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Summary Prospectus
February 1, 2023

Unusual Whales Subversive Republican Trading ETF
Trading Symbol: KRUZ
Listed on Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc.

Before you invest, you may want to review the Unusual Whales Subversive Republican Trading ETF (the “Fund”) Statutory Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, which contain more information about the Fund and its risks. The current Statutory Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information dated February 1, 2023 are incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus. You can find the Fund’s Statutory Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information and other information about the Fund online at www.subversive.com/etfs. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 800-617-0004 or by sending an email request to ETF@usbank.com.

Investment Objective
The Unusual Whales Subversive Republican Trading ETF (the “Fund” or the “Republican Trading Fund”) seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation.

Fees and Expenses of the Fund
This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell shares of the Fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the table and Example below.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Management Fees0.75%
Distribution and Service (Rule 12b-1) Fees0.00%
Other Expenses(1)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses0.75%
(1) “Other Expenses” are estimated for the Fund’s current fiscal year.
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then hold or sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Fund’s operating expenses remain the same. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your costs would be:

One YearThree Years


Portfolio Turnover
The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in the annual fund operating expenses or in the Example, affect the Fund’s performance. No portfolio turnover rate is provided for the Fund because the Fund had not commenced operations prior to the date of this Prospectus.

Principal Investment Strategies
The Fund is an actively managed diversified exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) that seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in equity securities of publicly traded companies that sitting Republican members of United States Congress and/or their families also have reported to have invested in through public disclosure filings made by such Congresspersons pursuant to the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act (“STOCK Act”). Members of Congress are permitted to actively trade stocks, options and other financial assets, including securities of companies that may be affected by the outcomes of legislative and executive meetings in which those members of Congress participated. Congresspeople (Senators and members of the House of Representatives) and/or their families are then required to report these transactions on STOCK Act filings, known as Periodic Transaction Reports (“PTRs”). PTRs are filed with either the Senate Office of Public Records or the Clerk of the House of Representatives and made available online pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act (“EIGA”), as amended. PTRs are due within 30 days from when a Congressperson or their spouse becomes aware of a transaction, but no later than 45 days from the date of the transaction. The Fund will focus on the equity securities purchased or sold by members of Congress who are registered members of the Republican Party and their families. The Fund will not consider investments by any U.S. Congressperson who is not registered as a member of the Republican Party (e.g., a U.S. Congressperson who is registered as an Independent but who may caucus as member of the Republican Party).

Subversive Capital Advisor LLC (“Subversive” or the “Adviser”), the Fund’s investment adviser, will obtain and use information derived by others from PTRs filed by Republican U.S. Congresspeople and their family members (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Republican U.S. Congresspeople”) to determine which equity securities of publicly traded companies, and how much of each equity security, to select for the Fund. After establishing an initial portfolio, the Fund will typically buy or sell a security when a position is reported as being bought or sold by Republican U.S. Congresspeople. The Fund will base its purchases and sales of equity securities of publicly traded companies on trades reported in the PTRs by Republican U.S. Congresspeople while in office. Because PTRs report a range of transaction values, the Adviser will adjust the relative composition of the Fund’s portfolio based on the midpoint of these ranges.

To create the Fund’s initial portfolio, the Adviser will obtain and use information derived by others from PTRs filed by Republican U.S. Congresspeople for the past 3 years. Purchases made during that time will be netted against any sales of the same security to create an initial portfolio of equity securities. As the investment thesis of the Fund is to track the trading activity of Republican U.S. Congresspeople while in office, equity securities acquired by Republican U.S. Congresspeople prior to his or her swearing in (or the 3-year lookback period) are not considered when creating the initial portfolio. To the extent a Republican U.S. Congressperson sells equity securities that were acquired prior to his or her swearing in, the Adviser will not adjust the Fund’s portfolio.

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest in a portfolio of between 500 and 600 equity securities. However, the number and size of positions held by the Fund will vary based on the number of positions

traded by Republican U.S. Congresspeople. When multiple PTRs are made available on the same day by different Republican U.S. Congresspeople, trades of the same equity securities will be netted for purposes of adjusting the Fund’s portfolio. Trades reported in an individual PTR as bought and sold are excluded. The Fund will also exclude transactions in the securities underlying of any reported options contract trades. In addition to equity securities, the Fund will also transact in sector specific mutual funds and ETFs reported to have been traded on PTRs, but will exclude broad-based mutual fund and ETF trades. The Adviser may also refrain from making de minimis trades (trades representing 1% of the overall portfolio), as such trades will have little to no economic impact on the Fund’s performance.

In an effort to achieve its goals, the Fund may engage in active and frequent trading.

Principal Risks
As with any fund, there are risks to investing. An investment in the Fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. In addition to possibly not achieving your investment goals, you could lose all or a portion of your investment in the Fund over short or even long periods of time. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are summarized below.
ETF Risks. The Fund is an ETF, and, as a result of its structure, it is exposed to the following risks:
Authorized Participants, Market Makers, and Liquidity Providers Concentration Risk. The Fund has only a limited number of institutional investors (known as “Authorized Participants” or “APs”) that are authorized to purchase and redeem shares directly from the Fund. In addition, there may be a limited number of market makers and/or liquidity providers in the marketplace. To the extent either of the following events occur, shares of the Fund may trade at a material discount to the Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) and possibly face delisting: (i) APs exit the business or otherwise become unable to process creation and/or redemption orders and no other APs step forward to perform these services, or (ii) market makers and/or liquidity providers exit the business or significantly reduce their business activities and no other entities step forward to perform their functions.
Costs of Buying or Selling Shares. Due to the costs of buying or selling shares of the Fund, including brokerage commissions imposed by brokers and bid/ask spreads, frequent trading of shares may significantly reduce investment results and an investment in shares may not be advisable for investors who anticipate regularly making small investments.
Shares May Trade at Prices Other Than NAV. As with all ETFs, shares of the Fund may be bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. Although it is expected that the market price of shares of the Fund will approximate the Fund’s NAV, there may be times when the market price of shares is more than the NAV intra-day (premium) or less than the NAV intra-day (discount) due to supply and demand of shares or during periods of market volatility. This risk is heightened in times of market volatility, periods of steep market declines, and periods when there is limited trading activity for shares in the secondary market, in which case such premiums or discounts may be significant.
Trading. Although shares of the Fund are listed for trading on the Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc. (the “Exchange”), there can be no assurance that an active trading market for shares will develop or be maintained or that shares will trade with any volume, or at all, on any stock exchange. In stressed market conditions, the market for shares of the Fund may become less liquid in response to deteriorating liquidity in the markets for the Fund’s underlying portfolio holdings. This adverse effect on liquidity for the Fund’s shares, in turn, can lead to differences between the market price

of the Fund’s shares and the underlying value of those shares. In addition, trading in Fund shares may be halted due to market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of the Exchange, make trading in shares of the Fund inadvisable.
Government Regulation Risk. It is possible that legislation or regulation could be enacted that limits, restricts or prevents United States Congresspeople and/or their spouses from personal securities trading. Legal, tax and regulatory changes could occur that may adversely affect the Fund and its ability to pursue its investment strategies and/or increase the costs of implementing such strategies. Government regulation may change the manner in which the Fund is able to implement it’s principal investment strategy. Government regulation may change frequently and may have significant adverse consequences for the Fund or its investments. It is not possible to predict fully the effects of current or future regulation.
Ethics in Government Act Risk. As described above, in implementing the Fund’s principal investment strategies, the Adviser obtains and uses information derived by others from PTRs to create an initial portfolio and to adjust the composition and weighting of securities in the Fund’s portfolio. PTRs are made available online by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended (the “EIGA”), which makes it unlawful for “any person to obtain or use a [PTR] … for any commercial purpose, other than by news and communications media for dissemination to the general public[.]” The EIGA authorizes the U. S. Attorney General to bring a civil action against any person who obtains or uses a PTR for a prohibited commercial purpose, and provides that the court in which such action is brought may assess penalties. Absent a definitive determination as to whether the Adviser’s review and analysis of data for purposes of implementing the Fund’s investment strategies constitutes “obtain[ing] or us[ing]” a PTR for a prohibited “commercial purpose,” as those terms are used in the EIGA, the Fund is subject to the risk that the Adviser and/or the Fund may face legal consequences if the Adviser’s implementation of the Fund’s investment strategies is prohibited by the EIGA, which could potentially include monetary penalties and other liabilities or injunctions or similar orders, any or all of which could adversely impact the Fund and its shareholders or limit the ability of the Adviser to implement the Fund’s investment strategies. In addition, the Adviser and/or the Fund may face the threat (or perceived threat) of legal proceedings or other actions that could result in legal consequences. Such a threat (or perceived threat) could lead the Fund to fundamentally change its investment strategies or liquidate. The timing of any such liquidation may not be favorable and could have negative tax consequences for shareholders.
Reporting Delay Risk. Members of Congress are required to report certain securities transactions (purchases, sales or exchanges of assets covered by the STOCK Act) totaling over $1,000 within 30 days of purchasing those securities or becoming aware of such a transaction, but have up to 45 days to submit such reports. Accordingly, the Fund will not purchase or sell securities at the same time as members of Congress. As a result, the Fund may purchase a security at a higher price or sell a security at a lower price than it would have if purchased or sold at the same time as the member of Congress. The Fund would also hold a security for a period of time even though the congressperson no longer holds the security, which may negatively affect the Fund's performance.
Equity Market Risk. The equity securities held in the Fund’s portfolio may experience sudden, unpredictable drops in value or long periods of decline in value. This may occur because of factors that affect securities markets generally or factors affecting specific issuers, industries, sectors or companies in which the Fund invests. Common stocks are generally exposed to greater risk than other types of securities, such as preferred stocks and debt obligations, because common stockholders generally have inferior rights to receive payment from issuers.
Large-Capitalization Companies Risk. Larger, more established companies may be unable to respond quickly to new competitive challenges such as changes in technology and consumer tastes. Larger companies also may not be able to attain the high growth rates of successful smaller companies.

Small- and Mid-Capitalization Companies Risk. The Fund may invest in the securities of small- and mid-capitalization companies. As a result, the Fund may be more volatile than funds that invest in larger, more established companies. The securities of small-and mid-capitalization companies generally trade in lower volumes and are subject to greater and more unpredictable price changes than larger capitalization stocks or the stock market as a whole. Small- and mid-capitalization companies may be particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates, government regulation, borrowing costs and earnings.
Newer Adviser Risk. The Adviser is a recently registered investment adviser and has limited experience managing an ETF. As a result, there is no long-term track record against which an investor may judge the Adviser and it is possible the Adviser may not achieve the Fund’s intended investment objective. As a newer investment adviser, the Adviser may face increased risks, uncertainties, expenses and difficulties, including the possibility of resource and capacity constraints, that could have an effect on the Adviser’s ability to manage the Fund.
New Fund Risk. The Fund is a recently organized investment company with no operating history. As a result, prospective investors have no track record or history on which to base their investment decision.
Active Management Risk. The Fund is actively managed and subject to the risk that the Adviser’s use of investment techniques and risk analyses to make investment decisions fails to perform as expected, which may cause the Fund to lose value.
Republican Party Investing Risk. The pattern of investing by members of the Republican Party and their spouses are often a reflection of committees on which a congressperson sits and the types of companies or trade associations lobbying members of those congresspeople. Accordingly, the Fund’s investments may emphasize the sectors that are representative of the committees on which congresspersons who are members of the Republican Party may sit. To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in particular sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, than the broader market. The industries that constitute a sector may all react in the same way to economic, political or regulatory events.
Cybersecurity Risk. With the increased use of technologies such as the Internet to conduct business, the Fund is susceptible to operational, information security, and related risks. Cyber incidents affecting the Fund or its service providers may cause disruptions and impact business operations, potentially resulting in financial losses, interference with the Fund’s ability to calculate its net asset value (“NAV”), impediments to trading, the inability of shareholders to transact business, violations of applicable privacy and other laws, regulatory fines, penalties, reputational damage, reimbursement or other compensation costs, or additional compliance costs.
Market Events Risk. One or more markets in which the Fund invests may go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. This may be due to numerous factors, including interest rates, the outlook for corporate profits, the health of the national and world economies, national and world social and political events, and the fluctuation of other stock markets around the world. The global pandemic outbreak of an infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 and subsequent efforts to contain its spread have resulted and may continue to result in substantial market volatility and global business disruption, affecting the global economy and the financial health of individual companies in significant and unforeseen ways. In addition, the Fund may face challenges with respect to its day-to-day operations if key personnel of the Adviser or other service providers are unavailable due to quarantines, restrictions on travel, or other restrictions imposed by state or federal regulatory authorities. The duration and future impact of COVID-19 are currently unknown, which may exacerbate the other risks that apply to the Fund and could adversely affect the value and

liquidity of the Fund’s investments, impair the Fund’s ability to satisfy AP transaction requests, and negatively affect the Fund’s performance.
High Portfolio Turnover Risk. A high portfolio turnover rate has the potential to result in the realization and distribution to shareholders of higher capital gains, which may subject you to a higher tax liability. High portfolio turnover also necessarily results in greater transaction costs which may reduce Fund performance.
Performance information for the Fund is not included because the Fund had not commenced operations prior to the date of this Prospectus. Performance information will be available once the Fund has at least one calendar year of performance. The Fund’s past performance, before and after taxes, is not necessarily an indication of how the Fund will perform in the future and does not guarantee future results. Updated performance information will be available on the Fund’s website at www.subversive.com/etfs or by calling the Fund toll-free at 1-800-617-0004.


Investment Adviser
Subversive Capital Advisor LLC is the Fund’s investment adviser.

Toroso Investments, LLC (“Toroso” or the “Sub-Adviser”) is the Fund’s investment sub-adviser.

Portfolio Managers

Michael Auerbach, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Subversive Capital, and Christian H. Cooper, CFA, FRM, Portfolio Manager of Subversive’s ETF portfolios, are the portfolio managers responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund and have each managed the Fund since its inception in 2023.

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
Shares of the Fund are listed on the Exchange, and individual shares may only be bought and sold in the secondary market through brokers at market prices, rather than NAV. Because shares of the Fund trade at market prices rather than NAV, the Fund’s shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (premium) or less than NAV (discount).

The Fund issues and redeems its shares at NAV only in large specified numbers of shares known as “Creation Units,” which only APs (typically, broker-dealers) may purchase or redeem. The Fund generally issues and redeems Creation Units in exchange for a portfolio of securities and/or a designated amount of U.S. cash.

Investors may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the Fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the Fund (ask) when buying or selling shares in the secondary market (the “bid-ask spread”). Recent information about the Fund, including its NAV, market price, premiums and discounts, and bid-ask spreads is available on the Fund’s website at www.subversive.com/etfs .


Tax Information
Fund distributions are generally taxable as ordinary income, qualified dividend income, or capital gains (or a combination), unless your investment is in an IRA or other tax-advantaged account. Distributions on investments made through tax-deferred arrangements may be taxed later upon withdrawal of assets from those accounts.

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase Shares through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank) (an “Intermediary”), the Adviser or its affiliates may pay Intermediaries for certain activities related to the Fund, including participation in activities that are designed to make Intermediaries more knowledgeable about exchange traded products, including the Fund, or for other activities, such as marketing, educational training or other initiatives related to the sale or promotion of Shares. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the Intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Any such arrangements do not result in increased Fund expenses. Ask your salesperson or visit the Intermediary’s website for more information.