank selected by us, a German government bond
whose maturity is closest to the maturity of
the Notes to be redeemed, or if such independent investment bank in its discretion
determines that such similar bond is not in
issue, such other German government bond as such independent investment
bank may, with the advice of three brokers
and/or market makers in, German government bonds selected by us, determine
to be appropriate for determining the
Comparable Government Bond Rate.
The Notes are also subject to redemption prior to maturity if certain events
occur involving United States taxation. If any of
these special tax events occur, the Notes may
be redeemed at a redemption price of 100% of their principal amount plus accrued
unpaid interest to the date fixed for redemption. See “Redemption for Tax
Payment of Additional Amounts
We will, subject to the
exceptions and limitations set forth below,
pay as additional interest on the Notes such additional
as are necessary in order that the net payment of the principal of and interest on the Notes to a holder of
the Notes (or the
beneficial owner for whose benefit such holder holds the Notes) who is not a United
States person (as defined below), after
withholding or deduction for any present or future tax, assessment or other governmental
charge imposed by the United States or a
taxing authority in the United States, will not be less than the amount provided
in the Notes to be then due and payable; provided,
however, that the foregoing obligation
to pay additional amounts shall not apply:
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that
is imposed by reason of the holder (or the beneficial owner
for whose benefit such holder holds such note), or a fiduciary,
settlor, beneficiary,
member or shareholder of the holder if the holder is
an estate, trust, partnership or corporation, or a person holding a power over
an estate or trust administered by a fiduciary holder,
considered as:
being or having been engaged in a trade or business in the United States or having
or having had a
permanent establishment in the United States;
having a current or former connection with the United States (other than a
connection arising solely as a
result of the ownership of the Notes or the receipt of any payment or the enforcement
of any rights thereunder), including being or
having been a citizen or resident of the United States;
being or having been a personal holding company,
a passive foreign investment company or a controlled
foreign corporation for United States income tax purposes or a corporation
that has accumulated earnings to avoid United States
federal income tax;
being or having been a “10-percent shareholder” of the Company as defined
in section 871(h)(3) of the
United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), or
any successor provision; or
being a bank receiving payments on an extension of credit made pursuant
to a loan agreement entered into
in the ordinary course of its trade or business;
to any holder that is not the sole beneficial owner of the Notes, or a portion of the Notes, or that
is a fiduciary,
partnership or limited liability company,
but only to the extent that a beneficial owner with respect to the holder,
a beneficiary or
settlor with respect to the fiduciary,
or a beneficial owner or member of the partnership or limited liability company
would not have
been entitled to the payment of an additional amount had the beneficiary,
settlor, beneficial owner or member received
directly its
beneficial or distributive share of the payment;
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that
would not have been imposed but for the failure of the
holder or any other person to comply with certification, identification or
information reporting requirements concerning the
nationality, residence,
identity or connection with the United States of the holder or beneficial owner
of the Notes, if compliance is
required by statute, by regulation of the United States or any taxing authority
therein or by an applicable income tax treaty to which
the United States is a party as a precondition to exemption from such tax, assessment or other
governmental charge;
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that
is imposed otherwise than by withholding by us or an
applicable paying or withholding agent from the payment;
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that
would not have been imposed but for a change in law,
regulation, or administrative or judicial interpretation that becomes
effective more than 15 days after the payment becomes due
or is
duly provided for, whichever occurs later;
to any estate, inheritance, gift, sales, excise, transfer,
wealth, capital gains or personal property tax or similar tax,
assessment or other governmental charge;
with respect to the 2027 Notes, to any withholding or deduction that is imposed
on a payment to an individual and
that is required to be made pursuant to any law implementing or complying with,
or introduced in order to conform to, any European
Union Directive on the taxation of savings;
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge required to be
withheld by any paying agent from any payment
of principal of or interest on any note, if such payment can be made without
such withholding by at least one other paying agent;
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that
would not have been imposed but for the presentation by
the holder of any note, where presentation is required, for payment on a date
more than 30 days after the date on which payment
became due and payable or the date on which payment thereof is duly provided
for, whichever occurs later;
with respect to the 2027 Notes, to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge
that is imposed or withheld
solely by reason of the beneficial owner being a bank (i) purchasing the Notes in the ordinary
course of its lending business or (ii) that
is neither (A) buying the Notes for investment purposes only nor (B) buying
the Notes for resale to a third-party that either is not a
bank or holding the Notes for investment purposes only;
to any tax, assessment or other governmental charge imposed
under Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Code (or any
amended or successor provisions), any current or future regulations or
official interpretations thereof, any agreement entered into
pursuant to Section 1471(b) of the Code or any fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules
or practices adopted pursuant to any
intergovernmental agreement entered into
in connection with the implementation of such sections of the Code; or
in the case of any combination of items (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9),
(10) and (11).
The Notes are subject in all cases to any tax, fiscal or other law or regulation or administrative
or judicial interpretation
applicable to the Notes. Except as specifically provided under this heading “Payment
of Additional Amounts,” we are not required to
make any payment for any tax, assessment or other governmental charge
imposed by any government or a political subdivision or
taxing authority of or in any government or political subdivision.
As used under this heading “Payment of Additional Amounts” and under
the heading “Redemption for Tax
Reasons”, the
term “United States” means the United States of America, the states of the United
States, and the District of Columbia, and the term
“United States person” means any individual who is a citizen or resident of
the United States for United States federal income tax
purposes, a corporation, partnership or other entity created or organized
in or under the laws of the United States, any state of the
United States or the District of Columbia, or any estate or trust the income of which
is subject to United States federal income taxation
regardless of its source.
With respect to the 2027 Notes, to the extent
permitted by law, we will maintain a paying agent
in a Member State of the
European Union (if any) that will not require withholding or deduction
of tax pursuant to European Council Directive 2003/48/EC on
the taxation of savings income or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced
in order to conform to, such European
Council Directive.
Redemption for Tax
If, as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws (or any regulations or rulings promulgated
under the laws) of the
United States (or any taxing authority in the United States), or any change in, or
amendment to, an official position regarding the
application or interpretation of such laws, regulations or rulings, we become
or, based upon a written opinion of independent
selected by us, will become obligated to pay additional amounts as described
under the heading “Payment of Additional Amounts”
with respect to the Notes, then we may at any time at our option redeem, in whole,
but not in part, any series of the Notes on not less
than 15 nor more than 45 days’ prior notice, at a redemption price equal
to 100% of their principal amount, together with accrued and
unpaid interest on such Notes to, but not including, the date fixed for redemption.
Change of Control Offer to Purchase
If a change of control triggering event occurs, holders of Notes may require us to repurchase
all or any part (equal to an
integral multiple of €1,000) of their Notes at a purchase price of 101% of the principal
amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if
any, on such Notes to
the date of purchase (unless a notice of redemption has been mailed within 30 days after
such change of control
triggering event stating that all of the Notes of such series will be redeemed
as described above); provided that the principal amount of
a Note remaining outstanding after a repurchase in part shall be €100,000
or an integral multiple of €1,000 in excess thereof. We
required to mail to holders of the Notes a notice describing the transaction or transactions
constituting the change of control triggering
event and offering to repurchase the Notes. The notice must be mailed
within 30 days after any change of control triggering event, and
the repurchase must occur no earlier than 30 days and no later than 60 days after the date the
notice is mailed.
On the date specified for repurchase of the Notes, we will, to the extent lawful:
accept for payment all properly tendered Notes or portions of Notes;
deposit with the paying agent the required payment for all properly
tendered Notes or portions of Notes; and
deliver to the trustee the repurchased Notes, accompanied by an officers’
certificate stating, among other things, the
aggregate principal amount of repurchased Notes.
We will comply
with the requirements of Rule 14e-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended, and any other
securities laws and regulations applicable to the repurchase of the Notes.
To the extent that these requirements
conflict with the
provisions requiring repurchase of the Notes, we will comply with these requirements
instead of the repurchase provisions and will not
be considered to have breached our obligations with respect to repurchasing the
Notes. Additionally, if an event of
default exists under
the Indenture (which is unrelated to the repurchase provisions of the Notes), including
events of default arising with respect to other
issues of debt securities, we will not be required to repurchase the Notes notwithstanding
these repurchase provisions.
We will not be required
to comply with the obligations relating to repurchasing the Notes if a third party
instead satisfies
For purposes of the repurchase provisions of the Notes, the following
terms are applicable:
Change of control
” means the occurrence of any of the following: (a) the consummation of any transaction
without limitation, any merger or consolidation) resulting in any
“person” (as that term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) (other than us or one of our subsidiaries)
becoming the beneficial owner (as defined in Rules 13d-
3 and 13d-5 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), directly
or indirectly, of more than 50%
of our voting stock or
other voting stock into which our voting stock is reclassified, consolidated,
exchanged or changed, measured by voting power rather
than number of shares; (b) the direct or indirect sale, transfer,
conveyance or other disposition (other than by way of merger
consolidation), in a transaction or a series of related transactions, of all or substantially
all of our assets and the assets of our
subsidiaries, taken as a whole, to one or more “persons” (as that term is defined
in the Indenture) (other than us or one of our
subsidiaries); or (c) the first day on which a majority of the members of our
Board of Directors are not continuing directors.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a transaction will not be considered to be
a change of control if (a) we become a direct or indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary of a holding company and (b)(y) immediately
following that transaction, the direct or indirect holders of the
voting stock of the holding company are substantially the same as the holders of
our voting stock immediately prior to that transaction
or (z) immediately following that transaction no person is the beneficial owner,
directly or indirectly, of more
than 50% of the voting
stock of the holding company.
Change of control triggering event
” means the occurrence of both a change of control and a rating event.
Continuing directors
” means, as of any date of determination, any member of our Board of
Directors who (a) was a member
of the Board of Directors on the date the Notes were issued or (b) was nominated for election,
elected or appointed to the Board of
Directors with the approval of a majority of the continuing directors who were
members of the Board of Directors at the time of such
nomination, election or appointment (either by a specific vote or by approval of
our proxy statement in which such member was
named as a nominee for election as a director,
without objection to such nomination).
” means Fitch Ratings and its successors.
Investment grade rating
” means a rating equal to or higher than BBB- (or the equivalent) by Fitch, Baa3 (or the
by Moody’s and BBB- (or the equivalent)
by S&P,
and the equivalent investment grade credit rating from any replacement rating
agency or rating agencies selected by us.
” means Moody’s Investors Service, Inc.
and its successors.
Rating agencies
” means (a) each of Fitch, Moody’s and
S&P; and (b) if any of Fitch, Moody’s or
S&P ceases to rate the
Notes or fails to make a rating of the Notes publicly available for reasons outside
of our control, a “nationally recognized statistical
rating organization” (as defined in Section 3(a)(62) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) selected by us as a
replacement rating agency for a former rating agency.
Rating event
” means the rating on the Notes is lowered by each of the rating agencies and the Notes are rated
below an
investment grade rating by each of the rating agencies on any
day within the 60-day period (which 60-day period will be extended so
long as the rating of the Notes is under publicly announced consideration for a possible
downgrade by any of the rating agencies) after
the earlier of (a) the occurrence of a change of control and (b) public notice
of the occurrence of a change of control or our intention to
effect a change of control; provided that a rating event will not be
deemed to have occurred in respect of a particular change of control
(and thus will not be deemed a rating event for purposes of the definition of change of
control triggering event) if each rating agency
making the reduction in rating does not publicly announce or confirm
or inform the trustee in writing at our request that the reduction
was the result, in whole or in part, of any event or circumstance comprised of or
arising as a result of, or in respect of, the change of
control (whether or not the applicable change of control has occurred
at the time of the rating event).
” means S&P Global Ratings, a division of S&P Global Inc., and its successors.
” means, with respect to any specified “person” (as that term is used in Section 13(d)(3)
of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) as of any date, the capital stock of such person
that is at the time entitled to vote generally in the
election of the board of directors of such person.
Sinking Fund
The Notes are not subject to, or entitled to the benefit of, any sinking fund.
Conversion or Exchange Rights
The Notes are not convertible or exchangeable for shares of our common
stock or other securities.
Certain Restrictive Covenants
The Indenture contains restrictive covenants that apply the Notes, the most significant
of which are described below.
Limitation on Liens on Major Property and United States and Canadian Operating Subsidiaries
Some of our property may be subject to a mortgage or other legal mechanism that
gives our lenders preferential rights in that
property over other lenders, including direct holders of the Notes, or over our
general creditors, if we fail to pay them back. These
preferential rights are called “liens.” The Indenture restricts our ability to create,
issue, assume, incur or guarantee any indebtedness
for borrowed money that is secured by a mortgage, pledge, lien, security interest
or other encumbrance on:
any flour mill, manufacturing or packaging plant or research laboratory
located in the United States or Canada owned by us
or one of our current or future United States or Canadian operating
subsidiaries; or
any stock or debt issued by one of our current or future United States or Canadian operating
unless we also secure all the Notes that are still outstanding under the Indenture
equally with the indebtedness being secured. This
promise does not restrict our ability to sell or otherwise dispose of our interests in any
United States or Canadian operating subsidiary.
These requirements do not apply to liens:
existing on February 1, 1996 and any extensions, renewals or replacements
of those liens;
relating to the construction, improvement or purchase of a flour mill, plant or
in favor of us or one of our United States or Canadian operating subsidiaries;
in favor of governmental units for financing construction,
improvement or purchase of our property;
existing on any property,
stock or debt existing at the time we acquire it, including liens on property,
stock or debt of a
United States or Canadian operating subsidiary at the time it became our United
States or Canadian operating subsidiary;
relating to the sale of our property;
for work done on our property;
relating to workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance and similar obligations;
relating to litigation or legal judgments;
for taxes, assessments or governmental charges not yet due;
consisting of easements or other restrictions, defects in title or encumbrances on
our real property.
We may also avoid
securing the Notes equally with the indebtedness being secured if the amount of the
indebtedness being
secured plus the value of any sale and lease back transactions, as described
below, is 15% or less than the amount
of our consolidated
total assets minus our consolidated non-interest bearing current liabilities, as reflected
on our consolidated balance sheet.
If a merger or other transaction would create any liens that are not
permitted as described above, we must grant an equivalent
lien to the direct holders of the Notes.
Limitation on Sale and Leaseback Transactions
The Indenture also provides that we and our United States and Canadian operating
subsidiaries will not enter into any sale
and leaseback transactions on any of our flourmills, manufacturing
or packaging plants or research laboratories located in the United
States or Canada owned by us or one of our current or future United States or Canadian
operating subsidiaries (“principal properties”)
unless we satisfy some restrictions. A sale and leaseback transaction involves
our sale to a lender or other investor of a property of
ours and our leasing back that property from that party for more than
three years, or a sale of a property to, and its lease back for three
or more years from, another person who borrows the necessary funds from
a lender or other investor on the security of the property.
We may enter
into a sale and leaseback transaction covering any of our principal properties only if:
it falls into the exceptions for liens described above under “— Limitation on
Liens on Major Property and United States and
Canadian Operating Subsidiaries”; or
within 180 days after the property sale, we set aside for the retirement of funded
debt, meaning notes or bonds that mature at
or may be extended to a date more than 12 months after issuance, an amount equal
to the greater of:
the net proceeds of the sale of the principal property,
the fair market value of the principal property sold, and in either case, minus
the principal amount of any debt securities issued under the Indenture that
are delivered to the trustee for retirement
within 120 days after the property sale, and
the principal amount of any funded debt, other than debt securities issued under
the Indenture, voluntarily retired by
us within 120 days after the property sale; or
the attributable value, as described below,
of all sale and leaseback transactions plus any indebtedness that we incur that, but
for the exception in the second to last paragraph of “— Limitation on Liens
on Major Property and United States and
Canadian Operating Subsidiaries” above, would have required us to secure
the Notes equally with it, is 15% or less than the
amount of our consolidated total assets minus our consolidated non-interest
bearing current liabilities, as reflected on our
consolidated balance sheet.
We determine
the attributable value of a sale and leaseback transaction by choosing the
lesser of (1) or (2) below:
sale price of the leased property
remaining portion of the base
term of the lease
the base term of the lease
the total obligation of the lessee for rental payments during the remaining portion
of the base term of the lease, discounted to
present value at the highest interest rate on any outstanding series of debt securities issued under
the Indenture. The rental
payments in this calculation do not include amounts for property taxes, maintenance,
repairs, insurance, water rates and other
items that are not payments for the property itself.
Mergers and Similar Events
We are generally
permitted under the Indenture to consolidate or merge with another company.
We are also permitted
to sell
or lease some or all of our assets to another company.
However, we may not take any of these actions unless the following
among others, are met:
where we merge out of existence or sell or lease substantially all our
assets, the other company must be a corporation, limited
liability company, partnership
or trust organized under the laws of a state or the District of Columbia
or under United States
federal law and it must expressly agree in a supplemental indenture to be legally
responsible for the Notes; and
the merger, sale of assets or other transaction
must not bring about a default on the Notes (for purposes of this test, a default
would include an event of default described below under “Default and Related
Matters” and any event that would be an event
of default if the requirements for giving us notice of our default or our default
having to exist for a specific period of time
were disregarded).
There is no precise, established definition of what would constitute a sale or lease of
substantially all of our assets under
applicable law and, accordingly,
there may be uncertainty as to whether a sale or lease of less than all of our assets would subject
us to
this provision.
If we merge out of existence or transfer (except through a
lease) substantially all our assets, and the other firm becomes our
successor and is legally responsible for the Notes, we will be relieved of our own responsibility
for the Notes.
Default and Related Matters
Noteholders will have special rights if an event of default occurs and is not cured. For
each series of Notes the term “event of
default” means any of the following:
we do not pay interest on a Note of that series within 30 days of its due date;
we do not pay the principal or any premium on a Note of that series on its due date;
we do not deposit money into a separate custodial account, known as a sinking
fund, when such a deposit is due, if we agree
to maintain a sinking fund with respect to that series;
we remain in breach of any restrictive covenant with respect to that series or any
other term of the Indenture for 60 days after
we receive a notice of default stating we are in breach (the notice must be sent by either
the trustee or direct holders of at least
25% of the principal amount of Notes of the affected series); or
we file for bankruptcy or other events of bankruptcy,
insolvency or reorganization occur.
In the event of our bankruptcy, insolvency
or other similar proceeding, all of the Notes will automatically be due and
immediately payable. If a non-bankruptcy event of default has occurred
with respect to any series of Notes and has not been cured, the
trustee or the direct holders of not less than 25% in principal amount
of the Notes of the affected series may declare the entire
principal amount of all the Notes of that series to be due and immediately payable.
This is called a “declaration of acceleration of
A declaration of acceleration of maturity may be canceled by the direct
holders of at least a majority in principal amount of
the Notes of the affected series if any other defaults on those Notes have
been waived or cured and we pay or deposit with the trustee
an amount sufficient to pay the following with respect to
the Notes of that series:
all overdue interest;
principal and premium, if any,
which has become due, other than as a result of the acceleration, plus any interest on
interest on overdue interest, to the extent that payment is lawful; and
amounts paid or advanced by the trustee and reasonable trustee compensation
and expenses.
Except in cases of default, where the trustee has some special duties, the trustee
is not required to take any action under the
Indenture at the request of any direct holders unless the holders offer
the trustee reasonable protection from expenses and liability,
called an “indemnity.”
If reasonable indemnity is provided, the direct holders of a majority in principal amount of the
Notes of the relevant series may direct the time, method and place of conducting
any lawsuit or other formal legal action seeking any
remedy available to the trustee. These majority direct holders may also
direct the trustee in exercising any trust or power conferred on
the trustee under the Indenture.
Before an investor may bypass the trustee and bring its own lawsuit or other
formal legal action or take other steps to enforce
its rights or protect its interests relating to any Notes of any series, the following
must occur:
the investor must give the trustee written notice that an event of default with respect
to the Notes of that series has occurred
and remains uncured;
the direct holders of at least 25% in principal amount of all outstanding
Notes of that series must make a written request that
the trustee take action because of the default, and must offer reasonable
indemnity to the trustee against any cost and
liabilities of taking that action;
the trustee must not have received from direct holders of a majority in principal
amount of the outstanding Notes of that
series a direction inconsistent with the written notice; and
the trustee must
have failed to take action for 60 days after receipt of the above notice and offer
of indemnity.
However, investors are entitled at any
time to bring a lawsuit for the payment of money due on a Note on or after its due date.
Every year we will certify in a written statement to the trustee that we are in compliance
with the Indenture and each series of
Notes or specify any default that we know about.
In some circumstances described below,
we may elect to discharge our obligations on the Notes through defeasance
covenant defeasance.
Full Defeasance
If there is a change in United States federal tax law as described below,
we could legally release ourselves from any payment
or other obligations on the Notes, called “full defeasance,” if we put in place the
following arrangements for investors to be repaid:
we must irrevocably deposit in trust for the benefit of all direct holders of those Notes money
or specified German
government securities or a combination of these that will generate enough
cash to make interest, principal and any other
payments on those Notes on their various due dates;
there must be a change in current federal tax law or an Internal Revenue Service
ruling that lets us make the deposit without
causing investors to be taxed on the Notes any differently
than if we did not make the deposit and simply repaid such Notes
ourselves (under current United States federal tax law,
the deposit and our legal release from the such Notes would be treated
as though we took back such Notes and gave investors their share of the cash and notes
or bonds deposited in trust, in which
case investors could recognize gain or loss on those Notes); and
we must deliver to the trustee a legal opinion confirming the United States tax law change described
In addition, no default must have occurred and be continuing with respect to those
Notes at the time the deposit is made (and,
with respect only to bankruptcy and similar events, during the 90
days following the deposit), and we have delivered a certificate and a
legal opinion to the effect that the deposit does not:
cause any outstanding Notes to be delisted;
cause the trustee to have a “conflicting interest” within the meaning of
the Trust Indenture Act of 1939;
result in a breach or violation of, or constitute a default under,
any other agreement or instrument to which we are party or by
which we are bound; and
result in the trust arising from it constituting an “investment company”
within the meaning of the Investment Company Act
of 1940 (unless we register the trust, or find an exemption from registration, under
that Act).
If we ever did accomplish full defeasance, investors would have to rely
solely on the trust deposit, and could no longer look
to us, for repayment on the Notes of the affected series. Conversely,
the trust deposit would likely be protected from claims of our
lenders and other creditors if we ever become bankrupt or insolvent.
Covenant Defeasance
Under current United States federal tax law,
we can make the same type of deposit described above and be released from
many of the covenants in the Notes. This is called “covenant defeasance.” In that
event, investors would lose the protection of those
covenants but would gain the protection of having money and securities
set aside in trust to repay the applicable series of Notes. In
order to achieve
covenant defeasance, we must do the following:
make the same deposit of money and/or German government securities described
above under “— Full Defeasance;”
deliver to the trustee a legal opinion confirming that under current United States federal
income tax law we may make the
above deposit without causing investors to be taxed on the applicable series of Notes
any differently than if we did not make
the deposit and simply repaid the applicable series of Notes ourselves; and
comply with the other conditions precedent described above under
“— Full Defeasance.”
If we accomplish covenant defeasance, the following provisions, among
others, would no longer apply:
the events of default relating to breach of covenants described below under “Default
and Related Matters;” and
any promises regarding conduct of our business, such as those described
under “Certain Restrictive Covenants” below and
any other covenants applicable to the series of Notes.
If we accomplish covenant defeasance, investors can still look to us for repayment
of the applicable series of Notes if there is
a shortfall in the trust deposit. Depending on the event causing the default,
however, investors may not be able to obtain payment of
the shortfall.
Modification and Waiver
There are three types of changes we can make to the Indenture and the Notes.
First, there are changes that cannot be made to the Notes without specific
investor approval. These include:
change of the stated due date for payment of principal or interest on a
series of Notes;
reduction in the principal amount of, the rate of interest payable on or any premium
payable upon redemption of a series of
reduction in the amount of principal payable upon acceleration of the maturity
of a series of Notes following a default;
change in the place or currency of payment on a series of Notes;
impairment of an investor’s right to sue for payment on a series of Notes on
or after the due date for such payment;
reduction in the percentage of direct holders of a series of Notes whose consent
is required to modify or amend the Indenture;
reduction in the percentage of holders of a series of Notes whose consent
is required under the Indenture to waive compliance
with provisions of, or to waive defaults under,
the Indenture; and
modification of any of the provisions described above or other provisions of
the Indenture dealing with waiver of defaults or
covenants under the Indenture, except to increase the percentages required
for such waivers or to provide that other
provisions of the Indenture cannot be changed without the consent of each direct holder
affected by the change.
Second, changes may be made by us and the trustee without any vote by holders
of any series of Notes. These include:
evidencing the assumption by a successor of our obligations under
the Indenture and any series of Notes;
adding to our covenants for the benefit of the holders of any series of Notes, or
surrendering any of our rights or powers
under the Indenture;
adding other events of default for the benefit of holders of any series of Notes;
making such changes as may be necessary to permit or facilitate the issuance of
any series of Notes in bearer or uncertificated
establishing the forms or terms of any series of Notes;
evidencing the acceptance of appointment by a successor trustee; and
curing any ambiguity,
correcting any Indenture provision that may be defective or inconsistent with other Indenture
provisions or making any other change that does not adversely affect
the interests of the holders of any series of Notes in any
material respect.
Third, we need a vote by direct holders of Notes owning at least a majority of
the principal amount of each series affected by
the change to make any other change to the Indenture that is not of the type described
in the preceding two paragraphs. A majority
vote of this kind is also required to obtain a waiver of any past default, except a payment default
on principal or interest or concerning
a provision of the Indenture that cannot be changed without the consent of the direct
When taking a vote, we will decide how much principal amount to attribute to
a series of Notes by using the dollar
equivalent, as determined by our Board of Directors.
Notes will not be considered outstanding, and therefore will not be eligible
to vote, if owned by us or one of our affiliates or
if we have deposited or set aside money in trust for their payment or redemption.
Notes will also not be eligible to vote if they have
been fully defeased as described below under “Defeasance — Full Defeasance.”
We will generally
be entitled to set any day as a record date for the purpose of determining the direct
holders of outstanding
Notes that are entitled to vote or take other action under the Indenture. In some
circumstances, generally related to a default by us on a
series of the Notes, the trustee will be entitled to set a record date for action by holders.
U.S. Bank Trust Company,
National Association, as trustee under the Indenture, has been appointed by us as transfer
and registrar with regard to the 2026 Notes and the 2029 Notes. The trustee also
acts as an agent for the issuance of our United States
commercial paper. Affiliates
of the trustee currently provide cash management and other banking and advisory
services to us in the
normal course of business and may from time to time in the future provide
other banking and advisory services to us in the ordinary
course of business, in each case in exchange for a fee.
Book-Entry; Delivery and Form; Global Note
We have obtained
the information in this section concerning Clearstream Banking, société anonyme
(“Clearstream”) and
Euroclear Bank, S.A./N.V.,
or its successor, as operator of the Euroclear
System (“Euroclear”) and their book-entry systems and
procedures from sources that we believe to be reliable. We
take no responsibility for an accurate portrayal of this information. In
addition, the description of the clearing systems in this section reflects our
understanding of the rules and procedures of Clearstream
and Euroclear as they were in effect at the time of the issuance of the
Notes of each series. Those clearing systems could change their
rules and procedures at any time.
The Notes are represented by one or more fully registered global notes. Each such
global note is deposited with, or on behalf
of, a common depositary,
and registered in the name of the nominee of the common depositary for the accounts
of Clearstream and
Euroclear. Except as set forth below,
the global notes may be transferred, in whole and not in part, only to Euroclear or Clearstream
their respective nominees. Investors may hold interests in the global notes in
Europe through Clearstream or Euroclear, either as a
participant in such systems or indirectly through organizations that are
participants in such systems. Clearstream and Euroclear will
hold interests in the global notes on behalf of their respective participating
organizations or customers through customers’ securities
accounts in Clearstream’s or
Euroclear’s names on the books of their respective depositaries. Book-entry
interests in the Notes and all
transfers relating to the Notes are reflected in the book-entry records
of Clearstream and Euroclear.
The distribution of the Notes is cleared through Clearstream and Euroclear.
Any secondary market trading of book-entry
interests in the Notes takes place through Clearstream and Euroclear participants
and settles in same-day funds. Owners of book-entry
interests in the Notes receive payments relating to their Notes in euro,
except as described under the heading “Payments in Euro.”
Clearstream and Euroclear have established electronic securities and payment
transfer, processing, depositary and custodial
links among themselves and others, either directly or through custodians
and depositaries. These links allow book-entry interests in the
Notes to be issued, held and transferred among the clearing systems without the
physical transfer of certificates. Special procedures to
facilitate clearance and settlement have been established among
these clearing systems to trade securities across borders in the
secondary market.
The policies of Clearstream and Euroclear will govern payments, transfers,
exchanges and other matters relating to the
investor’s interest in the Notes held by them. We
have no responsibility for any aspect of the records kept by Clearstream or
or any of their direct or indirect participants. We
also do not supervise these systems in any way.
Clearstream and Euroclear and their participants perform these clearance
and settlement functions under agreements they
have made with one another or with their customers. Investors should be
aware that they are not obligated to perform or continue to
perform these procedures and may modify them or discontinue them at
any time.
Except as provided below,
owners of beneficial interests in the Notes will not be entitled to have the Notes registered
in their
names, will not receive or be entitled to receive physical delivery of the
Notes in definitive form and will not be considered the owners
or holders of the Notes under the Indenture, including for purposes of receiving any reports delivered
by us or the trustee pursuant to
the Indenture. Accordingly,
each person owning a beneficial interest in a Note must rely on the procedures
of the depositary and, if
such person is not a participant, on the procedures of the participant through
which such person owns its interest, in order to exercise
any rights of a holder of Notes.
We have been
advised by Clearstream and Euroclear, respectively,
as follows:
Clearstream advises that it is incorporated under the laws of Luxembourg
as a professional depositary.
Clearstream holds
securities for its participating organizations (“Clearstream
Participants”). Clearstream facilitates the clearance and settlement of
securities transactions between Clearstream Participants through
electronic book-entry changes in accounts of Clearstream
Participants, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of
certificates. Clearstream provides to Clearstream Participants,
among other things, services for safekeeping, administration, clearance
and settlement of internationally traded securities and
securities lending and borrowing. Clearstream interfaces with domestic
markets in several countries. As a professional depositary,
Clearstream is subject to regulation by the Luxembourg
Commission for the Supervision of the Financial Sector (Commission de
Surveillance du Secteur Financier). Clearstream Participants are recognized
financial institutions around the world, including
underwriters, securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing
corporations and certain other organizations and may
include the underwriters. Indirect access to Clearstream is also available to
others, such as banks, brokers, dealers and trust companies
that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a Clearstream Participant,
either directly or indirectly.
Distributions with respect to interests in the Notes held beneficially through
Clearstream are credited to the cash accounts of
Clearstream Participants in accordance with its rules and procedures.
Euroclear advises that it was created in 1968 to hold securities for participants of
Euroclear (“Euroclear Participants”) and to
clear and settle transactions between Euroclear Participants through simultaneous
electronic book-entry delivery against payment,
thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of certificates and
any risk from lack of simultaneous transfers of securities and
cash. Euroclear includes various other services, including securities lending
and borrowing and interfaces with domestic markets in
several countries. Euroclear is operated by Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V.
(the “Euroclear Operator”). All operations are conducted by the
Euroclear Operator, and all Euroclear securities clearance
accounts and Euroclear cash accounts are accounts with the Euroclear
Operator. Euroclear Participants include
banks (including central banks), securities brokers and dealers and other professional
financial intermediaries and may include the underwriters. Indirect access to
Euroclear is also available to other firms that clear
through or maintain a custodial relationship with a Euroclear Participant, either
directly or indirectly.
The Terms and Conditions
Governing Use of Euroclear and the related Operating Procedures of the Euroclear
System, or the
Euroclear Terms and
Conditions, and applicable Belgian law govern securities clearance accounts and
cash accounts with the
Euroclear Operator. Specifically,
these terms and conditions govern:
transfers of securities and cash within Euroclear;
withdrawal of securities and cash from Euroclear; and
receipt of payments with respect to securities in Euroclear.
All securities in Euroclear are held on a fungible basis without attribution of
specific certificates to specific securities
clearance accounts. The Euroclear Operator acts under the terms and
conditions only on behalf of Euroclear Participants, and has no
record of or relationship with persons holding securities through
Euroclear Participants.
Distributions with respect to interests in the Notes held beneficially through
Euroclear are credited to the cash accounts of
Euroclear Participants in accordance with the Euroclear Terms
and Conditions.
Clearance and Settlement Procedures
We understand
that investors that hold their Notes through Clearstream or Euroclear accounts will follow the
procedures that are applicable to conventional eurobonds in registered form.
Notes are credited to the securities custody accounts of
Clearstream and Euroclear participants on the business day following the
settlement date, for value on the settlement date. They are
credited either free of payment or against payment for value on the settlement date.
We understand
that secondary market trading between Clearstream and/or Euroclear participants will occur
in the ordinary
way following the applicable rules and operating procedures of Clearstream
and Euroclear. Secondary market
trading is settled using
procedures applicable to conventional eurobonds in registered form.
Investors should be aware that investors will only be able to make and receive
deliveries, payments and other
communications involving the Notes through Clearstream and Euroclear
on days when those systems are open for business. Those
systems may not be open for business on days when banks, brokers and other
institutions are open for business in the United States.
In addition, because of time-zone differences, there may be problems
with completing transactions involving Clearstream and
Euroclear on the same business day as in the United States. U.S. investors who
wish to transfer their interests in the Notes, or to make
or receive a payment or delivery of the Notes, on a particular day,
may find that the transactions will not be performed until the next
business day in Luxembourg or Brussels, depending on
whether Clearstream or Euroclear is used.
Clearstream or Euroclear will credit payments to the cash accounts of Clearstream
customers or Euroclear participants, as
applicable, in accordance with the relevant system’s
rules and procedures, to the extent received by its depositary.
Clearstream or the
Euroclear Operator, as the case may be, will take
any other action permitted to be taken by a holder under the Indenture on behalf
of a
Clearstream customer or Euroclear participant only in accordance with its relevant
rules and procedures.
Clearstream and Euroclear have agreed to the foregoing procedures
in order to facilitate transfers of interests in the Notes
among participants of Clearstream and Euroclear.
However, they are under no obligation to perform
or continue to perform those
procedures, and they may discontinue those procedures at any time.
Certificated Notes
Subject to certain conditions, the Notes represented by the global notes are
exchangeable for certificated notes in definitive
form of like tenor in minimum denominations of €100,000 principal
amount and multiples of €1,000 in excess thereof if:
the common depositary (A) notifies us that it is unwilling or unable to continue as depositary
for the global notes or (B) has
ceased to be a clearing agency registered under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, and, in each case, a
successor depositary is not appointed;
we, at our option, notify the trustee in writing that we elect to cause the issuance
of certificated notes; or
there has occurred and is continuing an event of default with respect to the notes.
In all cases, certificated notes delivered in exchange for any global note will be registered
in the names, and issued in any
approved denominations, requested by or on behalf of the common depositary
(in accordance with its customary procedures).
Payments (including principal, premium and interest) and transfers with
respect to Notes in certificated form may be
executed at the office or agency maintained for such purpose in
London (initially the office of the paying agent maintained for such
purpose) or, at our option, by check mailed
to the holders thereof at the respective addresses set forth in the register of holders of the
applicable Notes, provided that all payments (including principal, premium
and interest) on Notes in certificated form, for which the
holders thereof have given wire transfer instructions, will be required to be made
by wire transfer of immediately available funds to
the accounts specified by the holders thereof. No service charge
will be made for any registration of transfer, but payment
of a sum
sufficient to cover any tax or governmental charge
payable in connection with that registration may be required.