VMWARE, INC. | 928563402 | US9285634021 | - | 07/13/2023 | Election of Directors: Anthony Bates | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16586883.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16586883.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
VMWARE, INC. | 928563402 | US9285634021 | - | 07/13/2023 | Election of Directors: Michael Dell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16586883.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16586883.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
VMWARE, INC. | 928563402 | US9285634021 | - | 07/13/2023 | Election of Directors: Egon Durban | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16586883.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16586883.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
VMWARE, INC. | 928563402 | US9285634021 | - | 07/13/2023 | Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation, as described in VMware's Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16586883.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16586883.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
VMWARE, INC. | 928563402 | US9285634021 | - | 07/13/2023 | Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16586883.000000 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
16586883.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
VMWARE, INC. | 928563402 | US9285634021 | - | 07/13/2023 | To ratify the selection of by the Audit Committee of VMware's Board of Directors of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as VMware's independent auditor for the fiscal year ending February 2, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16586883.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16586883.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Matthew W. Chapman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Karlton D. Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Wade F. Meyercord | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Ganesh Moorthy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Robert A. Rango | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Karen M. Rapp | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Election of Directors: Steve Sanghi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Proposal to approve an amendment and restatement of our 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan to extend the term of the Plan by ten years to August 31, 2034. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Proposal to approve an amendment and restatement of our 1994 International Employee Stock Purchase Plan to extend the term of the Plan by ten years to November 30, 2034. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of Microchip for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Proposal to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our named executives. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Proposal to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the frequency period of the advisory executive compensation vote to be held every one, two, or three years. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY, INC. | 595017104 | US5950171042 | - | 08/22/2023 | Stockholder proposal requesting that our Board of Directors commission an independent third-party report, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, on our due diligence process to determine whether our customers' use of our products contribute or are linked to violations of international law. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 14966466.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
14966466.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 09/15/2023 | Approve Special Distribution by Way of a Dividend in Kind to Effect the Spin-Off of Sandoz Group AG | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11800308.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11800308.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 09/15/2023 | Approve CHF 22.8 Million Reduction in Share Capital via Reduction of Nominal Value in Connection with the Spin-Off | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 11800308.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11800308.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 09/15/2023 | Transact Other Business (Voting) | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 11800308.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11800308.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: MARVIN R. ELLISON | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: STEPHEN E. GORMAN | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: SUSAN PATRICIA GRIFFITH | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: AMY B. LANE | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: R. BRAD MARTIN | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: NANCY A. NORTON | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: FREDERICK P. PERPALL | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: JOSHUA COOPER RAMO | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: SUSAN C. SCHWAB | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: FREDERICK W. SMITH | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: DAVID P. STEINER | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: RAJESH SUBRAMANIAM | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Election of Directors: PAUL S. WALSH | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as FedEx's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Stockholder proposal regarding amendment to clawback policy. | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Stockholder proposal regarding a "Just Transition" report. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Stockholder proposal regarding paid sick leave disclosure. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FEDEX CORP. | 31428X106 | US31428X1063 | - | 09/21/2023 | Stockholder proposal regarding a report on climate risk associated with retirement plan options. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9540277.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9540277.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Approve Cross-Border Conversion and Amend Articles of Association | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect William Connelly as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Mark Ellman as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Karen Fawcett as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Jack McGarry as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Caroline Ramsay as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Thomas Wellauer as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Corien Wortmann-Kool as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Dona Young as Non-Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Elect Lard Friese as Executive Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Societe Cooperative, Incorporated as Independent Auditor of Aegon S.A. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V as Independent Auditor of Aegon Ltd. for the Financial Year 2023 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Ratify Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as Independent Auditor of Aegon Ltd. for the Financial Year 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AEGON NV | 0076CA104 | US0076CA1045 | - | 09/29/2023 | Change Jurisdiction, Nationality and Transfer Registered Office of the Company from Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Bermuda, Change Company Name from Aegon S.A to Aegon Ltd. and Approve Memorandum of Continuance of the Company | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 98436939.000000 | 0 | FOR |
98436939.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Craig Arnold | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Scott C. Donnelly | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Lidia L. Fonseca | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Andrea J. Goldsmith, Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Randall J. Hogan, III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Gregory P. Lewis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Kevin E. Lofton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Geoffrey S. Martha | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Elizabeth G. Nabel, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Denise M. O'Leary | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Electing, by separate resolutions, the eleven director nominees named in the proxy statement to hold office until the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Medtronic plc (the "Company"); Nominees: Kendall J. Powell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Ratifying, in a non-binding vote, the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent auditor for fiscal year 2024 and authorizing, in binding vote, the Board of Directors, acting through the Audit Committee, to set the auditor's remuneration; | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Approving, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensation; | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Approving the Company's 2024 Employee Stock Purchase Plan; | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Renewing the Board of Directors' authority to issue shares under Irish law; | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Renewing the Board of Directors' authority to opt out of pre-emption rights under Irish law; and | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MEDTRONIC PLC | G5960L103 | IE00BTN1Y115 | - | 10/19/2023 | Authorizing the Company and any subsidiary of the Company to make overseas market purchases of Medtronic ordinary shares. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 5043200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5043200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of four Class three Directors nominated by the Board of Directors for a three-year term to expire at the annual meeting of shareholders in 2026: Joseph J. Corasanti | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of four Class three Directors nominated by the Board of Directors for a three-year term to expire at the annual meeting of shareholders in 2026: Patricia Hatter | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of four Class three Directors nominated by the Board of Directors for a three-year term to expire at the annual meeting of shareholders in 2026: Stephen A. Skaggs | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Election of four Class three Directors nominated by the Board of Directors for a three-year term to expire at the annual meeting of shareholders in 2026: Sandeep Vij | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Non-binding advisory vote to approve compensation paid to named executive officers in fiscal year 2023. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future non-binding advisory shareholder votes on the compensation paid to our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Approval of the amendment and restatement of the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Approval of the amendment and restatement of the 2018 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COHERENT CORP. | 19247G107 | US19247G1076 | - | 11/09/2023 | Ratification of the Audit Committee's selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10336700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10336700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: Lachlan K. Murdoch | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: Tony Abbott AC | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: William A. Burck | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: Chase Carey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: Roland A. Hernandez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: Margaret "Peggy" L. Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to elect 7 directors: Paul D. Ryan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Proposal to ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FOX CORP. | 35137L204 | US35137L2043 | - | 11/17/2023 | Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8493265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8493265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Wesley G. Bush | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Michael D. Capellas | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Mark Garrett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: John D. Harris II | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Dr. Kristina M. Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Sarah Rae Murphy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Charles H. Robbins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Daniel H. Schulman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Election of Directors: Marianna Tessel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Approval of amendment and restatement of the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Approval, on an advisory basis, of executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Recommendation, on an advisory basis, on the frequency of executive compensation votes. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Cisco's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. | 17275R102 | US17275R1023 | - | 12/06/2023 | Stockholder Proposal - Approval to have Cisco's Board issue a tax transparency report in consideration of the Global Reporting Initiative's Tax Standard. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 18548987.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
18548987.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Reid G. Hoffman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Hugh F. Johnston | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Teri L. List | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Catherine MacGregor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Mark A. L. Mason | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Satya Nadella | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Sandra E. Peterson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Penny S. Pritzker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Carlos A. Rodriguez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Charles W. Scharf | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: John W. Stanton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Election of Directors: Emma N. Walmsley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation ("say-on-pay vote") | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our Independent Auditor for Fiscal Year 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Gender-Based Compensation and Benefit Gaps | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Risk from Omitting Ideology in EEO Policy | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Government Takedown Requests | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Risks of Weapons Development | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Climate Risks to Retirement Plan Beneficiaries | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Tax Transparency | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on Data Operations in Human Rights Hotspots | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Mandate for Third-Party Political Reporting | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MICROSOFT CORP. | 594918104 | US5949181045 | - | 12/07/2023 | Report on AI Misinformation and Disinformation | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 7155900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
7155900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Approve Discharge of Board and Senior Management | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of CHF 3.30 per Share | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Approve CHF 42.9 Million Reduction in Share Capital via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Amount of CHF 8.8 Million | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Approve Maximum Remuneration of Executive Committee in the Amount of CHF 95 Million | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Approve Remuneration Report | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Joerg Reinhardt as Director and Board Chair | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Nancy Andrews as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Ton Buechner as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Patrice Bula as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Elizabeth Doherty as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Bridgette Heller as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Daniel Hochstrasser as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Frans van Houten as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Simon Moroney as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Ana de Pro Gonzalo as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect Charles Sawyers as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect William Winters as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reelect John Young as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reappoint Patrice Bula as Member of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reappoint Bridgette Heller as Member of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reappoint Simon Moroney as Member of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Reappoint William Winters as Member of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Designate Peter Zahn as Independent Proxy | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NOVARTIS AG | 66987V109 | US66987V1098 | - | 03/05/2024 | Transact Other Business (Voting) | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 9440008.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9440008.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Timothy Archer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Jean Blackwell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Pierre Cohade | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: W. Roy Dunbar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Gretchen R. Haggerty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Ayesha Khanna | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Seetarama (Swamy) Kotagiri | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Simone Menne | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: George R. Oliver | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Jurgen Tinggren | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: Mark Vergnano | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | By separate resolutions, to elect the following individuals as Directors for a period of one year, expiring at the end of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2025: John D. Young | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent auditors of the Company. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To authorize the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors to set the auditors' remuneration. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To authorize the Company and/or any subsidiary of the Company to make market purchases of Company shares. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To determine the price range at which the Company can re-allot Shares that it holds as treasury shares (Special Resolution). | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the Directors' authority to allot shares up to approximately 20% of issued share capital. | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLC | G51502105 | IE00BY7QL619 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the waiver of statutory preemption rights with respect to up to 20% of the issued share capital (Special Resolution). | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 31560017.000000 | 0 | FOR |
31560017.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Jean-Pierre Clamadieu | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Terrence R. Curtin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Carol A. (''John'') Davidson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Lynn A. Dugle | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: William A. Jeffrey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Syaru Shirley Lin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Heath A. Mitts | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Abhijit Y. Talwalkar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Mark C. Trudeau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Dawn C. Willoughby | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | Election of eleven (11) director nominees proposed by the Board of Directors: Laura H. Wright | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect Carol A. (''John'') Davidson as the Chairman of the Board of Directors | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect the individual members of the Management Development and Compensation Committee: Abhijit Y. Talwalkar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect the individual members of the Management Development and Compensation Committee: Mark C. Trudeau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect the individual members of the Management Development and Compensation Committee: Dawn C. Willoughby | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect Proxy Voting Services GmbH, in Zurich, as the independent proxy at TE Connectivity's 2025 Annual General Meeting of shareholders and also at any shareholder meeting that may be held prior to the 2025 Annual General Meeting | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the 2023 Annual Report of TE Connectivity Ltd. (excluding the statutory financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023, the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023 and the Swiss Statutory Compensation Report for the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023) | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the statutory financial statements of TE Connectivity Ltd. for the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023 | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the consolidated financial statements of TE Connectivity Ltd. For the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023 | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To release the members of the Board of Directors and executive officers of TE Connectivity for activities during the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023 | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect Deloitte & Touche LLP as TE Connectivity's Independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect Deloitte AG, Zurich, Switzerland, as TE Connectivity's Swiss registered auditor until the next Annual General Meeting of TE Connectivity | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To elect PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich, Switzerland, as our special auditor until our next Annual General Meeting | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | An advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | An advisory vote to approve the Swiss Statutory Compensation Report for the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023 | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | A binding vote to approve fiscal year 2025 maximum aggregate compensation amount for executive management | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | A binding vote to approve fiscal year 2025 maximum aggregate compensation amount for the Board of Directors | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the carryforward of unappropriated accumulated earnings at September 29, 2023 | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve a dividend payment to shareholders equal to $2.60 per issued share to be paid in four equal quarterly installments of $0.65 starting with the third fiscal quarter of 2024 and ending in the second fiscal quarter of 2025 pursuant to the terms of the dividend resolution | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve a renewal of the Capital Band and related amendments to the articles of association of TE Connectivity | CAPITAL STRUCTURE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve a reduction of share capital for shares acquired under TE Connectivity's share repurchase program and related amendments to the articles of association of TE Connectivity | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve amendments to TE Connectivity's articles of association relating to the general meeting and shareholders matters | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve amendments to TE Connectivity's articles of association relating to hybrid and virtual general meetings of shareholders | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve amendments to TE Connectivity's articles of association relating to the Board of Directors, compensation and mandates | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve an authorization relating to TE Connectivity's Share Repurchase Program | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TE CONNECTIVITY, LTD. | H84989104 | CH0102993182 | - | 03/13/2024 | To approve the TE Connectivity Ltd. 2024 Stock and Incentive Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 8132575.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8132575.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 04/02/2024 | To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of January 9, 2024 (the "Merger Agreement"), by and among Juniper Networks, Inc. ("Juniper"), Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and Jasmine Acquisition Sub, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 04/02/2024 | To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Juniper's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 04/02/2024 | To approve an amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Juniper, as amended, to reflect new Delaware law provisions regarding officer exculpation. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 04/02/2024 | To adjourn the Juniper Special Meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies if there are insufficient votes to adopt the Merger Agreement at the time of the Juniper Special Meeting. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Linda Z. Cook | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Joseph J. Echevarria | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: M. Amy Gilliland | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Jeffrey A. Goldstein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: K. Guru Gowrappan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Ralph Izzo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Sandra E. "Sandie" O'Connor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Elizabeth E. Robinson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Rakefet Russak-Aminoach | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Robin Vince | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Alfred W. "Al" Zollar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Advisory resolution to approve the 2023 compensation of our named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent auditor for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | FOR |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding transperency in lobbying, if properly presented. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP. | 064058100 | US0640581007 | - | 04/09/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding report on risks of politicized de-banking, if properly presented. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 36449024.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
36449024.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Pamela L. Carter | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Frank A. D'Amelio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Regina E. Dugan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Jean M. Hobby | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Raymond J. Lane | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Ann M. Livermore | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Bethany J. Mayer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Antonio F. Neri | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles H. Noski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Raymond E. Ozzie | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Gary M. Reiner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Patricia F. Russo | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Approval of the increase of shares reserved under the Hewlett Packard Enterprise 2021 Stock Incentive Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Advisory vote to approve executive compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE CO. | 42824C109 | US42824C1099 | - | 04/10/2024 | Approval of a certificate of amendment to the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to permit the exculpation of officers as permitted by Delaware law | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 41857549.000000 | 0 | FOR |
41857549.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Jean-Pierre Garnier | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: David Gitlin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: John J. Greisch | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles M. Holley, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael M. McNamara | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Susan N. Story | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael A. Todman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Maximilian (Max) Viessmann | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Virginia M. Wilson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Election of Directors: Beth A. Wozniak | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Ratify Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Serve as Independent Auditor for 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CARRIER GLOBAL CORP. | 14448C104 | US14448C1045 | - | 04/18/2024 | Shareowner Proposal regarding transparency in lobbying | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 10694779.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
10694779.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Aida M. Alvarez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Robert R. Bennett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Chip Bergh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Bruce Broussard | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Stacy Brown-Philpot | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Stephanie A. Burns | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Mary Anne Citrino | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Richard L. Clemmer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Enrique Lores | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: David Meline | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Judith Miscik | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To elect each of the 12 director nominees named in the proxy statement: Kim K.W. Rucker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as HP Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, HP Inc.'s named executive officer compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To approve the Fourth Amended and Restated HP Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | To approve an amendment to HP Inc.'s Certificate of Incorporation to limit the liability of officers as permitted by law | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HP, INC. | 40434L105 | US40434L1052 | - | 04/22/2024 | Stockholder proposal requesting that HP Inc.'s Board of Directors adopt a policy to seek stockholder approval of any senior managers' new or renewed pay package that provides for certain severance or termination payments, if properly presented at the annual meeting | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 26316056.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
26316056.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Eric L. Zinterhofer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: W. Lance Conn | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Kim C. Goodman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Gregory B. Maffei | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: John D. Markley, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: David C. Merritt | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: James E. Meyer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Steven A. Miron | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Balan Nair | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael A. Newhouse | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Mauricio Ramos | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Carolyn J. Slaski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Election of Directors: Christopher L. Winfrey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Approval of the amendment increasing the number of shares in the Company's 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Approval of the amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to reflect new Delaware law provisions regarding officer exculpation. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | The ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ended December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | FOR |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding lobbying activities. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 16119P108 | US16119P1084 | - | 04/23/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding political expenditures report. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5514976.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
5514976.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Jennifer S. Banner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: K. David Boyer, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Agnes Bundy Scanlan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Dallas S. Clement | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Patrick C. Graney III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Linnie M. Haynesworth | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Donna S. Morea | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Charles A. Patton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: William H. Rogers, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Thomas E. Skains | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Laurence Stein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Bruce L. Tanner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | The election of thirteen directors, each for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Steven C. Voorhees | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Truist's independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | Advisory vote to approve Truist's executive compensation program. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | FOR |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | Shareholder proposal regarding an annual report on lobbying activities, if properly presented at the Annual Meeting. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP. | 89832Q109 | US89832Q1094 | - | 04/23/2024 | Shareholder proposal regarding a report on Board oversight of risks related to discrimination, if properly presented at the Annual Meeting. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 34231377.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
34231377.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Financial Statements, Allocation of Income, and Dividends of EUR 0.82 per Share | CAPITAL STRUCTURE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Discharge of Directors | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Discharge of Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Michele Burns as Independent Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Gregoire de Spoelberch as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Paulo Lemann as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Alexandre Van Damme as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Martin J. Barrington as Restricted Share Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Salvatore Mancuso as Restricted Share Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Alejandro Santo Domingo as Restricted Share Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Appoint PwC as Auditors for the Sustainability Reporting | OTHER |
Company-specific matter | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Remuneration Report | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 03524A108 | US03524A1088 | - | 04/24/2024 | Authorize Implementation of Approved Resolutions and Filing of Required Documents/Formalities at Trade Registry | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 23225700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23225700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Sharon L. Allen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Jose (Joe) E. Almeida | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Pierre J.P. de Weck | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Arnold W. Donald | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Linda P. Hudson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Monica C. Lozano | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Brian T. Moynihan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Lionel L. Nowell III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Denise L. Ramos | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Clayton S. Rose | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael D. White | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas D. Woods | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Maria T. Zuber | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approving our executive compensation (an advisory, non-binding "Say on Pay" resolution) | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratifying the appointment of our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Amending and restating the Bank of America Corporation Equity Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal requesting report on risks of politicized de-banking | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal requesting report on lobbying alignment with Bank of America's climate goals | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal requesting disclosure of clean energy financing ratio | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal requesting right to act by written consent | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal requesting independent board chair | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BANK OF AMERICA CORP. | 060505104 | US0605051046 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal requesting changes to executive compensation program | DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 51195000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
51195000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: David M. Cordani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: William J. DeLaney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Eric J. Foss | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Retired Maj. Gen. Elder Granger, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Neesha Hathi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: George Kurian | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Kathleen M. Mazzarella | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Philip O. Ozuah, M.D., Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Kimberly A. Ross | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Eric C. Wiseman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Donna F. Zarcone | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Advisory approval of The Cigna Group's executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as The Cigna Group's independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal - improve the shareholder right to call a special shareholder meeting. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CIGNA GROUP | 125523100 | US1255231003 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder proposal - Report to shareholders on risks created by the The Cigna Group's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9222172.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9222172.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Michele Burns | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Mark Flaherty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Kimberley Harris | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Kevin Johnson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Ellen Kullman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Lakshmi Mittal | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas Montag | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter Oppenheimer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: David Solomon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Jan Tighe | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Election of Directors: David Viniar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation (Say on Pay) | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a Policy for an Independent Chair | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a Transparency In Lobbying Report | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Outcome Report on Efforts Regarding Protected Classes of Employees | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Environmental Justice Impact Assessment | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Disclosure of Clean Energy Supply Financing Ratio | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a GSAM Proxy Voting Review | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a Report on Financial Statement Assumptions Regarding Climate Change | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. | 38141G104 | US38141G1040 | - | 04/24/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Pay Equity Reporting | DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 3993000.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
3993000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Remuneration Report | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of USD 0.70 per Share | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Creation of USD 70 Million Pool of Conditional Capital without Preemptive Rights | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Discharge of Board and Senior Management | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Colm Kelleher as Director and Board Chair | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Lukas Gaehwiler as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Jeremy Anderson as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Claudia Boeckstiegel as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect William Dudley as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Patrick Firmenich as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Fred Hu as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Mark Hughes as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Nathalie Rachou as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Julie Richardson as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reelect Jeanette Wong as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Elect Gail Kelly as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reappoint Julie Richardson as Chairperson of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Reappoint Jeanette Wong as Member of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Appoint Fred Hu as Member of the Compensation Committee | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Additional Remuneration of Directors in the Amount of CHF 2.2 Million for the Period from 2023 AGM until 2024 AGM | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Amount of CHF 16.5 Million for the Period from 2024 AGM until 2025 AGM | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Variable Remuneration of Executive Committee in the Amount of CHF 108.3 Million | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Approve Fixed Remuneration of Executive Committee in the Amount of CHF 33 Million | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Designate ADB Altorfer Duss & Beilstein AG as Independent Proxy | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratify Ernst & Young AG as Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Ratify BDO AG as Special Auditors | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UBS GROUP AG | H42097107 | CH0244767585 | - | 04/24/2024 | Transact Other Business (Voting) | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 16924200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
16924200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 3.76 per Share | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Reelect Rachel Duan as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Reelect Lise Kingo as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect Clotilde Delbos as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect Anne-Francoise Nesmes as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect John Sundy as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Compensation Report of Corporate Officers | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Compensation of Serge Weinberg, Chairman of the Board from January 1, 2023 to May 25, 2023 | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Compensation of Frederic Oudea, Chairman of the Board Since May 25, 2023 | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Compensation of Paul Hudson, CEO | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Remuneration Policy of Directors | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Remuneration Policy of Chairman of the Board | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve Remuneration Policy of CEO | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Appoint Mazars as Auditor | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Appoint Mazars as Auditor Responsible for Certifying Sustainability Information | OTHER |
Company-specific matter | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit as Auditor Responsible for Certifying Sustainability Information | OTHER |
Company-specific matter | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Authorize up to 1.5 Percent of Issued Capital for Use in Restricted Stock Plans | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Authorize Capital Issuances for Use in Employee Stock Purchase Plans | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Authorize Capital Issuances for Use in Employee Stock Purchase Plans Reserved for Employees and Corporate Officers of International Subsidiaries | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SANOFI | 80105N105 | US80105N1054 | - | 04/30/2024 | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 58212424.000000 | 0 | FOR |
58212424.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Alan S. Armstrong | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Stephen W. Bergstrom | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Michael A. Creel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Stacey H. Dore | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Carri A. Lockhart | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Richard E. Muncrief | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Peter A. Ragauss | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Rose M. Robeson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Scott D. Sheffield | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Murray D. Smith | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: William H. Spence | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Elect 12 Director Nominees for a One-Year Term: Jesse J. Tyson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation of our Named Executive Officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Ratify the Selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. | 969457100 | US9694571004 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approve the Adoption of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of The Williams Companies, Inc. to Limit the Liability of Certain Officers as Permitted by Law. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 26837757.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26837757.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Steven D. Black | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Mark A. Chancy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Celeste A. Clark | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Theodore F. Craver, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Richard K. Davis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Fabian T. Garcia | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Wayne M. Hewett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: CeCelia G. Morken | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Maria R. Morris | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Felicia F. Norwood | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Ronald L. Sargent | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles W. Scharf | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Suzanne M. Vautrinot | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Advisory vote to approve executive compensation (Say on Pay). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approval of an amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation to opt out of Delaware General Corporation Law Section 203. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Approval of an amendment to the By-Laws to remove the supermajority vote standard to amend the local directors provision. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | FOR |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Annual Report on Prevention of Workplace Harassment and Discrimination. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Third-Party Assessment of Respect for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Report on Respecting Indigenous Peoples' Rights. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Audit of Climate Transition Policies. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Annual Climate Lobbying Congruency Report. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Annual Report on Congruency of Political Spending and Corporate Values. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Transparency in Lobbying Annual Report. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
WELLS FARGO & CO. | 949746101 | US9497461015 | - | 04/30/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Report on Risks of Politicized De-Banking. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 81393741.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
81393741.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Kathryn J. Boor | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Mark J. Costa | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Carol Anthony (John) Davidson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: John F. Ferraro | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: J. Erik Fyrwald | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Christina Gold | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Gary Hu | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Kevin O'Byrne | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Elect ten members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Dawn C. Willoughby | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the 2024 fiscal year. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers in 2023. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Approve the Company's Amended and Restated 2021 Stock Award and Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES, INC. | 459506101 | US4595061015 | - | 05/01/2024 | Commission a third-party assessment on the Company's commitment to freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 13846900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
13846900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Richard D. Fairbank | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Ime Archibong | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Christine Detrick | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Ann Fritz Hackett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Suni P. Harford | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter Thomas Killalea | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Cornelis ("Eli") Leenaars | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Francois Locoh-Donou | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter E. Raskind | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Eileen Serra | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Mayo A. Shattuck III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Craig Anthony Williams | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Advisory vote on our Named Executive Officer compensation ("Say on Pay"). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Approval and adoption of the Capital One Financial Corporation Amended and Restated 2002 Associate Stock Purchase Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP, as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Stockholder proposal requesting setting of near - and long-term greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Stockholder proposal requesting a report on respecting workforce civil liberties. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP. | 14040H105 | US14040H1059 | - | 05/02/2024 | Stockholder proposal requesting a director election resignation bylaw. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 16990435.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
16990435.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Vicky A. Bailey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Andrew Gould | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Carlos M. Gutierrez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Vicki Hollub | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: William R. Klesse | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Jack B. Moore | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Claire O'Neill | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Avedick B. Poladian | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Kenneth B. Robinson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert M. Shearer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Ratification of Selection of KPMG as Occidental's Independent Auditor | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | FOR |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. | 674599105 | US6745991058 | - | 05/02/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Requesting an Annual Report on Lobbying | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 54290826.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
54290826.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Tracy A. Atkinson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Christopher T. Calio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Leanne G. Caret | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Bernard A. Harris, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Gregory J. Hayes | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: George R. Oliver | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert K. (Kelly) Ortberg | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Ellen M. Pawlikowski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Denise L. Ramos | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Fredric G. Reynolds | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Brian C. Rogers | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: James A. Winnefeld, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert O. Work | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Serve as Independent Auditor for 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Approve an Amendment to the RTX Corporation 2018 Long-Term Incentive Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Shareowner Proposal Requesting a Lobbying Transparency Report | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Shareowner Proposal Requesting a Report on Full Value Chain Emissions Reduction Plan | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
RTX CORP. | 75513E101 | US75513E1010 | - | 05/02/2024 | Shareowner Proposal Requesting a Human Rights Impact Assessment | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 29662800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
29662800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Kathleen Q. Abernathy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Hamid Akhavan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: George R. Brokaw | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephen J. Bye | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: James DeFranco | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: R. Stanton Dodge | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Cantey M. Ergen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles W. Ergen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Lisa W. Hershman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Tom A. Ortolf | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | Election of Directors: William D. Wade | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as EchoStar Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ECHOSTAR CORP. | 278768106 | US2787681061 | - | 05/03/2024 | To approve the Amended and Restated 2017 EchoStar Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares reserved for issuance under such plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9310709.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9310709.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Jose (Joe) E. Almeida | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: William A. Ampofo II | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Patricia B. Morrison | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephen N. Oesterle, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephen H. Rusckowski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Nancy M. Schlichting | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Brent Shafer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Cathy R. Smith | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Amy A. Wendell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: David S. Wilkes, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter M. Wilver | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Advisory vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Approve the Company's Amended and Restated 2021 Incentive Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Approve an Amendment to the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Permit Officer Exculpation | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAXTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 071813109 | US0718131099 | - | 05/07/2024 | Shareholder Proposal - Executives to Retain Significant Stock | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 18088600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
18088600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter J. Arduini | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D., M.P.H. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Christopher S. Boerner, Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Julia A. Haller, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Manuel Hidalgo Medina, M.D., Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Paula A. Price | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Derica W. Rice | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Theodore R. Samuels | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Karen H. Vousden, Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Phyllis R. Yale | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our Named Executive Officers | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Ratification of the Appointment of an Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Approval of an Amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Provide for Limited Officer Exculpation | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Shareholder Proposal on the Adoption of a Board Policy that the Chairperson of the Board be an Independent Director | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO. | 110122108 | US1101221083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Shareholder Proposal on Executive Retention of Significant Stock | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11355339.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11355339.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: James A. Bennett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Robert M. Blue | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Paul M. Dabbar | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: D. Maybank Hagood | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Mark J. Kington | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Kristin G. Lovejoy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Joseph M. Rigby | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Pamela J. Royal, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Robert H. Spilman, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Susan N. Story | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors. The nominees are: Vanessa Allen Sutherland | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Advisory Vote on Approval of Executive Compensation (Say on Pay) | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditor | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Approval of 2024 Incentive Compensation Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a Policy to Require an Independent Chair | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
DOMINION ENERGY, INC. | 25746U109 | US25746U1097 | - | 05/07/2024 | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Amending the Articles of Incorporation to Become a Benefit Corporation | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 16086200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
16086200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephen Angel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Sebastien Bazin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Margaret Billson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: H. Lawrence Culp, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas Enders | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Edward Garden | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Isabella Goren | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas Horton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Catherine Lesjak | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Darren McDew | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Advisory Approval of Our Named Executives' Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Ratification of Deloitte as Independent Auditor for 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Independent Board Chairman | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | 369604301 | US3696043013 | - | 05/07/2024 | Report Analyzing Risks Arising from Voluntary Carbon-Reduction Commitments | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 12168200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
12168200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Richard Dickson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Elisabeth B. Donohue | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert J. Fisher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: William S. Fisher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Tracy Gardner | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Kathryn Hall | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Amy Miles | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Chris O'Neill | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Mayo A. Shattuck III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Tariq Shaukat | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Election of Directors: Salaam Coleman Smith | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent accountant for the fiscal year ending on February 1, 2025. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the overall compensation of the named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE GAP, INC. | 364760108 | US3647601083 | - | 05/07/2024 | Approval of the amendment of our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 26878300.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26878300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Jacqueline K. Barton, Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Jeffrey A. Bluestone, Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Sandra J. Horning, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Kelly A. Kramer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Ted W. Love, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Harish Manwani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Daniel P. O'Day | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Javier J. Rodriguez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To elect the nine director nominees to be named in the Proxy Statement to serve for the next year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Anthony Welters | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers as presented in the Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To approve an amendment to our Restated Certificate of Incorporation to reflect new Delaware law provisions regarding officer exculpation. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | FOR |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To vote on a stockholder proposal requesting that the Board include one member from the Company's non-management employees. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To vote on a stockholder proposal requesting that the Board issue a report detailing the risks and costs to the Company caused by opposing or otherwise altering Company policy in response to state policies regulating abortion, and detailing any strategies beyond litigation and legal compliance that the Company may deploy to minimize or mitigate these risks. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. | 375558103 | US3755581036 | - | 05/08/2024 | To vote on a stockholder proposal requesting that the Board adopt a policy requiring the Company's named executive officers to retain at least 25% of net-after tax shares of stock acquired through equity pay programs until reaching normal retirement age (at least age 60). | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 24371112.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
24371112.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Approve Remuneration Report | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Wendy Becker as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Elect Jeannie Lee as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Sir Jonathan Symonds as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Dame Emma Walmsley as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Julie Brown as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Elizabeth Anderson as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Charles Bancroft as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Hal Barron as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Anne Beal as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Harry Dietz as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Jesse Goodman as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Vishal Sikka as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Reappoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise the Audit & Risk Committee to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise UK Political Donations and Expenditure | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Issue of Equity | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Issue of Equity without Pre-emptive Rights | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Issue of Equity without Pre-emptive Rights in Connection with an Acquisition or Other Capital Investment | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary Shares | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Approve the Exemption from Statement of the Name of the Senior Statutory Auditor in Published Copies of the Auditors' Reports | OTHER |
Company-specific matter | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GSK PLC | 37733W204 | US37733W2044 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise the Company to Call General Meeting with Two Weeks' Notice | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 50047977.000000 | 0 | FOR |
50047977.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Approve Remuneration Report | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Approve Final Dividend | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Sir Dave Lewis as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Brian McNamara as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Tobias Hestler as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Vindi Banga as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Marie-Anne Aymerich as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Tracy Clarke as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Dame Vivienne Cox as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Asmita Dubey as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Deirdre Mahlan as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect David Denton as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Re-elect Bryan Supran as Director | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Reappoint KPMG LLP as Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise the Audit & Risk Committee to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise UK Political Donations and Expenditure | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Issue of Equity | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Issue of Equity without Pre-emptive Rights | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Issue of Equity without Pre-emptive Rights in Connection with an Acquisition or Other Capital Investment | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise the Company to Call General Meeting with Two Weeks' Notice | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary Shares | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
HALEON PLC | 405552100 | US4055521003 | - | 05/08/2024 | Authorise Off-Market Purchase of Ordinary Shares from Pfizer | EXTRAORDINARY TRANSACTIONS CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 130111961.000000 | 0 | FOR |
130111961.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Juan Andres | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: John Carethers | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Lan Kang | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Joseph Massaro | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Mala Murthy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Jonathan Peacock | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael Severino | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael Stubblefield | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of Directors: Gregory Summe | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Approve the Officer Exculpation Amendment and Other Immaterial Amendments to our Certificate of Incorporation. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AVANTOR, INC. | 05352A100 | US05352A1007 | - | 05/09/2024 | Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Executive Officer Compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 40462815.000000 | 0 | FOR |
40462815.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Richard H. Anderson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Philip S. Davidson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Francesca A. DeBiase | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Marcela E. Donadio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Mary Kathryn "Heidi" Heitkamp | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: John C. Huffard, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Christopher T. Jones | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Thomas C. Kelleher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Amy E. Miles | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Claude Mongeau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Jennifer F. Scanlon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: Alan H. Shaw | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. COMPANY RECOMMENDED NOMINEE: John R. Thompson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: Betsy Atkins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: James Barber, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: William Clyburn, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: Sameh Fahmy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: John Kasich | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: Gilbert Lamphere | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of 13 directors for a term to end as of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. You may mark "FOR" with respect to up to only 13 nominees in total. If you vote "FOR" with respect to lower than 13 nominees, your shares will be voted "FOR" only with respect to those nominees you have so marked. if you vote "FOR" with respect to more than 13 nominees, your vote on item 1 regarding election of directors will be invalid and will not be counted. if you sign and return your proxy card and do not specify how you want your shares to be voted, your shares will be voted "FOR" each of the Norfolk Southern Corporation nominees only. NOMINEE OPPOSED BY THE COMPANY: Allison Landry | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Approval of the advisory resolution on executive compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding an annual report on lobbying activities, policies, and communications, if properly presented | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | The Ancora Bylaws Proposal to repeal any provision or amendment of Norfolk Southern's Bylaws adopted by the Board without shareholder approval after July 25, 2023, if properly presented | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | S000011202 | - | ||||
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: Betsy Atkins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: James Barber, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: William Clyburn, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: Sameh Fahmy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: John Kasich | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: Gilbert Lamphere | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: ANCORA NOMINEES: Allison Landry | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: Mary Kathryn "Heidi" Heitkamp | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: John Huffard, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: Claude Mongeau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: Amy Miles | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: Jennifer Scanlon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: Alan Shaw | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: COMPANY NOMINEES OPPOSED BY ANCORA: John Thompson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | WITHHOLD |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: OTHER COMPANY NOMINEES ACCEPTABLE TO ANCORA: Richard Anderson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: OTHER COMPANY NOMINEES ACCEPTABLE TO ANCORA: Philip Davidson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: OTHER COMPANY NOMINEES ACCEPTABLE TO ANCORA: Francesca DeBiase | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: OTHER COMPANY NOMINEES ACCEPTABLE TO ANCORA: Marcela Donadio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: OTHER COMPANY NOMINEES ACCEPTABLE TO ANCORA: Christopher Jones | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Election of directors to Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors for a term of one year, to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. You may submit votes "FOR" up to thirteen nominees in total. You are permitted to vote for less than thirteen nominees. Importantly, if you mark more than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors on this BLUE proxy card, all of your votes for the election of directors will be deemed invalid. If you mark fewer than thirteen "FOR" boxes with respect to the election of directors, this proxy card, when duly executed, will be voted only "FOR" those nominees you have so marked: OTHER COMPANY NOMINEES ACCEPTABLE TO ANCORA: Thomas Kelleher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as Norfolk Southern's Independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | Approval of the advisory resolution on executive compensation, as disclosed in the Norfolk Southern's proxy statement for the 2024 Annual Meeting. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | AGAINST |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | A Shareholder proposal regarding an annual report on lobbying activities, policies and communications. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | AGAINST |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. | 655844108 | US6558441084 | - | 05/09/2024 | To approve the proposal to repeal any provision of, or amendment to, the Bylaws, dated as of July 26, 2023, that the Corporation's Board of Directors has adopted after July 26, 2023, which is the date of the most recent publicly available amendment and restatement of the Corporation's bylaws, and up to and including the date of the 2024 Annual Meeting. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 5202300.000000 | 0.000000 | FOR |
5202300.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Christopher B. Begley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Betsy J. Bernard | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael J. Farrell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert A. Hagemann | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Arthur J. Higgins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Maria Teresa Hilado | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Syed Jafry | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Sreelakshmi Kolli | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Louis Shapiro | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Ivan Tornos | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, named executive officer compensation ("Say on Pay"). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC. | 98956P102 | US98956P1021 | - | 05/10/2024 | Approve the amended Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 9804151.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9804151.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: W. Geoffrey Beattie | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Abdulaziz M. Al Gudaimi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Gregory D. Brenneman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Cynthia B. Carroll | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Michael R. Dumais | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Lynn L. Elsenhans | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: John G. Rice | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Lorenzo Simonelli | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The election of directors: Mohsen M. Sohi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | An advisory vote related to the Company's executive compensation program | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | The ratification of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | Amendment and Restatement of the Certificate of Incorporation to limit the liability of certain officers of the Company | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | Amendment and Restatement of the Certificate of Incorporation to add a federal forum selection provision | SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AND DEFENSES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BAKER HUGHES CO. | 05722G100 | US05722G1004 | - | 05/13/2024 | Amendment and Restatement of the Certificate of Incorporation to clarify and modernize the Certificate of Incorporation | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 33551066.000000 | 0 | FOR |
33551066.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Edward G. Galante | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Timothy Go | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Kathryn M. Hill | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: David F. Hoffmeister | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Dr. Jay V. Ihlenfeld | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Deborah J. Kissire | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael Koenig | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Ganesh Moorthy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Kim K.W. Rucker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Election of Directors: Lori J. Ryerkerk | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Advisory approval of executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CELANESE CORP. | 150870103 | US1508701034 | - | 05/13/2024 | Approval of an amendment to the Company's Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to provide for officer exculpation and indemnification under Delaware law. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 4442098.000000 | 0 | FOR |
4442098.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Dennis V. Arriola | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Gay Huey Evans | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Jeffrey A. Joerres | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Ryan M. Lance | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Timothy A. Leach | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: William H. McRaven | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Sharmila Mulligan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Eric D. Mullins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Arjun N. Murti | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Robert A. Niblock | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: David T. Seaton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: R.A. Walker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | Proposal to ratify appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as ConocoPhillips' independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | Simple Majority Vote. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CONOCOPHILLIPS | 20825C104 | US20825C1045 | - | 05/14/2024 | Revisit Pay Incentives for GHG Emission Reductions. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 8392934.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
8392934.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Gary A. Shiffman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Tonya Allen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Meghan G. Baivier | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Stephanie W. Bergeron | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Jeff T. Blau | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Jerome W. Ehlinger | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Brian M. Hermelin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Craig A. Leupold | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Clunet R. Lewis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | Election of ten Directors to serve until our 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Arthur A. Weiss | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote, executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
SUN COMMUNITIES, INC. | 866674104 | US8666741041 | - | 05/14/2024 | To ratify the selection of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 3877700.000000 | 0 | FOR |
3877700.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Frank J. Bisignano | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Henrique de Castro | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Harry F. DiSimone | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Lance M. Fritz | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Ajei S. Gopal | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Wafaa Mamilli | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Heidi G. Miller | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Doyle R. Simons | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Kevin M. Warren | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Charlotte B. Yarkoni | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers of Fiserv, Inc. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FISERV, INC. | 337738108 | US3377381088 | - | 05/15/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of Fisery, Inc. for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 23235000.000000 | 0 | FOR |
23235000.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MOLSON COORS BEVERAGE CO. | 60871R209 | US60871R2094 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Roger G. Eaton | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10727325.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10727325.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MOLSON COORS BEVERAGE CO. | 60871R209 | US60871R2094 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles M. Herington | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10727325.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10727325.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MOLSON COORS BEVERAGE CO. | 60871R209 | US60871R2094 | - | 05/15/2024 | Election of Directors: H. Sanford Riley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10727325.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10727325.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
MOLSON COORS BEVERAGE CO. | 60871R209 | US60871R2094 | - | 05/15/2024 | To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of Molson Coors Beverage Company's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10727325.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10727325.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: P. de Saint-Aignan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: M. Chandoha | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: D. DeMaio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: A. Fawcett | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: W. Freda | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: S. Mathew | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: W. Meaney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: R. O'Hanley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: S. O'Sullivan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: J. Portalatin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: J. Rhea | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To elect 12 directors: G. Summe | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To approve an advisory proposal on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
STATE STREET CORP. | 857477103 | US8574771031 | - | 05/15/2024 | To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as State Street's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 14493100.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14493100.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | 02043Q107 | US02043Q1076 | - | 05/16/2024 | To elect the following nominees as Class II directors of Alnylam: Dennis A. Ausiello, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2346400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2346400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | 02043Q107 | US02043Q1076 | - | 05/16/2024 | To elect the following nominees as Class II directors of Alnylam: Olivier Brandicourt, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2346400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2346400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | 02043Q107 | US02043Q1076 | - | 05/16/2024 | To elect the following nominees as Class II directors of Alnylam: Peter N. Kellogg | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2346400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2346400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | 02043Q107 | US02043Q1076 | - | 05/16/2024 | To elect the following nominees as Class II directors of Alnylam: David E.I. Pyott | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2346400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2346400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | 02043Q107 | US02043Q1076 | - | 05/16/2024 | To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of Alnylam's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2346400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2346400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | 02043Q107 | US02043Q1076 | - | 05/16/2024 | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as Alnylam's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2346400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2346400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Fernando Aguirre | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Jeffrey R. Balser, M.D., Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: C. David Brown II | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Alecia A. DeCoudreaux | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Nancy-Ann M. DeParle | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Roger N. Farah | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Anne M. Finucane | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: J. Scott Kirby | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Karen S. Lynch | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael F. Mahoney | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Jean-Pierre Millon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Election of Directors: Mary L. Schapiro | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Ratification of the Appointment of Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Say on Pay, a Proposal to Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's Executive Compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Proposal to Amend the Company's 2017 Incentive Compensation Plan to Increase the Number of Shares Authorized to be Issued under the Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Stockholder Proposal Requesting an Independent, Third Party Worker Rights Assessment and Report. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Stockholder Proposal to Prohibit the Re-nomination of Any Director Who Fails to Receive a Majority Vote. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Stockholder Proposal for a Stockholder Right to Vote on "Excessive" Golden Parachutes. | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
CVS HEALTH CORP. | 126650100 | US1266501006 | - | 05/16/2024 | Stockholder Proposal Requesting a Policy Requiring Our Directors to Disclose Their Expected Allocation of Hours Among All Formal Commitments. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 27543900.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
27543900.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Elizabeth M. Anderson | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Barbara W. Bodem | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Athena Countouriotis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Willard Dere | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Mark J. Enyedy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Alexander Hardy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Elaine J. Heron | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Maykin Ho | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert J. Hombach | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Richard A. Meier | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: David E.I. Pyott | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. | 09061G101 | US09061G1013 | - | 05/21/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 8914025.000000 | 0 | FOR |
8914025.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter J. Arduini | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: H. Lawrence Culp, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Rodney F. Hochman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Lloyd W. Howell, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Risa Lavizzo-Mourey | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Catherine Lesjak | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Anne T. Madden | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Tomislav Mihaljevic | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: William J. Stromberg | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Election of Directors: Phoebe L. Yang | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Approval of our named executive officers' compensation in an advisory vote. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | 36266G107 | US36266G1076 | - | 05/21/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent auditor for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10707966.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10707966.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Jeffrey P. Bezos | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Andrew R. Jassy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Keith B. Alexander | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Edith W. Cooper | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Jamie S. Gorelick | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Daniel P. Huttenlocher | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Andrew Y. Ng | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Indra K. Nooyi | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Jonathan J. Rubinstein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Brad D. Smith | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Patricia Q. Stonesifer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
AMAZON.COM, INC. | 023135106 | US0231351067 | - | 05/22/2024 | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Wendell P. Weeks | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | ISSUER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | FOR |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 11480600.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
11480600.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | Election of Directors: William H. Rastetter, Ph.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | Election of Directors: George J. Morrow | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Leslie V. Norwalk | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | Election of Directors: Christine A. Poon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | Advisory vote on the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers; | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | To approve an amendment of the Company's 2020 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance thereunder by 3,635,000 shares; and | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC. | 64125C109 | US64125C1099 | - | 05/22/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 695148.000000 | 0 | FOR |
695148.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Five Directors for Three-Year Terms: Walter W. Bettinger II | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Five Directors for Three-Year Terms: Joan T. Dea | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Five Directors for Three-Year Terms: Christopher V. Dodds | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Five Directors for Three-Year Terms: Bharat B. Masrani | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Election of Five Directors for Three-Year Terms: Charles A. Ruffel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Ratification of the Selection of Independent Auditors | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Advisory Approval of Named Executive Officer Compensation | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | FOR |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Stockholder Proposal Requesting Changes to the Executive Compensation Program | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Stockholder Proposal on Workforce Discrimination Risk Oversight and Impact | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORP. | 808513105 | US8085131055 | - | 05/23/2024 | Stockholder Proposal on Pay Equity Disclosure | DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 57921035.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
57921035.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Jacques Aigrain | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Lincoln Benet | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Robin Buchanan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Anthony (Tony) Chase | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert (Bob) Dudley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Claire Farley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Rita Griffin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Michael Hanley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Virginia Kamsky | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Bridget Karlin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Albert Manifold | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Election of Directors: Peter Vanacker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Discharge of Directors from Liability | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Adoption of 2023 Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. as the Auditor of our 2024 Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Advisory Vote Approving Executive Compensation (Say-on-Pay) | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Authorization to Conduct Share Repurchases | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES NV | N53745100 | NL0009434992 | - | 05/24/2024 | Cancellation of Shares | CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | ISSUER | 10501363.000000 | 0 | FOR |
10501363.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Peggy Alford | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Marc L. Andreessen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: John Arnold | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Andrew W. Houston | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Nancy Killefer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Robert M. Kimmitt | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Hock E. Tan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Tracey T. Travis | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Tony Xu | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | Election of Directors: Mark Zuckerberg | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as Meta Platforms, Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | To amend Meta Platforms, Inc.'s Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | To amend Meta Platforms, Inc.'s 2012 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding dual class capital structure. | SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AND DEFENSES CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding report on generative AI misinformation and disinformation risks. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding disclosure of voting results based on class of shares. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding report on human rights risks in non-US markets. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding amendment of corporate governance guidelines. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding human rights impact assessment on AI systems driving targeted advertising. | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding report on child safety impacts and actual harm reduction to children. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding report and advisory vote on minimum age for social media. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding report on political advertising and election cycle enhanced actions. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
META PLATFORMS, INC. | 30303M102 | US30303M1027 | - | 05/29/2024 | A shareholder proposal regarding report on framework to assess company lobbying alignment with climate goals. | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2607800.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2607800.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Election of Directors: William Doyle | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Art Garcia | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Denise Scots-Knight | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Election of Directors: Jeffrey Simmons | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Advisory vote on the compensation of company's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Approval of the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to declassify the Board of Directors. | SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AND DEFENSES |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Approval of the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to adopt a majority vote standard for uncontested elections of Directors. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Approval of the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to provide shareholders with the right to amend the company's Bylaws. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. | 28414H103 | US28414H1032 | - | 05/30/2024 | Approval of the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to provide shareholders with the right to request special meetings of shareholders. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 55396500.000000 | 0 | FOR |
55396500.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Charles Baker | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Timothy Flynn | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Paul Garcia | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Kristen Gil | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephen Hemsley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Michele Hooper | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: F. William McNabb III | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Valerie Montgomery Rice, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: John Noseworthy, M.D. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Election of Directors: Andrew Witty | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | FOR |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP, INC. | 91324P102 | US91324P1021 | - | 06/03/2024 | If properly presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholder proposal requiring a political contributions congruency report. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 2655260.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
2655260.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Glenn D. Fogel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Mirian M. Graddick-Weir | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Kelly Grier | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Wei Hopeman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Robert J. Mylod, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Charles H. Noski | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Larry Quinlan | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Nicholas J. Read | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Thomas E. Rothman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Sumit Singh | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Lynn Vojvodich Radakovich | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | To elect twelve directors to hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until their respective successors are elected and qualified: Vanessa A. Wittman | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | Advisory vote to approve 2023 executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 401730.000000 | 0 | FOR |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | Stockholder proposal requesting a non-binding stockholder vote to amend the Company's clawback policy. | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 401730.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BOOKING HOLDINGS, INC. | 09857L108 | US09857L1089 | - | 06/04/2024 | Stockholder proposal requesting a non-binding stockholder vote regarding reproductive rights and data privacy. | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 401730.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
401730.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Zein Abdalla | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Vinita Bali | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Eric Branderiz | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Archana Deskus | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: John M. Dineen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Ravi Kumar S | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Leo S. Mackay, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Michael Patsalos-Fox | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Stephen J. Rohleder | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Abraham Schot | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Joseph M. Velli | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of 12 directors to serve until the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders: Sandra S. Wijnberg | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of the company's named executive officers (say-on-pay). | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Adopt the company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to limit the liability of certain officers as permitted by Delaware law, remove obsolete provisions and make other technical and administrative updates. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | FOR |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP. | 192446102 | US1924461023 | - | 06/04/2024 | Shareholder proposal regarding fair treatment of shareholder nominees, requesting that the board of directors adopt and disclose a policy relating to treating shareholders' board nominees equitably and without certain unnecessary requirements. | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 14435177.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
14435177.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Anne DelSanto | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Kevin DeNuccio | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: James Dolce | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Steven Fernandez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Christine Gorjanc | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Janet Haugen | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Scott Kriens | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Rahul Merchant | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: Rami Rahim | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Election of Directors: William Stensrud | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as our auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Approval of a non-binding advisory resolution on executive compensation. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Approval of the amendment and restatement of the Juniper Networks, Inc. 2015 Equity Incentive Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. | 48203R104 | US48203R1041 | - | 06/04/2024 | Approval of the amendment and restatement of the Juniper Networks, Inc. 2008 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 26720265.000000 | 0 | FOR |
26720265.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Lee Adrean | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Mark D. Benjamin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Stephanie L. Ferris | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Jeffrey A. Goldstein | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Lisa A. Hook | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Kenneth T. Lamneck | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: Gary L. Lauer | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | Election of Directors: James B. Stallings, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
FIDELITY NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. | 31620M106 | US31620M1062 | - | 06/05/2024 | To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2024. | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 27726400.000000 | 0 | FOR |
27726400.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: C. Edward ("Chuck") Chaplin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Stephen C. ("Steve") Hooley | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Michael J. ("Mike") Inserra | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Carol D. Juel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Eileen A. Mallesch | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Diane E. Offereins | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Eric T. Steigerwalt | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Paul M. Wetzel | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Election of nine (9) Directors to serve a one-year term ending at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders: Lizabeth H. Zlatkus | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Brighthouse Financial's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to Brighthouse Financial's Named Executive Officers | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation paid to Brighthouse Financial's Named Executive Officers | SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTES |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | ONE YEAR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
BRIGHTHOUSE FINANCIAL, INC. | 10922N103 | US10922N1037 | - | 06/06/2024 | Approval of the amended and restated Brighthouse Financial, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan | COMPENSATION |
- | ISSUER | 4928900.177430 | 0 | FOR |
4928900.177430 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: Larry Page | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: Sergey Brin | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: Sundar Pichai | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: John L. Hennessy | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: Frances H. Arnold | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: R. Martin "Marty" Chavez | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: L. John Doerr | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: Roger W. Ferguson Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: K. Ram Shriram | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Election of ten Directors: Robin L. Washington | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as Alphabet's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024 | AUDIT-RELATED |
- | ISSUER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | FOR |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding "Bylaw Amendment: Stockholder Approval of Director Compensation" | COMPENSATION |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding an EEO policy risk report | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a report on electromagnetic radiation and wireless technologies risks | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a policy for director transparency on political and charitable giving | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a report on climate risks to retirement plan beneficiaries | ENVIRONMENT OR CLIMATE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a lobbying report | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding equal shareholder voting | SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AND DEFENSES CAPITAL STRUCTURE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a report on reproductive healthcare misinformation risks | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding Al principles and Board oversight | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a report on generative Al misinformation and disinformation risks | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a human rights assessment of Al-driven targeted ad policies | HUMAN RIGHTS OR HUMAN CAPITAL/WORKFORCE |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
ALPHABET, INC. | 02079K305 | US02079K3059 | - | 06/07/2024 | Stockholder proposal regarding a report on online safety for children | OTHER SOCIAL ISSUES |
- | SECURITY HOLDER | 9567200.000000 | 0 | AGAINST |
9567200.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COMCAST CORP. | 20030N101 | US20030N1019 | - | 06/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Kenneth J. Bacon | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 45730794.000000 | 0 | FOR |
45730794.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COMCAST CORP. | 20030N101 | US20030N1019 | - | 06/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Thomas J. Baltimore, Jr. | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 45730794.000000 | 0 | FOR |
45730794.000000 |
S000011202 | - | |
COMCAST CORP. | 20030N101 | US20030N1019 | - | 06/10/2024 | Election of Directors: Madeline S. Bell | DIRECTOR ELECTIONS |
- | ISSUER | 45730794.000000 | 0 | FOR |
45730794.000000 |