EX-99.2 3 ex992fs09302022.htm EX-99.2 Document

Adecoagro S.A.

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as of September 30, 2022 and for the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021

Legal information

Denomination: Adecoagro S.A.
Legal address: Vertigo Naos Building, 6, Rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453, Luxembourg

Company activity: Agricultural and agro-industrial
Date of registration: June 11, 2010
Expiration of company charter: No term defined
Number of register (RCS Luxembourg): B153.681
Issued Capital Stock: 111,381,815 common shares (Note 21)
Outstanding Capital Stock: 109,449,187 common shares
Treasury Shares: 1,932,628 common shares

F - 1

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Income
for the nine-month and three-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)
Nine-months ended September 30,Three-months ended September 30,
Sales of goods and services rendered
4976,100 790,177 386,063 325,616 
Cost of goods sold and services rendered
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce
15181,367 182,885 48,503 70,435 
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest
Margin on manufacturing and agricultural activities before operating expenses 352,798 379,242 125,994 149,838 
General and administrative expenses 6(64,981)(49,216)(23,700)(18,121)
Selling expenses 6(103,969)(82,821)(41,446)(32,775)
Other operating income/(expense), net83,537 (11,851)3,325 299 
Bargain purchase gain2012,055  (310) 
Profit from operations199,440 235,354 63,863 99,241 
Finance income
917,167 13,903 (11,296)(9,522)
Finance costs
Other financial results - Net gain / (loss) of inflation effects on the monetary items914,677 8,219 (2,599)4,582 
Financial results, net 9(69,701)(94,579)(36,439)(47,013)
Profit before income tax 129,739 140,775 27,424 52,228 
Income tax expense10(23,865)(68,811)(4,834)(15,265)
Profit for the period105,874 71,964 22,590 36,963 
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 104,892 71,738 22,548 36,659 
Non-controlling interest 982 226 42 304 
Earnings per share attributable to the equity holders of the parent during the period:
Basic earnings per share0.949 0.6180.205 0.318 
Diluted earnings per share0.946 0.6150.205 0.316 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 2

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income
for the nine-month and three-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

Nine-months ended September 30,Three-months ended September 30,
Profit for the period105,874 71,964 22,590 36,963 
Other comprehensive loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations
104,772 88,785 12,693 12,415 
Cash flow hedge, net of tax (Note 2)
15,211 27,838 2,385 7,974 
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Revaluation surplus net of tax
Other comprehensive income 63,673 10,547 11,733 5,134 
Total comprehensive income for the period 169,547 82,511 34,323 42,097 
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 167,118 84,832 33,360 42,186 
Non-controlling interest 2,429 (2,321)963 (89)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 3

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position
as of September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)
September 30,December 31,
Non-Current Assets
Property, plant and equipment 111,553,517 1,422,623 
Right of use assets12332,639 260,776 
Investment property 1333,330 32,132 
Intangible assets 1436,026 31,337 
Biological assets 1526,519 19,355 
Deferred income tax assets
1016,911 10,321 
Trade and other receivables, net 1741,009 42,231 
Derivative financial instruments162,140 757 
Other assets 1,618 1,071 
Total Non-Current Assets 2,043,709 1,820,603 
Current Assets
Biological assets 15161,582 175,823 
Inventories 18372,841 239,524 
Trade and other receivables, net 17237,983 145,849 
Derivative financial instruments 16890 828 
Other assets — 
Restricted short-term investment1679,365 — 
Cash and cash equivalents 19159,362 199,766 
Total Current Assets 1,012,023 761,798 
TOTAL ASSETS 3,055,732 2,582,401 
Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital 21167,073 183,573 
Share premium 21801,326 851,060 
Cumulative translation adjustment (456,226)(514,609)
Equity-settled compensation 16,694 16,073 
Cash flow hedge (45,722)(60,932)
Other reserves122,174 106,172 
Treasury shares (2,902)(16,909)
Revaluation surplus278,615 289,982 
Reserve from the sale of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries 41,574 41,574 
Retained earnings 203,833 115,735 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 1,126,439 1,011,719 
Non-controlling interest 38,540 36,111 
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 1,164,979 1,047,830 
Non-Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 2314,646 284 
Borrowings 24742,637 705,487 
Lease liabilities25260,022 201,718 
Deferred income tax liabilities 10306,773 265,848 
Payroll and social security liabilities 261,315 1,243 
Derivatives financial instruments 1647 — 
Provisions for other liabilities 272,582 2,565 
Total Non-Current Liabilities 1,328,022 1,177,145 
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 23168,328 168,746 
Current income tax liabilities 1,162 1,625 
Payroll and social security liabilities 2631,627 25,051 
Borrowings 24312,112 112,164 
Lease liabilities2548,422 45,136 
Derivative financial instruments 16505 1,283 
Provisions for other liabilities 27575 3,421 
Total Current Liabilities 562,731 357,426 
TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,890,753 1,534,571 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 4

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share Capital (Note 21)Share PremiumCumulative Translation AdjustmentEquity-settled CompensationCash flow hedgeOther reservesTreasury sharesRevaluation surplusReserve from the sale of non-controlling interests in subsidiariesRetained EarningsSubtotalNon-Controlling InterestTotal Shareholders’ Equity
Balance at January 1, 2021183,573902,815(555,044)14,795(90,689)83,406(7,630)343,57041,5748,671925,04138,683963,724
Profit for the period— — — — — — — — — 71,738 71,738226 71,964
Other comprehensive income:
- Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 31,26351,19782,4606,32588,785
Cash flow hedge (*)
— — — — 27,837 — — — — — 27,83727,838
Revaluation of surplus (**)(97,203)(97,203)(8,873)(106,076)
Other comprehensive income for the period 31,26327,837(46,006)13,094(2,547)10,547
Total comprehensive income for the period 31,26327,837(46,006)71,73884,832(2,321)82,511
Reserves for the benefit of government grants (1)— — — — — 17,162 — — — (17,162)— 
- Restricted shares and restricted units (Note 22):
Value of employee services — — — 4,224 — — — — — — 4,224— 4,224
Vested— 3,594 — (4,142)— 734 262 — — — 448— 448
— — — — — (2)— — — — 
Granted— — — — — (1,592)1,592 — — — — 
-Purchase of own shares (Note 21)— (45,308)— — — — (8,740)— — — (54,048)— (54,048)
Balance at September 30, 2021 (unaudited)183,573861,101(523,781)14,877(62,852)99,712(14,518)297,56441,57463,247960,49736,362996,859
(*) Net of 1,152 of Income tax.
(**) Net of 21,784 of Income tax.
(1) Correspond to the presumed credit of ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços) over the sale values in our Sugar, ethanol and energy business).
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 5

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 (continued)
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share Capital (Note 21)Share PremiumCumulative Translation AdjustmentEquity-settled CompensationCash flow hedge
Other reserves
Treasury sharesRevaluation surplusReserve from the sale of non-controlling interests in subsidiariesRetained EarningsSubtotalNon-Controlling InterestTotal Shareholders’ Equity
Balance at January 1, 2022183,573 851,060 (514,609)16,073 (60,932)106,172 (16,909)289,982 41,574 115,735 1,011,719 36,111 1,047,830 
Profit for the period— — — — — — — — 104,892 104,892 982 105,874 
Other comprehensive loss:
- Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations — — 58,383 — — — — 40,618 — — 99,001 5,771 104,772 
Cash flow hedge (*)
— — — — 15,210 — — — — — 15,210 15,211 
- Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Revaluation surplus (**)
— — — — — — — (51,985)— — (51,985)(4,325)(56,310)
Other comprehensive income for the period — — 58,383 — 15,210 — — (11,367)— — 62,226 1,447 63,673 
Total comprehensive income for the period — — 58,383 — 15,210 — — (11,367)— 104,892 167,118 2,429 169,547 
- Reduction of issued share capital of the company (Note 21):(16,500)— — — — — 16,500 — — —  —  
- Reserves for the benefit of government grants (1)— — — — — 16,794 — — — (16,794) —  
- Employee share options (Note 21):
Exercised — 2,432 — (778)— — 470 — — — 2,124 — 2,124 
- Restricted shares and restricted units (Note 22):
Value of employee services— — — 5,465 — — — — — — 5,465 — 5,465 
Vested— 4,647 — (4,066)— 1,243 — — — — 1,824 — 1,824 
Forfeited— — — — — 71 (71)— — —  —  
Granted— — — — — (2,106)2,106 — — —  —  
- Purchase of own shares (Note 21)— (21,813)— — — — (4,998)— — — (26,811)— (26,811)
- Dividends to shareholders (Note 21)— (35,000)— — — — — — — — (35,000)— (35,000)
Balance at September 30, 2022 (unaudited)167,073 801,326 (456,226)16,694 (45,722)122,174 (2,902)278,615 41,574 203,833 1,126,439 38,540 1,164,979 

(*) Net of (7,512) of Income tax.
(**) Net of (30,495) of Income tax.
(1) Correspond to the presumed credit of ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços) over the sale values in our Sugar, ethanol and energy
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 6

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows
for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

NoteSeptember 30,
September 30,
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit for the period105,874 71,964 
Adjustments for:
Income tax expense 1023,865 68,811 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment11135,741 137,495 
Amortization of intangible assets141,461 1,177 
Depreciation of right of use assets1247,867 35,723 
Gain from disposal of other property items8(2,962)(2,164)
Bargain purchase gain20(12,055)— 
Net loss from the Fair value adjustment of Investment properties133,878 2,303 
Equity settled share-based compensation granted 77,422 4,545 
Loss from derivative financial instruments8, 96,183 13,294 
Interest, finance cost related to lease liabilities and other financial expense, net956,339 64,885 
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of non harvested biological assets (unrealized) (56,886)(3,881)
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (unrealized) 3,572 2,387 
Provision and allowances
282 923 
Net gain of inflation effects on the monetary items 9(14,677)(8,219)
Foreign exchange gains, net 9(12,642)(9,611)
Cash flow hedge – transfer from equity 935,575 43,707 
Subtotal 328,837 423,339 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Increase in trade and other receivables(103,135)(66,780)
Increase in inventories(59,106)(190,365)
Decrease in biological assets87,248 86,137 
(Increase) / decrease in other assets(865)12 
(Increase) in derivative financial instruments(9,387)(25,400)
Decrease in trade and other payables(109,947)(14,632)
Decrease in payroll and social security liabilities8,253 4,444 
(Decrease) in provisions for other liabilities(175)(203)
Net cash generated from operating activities before taxes paid 141,723 216,552 
Income tax paid (5,547)(1,809)
Net cash generated from operating activities (a)136,176 214,743 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 7

Adecoagro S.A.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows
for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 (continued)
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)
NoteSeptember 30,
September 30,
Cash flows from investing activities:
 Acquisition of a business, net of cash and cash equivalents acquired201,603 — 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment 11(173,529)(163,624)
 Purchases of cattle and non-current biological assets (8,214)(8,765)
 Purchases of intangible assets 14(2,034)(1,560)
 Interest received and others4,343 3,191 
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 1,103 2,797 
 Proceeds from sale of farmlands and other assets2714,879 8,099 
Acquisition of short-term investment16(79,365)— 
Net cash used in investing activities (b)(241,214)(159,862)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from equity settled share-based compensation exercise 2,124 — 
Proceeds from long-term borrowings 42,528 4,300 
Payments of long-term borrowings (14,364)(103,985)
Proceeds from short-term borrowings 310,061 217,589 
Payment of short-term borrowings (117,444)(162,701)
Proceeds of derivatives financial instruments115 2,257 
Lease payments(72,081)(51,317)
Interest paid (c)(28,982)(44,950)
Prepayment related expenses — (3,068)
Purchase of own shares (26,810)(54,048)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest — (12)
Dividends to shareholders21(17,500)— 
Net cash used in financing activities (d)77,647 (195,935)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (27,391)(141,054)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 19199,766 336,282 
Effect of exchange rate changes and inflation on cash and cash equivalents (e)(13,013)(5,525)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 19159,362 189,703 

For non-cash transactions related to Acquisition of subsidiaries of Viterra in Argentina and Uruguay see Note 20

(a) Includes (17,218) and (8,527) of the combine effect of IAS 29 and IAS 21 of the Argentine subsidiaries for September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
(b) Includes (2,787) and (3,090) of the combine effect of IAS 29 and IAS 21 of the Argentine subsidiaries for September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
(c) Includes 21 and (8) of the combine effect of IAS 29 and IAS 21 of the Argentine subsidiaries for September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
(d) Includes 23,983 and 14,990 of the combine effect of IAS 29 and IAS 21 of the Argentine subsidiaries for September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
(e) Includes (3,978) and (3,373) of the combine effect of IAS 29 and IAS 21 of the Argentine subsidiaries for September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 8

Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

1.    General information

Adecoagro S.A. (the "Company" or "Adecoagro") is the Group’s ultimate parent company and is a société anonyme (stock corporation) organized under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Adecoagro is a holding company primarily engaged through its operating subsidiaries in agricultural and agro-industrial activities. The Company and its operating subsidiaries are collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Group". These activities are carried out through three major lines of business, namely, Farming; Sugar, Ethanol and Energy and Land Transformation. Farming is further comprised of three reportable segments, which are described in detail in Note 3 to these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Adecoagro is a public company listed in the New York Stock Exchange as a foreign registered company under the symbol of AGRO.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on November 8, 2022.

2.    Financial risk management

Risk management principles and processes

The Group is exposed to several risks arising from financial instruments including price risk, exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and credit risk. A thorough explanation of the Group´s risks and the Group´s approach to the identification, assessment and mitigation of risks is included in Note 2 to the annual financial statements. There have been no significant changes to the Group's exposure and risk management principles and processes since December 31, 2021 and refers readers to the annual financial statements for information.

However, the Group considers that the following tables below provide useful information to understand the Group´s interim results for the nine month period ended September 30, 2022. These disclosures do not appear in any particular order of potential materiality or probability of occurrence.

In Argentina, past economic events forced the government to impose certain restrictions in the exchange markets, such as:

Dividends payments to non residents.
Set specific deadlines to enter and settle exports
Prior authorization of the BCRA for the formation of external assets for companies
Prior authorization of the BCRA for the payment of debts related to companies abroad
Deferral of payment of certain public debt instruments.
Fuel price control
Some restrictions to exports
Restrictions to imports

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 9

Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

2.    Financial risk management (continued)

Exchange rate risk

The following tables show the Group’s net monetary position broken down by various currencies for each functional currency in which the Group operates at September 30, 2022. All amounts are shown in US dollars.
September 30, 2022
Functional currency
Net monetary position (Liability)/ AssetArgentine
US DollarTotal
Argentine Peso (166,053)— — — (166,053)
Brazilian Reais — (468,684)— — (468,684)
US Dollar (192,132)(323,576)35,876 877 (478,955)
Uruguayan Peso — — (1,174)— (1,174)
Total (358,185)(792,260)34,702 877 (1,114,866)

The Group’s analysis shown on the tables below is carried out based on the exposure of each functional currency subsidiary against the US dollar. The Group estimated that, other factors being constant, a 10% appreciation of the US dollar against the respective functional currencies for the period ended September 30, 2022 would have decreased the Group’s Profit before income tax for the period. A 10% depreciation of the US dollar against the functional currencies would have an equal and opposite effect on the income statement.

A portion of this effect would be recognized as other comprehensive income since a portion of the Company’s borrowings was used as cash flow hedge of the foreign exchange rate risk of a portion of its highly probable future sales in US dollars (see Hedge Accounting - Cash Flow Hedge below for details).

September 30, 2022
Functional currency
Net monetary position
US Dollar
(19,213)(32,358)3,588 (47,983)
(Decrease) or increase in Profit before income tax
(19,213)(32,358)3,588 (47,983)

Hedge Accounting - Cash flow hedge

Effective July 1, 2013, the Group formally documented and designated cash flow hedging relationships to hedge the foreign exchange rate risk of a portion of its highly probable future sales in US dollars using a portion of its borrowings denominated in US dollars, currency forwards and foreign currency floating-to-fixed interest rate swaps.

The Group expects that the cash flows will occur and affect profit or loss between 2022 and 2024.

For the period ended September 30, 2022, a loss before income tax of US$ 11,598 was recognized in other comprehensive income and a loss of US$ 35,145 was reclassified from equity to profit or loss within “Financial results, net”.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 10

Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

2.    Financial risk management (continued)

Interest rate risk

The following table shows a breakdown of the Group’s fixed-rate and floating-rate borrowings per currency denomination and functional currency of the subsidiary issuing the loans at September 30, 2022 (all amounts are shown in US dollars):
September 30, 2022
Functional currency
Rate per currency denominationArgentine
US DollarTotal
Fixed rate:
Argentine Peso 196,580 — — — 196,580 
Brazilian Reais — 5,829 — — 5,829 
US Dollar 107,599 385,387 — 155,245 648,231 
Subtotal Fixed-rate borrowings 304,179 391,216  155,245 850,640 
Variable rate:
Brazilian Reais — 183,789 —  183,789 
US Dollar 19,874 446 — — 20,320 
Subtotal Variable-rate borrowings 19,874 184,235   204,109 
Total borrowings as per analysis 324,053 575,451  155,245 1,054,749 

At September 30, 2022, if interest rates on floating-rate borrowings had been 1% higher (or lower) with all other variables held constant, Profit before income tax for the period would decrease as follows:
September 30, 2022
Functional currency
Rate per currency denominationArgentine
Variable rate:
Brazilian Reais (1,838)(1,838)
US Dollar (199)(4)(203)
Decrease in profit before income tax (199)(1,842)(2,041)

Credit risk

As of September 30, 2022, five banks accounted for more than 80% of the total cash deposited (J.P. Morgan, Banco do Brasil, PPI, Banco Galicia and Itaú).

Derivative financial instruments

The following table shows the outstanding positions for each type of derivative contract as of September 30, 2022:

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 11

Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

2.    Financial risk management (continued)

§    Futures / Options
September 30, 2022
Type ofQuantities (thousands)
Profit / (Loss)
derivative contractamountValue Asset/ (Liability)
Corn 1,020 (84)(84)
Soybean 19 6,674 
Wheat 16 4,718 (422)(422)
Sugar 61 3,729 857 608 
Total 101 16,141 352 103 

(*) Included in line "Gain / (Loss) from commodity derivative financial instruments" Note 8.
(**) All quantities expressed in tons except otherwise indicated.

Commodity future contract fair values are computed with reference to quoted market prices on future exchanges.

Other derivative financial instruments

Floating-to-fixed interest rate swaps

In April 2022 the Group's subsidiary in Brazil, Usina Monte Alegre entered into a R$ 20 million loan with Itaú BBA. The loan bears interest at a fixed rate of 13,23% p.a. At the same moment and with the same bank, the Company entered into a swap operation, with the intention to effectively convert the fixed interest rate into a variable interest rate denominated in CDI (an interbank floating interest rate in Reais), plus a fixed rate of 1,29% a.a. The swap matures according to the due date of the loan, in March 24, 2024 and resulted in a recognition of a loss of US$ 90 thousand in 2022.

In December 2020 the Group's subsidiary in Brazil, Adecoagro Vale do Ivinhema entered into a interest rate swap operation with Itaú BBA in an aggregate amount of US$ 400 million. In these operation Adecoagro Vale do Ivinhema receives IPCA (Extended National Consumer Price Index) plus 4,24% per year, and pays CDI (an interbank floating interest rate in Reais) plus 1,85% per year. This swap expires semiannually until December 2026. This contract resulted in a recognition of a gain of US$ 1.8 million in 2022 ( loss of US$ 280 thousand in 2021).

Gain and losses on currency forward contracts are included within “Financial results, net” in the statement of income.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

F- 12

Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

3.    Segment information

IFRS 8 “Operating Segments” requires an entity to report financial and descriptive information about its reportable segments, which are operating segments or aggregations of operating segments that meet specified criteria. Operating segments are components of an entity about which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. The CODM evaluates the business based on the differences in the nature of its operations, products and services. The amount reported for each segment item is the measure reported to the CODM for these purposes.

The Group operates in three major lines of business, namely, Farming; Sugar, Ethanol and Energy; and Land Transformation.

The Group’s ‘Farming’ line of business is further comprised of three reportable segments:

§    The Group’s ‘Crops’ Segment consists of planting, harvesting, sale and processing grains, oilseeds and fibers (including wheat, corn, soybeans, cotton, sunflowers and peanuts, among others), and to a lesser extent the provision of grain warehousing/conditioning, handling and drying services to third parties, and the purchase and sale of crops produced by third parties. Each underlying crop in the Crops segment does not represent a separate operating segment. Management seeks to maximize the use of the land through the cultivation of one or more type of crops. Types and surface amount of crops cultivated may vary from harvest year to harvest year depending on several factors, some of them out of the Group´s control. Management is focused on the long-term performance of the productive land, and to that extent, the performance is assessed considering the aggregated combination, if any, of crops planted in the land. A single manager is responsible for the management of operating activity of all crops rather than for each individual crop.

§    The Group’s ‘Rice’ Segment consists of planting, harvesting, processing and marketing rice;

§    The Group’s ‘Dairy’ Segment consists of producing, processing and marketing raw milk and industrialized products, including UHT, cheese and powder milk among others;;

§    The Group’s ‘All Other Segments’ column consists of the aggregation of the remaining non-reportable operating segments, which do not meet the quantitative thresholds for disclosure and for which the Group's management does not consider them to be significance Coffee and Cattle.

The Group’s ‘Sugar, Ethanol and Energy’ Segment consists of cultivating sugarcane which is processed in owned sugar mills, transformed into ethanol, sugar and electricity and marketed;

The Group’s ‘Land Transformation’ Segment comprises the (i) identification and acquisition of underdeveloped and undermanaged farmland businesses; and (ii) realization of value through the strategic disposition of assets (generating profits).

Certain other activities of a holding function nature not allocable to the segments are disclosed ‘Corporate’ segment.

Total segment assets and liabilities are measured in a manner consistent with that of the consolidated financial statements. These assets and liabilities are allocated based on the operations of the segment and the physical location of the asset.

Effective July 1, 2018, the Group applied IAS 29 “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” (“IAS 29”) to its operations in Argentina. IAS 29 “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” requires that the financial statements of entities whose functional currency is that of a hyperinflationary economy be adjusted for the effects of changes in the general price index and be expressed in terms of the current unit of measurement at the closing date of the reporting period (“inflation accounting”). In order to determine whether an economy is classified as hyperinflationary, IAS 29 sets forth a series of factors to be considered, including whether the amount of cumulative inflation nears or exceeds a threshold of 100 %. Accordingly, Argentina has been classified as a hyperinflationary economy under the terms of IAS 29 from July 1, 2018.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

3.    Segment information (continued)

According to IAS 29, all Argentine Peso-denominated non-monetary items in the statement of financial position are adjusted by applying a general price index from the date they were initially recognized to the end of the reporting period. Likewise, all Argentine Peso-denominated items in the statement of income should be expressed in terms of the measuring unit current at the end of the reporting period, consequently, income statement items are adjusted by applying a general price index on a monthly basis from the dates they were initially recognized in the financial statements to the end of the reporting period. This process is called “re-measurement”.

Once the re-measurement process is completed, all Argentine Peso denominated accounts are translated into U.S. Dollars, the Group’s reporting currency, applying the guidelines in IAS 21 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”(“IAS 21”). IAS 21 requires that amounts be translated at the closing rate at the date of the most recent statement of financial position. This process is called “translation”.

The re-measurement and translation processes are applied on a monthly basis until year-end. Due to this process, the re-measured and translated results of operations for a given month are subject to change until year-end, affecting comparison and analysis.

Following the adoption of IAS 29 to the Argentine operations of the Group, management revised the information reviewed by the CODM. Accordingly, as from July 1, 2018, (commencement of hyper-inflation accounting in Argentina), the information provided to the CODM departs from the application of IAS 29 and IAS 21 re-measurement and translation processes as follows. The segment results of the Argentinean operations for each reporting period were adjusted for inflation and translated into the Group’s reporting currency using the reporting period average exchange rate. The translated amounts were not subsequently re-measured and translated in accordance with the IAS 29 and IAS 21 procedures outlined above. From January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018, the Group’s segment results were still based on the IFRS measurement principles adopted until June 30, 2018.

In order to evaluate the economic performance of businesses on a monthly basis, results of operations in Argentina are based on monthly data that have been adjusted for inflation and converted into the average exchange rate of the U.S. Dollar each month. These already converted figures are subsequently not readjusted and reconverted as described above under IAS 29 and IAS 21. It should be noted that this translation methodology for evaluating segment information is the same that the company uses to translate results of operation from its other subsidiaries from other countries that have not been designated hyperinflationary economies because it allows for a more accurate analysis of the economic performance of its business as a whole.

The Group’s CODM believes that the exclusion of the re-measurement and translation processes from the segment reporting structure allows for a more useful presentation and facilitates period-to-period comparison and performance analysis.
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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

3.    Segment information (continued)

The following tables show a reconciliation of each reportable segment for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021, as per the information reviewed by the CODM and the reportable segment measured in accordance with IAS 29 and IAS 21 as per the consolidated financial statements.
September 30, 2022CropsRiceDairy
Total segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of income
Sales of goods sold and services rendered220,993 2,344 223,337 138,974 1,124 140,098 181,504 2,893 184,397 
Cost of goods and services rendered(205,228)(2,422)(207,650)(114,034)(1,246)(115,280)(156,210)(2,428)(158,638)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce 64,948 2,821 67,769 14,952 954 15,906 19,634 442 20,076 
Gain from changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (22,506)(351)(22,857)— — — — — — 
Margin on Manufacturing and Agricultural Activities Before Operating Expenses 58,207 2,392 60,599 39,892 832 40,724 44,928 907 45,835 
General and administrative expenses (11,100)(361)(11,461)(9,440)(223)(9,663)(7,986)(113)(8,099)
Selling expenses (23,257)(334)(23,591)(23,318)(367)(23,685)(20,727)(599)(21,326)
Other operating income, net 637 (736)(99)649 — 649 (110)(5)(115)
Bargain purchase gain   11,976 79 12,055    
Profit from Operations Before Financing and Taxation 24,487 961 25,448 7,783 242 8,025 16,105 190 16,295 
Depreciation of Property, plant and equipment and amortization of Intangible assets (5,769)(178)(5,947)(7,470)(225)(7,695)(7,494)(238)(7,732)
September 30, 2022All other segmentsCorporateTotal
Total segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of income
Sales of goods sold and services rendered4,034 48 4,082 — — — 969,691 6,409 976,100 
Cost of goods and services rendered(3,494)(27)(3,521)— — — (774,755)(6,123)(780,878)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce (122)21 (101)— — — 177,129 4,238 181,367 
Gain from changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest — — — — — — (23,440)(351)(23,791)
Margin on Manufacturing and Agricultural Activities Before Operating Expenses 418 42 460    348,625 4,173 352,798 
General and administrative expenses (184)(5)(189)(18,719)(710)(19,429)(63,563)(1,418)(64,981)
Selling expenses (210)(3)(213)(115)(8)(123)(102,658)(1,311)(103,969)
Other operating income, net (3,645)(264)(3,909)(35)23 (12)4,513 (976)3,537 
Bargain purchase gain      11,976 79 12,055 
Profit from Operations Before Financing and Taxation (3,621)(230)(3,851)(18,869)(695)(19,564)198,893 547 199,440 
Depreciation of Property, plant and equipment and amortization of Intangible assets(176)(6)(182)(677)(18)(695)(136,537)(665)(137,202)
Net loss from Fair value adjustment of Investment property(3,615)(263)(3,878)— — — (3,615)(263)(3,878)

Sugar, Ethanol and Energy and Land Transformation segments have not been reconciled due to the lack of differences.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

3.    Segment information (continued)
September 30, 2021CropsRiceDairy
Total segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of income
Sales of goods sold and services rendered162,973 5,633 168,606 90,501 2,224 92,725 124,635 5,049 129,684 
Cost of goods and services rendered(144,139)(4,717)(148,856)(73,913)(1,128)(75,041)(106,001)(4,034)(110,035)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce52,800 4,892 57,692 36,328 4,264 40,592 13,062 716 13,778 
Gain from changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest(8,090)(694)(8,784)— — — — — — 
Margin on Manufacturing and Agricultural Activities Before Operating Expenses63,544 5,114 68,658 52,916 5,360 58,276 31,696 1,731 33,427 
General and administrative expenses(6,543)(411)(6,954)(6,298)(446)(6,744)(3,888)(280)(4,168)
Selling expenses(13,995)(703)(14,698)(11,977)(757)(12,734)(14,000)(897)(14,897)
Other operating income, net271 (139)132 295 27 322 (117)(12)(129)
Profit from Operations Before Financing and Taxation43,277 3,861 47,138 34,936 4,184 39,120 13,691 542 14,233 
Depreciation of Property, plant and equipment and amortization of Intangible assets(4,595)(335)(4,930)(5,796)(423)(6,219)(5,633)(408)(6,041)
September 30, 2021All other segmentsCorporateTotal
Total segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of incomeTotal segment reportingAdjustmentTotal as per statement of income
Sales of goods sold and services rendered1,451 93 1,544 — — — 777,178 12,999 790,177 
Cost of goods and services rendered(1,065)(64)(1,129)— — — (573,564)(9,943)(583,507)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce(285)(40)(325)— — — 173,053 9,832 182,885 
Gain from changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest— — — — — — (9,619)(694)(10,313)
Margin on Manufacturing and Agricultural Activities Before Operating Expenses101 (11)90    367,048 12,194 379,242 
General and administrative expenses(91)(8)(99)(15,792)(969)(16,761)(47,102)(2,114)(49,216)
Selling expenses(157)(7)(164)(151)(11)(162)(80,446)(2,375)(82,821)
Other operating income, net(2,122)(303)(2,425)(99)(19)(118)(11,404)(447)(11,851)
Profit from Operations Before Financing and Taxation(2,269)(329)(2,598)(16,042)(999)(17,041)228,096 7,258 235,354 
Depreciation of Property, plant and equipment and amortization of Intangible assets(95)(8)(103)(433)(29)(462)(137,469)(1,203)(138,672)
Net gain from Fair value adjustment of Investment property(2,014)(289)(2,303)— — — (2,014)(289)(2,303)

Sugar, Ethanol and Energy and Land Transformation segment have not been reconciled due to the lack of differences.
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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

3.    Segment information (continued)
Segment analysis for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 (unaudited)
FarmingSugar, Ethanol and EnergyLand TransformationCorporateTotal
CropsRiceDairyAll Other SegmentsFarming subtotal
Sales of goods and services rendered 220,993 138,974 181,504 4,034 545,505424,186 — — 969,691
Cost of goods sold and services rendered (205,228)(114,034)(156,210)(3,494)(478,966)(295,789)— — (774,755)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce 64,948 14,952 19,634 (122)99,41277,717 — — 177,129
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (22,506)— — — (22,506)(934)— — (23,440)
Margin on manufacturing and agricultural activities before operating expenses 58,207 39,892 44,928 418 143,445205,180   348,625
General and administrative expenses (11,100)(9,440)(7,986)(184)(28,710)(16,134)— (18,719)(63,563)
Selling expenses (23,257)(23,318)(20,727)(210)(67,512)(35,031)— (115)(102,658)
Other operating income / (loss), net 637 649 (110)(3,645)(2,469)3,672 3,345 (35)4,513
Bargain purchase gain— 11,976 — — 11,976— — — 11,976
Profit / (loss) from operations before financing and taxation 24,487 19,759 16,105 (3,621)56,730157,687 3,345 (18,869)198,893
Depreciation of Property, plant and equipment and amortization of Intangible assets(5,769)(7,470)(7,494)(176)(20,909)(114,951)— (677)(136,537)
Net loss from Fair value adjustment of Investment property— — — (3,615)(3,615)— — — (3,615)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce (unrealized) 12,136 6,964 (774)(522)17,80433,949 — — 51,753
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce (realized) 52,812 7,988 20,408 400 81,60843,768 — — 125,376
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (unrealized) (3,572)— — — (3,572)— — — (3,572)
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (realized) (18,934)— — — (18,934)(934)— — (19,868)
Farmlands and farmland improvements, net 457,171 149,662 2,379 56,946 666,15878,647 — — 744,805
Machinery, equipment, building and facilities, and other fixed assets, net 56,431 37,288 110,317 1,740 205,776173,159 — — 378,935
Bearer plants, net 1,070 — — — 1,070331,420 — — 332,490
Work in progress 7,090 51,331 17,262 2,104 77,78719,500 — — 97,287
Right of use asset10,158 3,634 859 — 14,651316,977 — 1,011 332,639
Investment property — — — 33,330 33,330— — — 33,330
Goodwill 8,191 1,134 5,396 — 14,7214,039 — — 18,760
Biological assets 35,033 26,315 26,003 9,593 96,94491,157 — — 188,101
Finished goods 44,805 15,913 7,968 — 68,686110,649 — — 179,335
Raw materials, Stocks held by third parties and others 80,963 64,360 10,557 2,063 157,94335,563 — — 193,506
Total segment assets 700,912 349,637 180,741 105,776 1,337,0661,161,111  1,011 2,499,188
Borrowings 93,688 92,459 164,780 — 350,927581,469 — 122,353 1,054,749
Lease liabilities10,154 3,721 760 — 14,635293,343 — 466 308,444
Total segment liabilities 103,842 96,180 165,540  365,562874,812  122,819 1,363,193
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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

3.    Segment information (continued)
Segment analysis for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021 (unaudited)
FarmingSugar, Ethanol and EnergyLand TransformationCorporateTotal
CropsRiceDairyAll Other SegmentsFarming subtotal
Sales of goods and services rendered 162,973 90,501 124,635 1,451 379,560 397,618 — — 777,178 
Cost of goods sold and services rendered (144,139)(73,913)(106,001)(1,065)(325,118)(248,446)— — (573,564)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce 52,800 36,328 13,062 (285)101,905 71,148 — — 173,053 
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (8,090)— — — (8,090)(1,529)— — (9,619)
Margin on manufacturing and agricultural activities before operating expenses 63,544 52,916 31,696 101 148,257 218,791   367,048 
General and administrative expenses (6,543)(6,298)(3,888)(91)(16,820)(14,490)— (15,792)(47,102)
Selling expenses (13,995)(11,977)(14,000)(157)(40,129)(40,166)— (151)(80,446)
Other operating income / (loss), net 271 295 (117)(2,122)(1,673)(15,224)5,592 (99)(11,404)
Profit / (loss) from operations before financing and taxation 43,277 34,936 13,691 (2,269)89,635 148,911 5,592 (16,042)228,096 
Depreciation of Property, plant and equipment and amortization of Intangible assets(4,595)(5,796)(5,633)(95)(16,119)(120,917)— (433)(137,469)
Net gain from Fair value adjustment of Investment property— — — (2,014)(2,014)— — — (2,014)
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce (unrealized) 16,534 14,358 (4,416)1,306 27,782 (23,901)— — 3,881 
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce (realized)36,266 21,970 17,478 (1,591)74,123 95,049 — — 169,172 
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (unrealized) (2,387)— — — (2,387)— — — (2,387)
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest (realized) (5,703)— — — (5,703)(1,529)— — (7,232)
As of December 31, 2021:
Farmlands and farmland improvements, net 448,608 146,795 2,143 56,315 653,861 73,979 — — 727,840 
Machinery, equipment, building and facilities, and other fixed assets, net 47,122 29,543 81,516 1,641 159,822 158,611 — — 318,433 
Bearer plants, net 892 — — — 892 294,090 — — 294,982 
Work in progress 3,444 33,200 27,341 1,496 65,481 15,887 — — 81,368 
Right of use assets13,005 3,361 930 — 17,296 243,469 — 11 260,776 
Investment property — — — 32,132 32,132 — — — 32,132 
Goodwill 7,074 979 4,660 — 12,713 3,913 — — 16,626 
Biological assets 54,886 42,729 18,979 7,257 123,851 71,327 — — 195,178 
Finished goods 37,225 5,015 15,157 — 57,397 80,857 — — 138,254 
Raw materials, Stocks held by third parties and others 42,253 14,797 10,416 579 68,045 33,225 — — 101,270 
Total segment assets 654,509 276,419 161,142 99,420 1,191,490 975,358  11 2,166,859 
Borrowings 31,755 34,230 62,061 — 128,046 524,461 — 165,144 817,651 
Lease liabilities14,106 4,157 924 — 19,187 227,585 — 82 246,854 
Total segment liabilities 45,861 38,387 62,985  147,233 752,046  165,226 1,064,505 

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

4.    Sales
September 30,
September 30,
Sales of manufactured products and services rendered:
Ethanol282,377 206,673 
Sugar96,695 143,944 
Energy (*)26,451 39,119 
Peanut44,621 40,013 
Sunflower11,888 8,402 
Rice (*)128,789 87,487 
Fluid milk (UHT)58,115 44,777 
Powder milk (*)72,038 44,246 
Other dairy products28,929 20,321 
Services7,488 4,653 
Rental income586 442 
Others25,615 6,620 
783,592 646,697 
Sales of agricultural produce and biological assets:
Soybean77,397 57,363 
Corn60,935 48,189 
Wheat15,104 13,095 
Rice3,352 — 
Sunflower7,124 4,866 
Barley4,181 933
Seeds— 876 
Milk13,538 12,084 
Cattle3,521 1,129 
Cattle for dairy6,183 3,242 
Others1,173 1,703 
192,508 143,480 
Total sales 976,100 790,177 

(*) Includes sales tons of energy, rice and powder milk produced by third parties for an amount of US$ 3.09 million.

Commitments to sell commodities at a future date

The Group entered into contracts to sell non-financial instruments, mainly, sugar, soybean and corn through sales forward contracts. Those contracts are held for purposes of delivery the non-financial instrument in accordance with the Group’s expected sales. Accordingly, as the own use exception criteria are met, those contracts are not recorded as derivatives.

The notional amount of these contracts is US$ 112.8 million as of September 30, 2022 (September 30, 2021: US$ 82.8 million) comprised primarily of 14,123 lts of ethanol (US$ 7.95 million), 132,715 mwh of energy (US$ 7.08 million), 51,306 tons of sugar (US$ 86.65 million), 5,426 tons of soybean (US$ 2 million), 17,627 tons of corn (US$ 3.41 million) and 6,601 tons of wheat (US$ 1.43 million) which expire between October 2022 and May 2023.

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (continued)
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

5.    Cost of goods sold and services rendered
As of September 30, 2022:
September 30, 2022
All other segments
Sugar, Ethanol and Energy
Finished goods at the beginning of 2022 (Note 18)
37,225 5,015 15,157 — 80,857 138,254 
Cost of production of manufactured products (Note 6)
51,761 126,378 140,882 — 325,918 644,939 
22,907 624 606 — 787 24,924 
Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 20)— 7,964 — — — 7,964 
Agricultural produce
221,787 2,207 13,562 3,521 11,571 252,648 
Transfer to raw material
(70,099)(7,326)— — — (77,425)
Direct agricultural selling expenses
22,043 — — — — 22,043 
Tax recoveries (i)
— — — — (14,350)(14,350)
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest
(22,857)— — — (934)(23,791)
Finished goods as of September 30, 2022 (Note 18)
(44,805)(15,913)(7,968)— (110,649)(179,335)
Exchange differences
(10,312)(3,669)(3,601)— 2,589 (14,993)
Cost of goods sold and services rendered, and direct agricultural selling expenses period
207,650 115,280 158,638 3,521 295,789 780,878 
(i): Correspond to the presumed credit of ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços) over the sale values.

As of September 30, 2021:
September 30, 2021
All other segments
Sugar, Ethanol and Energy
Finished goods at the beginning of 2021
30,267 5,970 6,489 — 34,315 77,041 
Cost of production of manufactured products (Note 6)
44,187 94,818 104,132 — 358,590 601,727 
25,939 417 — — 3,527 29,883 
Agricultural produce
181,817 — 15,326 1,129 10,950 209,222 
Transfer to raw material
(64,790)(6,985)— — — (71,775)
Direct agricultural selling expenses
17,559 — — — — 17,559 
Tax recoveries (i)
— — — — (14,766)(14,766)
Changes in net realizable value of agricultural produce after harvest
(8,784)— — — (1,529)(10,313)
Finished goods as of September 30, 2021
(52,431)(13,405)(11,885)— (135,233)(212,954)
Exchange differences
(24,908)(5,774)(4,027)— (7,408)(42,117)
Cost of goods sold and services rendered, and direct agricultural selling expenses period
148,856 75,041 110,035 1,129 248,446 583,507 
(i): Correspond to the presumed credit of ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços) over the sale values.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

6.    Expenses by nature

The following table provides the additional disclosure required on the nature of expenses and their relationship to the function within the Group:

Expenses by nature for the nine-months period ended September 30, 2022:
Cost of production of manufactured products (Note 5)General and Administrative ExpensesSelling ExpensesTotal
CropsRiceDairyAll other segmentsSugar, Ethanol and EnergyTotal
Salaries, social security expenses and employee benefits
3,237 9,015 8,904 — 26,893 48,049 29,283 6,966 84,298
Raw materials and consumables
249 647 24,181 — 11,460 36,537 — — 36,537
Depreciation and amortization
3,415 2,850 3,438 — 88,554 98,257 12,763 736 111,756
Depreciation of right-of-use assets
— 89 503 — 5,332 5,924 7,480 66 13,470
Fuel, lubricants and others
208 192 1,566 — 27,848 29,814 522 248 30,584
Maintenance and repairs
1,158 2,000 1,523 — 16,640 21,321 1,432 654 23,407
356 9,172 2,107 — 71 11,706 — 39,331 51,037
Export taxes / selling taxes
— — — — —  — 13,434 13,434
Export expenses
— — — — —  — 31,059 31,059
Contractors and services
2,241 295 404 — 4,881 7,821 — — 7,821
Energy transmission
— — — — —  — 2,056 2,056 
Energy power
1,297 2,580 2,520 — 612 7,009 301 76 7,386
Professional fees
41 64 90 — 566 761 6,234 550 7,545
Other taxes
21 91 85 — 1,559 1,756 761 50 2,567
— — — — —  457 — 457
Lease expense and similar arrangements
160 516 149 — — 825 891 196 1,912
Third parties raw materials
1,934 16,846 54,817 — 12,239 85,836 — — 85,836
1,038 2,414 1,029 — 2,847 7,328 4,857 8,547 20,732
15,355 46,771 101,316 — 199,502 362,944 64,981 103,969 531,894
Own agricultural produce consumed
36,406 79,607 39,566 — 126,416 281,995 — — 281,995
51,761 126,378 140,882 — 325,918 644,939 64,981 103,969 813,889

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

6.    Expenses by nature (continued)

Expenses by nature for six-month period ended September 30, 2021:
Cost of production of manufactured products (Note 5)General and Administrative ExpensesSelling ExpensesTotal
CropsRiceDairyAll other segmentsSugar, Ethanol and EnergyTotal
Salaries, social security expenses and employee benefits
2,579 4,885 6,383 — 24,392 38,239 21,708 5,103 65,050 
Raw materials and consumables 423 104 14,616 — 8,941 24,084 — — 24,084 
Depreciation and amortization
2,765 1,767 2,533 — 95,016 102,081 10,388 923 113,392 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets— 72 433 — 4,376 4,881 4,528 38 9,447 
Fuel, lubricants and others
277 69 1,261 — 20,843 22,450 563 205 23,218 
Maintenance and repairs
1,043 1,185 1,201 — 16,057 19,486 1,309 548 21,343 
449 8,258 1,598 — 511 10,816 — 26,592 37,408 
Export taxes / selling taxes
— — — — —  — 30,997 30,997 
Export expenses
— — — — —  — 9,108 9,108 
Contractors and services
2,233 168 30 — 6,066 8,497 — — 8,497 
Energy transmission
— — — — —  — 1,841 1,841 
Energy power
902 1,121 1,680 — 532 4,235 243 67 4,545 
Professional fees
49 55 88 — 578 770 5,499 676 6,945 
Other taxes
17 71 77 — 2,648 2,813 569 46 3,428 
— — — — —  758 — 758 
Lease expense and similar arrangements
117 220 159 — — 496 1,351 173 2,020 
Third parties raw materials
1,431 2,604 42,484 — 15,419 61,938 — — 61,938 
Tax recoveries
— — — — (1,489)(1,489)— — (1,489)
691 3,818 1,320 — 2,158 7,987 2,300 6,504 16,791 
12,976 24,397 73,863  196,048 307,284 49,216 82,821 439,321 
Own agricultural produce consumed
31,211 70,421 30,269 — 162,542 294,443 — — 294,443 
44,187 94,818 104,132  358,590 601,727 49,216 82,821 733,764 

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

7.    Salaries and social security expenses

September 30,
September 30,
Wages and salaries 97,027 76,518 
Social security costs 29,608 23,888 
Equity-settled share-based compensation 7,422 4,545 
134,057 104,951 

8.    Other operating income / (expense), net
September 30,
September 30,
(Loss) from commodity derivative financial instruments(2,683)(14,833)
Gain from disposal of other property items2,962 2,164 
Net (loss) from fair value adjustment of Investment property(3,878)(2,303)
Others 7,136 3,121 
3,537 (11,851)

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

9.    Financial results, net
September 30,
September 30,
Finance income:
- Interest income 4,360 3,342 
- Foreign exchange gain, net12,642 9,611 
- Gain from interest rate/foreign exchange rate derivative financial instruments— 642 
- Other income 165 308 
Finance income 17,167 13,903 
Finance costs:
- Interest expense (32,368)(46,644)
- Finance cost related to lease liabilities(22,657)(13,372)
- Cash flow hedge – transfer from equity(35,575)(43,707)
- Taxes (3,632)(5,553)
- Loss from interest rate/foreign exchange rate derivative financial instruments(1,192)— 
- Borrowings prepayment related expenses - Brazilian subsidiaries— (3,070)
- Other expenses (6,121)(4,355)
Finance costs (101,545)(116,701)
Other financial results - Net gain of inflation effects on the monetary items14,677 8,219 
Total financial results, net (69,701)(94,579)

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

10.    Taxation

Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to expected total annual earnings.

September 30,
September 30,
Current income tax (4,364)(3,729)
Deferred income tax (19,501)(65,082)
Income tax (expense)(23,865)(68,811)

In June, 2021, the Argentine Government introduced new changes in the income tax, establishing increasing rates, which starts in 25% and reach 35% for income tax gains over Pesos 50 million (0.5 million USD). This new scheme is applicable for the year 2021 onwards.

The gross movement on the deferred income tax account is as follows:
September 30,
September 30,
Beginning of period liability(255,527)(162,556)
Exchange differences (35,779)(32,366)
Effect of fair value valuation for farmlands30,495 (21,784)
Acquisition of subsidiary (Note 20)(1,662)— 
Tax charge relating to cash flow hedge (i) (7,512)1,152 
Income tax (expense)(19,501)(65,082)
End of period liability(289,862)(280,501)

(i)It relates to the amount reclassified of US$ 35,145 gain and US$ 34,926 gain from equity to profit and loss for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.

Tax Inflation Adjustment in Argentina

Laws 27,430, 27,468 and 27,541 introduced several amendments to the income tax inflation adjustments provided by the Income Tax Law. According to these provisions, and effective as from fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2018, the inflation adjustment procedure set out in Title VI of the Income Tax Law shall be applicable in fiscal years in which the variation of IPC price index, accumulated in the 36 months immediately preceding the end of the relevant fiscal year, is higher than 100%. As from its effectiveness, this procedure is applicable because the variation of the IPC reached the prescribed limits.

However, Section 39 of Law No. 24,073 suspended the application of the provisions of Title VI of the Income Tax Law relating to the income tax inflation adjustment since April 1, 1992 to certain items, such as, fixed assets, inventory, and tax loss carryforwards, among others.

After the economic crisis of 2002, many taxpayers began to question the legality of the provisions suspending the income tax inflation adjustment. Also, the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice issued its verdict in the "Candy" case July 3, 2009 in which it stated that particularly for fiscal year 2002 and considering the serious state of disturbance of that year, the taxpayer could demonstrate that not applying the income tax inflation adjustment resulted in confiscatory income tax rates.

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

10.    Taxation (continued)
More recently, the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice applied a similar criterion to the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014 fiscal years in the cases brought by “Distribuidora Gas del Centro” (10/14/14, 06/02/15, 10/04/16 and 06/25/19), among others, enabling the application of income tax inflation adjustment for periods not affected by a severe economic crisis such as 2002.

The Company believes that the lack of application of the income tax inflation adjustment is confiscatory. Accordingly, based on the precedents and the opinion of external and internal tax advisors, the Company has adjusted all items for inflation including those suspended by Section 39 of Law 24, 073 as described above. The net effect of the inflation adjustment resulted in a deferred tax asset of US$ 39.2 million.

The application of local tax laws require interpretation, and accordingly involves the application of judgement and is open to challenge by the relevant tax authorities. This gives rise to a level of uncertainty. Provisions for uncertain tax positions are established in accordance with IFRIC 23 based on an assessment of the range of likely tax outcomes in open years and reflecting the strength of technical arguments. Amounts are provided for individual tax uncertainties based on management’s assessment of whether the most likely amount or an expected amount based on a probability weighted methodology is the more appropriate predicter of amounts that the Company is ultimately expected to settle. When making this assessment, the Company utilizes specialist in-house tax knowledge and experience and takes into consideration specialist tax advice from third party advisers on specific items. The Company has not provided any amount in this case based on its belief that it has solid arguments to support its position.

The tax on the Group’s profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the weighted average tax rate applicable to profits of the consolidated entities as follows:

September 30,
September 30,
Tax calculated at the tax rates applicable to profits in the respective countries (41,354)(42,582)
Non-deductible items (386)(1,858)
Effect of the changes in the statutory income tax rate in Argentina118 (33,412)
Non-taxable income14,342 9,349 
Tax losses where no deferred tax asset was recognized (97)(118)
Effect of IAS 29 on Argentina´s Shareholder´s equity and deferred income tax.(16,704)(1,686)
Utilization of previously unrecognized tax16,830 — 
Others 3,386 1,496 
Income tax (expense)(23,865)(68,811)

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

11.    Property, plant and equipment
Changes in the Group’s property, plant and equipment for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 were as follows:
FarmlandsFarmland improvementsBuildings and facilitiesMachinery, equipment, furniture and
Bearer plantsOthersWork in progressTotal
Nine-month period ended September 30, 2021
Opening net book amount. 694,166 21,585 177,604 95,905 304,829 6,463 57,740 1,358,292 
Exchange differences 99,852 1,961 16,145 (4,671)(13,793)21,270 (6,926)113,838 
Additions — 160 8,740 41,119 63,574 2,045 45,475 161,113 
Revaluation surplus(84,296)— — — — — — (84,296)
Transfer from investment property1,630 — — — — — — 1,630 
Transfers — (4,192)16,440 13,477 149 27 (25,901)— 
Disposals — (7)(35)(3,537)— (60)(42)(3,681)
Reclassification to non-income tax credits (*) — — — (279)— — — (279)
Depreciation— (2,460)(19,734)(59,281)(54,506)(1,514)— (137,495)
Closing net book amount 711,352 17,047 199,160 82,733 300,253 28,231 70,346 1,409,122 
At September 30, 2021 (unaudited)
Cost 711,352 42,200 420,956 789,553 726,446 48,462 70,346 2,809,315 
Accumulated depreciation — (25,153)(221,796)(706,820)(426,193)(20,231)— (1,400,193)
Net book amount 711,352 17,047 199,160 82,733 300,253 28,231 70,346 1,409,122 
Nine-month period ended September 30, 2022
Opening net book amount 711,261 16,579 207,679 83,183 294,982 27,571 81,368 1,422,623 
Exchange differences 103,250 1,850 15,780 15,465 5,948 1,514 10,513 154,320 
Additions — — 10,983 51,193 81,584 2,296 32,900 178,956 
Revaluation surplus(86,817)— — — — — — (86,817)
Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 20)552 — 21,174 — — — — 21,726 
Transfers — — 19,662 8,019 — (187)(27,494)— 
Disposals — — — (1,346)— (127)— (1,473)
Reclassification to non-income tax credits (*) — — — (77)— — — (77)
Depreciation— (1,870)(22,355)(59,613)(50,024)(1,879)— (135,741)
Closing net book amount 728,246 16,559 252,923 96,824 332,490 29,188 97,287 1,553,517 
At September 30, 2022 (unaudited)
Cost 728,246 44,288 502,792 876,447 818,294 51,908 97,287 3,119,262 
Accumulated depreciation  (27,729)(249,869)(779,623)(485,804)(22,720)— (1,565,745)
Net book amount 728,246 16,559 252,923 96,824 332,490 29,188 97,287 1,553,517 
(*) Brazilian federal tax law allows entities to take a percentage of the total cost of the assets purchased as a tax credit. As of September 30, 2022, ICMS tax credits were reclassified to trade and other receivables.
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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (continued)
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

11.    Property, plant and equipment (continued)

For all Farmlands with a total valuation of US$ 728 million as of September 30, 2022, the valuation was determined using sales Comparison Approach prepared by an independent expert. Sale prices of comparable properties are adjusted considering the specific aspects of each property, the most relevant premise being the price per hectare. (Level 3). The Group estimated that, other factors being constant, a 10% reduction on the Sales price for the period ended September 30, 2022 would have reduced the value of the Farmlands on US$ 73 million, which would impact, net of its tax effect on the "Revaluation surplus" item in the statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity.

Depreciation charges are included in “Cost of production of Biological Assets”, “Cost of production of manufactures products”, “General and administrative expenses”, “Selling expenses” and capitalized in “Property, plant and equipment” for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021.

As of September 30, 2022, borrowing costs of US$ 2,447 (September 30, 2021: US$ 1,359) were capitalized as components of the cost of acquisition or construction of qualifying assets.

Certain of the Group’s assets have been pledged as collateral to secure the Group’s borrowings and other payables. The net book value of the pledged assets amounts to US$ 129,344 as of September 30, 2022 (September 30, 2021: U$S 124,554)

12.    Right of use assets

Changes in the Group’s right of use assets for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 were as follows:

Agricultural partnership (*)OthersTotal
Nine-month period ended September 30, 2021
Opening net book amount192,271 17,423 209,694 
Exchange differences(6,159)36 (6,123)
Additions and re-measurement78,356 3,321 81,677 
Closing net book amount234,840 14,685 249,525 
Nine-month period ended September 30, 2022
Opening net book amount235,971 24,805 260,776 
Exchange differences 3,215 744 3,959 
Additions and re-measurement110,436 5,335 115,771 
Depreciation (43,700)(4,167)(47,867)
Closing net book amount 305,922 26,717 332,639 

(*) Agricultural partnership has an average of 6 years duration.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

13.    Investment property

Changes in the Group’s investment property for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 were as follows:
September 30,
September 30,
Beginning of the period 32,132 31,179 
(Loss) from fair value adjustment (Note 8)(3,878)(2,303)
Reclassification to property, plant and equipment— (1,630)
Exchange differences 5,076 4,886 
End of the period 33,330 32,132 
Cost33,330 32,132 
Net book amount33,330 32,132 

For all Investment properties with a total valuation of US$ 33.3 million as of September 30, 2022, the valuation was determined using Sales Comparison Approach prepared by an independent expert. Sale prices of comparable properties are adjusted considering the specific aspects of each property, the most relevant premise being the price per hectare. (Level 3). The increase /decrease in the fair value is recognized in the Statement of income under the line item "Other operating income, net". There were no changes of the valuation techniques during September 30, 2022 and 2020. The Group estimated that, other factors being constant, a 10% reduction on the Sales price for the period ended September 30, 2022 would have reduced the value of the Investment properties on US$ 3.3 million, which would impact the line item "Net loss from fair value adjustment ".

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

14.    Intangible assets

Changes in the Group’s intangible assets in the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 were as follows:

Nine-month period ended September 30, 2021
Opening net book amount 14,482 5,264 7,150 34 26,930 
Exchange differences 1,533 443 1,000 (2)2,974 
Additions— 1,442 — 64 1,506 
Amortization charge (i)— (868)(259)(50)(1,177)
Closing net book amount 16,015 6,281 7,891 46 30,233 
At September 30, 2021 (unaudited)
Cost 16,015 13,685 10,118 503 40,321 
Accumulated amortization — (7,404)(2,227)(457)(10,088)
Net book amount 16,015 6,281 7,891 46 30,233 
Nine-month period ended September 30, 2022
Opening net book amount 16,626 6,485 8,191 35 31,337 
Exchange differences2,134 757 1,093 (2)3,982 
— 1,024 422 722 2,168 
Amortization charge (i)— (1,077)(333)(51)(1,461)
Closing net book amount 18,760 7,189 9,373 704 36,026 
At September 30, 2022 (unaudited)
Cost 18,760 15,998 12,040 1,230 48,028 
Accumulated amortization — (8,809)(2,667)(526)(12,002)
Net book amount 18,760 7,189 9,373 704 36,026 

(i) Amortization charges are included in “General and administrative expenses” and “Selling expenses” for the period ended September 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.

The Group conducts an impairment test annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable (see Note 30).

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

15.    Biological assets

Changes in the Group’s biological assets in the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 were as follows:
September 30, 2022
Crops (i)
Rice (i)
All other segments
Sugarcane (i)
Beginning of the year
54,886 42,729 18,979 7,257 71,327 195,178 
Increase due to purchases
— — — 2,850 — 2,850 
Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 20)— 1,676 — — — 1,676 
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets
67,769 15,906 20,076 (101)77,717 181,367 
Decrease due to harvest / disposals
Decrease due to sales of agricultural produce
— — — — —  
Costs incurred during the period
125,590 41,055 45,369 3,002 85,159 300,175 
Exchange differences
8,575 6,750 2,998 1,145 625 20,093 
End of the period (unaudited)
35,033 26,315 26,003 9,593 91,157 188,101 

September 30, 2021
Crops (i)
Rice (i)
All other segments
Sugarcane (i)
Beginning of the year
43,787 29,062 12,933 4,703 75,208 165,693 
Increase due to purchases— — — 1,710 — 1,710 
Initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets
57,692 40,592 13,778 (325)71,148 182,885 
Decrease due to harvest / disposals
Costs incurred during the period
99,029 37,967 34,776 1,551 69,321 242,644 
Exchange differences
7,032 4,859 2,163 786 (3)14,837 
End of the period (unaudited)
25,723 18,789 17,177 6,666 38,540 106,895 

(i)Biological assets that are measured at fair value within level 3 of the hierarchy.

The discounted cash flow valuation technique and the significant unobservable inputs used to calculate the fair value of these biological assets are consistent with those of the audited annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021 described in Note 16. Please see Level 3 definition in Note 16 of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.
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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

15.    Biological assets (continued)

Cost of production as of September 30, 2022:
September 30, 2022
CropsRiceDairyAll other segmentsSugar, Ethanol and EnergyTotal
Salaries, social security expenses and employee benefits
3,691 7,807 5,625 710 8,659 26,492 
Depreciation and amortization
— — — — 3,417 3,417 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets
— — — — 30,807 30,807 
Fertilizers, agrochemicals and seeds
39,833 5,730 — — 25,327 70,890 
Fuel, lubricants and others
586 839 1,093 57 3,161 5,736 
Maintenance and repairs
1,243 4,985 2,896 354 2,338 11,816 
3,987 420 159 180 — 4,746 
Contractors and services
35,218 16,201 — 5,822 57,248 
Feeding expenses
— — 18,030 527 — 18,557 
Veterinary expenses
— — 2,782 217 — 2,999 
Energy power
28 3,353 940 — 4,327 
Professional fees
211 259 103 380 955 
Other taxes
1,054 117 11 83 105 1,370 
Lease expense and similar arrangements
36,672 502 — 4,236 41,413 
3,067 842 298 67 907 5,181 
125,590 41,055 31,937 2,213 85,159 285,954 
Own agricultural produce consumed
— — 13,432 789 — 14,221 
125,590 41,055 45,369 3,002 85,159 300,175 

Cost of production as of September 30, 2021:
September 30, 2021
CropsRiceDairyAll other segmentsSugar, Ethanol and EnergyTotal
Salaries, social security expenses and employee benefits
2,523 5,860 4,079 535 7,561 20,558 
Depreciation and amortization
— — — — 3,666 3,666 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets— — — — 25,374 25,374 
Fertilizers, agrochemicals and seeds
28,649 2,284 — — 23,499 54,432 
Fuel, lubricants and others
537 558 730 42 2,176 4,043 
Maintenance and repairs
702 6,203 2,002 281 1,846 11,034 
3,503 760 118 58 — 4,439 
Contractors and services
32,100 19,601 — 4,334 56,043 
Feeding expenses
— — 14,361 234 — 14,595 
Veterinary expenses
— — 2,403 287 — 2,690 
Energy power
27 1,207 758 — 1,997 
Professional fees
232 152 49 240 678 
Other taxes
959 85 70 39 1,160 
Lease expense and similar arrangements
28,062 — — 28,064 
1,735 1,257 512 25 585 4,114 
99,029 37,967 25,019 1,551 69,321 232,887 
Own agricultural produce consumed
  9,757   9,757 
99,029 37,967 34,776 1,551 69,321 242,644 
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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

15.    Biological assets (continued)

Biological assets as of September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021 were as follows:
September 30,
December 31, 2021
Cattle for dairy production
25,583 18,428 
Breeding cattle
580 707 
Other cattle
356 220 
26,519 19,355 
Breeding cattle
8,657 6,330 
Other cattle
420 551 
Sown land – crops
46,858 54,886 
Sown land – rice
26,315 42,729 
Sown land – sugarcane
79,332 71,327 
161,582 175,823 
Total biological assets
188,101 195,178 

16.    Financial instruments

As of September 30, 2022, the financial instruments recognized at fair value on the statement of financial position comprise derivative financial instruments.

In the case of Level 1, valuation is based on unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical financial assets that the Group can refer to at the date of the statement of financial position. A market is deemed active if transactions take place with sufficient frequency and in sufficient quantity for price information to be available on an ongoing basis. Since a quoted price in an active market is the most reliable indicator of fair value, this should always be used if available. The financial instruments the Group has allocated to this level mainly comprise crop futures and options traded on the stock market. In the case of securities, the Group allocates them to this level when either a stock market price is available or prices are provided by a price quotation on the basis of actual market transactions.

Derivatives not traded on the stock market allocated to Level 2 are valued using models based on observable market data. For this, the Group uses inputs directly or indirectly observable in the market, other than quoted prices. If the financial instrument concerned has a fixed contract period, the inputs used for valuation must be observable for the whole of this period. The financial instruments the Group has allocated to this level mainly comprise interest-rate swaps and foreign-currency interest-rate swaps.

In the case of Level 3, the Group uses valuation techniques not based on inputs observable in the market. This is only permissible insofar as no observable market data are available. The inputs used reflect the Group’s assumptions regarding the factors, which market players would consider in their pricing. The Group uses the best available information for this, including internal company data. The Group does not have financial instruments allocated to this level for any of the periods presented.

There were no transfer between any levels during the period.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

16.    Financial instruments (continued)

The following tables present the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities that are measured at fair value as of September 30, 2022 and their allocation to the fair value hierarchy:

Level 1
Level 2
Derivative financial instruments
860 2,170 3,030 
Restricted short-term investment (1)
79,365 — 79,365 
Total assets
80,225 2,170 82,395 
Derivative financial instruments
Total liabilities

(1) US T-Bills with maturity from the date of acquisition longer than 90 days used as collateral for short-term borrowings. These investments are not available for use by other entities of the Group. See Note 24.

When no quoted prices in an active market are available, fair values (particularly with derivatives) are based on recognized valuation methods. The Group uses a range of valuation models for this purpose, details of which may be obtained from the following table:
ClassPricing MethodParametersPricing ModelLevelTotal
FuturesQuoted price--1352 
NDFQuoted priceSwap curvePresent value method231 
NDFQuoted priceForeign-exchange curvePresent value method1
Interest-rate swapsTheoretical priceMoney market interest-rate curve.Present value method22,093 
US T-BillsQuoted price--179,365 

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

17.    Trade and other receivables, net
September 30,
December 31,
Non current
Advances to suppliers 2,799 952 
Income tax credits 7,744 6,862 
Non-income tax credits (i) 16,850 19,156 
Judicial deposits 1,735 1,674 
Receivable from disposal of subsidiary8,115 9,830 
Other receivables 3,766 3,757 
Non current portion 41,009 42,231 
Trade receivables 127,541 63,726 
Less: Allowance for trade receivables (4,299)(3,023)
Trade receivables – net 123,242 60,703 
Prepaid expenses 9,221 9,405 
Advance to suppliers 42,275 19,074 
Income tax credits 964 1,846 
Non-income tax credits (i) 41,299 29,414 
Receivable from disposal of subsidiary9,127 17,259 
Cash collateral 62 21 
Other receivables 11,793 8,127 
Subtotal 114,741 85,146 
Current portion 237,983 145,849 
Total trade and other receivables, net 278,992 188,080 

(i) Includes US$ 77 for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 reclassified from property, plant and equipment (for the year ended December 31, 2021: US$ 303).
The fair values of current trade and other receivables approximate their respective carrying amounts due to their short-term nature. The fair values of non-current trade and other receivables approximate their carrying amount, as the impact of discounting is not significant.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (continued)
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

17.    Trade and other receivables, net (continued)

The carrying amounts of the Group’s trade and other receivables are denominated in the following currencies (expressed in US dollars):
September 30,
December 31,
US Dollar 114,990 62,604 
Argentine Peso 64,818 55,260 
Uruguayan Peso 1,888 460 
Brazilian Reais 97,297 69,756 
278,993 188,080 

As of September 30, 2022 trade receivables of US$ 50,441 (December 31, 2021: US$ 11.224) were past due but not impaired. The ageing analysis of these receivables indicates that US$ 733 and US$ 717 are over 6 months in September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively.

The creation and release of allowance for trade receivables have been included in ‘Selling expenses’ in the statement of income. Amounts charged to the allowance account are generally written off, when there is no expectation of recovering additional cash.

The other classes within other receivables do not contain impaired assets.

The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying value of each class of receivable mentioned above.

18.    Inventories
September 30,
December 31,
Raw materials 193,506 101,270 
Finished goods (Note 5) (i)
179,335 138,254 
372,841 239,524 

(i) Finished goods of Crops reportable segment are valued at fair value.

19.    Cash and cash equivalents
September 30,
December 31,
Cash at bank and on hand 71,927 152,721 
Short-term bank deposits 87,435 47,045 
159,362 199,766 

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(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

20.    Acquisition

Acquisition of subsidiaries of Viterra in Argentina and Uruguay

On May 3, 2022, (the “Closing Date”) the Group, through certain subsidiaries consummated the acquisition of the rice operations in Uruguay and Argentina of the Viterra Group, comprising a 100% ownership of Molinos Libres S.A. (Argentina), Viterra Uruguay S.A. (Uruguay) and Paso Dragón S.A. (Uruguay). Paso Dragón S.A. has a 12% equity investment in Galofer S.A. (Uruguay). The transaction also includes the acquisition of certain leasing agreements. All of the acquired subsidiaries form part of the Rice Business Segment.

The terms and conditions of the agreement contemplate the payment, subject to adjustments, of a purchase price of approximately US$ 17.7 million payable in three annual installments and the assumption of the existing financial debt for an amount of US$ 17.9 million. At Closing Date, the Company paid the first installments of US$ 2.0 million and US$ 8 million of the assumed debt.

In addition, the agreement provides for a cash contingent payment of US$ 778 thousands, which will be payable only if certain conditions are met.

The Company has made a preliminary allocation of the estimated purchase price to the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their fair values at acquisition date. The Company has made significant assumptions and estimates in determining the preliminary estimated purchase price, including the contingent payment and the preliminary allocation of the estimated purchase price in these consolidated interim financial statements. The acquisition accounting is dependent upon certain valuations and other studies that have yet to progress to a stage where there is sufficient information for a definitive measurement. Therefore, these preliminary estimates and assumptions are subject to change during the measurement period as the Company finalizes the valuations of the net intangible and tangible assets. The final allocation may include changes to (1) the fair values of property, plant and equipment, (2) the recognized amounts of contingencies and liabilities and (3) assets and liabilities, as more information becomes available.

These final valuations may change significantly from the preliminary estimates. Differences between these preliminary estimates and the final acquisition accounting could have a material impact on these consolidated interim financial statements and the Company´s consolidated future results of operations and financial position. The Company expects to finalize the purchase price allocation during the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2022.

As the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired was greater than the total consideration paid, negative goodwill arises on the acquisition. The negative goodwill is recognized as “Bargain purchase gain” in the income statement for the nine- months ended September 30, 2022 reflecting the opportunity to acquire the rice operations in Argentina and Uruguay from an outgoing market player.

The following table summarizes the estimated preliminary purchase price:
Purchase consideration:
Amount paid in cash
Amounts to be paid in installments (*)
Total purchase consideration
Fair value of net assets acquired
Bargain purchase gain over the total purchase consideration
(*) Amounts to be paid in installments were discounted at present value as of the date of acquisition at a 6.5% discount rate.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

20.    Acquisition (continued)

The preliminary estimates assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition are as follows:

Cash and cash equivalents
Trade and other receivables
Biological assets1,675 
Property, plant and equipment21,478 
Total Assets
Trade and other payables
Payroll and other liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities
Total Liabilities
Fair value of Net Assets Acquired

The Company used a replacement cost method or a market approach, as appropriate, to measure the fair value of property, plant and equipment.

All other net tangible assets were valued at their respective carrying amounts, as the Company believes that these amounts approximate their current fair values.

A decrease in the fair value of assets acquired, or an increase in the fair value of liabilities assumed, from those preliminary valuations would result in a dollar-for-dollar corresponding decrease in the “Bargain purchase gain”.

Acquisition-related costs of USD 193 thousands are included in General and administrative expenses in the Condensed Consolidated Interim Statement of Income.

The following table summarizes the sales of goods and services rendered and profit from operations of the subsidiaries acquired included in the consolidated interim statements of income for the nine-month and three-month periods ended September 30, 2022 as from the date of acquisition:

Period from the date of acquisition to September 30, 2022
Sales of goods and service rendered
Profit from operations

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

21.    Shareholder´s contribution
Number of shares (thousands)Share capital and share premium
At January 1, 2021122,382 1,086,388 
Restricted shares vested— 3,594 
Purchase of own shares
— (45,308)
At September 30, 2021122,382 1,044,674 
At January 1, 2022122,382 1,034,633 
Reduction of issued share capital of the Company(11,000)(16,500)
Employee share options exercised (Note 22)— 2,432 
Restricted share vested
— 4,647 
Purchase of own shares
— (21,813)
Dividends to shareholders— (35,000)
At September 30, 2022111,382 968,399 
Decision of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ meeting

On April 20, 2022 the extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Company resolved to reduce the issued share capital of the Company by an amount of $16,500,000 by the cancellation of 11,000,000 shares with a nominal value of $1.50 each held in treasury by the Company so that, as from April 20, 2022, our issued share capital amounts to $167,072,722.50, represented by 111,381,815 shares in issue (of which 1,932,628 are treasury shares) with a nominal value of $1.50 each.

Share Repurchase Program

On September 12, 2013, the Board of Directors of the Company authorized a share repurchase program for up to 5% of its outstanding shares. The repurchase program has been renewed by the Board of Directors after each 12-month period. On August 9, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the renewal of the Program and extension of the term for an additional twelve-month period ending on September 23, 2023.

Repurchases of shares under the program may be made from time to time (i) in open market transactions in compliance with the trading conditions of Rule 10b-18 under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and applicable rules and regulations; and (ii) through privately negotiated transactions. The share repurchase program does not require Adecoagro to acquire any specific number or amount of shares and may be modified, suspended, reinstated or terminated at any time in the Company’s discretion and without prior notice. The size and the timing of repurchases will depend upon market conditions, applicable legal requirements and other factors.

As of September 30, 2022, the Company repurchased an aggregate of 20,084,538 shares under the program, of which 7,860,922 have been utilized to cover the exercise and granted of the Company’s employee stock option plan and restricted stock plan and 11 millions share were reduced from capital. During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 the Company repurchased shares for an amount of 3,331,749 and 5,826,956 respectively. The outstanding treasury shares as of September 30, 2022 totaled 1,932,628.

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(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

21.    Shareholder´s contribution (continued)

Dividend distribution

On April 20, 2022 the general meeting of the shareholders of the Company resolved the payment of an annual dividend of USD 35 million to be paid to outstanding shares in two installments in May and November. The first payment, of USD 17.5 million (0.1572 per share) was made on May 17th and the second installment will be made in November 17, 2022.

22.    Equity-settled share-based payments

The Group has set the “2004 Incentive Option Plan” (“Option Schemes”) under which the Group granted equity-settled options to senior managers and selected employees of the Group´s subsidiaries. Additionally, in 2010 the Group has set a “Adecoagro Restricted Share and Restricted Stock Unit Plan” (referred to as “Restricted Share Plan”) under which the Group grants restricted shares, or restricted stock units to directors of the Board, senior and medium management and key employees of the Group.

(a)Option Schemes

No expense was accrued for both periods under the Options Schemes.

As of September 30, 2022, 313,582 options (September 30, 2021: nil) were exercised, and nil options (September 30, 2021: nil) were forfeited, and nil options were expired (September 30, 2021: nil).

(b)Restricted Share and Restricted Stock Unit Plan

As of September 30, 2022, the Group recognized compensation expense US$ 5.4 million related to the restricted shares granted under the Restricted Share Plan (September 30, 2021: US$ 4.7 million). For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, 1,402,391 Restricted Shares were granted (September 30, 2021: 1,061,349), 828,690 were vested (September 30, 2021: 664,103), and 33,409 Restricted shares were forfeited (September 30, 2021: 15,484).

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

23.    Trade and other payables
September 30,
December 31,
Trade payables1,908 — 
Payable from acquisition of subsidiary (Note 20)12,364 — 
Other payables 374 284 
14,646 284 
Trade payables 132,142 151,979 
Advances from customers 7,517 8,705 
Taxes payable 7,240 6,866 
Dividends to shareholders (Note 21)17,500 — 
Payables from acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 20)3,160 — 
Other payables 769 1,196 
168,328 168,746 
Total trade and other payables 182,974 169,030 

The fair values of current trade and other payables approximate their respective carrying amounts due to their short-term nature. The fair values of non-current trade and other payables approximate their carrying amount, as the impact of discounting is not significant.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

24.    Borrowings
September 30,
December 31,
Senior Notes (*) 497,790 497,455 
Bank borrowings (*) 244,847 208,032 
742,637 705,487 
Senior Notes (*) 750 8,250 
Bank overdrafts 70,826 11,768 
Bank borrowings (*) 240,536 92,146 
312,112 112,164 
Total borrowings 1,054,749 817,651 

(*) As of September 30, 2022, the Group was in compliance with the related financial covenants under the respective loan agreements.

As of September 30, 2022, total bank borrowings include collateralized liabilities of US$ 173,821 (December 31, 2021: US$ 70,221). These loans are mainly collateralized by property, plant and equipment, sugarcane plantations, sugar export contracts, shares of certain subsidiaries of the Group and restricted short-term investment, see Note 16.

Notes 2027

On September 21, 2017, the Company issued senior notes (the “Notes”) for US$ 500 million, at an annual nominal rate of 6%. The Notes will mature on September 21, 2027. Interest on the Notes are payable semi-annually in arrears on March 21 and September 21 of each year. The total proceeds nets of expenses was US$ 496.5 million.

The Notes are fully and unconditionally guaranteed on a senior unsecured basis by certain of our current and future subsidiaries, currently: Adeco Agropecuaria S.A., Adecoagro Brasil Participações S.A., Adecoagro Vale do Ivinhema S.A., Pilagá S.A. and Usina Monte Alegre Ltda. are the only Subsidiary Guarantors.

The Notes contain customary financial covenants and restrictions which require us to meet pre-defined financial ratios, among other restrictions.

Loan with International Finance Corporation (IFC)

In June 2020, our Argentine subsidiaries, Adeco Agropecuaria , Pilaga and L3N S.A. entered into a US$100 million loan agreement with International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group. The loan's tenor is eight years, including a two-year grace period, with a rate of LIBOR + 4%. In October 2020, US$ 22 million has been received.

The loan contains customary financial covenants and restrictions which require us to meet pre-defined financial ratios, among other restrictions.
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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

24.    Borrowings (continued)

The maturity of the Group's borrowings and the Group's exposure to fixed and variable interest rates is as follows:
September 30,
December 31,
Fixed rate:
Less than 1 year
300,881 104,349 
Between 1 and 2 years
38,333 12,503 
Between 2 and 3 years
11,413 12,500 
Between 3 and 4 years
2,223 — 
More than 5 years
497,790 497,455 
850,640 626,807 
Variable rate:
Less than 1 year
11,231 7,815 
Between 1 and 2 years
3,682 5,075 
Between 2 and 3 years
32,783 31,754 
Between 3 and 4 years
31,547 29,255 
Between 4 and 5 years
76,740 71,045 
More than 5 years
48,126 45,900 
204,109 190,844 
1,054,749 817,651 

The breakdown of the Group´s borrowing by currency is included in Note 2 - Interest rate risk.

The carrying amount of short-term borrowings is approximate its fair value due to the short-term maturity. Long term borrowings subject to variable rate approximate their fair value. The fair value of long-term subject to fix rate do not significant differ from their fair value. The fair value (level 2) of the senior notes equals US$ 458 million, 91.65% of the nominal amount.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

25.    Lease liabilities
September 30,
December 31,
Lease liabilities
Non-current260,022 201,718 
Current48,422 45,136 
308,444 246,854 

The maturity of the Group's lease liabilities is as follows:
September 30,
December 31,
Less than 1 year48,422 45,136 
Between 1 and 2 years18,251 44,847 
Between 2 and 3 years53,467 38,745 
Between 3 and 4 years43,477 30,085 
Between 4 and 5 years35,093 24,072 
More than 5 years109,734 63,969 
308,444 246,854 

26.    Payroll and social security liabilities
September 30,
December 31,
Social security payable 1,315 1,243 
1,315 1,243 
Salaries payable 9,010 2,617 
Social security payable 3,366 3,499 
Provision for vacations 10,002 8,136 
Provision for bonuses 9,249 10,799 
31,627 25,051 
Total payroll and social security liabilities32,942 26,294 

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(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

27.    Provisions for other liabilities

The Group is subject to several laws, regulations and business practices of the countries where it operates. In the ordinary course of business, the Group is subject to certain contingent liabilities with respect to existing or potential claims, lawsuits and other proceedings, including those involving tax, labor and social security, administrative and civil and other matters. The Group accrues liabilities when it is probable that future costs will be incurred and it can reasonably estimate them. The Group bases its accruals on up-to-date developments, estimates of the outcomes of the matters and legal counsel experience in contesting, litigating and settling matters. As the scope of the liabilities becomes better defined or more information is available, the Group may be required to change its estimates of future costs, which could have a material effect on its results of operations and financial condition or liquidity. There have been no material changes to claimed amounts and current proceedings since December 31, 2021.

28.    Related-party transactions

The following is a summary of the balances and transactions with related parties:

Related partyRelationshipDescription of transactionLoss included in the statement of incomeBalance payable
September 30,
September 30,
September 30,
December 31,
Directors and senior managementEmploymentCompensation selected employees (5,679)(5,854)(14,746)(16,198)

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(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

29.    Basis of preparation and presentation

The information presented in the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements (“interim financial statements”) as of September 30, 2022 and for the nine-months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 is unaudited and in the opinion of management reflect all adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position of the Group as of September 30, 2022, results of operations and cash flows for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2021. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. In preparing these accompanying interim financial statements, management has made certain estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts in the financial statements and disclosures of contingencies. Actual results may differ from those estimates. The results for interim periods are not necessarily indicative of annual results.

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34), ‘Interim financial reporting’ as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and they should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs.

Certain new accounting standards and interpretations are mandatory since January 1, 2022. These standards did not have any material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021.

Business combinations — purchase price allocation

Complementing Note 32.a to our Consolidated Financial statements as of December 31, 2021 (Scope of consolidation – Subsidiaries), when describing the acquisition method for a business combination, it is necessary to state that: The excess of consideration over the fair value of the Group’s share of the identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. If the consideration is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognized directly in the statement of income under the line item “Bargain purchase gain”.

Short-term investments

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: the initial recognition is at cost. Subsequently it is valued at and subsequently measured at fair value, and recognising the variation its fair value in the Statement of income in the line Financial results.

Seasonality of operations

The Group’s business activities are inherently seasonal. The Group generally harvest and sell its grains (corn, soybean, rice and sunflower) between February and August, with the exception of wheat, which is harvested from December to January. Peanut is harvested from April to May, and sales are executed with higher intensity during the third quarter of the year. Cotton is a unique in that while it is typically harvested from June to August, it requires processing which takes about two to three months to complete. Sales in our Dairy business segment tend to be more stable. However, milk production is generally higher during the fourth quarter, when the weather is more suitable for production. Although our Sugar, Ethanol and Electricity cluster is currently operating under a "non-stop" or "continuous" harvest and without stopping during traditional off-season, the rest of the sector in Brazil is still primarily operating with large off-season periods from December/January to March/April. The result of large off-season periods is fluctuations in our sugar and ethanol sales and in our inventories, usually peaking in December to take advantage of higher prices during the traditional off-season period (i.e., January through April). As a result of the above factors, there may be significant variations in our financial results from one quarter to another. In addition, our quarterly results may vary as a result of the effects of fluctuations in commodities prices, production yields and costs on the determination of initial recognition and changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural produce.

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(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

30.    Critical accounting estimates and judgments

The Group's critical accounting policies are also consistent with those of the audited annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021 described in Note 32.

Impairment of non-financial assets

At the date of each statement of financial position, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its property, plant and equipment and finite lived intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets could have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent, if any, of the impairment loss. Where the asset does not generate cash flows that are independently, assets, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. The Group’s property, plant and equipment items generally do not generate independent cash flows.

In the case of Goodwill, any goodwill acquired is allocated to the cash-generating unit (‘CGU’) expected to benefit from the business combination. CGU to which goodwill is allocated is tested for impairment annually, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the CGU may be impaired. The carrying amount of the CGU is compared to its recoverable amount, which is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and the value in use. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The impairment review requires management to undertake certain significant judgments, including estimating the recoverable value of the CGU to which goodwill is allocated, based on either fair value less costs-to-sell or the value-in-use, as appropriate, in order to reach a conclusion on whether it deems the goodwill is impaired or not.

For purposes of the impairment testing, each CGU represents the smallest identifiable group of assets that generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or group of assets.

Farmlands may be used for different activities that may generate independent cash flows. Those farmlands that are used for more than one segment activity (i.e. crops and cattle or rental income), the farmland is further subdivided into two or more CGUs, as appropriate, for purposes of impairment testing. For its properties in Brazil, management identified a farmland together with its related mill as separate CGUs. Most of the farmlands in Argentina and Uruguay are treated as single CGUs.

Based on these criteria, management identified a total amount of 42 CGUs as of September 30, 2022 and 39 CGUs as of September 30, 2021.

As of September 30, 2022 and 2021, due to the fact that there were no impairment indicators, the Group only tested those CGUs with allocated goodwill in Argentina and Brazil.

CGUs tested based on a fair-value-less-costs-to-sell model at September 30, 2022 and 2021:     

As of September 30, 2022, the Group identified 10 CGUs in Argentina (2021: 10 CGUs) to be tested based on this model (all CGUs with allocated goodwill). Estimating the fair value less costs-to-sell is based on the best information available, and refers to the amount at which the CGU could be bought or sold in a current transaction between willing parties. Management may be assisted by the work of external advisors. When using this model, the Group applies the “sales comparison approach” as its method of valuing most properties, which relies on results of sales of similar agricultural properties to estimate the value of the CGU. This approach is based on the theory that the fair value of a property is directly related to the selling prices of similar properties.

Fair values are determined by extensive analysis which includes current and potential soil productivity of the land (the ability to produce crops and maintain livestock) projected margins derived from soil use, rental value obtained for soil use, if applicable, and other factors such as climate and location. Farmland ratings are established by considering such factors as soil texture and quality, yields, topography, drainage and rain levels. Farmland may contain farm outbuildings. A farm outbuilding is any improvement or structure that is used for farming operations. Outbuildings are valued based on their size, age and design.
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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

30.    Critical accounting estimates and judgments (continued)
Based on the factors described above, each farm property is assigned different soil classifications for the purposes of establishing a value, Soil classifications quantify the factors that contribute to the agricultural capability of the soil. Soil classifications range from the most productive to the least productive.

The first step to establishing an assessment for a farm property is a sales investigation that identifies the valid farm sales in the area where the farm is located. A price per hectare is assigned for each soil class within each farm property. This price per hectare is determined based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis mainly described above.

The results are then tested against actual sales, if any, and current market conditions to ensure the values produced are accurate, consistent and fair.

The following table shows only the 10 CGUs (2021: 10 CGUs) where goodwill was allocated at each period end and the corresponding amount of goodwill allocated to each one:

CGU / Operating segment / CountrySeptember 30, 2022September 30, 2021
La Carolina / Crops / Argentina242 197 
La Carolina / Cattle / Argentina39 32 
El Orden / Crops / Argentina260 212 
El Orden / Cattle / Argentina
La Guarida / Crops / Argentina1,726 1,407 
La Guarida / Cattle / Argentina889 725 
Los Guayacanes / Crops / Argentina3,196 2,606 
Doña Marina / Rice / Argentina5,565 4,536 
El Colorado / Crops / Argentina2,768 2,256 
El Colorado / Cattle / Argentina27 22 
Closing net book value of goodwill allocated to CGUs tested (Note 13)14,721 12,001 
Closing net book value of PPE items and other assets allocated to CGUs tested158,307 143,064 
Total assets allocated to CGUs tested173,028 155,065 

Based on the testing above, the Group determined that none of the CGUs, with allocated goodwill, were impaired at September 30, 2022 and 2021.
CGUs tested based on a value-in-use model at September 30, 2022 and 2021:

As of September 30, 2022, the Group identified 2 CGUs (2020: 2 CGUs) in Brazil to be tested based on this model (all CGUs with allocated goodwill). The determination of the value-in-use calculation required the use of significant estimates and assumptions related to management’s cash flow projections In performing the value-in-use calculation, the Group applied pre-tax rates to discount the future pre-tax cash flows. In each case, these key assumptions have been made by management reflecting past experience and are consistent with relevant external sources of information, such as appropriate market data. In calculating value-in-use, management may be assisted by the work of external advisors.

The key assumptions used by management in the value-in-use calculations which are considered to be most sensitive to the calculation are:

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

30.    Critical accounting estimates and judgments (continued)
Key AssumptionsSeptember 30, 2022September 30, 2021
Financial projectionsCovers 5 years for UMA (*)Covers 5 years for UMA (*)
Covers 5 years for AVI (**)
Covers 5 years for AVI (**)
Yield average growth rates0-1%0-1%
Future pricing increases1.21% per annum1.76% per annum
Future cost decrease0.25% per annum0.33% per annum
Discount rates5.2%4%
Perpetuity growth rate1%1%

(*) UMA stands for Usina Monte Alegre LTDA.
(**) AVI stands for Adecoagro Vale Do Ivinhema S.A.

Discount rates are based on the risk-free rate for U. S. government bonds, adjusted for a risk premium to reflect the increased risk of investing in South America and Brazil in particular. The risk premium adjustment is assessed for factors specific to the respective CGUs and reflects the countries that the CGUs operate in.

The following table shows only the 2 CGUs where goodwill was allocated at each period end and the corresponding amount of goodwill allocated to each one:

CGU/ Operating segmentSeptember 30, 2022September 30, 2021
AVI / Sugar, Ethanol and Energy2,937 2,919 
UMA / Sugar, Ethanol and Energy1,102 1,095 
Closing net book value of goodwill allocated to CGUs tested (Note 14)4,039 4,014 
Closing net book value of PPE items and other assets allocated to CGUs tested518,814 469,434 
Total assets allocated to 2 CGUs tested522,853 473,448 

Based on the testing above, the Group determined that none of the CGUs, with allocated goodwill, were impaired at September 30, 2022 and 2021.

Management views these assumptions are conservative and does not believe that any reasonable change in the assumptions would cause the carrying value of these CGU’s to exceed the recoverable amount.

31.    Information related to COVID-19 pandemic

In December 2019, a novel strain of coronavirus (“COVID-19”) was reported to have surfaced in China and started spreading to the rest of the world in early 2020. The COVID-19 virus has impacted economic activity worldwide and has posed the risk that Adecoagro or its employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and other business partners may be prevented from conducting certain business activities for an indefinite period of time, including due to shutdowns mandated by governmental authorities or otherwise adopted by companies as a preventive measure.

Both in Argentine and Brazil, governments adopted social distancing measures, and shutdowns, that affected economic activities. In our case, activities pursued by our Argentine subsidiaries, related to agricultural production, distribution and commercialization, were exempted from the Mandatory Isolation Regime for being considered “essential” activities. Also our activities in Brazil have no restrictions. Thus, the activity of the Company has not suffered any severe effect.

As of the date of this report, impulsed by the vaccination path, almost all restrictions were lifted.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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Adecoagro S.A.
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
(All amounts in US$ thousands, except shares and per share data and as otherwise indicated)

31.    Information related to COVID-19 pandemic (continued)
The Company is closely monitoring the situation and taking all necessary measures at its disposal to preserve human life and its operation.

The Company has enacted prevention and action protocols tailored for each facility and activity, in addition to constituting crises committees to monitor the Company’s response to the pandemic.

Measures taken include but are not limited to: (i) body temperature controls at entrances of each facility and other critical check points, (ii) mandatory distancing in the workplace, (iii) maximum limit of people in the conferences rooms, lunch room and vehicles (iv) sanitary barriers, (v) special protective attire and masks, (vi) mandatory quarantines for those who have been in contact with travelers or with symptomatic persons, (vii) training programs and information about how to prevent the risks of transmission of COVID-19, (viii) hired an infectious disease specialist to further assess on site. Additionally, remote work has been guaranteed for the duration of the pandemic for employees based in central offices, and a rotation scheme has been implemented for administrative employees based in the farms or industrial facilities.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements

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