EX-99.2 3 tm2412296d1_ex99-2.htm EXHIBIT 99.2
Exhibit 99.2


金融壹賬通積極參與行業標準的制定,在引領行業 發展的同時把脈調整自身發展方向,實現共贏。 2023年3月28日,特許金融分析師協會正式發佈《AI及大數據投 資應用手冊》,該書由全球十餘家金融機構和科技公司的專家通 力合作編寫,主要介紹了當下AI和大數據時代的風口,並從策略 和實踐角度介紹了相關投資的原理、策略和案例,引起行業共 鳴。金融壹賬通作為亞太地區唯一一家CFA合作機構,參與了其中 關於智能客服、知識圖譜、AI賦能金融行業應用案例等內容的編 寫,是本書的重要貢獻者之一。在書中,金融壹賬通從金融行業 AI智能客服的發展背景、典型應用場景、搭建流程以及風險挑戰 等多個方面進行了深入闡述。 2023年6月,由中國科學院資訊工程研究所牽頭的《資訊安全技術 區塊鏈資訊服務安全規範》國家標準(以下簡稱“標準”)正式發 佈,標準由TC260(全國資訊安全標準化技術委員會)歸口 ,主 管部門為國家標準化管理委員會,並將於2023年12月1日起實 施。金融壹賬通作為重要參與單位參與了標準起草。隨著區塊鏈 技術的廣泛應用,資訊安全問題備受關注。該標準的出臺解決了 區塊鏈資訊服務提供者開展安全建設和安全評估工作無相關標準 依據的問題。此次參與起草該標準,旨在進一步推動區塊鏈行業 的安全發展。在標準的制定過程中,金融壹賬通充分發揮了其在 區塊鏈技術、金融安全和資訊保護方面的專業優勢。基於金融壹 賬通的區塊鏈技術及落地專案經驗,金融壹賬通此前先後也參與 撰寫了中國海關總署區塊鏈白皮書、工信部區塊鏈白皮書等多項 行業技術標準,並向行業發佈了多份白皮書,如《跨境貿易區塊 鏈白皮書》、《天津口岸區塊鏈驗證試點專案業務政策合規建議 書》、《區塊鏈法律合規白皮書》等,力推區塊鏈行業規範化發 展。 OneConnect' s 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​


About This Report Repo​ Ove​iew This repo​ represents the second Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) repo​ published by OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "OneConnect," "we," "the company," or "our company"). The repo​ covers OneConnect's philosophy, policies, initiatives, practical cases, and key pe​ormance in managing ESG risks and oppo​unities during the 2023 ​scal year. Scope of the Repo​ Time Scope: The content of this repo​ primarily covers the period from Janua​ 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "the repo​ing period" or "this year"). To enhance the comparability and completeness of the repo​, ce​ain content appropriately extends to previous years. Organizational Scope: This repo​ encompasses all activities consolidated for ​nancial repo​ing purposes by OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd. Basis of Preparation This repo​ is prepared in accordance with the Environmental, Social, and Governance Repo​ing Guide (hereinafter referred to as "ESG Repo​ing Guide") issued by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (hereinafter referred to as "HKEX") (as of December 31, 2023), and also refers to the Global Repo​ing Initiative (“GRI”) Sustainability Repo​ing Standards (2021) (hereinafter referred to as "GRI Standards"), and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”). An index of the ESG Repo​ing Guide and GRI Standards indicators is detailed in the appendix for easy reference by readers. Repo​ing Principles Materiality: OneConnect identi​es and prioritizes its material topics by assessing the impo​ance of applicable topics to the company's development and stakeholders, as detailed in the "Identi​cation of Material Topics" section of this repo​. Quantitative: The application of the quantitative principle is mainly re​ected in the calculation and disclosure of the company's key pe​ormance indicators for environmental and social aspects, as detailed in the Appendix - Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators. Balance: To comprehensively re​ect the company's sustainable development practices to stakeholders, the company discloses its work in environmental, social, and governance aspects objectively and completely, fairly presenting both positive information and adverse impacts. Consistency: We comply with HKEX disclosure requirements and refer to international mainstream standards, using widely accepted methodologies for data statistics and disclosure. The same data collection methods will be used in future years, and any changes will be disclosed to ensure comparability between annual data. Data Explanation The data used in this repo​ comes from internal statistics of OneConnect, publicly disclosed information or repo​s, and repo​s and data from third-pa​y independent institutions. Unless otherwise speci​ed, all currency types and amounts mentioned in this repo​ are measured in Renminbi (“RMB”). OneConnect ensures that there are no false records, misleading statements, or material omissions in the content of this repo​. Publication Format This repo​ is published annually and the electronic version can be accessed and downloaded from the o​cial website of OneConnect at https://irhk.ocft.com/. Feedback For any inquiries or suggestions regarding the content of this repo​, please contact us at: Email: OCFT_IR@ocft.com Address: 21/24F, Ping An Finance Center No. 5033 Yitian Road Futian District, Shenzhen Guangdong, PRC 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 01


Content Chairman's Message 03 01 1.1 Board Statement 1.2 ESG Governance System 1.3 Stakeholder Engagement 1.4 Identi​cation of Material Topics 1.5 Promoting to Achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) Sustainability Governance 16 17 18 19 20-21 04 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future 4.1 Addressing Climate Change 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 58-59 60 About OneConnect Company Pro​le Our Vision and Value 2023 Key Pe​ormance Indicators Honors and Awards of 2023 02 2.1 Operation Compliance 2.2 Business Ethics Governance - Solid Operation 23-24 25-27 05 Appendix 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5.2 Table of HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide Indicators Index 5.3 Table of GRI Standards Indicators Index 61-64 65-69 70-73 About This Repo​ 01 Pa​nering with Government Agencies to Create Benchmarks for "New Infrastructure" Empowering the Transformation and Development of Financial Institutions Leading and Promoting the Standardization of the Fintech Indust​ Feature: Empowering with FinTech, Co-building a Sustainable Indust​ Ecosystem 10 11-13 14 03 Social - Ecological Win-Win 3.1 Customer First 3.2 People-oriented Management 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 3.4 Shared Development 09 04 05 06 07 29-39 40-51 52 53-56 Content Chairman's Message 03 01 1.1 Board Statement 1.2 ESG Governance System 1.3 Stakeholder Engagement 1.4 Identi​cation of Material Topics 1.5 Promoting to Achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) Sustainability Governance 16 17 18 19 20-21 04 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future 4.1 Addressing Climate Change 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 58-59 60 About OneConnect Company Pro​le Our Vision and Value 2023 Key Pe​ormance Indicators Honors and Awards of 2023 02 2.1 Operation Compliance 2.2 Business Ethics Governance - Solid Operation 23-24 25-27 05 Appendix 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5.2 Table of HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide Indicators Index 5.3 Table of GRI Standards Indicators Index 61-63 64-67 68-71 About This Repo​ 01 Pa​nering with Government Agencies to Create Benchmarks for "New Infrastructure" Empowering the Transformation and Development of Financial Institutions Leading and Promoting the Standardization of the Fintech Indust​ Feature: Empowering with FinTech, Co-building a Sustainable Indust​ Ecosystem 10 11-13 14 03 Social - Ecological Win-Win 3.1 Customer First 3.2 People-oriented Management 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 3.4 Shared Development 09 04 05 06 07 29-39 40-51 52 53-56


Chairman's Message The ​ntech indust​ is currently experiencing an unprecedented wave of transformation amid complex and ever-changing international and domestic situations. On the international front, the wave of digital transformation is intensifying, while domestically, policy suppo​ provides signi​cant momentum for technological innovation. With the proposal of "new quality productive forces," as a Technology-as-a-Se​ice provider for ​nancial institutions, OneConnect is entrusted with the mission of empowering the development of new quality productive forces in the ​nancial indust​. OneConnect deeply understands that sustainable growth can only be achieved by embracing challenges through continuous innovation and continuously empowering the development of new quality productive forces in the ​nancial indust​. Therefore, we not only focus on cutting-edge technology research and development to create ​nancial technology products that better understand customers but also cooperate with peers at home and abroad to jointly address indust​ development oppo​unities and challenges, so as to empower the indust​'s transformation towards new quality productive forces. In the tide of ​ntech, we are not merely obse​ers but active promoters. This year, the company has worked closely with government agencies to set a benchmark for "new infrastructure," empowering ​nancial institutions to transform and develop. Leading and promoting the standardization of the ​ntech indust​, we aid in the orderly and regulated development of the sector. Through the application of digital technology, we meet customer needs and strive to build a sustainable indust​ where ecosystems coexist. In terms of sustainable governance, we focus not only on numerical growth but also on the comprehensive development of Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”). Since its inception, OneConnect has strictly adhered to national laws, regulations, and regulato​ requirements, paying close attention to the governance structure of OneConnect. In 2023, the company fu​her improved its ESG governance system, incorporating ESG concepts into the company's development strategy. Through in-depth research on material topics, we identify topics that could have a signi​cant impact on the company and society, enabling us to respond more keenly to various challenges and provide solid assurance for the company's sustainable development. In governance, we regard solid operation as crucial. In terms of corporate governance, compliance and risk control, and business ethics, the company strictly adheres to regulations, advocates for integrity in business, and ensures fairness and transparency in competition, providing a solid foundation for the company's solid operation. Socially, we aim to build mutually bene​cial ecological relationships. For customers, the company always prioritizes data security and privacy protection, continuously innovating products, and providing exceptional customer se​ice and quality assurance. For employees, the company focuses on compliance employment, talent development and cultivation, compensation and bene​ts, occupational health and safety, and employee rights and care, fostering a positive work culture through corporate cultural activities. In collaboration with suppliers, the company emphasizes indust​ co-building and strengthens supplier management. Moreover, the company actively engages in philanthropy, leveraging its strengths to promote the digitization of the philanthropy sector. We actively pa​icipate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative," assist in rural revitalization, and contribute to society through pa​icipation in volunteer activities, so as to achieve shared development. Environmentally, we are ​rmly committed to low-carbon practices. This year, the company actively responded to the national dual-carbon goals, formulating plans to address climate change by advocating energy conse​ation, emission reduction, and waste elimination. We encourage all employees to be practitioners of energy-saving and emission-reduction in their daily work and life, striving to minimize the company's environmental impact. We believe that through these initiatives, the company can take solid steps towards environmental sustainability. As China's digital transformation process continues to advance and new quality productive forces accelerate, OneConnect will focus on the goal of "accelerating the construction of a ​nancial powerhouse." Guided by the upgraded strategy "Unite the Core, Empower the Wings”, we will continue to explore innovative applications of technology in ​nance-related ​elds and scenarios. Leveraging the unique advantages of "technology + business," we will empower the development of new quality productive forces in the ​nancial indust​. With practical actions, we suppo​ the development of green ​nance, contributing to the sustainable development of the indust​ and ourselves, and continuously contributing to the high-quality development of the economy and society. Mr. Chongfeng Shen Chairman and Chief Executive O​cer of OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 03 Chairman's Message The ​ntech indust​ is currently experiencing an unprecedented wave of transformation amid complex and ever-changing international and domestic situations. On the international front, the wave of digital transformation is intensifying, while domestically, policy suppo​ provides signi​cant momentum for technological innovation. With the proposal of "new quality productive forces," as a Technology-as-a-Se​ice provider for ​nancial institutions, OneConnect is entrusted with the mission of empowering the development of new quality productive forces in the ​nancial indust​. OneConnect deeply understands that sustainable growth can only be achieved by embracing challenges through continuous innovation and continuously empowering the development of new quality productive forces in the ​nancial indust​. Therefore, we not only focus on cutting-edge technology research and development to create ​nancial technology products that better understand customers but also cooperate with peers at home and abroad to jointly address indust​ development oppo​unities and challenges, so as to empower the indust​'s transformation towards new quality productive forces. In the tide of ​ntech, we are not merely obse​ers but active promoters. This year, the company has worked closely with government agencies to set a benchmark for "new infrastructure," empowering ​nancial institutions to transform and develop. Leading and promoting the standardization of the ​ntech indust​, we aid in the orderly and regulated development of the sector. Through the application of digital technology, we meet customer needs and strive to build a sustainable indust​ where ecosystems coexist. In terms of sustainable governance, we focus not only on numerical growth but also on the comprehensive development of Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”). Since its inception, OneConnect has strictly adhered to national laws, regulations, and regulato​ requirements, paying close attention to the governance structure of OneConnect. In 2023, the company fu​her improved its ESG governance system, incorporating ESG concepts into the company's development strategy. Through in-depth research on material topics, we identify topics that could have a signi​cant impact on the company and society, enabling us to respond more keenly to various challenges and provide solid assurance for the company's sustainable development. In governance, we regard solid operation as crucial. In terms of corporate governance, compliance and risk control, and business ethics, the company strictly adheres to regulations, advocates for integrity in business, and ensures fairness and transparency in competition, providing a solid foundation for the company's solid operation. Socially, we aim to build mutually bene​cial ecological relationships. For customers, the company always prioritizes data security and privacy protection, continuously innovating products, and providing exceptional customer se​ice and quality assurance. For employees, the company focuses on compliance employment, talent development and cultivation, compensation and bene​ts, occupational health and safety, and employee rights and care, fostering a positive work culture through corporate cultural activities. In collaboration with suppliers, the company emphasizes indust​ co-building and strengthens supplier management. Moreover, the company actively engages in philanthropy, leveraging its strengths to promote the digitization of the philanthropy sector. We actively pa​icipate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative," assist in rural revitalization, and contribute to society through pa​icipation in volunteer activities, so as to achieve shared development. Environmentally, we are ​rmly committed to low-carbon practices. This year, the company actively responded to the national dual-carbon goals, formulating plans to address climate change by advocating energy conse​ation, emission reduction, and waste elimination. We encourage all employees to be practitioners of energy-saving and emission-reduction in their daily work and life, striving to minimize the company's environmental impact. We believe that through these initiatives, the company can take solid steps towards environmental sustainability. As China's digital transformation process continues to advance and new quality productive forces accelerate, OneConnect will focus on the goal of "accelerating the construction of a ​nancial powerhouse." Guided by the upgraded strategy "Unite the Core, Empower the Wings”, we will continue to explore innovative applications of technology in ​nance-related ​elds and scenarios. Leveraging the unique advantages of "technology + business," we will empower the development of new quality productive forces in the ​nancial indust​. With practical actions, we suppo​ the development of green ​nance, contributing to the sustainable development of the indust​ and ourselves, and continuously contributing to the high-quality development of the economy and society. Mr. Chongfeng Shen Chairman and Chief Executive O​cer of OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 03


OneConnect Financial Technology Co. Ltd. is a Technology-as-a-Se​ice provider for ​nancial institutions and a Chinese national high-tech enterprise. OneConnect is an associate of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. ("Ping An", together with its subsidiaries, "Ping An Group"). By leveraging Ping An Group's over 30 years of extensive experience in ​nancial se​ices and research capabilities, OneConnect has established long-term cooperation with ​nancial institutions to addresses their needs of digital transformation. The integrated solutions and platform the Company provide include Digital Banking, Digital Insurance and Gamma Platform, which is a technology infrastructure platform for ​nancial institutions. With our unique competence in “technology + business”, we enable our customers' digital transformations, which help them improve e​ciency, enhance se​ice quality, and reduce costs and risks. OneConnect was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in December 2019 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 2022. Globally, we have nearly 2,500 employees and se​e 20+ countries and regions. According to China Insights Consultancy Statistics, OneConnect ranked second among listed technology-as-a-se​ice providers in China in terms of 2020 ​nancial software and se​ices revenue. In September 2021, the Company puts forward the upgrading strategy of “Unite the Core, Empower the Wings”, which aims to se​e the digital transformation of ​nancial institutions as one body and expand its ecological and o​shore wings simultaneously to actively suppo​ the digital transformation of ​nancial se​ices ecosystem. OneConnect has world-leading technology capabilities for ​nancial se​ices in AI, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain and so on. As of December 31, 2023, OneConnect has won 305 awards at home and abroad. The Company was selected as one of KPMG's China Top 50 Fintech Companies for six consecutive years (2018-2023), and is ranked among IDC's list of Top 100 Global Fintech Companies (rising to No. 59 in 2021); The Company has won the prestigious Wu Wen Jun AI Science and Technology Award, 78 international professional awards, and has also been awarded the CMMI5 international ce​i​cation. Company Profile July 2022 listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange September 2021 the Company puts forward the upgrading strategy of “Unite the Core, Empower the Wings” December 2019 listed on the New York Stock Exchange 2020 ranked second among listed technology-as-a-se​ice providers in China in terms of 2020 ​nancial software and se​ices revenue December 31, 2023 OneConnect has won 305 awards at home and abroad. The Company was selected as one of KPMG's China Top 50 Fintech Companies for six consecutive years (2018-2023), and is ranked among IDC's list of Top 100 Global Fintech Companies Regulators Governments Enterprise/ Indust​ Pa​ners Ecosystems Financial Institutions Southeast Asia Hong Kong, China Other Countries/ Regions “Unite the Core, Empower the Wings” Strategy Catalyzes Customers' Digital Transformation Overseas Gamma Platform Sma​ Voice Open Platform Financial Cloud Digital Banking Digital Retail Banking Digital Credit Management Digital Operation Solutions Digital Insurance Digital Life Insurance Digital Prope​y Insurance (Auto Insurance+ Health Insurance) About OneConnect 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 04 “Unite the Core, Empower the Wings” empowers customers' digital transformation


Professional, Innovative, Win-win For society sustainable high quality ecological Win-win For employees an all-round learning oppo​unity For customers enhanced e​ciency and se​ices, and reduced costs and risks Our Vision To be a world-leading ​nancial technology company Our Value Professional, Innovative, Win-win 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 05


2023 Key Pe​ormance Indicators Economic Dimension 2023 100 20 9.3 324 18 7 100 Indicators Revenue YoY growth in revenue Net pro​t attributable to equity holders of the company YoY growth in net pro​t attributable to equity holders of the company Basic earnings per share Total assets YoY growth in total assets Total tax amount Customer complaint resolution rate Career development related trainings conducted Employee training satisfaction score Number of suppliers inspected in the admittance review procedure Rural revitalization donation amount Anti-corruption/clean culture related trainings conducted Coverage rate of compliance training related to anti-corruption/clean culture Catego​ Environmental Dimension Social Dimension Governance Dimension Unit RMB (in millions) % % RMB/share % % Times Scores Unit RMB (in 10 thousands) Times % RMB (in millions) RMB (in millions) RMB (in millions) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repor Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature ESG Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 05 Customer complaint resolution rate 100 % Career development related trainings conducted 20 Times Employee training satisfaction score 9.3 Points Number of suppliers inspected in the admittance review procedure 324 Entities Rural revitalization donation amount 180,000 RMB Social Governance Anti-corruption culture related trainings conducted 7Times Coverage rate of anti-corruption culture related trainings 100 % 2023 Key Pe​ormance Indicators 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 06


2023年榮譽及獎項 截至2023年12月31日,壹賬通累 計榮獲305項專業權威獎項,覆蓋 全球知名諮詢機構、政府部委、學 術會議、媒體機構權威獎項,獲市 場廣泛認可。 11項 國際競賽第一 78項 國際大獎 71項 國內國際認證 300項 累計榮獲 獎項名稱 頒發機構 頒發時間 2023銀行家金融科技創新卓越機構 《銀行家》雜誌社 2023.10 2022年度廣東省科技進步一等獎 深圳市科技創新委員會 2023.09 《金融企業社會責任藍皮書(2022)》 社會責任優秀案例 2023.02 深圳市科技創新委員會,深圳市財政局, 國家稅務總局深圳市稅務局 第五屆中國金融年度品牌案例大賽——整合 行銷年度案例獎 中國金融出版社 2023.03 2023全國五一勞動獎狀 中華全國總工會 2023.04 年度虛擬銀行-卓越大獎 彭博商業週刊中文版 2023.06 2023年最佳銀行大獎 – 香港最佳中小企銀行 《亞洲貨幣》雜誌 2023.06 中國金融科技企業卓越獎 畢馬威中國 2023.06 中國最佳數據分析技術大獎 亞洲銀行家 2023.07 2023中國FinTech 50強 IDC 2023.08 2023全球 FinTech 100強(金融科技廠商) IDC 2023.09 科創中國-金融科技與數位化轉型創新優秀 成果 “科創中國”中國金融科技創新大會組委會 2023.03 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 01 Honors and Awards in 2023 As of December 31, 2023, OneConnect has cumulatively won 305 prestigious awards from globally recognized consulting ​rms, government agencies, academic conferences, and authoritative media organizations, earning widespread recognition in the market. 11 st 11 1 prizes in international contests 78 78 Global awards 71 71 Domestic and international ce​i​cations 305 OneConnect has cumulatively won 305 prestigious awards from globally recognized consulting ​rms Award Name Awarding Institution Time of Receiving the Award 2023 Banker Financial Technology Innovation Excellence Institution The Banker October 2023 First Prize in Guangdong Province Science and Technology Progress Award 2022 Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Committee Excellent Case of Social Responsibility in "Blue Book of Financial Enterprise Social Responsibility (2022)” The 2023 Financial Indust​ High-Quality Development th Conference and the 9 Financial Enterprise Social Responsibility Forum th Integrated Marketing Annual Case Award at the 5 China Financial Annual Brand Case Competition China Finance Publishing House 2023 National May Day Labor Ce​i​cate All-China Federation of Trade Unions Vi​ual Bank of the Year - Excellence Award Bloomberg Businessweek Chinese Edition Best Bank Awards 2023 – Best Bank for SMEs Hong Kong ASIA MONEY China Financial Technology Enterprise Excellence Award KPMG China China Best Data Analysis Technology Award The Asian Banker Top 50 China FinTech 2023 IDC Top 100 Global FinTech 2023 (Financial Technology Providers) IDC Outstanding Achievement in Financial Technology and Digital Transformation Innovation - "Sci-Tech Innovation China” The Organizing Committee of the "Sci-Tech Innovation China" China Financial Technology Innovation Conference National High-Tech Enterprise (Second Time) Februa​ 2023 Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Shenzhen Municipal Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Tax Se​ice, State Taxation Administration rd The 3 "NIFD-DCITS Financial Technology Innovation Case (2022) National Institute of Financial Research FinTech Research Center Financial Technology Development Award 2022 The People's Bank of China December 2023 2023 Cailian Press Zhiyuan Award · ESG Pioneer Award Cailian Press, All-China Environment Federation December 2023 11項 國際競賽第一 78項 國際大獎 71項 國內國際認證 300項 累計榮獲 Februa​ 2023 March 2023 March 2023 April 2023 June 2023 June 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 September 2023 September 2023 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 07


關於金融壹賬通 董事長致辭 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 2023 關於本報告 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 2023 Feature: Empowering with FinTech, Co-building a Sustainable Indust​ Ecosystem 2023 OneConnect's 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ 專題:金融科技賦能 共建可持續行業生態 2023 金融壹賬通 2023年環境、社會及管治報告


In today's era, ​nancial technology (“​ntech”) is rapidly transforming the landscape of the ​nancial indust​, bringing signi​cant oppo​unities and challenges to government agencies, ​nancial institutions, and the entire indust​ ecosystem. As a Technology-as-a-Se​ice provider for ​nancial institutions , OneConnect is committed to harnessing the power of ​ntech to promote the development of inclusive and green ​nance, while achieving continuous innovation and digital transformation in its business, and building a sustainable digital ecosystem together with government agencies, ​nancial institutions, and the entire indust​. 與政府機構、金融機構以及整個行業一道 共同構建可持續數字生態。 Feature: Empowering with FinTech, Co-building a Sustainable Indust​ Ecosystem This repo​ is published annually and is available in both printed and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded from the o​cial website of OneConnect at https://irhk.ocft.com/. “One Body and Two Wings” Company Pro​le Building a sustainable digital ecosystem together with government agencies, ​nancial institutions, and the entire indust​. Financial institutions Government agencies Building a sustainable digital ecosystem together 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 09


Pa​nering with Government Agencies to Create Benchmarks for “New Infrastructure” OneConnect actively constructs a digital ecosystem, collaborating with entities such as the General Administration of Customs Tianjin Po​, China Securities Regulato​ Commission, China Securities Deposito​ and Clearing Corporation Limited, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”), Guangdong Financial Supe​iso​ Authority, Hainan Financial Supe​iso​ Bureau, and China Merchants Group to establish a series of ​nancial "new infrastructure" projects. In the ​rst half of 2023, OneConnect cooperated with the Hong Kong SAR Government, Xiamen Municipal Local Financial Regulation Bureau, among others, to create benchmark projects such as the mobile transformation of the Hong Kong government information po​al and the Xiamen private equity fund declaration and monitoring system. In August 2023, PingAn OneConnect Credit Reference Se​ices Agency (Hong Kong) Limited (“PAOCCRA”) joined the "Commercial Data Interchange (“CDI”)" platform, becoming the ​rst data provider in the Hong Kong region to primarily o​er data processing and alternative data products. The "CDI" is a key initiative of the Hong Kong Moneta​ Authority's "Fintech 2025" strategy, aimed at enhancing the region's data infrastructure, promoting data sharing, enabling banks to accurately assess business situations, increasing SMEs' chances of obtaining loans, and fostering the development of inclusive ​nance in Hong Kong. Leveraging the indust​ data models and ​nancial se​ices experience of Ping An Group, PAOCCRA introduced the SME Credit Data Platform. Through the "CDI," this platform provides processed third-pa​y data, o​ering banks risk control repo​s and scoring for enterprises across di​erent industries. This aids banks in conveniently utilizing alternative data, enhancing data analysis capabilities, e​ectively managing credit risk for SME business, and improving operational e​ciency. Additionally, it helps data providers make fuller use of their data assets and o​ers pre-loan decision suppo​ and post-loan monitoring se​ices for SMEs. Joining the Hong Kong Moneta​ Authority's “Commercial Data Interchange (“CDI”)" Platform Empowering the Xiamen Private Equity Fund Management Se​ice Platform In June 2023, Ping An Bank Xiamen Branch, in conjunction with OneConnect and the Xiamen Municipal Local Financial Supe​ision and Administration, signed a tripa​ite cooperation agreement for the "Xiamen Private Equity Fund Management Se​ice Platform Project." The project aims to jointly establish an information se​ice platform for Xiamen's private equity funds, promoting the development of the private equity fund indust​ and e​ective regulation implementation. The platform construction includes modules for private equity fund declaration, risk warning monitoring, statistical analysis, and policy management, providing se​ices such as standardized ent​ and categorized monitoring for private equity funds, actively advancing the private equity indust​'s se​ice to the real economy. OneConnect is responsible for the development and construction of the platform. On November 22, 2023, Fast Inte​ace for New Issuance (“FINI”), the new digital IPO settlement platform, suppo​ed by OneConnect's technology, was o​cially launched, marking a new era for Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) IPOs. Built on a cloud-native architecture, the FINI platform connects market pa​icipants and regulato​ bodies to collaboratively manage the IPO settlement process, modernizing stages such as pricing, allocation, and payment, reducing the time between new share pricing and share trading from T+5 to T+2. This enhances market e​ciency and e​ectively reduces market risk for HKEX. The launch of the FINI platform signi​es an impo​ant step in modernizing the HKEX issuance system, continuously contributing to Hong Kong's core competitiveness as a global fundraising hub. Suppo​ing the Construction of the FINI Platform, Ushering in a New Era for Hong Kong IPOs 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 10 Pa​nering with Government Agencies to Create Benchmarks for “New Infrastructure” OneConnect actively constructs a digital ecosystem, collaborating with entities such as the General Administration of Customs Tianjin Po​, China Securities Regulato​ Commission, China Securities Deposito​ and Clearing Corporation Limited, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”), Guangdong Financial Supe​iso​ Authority, Hainan Financial Supe​iso​ Bureau, and China Merchants Group to establish a series of ​nancial "new infrastructure" projects. In the ​rst half of 2023, OneConnect cooperated with the Hong Kong SAR Government, Xiamen Municipal Local Financial Regulation Bureau, among others, to create benchmark projects such as the mobile transformation of the Hong Kong government information po​al and the Xiamen private equity fund declaration and monitoring system. In August 2023, PingAn OneConnect Credit Reference Se​ices Agency (Hong Kong) Limited (“PAOCCRA”) joined the "Commercial Data Interchange (“CDI”)" platform, becoming the ​rst data provider in the Hong Kong region to primarily o​er data processing and alternative data products. The "CDI" is a key initiative of the Hong Kong Moneta​ Authority's "Fintech 2025" strategy, aimed at enhancing the region's data infrastructure, promoting data sharing, enabling banks to accurately assess business situations, increasing SMEs' chances of obtaining loans, and fostering the development of inclusive ​nance in Hong Kong. Leveraging the indust​ data models and ​nancial se​ices experience of Ping An Group, PAOCCRA introduced the SME Credit Data Platform. Through the "CDI," this platform provides processed third-pa​y data, o​ering banks risk control repo​s and scoring for enterprises across di​erent industries. This aids banks in conveniently utilizing alternative data, enhancing data analysis capabilities, e​ectively managing credit risk for SME business, and improving operational e​ciency. Additionally, it helps data providers make fuller use of their data assets and o​ers pre-loan decision suppo​ and post-loan monitoring se​ices for SMEs. Joining the Hong Kong Moneta​ Authority's “Commercial Data Interchange (“CDI”)" Platform Empowering the Xiamen Private Equity Fund Management Se​ice Platform In June 2023, Ping An Bank Xiamen Branch, in conjunction with OneConnect and the Xiamen Municipal Local Financial Supe​ision and Administration, signed a tripa​ite cooperation agreement for the "Xiamen Private Equity Fund Management Se​ice Platform Project." The project aims to jointly establish an information se​ice platform for Xiamen's private equity funds, promoting the development of the private equity fund indust​ and e​ective regulation implementation. The platform construction includes modules for private equity fund declaration, risk warning monitoring, statistical analysis, and policy management, providing se​ices such as standardized ent​ and categorized monitoring for private equity funds, actively advancing the private equity indust​'s se​ice to the real economy. OneConnect is responsible for the development and construction of the platform. On November 22, 2023, Fast Inte​ace for New Issuance (“FINI”), the new digital IPO settlement platform, suppo​ed by OneConnect's technology, was o​cially launched, marking a new era for Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) IPOs. Built on a cloud-native architecture, the FINI platform connects market pa​icipants and regulato​ bodies to collaboratively manage the IPO settlement process, modernizing stages such as pricing, allocation, and payment, reducing the time between new share pricing and share trading from T+5 to T+2. This enhances market e​ciency and e​ectively reduces market risk for HKEX. The launch of the FINI platform signi​es an impo​ant step in modernizing the HKEX issuance system, continuously contributing to Hong Kong's core competitiveness as a global fundraising hub. Suppo​ing the Construction of the FINI Platform, Ushering in a New Era for Hong Kong IPOs 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 10


Empowering the Transformation and Development of Financial Institutions Enabling Digital Transformation The "14th Five-Year Plan" emphasizes "accelerating digital development and building a digital China." The People's Bank of China's "Financial Technology Development Plan (2022-2025)" highlights the impo​ance of advancing the high-quality digital transformation of ​nance, guiding ​nancial institutions to accelerate their digital transformation and continuously enhance their application capabilities in digital technology. As a Technology-as-a-Se​ice provider for ​nancial institutions, OneConnect leverages its unique "technology + business" competitive edge to consistently assist clients in achieving digital transformation. We built business suppo​ platform for banks to accelerate their digital transformation. In April 2023, OneConnect has collaborated with Zhejiang Mintai Commercial Bank to develop a business suppo​ platform, facilitating the bank's digital transformation. Utilizing technologies and se​ices such as the AI Banker APP, customer se​ice center, business oppo​unity center, and BICS, OneConnect has helped Mintai Commercial Bank establish mobile endpoints, customer centers, marketing centers, and public center modules for its business suppo​ platform, aligning with the bank's business characteristics and management logic. This project represents one of Mintai Commercial Bank's signi​cant achievements in its steadfast commitment to digital transformation. We promoted the construction of internal fund transfer pricing platform within banks, exploring new paths for digital transformation. In April 2023, VANTAGE POINT (Fanpeng Tiandi), a subsidia​ of OneConnect, reached a cooperation agreement with a cooperative association in a western province and formally signed the project of the internal fund transfer pricing platform. Internal fund transfer pricing is a prerequisite and foundation for commercial banks to build a management accounting system. It is one of the powe​ul tools to suppo​ banks' asset-liability management and is of signi​cant impo​ance in achieving a balance between revenue and risk. This project will help the bank to car​ out the construction and promotion of the management accounting system, explore avenues and oppo​unities for re​ned management, digital transformation, and deepening of operational strategies. We accelerated the digital transformation of insurance business with a focus on customer-centricity. In collaboration with Old Mutual plc, OneConnect announced a comprehensive strategic pa​nership in Februa​ 2023, accelerating the customer-centric digital transformation of life insurance businesses. The "All-Powe​ul Agent," OneConnect's ​rst digital life insurance product for the global life insurance agent market, combines AI technology to enhance recruitment, training, business development, pe​ormance, and customer management for insurance companies. OneConnect leverages its unique "technology + business" competitive edge Technology Business 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 11


Empowering Inclusive Finance Empowering the Transformation and Development of Financial Institutions Since the "development of inclusive ​nance" was established as a national strategy in 2013, China's inclusive ​nance has continuously developed and deepened. Utilizing ​ntech tools like the internet, big data, and cloud computing to develop digital inclusive ​nance is a vital pathway for the sustainable development of inclusive ​nance. OneConnect has consistently launched inclusive ​nancial product solutions that empower bank lending and suppo​ ​nancing for SMEs. We pa​nered with eftPay to launch "Business Revolving Loan". In pa​nership with eftPay, PAOB, a company which was OneConnect's wholly-owned subsidia​ for the year ended December 31, 2023, introduced the "Business Revolving Loan" in May 2023, providing real-time and ​exible new SME loan se​ices for eftPay's SME merchants. As the ​rst vi​ual bank in Hong Kong to use alternative data for credit approval, PAOB assists eftPay merchants in applying for loans using commercial data. Through its proprieta​ risk assessment platform, PAOB simpli​es the loan approval process by conducting credit analysis. Customers do not need to submit any application documents or collateral, providing them with a more convenient and expedited vi​ual banking se​ice experience. Introducing YiQiDai to address the ​nancing di​culties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises. The launch of "YiQiDai" addresses the ​nancing di​culties of SMEs, becoming a star product that empowers bank lending and assists SME owners during special periods. "YiQiDai" builds a risk control model based on tax invoices and related business operation data, di​ering from traditional "single-point" solutions. This intelligent inclusive ​nancial product solution allows ​nancial institutions and businesses to enjoy the convenience of end-to-end intelligent se​ices, quickly building a new digital ecosystem for inclusive ​nance. "YiQiDai" features automated approval, large credit limits, wide customer coverage, and a fully contactless process, e​ectively solving the current ​nancing di​culties faced by SMEs. As of June 28, 2023, "YiQiDai" has se​ed over 110,000 customers in cooperation with ​nancial institutions, with an average monthly loan issuance exceeding RMB 300 million. 110,000 has se​ed over 110,000 customers 300Million with an average monthly loan issuance exceeding RMB 300 million 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 12


Empowering Green Finance Empowering the Transformation and Development of Financial Institutions Since the introduction of the dual carbon goals, China has gradually explored and formed a green ​nance system comprising standards, regulato​ and disclosure requirements for ​nancial institutions, incentive and restraint mechanisms, green ​nancial products and markets, and international cooperation. In this process, ​ntech se​es as a crucial enabling tool, deepening its integration with the green ​nance system and innovating in green credit, ESG ​nancing, and green inclusive ​nance. OneConnect actively responds to the green ​nance development needs of ​nancial institutions, empowering the construction of the green ​nance system with ​ntech. Green credit ESG Other ​nancing Green inclusive ​nance We create a Comprehensive Carbon Emission Data Management Platform. OneConnect's Gamma blockchain team has developed a "Blockchain-based Comprehensive Carbon Emission Data Management Platform," a new model for the full-process control of carbon data, addressing data authenticity, standardization, and privacy. The platform, se​ing as infrastructure for the dual carbon economy and leveraging Ping An Group's ​nancial resources and business advantages, provides convenient connections for material submission, data veri​cation, quota con​rmation, and contract signing, enhancing the corporate dual carbon operation system. Especially in the ​nancial sector, the platform se​es the real economy by reducing ​nancing costs, increasing ​nancing availability, creating new trading markets, and guiding and promoting the low-carbon transformation of the economy. With the comprehensive carbon emissions data operation model as the data foundation, it promotes the formation of a multi-level, three-dimensional innovation system for green and low-carbon development. Fu​hermore, by utilizing green credit and other means, it addresses the ​nancial challenges faced by pilot enterprises in business scenarios. It provides se​ices such as green ​nancial tools to construct a dual-carbon digital information system for enterprises, and collaborates with pilot programs to empower businesses in green ​nance and green credit, among other se​ices. In April 2023, at the "Sci-Tech Innovation China" Financial Technology Indust​ Innovation Forum and the th 6 China Financial Technology Innovation Conference hosted by the China Association for Science and Technology, OneConnect's "Blockchain Comprehensive Carbon Emission Data Management Platform” was awarded an outstanding case of ​nancial technology innovation application. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 13


Leading and Promoting the Standardization of the Fintech Indust​ OneConnect actively pa​icipates in the formulation of indust​ standards, leading the development of the sector while adjusting its own direction to achieve mutual bene​ts. On March 28, 2023, the Cha​ered Financial Analyst (“CFA”) Association o​cially released the "Handbook of A​i​cial Intelligence and Big Data Applications in Investments," a collaborative e​o​ by expe​s from over ten ​nancial institutions and technology companies worldwide. The handbook, which discusses the current oppo​unities in the era of AI and big data from both strategic and practical perspectives, including principles, strategies, and case studies, has resonated within the indust​. As the only CFA pa​ner institution in the Asia-Paci​c region, OneConnect contributed to sections on intelligent customer se​ice, knowledge graphs, and AI-enabled applications in the ​nancial indust​, marking a signi​cant contribution to the handbook. OneConnect extensively elaborated on various aspects such as the development background, typical application scenarios, construction processes, and risk challenges of AI intelligent customer se​ice in the ​nancial sector. In June 2023, the National Standard "Information Security Technology - Blockchain Information Se​ice Security Speci​cation," led by Institute of Information Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was o​cially released. The standard falls under the responsibility of TC260 (“National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee”) and is supe​ised by the Standardization Administration of China (“SAC”) . It came into e​ect on December 1, 2023. OneConnect, as an impo​ant pa​icipant, was involved in the drafting of the standard. With the widespread application of blockchain technology, information security has become a major concern. The introduction of this standard addresses the issue of the lack of standard criteria for blockchain information se​ice providers to conduct security construction and assessment. Pa​icipating in the drafting of this standard aims to fu​her promote the secure development of the blockchain indust​. Throughout the standard-setting process, OneConnect leveraged its expe​ise in blockchain technology, ​nancial security, and information protection. Drawing on its experience with blockchain technology and implementation projects, OneConnect has also contributed to writing several indust​ technical standards, including white papers for the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (“GACC”), the Minist​ of Indust​ and Information Technology (“MIIT”), and others, such as the "Cross-Border Trade Blockchain White Paper", "Tianjin Po​ Blockchain Veri​cation Pilot Project Business Policy Compliance Recommendation" and the "Blockchain Legal Compliance White Paper" pushing for the standardized development of the blockchain indust​. Handbook of A​i​cial Intelligence and Big Data Applications in Investments Promoting the Standardization of the Fintech Indust​ Contributed to standardized development of the blockchain indust​ White papers for the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China; White papers for the Minist​ of Indust​ and Information Technology Contributed to writing "Information Security Technology - Blockchain Information Se​ice Security Speci​cation” June 2023 “Handbook of A​i​cial Intelligence and Big Data Applications in Investments” March 2023 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 14 "Cross-Border Trade Blockchain White Paper" "Tianjin Port Blockchain Verification Pilot Project Business Policy Compliance Recommendation" "Blockchain Legal Compliance White Paper"


01 Sustainability Governance 關於金融壹賬通 董事長致辭 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 2023 關於本報告 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 2023 2023 OneConnect's 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​


01 Board Statement (1.1) The company's Board of Directors (“the Board”) holds the ultimate decision-making authority regarding the company's environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) strategy and bears overall responsibility for the annual ESG repo​. The Board is responsible for overall supe​ision of ESG matters, setting ESG-related objectives, ensuring that the company has established appropriate and e​ective ESG risk management policies and systems, and adequately overseeing the implementation of ESG e​o​s. The company has established the ESG Oversight Committee to identify and evaluate material ESG matters regularly and comprehensively to construct the materiality matrix. The ESG Oversight Committee summarizes the company's annual ESG pe​ormance, evaluates it against the ESG objectives set by the Board, prepares the company's ESG repo​, and presents to the Board. The Board reviews the annual ESG repo​, assesses signi​cant ESG risks and oppo​unities, identi​es material topics, reviews progress towards goals, and revises the company's ESG management policies and strategies to ensure the integration of ESG principles into the company's development strategy. This repo​ details the progress and achievements of our company's ESG e​o​s for the year 2023, which was reviewed and approved by the Board on th March 18 , 2024. The Board and all directors are responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the repo​. There are no false records, misleading statements, or material omissions in the contents. In the future, the Board will discuss the establishment and progress of fu​her objectives, and continue to optimize the company's ESG management strategies and methods in accordance with stakeholders' expectations and operation realities, continuously improving ESG management and pe​ormance. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 16


iI Ll An ESG Oversight Committee is established within the company's management layer, consisting of the Chief Executive O​cer, heads of relevant functional depa​ments, and other key management representatives. This committee is responsible for coordinating the advancement of ESG-related matters within the company, including comprehensively identifying, assessing, and managing signi​cant ESG-related matters, regularly reviewing the practical progress of ESG goals set by the Board, organizing the preparation of the annual ESG repo​ to present to the Board, and continuously improving and standardizing the management of ESG matters and risks, guiding and urging each functional depa​ment and business line to car​ out and implement speci​c tasks. Each functional depa​ment and business line plays its role to the fullest, actively implementing various ESG-related initiatives and promptly repo​ing ESG-related pe​ormance to the management to ensure the ESG Oversight Committee is informed of the execution and progress towards ESG management goals. In addition, the company employs external expe​s to provide advice and guidance on internal ESG matters and risk management, as well as the annual repo​ing process. ESG Governance System (1.2) Board of Directors ESG Oversight Committee Functional Depa​ments Business LinesGamma Platform Division OneConnect ESG Governance Structure The company's Board of Directors assumes full responsibility for environmental, social and governance-related matters and holds the ultimate decision-making authority. The Board is responsible for the holistic oversight of ESG matters, including target-setting, policy formulation, and checking target completion progress. An ESG Oversight Committee is established within the company's management layer, consisting of the Chief Executive O​cer, heads of relevant functional depa​ments, and other key management representatives. This committee is responsible for coordinating the advancement of ESG-related matters within the company, including comprehensively identifying, assessing, and managing signi​cant ESG-related matters, regularly reviewing the practical progress of ESG goals set by the Board, organizing the preparation of the annual ESG repo​ to present to the Board, and continuously improving and standardizing the management of ESG matters and risks, guiding and urging each functional depa​ment and business line to car​ out and implement speci​c tasks. Each functional depa​ment and business line plays its role to the fullest, actively implementing various ESG-related initiatives and promptly repo​ing ESG-related pe​ormance to the management to ensure the ESG Oversight Committee is informed of the execution and progress towards ESG management goals. In addition, the company employs external expe​s to provide advice and guidance on internal ESG matters and risk management, as well as the annual repo​ing process. OneConnect Financial Technology Co. Ltd. recognizes the impo​ance of ESG matters to the robust development of the company. We actively practice the concept of sustainable development and incorporate it into our strategy. OneConnect has established a clear, e​cient, and well-de​ned ESG governance structure and strengthened ESG management in a more scienti​c, professional, and systematic manner by combining it with operation realities. Board Office Brand Promotion Department Human Resources Department Administration Department Finance Department Legal Compliance and Risk Management Department Corporate Planning Department Others Digital Banking Division Digital Insurance Division Others 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 17


Stakeholder Engagement (1.3) As a group of people who are closely associated with the sustainable development of our company, stakeholders play a signi​cant role in the decision-making process. OneConnect fully respects and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of each stakeholder and values their expectations and demands. OneConnect proactively builds diversi​ed communication channels and mechanisms, integrating their expectations into the company's sustainability governance and information disclosure and maintaining e​ective communication and building trust with stakeholders. Suppliers and Pa​ners ● Supplier conference ● Supplier management information system ● Communication and training on the supplier management system ● Exchange visits of the management ● Cooperative development projects Communities ● Green operations ● Charitable activities Media, Social Groups and Other Stakeholders Supply chain management Business ethics Anti-unfair competition Protection of intellectual prope​y rights Community environment Community contributions Construction of ​nancial infrastructure Facilitating indust​ transformation and development Empowering indust​ green development Empowering inclusive ​nance ● Brochures, o​cial website, and media coverage ● Press conference, forum, and social events ● Visits and inte​iews We provide professional se​ices for customers, create outstanding returns for shareholders, grow together with pa​ners, o​er growth oppo​unities to employees, actively unde​ake social responsibilities, and strive to achieve harmonious development among ourselves, customers, shareholders, pa​ners, employees, and society. Stakeholders Issues of concern Government and Regulators Empowering inclusive ​nance Operation compliance Tax transparency ● Communication meetings with government o​cials ● Public disclosure of information ● Regulato​ communication and material submission Customers High-quality products Customer se​ice Information security and privacy protection Protection of intellectual prope​y rights ● Bid proposals and project meetings ● 400 telephone system ● Complaints handling ● Se​ice quality control system ● Customer satisfaction su​ey ● After-sales se​ice follow-up Employees Employee bene​ts and rights Employee training and development Occupational health and safety Labor rights Diversity and equal oppo​unities ● Talent recruitment channels ● The training system and policy communication ● Internal meetings and communication ● Corporate culture activities ● Employee satisfaction su​ey Shareholders / Investors Solid pe​ormance FinTech innovation Risk management Corporate governance ● Periodic repo​s and daily announcements ● General shareholders' meeting ● Presentation of pe​ormance, investor su​eys ● O​cial website Communication channels Stakeholders Issues of concern Communication channels 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 18


Information Security and Privacy Protection Corporate Governance Compliance Management Business Ethics Risk Management Employee Welfare and Rights Stable Pe​ormance Financial Technology Innovation Employee Health and Safety Employee Training and Development High-Quality Products Customer Se​ice Empowering Green Indust​ Development Financial Infrastructure Construction Assisting Indust​ Transformation and Development Tax Transparency Empowering Inclusive Finance Anti-Unfair Competition Diversity and Equal Oppo​unities Protection of Intellectual Prope​y Rights Supply Chain Management Addressing Climate Change Community Contribution Energy and Resource Management Waste Management Imporant Impact on OneConnect Ve​ Imporant Imporant Impact on OneConnect Ve​ Imporant OneConnect ESG Materiality Matrix Environmental Topics Social Topics Governance Topics Information security and privacy protection Corporate governance Operation compliance Business ethics Risk management Employee bene​ts and rights Solid pe​ormance Occupational FinTech innovation health and safety Employee Training and Development High-Quality Products Customer Se​ice Empowering indust​ green development Construction of ​nancial infrastructure Facilitating indust​ transformation and development Tax Transparency Empowering Inclusive Finance Anti-Unfair Competition Diversity and Equal Oppo​unities Protection of Intellectual Prope​y Rights Supply Chain Management Addressing Climate Change Community Contributions Energy and Resource Management Waste Management Impo​ant Impact on OneConnect Ve​ Impo​ant Impo​ant Impact on stakeholders Ve​ Impo​ant Environmental topics Social topics Governance topics Ve​ impo​ant Impact on stakeholders Impo​ant Impo​ant Impact on OneConnect Ve​ impo​ant Addressing climate change Waste management Energy and resource management Supply chain management Anti-unfair competition Solid pe​ormance Risk management Business ethics Protection of intellectual prope​y rights Community contributions Customer se​ice Information security and privacy protection Employee bene​ts and rights Empowering inclusive ​nance High-quality products FinTech innovation Tax transparency Construction of ​nancial infrastructure Empowering indust​ green development Diversity and equal oppo​unities Employee training and development Corporate governance Operation compliance Facilitating industry transformation and development Occupational health and safety Identi​cation of Material Topics (1.4) OneConnect places high impo​ance on the identi​cation and management of ESG topics, conducting an analysis of material topics annually. The company considers the expectations and demands of stakeholders as crucial factors in formulating its ESG strategy. Regular communications with stakeholders are conducted to understand and collect their views and feedback. During the 2023 ​scal year, OneConnect has identi​ed 25 material topics by referring to the HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide, GRI Standards, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board ’s (“SASB”) Standards, and other industries standards related to the company’s business, and incorporating investors’ concerns, peer practices, and regulato​ requirements.. By considering the impo​ance of each topic to stakeholders, as well as assessing the signi​cance of each topic to the company’s development, OneConnect ranked the materiality of relevant topics and formed a materiality matrix which was reviewed and con​rmed by the company’s Board of Directors. Ve​ impo​ant Impact on stakeholders Impo​ant Impo​ant Ve​ impo​ant Addressing climate change Waste management Energy and resource management Supply chain management Anti-unfair competition Solid pe​ormance Risk management Business ethics Protection of intellectual prope​y rights Community contributions Customer se​ice Information security and privacy protection Employee bene​ts and rights Empowering inclusive ​nance High-quality products FinTech innovation Tax transparency Construction of ​nancial infrastructure Empowering indust​ green development Diversity and equal oppo​unities Employee training and development Corporate governance Operation compliance Facilitating industry transformation and development Occupational health and safety Impact on OneConnect 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 19 OneConnect ESG Materiality Matrix Environmental topics Social topics Governance topics


Promoting to Achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) (1.5) The company signed a purchase agreement with a cooperative enterprise in Xiabei Village, Ebu Town, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, to open up a broader economic channel for local agricultural products. At the same time, the company pa​icipated in the "Shenzhen and Kashgar - good deeds to the future" special fund project initiated by the One Foundation to help the needy groups in Kashgar to alleviate their di​culties. UN SDGs Actions of OneConnect Throughout the standard-setting process, OneConnect leveraged its expe​ise in blockchain technology, ​nancial security, and information protection. Drawing on its experience with blockchain technology and implementation projects, OneConnect has also contributed to writing several indust​ technical standards, including white papers for the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) , the Minist​ of Indust​ and Information Technology (MIIT), and others, such as the "Cross-Border Trade Blockchain White Paper", "Tianjin Po​ Blockchain Veri​cation Pilot Project Business Policy Compliance Recommendation," and the “Blockchain Legal Compliance White Paper” pushing for the standardized development of the blockchain indust​. The company signed a purchase agreement with a cooperative enterprise in Xiabei Village, Ebu Town, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, to open up a broader economic channel for local agricultural products. At the same time, the company pa​icipated in the "Shenzhen and Kashgar - good deeds to the future" special fund project initiated by the One Foundation to help the needy groups in Kashgar to alleviate their di​culties. The company organized a team of employee volunteers to pa​icipate in the "Food Angel Experience Day" organized by Food Angel, Hong Kong's ​rst food recove​ and assistance programme, to collect leftover ingredients that are still safe for consumption and prepare meals for free distribution to people in need of food assistance in the community, including the elderly, low-income earners and the homeless. The company attaches great impo​ance to the physical and mental health and safety of its employees, and builds an all-round health protection system, providing employees with a full range of health protection such as annual health checkups, mental health counseling, in​rma​ consultation, cooling and heating bene​ts, and also providing employees with supplementa​ comprehensive welfare protection plans such as accidental, life and medical insurance. The company advocated and organized the "Love and Technology Growing Together" public welfare walk, calling on pa​icipants to pay attention to the education and growth of rural children. The funds will be used to suppo​ and nu​ure children's charitable projects, helping children aged 0-18 to grow up healthily and happily, and to develop equally. The company standardizes the management of the whole process of recruitment before, during and after, does not treat candidates di​erently due to gender di​erences, ensures that the recruitment and promotion process is fair and non-discriminato​, and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of female employees. The company advocates energy conse​ation, emissions reduction, and the prevention of waste, and calls on all employees to develop the habit of saving water, electricity, paper and meals in their daily work and life, and to become practitioners of energy conse​ation and emission reduction actions. The company creates a large number of high-quality jobs, provides employees with rich training oppo​unities and a sound promotion mechanism to ensure that eve​ employee has the oppo​unity to grow and develop, while upholding the commitment to protect the rights and interests of employees and caring for their well-being. UN SDGs Actions of OneConnect 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 20


Based on the accumulated advantages of top technologies in ​nancial business scenarios, the company actively builds digital ecosystems, works with the government to create a series of ​nancial "new infrastructure" projects, improves the level of data infrastructure construction, promotes data sharing, and empowers the transformation and development of ​nancial institutions. The company insists on treating all employees equally, is committed to realizing equality and fairness in the workplace, resolutely avoids treating employees di​erently due to other non-work factors and other di​erences, and creates an equal, non-discriminato​ and inclusive workplace environment for employees. The company advocates low-carbon and environment-friendly consumption philosophy, and actively reduces the environmental impact of its operations through energy-saving renovation, advocating energy conse​ation and emission reduction by employees, and strengthening waste management. In terms of internal supplier management standards, the Company has targeted the inclusion of sustainable development requirements, focusing on the pe​ormance of suppliers in environmental protection, employee rights and risk management and other ESG topics. Concerned about the environmental, economic and social impacts of climate change, the Company attaches great impo​ance to the governance of climate-related risks and oppo​unities, formulates the plans to identify and evaluate climate-related risks and oppo​unities, and takes strong measures to suppo​ the Group's green development. The Company strictly complies with laws and regulations, strives to create a clean and transparent business environment, regulates the business conduct of all directors and employees, strengthens the Company's anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition assessment, and prohibits the use of child labor and forced labor. In terms of supplier conduct, suppliers are required to sign an "Anti-Corruption Compliance Commitment Letter" and actively unde​ake and practice corporate social responsibility. OneConnect also conducts related advocacy and training for suppliers. The Company fully respects and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, attaches impo​ance to the expectations and demands of stakeholders, actively builds diversi​ed communication channels and mechanisms, incorporates the expectations of stakeholders into the Company's sustainability governance and information disclosure, maintains e​ective communication and establishes a relationship of trust with stakeholders, actively unde​akes corporate social responsibility, and strive to achieve harmonious development among ourselves, customers, shareholders, pa​ners, employees, and society. UN SDGs Actions of OneConnect UN SDGs Actions of OneConnect Promoting to Achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) (1.5) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 21


02 Governance - Solid Operation 2023 OneConnect's 2023 Environmental Social and Governance Repo​ 2023 OneConnect's 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ 02 Governance - Solid Operation


Operation Compliance (2.1) Corporate Governance (2.1.1) Key Pe​ormance in 2023 The Board consisted The Company has adopted a board diversity policy (the “Board Diversity Policy”) which sets out the objective and approach to achieve and maintain diversity of the Board in order to enhance its e​ectiveness. Pursuant to the Board Diversity Policy, the Board seeks to achieve its diversity through the consideration of a number of factors when selecting candidates to the Board, including but not limited to skills, experience, cultural and education background, geography, indust​ and professional experience, ethnicity, gender, age, knowledge and length of se​ice. The knowledge and skills of the Board members cover various ​elds, including banking and ​nance, ​nancial planning, legal and compliance, business management, business development and investments, providing talent suppo​ for the professionalism and e​cient operation of the Board. The Compensation and Nomination Committee is responsible for reviewing the Board Diversity Policy, monitoring the implementation of the Board Diversity Policy and reviewing the Board Diversity Policy from time to time to ensure its continued e​ectiveness. For fu​her details, please refer to the company's annual repo​ and other documents disclosed on the HKEX on April 23, 2024. The Board is the highest decision-making body regarding the company's environmental, social, and governance strategy, with subcommittees including the Audit Committee and the Compensation and Nomination Committee. All members of the Audit Committee are independent non-executive directors, and the Compensation and Nomination Committee is predominantly composed of independent non-executive directors who also se​e as its chair. As of December 31, 2023, the Board consisted of 9 directors, including 1 executive director (accounting for 11.10%), 4 non-executive directors (44.45%), and 4 independent non-executive directors (44.45%). Among them, there were 2 female directors (22.22%). non-executive directors accounting for 44.45% executive director accounting for 11.10% independent non-executive directors accounting for 44.45% female directors accounting for 22.22% 7 male directors 2 4 1 4 accounting for 77.78% 4 Board meetings 5 Audit Committee meetings 1 Remuneration and Nomination Committee meeting 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 23


OneConnect consistently maintains compliance sensitivity, closely monitoring regulato​ policy trends, and strictly adhering to national laws, regulations, and various regulato​ provisions to comprehensively enhance the company's compliance operations. In terms of intellectual prope​y compliance management, OneConnect strictly follows laws and regulations such as the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China. Since its establishment, the company has always paid high attention to the protection of intellectual prope​y rights and has developed an intellectual prope​y management system tailored to the company's developmental characteristics. Currently, policies like the Intellectual Prope​y Protection Management Measures, the Invention Reward Management Measures, and the Trade Secret Protection Management Measures have been formulated. These policies clarify the depa​ments responsible for intellectual prope​y, trade secrets, and patent protection, and establish an intellectual prope​y coordination depa​ment, relevant positions, and depa​mental intellectual prope​y liaisons, building a company-wide intellectual prope​y talent pool to advance the application and protection of intellectual prope​y rights and the distribution of related bonuses. Regarding tax compliance management, the company strictly follows the tax laws and regulations of the operating countries, formulates and implements the Tax Work Management Measures according to the actual situation of the company, specifying depa​mental responsibilities, standardizing accounting treatments, and tax payment processes to improve the accuracy of tax data. The company regularly reviews its related pa​y transactions, promptly communicates with relevant depa​ments to understand and discuss the fairness of pricing, and makes tax adjustments according to tax laws for transactions that do not meet the fairness requirements from a tax perspective. The company regards risk management as one of the core activities of business management and operations. It has established a comprehensive risk management system that covers all aspects, with clear responsibilities, well-de​ned boundaries, and normative management. The company has formulated a series of risk management frameworks and policies, including the Comprehensive Risk Management Framework, Operational Risk Management Framework, and Reputation Risk Management Policy. Additionally, it has established e​ective-operating three lines of defense for risk management, with clear delineation of responsibilities and mutual checks and balances. Three lines of defense are composed of business lines, risk management functional depa​ments, and internal audit and supe​ision depa​ments, ensuring that responsibilities are properly implemented. The company conducts multidimensional and comprehensive risk identi​cation in its business areas, designates risk management functions to coordinate the establishment of applicable risk management policies, mechanisms, indicators, processes, systems, and management tools, and identi​es, measures, evaluates, monitors, responds to, and repo​s on various risks. The company promotes and pe​ects proactive and in-process risk management capabilities through "repo​ing, monitoring and early warning, inspection and handling" and "process so​ing, risk exposure investigating, impact ranking, recti​cation suggesting, and improvement approval” closed loops. It implements special risk reviews and admission requirements in key areas such as new business and products, third-pa​y cooperative institution management, conducts irregular business risk assessments and reviews, identi​es critical risk processes, proposes risk preventive, and forward-looking control optimization suggestions, and issues assessment repo​s to prevent potential issues. The company emphasizes the pe​ection of its compliance and risk management systems, continuously conducts compliance and risk management-related trainings, and takes multiple measures to promote a risk management culture. In 2023, the company released 24 bi-weekly regulato​ policy updates, 4 business-speci​c interpretations, and 10 compliance culture promotions, conducted trainings on human resource management, legal compliance, etc., providing compliance, security, and risk management training and advocacy to all employees across di​erent job categories to enhance their awareness of compliance, security, and risk management. Operation Compliance (2.1) Compliance and Risk Control (2.1.2) Compliance culture promotions 10 4 24 Business-speci​c interpretations Bi-weekly regulato​ policy updates 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 24


商業道德 金融壹賬通一直以秉持卓越的商業道德為己任,確保我們的業務運營始終符合最高的道德準則。公司及時跟進最新國際及國內政策制度、相關規 定,制定內部商業道德管理制度規範,確保公司不發生貪污賄賂事件,不破壞商業競爭的公平性,不損害金融秩序。 公司董事會負責監督公司商業道德相關制度的落實,全體管理層均履行應盡的義務,對商業決策的道德性和合規性進行全面審查和探討。董事會 審計委員會定期與內部審計團隊會面,討論開展內部審計工作,其中包括反貪汙工作。內部審計團隊會定期向審計委員會彙報審計結果。 2023年關鍵績效 涉及腐敗或賄賂 的訴訟案件數 0起 涉及洩漏客戶隱私數據 的訴訟案件數 0起 涉及利益衝突 的訴訟案件數 0起 涉及洗錢或內幕交易 的訴訟案件數 0起 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 01 涉及腐敗或賄賂 的訴訟案件數 0起 涉及洩漏客戶隱私數據 的訴訟案件數 0起 涉及利益衝突 的訴訟案件數 0起 涉及洗錢或內幕交易 的訴訟案件數 0起 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 最快兩日半可放款 OneConnect has always committed itself to uphold excellent business ethics, consistently adhering to ethical standards in its business operations. The company keeps abreast of the latest international and domestic policies and regulations, establishing internal business ethics management policies and norms to ensure that the company does not engage in corruption, undermine the fairness of business competition, or compromise the ​nancial order.. The Board is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the company's business ethics-related policies and norms, with all management ful​lling their obligations to thoroughly review and discuss the ethics and compliance of business decisions. The Audit Committee of the Board regularly meets with the internal audit team to discuss internal audit work, including anti-corruption e​o​s. The internal audit team regularly repo​s audit results to the Audit Committee. Key Pe​ormance in 2023 Number of breaches in Corruption or Bribe​:0 Business Ethics (2.2) Number of breaches in Discrimination or Harassment:0 Number of breaches in Customer Privacy Data: 0 Number of breaches in Con​icts of Interest: 0 Number of breaches in Money Laundering or Insider trading: 0 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 25


Anti-corruption and Anti-bribe​ (2.2.1) OneConnect is committed to creating a clean and transparent business environment, regulating the business conducts of all board members and employees, ensuring a good working culture and enhancing business ethics. The Company fully complies with the provisions and the spirit of all applicable anti-corruption laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA"), and the anti-corruption laws of the People's Republic of China. The Company has issued and implemented a series of polices, such as the "Anti-corruption Compliance Policy" and the "Code of Business Conduct and Ethics", which require its board members and employees to always adhere to ethical standards in business practices. The Company strictly prohibits engaging in or tolerating bribe​ or any other form of corruption. The Company has imposed polices which prohibit from o​ering, promising, authorizing, receiving, or giving money or anything of value to "In​uential Outside Persons" or any other person or entity to secure any improper advantage, or to obtain, direct or retain business for the Company. The Company’s internal personnel are also prohibited from o​ering, promising, authorizing, giving money or anything of value to an in​uential outside entity in order to secure any improper advantage, or to obtain, direct or retain business for the Company. The Company attaches impo​ance to the cultivation of employees' awareness of business ethics and continues to make e​o​s in the training and promotion of employees' business ethics. In 2023, the Company issued a full anti-corruption compliance guidance for all employees, providing comprehensive and detailed guidelines and answers for the four major sections, namely, basic guidelines, review scenarios, review process and guidelines for completion. As of December 31, 2023, the Company conducted 7 anti-corruption culture related trainings for all employees, with a coverage rate of 100%. Throughout 2023, the Company did not have any litigation cases involving corruption and bribe​. Business Ethics (2.2) Conducted 7 anti-corruption culture related trainings for all employees 7 100% with a coverage rate of 100% 0 The Company did not have any litigation cases involving corruption and bribe​ 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 26 Legal Compliance and Risk Management Depa​ment September 2023 Content Ove​iew Basic Guidelines Review Scenarios Review Process Guidelines for Completion Anti-corruption Compliance Guidance-Review Standards


OneConnect strictly adheres to laws and regulations such as the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Notice of the People's Bank of China on Implementing Relevant Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, following the principles of fairness, legality, and honesty. The company continuously strengthens its assessment of anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition, rigorously reviews the legality and compliance of investment, mergers, acquisitions, and other transaction activities, and discloses information as required. To optimize the anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance management mechanisms, OneConnect integrates domestic and international laws, regulations, and regulato​ requirements to establish a comprehensive anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance management system. The company has developed a solid anti-money laundering framework, including the Anti-Money Laundering and Penalties List Monitoring Management Measures and the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Internal Audit Working System, improving anti-money laundering processes, supe​ising, and reviewing compliance management of business lines and subsidiaries both domestically and abroad, enhancing the level of anti-money laundering duties. In 2023, the company had no investigations related to money laundering disputes, nor did it face litigation or penalties due to suspected monopolistic practices or unfair competition. Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Monopoly, and Anti-Unfair Competition (2.2.2) Business Ethics (2.2) OneConnect actively welcomes opinions from all pa​ies, providing communication channels for feedback to e​ectively safeguard the company's overall interests. The company has established the Letters and Visits Work Management System and the Management Measures and Rewards of Whistleblowing, encouraging lawful repo​ing of actions detrimental to the company's reputation and customer interests while standardizing repo​ing procedures. Rewards for whistleblowers are determined based on the severity and nature of the repo​ed violations, the role of the provided clues and evidence in the investigation, and other factors. Anyone can repo​ illegal or regulato​ violations of units or individuals to the company through email, letters, phone calls, and visits. The company has established a dedicated email, address, and phone number for integrity-related repo​s and whistleblowing, handled by specialized personnel responsible for accepting, reviewing, initiating investigations, and managing whistleblower rewards. The internal audit team will promptly initiate an investigation upon receiving a repo​. Based on the investigation ​ndings and company policies, the repo​ed issues will be addressed, and appropriate penalties will be imposed on the violators depending on the severity of the situation. If criminal activity is suspected, it will be referred to law enforcement agencies for fu​her action. Email addresses for repo​ing complaints: PUB_YZTXFJB@ocft.com 2 dept_j​ztjhjcb@ocft.com 1 Whistleblower Procedures and Protection (2.2.3) The company commits to maximum protection of whistleblower identity and safety, strictly prohibiting the disclosure of whistleblower information and repo​ content to the repo​ed pa​ies or unrelated individuals. Unauthorized excerpting, copying, withholding, or destruction of whistleblower materials is prohibited. For anonymous whistleblower materials, except when necessa​ for legal investigation, unauthorized veri​cation or authentication is not allowed. Actions that may disclose the identity of the whistleblower or the content of the repo​ are prohibited. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 27


03 2023 OneConnect's 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ Social - Ecological Win-Win


OneConnect strictly adheres to relevant laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, placing a high priority on safeguarding user information security. In 2023, the company developed and re​ned policies including the Personal Information Compliance Management Measures, Foreign Data Management Measures, Data Security Management Measures, Detailed Rules for Data Security Management, Data Security Incident Management Measures, Data Classi​cation and Grading Management Measures, and External Data Exchange Security Management Measures. These policies resolutely protect user information and data privacy, providing the most reliable se​ices for users. The Personal Information Compliance Management Measures, applicable to OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd. and all its subsidiaries, designate the depa​ments and individuals responsible for personal information protection. They clearly stipulate the basic principles of personal information protection, consent authorization, storage, usage, entrusted processing, sharing, transfer, destruction, complaints, cross-border management requirements, security incident response, and security assessment and audit principles. These measures fu​her strengthen personal information protection and standardize the speci​c implementation and execution of the company's daily personal information protection work, ensuring data compliance, con​dentiality, availability, and integrity. The company requires all employees in each depa​ment to strictly adhere to the national and company regulations and requirements regarding the protection of personal information. In case of violation, the company will handle the responsible depa​ment and individuals according to the "Red, Yellow, and Blue Card Penalty System" and the "Employee Violation Behavior Handling Execution Standard". Additionally, the company actively employs technical, policy, systemic, and procedural measures to enhance personal information security and protection. In 2022, Ping An Financial Cloud released its privacy policy, clarifying how the company collects, stores, protects, uses, and shares customer personal information and the rights customers have. For more details, please refer to "Ping An Financial Cloud Privacy Policy: https://www.ocftcloud.com/ssr/policy/1.2". Customer First (3.1) Data Security and Privacy Protection (3.1.1) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 29


金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 A B D C E Customer First (3.1) The Chief Technology O​cer (“CTO”) se​es as the representative for information security management, overseeing the company's entire information security management work. Responsibilities include: Setting the direction for information security work development Making overall decisions on the company's information security work Reviewing the company's overall information security risks Ensuring information security control measures are e​ectively and continuously implemented throughout the company Approving signi​cant changes to information security policies, strategies, and standards The company has established and re​ned a three-tier data security management structure. The ​rst tier, the decision-making layer, consists of the Data Security Management Committee, the highest decision-making body for the company's data security management, responsible for overseeing the company's data security management work and deliberating on related policies and regulations. The second tier, the management coordination layer, comprises the information security team, responsible for the overall organization and coordination of the company's data security management. The third tier, the execution layer, consists of the data security execution group, covering the company's information security team's data security management positions and all depa​mental data security execution positions. Strengthening the Foundation of Data Security A Setting the direction for information security work development; C Reviewing the company's overall information security risks; Ensuring information security control measures are e​ectively and D continuously implemented throughout the company; E B Making overall decisions on the company's information security work; Approving signi​cant changes to information security policies, strategies, and standards. The company has established an Information Security Committee, which is fully responsible for the comprehensive management of the company's information security. Responsibilities include: 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 30


以客為先 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 01 資訊安全實施細則用來詳述資訊安全標準 實施時的詳細要求,通常應用於IT系統, 如平臺、操作系統、應用系統、網路設備 及傳輸等。 資訊安全實施細則 04 資訊安全管理辦法用來詳細說 明各資訊安全管理領域的標準 要求 03 資訊安全管理辦法 資訊安全策略確立資訊安 全保護的原則及方向 02 資訊安全方針 資訊安全策略 資訊安全方針是公司管理層對保護 資訊資產的承諾及保護的要求 01 資訊安全規定 公司通過建立資訊安全和數據安全管理體系,在公 司內部推行一系列統一的資訊安全和數據安全管理 相關規定。公司的資訊安全和數據安全相關工作的 開展要求以相關規定及其他的資訊安全管理體系文 檔為執行準則,並規定公司全員需要認真落實和執 行管理體系。 資訊安全規定由資訊安全方針、資訊安全策略、資訊安全管理辦法和 資訊安全實施細則四類組成: (01)資訊安全方針是公司管理層對保護資訊資產的承諾及保護的要求; (02)資訊安全策略確立資訊安全保護的原則及方向; (03)資訊安全管理辦法用來詳細說明各資訊安全管理領域的標準要求; (04)資訊安全實施細則用來詳述資訊安全標準實施時的詳細要求,通常應用於IT系統,如平臺、 操作系統、應用系統、網路設備及傳輸等。 The company establishes information security and data security management systems, implementing a series of uni​ed information security and data security management-related regulations internally. The execution of the company's information security and data security-related work is guided by these regulations and other information security management system documents, with all employees required to diligently implement and execute the management system. Information security regulations comprise four categories: information security policies, strategies, management measures, and implementation details: a) Information security policies represent the company management's commitment to and requirements for protecting information assets; b) Information security strategies establish the principles and directions for information security protection; c) Information security management measures detail the standard requirements for various information security management areas; d) Information security implementation details elaborate on the speci​c requirements for implementing information security standards, typically applied to IT systems such as platforms, operating systems, application systems, network devices, and transmission. Information security regulations Customer First (3.1) Information security implementation details 03 04 Information security management 02 Information security policies Information security strategies 01 Information security policies represent the company management's commitment to and requirements for protecting information assets; Information security strategies establish the principles and directions for information security protection; Information security management measures detail the standard requirements for various information security management areas; Information security implementation details elaborate on the speci​c requirements for implementing information security standards, typically applied to IT systems such as platforms, operating systems, application systems, network devices, and transmission. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 31


金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 The company continuously optimizes security systems, establishing personal information security impact assessments, data classi​cation and grading, and cross-border data mechanisms. It conducts an invento​ of the company's data assets, formulating and implementing data compliance storage strategies, solidifying a compliance framework that meets three major security standards. Annually, the company conducts third-pa​y security assessments, with key systems passing cybersecurity level protection evaluations. Currently, the company has obtained ISO 9001 Quality Management System Ce​i​cation, ISO 20000 Information Technology Se​ice Management System Standard Ce​i​cation, ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System Ce​i​cation, ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Ce​i​cation, and ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System Ce​i​cation, achieving full coverage of information security protection in business processes by various management systems. Annually, the company conducts third-pa​y security assessments, with key systems passing cybersecurity level protection evaluations. ISO 9001 Quality Management System Ce​i​cation ISO 20000 Information Technology Se​ice Management System Ce​i​cation Customer First (3.1) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 32


ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System Ce​i​cation ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Ce​i​cation ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System Ce​i​cation Annually, the company conducts third-pa​y security assessments, with key systems passing cybersecurity level protection evaluations. Customer First (3.1) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 33


金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 In terms of information security monitoring and emergency handling, the company has developed the "Emergency Response Plan for Major Information Systems," various types of emergency response plans, and comprehensive processing procedures and mechanisms. Regular emergency security drills are conducted for all systems operated by OneConnect to address potential emergencies during operation or handling processes. These drills enhance the capability to monitor and respond to security incidents like hacker intrusions, improving the emergency handling capacity for sudden incidents across all systems, reducing system downtime, and minimizing business losses. Regarding personal information protection, the company has established regulations such as the "Management Measures of Personal Information Compliance" and the "Personal Information Security Impact Assessment Regulations" to standardize the company's personal information protection work through written systems, forming an e​cient and comprehensive management system to resolutely protect users' personal information security. The company continues to strengthen network and data security management with third-pa​y pa​ners, implementing various data and network security management requirements according to relevant systems and customer demands, enhancing risk assessment and emergency handling capabilities. In terms of data security, the company strictly processes personal and corporate con​dential information in accordance with agreements, maintains data isolation, prohibits third-pa​y pa​ners from accessing customer data without written permission, and promptly transfers data and deletes local retained data information after cooperation ends. Technically, the company employs corresponding technical measures to prevent data leakage, strengthens bounda​ protection and transmission protection, establishes isolation ​rewalls, and avoids transmitting data through insecure channels like instant messaging, cloud drives, and internet emails. Additionally, the company intensi​es training and advocacy, conducts monthly and qua​erly self-inspections, continuously improving network and data security capabilities, and regularly checks for information security vulnerabilities. All detected vulnerabilities are recorded in the Vulnerability Management System (“VMS”), and terminal risks are included in the employee risk dashboard, with all discovered vulnerabilities handled and tracked by dedicated information security personnel. In 2023, the company conducted one data security-related audit, ​nding no data security vulnerabilities. To fully strengthen employees' awareness of information security and privacy protection and improve information security protection capabilities, the company regularly conducts information security-related advocacy and training for employees. In 2023, the company carried out 32 email advocacies and six Zhiniao online specialized trainings for all employees, covering all OneConnect employees and outsourced personnel in Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Chengdu workplaces. Each training session involved over 2,200 pa​icipants, totaling over 70,000 pa​icipations, e​ectively enhancing all OneConnect employees' understanding and awareness of national personal information protection and privacy protection policies, and e​ectively promoting the company's compliance level in the aforementioned areas. Customer First (3.1) Strengthening Personal Information Protection In 2023, we conducted four security emergency drills in collaboration with Ping An Group, covering scenarios such as DDOS attacks, system backdoors, and abnormal account activities. These drills e​ectively enhanced the team's ability to handle security exceptions, sho​ened response times, and improved system availability and security. We also actively cooperated with government and relevant depa​ments, completing network and data security supe​ision inspections conducted by Shenzhen Futian Public Security Bureau, fu​her ensuring that data security work is legal and compliant. Case: Information Security Emergency Drill 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 34


金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 OneConnect adheres to the business philosophy of "value, win-win, and high-quality development," accelerating the iterative upgrades based on Ping An Group's technology and our own research and development, focusing resources on creating products and solutions that meet the digital transformation needs of ​nancial institutions. In 2023, the company focused on customer expansion, product upgrades, and cost reduction and e​ciency enhancement, achieving breakthroughs in Digital Credit Management, Digital Prope​y Insurance, Digital Life Insurance, Gamma Sma​ Voice, continuously providing customers with innovative products and solutions tailored to their needs. Digital Credit Management has yielded fruitful results, empowering the digital transformation of ​nancial institutions' credit businesses. Banks face challenges such as signi​cant system investments, low operational e​ciency, product homogenization, and talent sho​ages during digital transformation, urgently needing external assistance to advance technological construction. OneConnect's integrated sma​ credit solution has helped banks improve the management and e​ciency of their credit businesses. In 2023, through continuous product re​nement and upgrades, the company established deep pa​nerships with several domestic and international ​nancial institutions. Leveraging advanced technologies like big data risk control, the company helped build comprehensive risk control systems covering the entire credit process, strengthening risk prediction, forecasting, and early warning, e​ectively enhancing proactive risk control capabilities, improving the e​ciency of credit management, and signi​cantly reducing operational costs. In November 2023, OneConnect won the bid for a bank's "Large-Scale Credit Integration System" project, achieving another benchmark breakthrough in the ​elds of credit and risk management. Digital Prope​y Insurance has been comprehensively upgraded to provide end-to-end solutions for small and medium-sized prope​y insurance companies. Focusing on the pain points of small and medium-sized prope​y insurance companies in auto insurance risk judgment, cost management, and risk management, and based on Ping An Group's over 30 years of auto insurance management experience, OneConnect has comprehensively upgraded its solutions. It has launched an end-to-end auto insurance solution covering "claims + underwriting + se​ice," and has signed and implemented an end-to-end cooperation with a medium-sized prope​y insurance company with a premium scale of over RMB 5 billion. Additionally, OneConnect has introduced a complete new-generation core system in the non-auto insurance domain, which has been successfully launched at a joint-venture prope​y insurance company. This system aids in quickly integrating internet channels and swiftly launching multiple innovative insurance products. In terms of se​ices, OneConnect has introduced comprehensive solutions based on Ping An's experience, including management reform and digital transformation consulting se​ices, coupled with system implementation. These se​ices have been provided to multiple small and medium-sized prope​y and casualty insurance companies, bringing business value empowerment. Continuously Innovating Products Customer First (3.1) Product Innovation and Innovation Management (3.1.2) In Janua​ 2023, Intelligent Credit Integration Platform Won Best Fintech Provider Award in Yangtze River Delta 2022 China In October 2023, "E Ce​i​cation Innovation Technology Platform Innovation Case" was selected by The Banker Magazine as one of the "2023 Banker's Outstanding Fintech Innovation Cases of the Year” 01 02 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 35


金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 以客為先 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 33 OneConnect's Digital Life Insurance fully leverages the company's leading technology and innovative philosophy in the digital ​nance domain, combined with Ping An Group's brand in​uence and life insurance digital transformation experience. Through the "All-Powe​ul Agent" solution, it e​ectively promotes potential customer conversion, helping Old Mutual plc achieve quality and e​ciency improvements in recruitment, training, business development, and customer management, accelerating the digital process, and achieving remarkable results in the South African market. In the future, Digital Life Insurance will continue to innovate, providing customers with end-to-end comprehensive digital insurance solutions and creating more value for customers. Digital Life Insurance begins a new overseas journey, aiding Old Mutual plc 03 agents in digital transformation. Customer First (3.1) The "Gamma Sma​ Voice" solution, based on Ping An Group's over 30 years of ​nancial business experience and focusing on the ​nancial indust​, combines Ping An's self-developed generative AI technologies such as large language models, voice, and vision. It is applied to ​ntech products like multimodal conversational robots, intelligent human assistance, intelligent knowledge management, and conversational analysis mining. By integrating "product" and "business," it creates 300+ robot processes for risk control, marketing, customer se​ice, and other business scenarios. It provides AI scenario construction, AI operation team building, and AI scenario pe​ormance enhancement se​ices. As of December 31, 2023, Gamma Sma​ Voice has deployed intelligent systems for dozens of ​nancial indust​ customers. For example, a large city commercial bank has developed an intelligent customer se​ice project, achieving an intelligent resolution rate of 75% through the construction of more than 130 robot scenarios. Gamma Sma​ Voice takes the lead in AIGC deployment, promoting the digital 04 transformation of ​nancial institutions. 130 More than 130 robot scenarios By integrating "product" and "business," it creates 300+ robot processes for risk control, marketing, customer se​ice, and other 300+ business scenarios 75% A large city commercial bank has developed an intelligent customer se​ice project, achieving an intelligent resolution rate of 75% 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 36


Digital life insurance begins a new overseas journey, aiding Old Mutual plc 03 agents in digital transformation. 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 As a Technology-as-a-Se​ice provider for ​nancial institutions, OneConnect attaches great impo​ance to innovative management, combining advanced technology with ​nancial se​ices to help customers enhance e​ciency and se​ices, and reduce costs and risks, achieving digital transformation. By continuously enhancing its innovative competitiveness through driving open innovation, product innovation, and process innovation, the company promotes its own and the indust​'s sustainable development. The company is committed to promoting open innovation. In 2023, AIGC witnessed explosive growth. As a pioneer in exploring AI in the domestic ​ntech sector, OneConnect has taken the lead in AIGC deployment and applied it in ​nancial ve​ical areas like banking, insurance, and investment. The company's intelligent contactless remote face-to-face review platform, developed using open-source technology, and sma​ voice and video robot applications, achieved in collaboration with operators and third-pa​y video stream processing pa​ners, e​ectively enhance work e​ciency and achieve cost reduction and e​ciency improvement. They also help enhance customer experience, bringing new oppo​unities for the company's development. During the repo​ing period, the Company made e​o​s to promote three standardizations, namely product standardization, marketing standardization and delive​ standardization, in terms of product and process innovation, so as to achieve the goal of "managing the process well, guarding the cost, consolidating the delive​ and empowerment, and setting up benchmark customers". Customer First (3.1) Strengthening Innovation Management Case 1: Intelligent Contactless Remote Face-to-face Review Platform Case 2: Sma​ Voice Video Robot Application Improve E​ciency ▪ Capable of enabling multiple people to have simultaneous conversations regardless of geographical location ▪ Suppo​s the transition from o​ine to online in multiple scenarios ▪ E​ectively reduce audit costs and improve approval e​ciency ▪ For the same customer group, using sma​ voice and video robot outbound calls instead of purely voice outbound calls signi​cantly improves marketing e​ectiveness, with conversion rates increasing by 3-4 times ▪ 100% self-developed, not dependent on commercial fee-based software/tools ▪ Product standardization and modularization, e​ciently connecting various face-to-face review scenarios, and implementing e​ectively with lower operation and maintenance costs ▪ Introducing third-pa​y video processing technology components ensures the e​ectiveness of video interactions and reduces signi​cant manpower costs ▪ Independently select (or simultaneously use) third-pa​y video streaming processing components to enhance product ​exibility and risk resistance Reduce Costs and Increase E​ciency ▪ Assist in the research and development of digital technologies such as signature action detection and signature comparison algorithms ▪ Facilitate the identi​cation of scenarios and conversations during face-to-face reviews, intelligent push of questions, and AI analysis of user answers, e​ectively reducing approval risks ▪ Create commercial oppo​unities and increase company revenue ▪ In line with the development of 4G/5G network construction, video robots make remote communication more e​cient ▪ Based on phone and video outbound calls, it can achieve interactive contact experiences through multiple channels and multimedia Development Oppo​unities 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 37


公司客戶滿意度 打分為4.47分 滿分:/ 5分 4.47分 客戶投訴問題解 決占比100% 線上服務 滿意度為8.5分 滿分:9分 100 %解決 8.5分 Data Security and Privacy Protection (3.1.1) OneConnect actively welcomes opinions from all pa​ies, providing communication channels for feedback to e​ectively safeguard the company's overall interests. The company has established the Letters and Visits Work Management System and the Management Measures and Rewards of Whistleblowing, encouraging lawful repo​ing of actions detrimental to the company's reputation and customer interests while standardizing repo​ing procedures. Rewards for whistleblowers are determined based on the severity and nature of the repo​ed violations, the role of the provided clues and evidence in the investigation, and other factors. Customer Se​ice and Quality Assurance (3.1.3) The company's customer satisfaction score 4.47 Online service satisfaction score 8.5 Resolution rate for customer complaint issues 100 Customer First (3.1) OneConnect adheres to a customer-centric philosophy, establishing and pe​ecting a customer se​ice and quality assurance system, continuously enhancing se​ice quality through customer se​ice training, satisfaction su​eys, and quality tracking. In meeting customer needs In meeting customer needs, the company has developed systematic materials like the "Marketing Manual" and "Marketing Think Tank," standardizing product and se​ice content. The marketing center updates and re​nes relevant content according to legal and regulato​ requirements and product se​ice details, synchronizing it monthly with the sales team. Sales personnel are required to follow standard plans when explaining to customers, ensuring the quality of marketing content. In 2023, the company faced no penalties for regulato​ marketing violations. To ensure speci​c project se​ice quality, OneConnect's business teams are responsible for responding to customer needs, forming work plans, implementing them, and continuously communicating with customers to ensure delive​ quality. To ensure customer se​ice quality and se​ice team quality management, the company has issued system documents like the "Se​ice Quality Management Standards" and the "B-End Customer Se​ice Management Measures," clearly regulating customer inqui​ responses and complaint handling. All depa​ments and personnel must respond promptly to customer feedback, ensuring 100% response rate. Complaints are investigated and handled based on principles of equality, objectivity, and fairness, avoiding complaints about the complaint itself and minimizing negative impact. The con​dentiality of complainants' personal information is strictly maintained, used only for internal complaint handling purposes. For major complaints or group incidents, the customer se​ice team coordinates with administrative, audit, legal compliance, and brand promotion teams for response, repo​ing to the group's consumer protection committee as needed. If it triggers the company's emergency response plan, it is handled according to the "General Emergency Response Plan." In 2023, the company introduced a complaint assessment for project managers and delive​ leads, fu​her ensuring customer se​ice quality. In terms of se​ice quality tracking, to fu​her improve se​ice quality and customer satisfaction, ensuring timely and e​ective communication and feedback for customer issues, the company has optimized and adjusted customer feedback channels and satisfaction su​ey coverage. In 2023, in addition to the existing 400 phone line, online customer se​ice, and questionnaire su​eys, the company added after-sales se​ice follow-up, expanding customer feedback channels. For project quality issues, the PMO inte​enes for supe​ision and tracking until customer con​rmation. In terms of expanding coverage during the satisfaction su​ey phase, the company covers project delive​, online acceptance, operation and maintenance at 3, 6, and 9 months stages to achieve dynamic satisfaction management. In customer se​ice training, the company has established three training components: business knowledge training based on the Marketing Think Tank document Q&A, periodic new business and feature pre-launch training, and periodic live online courses; se​ice soft skills training primarily through weekly recording analysis; and regular compliance and security material study discussions. The comprehensive and scienti​c training system e​ectively enhances the professionalism and pe​ormance of customer se​ice employees. To fu​her enhance the se​ice awareness of project personnel and ensure the quality of project delive​, the company established a project health management system in 2023 and conducted advocacy targeting all frontline delive​ personnel and delive​ leaders. As of December 31, 2023, the company's customer satisfaction score was 4.47 out of 5. As of the same date, the company experienced four complaints, with a 100% resolution rate for customer complaint issues. Online se​ice satisfaction score was 8.5 out of 9. To ensure speci​c project se​ice quality In terms of se​ice quality tracking In customer se​ice training % 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 38


OneConnect Customer Se​ice and Quality Assurance System Customer First (3.1) Customer Se​ice Team Se​ice Hotline After-sales Se​ice Quality Supe​ision System OneConnect's customer se​ice team comprises the project delive​ se​ice team (frontline personnel directly se​ing customers) and the back-o​ce suppo​ se​ice team (maintenance/operation se​ice personnel, hotline se​ice personnel). Currently, customer se​ice is primarily project delive​- based, with back-o​ce suppo​ as seconda​. At the same time, the back-o​ce suppo​ se​ice team exercises control and supe​ision over frontline se​ices through se​ice management systems, establishing complaint hotlines (passive means), and conducting satisfaction su​eys (active means), ensuring standardized se​ices and customer experience. OneConnect has established a 400 se​ice hotline (4006065511), web online customer se​ice, and corporate WeChat customer se​ice as se​ice channels. OneConnect has established systems like "Project Health Management" and "Customer Voice Management" for daily management, assessment, customer callbacks, and customer voice resolution, implementing closed-loop control over se​ice quality to gradually improve customer satisfaction. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 39


OneConnect strictly adheres to laws and regulations such as the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, Minimum Wage Regulations, Regulations on Work-Related Inju​ Insurances, and the Regulations on Labor Security Supe​ision. Based on Ping An Group's recruitment system and considering the company's speci​c circumstances, OneConnect has established its recruitment system. During the recruitment process, the company strictly prohibits the employment of child labor and does not discriminate against candidates based on gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, appearance, age, marital status, place of origin, nationality, etc. The company veri​es employee identity information through multiple measures and legally signs labor contracts with employees. Working hours and holidays are determined according to the company's "Attendance and Leave Management System," with agreed-upon salaries paid in full and on time, ensuring no child labor or forced labor. The company legally provides social security for employees, o​ers bene​ts, and includes clauses against workplace sexual harassment and corresponding disciplina​ measures for violations in the employee handbook, creating an equal, comfo​able, non-discriminato​, and inclusive workplace environment. In 2023, the company revised the "Attendance and Leave Management System" and added contents such as ove​ime duration, parental leave, public welfare holidays, and ove​ime management regulations, fu​her improving humane management and safeguarding employees' legal rights. People-oriented Management (3.2) Compliant Employment (3.2.1) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 40


平均每名全職員工 招聘成本 12029元 12029 內部招聘僱用占比32% 32% 平均每名全職員工 招聘成本 12029元 12029 The Human Resources (“HR”) depa​ment conducts annual HR planning, targeting speci​c positions for replenishment based on the plan and prioritizing identifying, matching, and deploying versatile talents suited to emerging business roles. To expand talent channels, the company has established diverse recruitment channels, including the company's o​cial website, other recruitment platform websites, internal referrals, headhunters, and external supplier recommendations. Suitable candidates from various channels are selected for multiple rounds of inte​iews to comprehensively assess their ​t for the position, eventually hiring the most suitable candidates. In talent planning and rese​e, OneConnect continuously injects fresh talent, building a youthful team. The company has developed a comprehensive campus recruitment plan, standardizing the management of the entire recruitment process from pre- to post-recruitment. Special attention is paid to avoiding discrimination during the recruitment process, and discriminato​ information such as gender, age, universities (Double First Class/985/211, prestigious universities, etc.), learning methods (full-time and pa​-time), shall not be included in external publicity. Personal privacy questions shall not be asked during inte​iews. Additionally, the company has developed systematic pre-employment management (including internship plans) and onboarding training plans to help recent graduates quickly understand and integrate into the company, clarifying future career development paths. As of the end of 2023, the total number of employees in the company amounted to 2,440, comprising 1,581 male employees and 859 female employees. The total number of new employee hires (excluding internal transfers) was 357, with internal recruitment accounting for 32% of the total. The average cost per hire was RMB 12,029. Key Pe​ormance in 2023 Total number of new employee hires: 357 Female employees 1,581 People-oriented Management (3.2) Male employees 859 357 300 200 100 232 249 12 Newly hired female employees: 125 Newly hired male employees: 357 300 200 100 Newly hired Han Chinese employees: Newly hired ethnic minority employees: 32% Percentage of open positions ​lled by internal candidates (internal hires): 12,029 Average hiring cost/FTE: RMB 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 41


Share of women in all management (i) positions , including junior, middle and top management: 30% 30% Share of women in STEM-related (iii) positions : 28% 24% 28% Share of women in top management positions: 24% 26% Share of women in junior management positions: 26% 34% Share of women in management positions (ii) in revenue-generating functions (e.g. sales) as % of all such managers : 34% 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90% 100% 85% 0% 82% 4% Notes: (i) Management positions refer to supe​isors, directors, deputy directors, depa​ment managers/deputy managers, general managers, deputy general managers, and persons in charge. (ii) Revenue-generating functions refer to sales, business, pre-sales, solutions, and market development functions. (iii) Personnel in STEM-related positions refer to personnel whose functional sequence is technology, functional sequence. Share of Han Chinese in all management positions, including junior, middle and top management: 85% Share of ethnic minority in all management positions, including junior, middle and top management: 0% Share of Han Chinese employees in non-management positions: 82% Share of ethnic minority employees in non-management positions: 4% People-oriented Management (3.2) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 42


OneConnect places great emphasis on talent development and cultivation, o​ering employees abundant training oppo​unities and a robust promotion mechanism. In 2023, the company formulated the "Training Management Measures (2023 Edition)," fu​her standardizing the company's talent training management. Additionally, the company revised the "Employee Education Fund Management Measures (2023 Edition)" and increased the propo​ion of employee education funds allocated based on the total wage amount. Currently, the company's employee career development system is divided into two pa​s: Talent Development and Cultivation (3.2.2) Since 2022, the company has implemented the "Living Water Plan," an internal talent cultivation and retention program, se​ing as an impo​ant channel for internal talent mobility. The aim is to invigorate the organization, activate the team, and open horizontal, multi-path development channels to ensure rational internal talent mobility and promote the reasonable allocation of internal talent resources. The company established an internal Living Water Plan platform open to all employees. Employees who meet the criteria and are interested in transferring can apply to join. The HR team will promote the open positions available for internal mobility each week through posters distributed company-wide, providing employees with more oppo​unities for choice. The ​rst pa​ is the job rank system: horizontally including professional, technology, functional, operational, managerial, executive committee, legal compliance, and other professional channels. Each channel is fu​her divided into multiple sub-sequences based on speci​c functions. Ve​ically, it is divided into junior, intermediate, senior, and leadership levels, covering all positions and personnel in the company. People-oriented Management (3.2) The second pa​ is the development path: Employees can advance within their professional channels along the technical path based on actual work. After being promoted to intermediate level, they can also choose the managerial path based on their career interests and directions. Additionally, employees can also make lateral moves and developments between professional sequences and channels. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 43


For training, the company tailored the "Marathon Training System" for all employees, oriented by company strategy, focusing on core business needs and talent development requirements, accompanying each "One" family member's growth. In 2023, the "Marathon Training System" focused on "Strategic Identi​cation, Business Exploration/Leadership Molding, Synchronous Growth," matching di​erent training courses and projects to employees of various levels and professional sequences, providing targeted empowerment and building a platform for integrated learning and application. In 2023, the company conducted 20 professional development-related training sessions, including external expe​ lectures, internal instructor sharing, internal discussion sharing, and online course learning, with an employee satisfaction score of 9.3 out of 10. The company pays close attention to enhancing employees' professional capabilities, actively cooperating with external institutions for training. During July 22-23, 2023, Entropy Technology hosted an EAST data governance training focusing on regulato​ data governance, including EAST and 1104 content. After the training, course notes were organized, such as business knowledge and customer information empowerment, for other business colleagues to learn and discuss, growing together. Additionally, the company focuses on employees' personal career development, actively encouraging employees to obtain impo​ant professional quali​cations. In 2023, the company reimbursed examination fees or renewal fees for impo​ant quali​cation exams, with 67 people con​rmed for the list through basic quali​cation review, division head review, and division head nomination. By the end of 2023, 12 employees had completed ce​i​cate acquisition or renewal. People-oriented Management (3.2) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 44 2023 OneConnect Training System at a Glance Clari​cation and Decoding of Strategy Walking Alongside Strategy, Sharing Achievements Cadre Capability O/A/B Type O Energy Bars Business Exploration T1-T4 Promotion of Basic Human Resources Law Resources Suppo​ Type A Calories Type B Potential Amino Acids Type B Amino Acids Marketing Wolf Warrior Plan Marketing Fuel Station Product I Know My Product Best Product Lectures Delive​ Practice Sharing Project Management R&D Agile Development Celebrity Sharing Functional Functional Training Role Model Talks General Catego​: Synchronous Growth Professional Quali​cation Ce​i​cates Newcomer’s Learning and Growth Journal All-Sta​ Strategic Advocacy Celebrity Face-to-Face Discussion Seminars Type C Open Courses Role Model Talks Ping An University: Public Classes, Popular Courses, Special Classes Zhiniao: Zhiniao Circle, Zhiniao's carefully curated high-quality courses Employee Education Funds 戰略澄清解碼 戰略同行,戰績共享 幹部能力O/A/B O類能量棒 A類卡路里 B潛氨基酸 B類氨基酸 業務探索T1-T4 營銷 產品 交付 研發 職能 戰狼計畫 營銷加油 站 我的產品 我最懂 產品講堂 實踐分享 項目管理 敏捷開發 大咖分享 職能培訓 榜樣說 通用類:同頻成長 人力資源基本法推廣 大咖面對面 職業資質證書 座談研討會 新人學習成長記 C類公開課 全員戰略宣導 榜樣說 平安大學:公開班、熱課、專班 資源 支撐 知鳥:知鳥圈、知鳥鹽選 職工教育經費


Employee Type People-oriented Management (3.2) Training Content High Level - Type A Calories Huawei Visiting Program, Yan'an Learning Program, Learning from external excellent practices We organized training courses such as "Team Leadership LTL", "Management for Non-HR Managers", "Coaching Leadership: Application in Pe​ormance Management", "Dark Dialogue: Awareness and Enhancement of Lateral Leadership", etc., to help managers to learn team management methods and enhance their leadership from multi-dimensional perspectives Junior-Oxygen Molecules We carried out o​ine training courses such as "Problem Analysis and Solution", "Formation of E​cient Habits", "E​cient Repo​ing: Reinventing PPT from Logic to Design", "Excel Practical Combat", and sharing by great expe​s, as well as a wealth of online course learning. Employees are empowered with logical thinking, problem analysis, o​ce skills and other aspects to enhance their comprehensive ability and improve work e​ciency Employee Development Program Description of the Program Description of Program Business Bene​ts % of FTEs Pa​icipating in the Program Type B Amino Acids Training Program Enhancement of organizational management capabilities, such as talent management (selection, cultivation, utilization, retention), ​nancial management (business acumen), pe​ormance management (coaching and improvement), lateral leadership, coaching leadership, and situational leadership 65% (percentage of personnel pa​icipating in o​ine training for Type B amino acids relative to the total number of Type B personnel) Through the growth of employees' comprehensive abilities, business improvement is driven by the enhancement of individual e​ectiveness. This includes e​ciency improvement, structured thinking, critical thinking, e​ective communication skills, and o​ce skills (such as PPT, EXCEL, etc.) 20% (percentage of personnel pa​icipating in o​ine training for Type C and D oxygen molecules relative to the total number of Type C and D personnel, note: Type C and D employees are primarily empowered with online courses) Type C and D Oxygen Molecules Training Program With the goal of improving employees' learning and growth, consolidating the basic abilities of all employees, and creating a good learning atmosphere in the company, we make use of the introduction of zhiniao (知鳥), university and external high-quality courses, focusing on the improvement of general basic abilities, such as o​ce skills, thinking awareness, and communication skills, and comprehensively empowering the employees in Type C and D through online and o​ine activities and a variety of workshops With the goal of building high-pe​ormance teams and energizing the vitality and combat e​ectiveness of cadre groups, the focus is on enhancing capabilities in team management, pe​ormance management, coaching and mentoring, and business acumen. Through various forms such as course learning, case studies, ​ipped classrooms, and situational exercises, comprehensive empowerment is provided for Type B cadres 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 45 Intermediate - Type B Amino Acids


Case: Amino Acid Team Leadership Enhancement Program Data on Career Development Related Training of OneConnect in 2023 98.8 98.7 97.9 99.3 98.7 4.1 5.2 6.6 4.6 4.4 Male employees Female employees Senior employees Intermediate employees Junior employees In June 2023, the company carried out a 2- day amino acid team leadership enhancement program at its Shenzhen headqua​ers in combination with o​ine lectures, seminars and expansion in various forms, with a total of 40 Type B managers attending. As pa​ of the marathon training system, the program includes three core modules: diagnosing and improving team capacity, identifying leadership style, recognizing people and identifying oneself, and quickly leading the team to enter the high-yield period, which aims to help Type B managers to improve their own management ability and lead the team to achieve the high-pe​ormance goals. People-oriented Management (3.2) 1,562 848 47 433 1,920 Employee Catego​ Coverage Percentage (%) Average Training Hours (hours/person) Number of Trainees (person) Case: Amino Acid Team Leadership Enhancement Program Number of career development related 20 trainings conducted: 20 9.3 Key pe​ormance in 2023 Employee training satisfaction score: 9.3 out of 10 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 46


Compensation and Bene​ts (3.2.3) To foster the internal drive for sustainable development and establish a competitive compensation system, OneConnect has developed a "Compensation Management System" applicable to all its employees and subsidiaries. This system aligns with the company's long and sho​-term strategies, business objectives, and corporate culture, leveraging its e​ect to attract, retain, motivate, and develop outstanding talent. To attract and retain top talent for the company's long-term sustainable development, equity incentive plans are set for core team members and high-pe​orming employees. Options and pe​ormance share units are granted to align company goals with employee incentives, achieving a win-win situation and maximizing motivational e​ects. In 2023, the company continued to re​ne its compensation and bene​ts system, comprising basic sala​, pe​ormance bonuses, position allowances, welfare bene​ts, and year-end bonuses, focusing compensation resources on core team members and those with signi​cant contributions to maximize the incentive e​ect of compensation. The company has established a comprehensive employee compensation, pe​ormance, and bene​ts communication and feedback mechanism. Individual pe​ormance goals are set based on annual business targets and assessed regularly, with a ​nal evaluation at year-end. For communication, direct supe​isors are encouraged to have face-to-face discussions with employees, covering topics including compensation and bene​ts, work planning, and feedback on work outcomes. Additionally, the company implements a three-pillar HR model. If communication with the direct supe​isor is not smooth, employees can also speak with their HRBP (Human Resources Business Pa​ner), who will then discuss with the COE (Center of Expe​ise) to determine the ​nal solution. If employees are dissatis​ed with their pe​ormance evaluation grade, a dedicated appeals channel is provided within the pe​ormance system for employees to lodge complaints and provide feedback. For pe​ormance management and assessment, the company employs a KPI pe​ormance evaluation mechanism. Additionally, a 360-degree assessment system is applied to Type O, Type A, and Type B executives, complemented by agile conversations to enhance employee pe​ormance. In matters of dismissal, the company handles them in accordance with the law, following fair and transparent procedures, and respects the rights of employees. People-oriented Management (3.2) Compensation system Basic sala​ Pe​ormance bonuses Position allowances Welfare bene​ts Year-end bonuses 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 47


針對全體內勤員工每半年度開展一次績效考核排名 績效管理評估頻率:每半年度進行一次績效考核評估,每月度執行追蹤 Regarding bene​ts, the company o​ers comprehensive health protection for employees, including medical insurance, accidental inju​ insurance, hospitalization allowances, and targeted medication reimbursement. In terms of major illness assistance, the company provides timely medical aid to employees facing accidental injuries or sudden illnesses, alleviating the economic burden on employees and their families and enhancing their quality of life. Fu​hermore, the company has established a multi-tiered pension insurance system, promoting the development of enterprise annuities to better secure employees' post-retirement life. For eligible employees, the company sets up a basic contribution plan and a pe​ormance reward contribution plan for enterprise annuities, ensuring stable asset growth under a trust management model. This allows employees to increase their retirement income, improve the quality of retirement life, and enjoy the personal income tax deferment bene​ts of annuity contributions. In 2023, the company conducted a questionnaire su​ey on workplace management (workplace functional areas, facilities, reception), and union activities/bene​ts for administrative liaisons in various business depa​ments, achieving a 97% satisfaction rate. 01 Key pe​ormance in 2023 Satisfaction rate on workplace management union activities/bene​ts: 97% People-oriented Management (3.2) Types of Pe​ormance Management Evaluations KPI Pe​ormance Appraisal Agile Dialogues 360-degree Assessment and Evaluation Conduct semi-annual pe​ormance appraisal rankings for all employees Conducted with mid-year/year-end pe​ormance appraisal for Type O, Type A, and Type B; Conducted with joining and transition to regular employee status and 90 days of new induction for Type O and mandato​ items of Type A, Type B as appropriate, no 360-degree assessment arrangement for Type C and Type D employees The company organizes all employees to formulate annual plans at the beginning of each year and holds monthly repo​ing sessions where employees repo​ upwards. Supe​isors provide feedback, evaluations, and guidance based on employees' pe​ormance for the month, and encourage face-to-face coaching sessions between supe​isors and employees to correct any deviations. Employees are allowed to adjust their annual plans as necessa​ based on market conditions, personnel changes, and objective operational situations to ensure that personal pe​ormance goals "suppo​ the strategy, are sustainable, and challenging.” Pe​ormance management assessments are conducted semi-annually, with pe​ormance evaluations pe​ormed eve​ six months and monthly pe​ormance tracking executed 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 48


職業健康與安全相關主題的 70% 培訓員工參與度 70% 因工受傷和 0起 因工亡故事件 0起 1.4 % 員工缺勤率 1.4% 2023年關鍵績效 Occupational Health and Safety (3.2.4) People-oriented Management (3.2) The company places high impo​ance on the physical and mental health and safety of its employees, strictly adhering to laws and regulations such as the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Occupational Disease Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China. It has established and implemented a "Safety and Security Work System" to maintain the company's operational order and ensure the safety of company prope​y and employees. A comfo​able and safe working environment is created for employees, along with various safety assurances, to fully protect eve​ employee's health and safety. Comprehensive health protections are provided for employees, including annual health checkups, mental health counseling, in​rma​ consultation, and cooling and heating bene​ts. In 2023, the "Comprehensive Employee Protection Plan" was formulated for all employees, o​ering group comprehensive insurance, annuities, and a comprehensive welfare protection plan including accident, life, and medical insurance. Outpatient insurance is also provided for non-local employees, meeting their multi-level and comprehensive protection needs and fu​her enhancing their personal protection system. Qua​erly training sessions on occupational health and safety-related topics are provided for employees, with a 70% pa​icipation rate. During the repo​ing period, there were no work-related deaths, and the employee absentee rate was 1.4%. The company will continue to focus on occupational health and safety, providing more health assurances from both physical and mental aspects. Key Pe​ormance in 2023 Employee pa​icipation rate in occupational health and safety-related trainings: 70% 70% 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 49


Employee Rights and Care (3.2.5) The company highly values the rights of special care groups. Currently, there are no disabled employees, and the company pays the employment security fund for the disabled on time. Regarding women's rights, the company provides lactation rooms, strictly implements statuto​ maternity leave, and also o​ers nursing leave, additional rest for pregnant women (an extra hour of rest per day during the last two months of pregnancy), and half-day leave on Women's Day, among other policies. Various online and o​ine activities, including Children's Day family events and clubs such as yoga, dance, and swimming, are organized. The company protects employee rights and cares for their lives, meeting various needs. Beyond work, the company organizes rich cultural activities annually under the theme "Deep Work, Healthy Life," including Women's Day events, Chinese Valentine's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Programmer's Day, late-night canteens, and activities like walking, talent shows, and club events. Festival bene​ts are provided to employees on New Year, Women's Day, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival, creating a good culture of work-life balance. Regular events like late-night canteens and Programmer's Day are held to send blessings and surprises to employees, enhancing cohesion and a sense of belonging. In October 2023, the company organized the "1024 Lion City Month" around the core concept of new value culture. Focused on creating value professionally and solving business challenges, professional talks, innovation skills competitions, and eSpo​s competitions were organized, o​ering an unprecedented festival experience for programmers. People-oriented Management (3.2) Lactation rooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Regarding women's rights Statuto​ maternity leave Nursing leave Additional rest for pregnant women Children's Day Yoga dance, and swimming Case: 1024 Programmer's Day 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 50


2023年10月,公司組織開展了以新價值文化為核心理念的“1024攻城獅月”。以專業創造價值出發 點,以解決業務難題為主題,打造了專業大咖分享會、創新技能大賽、共贏電競大賽,為程式員 帶來了一場前所未有的節日體驗。 案例:1024程式員節 Corporate Culture Activities (3.2.6) Corporate culture is the soul of an enterprise. OneConnect adopts the slogan "Technology Creates Value Through Expe​ise" and promotes the corporate culture of "Striving for a Full Score as OCers." The company's full-score culture, including pa​ner culture, crisis culture, innovation culture, and pe​ormance culture, is the driving force and source of sustained development. Case: Qua​erly Honor Hall Award Ceremony 2023 In terms of social responsibility, OneConnect actively explores innovative applications of technology in ​nance-related ​elds and scenarios, suppo​ing the digital transformation of the indust​ with practical actions, suppo​ing the development of green ​nance, practicing social responsibility, and achieving sustainable development for both the indust​ and itself. We provide professional se​ices for customers, create outstanding returns for shareholders, grow together with pa​ners, o​er growth oppo​unities to employees, actively unde​ake social responsibilities, and strive to achieve harmonious development among ourselves, customers, shareholders, pa​ners, employees, and society. Social responsibility To inspire employees' enthusiasm, creativity, and teamwork, the company has specially arranged the Qua​erly Honor Hall Awards Ceremony for 2023. This ceremony fully recognizes and rewards outstanding achievements, remarkable contributions, or exempla​ qualities of individuals or teams in speci​c ​elds. Executive team members were invited to attend the ceremony, while colleagues from various workplaces pa​icipated online, helping to pass on excellent cultural traditions and values. By commending outstanding individuals and teams, their exempla​ qualities and spirits are upheld and promoted, se​ing as role models for future generations and driving the company's continuous development. People-oriented Management (3.2) For honor system construction, the company adopts a "horse racing" approach, rewarding outstanding employees in areas such as project delive​, product innovation, and research and development innovation based on income, management, se​ice, operation, and projects. Honor system construction In media publicity, the company showcases award-winning employees through cultural walls and electronic screens, spreading positive energy, motivating employee enthusiasm, and striving for personal value realization. Media publicity In pe​ormance culture, the company fosters a competitive and motivating atmosphere through pe​ormance management, empowering supe​isors and employees to comprehensively review team pe​ormance and individual work quality, providing targeted coaching to employees, enhancing initiative in process management, unlocking team potential, and achieving business goals and pe​ormance improvement. Pe​ormance culture 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 51


4 條 客戶投訴總量 4條 100% 客戶投訴辦結率 100% Enhancing Supplier Management (3.3.1) Based on Ping An Group's Sustainable Supply Chain Policy, OneConnect has established a "Procurement Management Method" that adheres to the principles of "integrity, honesty, and transparent procurement." Through highly transparent, responsible procurement processes and supplier management measures, the company establishes cooperative, win-win, and long-term reciprocal relationships with suppliers. While continuously optimizing procurement se​ices and timely ful​lling payment agreements, the company e​ectively promotes sustainable development across the entire supply chain. 共建行業 Case: Supplier Risk Management System Internally, the company incorporates sustainability requirements into supplier admission audits, assessments, process management, and feedback. Special attention is paid to suppliers' pe​ormance in environmental protection, employee rights, and risk management among other ESG aspects. A joint inspection team comprising the supplier admission audit team, procurement management team, and user depa​ment representatives assess suppliers, and scoring will be conducted regarding supplier risk management, in​uencing future cooperation. In 2023, OneConnect conducted admission assessments for 324 suppliers, terminating cooperation with 39 suppliers due to the discove​ of abnormal behavior. In terms of supplier code of conduct, the company has made explicit provisions regarding anti-commercial bribe​, information security and privacy protection, cyber security, intellectual prope​y protection, and other aspects. Suppliers are required to sign an "Anti-Corruption Compliance Commitment Letter" and actively unde​ake and practice corporate social responsibility. In 2023, 100% of suppliers signed the "Anti-Corruption Compliance Commitment Letter." OneConnect also conducts related advocacy and training for suppliers. OneConnect values supply chain risk management, segmenting the risk management process into pre-admission review, contract renewal initial review, contract renewal re-review, and warning handling, creating a progressively detailed, dismantlable, monitorable, and multi-pa​icipant process ensuring accurate risk identi​cation. The company controls suppliers through a specialized third-pa​y supplier management system (ITPM), an internal system for third-pa​y institution admission approval and management, facilitating online admission, approval, and integration with other systems (procurement system, contract management system, etc.), enhanced with external data sources (e.g., YiQiCha) for timely risk warnings on operational anomalies, serious legal violations, and owner credibility issues. The system covers all business lines of the company, enabling comprehensive risk scanning and ensuring high-quality enterprise development. The system uses external data for categorized scanning and automatic warnings for twelve risk types, including changes in business registration, ale​s, execution announcements, loss of credibility, and administrative penalties, divided into green, blue, yellow, and red risk levels. The company adopts a categorized evaluation and resolution strategy for di​erent warnings and severity levels to ensure audit accuracy and timely action. In addition to specifying handling times and solutions for di​erent risk types, professional personnel are assigned to six major risk control areas including channel manager, channel specialist, pre-admission review, contract renewal initial review, re-review, and warning handling. Co-building the Industry (3.3) Internal Supplier Management Regulations Supplier Code of Conduct Indicators Entity Entity Unit 1,563 11 2022 324 39 2023 Number of suppliers inspected in the admittance review procedure Number of suppliers whose cooperation was terminated because of the discove​ of abnormal behavior 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 52


OneConnect actively responds to national strategies by promoting social development with innovative ​nancial se​ice models, actively pa​icipating in rural revitalization and the Belt and Road Initiative. The company also focuses on public welfare, practicing social responsibility and contributing to the construction of a better society with the spirit of volunteer se​ice. OneConnect actively responds to the "Belt and Road" initiative, with overseas operations now spanning 20 countries and regions including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the UAE, and the Philippines, covering up to 185 customers. Projects leveraging leading global technologies such as a​i​cial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing have been successively implemented in "Belt and Road" pa​ner countries. Trade Bank. Additionally, OneConnect collaborated with ADGM to develop the SMEs ​nancing platform for Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”).This platform enables seamless data transmission, thereby assisting users in making ​nancing decisions that are more convenient and aligned with their risk preferences. Fu​hermore, it can streamline the loan application process by utilizing digital tools such as electronic contracts and signatures, improving the ​nancing experience for SMEs. In 2023, the SMEs ​nancing digital platform Numou, developed by OneConnect and ADGM, was o​cially launched. In the era of economic and ​nancial globalization, the digital experiment platform and SMEs ​nancing platform built by OneConnect and ADGM will lead the innovation and development of ​ntech in the Middle East region, creating a "Middle Eastern sample" for Chinese ​ntech companies to actively promote high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road.” As a junction point of the land and sea Silk Roads, the UAE signed a government-to-government memorandum of understanding with China in 2018 to jointly construct the "Belt and Road." Many key projects of China-UAE cooperation have been rooted in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. ADGM Digital Lab, a digital laborato​ platform created by OneConnect to assist Abu Dhabi Global Market, connects major ​nancial institutions and ​ntech companies, allowing them to collaborate on business, agile online development iteration, and ​nancial solution innovation on the platform, ultimately building a comprehensive digital ​nancial and business se​ice ecosystem. As of December 31, 2023, more than 495 institutional or individual users have registered and sta​ed using the digital lab platform, including ​nancial institutions from Abu Dhabi, the Central Bank of the UAE, First Abu Dhabi Bank, and Anglo-Gulf 20 Overseas operations now spanning 20 countries and regions 185 Covering up to 185 customers Case: Collaborating with ADGM to Develop Abu Dhabi's Digital Financial Ecosystem Promoting the Joint Construction of the “Belt and Road” (3.4.1) Shared Development (3.4) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 53


Since its establishment in 2016, OneConnect has actively responded to the national strategy for rural revitalization, car​ing out consumer assistance work and investing nearly RMB 11 million in special funds. In August 2023, to actively suppo​ rural revitalization, OneConnect has signed a RMB 100,000 procurement intention with cooperative enterprises in Xiabei Village, Gebu Town, in the Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone. The aim is to provide broader market oppo​unities for local agricultural products and jointly promote the development of rural economies. Additionally, in Janua​ 2023, OneConnect actively pa​icipated in the "Shenzhen and Kashgar - good deeds to the future" special fund project initiated by the One Foundation, donating goods wo​h more than RMB 50,000 to the Kashgar region to help local people in need. Suppo​ing Rural Revitalization (3.4.2) Shared Development (3.4) Invested nearly RMB 11 million in special funds 11million Signed a RMB 100,000 procurement intention with cooperative enterprises in villages 100,000 Donated goods wo​h more than RMB 50,000 to the Kashgar region to help local people in need 50,000 "Shenzhen and Kashgar - good deeds to the future” 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 54


In order to suppo​ the revitalization of rural education, OneConnect launched the "Love and Technology Growing Together" public welfare program in 2021, which is committed to injecting technology genes into schools in rural areas with the power of science and technology, and helping children and youths grow up healthily. On May 13, 2023, the company held the "Love and Technology Growing Together" public welfare walking activity, calling on pa​icipants to pay attention to the education and growth of rural children. The event raised a total of RMB 30,000, which will be used to suppo​ and cultivate children's public welfare programs to help children aged 0-18 to grow up healthily and happily and develop equally. 2023 "Let Love Continue" Ping An of China Blood Donation Campaign in Zhejiang Province "Love and Technology Growing Together" Charity Walk Rural revitalization donation 180,000 amount: RMB 180,000 Key pe​ormance in 2023 Shared Development (3.4) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 55


Volunteer se​ice is an indispensable pa​ of OneConnect's corporate culture. The company continuously contributes to building a better society by pa​icipating in public welfare and practicing social responsibility. Pa​icipating in Volunteer Activities (3.4.3) Key pe​ormance in 2023 288hours Employee volunteer hours In early 2023, OneConnect's wholly-owned subsidia​, Ping An OneConnect Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, organized a team of nearly 20 employee volunteers to pa​icipate in Hong Kong's ​rst food recove​ and assistance program, "Food Angel Experience Day" activity held by "Food Angel". The volunteers collected leftover food ingredients that were still safe to consume, prepared meals, and distributed them for free to those in need in society, including the elderly, low-income families, and homeless individuals. In August 2023, OneConnect jointly conducted a civil tra​c guidance volunteer se​ice and publicity campaign with the Maling Community. Volunteers educated pedestrians on the dangers of road safety violations such as jaywalking and non-compliance with pedestrian rules while actively guiding them to use crosswalks and travel in an orderly manner. They also discouraged uncivilized tra​c behaviors such as not wearing helmets by e-bike riders and jaywalking, reminding the public to travel civilly and urging all road users to strictly adhere to tra​c safety regulations, achieving positive social impact. The activity demonstrated the pioneering role of volunteers, showcasing their spirit and transmitting the positive energy of "civilized tra​c sta​s with me.” Shared Development (3.4) 42times Employee pa​icipation in volunteer activities 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 56


金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 02 管治-穩健經營 董事長致辭 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 2023 關於本報告 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 2023 專題:金融科技賦能 共建可持續行業生態 2023 金融壹賬通 2023年環境、社會及管治報告 01 可持續發展治理 2023 金融壹賬通 2023年環境、社會及管治報告 04 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future 2023 OneConnect's 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​


The company is attentive to the environmental, economic, and social impacts of climate change, actively identifying and evaluating climate-related risks and oppo​unities, and implementing robust measures to suppo​ the group's green development, aiding in the achievement of national goals for peaking carbon emissions and carbon neutrality. Addressing Climate Change (4.1) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 58


Addressing Climate Change (4.1) The company places high impo​ance on the governance of climate-related risks and oppo​unities, planning to fu​her clarify comprehensive oversight by the Board on climate-related matters, including setting targets, formulating policies, and reviewing progress, which will be incorporated into board meetings and annual work plans. An ESG Oversight Committee is established at the management level, comprising the CEO, heads of relevant functional depa​ments, and other key management representatives, will be responsible for comprehensively identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and managing signi​cant climate-related matters, assessing progress on climate-related targets set by the Board, and repo​ing to the Board. The main responsibilities of the ESG Oversight Committee include continuously improving and standardizing the management of climate-related risks, guiding and urging all functional depa​ments and business lines to implement speci​c tasks. Governance Metrics and Targets Strategy The company plans to identify and assess sho​-term, medium-term, and long-term climate change-related risks (physical risks include acute and chronic physical risks, transition risks include policy and legal risks, market and technology risks, reputation risks) and oppo​unities (such as products and se​ices, resource e​ciency, adaptability) in line with its business characteristics. Risk Management The company plans to integrate climate change-related risks into ESG risk management according to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) guidelines, establishing a comprehensive climate risk management process, including climate risk identi​cation, assessment, control, and repo​ing. The company regularly collects and analyzes environmental data, disclosing greenhouse gas emissions data, including Scope 1 and Scope 2, annually in accordance with the HKEX disclosure requirements. In the future, the company plans to set internal carbon emission targets and corresponding carbon reduction plans benchmarking against the overall level of greenhouse gas emissions in the indust​. Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions Indicators Tonnes of Co2 Tonnes of CO / 2 person Unit 1,326.30 0.47 2022 1,097.47 0.45 2023 Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity 01 02 03 04 Addressing Climate Change 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 59


金融壹賬通在經營過程中注重環境保護,將環境保護作為企業經營的核心要 素之一,納入企業的長期發展戰略。在業務運營中,金融壹賬通積極通過節 能改造、宣導員工節能減排、加強廢棄物管理等方式,切實減少企業運營對 環境造成的影響。 共用發展 開展綠色運營 公司用水主要為市政供應用水,水資源 供應較為穩定,且公司年度耗水量僅 1.6萬噸左右,明顯低於生產型企業。為 進一步宣導節能減排政策,杜絕浪費, 我們結合公司的運營模式和特點,設定 了2022年度運維費用降低5%的目標,每 月定期根據收據分析能耗數據,分析高 能耗原因,提出改善對策,最終實現 2022年度十大職場水電費用較2021年度 降低超10%。 為規範金融壹賬通辦公職場的運營管理,明確職場日常管理要求和員工日常行為要求,同時提升節能降耗降 本的成效,公司制定了《職場運營管理規範》,並在各地職場開展環境整改,營造文明和諧、乾淨整潔的職 場辦公環境,實現員工養成良好的辦公生活習慣與職場節能減排目標。同時,公司認真貫徹落實《平安集團 低碳業務與運營政策》,提倡節能減排、杜絕浪費,呼籲全體員工在日常工作生活中養成節約用水用電用紙 用餐的習慣,成為節能減排行動的踐行者。2023年3月,金融壹賬通組織開展地球一小時公益活動,呼籲各 部門同事自覺關閉職場燈光,減少不必要的資源浪費,宣導低碳環保的生活理念,為保護環境貢獻力量。 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 01 金融壹賬通作為非生產型企業,亦無自有車 輛,因此無直接向大氣、水、土地排放污染 物的情形。公司產生的廢棄物主要是廢棄電 子產品和職場辦公垃圾。在廢棄物管理方 面,我們嚴格遵守《中華人民共和國固體廢 棄物污染環境防治法》,對固體廢棄物進行 分類管理,針對廢棄電子產品會建立資產名 錄,並通過招標選擇符合規定條件的第三 方,將廢棄電子產品交由其進行回收處理; 針對辦公垃圾,則主要引導員工開展垃圾分 類,由物業進行統一處理。 各樓層設立廢棄電池回收點 行政定期收集 送至博今B座廢電池回收站 公司年度耗水量僅1.6萬噸左右,明顯低於生產型企業 1.6 萬噸 5 % 設定了2022年度運維費用降低5%的目標 10 % 2022年度十大職場水電費用較2021年度降低超10% 為規範金融壹賬通辦公職場的運營管理,明確職場日常管理要求和員工日常行為要求,同時提升節能 降耗降本的成效,公司制定了《職場運營管理規範》,並在各地職場開展環境整改,營造文明和諧、 乾淨整潔的職場辦公環境,實現員工養成良好的辦公生活習慣與職場節能減排目標。同時,公司認真 貫徹落實《平安集團低碳業務與運營政策》,提倡節能減排、杜絕浪費,呼籲全體員工在日常工作生 活中養成節約用水用電用紙用餐的習慣,成為節能減排行動的踐行者。2023年3月,金融壹賬通組織開 展地球一小時公益活動,呼籲各部門同事自覺關閉職場燈光,減少不必要的資源浪費,宣導低碳環保 的生活理念,為保護環境貢獻力量。比國際金融中心(ADGM)攜手打造的數字實驗平臺、中小企業 融資平臺等,將全面引領中東區域金融科技的創新發展,更打造了中國金融科技公司全力推動共建“一 帶一路”高質量建設的“中東樣本”。 OneConnect emphasizes environmental protection in its operations, considering it a core element of business operation and incorporating it into the company's long-term development strategy. In business operations, OneConnect actively reduces the environmental impact of corporate operations through energy-saving renovations, advocating for energy conse​ation and emission reduction among employees, and strengthening waste management. The company primarily uses municipal water supply, which has a stable water resource. The annual water consumption of the company is 7,221.46 tonnes, signi​cantly lower than that of manufacturing enterprises. To fu​her advocate energy-saving and emission reduction policies and eliminate waste, the company regularly analyzes energy, water resource, and other usage based on receipts eve​ month. We identi​ed the reasons for low energy and water resource utilization rates and proposes improvement measures. In 2023, the company's total workplace electricity consumption decreased by approximately 18% compared to 2022, and the total water consumption decreased by approximately 123% compared to 2022. As a non-manufacturing company without its own vehicles, OneConnect does not directly discharge pollutants into the air, water, or land. The waste generated by the company mainly consists of discarded electronic products and o​ce waste. In waste management, we strictly comply with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes, managing solid waste by catego​. For discarded electronic products, an asset invento​ is established, and a quali​ed third pa​y is selected through bidding to recycle and process the waste. For o​ce waste, employees are guided to so​ waste, which is then processed by the prope​y management. To standardize the operational management of OneConnect's workplaces and clarify daily management and employee behavior requirements, while enhancing the e​ectiveness of energy and cost savings, the company has established the "Workplace Operation Management Standards." The company carried out environmental improvement in workplaces across di​erent regions, creating a civilized, harmonious, clean, and tidy o​ce environment. This initiative aims to cultivate good o​ce habits among employees and achieve energy-saving and emission reduction goals in the workplace. The company advocates energy conse​ation, waste elimination, and encourages all employees to adopt water and electricity conse​ation habits in daily work and life, so as to be practitioners of energy-saving actions. In March 2023, OneConnect organized the Ea​h Hour public welfare event, encouraging colleagues from all depa​ments to consciously turn o​ workplace lights to reduce unnecessa​ resource waste, advocating a low-carbon and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and contributing to environmental protection. 金融壹賬通2023年 環境社會及管治報告 05 附錄 Carrying out Green Operation (4.2) Waste batte​ recycling points are set up on each ​oor, and the administration depa​ment regularly collects and sends them to the waste batte​ recycling station The annual water consumption of the company is 7,221.46tonnes 18 % In 2023, the company's total workplace electricity consumption decreased by approximately 18% 123 % The total water consumption decreased by approximately 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 60


Environmental Indicators Notes: (i) The environmental data about the company's operations in this repo​ is for the period of Janua​ 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The scope of the organization includes all workplaces of OneConnect located in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, and Hong Kong etc. (ii) OneConnect does not produce scope 1 GHG emissions in the course of operations and business activities. Scope 2 GHG emissions are mainly GHG emissions caused by the use of purchased electricity. When calculating Scope 2 GHG emissions, we adopt the grid emission factor (0.5703 tCO /MWh) speci​ed in the notice "Regarding the Management of Greenhouse Gas Emission Repo​ing for Power Generation Enterprises for 2023-2025" issued by the Minist​ of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China. 2 (iii) Hazardous waste mainly includes wasted electronic products, waste ink/toner ca​ridges, and wasted lamps/bulbs. Non-hazardous waste is mainly o​ce waste generated in the o​ce area. (iv) As of the repo​ing period, the company does not have self-built data centers, so the total electricity consumption recorded is for o​ce use. (v) The total water consumption counted by the company is mainly municipal water supply (tap water), excluding the consumption of barrels and bottled water for drinking. Appendix (5) Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators (5.1) Catego​ Resources Solid Waste Greenhouse Gas 2023 1,097.47 0.45 4.20 0.0017 190.80 0.0782 1,924.37 0.79 7,221.46 2.96 4.58 Key Pe​ormance Indicators Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions Hazardous waste intensity Total non-hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste intensity Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity Total hazardous waste Electric power consumed intensity Total water consumption Water consumption intensity Paper consumption in the o​ce Total electric power consumption Unit 2022 1,326.30 0.0015 229.10 0.0810 0.47 4.16 0.80 16,098.54 5.68 6.61 2,269.01 Tonnes Co2e/person Tonnes Tonnes / person Tonnes Tonnes / person MWh MWh / person Tonnes Tonnes / person Tonnes Tonnes Co2e 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 61


Social Indicators Employee Male employees Female employees Senior employees Turnover rate of mainland employees Turnover rate of Hong Kong, Macau Taiwan, and overseas employees Intermediate employees Junior employees Employees under 30 Employees aged between 30 to 50 Employees over 50 Number of mainland employees Number of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas employees Male employees Female employees Employees under 30 Employees aged between 30 to 50 Employees over 50 Total number of employees Number of employees by gender Employees turnover rate by region Number of employees by catego​ Number of employees by age Number of employees by region Employees turnover rate by gender Employees turnover rate by age 2,440 1,581 859 48 25 447 1,945 450 1,953 37 2,296 144 27 27 28 27 (I) 45 person % % % % % % % 2,832 1,836 996 51 34 48 600 2,181 637 2,148 47 2,629 203 36 33 39 33 36 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators (5.1) Catego​ Key Pe​ormance Indicators Unit 2022 2023 person person person person person person person person person person Notes: (i)The higher turnover rate among employees over 50 is due to the smaller population base of employees over 50. Minor personnel changes can result in a signi​cant turnover rate. For detailed information, please refer to the breakdown of “Number of employees by age”. (ii)The higher turnover rate among Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas employees is due to the smaller population base of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas employees. Minor personnel changes can result in a signi​cant turnover rate. For detailed information, please refer to the breakdown of “Number of employees by region”. (ii) 48 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 62


關鍵績效表 社會績效 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 62 指標類別 因工亡故人數 因工亡故比率 因工傷損失工作日數 關鍵績效指標 單位 人 健康與安全 % 2023年 0 0 35* 0 0 - 2021年 2022年 0 0 日 0 按性別劃分的受訓員工百分比 發展及培訓 按性別劃分的每名員工平均 受訓時數 按僱員類別劃分的每名員工 平均受訓時數 按僱員類別劃分的受訓員工 百分比 男性員工 女性員工 高級和班子成員 中級員工 初級員工 女性員工 男性員工 高級和班子成員 中級員工 初級員工 指標類別 關鍵績效指標 98.8 98.7 4.1 5.2 97.9 99.3 98.7 6.6 4.6 4.4 2023年 % 小時 小時 % % % % 小時 小時 小時 單位 90.8 94.8 7.2 7.2 20 70 100 20 8 7 2022年 *注:2023年經社保局認定工傷1人,該員工受傷時休病假天數為35天 Male employees Female employees Senior employees Intermediate employees Junior employees Female employees Male employees Senior employees Intermediate employees Junior employees Health and Safety 2021 2022 2023 Note: (i) In 2023, one person was recognized by the Social Security Bureau as injured at work, and the number of days of sick leave taken by the employee at the time of the inju​ was 35 days. Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators (5.1) Social Indicators Catego​ Key Pe​ormance Indicators 0 0 0 (I) - 0 35 Rate of work-related deaths to the number of employees Number of day losses due to work-related inju​ Number of work-related death 0 0 0 Unit % Day Person Development and Training Catego​ Key Pe​ormance Indicators % Hour Hour % % % % Hour Hour Hour Unit 90.8 94.8 7.2 7.2 20 70 100 20 8 7 2022 98.8 98.7 4.1 5.2 97.9 99.3 98.7 6.6 4.6 4.4 2023 Percentage of trained employees by gender Average training hours per employee by gender Percentage of trained employees by catego​ Average training hours per employee by catego​ Total number of new cooperating suppliers in the year Number of mainland Chinese suppliers Number of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas suppliers Number of suppliers inspected in the admittance review procedure Number of product and se​ice complaints Complaint resolution rate Online se​ice satisfaction rate Number of corruption lawsuits against the company and employees Economic loss of the company caused by the corruption lawsuits Number of suppliers whose cooperation was terminated because of the discove​ of abnormal behavior Catego​ Key Pe​ormance Indicators 864 857 7 1,563 11 6 100 9 (out of 10) 0 0 2022 479 461 18 324 39 4 100 8.5 (out of 9) 0 0 2023 Suppliers Product Liability Business Ethics Unit Entity Entity Entity Entity Entity Case % Point Case RMB Note: (i) The number of suppliers inspected in the admittance review procedure in 2023 is fewer than the number of new cooperating suppliers in 2023. This is because some of the new cooperating suppliers in 2023 were already inspected in the admittance review procedure in 2022. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 63


Table of HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide Indicators Index (5.2) Mandato​ Disclosure Requirements Aspect A1: Emissions “Comply or explain” Provisions Disclosure Obligations Chapter or Explanation Governance Structure Repo​ing Principles Repo​ing Bounda​ Disclosed Status Disclosed Disclosed 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.1 Board Statement, - 1.2 ESG Governance System About This Repo​ - Repo​ing Principles About This Repo​ - Scope of the Repo​ A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed Not Applicable Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed The types of emissions and respective emissions data. Direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Description of emissions target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them. Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, and a description of reduction target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them. 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation OneConnect does not involve the emission of air pollutants in the course of its business, so this indicator is not applicable. 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.1 Addressing Climate Change 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 64


金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 65 層面A2:資源使用 一般披露 不適用 A3.1 披露要求 披露情況 對應章節或解釋 層面A3:環境及天然資源 描述業務活動對環境及天然資源 的重大影響及已採取管理有關影 響的行動。 金融壹賬通在日常運營中不涉 及其他環境及天然資源,因此 A3層面有關環境及天然資源 的披露不適用。 不適用 金融壹賬通在日常運營中不涉 及其他環境及天然資源,因此 A3層面有關環境及天然資源 的披露不適用。 一般披露 已披露 已披露 已披露 已披露 總耗水量及密度(如以每產量單 位、每項設施計算)。 描述所訂立的能源使用效益目標及 為達到這些目標所採取的步驟。 描述求取適用水源上可有任何問 題,以及所訂立的用水效益目標及 為達到這些目標所採取的步驟。 製成品所用包裝材料的總量(以 噸計算)及(如適用)每生產單 位佔量。 不適用 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 披露要求 披露情況 對應章節或解釋 按類型劃分的直接及╱或間接能源 (如電、氣或油)總耗量(以千個 千瓦時計算)及密度(如以每產量 單位、每項設施計算)。 已披露 金融壹賬通的業務不涉及直接 為製成品提供包裝材料,因此 該指標不適用。 5 附錄 -5.1關鍵績效表 5 附錄 -5.1關鍵績效表 4 環境-邁向低碳 -4.2 開展綠色運營 4 環境-邁向低碳 -4.2 開展綠色運營 4 環境-邁向低碳 -4.2 開展-綠色運營 聯交所ESG報告指引指標索引表 一般披露 已披露 A4.1 披露要求 披露情況 對應章節或解釋 層面A4:氣候變化 描述已經及可能會對發行人產生 影響的重大氣候相關事宜,及應 對行動。 已披露 4 環境-邁向低碳 -4.1 應對氣候變化 4 環境-邁向低碳 -4.1 應對氣候變化 Aspect A2: Use of Resources A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in '000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Description of emissions target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them. 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators General Disclosure A3.1 OneConnect does not involve other environmental and natural resources in its day-to-day operations, so the disclosure on environmental and natural resources at the A3 level is not applicable. Aspect A2: Use of Resources Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Not Applicable Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in '000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Description of energy use e​ciency target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them. Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is ​t for purpose, water e​ciency target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them. Total packaging material used for ​nished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with reference to per unit produced. 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation OneConnect operations do not involve the direct provision of packaging materials for manufactured goods, so this indicator is not applicable. Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation Aspect A3: The Environment and Natural Resources Not Applicable Not Applicable Description of the signi​cant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and the actions taken to manage them. OneConnect does not involve other environmental and natural resources in its day-to-day operations, so the disclosure on environmental and natural resources at the A3 level is not applicable. General Disclosure A4.1 Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation Aspect A4: Climate Change Description of the signi​cant climate-related issues which have impacted, and those which may impact, the issuer, and the actions taken to manage them. 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.1 Addressing Climate Change Disclosed Table of HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide Indicators Index (5.2) Disclosed 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.1 Addressing Climate Change 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 65


Aspect B1: Employment Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management Total workforce by gender, employment type (for example, full-or pa​-time), age group and geographical region. B1.1 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region. B1.2 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators Aspect B2: Health and Safety Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management Number and rate of work-related fatalities occurred in each of the past three years including the repo​ing year. B2.1 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators B2.2 Lost days due to work inju​. Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators B2.3 Disclosed Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, and how they are implemented and monitored. 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management Aspect B3: Development and Training Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee catego​ (e.g. senior management, middle management). B3.1 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee catego​. B3.2 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators Aspect B4: Labour Standards Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered. Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labour. B4.1 Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management B4.2 Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management Table of HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide Indicators Index (5.2) 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 66


一般披露 已披露 已披露 描述有關聘用供應商的慣例,向 其執行有關慣例的供應商數目、 以及相關執行及監察方法。 B5.1 B5.2 披露要求 披露情況 對應章節或解釋 層面B5:供應鏈管理 按地區劃分的供應商數目。 已披露 B5.3 描述有關識別供應鏈每個環節的 環境及社會風險的慣例,以及相 關執行及監察方法。 已披露 B5.4 描述在揀選供應商時促使多用環 保產品及服務的慣例,以及相關 執行及監察方法。 已披露 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.3共建行業 5 附錄 -5.1關鍵績效表 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.3共建行業 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.3共建行業 披露要求 披露情況 對應章節或解釋 層面B6:產品責任 B6.1 已售或已運送產品總數中因安全 與健康理由而須回收的百分比。 已披露 金融壹賬通的業務不涉及可 能影響安全與健康的相關產 品,因此該指標不適用。 一般披露 已披露 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.1以客為先 B6.3 描述與維護及保障知識產權有關 的慣例。 已披露 2 管治-穩健經營 -2.1 合規經營 B6.4 描述質量檢定過程及產品回收 程序。 已披露 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.1以客為先 描述消費者資料保障及私隱政 策,以及相關執行及監察方法。 B6.5 已披露 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.1以客為先 金融壹賬通2023年環境、社會及管治報告 關於本報告 董事長致辭 關於金融壹賬通 專題 可持續發展治理 管治-穩健經營 社會-生態共贏 環境-邁向低碳 附录 67 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.3共建行業 5 附錄 -5.1關鍵績效表 已披露 接獲關於產品及服務的投訴數目 以及應對方法。 B6.2 3 社會-生態共贏 -3.1以客為先 5 附錄 -5.1關鍵績效表 聯交所ESG報告指引指標索引表 Aspect B5: Supply Chain Management Aspect B7: Anti-corruption Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its employees during the repo​ing period and the outcomes of the cases. B7.1 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators B7.2 Disclosed Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, and how they are implemented and monitored. B7.3 Disclosed Description of anti-corruption training provided to directors and sta​. Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ Number of suppliers by geographical region. B5.1 Disclosed 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices are being implemented, and how they are implemented and monitored. B5.2 Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators B5.3 Disclosed Description of practices used to identify environmental and social risks along the supply chain, and how they are implemented and monitored. Description of practices used to promote environmentally preferable products and se​ices when selecting suppliers, and how they are implemented and monitored. B5.4 Disclosed Aspect B6: Product Responsibility Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure B6.2 B6.3 B6.1 B6.4 Number of products and se​ice related complaints received and how they are dealt with. Description of practices relating to obse​ing and protecting intellectual prope​y rights. Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for safety and health reasons. Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures. Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, and how they are implemented and monitored. Disclosed Disclosed Disclosed Not Applicable Disclosed Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.1 Customer First 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.1 Customer First, 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.1 Operation Compliance OneConnect 's business does not involve products related to safety and health that may a​ect safety and health, so this indicator is not applicable. 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.1 Customer First B6.5 Aspect B8: Community Investment Disclosure Obligations Status Chapter or Explanation General Disclosure Disclosed 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.4 Shared Development Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labour needs, health, culture, spo​). B8.1 Disclosed Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area. B8.2 Disclosed Table of HKEX’s ESG Repo​ing Guide Indicators Index (5.2) 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.1 Customer First 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.4 Shared Development 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.4 Shared Development 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 67


Table of GRI Standards Indicators Index (5.3) GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 GRI Standards Disclosure Location 2-1 Organizational details 2-4 Restatements of information 2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability repo​ing 2-3 Repo​ing period, frequency and contact point 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships 2-7 Employees 2-8 Workers who are not employees 2-9 Governance structure and composition 2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts 2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability repo​ing 2-16 Communication of critical concerns 2-23 Policy commitments 2-24 Embedding policy commitments 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations 2-28 Membership associations 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement About OneConnect - Company Pro​le About This Repo​ - Scope of the Repo​ About This Repo​ About OneConnect - Company Pro​le 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators The organization does not have any workers other than employees 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.2 ESG Governance System, 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.1 Operation Compliance 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.1 Operation Compliance 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.2 ESG Governance System 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.2 ESG Governance System 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.1 Board Statement, 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.2 ESG Governance System 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.3 Stakeholder Engagement, 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.4 Identi​cation of Material Topics 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.3 Stakeholder Engagement 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.1 Operation Compliance 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.3 Stakeholder Engagement / GRI 1 Used GRI 1: Foundation 2021 Statement of Use OneConnect has repo​ed in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from Janua​ 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 68


GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 GRI Standards Disclosure Location 3-1 Process to determine material topics 3-2 List of material topics 3-3 Management of material topics 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.4 Identi​cation of Material Topics 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.4 Identi​cation of Material Topics 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.2 ESG Governance System, 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.4 Identi​cation of Material Topics GRI 201: Economic Pe​ormance 2016 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and oppo​unities due to climate change 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.1 Addressing Climate Change 201-3 De​ned bene​t plan obligations and other retirement plans 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 203-1 Infrastructure investments and se​ices suppo​ed Feature: Empowering with FinTech, Co-building a Sustainable Indust​ Ecosystem 203-2 Signi​cant indirect economic impacts Feature: Empowering with FinTech, Co-building a Sustainable Indust​ Ecosystem GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics 205-3 Con​rmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.2 Business Ethics GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016 207-1 Approach to tax 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.1 Operation Compliance 207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk management 2 Governance - Solid Operation - 2.1 Operation Compliance 207-3 Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax 1 Sustainability Governance - 1.3 Stakeholder Engagement GRI 207: Tax 2019 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 302-3 Energy intensity 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation GRI 302: Energy 2016 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 303-5 Water consumption 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators GRI 303: Water and E​uents 2018 Table of GRI Standards Indicators Index (5.3) GRI 1 Used GRI 1: Foundation 2021 Statement of Use OneConnect has repo​ed in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from Janua​ 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 69


Table of GRI Standards Indicators Index (5.3) GRI 1 Used GRI 1: Foundation 2021 Statement of Use OneConnect has repo​ed in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from Janua​ 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. GRI 305: Emissions 2016 GRI Standards Disclosure Location 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 305-4 GHG emissions intensity 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 306-1 Waste generation and signi​cant waste-related impacts 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 306-2 Management of signi​cant waste-related impacts 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 306-3 Waste generated 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 306-4 Waste dive​ed from disposal 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation 306-5 Waste directed to disposal 4 Environmental - Marching Towards a Low-Carbon Future - 4.2 Car​ing out Green Operation GRI 306: Waste 2020 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 401-2 Bene​ts provided to full-time employees that are not provided to tempora​ or pa​-time employees 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 401-3 Parental leave 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management GRI 401: Employment 2016 403-3 Occupational health se​ices 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 403-6 Promotion of worker health 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management 403-9 Work-related injuries 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 403-10 Work-related ill health 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 70


GRI 1 Used GRI 1: Foundation 2021 Statement of Use OneConnect has repo​ed in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from Janua​ 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. Table of GRI Standards Indicators Index (5.3) 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Oppo​unity 2016 GRI Standards Disclosure Location 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 5 Appendix - 5.1 Table of Key Pe​ormance Indicators GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management GRI 408: Child Labor 2016 408-1 Operations and suppliers at signi​cant risk for incidents of child labor 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ GRI 409: Forced or Compulso​ Labor 2016 409-1 Operations and suppliers at signi​cant risk for incidents of forced or compulso​ labor 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.2 People-oriented Management, 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.3 Co-building the Indust​ GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.4 Shared Development GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016 417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.1 Customer First GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data 3 Social - Ecological Win-Win - 3.1 Customer First 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ About This Repo​ Chairman's Message About OneConnect Feature Sustainability Governance Governance - Solid Operation Social - Ecological Win-Win Environmental Appendix 71


OneConnect' s 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Repo​ Email: OCFT_IR@ocft.com Address: 21/24F, Ping An Finance Center No. 5033 Yitian Road Futian District, Shenzhen Guangdong, PRC