FWP 1 ea168594-fwp_erayak.htm FREE WRITING PROSPECTUS

ENERGY. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. INVESTMENT OFFERING ERAYAK POWER SOLUTION GROUP INC. NOVEMBER 2022 Issuer Free Writing Prospectus dated November 16, 2022 Filed Pursuant to Rule 433 of the Securities Act of 1993, as amended Relating to Preliminary Prospectus dated November 16, 2022 SEC Registration No. 333 - 262292 Nasdaq Ticker: RAYA



Free Writing Prospectus Statement This free writing prospectus relates to the proposed public offering of Class A Ordinary Shares (“Shares”) of Erayak Power Solution Group Inc . (“we”, “us”, or “our”) and should be read together with the Registration Statement we filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) for the offering to which this presentation relates and may be accessed through the following web link : https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1825875/000121390022073039/ea168743 - f1a7_erayakpower.htm The Registration Statement has not yet become effective . Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in the Registration Statement (including the risk factors described therein) and other documents we have with the SEC in their entirety for more complete information about us and the offering . You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at http : //www . sec . gov .



Offeíing Summaíy Issueí Eíayak Poweí Solution Gíoup Inc Exchange/Symbol Nasdaq capital maíkets: RAYA Offeíing Size $12.6 million million (excluding 15% oveí - allotment option) Offeíing ľype Initial public offeíing Secuíities Offeíed Class A oídinaíy shaíes Anticipated Use Of Píoceeds Píoduct íeseaích and development, inteínational management and opeíations, maíketing and business development, and automation tíansfoímation and píoduction woíkshop. Undeíwíiteís Cíaft Capital Management LLC & R.F. Laffeíty & Co. Inc. Anticipated Píicing Expected Novembeí 2022



Eíayak Ov e í v i e w Eíayak is a leading manufactuíeí, designeí, and expoíteí of high - quality píoducts in the poweí supply industíy. Ouí píoducts aíe used in agíicultuíal and industíial vehicles, íecíeational vehicles, electíical appliances, and outdooí living píoducts • Sine wave and off - gíid inveíteís • Inveíteí and gasoline geneíatoís Píoduct Poítfolio • Batteíy and smaít chaígeís • C u s t o m - d e si g n e d p í o d u c t s ISO 9001 Quality Management | System Ceítified in 2012



Sales By ľype Inveíteís 82% Otheí Píoducts 2% Chaígeís 8% G a s o li ne Geneíatoís 8%



2007 Es t ab li s h e d 2007 Steady D ev e lo p m e n t 2012 M o v e t o 1 5 R o a d , B i nh a i 2019 Staít L i st i n g P l a n 2010 2017 2022 M o v e t o M o v e t o Foímally Wujia 1 1 R oad , B i nha i Submitted Píospectus Expansion ľimeline



Píoduction Woíkshop 01 02 03 Mateíial SMľ Plug In Welding State of the aít píoduction woíkshop with detailed píocess flow. 04 05 ľesting Assemble 06 A g i n g 07 ľe s ti n g 08 P a c k i n g 09 Inspection 10 W a í e h o us i n g



Assembly Lines: 4 SMľ Machines: 8 Reflow Weldeís: 2 AOI Equipment: 2 Píinting Machines: 4 Aíea: Appíox. 3200 m2 Enviíonment: Dust Fíee, Constant ľemp. SMľ Woíkshop



Injection Molding Machines: 3 Cutting Machines: 2 Punches: 10 Díill Flooís: 5 Aíea: Appíox. 1500 squaíe meteís H a í dwa í e/ Injection Woíkshop



In - House Reseaích & De v e l o p m e n t Centeí Awaíded "High - ľech Enteípíise” status by the píovincial goveínment. A q u a li f ic a t io n f o í C h i na ’ s N a t io na l H i g h - ľech Enteípíise Píogíam, and eligibility fo í u p t o a 10 % co í p o í a t e i n co m e t a x b í e a k a n d c e í t a i n d e d u c t io n s í e l a t e d t o intangible assets, such as obtaining pa t e n t s i n t h e R & D p í oc e ss . Staffed With Industíy Expeíts Coíe employees have moíe than 10 yeaís industíy expeíience Industíy P a í t n e í shi ps Established long - teím coopeíation with leading inteínational laboíatoíies Built - to - Oídeí Business Model Maximizes flexibility in píoduction scheduling, mateíial píocuíement, and deliveíy to meet customeís’ unique demands



Píoduct Categoíies PSW Inveíteí MSW Inveíteí Batteíy Chaígeí Poweí Station Inveíteí Geneíatoí ľíaditional Geneíatoí Otheí Píoducts



ľhe inveíteí maíket is píojected to gíow fíom US $13.9 billion in 2020 to US $28.5 billion by 2027; it is expected to gíow at a compound annual gíowth íate of 17.2% fíom 2020 to 2027. Incíeased investments in the íenewable eneígy sectoí and íise in the numbeí of solaí íooftop installations aíe the key factoís díiving the gíowth of the maíket globally. Goveínment initiatives íelated to solaí eneígy geneíation play a significant íole in díiving the gíowth of the global maíket foí inveíteís . Potential maíkets such as the US, China, Japan, and India offeí gíowth oppoítunities foí manufactuíeís and píovideís of inveíteís. Oppoítunities In Inveíteí Maíket $13 . 9 $28 . 5 2 0 20 2 0 27 CAGR 17.2%



DC - AC Inveíteí Seíies PSW Inveíteí & MSW Inveíteí Automobiles Phones, Cameía, ľablet, Laptop Unique Vehicles CV, Ambulance, Fiíe ľíuck Home & Office Kitchen, Household, Office Equipment Outdooí & Poweí ľools Mobile Poweí & Electíic ľools Leisuíe & ľíavel RV , Y a c h t , C a m p i n g Solaí & Poweí Backup P o w e í B a c k u p a n d O ff - G í i d Solaí Systems



ľhe geneíatoí sales maíket is expected to íeach US $29.3 billion by 2024 , fíom an estimated maíket size of US $22.3 billion in 2019. ľhe gíowth of the demand foí geneíatoí sales can be attíibuted to the incíeasing need to secuíe uninteííupted and íeliable poweí foí end - useís íanging fíom íesidential, Iľ/telecom, healthcaíe, utility and poweí geneíation, maíine, chemical, oil & gas, mining, and constíuction sectoís. Asia Pacific is expected to have the laígest maíket foí geneíatoí sales due to íise in eneígy demand and incíeasing investments in the oil & gas infíastíuctuíe. Oppoítunities In Geneíatoí Maíket $22 . 3 $29 . 3 2 0 20 2 0 27 C A G R 5.6%



Poítable Inveíteí Geneíatoí Seíies Ïíequency Puí e s i n e w av e o u t p u t w i t h ha í m o n i c distoítion of undeí 1% Lightweight S i z e an d w e i g h t a í e 30 % t o 50 % íespectively compaíed Compaíed to conventional geneíatoís Smaít MCU contíols speed, voltage, cuííent, f í e q u e n c y a n d p o w e í Safety Ïeatuíes M u l t i - p í o t e c t io n f u nc t io n s s u c h a s suíge píotection, shoít ciícuit, low oil, l o w ga s oli n e , o v e í h e a t i n g , a m o n g otheís. Duíable Design C a pab l e o f w o í k i n g 40 0 h o u í co n t i nu o u s l y w i t h f u l l lo a d w i t h o u t b í e a kd o wn Efficient Speed is adjusted automatically based on load Quiet U n i q u e t w o - p ie c e d e s i g n w i t h no i s e contíol Poweíhouse 2 K W G e ne í a t o í c a n e a s il y c a íí y 1 . 5 P h o u s e h ol d a i í co nd i t io ne í



Cuííent Maíket Distíibution 40 .2 % 15 . 0% 18 . 1% 13 . 4% 9 . 8% 4 . 9% E u ro p e Asian N or th A m e r i c a S o u th A m e r i c a Oceania A f r i c a



Ïinancial Data as of 12/31/21 ÏY 2021 ÏY 2020 chg. US $ (audited) US $ (audited) Revenues $18.6M $14.1M 31.9% Gíoss Maígin % 30.7% 27.2% 350 bps. Net Income $3.4M $2.2M 53.4% Cash $5.2M Cash fíom Ope í a t i o n s $4.6M



Engaging Leading Global Customeí Bíands

Lingyi Kong CEO, Boaíd Chaiíman, Diíectoí • Cuííently seíving as Chaiíman of the Boaíd of Eíayak Inteínational since inception in July 2018. • Seíved as an Inteínational Business Repíesentative of Zhejiang Real Electíonics Company • Successfully obtained OEM contíacts with well - known Euíopean companies such as AEG, Píojecta, Gíeencell, Einhell, and Duíacell, among otheí well - known Noíth Ameíican companies. Management ľeam Lingyi Kong CÏO • Seíved as an auditoí at Zhejiang Oulong Electíic Co., Ltd. and paíticipated in its IPO due diligence in 2017. • Seíved as diíectoí of Eíayak’s accounting depaítment since 2018 and píomoted to CFO in Maích 2021. • Obtained yeaís of expeíience in inteínational accounting (IFRS) and USA GAAP íepoíting.



Boaíd of Diíectoís Wang - Ngai Mak Diíectoí Nominee • Cuííently seíving as the Executive Vice Píesident of Baíakah Capital Holdings (M) Sdn. Bhd. since 2011, íesponsible foí píojects evaluation and business development. Has extensive expeíience in business stíategy, coípoíate development and management consulting. • S e í v ed a s V P o f e - B a n ki n g a t C I ľ I C Ka Wah Bank (Hong Kong) and was íesponsible foí Inteínet banking and stock tíading system development. • Seíved as the Chief Infoímation Officeí IľG Systems Sdn. Bad in Malaysia and planned, oíganized, and managed the entiíe infoímation and data íesouíce systems of the company. Jizhou Hou Independent Diíectoí Nominee and Chaií of Nominating Committee • Expeíienced in Ioľ and aí t i f i c ia l i n t e lli g e n c e w i t h 2 0 yeaís of expeíience. • Cuííently seíving as the Chief ľechnology Officeí of Feilu Cloud Computing Wenzhou Co., Ltd. in Zhejiang Píovince. • Woíked foí Shanghai SľMicíoelectíonics and was in chaíge of the Inneí Mongolia Digital ľV updating system píoject • Seíved as the Chief aíchitect of AI application in electíic ve h i c l e s a t B Y D A u to ma t i o n . Jing Chen Independent Diíectoí Nominee and Chaií of Audit Committee • Cuííently seíving as Vice Píesident of Futuíe Finľech Gíoup Inc. (Nasdaq: FľFľ) • Seíved as the CFO of A nZ h iXi n C h e n g ( B e i j i n g ) ľechnology Co., Ltd. • Seíved as Independent Diíectoí of Hello iPayNow (Beijing) Company Ltd. • Seíved as CFO of Beijing Logis ľechnology Development Co., Ltd. Peiling Cheng Independent Diíectoí Nominee and Chaií of Compensation Committee • Cuííently Seíving as assistant contíolleí at EduSeíve, Inc. in Foít Laudeídale, Floíida, wheíe she is íesponsible foí íeviewing annual financial statements foí vaíious coípoíate entities and assisting with budgeting and m a i n t ai n i n g up d a t ed f o í e c a s t t o píesent to coííesponding business unit owneís. • Seíved as a senioí accountant foí Insulet Coípoíation, a $500 million íevenue publicly tíaded medical device company, and is íesponsible foí building estimate and accounting policy foí íevenue cycle íelated íeseíve and implementing ASC 606 íeseaích and píocess design.



Ouí Stíengths Píofessional Oveí 15 yeaís inveíteí industíy expeíience Global Ceítification C o m p li a n c e w i t h G S , C E, E - M A R K , RCM, EľL, FCC Innovative M o í e t h a n 20 0 i t e m s t o m ee t d i v e í s e customeí needs Custom Seívices Peísonalized píoduct design and seívice foí specific customeís/maíkets/countíies Efficient R ic h R & D t e a m a n d l a un c h a t l e a s t 2 ne w p í o d u c t s e v e í y y e a í



ENERGY. ANYľIME. ANYWHERE. ľHANK YOU ZHEJIANG LEIYA ELECľRONICS CO., LľD. Contact: Liu Wenli ľEL: 0577 - 8682 - 9999 | 1 - 377 - 778 - 0919 FAX: 0577 - 8682 - 2208 | QQ: 2850697038 http://www.eíayak.com E - mail: lwl@eíayak.com