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inedBenefitMemberabbv:DefinedBenefitPlanOtherAssetsMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueMeasuredAtNetAssetValuePerShareMember2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Memberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsLargeCapMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsLargeCapMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsLargeCapMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsLargeCapMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Memberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsMidCapMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsMidCapMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsMidCapMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUsMidCapMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesNonUsMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesNonUsMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesNonUsMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesNonUsMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:USTreasuryAndGovernmentMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:USTreasuryAndGovernmentMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:USTreasuryAndGovernmentMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:USTreasuryAndGovernmentMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Memberus-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtSecuritiesMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtSecuritiesMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtSecuritiesMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:OtherDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:OtherDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:OtherDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:OtherDebtSecuritiesMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenef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ngPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromNetInvestmentHedgesMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedForeignCurrencyAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-12-310001551152abbv:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromNetInvestmentHedgesMember2021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedForeignCurrencyAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromNetInvestmentHedgesMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedForeignCurrencyAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-12-310001551152abbv:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromNetInvestmentHedgesMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedForeignCurrencyAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromNetInvestmentHedgesMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedForeignCurrencyAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-12-310001551152abbv:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromNetInvestmentHedgesMember2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociDerivativeQualifyingAsHedgeExcludedComponentParentMemberus-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociDerivativeQualifyingAsHedgeExcludedComponentParentMemberus-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:AociDerivativeQualifyingAsHedgeExcludedComponentParentMemberus-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:ForeignExchangeForwardMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:ForeignExchangeForwardMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:ForeignExchangeForwardMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:TreasuryLockMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:TreasuryLockMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:TreasuryLockMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:InterestRateSwapMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:InterestRateSwapMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:InterestRateSwapMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:CrossCurrencySwapContractsMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:CrossCurrencySwapContractsMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:CrossCurrencySwapContractsMemberus-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossCashFlowHedgeIncludingNoncontrollingInterestMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:DomesticTaxAuthorityAndStateAndLocalJurisdictionMember2023-12-310001551152abbv:DomesticTaxAuthorityStateAndLocalJurisdictionAndForeignTaxAuthorityMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:DomesticAndForeignTaxAuthorityMember2023-12-310001551152abbv:NiaspanMember2023-01-012023-12-31abbv:lawsuit0001551152abbv:AndroGelAntitrustLitigationKingDrugCoOfFlorenceIncEtAlVAbbVieIncEtAlMember2019-08-012019-08-31abbv:company0001551152abbv:BystolicAntitrustLitigationMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:PrescriptionDrugAbuseLitigationMember2023-12-31abbv:claim0001551152abbv:PrescriptionDrugAbuseLitigationInStateCourtsMember2023-12-31abbv:claims0001551152abbv:PrescriptionDrugAbuseLitigationInStateCourtsInProcessOfBeingDismissedMember2023-12-310001551152abbv:PrescriptionDrugAbuseLitigationInStateCourtsMemberus-gaap:SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpensesMember2022-06-300001551152abbv:TaxCourtPetitionMember2023-01-012023-03-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMembercountry:USabbv:HUMIRAMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMembercountry:USabbv:HUMIRAMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMembercountry:USabbv:HUMIRAMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:HUMIRAMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:HUMIRAMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:HUMIRAMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:HUMIRAMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:HUMIRAMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:HUMIRAMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMembercountry:US2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMembercountry:US2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMembercountry:US2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:SKYRIZIMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMembercountry:USabbv:RINVOQMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMembercountry:USabbv:RINVOQMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMembercountry:USabbv:RINVOQMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:RINVOQMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:RINVOQMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:RINVOQMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:RINVOQMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:RINVOQMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:ImmunologyMemberabbv:RINVOQMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMembercountry:USabbv:ImbruvicaMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMembercountry:USabbv:ImbruvicaMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMembercountry:USabbv:ImbruvicaMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:ImbruvicaMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:ImbruvicaMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:ImbruvicaMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:ImbruvicaMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:ImbruvicaMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:ImbruvicaMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMembercountry:USabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMembercountry:USabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMembercountry:USabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:VENCLEXTAMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:EpkinlyMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:EpkinlyMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberabbv:EpkinlyMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:EpkinlyMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:EpkinlyMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:HematologicOncologyMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:EpkinlyMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:AestheticsMemberabbv:BotoxCosmeticMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:JuvedermCollectionMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMembercountry:USabbv:AestheticsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMembercountry:USabbv:AestheticsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMembercountry:USabbv:AestheticsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherAestheticsMemberabbv:AestheticsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:BotoxTherapeuticMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:VraylarMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMembercountry:USabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMembercountry:USabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMembercountry:USabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:DuodopaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:UbrelvyMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:QuliptaMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMembercountry:USabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMembercountry:USabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMembercountry:USabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherNeuroscienceMemberabbv:NeuroscienceMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMembercountry:US2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMembercountry:US2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMembercountry:US2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OzurdexMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMembercountry:US2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMembercountry:US2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMembercountry:US2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:LumiganGanfortMemberabbv:EyeCareMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMembercountry:USabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMembercountry:USabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMembercountry:USabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:AlphaganCombiganMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMembercountry:US2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMembercountry:US2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMembercountry:US2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMemberus-gaap:NonUsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:RestasisMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMembercountry:USabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMembercountry:USabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMembercountry:USabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:EyeCareMemberabbv:OtherEyeCareMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMembercountry:USabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMembercountry:USabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMembercountry:USabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMemberus-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:MAVYRETMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:CreonMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:CreonMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:CreonMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:USabbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:USabbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:USabbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152us-gaap:NonUsMemberabbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:LinzessConstellaMemberabbv:OtherKeyProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherProductsMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherProductsMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherProductsMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:US2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:US2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:US2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:DE2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:DE2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:DE2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:CA2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:CA2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:CA2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:JP2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:JP2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:JP2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:CN2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:CN2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:CN2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:FR2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:FR2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:FR2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:ES2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:ES2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:ES2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:IT2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:IT2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:IT2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:AU2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:AU2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:AU2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:BR2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:BR2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:BR2021-01-012021-12-310001551152country:GB2023-01-012023-12-310001551152country:GB2022-01-012022-12-310001551152country:GB2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:OtherCountriesMember2023-01-012023-12-310001551152abbv:OtherCountriesMember2022-01-012022-12-310001551152abbv:OtherCountriesMember2021-01-012021-12-310001551152abbv:UnitedStatesAndPuertoRicoMember2023-12-310001551152abbv:UnitedStatesAndPuertoRicoMember2022-12-310001551152srt:EuropeMember2023-12-310001551152srt:EuropeMember2022-12-310001551152abbv:AllOtherCountriesMember2023-12-310001551152abbv:AllOtherCountriesMember2022-12-31abbv:segment00015511522023-10-012023-12-31

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023
For the transition period from                                    to                                   

Commission file number 001-35565
AbbVie Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Delaware 32-0375147
(State or other jurisdiction of
incorporation or organization)
 (I.R.S. employer
identification number)
1 North Waukegan Road
North Chicago, Illinois 60064-6400
(Address, including zip code, and telephone number of principal executive offices)
Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of Each ClassTrading Symbol(s) Name of Each Exchange on Which Registered
Common Stock, par value $0.01 per shareABBV New York Stock Exchange
Chicago Stock Exchange
1.375% Senior Notes due 2024ABBV24New York Stock Exchange
1.250% Senior Notes due 2024ABBV24BNew York Stock Exchange
0.750% Senior Notes due 2027ABBV27New York Stock Exchange
2.125% Senior Notes due 2028ABBV28New York Stock Exchange
2.625% Senior Notes due 2028ABBV28BNew York Stock Exchange
2.125% Senior Notes due 2029ABBV29New York Stock Exchange
1.250% Senior Notes due 2031ABBV31New York Stock Exchange
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.
Yes    No 
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Act.
Yes         No 
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes        No 
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).
Yes        No 
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See the definitions of "large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer" and "smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large Accelerated FilerAccelerated Filer
Non-Accelerated FilerSmaller reporting company
Emerging growth company
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report.
If securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act, indicate by checkmark whether the financial statements of the registrant included in the filing reflect the correction of an error to previously issued financial statements.

Indicate by check mark whether any of those error corrections are restatements that required a recovery analysis of incentive-based compensation received by any of the registrant’s executive officers during the relevant recovery period pursuant to §240.10D-1(b).
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act).
Yes        No 
The aggregate market value of the 1,748,902,939 shares of voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant, computed by reference to the closing price as reported on the New York Stock Exchange, as of the last business day of AbbVie Inc.'s most recently completed second fiscal quarter (June 30, 2023), was $235,629,692,915. AbbVie has no non-voting common equity.
Number of common shares outstanding as of January 31, 2024: 1,766,473,359
Portions of the 2024 AbbVie Inc. Proxy Statement are incorporated by reference into Part III. The Definitive Proxy Statement will be filed on or about March 18, 2024.

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AbbVie or "the company" refer to AbbVie Inc., or AbbVie Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries, as the context requires. AbbVie is a global, diversified research-based biopharmaceutical company positioned for success with a comprehensive product portfolio that has leadership positions across immunology, oncology, aesthetics, neuroscience and eye care. AbbVie uses its expertise, dedicated people and unique approach to innovation to develop and market advanced therapies that address some of the world’s most complex and serious diseases. AbbVie was incorporated in Delaware on April 10, 2012. On January 1, 2013, AbbVie became an independent, publicly-traded company as a result of the distribution by Abbott Laboratories (Abbott) of 100% of the outstanding common stock of AbbVie to Abbott's shareholders.
AbbVie operates as a single global business segment dedicated to the research and development, manufacturing, commercialization and sale of innovative medicines and therapies. This operating structure enables the Chief Executive Officer, as chief operating decision maker (CODM), to allocate resources and assess business performance on a global basis in order to achieve established long-term strategic goals. Consistent with this structure, a global research and development and supply chain organization is responsible for the discovery, development, manufacturing and supply of products. Commercial efforts that coordinate the marketing, sales and distribution of these products are organized by geographic region or therapeutic area. All of these activities are supported by a global corporate administrative staff. The determination of a single business segment is consistent with the consolidated financial information regularly reviewed by the CODM for purposes of assessing performance, allocating resources and planning and forecasting future periods. See Note 16, "Segment and Geographic Area Information" to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data" and the sales information related to AbbVie's key products and geographies included under Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."
AbbVie's portfolio of products includes a broad line of therapies that address some of the world's most complex and serious diseases.
Immunology products. AbbVie maintains an extensive immunology portfolio across rheumatology, dermatology and gastroenterology. AbbVie's immunology products address unmet needs for patients with autoimmune diseases. These products are:
Humira.  Humira (adalimumab) is a biologic therapy administered as a subcutaneous injection. It is approved to treat the following autoimmune diseases in the United States, Canada and Mexico (collectively, North America) and in the European Union:
Condition Principal Markets
Rheumatoid arthritis (moderate to severe) North America, European Union
Psoriatic arthritis North America, European Union
Ankylosing spondylitis North America, European Union
Adult Crohn's disease (moderate to severe) North America, European Union
Plaque psoriasis (moderate to severe chronic) North America, European Union
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (moderate to severe polyarticular) North America, European Union
Ulcerative colitis (moderate to severe) North America, European Union
Axial spondyloarthropathy European Union
Pediatric Crohn's disease (moderate to severe) North America, European Union
Hidradenitis suppurativa (moderate to severe) North America, European Union
Pediatric enthesitis-related arthritis European Union
Non-infectious intermediate, posterior and panuveitisNorth America, European Union
Pediatric ulcerative colitis (moderate to severe)U.S., Canada, European Union
Pediatric uveitisNorth America, European Union
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Humira is also approved in Japan for the treatment of intestinal Behçet's disease and pyoderma gangrenosum.
Humira is sold in numerous other markets worldwide, including Japan, China, Brazil and Australia, and accounted for approximately 27% of AbbVie's total net revenues in 2023.
Skyrizi. Skyrizi (risankizumab) is an interleukin-23 (IL-23) inhibitor that selectively blocks IL-23 by binding to its p19 subunit. It is a biologic therapy approved to treat the following autoimmune diseases in North America, the European Union and Japan:
Principal Markets
Plaque psoriasis (moderate to severe)
North America, European Union, Japan
Psoriatic arthritis
U.S., European Union
Crohn's disease (moderate to severe)
U.S., Canada, European Union
Skyrizi is also approved in Japan for the treatment of plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, erythrodermic psoriasis in patients who have an inadequate response to conventional therapies, and for induction and maintenance in moderately to severely active Crohn's disease.
Skyrizi is approved in multiple countries globally, including the United States, Canada and the European Union, for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy. In psoriatic disease (psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis) Skyrizi is administered as a quarterly subcutaneous injection following two induction doses. When administered for Crohn’s disease, Skyrizi is given in three induction doses via IV infusion, followed by subcutaneous injection via an on-body injector every eight weeks.
Rinvoq. Rinvoq (upadacitinib) is an oral, once-daily selective and reversible JAK inhibitor that is approved to treat the following inflammatory diseases in North America, the European Union and Japan:
Condition Principal Markets
Rheumatoid arthritis (moderate to severe) North America, European Union, Japan
Psoriatic arthritis U.S., Canada, European Union, Japan
Ankylosing spondylitis U.S., European Union
Atopic dermatitis (moderate to severe) U.S., Canada, European Union, Japan
Axial spondyloarthropathyU.S., European Union
Ulcerative colitis (moderate to severe)
U.S., European Union
Crohn's disease (moderate to severe)
U.S., European Union
In the United States, Rinvoq is indicated for both the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis, for active psoriatic arthritis, for moderate to severe active ulcerative colitis, for active ankylosing spondylitis and for active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in adult patients who have an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more TNF blockers. It is also indicated for the treatment of Crohn's disease in adult patients who have an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more TNF blockers and for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults and children 12 years of age and older whose disease is not adequately controlled with other systemic drug products, including biologics, or when use of those therapies are inadvisable.
In the European Union, Rinvoq is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis in adults, for active psoriatic arthritis in adults who have an inadequate response or intolerance to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic medicines (DMARDs), and for active axial spondyloarthritis in adults. It is also indicated for the treatment of Crohn's disease in adult patients who have an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more TNF blockers and for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults and children 12 years of age and older, and for moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in adults.

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Oncology products. AbbVie’s oncology products target some of the most complex and difficult-to-treat cancers. These products are:
Imbruvica. Imbruvica (ibrutinib) is an oral, once-daily therapy that inhibits a protein called Bruton's tyrosine kinase. Imbruvica was one of the first medicines to receive a United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval after being granted a Breakthrough Therapy Designation and is one of the few therapies to receive four separate designations. Imbruvica currently is approved for the treatment of adult patients with blood cancers such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), as well as certain forms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Imbruvica is approved in adult and pediatric patients one year and older with chronic graft versus host disease after failure of one or more lines of systemic therapy.
Venclexta/Venclyxto. Venclexta (venetoclax) is a B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) inhibitor used to treat blood cancers. Venclexta is approved by the FDA for adults with CLL or small lymphocytic lymphoma. In addition, Venclexta is approved in combination with azacitidine, or decitabine, or low-dose cytarabine to treat adults with newly-diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia who are 75 years of age or older or have other medical conditions that prevent the use of standard chemotherapy.
Epkinly. Epkinly (epcoritimab) is a product used to treat adults with certain types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and high-grade B-cell lymphoma that has recurred or that does not respond to previous treatment after receiving two or more treatments. Epkinly is administered as a subcutaneous injection.
Elahere. Elahere (mirvetuximab soravtansine-gynx) is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) used to treat certain types of cancer. On November 14, 2022, the FDA granted accelerated approval for the treatment of adult patients with FRα positive, platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer, who have received one to three prior systemic treatment regimens. Continued approval may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial.
Aesthetics products. AbbVie’s Aesthetics portfolio consists of facial injectables, plastics and regenerative medicine, body contouring and skincare products, which hold market-leading positions in the U.S. and in key markets around the world. These products are:
Botox Cosmetic. Botox Cosmetic is an acetylcholine release inhibitor and a neuromuscular blocking agent indicated for treatment in three areas: temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines (frown lines between the eyebrows), moderate to severe crow's feet and moderate to severe forehead lines in adults. Having received its initial FDA approval in 2002, Botox Cosmetic is now approved for use in all major markets around the world.
The Juvederm Collection of Fillers. The Juvederm Collection of Fillers is a portfolio of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers with a variety of approved indications in the U.S. and in other major markets around the world to augment or treat volume loss in the cheeks, chin, lips and lower face.
Other aesthetics. Other aesthetics products include, but are not limited to, Alloderm regenerative dermal tissue, CoolSculpting body contouring technology, Natrelle breast implants, the SkinMedica skincare line, Latisse eyelash solution and DiamondGlow dermabrasion technology.
Neuroscience products. AbbVie’s neuroscience products address some of the most difficult-to-treat neurologic diseases. These products are:
Botox Therapeutic. Botox Therapeutic (onabotulinumtoxinA injection) is an acetylcholine release inhibitor and a neuromuscular blocking agent that is injected into muscle tissue. In the United States, it is approved to treat numerous indications, including chronic migraine, overactive bladder in adults who have an inadequate response to an anticholinergic medication, and urinary incontinence due to detrusor overactivity associated with a neurologic condition in adults who have an inadequate response to an anticholinergic medication. In addition, Botox Therapeutic is approved to treat spasticity in patients two years of age and older, cervical dystonia in adults, as well as other conditions. Botox is marketed in other countries around the world and licenses will vary. Botox Therapeutic is marketed by GSK in Japan.
Vraylar. Vraylar (cariprazine) is a dopamine D3-preferring D3/D2 receptor partial agonist and a 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist. Vraylar is indicated for acute and maintenance treatment of schizophrenia in adults, acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar disorder in adults, acute treatment of depressive episodes associated with bipolar I disorder in adults and as an adjunctive treatment in major depressive disorder.
Duopa and Duodopa (carbidopa and levodopa).    AbbVie's levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel for the treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease is marketed as Duopa in the United States and as Duodopa outside of the United States.
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Ubrelvy. Ubrelvy (ubrogepant) is a calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist indicated for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura in adults. Ubrelvy is commercialized in the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Canada.
Qulipta. Qulipta (atogepant) is a calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist indicated for the preventive treatment of episodic and chronic migraine in adults. Qulipta is commercialized in the United States and Canada and is approved in the European Union under the brand name Aquipta.
Eye care products. AbbVie’s eye care products address unmet needs and new approaches to help preserve and protect patients’ vision. These products are:
Ozurdex. Ozurdex (dexamethasone intravitreal implant) is a corticosteroid implant that slowly releases medication over time. Injected directly into the back of the eye, it dissolves naturally and does not need to be removed. Ozurdex is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with visual impairment due to diabetic macular oedema (DME), adult patients with macular oedema following either Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) or Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) and patients with inflammation of the posterior segment of the eye presenting as non-infectious uveitis. Ozurdex® is commercially available in the United States and numerous markets around the world.
Lumigan/Ganfort. Lumigan (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.01% is a once daily, topical prostaglandin analog indicated for the reduction of elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with open angle glaucoma (OAG) or ocular hypertension (OHT). Ganfort is a once daily topical fixed combination of bimatoprost 0.03% and timolol 0.5% for the reduction of IOP in adult patients with OAG or OHT. Lumigan is sold in the United States and numerous markets around the world, while Ganfort is approved in the European Union and some markets in South America, the Middle East and Asia.
Alphagan/Combigan. Alphagan (brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution) is an alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist indicated for the reduction of elevated IOP in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Combigan (brimonidine tartrate/timolol maleate ophthalmic solution) is approved for reducing elevated IOP in patients with glaucoma who require additional or adjunctive IOP-lowering therapy. Both Alphagan and Combigan are available for sale in the United States and numerous markets around the world.
Restasis. Restasis is a calcineurin inhibitor immunosuppressant indicated to increase tear production in patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Restasis is approved in the United States and a number of other markets in South America, the Middle East and Asia.
Other eye care. Other eye care products include Refresh/Optive, Xen and Durysta.
Other key products. AbbVie’s other key products include, among other things, treatments for patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV), metabolic and hormone products that target a number of conditions, including exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and hypothyroidism, as well as endocrinology products for the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer, treatment of endometriosis and central precocious puberty and for the preoperative treatment of patients with anemia caused by uterine fibroids. These products are:
Mavyret/Maviret. Mavyret (glecaprevir/pibrentasvir) is approved in the United States and European Union (Maviret) for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients (12 years and older or weighing at least 45 kilograms) with chronic HCV genotype 1-6 infection without cirrhosis and with compensated cirrhosis (Child-Pugh A). It is also indicated for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients (12 years and older or weighing at least 45 kilograms) with HCV genotype 1 infection, who previously have been treated with a regimen containing an HCV NS5A inhibitor or an NS3/4A protease inhibitor, but not both.
Creon.    Creon (pancrelipase) is a pancreatic enzyme therapy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, a condition that occurs in patients with cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis and several other conditions.
Lupron. Lupron (leuprolide acetate), which is also marketed as Lucrin and Lupron Depot, is a product for the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer, treatment of endometriosis and central precocious puberty and for the preoperative treatment of patients with anemia caused by uterine fibroids. Lupron is approved for daily subcutaneous injection and one-month, three-month, four-month and six-month intramuscular injection.
Linzess/Constella. Linzess (linaclotide) is a once-daily guanylate cyclase-C agonist used in adults to treat irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS‑C) and chronic idiopathic constipation. The product is marketed as Linzess in the United States and as Constella outside of the United States.
Synthroid.    Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium tablets, USP) is used in the treatment of hypothyroidism.
AbbVie has the rights to sell Creon and Synthroid only in the United States.
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Marketing, Sales and Distribution Capabilities
AbbVie utilizes a combination of dedicated commercial resources, regional commercial resources and distributorships to market, sell and distribute its products worldwide. AbbVie directs its primary marketing efforts toward securing the prescription, or recommendation, of its brand of products by physicians, external experts and other health care providers. Managed care providers (for example, health maintenance organizations and pharmacy benefit managers), hospitals and state and federal government agencies (for example, State Medicaid programs, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the United States Department of Defense) are also important customers. AbbVie also markets directly to consumers themselves, although in the United States many of the company's products must be sold pursuant to a prescription. Outside of the United States, AbbVie focuses its promotional and market access efforts on external experts, payers, physicians and health systems. AbbVie also provides patient support programs closely related to its products.
AbbVie's products are generally sold worldwide directly to wholesalers, distributors, government agencies, health care facilities, specialty pharmacies and independent retailers from AbbVie-owned distribution centers and public warehouses. Certain products (including aesthetic products and devices) are also sold directly to physicians and other licensed healthcare providers. Although AbbVie's business does not have significant seasonality, AbbVie's product revenues may be affected by end customer and retail buying patterns, fluctuations in wholesaler inventory levels and other factors.
In the United States, AbbVie distributes pharmaceutical products principally through independent wholesale distributors, with some sales directly to retailers, pharmacies, patients or other customers. In 2023, three wholesale distributors (McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc. and AmerisourceBergen Corporation) accounted for substantially all of AbbVie's pharmaceutical product sales in the United States. No individual wholesaler accounted for greater than 39% of AbbVie's 2023 gross revenues in the United States. Outside the United States, AbbVie sells products primarily to wholesalers or through distributors, and depending on the market works through largely centralized national payers systems to agree on reimbursement terms.
Certain products are co-marketed or co-promoted with other companies. AbbVie has no single customer that, if the customer were lost, would have a material adverse effect on the company's business. No material portion of AbbVie's business is subject to renegotiation of profits or termination of contracts at the election of the government. Orders are generally filled on a current basis and order backlog is not material to AbbVie's business.
The markets for AbbVie's products are highly competitive. AbbVie competes with other research-based pharmaceuticals and biotechnology companies that discover, manufacture, market and sell proprietary pharmaceutical products, therapies and biologics. For example, AbbVie's immunology products compete with anti-TNF products, JAK inhibitors and other competitive products intended to treat a number of disease states, and AbbVie's oncology products compete with BTK inhibitors and other competitive products intended to treat certain cancers. In addition, in the past few years, a number of other companies have started to develop, have successfully developed and/or are currently marketing products that are being positioned as competitors to Botox. The search for technological innovations in pharmaceutical products is a significant aspect of competition. The introduction of new products by competitors and changes in medical practices and procedures can result in product obsolescence. Price is also a competitive factor. In addition, the substitution of generic and biosimilar pharmaceutical products for branded pharmaceutical products creates competitive pressures on AbbVie's products that do not have patent protection. New products or treatments brought to market by AbbVie’s competitors could cause revenues for AbbVie’s products to decrease due to price reductions and sales volume decreases.
Biosimilars.    Competition for AbbVie’s biologic products is affected by the approval of follow-on biologics, also known as “biosimilars.” Biologics have added major therapeutic options for the treatment of many diseases, including some for which therapies were unavailable or inadequate. The cost of developing and producing biologic therapies is typically dramatically higher than for small molecule medications, and many biologic medications are used for ongoing treatment of chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, or for the treatment of previously untreatable cancer. Significant investments in biologics infrastructure and manufacturing are necessary to produce biologic products.
Humira is facing direct biosimilar competition globally, and AbbVie will continue to face competitive pressure from these biologics and from orally administered products.
In the United States, the FDA regulates biologics under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FFDCA), the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) and the regulations implementing these statutes. The enactment of federal health care reform legislation in March 2010 provided a pathway for approval of biosimilars under the PHSA, but the approval process for, and science behind, biosimilars is complex. Approval by the FDA is dependent upon many factors, including a showing that the biosimilar is "highly similar" to the original product and has no clinically meaningful differences from the original product in
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terms of safety, purity and potency. The types of data that could ordinarily be required in an application to show similarity may include analytical data, bioequivalence studies and studies to demonstrate chemical similarity, animal studies (including toxicity studies) and clinical studies.
Furthermore, the law provides that only a biosimilar product that is determined to be "interchangeable" will be considered by the FDA as substitutable for the original biologic product without the intervention of the health care provider who prescribed the original biologic product. To prove that a biosimilar product is interchangeable, the applicant must demonstrate that the product can be expected to produce the same clinical results as the original biologic product in any given patient, and if the product is administered more than once in a patient, that safety risks and potential for diminished efficacy of alternating or switching between the use of the interchangeable biosimilar biologic product and the original biologic product is no greater than the risk of using the original biologic product without switching. The law continues to be interpreted and implemented by the FDA. As a result, its full ultimate impact, implementation and meaning remains subject to uncertainty.
Intellectual Property Protection and Regulatory Exclusivity
Generally, upon approval, products may be entitled to certain kinds of exclusivity under applicable intellectual property and regulatory regimes. AbbVie’s intellectual property is materially valuable to the company, and AbbVie seeks patent protection, where available, in all significant markets and/or countries for each product in development. In the United States, the expiration date for patents is 20 years after the filing date. Given that patents relating to pharmaceutical products are often obtained early in the development process and given the amount of time needed to complete clinical trials and other development activities required for regulatory approval, the length of time between product launch and patent expiration is significantly less than 20 years. The Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 (commonly known as the Hatch-Waxman Act) permits a patent holder to seek a patent extension, commonly called a “patent term restoration,” for patents on products (or processes for making the product) regulated by the FFDCA. The length of the patent extension is roughly based on 50 percent of the period of time from the filing of an Investigational New Drug Application (NDA) for a compound to the submission of the NDA for such compound, plus 100 percent of the time period from NDA submission to regulatory approval. The extension, however, cannot exceed five years and the patent term remaining after regulatory approval cannot exceed 14 years. Biological products licensed under the PHSA are similarly eligible for terms of patent restoration.
Pharmaceutical products may be entitled to other forms of legal or regulatory exclusivity upon approval. The scope, length and requirements for each of these exclusivities vary both in the United States and in other jurisdictions. In the United States, if the FDA approves a conventional drug product that contains an active ingredient not previously approved, the product is typically entitled to five years of non-patent regulatory exclusivity. Specific conditions of use approved for individual products may also be entitled to three years of exclusivity if approval was based on the FDA’s reliance on new clinical studies essential to approval submitted by the NDA applicant. If the NDA applicant studies the product for use by children, the FDA may grant pediatric exclusivity, which extends by 180 days all existing exclusivities (patent and regulatory) related to the product. For products that are either used to treat conditions that afflict a relatively small population or for which there is not a reasonable expectation that the research and development costs will be recovered, the FDA may designate the pharmaceutical as an orphan drug and grant it seven years of exclusivity. Other types of regulatory exclusivity may also be available, such as Generating New Antibiotic Incentives Now (GAIN) exclusivity, which can provide new antibiotic or new antifungal drugs an additional five years of exclusivity to be added to certain exclusivities already provided for by law.
Applicable laws and regulations dictate the scope of any exclusivity to which a product or particular characteristics of a product is entitled upon approval in any particular country. In certain instances, regulatory exclusivity may offer protection where patent protection is no longer available or for a period of time in excess of patent protection. It is not possible to estimate for each product in development the total period and scope of exclusivity to which it may become entitled until regulatory approval is obtained or sometimes even later. However, given the length of time required to complete clinical development of a pharmaceutical product, the periods of exclusivity that might be achieved in any individual case would not generally be expected to exceed a minimum of three years and a maximum of 14 years. These estimates do not consider other factors, such as the difficulty of recreating the manufacturing process for a particular product or other proprietary knowledge that may delay the introduction of a generic or other follow-on product after the expiration of applicable patent and other regulatory exclusivity periods.
Biologics may be entitled to exclusivity under the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act, which was passed on March 23, 2010 as Title VII to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The law provides a pathway for approval of biosimilars following the expiration of 12 years of regulatory exclusivity for the innovator biologic and a potential additional 180 day-extension term for conducting pediatric studies. Biologics are also eligible for orphan drug exclusivity, as discussed above. The law also includes an extensive process for the innovator biologic and biosimilar manufacturer to litigate patent
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infringement, validity and enforceability. The European Union has also created a pathway for approval of biosimilars and has published guidelines for approval of certain biosimilar products. The more complex nature of biologics and biosimilar products has led to close regulatory scrutiny over follow-on biosimilar products, which can reduce the effect of biosimilars on sales of the innovator biologic as compared to the sales erosion caused by generic versions of small molecule pharmaceutical products.
AbbVie owns or has licensed rights to a substantial number of patents and patent applications. AbbVie licenses or owns a patent portfolio of thousands of patent families, each of which includes United States patent applications and/or issued patents and may also contain the non-United States counterparts to these patents and applications.
These patents and applications, including various patents that expire during the period 2024 to the mid 2040s, in aggregate are believed to be of material importance in the operation of AbbVie’s business. However, AbbVie believes that no single patent, license, trademark (or related group of patents, licenses, or trademarks), are material in relation to the company’s business as a whole.
In addition, the following patents, licenses and trademarks are significant: those related to ibrutinib (which is sold under the trademark Imbruvica), those related to risankizumab (which is sold under the trademark Skyrizi) and those related to upadacitinib (which is sold under the trademark Rinvoq). The United States composition of matter patent covering ibrutinib is expected to expire in 2027, with pediatric regulatory exclusivity then extending until May 2028. However, no generic entry for any ibrutinib product is expected prior to March 30, 2032. The United States composition of matter patent covering risankizumab is expected to expire in 2033. And the United States composition of matter patent covering upadacitinib is expected to expire in 2033.
AbbVie may rely, in some circumstances, on trade secrets to protect its technology. AbbVie seeks to protect its technology and product candidates, in part, by confidentiality agreements with its employees, consultants, advisors, contractors and collaborators. These agreements may be breached and AbbVie may not have adequate remedies for any breach. In addition, AbbVie’s trade secrets may otherwise become known or be independently discovered by competitors. To the extent that AbbVie’s employees, consultants, advisors, contractors and collaborators use intellectual property owned by others in their work for the company, disputes may arise as to the rights in related or resulting know-how and inventions.
Licensing, Acquisitions and Other Arrangements
In addition to its independent efforts to develop and market products, AbbVie enters into arrangements such as acquisitions, option-to-acquire agreements, licensing arrangements, option-to-license arrangements, strategic alliances, co-promotion arrangements, co-development and co-marketing agreements and joint ventures. The acquisitions and option-to-acquire agreements typically include, among other terms and conditions, non-refundable purchase price payments or option fees, option exercise payments, milestones or earn-outs and other customary terms and obligations. The licensing and other arrangements typically include, among other terms and conditions, non-refundable upfront license fees, option fees and option exercise payments, milestone payments and royalty and/or profit sharing obligations. See Note 5, "Licensing, Acquisitions and Other Arrangements—Other Licensing & Acquisitions Activity," to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."
Third Party Agreements
AbbVie has agreements with third parties for process development, product distribution, analytical services and manufacturing of certain products. AbbVie procures certain products and services from a limited number of suppliers and, in some cases, a single supply source. In addition, AbbVie has agreements with third parties for active pharmaceutical ingredient and product manufacturing, formulation and development services, fill, finish and packaging services, transportation and distribution and logistics services for certain products. AbbVie does not believe that these manufacturing-related agreements are material because AbbVie's business is not substantially dependent on any individual agreement. In most cases, AbbVie maintains alternate supply relationships that it can utilize without undue disruption of its manufacturing processes if a third party fails to perform its contractual obligations. AbbVie seeks to maintain sufficient inventory of product to minimize the impact of any supply disruption.
AbbVie is also party to certain collaborations and other arrangements, as discussed in Note 5, "Licensing, Acquisitions and Other Arrangements—Other Licensing & Acquisitions Activity," to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."
Sources and Availability of Raw Materials
AbbVie purchases, in the ordinary course of business, raw materials and supplies essential to its operations from numerous suppliers around the world. In addition, certain medical devices and components necessary for the manufacture of
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AbbVie products are provided by unaffiliated third party suppliers. AbbVie has robust business continuity and supplier monitoring programs.
Research and Development Activities
AbbVie makes a significant investment in research and development and has numerous compounds (and complementary devices) in clinical development, including potential treatments for complex, life-threatening diseases. AbbVie's ability to discover and develop new compounds is enhanced by the company's use of integrated discovery and development project teams, which include chemists, biologists, physicians and pharmacologists who work on the same compounds as a team. AbbVie also partners with third parties, such as biotechnology companies, other pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions to identify and prioritize promising new treatments that complement and enhance AbbVie’s existing portfolio. AbbVie also supplements its research and development efforts with acquisitions.
The research and development process generally begins with discovery research which focuses on the identification of a molecule that has a desired effect against a given disease. If preclinical testing of an identified compound proves successful, the compound moves into clinical development which generally includes the following phases:
Phase 1— involves the first human tests in a small number of healthy volunteers or patients to assess safety, tolerability and doses for later phases.
Phase 2— tests different doses of the drug in a disease state in order to assess efficacy.
Phase 3— tests a drug that demonstrates favorable results in the earlier phases in a significantly larger patient population to further demonstrate efficacy and safety in order to meet requirements to enable global approval.
Preclinical data and clinical trials from all of the development phases provide the data required to prepare and submit an NDA, a Biological License Application (BLA) or other submission for regulatory approval to the FDA or similar government agencies outside the United States. The specific requirements (e.g., scope of clinical trials) for obtaining regulatory approval vary across different countries and geographic regions.
The research and development process from discovery through a new drug launch typically takes 8 to 12 years and can be even longer. The research and development of new pharmaceutical products has a significant amount of inherent uncertainty. There is no guarantee when, or if, a molecule will receive the regulatory approval required to launch a new drug or indication.
In addition to the development of new products, delivery devices and new formulations, research and development projects also may include Phase 4 trials, sometimes called post-marketing studies. For such projects, clinical trials are designed and conducted to collect additional data regarding, among other parameters, the benefits and risks of an approved drug.
Regulation—Discovery and Clinical Development
United States.    Securing approval to market a new pharmaceutical product in the United States requires substantial effort and financial resources and takes several years to complete. The applicant must complete preclinical tests and submit protocols to the FDA before commencing clinical trials. Clinical trials are intended to establish the safety and efficacy of the pharmaceutical product and typically are conducted in sequential phases, although the phases may overlap or be combined. If the required clinical testing is successful, the results are submitted to the FDA in the form of an NDA or BLA requesting approval to market the product for one or more indications. The FDA reviews an NDA or BLA to determine whether a product is safe and effective for its intended use and whether its manufacturing is compliant with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).
Compliance with regulatory requirements is assured through periodic, announced or unannounced inspections by the FDA and other regulatory authorities, and these inspections associated with clinical development may include the sponsor, investigator sites, laboratories, hospitals and manufacturing facilities of AbbVie's subcontractors or other third-party manufacturers. Failure to comply with applicable regulatory requirements can result in enforcement action by the FDA, including rejection of an NDA or BLA.
Even if an NDA or a BLA receives approval, the applicant must comply with post-approval requirements. For example, holders of an approval must report adverse reactions, provide updated safety and efficacy information and comply with requirements concerning advertising and promotional materials and activities. Also, quality control and manufacturing procedures must continue to conform to cGMP after approval, and certain changes to the manufacturing procedures and finished product must be submitted and approved by the FDA prior to implementation. The FDA periodically inspects manufacturing facilities to assess compliance with cGMP, which imposes extensive procedural and record keeping requirements. In addition, as a condition of approval, the FDA may require post-marketing testing and surveillance to further
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assess and monitor the product's safety or efficacy after commercialization, which may require additional clinical trials, patient registries, observational data or additional work on chemistry, manufacturing and controls. Any post-approval regulatory obligations, and the cost of complying with such obligations, could expand in the future. Further, the FDA continues to regulate product labeling, and prohibits the promotion of products for unapproved or “off-label” uses along with other labeling restrictions.
Outside the United States.    AbbVie is subject to similar regulatory requirements outside the United States for approval and marketing of pharmaceutical products. AbbVie must obtain approval of a clinical trial application or product from applicable supervising regulatory authorities before it can commence clinical trials or marketing of the product in target markets. The approval requirements and process for each country can vary, and the time required to obtain approval may be longer or shorter than that required for FDA approval in the United States. For example, AbbVie may submit marketing authorizations in the European Union under either a centralized or decentralized procedure. The centralized procedure is mandatory for the approval of biotechnology products and many pharmaceutical products and provides for a single marketing authorization that is valid for all European Union member states. Under the centralized procedure, a single marketing authorization application is submitted to the European Medicines Agency. After the agency evaluates the application, it makes a recommendation to the European Commission, which then makes the final determination on whether to approve the application. The decentralized procedure provides for mutual recognition of individual national approval decisions and is available for products that are not subject to the centralized procedure.
In Japan, applications for approval of a new product are made through the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). Japan-specific trials and/or bridging studies to demonstrate that the non-Japanese clinical data applies to Japanese patients are usually required. After completing a comprehensive review, the PMDA reports to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, which then approves or denies the application.
Similarly, applications for a new product in China are submitted to the Center for Drug Evaluation of the National Medical Products Administration for technical review and approval of a product for marketing in China. Clinical data in Chinese subjects are usually required to support approval in China, requiring the inclusion of China in global pivotal studies, or a separate China/Asian clinical trial.
The regulatory process in many emerging markets continues to evolve. Many emerging markets, including those in Asia, generally require regulatory approval to have been obtained in a large developed market (such as the United States or Europe) before the country will begin or complete its regulatory review process. Similar to the requirements in Japan and China, certain countries (notably South Korea, Taiwan, India and Russia) also generally require that clinical studies that include data from patients in those countries be conducted in order to support local regulatory approval.
The requirements governing the conduct of clinical trials and product licensing also vary. In addition, post-approval regulatory obligations such as adverse event reporting and cGMP compliance generally apply and may vary by country. For example, after a marketing authorization has been granted in the European Union, periodic safety reports must be submitted and other pharmacovigilance measures may be required (such as Risk Management Plans).
Regulation—Commercialization, Distribution and Manufacturing
The manufacturing, marketing, sale, promotion and distribution of AbbVie's products are subject to comprehensive government regulation. Government regulation by various national, regional, federal, state and local agencies, both in the United States and other countries, addresses (among other matters) inspection of, and controls over, research and laboratory procedures, clinical investigations, product approvals and manufacturing, labeling, packaging, marketing and promotion, pricing and reimbursement, sampling, distribution, quality control, post-marketing surveillance, record keeping, storage and disposal practices. AbbVie's operations are also affected by trade regulations in many countries that limit the import of raw materials and finished products and by laws and regulations that seek to prevent corruption and bribery in the marketplace (including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the United Kingdom Bribery Act, which provide guidance on corporate interactions with government officials) and require safeguards for the protection of personal data. In addition, AbbVie is subject to laws and regulations pertaining to health care fraud and abuse, including state and federal anti-kickback and false claims laws in the United States. Prescription drug manufacturers such as AbbVie are also subject to taxes, as well as application, product, user and other fees.
Compliance with these laws and regulations is costly and materially affects AbbVie's business. Among other effects, health care regulations substantially increase the time, difficulty and costs incurred in obtaining and maintaining approval to market newly developed and existing products. AbbVie expects compliance with these regulations to continue to require significant technical expertise and capital investment to ensure compliance. Failure to comply can delay the release of a new product or result in regulatory and enforcement actions, the seizure or recall of a product, the suspension or revocation of the authority necessary for a product's production and sale and other civil or criminal sanctions, including fines and penalties.
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In addition to regulatory initiatives, AbbVie's business can be affected by ongoing studies of the utilization, safety, efficacy and outcomes of health care products and their components that are regularly conducted by industry participants, government agencies and others. These studies can lead to updates to the data regarding utilization, safety and efficacy of previously marketed products. In some cases, these studies have resulted, and may in the future result, in the discontinuance of, or limitations on, marketing of such products domestically or worldwide, and may give rise to claims for damages from persons who believe they have been injured as a result of their use.
Access to human health care products continues to be a subject of oversight, investigation and action by governmental agencies, legislative bodies and private organizations in the United States and other countries. A major focus is cost containment. Efforts to reduce health care costs are also being made in the private sector, notably by health care payers and providers, which have instituted various cost reduction and containment measures. AbbVie expects insurers and providers to continue attempts to reduce the cost of health care products. Outside the United States, many countries control the price of health care products directly or indirectly, through reimbursement, payment, pricing, coverage limitations, or compulsory licensing. Political and budgetary pressures in the United States and in other countries may also heighten the scope and severity of pricing pressures on AbbVie's products for the foreseeable future.
 United States.    Specifically, U.S. federal laws require pharmaceutical manufacturers to pay certain statutorily-prescribed rebates to state Medicaid programs on prescription drugs reimbursed under state Medicaid plans, and the efforts by states to seek additional rebates may affect AbbVie's business. Similarly, the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, as a prerequisite to participation in Medicaid and other federal health care programs, requires that manufacturers extend additional discounts on pharmaceutical products to various federal agencies, including the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense and Public Health Service entities and institutions. In addition, recent legislative changes would require similarly discounted prices to be offered to TRICARE program beneficiaries. The Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 also established the 340B drug discount program, which requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide products at reduced prices to various designated health care entities and facilities.
In the United States, most states also have generic substitution legislation requiring or permitting a dispensing pharmacist to substitute a different manufacturer's generic version of a pharmaceutical product for the one prescribed. In addition, the federal government follows a diagnosis-related group (DRG) payment system for certain institutional services provided under Medicare or Medicaid and has implemented a prospective payment system (PPS) for services delivered in hospital outpatient, nursing home and home health settings. DRG and PPS entitle a health care facility to a fixed reimbursement based on the diagnosis and/or procedure rather than actual costs incurred in patient treatment, thereby increasing the incentive for the facility to limit or control expenditures for many health care products. Medicare reimburses Part B drugs based on average sales price plus a certain percentage to account for physician administration costs, which have been reduced in the hospital outpatient setting. Medicare enters into contracts with private plans to negotiate prices for most patient-administered medicine delivered under Part D.
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (together, the Affordable Care Act), AbbVie pays a fee related to its pharmaceuticals sales to government programs. In addition, AbbVie provides a discount of 70% for branded prescription drugs sold to patients who fall into the Medicare Part D coverage gap, or "donut hole."
The Affordable Care Act also includes provisions known as the Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which require manufacturers of drugs and biologics covered under Medicare and Medicaid to record any transfers of value to physicians and teaching hospitals and to report this data to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for subsequent public disclosure. Similar reporting requirements have also been enacted on the state level in the United States, and an increasing number of countries worldwide either have adopted or are considering similar laws requiring disclosure of interactions with health care professionals. Failure to report appropriate data may result in civil or criminal fines and/or penalties.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the IRA) requires: (i) the government to set prices for select high expenditure Medicare Part D drugs (prices effective beginning in 2026) and Part B drugs (prices effective beginning in 2028) that are more than nine years (for small-molecule drugs) or 13 years (for biological products) from their FDA approval, (ii) manufacturers to pay a rebate for Medicare Part B and Part D drugs when prices for those drugs increase faster than inflation beginning in 2022 for Part D and 2023 for Part B, and (iii) a Medicare Part D redesign replacing the current coverage gap provisions and establishing a $2,000 cap for out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries beginning in 2025, with manufacturers being responsible for 10% of costs up to the $2,000 cap and 20% after that cap is reached. In August 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (the CMS), selected Imbruvica as one of the first 10 medicines subject to government-set prices beginning in 2026. The price-setting process will conclude by August 1, 2024, and on September 1, 2024, the CMS will publish prices that will be applicable to the 10 drugs in the Medicare program beginning January 1, 2026. It is possible that more of our products, including products that generate substantial revenues,
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could be selected in future years, which could, among other things, accelerate revenue erosion prior to expiration of intellectual property protections. The effect of reducing prices and reimbursement would significantly impact revenues for certain of our products.
European Union.    The European Union has adopted directives and other legislation governing labeling, advertising, distribution, supply, pharmacovigilance and marketing of pharmaceutical products. Such legislation provides mandatory standards throughout the European Union and permits member states to supplement these standards with additional regulations. European governments also regulate pharmaceutical product prices through their control of national health care systems that fund a large part of the cost of such products to consumers. As a result, patients are unlikely to use a pharmaceutical product that is not reimbursed by the government. In many European countries, the government either regulates the pricing of a new product at launch or subsequent launch through direct price controls or reference pricing. In recent years, many countries have also imposed new or additional cost containment measures on pharmaceutical products. Differences between national pricing regimes create price differentials within the European Union that can lead to significant parallel trade in pharmaceutical products.
Most governments also promote generic substitution by mandating or permitting a pharmacist to substitute a different manufacturer's generic version of a pharmaceutical product for the one prescribed and by permitting or mandating that health care professionals prescribe generic versions in certain circumstances. Many governments are also following a similar path for biosimilar therapies. In addition, governments use reimbursement lists to limit the pharmaceutical products that are eligible for reimbursement by national health care systems.
 Japan.    In Japan, the National Health Insurance system maintains a Drug Price List specifying which pharmaceutical products are eligible for reimbursement, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare sets the prices of the products on this list. The government generally introduces price cut rounds every other year and also mandates price decreases for specific products. New products judged innovative or useful, that are indicated for pediatric use, or that target orphan or small population diseases, however, may be eligible for a pricing premium. The government has also promoted the use of generics, where available.
 Emerging Markets.    Many emerging markets take steps to reduce pharmaceutical product prices, in some cases through direct price controls and in others through the promotion of generic/biosimilar alternatives to branded pharmaceuticals.
Since AbbVie markets its products worldwide, certain products of a local nature and variations of product lines must also meet other local regulatory requirements. Certain additional risks are inherent in conducting business outside the United States, including price and currency exchange controls, changes in currency exchange rates, limitations on participation in local enterprises, expropriation, nationalization and other governmental action.
Regulation – Medical Devices
Medical devices are subject to regulation by the FDA, state agencies and foreign government health authorities. FDA regulations, as well as various U.S. federal and state laws, govern the development, clinical testing, manufacturing, labeling, record keeping and marketing of medical device products agencies in the United States. AbbVie’s medical device product candidates, including AbbVie’s breast implants, must undergo rigorous clinical testing and an extensive government regulatory clearance or approval process prior to sale in the United States and other countries. The lengthy process of clinical development and submissions for clearance or approval, and the continuing need for compliance with applicable laws and regulations, require the expenditure of substantial resources. Regulatory clearance or approval, when and if obtained, may be limited in scope, and may significantly limit the indicated uses for which a product may be marketed. Cleared or approved products and their manufacturers are subject to ongoing review, and discovery of previously unknown problems with products may result in restrictions on their manufacture, sale and/or use or require their withdrawal from the market.
United States. AbbVie’s medical device products are subject to extensive regulation by the FDA in the United States. Unless an exemption applies, each medical device AbbVie markets in the United States must have a 510(k) clearance or a Premarket Approval Application (PMA) in accordance with the FFDCA and its implementing regulations. The FDA classifies medical devices into one of three classes, depending on the degree of risk associated with each medical device and the extent of controls that are needed to ensure safety and effectiveness. Devices deemed to pose a lower risk are placed in either Class I or Class II, and devices deemed by the FDA to pose the greatest risk, such as life-sustaining, life-supporting or implantable devices, or a device deemed to be not substantially equivalent to a previously cleared 510(k) device, are placed in Class III. In general, a Class III device cannot be marketed in the United States unless the FDA approves the device after submission of a PMA, and any changes to the device subsequent to initial FDA approval must also be reviewed and approved by the FDA. The majority of AbbVie’s medical device products, including AbbVie’s breast implants, are regulated as Class III medical devices. A Class III device may have significant additional obligations imposed in its conditions of approval, and the time in which it takes
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to obtain approval can be long. Compliance with regulatory requirements is assured through periodic, unannounced facility inspections by the FDA and other regulatory authorities, and these inspections may include the manufacturing facilities of AbbVie’s subcontractors or other third-party manufacturers. Failure to comply with applicable regulatory requirements can result in enforcement action by the FDA, which may include any of the following sanctions: warning letters or untitled letters; fines, injunctions and civil penalties; recall or seizure of AbbVie’ products; operating restrictions, partial suspension or total shutdown of production; refusing AbbVie’ request for 510(k) clearance or PMA approval of new products; withdrawing 510(k) clearance or PMA approvals that are already granted; and criminal prosecution.
A clinical trial is almost always required to support a PMA application and is sometimes required for a 510(k) premarket notification. Clinical trials generally require submission of an application for an investigational device exemption (IDE), which must be supported by appropriate data, such as animal and laboratory testing results, showing that it is safe to test the device in humans and that the testing protocol is scientifically sound. A study sponsor must obtain approval for its IDE from the FDA, and it must also obtain approval of its study from the Institutional Review Board overseeing the trial. The results of clinical testing may not be sufficient to obtain approval of the investigational device.
Once a device is approved, the manufacture and distribution of the device remains subject to continuing regulation by the FDA, including Quality System Regulation requirements, which involve design, testing, control, documentation and other quality assurance procedures during the manufacturing process. Medical device manufacturers and their subcontractors are required to register their establishments and list their manufactured devices with the FDA and are subject to periodic unannounced inspections by the FDA and certain state agencies for compliance with regulatory requirements. Manufacturers must also report to the FDA if their devices may have caused or contributed to a death or serious injury or malfunctioned in a way that could likely cause or contribute to a death or serious injury, or if the manufacturer conducts a field correction or product recall or removal to reduce a risk to health posed by a device or to remedy a violation of the FFDCA that may present a health risk. Further, the FDA continues to regulate device labeling, and prohibits the promotion of products for unapproved or “off-label” uses along with other labeling restrictions.
European Union. Medical device products that are marketed in the European Union must comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (the MDR), which came into effect in May 2021. The MDR provides for regulatory oversight with respect to the design, manufacture, clinical trials, labeling and adverse event reporting for medical devices to ensure that medical devices marketed in the European Union are safe and effective for their intended uses. Medical devices that comply with the MDR are entitled to bear a Conformité Européenne marking evidencing such compliance and may be marketed in the European Union. Failure to comply with these domestic and international regulatory requirements could affect AbbVie’s ability to market and sell AbbVie’s products in these countries.
Environmental Matters
AbbVie believes that its operations comply in all material respects with applicable laws and regulations concerning environmental protection. Regulations under federal and state environmental laws impose stringent limitations on emissions and discharges to the environment from various manufacturing operations. AbbVie's capital expenditures for pollution control in 2023 were approximately $16 million and operating expenditures were approximately $43 million. In 2024, capital expenditures for pollution control are estimated to be approximately $22 million and operating expenditures are estimated to be approximately $45 million.
Abbott was identified as one of many potentially responsible parties in investigations and/or remediations at several locations in the United States, including Puerto Rico, under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, commonly known as Superfund. Some of these locations were transferred to AbbVie in connection with the separation and distribution, and AbbVie has become a party to these investigations and remediations. Abbott was also engaged in remediation at several other sites, some of which have been transferred to AbbVie in connection with the separation and distribution, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency or similar agencies. While it is not feasible to predict with certainty the final costs related to those investigations and remediation activities, AbbVie believes that such costs, together with other expenditures to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, should not have a material adverse effect on the company's financial position, cash flows, or results of operations.
AbbVie employed approximately 50,000 employees in over 70 countries as of January 31, 2024. Outside the United States, some of AbbVie's employees are represented by unions or works councils. AbbVie believes that it has good relations with its employees.
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Human Capital Management
Attracting, retaining and providing meaningful growth and development opportunities to AbbVie's employees is critical to the company's success in making a remarkable impact on people’s lives around the world. AbbVie leverages numerous resources to identify and enhance strategic and leadership capability, foster employee engagement and create a culture where talent is productive and engaged. AbbVie invests in its employees through competitive compensation, benefits and employee support programs and offers best-in-class development and leadership opportunities. AbbVie has developed a deep talent base through ongoing investment in functional and leadership training and by sourcing world-class external talent, ensuring a sustainable talent pipeline. AbbVie continuously cultivates and enhances its working culture and embraces equality, diversity and inclusion as fundamental to the company's mission.
Attracting and Developing Talent. Attracting and developing high-performing talent is essential to AbbVie’s continued success. AbbVie implements detailed talent attraction strategies, with an emphasis on STEM skill sets, a diverse talent base and other critical skillsets, including drug discovery, clinical development, market access and business development. AbbVie also invests in competitive compensation and benefits programs. In addition to offering a comprehensive suite of benefits ranging from medical and dental coverage to retirement, disability and life insurance programs, AbbVie also provides health promotion programs, mental health awareness campaigns and employee assistance programs in several countries, financial wellness support, on-site health screenings and immunizations in several countries and on-site fitness and rehabilitation centers. AbbVie has on-site health care clinics at certain locations, offering convenient and affordable access to quality healthcare, flu shots and vaccines. In addition, the AbbVie Employee Assistance Fund (a part of the AbbVie Foundation) supports two programs for global employees: the AbbVie Possibilities Scholarship for children of employees, which is an annual merit-based scholarship for use at accredited colleges, universities or vocational-technical schools; and the Employee Relief Program, which is financial assistance to support short term needs of employees when faced with large-scale disasters (e.g. a hurricane), individual disasters (e.g. a home fire) or financial hardship (e.g. the death of a spouse). Finally, AbbVie empowers managers and their teams with tools, tips and guidelines on effectively managing workloads, managing teams from a distance and supporting flexible work practices, including "Where We Work", AbbVie's hybrid work model, offering eligible employees predictable flexibility.
New AbbVie employees are given a tailored onboarding experience for faster integration and to support performance. One of AbbVie's mentorship programs allows employees to self-nominate as mentors or mentees and facilitates meaningful relationships supporting employees’ career and development goals.
AbbVie also provides structured, broad-based development opportunities, focusing on high-performance skills and leadership training. AbbVie's talent philosophy holds leaders accountable for building a high-performing organization, and the company provides development opportunities for all levels of leadership. AbbVie's Learn, Develop, Perform program offers year-long, self-directed leadership education, supplemented with tools and resources, and leverages leaders as role models and teachers. In addition, a foundational success factor to AbbVie's leadership pipeline is the company's Professional Development Programs, which attract graduates, postgraduates and post-doctoral talent to participate in formal development programs lasting up to three years, with the objective of strengthening functional and leadership capabilities.
Culture. AbbVie’s shared principles of transforming lives, acting with integrity, driving innovation, embracing diversity and inclusion and serving the community form the core of the company's culture. AbbVie articulates the behaviors associated with these values in the Ways We Work, a core set of working behaviors that emphasize how the company achieves results is equally as important as achieving them. The Ways We Work are designed to ensure that every AbbVie employee is aware of the company's cultural expectations. AbbVie integrates the Ways We Work into all talent processes, forming the basis for assessing performance, prioritizing development and ultimately rewarding employees. AbbVie believes its culture creates strong engagement, which is measured regularly through a confidential, third-party all-employee survey, and this engagement supports AbbVie’s mission of making a remarkable impact on people’s lives.
Equity, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EED&I). A cornerstone of AbbVie’s human capital management approach is to prioritize fostering an inclusive and diverse workforce. AbbVie's Equity, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion roadmap defines key global focus areas, objectives and associated initiatives, and includes implementation plans organized by business function and geography. AbbVie’s senior leaders have adopted formal goals aligned with executing this strategy. Through December 2023, women represented 52 percent of management positions globally and in the United States, 37 percent of AbbVie's workforce was comprised of members of historically underrepresented populations, consistent with 2022. Further, AbbVie is committed to pay equity and conducts pay equity analyses annually. A critical component of AbbVie's strategy is to instill an inclusive mindset in all AbbVie leaders and employees, so the company continues to realize the full value of its workforce from recruitment through retirement. AbbVie's Employee Resource Groups also help the company nurture an inclusive culture by building community and creating connections. Additional information about AbbVie's Equity, Equality, Diversity and
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Inclusion efforts can be found on the company's website at: https://www.abbvie.com/who-we-are/equity-equality-inclusion-diversity.html.
Internet Information
Copies of AbbVie's Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 are available free of charge through AbbVie's investor relations website (investors.abbvie.com) as soon as reasonably practicable after AbbVie electronically files the material with, or furnishes it to, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
AbbVie's corporate governance guidelines, outline of directorship qualifications, code of business conduct and the charters of AbbVie's audit committee, compensation committee, nominations and governance committee and public policy committee are all available on AbbVie's investor relations website (investors.abbvie.com).
You should carefully consider the following risks and other information in this Form 10-K in evaluating AbbVie and AbbVie's common stock. Any of the following risks could materially and adversely affect AbbVie's results of operations, financial condition or cash flows. The risk factors generally have been separated into two groups: risks related to AbbVie's business and risks related to AbbVie's common stock. Based on the information currently known to it, AbbVie believes that the following information identifies the most significant risk factors affecting it in each of these categories of risks. However, the risks and uncertainties AbbVie faces are not limited to those set forth in the risk factors described below and may not be in order of importance or probability of occurrence. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to AbbVie or that AbbVie currently believes to be immaterial may also adversely affect its business. In addition, past financial performance may not be a reliable indicator of future performance and historical trends should not be used to anticipate results or trends in future periods.
If any of the following risks and uncertainties develops into actual events, these events could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's business, results of operations, financial condition or cash flows. In such case, the trading price of AbbVie's common stock could decline.
Risks Related to AbbVie's Business
The expiration or loss of patent protection and licenses, including the loss of exclusivity for Humira and increased competition from biosimilars, may adversely affect AbbVie's revenues and operating earnings.
AbbVie relies on patent, trademark and other intellectual property protection in the discovery, development, manufacturing and sale of its products. In particular, patent protection is, in the aggregate, important in AbbVie's marketing of pharmaceutical products in the United States and most major markets outside of the United States. Patents covering AbbVie products normally provide market exclusivity, which is important for the profitability of many of AbbVie's products.
As patents for certain of its products expire, AbbVie could face competition from lower priced generic or biosimilar products. The expiration or loss of patent protection for a product typically is followed promptly by substitutes that may significantly reduce sales for that product in a short amount of time. If AbbVie's competitive position is compromised because of generics, biosimilars or otherwise, it could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's business and results of operations. In addition, proposals emerge from time to time for legislation to further encourage the early and rapid approval of generic drugs or biosimilars. Any such proposals that are enacted into law could increase the impact of generic competition.
Large pharmaceutical companies and generics manufacturers of pharmaceutical products continue to expand into the biotechnology field and form partnerships to pursue biosimilars. Companies have developed and are developing biosimilars that compete with AbbVie’s biologic products, including Humira. As competitors obtain marketing approval for biosimilars referencing AbbVie’s biologic products, AbbVie’s products may become subject to competition from such biosimilars, with the attendant competitive pressure and consequences. Expiration of or successful challenges to AbbVie’s applicable patent rights could also trigger competition from other products, assuming any relevant exclusivity period has expired. As a result, AbbVie could face increased litigation and administrative proceedings with respect to the validity and/or scope of patents relating to its biologic products.
For example, Humira accounted for approximately 27% of AbbVie's total net revenues in 2023. Humira is facing competition from biosimilar products in the United States following the loss of exclusivity in 2023, which AbbVie anticipates will continue to cause a significant decline in Humira's revenue and could adversely affect AbbVie’s revenues and operating earnings.
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AbbVie's principal patents and trademarks are described in greater detail in Item 1, "Business—Intellectual Property Protection and Regulatory Exclusivity" and Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Results of Operations," and litigation regarding these patents is described in Item 3, "Legal Proceedings."
AbbVie's major products could lose patent protection earlier than expected, which could adversely affect AbbVie's revenues and operating earnings.
A significant portion of AbbVie's revenue and operating earnings are derived from several major products. Third parties or government authorities may challenge or seek to invalidate or circumvent AbbVie's patents and patent applications. For example, manufacturers of generic pharmaceutical products file, and may continue to file, Abbreviated New Drug Applications with the FDA seeking to market generic forms of AbbVie's products prior to the expiration of relevant patents owned or licensed by AbbVie by asserting that the patents are invalid, unenforceable and/or not infringed. In addition, petitioners have filed, and may continue to file, challenges to the validity of AbbVie's patents under the 2011 Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, which created inter partes review and post grant review procedures for challenging patent validity in administrative proceedings at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Although most of the challenges to AbbVie's intellectual property have come from other businesses, governments may also challenge intellectual property rights. For example, court decisions and potential legislation relating to patents, such as legislation regarding biosimilars, and other regulatory initiatives may result in further erosion of intellectual property protection. In addition, certain governments outside the United States have indicated that compulsory licenses to patents may be sought to further their domestic policies or on the basis of national emergencies, such as HIV/AIDS. If triggered, compulsory licenses may diminish or eliminate sales and profits from those jurisdictions and negatively affect AbbVie's results of operations.
AbbVie normally responds to challenges by vigorously defending its patents, including by filing patent infringement lawsuits. Patent litigation, administrative proceedings and other challenges to AbbVie's patents are costly and unpredictable and may deprive AbbVie of market exclusivity for a patented product. To the extent AbbVie's intellectual property is successfully challenged, circumvented or weakened, or to the extent such intellectual property does not allow AbbVie to compete effectively, AbbVie's business will suffer. To the extent that countries do not enforce AbbVie's intellectual property rights or require compulsory licensing of AbbVie's intellectual property, AbbVie's revenues and operating earnings will be reduced.
A third party's intellectual property may prevent AbbVie from selling its products or have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's profitability and financial condition.
Third parties may claim that an AbbVie product infringes upon their intellectual property. In addition, in its pursuit of valid business opportunities, AbbVie may be required to challenge intellectual property rights held by others that it believes were improperly granted. Resolving an intellectual property infringement or other claim can be costly and time consuming and may require AbbVie to enter into license agreements. AbbVie cannot guarantee that it would be able to obtain license agreements on commercially reasonable terms. A successful claim of patent or other intellectual property infringement could subject AbbVie to significant damages or an injunction preventing the manufacture, sale, or use of the affected AbbVie product or products. Any of these events could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's profitability and financial condition.
AbbVie's research and development efforts may not succeed in developing and marketing commercially successful products and technologies, which may cause its revenues and profitability to decline.
To remain competitive, AbbVie must continue to launch new products and new indications and/or brand extensions for existing products. Such launches must generate revenue sufficient both to cover its substantial research and development costs and to replace revenues of profitable products that are lost to or displaced by competing products or therapies. Failure to do so would have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's revenue and profitability. Accordingly, AbbVie commits substantial effort, funds and other resources to research and development and must make ongoing substantial expenditures without any assurance that its efforts will be commercially successful. A high rate of failure in the biopharmaceutical industry is inherent in the research and development of new products, and failure can occur at any point in the research and development process, including after significant funds have been invested. Products that appear promising in development may fail to reach the market for numerous reasons, including failure to demonstrate effectiveness, safety concerns, superior safety or efficacy of competing therapies, failure to achieve positive clinical or pre-clinical outcomes beyond the current standards of care, inability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals or delays in the approval of new products and new indications, limited scope of approved uses, excessive costs to manufacture or the failure to obtain or maintain intellectual property rights, or infringement of the intellectual property rights of others.
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Decisions about research studies made early in the development process of a pharmaceutical product candidate can affect the marketing strategy once such candidate receives approval. More detailed studies may demonstrate additional benefits that can help in the marketing, but they also consume time and resources and may delay submitting the pharmaceutical product candidate for regulatory approval. AbbVie cannot guarantee that a proper balance of speed and testing will be made with respect to each pharmaceutical product candidate or that decisions in this area would not adversely affect AbbVie's results of operations.
Even if AbbVie successfully develops and markets new products or enhancements to its existing products, they may be quickly rendered obsolete by changing clinical preferences, changing industry standards, or competitors' innovations. AbbVie's innovations may not be accepted quickly in the marketplace because of existing clinical practices or uncertainty over third-party reimbursement. AbbVie cannot state with certainty when or whether any of its products under development will be launched, whether it will be able to develop, license, or otherwise acquire compounds or products, or whether any products will be commercially successful. Failure to launch successful new products or new indications for existing products may cause AbbVie's products to become obsolete, causing AbbVie's revenues and operating results to suffer.
AbbVie is subject to cost-containment efforts and pricing pressures that could cause a reduction in revenues and operating earnings, and changes in the terms of rebate and chargeback programs, which are common in the pharmaceuticals industry, could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's operations.
Cost-containment efforts by governments and private organizations are described in greater detail in Item 1, "Business—Regulation—Commercialization, Distribution and Manufacturing." To the extent these cost containment efforts are not offset by greater demand, increased patient access to health care, or other factors, AbbVie's revenues and operating earnings will be reduced. In the United States, the European Union and other countries, AbbVie's business has experienced downward pressure on product pricing, and this pressure could increase in the future.
AbbVie is subject to increasing public and legislative pressure with respect to pharmaceutical pricing. In the United States, practices of managed care groups, and institutional and governmental purchasers, as well as federal laws and regulations related to Medicare and Medicaid, contribute to pricing pressures. In particular, the IRA will have the effect of reducing prices and reimbursements for certain of our products, which could significantly impact AbbVie’s results of operations. Under the IRA, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services can effectively set prices for certain single-source drugs and biologics reimbursed under Medicare Part B and Part D. Generally, these government prices can apply as soon as nine years (for small-molecule drugs) or 13 years (for biological products) from their FDA approval and will be capped at a statutory ceiling price that is likely to represent a significant discount from average prices to wholesalers and direct purchasers. In August 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the CMS, selected Imbruvica as one of the first 10 medicines subject to government-set prices beginning in 2026. The price-setting process will conclude by August 1, 2024, and on September 1, 2024, the CMS will publish prices that will be applicable to the 10 drugs in the Medicare program beginning January 1, 2026. It is possible that more of our products, including products that generate substantial revenues, could be selected in future years, which could, among other things, accelerate revenue erosion prior to expiration of intellectual property protections. In addition, beginning in January 2025, under the IRA, the 70% coverage gap discount program will be replaced by a 10% manufacturer discount for all Medicare Part D beneficiaries that have met their deductible and incurred out of pocket drug costs below a $2,000 threshold and a 20% discount for beneficiaries that have incurred out of pocket drug costs above the $2,000 threshold under the new Part D benefit redesign. Manufacturers that fail to comply with the IRA may be subject to various penalties, including civil monetary penalties, which could be significant. The IRA has and will continue to meaningfully impact AbbVie’s business strategies and those of others in the pharmaceutical industry. The full impact of the IRA on AbbVie’s business and the pharmaceutical industry, including the implications to us of our or a competitor's product being selected for price setting, remains uncertain.
AbbVie continues to evaluate the impact that the IRA may have on the company. The potential for continuing changes to the health care system in the United States and the increased purchasing power of entities that negotiate on behalf of Medicare, Medicaid and private sector beneficiaries may result in additional pricing pressures. Additionally, changes to U.S. tax laws now require (i) a 15% alternative minimum tax generally applied to U.S. corporations on adjusted financial statement income beginning in 2023 and (ii) a non-deductible 1% excise tax provision on net stock repurchases.
In major markets worldwide, governments play a significant role in funding health care services and determining the pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceutical products. Consequently, in those markets, AbbVie is subject to government decision-making and budgetary actions with respect to its products. In particular, many European countries have ongoing government-mandated price reductions for many pharmaceutical products, and AbbVie anticipates continuing pricing pressures in Europe. Differences between countries' pricing regulations could lead to third-party cross-border trading in AbbVie's products that results in a reduction in revenues and operating earnings.
Rebates related to government programs, such as fee-for-service Medicaid or Medicaid managed care programs, arise from laws and regulations. AbbVie cannot predict with certainty if additional government initiatives to contain health care
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costs or other factors could lead to new or modified regulatory requirements that include higher or incremental rebates or discounts. Other rebate and discount programs arise from contractual agreements with private payers. Various factors, including market factors and the ability of private payers to control patient access to products, may provide payers the leverage to negotiate higher or additional rebates or discounts that could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's operations.
A portion of AbbVie's near-term pharmaceutical pipeline relies on collaborations with third parties, which may adversely affect the development and sale of its products.
AbbVie depends on alliances and joint ventures with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for a portion of the products in its near-term pharmaceutical pipeline. Failures by these parties to meet their contractual, regulatory, or other obligations to AbbVie, or any disruption in the relationships between AbbVie and these third parties, could have an adverse effect on AbbVie's pharmaceutical pipeline and business. In addition, AbbVie's collaborative relationships for research and development extend for many years and may give rise to disputes regarding the relative rights, obligations and revenues of AbbVie and its collaboration partners, including the ownership of intellectual property and associated rights and obligations. This could result in the loss of intellectual property rights or protection, delay the development and sale of potential pharmaceutical products, affect the effective sale and delivery of AbbVie's commercialized products and lead to lengthy and expensive litigation, administrative proceedings or arbitration.
Biologics carry unique risks and uncertainties, which could have a negative impact on AbbVie's business and results of operations.
The successful discovery, development, manufacturing and sale of biologics is a long, expensive and uncertain process. There are unique risks and uncertainties with biologics. For example, access to and supply of necessary biological materials, such as cell lines, may be limited and current governmental regulations restrict access to and regulate the transport and use of such materials. In addition, the development, manufacturing and sale of biologics is subject to regulations that are often more complex and extensive than the regulations applicable to other pharmaceutical products. As a result, manufacturing biologics, especially in large quantities, is often complex and may require the use of innovative technologies. Such manufacturing also requires facilities specifically designed and validated for this purpose and sophisticated quality assurance and quality control procedures. Biologics are also frequently costly to manufacture because production inputs are derived from living animal or plant material, and some biologics cannot be made synthetically. Failure to successfully discover, develop, manufacture and sell biologics—including Humira, Skyrizi and Botox —could have a negative impact on AbbVie's business and results of operations.
New products and technological advances by AbbVie's competitors may negatively affect AbbVie's results of operations.
AbbVie competes with other research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that research, develop, manufacture, market and sell proprietary pharmaceutical products and biologics. For example, Humira competes with anti-TNF products and other competitive products intended to treat a number of disease states and Mavyret/Maviret competes with other available hepatitis C treatment options. In addition, in the past few years, a number of other companies have started to develop, have successfully developed and/or are currently marketing products that are being positioned as competitors to Botox. All of these competitors may introduce new products or develop technological advances that compete with AbbVie’s products in therapeutic areas such as immunology, oncology, aesthetics, neuroscience and eye care. In addition, as AbbVie products lose exclusivity, competition surrounding such products will increase and generic and biosimilar products will increasingly penetrate the markets. AbbVie cannot predict with certainty the timing or impact of the introduction by competitors of new products or technological advances. Such competing products may be safer, more effective, more effectively marketed or sold, have lower prices or better insurance coverage or reimbursement levels, or have superior performance features than AbbVie’s products, and this may negatively impact AbbVie’s business and results of operations.
The manufacture of many of AbbVie's products is a highly exacting and complex process, and if AbbVie or one of its suppliers encounters problems manufacturing AbbVie's products, AbbVie's business could suffer.
The manufacture of many of AbbVie's products is a highly exacting and complex process, due in part to strict regulatory requirements. Problems may arise during manufacturing for a variety of reasons, including equipment malfunction, failure to follow specific protocols and procedures, problems with raw materials, delays related to the construction of new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities, including those intended to support future demand for AbbVie's products, changes in manufacturing production sites and limits to manufacturing capacity due to regulatory requirements, changes in the types of products produced, physical limitations that could inhibit continuous supply, man-made or natural disasters and environmental factors. If problems arise during the production of a batch of product, such batch of product may have to be
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discarded and AbbVie may experience product shortages or incur added expenses. This could, among other things, lead to increased costs, lost revenue, damage to customer relations, time and expense spent investigating the cause and, depending on the cause, similar losses with respect to other batches or products. If problems are not discovered before the product is released to the market, recall and product liability costs may also be incurred.
AbbVie uses raw materials and components in its pharmaceutical and biologic manufacturing processes, including those sourced from single suppliers, and an interruption in the supply of those raw materials and components could adversely affect AbbVie's business and results of operations.
AbbVie uses raw materials and components in its pharmaceutical and biologic manufacturing processes that may be sourced from single suppliers. The failure of AbbVie's suppliers, and particularly its single-source suppliers, to fulfill their contractual obligations in a timely manner or as a result of regulatory noncompliance or physical disruption at a manufacturing site may impair AbbVie's ability to deliver its products to customers on a timely and competitive basis, which could adversely affect AbbVie's business and results of operations. Increases in demand on any of AbbVie's suppliers could result in delays and disruptions in the manufacturing, distribution and sale of its products and/or product shortages, leading to lost revenue. Finding an alternative supplier could take a significant amount of time and involve significant expense due to the nature of the products and the need to obtain regulatory approvals. AbbVie cannot guarantee that it will be able to reach agreement with alternative providers or that regulatory authorities would approve AbbVie's use of such alternatives. Business interruption insurance may not provide adequate compensation in the case of a failure by a supplier.
Certain aspects of AbbVie’s operations are highly dependent upon third party service providers.
AbbVie relies on suppliers, vendors and other third party service providers to research, develop, manufacture, commercialize, promote and sell its products. Reliance on third party manufacturers reduces AbbVie’s oversight and control of the manufacturing process. Some of these third party providers are subject to legal and regulatory requirements, privacy and security risks and market risks of their own. The failure of a critical third party service provider to meet its obligations could have a material adverse impact on AbbVie’s operations and results. If any third party service providers have violated or are alleged to have violated any laws or regulations during the performance of their obligations to AbbVie, it is possible that AbbVie could suffer financial and reputational harm or other negative outcomes, including possible legal consequences.
Significant safety or efficacy issues could arise for AbbVie's products, which could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's revenues and financial condition.
Pharmaceutical products receive regulatory approval based on data obtained in controlled clinical trials of limited duration. Following regulatory approval, these products will be used over longer periods of time in many patients. Additional, and perhaps more extensive, studies may also be conducted, which may be sponsored by AbbVie but could also be sponsored by competitors, insurance companies, government institutions, scientists, investigators or other interested parties. If new safety or efficacy issues are reported or if new scientific information becomes available (including results of post-marketing Phase 4 trials), or if governments change standards regarding safety, efficacy or labeling, AbbVie may be required to amend the conditions of use for a product. For example, AbbVie may voluntarily provide or be required to provide updated information on a product's label or narrow its approved indication, either of which could reduce the product's market acceptance. If safety or efficacy issues with an AbbVie product arise, sales of the product could be halted by AbbVie or by regulatory authorities and regulatory action could be taken by such regulatory authorities. Safety or efficacy issues affecting suppliers' or competitors' products also may reduce the market acceptance of similar AbbVie products.
New data about AbbVie's products, or products similar to its products, could negatively impact demand for AbbVie's products due to actual or perceived safety issues or uncertainty regarding efficacy and, in some cases, could result in product withdrawal. Furthermore, new data and information, including information about product misuse, may lead government agencies, professional societies, practice management groups or organizations involved with various diseases to publish guidelines or recommendations related to the use of AbbVie's products or the use of related therapies or place restrictions on sales. Such guidelines or recommendations may lead to lower sales of AbbVie's products.
AbbVie is subject to product liability claims and other lawsuits that may adversely affect its business, results of operations and reputation.
In the ordinary course of business, AbbVie is the subject of product liability claims and lawsuits alleging that AbbVie's current or historical products or the products of other companies that it promotes have resulted or could result in an unsafe condition for or injury to patients. For example, lawsuits are pending against Allergan, AbbVie’s subsidiary, and certain of its former officers alleging they made misrepresentations and omissions regarding Allergan’s textured breast implants. Product liability claims and lawsuits and safety alerts or product recalls, regardless of their ultimate outcome, may have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's business, results of operations and reputation and on its ability to attract and retain customers.
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Consequences may also include additional costs, a decrease in market share for the product in question, lower revenue and exposure to other claims. AbbVie evaluates its risks and has determined that the cost of obtaining product liability insurance outweighs the likely benefits of the coverage that is available and, as such, AbbVie's product liability losses are self-insured.
AbbVie is also the subject of other claims, legal proceedings and investigations in the ordinary course of business, which relate to intellectual property, commercial, securities and other matters. Adverse outcomes in such claims, legal proceedings and investigations may also adversely affect AbbVie’s business, results of operations and reputation. See Note 15, "Legal Proceedings and Contingencies" to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data." AbbVie cannot predict with certainty the outcome of these proceedings.
AbbVie is subject to governmental regulations, and it can be costly to comply with these regulations and to develop compliant products and processes.
AbbVie's products are subject to rigorous regulation by numerous international, supranational, federal and state authorities, as described in Item 1, "Business—Regulation—Discovery and Clinical Development,” “Business—Regulation—Commercialization, Distribution and Manufacturing,” and “Business—Regulation—Medical Devices.” The process of obtaining regulatory approvals to market a pharmaceutical product can be costly and time consuming, and approvals may not be granted for future products, or additional indications or uses of existing products, on a timely basis, if at all. Delays in the receipt of, or failure to obtain approvals for, future products, or new indications and uses, could result in delayed realization of product revenues, reduction in revenues and substantial additional costs.

The U.S. healthcare industry, in particular, is highly regulated and subject to frequent and substantial regulatory changes. It is expected that the U.S. healthcare industry will continue to be subject to increasing regulation as well as political and legal action, as future proposals to reform the healthcare system are considered by the executive branch, Congress and state legislatures. AbbVie cannot predict with certainty when additional changes in the healthcare industry in general, or the pharmaceutical industry in particular, will occur, or what the impact of such changes may be.

In addition, AbbVie cannot guarantee that it will remain compliant with applicable regulatory requirements once approval has been obtained for a product. These requirements include, among other things, regulations regarding manufacturing practices, product labeling and advertising and post-marketing reporting, including adverse event reports and field alerts due to manufacturing quality concerns. AbbVie must incur expense and spend time and effort to ensure compliance with these complex regulations.
Possible regulatory actions could result in substantial modifications to AbbVie's business practices and operations; refunds, recalls or seizures of AbbVie's products; a total or partial shutdown of production in one or more of AbbVie's or its suppliers' facilities while AbbVie or its supplier remedies the alleged violation; the inability to obtain future approvals; and withdrawals or suspensions of current products from the market. Any of these events could disrupt AbbVie's business and have a material adverse effect on its business and results of operations.
Laws and regulations affecting government benefit programs could impose new obligations on AbbVie, require it to change its business practices, and restrict its operations.
The health care industry is subject to federal, state and international laws and regulations pertaining to government benefit program reimbursements, rebates, price reporting and regulation and health care fraud and abuse. In the United States, these laws include anti-kickback and false claims laws, the Medicaid Rebate Statute, the Veterans Health Care Act, the U.S. Physician Payments Sunshine Act, the TRICARE program, the government pricing rules applicable to the Medicaid, Medicare Part B, 340B Drug Pricing Program and individual state laws relating to pricing and sales and marketing practices. Violations of such laws and regulations may be punishable by criminal and/or civil sanctions, including, in some instances, substantial fines, imprisonment and exclusion from participation in federal and state health care programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Administration health programs. Such violations may also lead to product recalls and seizures, interruption of production leading to product shortages, import bans or denials of import certifications, delays or denials in the approvals of new products or supplemental approvals of current products pending resolution of the issues, and reputational harm, any of which would adversely affect AbbVie's business. These laws and regulations are broad in scope and are subject to change and evolving interpretations, which could require AbbVie to incur substantial costs associated with compliance or to alter one or more of its sales or marketing practices. In addition, violations of these laws and regulations, or allegations of such violations, could impose new obligations on AbbVie, require it to change its business practices and restrict its operations.
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Public health outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics, such as the coronavirus (COVID-19), have had, and could in the future have, an adverse impact on AbbVie’s operations and financial condition.
Public health outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics have had, and could in the future have, an adverse impact on AbbVie’s operations and financial condition. The pandemic caused by the novel strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) caused many countries, including the United States, to declare national emergencies and implement preventive measures such as travel bans and shelter in place or total lock-down orders. The continuation or re-implementation of these bans and orders remains uncertain. The COVID-19 pandemic caused AbbVie to modify certain of its business practices, and AbbVie may take further actions as may be required by government authorities or as AbbVie determines are in the best interests of AbbVie’s employees, patients, customers and business partners.
The international nature of AbbVie's business subjects it to additional business risks that may cause its revenue and profitability to decline.
AbbVie's business is subject to risks associated with doing business internationally, including in emerging markets. Net revenues outside of the United States made up approximately 23% of AbbVie's total net revenues in 2023. The risks associated with AbbVie's operations outside the United States include:
fluctuations in currency exchange rates;
changes in medical reimbursement policies and programs and pricing restrictions;
multiple legal and regulatory requirements that are subject to change and that could restrict AbbVie's ability to manufacture, market and sell its products;
differing local product preferences and product requirements;
trade protection measures and import or export licensing requirements;
international trade disruptions or disputes;
difficulty in establishing, staffing and managing operations;
differing labor regulations;
potentially negative consequences from changes in or interpretations of tax laws;
political and economic instability;
sovereign debt issues;
price and currency exchange controls, limitations on participation in local enterprises, expropriation, nationalization and other governmental action and regulation;
inflation, recession and fluctuations in interest rates;
restrictions on transfers of funds;
potential deterioration in the economic position and credit quality of certain non-U.S. countries; and
potential penalties or other adverse consequences for violations of anti-corruption, anti-bribery and other similar laws and regulations, including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the United Kingdom Bribery Act.
If AbbVie does not effectively and profitably commercialize its products, AbbVie's revenues and financial condition could be adversely affected.
AbbVie must effectively and profitably commercialize its principal products by creating and meeting continued market demand; achieving market acceptance and generating product sales; ensuring that the active pharmaceutical ingredient(s) for a product and the finished product are manufactured in sufficient quantities and in compliance with requirements of the FDA and similar foreign regulatory agencies and with acceptable quality and pricing to meet commercial demand; and ensuring that the entire supply chain efficiently and consistently delivers AbbVie's products to its customers. The commercialization of AbbVie products may not be successful due to, among other things, unexpected challenges from competitors, new safety issues or concerns being reported that may impact or narrow approved indications, the relative price of AbbVie's product as compared to alternative treatment options and changes to a product's label that further restrict its marketing. If the commercialization of AbbVie's principal products is unsuccessful, AbbVie's revenues and financial condition could be adversely affected.
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AbbVie may acquire other businesses, license rights to technologies or products, form alliances, or dispose of assets, which could cause it to incur significant expenses and could negatively affect profitability.
AbbVie from time to time pursues acquisitions, technology licensing arrangements, joint ventures and strategic alliances, and/or disposes of some of its assets, as part of its business strategy. AbbVie may not complete these transactions in a timely manner, on a cost-effective basis, or at all, and may not realize the expected benefits. If AbbVie is successful in making an acquisition, the products and technologies that are acquired may not be successful or may require significantly greater resources and investments than originally anticipated. AbbVie may not be able to integrate acquisitions successfully into its existing business and could incur or assume significant debt and unknown or contingent liabilities. AbbVie could also experience negative effects on its reported results of operations from acquisition or disposition-related charges, amortization of expenses related to intangibles and charges for impairment of long-term assets. These effects could cause a deterioration of AbbVie's credit rating and result in increased borrowing costs and interest expense.
Additionally, changes in AbbVie's structure, operations, revenues, costs, or efficiency resulting from major transactions such as acquisitions, divestitures, mergers, alliances, joint ventures, restructurings or other strategic initiatives, may result in greater than expected costs, may take longer than expected to complete or encounter other difficulties, including the need for regulatory approval where appropriate.
AbbVie is dependent on wholesale distributors for distribution of its products in the United States and, accordingly, its business and results of operations could be adversely affected if they encounter financial or other difficulties.
In 2023, three wholesale distributors (McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc. and AmerisourceBergen Corporation) accounted for substantially all of AbbVie's pharmaceutical product sales in the United States. If one of its significant wholesale distributors encounters financial or other difficulties, such distributor may decrease the amount of business that it does with AbbVie, and AbbVie may be unable to collect all the amounts that the distributor owes it on a timely basis or at all, which could adversely affect AbbVie's business and results of operations.
AbbVie has debt obligations that could adversely affect its business and its ability to meet its obligations.
The amount of debt that AbbVie has incurred and intends to incur could have important consequences to AbbVie and its investors. These consequences include, among other things, requiring a portion of AbbVie's cash flow from operations to make interest payments on this debt and reducing the cash flow available to fund capital expenditures and other corporate purposes and to grow AbbVie's business. To the extent AbbVie incurs additional indebtedness or interest rates increase, these risks could increase further. In addition, AbbVie's cash flow from operations may not be sufficient to repay all of the outstanding debt as it becomes due, and AbbVie may not be able to borrow money, sell assets, or otherwise raise funds on acceptable terms, or at all, to refinance its debt.
AbbVie may need additional financing in the future to meet its capital needs or to make opportunistic acquisitions, and such financing may not be available on favorable terms, if at all.
AbbVie may need additional financing in the future to meet its capital needs or to make opportunistic acquisitions. For example, it may need to increase its investment in research and development activities. The capital and credit markets may experience extreme volatility and disruption, which may lead to uncertainty and liquidity issues for both borrowers and investors, and AbbVie may be unable to obtain any desired additional financing on terms favorable to it, if at all. If AbbVie loses its investment grade credit rating or adequate funds are not available on acceptable terms, AbbVie may be unable to fund its expansion, successfully develop or enhance products, or respond to competitive pressures, any of which could negatively affect AbbVie's business. If AbbVie raises additional funds by issuing debt or entering into credit facilities, it may be subject to limitations on its operations due to restrictive covenants. Failure to comply with these covenants could adversely affect AbbVie's business.
AbbVie depends on information technology and a failure of, or significant disruption to, those systems could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's business.
AbbVie relies on sophisticated software applications and complex information technology systems (including cloud services) to operate its business, which are inherently vulnerable to malicious intrusion, random attack, loss of data privacy, disruption, degradation or breakdown. Certain of these applications and systems are managed, hosted, provided or used by third parties. Data privacy or security breaches of our internal systems or those of our information technology vendors may in the future result in the failure of critical business operations. Such breaches may cause sensitive data, including intellectual property, trade secrets or personal information belonging to AbbVie, its patients, customers or business partners, to be exposed to unauthorized persons or to the public. To date, neither AbbVie’s business nor operations have been materially impacted by such incidents, however, the healthcare industry remains a target of cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity attacks and incidents are increasing in their frequency, sophistication and intensity and, due to the nature of some of these attacks, there
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is a risk that they may remain undetected for a period of time. AbbVie’s investments in the protection of its data and information technology and its efforts to monitor its systems on an ongoing basis may be insufficient to prevent compromises in AbbVie's information technology systems that could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's business. Such adverse consequences could include loss of revenue or the loss of critical or sensitive information from AbbVie’s or third-party providers’ databases or information technology systems and could also result in legal, financial, reputational or business harm to AbbVie and potentially substantial remediation costs. In addition, AbbVie’s cyber insurance may not be sufficient to cover the financial, legal, business or reputational losses that may result from an interruption or breach of AbbVie systems or those of our third-party vendors.

AbbVie’s balances of intangible assets, including developed product rights and goodwill acquired, are subject to impairment testing and may result in impairment charges, which may adversely affect AbbVie’s results of operations and financial condition.
A significant amount of AbbVie’s total assets is related to acquired intangibles and goodwill. As of December 31, 2023, the carrying value of AbbVie’s developed product rights and other intangible assets was $55.6 billion and the carrying value of AbbVie’s goodwill was $32.3 billion.
AbbVie’s developed product rights are stated at cost, less accumulated amortization. AbbVie determines original fair value and amortization periods for developed product rights based on its assessment of various factors impacting estimated useful lives and cash flows of the acquired products. Significant adverse changes to any of these factors require AbbVie to perform an impairment test on the affected asset and, if evidence of impairment exists, require AbbVie to take an impairment charge with respect to the asset. For assets that are not impaired, AbbVie may adjust the remaining useful lives. Such a charge could adversely affect AbbVie’s results of operations and financial condition.
AbbVie’s other significant intangible assets include in-process research and development (IPR&D) intangible projects, acquired in recent business combinations, which are indefinite-lived intangible assets. For IPR&D assets, the risk of failure is significant, and there can be no certainty that these assets ultimately will yield successful products. AbbVie's ability to realize value on these significant investments is often contingent upon, among other things, regulatory approvals and market conditions. As such, IPR&D assets may become impaired and/or be written off at some point in the future if the associated research and development effort is abandoned or is curtailed.
Goodwill and AbbVie’s IPR&D intangible assets are tested for impairment annually, or when events occur, or circumstances change that could potentially reduce the fair value of the reporting unit or intangible asset. Impairment testing compares the fair value of the reporting unit or intangible asset to its carrying amount. A goodwill or IPR&D impairment, if any, would be recorded in operating income and could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie’s results of operations and financial condition.
Failure to attract, develop and retain highly qualified personnel could affect AbbVie’s ability to successfully develop and commercialize products.
AbbVie’s success is largely dependent on its continued ability to attract, develop and retain diverse, highly qualified scientific, technical and management personnel, as well as personnel with expertise in clinical research and development, governmental regulation and commercialization. Competition for qualified personnel in the biopharmaceutical field is intense and increasing. AbbVie cannot be sure that it will be able to attract and retain quality personnel or that the costs of doing so will not materially increase.
The illegal distribution and sale by third parties of counterfeit or unregistered versions of AbbVie products could have a material adverse impact on its reputation, business and results of operations.
Third parties may illegally obtain, distribute, and sell counterfeit or illegally diverted from their intended market versions of AbbVie products. These versions of product would not meet AbbVie's rigorous manufacturing, testing, distribution and quality standards. A patient who receives a counterfeit, stolen, or diverted drug may be at risk for a number of dangerous health consequences. The prevalence of counterfeit/diverted medicines is an industry-wide issue due to a variety of factors, including the adoption of e-commerce, which increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, greatly enhancing consumers' ability to obtain prescriptions and other medical treatments via the internet in lieu of traditional brick and mortar pharmacies. This can expose patients to greater risks as the internet is a preferred vehicle for dangerous counterfeit/diverted product offers and scams because of the anonymity it affords. AbbVie's reputation and business could suffer harm as a result of counterfeit
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or diverted drugs sold under its brand name which may also result in reduced revenues that could negatively affect our results of operation.
Other factors can have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's profitability and financial condition.
Many other factors can affect AbbVie's results of operations, cash flows and financial condition, including:
changes in or interpretations of laws and regulations, including changes in accounting standards, taxation requirements, product marketing application standards, data privacy laws, particularly in the European Union and the United States and environmental laws;
differences between the fair value measurement of assets and liabilities and their actual value, particularly for pension and post-employment benefits, stock-based compensation, intangibles and goodwill; and for contingent liabilities such as litigation and contingent consideration, the absence of a recorded amount, or an amount recorded at the minimum, compared to the actual amount;
changes in the rate of inflation (including the cost of raw materials, commodities and supplies), interest rates, market value of AbbVie's equity investments and the performance of investments held by it or its employee benefit trusts;
changes in the creditworthiness of counterparties that transact business with or provide services to AbbVie or its employee benefit trusts;
environmental liabilities in connection with AbbVie’s manufacturing processes and distribution logistics, including the handling of hazardous materials;
changes in the ability of third parties that provide information technology, accounting, human resources, payroll and other outsourced services to AbbVie to meet their contractual obligations to AbbVie;
the failure, or perceived failure, of achieving environmental, social and governance objectives;
information loss or damage to AbbVie's reputation, brand, image or goodwill due to increased use of social media platforms;
business interruptions stemming from natural disasters, such as climate change, earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, fires, or efforts taken by third parties to prevent or mitigate such disasters; and
changes in business, economic and political conditions, including: war, political instability, terrorist attacks, the threat of future terrorist activity and related military action; natural disasters; the cost and availability of insurance due to any of the foregoing events; labor disputes, strikes, slow-downs, or other forms of labor or union activity; and pressure from third-party interest groups.
Risks Related to AbbVie's Common Stock
AbbVie cannot guarantee the timing, amount, or payment of dividends on its common stock or the repurchase of its common stock.
Although AbbVie expects to pay regular cash dividends, the timing, declaration, amount and payment of future dividends to stockholders will fall within the discretion of AbbVie's board of directors. The board's decisions regarding the payment of dividends will depend on many factors, such as AbbVie's financial condition, earnings, capital requirements, debt service obligations, industry practice, legal requirements, regulatory constraints and other factors that the board deems relevant. For more information, see Item 5, "Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities." AbbVie's ability to pay dividends and repurchase shares under its share repurchase program will depend on its ongoing ability to generate cash from operations and access capital markets. AbbVie cannot guarantee that it will continue to pay a dividend in the future.
An AbbVie stockholder's percentage of ownership in AbbVie may be diluted in the future.
In the future, a stockholder's percentage ownership in AbbVie may be diluted because of equity issuances for capital market transactions, equity awards that AbbVie will be granting to AbbVie's directors, officers and employees, acquisitions or other purposes. AbbVie anticipates its compensation committee will grant additional stock options or other stock-based awards to its employees. Such awards will have a dilutive effect on AbbVie's earnings per share, which could adversely affect the market price of AbbVie's common stock. From time to time, AbbVie will issue additional options or other stock-based awards to its employees under AbbVie's employee benefits plans.
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In addition, AbbVie's amended and restated certificate of incorporation authorizes AbbVie to issue, without the approval of AbbVie's stockholders, one or more classes or series of preferred stock having such designation, powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special rights, including preferences over AbbVie's common stock respecting dividends and distributions, as AbbVie's board of directors generally may determine. The terms of one or more classes or series of preferred stock could dilute the voting power or reduce the value of AbbVie's common stock. For example, AbbVie could grant the holders of preferred stock the right to elect some number of AbbVie's directors in all events or on the happening of specified events or the right to veto specified transactions. Similarly, the repurchase or redemption rights or liquidation preferences AbbVie could assign to holders of preferred stock could affect the residual value of the common stock.
Certain provisions in AbbVie's amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated by-laws, and of Delaware law, may prevent or delay an acquisition of AbbVie, which could decrease the trading price of AbbVie's common stock.
AbbVie's amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated by-laws contain, and Delaware law contains, provisions that are intended to deter coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids by encouraging prospective acquirors to negotiate with AbbVie's board of directors rather than to attempt a hostile takeover. These provisions include, among others:
the inability of AbbVie's stockholders to call a special meeting;
the division of AbbVie's board of directors into three classes of directors, with each class serving a staggered three-year term;
a provision that stockholders may only remove directors for cause;
the ability of AbbVie's directors, and not stockholders, to fill vacancies on AbbVie's board of directors; and
the requirement that the affirmative vote of stockholders holding at least 80% of AbbVie's voting stock is required to amend certain provisions in AbbVie's amended and restated certificate of incorporation and AbbVie's amended and restated by-laws relating to the number, term and election of AbbVie's directors, the filling of board vacancies, the calling of special meetings of stockholders and director and officer indemnification provisions.
In addition, Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law provides that, subject to limited exceptions, persons that acquire, or are affiliated with a person that acquires, more than 15% of the outstanding voting stock of a Delaware corporation shall not engage in any business combination with that corporation, including by merger, consolidation or acquisitions of additional shares, for a three-year period following the date on which that person or its affiliates becomes the holder of more than 15% of the corporation's outstanding voting stock.
AbbVie believes these provisions protect its stockholders from coercive or otherwise unfair takeover tactics by requiring potential acquirors to negotiate with AbbVie's board of directors and by providing AbbVie's board of directors with more time to assess any acquisition proposal. These provisions are not intended to make the company immune from takeovers. However, these provisions apply even if the offer may be considered beneficial by some stockholders and could delay or prevent an acquisition that AbbVie's board of directors determines is not in the best interests of AbbVie and AbbVie's stockholders. These provisions may also prevent or discourage attempts to remove and replace incumbent directors.
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This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains certain forward-looking statements regarding business strategies, market potential, future financial performance and other matters. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project" and similar expressions and uses of future or conditional verbs, generally identify "forward looking statements," which speak only as of the date the statements were made. The matters discussed in these forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. In particular, information included under Item 1, "Business," Item 1A, "Risk Factors," and Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" contain forward looking statements. Where, in any forward looking statement, an expectation or belief as to future results or events is expressed or implied, such expectation or belief is based on the current plans and expectations of AbbVie management and expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis, but there can be no assurance that the expectation or belief will result or be achieved or accomplished. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated include, but are not limited to, the matters described under Item 1A, "Risk Factors" and Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations." AbbVie does not undertake, and specifically declines, any obligation to update the forward-looking statements included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, unless AbbVie is required by applicable securities law to do so.


We rely on complex information technology systems and various software applications to operate our business. We have developed a comprehensive cybersecurity program designed to protect our systems and the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our data.

We have implemented processes that are intended to assess, identify, manage and reduce cybersecurity risks. We maintain a global incident response plan and disaster recovery management plan, each designed to protect against, identify, evaluate, respond to and recover from an incident. These plans anticipate an array of potential scenarios and provide for the assembly of a cybersecurity incident response team in the event of a cyber incident. The incident response team is a cross-functional group that may be composed of both company personnel and external service providers, and which is tailored to a particular incident so that individuals with appropriate experience and expertise are available. We regularly conduct exercises to help ensure the plans’ effectiveness and our overall preparedness.

We also have invested in tools and technologies to protect our and our patients', customers' and business partners' data and information technology, and we regularly monitor our information technology systems and infrastructure to identify and assess cybersecurity risks. We have designed a Threat Intelligence function that actively looks for risks that target the pharmaceutical industry generally or AbbVie specifically. We rely in part on third parties (including assessors, consultants, advisors and others) in connection with our processes for assessing, identifying, managing and reducing cyber risks.

In addition, we have implemented a cybersecurity awareness program designed to educate and train our entire employee network on how to identify and report cybersecurity threats. Training programs are conducted on a periodic basis and are focused on giving employees tools to manage and defend against the most relevant and prevalent cybersecurity risks to AbbVie. We also provide specialized training for employees in specialized information technology roles. We conduct regular drills, such as tabletop exercises, to help with our overall preparedness.

We take measures to regularly update and improve our cybersecurity program, including conducting independent program assessments, penetration testing and scanning of our systems for vulnerabilities. We follow the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework and undergo a third-party assessment every two years to measure the maturity of our cybersecurity program against the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. In addition, we periodically engage third-party advisors to assess the effectiveness and capabilities of our cybersecurity program, strengthen our cybersecurity policies and practices and identify potential vulnerabilities of our systems.

With respect to third-party service providers, our information security program includes conducting due diligence of relevant service providers’ information security programs prior to onboarding. We also contractually require third-party service providers with access to our information technology systems, sensitive business data or personally identifiable
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information to implement and maintain appropriate security controls and contractually restrict their ability to use our data, including personally identifiable information, for purposes other than to provide services to us, except as required by law. To oversee the risks associated with these service providers, we work with them to help ensure that their cybersecurity protocols are appropriate to the risk presented by their access to or use of our systems and/or data, including notification and coordination concerning incidents occurring on third-party systems that may affect us. These relevant service providers are contractually required to notify us promptly of information security incidents that may affect our systems or data, including personally identifiable information. While we conduct due diligence on the security and business controls of our third-party service providers and take steps to monitor their compliance with our security requirements, we may not have the ability in all cases to effectively monitor or oversee the implementation of these control measures.

As of December 31, 2023, cybersecurity risks have not materially affected our business, strategy, results of operations, or financial condition. Although we have invested in the protection of our data and information technology and monitor our systems on an ongoing basis, there can be no assurance that such efforts will in the future prevent material compromises to our information technology systems that could have a material adverse effect on our business. We maintain cybersecurity insurance coverage to mitigate our financial exposure to certain incidents. For additional information about our cybersecurity risks, see Item 1A, "Risk Factors - AbbVie depends on information technology and a failure of, or significant disruption to, those systems could have a material adverse effect on AbbVie's business."

Our board of directors has risk oversight responsibility for AbbVie and administers this responsibility both directly and with assistance from its committees. Each of the committees periodically reports to the board of directors on its risk oversight activities. Cybersecurity is a critical component of our enterprise risk management program, which is designed to be business aligned, risk-focused and multi-faceted to protect our and our patients', customers' and business partners' data. Our board of directors is actively involved in reviewing our information security and technology risks and opportunities (including cybersecurity) and discusses these topics on a regular basis.

The Audit Committee, comprised solely of independent directors, oversees our enterprise risk management program and assists the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibility with respect to our information security and technology risks (including cybersecurity), which are fully integrated into our enterprise risk management program. The Audit Committee reviews and discusses our information security and technology risks (such as cybersecurity), including our information security and risk management programs.

Our cybersecurity program is led by our Chief Information Security Officer, who is responsible for assessing and managing our information security and technology risks (including cybersecurity). He has more than 25 years of experience in information security and information technology risk management, holding chief information security officer positions with Fortune 500 companies in the retail, healthcare and life sciences industries. He has also served on the Health-ISAC board of directors and is a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP).

Our Chief Information Security Officer meets regularly with our information technology teams as well as other members of management to review and discuss our cybersecurity and other information technology risks and opportunities. Our global incident response plan sets forth a detailed security incident management and reporting protocol, with escalation timelines and responsibilities.

The Audit Committee receives regular updates from the Chief Information Security Officer and other members of management on our cybersecurity program, including on information security and technology risks, program assessments, and risk management practices. Our Chief Information Security Officer also provides similar topical updates to the full board of directors at least annually.

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AbbVie's corporate offices are located at 1 North Waukegan Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064-6400. As of December 31, 2023, AbbVie owns or leases approximately 620 facilities worldwide, containing an aggregate of approximately 19.5 million square feet of floor space dedicated to production, distribution and administration. AbbVie's significant manufacturing facilities are in the following locations:
United States Outside the United States
Abbott Park, Illinois* Campoverde di Aprilia, Italy
Barceloneta, Puerto Rico Clonshaugh, Ireland
Branchburg, New Jersey*La Aurora, Costa Rica
Campbell, CaliforniaLudwigshafen, Germany
Cincinnati, OhioPringy, France
Dublin, California*Singapore*
Irvine, CaliforniaSligo, Ireland
North Chicago, IllinoisWestport, Ireland*
Waco, Texas 
Worcester, Massachusetts*
Wyandotte, Michigan*
*    Leased property.
AbbVie believes its facilities are suitable and provide adequate production capacity for its current and projected operations. There are no material encumbrances on AbbVie's owned properties.
AbbVie distributes products through a network of central and regional distribution centers, with its central distribution centers located in the U.S. and Europe. AbbVie also has research and development facilities in the United States located at: Abbott Park, Illinois; Branchburg, New Jersey; Cambridge, Massachusetts; Irvine, California; Madison, New Jersey; North Chicago, Illinois; Pleasanton, California; South San Francisco, California; and Worcester, Massachusetts. Outside the United States, AbbVie's principal research and development facilities are located in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Information pertaining to legal proceedings is provided in Note 15, "Legal Proceedings and Contingencies" to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data," and is incorporated by reference herein.

Not applicable.
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Name Age Position
Richard A. Gonzalez70Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Robert A. Michael53
President and Chief Operating Officer
Scott T. Reents56Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Nicholas J. Donoghoe, M.D.
Executive Vice President, Chief Business and Strategy Officer
Timothy J. Richmond57Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer
Azita Saleki-Gerhardt, Ph.D.60
Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer
Perry C. Siatis49Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Jeffrey R. Stewart55Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer
Kevin K. Buckbee
Senior Vice President, Controller
Thomas J. Hudson, M.D.62
Senior Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, Global Research
Roopal Thakkar, M.D.
Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Global Therapeutics

Mr. Gonzalez is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, a position he has held since 2013. He served as Abbott’s Executive Vice President of the pharmaceutical products group from July 2010 to December 2012, and was responsible for Abbott’s worldwide pharmaceutical business, including commercial operations, research and development, and manufacturing. He also served as President, Abbott Ventures Inc., Abbott’s medical technology investment arm, from 2009 to 2011. Mr. Gonzalez joined Abbott in 1977 and held various management positions before briefly retiring in 2007, including: Abbott’s President and Chief Operating Officer; President, Chief Operating Officer of Abbott’s Medical Products Group; Senior Vice President and President of Abbott’s former Hospital Products Division; Vice President and President of Abbott’s Health Systems Division; and Divisional Vice President and General Manager for Abbott’s Diagnostics Operations in the United States and Canada. On February 14, 2024, the Board of Directors of AbbVie unanimously selected Mr. Michael to succeed Mr. Gonzalez as the Company's Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Gonzalez will retire from the role of Chief Executive Officer and become Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective July 1, 2024.

Mr. Michael is AbbVie’s President and Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Michael previously served as Vice Chairman and President from June 2022 to July 2023, as Vice Chairman, Finance and Commercial Operations and Chief Financial Officer from June 2021 to June 2022, as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer from 2019 to 2021, as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer from 2018 to 2019 and as Vice President, Controller from 2017 to 2018. He served as AbbVie’s Vice President, Treasurer from 2015 to 2016, as Vice President, Controller, Commercial Operations from 2013 to 2015 and as Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis from 2012 to 2013. At Abbott, Mr. Michael served as Division Controller, Nutrition Supply Chain from 2010 to 2012. Mr. Michael joined Abbott in 1993 and was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in March 2017. On February 14, 2024, the Board of Directors of AbbVie unanimously selected Mr. Michael to succeed Mr. Gonzalez as the Company's Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Gonzalez will retire from the role of Chief Executive Officer and become Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective July 1, 2024. The Board also appointed Mr. Michael as a member of the Board of Directors as a Class II director, effective July 1, 2024.

Mr. Reents is AbbVie’s Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer. He previously served as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer from June 2022 to November 2022, as Vice President, Tax and Treasury from 2019 to June 2022, and as Vice President, Tax from 2013 to 2019. Mr. Reents joined Abbott in 2008 and was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in June 2022.

Dr. Donoghoe is AbbVie’s Executive Vice President, Chief Business and Strategy Officer. He has previously served as AbbVie’s Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, R&D from 2022 to 2023, as Senior Vice President, Portfolio Innovation from 2021 to 2022, as Senior Vice President, Global Strategy and Operations, Allergan Aesthetics, from 2020 to 2021, and as Senior Vice President, Enterprise Innovation from 2019 to 2020. Prior to joining AbbVie in 2019, he served as a Partner at McKinsey & Company where he was a leader of the firm's Pharma and Biotechnology practice for over a decade.

Mr. Richmond is AbbVie’s Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer. He served as Senior Vice President, Human Resources from 2013 to 2018. Mr. Richmond served as Abbott’s Divisional Vice President of Compensation & Benefits from 2008 to 2012, as Group Vice President of Talent and Rewards from 2007 to 2008 and as Divisional Vice President of Talent Acquisition from 2006 to 2007. Mr. Richmond joined Abbott in 2006 and was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in December 2012.

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Dr. Saleki-Gerhardt is AbbVie’s Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer. She served as Executive Vice President, Operations from 2018 to July 2023, and as Senior Vice President, Operations from 2013 to 2018. Dr. Saleki-Gerhardt served as Abbott’s Vice President, Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing and Supply from 2011 to 2012, and as Divisional Vice President, Quality Assurance, Global Pharmaceutical Operations from 2008 to 2011. Dr. Saleki-Gerhardt joined Abbott in 1993 and was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in December 2012. She serves on the board of Entegris Inc.

Mr. Siatis is AbbVie’s Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. Mr. Siatis previously served as Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel from September 2021 until October 2022. From 2013 until 2021, Mr. Siatis also served in various roles including as Senior Vice President, Legal and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer; Senior Vice President of Legal Transactions and R&D/Alliance Management and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer; and Vice President, Biologic Strategic Development and Legal Regulatory. Mr. Siatis joined Abbott in 2005 and was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in October 2022.

Mr. Stewart is AbbVie’s Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer. He previously served as Senior Vice President, U.S. Commercial Operations from 2018 to 2020 and as AbbVie’s President, Commercial Operations from 2013 to 2018. Prior to AbbVie’s separation from Abbott, he served as Vice President, Abbott Proprietary Pharmaceutical Division, United States. Mr. Stewart joined Abbott in 1992 and was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in December 2018.

Mr. Buckbee is AbbVie’s Senior Vice President, Controller. Mr. Buckbee previously served as AbbVie’s Vice President, Controller, Global Commercial Operations from January 2016 until March 2023, and as Vice President, Controller, US Commercial Operations from AbbVie’s separation from Abbott in 2013 until December 2015. Mr. Buckbee joined Abbott in 1991 and held several positions in the finance organization.

Dr. Hudson is AbbVie's Senior Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, Global Research. He previously served as Senior Vice President, Research & Development and Chief Scientific Officer from 2019 to 2023, and as Vice President, Head of Oncology Discovery and Early Development from 2016 to 2019. Prior to joining AbbVie, Dr. Hudson served at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research as President and Scientific Director. He also previously served as Founder and Director of the McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Centre and Assistant Director of the Whitehead/MIT Center for Genome Research. Dr. Hudson was first appointed as an AbbVie corporate officer in July 2019.

Dr. Thakkar serves as AbbVie's Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Global Therapeutics. He previously served as Senior Vice President of Development and Regulatory Affairs and Chief Medical Officer at AbbVie from late 2022 until early December 2023, as Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs and R&D Quality Assurance from 2019 to 2022, and as Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs from 2015 to 2019. Dr. Thakkar joined Abbott in 2003 and was first appointed as a corporate officer in December 2023.
The executive officers of AbbVie are elected annually by the board of directors. All other officers are elected by the board or appointed by the Chairman of the Board. All officers are either elected at the first meeting of the board of directors held after the annual stockholder meeting or appointed by the Chairman of the Board after that board meeting. Each officer holds office until a successor has been duly elected or appointed and qualified or until the officer's death, resignation, or removal. There are no family relationships between any of the executive officers listed above.
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Principal Market
The principal market for AbbVie's common stock is the New York Stock Exchange (Symbol: ABBV). AbbVie's common stock is also listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange and traded on various regional and electronic exchanges.
There were 42,369 stockholders of record of AbbVie common stock as of January 31, 2024.
Performance Graph
The following graph compares the cumulative total returns of AbbVie, the S&P 500 Index and the NYSE Arca Pharmaceuticals Index for the period from December 31, 2018 through December 31, 2023. This graph assumes $100 was invested in AbbVie common stock and each index on December 31, 2018 and also assumes the reinvestment of dividends. The stock price performance on the following graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance.
This performance graph is furnished and shall not be deemed "filed" with the SEC or subject to Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, nor shall it be deemed incorporated by reference in any of AbbVie's filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
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On October 26, 2023, AbbVie's board of directors declared an increase in the quarterly cash dividend from $1.48 per share to $1.55 per share, payable on February 15, 2024, to stockholders of record as of January 16, 2024. The timing, declaration, amount of and payment of any dividends by AbbVie in the future is within the discretion of its board of directors and will depend upon many factors, including AbbVie's financial condition, earnings, capital requirements of its operating subsidiaries, covenants associated with certain of AbbVie's debt service obligations, legal requirements, regulatory constraints, industry practice, ability to access capital markets and other factors deemed relevant by its board of directors. Moreover, if AbbVie determines to pay any dividend in the future, there can be no assurance that it will continue to pay such dividends or the amount of such dividends.
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Period Total
of Shares
(or Units)
Paid per Share
(or Unit)
Number of
Shares (or Units)
Purchased as Part
of Publicly
Plans or
Maximum Number (or
Approximate Dollar Value) of
Shares (or Units) that May
Yet Be Purchased Under the
Plans or Programs
October 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023952 
— $4,808,991,028 
November 1, 2023 - November 30, 20231,175 
— $4,808,991,028 
December 1, 2023 - December 31, 202326,320 
— $4,808,991,028 
— $4,808,991,028 
1.    In addition to AbbVie shares repurchased on the open market under a publicly announced program, if any, these shares also included the shares purchased on the open market for the benefit of participants in the AbbVie Employee Stock Purchase Plan – 952 in October; 1,175 in November; and 26,320 in December.
These shares do not include the shares surrendered to AbbVie to satisfy minimum tax withholding obligations in connection with the vesting or exercise of stock-based awards.
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The following is a discussion and analysis of the financial condition of AbbVie Inc. (AbbVie or the company). This commentary should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements and accompanying notes appearing in Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data." This section of Form 10-K generally discusses 2023 and 2022 items and year-to-year comparisons between 2023 and 2022. Discussions of 2021 items and year-to-year comparisons between 2022 and 2021 that are not included in this Form 10-K can be found in “Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in Part II, Item 7 of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
Company Overview
AbbVie is a global, diversified research-based biopharmaceutical company positioned for success with a comprehensive product portfolio that has leadership positions across immunology, oncology, aesthetics, neuroscience and eye care. AbbVie uses its expertise, dedicated people and unique approach to innovation to develop and market advanced therapies that address some of the world’s most complex and serious diseases.
AbbVie's products are generally sold worldwide directly to wholesalers, distributors, government agencies, health care facilities, specialty pharmacies and independent retailers from AbbVie-owned distribution centers and public warehouses. Certain products (including aesthetic products and devices) are also sold directly to physicians and other licensed healthcare providers. In the United States, AbbVie distributes pharmaceutical products principally through independent wholesale distributors, with some sales directly to retailers, pharmacies, patients or other customers. Outside the United States, AbbVie sells products primarily to wholesalers or through distributors, and depending on the market works through largely centralized national payers systems to agree on reimbursement terms. Certain products are co-marketed or co-promoted with other companies. AbbVie operates as a single global business segment and has approximately 50,000 employees.
2024 Strategic Objectives
AbbVie's mission is to discover and develop innovative medicines and products that solve serious health issues today and address the medical challenges of tomorrow while achieving top-tier financial performance through outstanding execution. AbbVie intends to execute its strategy and advance its mission in a number of ways, including: (i) maximizing the benefits of a diversified revenue base with multiple long-term growth drivers; (ii) leveraging AbbVie's commercial strength and international infrastructure across therapeutic areas and ensuring strong commercial execution of new product launches; (iii) continuing to invest in and expand its pipeline in support of opportunities in immunology, oncology, aesthetics, neuroscience and eye care as well as continued investment in key on-market products; (iv) generating substantial operating cash flows to support investment in innovative research and development, and return cash to shareholders via a strong and growing dividend while also continuing to repay debt. In addition, AbbVie anticipates several regulatory submissions and data readouts from key clinical trials in the next 12 months.
AbbVie expects to achieve its strategic objectives through:
Skyrizi and Rinvoq revenue growth driven by increasing market share and Skyrizi indication expansion.
Successful integration of the ImmunoGen, Inc. and proposed Cerevel Therapeutics acquisitions.
Advancing our oncology portfolio driven by Venclexta, strong commercial execution of Epkinly, Elahere and other new product launches and effectively managing regulatory, market and competitive challenges impacting Imbruvica.
Aesthetics revenue growth driven by global expansion, increasing market penetration of Botox and Juvederm Collection and strong commercial execution of new product launches.
Neuroscience revenue growth driven by Vraylar, Botox Therapeutic, Ubrelvy and Qulipta as well as strong commercial execution of new product launches.
Maximizing AbbVie's existing eye care portfolio.
Continuing to effectively manage the impact of Humira biosimilar erosion.
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The favorable impact of pipeline products and indications recently approved or currently under regulatory review where approval is expected in 2024. These products are described in greater detail in the section labeled "Research and Development" included as part of this Item 7.
2023 Financial Results
AbbVie's strategy has focused on delivering strong financial results, maximizing the benefits of a diversified revenue base, advancing and investing in its pipeline and returning value to shareholders while ensuring a strong, sustainable growth business over the long term. The company's financial performance in 2023 included delivering worldwide net revenues of $54.3 billion, operating earnings of $12.8 billion, diluted earnings per share of $2.72 and cash flows from operations of $22.8 billion. Worldwide net revenues decreased by 6% on a reported and constant currency basis due to Humira biosimilar competition which was partially offset by growth across the non-Humira product portfolio.
Diluted earnings per share in 2023 was $2.72 and included the following after-tax costs: (i) $6.7 billion related to the amortization of intangible assets; (ii) $5.0 billion for the change in fair value of contingent consideration liabilities; (iii) $3.5 billion related to intangible asset impairment; and (iv) $122 million of acquisition and integration expenses. These costs were partially offset by an after-tax gain of $381 million related to a favorable settlement of a litigation matter. Additionally, financial results reflected continued funding to support all stages of AbbVie’s pipeline assets and continued investment in AbbVie’s on-market brands.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has and will continue to have a significant impact on how drugs are covered and paid for under the Medicare program, including through the creation of financial penalties for drugs whose price increases outpace inflation, the redesign of Medicare Part D benefits to shift a greater portion of the costs to manufacturers, and through government price-setting for certain Medicare Part B and Part D drugs. In 2023, Imbruvica was selected as one of the first 10 medicines subject to government-set prices beginning in 2026. The price-setting process will conclude in 2024 and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will publish prices that will be applicable to the 10 selected drugs beginning in 2026. It is possible that more of our products, including products that generate substantial revenues, could be selected in future years, which could, among other things, accelerate revenue erosion prior to expiration of intellectual property protections. The effect of reducing prices and reimbursement for certain of our products would significantly impact our results of operations. See Part I, Item 1 “Business – Regulation – Commercialization, Distribution and Manufacturing,” Part I, Item 1A “Risk Factors” and Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements for additional information.
Research and Development
Research and innovation are the cornerstones of AbbVie's business as a global biopharmaceutical company. AbbVie's long-term success depends to a great extent on its ability to continue to discover and develop innovative products and acquire or collaborate on compounds currently in development by other biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies.
AbbVie's pipeline currently includes approximately 90 compounds, devices or indications in development individually or under collaboration or license agreements and is focused on such important specialties as immunology, oncology, aesthetics, neuroscience and eye care. Of these programs, approximately 50 are in mid- and late-stage development.
The following sections summarize transitions of significant programs from mid-stage development to late-stage development as well as developments in significant late-stage and registration programs. AbbVie expects multiple mid-stage programs to transition into late-stage programs in the next 12 months.
Significant Programs and Developments
In March 2023, the European Commission (EC) issued their final decision on the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) review of the benefit-risk of medicines in the JAK inhibitor class for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including Rinvoq. Confirming the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion, the previously approved Rinvoq indication statements were not changed and the dosage and special warnings for all JAK inhibitors were updated to include additional information about the risks associated with JAK inhibitors.
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In April 2023, AbbVie announced that the EC approved Rinvoq for the treatment of adults with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease who have had an inadequate response, lost response or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a biologic agent.
In May 2023, AbbVie announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Rinvoq for the treatment of adults with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers.
In July 2023, AbbVie initiated its Phase 3 Step-Up HS study to evaluate efficacy and safety of Rinvoq in adults and adolescents with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) who have failed anti-TNF therapy and/or one approved non-anti-TNF inhibitor therapy for HS.

In August 2023, AbbVie initiated its Phase 3 Select-SLE study to evaluate Rinvoq in moderate to severe systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

In January 2024, AbbVie initiated a Phase 3 study to evaluate Rinvoq in adults and adolescents with non-segmental vitiligo who are eligible for systemic therapy.
In March 2023, AbbVie announced positive top-line results from its Phase 3 induction study, INSPIRE, for Skyrizi in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis met the primary and all secondary endpoints.
In June 2023, AbbVie announced positive top-line results from its Phase 3 maintenance study, COMMAND, for Skyrizi in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis met the primary and key secondary endpoints.
In July 2023, AbbVie announced results from the head-to-head Phase 4 IMMpulse study that evaluated the efficacy and safety of Skyrizi compared to Otezla among adult patients with moderate plaque psoriasis (PsO) eligible for systemic therapy. In the study, significantly more patients achieved co-primary endpoints with Skyrizi versus Otezla. Skyrizi was well-tolerated with no new safety signals identified.
In August 2023, AbbVie submitted regulatory applications to FDA and EMA for Skyrizi for the treatment of adults with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis.
In September 2023, AbbVie announced results from the head-to-head Phase 3 SEQUENCE study that evaluated the efficacy and safety of Skyrizi compared to Stelara among adult patients with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease. In the study, Skyrizi met both primary endpoints at week 24 and achieved superiority of endoscopic remission at week 48 versus Stelara. In addition, all secondary endpoints achieved statistical significance for superiority versus Stelara. Skyrizi was well-tolerated with no new safety signals identified.
In January 2024, AbbVie announced Phase 2 results showing adults with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) who had previously failed anti-TNF therapy who received lutikizumab achieved higher response rates than placebo in the primary endpoint of achieving HS Clinical Response at week 16. Based on these data, AbbVie will advance its clinical program of lutikizumab in HS to Phase 3.
In March 2023, AbbVie initiated a Phase 3 clinical trial to evaluate epcoritamab in combination with R-CHOP compared to R-CHOP in patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).
In May 2023, AbbVie announced that the FDA approved Epkinly (epcoritamab) as the first bispecific antibody to treat adult patients with relapsed or refractory (R/R) DLBCL.
In September 2023, AbbVie announced that the EC approved Tepkinly (epcoritamab) for adults with R/R DLBCL after two or more lines of systemic therapy.
In November 2023, AbbVie announced that the FDA granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation to Epkinly for the treatment of adult patients with R/R follicular lymphoma after two or more therapies. Additionally, the EMA has validated a Type II application for Tepkinly for the same indication.
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In December 2023, AbbVie and Genmab submitted a supplemental biological license application to the FDA for epcoritamab for the treatment of patients with R/R follicular lymphoma.
In May 2023, AbbVie voluntarily withdrew, in the U.S., accelerated Imbruvica approvals for patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) who have received at least one prior therapy and with marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) who require systemic therapy and have received at least one prior anti-CD20-based therapy. This voluntary action is due to requirements related to the accelerated approval status granted by the FDA for MCL and MZL. Other approved indications for Imbruvica in the U.S. are not affected.
In July 2023, AbbVie announced top-line results from the Phase 3 TRANSFORM-1 clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of navitoclax, a BCL-XL/BCL-2 inhibitor, in combination with ruxolitinib in adult patients with primary or secondary myelofibrosis (MF). The combination of navitoclax and ruxolitinib met the study’s primary endpoint, demonstrating statistically significant improvement in the number of patients who achieved Spleen Volume Reduction of at least 35 percent at week 24 compared to treatment with ruxolitinib and a placebo. The study did not meet the first ranked secondary endpoint of improvement in patients’ Total Symptom Score from baseline to week 24. The company plans to engage with regulatory agencies regarding potential next steps.
In November 2023, AbbVie announced positive top-line results from the Phase 2 LUMINOSITY trial evaluating telisotuzumab-vedotin (Teliso-V) in patients with c-Met protein overexpression, epidermal growth factor receptor wild type, advanced/metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer. The results demonstrated a compelling overall response rate per independent central review of 35 percent and 23 percent across c-Met High and c-Met Intermediate patients, with no new safety risks detected. AbbVie will discuss with global health authorities the potential to support an accelerated approval.
In September 2023, AbbVie announced top-line results from the Phase 3 CANOVA study evaluating the safety and efficacy of Venclexta plus dexamethasone (VenDex) for patients with t(11;14)-positive relapsed or refractory (R/R) multiple myeloma who have received two or more prior treatments. The data did not demonstrate that the treatment combination significantly improved progression-free survival (PFS), the primary endpoint of the trial. Patients receiving VenDex showed improvement in median PFS with the combination of study comparator pomalidomide and dexamethasone (PomDex); however, the results did not reach statistical significance. The company is discussing the data with health authorities to further understand the potential of Venclexta as a biomarker-driven therapy in multiple myeloma.
Juvederm Collection
In May 2023, AbbVie announced that the FDA approved Skinvive by Juvederm to improve skin smoothness of the cheeks in adults over the age of 21.
Botox Cosmetic
In September 2023, AbbVie announced positive top-line results from the second of three Phase 3 clinical studies evaluating Botox Cosmetic for the treatment of moderate to severe platysma prominence associated with platysma muscle activity. All primary and secondary endpoints were met in the second Phase 3 study and results were consistent with findings from the first Phase 3 study.
In December 2023, AbbVie submitted regulatory application to the FDA for Botox Cosmetic for the treatment of moderate to severe platysma prominence associated with platysma muscle activity.

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In October 2023, AbbVie announced positive top-line results from two pivotal Phase 3 clinical studies evaluating trenibotulinumtoxinE (BoNT/E) for the treatment of moderate to severe glabellar lines. All primary and secondary endpoints were met for both Phase 3 studies and results support BoNT/E as a novel botulinum neurotoxin serotype E characterized by a rapid onset of action as early as 8 hours after administration and short duration of effect within 2-3 weeks.
In April 2023, AbbVie announced that the FDA approved Qulipta for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine in adults.
In August 2023, AbbVie announced that the EC approved Aquipta (Qulipta) for the preventive treatment of migraine in adults who have four or more migraine days per month.
In March 2023, AbbVie announced that the FDA issued a Complete Response Letter (CRL) for the New Drug Application (NDA) for ABBV-951 (foscarbidopa/foslevodopa) for the treatment of motor fluctuations in adults with advanced Parkinson’s disease. In its letter, the FDA requested additional information about the device (pump) as part of the NDA review. The CRL did not request that AbbVie conduct additional efficacy and safety trials related to the drug.
In December 2023, AbbVie submitted the Complete Response Resubmission for NDA for ABBV-951.
In January 2024, AbbVie announced the launch of Produodopa (ABBV-951) in the European Union for the treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease with severe motor fluctuations and hyperkinesia (excessive movement) or dyskinesia (involuntary movement), and when available combinations of Parkinson's medicinal products have not given satisfactory results.

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Net Revenues
The comparisons presented at constant currency rates reflect comparative local currency net revenues at the prior year's foreign exchange rates. This measure provides information on the change in net revenues assuming that foreign currency exchange rates had not changed between the prior and current periods. AbbVie believes that the non-GAAP measure of change in net revenues at constant currency rates, when used in conjunction with the GAAP measure of change in net revenues at actual currency rates, may provide a more complete understanding of the company's operations and can facilitate analysis of the company's results of operations, particularly in evaluating performance from one period to another.
Percent change
At actual currency ratesAt constant currency rates
years ended (dollars in millions)2023202220212023202220232022
United States$41,883 $45,713 $43,510 (8.4)%5.1 %(8.4)%5.1 %
International12,435 12,341 12,687 0.8 %(2.7)%3.4 %5.5 %
Net revenues$54,318 $58,054 $56,197 (6.4)%3.3 %(5.9)%5.1 %

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The following table details AbbVie's worldwide net revenues:
Percent change
At actual currency ratesAt constant currency rates
years ended December 31 (dollars in millions)2023202220212023202220232022
HumiraUnited States$12,160 $18,619 $17,330 (34.7)%7.4 %(34.7)%7.4 %
International2,244 2,618 3,364 (14.3)%(22.2)%(11.8)%(14.9)%
Total$14,404 $21,237 $20,694 (32.2)%2.6 %(31.9)%3.8 %
SkyriziUnited States$6,753 $4,484 $2,486 50.6 %80.4 %50.6 %80.4 %
International1,010 681 453 48.3 %50.4 %50.3 %67.1 %
Total$7,763 $5,165 $2,939 50.3 %75.7 %50.6 %78.3 %
RinvoqUnited States$2,824 $1,794 $1,271 57.4 %41.2 %57.4 %41.2 %
International1,145 728 380 57.3 %91.4 %60.7 %>100.0 %
Total$3,969 $2,522 $1,651 57.4 %52.8 %58.4 %58.1 %
ImbruvicaUnited States$2,665 $3,426 $4,321 (22.2)%(20.7)%(22.2)%(20.7)%
Collaboration revenues931 1,142 1,087 (18.5)%5.1 %(18.5)%5.1 %
Total$3,596 $4,568 $5,408 (21.3)%(15.5)%(21.3)%(15.5)%
VenclextaUnited States$1,087 $1,009 $934 7.8 %8.0 %7.8 %8.0 %
International1,201 1,000 886 20.1 %12.9 %22.3 %24.6 %
Total$2,288 $2,009 $1,820 13.9 %10.4 %15.0 %16.1 %
Collaboration Revenues
$28 $— $— n/mn/mn/mn/m
— — n/mn/mn/mn/m